tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 24, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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service members will be held this weekend and early next week. that is all for now. the "ed show" is up next. >> good evening americans and welcome to the "ed show" live from detroit lakes minnesota. let's get to work. >> tonight, political problem. >> new concerns for hillary clinton surrounding her e-mail problem. >> i want to say a word about what's in the news today. there have been a lot of inaccuracies. maybe the heat is getting to everybody. >> plus still going. >> i'm just chugging along. well i'm leading in all of the polls by a lot. i'm sacrificing a tremendous amount to do this. >> out with the old. >> clearly we have the medicare program that is not going to be around 30 years from now. >> it is not sustainable. we need to figure out a way to faze out this program for others. >> good to have you with us
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tonight folks. thanks for watching. federal officials are asking for an investigation over the use of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. officials have asked the justice department to open an investigation into whether classified information was mishandled in connection with the personal e-mail account. the request was submitted by two inspectors general. this morning the justice department described the referral as criminal in nature. later in the day they changed their statement, saying the investigation was not criminal. the "new york times" first reported the story. they broke it. they reported a memo sent from an inspector general last month assessed clinton's private e-mail account contained, quote, hundreds of potentially classified e-mails. the "wall street journal" reports a government review found clinton sent at least four e-mails from her personal account containing classified information. the justice department hasn't decided if it will open the investigation. it is not clear if any of the e-mails were marked classified
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when clinton sent or received them. earlier today hillary clinton addressed the report. >> i want to say a word about what is in the news today. and it is because there have been a lot of inaccuracies, as congressman cummings made clear this morning. maybe the heat is getting to everybody. we all have a responsibility to get this right. i have released 55 thousand pages of e-mails. i have said repeatedly that i will answer questions before the house committee. we are all accountable to the american people to get the facts right. and i will do my part. >> in the past hillary clinton has denied e-mailing classified information.
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>> i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. so i'm certainly well aware of the classification requirements. and did not send classified material. >> to be fair hillary clinton may not have known at the time some e-mails were classified. the "new york times" had to issue a correction on their story after complaints from the clinton clinton campaign. the times correction said an earlier version of the article quote misstated a referral to the justice department. the referral addressed the potential compromise of classified information in connection with that personal e-mail account. it did not specifically request an investigation into mrs. clinton. the campaign released a statement saying contrary to the
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initial story which has already been significantly revised she followed appropriate practices in dealing with classified materials, as has been reported on multiple occasion any released e-mails deemed classified by the administration have been done so after the fact and not at the time they were transmitted. earlier today "new york times" reporter michael schmidt who broke the story pushed back on that statement. >> they said it was a substantial change we made to the story. i don't think it was. i think it was -- i think it sort of refocused the lead of the story and such. it was very strong. they came at us very strong and very late and very forcefully. and it was certainly something they jumped on much harder than back in march when the initial story came out. that pushback was very different and far more muted. >> this news comes at the bad time for hillary clinton. the new quinnipiac poll shows voters in three key states
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iowa, virginia and colorado do not trust hillary clinton. the same poll shows her losing to republicans in all three of those key swing states. so is this going to be something real? something substantive? or just ending being another pile on moment by conservatives or anybody who doesn't want to see hillary clinton become president of the united states? only time will tell. by judging of how mrs. clinton handled it today, she looked pretty confident that she was in the clear. get your cell phones out. tonight's question: should the justice department open an investigation in connection with hillary clinton's private e-mail? go to to cast your vote. we'll bring you the results later on in the program. for more let me bring in michael steele former rnc chair and msnbc political analyst fred woodhouse. and matthew miller, former department of justice spokesperson and aide to attorney general eric holder.
