tv The Cycle MSNBC July 28, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. breaking news leads "the cycle." good afternoon. the nfl upheld the suspension of tom brady and the commissioner says that brady withheld evidence before meeting with the league. we have with us "the washington post" sports reporter liz clarke and also nbc's luke russert with us, as well. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> i want to start with what seems to be the headline here which is that tom brady according to the decision destroyed his cell phone that he had been using during the time
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in question. >> yes. it's -- that is exactly what -- why the nfl is coming down so hard. it's not backing off these four games. because by doing this by destroying the phone, knowing that ted wells, the investigator, was seeking information from it, brady in the view of the nfl has gone from kind of playing fast and loose with seeking a competitive evidence to obstructing their judicial process. so it makes him much more of a nefarious figure i think in the view of the nfl and sticking by the four-game suspension and very harsh. >> right. a harsh suspension, luke. this is a final and somewhat voluminous report following on an exat the present time investigation. i want to read more for your point, the significance of this essentially evidence tampering again from the new report out this afternoon.
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they say basically mr. brady refused to cooperate or provide materials despite the protections offered. on this basis and the wells report and not credible the nfl finding, quote, mr. brady failed to cooperate with the investigation, luke. >> reporter: well, ari, thank you so much for me having me on. it feels great to put this hat back on. for for this very moment. here's what i have to say what you read. if this is another team then hab the commissioner would be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and perhaps make all this go away. but the patriots have engaged in a culture of deception, deceit. there's been allegations that they illegally observed the rams' practice formations before the super bowl. knew what formations they were going to run and used the
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information to win that super bowl and allegations of spy-gate and levied a huge fine and caught taping signals that that was the reason why they were so well prepared on defense consistently. so when you put together the patriots and cheating they go together like america and apple pie. so when this comes out about tom brady, first heard that he was possibly deflating the footballs to a psi that was not legal by the standards of the league well, of course everyone's going to say that's the patriot way. that's what they do. people say this happens in football. this means nothing. i would point you to an analysis of warren sharp and concluded since 2006 when brady himself lobbied for the law being that the quarterback when they go on the road can bring their own balls to play with do not have to use the balls of the home team that the patriots became nearly fumble proof from that point on.
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everyone that dismisses this and says this is the nfl going after brady, the patriots winning too much no. there's a culture going back 15 years, important to investigate this and quite honestly look at the arrogance. the day he meets with the investigator he destroys the cell phone? come on. what are you hiding tom, new england? what are you doing? >> that's a strong perspective. breaking news this afternoon, the nfl coming down on that side that judgment. liz, to be fair and clear, i also want to read from the findings of perspective. mr. brady testified and his practice to destroy the cell phone and sim cards and typical practice and does so all previous text messages became unavailable. what did you make of that defense and inclusion in today's report? >> well i admire the art behind that defense. i think most cell phone owners will giggle at that. i mean we are not as famous as
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tom brady. maybe a famous person does need to just lay waste to every cell phone he's ever had but, you know it's a nice try i guess in my view. but the matter here of obstruction, there's no good face to put on that. i mean i would say that first of all luke brings up a very rich relevant cheating history. that said i think four games for tinkering with the pounds per square inch of this football was absurd overreaching and preposterous. i don't think the nfl could have stood behind four games for that. but, but this destroying the cell phone, knowing it was a key piece of evidence that takes this punishment this violation to a totally different arena. unfortunately for brady.
