tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC July 27, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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with alex wagner starts now. >> 35 women speak out together about their allegations against bill cosby. rick perry is calling for more guns in more places following the louisiana movie theater shooting and donald trump is still running for president. >> this is become the summer of donald trump. >> ♪ >> you are looking for the trump slump? sorry, you are not going to get it. >> new polls showing why the republicans are correct to be concerned about trump. >> cementing his place at the head of the back. >> one poll after another. not only is he winning national. he's winning state by state by state. these are people who are fed up i with the political process who have ever reason to take a look at a guy like donald trump. >> a way to pass a protest vote to say hey i don't like my choices here. >> he's tapping into the anger the voters feel. >> a growing momentum not only
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in polls but in the crowds showing up. >> it is wishful thinking that he's going to go away. >> the more the media says trump doesn't have a shot t more his supporters and others ask why not. >> if he can't captain the ship he will bring the ship down. >> ten days to the first republican can't. trump is still the front runner. a new cnn orc poll finds trump number one, making it the fifth in a row to place trump at top seed. our new nbc news marist poll has him leading strong. and in iowa trump is in the top two, trailing scott walker by just 2 points in an election that was supposed to see the party consolidating ranks and getting serious about expanting it it's appeal t man behind that push is now being asked about trepidation surrounding a
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potential third party bid by the donald. >> i think certainly our candidates should pledge not the run as the third party candidate. i think everyone understands that. if hillary clinton is going to get beat she is going to get beat by a republican. >> with trump dominating the discussion, her republican rivals are going to the extreme to get attention. mike huckabee said the nuclear deal with iran will take the israelis and march them to the door of the oven. president obama responded calling the comments ridiculous and sad. hillary clinton called the rhetoric totally unacceptable. hours ago huckabee tweeted you finally come out of hiding to attack me for defending israel. what's unacceptable is a mushroom clouds over israel.
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governor dean is this the biggest impact of trump's ricese pushing people like huckabee this far to get attention? >> i started out thinking this was a disaster for the republican party and still a good chance that it will be. although i don't think really he's going to get as far as iowa let alone get through iowa. in some ways this allows other republicans to position themselves more moderately. those people who are chiding trump are going to look to the electorate slightly more moderate. do i think this is going to help huckabee? no. if you want the real thing you will vote for trump. but i this i this actually may give the republicans opportunity to look more moderate the few of them who dare. >> speaking of those people chris christie says he's no longer going to comment on trump. can you even bow out of this? >> no you can't.
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and there is a reason trump gets so much air time. and if you want to engage with him, if you are one of the 16 people fighting for air time engaging with trump is a good way to get it. when we see him on the stage everybody is going to get a chance to ask their fellow debaters questions. that is almost always a part of a debate. everyone is going to want to ask donald trump a question because that is the sound bite that's going to get played all day the next day. the only reason why this is working is because we a field that crowded. if it were just jeb bush and ted cruz, then i don't think that you could get that kind of air for him. but with something this crowded one person can surge to the top. >> to trump's a i peel sam, trump has already disparaged everyone from mexican immigrants to senator mccain. is he seeded in spite of that or because of it? >> well there are two sides to the coin. part is because he's willing to
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throw elbows at basically everyone including those people within the gop tent. so he appeals to a faction of the party fed up with leadership. and keep in mind this is all coming in the same context of senator ted cruz going after mitch mcconnell. but they are basically the same cloth. people frustrated with rvps in washington. and want new leadership and trump appeals to that. on the flipside there is a good chumpk of republicans who will not vote for him in part because of his bombast. there is a limit to how far he can go. and part of the reason he's doing so well is because of this 16 person people and 25 20% looks really good. but then you realize it is still just 20%. >> they think jeb bush will be the nominee. to your mind is there a voice
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for republicans to speak their disconsistent to signal where they want to party to be? >> the last poll i saw in iowa he had 27% favorability and 50 something negative rating among republican voters. the republicans always nominate the establishment candidate. and i'm trying to remember when the last time they nominate someone who wasn't the establishment candidate. it was a very long time ago. >> goldwater. >> yeah might have been. >> right. and if history is a guide that is maybe not worth repeating. next week's debate if all of them are looking for someone to strike it it could end up being a demolition derby. fun to watch but not exactly the right thing to inspire faith. which is to say does one rotten apple spoil the bunch.
