tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC July 22, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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think. >> ms. cooper when you see your sister crying out in anguish, what was your response? >> i'm in furted and everybody else should be infuriated as well. from the petty charge to the officer asking her -- let's be clear. he asked her, can you put your cigarette out for me please. that is not a instruction. that is not a summanceonsummons. he asked her and she simply responded no i don't have to put my cigarette out. i'm in my own car. >> did she have a court date. did she make an appearance in court. >> she did make an aferns. and had been given bond at that time. it has not been shared with us that she had a court date. >> what level of confidence do you have in the investigation that is [inaudible]. >> they have been cooperative to date. and we hope they will continue to do so. >> have you had your -- the autopsy you folks want?
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has that been done? >> quite frankly i'm disgusted that we're even having a discussion about the an autopsy. because she was pulled over for something so insignificant and because of an officer who felt like maybe his ego was bruised. and got in the way. not once did he ever say he felt threatened. but when you tell me that you are going to light me up i feel extremely threatened and concerned. and i'm not going to get out my car. >> what does it mean for your family to have e her back now. as you look towards the weekend and have gone tobring her home? how has that been for you and tell me about how that must feel. >> i will be frank with you. that is a brief moment of gratification. it is brief because we know that in the coming days we are going to have to lay our awesome, beloved daughter sister friend, aunt to rest. that is very difficult. it is the longest flight i've ever had. i'm sure my mother feels the
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same way. and my sisters do as well. >> do you want to talk about some of that outpoweruring from the larger community about this and what that has meant for your family and what you want to see going forward? >> i would be happy to. it has been awe inspiring and i've kind of stepped back and looked at her and said what am i doing with my life? because let's be real here. she has been in the forefront of everybody's mind for the last seven days. but that peaked within 72 hours. from the love and support of people who knew her, who personally knew her in this community and in this church abroad where she went to school people love her and genuinely care about her. i don't know if you understand the magnitude of what was going on with sandra bland this weekend. on saturday the rock at her old high school was painted, rest in peace, sandy. we love you so much.
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tons of people showed up to support her. that following day there was a prayer vigil in houston at hope ame church where the community came came out to stand with us in solidarity. dignitaries from the state of texas who were there. which i can clearly tell you is a display on our end that they are there in sol dareidarity with us. and following that we had a memorial service where there were well over 200 people there. coupled with our prayer walk last week she has been in the minds and thoughts of everybody. and i cannot tell you how appreciative we are. how much we have truly -- it's anchored us as a family much more than you will ever know. you want to talk about the power of social media and and using social media for good. my ask, my family's ask, close friends of sandys ask, please keep tweeting. keep tweeting.
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keep facebooking. keep instagraming. keep snap chatting. coupe utilized #justice for sandy. and my all-time favorite. keep #say her name. the min you forget her name. you forget her character and that she was a person. so that is my humble ask on behalf of me and my family. >> [ inaudible ]. grand jury [inaudible] racially mixed so there is no accusations of bias in there. in light of that and just the grand jury investigation, how hopeful are you that you are really going find out the truth of what happened after the [inaudible] >> my hope is based off of execution and not -- not promises. we just want to make sure that the things that are being communicated to us are honored.