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it's about something else entirely and the nfl clearly is not coming off four games and it's going to end up in court. >> for people that's tuning in this is breaking news. the nfl upheld tom brady in the four-game suspension. luke the big takeaway is cell phone situation that he handed it off to an assistant to destroy right before giving it to authorities here. at this point in the game if you're going to destroy a phone, might as well do it yourself. i have to ask, though what the alternative might have been. say he handed over his phone to the nfl or to officials, couldn't the outcome been better or worse in this case? >> reporter: well from studying the nfl, i have sources in the nfl, the nfl is an organization that does not like to be mocked. does not like to feel that somebody is above the league. right? what do they talk about all the time? protect the shield. protect the shield. we are the national football league. worth more than the gdp of many
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countries in this world. that being said, if you're tom brady, the golden boy and you're sitting there pretty got the supermodel wife and you are the league star and you essentially a-- >> i'm not sure that's real haven't. >> i'm going to destroy the cell phone the day your investigator wants it and come up with a bogus excuse that's what i do with my cell phones, that's another excuse that the patriots did going through the text messages of brady one of the assistants that he had deflate the balls allegedly quote/unquote and patriots say he lot a lot of weight. he's the deflator. it is just like that. and when the nfl sees that -- those types of excuses so ludicrous that's when they say, you know what? we'll stay with the four games and definitely going to be -- will go to court, ari. i'm sure you can speak more to that and brady will be allowed
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to play and appeal it and all that being said it's roger goodell trying to take a stand for justice saying don't mock us. you're not that big of a superstar. i'm still the commissioner, the sheriff in this town. >> we should mention here luke is not maybe entirely unbiassed. >> absolutely not. >> stick with us. on the phone, espn's andrew brannon brannon. are you surprised the nfl uphold the suspension? >> a bit surprised. i wondered what did brady have in the appeal on june 23rd, the evidence to show rather than just attack the science, attack the wells report. what was he really going to do? and it turns out there was new information coming out of this hearing or before the hearing and it was not helpful to him. the new information shows some point before investigators were really going to get to him, he destroyed the phone. that has made this i think narrative a lot different where
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people were thinking that brady's being picked up. the commissioner overstepping the bounds. now not only do you have noncompliance but destroying of evidence that could be used. with that new information, i'm not surprised. >> abby we should mention, destroyed the cell phone on the very same day that he met with mr. wells and investigative team. >> very suspicious there. andrew, where does it go from here? as luke russert was just saying tom brady could fight this thing and very well play. as it stands he is out for the first four games. where do you expect it to go from here? >> well again, i'm trying to figure out what's his defense going to be but as we know the nfl p.a. and the supreme lawyer have taken them to court before been successful with peterson. we may see it again. the thing we don't know is courts don't move at the pace of the nfl. so absent some egregious actions
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by goodell to allow for an injunction and i don't see how it happens any time soon if they go to court. the other problem with court is they're going to defer to the arbitrator as i said unless it's negligent and this is the system that tom brady agreed to through his union that the commissioner decides these things. so i'm thinking it's an uphill battle in court. thank you. liz, you look at the inferences drown here means things you can't quite prove but you have a good idea about, again, i want to read from the ruling regarding the big news here. the basic additional obstruction and tampering that the nfl says he did. mr. brady's conduct gives rise to an inference that information from the cell phone if it were available the nfl finding today to further demonstrate the
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involvement with the scheme to tamper with the balls. in other words, this is significant here on the final ruling from the nfl. they're saying, we don't know what was in those messages but, hey, you don't need to be an investigator or a lawyer to know that if he was burning the documents and destroying the texts they weren't good for him. that's what the nfl says in this report. >> yes. absolutely. i mean brady by this action and by this acknowledgment he destroyed the cell phone has gone from you know an elite athlete, one of the best in the world of what he does seeking a competitive edge you know that may or may not have skirted the lines, technically it did, but he would have been much better served arguing that this small amount of air did not turn the balance of any game of any outcome. he should have just manned up as you might say and let the cell phone speak rather than have
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this whole, whole business escalate and become about obstruction of justice which is what it is. even if it's nfl justice which is its own kind of animal no way he comes off good destroying evidence here. >> it's mikey kay if for toure. we know which side of the fence you are on this. is there an argument to say that we could reattack or the sentence reattacked if you like and made more stringent? >> well i think in this case the commissioner has spoken and i think they'll stay at four games trying to move it to six or seven, i think a lot of people would echo what liz is saying, that's really absurd considering the track record of people who have done much worse things. players routinely engage in domestic violence let's not get carried away. all that being said i really
