tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 23, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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made our first billion dollars by stringing together a series of infomercials and late-night television. but one of our favorites was when we had two little people get on the tv and they're real estate moguls. remember this? >> yes. >> and what they would say is i'm going to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. and that's exactly what lindsey graham did. he is playing right off of our playbook and stayed up late at nist watching those, too. >> my big take away is lindsey graham nice golf swing. keeps his weight back. >> my take away is, and we like and enjoy senator graham, but apparently he's not aware that all you have to do is change your phone number. you don't have to get a new phone. >> so boring. >> blah blah, blah. >> just sayin'. >> okay. >> come on.
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what's that? >> i want to know why all the players were quiet about kobe. are you going tell me? >> that was strange. >> you missed it on "way too early," joe. do you know? is there a problem? >> i'm afraid i don't know. >> very dramatic. >> roy hibbert signed up there and he said have you spoken to kobe? >> and two other guys. there were three of them. >> have you spoken to kobe bryant and there was absolute silence. it was like a movie. they didn't say yes or no. >> very uncomfortable. >> they didn't want to say no. >> lakers going to be just fine. >> you know who else is uncomfortable, mika? >> who? >> the entire republican field. how's that for a segue? so there is a great article this morning in the "new york times" that maggie and jonathan wrote.
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and talks about how the month of july is a month that all of these campaigns had hoped they would catch the media spotlight and ride the polls up with their announcements. talked about john kasich, the establish establishment and the same thing with scott walker, he insulted john mccain. so donald trump still just on top of everybody in the news. i want to show willie this also. willie this is some other news -- >> no. >> we have to talk about this. this is very shocking. this is shocking, willie. i went to supermarket. the royals are flat broke. there is from the globe. they're all out of money. it end up that william has been forced, who knew this, to take a $60,000 job. >> wow. >> charles can't afford a $400
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million divorce. and harry blew $15 million on booze and women. >> $15 million. wow. is there a second source on that? is it just "the globe." >> it's "the globe." aren't they the ones that have the alien shaking bill clinton's hand? >> this is the one day i'm glad you didn't bring up "the new york post" which is too far. no. no. no. >> what about the daily news? >> willie, will you hold up "the new york post" for me and the rest of america who hasn't seen "the new york post." >> i don't think you want to see that. >> here's the daily news. >> when you lost kate upton mayor diblasio you lost america. >> you have lost america. >> "the new york post," willie? can we see "the new york post"? >> the online version is better. >> okay. to the news now.
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donald trump will continue his campaign's focus on immigration with a visit to the texas border town of laredo this afternoon. trump accused rick perry of failing to secure america's southern border. yesterday perry struck back at trump's toxic mix of demagoguery. >> the candidate is a sore of division wrongly demonizing mexican-americans for political sport. it is wrong to paint with a broad brush hispanic men and women in this country who have fought and died for freedom from the alamo to afghanistan. he scapegoats hispanics to appeal to our worst instincts. let no one be mistaken donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, exized and
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done away with. >> in an interview when asked what his response is like revealing lindsey graham's phone number is are worthy of the office he is seeking. >> i think it's fine. >> you would give out their personal phone number? >> i was hit by somebody unfairly. i was called names. somebody that is hitting me saying what a bad guy i am was in my office asking for money and asking if i can get him on television. >> but when you're the president of the united states, you're going to be hit by half the country. are you going to call them dumb, stupid? >> it's different. right now i'm trying to do something to make the country great again. politicians will never make this country great again. >> as president, you would change your tone? >> i think so. i think i would deal very differently. >> some say he's a train wreck. i think he's going to run as an independent. i think he's setting up a real animosity between himself and
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all the other republican candidates. where does that end up? joe? >> you're saying he's doing this -- you're saying he's attacking these republican candidates on purpose, the whole field because he's setting up an independent run down the road? >> look, everyone says he can't have any impact. he would have an incredibly massive impact -- does anyone disagree? >> john heilemann a lot of people around donald trump might say, john heilemann, there is no way this guy can ever get to 50%. but if you run as an independent candidate and figure out how to get democratic populous and republican populous, you can win with 38, 39% of the vote. maybe they're tearing a page out of the book of ross perot and realize they don't need 50% plus one. >> it's true if you were an
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independent and get those numbers. you could win in a three way race. there is some polling on this. obviously, way too early to know the answer. as it looks now, trump would be about 20% and would take almost all that portsupport from the republican party by guaranteeing the election of hillary clinton. i have no idea if that is on donald trump's mind. there are some republicans who believe that donald trump was a long time supporter of hillary clinton and donor to hillary clinton and that is what he would most like to do. those are deep in the theories of republican theorists. he said this is a giant plot to help hillary clinton. it is intriguing to consider the possibility. >> trump also responded to the polls we showed you yesterday in the swing states of iowa, colorado, and virginia. trump has the worst favorability ratings of any presidential conditioned date republican or democrat. trump talked about the new numbers last night. >> negative favorability
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ratings, 2-1. >> i haven't seen them. i haven't seen it. >> do negative favorability ratings worry you? >> i don't think so. i turned a lot of them around. north carolina was negative and now tremendously positive. when paem hear what i say about the vets and how strong my commitment to the vets and the border which is horrible, every time people listen to me all of a sudden it becomes very favorable. >> okay. joining us live from laredo texas, msnbc political correspondent kacie hunt. who invited trum tlp edd trump there and what is on tap? >> trump is flying down here to laredo, texas in, the classic trump jets that you probably often see parked at laguardia airport in new york or somewhere else. he's going down to the border. there is some question about whether the local union head of the border guards who invited
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him here are still interested in having him. they're tl is a little concern about that last night. the afl-cio in washington doesn't want to participate. it sounds like the show is going to go on as it seems to always do with donald trump. you know, we're waiting to find out if he's going to come back with the same message that he's been repeating about mexican immigrants. they caused so much consternation with the party. the reality is at some point he'll run out of the earned media coverage. i think the question now is let's look at the nuts and bolts of how you really run an actual campaign. the only way to change the ratings is to put ads up on the air. so far no one is trying to hold donald trump accountable and say, look, are you going to actually commit to spending these millions of dollars you say you're going to spend to actually make this a real race? or are you just going to keep doing interview after interview?
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>> kasie hunt thank you. >> i want to build on john's point. when republicans believe that this moment they can make great -- find great advantage and talking about the iran deal and the short comings and weaknesses of it they have donald trump talking about mexicans and terrible things said about veterans. if he beginning of his campaign he said he would be greatest jobs creator ever known if elected president. with income inequality and jobs for middle class americans and higher wages being one of the top issues for voters across the political spectrum he can't find his way there. finally, to john's point, there is no doubt democrats find themselves -- mrs. clinton finds herself in the greatest position in a time in which her campaign you pointed out you're not confident in the message she put forward. she's able to sit back and absorb and watch all this train wreck happen in front of her. it is hurtful for the whole
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political process when you can't have a serious conversation. >> is it a side show, joe? >> 24% being ten points ahead of jeb bush having the entire political world focused on you trouncing governors of some of the largest states in america by 20%, having a billion dollars at your disposal to spend if you want to, having an hour of prime time interview last night, having everybody talking about you nonstop it's a side show if you're at 6%. and you're saying america is like nazi germany. it is not a side show if you're showing up. and we had yesterday i think michael from "the weekly standard" saying hey, you know one of the things you haven't
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talked about all morning he was exactly right, is illegal immigration. that is untidy for people in d.c. and new york and other media outlets. and in part because of the awful things he has said about that. but this is not a side show. this is very serious. it is very serious especially for the republican party that has to figure out how to either control donald trump ordeal with the fact that he may run as an independent could cast him the election. so there's no side show about it. and the people are showing up because they want to hear what donald trump has to say. >> and there is so much other news yet to cover and so much news just to cover with. this this. >> everyone's been saying every day this bubble is going to burst. whatever show you watch someone says the bubble is going to
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burst. it is unclear what bursts the bubble though. if it wasn't john mccain, he was going to be the end right? >> honestly i thought -- i really did. >> everybody thought john mccain was the end. >> the end of the campaign. >> it's over. he's a at 24%. >> a guy with this much money, a guy who has no incentive not to say whatever he wants whenever he wants, what ends this campaign? why would he? >> candidates are making speeches about him like rick perry. like long speeches about him lashing out. and it's no traction. >> there is nothing until votes get cast as far as knocking him out. this is a moment when he is blotting out the sun. he may not blot out the sun for the next four months. because of the debate stages unless something occurred that we can't anticipate, i can't
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imagine him being a big factor in terms of shaping the coverage for months until we get to a state where he has his name on the ballot. >> yep. joe? >> mika, we said this before. donald trump is underestimated his entire life. he's been called a buffoon. he's been called a clown his entire life. he's been mocked and ridiculed by a lot of people in plight new york society. this is one of the top real estate guys in one of the top markets in the world. we've talked about it before. when it comes to books best seller. you look at his tv shows. he made a lot of money. he's succeeded in a lot of things. all of his golf courses all of his resorts. you can go on and on and on. it seems to me the people mocking him are actually going -- are not going to get last laugh. and once the debates start and the debates drive polls so much.
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ask newt gingrich. who thinks that donald trump is not going to dominate the debate stage as well? and i think actually the numbers could even go up even more for trump. and so john's right. the question is, how does the bubble burst if not when votes are counted but if the guy is ten points ahead when votes start being counted, i guarantee you it can get interesting very quick. i don't seat bubble bursting either. >> joe do you believe that donald trump has any shot at all of getting the republican nomination for president of the united states? >> i don't know yet. so that would mean yes. i think a guy sitting at 24% with a billion dollars in the bank has a shot at it. it's going to require him to change his mo on the campaign
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trail. he's in a kick starter campaign right now. he's rocking it ahead of everybody else. you know, i -- i'll say what i said yesterday. nobody in italy thought berlusconi could be elected leader of that country. do i think it's likely? no. i don't think it's likely. but at the same time i would like to see the evidence that a guy sitting at 24% over jeb bush who has done everything right for 20 30 years of his political life doesn't have a shot of keeping it competitive. do you think he has absolutely no shot at all of getting the republican nomination? >> i think he has zero shot at getting that nomination. but that leads me to a second inquiry. >> why is that? >> do you think, not believe but do you think what donald trump is doing now on the public stage and talking about him for 15 minutes here in what americans hear from him and what americans take in from him, do you think that it has the
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potential seepage-wise of really hurting the republican party's message and branding? >> i think it has. i think had donald trump has a chance to have a devastating impact on the republicans 2016 presidential race because i am one who actually believes that republicans going to the 2016 race for historical reasons with an advantage. i think jeb bush against hillary clinton right now, if that's all we saw between now and 2016, jeb bush would win and win fairly easily. i know a lot of people might scoff at that. i think he would. i think this changes everything. i'm starting to think like mika that there's a far more likely chance that we see donald trump running as independent as an independent candidate and actually having a far more devastating impact on the republican party that way than even what he does in the primary process. >> it's 19 past.