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and so we want to make sure that there is ongoing collaboration, effort and transparency in terms of finding out what happened to sandra bland. >> [ inaudible ]. authorities said anything to the family about this officer's behavior? have they commented about the way this officer behaved during that traffic stop. >> they have commented about as much as you have read which is un inappropriate. and they put him on administrative leave. >> but they haven't detailed what he did wrong with the conversation. >> no. >> [ inaudible ]. >> -- altered and they have released one they claim is not altered now. >> that is o not our specialty. we simply seek an expert to clarify that for us. >> are you all in a holding pattern until the investigation is complete? you are going to do the home going service. and get to that first. walk us through the timeline of
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what you believe you feel like you can do next and what that process will look like? >> legally -- sorry. legally we are in the process of kind of scouring the area to try and find individuals that might have information regarding how the incident happened or might have information regarding what happened in the jail. in addition to that we're also continuing to ask for the document takes thatation that we have not yet been given. we want to know what happened as it relates to when she was transferred to the jail by the arresting officer. we want to know what the people that booked her were told by the officer. we need to understand what happened to her once she was put
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in a jail cell and whether or not she was moved and with what frequency she was moved. there are a whole host of things that when we look at the reports that we get from the sheriff, the reports that we get from the texas rangers, the reports we get from the department of public safety. and for that matter if the fbi has reports, what all of those reports say. >> mr. lambert, just to be clear on -- there is reports that she told the jailers there that she tried to take her own life. had there been any evidence or any instances that she ever tried to take her life? >> this family has no evidence that that is the case. none. we know for a certainty that when she went into that jail she was ecstatic. she had just gotten to texas the day before. and she was about to start a job. and she had gone grocery shopping and filled her refrigerator. she had left messages with her
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loved ones and that just does not jive with someone who would take her own life. >> one more question -- >> are you preparing [inaudible]. >> we are looking to have this investigation be completed in a thorough complete and full-bodied way. and if a lawsuit comes out of that, so be it. >> when will you get her cell phone back? >> that is part of the investigation and we're looking for that. >> thank you everyone. thank you. thank you. we've been listening to sandra bland's sister and the bland family attorney reacting to newly released video footage. she was found dead in her jail cell after that arrest. the footage shows her being pulled over by waller county officer for failing to signal a lane change. the encounter quickly escalated after the officer asked bland to put out her cigarette. we have edited this footage for
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time. >> you okay? >> i'm waiting on you. you -- this is your job. i'm waiting on you. >> you seem very irritated. >> i am. i really am. i feel like this [inaudible] i was getting out of of your way. you were speeding up tailing me. so i move over and you stop me. so yeah i'm a little irritated. but that doesn't stop you from giving me a ticket. so write your ticket. >> are you done? >> you asked me what was wrong and i told you. >> okay. >> so now i'm done yeah. >> okay. you mind putting out your cigarette, please. if you don't mind. >> i'm in my car. why do i have to put out my cigarette? >> well you can step out now. >> i don't have to step out of -- >> step out of the car. i'm going to yank you -- >> don't touch me. >> you are under the arrest. >> for what? why am i being apprehended.
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>> i said get out of car. >> i'm giving you a lawful order. i'm going to drag you out of here. >> you threatening to drag me out of my own car. >> get out of car. i will light you up. >> wow. >> get out. now. >> officer described her as combative and uncooperative. neither his threatening of a stun gun nor the confrontation over bland's cigarette are mentioned in the report. the texas department of public safety said the trooper did not comply with procedure during the arrest. officer the officer has been placed on desk duty pending the investigation. heather, just to start where we left off in that press conference, sarah cooper her sister, is an incredibly poumpl advocate and one thing she urged
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people to do was to keep engaging, to keep tweeting and snap chatting and ins fwraming and all the rest in part because the minute you forget sandra bland's name is the minute that you forget her character and who she was. and she was advocating for the #say her name. this is a story about technology and activism as much as it is a moment and inflection point on race and criminal justice. >> that's right. alex. the -- what the activists -- myself includes -- are really fighting against is the dehumanization and mischaracterization of black people in our media and obviously through the criminal justice system. so the idea of "say her name" is both increase the visibility of female and trans victims of police violence and police brutality. and also to do the project that we've been doing for hundreds of years in this country which is trying to humanize black lives. and say that we are not the stereotype and the caricature of