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and mr. miller we'll start with you first tonight. i think people are out there wondering what is the criteria? what bar has to be reached for any kind of investigation to be opened? and does it matter if it's hillary clinton? your thoughts? >> no it doesn't. the bar for opening an investigation like this is pretty high. you have to have a predicate and some reason to believe there is criminal activity. and nothing that we've seen so far shows not only no criminal activity. not even anything inappropriate. if you look at what's come out today after the times story that was walked by sagt significantly you have basically boils down a couple of inspectors general and a few e-mails. they were in her e-mail account. they weren't classified at the time. they have now been
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retroactively. and you have the state department saying the e-mails that the inspector general is referring to aren't actually classified. so you don't have any evidence of impropriety here nothing that really rise to level of investigation at all. >> brad woodhouse, where is the story here? >> part is that there is a pattern. and i don't know why, ed. i don't know why there is a pattern of the "new york times" of alleging criminal behavior or alleging criminal investigations. the original story about her e-mails said that she me a have broken laws. and the source for that walked that back. the "new york times" never corrected that. they said criminal today. they still have criminal up on the website. they haven't -- they issued a small correction but they haven't taken that story down. and ed, i think the problem here is we know where there issing the being fed from. the common thread is these come
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out and immediately they make more accusations and demand more material and we know this is being fed by republicans out to get hillary clinton and unfortunately the "new york times" is complicit in this. >> michael steele is this a pile on moment for the conservatives. >> yeah right. yeah the "new york times" and that vast right wing conspiracy you know, in a cabal against hillary. this is -- look, whether it's shoddy reporting by the "new york times" or whatever it happens to be the fact of the matter is all of this has been brought on hillary by hillary clinton en. and a lot of this noise and conversation could have been avoided if they just turned over the server. the simplest easiest thing to do. give it back to the federal government with the documents on there and let independent authorities go through it. but here we are. and yeah there are investigations and there are story asks there are leaks. and this is the drama that the clintons have brought for
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themselves. and the polls are beginning to reflect the wear and tear on her campaign before it really fully gets engaged. they have to figure out how they are going to traverse this. and in the meantime gowdy and his team are going to do what they're going to do next year. the "new york times" is going to write what it is going to write. and she has to figure how to navigate that. >> brad, the backdrop to this is pretty tough polling numbers on trustworthiness. this can't help in anyway. i will say that hillary clinton came out today and her statement with a lil swagger. she was pretty confident. she looked like this was all just a bunch of nonsense and another vast right wing conspiracy. she acted like that but didn't say it. what about that? >> well she should be confident, ed. we know from reporting from the original story. we know from the law that, you know, that she was complying with the law. that these e-mails that we're talking about today were classified after the fact.
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it's being written in some quarters like she was sending will nilly classified information at the time. that is not true. as matthew said these were retroactively classified. some of the poll numbers result of shoddy reporting being fed by sources. the "new york times" need not take the leaks ad nauseum. and it is clear that the "new york times" didn't in this case. >> let's focus on the inspector generals here. who motivated them? there must be something there, if they communicated something to the justice department. isn't that rather unusual? >> you know i think if you look at the bottom of this there is a bureaucratic fight going on between a couple of inspectors general and the people of the state department that are reviewing these e-mails about
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how that process ought to unfold. it has nothing to do with hillary clinton. and by the way, the only reason we're actually even talking about these e-mails, as she's turned over every one of them and we're now pouring through them. so i think there is a disagreement over how to handle the release of these e-mails. and that led to the state department and the intelligence committee igs writing this letter that went to the hill and the hill took it and leaked to the "new york times" and you end one a story that's completely wrong and walked back. the unfortunate victim is hillary clinton when unfortunately this has nothing to do with her from the beginning. >> what about the justice department demanding she turn over the server? isn't it rather unprecedented that that secretary of state would have a private e-mail account? i know her world is little different than previous secretary states. but why wouldn't the justice