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>> look what happened leading up. rand paul took a chain saw to the tax code. literally. lindsey graham put a phone in a blender. the new mike huckabee comments. trump going to the border. this is not the republican primary that voters expected or probably want hors d'oeuvreor deserve. i couldn't have possibly scripted the week we are having leading up to the very first debate. i don't think anybody can predict what is going to happen. >> sam what do you think happens in debates after the first one? in terms of just number of people on stage? will it be one debate? two debates as scheduled for august 6th? do you think there will be significant lessons learned. >> depends how the first goes obviously. but keep in mind we're living in a different political universe than prior. in which even if you are at 1% in the polls, if you have a super pack sugar daddy or sugar
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mama i should say. i don't want to be gender exclusive. you could end up basically just waiting it out. and saying you know what rick santorum was 1% in 2012 and he ended up in second place. why can't i just wait it out and see what happens. so with the weird campaign finance structure we currently have, it allows for a multicandidate race to go on much longer than in the past. jeb bush's $100 million haul was supposed to clear the field. in fact it really didn't. if anything people seem less intimidated by it today because they know they can find one really good funder and stay with it. >> when we come back hillary clinton's trust fall. why her poll numbers are plummeting in two key primary states. and the taking on bill cosby and 35 women who accused him of sexual assault. and the rick perry responds by calling for more armed citizens just ahead.
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hillary, your best and only option. it is not exactly an inspiring campaign slogan by may be the best bid. while our new marist poll has clinton dominating in iowa and new hampshire and also finds her favorability down krgconsiderably. granted it is net negatives all around in our poll with the notable exception of bernie sanders. sanders was asked yesterday whether those feeling the burn are a similar strain of the fed
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up folks backing donald trump. >> do you buy that comparison? >> no i don't. i think the cord that we are touching all over the country is that people are profoundly disgusted with an economics that make the richest people richer and everybody else poorer. they are profoundly angered and disturbed by a political campaign system that allows billionaires to buy elections because of this citizen's united. >> is it fair to compare the sanders momentum with trump's lead? >> i don't think it is. donald trump is just a bombastic person who says whatever comes into his head. bernie has a cogent economic point of view that people share, i think some on the right, not just the left. but first of all bernie sanders does not attack others
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personally, which trump specializes in. so i think it is a very very different phenomena. >> do you think it is too much equivocating in terms of trump supporters on the far right fringe and the sanders supporters on the left fringe? >> i agree with the governor. i don't see the parallel. sanders has never run a negative campaign ad in his career. he doesn't go after the people. he sticks to his issues and if people like it they go with him. and it just so happens that he's tapped into something that is resonating on the democratic liberal side of the ledger right now. i think the comparison comes in the sense that on each party people are revolting at the notion of die nastyynastic politics. people aren't enthused about having another clint orn bush. so they are surveying their
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options. the democrats are acting like their hearts are with bernie but they have a praguematism streak here. sticking with hillary even though they like bernie. that's usually on the republicanen side. >> the politico argues clinton is suffering from authenticity trap. hillary's plight might be the perils of being too constrained. is there such thing as real anymore. >> i want to push back on a couple of those points. i don't think the hearts are really with bernie and if we thought he could win we would all be really happy to go out and vote for him. i think there is a reason why you keep seeing in poll after poll that hillary understands problems that matter to american families, they think she has the best track record of getting things down.
