tv Politics Nation MSNBC July 23, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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s me as being just irresponsible political talk. >> mother jones bureau chief in washington david corn with us on the ed show. appreciate it. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politics nation." donald trump hits the border. he says he is going on win the nomination. and if not he's threatening to run as an independent. and jeb bush says he wants to, quote, phase out medicare. what exactly does he mean? it will be a big issue for 2016. plus, sandra bland's mother is speaking out. i'll talk to her in an exclusive interview tonight. her first since her daughter's death. thanks to you for tuning in. we start with donald trump at the border with mexico.
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and it was a media circus. trump started the day boasting that he is making the represent the despite great danger. when he got there he said this. >> they say it is a great danger but i have to do it. people are saying it's so dangerous, what you're doing. it's so dangerous what you're doing. i have to do it. i have to do it. >> donald trump today speaking as loud as ever fortunate gop, creating a media frenzy and putting a spotlight on immigration. reminding the world of the offensive comments about rapists he made when he launched his campaign. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not singling their best. they're not sending you. they're not sending you. they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. they're bringing drugs, they're
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bringing crime, they're rapists, and some i assume, are good people. >> today reporters pressed trump on immigration. including his repeated claims that the border is dangerous. >> you keep saying there is a danger. but the crime along the border is down. what danger are you talking about in. >> great danger with the illegals and we're just discussing that. we have a tremendous i know did a on the borders with the illegals. >> have you seen any evidence here to confirm your fears? >> yes and i've heard it. >> what evidence have you seen? >> we'll be showing you the evidence. there is a huge problem with the illegals coming through. in this section it is a problem. in some cases. >> the first thing we have to do is strengthen our borders. then we'll have plenty of time. thank you very much. thank you, everybody. >> trump will show us the
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evidence later. in the meantime he seems only to be gaining momentum. appearing with local officials today. leaving yet another national poll ahead of scott walker by 2 points and declaring that he will defy all predictions and win the hispanic vote. >> i think i'll win the hispanic vote. >> i win all over with the hispanic vote. i'll take jobs back from china, i'll take jobs back from japan and over country that's killing us. i'll bring the jobs back. and hispanics are going to get those jobs and love trump and they already do. >> for any republicans hoping this would end soon now trump is threatening to run as a third party candidate. and that could be a great danger for the gop. joining me now is congressman joaquin castro, democrat from
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texas, and the political analyst. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> congressman, donald trump was at the border warning of danger but giving no evidence. what's your reaction? >> the first thing is that if you look at the border cities cities like laredo they are some of the safest american cities. in fact, el paso is the safest american city with a population over 500,000 people. so it is very likely that donald trump was not in any great danger today. he was in a great american city. >> aaron you know today be trump was asked about his threat to potentially run as a third party candidate. if he doesn't get the gop nomination which he claims he will get. he threatened that. here's what em? >> look, i'm a republican. i'm a conservative. i'm running. i'm in first place by a lot, it seems, according to the polls.
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i want to run as republican. i think i'll get nomination. we'll see soon enough. the best way to win is for no get the nomination and run probably against hillary. hillary is the worst -- easily, the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. she is the one to be beaten and i will beat her. >> should republicans be worried about this? about him running as a third party candidate? >> well, yes, they should. if he does run as an independent, then he is going to split the republican vote and it will be. harder for a republican to win the general election and almost guarantee a democratic nominee would win the election. but the more pressing issue is that he is the front runner for the republican no, ma'am make the right now. and that is what republicans should be scared of? those who don't like donald trump. i would say that donald trump is speaking a language that many republican primary voters are
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very interested in. they do want to see more border security. they want to see a wall built and he is speaking to them. i think that's the bigger concern. right now we should be treating him as a front runner and covering him as the front runner. >> talk about the language some seem to like. be he asked about the claim that crossing the mexican border are rapists. listen to this. >> i feel what you said when you said the people across the border are rapists. >> we're talking about illegal immigration. that's a typical case of the press with misinterpretation. they take -- [ applause ] they take a half a sentence. by the way they take a half a sentence and then they take quarter of a sentence. they put it all together.