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department say give us everything. >> the server is irrelevant about this entire issue of classified and unclassified e-mails. the rules for handling of the classified information are the same for a private e-mail account as they would be if she was using a state e-mail. they have everything they need to go through and look at these and that is in fact why we're seeing this kind of unprecedented transparency on behalf of secretary clinton. >> you buy that mr. steele? >> no i don't. with all due respect, how do we know what she's turned over. she's only told us. and that was the whole point of getting the server. if i tell you've done xy and z and i've only done x and y. the z part may or may not matter but i've told you what i've done. and when you come to find out later there may be some other reason to suspect there is something else you are going to have a problem with that. and at the end of the day that
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is the nugget for a lot of people. take the politics out and just look it a objectively and that is part of the problem that she has right now. >> brad your thoughts. >> what mr. steele is suggesting is a standard that hillary clinton should be held to that no other senior official in the government is held to. every senior official gets to decide what they consider business relate asked what they consider personal. and there is precedent. colon powell used personal e-mail and to this dad he hasn't turned any one of them. >> great to have you with us tonight. thanks for the conversation. remember to answer tonight's question at we'll have the results after the break. follow us on facebook and watch my facebook feature "give me a minute" and you can get my video pod cast at and donald trump is still leading in the polls after week
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of controversial comments and moves. i'll ask what can stop the donald and his surge? and later jeb bush plans to put medicare on life support. i thought we heard that from a guy who used to run named ryan. we'll pripg those details. you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushbring those details. smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset
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all right. i'm anxious to see these numbers tonight. should the justice department open an investigation in connection with hillary's private e-mail. 27% yet. 73% take it to the house. it is over. keep voting throughout the hour. we're right back. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit ♪ to steady betty. to steady betty. fire it up! ♪
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on saturday trump attacked john mccain's record on being a war hero. >> i supported him for president. i raised a ed ad a dollars ed ad a million dollars for him. he lost. he let us down. so i never liked him as much after that. because i don't like losers. but frank before you get to him. >> he's a war hero. >> he's not a -- he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured. okay? i hate to tell you. he is a war hero because he was captured. okay? and i believe perhaps he's a war hero. >> so that offered up a week of rhetoric rhetoric. everybody predicted backlash from voters would be severe. meanwhile here we go. a new ppp whole after his remarks about mccain still show him in first place with 19%. walker has moved up closing in at 17%. and jeb bush is at 12%. many said the trump's campaign would be over from the start
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after controversial comments about immigration. he didn't apologize. he doubled down. went to the border and stood by his statements. >> great danger with the illegals and we're just discussing that. but we have a tremendous danger on the boar we are the illegaling coming in. >> have you seen evidence to confirm your statement about mexico sending its criminals across the border. >> yeah and in fact the border patrol was the one who invited me. they invited me and then canceled because they frankly they don't want to get involved. the reason they invited me is because of the tremendous problem and the tremendous crime and all of the things that you are talking about. so they invited me and then at the last moment i mean we were virtually in the air and they said we can't get involved. and i heard they got those orders from washington. >> what evidence specifically have owe you seen. >> we'll be showing you the evidence. >> so sometimes we can't see the forest because of the trees.
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what is it? the guy knows how to communicate. i mean it just rolls right off him. he just lays it out there. that is part of the attraction. whatever this guy is doing, it is connecting with some miles per hours -- some americans. for more ourlet's go to our panel. great to have you with carrie what is the traction here. this is staying power that nobody anticipated. now why is trump -- i think this is the fifth or sixth poll where he's number one. and. >> we got to look at the methodology and we have to look at many polls here. i would recommend going to real clear politics. you get a better sense of whose at the top. but the fact that trump did the same thing in 2012.