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she's addressing everything from criminal justice to black lives matter. immigration. told she's got a plan for climate change. i think the biggest difference between trump and sanders is democrats want him in the race. talking about economic populism is fantastic. it's good for us the party, hillary clinton. but that is not all. that is not the only issue progressive are really excited about right now and know to be a serious issue facing the country. i think hillary is doing a fantastic job of hitting a full range of those issues and showing what an incredible contrast there is between democrats and republicans. so yes the stakes are high and yes we think she is a better general election candidate but that is not the only reason she continues to lead. >> and yet governor there is still skepticism. as much as she's done exactly what jess just said come out strong on progressive issues. today she refused to take a
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stance on the pipeline. there are limits in the course she's charting. >> i think hillary is by far the most qualified person on either side to be president of the united states and i think she will be president of the united states. she's under water right now because she's got an broadside from mainstream media. and i'm not a big believer the media hates hillary. but they have been incredibly slope. >> you don't think it has anything to do with hillary clinton hating the mainstream media. >> the "new york times" has done a crappy job with the stories. they really have made stuff up. there was no referral for classified information that she leaked. in fact it's well known she didn't -- those things were not labeled as classified
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information. so she now has to put one this barrage from mainstream media. she'll get through it. she got through with the clinton financial stuff and the foundation when it turned out to be not true. she'll get through this and benghazi -- >> het e -- can i just make a point quickly. >> hillary clinton is making a point about progressive politics and progressive positions on the environment. does it matter she didn't take a position on key stone today. >> it doesn't and i'll tell you why. it is part of being president. here is the problem with key stone. regardless of what you think in terms of the environment, key stone is a huge foreign policy issue. our closest ally is canada. they have put all their marbles on getting key stone. show knows a bigger issue than simply the environment. i makes sense and makes her look presidential even though it frustrates the heldl out of people associated with the pipeline. >> do you think it makes her
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look presidential. >> if you have that lens. it can also make sher look incredibly calculating too. and she waits to see which way the wind is blowing and then decides her position. is that fair or not? i don't know. just to back the mainstream media thing. the "new york times" they did have errors in their store. they were corrected. but the fact remains that ule of this would have been completely irrelevant had hillary clinton not set up a completely private e-mail server and had not done all oher business on private e-mail. she made her own bed with this. and that explains a lot of why voters have distrust. they don't view her as being an up and up operator and that is what's hurting her in the polls. >> i disagree. with all due respect and i respect you enormously, one of the reporters that i do. i think this is a media
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concocted story, because i think the media is deeply offended by the e-mails and i don't think the average american is because they do this kind of stuff too. >> whether or not it is media concocted. it is of her creation. >> i find it incredibly tedious that all people ever want to talk about on both the right and left -- >> thank you. >> is that the media is the problem. >> well i think that hillary clinton has been in public office or public life for some 30 years and we have seen some incredibly unfair attacks on her, wholly without substance. i don't believe that is the media's fault. i believe many times, most times it is the republican's party. >> she had her own private e-mail system. >> doesn't mean the "new york times" gets to say there are criminal investigations into her when there are not. >> the investigating the former secretary of state's e-mail. >> they are investigating
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classified material -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> -- according to hillary clinton. >> they are looking at foyer requests and now that we have to release the e-mails. and if they had reported on a security guidance being requested for how the clinton e-mails were being released as per the state department that would not have been the kind of media story that we all have to talk about. >> answer me this philosophical question. since i'm in a self loathing philosophical mood today. if there was a republican candidate who had a trustworthiness issue and there was the same coverage of this person in the way there is hillary clinton do you think there would be as much outcry on the left? >> yes. absolutely. for instance we know this there was a private e-mail use in the bush white house carl
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rover i believe was sending private e-mail and it was a massive story back in 2004 2005. i don't have all the details but i remember it vividly. something the left was deeply offended by and they wanted investigations. i'm pretty sure they launched house investigations into this matter. so yeah, there is a little bit of inconsistency here in terms of the outrage but again the "new york times" story had its faults. no one is saying the story was fault. it had serious corrections impended to it. >> it was completely wrong. >> none of this would have happened had she not used her private e-mail system. >> so what. so she used private e-mail. so what. >> that is the point though. she is the cytecreator of this problem. >> she didn't do anything that was illegal. she didn't send out classified information. the problem here is that the media is deeply offended. >> the lame stream media and
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"new york times." [ inaudible ] >> -- end of july 2015 the mainstream media's fault and the "new york times" has an agenda. what channel are we watching? when we come back police pepper spray a crowd after the black lives matter conference in cleveland. more on that coming up next. to satisfy the adult.... ...and kid - in all of us. ♪ ♪ nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into. and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... feed your inner kidult... ...with frosted mini-wheats® and now you could win up to a hundred dollars when you buy any specially marked kellogg's cereal. you know when you book a fabulous vacation cause the photos look amazing? but you get there and find out it's far from amazing.
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and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. an ohio police officer is under fire today after video shows the officer pepper spraying a group of protesters. the video recorded yesterday at cleveland state university has been widely shared and provoked strong backlash. police officials say they were in the process of removing a drunk teenager from a bus when protesters confronted law enforcement, and used the pepper spray to push back the crowd.