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honestly think what the nfl doing here is saying you destroyed your phone. you stood up to us in that way. yo league. we'll come down on you harshly. the other thing to put in the discussion here, guys, this is a more broader point, the nfl comes after -- comes under constant strutny about the relationship with gambling right? everyone likes to bets on the lines. fantasy football. you have nfl partnerships, draft kings, things of that nature. right? any time that there is an allegation that perhaps something would be introduced to the field such as in this case a deflated football that had a detrimental outcome on the game or gave an opponent an advantage, the nfl is very jittery about that. god forbid if people think that the game is rigged or some capacity then a lot of revenue that comes to the nfl because people are into it for gambling why do you watch the bills and
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browns unless you have week on it or fan that sy football players engaged in it. they get very cautious about that. that's one aspect of that i think they're saying we can't have the super bowl champion quarterback possibly cheating not possibly they're saying he did, chetting and what it would mean to people have of belief of integrity in the game. >> stay the us. joined by nbc sports rob kimmelcare. he's talk about what this means going forward. do you expect based on what we know from today's report and the legal process to see tom brady suited up any time soon? >> well it certainly doesn't look like he's doing that for first four games of the year. i mean this is a final decision by the commissioner. he is the court, the jury and the court of appeals here. there's nowhere to appeal from this ruling unless for some reason which i don't expect tom brady were to decide to take it
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outside the league process and try to get courts involved which i think would be a surprise so i think we are looking at tom brady sitting out the first four games of this coming season. >> rob, it does seem like the takeaway here is even bigger than this specific incident that you have the nfl and roger goodell sending a message to the football world that if you disobey the rules, if you cheat that is not okay. we won't let it happen. no one is bigger than us including tom brady. >> yeah, listen. i think that's all true. i think the nfl has had a lot of player conduct issues over the last few years but this to me is different than the more serious issues we have seen the nfl face the ray rice story you were alluding to earlier and other off the field issues. this is an on the field case of trying to tweak the rules and get away with something on the football field. it is just as simple as that.
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the nfl, the product that they present to the public is crucial that that be a product that people believe is fair that there's a level playing field on the up and up and that teams are not doing things to skirt the rules. the fact that this is new england patriots is relevant as well. they have a history of doing thing that is are questionable with the rules. they were found to have spied on other teams a few years back used cameras to record other team's practices and take signals away from the other team so they've been proven to try to get an unfair advantage in the past. i do think that's one of the things that worked into this against them and not stated specifically in the commissioner's decision. i think it is part of the backdrop here. >> ammunition for people not big patriots fans. thank you all so much for helping us understand this story today. >> thank you. and there is so much more to
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president obama sends top sales reps to the hill but when's going to buy the iran deal? house foreign affairs committee wrapping up a hearing on that xlit cli charged nuclear agreement. players from all sectors. they all found themselves in the hot seat on this sizzling summer tuesday and msnbc's andrea mitchell caught up with secretary kerry after the hearing wrapped. >> what do you say to these critics about what would happen on the day after if they vote it down? >> well we're making it clear that iran would be free to
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pursue its own designs. there will be no inspections, no sanctions. it is a free for all. very, very dangerous for friends and allies and for the united states. >> republicans plan to pass what they call a joint resolution of disapproval to reject this deal. it's actually a move that a majority of americans 52% agree with. and that includes a third of dems. half of independents. the white house vows they'll veto that. the president would have a dozen days to do that after a bill arrived on his desk and then only way to stop it is two thirds vote in both chambers. it is these 58 democrats who the administration is really actively trying to court right now. we have thrown a lot of math out at you today, but a fifth of the democratic delegation needs to be convinced. nancy pelosi has even asked
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former bush appointee burns to help convince the party. he helped develop the current policy against iran. let's head to london and mark ginsburg. good to see you, ambassador. >> good morning. good afternoon rather. >> good afternoon, indeed. a majority of americans not sold on this deal. is there something that the administration is failing to include in the sales pitch here? >> well it's surprising to me that at this point in time what is leaking out here is this so-called side an secret agreements that seem to be poisoning the atmosphere and secretary kerry's beginning to sound like a used car salesman not revealing when's beneath the chassis of the car. the issue of verification and the role that the iaea may play here directly with iran seems to be the latest flare-up of what essentially is a lack of distrust of the congress and the administration.
