tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 29, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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who run iran -- >> what is wrong with obama? >> that was mike huckabee last night speaking with sean hannity. >> do you see gisele is in a burqa. what is that about? >> she looks good doesn't she? >> theburqa i've ever seen. >> why is gisele wearing a burqa? >> she does look good still. it's unclear the beads around the top are what is confusing most to me there. >> it was a windy day. you have to keep the burqa down. >> mike barnicle is here and harold is here and, of course we have john heilemann. and in washington senior political editor and white house correspondent with the huffington post sam stein. >> they're not backing down. >> let's do the news.
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we'll do the news straight. i mean -- >> good luck. good luck with that. >> i don't know what happened to the dialogue. it's making the last round look pretty good. >> do it straight. >> i miss 999. >> last night was donald trump's turn to comment on mike huckabee's comments on the iran deal. >> i think he's a very good guy. i'm really okay it with. i see some people are saying oh, the tone and the -- i saw jeb bush who i think is also a nice person. but it's not about tone. i mean they're chopping off christian's heads in syria and lots of other places. and we're worried about tone. i think what mike has done is he's hit a nerve. he's made people think a little bit. >> donald trump's performance on the presidential stage is winning praise from fellow billionaire mark cuban. >> wait. wait. you have to talk about the iran comments. >> i already talked about them. >> because there is -- this really is spreading all over. john heilemann, what's going on?
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>> i -- i -- help me with the more pointed question. >> okay. what's going on -- what do i think of the comments? >> why does mike huckabee talk about -- accusing barack obama and john kerry of marching people into ovens and it seems that everybody else is marching right behind mike huckabee rhetorically? >> i think there is -- first, there is a history with governor huckabee of saying incendiary things. >> anything worse than this? >> no. >> i can't think of anything actually. >> he has a tendency to do those things and then walk them back. this time he hasn't. he is doubling and tripling down. there is a lot of intense opposition to this deal. almost everything that is gone og i think the combination of
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donald trump and this republican dooeb debate coming up and so many candidates being on the bubble as to whether they're going to qualify to get on that stage is causing a lot of people to say a lot of extreme things in order to try to breakthrough. >> i do think at the end of the day, mike that's what this is about. >> listen -- >> by the way, i oppose the iran deal. anybody that watched this show for more than two seconds knows i oppose the iran deal. i oppose the way they negotiated. they were too desperate for a deal. i think it's a terrible mistake. i think as david ignatius said it is a cosmic gamble. i think this is one of the most horrifically negotiated deals for a significant deal in a very long time. and -- and i believe that it is every bit as dangerous as george w. bush going into iraq in 2003. >> and yet? >> and yet -- the difference between munich 1938 and today, the difference between marching
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jews six million jews into ovens and just negotiating a bad deal, then can you always go back on when you call up israel and say, you know what i think we're all going to have to go in. or six months from now which i think is more likely whether the french british and the americans go the iranians just -- they can't live by these words. they're not going to. we're going to have to break the deal. to say they're marching them into ovens when there are so many other variables before we even get there, mike has to be something crass and political because why else would you compare it to marching people into ovens? >> you have to separate the deal from what's going on with mike huckabee and the others. you have a handful of republican candidates clinging to relevant vancy right now. >> trying to get into the debate. >> trying to make the jump to get on to that stage with the other contenders for the republican nomination. that's the one thing you've got
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going. the other thing you have going -- >> before you go to the other thing going, what do you bet he's on the stage because of these remarks? >> it could well be. >> i bet they're going to go up. >> the other aspect is given the comments and those types of comments and people building on the comments it cheapens both politics and it certainly cheapens history. it's offensive, i think, to a lot of people because of the language and the employment of the language for the goal that language is used for. to get on the debate stage. >> it's offensive, harold. it's offensive to a lot of people like me. it's offensive that language is just offensive and i'm concerned that here goes the republican party again.
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>> it cheapens the arguments that many have against the deal. you enumerated concerns you have whether it's us not learning the nature, scope and success of the iranian program prior to this deal. whether or not anywhere, any time inspections will be allowed. the other concerns -- >> the proposterous second down 4-day waiting period? >> all these are concerns that should be debated in the open and seriously and substantively. when you hear comments like the ones made by huckabee and even others governor huckabee again, you move away from legitimate concerns and you find yourself in the weird erie world of -- >> i want to do something i rarely do which is ask sam stein about this. he wrote a good piece about pointing out that mike huckabee is a hypocrite on this issue himself given things he said in 2008. sthanlt right isn't that right, sam? >> thank you. i appreciate. that in 2008 mike huckabee was obviously running for the first time and then he took to foreign
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affairs magazine and laid out a international world view that you could probably say really closely aligns with exactly what the president pursued in iran. he said we should pursue dialogue and containment. the leadership in iran is not the leadership in al qaeda. you could apply an international sanctions regime to get them to the table and you could exchange that for -- exchange sanctions relief for some sort of containment of the nuclear program. now you fast forward seven years, that is the deal that the president got. there are things that they quibble with. but if you are talking about the basic structures of the arrangement which is dialogue sanction rez leaf for -- >> if you're comparing barack
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obama and john kerry to a dofldolf hitler and talking making a deal with iran and marching jews into ovens, then there is no squaring the comments to -- >> hypocrisy is the least of it. it is a side show and fun to point out. the truth of the matter is these comments are way over the top. and they're way over the top for the reasons you diagnosed which is we live if an incredibly media driven primary process right now where your poll numbers are correlated to how much attention you're getting on cable news and in the newspapers. mike huckabee is not an idiot. he saw it. he needs to get a bump in the polls and he took advantage of it. >> you know this is a problem, mika, about people losing their heads right now. >> yeah. >> that's what mitt romney did in the iowa debate and decided he was going to go as extreme as he could. he ended up getting 26% of the
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hispanic vote because of it. people needs to understand these words stay with them. >> and i'm worried how deep into the gutter it is. we have story slugs. these are the choices. trump agrees with huckabee. mark cuban praises trump. trump's lawyer apologizes for you can't rape your spouse comment. and it goes on. >> and kick out john boehner as house speaker. there's a lot of stuff. >> it's crazy, tom. i'm sorry. it is crazy town.
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>> donald trump's front-runner status is making him the target of media organizations. there say front page story about his "raw side" when under oath. the paper reviews trump's sworn testimony from a series of lawsuits dating back to 2007. "the times" writes that some claims made under oath are shown to be hyperbolic over statements and others to be shadings of the truth or outright misstatements. the article also describes what it calls demeaning behavior including telling a lawyer who asked for a break to pump breast milk for a newborn daughter "you're disgusting." why did the paper write this today? >> mike barnicle? why did the paper write this? >> well they wrote it actually because they're covering donald trump. >> he's a frontrunner, right? >> just like they're going after hillary clinton. you go after the front-runner. >> you're up there in the bright lights. be prepared. anyone and everyone contending
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to run for the presidency of the united states is going to be looked at. there is great, great jewels of conversation. >> please. >> let's go to the deposition. >> dramatic readings from mike barnicle. >> you have ever exaggerated in statements about your properties one lawyer asked him? i think everyone does mr. trump replied. does that mean that sometimes you inflate the value of your properties in your statements the lawyer tried a moment later? not beyond reason trump answered. they did not. that is a mistake, mr. trump said and i don't know how it got there. >> okay. >> and none of it matters, harold ford. i think this is an example of one of the candidates that can say and do just about anything. just about. >> can we go to nb-7?
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>> you see donald trump doing more things in a day that you and i couldn't get away with in a career. and he's doubling jeb bush. doubling jeb bush in the polls. >> the fascination and mesmerizing effect that rich people have on every day americans who are willing to say anything that comes to their mind is what one of the things that trump benefits from. i read the piece. i don't see anything in there -- i expect him to say. it's amusing. it's humorous to read through it and it's him in every which way and every side of him we've seen in this campaign. >> the huckabee comments when contrasted with what trump said in depositions and what trump says every day that he's out there, it gives you a pretty good idea why trump is leading in the polls. >> exactly. >> well and also this really does speak to the weakness of the republican party in general. >> yeah. >> a guy that has never been in politics that comes out, that has a big personality.