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the protesters insist they were demonstrating peacefully. just ahead. i'm no longer afraid. that is a message from 35 women who have accused bill cosby of sexual assault and who appear on the cover of this week's new york magazine. that is next. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical get ready to show your roots... ...with root touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades
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has a great taste-guaranteed! help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost® high protein. join the club at 35 of bill cosby's accusers are publicly speaking out. new york magazine released its latest issue and this was the cover. black and white photos of nearly three dozen women who allege cosby assaulted them. the allegations span nearly three decades. the ages range from their 20s to their 80s. >> bill cosby mentored me. he gained my total trust. and then he drugged me without my knowledge. he raped me. i wouldn't call him crazy. excuse me. not once did i ever think that bill cosby was crazy or insane. i felt that he was very much in control of his behavior.
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he was very calculating. he was very manipulative. he knew exactly what he was doing. >> it went on for me four minutes, five minutes. but it was the longest five minutes that i ever experienced. >> cosby has not been charged with a crime and has denied allegations in the past. joining me now is the author of that piece senior editor at new york magazine. it is an incredibly provocative and important cover in this conversation. but one thing that is most remarkable is it focuses our attention on the victims for what feels like the first time.
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whereas up until now the attention has been on bill cosby. was that the point? >> that was the whole point of the cover. the idea actually originated with our photo director and she just saw that picture in her head. a number of women had been coming forward individually and she knew that having everyone together in one place would have more of an impact. >> was it hard to get the women to come forward? >> these were all women who had made a choice previously to come forward. i think most of them had done the hard work of deciding the first time. there were some women who weren't immediately sure they wanted to do it. we actually had four people in the last week decide they wanted to join up after the bill cosby 2005 depositions were made public. so they changed their minds but i think for most people it felt like a relief to go public. and they really saw value in being photographed together and standing together. >> yeah the fact that there are
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35 of them, jess just underscores. i think one of the things that seems most unconscienceable and unfathomable is this number of women are alleging it and were ignored. this many more and theoretically more for so long. and the challenge when the assaulter is a very popular national celebrity. >> this cover literally made me catch my breath. i knew the number. but seeing everybody and seeing the women centered was an incredibly powerful way to do it. i think it is amazing that there is very little. the details are new. the depositions are new. but the accusations aren't. and this all started because a male comedian because hannibal buress decided to put a throw away line a joke about him in his act. and we all started talking about it.
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that's happened before and it's not sparked what happened here. i think part of that is having space to discuss sexual assault in the media that didn't exist a couple of years ago. and social media has made it almost impossible to silence people entirely. >> to that point, one of the accusers said in 2005 bill cosby still had control of the media. in 2015 we have social media. is that what has changed here? >> i think it is. it is not just a couple of people hearing accusation not just a hundred people hearing an acquisition. it is now thousands and tens ss of thousands and getting all the information at once. and when you look at the full suite of information from previous cases to the present, it is really at every point it was overwhelming. so the combination of
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overwhelming evidence that bill cosby did sexual assault these women plus the sheer broadcast power of social media really changes the game. no way cosby and his team could have kept this under control like they had in the past. and i also think part of it is as is the degree to which cosby has lost some of the good will he had in the 90s and the 80s due to sort of his turn as a -- not a social commentator but a scold. >> a scold, yeah. >> the pound cake speech was very alienating and very much turned quite a few against cosby, irrespective of any knowledge about these allegations. so when you have this figure who east lost some of his stature over ten years hit these old accusations and the new phenomena of social media and you have the recipe. >> and also the unsealing of the
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deposition from 2005. what do you make of cosby's attorney's strategy to effectively defend the quaalude use even though cosby himself wasn't actually taking any of them? >> it is complicated. the quaaludes actually became illegal back in 1973. so after that date you are no longer allowed to even possess quaaludes. but again, you are really limited in terms of accountability with the law either criminally or civilly and that is because of the statute of limitations. prosecutors are limited both by the passage of time and the limited physical evidence that may exist. so right now you see his lawyers trying to do everything on the civil side to prevent as many statements from coming out as possible. and that is because all of the laws now in all of these suits, you see this proliferation of defamation suits. and the defamation supinateaffamation