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we haven't even gotten to marco rubio and i have a whole stack of other news. this is a huge message that we're talking about. >> mika one final thing, too. to understand donald trump and why we would say today that donald trump has more of a chance before, you have to look at hillary's unfavorability ratings in those states we showed yesterday. >> yeah. >> you look at jeb bush who is upside down in favorability ratings in a lot of polls. i know the pollsters talk about that on both sides. that explains the rise of donald trump as much as anything right now. the absolute disgust in washington and the establishment. >> all right. coming up on "morning joe," we'll have more on that and a lot of other news. two other republican presidential candidates lindsey graham will be with us with his new cell phone. also, rick santorum joins the conversation. still ahead, the white house
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acknowledges so-called side deals in the nuclear agreement with iran. senator tim kaine weighs in and tom cotton. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you are looking at two airplane fuel gauges. can you spot the difference? no? you can't see that? alright, let's take a look. the one on the right just used 1% less fuel than the one on the left. now, to an airline a 1% difference could save enough
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it is time to take a look at the morning papers. we have other news okay? some is pretty darn important. >> no. >> listen to this joe. from "los angeles times," fbi director told the audience that the aspen security forum that isis' efforts to inspire troubled americans to violence poses more of a terror threat to the u.s. than an externlal attack than al qaeda. they are often unstable, troubled drug users. is that true? okay. we're going to talk about that. >> mika if you look at some of these attacks from people who
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are inspired by isis, they really do. isis reaches out to the most troubled, the most disturbed. there is nothing calculating about their strategy. they're picking up all the disaffected, all the troubled people who most likely would be in prisons if they stayed in their own community state and own societies. it is pure madness, pure violence, no planning. >> and the real scary thing when you talk about experts about this they don't have to be directly influenced by isis. isis doesn't have to reach out to them. they can be inspired. they can have a hole in their life filled by watching videos which we know some of these were being watched by the young man in chattanooga as well. >> they don't have to fund them or provide organizational skills. to your point just some inspiration touch. >> we heard stories about people who were, you know not disenfranchised and being
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pulled. >> all right. can i ask willie a question? is there anything wrong with filling holes in your life by looking at videos? i mean for just -- >> i guess it depends on the video, joe. >> oh, god. okay. >> i'm in the middle of watching sherlock which is actually about three years late. very, very good. >> it gets good at the end. >> it's amazing. >> after days of hostility, uber and new york city struck a deal. mayor diblasio's office tabled a deal to cap the number of vehicles working for that company. as part of the agreement, uber will hand over key data and the city will conduct a study to see how continued growth will impact traffic. >> david bluff 1, bill diblasio 0. >> uber is taking down critical ads that flooded city airwaves. they also got help from celebrities on twitter. they were everywhere yesterday.
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neil patrick harris kate upton, ashton kutcher benefittweeting about the benefits of uber. and one other person got involved. >> with the city council i believe caps i have not read it. i believe it caps uber. and i think it's much more complicated than we think. and i don't think that is going to accomplish the goal and it would have statewide ramifications. that's why i want to get to the speaker and urge the liberation here. >> i don't think government should be in the business of trying to restrict job growth. i don't believe -- you can restrict job growth. >> there is one more place where the governor the mayor -- >> ouch. >> diblasio leaves town to go on vacation and cuomo sticks the boot right in. >> this is the story you were talking about.
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the los angeles lakers introduced the newly acquired roy hibbert, lou williams and brandon bass at a press conference yesterday. they were asked if they heard yet from franchise superstar kobe brinlt. >> have any of you heard from kobe and if so, what did he say? >> so are you located in l.a. yet? when are you moving here? you have a month or two to get settled. >> what happened? >> wow. >> liking l.a.? >> that's a problem, guys. >> great weather, huh guys? >> what happened? >> kobe hasn't called them. >> kobe hasn't called, they don't want to say no. he doesn't have to call them. he'll call today. he's kobe. >> what am i missing? sment that all right, i'll stay in my lane here. usually i'm not so interested. but that was -- there is
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something going on. >> you like awkward moments. >> i do. they're powerful. that one wasn't powerful. next, we normally call it the must-read opinion pages but bill chris ol kristol's latest post has it called the must read tweets. he joins us next on "morning joe." are you moving forward fast enough? everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now... to what it needs to become. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use,
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states is not just the top government official, it is the leader of our people and of our nation as well. it is important that we have -- to conduct a presidency, it has to be done in a dignified way. >> do you believe donald trump -- >> i don't think he's behaved is dignified or worthy of the office that he seeks. we already have a president now that has no class. we have a president now that you know, does selfie stick videos, that invites youtube stars there people that, you know, eat cereal out of a bathtub, that accuses -- you just saw the interview he did when he goes on comedy shows to talk about something as serious as iran. the list goes on and on. it is important to have a president that restores dignityiy and class to the white house. i don't believe that some of the language that mr. trump is employing is worthy of the office. i just do not. >> right. be speechless. you're correct to be speechless. he's trying to legitimately
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criticize donald trump and he says we already have now a president who has no class. >> come on. >> i don't get these people. >> there are so many things about that are astonishing. one is marco rubio makes a big deal about how he's a hip hop fan and he's never going to go on a comedy show, for instance to talk about anything is just -- the things he criticizes obama for are things he will do within the next two months. >> exactly. sort of seems immature. bill kristol, would you agree? yes, you would. joining us now the editor of "the weekly standard," bill kristol. >> also in washington director of domestic policy studies and research fellow at the hoover institution, lan hi chen. so bill tweeted yesterday joe, about donald trump. this is going to be our must read for today.
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we are past peak trump. sell by date approaching. plan exit strategy before iowa. adios amigo. art #artofthewithdrawal. >> i was trying to copy his style on twitter. i thought i would do my best. lame. >> do you think it's over? >> i think we're past peak trump. when you spent 20 minutes talking for him, it's like whatever becomes bullish on the stock market, advisors you hear a peak, i think we're at the peak. i think the mccain comments were about people that serve in the military in general when you think about it will do him in over the next couple of months. he'll stay in the debates. he'll be a showman. he'll get out before iowa because he doesn't want to go to the ballot and run third or fourth or fifth. yeah, i think you know, you have not been this excited about
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anyone since john huntsman. but that is always a sign that the candidate is about to peak. >> really sfwh? >> i think it is exciting to have bill kristol here to predict the future based on the past. as in 2008 we talked about obama for 20 minutes at a time and you remember in the summer of 2008 he quit and actually went home to illinois and began working as an auto -- used auto repairman. so, yes, the fact that "morning joe" talks about it -- >> joe, you're too sensitive. >> you're a little thin skinned there, joe. i know barack obama and i know donald trump. donald trump is no barack obama. i really do -- i was sort of not defending trump but in the anti-trump camp in the sense you have to take him seriously.
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i think i was ahead on the curve in thinking he would rise. having said that, i do think he is probably gone as far as he can go. he's not a cancer on conservatism as rick perry said. i don't know what he is. a pitbull, a boil, an unsightly growth that will end up being benign and harmless. you guys discussed this yesterday. all these polls come out the republicans are doing better than hillary clinton than they were. he is his own brand and phenomenon. he is his own celebrity. he'll fade. it won't affect the republican nominee much at all i don't think. >> i mean we shall see. it is very interesting. we had an editor of a magazine on a month ago who was sniffing and being quite condescending to you suggesting that when you said donald trump would be relevant in politics for a while
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he was insulted. he was on the cover of the magazine this month. >> are we not allowed to say names? >> i was a little hard on him. >> maybe you were. but he was condescending. a lot of people are condescending towards donald trump. it will be interesting to see how many weekly standard covers of donald trump that bill kristol does over the next six months. >> we had a great cover piece in 1999. he's not a guy that just stumbled into this. he's been at this for 15 years. he has political advisors like roger snow. i take him seriously. he hit a cord. i think we've seen peak trump. >> again, mika i think it's going to be very hard for him to
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find a way forward to winning the nomination. i think donald trump is going to be around for quite some time. and it never pays to underestimate him. he's been underestimated time and time again. he has proven people that underestimating him wrong time and time again. >> where are you on this, lan hi? >> the way he gets traction is by saying outrageous things. that's why people take to him. if you look at republican voters who get asked about this consistently what they say is, you know, i like he's not the ordinary politician. i like he says outrageous things. at some point people get sick of the outrageous things. i'm in bill's camp. i think we're at a point where the only place for this guy to go is down. i don't see him rising any more than where he is. 24, 25. that is probably going to be about it. herman cain was at 24 25 at october 2011. >> not the same. not the same just because trump
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is so much bigger a figure with 100% name id. i'll quickly say that one thing that could take air out of the trump bubble these debates, he'll dominate the debates. all the other candidates are trying to figure out how to deal with him. this is a huge opportunity for the other republican candidates. someone, i don't know if they will seize it but they could seize this as a moment of opportunity to have a moment of strength. take on donald trump directly in the debate. i'm not saying it will happen. but someone in that republican field is going to say this is a moment where i can really seize the spotlight. if they did take him on and take him down, it will be a big moment in this campaign. >> what would happen if you walked out from behind his podium and said i'd like you to apologize to my wife? >> that is the kind of thing that i'm referring to. >> okay. up next, up next, he blew the
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lid off secret side agreements surrounding the nuclear deal with iran. tom cotton joins us straight ahead on "morning joe." what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next?