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he would be competing, perhaps, with jeb bush if jeb bush were running a campaign -- a strong campaign or if an established republican figure that was good on the stump really good on the stump but this just shows this is a party that lost five out of the last six presidential elections in the popular vote. and this ---en that just shows that there's no court of this party right now. that you can have a guy come in that is a democrat before supported the hillary clinton, supported single payer health care. everybody goes so what? look at the republican establishment in washington. we don't want to deal with them either. >> for some reason i feel like things really fell off the rails with huckabee's comments. >> we pick that up just reading what you said through the line. >> okay. i'm going to -- >> you want to deep reading? >> i want to do tom brady and then obama in africa. you guys can take all this daily
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beast rape stuff and all that. you can put it -- you can do it in the b block. it's becoming increasingly clear that white house is still facing a tough sell on the iran nuclear deal after secretary of state john kerry appeared on capitol hill for the second time in less than a week. appearing with the energy and treasury secretaries kerry warned of grave consequences if congress does not support the deal. >> i don't know how i go out to another country if that happens and say, hey, you ought to negotiate to us or talk to us about any issue whatever it is with the reliance that we can actually deliver. because they will sit there and say well, you have a535 secretaries of state in the united states we don't know who we're negotiating with. >> mike barnicle you've been supportive of this deal from the beginning. it's not as if we haven't had one concern after another concern after another concern raised. i know what john kerry is saying. it's not like everybody is sitting back quietly o while he
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is negotiating. everybody said all along -- that's one thing when i hear the president talk about how this is a fate acompli and how this was a bad deal from the beginning. >> there are legitimate concerns that people ought to have about this deal that will be articulated over the next five weeks. you articulated them this morning. the bottom line in this deal is going to come down to if the senate is listening and if people are listening and not playing politics of course you play politics with everything in washington, here's the deal on this deal. that if the senate votes it down iran will have a nuclear weapon within a year and a half. within a year and a half. this gives you a decade's worth of freeze on their ability to develop a nuclear weapon. so there's your choice basically. >> there's your cosmic gamble. >> a year and a half or ten years. >> i -- i -- well that all
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depends, really. if iran wants to take that cosmic gamble themselves of going ahead and crossing the ultimate red line and think that french and the united states and the rest of the world going to stand by and let them get a nuclear weapon and israel i think that would be a cosmic gamble on iran's side. i think iran would lose. >> well first of all -- >> and i'm not even throwing in all this -- the sunni states across the middle east. i think it's iran and barack obama against the world in that scenario. >> you have to back up a little on that as well joe. when you look at the deal if you are inclined to favor some sort of settlement in the middle east. people have been trying to reach a deal like this on both sides for decades. what's going to happen here is in order to vote against the deal and use the language that's been employed in coming against -- some people not you, you have to believe that iran is suicidal at some core. that they want a nuclear weapon to drop it on tel aviv.
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if they ever did that tehran would be a combination of glass and sand and cement within 15 minutes. >> yes they would. at the same time, though a nuclear weapon gives countries like pakistan so much power that you have -- now i haven't talked to a foreign policy expert over the last five ten years who doesn't say pakistan is the most dangerous country in the face of the earth. would we like iran to switch? yes. i mean an iran that comes into the community of nations is a great tradeup for the middle east for the world. but over the past couple weeks, you have had their leader continuing talking about -- talking about wiping israel off the face of the earth. calling us the great satan. saying they're going to do everything they can do to damage the united states of america. we have done a deal. barack obama has done a deal with iran and over the past week or two all they have done is
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actually fed into critics like myself who believe they can't change. they're incapable of changing. give them a nuclear weapon and then they have the power of pakistan. >> can i ask mike this question. how do you answer the question -- there are two questions on my mind. one, the iranians have an additional $150 billion over the next several years. or did they furnish help to other terrorist organizations in the middle east? and, two, does this spark a nuclear arms race amongst the other gulf states? those are the two questions that i hear secretary kerry and i tnd to agree with him. but those two questions i'm not settled on yet much it's unclear to me how we reconcile financier that's are suitable to members of the senate and others even after the points you just made. >> you understand that i'm not the secretary of state. i just play him on tv. okay? to answer your first question $150 billion, again, it's like the nuclear weapon itself.
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the $11$150 billion deliverance would be expedited. >> i totally disagree with. that the french have been tougher on this issue than america. >> i think the french russians and chinese would be doing commercial business in iran within six months. >> the united states of america is still the united states of america even though barack obama doesn't believe it. the united states by itself is so extraordinarily powerful that unilaterally we can bring the french with us and then if we say we're going to do this we can bring the french with us and i think we can bring the british with us. i just -- my only thing i'm saying mike i do think that we can take a stand and we can pull other countries with us. >> yes, i think we can. yes. >> we have done that thus far. >> what barack obama has done that to empower iran.
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what happens really quickly, i know we have to go. >> we have to go, yes. >> but what happens? does iran get the $150 billion and then cheat three years from now? and then we break up the deal? i think they -- >> maybe. >> i think that's what we can all expect. they get their money and then it blows up. >> we'll talk more about the deal and the controversy over the deal and the incredible fireworks on capitol hill which we've been trying to show you here instead of this -- we're not going to do that other stuff. >> what stuff? >> that stuff. >> what other stuff? >> i don't even -- mark cuban, rape mike huckabee. not interested. >> we're talking about donald trump's lawyer. >> rape lawyer bill and hillary going to trump's wedding. i don't care. tom brady, i care about that. that's very interesting. what happened? >> what's going on? >> she does look great. >> still ahead on "morning
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joe" -- you're wrong on the iran deal. that is a cosmic gamble you would take. ultimately you would take. >> i would actually negotiate the deal instead of going please, please please. >> that's not what happened. that's your version of what happened. >> we so desperately want a deal. barack obama started talking about this in 2007 on the campaign trail saying you talk to iran unilaterally. he had this in his mind since 2007. >> because he's got nothing done. >> the he took the free world along with him in a reckless deal. >> the president has goals when he ran for office. he had goals. here recall the boxes:. at this point, check, check, check, and check. >> i'm going to get lekted president so i can make a cosmic gamble on iran pass a deal and then have the leader say nar going to wipe israel off the face of the earth the next day. check. we can go down the whole list. >> you and your party take a look in the mirror. okay. >> you don't know what that means. where is a mirror? >> you're america, i'm iran.
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shake hands. >> death to america. i'll take you $150 billion and then i'll cheat on the deal. deflated footballs and a smashed cell phone. >> yes, bob costas is komgcoming up. he's going to weigh in on the new developments surrounding tom brady. and a minnesota hunter is accused of killing a beloved lion in zimbabwe. we'll show you the epic take down of the man who killed the lion. >> that's quite a tease. broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! this guy first roamed the earth over 65 million years ago. like our van. yeah. we need to sell it. hi. need an appraisal?
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i'm in my second term. it has been an extraordinary privilege for me to serve as president of the united states. i cannot imagine a greater honor or a more interesting job. i love my work. but under our constitution i can't run again. i can't run again. i think i'm a pretty good president. i think if i ran i could win. but i can't.
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>> i think he would fail if he ran again. i would beat limb so easily. look mitt romney is a nice man. but he failed. whether he choked i don't know. something happened in the last month he wasn't -- it's almost like he locked himself in a cabin, he didn't do anything. i give obama credit. he was on jay leno. he was on david letterman and the different shows. and he was out there. obama would get creamed if he ran again. >> ran against you? >> oh, i would love to run against him. >> so you were talking about -- >> i have to do deflategate. i don't understand. okay. i haven't read it. i'm not interested. but did he lie under oath? what -- what is the story about donald trump? about rape? >> the times story -- >> is there a rape? do any of them matter? >> yes. >> okay. >> they give you some added insight into who the candidate
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is, this case trump. >> so what did we get? >> you get the donald is what we know donald is. >> so there is nothing added. >> he's an exaggerator. he is prone to great exaggeration about his accomplishments, his wealth. >> you just described men. i'm sorry, what's new. >> okay. i'll accept that. i'm the greatest. >> i know. i know he's the front-runner. what was the other thing he said? did he break the law? >> no. >> and what's this other story? did he do that? what is that other story? it's not interesting. and ooze not even a part of the conversation. it's stupid and we're falling for it. we really booked someone on this. you are kidding me? >> what are you talking about? >> the other one. >> we'll talk about that in a little bit. the nfl ruled to uphold -- >> you guys are -- >> four game suspension in the wake of last season's deflategate scandal. >> the league decision centered on brady having his cell phone
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destroyed before meeting with an independent investigator in march. commissioner roger goodell wrote rather than failing to cooperate mr. brady made a deliberate effort to ensure that investigators would never have access to that information that he had been asked to produce. after the ruling was announced, nfl players association released a statement saying "the nfl pa will appeal this outrageous decision on behalf of tom brady." >> mike? >> well you know i mean tom brady -- >> a lot of questions about this for you. >> tom brady received some -- took some very poor advice at the on set of this investigation. i think the national football league yesterday really hurt itself. because now what is this funnishment for? the deflation of footballors the destruction of a cell phone? there's been no hard evidence that you can use in a court of law to prove that tom brady had a hands on effect on deflating the footballs. none.
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zero. >> i saw bill simmondss attacking bob kraft. what is the deal up there in new england on this thing? what is the consequence for patriots fans? >> well i think -- >> in how to read this whole thing? >> i think in new england and greater boston it noes secret that we hate people. we hate one another. >> all righty. >> people who do so -- we hate people. >> we hate the fact that you're going to be a success. i really applaud your success. but i hope it doesn't happen for you. that's the way we are. >> we get inside a look at mike barnicle's dark soul. he wants everyone to fail. good morning, it's 6:30 on the east coast. all right. >> i'm not sure if you answered
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my question. everyone in boston hates everyone else. >> it's not enough for me to succeed. you have to fail as well. that's really the ultimate success. >> that's going to work out well then. >> go sox. >> so the nfl just is a very lucky, lucky organization. they hired don hudson who you might be lucky enough to meet some day. >> good plan. >> they got the right now with her. anyhow that is a -- >> there's a lot of those this morning. so what's next? >> a minnesota hunter says that he thought he was acting legally when he killed a protected and beloved lion in zimbabwe. a 13-year-old lion named cecil was lured out of the preserve and shot with a cross bow. 40 hours later they say they shot and skinned and. walter palmer a den at this time acknowledged hiring local
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guides and said as far as he knew he had all the right permits. he released a statement saying "i had no idea that lion i took was a known local favorite was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. i relied on the expertise of my local professional guides tone sure a legal hunt. pat palmer was convicted of killing a black bear in wisconsin in 2006. jimmy kimmel turned emotional while talking about this last night on his show. >> the big question is why are you shooting a lion in the first place? i mean i'm honest liquerous to know why a human being would feel compelled to do that. how is that fun? is it that difficult for you to get an erection that you need to kill things? [ applause ] if that's the case they have a pill for that. it works great. just stay home and swallow it and you save yourself a lifetime of being the most hated man in
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america who never advertised jell-o pudding on television. if you want to make this into a positive, you can -- sorry. okay. i'm good. make a donation and support them at the very least maybe we can show the world that not all americans are like this jack hole right here this dentist. >> that was really all over the place and really good. >> imagine if he's your dentist and you have a cavity what he might do. >> yeah. >> take out all your teeth. >> definitely don't go. >> you have to wonder what he was thinking. >> that's a good question. disgusting. >> i think even if you -- joe, you know about the huptnting culture. some are hunters and some are not. like you want to take down a magnificent animal like that. >> i grew up watching den anad animals get skinned in my house.