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and krystal, you and i know that the administration can ill afford at this time to have surprises at a time of such skepticism among the american people. i've warned before that secret annexes can torpedo the deal. >> you mentioned the iaea. there's a 24-day waiting period. walk us through that and whether you have any concerns about it. >> from the expert point of view, the 4-day period is a period by which it takes the iranians to be held to account if the iaea is unable to reach within 24 days a suspected site. in other words, there are expert iaea inspectors who essentially believe that that 24 days is not necessarily terminable in terms of the deal. there are people who actually believe that this 24-day period
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could provide the iranians the opportunity to hide shall we say and cheat and retreat. i just don't necessarily know enough to say within way or the other but it clearly needs better explanation from the secretary of energy. >> certainly. i want you to dig more into that because as of now we are only hearing praise around this deal from the president and his administration but as you're talking about there are real searches about a secret side deal iran worked out with the iaea. "the washington post" reports that their officials told a congressman that the specifics of the agency to verify the deals of spelled out in deals and when the congressman asked to see the documents they reportedly said, of course not. we are not going to let you see those. no american is ever going to get to see them. actually, here's what kerry said earlier today. >> there's no secret deal. there's an agreement, normal process of the iaea where they
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negotiate a confidential agreement as they do with all countries between them and the country. and that exists. we have briefed on it. >> are you going to present that to the congressman? >> we don't have it. >> have you seen it? >> we have been briefed on it. i have not seen it. >> ambassador, is this something the administration would want to keep from the public and makes you wonder what else are they hoping stays under the radar? >> this is indeed the problem. the place in question here was a military site where almost anyone who knew anything about the iranian program believed that they were -- iranians engaged in secret missile development and perhaps weapon nation of nuclear material and discovered not by the administration or shall we say agents friendly to the united states. number two, the problem here is that the administration started from the anywhere any time inspection boast to what
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essentially now appears to be somewhere sometime inspection regime and the problem at this point in time is that letting the iaea negotiate with the iranians, not that they try to hide anything but the fact that the administration put such emphasis before this agreement on its ability to be able to ensure complete transparency and the verification and then having to be ratted out sort to speak or punked by the iaea secret agreement is damaging here. >> ambassador, defense secretary carter in jetta regently and the saudis appear to be more accepting of the deal. we know there's nothing of a free lunch. when's the quid pro quo in your quis? >> eyes? >> that's a great question. it is more active involvement by the united states providing secret nuk clear technology to the saudis perhaps helping on
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yemen and the rebels and also let's understand here. this is really the major proxy contester with iran the saudis. not israel. it's saudi arabia. and these proxy wars breaking out in the middle east and more united states involvement against the assad regime is probably what's really going on here. ergo turkey more involved and the united states doing more to help the saudis against assad. >> thank you so much. and also cycling on this very busy afternoon, the politics of all of this if you thought that mike huckabee might back down you were wrong. plus, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell summons fellow republicans far feisty sitdown behind closed doors and the mothers of two missing 14-year-old boys responding to critics of the sons sailing alone and joyce mitchell appears in court. believe it or not, we are just getting started here.