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book now at yesterday, of course you know the news, two members of congress said that in meetings with iaea in vienna they learned two of secret side deals between the iaea and iran that wouldn't be reviewable by congress or the american people. is that true? >> i won't speak for the iaea. i can tell that you all relevant documents to this deal certainly those all those in our possession have been delivered to congress. they were delivered over the weekend. they'll have access to everything that we have access to. >> that was joe asking state department spokesman john kirby yesterday about two reports of two previously undisclosed edd agreements between iran and iaea, the reports that were confirmed by national security
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adviser susan rice. joining us now from capitol hill, one of the lawmakers that first discovered those so-called side deals, member of the arms services committee republican senator tom cotton of arkansas. good to have you on the show. >> good morning. >> joe? >> yeah. thank you for so much being with us. we interdude him yesterday from the state department. the state wasn't ready to admit this. later in the day he did. he clarified some comments as well as susan rice. are you satisfied with the answer that you got from the administration on these side deals? >> no, i'm not. i traveled to vienna last week to meet the iaea, specifically to discuss this issue of side deals. they were frank and helpful in saying they reached two secret agreements with iran about the military complex while iran is testing nuclear detonators and how they're going to verify the past military work that iran has done in the nuclear program. so the state department
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confirmed now finally that those agreement dozen, in fact, exist. but they have not told us the contents of the agreements. so unless congress gets the contents of these agreements and knows, for example how the iaea plans to expect the military site, i don't know how they could vote for this deal because it's based on verification and inspection. and without that information, i don't see how we can trust the government of iran. >> senator cotton it is willie geist. i'm wondering how and why the side deals would have been made in the context of this long internau international negotiation going on. if it was going on the side, why didn't we stop it? did we even know about it? >> that's a very good question, willie. these are two of the most important questions in these negotiations. iran had almost four years to reveal the past military work they've done the nuclear program. again, the parching military site is where they tested detonators for nuclear weapons.
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john kerry washed his hands, kick it to the iaea knowing congress wouldn't get this information unless someone went out to find it. >> tom, good morning. harold ford. i think secretary kerry is expected to come before one of the relevant committees in the senate today. two questions. one, do you believe these questions will be asked directly of him? and what traction are are you getting with democrats? we're reading that there are democrats skeptical of this and some who urged secretary kerry to be more respectful of the democratic skepticism. >> yeah. harold, we discussed this yesterday in a closed setting. both the closed settings secretary kerry did confirm the existence of the agreements but i wouldn't disclose the contents. i expect you'll see more public
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testimony today. many democrats are very concerned about the process the administration is taking over the last week. first, going to the united nations security council before they came to the american people and now not disclosing first the existence and now the content of the agreements. many democrats are concerned on the kro ses grounds and what the contents may say and what the administration conceded in terms of disclosure of iran's past military dimensions of the nuclear program and inspections at the military site. >>, so senator what would you expect to happen today? if after a closed session with secretary kerry he does not outline what is in this agreement with the iaea. what is going -- what is the next step? >> under federal law, as passed by congress earlier this year the administration has 60 days in which they can't wave sanctions until they submit all agreements. that includes any agreement between iran and the iaea. my position is the president cannot waive sanctions until he
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submitts the agreements and there is a 60-day clock that begins to run. the status of the agreement between the iaea and iran doesn't matter so much for u.s. law was the administration has an obligation under u.s. law to obtain the agreements and submit them to congress so we can review them on behalf of the american people. >> joe? >> i suspect you'll hear from the state department. i suspects john kerry will say the iaea has to make side deals with iran on how they're going to actually carry out logistically the overal agreement made between iran and the united states and the p-5. if it's just administrative and doesn't circumvent the larger deal, what's the problem with this sort of deal? >> that's the point. it goes to the heart of the inspection and the verification regime. parching is where iran tested nuclear detonators. we don't know what they've done there. if you don't have the past military work they've done on the nuclear program, you have no
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baseline for inspections. it's like saying you're going to go on a diet but you don't have to wait where you start and you don't know what progress you've made. >> but senator, the side deals they can't undercut the overall deal that all sides agree to can they? >> we don't know that. the contents are secret. for all we know, they wouldn't undercut the agreement. you can't conduct an effective inspections regime no matter what the regime is. >> all right. senator tom cotton thank you very much for being on the show this morning. we'll be following this. coming up, we're going to get the democratic point of view of the secret side deals when tim kaine joins us. keep it right here on mnl. "morning joe." technology empowers us to achieve more. it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately
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what are we doing here? >> well, meek yashgs i'llika, i'll tell you. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, tonight at 10:00 on spike tv you could be watching something great or you could be watching the demise of a promising young man's career. >> oh, no! >> tonight, along with ll cool jay, willie geist is engaged with andy kohen in a lip sync battle. >> oh, no!
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♪ >> oh, my god! you're good. you were shimmying. >> thank you very much. >> you get two songs on the show. first one in your civilian clothes. i went with dolly. and then they give you a costume for the second. ll is the host of the show. it is a move that could have gone either way. i really enjoyed it. you have to watch tonight. >> oh, my gosh. >> andy goes bananas. >> he does? >> backup dancers, full costume mullet wig leather outfit. >> come on! >> andy kills it!
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you have to watch to see who wins. >> why didn't you wear the leather costume you were wearing over the weekend? wh i saw you? >> i can't believe you would say that on tv. that show is so much fun by the way. jimmy fallon and the executive producers and they kind of round up all their friends. basically do what they do on weekends which is sing all night. >> just do it on tv. >> okay. looks dangerous. it looks like you did okay. >> 10:00 tonight. >> i'm going to have to watch and assess. all right. still ahead on "morning joe," rick perry calls donald trump a barking carnival act. >> close. >> just saying. >> as the war of words between the republicans gets even louder. we also have 2016 hopefuls rick santorum and lindsey graham both on the show this morning. plus, why former president george w. bush says he knows how the republican race for 2016 will end. we'll explain. "morning joe" is coming back in just a moment.
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we can't get over you. what do you think joe? >> it was magic. tv magic. >> that's what you are, willie geist. all right. well, let's go on here. i can't help it. we have to -- we have to start with donald trump. don't get upset. >> i'm calm. it has not happened yet. all right? the tweet may be wrong. >> the peak has happened. you haven't noticed it happened yet. >> four five days. hist will show. it's hard to call the exact top. but it's around this week. >> you're always 100% correct. donald trump will continue the campaign's focus on immigration with a visit to the texas border town of laredo this afternoon. trump is accused former texas governor rick perry of failing to secure america's southern border and yesterday perry struck back at trump's "toxic mix of demagoguery." >> donald trump the candidate is a sore of division wrongly demonizing mexican-americans for
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political sport. it is wrong to paint with a broad brush hispanic men and women in this country who have fought and died for freedom from the alamo to afghanistan. he scapegoats hispanics to appeal to our worst instincts. let no one be mistaken donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed ex-ized and zbart disguarded. >> what am i missing? that was written by a great speechwriter and delivered with umph. it is a little much. >> i thought willie was fantastic. >> joe go ahead. >> so, mika, why do you think it's a little much? >> bill kristol, help me out. what am i thinking? >> i like rick perry. >> i do too. >> i think a little lighter
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touch dealing with donald trump. the one more earnestly attacks him, i think -- rick perry got a chance to be on the news and be the opponent to donald trump. >> lanhee what was i trying to say? >> it was big. went big. this is from heaven for rick perry. it's an opportunity to get involved in the conversation. and it's an opportunity he may not have had otherwise. i'm glad someone is doing it. it was a little big. calling him a cancer and all these different words that are usually used for really awful things. i'm not saying that donald trump isn't awful, but, yeah it's big. >> what a commentary. what a commentary on the state of the race that the way to get yourself out there is to comment about donald trump. >> yeah. >> not to talk about the issues. >> right. it's worked. would we be covering rick perry this morning if he talked about
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sliding the capital gains rate a couple percentage points one way or the other? no we wouldn't. we would be talking about medicare and medicaid. he's trying to provide an alternative to trump and there is an opening for that. i suppose a lot of people may be trying out for that part. bill kristol, let me ask about -- this is why i don't think donald trump is going away. he isn't going to -- after getting in the spotlight this much, somebody wrote that he wasn't going to go back and retire tomorrow. he is in the middle of it now. he is in the middle of the battle and the famous line it's a lot easier to start running for president than quit running for president rings in my mind. i think he's got the fever now. what do you think about mika's operating theory which she came to yesterday afternoon that this isn't about the republican nomination. this is about donald trump
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running as a billionaire independent and hoping that in the era of bush and clinton he can pull his 38% 39% to be the next president of the united states? >> i always thought trump had in the front of his mind running third party. back in 1999 trump toyed with the reform party, remember that? if he runs in the republican primary and has to pull out or fifth in iowa and fourth in -- sixth in new hampshire, i'm not sure that helps him for the independent race. he had a great run. he's a talented guy. he knows how to dominate and get public ti. i think we've seen the top. one thing rick perry did that we can say he could have had a lighter touch, he focused on the military question. it's one thing to be, you know, critical of illegal immigration and say some of them are
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criminals and all this other thing but to denigrate the service of men and women that put themselves in harm's way and some were captured like john mccain trump treats it with contempt. what a jerk you are for getting shot down or for getting wounded. >> and that i think when he said they serves this country honorably that, is a powerful line. that shows republican primary voters are pro military service and pro respecting people who serve in the military. i think that is what's going to -- >> great thoughts. >> that's going to pop the trump bubble. >> can i ask you a question based on building on michael's question earlier about the ability of the republicans to -- they hurt by trump can he win? has trump intentionally or unintentionally, has he pushed the republicans to a more acceptable position in terms of mainstream america?
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and will that be helpful in 2016 in trying to increase the voting share that republicans have suffered from in the last two elections with latina voters? >> i think it will be helpful in anybody pays attention to what the other candidates are saying. but right now, everybody's paying attention to what donald trump is saying. again, it's one of bill's writers said yesterday on the show michael, the reason that trump got the big push that he got from the very beginning was because he's talking about illegal immigration and not just the zparnlgdisparaging remarks, but talking about illegal immigration in a way that nobody in the republican or democratic establishment are talking about illegal immigration. we all remember what happened back in 2006 or 2007 when it was a done deal. when george w. bush and ted kennedy got together and they're going to pass comprehensive illegal immigration reform all
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of washington was lined up before it. it was a fait accompli. it was a done deal. then america rose up. and absolutely stunned george w. bush and ted kennedy. and the rest of the media establishment. i think trump is getting a lift not just because he's saying bombastic things about opponents, but because he is talking about issues that a lot of americans or at least 25% of republicans want him to talk about. >> joe i'll make the point because george w. bush enjoyed 40% of the hispanic vote, 15, 16 years ago. mitt romney got 24% of the latina vote. the question is if you look at that gap can the republicans win without increasing that share of hispanic vote in the country? that's where i was going with the question. >> yeah. i mean so much of it depends on who wins the nomination. i'll say it right now. everybody can write it down.