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i can't even imagine that. i'm from a family of hunters. >> no one spent more time hunting than sam stein. >> what's your take on this? >> hunting for just the perfect skin latte. >> that's horrible. >> no. >> coming up next he served in congress and the state department, senator dan sullivan has unique perspective on america's foreign policy. we'll let sam come in to punch back right after this break. we're coming back with the must real estate opinion pages. the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about.
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actually, i think the most important thing in life is love. >> no no alex. you missed -- sorry. i'm using my backstage voice. >> did we get the punch line? >> no we didn't. wow. okay. that was hillary clinton. i don't remember it. it was really real. she had a really real moment. it was awesome. we just didn't show it to you. >> let's recut that and coming in next time we'll actually play the punch line. >> is something wrong with me today? do you think i'm a little off? >> hillary clinton in new hampshire yesterday where a rare moment of realness where we edited out so you couldn't see the real moment there. but we're going to show you that really sweet moment next. >> but we have this. donald trump's lawyer is apologizing for comments he made about spousal rape in a report in the daily beast. i'm sure we'll have all sound bites here. >> they dug up an incident where trump used the word rape to zib what she said was a violent encount we are her husband. the allegation came from a
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deposition during the divorce indication originally revealed in the 1993 book. he always denied the allegation. she later softened the accusation clarifying she felt violated but it was not rape in the liberal sense. fwhut pushing back on the article, trump's adviser -- >> please stop. you start there. and ivana trump has actually said that wasn't the case. people get really angry in divorces. they say a lot of things in divorces. high profile divorces especially. so this is -- this was unfortunate. but michael cohen said you're talking about the front-runner for the gop presidential candidate as well as the individual never raped anybody and, of course, understand that by the very definition you can't rape your spouse. elater said he is shocked by the gull of this particular reporter and in my moment of shock and anger i made an inarticulate comment which i do not believe and which i apologize for entirely. he distanced himself from his attorney's comments. and so let's bring in right now
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and i'm going to protect him from mika. let's bring in from capitol hill senior congressional correspondent for the "daily beast," tim mack. talk about this article and why now and just why everybody seems from the "new york times" and daily beast and everybody digging through donald trump's past now that he's a front-runner of the gop. >> yeah. i mean, i think mike barnicle was talking about this earlier. he's the front-runner. he deserves to be vetted. mika is not a huge fan of discussing donald trump, i don't think they got the message that she's trying to bring. which is that donald trump is not serious. and when you have his top -- one of the top advisors his lawyer who should know better saying that there's no such thing as spousal rape that by definition that doesn't exist, that's alarming. >> the coverage of trump at this point is expected. it's like an old eastwood movie
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"the good the bad and the ugly". what would be looked at with regard to donald trump? you can't get, you know a more arcane aspect of the trump background than the divorce settlement 15 20 years ago. >> it's ugly. >> and most -- a lot of divorces too many divorces are ugly. >> by definition. that's right. that's why they're getting divorced. >> so what else do you think is out there that will be trolled upon? >> i'm not sure exactly. i think "the new york times" article today is an illustration of what we might see, parts of donald trump's personality coming out. this is a guy who actually is appealing to a large percentage of the republican primary base. and that's worth looking at. he's worth vetting. >> you guys all let me know when you actually are going to uncover something new. >> hold on. i think it's totally relevant that the top adviser to donald
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trump doesn't believe that spousal rape is illegal. >> great. thank you. and it shows us -- the kinds of people that donald trump surrounds himself w. >> all right. tim mack. we're going to get you back on another topic. i think it's just better for all of us right now to thank you for coming and slowly step away from the segment. >> what's wrong being mike? >> thank you, tim. >> boy, he walked right into a buzz saw. so i guess, mika this is -- >> you guys. okay. i'm not arguing that -- >> let me bring up a bigger point. a bigger point is this. there is a reason why successful people that have lived let's say colorful lives as they get older have decided they're not going to run for our president, for senator, for a governor for congressman or congresswoman or whatever because they know that
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a nasty thing that an exwife said in a moment of anger 20 25 years ago will be dug up, brought out, put into articles and it reads horribly. even if in the 25 years that have passed since then the two have got and long well have raised wonderful children together. and whether you ask donald trump why are are your kids so great, donald? why do your kids seem to be so well balanced. you know what he says when the cameras are off? because of ivana. he says i like to take the great. she's a great woman. she raised great kids and i'm lucky that she was their mother. see, you don't see that in articles. i'm not here defending donald trump. >> he deserves to be defended on this. >> harold, why people don't run for office. >> yes. because they will go back -- and i wonder --
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this is in part reaction by the voters who say we don't care. we think people are negotiating stupid deals. we think we're negotiating stupid trade deals. we want somebody that knows how to get things done. maybe that's the reaction to the media as well as everything else. trump. >> of course it is. >> i think mika's reaction is probably a lot like a lot of americans will have to the way this -- the way people are going about attacking this guy. whether you line his politics whether you like what he said from the outset or during this campaign, separate. that but to go after him in this way if this is the best the press has against him, he's going to be around a little longer than some predicted. in fact he'll find himself in a spotlight for legitimately so for a longer period of time. >> not about this story in particular but in general, is legitimate for the perfect he is to go back and look at the history of someone. >> yes, it is. >> there are a lot of things people who are new to donald trump don't know. and it's not -- i'm not talking about this story in particular, but a lot of people don't know that donald trump once supported
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single payer health care and supported the legalization of drugs. there are a lot of things he said in his career and the press has an obligation to report on new things and also to go back and discuss the past. >> i don't think is legitimate. >> that is legitimate. but going back and taking an angry remark that an exwife later took back and that now the two have a very good relationship, i do think that is -- >> admiral james stevritis is going to join us next. >> yay, we get to turn the page. about a biologic this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms.
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history of that for getting a better deal. if the ayatollah doesn't like it and doesn't want to negotiate it, oh boo-hoo. we're here for america. we stand for america. you represent america. >> i don't need any lessons from you about who i represent. >> i represented the united states sense i got out of college. >> and god bless you for. that. >> my question is you have seen it? >> i haven't seen it. i've been briefed on it. >> but you haven't read it. you haven't seen it. >> no. it's in the possession of the iaea. >> are you going to read it? >> we don't have access to the actual agreement. >> john kerry facing tough questions yesterday including the secret side deal with iran. >> nato supreme command eastern the dean at fletcher school at tufts university admiral james
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tevritis. >> a lot of fireworks on the hill. if you were advising a congress person or senator on what they needed to ask about this deal, what would be the main issue for you? >> i think the top is the verification regime which is starting to roughly resemble swiss cheese. can you drive a truck through some of the holes. i am very concerned about that. >> why do you say that? why do you say that concerns you about the inspections? >> well as the segment just illustrated first this side deal. we need to have access to it and understand it. reportedly it puts iran in the position of actually proffering samples as opposed to have them taken by the iaea. i haven't read the side deal. i want to. secondly, the 24-day period is very concerning. and thirdly, the entire agreement at this point seems to very much favor the iranians in pursuing the bomb. but that's not the problem.
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the biggest problem here is the airdrop of 100 to $150 billion into their economy which is only $350 billion to begin with. that's like the u.s. getting a four trillion dollar insertion of capital. that's the teeth of the alligator you just heard about. those are two big concerns that are hard to get by. >> so general, if deal is not validated here about it united states senate and if the deal fails and if sanctions are immediately lifted in the wake of the deal what do you think the time line will be for the capability for a nuclear weapon as far as iran being able to have more money injected into the economy? will it be longer or shorter if the deal fails? >> i think it will be shorter. on the other hand i think the u.s. still can drive some degree of sanctions. we have a fair amount of control over a good deal of the frozen assets within our own national
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sevrenity possibly we can get france to go along us with. there are cyber options to pursue. there are clandestine options to pursue. there are special forces options to pursue. i reject a notion that choice is simply between this deal and going to war. >> all right. admiral, stay with us if you can. we want to get you back at the top of the hour to talk about the latest developments with turkey. >> that will be great. >> a really significant development. >> and the woman who helped two women escape jail pleads guilty. we'll go through the detail that nbc news obtained from her confession. "morning joe" is back in a moment. you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together.