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someone and dangerous and -- the list goes on of negative attributes who are sort of immediately thought of as suspect and a threat which is so often the dynamic that you see in these police encounters. the incredible escalation and terrorizing of this woman who was driving on her way to a big new job. that is what say her name is fighting against. and the fact that she, sandy was one of these citizen activists is just so inspiring. because so many people across the country and every day walks of life have been activated by this cause. >> paul let me go to you on the dash cam video we have. there are so many pieces that i think bear some analysis. let's start with the stop itself. this happened because sandra bland did not signal a lane change. something i can probably guarantee every single person watching this program has done at some point. was the cop -- was the officer justified in pulling her over? she contends in that video that
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she hastily pulled over because she was being trailed by the police car and wanted to get to the side of the road. this is from that video. >> so this is called driving while black alex. she gets out of his way because he's tailing her. and he uses that as an excuse to pull her over. every african american motorist has had an experience like that. and does it make you mad? absolutely. so she might not have the best attitude when he comes to the car. but she's still cooperative. and he is the one who escalates the force. he can -- under the constitution he can ask her to get out the car, not supposedly because she's smoking. he's only supposed to do that if shiz safety is in danger. but even if he's got the right, again it is just the worst policing that you can imagine. and then you get to the force. you get to the i'm going light you up. you get to the stun gun. and you get to what i see as an
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assault on a woman who was helpless. and we don't see any combat. you don't know what happened. we'll never know. even while she was arrested because the police report is a big lie. as you say, it leaves out the stun gun and the cigarette. >> let me ask you neil in terms of i think sandra blands and officer 14 times in the video why she's been arrested and he never offered her an answer. in your experience how atypical is that? and what are the rules around that? >> well first of all, for a legal arrest the order that he was given and we've heard that it really wasn't an order to put out her cigarette. he was asking her to put out her cigarette. but he cannot order her to put out her cigarette unless there is some viable reason for it where he can articulate she may be using it as a weapon against him or something like that. so his order wasn't lawful.
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the reason he didn't answer her question is because he has no probable cause for the arrest in the first place. i've had 23 years in the maryland state police and head of training and i've stopped people in the past for changing lanes without signaling. but the reason i stopped them was for there was a teachable moment. there was a time, you know to explain to someone the significance and the importance of using a signal the change lanes. not to harass someone. part of what law enforcement's job is in addition to enforcing the law, is to teach people about the rules of the road and to teach people how to go about the daily activities in life when you are out there on the road in a safe manner. he had a teachable moment there. and he blew it. he had a moment there where he could have bridged relationships between police and community and he blew it. and he's taught this in the academy. >> hearth,ther you pointed this out in the beginning part of this
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discussion. the escalation from something benign and ordinary to something violent both in procedure and in rhetoric. the notion that she is going to get, quote, lit up as he's waving a stun gun. again this is someone who refuses to put out a cigarette who didn't signal a lane chingange. and then later on. bland is slammed to the ground and says to the officer i have epilepsy. and he says, good. sand sandra bland said it was an officer picking on her sister. but i would agree with more of your side of it this is a form of terrorizing her sister. >> it is clear and upsetting. s the actually the nightmare. it is the nightmare for a woman to be in that position. a nightmare for a black woman to be in that position. with an officer whom she knows in the near daily police
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revelations of murder and violence against black people probably has impunity to use real violence against her. it is actually the nightmare. and the fact that immediately this woman who is driving alone is seen as the enemy and the fact that she has epilepsy. she says this and he says good? this is exactly the kind of dehumanization -- >> and a breech of the entire public trust. >> exactly. >> the notion of serving and protecting has been completely thrown aside. violated in every sense of the world. >> and this is why the online organization is raising run right now not to do more of their regular advocationed aadvocacy but to create an investigatory fund for themselves. because there is so little trust in the authorities in texas, even in the fbi, and feeling like they are always asked to be
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rapid response for these moments of the police violence. and they need to be able to investigate themselves. >> to that end. one question asked is where is sandra bland's cell phone. the police still have that in this her possession. that ostensibly has the video she was taking as the officer approached her vehicle. and then withdrew her from it. and then the people who booked sandra bland, what information they were given by the arresting officer. how confident are you that we will get either pieces of that puzzle in the coming days. >> eventually we'll get the evidence but whether it will have been doctored or mishandled in some way, i frankly don't have any reason to trust this department. we know the sheriff has a history of race discrimination. we see this one rogue cop. again, not only violating the constitution with ms. bland but telling the person whose filming it a bystander get out of here. you can't do that. that is unconstitutional.