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he had this meteoric rise and then crashed. to be honest the things he's saying are just really aufrl. it kind of makes me wonder if he's really secretly on the payroll of hillary clinton considering the fact that he used to be a democrat. >> mike, how long is this going to last? >> it's taken the republican 20 years to develop their donald trump catastrophe but it is here now. and there is no easy escape. the republican party has become dysfunctional to the point that array of carnival barkers that make up the candidates is simply the norm. he's the new normal. he is just a new iteration of what the republican brand puts forward as their wise seasoned statesman. we began seeing this early on. with dan quayle. this is the first sign. it was a republican vice president who couldn't spell potato. he had no recognition that the residents of south america didn't speak latin. and then the dumbing down
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quality of the gop digressed to palin bachman and rick perry were just what they needed to lead the party. and donald trump represents more than this buffoonish talking cancer to republican leadership. he's a scary reminder to establishment republicans that they lost their party to fox. they lost their party to the koch brothers. >> i got to respond. because, okay. look. i will eat my right hand is donald trump is the republican nominee. it is not going to happen. look who the party has nominated in the past. moderate candidates like mitt romney and the john mccain. so give me a break. >> he's destroying the republican party. >> the one thing he says -- to think that he says about immigration is that he's speaking to the same worry that
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cesar chavez had. he was very much against illegal immigration. which a lot of people are concerned about as well. including people who watch your show, ed. worrying about what immigrants do to the country which is drive down the wages. >> the point being is that donald trump is destroying this party. donald trump is out there talking about immigration because he understands what happened in france just two years ago where the main talking point of the right wing party was close the borders. so he's out there doing exactly the things that you say to me, give me a break. really? the issue comes down to the damage that he's doing to the republican party. and that is kind after sad story because they at one time were an important party. at one time you had edward burke. you had william buckley. barry goldwater who at least stood for something. they weren't these carnival
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barkers. >> i'm sorry you are talking about the most dominate republican congress in multiple generations right now that was elected by the american people. so you cannot give me that to say it is some sort of french thing. >> wait a minute now there is a little bit of gerrymandering going on out there carcarrye carrie. and of course citizens united is changing a lot of things when it comes to election outcomes as i see it. now here is the issue. as this continues to move forward carrie, there has to be a legitimate concern on the part of the republicans. what are we going to do? are we going to embrace this guy? or are we going to try to deep six him? and if we do he is going to run as a third party candidate which could be disastrous. so anywhere you turn isn't he a problem? >> i do agree there is a threat he might run as the third party
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candidate which gets back to my theory he might actually be on hillary's payroll. she's got the largest payroll. >> that is a good experience theory. i don't think that's happening. >> to the risk of him running as a third party that to me speaks to his credibility as the an individual. he wants to make america great again. and if he actually wants to do that he wouldn't help hillary win. so he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. >> finally, mike trump says that he's giving up a lot. he's sacrificing a lot to do this. as if he's doing us a favor that he's running for president. i think that statement is going to turn off more people than what he said about john mccain. what do you think? >> this is a big commercial for the guy. he's not losing anything. but you know what? he can say almost anything. you have a part of the republican party. they are called the low hanging
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fruit. and they buy and accept just about anything that happens. so there is really no risk in him saying the outrageous things he's saying. he's having fun. it is called reckless abandoned politics. >> he's giving up a lot according to him. great to have you both on the program. appreciate your time tonight. thank you. coming up we'll discuss bush's plan to take down medicare. and next we'll have an update from louisiana following yesterday's deadly theater shooting. unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. are you moving forward fast enough? everywhere you look, it strategy is
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and opened fire. >> he was just very calm just standing there walking down the aisle and firing. >> two people killed in the attack. nine others wounded. >> shocked. i don't know what to say about the situation. >> today as their investigation continues police are learning more about the man they say is responsible. >> he clearly had some type of plan. he bought the ticket in the theater, he had the gown. >> a plan that according to offer r officers became more clear. >> we found wigs and glasses and disguises basically in his hotel room. it is apparent that he was intent on shooting and then escaping. >> things apparently changed though when houser spotted officers in the chaos as he was trying to leave. >> he saw the law enforcement, local police officers went back inside and that is when he shot and killed himself. >> as makeshift memorials grow across this community police have released the names of two