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as president of the united states, would you use the words march the israeli to the door of the och? >> i would. i have been to auschwitz three times. i have stood at the place. been to israel dozens of times. my first trip 42 years ago. the one thing i'm assured of is 6,000 years jews have been hunted down and the last time the world did not take seriously threats against the jewish people just before world war ii. >> matt lauer joining mike huckabee on the comments. a holocaust reference. given the chance to walk the statement back the republican presidential candidate went all in and said the jewish supporters are behind him. >> the response from jewish people has been overwhelmingly positive. the response from holocaust survivors, from the children of survivors, i was last night in an event, i was probably one of
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four gentiles in the entire event, a jewish event. people were overwhelmingly supportive. and, matt here's why. >> we're hering if people saying the opposite. >> you're hearing from the left. >> ken vogel is with us. when's the reaction to the comments? >> i think huckabee sees this as you know in addition to being something he believes a potential opening for him. i mean it's been tough for republican candidates to break through on national security issues. there's a lot of talk about the iran deal and kind of nuanced. this is far from nuanced. gotten a lot of attention for him and for him headed into the first debate. where he's sort of at the bottom rung of the candidates to qualify for the ruts and driving the discussion about the iran deal and potentially helps him with the republican base. >> yeah. certainly tough to get in there when donald trump is sucking the oxygen out of the room. ken, 2016 as you know is also spilling out on to capitol hill. you guys at politico have been following this story closely and
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it's been a crazy few days with senators ted cruz and mike lee doubling down, still on obamacare despite how many times the efforts have not proven successful. mitch mcconnell saying enough is enough. as a party we have to unify, focus on issues that win us election. walk us through when's going on here. are there people that believe fighting obamacare right now is a winning issue or are they simply about their own personal political gain? >> well i think that they're maybe not mutually exclusive especially for senator ted cruz getting quite a bit of traction appealing to the tea party of the republican wing and republican establishment worked very hard to sort of put down the tea party uprising and seemed for a time certainly in the 2014 midterm elections as if they had successfully done so. ted cruz's presidential campaign i think is reviving the tensions
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don straiting with the top issue remains obamacare. it's not going away heading into 2016 either. >> there's controversial comments certainly getting more attention including some of what we just discussed. i do want to turn to hillary clinton did and outlining a thoughtful set of regulations on the stock market. this was on friday. there's a key proposal to discourage short term speculation on wall street with taxes on rich investors saying the proposal is useful in starting a meaningful conversation of an issue to have an impact on business helping create an incentive system that makes investors less focused on quarterly profits and that should be a boon he argues to the economy. it does seem like a good idea. it could be good politics as well. what do you think? >> certainly good politics. she is feeling a lot of pressure from the progressive left with bernie sanders, even former maryland governor martin
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o'malley hitting her over her ties to wall street and taken some steps that have satisfied some on the left who have pushed for greater regulation of wall street but they haven't been aggressive to turn off his base of support among wall street donors which is very strong and has really propelled her fund raising such that it's well beyond that of either bernie sanders or martin o'malley. >> thank you. developing news in the search for two missing florida teens lost at sea since friday. the coast guard is expanding the search area. crews searched nearly 27,000 square nautical miles for the 14-year-olds. who were alone on the boat going missing. this morning, their mothers defended their decision to let the boys boat alone on nbc's "today." >> austin was on the water since before he could walk. this is his fourth boat.
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it's not new to them. it's not even second nature. it's in their blood. >> nbc's adam reiss in jupiter, fl, with the latest. adam? >> looking at an area off of brunswick, georgia. a boater found an object in the water. we don't know the results yet. but this still is a search and rescue operation despite the fact that the boys out there for more than four days. their friends and family especially their friends, are hopeful they're going to come home alive. >> usually go out two or three times a week fishing. i usually go out with them all the time. i could have been the one that said no this isn't safe. we need to go back. i could have helped them out with driving. i could have just helped out in any way. >> reporter: now the coast guard officials say the conditions are still good. the water's warm. they have seen people survive in these types of waters more than four days.
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they're focusing the search north of where the capsized boat was found at georgia and florida off the coast of st. augustine and conducted 36 searches covering 32,000 square miles, about the size of the state of indiana. they're not giving up on the search. >> thank you. next, more developing news in the cycle. joyce mitchell pleads guilty to helping david sweat and richard matt escape. what she revealed in court today about the plot next.
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right now, joyce mitch sell sitting in the clinton county jail waiting for a sentencing hearing on september 28th. the prosecutor says that she will get the maximum seven years in prison under the deal but her attorney says that she should only serve 4 2/3 with good behavior. we have obtained what she said that she caught up in the fantasy. she says that she thought she liked the attention and a new way, a new life for herself. in the deal mitchell will not be charged with any other crimes related to the escape. the district attorney considered charging her with sexual misconduct and conspiracy of murder of her husband. >> are you going forward with the conspiracy to commit murder charges? >> we feel that relative to that charge the conspiracy to commit murder we have we have evidence to support the charge. whether that evidence would be supported beyond a reasonable doubt at trial is an issue.