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we have a lot straight ahead. there is breaking news right now. nbc's not confirmed it yet, but the bbc, "the wall street journal" is saying that taliban leader omar is dead. now we heard this like 12 or 13 times. >> right. >> i mean he's been dying of the same heart attack for 20 years. but we're going to find out. >> thank you. >> but we're going to find out whether he is in fact dead and whether he was killed in combat or while playing in his garden with his grandchildren chasing them around and putting orange stuff all over them. that's the first "godfather"
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reference. >> coming up the fbi says this man was the latest isis sympathizer caught plotting an attack here at home. we'll have the incredible details about the popular tourist location they say he was targeting. and alex is actually found the other half of the hillary clinton sound bite. >> really? >> it is his job. so i'm glad he's figured it out. >> also if he can get a segment that says take my life. the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 o'clock is here. oops, hold your horses. no problem. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at laquinta! doers. they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them
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education, and all that stuff. what do you think is the most important? >> what a great question! actually, i think the most important thing in life is love. it also may be the hardest thing in life. and, you know i had a great friend, i'll end with this. that is such -- i've been asked a million questions. i've never been asked that and such a touching question. i had a great friend a woman who was a research physician academic and is so feisty and fought for women's rights way back 40 50 years ago and toward the end of her life i heard her say -- when she was being honored because she got all these awards and prizes and her professional life. she said you know i have loved
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and been loved and all the rest is background music. and to me that, really summed it up. >> wow. >> really nice. thanks alex. >> that's a great moment. >> that was really good. that was like a real moment with her. >> i thought it was fantastic. >> says a lot. >> you know one thing that makes that -- you know that wasn't scripted. that is clear sli something that came to her. she listened to that young kid. >> a good message. welcome back to "morning joe." mike barnicle is here and john heilemann is here sam stein and admiral -- >> sam just got his latte. we did the punch line and then we let him sit there for an hour. >> thank goodness the admiral is joining us. joining us from washington moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd and john mccormick. good lord. a lot of people here today. okay. so let's start with reports this
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morning -- >> do you have a problem with that? >> there are reports this morning that mullah omar is dead. a high level source tells nbc news the afghan government concluded he is dead but so far no full confirmation. the issue of mullah omar's death was raised at a meeting with security ministers and members of the country's high peace council which is negotiating with the militants right now. i'm just holding -- >> admiral, we have the reports coming in. talk to us about how important mullah omar has been to the taliban, to afghanistan, to unfortunately the united states troops have been fighting against him over the past decade. >> yeah he's kin of the osama bin laden of afghanistan. so this is potentially, if he is dead, a very good deal. we don't know yet. we should get a statement from the taliban which will be an indicator. you know, you were doing the godfather quotes earlier, a pretty good one is don't make
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the mistake of hating your enemies. it clouds your judgment. if he is dead it could be an opening for negotiation with the taliban. the new president of afghanistan well aware of this. if he is dead that could be an opening for negotiation. >> let's bring in bill kneely bill, what can you tell us? >> well mullah omar has been of course, the leader of the taliban for almost a quarter of a century in afghanistan. remember, he was the man that welcomed osama bin laden into the country. he agreed to hand him over to coalition forces. once the u.s. and coalition forces had entered the country, the taliban government found him and made his last stand, if you like and kandahar and has disappeared ever since.
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he is one of the most reclusive leaders in world history. there have only ever been perhaps, one or two photographs issued of him. we understand he's been in hiding for all the decades since and still issuing orders and in charge of and at the head of the afghan taliban which, of course continued its insurgency against u.s. and coalition troops for the best part of a decade. now as for the reports he's dead i should say reports have been circulating for about four or five years that he may have died. he was in ill health. he lost an eye during an attack on soviet troops and lost an eye due to a shrapnel injury. he was never in good health. the reports especially two or three years ago that he has
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died. they're looking into reports that mullah omar is dead. taliban sources in pakistan have denied that he is dead. so at the moment it's not absolutely clear and no one has absolutely confirmed that mullah omar is dead. if he is dead there will be obviously a search for his successor. >> thank you so much. we greatly appreciate it. the bbc started the report an hour or so ago, i was breaking news. "wall street journal," other major news publications saying that he is dead. >> so moving on, mike huckabee continued stark comments on the iran nuclear deal. >> i believe history will prove
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this deal with iran is worse than munich 1938. i pray that i'm wrong. >> you're not wrong, you're right. it tack an incredible apparatus to build the structure to murder people one at a time or several hundred at a time 10,000 a day in auschwitz. with one nuclear device several million people will be killed. i think we underestimate the radical nature of these animals who run iran. >> what is wrong with obama? >> admiral, do you agree with mike huckabee's statements? >> i don't agree with the way he's phrased it. i think the deal has many challenges including a very weak verification regime and immediate droch anp of $150 billion into the eyeiranian economy. it is shattering the alliance with the sunni arabs and with israel. i think the deal has an awful lot of challenges to it.
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we also need to understand this new side agreement with the iaea. so choppy waters ahead. >> yeah sam stein, you talked about a year -- seven years ago first time mike huckabee was running for president, he was talking about engaging iran himself and talking about doing a deal with him. >> yeah. his policy is one of containment. it was built on the idea that if you offer them sanctions relief and return for concessions on the nuclear program, you could live with that. you couldn't talk with a group like al qaeda. to see him seven years later saying he can't deal with the animals in iran doesn't ring true. a total level of hypocrisy there not to mention the hyperbole of comparing it to munich. >> it is the most overused comparison. somebody can do a deal on trade and, you know with canada and
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they say 1938 in munich. we have never sungs to these levels ever. and then the next day something else will happen like the red sox will trade. >> is that your radio voice? >> a little bit of an old coward. i'm not sure. let's talk about what is really going on here. let's talk about it. we have the first debate coming up. everybody wants to make sure that they're in the top ten.
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>> serve ramping up a notch. but it you're mike huckabee, it worked. we haven't talked about him in two months. he's bnt potentialeen the major candidate that disappeared. didn't see a ton of money raised things like. that lo and behold use of ridiculous over the top analogy and look what happens. we're doing nothing but talking about mike huckabee. you can't help but look at this like the trump infect. and all the guys are it issing there going-- sitting there going oh, man, what it is going take to breakthrough. and from the chain saw and the cell phone and this comments from huckabee you know again, he's been rewarded. >> there's the article about collapse of rand paul's campaign. you ask what is happening with
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marco rubio? there are a ott lotlot of the guys down to 3, 4, 5%. so are they going? what are they willing to do? >> right. >> to grab a headline to compete with trum snp with trump? >> it is an amazing moment where trump's dominance of the discussion and his -- the relationship that the co-dependent relationship he has with the media right now means that rand paul can use a chain saw to cut throughout tax code. lindsey gram can light himself on fire and none of them have broken through. marco rubio, not breaking through. none of these people breaking through. the only person who has been able to breakthrough in the last two weeks is the guy who uses the marching to the ovens analogy. that's what it takes right now to pierce the trump bubble. it's an incredible moment. >> and the question is -- let's say he's the one guy who
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has not done that. >> jeb bush. >> the guy that is playing the long game. >> and ate pears the bubble by speaking spanish in an interview and talking in a very compassionate way about his children and about tolerance. >> jeb bush is playing the long game. and if he gets through this he's going to be rewarded for it in the generally election in a big way. >> it's a horse race. he is staying in the middle of the pack. he's in striking distance. >> you don't want to be in the middle of all this right? >> by no means. >> i do think jeb has pressure on him on debate night. how does he hand will trump? how does he confront him, look for a presidential moment without him being handed about it? how does he avoid -- you know, i think that -- i think he has the trickiest challenge of any of
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the people on that debate stage with trump. everybody emphasislse is chasing bush or trump. jeb has a different challenge, i think. it will be interesting to watch him. i think he's got to be thinking about what this moment will look like in a television ad in october of 2016. >> if i were him, i would not engage donald trump and let donald trump punch me and have one line to come back to. >> i agree with you. if i were jeb bush on stage, if i were in that position, i wouldn't talk about trump. i wouldn't talk about huckabee. i wouldn't talk about walker. i would talk about barack obama, the past eight years and where you want to take the country. that's what i think he should do do. >> it seems that's what he's doing now. more candidates will get air time on the dave the first presidential debate. fox news will allow all announce
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announced republican candidates a place in the undercard debate four hours before the main event with a top ten candidates. previously they were excluding anyone who received under 1% in recent national polls. this opens up spots to carly fiorina, senator lindsey graham and former new york governor george pataki. >> john mccormick what impact does that have on the debate? what impact does that have on the race? >> i think it provides a great opportunity for the candidates to break out. i think you're going to get good ratings. carly fiorina has been very impressive so far will have a chance to shine to appear before us on stage against more serious candidates than donald trump. i think that could propel her into the top tier from here on out. >> and what do candidates like marco rubio and rand paul do to break back through again john? >> look first of all, donald trump is going away today. he is flying to scotland to go to his course to watch the
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women's british open for the next four days. >> why did you just bring that up? >> because it's an interesting question. with him now on foreign -- with him out of the country zshgs that open up a space for all these guys to try to reclaim the conversation? is he going to be off the radar for the next four days? he's been dominant. >> look at you all. >> i asked the question. the other thing is -- >> chuck, you're very lucky to be in washington. you can't mention trump's name without mika exploding. >> but the british press corps? this is their shot at trump. he's -- they're going to flood fleet street and goes to turnberry. >> they don't like trump very much. >> by the way, trump, the greatest promoter of all time he's going to have the british tabloid press come to his golf course which he will tell you is the greatest golf course in the world. >> it's trump turnberry. >> so the other thing is joe, to your question i think those
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guys have a great opportunity. chuck raised the question the challenge for jeb bush. they're going to be on stage with trump the first debate have a huge opportunity. i don't mean a cheap shot. they'll have a great opportunity if he attacks them to try to figure out a way to come back at them. they can all have a moment of strength with trump. they all are spending live time strategizing on this front. >> let me ask this question really quickly. who has the most to lose in the debate? >> the most to lose in the debate? i think it's a jump ball between marco rubio, ted cruz -- >> you can't name the whole field. >> no. i think -- and scott walker. they have the most to lose. >> trump. >> that's it. >> i think trump and walker. >> trump. >> the front-runner. >> who has the most to lose sam stein? >> the media. >> the media? >> we already lost it actually. >> we lost it going away.