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so is there any reason to trust the integrity of this process at this point? no there isn't. we need loretta lynch. we need the federal government to come in and take over this investigation. >> neil, to that question of this department and how fair they can be. we showed a picture of sheriff smith who's undergone his own controversies around race. there is a contention he made today that jail members, jail staff, supervising sandra bland on the day of her death were either black or hispanic as if that somehow ensures nothing bad could have happened. it is worth noting three of the six officered charged in the death of freddie gray were black. just because one has a certain skin color does not bar violence and inappropriate violence. i want to talk to you just in your experience about color lines and the division between police and community. >> the systemic racism we have within the criminal justice
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system today, mainly our police departments, it is not a black and white thing. it is a blue and black thing. it is the uniform versus the black community. regarding the systematic racism. so it doesn't matter the color of the police officers or the jailers. because sometimes black police officers treat black citizens even worse than their white counterparts. it is all about the uniform. but i have another serious concern about her being jailed for three days for this offense. why was she not released on a personal recognizance. it is not like she was a flight risk. i'm sure that that wasn't a problem. and the other thing i have a concern with is the lack of transparency we're seeing. we're seeing no transparency and potentially fabrications with the report and omissions from the police officer and not getting the cooperation from the sheriff's department from the jailers. this has problems written all over it. and we do need an independent
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investigation into this no doubt. >> paul butler and neil franklin. thank you for your time. when we come back is donald trump's biggest fan hillary clinton? we'll explain. and the new defense by bill cosby's lawyers. the disco biscuits he was prescribed were simply used for his consensual sex life of the 1970s. that is ahead. towards the promise of a better existence. but these birds are suffering. because this better place turned out to have an unreliable cell phone network and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. birds hate that. so they came back home. because they get $300 from switching back to verizon. and so can you! verizon, come home to a better network.
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fanning racial flames and exacting revenge, roof further decided to seek out and murder african americans because of their race. >> at least some of the charges against roof carry the federal death penalty. he already faces nine counts of murder in south carolina where he is also eligible for the death penalty. just ahead, ted cruz has a new video on the suffering caused by marriage equality. that is next. no fifth grader's ever sat at the cool table. but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. now get a swiss gear backpack for only $10. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. [ school bell rings ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle
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mmmm yoplait hello, everybody. milk cow here with an important announcement about how yoplait original now has 25% less of the sugar. less sugar?? yes. but don't worry it still tastes good. oh that is great news, milk cow. enjoy! i will. mmmmmmmm! it tastes good! i know. yoplait! donald trump is border bound. he announced today he'll be heading to laredo texas and declared he'll be seeing some really brave people. meanwhile conservatives are becoming braver about confronting trump as the threat
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to their party. conservative stalwart bill crystal had this tweet today. we're past trump. sell-by date approaching. adios amigo. perhaps he's been eyeing the latest poll numbers that spell trouble for a republican field led my trump. a swing state poll finds nearly 60% of iowa general election voters are sour on trump giving him higher negatives than any other candidate. there is one who fairs almost as badly and she is probably the one most keen to keep trump dominating. quinn packs poll finds her slipping. that poll also finds clinton trailing three republican rubio, bush and walker by 2 to 9 points in all three key states. in other words the clinton camp
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is probably perfectly fine for everyone to keep calm and carry on with the summer of trump. joij joining me now is michael temaski. joan walsh and michael steele. michael, let me start with you about the hillary back draft or whatever we're calling it. i don't know where to place her in the wind system. >> hot air. >> oh. chairman steele had to just get in there. i feel like -- and it's sort of understandable because trump is such a sensationalist this is getting less play and is arguably maybe much more important. because hillary clinton is likely to actually be the nominee, unlike trump. these number how did you read them and how much trouble? >> it's just one poll and a little different from other polls, where she has consistently maintained a lead
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over ule of these guys for a year basically. but if this poll augers something to come and others reflect it, then it is bad news and she has a lot of work to do. i watched her do it when she campaigned. i covered the campaign in '99 and 2000. not quite as big a deficit but she steadily worked her way out of that hole. and steadily gained new yorkers' trust. she has do something like that this time. but that means she might be well defined in people's minds. >> how do you continue to do that? shes made every effort to go left. trying to be a gamier more personable. but is it in vain? >> i don't think so so. and i think it's very early. i'm not going dismiss the polls. i woke up this morning and like everybody else thought this is not good.