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we are aleving of a charge based on a number of issues. >> and mitchell's attorney says that he does not believe there was any murder plot to kill lyle mitch knell this case. lyle was in the courtroom for this supporting his wife. the other person charged in this a prison guard taking the meat to the prisoners, refused a plea deal. the case goes to a grand jury in early august. back the you. >>rd ward thank you so much for that update. now back to politics and we have some big, breaking nulls. republicans and democrats agree on something! the so-called safe justice act, it's noept address the explosion of federal inmates over 30 years, many low level drug offenders and the new bill that did we mention has bipartisan support, want to underscore that point, aims to fix the problem through a three-step program and begins with overcrowding. two of the co-sponsors bobby
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scott and doug collins and also jessica jackson sloan pushing for the passage at a grassroots level through dream core as national director. so glad to have you all with us today. >> thank you. >> congressman scott help us understand how this bill reduces the prison population to start with it. >> we looked at the task force as a fact we lock up so many people in america, many low level nonviolent offenders and recent studies said we're adding to crime we have so many people with felony records, adding to crime. what this does is an evidence-based approach to crime policy and make sure that one of the main factors is make sure the punishment fits the crime. by taking a comprehensive evidence-based approach and getting away from the slogans and sound bites we found a number of initiatives that have been studied and done in states so we know we have state-based
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experience that will reduce crime and save money. and that's why you have been able to get so much support. >> congressman collins, it's not often you have lawmakers from the opposite side of the political spectrum coming together, especially today to try to make something happen here. when it comes to prison reform talk to us about why this is something you're so passionate about and is it something you believe enough of the republican colleagues can also support to make some inroads here? >> i do believe it's something that we can get support on not just in a very bipartisan fashion. my experience as a pastor and a chaplain i have seen the power of grace. i have seen what can happen when lives that have made mistakes when you find and provide a way for them to find rebuilding and redemption and we have found too many times simply many times we have punished those and instead of providing a we to restore them. that's one of the things we are dealing here in the state of georgia we have done this in a conservative state and found that when we provide alternative
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courts provide ways out so that they can rebuild lives, fine their families do those things that make productive citizens we are all safer in our societies and our communities and just something i'm passionate about. >> certainly hear you on that congressman collins. i think most people looking at the prison system are more interested in whether it's working, not a strictly left-right perspective on what we're doing but rehabilitateing people. jessica, we have covered these issues a lot and we have covered them on policy level and the grassroots. you're looking at the organizing side. it seems that there's a real shift in public opinion on this. why do you think that is? and what are you guys doing? >> well to that point, the aclu just did a survey of likely voters that showed us that public opinion, vast majority of likely voters shifted and are open to some criminal justice reform. on the federal level, we have seenl that the prison rate increased 800% in incarcerated
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individuals in the last 40 years. and i think that both the public and the legislators are starting to realize that this is not a sustainable system and instead we need to start utilizing policy that is are going to keep our streets safer, lower the cost of the prison system and lead to people who are incarcerated to give back to the communities in a meaningful way reenter society. >> it is refreshing to see this consensus. thank you all so much. >> thank you. and next major economic news out of china. could it have an impact here in the u.s.? we'll get you up to speed. that's next. when i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. i just had to adopt him. he's older so he needs my help all day. when my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day.
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hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. a market alert for the world's second largest economy. that would be china. a day after the stock market saw its biggest percentage drop in eight years. the index continued to slide today falling another 1.7%. it's has some comparing this crash to america's crash in 1929 which of course led to the great depression. the government is going to extreme measures to prop up prices but how long can it last and what does it mean for us and the rest of the world? karen, this is beginning to boil up. and i think people are trying to get a sense of how big is this going to be? does this impact me?