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>> we lost control wlafof what we do. >> who has the most to lose chuck todd? >> i think jeb. >> i think jeb is going to play it pretty safe. i think scott walker. >> john mccormick? who do you think has the most to lose? >> i think scott walker has the most to prove. the story line about him is whether or not he's ready for prime time does he knows enough about foreign policy. now it's prime time. we'll see if he is ready to talk about the issues. >> i think scott walker has the most to lose. i really do. i think trump is going to be trump. he's been on tv a billion times. trump is going to get out of it being trump. jeb is going to play it safe and down the middle. he has the most money. he's got to believe he's going to win this thing. i think scott walker. i think this is scott walker's night. >> yeah. >> the most to lose. >> i agree. >> it's not been good for the admiral having to sit through
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all. this we held him here because nato says it stands with turkey and the efforts to combat islamic state militants in iraq and syria at a rare emergency meeting yesterday there was requested by turkey the 28 nation alliance offered political support but so far turkey is not asking for military aid and major sticking points remain. the president of turkey says it's impossible to continue a peace process with kurdish fighters who long battled with turkey but have been key in repelling isis. i read somebody say a couple days ago, admiral that, turk ji strog do what the united states is having to do and that is sometimes siding with their enemies to fight even more dangerous enemies. >> i think that's accurate. and, you know the key here to watch is whether or not turkey will ultimately put turkish boots on the ground in to syria. they're talking about creating a buffer zone in syria. to do that you need troops on the ground. i think that will be a key indicator. but you know life is compared to what? and compared to turkey holding
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back, not engaging not taking on isis this is a very positive development in the overall situation. >> admiral? >> it really is. turkey becoming engaged is absolutely critical. >> long overdue. >> it is long overdue. we talked about it a month or two ago on this show. >> aiddmiral, who is a better ally for us? the turks or the kurds? >> i think we need them both. the key to taking on isis is to put them on multiaccess pressure. so far in a military sense they've enjoyed the interior position. they can come south. they can go east west. but if you have the kurds come at them the turks come at them and hopefully eventually a revitalized iraqi security force come at them from the south, three access pressure we're going to see that isis is not ten feet tall ultimately. >> admiral, thank you very much
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for being on the show. >> very patient man. >> thank you. chuck todd thank you. john mccormick thank you. >> we'll have the latest on the breaking news that long time taliban leader mullah omar is reportedly dead. also elections are more than a year away. but john boehner may have to fight much sooner to remain as house speaker. we'll explain why. plus, sex, drugs, and an escape plan. incredible details emerge as joyce mitchell pleads guilty to helping those two inmates escape if a new york prison and her husband's incredible reaction to this all. we'll have a live report next. no student's ever done the full hand raise in ap calc. but your stellar notebook gives you the gumption to reach for the sky. that's that new gear feeling. all hp ink buy one get one 50% off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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oh really? that never happened to you? we're learning details about -- oh, gosh this story. this day is going down in history as the weirdest most messed up "newsday" ever. we went backwards at 6:00 a.m. before we went forward. >> that was a dark dark hour in the history of broadcasting. >> it was bad. >> the stories, talk about a
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race -- it's what people are talking about in the newspapers. >> i don't care. >> the "new york times." we're learning new details about the relationship between the upstate new york prison worker and two convicts. she admits helping escape. joyce mitchell's pleaded guilty and with us now from platsburg, new york john yang. john manysome incredible detail coming out this morning. >> it is amazing, joe and meek yachlt joyce mitchell waking up here at the county jail for the first time as a convicted felon. and in documents obtained by nbc news, we hear from mitchell herself explain why she did it and why she backed out. >> are you pleading guilty because you are, in fact guilty? >> reporter: for the first time joyce mitchell's confession obtained by nbc news detailing in her own words over the course of 20 hours what she did for
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convicted killers richard matt and david sweat and why. i was caught up in the fantasy, she said. i enjoyed the aterngs the feeling both of them gave me and the thought of a different life. >> matt got her to feeling good about herself, better than she had for a period of time. and she was swept off her feet a bit. >> reporter: she got to know matt and sweat from her work in the prison taylor shop giving them rum and coke and then performing sex acts on matt and sending them both x-rated notes and pictures of herself. she admitted smuggling in tools like hacksaw blades drill bits chisels, padded gloves and glasses with lights. at first she said she thought they were using them to make picture frames. she had known for two months that they intended to escape and eventually agreed to be the get away driver. >> the aspect of the three of them being the primary people involved is somewhat unbelievable. >> reporter: matt and sweat gave
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her a list of supplies to bring when she was to pick them up cell phone, gps, clothes, a shotgun, tents, sleeping bags, hatchet, fishing pole and money. what to do about mitchell's husband lyle who matt called the glitch, matt would kill him even giving joyce two white pills to drug him. but in the end, she backed out, not showing up at the appointed hour. i really do love my husband, she said, and he's the reason i didn't meet inmate matt and sweat. still standing by his wife lyle mitchell was in court monday and visited her in jail. >> why? >> i love her. >> now as part of the plea deal mitchell agreed to serve up to the maximum sentence seven years in prison. she'll be sentenced on september 28th. >> john yang thank you very much. >> what a sad, sad, sad tragic story. >> we go to florida and this is incredible what the fbi says is the latest thwarted attack by an
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isis sympathizer. officials say the plot centered on a beach in key west about 150 miles from miami. this is the suspect. 23-year-old harlem suarez. he is now facing life in prison for allegedly planning to detonate a backpack bomb filled with nails. suarez also allegedly discussed bombing police officers' cars and homes. he also went by the name of benitez on facebook. they launched an undercover operation after seeing the page which is filled with praise for isis. officials say suarez bought two boxes of nails at home depot and gave the cell phone and back pact to an informant and in a recorded call he allegedly says "i can go to the beach at night time, put the thing in the sand cover it up so the next day just call the thing and it will make a really hard noise from nowhere." suarez's attorney says the charges are trumped up.
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>> i've met this young man. i talked to this young man. i gauged his demeanor. he is not a violent jihadist. he's not a member of isis. he is a cuban-american kid who may be troubled or confused. but he is not a terrorist. >> just a regular kid who gives bomb making supplies to fbi informants and says he can kill innocent beach goers. >> yeah. no doubt according to the lawyer, the lawyer's description, he is troubled and could be fused and mentally ill. but he is also -- >> homicidal. >> he is also representative of how difficult it is to ferret out the lone wolves in this country. i mean it's an enormous task. >> they did a great job. >> thankfully he was broadcasting this on social media. >> yeah well -- >> he's not a member of -- >> by the way, we talk about isis and a lot of new books
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coming out on isis about an isis, the key really is -- and this is not stating anything obvious. this is stating something obvious. the key is social media. and we're going to have to get facebook and twitter and google and a lot of other internet providers and people whose services are used by isis to make some really uncomfortable choices moving forward. we just are. this is a fight. this is possibly a fight for western civilization in the long run. that is not an overstatement. it really is. this is a cancer that continues to grow. it's a cancer that can be cut out. but let's make no mistake of it. while we're talking about sending 10,000 troops over when we're talking about more young men and women, americans being killed we're talking about spending a trillion dollars there, let's fight them here on the battlefield we can fight
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them on mike. and that is on twitter, on facebook, on other social media platforms. >> we have as a political culture. but certainly in this debate now for several years and it is debate between privacy and security. and we're going to have to have -- we're going to have to come to some realm of understanding about things like facebook, about things like twitter and about things like it's almost impossible to detect lone wolves operating in this country under the impetus and influence of thins like facebook and twitter and being -- having been influenced by it. >> it is one of the only ways that we can go after them without sending troops. and when you talk about the balance between security and privacy, well that's the same thing that we talked about after the chairman pilot crashed into the alps. if he's troubled and unfit to fly, his doctor can't tell. actually, yes.
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yes, they can. if a guy is unfit to fly and can kill 200 people by -- or 150 people by driving a plane, steering a plane into the side of a mountain yeah, actually there is sometimes when the safety of citizens actually rises to the level of privacy concerns. >> coming up john kerry got an earful yesterday on capitol hill over the iran deal. republican senator dan sullivan of alaska joins us next to talk about those side deals that secretary of state kerry admits he has not read. we'll be right back. song: rachel platten "fight song" ♪ two million, four hundred thirty-four thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. and only one me. ♪ i'll take those odds. ♪ be unstoppable. the all-new 2015 ford edge.