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if jeb bush wins the republican nomination, republicans will win arizona. they'll win new mexico. they'll win nevada. they're going to win florida. they're going to win colorado. they're going to win virginia. they're going to win georgia. jeb bush puts 40 45% of hispanics in the republican column and picks up some of most important swing states. so much of it just depends on who the man at the top of that ticket s it was mitt romney four years ago. he said unfortunate thing about immigrants and iowa caucuses. and some debates. and not only did he pay for it, the entire republican party paid for it. >> okay. hillary clinton campaigns in south carolina today meeting local officials and holding a forum on the economy. the events come a day after polls showed her unpopular in swing states. clinton had a net unfavorable rating of 23 points in iowa nine points virginia, 21 points in colorado.
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the poll also showed her losing in head-to-head races with top republican candidates. she's losing in those same states to marco rubio scott walker and jeb bush. clinton was winning those matchups just three months ago in april but the clinton campaign is pushing back against the university polls. campaign insiders point to the current sample versus the exit polls in the last presidential election and indeed the samples show models that are far less favorable toward democrats sampling margins that twing from two to seven points against the party's performance in 2012, joe. >> you know, i say if you take seven points off the clinton numbers, they're still not very good for her. i think it is striking that -- i would be worried about that. >> what do you think joe? >> i was just going to say the same thing to bill f we're talking about three, four, five six, seven point difference, then you're fine. if you're the clinton campaign. but talking about sampling size when she's upside down by 20
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points in the polls. right now hillary clinton loves donald trump because as chuck todd said this will be the summer of bernie sanders and the summer of how hillary couldn't gain traction were it not for donald trump sucking up all of the oxygen in the room. in some ways elizabeth warren and bernie sanders are pulling her left and tap into the message she's trying to create for herself because that's the message that will be most appealing to democrats and yet it seems like donald trump taps into that message on the right. does that make any sense? >> yeah i mean she's got some underlying problems. i think her biggest underlying problem is that people don't
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trust her. to be 21 points underwatter in colorado, that's a big problem. that's one issue. the other issue, she can't get to the left of brny sanders. i know she's trying to get left. there is no space over there. so she's got to figure out how much further left does she want to go? she's gone left on trade left on taxes, left on a couple of other issues as well. it's not clear to me exactly what the strategy is there. she is definitely in trouble regardless of what trump does or doesn't do. >> bill this should be not only a red flag to hillary clinton's campaign but encouraging to republicans who will be reminded as they look at this there is noggin equitable this time about hillary clinton. i think there is a sent. out there among democrats she lost. she served time as secretary of state. now it's her turn to be president. >> i think that's true. i think mika made -- touched on a very important point. the conventional wisdom is trump
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is good for clinton hurting republicans and taking so much coverage that would otherwise go to sanders or others. i don't agree with that. what trump tapped into is we want someone new, different, pop lift, not the same old same old. i think at the end of the day trump doesn't end up holding the votes. i think in both parties what trump means, the rise of sanders means please don't give us a bush-clinton race. and i think it is the opposite of what people think. i think trump's rise -- once he subsides, those numbers are not going to jeb bush. they may go to scott walker or marco rubio. i think it hurts bush ultimately even though short term can say he is hurting the other conservatives. i think the trump-sanders phenomena in total hurt hillary in a way. >> wow. >> huge percentage of the trump vote and i think a significant percentage of the sanders vote, we've seen it before. they're scratching a sore. they're scratching a sore.
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>> let's move to iran. john kerry will appear before the senate foreign relations committee today for the first in a series of hearings on the iran nuclear deal. the white house acknowledges two side deals. susan rice said yesterday those agreements are not public but they will be shown to members of congress in classified briefings. >> the iaea and iran did reach an understanding which is always the case. that is an understanding between the country in question and iaea. the documents are not public. but nonetheless, we have been briefed on those documents. we know the contents. we're satisfied with them. and we will share the contents of those briefings in full in classified session with the congress. so there is nothing in that regard that we know that they won't know. >> joining us now from capitol hill member of the arms services and foreign relations committee democratic senator tim kaine of virginia. always good to have you on. we just had your colleague tom
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cotton on a few minutes ago. he has very serious concerns about the so-called side deals between iran and the iaea. do you share the concerns? >> that's why we have this review process. i co-authored the bill with senator corker. senator cotton voted against it. this gives congress 60 days to review. we'll have this hearing with the secretaries today. we'll get access to those particular provisions. and then we're going to have a separate hearing next week on the inspections regime itself, not with administration witnesses but with experts. we'll have the ability to dig into it. that's what the 60-day review period is for. it's not unusual. there is 180 nations that are signers of the nonproliferation treaty. and the iaea has agreements with all of them and some of the components of the agreements with member nations the iaea holds in high confidence. they were right about iraq and the status of their wmd program
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and the united states was wrong in the early 2000. they have high credibility. we'll dig into the deals and that's all part of the question to determine whether the inspection regime is sufficient. >> senator what was the big that you and senator corker sponsored from senator cotton? what was that bill? >> senator corker and i wrote and introduced with two other co-authors the bill that is given congress this 60-day review period. remember the statute that existed before we passed it in april gave the president the unilateral ability to suspend congressional sanctions to waiver suspend them. and so we said hold on a second. we don't think that's the right thing to do. so we wrote the bill that gives congress both houses this 60-day review period and at built to weigh in before the president takes any action with respect to the congressional sanctions. that passed the senate 98-1. senator cotton was the oemnly senator that voted against it.
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i'm glad we did that in a bipartisan way. >> what was senator cotton's reasoning? >> i'm not exactly sure. i think he might have felt that the review process wasn't sufficient or that it should be a treaty that would take a two-thirds vote in the senate. the reason we didn't do that is first, this is not a deal that rises to the international level of a treaty. and second if you said it was a treaty, you would cut out the house. remember its congressional sanctions at the core of this deal they weren't just put in place by the senate, they were put in place by the house as well. this is a deal that gets reviewed by both houses in 60 days, we get to weigh in on it before there is going to be relief given under the congressional sanctions statute. according to some press reports secretary kerry indicated that regardless of what congress decides, the economic and military sanctions against iranians will collapse. do you believe that if these side deals as they're quoted in the paper, turn out to be true
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that, indeed that might have resurrect the economic and military sanctions from the international community if the congress decides that they'll down this deal in the next 60 days? >> harold, that's a good question. look, i think once the international community has signalled that they accept this deal, and want to talk about why the deal is a positive for the first 15 years but then questions i have. once they signal an acceptance of it if congress says we don't like the deal and start to part ways with the international community, i think virtually everybody believes the effectiveness of the sanctions, the ability to hold all the community together starts to erode. it may not collapse. but i think it will be very difficult to hold the international community together on this once they signal that they think this deal is sufficient if congress votes no. because again, the side deals with the iaea are what the iaea does with all member nations.
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they negotiate how they're going to inspect. some of that they hold in confidence. the good news is congress is going to get to dig into it. that's what the 60-day review period is for. >> tim kaine thank you very much. good to have you on the show. lanhee chen and bill kristol, thank you as well. i think we agreed on something today. >> we did. a good show. >> still ahead, rick santorum joins the table. why he says donald trum notary public 2016 could furnish into the rick perry of 2012. and up next new developments into that traffic step that ended with the death of a texas woman in a jail cell. police released a new version of the dash cam surveillance video. we'll have a live report on. that you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. there are new developments this morning in the case a woman found hanged to death in her texas jail cell. now officials released new dash cam footage and voicemail from sandra bland surfaced.
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joining us now from hempstead texas, john yang. john? >> good morning, mika. this morning officials here are saying that autopsy on sandra bland found marijuana in her system. they want to try to figure out how long it had been there to try to determine what role it may have played in her death. in order to do that, they're making a request of the bland family that the family attorney says is disturbing. >> reporter: late wednesday night authorities asked sandra bland's family to preserve her body for more testing. >> now there have been reports in the media that marijuana was found in miss bland's system. and i can confirm that. as a result of new information that we discovered today the district attorney, mr. mathis asked the civil attorney to please preserve the body. >> reporter: the prosecutor also said there is evidence she had tried to cut herself one to two weeks prior to her death. on her first night in jail,
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bland left a voicemail message for a friend struggling to understand what was happening to her. >> i'm still at a loss for words about this whole process, honestly, how switching lanes with no signal turned into all this. >> reporter: the voicemail was obtained by ktrk in houston. released documents show that earlier that day she told jail officials she tried to kill herself in 2014 after losing a baby but said she was not suicidal on that day. her family's attorney says they were unaware of the past attempt and that in any event it doesn't matter. >> she had just gotten to texas the day before. and she was about to start a job. >> reporter: now others are wondering how this traffic stop went so bad, so fast. >> get out of the car now. >> reporter: texas state trooper said bland kicked him in the leg during the incident which lasted about 15 minutes. and nbc news edited excerpts. >> why am i being apprehended?
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>> i'm going to drag you out of here. >> once the fuse is lit, it's not good. >> reporter: we watched the video with the houston defense attorney who is a former prosecutor. she is not entitled to physically resist him. but he has got certain responsibilities to make the situation not get out of control. >> get out! >> wow. >> wow! get out of the car. >> for a failure to signal. >> he knows traffic encounters can end up to be something bad. >> officials are saying they are not asking for a second autopsy and they say that the request should not delay sandra bland's funeral which is scheduled for saturday. but still, the family attorney says the request does not give him confidence in this investigation. mika? >> john yang, thank you. joining us now the host and managing editor of the daily morning show "news one now" along with dorian role land.