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women killed. >> don't lose sight of the fact that these two individuals, they had a vision. they had a name. they had a future. and it wasn't to die as they did horribly in this theater here. >> now police and so many here are trying to understand how and why it happened. >> joining me tonight with the latest from lafayette, louisiana is nbc's craig melvin. what is the latest surrounding this investigation? >> reporter: yeah i'm going step out right now so you can see what's happening right now. this is louisiana governor bobby jindal is landing here in front of the movie theater. the governor [inaudible] we're told that he is going to head inside to talk to investigators and law enforcement officers. he's also going to tour the crime scene. after that we're told that he is going to come out and be a part of a news conference with an
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update on the latest with regards to the investigation. we can tell you that in the last 30 minutes we've learned a little bit more about the shooter and his criminal past. we've been talking about this arson charge. we can tell you now it didates back to 19 89d in georgia. we're told the shooter was charged with trying to hire a third party to set fire to a local attorney's office. that of course adding to this picture that has emerged over the past few hours of the suspected shooter. in a divorce filing his ex-wife says that he was on medication. he was being treated for mental illness. he did not always take that medication according to her. he also didn't always eat properly, which exacerbated the condition. we're told he threatened family members at one point. he was known to local law enforcement. we spent some time talking to a police chief in georgia who said that at one point several years ago he owned a bar there in
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georgia. there was some back and forth over some violations at the bar. city officials shut the bar down. in retribution he went and according to the local police chief there, he went and he hanged a swastika banner that was so large you could see it from the main roadway. so that is the picture that is beginning to emerge but at this point we still do not have an answer to the major question why? why here at lafayette? why last night in a theater did he decide to open fire? >> nbc's craig melvin on the ground reporting from lafayette, louisiana. craig, thanks so much. still to come on the "ed show," the rapid response panel on jeb bush's medicare plans and later congressman mendy joins me for the discussion on the latest developments on the iranian nuclear deal.
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phase out this program for others and move to a new system that allows them to have something, because they are not going to have anything. and that argument i think is going to be a winning argument if we take it directly to people. >> good luck selling that plan in florida. congressman paul ryan used the same reasoning to promote a voucher system. jeb bush praised him for it. >> paul ryan prior to being a vice presidential candidate and then as the vice presidential candidate had a plan to deal with the problems. the so called third rail wasn't the reason why paul ryan is not vice president. >> well here is how popular paul ryan's ideas went over at the aarp convention. >> the first step to a stronger medicare is to repeal obamacare. because it represents the worst of both worlds. it weakens medicare for today's seniors and puts it at risk for the next generation.
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>> paul ryan and jeb bush are on the wrong side of this issue. medicare's 2015 report shows a huge turnaround for the system. in a 2005 projection medicare spending was expected to rise to 13% of gdp by the year 2080 according to the 2015 report spending had slowed significantly. costs should reach only 6% of gdp in the same time. well medical expenses have goin' since the affordable care act passed. jeb bush is running against a system that works. joining me now our panel. mitch o you first. did jeb bush push this idea when
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he was governor of florida? people want to know. this is the first we've heard of it. >> well no. he obviously remembered that there are a lot of senior citizens in florida and it is kind of bizarre for someone who has that kind of memory and history. what it actually reminds me of is the fact and as you mentioned, you know, it is secure. and why he would play with this political third rail is beyond me. he's not a stupid guy politically. but it rereminds me of the situation with his brother when he was president and talked about toying with social security and talked about privatizing and of course thankfully that didn't happen because then the market went under and lost about half its value. he understands florida. i think he's trying to somehow slip this in. he is certainly smarter than this. i find it shocking. >> okay. mike, why are we getting a paul ryan repeat if it didn't work in florida in the past 1234. >> whether we see unfolding every day with jeb is his
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competition with the scott walker. both are in a competition about who can please daddy the best. and in this case daddy is the koch empire and all the billionaires and corporations who helped bolster the plans of that empire. when you drill down to what the billionaire inheritance babies what they want it has to do with making more money. and one way of making more is take more away from the middle class. so the question becomes who can be the best the most outrageous in their anti worker anti middle class and their stump speeches? is it jeb or scott walker. the message is the same. cut medicare fight minimum wages and make sure america's middle class works longer hours for less money until they reach 75 or they die. >> what is the political strategy here for bush? >> look he doesn't need to be
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on the doechbs iveefensive. they all back him up. and ed that chart you showed was only about expenditures fx it wasn't about revenues. and it is on an unsustainable path right now. what bush wants to do is charge rich seniors more. he's trying to charge them more. so i don't see why you have a problem with that. and the other thing is this is a 20th century program in a 21st century economy. when it was created in 1965 the average man lived to 67. when he lives to 84. we got to readjust here. >> we don't have to readjust as i see it respectively because there is no political march obi the people that think medicare is terrible. medicare has changed the lives of millions of americans. it's been one of the most successful programs we've had and the projections from 2005 are far different.