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we hear the complaints this agreement doesn't do this. it doesn't stop them. this agreement is going to give them money. this agreement is going to do. this what this agreement is supposed to do is stop them from having a nuclear weapon. now i want to hear somebody tell me how they're going to do that. >> mr. secretary, we're going to go to mr. william king of massachusetts, the gentleman's time expired. >> they have the ability to go enrich again. what is the next step for the united states? nobody's answering that question. >> that was secretary of state john kerry challenging congress to offer a better approach to iran iran's nuclear ambitions. joining us from capitol hill member of the arms services committee dan sullivan of alaska. >> senator, we'll ask you the question. >> good morning. >> good morning. thank you for being us with. we'll go ahead and start with that question from the secretary of state to you. what is the better alt earnive
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to this deal? >> i think there is plenty of better alternatives. you know, there is this idea that it's -- this agreement or war and i just simply don't accept. that let me give you three examples of what the alternatives can be. first of all, you know a lot of people overlooked there was a civil nuclear agreement with uae that was completed in 2009. it was considered the gold standard in the region by everybody who was part of it. the bush administration, obama administration and it didn't allow for any enrichment capabilities. we can go back to an agreement like that which one of our closest allies in the region the uae agreed to and in many ways set up to make sure iran could agree to something similar. john kerry rejected that. second, on sanctions, you know, secretary kerry is saying hey, if the international community is not part of sanctions, that's it. well that's not true. i've been involved in the bush
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administration in terms of our sanctions. unilateral sanctions from the united states if it relates to the under secretaryenergy sector or the financial community, global financial community, we still have tremendous power even if we have to go it alone on sanctions. finally, what we haven't had at all in in administration and secretary kerry even implied it in the testimony yesterday, we need a comprehensive strategy on iran. we have been so focused on the issue of nuclear -- the nuclear agreement. we have not focused on them being the largest state sponsor of terrorism, human rights ballistic missiles. i think there's plenty of options. >> all right. mike? >> senator, you said in your statement here and i quote, the primary responsibility of the president and of those of us in congress is to keep our country safe. the president seems to have forgotten this. how is the president of the united states forgotten our safety? >> well, look mike first of all, you have to remember the
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president is not only forgetting it both he and john kerry have been very dismissive of the role of congress and the american people in this agreement. we're having these hearings today. had it been up to the president and john kerry, two former members of the senate we wouldn't even be having the hearings. they did not want the american people or the congress to weigh in. i think the way the president has not been focused on keeping america safe at the beginning of these negotiations, everybody agreed and there is a letter from 81 members of the u.s. senate to the president last march 2014 that said the goal of the agreement has to be to dismantle iran's nuclear capability and to prevent it from ever ever having a path way to the bomb. that was the agreed upon goal by everybody. including the administration and we've abandoned that. >> all right. speaking of that letter i think the other point of view could be that congress has been really
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dismissive of the president in this process. and almost gotten in the way of any progress. harold? >> senator, good morning. the fundamental question asked by secretary kerry is if not this deal how do we ensure -- i hear you saying sanctions have worked. if the sanctions have been on iran this long period of time and yet they found themselves still enriching uranium, how do you answer the secretary who then believes if we believe sanctions alone will work that we may be the only country imposing the sanctions because our allies will drop off? will the sanctions -- would sanctions still have the impact that you imagine? >> look harold one thing you have to look at is the interest of the different countries. secretary kerry has stated many times or implied that we're going to be isolated. remember at the beginning of the negotiations, iran was the country that was isolated. they were the pariah state. not to imply that the congress is isolated. i think is dismissive of not
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only the congress but the american people. and there's also this statement that every other country in the world agrees with this deal. well that's not true. countries that have an economic interest europeans, russians china, they certainly have an economy interest in term of agreeing to this. the countries that have deep security interest on this issue, the gulf arab states israel they're not in agreement. so i don't believe that it's us versus the world. to the contrary. a lot of countries still have huge huge questions about the security of this agreement. >> all right. senator dan sullivan thank you so much. we greatly appreciate you being with us. >> up next -- >> hold on a second. so i'm reading "the new york post" because i'm really concerned about this burqa thing. gisele and the burke yachltqa. we talked about the trump story earlier. and ivana trump put out a quote,
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i recently read comments from 30 years ago at a time of high tension. the story is totally without merit. donald and i are the best of friends and together we have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. i have nothing but fondness for donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. incidentally, i think he would make an incredible president. if you're going to get stories out there from 30 years ago and the height of the divorce where she said something that she took back later, that should follow up 30 years later. >> okay. up next, the nfl upholds tom brady's four game suspension for deflategate. and just moments ago, the super bowl mvp responded. we're going to bring in bob costas next. >> oh, okay. >> on "morning joe." here we go. there we go. she won't have to remember passwords. or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it.
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>> i don't believe so. i mean i feel like i've always played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. i respect the league and i believe in fair play and everything they're doing to try to create a very competitive playing field for all of the nfl teams. i have no knowledge of any wrongdoing. >> nobody did anything wrong. >> yeah i'm very comfortable with saying. that i'm very comfortable saying that nobody did it. as far as i know. i don't know everything. >> let me ask, are you a cheater? you don't go i don't think so. >> no. >> that was back when tom brady deflecting any wrongdoing. nearly seven months later, nfl commissioner roger goodell benched the reigning super bowl mvp. he released a statement on facebook. he begins by writing, "i'm very disappointed by the nfl's decision to uphold the four game suspension against me. i did nothing wrong and no one in the patriots organization did
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either. he goes on to say i also disagree with yesterday's narrative surrounding my cell phone. i replaced my broken samsung phone with a new iphone 6 after my attorneys made it clear that nfl had my actual phone device -- would not be subjected to investigation under any circumstances. joining us now, nbc sports bob costas. >> he went from a samsung to an iphone 6. >> nothing wrong with. that outside of this context. nothing wrong with that. >> all the kids do it. >> here's what tom should have done. should have stuck with the retro flip phone. >> look at that. >> let me see that. >> not much information. >> 1886. right here. >> there you go. >> i need one of those. >> sitting next to a nice lady 50ish lady on a plane from chicago to new york a few months ago, she's got the window i have the aisle. she doesn't say a word. and as we're getting up she says my 96-year-old mother has this phone. >> seriously. >> i like it this way.
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>> yeah. okay. all right. >> so no learning curve. >> did the nfl make the right decision yesterday? >> they must believe that it will stand up in court if in fact brady can get an injunction and as i've heard all the legal experts testify generally speaking a judge will not grant an injunction. >> sure they have done it. >> unless he or she believes there's a good chance to win the case going forward. >> do you think somebody that loves the game do you think the nfl should have upheld the suspension? >> i thought the suspension was too harsh for the offense to begin with. maybe the cover-up or the belief that there was a cover-up brings it nor line with the penalty. but this is a misdemeanor that in combination brady and the league have turned into a federal case literally and figuratively. >> what fw this had been -- you brought up andrew luck. what if this was andrew luck? >> the week before this game in which andrew luck played and colts were pasted by the patriots, the week before they beat denver if there was evidence that andrew luck had
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done exactly the same thing in that game i really believe they would have said $100,000 fine fourth round draft choice we're going to change the protocols for checking the footballs. don't ever do it again. don't be a bad boy again. it goes away it noes big deal. i think that this was a product of the atmosphere surrounding the nfl the last few years. bountygate spygate which puts the scarlet letter on the patriots, ray rice adrian peterson, the bullying thing in florida. >> goodell had to look tough. >> and look as if he wasn't going easy on his buddy bob kraft's team and the glamour boy quarterback. i think the whole thing is out of proportion. >> mike? >> so what happens now? one of the lines that jumped out at me in the back and forth is one that was in the patriots release. they can't understand why the national football league seems to be going out of its way -- and it does seem to be going out
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of its way to destroy the reputation of one of the premier players. >> even if brady was in some way involved, and he says in this statement that no member of the patriot organization did anything wrong, well what is this guy doing with a sack of footballs locking himself into a restroom when there was -- >> for 40 seconds. >> minute and 40 seconds, enough time to deflate the footballs further. >> really? >> they tested. enough time to do this. after the officials checked them. >> there would be a lone gunman in dallas in '63. >> the cell phone, what if he had private pictures of like his family that -- this is a little bit of a stretch. >> the nfl offered according to their side of the story, they offered to go through it with brady and/or his attorney present and pluck out only the relevant texts that pertain to patriots personnel.
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>> does this help restore strengthen goodell? what impact will this have on the commissioner? does he win more confidence less confidence? >> they filed papers in new york yesterday to have the decision confirmed, kind of a preemptive move. if brady is able to go to a federal court, or if he gets a frepdly judge in massachusetts, maybe, maybe he can get the injunction and then if the injunction is in place and the case is heard and goodell's ruling is overturned then it's not good for him. >> okay. >> no one, not even presidential candidates are more aware of their image than is the national football league. what element do you think is involved here if any, in the national football league's image, restoration of its image when they have things like brain damaged athletes, junior seau
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committed suicide, his family wants to speak, nfl says no. do you think this is being used to distract people from the real problems that the national football league has imagewise? >> if so i don't think it's going to work. the other issues are out there. whether you agree or disagree with the brady decision -- and i think as i said before that the actual offense, whatever brady's degree of involvement is is a misdemeanor, it's the equivalent of pine tar on a bat, you have to have rules against it and they need to be enforced but it's a draconian punishment for this level of offense. >> we're going to have their brand-new chief medical officer -- not sure if i have the title right -- >> sounds like a good title. >> a woman, right? >> yeah. >> they are telling us we have to go to break which means i've got a couple more questions for you because we're coming up -- >> i like the way you take control.