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suits speak to the harmed reputation. and that gets around the statute of limitations associated in the criminal and civil, but it only speaks to the reputation damages that many of these victims have to prove. and they still have to win and prove a lawsuit in defamation. and that is why you see his lawyers fighting so hard to keep all of his statements and any evidence or admissions that he may have made from out of the public audience and out of the hands of these victims who are coming forth and want to use those statements in their defamation cases. >> norrene, with the exception of one or two profiles most of these women are not stars in the way cosby was. but we look at the psychological harm and harm to their own reputations as they think of themselves. what stood out in these account, these women felt so much shame. for so long. and that at this moment they talk about -- i'm paraphrasing,
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but this sort of sad sisterhood that's emerged among the alleged survivors of these assaults. >> i think even just knowing there were other people out there made it easier for these women. for years they hadn't even had language to talk about them. date rape as the term didn't exist in the 60s and 70s. and a lot of theme used language of having bottled it up inside and it all came flooding out and they were able to do that together. that was major for them. >> to that end, jess. we live in a country in which 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. and 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail. do you think cosby opens the door to change the way we think of sexual assault. >> yeah as the terrible upside. but the more that you talk about what happens when there is major sexual assault, either on campus or in the military or in your
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daily life in hollywood, the easier it becomes to talk about it. the ability to come together and tell the story is immensely helpful. it is so much better than when we are in a place where that can't happen. >> it is worth mentioning though that part of the reason this all -- like the person that set all of this off wasn't a woman, wasn't a victim. it was hannibal buress a male comedian. >> right. and one of the women in the piece said as much. she said we've been making these acquisitions, we've been saying this and telling our stories for so long and it finally took a male comedian to get the ball rolling and she was very angry about this. and i very much sympathize and agree with that anger. it is genuinely tramgs lyly outrageous. i like his comedy but it is outrageous it took him making a joke for this to resurface and
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for people to begin to take it seriously unlike they had in the past. i would hope that if we can draw aniless san from any of this it is that when people accuse others of sexual assault when these accusations come up that we should take them seriously when they happen and pursue them when they happen instead of letting time effect shield the perpetrator. >> bill cosby is now going to be forced to testify in the coming weeks. what new information are we expecting to learn in his upcoming deposition? and is he going to be forced to answer a lot of the unanswered questions from the 2005 deposition. >> he will be forced to answer some questions. we don't know what they are. and they are going to be guarded answers because most of the lawsuits he's facing right now is defamation lawsuits because they get you around the statute of limitations for the reputation challenges to the
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victims themselves. and they don't speak directly to the assault in terms of accountability but the victims are going to have to prove and show they were injured and there has to be a monetary amount to measuring those. which is why in the future i think you are going to see more and more of these lawsuits because it is the last recourse for these victims who are standing together in solidarity that want to make sure it is not about the dollar amount. it is about accountability and making sure the public and world knows what happened to them and what kind of person bill cosby is. i think on the back end is where we see the real accountability. and that is in the public forum. the court of public opinion, where bill cosby's ability and good will is diminished and his ability to make money, earn money or generate himself as the good will ambassador goes away because of these lawsuits. >> well the new york magazine piece is certainly a major piece of evidence to submit to the court of public opinion. thanks for your time.
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planned parenthood has broken no laws. this entire effort is a complete political smear campaign in order to cutoff funding for basic healthcare for women in america, planned parenthood. >> that was planned parenthood president yesterday responding to antii abortion groups ones that show doctors discussing fetal tissue donation.
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the organization behind the videos the center for medical progress says it plans to release at least ten more videos in the coming weeks and months. already they have prompted separate investigations in congress and a bill to defund the organization has been fast-tracked in the senate. yesterday republican presidential candidated also weighed in. >> this has nothing to do with pro choice our pro life. this has to do with the moral foundation of our nation. there is simply no justification anymore for federal funding of planned parenthood. >> i think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such gruesome procedure. >> jess, two congressional investigations, a senate bill ten more videos coming. how much damage can planned parenthood withstand at this point? >> i think there are a couple of things republicans miss about this. i think because they have this view of planned parenthood that they could be -- that they are a
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bad organization think miss what a trusted and respected brand planned parenthood is with american women. when one in five american women uses planned parenthood themselves. that means many many more of us have friends and family that have gone for birth control, cancer screens. completely non controversial. i used it as a primary care provider all through college. the idea that i was doing something controversial by going there never would have occurred to me. and that is most american women's experience with planned parenthood. so they overplay their hand every time they attack planned parenthood. especially when they try to defund it. last time in 2011 it went so poorly for them our poll numbers bounced back -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> -- everybody was angry they would force a government shut down over defunding what we understand, what we know to be a healthcare provider. they are going to do it again. they have already tanked patty