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typical thing. >> is that what plays so well to the far right? this brash defiance in the face of all the facts? >> yeah. it certainly is. there was no misinterpretation of his very hateful comments about go immigrants. what should be most troublesome to the republican party is exactly how much support donald trump is getting from republican voters. for somebody like donald trump to win the republican nomination or to become president or even somebody like ted cruz who has been saddling up to donald trump, would it mean the country is in a very bad place that there is a lot of anger and quite frankly, nativism out there and we've seen this before. when the germans came the irish came we had the chinese exclusion act. we've gone through very raw and ugly periods before and donald trump seems to be ushering in another raer of that.
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>> while you're talking about cruz and others making him look good, you sent out a tweet to the mayor of laredo who appeared with trump at the press conference. and it says, donald trump just used you and the other councilmembers to make him glucose. embarrassing for south texas and hispanics hispanics. >> i was very surprised. first of all, i met the mayor on a few occasion and as he good man and a good publicer is vandal. i was very surprised when i was watching the news conference and saw that the city leaders there the mayor the city manager and some city councilmembers rolled out the red carpet for this man who made such hateful comments about immigrants. specifically from mexico. the city of laredo is probably 75 or 80%lxxx% mexican-american. immigrants or have parent or
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immigrants to roll out the red carpet for something line that. it seems very strange. >> why do you think they did it? >> they know they said they wanted to talk about the city of laredo and set it straight. >> that's not what is projected and clearly, by them rolling out the red carpet and not confronting trump it gives some kind of validity in the minds of his base. clearly not to a lot of others that maybe this is some credible kind of representation of what's going on at the border. >> well, right. again, he is currently the front runner for the nomination and he is doing what presidential candidates do. this is a big thing that candidates do. they go to visit the border.
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and as a candidate for president, he is taking that excursion that he needs to do. so don't be surprised if he begins to do things real candidates do as he is really running this time. >> i got that. what i'm surprised is that others are going to cooperate with it. particularly those that are not republican. >> and i understand that. but they have to treat him also as the front runner and getting a ton of media attention. and they want to get some media attention for trying on say they're a safe place. what i want to look at, what does dough after this visit? he said he has evidence to show? let's see whether that evidence is. is he going to come up with a more sophisticated platform and policy position about border security? we've heard him talk about wanting to build a huge wall. of course there are republican who's agree with that. we know that is not logistically feasible and it may not work.
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does he come back and say i want to do that? here are all the things i want to do. i know what the congressman is saying but he has to be treated as a really candidate at this point. >> i understand the political analysis. i think also when you're the front-runner, i don't think we need to change anything. i certainly wanted that when i ran. i also think people have the right to cooperate or not cooperate with it. and we'll see. i heard a lot over the last few days. i've heard a lot of statements from him. a lot of it. i'm waiting toer what what aaron. . policy. what is your plan? how are you going to get jobs?
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take jobs from china and japan? the hispanics will get them? how, donald? how are you going to do that? we're listening. you're the front runner. we want to know. thank you both for your time tonight. breaking news on the sandra bland case. officials announced results from her autopsy. as we talk to her mother, in an exclusive interview about the last message she got from her daughter. >> hi, mommy, it's me. i just want to let you know that i made it. i am here. i am here. call me when you get a chance. love you, bye-bye. >> plus, why did a gop senator compare john kerry to possibility just pilate? it's an attack that goes way
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over the line. and republicans tried to defund planned parenthood by hijacking a bill to help america's veterans. ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank.
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. breaking news, officials release details on sandra bland's autopsy. but there are still major questions about her death. we'll get reaction from sandra bland's sister next. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries.