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the honesty and trust numbers. we've seen those before. people think she doesn't care about them. that is not good for her. there are two or three things in there. i don't believe -- i'm going sound like mitt romney. sorry. >> which is not normal. >> no. but that gap so wide. people are not tuned in. the campaign hasn't begun and you have that gap. i think she's got some things to work on for sure. >> if you look at that, if you look at just the way this is playing out in the media, if there is one incentive there would seem to be plenty of incentives to get dronld trump off center stage if you are in the republican party. but the fact that it is obscured problems in the clinton campaign and sort of obscured a storyline that the media would otherwise cover, there is all the reason you need for the gop to push him off stage right.
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>> that is the most legitimate point. i put very little credence in the polls. i saw them. i was not moved one way or the other because they are not a reflection of where we are going to be in three weeks, let alone three or four months. the key thing is the point you just made. which is the narrative being discussed is not about the hillary narrative in a republican standpoint. certainly all of the candidates and going back to their introduction to the country's speech. they were talking about hillary. they were talking about how they were going to run against hillary. now they are defending against trump. and that is a very different posture for a lot of these candidates and it is not good for the party to have this conversation particularly when trump is turning his fire not on hillary clinton but on the likes of other candidates. >> he's giving out lindsey graham's cell phone number. that is not what this is supposed on the about. i want to follow up on that. because marco rubio is a person that i think is talked about but not taken seriously broadly as a
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candidate in terms of prospects. and yet you look at this quinn peaiak poll. and he's the one beating hillary clinton in colorado iowa and virginia. marco rubio. who knew? and do you think that he's a sleeper? >> he could be. but in the same polls that you are seeing among his fellow candidates he is polling 6, 7, 8th, 9th position. so there is a disconnect between a head-to-head with hillary and betting jeb bush. he's got to beat jeb bush first. that is why this poll is wholly irrelevant. they have to battle this out within their own ranks starting in two weeks in cleveland before they can really focus on hillary. and that is the new reality that donald trump has really forced on the candidates. is that they have to get past each other first. >> and if there is another
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reality, michael, it is that bombast is going to be the flavor of the day. rand paul leased a video yesterday where he chain sawed the u.s. tax code in half. today lindsey graham released a video where he destroy his cell phone by bat, fire. that kind of over the top showmanship, the attention getting seems to be. and we'll get to the other positions that donald trump has moved the field right on. and that kind of strategy now seems to be kind of something everybody else feels they need to do. >> important point. it is not just he's moving them to the right. he's moving them into this info attainment reality tv realm. so peri parry give this is speech where he calls traump cancer. >> and big wards. >> and bombast and the word jack
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assry abounds. that is the word that is going about. and the other part is that donald trump is going to the border. and here you have a republican party that is desperately trying to open the tent to young people and people of color and donald trump keeps hammering home this immigration issue. which is one of the the most divisive issues for his party. and he happens to be on the wrong side in many people's opinions. >> maybe he'll catch someone coming across the border themselves. >> to catch an immigrant. >> this is terrible for the party. something michael said the one way that polling numbers against hillary are good for somebody like rubio is it is all about electability. yes he has to get past other people but he does get the make the case that i'm showing up really -- okay i don't know what these other polls are but put me against here and i'm doing well. so he gets a bump out of this i think. >> there is a raging debate
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inside our offices and by raging i mean incredibly polite and well-informed about thesis two debates happening on august 6th. the big adult debate which is the top ten candidates and then i what i like to call the baby pool debate which is the bottom tier. >> the kiddie table. >> exactly. at this moment i am not sure that if i were a serious candidate for the gop i would actually want to share a stage with donald trump and ted cruz at the adults table. could there not be some benefit lapping around in the baby pool for a while. >> >> if i were any of the candidates at the baby table, i would not show up at all. i would not dignify opportunity for my campaign to be even placed in a conversation where i'm second west i'm less than. >> do you think george pa tacky, for example, can afford to sit out a national event.