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you got a huge response from viewers. what are they saying? >> a lot of black women are just disturbed and saddened by this and angered. 80% of my audience is black women. we've been getting tweets and e-mails saying how can you know your rights? how can you assert your rights and then be pulled over? a lot of people ignore something critically important. that is when he finished the beginning of the video when he finished with one student, she comes out of the parking lot. he makes a u-turn and follows her down the street waits for her to switch lanes then pulls him over. and so a lot of the women are saying, wait a minute. this is a question of being targeted. we keep focusing on what happened with the cigarette. you have to go to the beginning of this and say why did he make a u-turn and target her? >> right. the argument here or the issue here is what caused her death and was she murdered? is that what -- is that ultimately what they're trying to ascertain? >> i think people have questions
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about how she ended up dead from failing to signal a lane change. >> right. >> there are so many thing wez don't necessitys we don't know yet. >> does anyone at that table doesn't think i was police abuse because it was. >> it suggests strongly. >> was there a athou$5,000 bail placed on her? >> no. >> that's what i'm seeing in the press. can you clarify that? >> yeah the bail was because of the charge of resisting arrest. but if you actually go back and watch in a video, go to the 23-minute mark, you can hear the officer talk with a supervisor trying to figure out what is going to charge her with. you also go back and watch the video when he said, ma'am get out of the car what he did was he kept saying you disobeyed lawful order. you're under arrest. but she hadn't resisted arrest at that point. he is basically claiming her
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refusal to even get out of the car after saying i'm not going to put a cigarette out that is resisting arrest. that's what's so crazy about this. >> so there are the specific and really concerning issues around this case. this is spilling over by the way into the presidential campaign. we've been talking all week about what happened last week when activists from black lives matter asked governor o'malley and asked senator sanders essentially to say her name and what is their position on policing and racial justice in this country. they both had a hard time responding and to which hillary clinton had to come out later this week and respond. >> hillary clinton is very strong on this. i think she's been very, very strong on this. >> but it is spilling over aside from the particulars of the case which is very important to focus on. it is spilling over into the presidential race, particularly democratic candidates. >> i think they're looking so deeply into she had history of attempted suicide cutting herself. does that absolve the police? because i would say from what we
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saw here and how she ended up in jail and ended up in jail for what happened and if she does have mental health issues if she committed suicide it's on them. it's on them. >> here's the problem. the paperwork on one page they say she said committed suicide. another page she didn't. here's the other thing, the autopsy was completed last friday by harris county medical examiner's office. they released the body. the family had an autopsy done 9:00 a.m. saturday morning. harris county finished on friday body released on zad. they said can you not em balm her. now here you come nearly a week later saying oh, hold up! preserve the body. she is three days from burial. the body is already embalm amed. whatever evidence is there is gone. >> if anything, he should have
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given her a ticket. if anybody says she did this to herself, if you put someone in jail who believe she did absolutely nothing and ask them if they lost a child and how they may have reacted and that's what they're using to defend them self, it's an abomination. >> good luck. role land martin thank you very much. we'll follow this. coming up, what was rick santorum doing with bono last night? did you see this? the republican presidential candidate joins the table to explain next on "morning joe." ♪ ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you.
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welcome back. joining us now republican presidential candidate former senator rick santorum. good to have you onboard. >> thank you. >> smart man. smart man. joe, he brought his daughter and she's so sweet. >> she is. >> now it's just different. >> she is adorable. >> thank you. >> is donald trump a cancer to conservatives? >> one thing i stayed away from in this entire thing and will stay away from having gone through this four years ago is making personal comments about any candidate. i'm not going to do it. >> good for you. >> it ends up turned around against whoever the nominee is, down the line. >> it never works. >> it doesn't work. it's just a side i'm not going to engage in. if he says something i disagree with, i'll say i disagree with it. and then i'll move on. >> what happens if you -- >> all right. >> go ahead, joe. >> no, i'm wondering if he says
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anything about hillary clinton's phone numbers? we were talking about donald trump and then polls came across with hillary clinton's numbers and they are stunningly low even if you factor in the margin of error and also more republicans and democrats. i'm wondering if we're looking at something much bigger not having to talk about trump but whether you talk about trump or sanders, there is a push back to another eight years of bush or clinton. >> there is a great amount of angst in america and trump and bernie are clearly connecting with. a sort of tired old saneness is just not going to cut it. i think both parties, establishment. i'm sorry. >> i interrupted you with my phone on more than one occasion now. i was looking for the video of you and bono.
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sorry. >> hand me the phone. >> i think we have to take away your phone. >> he's been stalking me -- i was on this show playing corn hole in which i defeated him 3-0 by the way. and then he shows up at the bono concert last night and stalks me there. and i walk into the guest room here. >> but only one of us stayed for the show. >> you don't really need to go there. >> all right. >> i had to do "rachael" last night. i was honoring my commitment which i made previous going to the concert. >> playing to your base. >> take this off the air. >> oh, my god. can we go back. i think i was interrupted. >> let's get back to the interview. >> what are your thoughts on the format of the republican debates? right now you're excluded. >> i have been -- the day it was announced, i went into a press conference and announced this was arbitrary. this was eliminating people based on nothing. literally nothing. you're talking about national
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polls which as you all know mean absolutely nothing at this stage. and to pick an arbitrary number which they did ten, to exclude people who are governors senators i -- if you held the same standards, two-thirds of the people in this race are going to be eliminated according to fox and the rnc. and cnn, by the way. and if you had done that four years ago, i wouldn't vn about in the first debate. if they did that in 1992 bill clinton wouldn't have been in the first debate. jimmy carter wouldn't have been in the first debate. you go through a list of people that didn't make it. national polls mean nothing number one. anything this far out means nothing. look at good qualified candidates. people who have a legitimate campaign and put them in the debate. if it's -- i think it will be really interesting to have two debates where you mix up the field. i suggested if you use a national poll fine. take the even numbers and put
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them in one debate. take the odd numbers and put them in the other debate. you get people from the top and bottom. and you have two debates in one night. it's good. i think it's unusual. i think it would draw ratings. why the rnc is going along with this much less fox is, to me, them trying to play a bigger role in who is going to be the nominee. taking that power away from iowa and south carolina and taking away from the voters. >> the good news is by this standard four years ago he would have been eliminated and you won iowa and ten other states. so you'll still there be. >> look, i'm not worried. people say if you don't make the debate. look, i'm not worried about that. what happens in august generally stays in august. it doesn't usually translate to anything in february which is when the first caucus is. but it's not being really fair to the american public in getting them an opportunity to see some really interesting and talented people to be out on that stage showing what they can do. >> so in a field of 16 candidates with donald trump taking a lot of the air in the
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room, how does rick santorum push through? what is the message? what is the rational? >> you know, a announced from a factory floor in western pennsylvania. our campaign is trying to create opportunity for the 74% of americans who don't have a college degree, those who do have college degrees and finding out they're doing jobs you didn't need a college degree for. and really creating some lift in the middle of america and the focus is on manufacturing. i really believe that unless we start making things again in america, we're not going to create the wealth necessary to generate the income that's are going to support a strong middle of america. so all of my economic policies are geared toward that. some of which are not going to be popular with democrats which are regulatory reform and cuts in taxes. some actually will be. i'm one of the few guys that says we need an increase in the minimum wage. somebody who is one of the few republicans who stands and supports the bank, for example. we need to support our exporters to create jobs in this country. so i think we've got a plan that's going to pull people from both sides together.
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wouldn't it be nice to actually have a president who puts things on the table that has something for everybody in it? >> so after the iran deal got announced, you had a little bit of an argument between scott walker and jeb bush. walker saying i'll tear that agreement up on day one. bush saying i can't promise that. that's unrealistic. where are you on that deal? would you go as far as walker? >> i think can you tear it up. the reason i say effectively because there are certain things that will have put in place, for example, the united nations security council moving forward on relieving sanctions and there will be other things that will happen that can you not put that genie back in the bottle. that's what's so frustrating. frustrating members of congress that moves forward without approval and implementing this deal even though congress hasn't reviewed it or commented on it. there are things can you do. the reason a lot of these countries went along with this deal is because america still the leader in the world. they're not going to depart from america because they have no place to go if america is not
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with them. and the same will be true with the new president. if america decides to move in a different direction, i have no doubt that europeans who many of whom will push america for a tougher deal will see what a new president will see which is an iran that violated this deal. i have no doubt that a year from now -- that a year and a half from now iran will be in violation. they'll have conducted more and more aggressive terrorist activities. there will be plenty of rational for a new president to step forward and say it's time to but the genie back in the bottle and put clear lines in place for iran so they don't get further down the road to a nuclear weapon. >> all right. rick santorum actually talking about the issues and not donald trump. thank you very much. >> thank you for the opportunity to not talk about donald trump. thank you very much. i'll come back, by the way. >> your daughter and i have something in common. because when i went to go watch my father do tv interviews, he thought i'd be like this listening. you know what she is doing? she's texting. nothing. >> i got it. >> coming up in our next hour, another presidential candidate, republican senator lindsey
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"time" magazine's washington bureau chief michael duffy joins us. this is a great cover. i mean a great get. >> yeah. >> it was a dream for us obviously, to get the two of them together since we've been chronicling the friendships for a long time. we had never seen this before. two former president that's know each other really well. their families vacation together who are now each sending one of their loved ones into the ring. it's unimaginable that we would watch.
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this we wanted to hear from them. what is this like for you? are you going to be able to stay out of it? what role are you going play? what does this feel like? >> so there is a moment where i guess hillary thought no one would vote for her. tell us that story. >> president clinton said the first time of three that he asked her to marry him he said i want you to marry me but you shouldn't. you're the best commander of the issues. you ought to go back to chicago and run for office. and her response was oh, my god, no. i could never do that. no one would ever vote for me. i'm way too aggressive. >> oh, god. >> michael duffy in washington unsurprisingly, not surprising at all but part of this relationship has its roots in the temperment and nature, good nature of 41, george h.w. bush and a note he left for bill clinton on his desk in the oval office when bill clinton became president.