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breaking news in the case of a woman found dead in a texas jail cell. prosecutors just announced finalings from sandra bland's autopsy. even showing photos from their investigation. the full report may be released tomorrow. today, they said the evidence lines one the initial ruling of a suicide. >> the medical examiner's office as you know has listed the cause of death as hanging. and the manner of death as a suicide. >> at this particular point in time i have not seen any evidence to indicate this is a homicide. >> when bland was booked into jail she had some, had to answer some questions about her mental health. the district attorney says the sheriff told him, some of the questions were answered inconsistently. in the first form it says
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quote, question. have you ever been very depressed? she wrote yes. do you feel this way now? yes. have you ever attempt suicide? yes. but on a second form, asking if she had attempted suicide, the answer was no. at a press conference, prosecutors said they found marijuana in her system. and they discussed some abrasions they found on her back and cuts they found on her forearm. >> there were some abrasions some super official abrasions. we know them as scabs on her back. those are consistent with somebody applying force against her back or with her applying force against some other object. in a hypothetical situation, this injury could be skinld with a knee in the back and a struggle. but we are not saying that's wham. there were approximately 30 cut
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marks on her left wrist which were also in a state of healing. these roughly 30 cut marks were both in a state of scoring and scabbing indicating they may have been placed on her body roughly two to four weeks prior to her incarceration. >> back with me now is sandra bland's sister, sharon cooper, and the bland family attorney. thank you both for being here. >> thank you for having us. we appreciate it. >> what's your reaction to this news conference today in. >> i wish i could have a definitive did reaction. i don't want to make a pre mature statement sense i haven't seen the autopsy report. >> what do you think attorney lambert, of the inconsistencies reported in the paperwork? because they came out last night with a big, making a lot of news
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about, she had said yes that she once committed attempted suicide. now we find out, she said on another form, no. what did these say to you? inconsistencies create questions. they cause people have dealty coming to ultimate conclusions. so when we're in a situation where they insist they know the cause of death and the manner of death and you have the inconsistencies, it really creates difficulty in sifting through the situation. it makes you question what they're telling you. >> now investigators have not said when or where or how she may have ingested marijuana. the prosecutor was asked about it today. listen to this. >> how can it be in her system
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three days later? how can it affect her state of mine assuming it's not in the jail cell. >> well because the marijuana sub stance is a mind altering sub stance. it will impair you no matter when you smoked it. >> what will this add or takeaway from in term of the case? >> well, it is an interesting trickle down. you're getting trickling of information but not the toll at that is really relevant. when i looked at the sharp, she sure didn't look mood altered or mind altered. she was lucid. i'm sure they searched her, i would suspect they did. and it is hard for me to understand why you would trickle this stuff out but for the fact you're trying to sully people's
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character. i think you give everything that you have. you let the chips fall where they may. and that way you can feel good about the fact that there is been transparency and you can feel good about the fact that this family can get answers. >> which is what sharon and the family has been saying from day one. putting it all out there. >> you know, your sister the district attorney also talked about trying to get information off her cell phone. listen to this. >> when she comes out, it appears she's filming. i want to know what if anything was filmed. what if any text messages were single e-mails, facebook postings, anything that will give us a greater insight into what was going on in that car between that exchange. >> what light do you think the data from a cell phone could shed on this? >> i think we could have, if there is a recording with regard
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to exactly what went on in the car. i think that would be helpful. i can tell that you the dash cam that is available is very clear to me from plea viewing. the officer was overzealous and went too far. the first or the second version whichever one you want to watch it is very clear the officer went overboard. >> let me ask you, sharon you have been pushing the campaign on social media. you've been very grateful and thankful to people all over the world that have come in saying a lot on social media. and this trying time, and i'm going to have your mother on later. as you grieve and prepare to bury your sister how do you feel about the about an neal and world concern and attention that this case which your sister
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has brought about. >> i have to tell you, the first word that comes to mind for me is just proud. i am so proud that my sister who was unequivocally confident outspoken, who was assertive. none of which is a crime at all, has managed to stir up so much social awareness and conversation around the policing of citizens and what they do have. if you would have will me ten days ago the entire world would know sandra blanl, absolutely not. i would have thought this would be a private man terms of fact that this doesn't seem to be slowing down, i am humbled beyond measured. we are really, really pleased with the outpouring of love we have received and do not want to
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be remiss in reminding people please hash tagging, please posting at this point. justice for sandy. we don't have what we need. we will be able to lay her to rest but the work is just beginning. >> sharon cooper and cannon lambert. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> and sharon i'll be speaking to your mother about how she is handling all this later in the show. >> thank you. >> thank you. first, hillary clinton says planned parent hood is under a concerted attack on right. >> first, a senator compares carry kerry to pontius pilate?