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>> that is a judgment call he's going to have to make. but certainly john kasich can't afford to sit out it. and a carly fiorina can afford it. and that is something they will have to weigh. what is the upside by having your time cut a bit, to an hour. and you are yeah a couple of hours before the main event. so you are the warm up act. you are not going to be taken seriously. in terms of those who are going to be on the big stage with donald trump, this is the chance for you to show what you are made of. and you are either going to let donald trump run that stage, which will be his want or you are going to find a way to control it for yourself. i don't know who emerges in doing that. but both candidate, whether the big table or the little table they have an opportunity to distinguish themselves. and i've been asked to show for the forum. i'm like stuff it. i'm going to be in the audience in the front row. and forgive me if i raise my hand and ask a question during
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your prime time debate. >> would you bring a chain saw or a blow torch. >> both. >> how trumpian of you. chairman steele as always good to see you. michael and joan hang with me. when we come back bill cosby's lawyer defend the comedian's use of quaaludes. do you like the passaaadd? it's a good looking car. this is the model rear end event. the model year end sales event. it's year end! it's
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and now on to stories breaking the internet this summer hump day. ted cruz is highlighting the struggle of people who refuse to host guayay weddings. and first bill cosby's lawyers are fighting back. since parts of the 20u05 deposition became public. a new court filing one arguing that using quaaludes does not mean he induced rape. in testimony released in the 2005 deposition cosby admits to obtaining a precipitation for
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quaaludes and giving the drugs to women he had sex with. he said he never took the quaaludes himself. more than 30 women have accused mr. cosby of sexual assault. he denies these allegations and he has not been charged with any crimes. joan, this was just these disco biscuit biscuits. >> everybody was doing it. >> and everybody but bill cosby. >> right. that is so telling. yes i got them -- it is to get women in the mood. and this whole new set of revelations where he paints himself as this great lethario with all this expertise in the psychology of women and knows not only how to get them in the mood with a little quaalude but how to keep them from falling in love with them and he's doing all of this to protect them. this is crazy stuff. this is taken a wild turn. >> the point joan is referring to is when cosby says in the deposition the act of -- referring to the act of sexual
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intercourse. it is something he feels women will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling of not love but something deeper than a plafrl situation. i.e. best to use the quaalude so they don't fall in love with me. is that -- that is the conclusion i drew. >> i'll say i think we are going to look back on this really sad and painful chapter in our public discourse and the fall of someone who was an american hero and realize something about rape culture. because this is a man who is -- has done many good things. thinks of himself as a good person. has his own moral code and yet completely was able to for a generation justify with all of this fascinating psychology around what exactly women really want. the wide scale rape and use -- allegedly. the wide scale rape of all these
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women using a drug. and it will be interesting to think about it was not just bill cosby who was using quaaludes and disco diskits in order to coerce women to having sex. >> it makes us examine the idea much more carefully and i think probably realistically. and. >> and it is easy to think that a rapist is someone terrible than someone who has given millions to charity and is an education advocate and was like america's father for 30 years. >> to that end, michael i have to play judd apatow. this is i believe this week doing an impression of bill cosby that i think effectively means his career as a comedian or his legacy as a comedian has been completely trashed. it is over. let's listen. >> cosby is still out on the road. isn't that weird? he's like doing stand up. what do you think his act is like? do you think he's still talking about it? do you think he says like "you ever been in trouble with the
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wife?" "my wife she said to me what is in the in the paper about the raping and the drugging and the women? and i said do you like your life?" >> it is not just hannibal burress. it is everyone in comedy that has distanced themselves. i believe a sign at the smithsonian and national museum of african art noting that the artwork donated by the cosbys are about the artwork and artists, not about mr. cosby. >> we live in a culture where you can get away with almost everything and get a second chance in this country. and people do the most outrageous, weird, scandalous disgusting things and yet they come back and come back because they get ratings. it is nice to know once in a while a line is actually crossed. >> it took a long time. this is maybe over 30 women. maybe more than 30.