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tell us about the note. >> yeah. they leave notes for each other when they depart. and 41's note to clinton was about it time you read this i'll be rooting for you. that affected clinton. obviously, that's how clinton treated his president saysor real predecessor and now they've gone to haiti together and they do speaking engagements together which is a sideline that 41 refers to as white collar crime. and recently they started a presidential scholar's program with a number of the presidential libraries. that's why they were both in dallas together. they really have kind of become friends as they know each other's moves and they make fun of each other. they kind of call each other out for trying to -- when they try to lower expectations. clinton has a great run. he does on bush about when bush pretends to use big words and he makes fun of himself for using big words and at that point clinton says you know, when i hear him give me that stuff, i
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just reach for my wallet because i know that he's up to something. and so it's a great -- it's quite interesting relationship. of course, they're aligned if a different way too, joe because we're in an anti-establishment anti-dynasty moment in the party. both parties in this campaign, both parties are looking for alternatives to the two great big families. so there is some interesting i think that, they have in atogether right now. >> had is fascinating relationship as michael says right now because of the fact that you could have either the husband or the brother of the next president of the united states in this pair and you have george w. bush to talk about jeb's campaign. he said he is pulling hard for him much he said i'll be on the sideline and happily so unless my brother calls. it will be interesting to see as we get far along how much jeb does connect his campaign to his own brother. >> well, you know, it's obviously different. we don't necessarily expect siblings to be part of the race. whereas spouses are a different story.
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but one thing that is interesting listening to president bush talk about was when it's going to be like when people are attacking jeb. when someone you love is in the race and is being attacked it really stings. he said it really affected me with my dad. i'll be interested to see how it affects me with jeb. he's even airporting.nticipating. they have been calm. we have been talking about the prairie fires burning across the country. w. says it's easy for us to be patient. there's going to be flashes in the pan, funding issues. there are going to be these shooting stars. in the end, it's all going to turn out fine. the party is going to nominate the best person, who they think they know who that is. >> also on this issue, i love this concept, we don't have to talk about it because you can read about it. in praise of the ordinary child. i read a part of it i love it. literally on the second page, it's like if the child shows a
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flicker of talent in math, they're put on the pre-calc track. sometimes it's okay to have an ordinary child. >> maybe it's better if you want them to be happy. >> nancy and michael, thank you so much. still ahead, a champion boxer loses virtually everything. oscar nominated actor jake gyllenhaal will join us with a look at his new movie "southpaw." we'll be right back.
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still ahead on "morning joe," a toxic mix of demagoguery and a cancer on conservatism donald trump heads to rick perry's backyard after perry unloelds on the donald. >> plus, lindsey graham will join us right here on "morning joe." we'll be right back. it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're
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♪ ♪ >> if all else fails you can always give your number to the donald. this is for all the veterans. >> you know mika, back in the 1970s and '80s, and willie and i made our first billion dollars by, you know, stringing together a series of infomercials and late night television. trend setting at the time. but one of our favorites is when we had two little people get on the tv.
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real estate moguls. remember this, willie? >> of course i remember them. >> and what they would say is i'm going to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. and willie, that's exactly what lindsey graham did. almost like he's playing right off our playbook, and he stayed up late at night watching those, too. cute. >> my big takeaway lindsey graham, nice golf swing. keeps his weight back. really nice. >> my takeaway is, and we like and enjoy senator graham, but apparently, he's not aware that all you have to do is change your phone number. >> boo. >> yeah. so boring. >> to the news now. donald trump will continue his campaign's focus on immigration with a visit to the texas border town of laredo this afternoon. trump has accused former texas governor rick perry of failing to secure america's southern border, and yesterday perry struck back at trump's quote
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toxic mix of demagoguery. >> donald trump the candidate is a sore of division wrongly demonizing mexican americans for political sport. it is wrong to paint with a broad brush hispanic men and women in this country who have fought and died for freedom from the alamo to afghanistan. he scapegoats hispanics to appeal to our worst instincts. let no one be mistaken donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and is must be clearly diagnosed excised and discarded. >> trump argues that he's only responding to personal attacks from other candidates. in an interview last night, he was asked whether his responses are worthy of the office he is seeking. >> i think so.
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>> as president, when you're opposed by somebody in congress you would give out their phone number? >> i was hit unfairly called names unfairly. saying what a bad guy i am was in my office asking for money and asking if i can get him on television. >> when you're president of the united states, you're going to be hit by half of the country. are you going to call them dumb, stupid? >> no, it's different. right now, i'm trying to do something to make the country great again. politicians will never make the country great again. >> as president, youed would change your tone? >> i would do it very differently. >> some say he's a train wreck. i think he's going to run as an independent. i think he's setting up what you can see is sort of a real animosity between himself and all of the other republican candidates, and where does that end up, joe? >> you're saying he's doing this you're saying he's attack attacking these republican candidates on purpose, the whole field, because he's setting up an independent run down the
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road? >> it -- look, everyone says he can't have any impact. he would have an incredibly massive impact. does anyone disagree if he ran as an independent, that would be a huge problem for republicans? >> john a lot of people around donald trump might say, john heilemann, there's no way this guy could ever get to 50%. he's never going to win a majority. but they could say, if you run as an independent candidate and figure out how to get democratic populists and republican populists, you can win with 38%, 39% of the vote. maybe they're tearing a page out of the book of ross perot and realizing they don't need 50%. >> it's true, you could win in a three-way race. some polling on this, obviously, way too early to know the answer, but as it looks right now, trump i think, in those polls if he ran as an independent would be at about 20% and would take almost all
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that support from the republican party, thereby guaranteeing the election to hillary clinton. i have no idea if that's on donald trump's mind. there are some republicans who believe that donald trump, who was a longtime supporter of hillary clinton, a donor of hillary clinton, that is in fact what he would like to do. those are deep in the weeds republican conspiracy theorists but it has been said all of this is a giant plot to help hillary clinton. i don't necessarily believe it but it's intriguing to consider the possibility. >> trump also responded to the polls in iowa virginia, and ohio. he has the worst polling. he talked about the new numbers last night. >> negative favorability ratings of almost 2 to 1. hillary clinton also did badly. >> i haven't seen it. >> do negative favorability ratings worry you? >> i don't think so. i have turned a lot of them around. as you know north carolina, negative, and now it's
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tremendously positive. when people hear what i say about the vets and how strong my commitment is to the vets who have been treated so badly, and to the border, which is just horrible. every time people listen to me, all of a sudden, it becomes very favorable. >> okay. joining us live from laredo, texas, political correspondent kasie hunt. kasie, who invited trump there? and what's on tap today? >> well, mika, trump is going to be flying down here to laredo texas, one of of those classic trump jets you have probably seen parked in laguardia airport in new york or somewhere else. he's going to go down to the border. there's some question about whether the local union head of the border guards who invited him here are still interested in having him here. the trump campaign was concerned about that last night because the aflcio in washington doesn't necessarily want to participate but it sounds like the show is going to go on, as it seems to always do with donald trump.
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so we're waiting to find out if he's going to come back with the same message that he's been repeating about mexican immigrants. it's caused so much consternation with the party but you know, the reality is, at some point, he's going to run out of the earned media coverage lifting him to the top of the pack. you were just talking about his favorability ratings. i think the question now is let's look at the nuts and bolts of how you really run an actual campaign, and the only way to change the ratings is to put ads up on the air. so far, no one is trying to hold donald trump accountable and say, look are you going to actually commit to spending these millions of dollars you say you're going to spend to actually make this a real race, or are you going to keep doing interview after interview? >> kasie hunt, thank you. go ahead. >> building on john's point and kasie's additional irony. when republicans believe they can find great advantage in talking about the iran deal and
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the shortcomings and weaknesses of it, they have donald trump talking about mexicans and the terrible things he said about veterans. two, at a time in when he offered at the beginning of his campaign, he would be the greatest jobs creator we have ever known as president if he were elected with income inequality and jobs for middle-class americans and higher wages being one of the top issues across the political spectrum. he can't find his way there and to john's point democrats find themselves, mrs. clinton finds herself in the greatest position. you have pointed out, you have not been comfortable and confident with some of the message she's put forward. she's able to sit back and watch this train wreck happen in front of her. it's hurtful to the whole process as a whole when you can't have a big, serious conversation. >> joe, is it a side show? >> 24%. being ten points ahead of jeb bush.
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having the entire political world focused on you. trouncing governors of some of the largest states in america by 20 percentage points. having a billion dollars at your disposable to spend if you want to. having an hour of primetime interview last night. having everybody talking about you nonstop. it's a side show if you're at 6% and you're saying that america is like nazi germany. it is not a side show if you are showing up and we had yesterday, we had i think it was michael from the weekly standard saying, you know one of the things you guys haven't talked about all morning, and he was right, illegal immigration. that is the issue that has propelled donald trump to the position he is. that is untidy for people in d.c. and new york and other media
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outlets. and in part because of some of the awful things he has said about that. but this is not a side show. this is very serious. and it is very serious especially for the republican party that has to figure out how to either control donald trump or deal with the fact that he may run as an independent could cost them the election. so there's no side show about it. and the people are showing up not because of earned media. the people are showing up because they want to hear what donald trump has to say. >> so much other news to cover and yet there's so much news just to cover with this. go ahead willie. >> everyone has been saying every day, this bubt is going to burst. whatever show you watch, someone says the bubble is going to burst. it's unclear what bursts the bubble. if it wasn't the comments about illegal immigrants. if it wasn't john mccain. >> honestly, i thought it -- >> obituaries were being written. >> everybody wrote that the end of the campaign.
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the end of the campaign. >> it's over. >> the end of the campaign. he's at 24%. >> a guy with this much money, a guy who has no incentive not to say whatever he wants whenever he wants. what ends this campaign? why would he get out? >> candidates are making speeches about him, like rick perry. actual speeches about him lashing out. it's not -- no traction. >> i do not see, until there's nothing until boats start to get cast that strikes me at knocking him out. i mean this is a particular moment where he's blotting out of the sun. he may blot out the sun for the next four months, but because of the debate stages, unless something occurs that we can't anticipate, i can imagine him being a big factor in terms of shaping the debate, shaping the coverage, all that stuff, for months until we get to a state where he's actually has his name on the ballot and then -- >> joe. >> you know mika, and we've said this before.
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donald trump has been underestimated his entire life. he's been called a buffoon called a clown his entire life. he's been mocked and ridiculed by a lot of people in polite new york society. this is one of the top real estate guys in one of the tom markets in the world. best seller when it comes to books. you look at his tv shows. he's made a lot of money. he succeeded in a lot of things. all his gall courses all of his resorts. you can go on and on and on. it seems to me that the people who are mocking him are actually going -- are not going to get the last laugh. and once the debates start, and the debates drive polls so much ask newt gingrich. who? who things that donald trump is not going to dominate the debate stage as well? i think actually the numbers could even go up even more for trump.