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expenditures, that is a big chart. so in other words, they miscalculated exactly how much this was going to cost. and the affordable care act has reversed things around for medicare. but yet it is the privatization carrie. why do the republicans want to privatize everything when privatization is all about profit and not people. >> we know that privatization is the best way to give people the best care. we do need a safety net program for people who can't afford the private care. but take medicare part dt drug plan. it is sectored around private sector plans. part d came in under budget. can you tell me what government program came in under budget? if we expand it to medicare it could work. >> but carrie it is all about the cost to the consumer. and precipitation drugs. >> right. >> -- have gone down --
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>> because of competition. >> okay. are seniors going to figure this out in florida? how is this going to play? >> well i think they figured this out a long time ago. i purposely asked a lot of friends who specifically were republican independents, because i do have friends who are not only democrats. and i asked them today, there wasn't one single person who thought this was a good idea. you know i'm closing in on part of the baby boomer generation. and obviously i'd like to have that there when i've paid in. but talking to younger people they have an expectation too. and with more baby boomers coming into the system clearly it is still found actuarily correct. i think he's stirred something up but i don't think he has the backing. i think they are just trying to scare up koch brothers and the folks for american prosperity.
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>> i want to bring in congressman john garamendi on this conversation. your thoughts on the numbers that are starting to show up on medicare and how jeb bush wants to get rid of it and privatize. >> i just heard some of the most outstanding misinformation i've heard in a long long time. ed we have seen medical cost rate increases dramatically decline. they are still increases but they are about half the inflation prior to the affordable care act. medicare part d is not a private organization. that is a government program in which unfortunately the republicans in the early 2000s set up medicare part d and handed over billions and billions of dollars to the drug companies because there is no competition for the price of drugs. the federal government is simply a price taker. it cannot -- it cannot even negotiate the price of the drugs in medicare part d.
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that is a fact. >> then how come part d came in well below budget by the magnitude of many billions? it was because of competition. competition because of the plans -- >> wait a minute i'm sorry, but you don't win an argument by keeping talking. listen carefully. medicare part d expenses are exploding. most recently in this week's newspaper in reports this week, medicare part d, prices are going through the roof. doctors around the nation are complaining. cancer doctors, oncologists are saying it is unaffordable because there is no competition. it is all whatever the drug companies want to charge. that is a fact. and the most -- >> and doing just fine before the affordable care act. the approval rating of seniors. med car part d unrolled in 2006 the approval was in the 90s and now the affordable care act has completely disrupted the entire insurance market.
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i lost my doctor. the president lied to me. e said i could keep my doctor but i did not get to keep my doctor because of this president. >> sound bites are not going to win an argument. >> we got leave it there. we're up against the clock. we'll have you both back. congressman stay with us. mike, and carrie, thanks so much. good to have you with us on the "ed show." still to come. john kerry continues to defend the iran nuclear deal as opposition mounts in congress. we'll have the latest. stay with us. but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. now get a swiss gear backpack for only $10. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ♪ to steady betty. to steady betty. fire it up! ♪ am i the only one with a meeting? i've got two. yeah we've gotta go.