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going on for generations undiscussed and unprosecuted. so line may be a little further in the distance but it seems as if wii have crossed it f f. senator ted cruz is on a mission to show just how hard life is for americans who are against gay marriage. in a new video cruz sits down with an iowa couple who refused to host a gay wedding in a venue they run inside a converted church a business they have since had to close. >> i'm here with dick and betty. and we're talking about their incredible journey fighting to defend religious liberty. >> in august 2013 these two gentlemen came in. and dick was the one who had to deliver the bad news. it was devastating to hear that we were bigots. we were homophobes. we were haters. they don't know what is in our hearts. we have no hatred towards gay people. >> i want to thank both of you
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number one for taking a stand. but number two for telling your story. >> here is what i can't square. how can you say you have no ill will towards gay people and then discriminate. >> because you are just doing you believe god wants you to do. you can love the sinner and hate is sin. i understand their logic. but what ted cruz is trying to do right here is so amazing. they want to turn themselves into victims. they are really good at playing fear of the other and also we are the victims, we are protecting the true culture, the good and the right. and they are -- >> we are violating state law around equality and therefore we are victims. we are refusing to acknowledge other people's civil rights but we are saying it is our right to refuse to acknowledge your rights. and it is crazy but it is going to -- >> well i feel like that is validating for a huge part of the number of people that support ted cruz and possibly even trump.
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and the republican party again trying to open the flaps of the tent to young people people of color. donald trump on the boardrder and cruz making videos in opposition to gay marriage at a time when you think the gop wants nothing more than to take the issue off the table. >> in a weird way this is a moderating position for ted cruz. after that decision he came out all guns blazing. but now to couch it as religious freedom or conscientious objection is a somewhat more sedate position. and i think he's probably calculated given the iowa republican caucus going electorate that playing it like this with the violin music well-being. >> the sincere ted cruz dulcet base. >> aging white, christian people. >> also small business owners. in the heartland. there are a lot of boxes they
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check. >> and it is also the great conservative jujitsu of government is actually oppressing people like us. not government has been and continues to oppress minorities and people's whose rights are always disadvantaged in the society. so if you are a person who wants to love and marry someone of the same gender for all of american history until, you know, a few weeks ago, you were being oppressed by the state. but immediately now it is -- >> they are the oppressor. >> the traditional white christian married couple is being under siege. >> finally she is a woman who has taken a lot of photographs and now kim kardashian is going without make up in the latest cover for spanish vogue she went without the three. not only without cosmetics, she's also wearing pajamas. we'll get to the pajamas in a second. i actually feel like joan initially it is like oh kim kardashian is going out without
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make up. but do you know what? maybe she is exactly the person who should be going without make up. >> what does it prove? we're talking about -- >> you think it is whatever. >> it's like whatever. she is beautiful. it's good to know. but it doesn't mean that she is going to forever go without make up. that would be very interesting. but it is a stunt to me. i don't think she's starting a trend. >> i think the more you see without make up the better for society. >> i think more interesting is the non retouching of the ads. specifically because those are teen girls in their teen years. and you see some of those issuive images sissue. >> and i'm a big proponent of pajamas. think that is a great choice. >> i'm with her there. >> i am too. >> and the make up. maybe i'll refuse make up the next time i come on the show.
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>> wear your pajama pants and don't take the concealer. thank you all for your time. coming up. turns out medical marijuana may actually have medicinal benefits. you focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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easier. last month lifting the american health service review requirement helping the department of health and humoran services to facility research into the drug. the ed show is up next. >> good evening americans and welcome to the "ed show," live from new york. let's get to work. >> tonight. no trump slump. >> the biggest lead we have seen my any by any republican by far in this race. >> since i went to number one, they have having a field day on me. >> i don't think he has the character or the temperament to hold the highest position in this country. >> plus progressive pope. >> the pontiff's focus will be un on change. not his own but climate change. >> later, may i have your attention. >> good luck to republican presidential contenders desperately trying to be heard above trump. >> some candidates will be
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