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and so john's right. the question is how does the bubble burst, if not when votes start being counted? if a guy is ten points ahead when votes start being counted, i guarantee it could get interesting very quick. i don't see the bubble bursting, either. >> coming up on "morning joe," the first round of the battle for the streets of new york city is over. did uber get the upper hand over mayor de blasio. plus we'll talk to senator lindsey graham. first, we're hiding our phones because he's very violent with them. he joins us in a few minutes. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. (glasses clinking) ♪ (ground shaking)
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it is time now to take a look at the morning papers. we have other news okay. some of it is pretty darn important. listen to this joe. from the los angeles times fbi director james comey told an audience at the aspen security forum yesterday that isis's efforts to inspire troubled americans to violence poses more of a terror threat to the u.s. than an external attack by al qaeda. comey said isis is not your parent's al qaeda and added the people the islamic state is trying to reach is the people al qaeda would never reach as an operative because they are often unstable troubled drug users. is that true? okay we're going to talk about that more. >> mika, if you look at some of these attacks from people who are inspired by isis, they really do. isis reaches out for the most troubled, the more disturbed.
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there's nothing calculating about their strategy. they are picking up all the disaffected, all the troubled people who most likely would be in prisons if they stayed in their own communities, stayed in their own societies. you see it in one shooting after another shooting, after another shooting. it's pure madness pure violence. no planning. >> and the real scary thing when you talk to experts about this is they don't even have to be directly influenced by isis. they can be inspired. they can have a hole in their life that is filled by watching videos which we know some of these were being watched by the young man in chattanooga. >> you tell me they don't have to fund them don't have to provide organizational skills. to your point, just some sort of inspiration touch. >> i heard stories about people who are not disenfranchised and who are -- anyhow go ahead. >> can i ask willie a question? is there anything wrong with filling holes in your life by
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looking at videos, per se. >> i guess it depends on the video, joe. >> oh god. okay. >> well i'm in the middle of watching surelock, which is actually about three years later. >> sure, you are. >> it gets good at the end. let's go to the "wall street journal." after days of hostility uber and new york city have struck a deal. they have tabled a plan to cap the number of vehicles operating in the city. uber will hand over keyidaty and the city will do a study about traffic congestion. >> david plouffe one, bill de blasio, zilch. >> let's see. keep going. >> uber is taking down critical ads that have flooded city airwaves. the company also got help from celebrities on twitter. they were everywhere yesterday. neil patrick harris, kate upton, ashton kutcher all tweeting
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about the benefits of uber. those three together 36 million followers. >> 36 million followers. >> and one other person got involved. >> the city council caps i believe, i have not read it it caps uber and i think it's much more complicated than we think, and i don't think that is going to accomplish the goal. and it could have state-wide ramifications. that's why i want to get to the speaker and urge the liberation here. i don't think government should be in the business of trying to restrict job growth. i don't believe you can restrict job growth. >> just one more place where the governor and the mayor -- >> they will not be car sharing. >> ouch. >> he leaves on vacation and cuomo sticks the boot in. >> coming up. >> don't be nervous. you're fine. okay? okay? put your pants on. let's go so we can get home okay?
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>> hey. i'm going to tell you something. and it is very important, okay? i want you to listen. >> i love you. >> i love you. >> so predictable. >> man. >> co-stars of the new movie "southpaw" jam gyllenhaal and oona lawrence. but lindsey graham standing by. he refrekts on a nasty primary and what it means for the general election. "morning joe" is back in a moment. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 o'clock is here. oops, hold your horses.
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>> my mom was right. >> about what? >> you don't know how tostop being a hero. >> this is about us, about our family. have you seen what's going on outside? these storms, they just keep getting bigger. every shark in the world must be flying around out there. >> 30 seconds and counting. >> the national guard has arrived. >> put yourself in front of the shuttle. don't let any sharks hit it. >> open fire. not one shark gets back to the shuttle.
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>> i think that was. >> yes. >> okay. that was yes, john? >> on the cover of the new york post. and in sharknado. >> the third installment of sharknado that aired last night. according to twitter, it generated 324,000 tweets, variety is reporting plans for a sharknado 4. >> yes. yes! >> and apparently you can vote whether tara reid's character lives or dies. >> lives. >> yeah. >> lives. >> no reason to get rid of tara reid. >> okay. i don't know what that was. >> you have seen all three? >> no, i really haven't. i can't imagine. you'll never get that time back you know ever. >> i wouldn't want it back. >> this show f i remember
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historically, had one of the stars of sharknado on this show last time. >> we had ian -- the guy. ian ziering. he's zuper nice. >> very nice. >> that doesn't really make a difference though. okay, more news real news. a $15 minimum wage is coming for fast food workers in new york. a special fast food wage board officially recommended the increase for workers employed by chains with more than 30 or more stores nationwide. new york city workers will see their wages increase to $15 the soonest by december 2018, while workers in other parts of the state will reach $15 an hour in 20 twub 2021. >> back in washington, bernie sanders pushed a $15 federal minimum wage. sanders is among a group of progressive congress members that introduced a bill yesterday to raise the minimum wage from its current $7.25 an hour,
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$7.25. >> can't live on that. >> what a joke. >> time for business before the bell with brian sullivan. what you got? >> well, just a quick thing there. you know, it wasn't just ian ziering. i had a very brief cameo in sharknado 2. i was running out of citi field met stadium. i think i was eaten. this is going to go down on the water front and how green the grass grows, some of the classic films of all time. >> what wrong with you? >> what are you talking about? >> he was in one of the sharknados. >> how green your grass grows? >> whatever, apocalypse now. >> because of his appearance. >> brian $15 an hour. new york city fast food workers. discuss. >> well, listen if it goes up it goes up. a lot of debate on both sides on, okay this is going to help lift people out of poverty. business workers say i'm going to hire fewer workers. the reality is nobody knows. we have to wait and see.
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seattle, they've done it and some people have said there's a fallout there. who knows what's going to happen? on the fast food side mcdonald's have their own problems. right now, nothing to do with wages because their sales fell again. numbers rolled out a few minutes ago. their sales dropped another 1%. mcdonald's struggling to figure out what works with consumers. they're the b, sowig biggest so they get the most attention. things have been difficult for mcdonald's. the other thing to watch is a big health insurance deal. a lot of users may use cigna. they're going to be bought by anthem, so they continue to consolidate, and the price of oil is i think collapsing is a fair term. back to $50 for a barrel. we would see another round of big job cuts from the oil companies because they might cut their capital spending plans because a lot of companies aren't very profitable or profitable at all under $50 per
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barrel. those are the things to watch on this sharknado thursday. >> brian sullivan thank you very much. other news white house press secretary josh earnest says officials are in the final stages of forming a new plan to close the prison at guantanamo bay. congress has been against other efforts because other countries are willing to take the prisoners, but the white house believes there's bipartisan support to close gitmo and is vowing to veto any attempt to block it. meanwhile, a report that president obama could visit cuba as early as january after ties were restored between the two countries. up next, we know senator lindsey graham destroyed his flip phone after donald trump gave out his number. the big question is whether he'll get an iphone or an android? is it really? we'll ask him that and other things as well. presidential candidate lindsey graham is next on "morning joe."
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have you ever publicly acknowledged making a mistake? >> look, everyone makes mistakes. do i publicly acknowledge -- >> have you ever said, i made a mistake? sorry about that. >> i don't like to make many mistakes. >> based on the answer i don't think lindsey graham should expect an apology anytime soon from donald trump. joining us senator lindsey graham of south carolina. good to have you back on the show. joe, he's destroyed his cell phone. no way to get in touch with him now. >> it's impossible. lindsey, fun video yesterday that we played this morning. i do wonder, though, are you uncomfortable with so much of this republican primary being about donald trump?