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. today secretary of state john kerry was making a case for the iran deal to congress. this has sparked a lot of passion on both sides which is fine. unless it gets personal. just listen to what senator tom cotton said on morning joe earlier. >> this may have been a firm line that iran would not draw and the united states negotiating team was refusing to draw their own line or walk away from the deal. so john kerry acted like possibilityious pilate. he warning his hands. >> john kerry acted like pontius pilate? the man washed his hands and allowed for the crucifixion of jesus ? in a policy debate this important, nobody should be making personal attacks. and as it turns out, i know a few things about the bible myself senator cotton. i know matthew says, blessed are
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the peacemakers. for they shall be called the children of god. and isaiah says, they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their spears into pruninghooks. nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. i could quote bible versus at you all day senator cotton. but instead i'll just say this. nice try. but we got you.
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times called the videos part of the campaign of deception against planned parent hood, saying they were, quote, ed it to eliminate statements explaining that planned parent hood does not profit from tissue donation which requires the clear consent of the patient. and their dishonest attempt to make legal voluntary and potentially life saving tissue donations appear nefarious and illegal. but for republicans, the videos are on the excuse to go after planned apparently hood and the millions it helped. now we are seeing headlines like this. what do highways have to do with planned parent hood? nothing. but an attempt to attach to it a
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highway bill and democrats had to pull a veterans health bill because republicans tried to use that to attack planned parent hood. senator patty murray called them out. >> i know some republicans are trying to roll back the clock. we can have that fight. we've had it many times before. but we should not be putting veterans into the middle of it. don't take something that should be above politics and pull it down in the muck of petty politics. >> if republicans want to fight about women's health care, they should say it. and not go after veterans while they do it. joining me now jess mcintosh of emily's list and laura who covers women's rights and those issues around women's right for
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the "huffington post." >> great to be here. thanks. we've seen a lot of efforts over the years. why go after the veterans in the process? >> yeah. every time republicans try to defund planned parent hood they overplay their hand. we saw this the last time. they almost caused a government shutdown. that went really poorly for them but it did take a couple weeks to build up to that. in this case, they overplayed their hand within days. within hours. and they did it for a bill to help wounded veterans have children. i mean, if any bill is going to appeal across the aisle to republican women, to anybody who counts themselves as pro family, it is senator murray's and they're willing to tank helping wounded veterans have children for a thoroughly discredited smear campaign against one of the nation's largest health care
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providers, which by the way, one in five women has visited personally. >> let me dig into that a little deeper i mentioned how. bringing down the veterans bill with an anti-planned parent hood amendment. i want to talk about what that veterans bill would have done. it would have provided fertility treatment, counseling and paid for adoption expenses for veterans with infertility conditions incurred or aggravated while on active duty. i mean a noble goal. shouldn't it be above politics? >> well, it was above politics. it was bipartisan. it was fairly noncontroversial. the bill helps wounded women veterans. and no one was really objecting tom until senator tom tillis taxed an amendment that said we don't want to allow the v.a. to
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work with any portion sells fetal parts. first of all, planned parent hood has not been shown to sell fetal parts. the videos that have been released so far have proven nothing that. and secondly, the sale of fetal parts, the alleged sale has nothing to do with veterans health. it has nothing to do with in-vitro fertilization. that speaks to the deeply political nation of this situation. >> you talked about planned parent hood. and there are a lot of misconceptions about what planned parent hood does. but there are some facts. it provides care to 5 million people a year. mostly contraception cancer screenings and sti treatment. just 3% of its services are abortion services and laws already pro hint federal funds from paying for abortions. so in the last time republicans