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give us a sense of how bad this could get and at what point will it impact the united states? >> in terms of how bad it could get, i think there is a question for the u.s. investor and a question for what's happening in china. so to put what's happening in china in perspective, the financial economy in china is -- is much smaller than it really should be. if you think about the global economy, there is $600 trillion in assets on 10% of gdp. we expect that to grow to 900 trillion dollars of financial assets by 2020. it's 15% increase. china is going to account for a big share of that going forward. now the challenge for the chinese investor is that they have very few options. we saw bank accounts yielding deposits with very small yields or negative yields. so push into real estate. wealth management. trust products. i'm sure you have talked about
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that bubble that happened a few years ago. and now push into equities but there are not that many equity issuers so supply and demand says that price is going to get pushed up regardless of fundamentals and that creates a lot of volatility as the reality of the performance of state-owned enterprises comes against the valuations. >> let's take wall street for context. the s&p and nasdaq at all time highs but that doesn't necessarily correlate to a healthy economy. conversely, vice versa just because we see the stock market tanking it doesn't necessarily mean the core values of the chinese economy are tanking too. what is the state of the chinese economy at the moment. >> a great question. and a interesting comparison. the obvious question the u.s. economy right now is actually on increasingly solid footing whereas the chinese economy is going through a massive structural transition. from being the supply house to the world, investment export oriented, every factor creating a tail wind for it.
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cheap currency, cheap wages. cheap capital. all of those have reversed and now they are struggling to create a domestic led economy, while becoming a global player. the ability to manipulate the currency is boxed in by the wanting to be part of the drawing rights for imf and a global player but at the same time trying to manage this huge structural transition. and i think the market's expectation was china was running and running in a direction and now that they are pivoting they are going to run in a different direction. and the reality is that rate is capped. so think about moving a farm work tore a factory. they get a lot more efficient. you don't have to train them much. ten times more product ift. and you do this with millions of people. now you are try transition to a more service led value added economy. so now you are taking that back and saying be a doctor.
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you just can't do it. you might be able to tell then to be a economist but it's harder to train them for value added. >> can't last forever. what do you think of the comparison to the 1929 crash that precipitated the great depression. compare it to that? >> i wouldn't in that sense. there was definitely a bubble evaluation. some factors are similar in that we saw build up of global capital, declining interest rates. that is what we see today. capital superabundance, lower interest rates. part of the reason china has access to so much cheap capital is if you put in the banking system it's cheaper to lend out. and we're seeing investors all over the world struggle to find those yields. we work at bane with a lot of investoren clients who are looking to try and find assets to informs in thatvest in that are returning real fundamentals. and china you see a lot more
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pouncing on opportunities to invest in something in a very limited world. it's a very different dynamic. >> sounds like if you are here in the u.s. and watching this you shouldn't be overly concerned at this moment. anything we could be doing to proactively prepare for the worst case scenario? all we can do is really sit back and watch. >> and there may be some opportunities. in reality china is the second largest economy in the world. unrepresented in indexes relative to its size. so at some point china is going to be part of the standard indexes. we saw today more chinese tech stocks. they are listed in new york not rather on the shanghai exchange. but eventually that will be part of the investing and when that happened in japan there is a big pop in valuation. so there may be opportunity there. again it is a little divorced from the fundamental performance and much more about the size of the financial economy. and so it is truckier to watch. it is just a different market to
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watch. >> you have laid it out better for us. thank you so much for being here with us karen. we appreciate it. >> american express for travel and entertainment worldwide. just show them this - the american express card. don't leave home without it! and someday, i may even use it on the moon. it's a marvelous thing! oh! haha! so you can replace plane tickets, traveler's cheques, a lost card. really? that worked? american express' timeless safety and security are now available on apple pay.
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mike huckabee once again defends his comments linking the iran nuclear deal to the holocaust. ♪ >> as president of the united states would you use the words march the israelis to the door of the oven? >> yes i would. >> mike huckabee is taking a page from the donald trump playbook. >> those words reserved for despots and tyrants not presidents of the united states. >> huckabee's comments cheapen politics and history. >> maybe it gets attention. maybe this is just an effort to push mr. trump out of the head lines. >> i don't use language like that. >> i find this kind of inflammatory rhetoric totally unacceptable. >> what's interesting is this trumpification of the primary. some of the lesser candi
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