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and trump insults, trump being insulted trump responding to insults? people responding to insults from trump's insults back to their insults. i mean, how much of a crowding out process is this on issues of people in south carolina iowa, new hampshire, really want to hear about? >> well, joe, i think if you're making the point that we should be talking about something other than my phone number, good point. look at the polling in these swing states with hillary. she's imminently beatable. the only way we're going to lose this election is to continue to say things like donald trump is saying and having people like me respond endlessly. so the phones were stunt phones. the original phone is in good shape. i put it in the smithsonian, but yeah, let's talk about the issues. the iran nuclear deal should we have a $15 minimum wage, how do
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you secure your border fix immigration? donald trump is a great showman. there's a reason all of these companies are firing him because he's become toxic as a presidential candidate. i hope we all understand that on the republican side. >> do you agree with bill kristol there's a sell-by date on donald trump and he may have already peaked? >> i think he's sort of a political car wreck where people slow down and watch. when he crossed the line with mccain and other veterans that's the beginning of the end. we have a great chance of winning this election. it's a great country. i don't believe most of the immigrants are rapist and drug sellers. i think iran is bad, coming from a weak president. at the end of the day, i hope we move on. if we don't we're going to blow the last best chance we'll have ever to rinwin the white house. >> can i ask you to respond to what marco rubio said about the president? and i hate this, you know,
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respond to this republican respond to that republican so i'll ask you differently. and we won't play that game because i hate that game as much as you, too. do you think the president has class? do you think he's a man of dignity, a good father a good husband? a good friend? a good person? >> without any doubt, i believe that barack obama and michelle obama are good parents. i think they have set a tone as a family that we should all respect. i think he's sincere. i think he is misjudged the middle east. i think his economic and national security policies are not working. i don't question his patriotism. i don't question his love of country. i question his policies. and to marco and everybody else it's not about him as much as it is about us. when you look at us, what do you see? if you see donald trump, you're going to go somewhere else. if you see an optimistic but realistic view of the future i
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think we have a shot. >> so i'm curious as to what you think about potentially not having a place in the debates. we had a pretty interesting conversation -- >> i think it sucks. >> yeah. >> it sucks. >> i think it does, too. i really do. >> yeah, me, too. me and you agree on something. that's news. >> we found it lindsey. so, but seriously, potentially, we're going to lose some key voices. >> yeah, yes. >> in the race. >> for no good reason. >> and i just wonder, what's the solution? because it seems like fox wants good television, obviously. they want ratings. but they're actually manipulating a little bit either by default or purposefully, the shape of the race. >> yeah, i think so. i think, well, the rnc they're not helpless here. it is our party. you know, cnn and fox have come up with a criteria to get into
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the debate that i think is silly. if my numbers go up it's because i call donald trump a jackass. that's not why i want a rise in polls. the bottom line is i think the criteria in july of 2015 makes no sense. you're testing celebrity in name i.d. give us all a chance early on to make our case. i'm worried about how you pick a nominee. let's listen to people who have got a wide breadth of experience, including donald trump. to the rnc, you're not bound by this. you're not helpless in this. you can say no if you like. >> i would like to say if it goes as planned please, and you are not a part of the debates for whatever reason, please come on "morning joe" the next day. we'll ask you the same questions and give you some sort of equal time here. it's ridiculous. >> you call me. >> do you have a phone number? joe, you have a question? >> senator graham i want to go
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to substance for a second. we had a piece of news just a few minutes ago about how the white house thinks it has a plan now to try to actually finally close guantanamo bay and they believe there's a way to get bipartisan support for that. to the extent you know anything about the plan, what do you think of it and the general prospect for the closure of that facility facility? >> over three years ago, i met with the president personally about this. i don't object to moving the prisoners within the united states if they're in the department of defense's control. and we have a law of war regime not a criminal process surrounding their detention. but he's got to come up with a plan that shows us where they're going to go and under what legal theory they'll be held. the biggest problem is he hasn't led on this. if he'll come up with a plan, i would be vlad to look at it. i have always embraced closing gitmo if you do it the right way. >> on another news front secretary carter just landed
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about an hour ago in baghdad, sort of a surprise stop-in, in that theater of war. last week, because of all the trump news and all the political news, we sort of brushed over as a country in the news business the fact that the united states has just sold some more f-16s to iraq and several hundred m hf-rap vehicles. in light of the fact we have lost so many of them to isis as the iraqi army has collapsed on us especially the m-raps, what would your thinking being on inserting more american troops as part of our strategy? >> well, i think we need more american troops according to the people that i rely upon. the architect of the surge said about 10000 troops would change the tide of battle. we have 3,500. that would give us more special
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forces capability to go after isil leadership forward air controllers to drop bombs on the right spot a couple aviation battalions to change the tide of battle where we could use american attack helicopters. but i share your concern about the equipment. if we don't shore up the iraqi forces they're going to collapse again. we need more boots on the ground for a purpose, about 10,000, i think, would do a better job than the 3,500. >> all right senator lindsey graham, thank you very much for joining us. we'll follow up and get you back on again. thank you. >> okay, thank you. investigators are still trying to determine what led a chattanooga gunman to open fire at two military sites last week, killing five service members. now the fbi provided its first rough timeline of how the events unfolded. yesterday, they did that. nearly one week to the day of the attacks. according to law enforcement,
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the marines and sailors risked their lives to try to distract him to save each other. miguel almaguer has the latest. >> he's a home grown violent extremist. that, according to the fbi who described mohammed abdulazeez five minutes of terror. after spraying dozens of rounds into this navy recruiting center, he plowed through a fens seven miles away, ready to kill. >> the shooter exited his vehicle armed with an assault rifle, a handgun, and numerous magazines of ammunition. >> we know he took fire from at least one service member as he entered the building. where 20 marines and two navy medics scrambled for cover. some helped move people to safety and then ran back into the line of fire. navy petty officer randall smith was mortally wounded inside. abdulazeez killed four marines in the parking lot with a single weapon before he was gunned down by police while trying to re-enter the building.
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>> the fbi said specifically that he acted alone on that day, which to me indicates they're still looking at potential co-conspirators people who may have helped him obtain weaponry. >> the investigation continues here and in jordan, where abdulazeez's uncle remains in custody. his lawyer says he's not a radical, and knew nothing of the attack. the search for answers as a community looks for closure. >> that was miguel almaguer with that report. still ahead on "morning joe," critics calling it a knockout performance. we'll talk to jake gyllenhaal about his latest movie and the role fr which he gained 15 pounds of muscle. jake joins us with oona laurence. we'll be right back.
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>> no, she should not. she needs to go to bed. so do you. come on. party's over. come on. >> why can't i go see the fights? >> your mom thinks they're too violent. >> but i see stuff like that on tv all the time. >> i know you do. >> i watch the "walking dead." >> that's a look at the new film "southpaw" and joining us the co-stars of the film jake gyllenhaal and oona laurence. we have john, joe, mika but the most talented person at the table who received the most accolades is 12. oona, welcome. how are you? >> hi. i'm good, thank you. >> good to have you onboard this morning. did you have fun shooting this movie with jake? >> yes, very fun. >> tell us about him. what is he really like? >> he's -- he's a very funny guy. he's pretty insane. >> pretty insane. >> yeah. no, for like being a famous actor and all, he's pretty laid
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back. >> really, for being a famous actor. does he have a tony? do you have a tony, oona. i don't think so. >> nope. >> so tell us jake, about the movie. this is obviously, you had to change your look apparently. that was for the last one. you lost 25 pounds. did you have to gain weight for this one? >> i didn't know how to box. >> you had to learn how to box. >> that's sort of a skill that was required for this role. and i spent five months training for the movie and two times
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what attracted you to it since you weren't a fan of the support to begin with? >> to me the movie is about a father and a daughter. that to me is why i wanted to make the movie. the sport of boxing is extraordinary and a beautiful cinematic thing to film and ultimately is a metaphor for the underbelly of the movie, but ultimately, a father and
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daughter and family and what you sacrifice for family. that's what moved me. i would read the script and different drafts and every time i came to scenes with the two of us i would -- i would get moved so much. so to me, that's what's important. then, yeah, there are the typicaltropes of your boxing movies. you can't avoid, the choice is win or lose. you don't have any other choice. really ultimately, this is about what do you win or lose? your family or yourself. >> oona, did you hit jake more or the heavy bag? >> um -- both. >> you had a scene where you smack him. >> yeah. >> okay. that must have been fun. >> pretty fun. >> jake, i actually alluded to it earlier. for night crawler i think you lost 25 pounds. for this, you put on 15 pounds of muscle. you kind of underwent a dramatic transformation over a fairly short period of time. what did it take to do that?
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and how challenging was it? >> you know learning the skill of boxing shapes your body. you know what i mean? if your mind can envision where you want to go you learn the techniques and have your body follow. you can only do as much as your body will allow. i did a movie in between the two films. i did this movie "everest" about mt. everest. we were shooting in italy. there's a lot of pasta there, so that helped. >> you're not busy. >> put the pounds back on from night crawler and i started trabing after that. >> oona, in between films and tony awards, do you go to school? >> yeah. >> do you have a life as a 12-year-old girl? >> yeah, i do. i'm pretty average. like, aside from the movie to my friends, i'm just regular oona. so it's nice to have that other life. >> where you just do selfies with your friends. >> yeah. >> and talk online instagram normal stuff. >> all the things that mika wants to ban. >> i want to ban some of it. i think oona's fine. >> she reads a lot, too.
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an avid reader. in between takes on the movie she was always reading a new book. >> real books like paper? oh, my gosh, that's cool. very nice. so, well jake, it's great to have you back on the show. you certainly, gosh, have run the gamut in terms of the types of roles that you have played. what's next? is there any new project on the horizon? >> about to go make a film with tom ford. >> oh, cool. >> which is interesting. his first movie was really brilliant. me and amy adams are going to do this with tom ford. that's the next thing up. >> for now, all about "southpaw" and it hits theaters on friday. and oona laurence, so nice to meet you. thank you both. we'll be back with much more "morning joe."
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5:56 am
(music) i'm supposed to tell you how it feels when you book the perfect family vacation on but i think he's kinda nailing it. (music) they don't need me right now. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit?
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can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? people are talking about it. it's our pal donald trump. yesterday, a major iowa newspaper published an op-ed against trump that called him a self-absorbed wholly unqualified feckless blowhard. or as trump put it, you forgot very rich. i'm a very rich self-absorbed unqualified feckless blowhard. very ruche. >> time to talk about what we learned. i tell you what i learned. i learned add the stop and shop that the royal family is broke and the queen is actually having
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to move out of the palace and the next king of england is being forced to take a $60,000 a year job. that's just -- >> incredible. >> stunning news. thank you for sharing that. >> and the president shakes hands with aliens. >> i learned that senator lindsey graham and i have something in common. so we found it today. i think that's -- that's exciting, that we both disagree with how the debates are being conducted. that's where it ends, though. john? >> just building on that, you heard rick santorum speaking about it forcefully on that issue. it seems as we get closer and closer to the first republican debate, all the candidates who are likely to not make it are going to speak out more than they have done so far, criticizing fox for these rules. >> well, they should criticize fox and the rnc. >> mike? >> i learned two things. one, i was shocked at the globe's revelations of what the royal family because it is the paper -- >> and secondly i was shocked again when i heard marco rubio
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say that the president of the united states, barack obama, has no class. i was shocked. >> yeah. it was not cool. >> i think that was probably -- i think it was just made up in a tabloid. if it's way too early it's "morning joe." thanks for watching and thank you as always for your patience. stick around, "the rundown" coming up next. good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. live reporting this morning from laredo, texas. let's get to the top story this morning. donald trump will be in this city today to tour the nearby mexican border. this is the front page of today's local paper. it talks about the mixed reaction trump is expected taget today. his visit comes in the wake of those controversial comments he made deriding mexican immigrants. we're here not only because of trump's visit because also luraid hoelurad laredo has been brought to the center of illegal immigration and how to fix the nation's broken system. just miles from where the u.s.
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turns into mexico it has a population of a quarter million people with nearly everyone classifying themselves as hispanic or latino. a chapter of the border patrol council that visited trump today. that's one of the country's largest with 1400 border patrol agents. katy tur is here with me on this busy thursday morning. good cityto see you. what are we expecting as far as mr. trump? >> 1:00 p.m. local he's going to go directly to the border and he is after that going to have a meeting with local law enforcement. this down, as you said is mostly latino. it's unclear what sort of welcoming he's going to get here, but he will be here at 1:00 p.m. today regardless. this morning donald trump is set to make his first visit to the mexican border as a presidential candidate. he's made border security his
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