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>> so all last fall, we around this table, me especially set my hair on fire. i said i grew up in nfl bed sheets and grew up with nfl bulletin boards it was my life. i grew up in the south. we loved it. it was my life. i loved the nfl. i loved football. i can tell you every second of the first twenty super bowls. and i said though that they've lost me. the violence it's too fast too this and that. and yet you go to the end of the year, they have their biggest year ever made more money than ever before. everybody was saying at the beginning of last year football is going away -- >> we did a super bowl special, co-hosted it. >> because parents won't let their kids -- it seems it's a freight train that keeps rolling down the tracks faster and faster, why? >> it's a cultural clos sus and you're finding many parents that don't want their sons to play but that doesn't mean they won't
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watch the games and be interested in the nfl. the league is unacceptably brutal. the fundamental thing is that the nature of the game is fund fundamentally brutal and dangerous and no matter how they reform it they can only make it slightly safer. >> it always has been. frank gifford's hit, you can go all the way back. but they are faster and more violent. they are stronger. >> you're down on the sidelines you can't believe it. >> bob costas thank you so much. speaker boehner is under threat again. we'll be right back. but you're armed with a roomy new jansport backpack, a powerful new dell 2-in-1 laptop and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts
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is he still with us? coming up at the top of the hour the latest republican candidate for president who is defending mike huckabee after he compares the iran nuclear deal to the holocaust. plus quts the new york times takes on donald trump with a front pic story about his raw side when under oath. we'll explore why. then there's this. >> the big question is why are you shooting a lion in the first place? i mean i'm honestly curious to know why a human being would feel compelled to do that? >> we'll show you more of jimmy kemle's stunned and emotional reaction to a minnesota hunter killing the pride of zimbabwe's lions. keep it here on "morning joe." where's the salesperson? at the dealership.
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believe history will prove this deal with iran is worse than munich 1938. i pray i'm wrong. >> am i wrong? >> you're not wrong, you're right. it took an incredible apparatus to build the structure to murder people one at a time or several hundred at a time with one nuclear device several million people in a day can be murdered and killed. i think we underestimate the radical nature of these animals who run iran -- >> what is wrong with obama? >> that was presidential candidate mike huckabee last night speaking with sean hannity. >> yes, it was.
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>> you see gisele is in a burqa. >> she looks good though doesn't she. >> the most styling i've ever seen. >> why is she wearing a burqa? >> i don't know let's go to harold ford jr. you're at the burqa desk why is she wearing a burqa? >> i would agree with mike she does look good in it still. it's unclear, the beads around the top are what's confusing to me. >> it was a windy day. >> mike barnicle is here and harold is here and we've gone john heilemann and in washington senior political editor and white house correspondent sam stein. >> they are not backing down. >> why don't we do the news straight? >> good luck. >> good luck with that. i don't know what has happened with the dialogue but it's making the last round look pretty good. i miss 9-9-9.
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it was donald trump's turn to react to huckabee's comments on the iran deal. >> i'm okay with it. i think he's a very good guy, huckabee by the way. i'm okay with it. i see some people are saying the tone and the -- i saw jeb bush who i think is also a nice person but it's not about tone. they are chopping off christians' heads in syria and lots of other places and we're worried about tone. what mike has done he's hit a nerve and made people think a little bit. >> donald trump's performance on the presidential stage is winning praise from fellow billionaire mark cuban -- >> wait we've got to talk about these iran comments. >> i've already talked about them. >> this really is spreading all over. john heilemann, what's going on? >> help me with the more pointed question. >> okay. >> what's going on? what do i think of the comments? >> why has mike huckabee talked
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about marching people into -- accusing barack obama and john kerry of marching people into ovens -- >> don't say it. >> and it seems that everybody else is marching right behind mike huckabee rhetorically? >> i think first there is a history with governor huckabee of saying incendiary things. >> worse than this? >> no. >> but he tends to walk them back. this time he's not, doubling and tripling down. there's intense opposition to the deal almost everything going on right now and hate to say this i do think the combination of donald trump and this republican debate coming up and so many of these republican candidates being on the bubble as to whether they are going to qualify to get on the stage is causing a lot of people to say a lot of extreme things -- >> i actually do think at the
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end of the day, mike that's what this is about. >> listen by the way, i oppose the iran deal. anybody that watched the show more than two seconds know i oppose the iran deal and way they negotiated. they were too desperate for a deal. i think it's a terrible mistake. as david ignatius said, it is a cosmic gamble. this is one of the most horrifically negotiated deal in a long time and i believe that it is every bit as dangerous a bet of george w. bush going into iraq in 2003. and yet, and yet. >> and yet. >> the difference between munich 1938 and today, the difference between marching jews 6 million jews into ovens and just negotiating a bad deal you can always go back on when you call up israel and say, you know what, i think we're all going to have to go in or six months from
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now, which i think is nor more likely when the french and british and americans go the iranians can't live by these words. we'll have to break the deal. to say they are marching them into ovens when there are so many other variables before we get there, mike has to be something crass and political. because why else would you compare it to marching people into ovens? >> you have to separate the deal from what's going on with mike huckabee and the others. you have a handful of republican candidates clinging to relevancy right now. clinging to relevancy. >> 3%. >> trying to make the jump to get on to that stage with the other contenders for the republican nomination. that's the one thing you have going -- >> before you go to the other thing going, what do you want to bet mike huckabee is on that stage because of these inflammatory comments? >> it could well be -- >> i'll bet they go up.
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>> it could well be. the other aspect of this though is given those comments and those types of comments and people building on those comments, it cheapens both politics and it certainly cheapens history. and it's offensive, i think to a lot of people -- not only because of the language but because of the employment of the language, for the goal that the language is used for, to get on a debate -- >> it's offensive, harold it's offensive to a lot of people like me who are offended by this deal. it's offensive that language is just offensive i'm concerned that here goes the republican party again. >> worse. >> in addition to that it cheapens the arguments that many have against the deal. you enumer ated concerns you have, whether us not learning the nature and scope and success of the iranian program prior to this deal whether or not anywhere, any time inspections
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will be allowed the other concerns -- >> preposterous 24-day waiting period. >> all of these concerns are ones that should be debated in the open and seriously and substantively. when you hear comments like the ones made by huckabee and even others governor huckabee you move away from legitimate concerns and find yourself in the weird world -- >> one more comment then -- >> i want to do something i rarely do ask sam stein about this. he wrote a good piece the other day about pointing out that mike huckabee is kind of a hip poe krit on this issue himself. isn't that right, sam? >> that's a nice setup, i appreciate that. yes, in 2008 mike huckabee was running for president for first time and took to foreign affairs magazine prestigious foreign policy magazine and laid out an international world view that you could probably say really closely aligns with exactly what the president pursued in iran.