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miller's bill to give wounded women veterans fertility treatment, adoption services and counseling so they could have kids after they were wounded while serving their country. that is a bill that republican voters are going to be for and republican politicians are willing to kill it over planned parenthood which by the way a lot of republican women also go to. >> the goal is to shift the debate away from quote, the war on women paradigm. do you think that is practically happening? >> one is the actual act of donating fetal tissue. and the other one is paying for that fetal tissue. what i noticed a big story from my colleague on friday i think got lost in here is that in 1993 they legalized the act of donating fetal tissue. and a number of republican
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lawmakers including mitch mcconnell and fred upton who's committee now investigating these videos voted for that. so republicans have been on record supporting it. and now come back and say we don't think it should be done for profit. but you can see there are a lot of questions and dubiousness about whether or not these people were doing it for profit or whether their comments were taken out of context. they are trying to have a refined discussion but i think their own records will complicate that a bit. >> there are videos that are forthcoming and some talk there may be a racial element which is something talked about in antiabortion circles as a sort of genocide on poor black women in particular. abortion that is. on that note perhaps -- i don't know how to introduce this. sarah palin todays and question on facebook who killed more black babies? the confederate flag or planned parenthood? if your goal is to win over --
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>> that is not the goal. >> black whoever it is but presumably women of color. >> the goal is they have this insane republican president usual race where this embarrass of a candidate donald trump is leading the ohio governor by some 20 points. this is an embarrassing presidential primatery for the republicans. they need a thing to get the base. and i think this is the thing. you are not going to win over the african american community with that kind of disgusting rhetoric. that is only to appeal to the very worst of your base. and some'sam's point is important. mcconnell voted for this 1993 because it used to be non controversial. fetal tissue helped us get the polio vaccine and the rabies vaccine and this is a good
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thing. >> it is an important thing. >> yes. >> and i think that point has not actually been made as vociferously as it should have been. sam, just in terms of the numbers, i believe in terms of polling on this it is something like a magenta of americans even as of today have a favorable view of planned parenthood and i wonder if you think just the noise surrounding this can move our national understanding ow hoff important planned parenthood is in or isn't. >> i guess in the interim it can. i guess they are in the news again and will get some sympathy here. the question that i have and i haven't really heard a definitive answer is if people are so mad for the video, why not ask for the people caught in the videos to be fired? why go the step further and ask
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for funding. they really just have a campaign a vendetta against planned parenthood. it is not necessarily about --s the about abortions. but going after planned parenthood saying we want to cut the legs out from you. >> thank you both for your time. we'll have more after the break. and eat like i skipped lunch. why? because red lobster's crabfest is back. and i'm diving into so much crab so many ways. like crab lover's dream with luscious snow and king crab legs and rich crab alfredo or this snow crab bake. who knew crab goes with everything? whoever put crab on this salmon, that's who. with flavors like these, i'm almost too excited to eat! hey i said almost. and now that it's back get crackin' while you still can. benny's the oldest dog in the shelter. he needed help all day so i adopted him. when my back pain flared up, we both felt it. i tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. with aleve it's just two pills, all day. now i'm back! aleve. all day strong. did you leave
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i will suggest to you that these concepts of gun-free zones are a bad idea. i think that you allow the citizens of this country, who have been appropriately trained, appropriately backgrounded know how to handle and use firearms to carry them. >> that was texas governor rick per perry offering his own fix to the gun problem. the comments come as we get a clearer punish of john russell
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houser. in 2006 he was denied a concealed weapons permit in alabama. in court documents show she was stamped for mental health evaluation in 2008 after his wife and family petitioned for a protective order against him. despite the signs houser was able to walk into an alabama pawnshop last year and purchase the handgun used in the shooting. today's funerals for jillian johnson and mayci breaux. that's it the "ed show" is up next. good evening americans and welcome to the "ed show." live from detroit lakes minnesota. let's do it. let's get to work. >> tonight they just don't get. >> bernie sanders will not be the nomination. >> kim kardashian has a better shot at w bernie sanders. >> not going to get it done. >> plus trump's new target.
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>> new iowa poll shows scott walker in the lead. >> i can't believe i'm in second place. finalliky attack. wisconsin is doing terrible. >> and say what? >> just when you thought the campaign rhetoric couldn't get more raw along comes a remark from a presidential hopeful. >> he's so naive he would trust the iranians and take the israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven. >> good to have you with us tonight folks, thanks for watching. new polling numbers are out. americans dislike almost every single presidential candidate. there is one exception. senator bernie sanders. a new marist poll shows sanders is the only candidate with a positive favorabilityleility rating in new hampshire. s a only candidate with a positive favorable raiding in
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