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he teamed up with red bull to catch tahiti's biggest waves with his wet suit in flames. it took a year of planning and a team of 25 people to make sure that o'brien would be safe through this. o'brien said the idea sparked from a message he received on social media after asking his fans what stunt he should attempt next. he told red bull it was the biggest adrenaline rush of his life. stick around. there's a lot more coming up in "the ed show." we're right back. zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. seriously? you're not at all concerned? about what now? oh, i don't know. the apocalypse? we're fine. i bundled renter's with my car insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. word. there's looters running wild out there. covered for theft. okay. that's a tidal wave of fire. covered for fire.
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finally tonight, republicans want to pull out all the stops to block the iranian nuclear deal. senators used the senate foreign relations committee hearing as a bashing session. >> not unlike a hotel guest that leaves only with a hotel bathrobe on its back i believe you have been fleeced. >> you guys have been bamboozled and the american people are going to pay for that. >> you have turned iran from being a purya to now congress, congress being a purya. >> john kerry defended the deal at the kournlcouncil of foreign relations in new york. >> we have 25 years of cradle to grave accountability for their uranium, mining milling, yellow cake production. gasification centrifuge, and
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waste. you can't make a bomb. >> kerry says confronting iran can only happen when the deal is passed. >> the first order of business my friends, if you're going to confront them and push back is to push back against an iran that doesn't have a nuclear weapon. >> president obama isn't shaken by the attacks coming from congressional members. he told the bbc, the iran deal doesn't mean military force is off the table. >> we have sent a clear message to the iranians. we're settleing the iran deal, but we have a big account we're going to have to work. some diplomatically if necessarily, some militarily. >> joining me john garamendi of california. congressman, it seems like we're the only country involved in this deal that's having a real political fight over this. what do you make of it? >> you just said something very important that's missed here. that is, we are not in this alone. we have china, russia japan --
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germany, france and great britain and the eu all of them supporting the deal. so it's not just the united states, and this is something that can't be missed. if the congress turns this deal down and overrides the president's veto what are those countries going to do? they're going to blame us for trashing this deal. and that's a very bad situation, because they're not going to come back and put the sanctions in place. this deal goes forward, the sanctions are still available to us. and we know that iran will not be developing a nuclear weapon for at least a decade. and quite possibly for the 25 years that secretary kerry just spoke about. >> and the thinking there is that we could do a heck of a lot of diplomacy in 25 years and a new relationship with the iranians. what about senator marco rubio's comments that the next president will undo this? those kinds of things are being thrown out there quite a bit. gr it's totally irresponsible. it's just irresponsible. that is what you call pandering
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to your base. it's irresponsible. in that okay you're going to undo it. what does that mean? are you ready to go to war with iran over a deal that the united states trashed? i don't think that makes any sense whatsoever and it is extraordinarily dangerous. a war with iran is not a simple thing. it is not what happened in iraq when we were able to take them out in a couple weeks, and then created a horrible mess. so be very very careful. be thoughtful. i know it's time for a lot of political rhetoric and shouting and thumping of the chest, but the reality is this deal works, for what it was intended to do which is to take away the nuclear weapon option that iran has today in three months they could build up to ten nuclear bombs. this deal goes forward, it's at least ten years, quite possibly 25 years. that's a real improvement from where we are today. this deal goes down then iran
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has the ability to build those bombs because they still have all the material and the know-how to do it. >> congressman john garamendi with us on "the ed show." thanks a lot. appreciate your time. that is "the ed show." politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts now. >> tonight on politics nation why did he do it? new details about the disturbing views held by the theater shooting gunman. a police news conference moments away. also missed clues. could the jail have stopped sandra bland tragedy? and donald trump talks about how his campaign could end, and makes a big threat about what he'll do if republicans don't give him enough respect. we
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