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tried to defund planned apparently hood in 2011, it nearly brought to us a government shutdown. do they really want to pick another fight over women's health issues and women's health care? >> if they had shown any inclination to learn from past mistakes, the answer to that would be no. but they haven't. they seem more than willing to throw women under the bus every time they need a political boost. and laura is absolutely right. the fact that they are willing to attach it. this bill is only relevant because it deals with women's health. that's the only tie-in between their planned parent hood nonscandal and patty murray's boil the help wounded veterans have children. it is about women's health. they seem really happy to get in the mix whenever they can restrict or make it harder for women to get whole round of health care options that they need. and the reality is exactly what
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you just said. most of us have been there for birth control torsion get questions answered. i went in college because i liked that better than i liked my student doctors. i mean, that's our reality. and republicans just don't seem to realize that women know better than they do on these issues of women's health. that's why the back lash is so swift. >> most republican candidates are not going after planned parent hood. but hillary clinton said while they have to answer questions, the group does important work. let me play that for you laura. >> i think it is unfortunate that planned parent hood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years. i'm hoping that this situation will not further undermine the
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very important services that planned parent hood provides across our country. >> how significant is this that hillary clinton has come out and said this? >> i think it is extremely significant that a democratic presidential candidate was willing to come forward and defend planned parent hood. especially considering the inflammatory nature of the videos. i think democrats have been a little bit hesitant to say anything about the videos, mainly because there's been a congressional investigation launched and all the facts haven't completely come out and supposedly there's more videos coming out. and i think they're afraid of saying something and having it turn out that planned parent hood was doing something illegal. but hillary clinton is sticking her neck out for planned parent hood saying this is an organization that provides std treatment and testing and all kinds of thing that have nothing to do with abortion and let's not lose the forest for the trees here. we are attacking a massive health care organization that for a lot of people, is the only
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health care that they get. >> jess mcintosh and laura bassett, thank you for your time tonight. still ahead jeb bush's stunning call to reverse 50 years of progress and destroy a landmark program that has helped millions. also as the investigation into sandra bland's death continues, how is her family coping? sandra's mom joins me for an exclusive interview next. rance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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as the investigation into sandra bland's death continues, we must not forget her family. grieving their loss in the final days before she is laid to rest. just a week before her death, sandra bland took a road trim with her mother to visit family in memphis. this week geneva remembered her daughter at a memorial service. >> she was not a convict she was not a suspect she was my baby. we have some issues. it was strained but we still loved each other. there is not anywhere that i can see that my baby took her own life. >> we now, geneva read-veal,
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sandra bland's mother. first, thank you for being here tonight. my condolences to you and your family. >> thank you, revv reynolds. thank you for having me. thank you. >> first of all how are you holding up right now? >> by the grace of god. how else do you hold up? >> yeah. you and your daughter took a road trip just days before she died. how were her spirits? >> her spirits were lifted. she was excited about the next chapter in her life. she talked about this new position that she had been waiting on a callback for. and she was ready to get started. she really, really was. she was excited. >> now your attorney provided us with a voicemail sandra left you four days before she died. with your permission i would like to play that voicemail. >> yes, sir. please do.
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>> hi, mommy. it's me. i just wanted to let you know that i made it. i am here. i am here. call me when you get a chance. love you. bye-bye. >> when you matter voicemail when you hear it now, what goes through your mind? >> that that was the last voicemail that i got from her. and i can just see her face, letting me know mom, i am here for real. because i told her that i could not believe that she took the trek by herself. so when i hear that voice right now, what really goes through my mind is the absence of that smile. of that laughter. of that joy that she had just a few days before her death. >> what was your reaction when you first saw the video from your daughter's arrest? >> my initial reaction when i first saw the video disgust.
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i was disgusted. there was no reason for her to be stopped. none. >> you don't think she should have been pulled over and arrested? >> no, sir i do not. based on what i've seen. >> right. in the paperwork that she filled out at the prison, your daughter reportedly said that she had once tried to take her own life. were you aware of any of this? >> i was not aware of any of that. and there are several things coming out that i am just -- i'm actually appalled by. a lot of these things i am not aware of or was not aware of. so i'm kind of looking at everything with a fine tooth comb. i'm still grieving here. and it is hard to receive this type of information not knowing, and then you have to process and you're still trying to bury your child, you know? >> that's exactly right. and given the paperwork, if it
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is so, should jail officials have done more to assume vise sandra while in jail? >> i unfortunately haven't seen the paperwork i opted not to look at the things out in the atmosphere because the information i was promised when i got down state i could not get it. so i'm not paying attention on what's being released right now. i haven't seen any of that. i can't trust social media with that. >> let me ask you this. you say she had a revelation about her life's purpose on your road trip with her. can you share that with us? >> she did. absolutely. we had been going back and forwards about some of the things over the years that we needed to apologize for and we did all that and we were laughing and joking and we started talking about taking accountability for the things do you and how you can't blame other people for the way you end up.
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it is your choice to turn things around if that's what you want to do. sandy had been applying for jobs all over the place. so she and i just agreed that she was going to stick to going back to texas. she was going to also be on her master's program. and she said, mom you know i know what my purpose is now. she says, my purpose is to go back to texas and stop all the injustice against blacks. that's what my daughter. . she and i were in the car. and that was what she was going to do. >> wow! do you have confidence in the investigation right now? >> i have confidence in god and knowing that he is in control and he is going to reveal the real truth.
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confidence in man i do not have at this point. i have confidence in god. >> how do you feel about the national reaction, people all over the country showing such concern and interest. how did that make you feel? >> i have to tell you, reverend, i would hope that everyone would understand that it makes me feel great that they're paying attention to the story. it makes me feel overwhelmed at the same time overjoyed because as everyone is talking about sandy, sandy sandy, after all the lights are over, i still have a dead baby. so it is exciting on the one end. on the other end, it is a little emotional. >> let me ask you. how do you, you're the mother. you brought her in this world. how do you want your daughter to be remembered in. >> i want her to be remembered as an activist, sassy smart,
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and she knew her rights. while everybody is in an uproar, go do your research while this is all going on so you know your rights. and it is not your daughter, your son, your kid. that's what i want. the anger can be channeled into something that can be something so much greater than the decide that happened to sandy. we all have a time to get out of here. we do. as much as i would like to go in my sleep i may not go that way. when my time is up, it's up. so sandy's story is up on this side. but she is still speaking on the other side. >> geneva read-veal thank you so much for sharing your memories of sandra tonight. again our prayers and condolences to you and your entire family in this difficult time. >> thank you, reverend. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. we'll be right back.
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anniversary of the medicare program. president linldon b. johnson signed the landmark legislation into law. with former president harry truman sitting by his side. truman was the first american to sign up. 50 years later, we've seen millions benefit from the security of access to health care in their old age. we've also seen generations of political attacks from the right. the latest coming from presidential candidate jeb bush. here's what he just said about medicare last night. >> i think a lot of people recognize that we need to make sure we fulfill the commitment to peel who have already received the benefits. that are receiving the benefits. but we need to figure out a way to phase out this program for others. >> we don't need to phase out medicare. we need to strengthen it. it is heart of the same project of obamacare.
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and medicare expansion. assuring all americans have access to medical care and there's good news on that front. the governor of [ laughter ] recently announced he would be and panelling medicaid over republican objections. now utah reached a deal on medicaid expansion as well. two deeply red states doing right thing for their citizens. it's time jeb bush and all doctor republicans running for president are on board. sometime you play to your base but often you have to rise and decide to help those in your base. health care, medicaid and medicare is one way we are sure helping people despite their party. tomorrow's papers may remember governor bush what up. but history will remember what you did. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now.
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stopped at the border. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. our guest tonight is texas senator ted cruz, candidate for president. we all know that donald trump dominated the tv screen today traveling to the mexican border. his mission was to speak with the u.s. border guards but he learn they were not to make the ronald 52. here's the back and forth. in an interview yesterday, trump said the border patrol invited him because they want to honor me. thousands and thousands of them. hours before his scheduled visit, the local border patrol union was forced to ditch trump saying, just to be clear an
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