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he said we should pursue a posse of dialogue and containment. that the leadership in iran wasn't the leadership in al qaeda, you could talk and negotiate with them and apply international sanctions regime to get them to the table, and that you could exchange sanctions relief for some sort of containment of the nuclear program. if you fast forward seven years, that's basically the tenants of what the president got. there are details that the huckabee campaign will dispute now and a lot of people will quibble with. if you're talking about the basic structures of the arrangement -- >> but sam, if you're comparing barack obama and john kerry to adolph hitler and talking about comparing a deal with iran with marching jews into ovens, then there really is no squaring his comments from seven years ago -- >> snow, hypocrisy is the least
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of it and side show and kind of fun to point out. the truth of the matter is, the comments are way over the top for the reasons that you guys have essentially diagnosed. we live in an incredibly media driven primary process where your poll numbers almost correlate to how many attention you get on cable news and newspapers. he's not an idiot. he saw it and realizes he needs a bump in the polls and took advantage of it. >> well you know this is a problem about people losing their heads right now. >> yeah, i agree. >> that's what mitt romney did in an iowa debate and decided he was going to go -- go as extreme as he could on immigration and he ended up getting, what 24 25% of the hispanic vote because of it. people need to understand these words stay with them. the republican party needs to understand these words and these images stay with the party through the general election
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campaign. >> and i'm worried about how deep into the gutter it already is. i came in this morning and we have story slugs. these are our choices, trump degrees with huckabee. christie criticizes him, it goes on. it goes -- it gets crazier. y know what the choices are. at the bottom we have kerry spars with congressmen in hearing defending the iran deal which i would like to hear about but we've got to get to why bill and hillary clinton went to trump's wedding first. >> kick out john boehner as house speaker. there's a lot of stuff -- >> it's crazytown. >> it is crazytown. >> it is. i'm sure we'll get in trouble for saying that. i'm going to read it. this is what's going on. donald trump's front-runner status is making him the target of media organizations. this morning "the new york times" has a front page story about his quote, raw side when under oath. the paper reviews trump's sworn
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testimony from a series of lawsuits dating back to 2007. the times writes that some of his claims made under oath are shown to be hyper bolic over statements and others to be shadings of the truth or outright misstatements and also describes what it calls demeaning behavior including telling a lawyer who asked for a break to pump breast milk for a newborn daughter. quote, you're disgusting. why did the paper write this today? >> mike barnicle why did the paper wrote this? >> they wrote it actually because they are covering donald trump. >> he's a front-runner right? >> just like they are going after hillary clinton, you go after the front-runner. >> you're in the bright lights be prepared. anyone and everyone contending to run for the presidency of the united states will be looked at. there's great, great jewels of conversation -- >> please. >> let's go to the deposition. >> dramatic readings. >> donald trumps have you ever
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exaggerated about statements on properties? i think everyone does mr. trump replied. does that mean sometimes you inflate the value of your property? not beyond reason trump answers. that's all -- >> he's being very truthful there. >> he is being very truthful. >> did the debts reach $9 billion in the 1990s, as he said in his book to drama ties his comeback. they did not. that was a mistake and don't know how it got there. >> none of it matters, harold ford because i think this is an example of one of those candidates that can say and do just about anything just about -- >> can we go nb 7 about the iran deal -- >> you see donald trump doing more things in a day that you and i couldn't get away with in a career and he's doubling jeb bush in the polls. >> the fascination and mesmerizing effect that rich
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people have on everyday americans willing to say anything that comes to their mind is what one of the things that trump benefits from. i read the piece. i don't see anything in there -- i would expect him to say this. it's humorous to read through and it's him in every which way and every side we've seen in this campaign. >> the huckabee comments with contrasted with what trump has said in depositions and what trump says every day he's out there, it gives you a pretty good idea why trump is leading in the polls -- >> exactly. >> and also this really does speak to the weakness in the republican party in general. a guy that has never been in politics, that comes out, that has a big personality, he would be competing, perhaps, with jeb bush if jeb bush were running a campaign -- a strong campaign or if an established republican figure that was good on the stump really good on the stump,
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but this just shows this is a party that has lost five out of the last six presidential elections in the popular vote. and this just shows that there's no core to this party right now. you can have a guy come in who was a democrat before supported the hillary clinton supported single payer health care and everybody goes so what? look at the republican establishment in washington we don't want to deal with them either. >> for some reason i feel like things really fell off the rails with huckabee's comments. >> we picked that up just reading what you said through the lines. >> i'm going to -- >> want to keep reading? >> i want to do tom brady and obama in africa. you can take this daily beast rape stuff and you can do it in the b block. it's become increasingly clear that the white house is still facing a tough sell on the nuclear deal after john kerry appealed on capitol hill for the second time in less than a week.
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appearing with the energy and treasury secretaries, kerry warned of grave consequences. if congress does not support the deal. >> i don't know how i go out to another country if that happens and say, hey, you ought to negotiate with us or you ought to talk to us about any issue, whatever it is with reliance that we could actually deliver because they will sit there and said you have 535 secretaries of state in the united states we don't know who we're negotiating with. >> but the fact is though, mike barnicle, you've been supportive of this deal from the beginning. it's not as if we haven't had one concern after another concern after another concern raised. i understand what he's saying but it's not like everybody was sitting back quietly while negotiating, everyone says all along -- that's one of the things when i hear the president talk about how could people now undercut the deal? there have been a lot of us talking about how this is a bad deal from the very beginning.
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>> there are legitimate concerns that people ought to have about this deal and they are going to be articulated over the next five weeks. you've articulated them over the past three or four weeks and this morning. the bottom line in this deal will come down to if the senate is listening and people are listening and not playing politics -- you play politics with everything in washington -- here's the deal on this deal. if the senate votes it down, iran will have a nuclear weapon within a year and a half within a year and a half. this gives you a decades worth of freeze on their ability to develop a nuclear weapon. there's your choice basically -- >> there's your cosmic gamble. >> a year and a half or ten years. there is your cosmic gamble. >> well that all depends, really. if iran wants to take that cosmic gamble themselves of going ahead and crossing the ultimate red line and think that the french and united states and rest of the world are going to stand by and let them get a nuclear weapon and israel i
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think that would be a cosmic gamble on iran's side and iran would lose. >> still ahead, the nfl upholds tom brady's suspension for deflate-gate, how one key decision with his cell phone impacted the ruling. >> plus is the dream undone? it's the cover story in "the new york times" magazine and the author is here to break down what the paper calls a 50 year campaign to undoing the voting rights act. we'll have that. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. the tripadvisor you have always trusted for reviews book...! now checks over 200 websites to find the best price. book...! book...! so don't just visit tripadvisor, book...! at tripadvisor shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners...
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investigator back in march. roger goodell wrote, rather than simply failing to cooperate, mr. brady made a deliberate effort to ensure that investigators would never have access to that information, that he had been asked to produced. the nfl players association released a statement saying the nfl pa will appeal this outrageous decision on behalf of time brady. >> mike? >> well you know tom brady -- >> i have a lot of questions about this for you. >> tom brady received and took very poor advice at the onset of this investigation. i think the national football league yesterday really hurt itself because now what is this punishment for? is it for the deflation of footballs or destruction of a cell phone? that's the thing. there's been no hard evidence you can use in a court of law to prove tom brady had a hands on effect on deflating footballs, none zero. >> here's the question i want to
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understand the question to. i saw big simmons attacking bob kraft for throwing tom brady under the bus. what is the deal up there in new england on this thing? what is the consequence for patriots fans and how to read this whole thing? >> in new england and greater boston, specifically it's no secret that we all basically hate people. we hate one another -- >> that's good. >> people who do something, hate people, okay. >> you're going to be a success, i really applaud your success but i hope it doesn't happen for you. you know that's the way we are. >> the nfl just is a very lucky organization. they hired don hudson, who i might be lucky enough to meet -- they have it right with her. >> there's a lot of votes this morning.
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>> minnesota hunter says he thought he was acting legally when he killed a protected and beloved lion in zimbabwe. a 13-year-old lion named cecil was reportedly lured out of his preserve and shot with a cross bow, 40 hours later officials say the lion was shot and killed and allegedly skinned and beheaded. walter palmer a dentist, acknowledged hiring local guides and said as far as he knew he had all of the right permits. he released a statement saying i had no idea that the lion i took was a known local favorite. i relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt. the paper reports that palmer an accomplished hunter was convicted of killing a black bear in wisconsin in 2006. jimmy kimmel turned emotion talking about this last night on his show. >> the big question why are you shooting a lion in the first
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place? i mean i'm honestly curious to know why a human being would feel compelled to do that. how is that fun? is it that difficult for you to get an ee recollection that you need to kill things? [ applause ] if that's the case they have a pill for that. it works great. just stay home and swallow it and you save yourself a lifetime of being the most hated man in america who never advertised jell-o pudding on television --. if you want to make this a positive -- make a donation to support them at the very least show the world that not all americans are like this jack hole here this top dentist. >> that was all over the place and really good. >> imagine if he's your dentist and you have a cavity what he might do?
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take out all your teeth. >> you have to wonder what he was thinking. >> that's a good question actually, i have to say. >> i think even if you -- you know about the hunting culture, some people are hunters and some people are not -- what you're doing wanting to take down a magnificent island like that. >> i grew up seeing dead animals get skinned in our kitchen, family of hunters, can't even imagine that. >> no one has spent more time hunting than sam stein -- >> right. >> what was that? >> what's your take on this hunting for the perfect skim latte? that's horrible. [ laughter ] >> should i do a chai?
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president obama returns tomorrow from a five-day advicevisit to kenya and ethiopia which began with the presidential snubbing of the relatives. >> i will not feel bad. let him work. i can't feel bad. he has to come here for his duty but one day he will surely come. he's a son here and i cannot be angered by him not coming to see
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me. >> wow i had no idea obama's african grandmother was jewish. little passive aggressive from the kenyan grandmother. no, i get it he's the president he has important people to meet. it doesn't bother me at all if i really want to see him, he'll come to my funeral, i'll die. >> pretty good. all right, to capitol hill now where one republican congressman launched a surprise effort yesterday to oust speaker john boehner from his post to top the house of representatives. mark meadows filed to vacate the chair, the resolution lists a series of complaints beginning with this one. he has endeavored to consolidate power, bypassing the majority of the 435 members of congress and the people they represent. meadows told nbc news last night that he hopes the motion never comes to a vote saying his goal
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to begin a discussion about changing the quote, punitive culture of congress. msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt is here. what do you make of this latest attempt? >> this seems pretty personal. pliltco is reporting in 2013 meadows dropped to his knees in front of john boehner to beg for forgiveness -- >> what? >> for participating in discussions about trying to oust him. this is obviously not the first time that house conservatives expressed discontent with the speaker. but he's floating names that are in line with recht of the leadership. we could have kevin mccarthy, not outside of the box conservative names necessarily. he could have gone a step further and tried to force the vote in two days. instead he filed the motion in such a way this is unlikely to come to a vote before the august recess. >> this is -- we talked about this -- we talked about doing this all the time against newt
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nobody ended up doing it but things are different then than now. i don't see a ground swell to run john boehner out of town. >> no, is he as heavy handed as a speaker we've seen in the house of representatives? come on. >> look at nancy pelosi all of them before hand. >> i had a flourishing intro for jim but go ahead. >> want to do a quick intro? >> i'll take a flourish the chief political correspondent for "new york times" magazine -- >> we will get to that in a moment. a dream undone inside the 50 year campaign to undo the voting rights act. are we done with the boehner thing? >> it doesn't seem at this point anything is going to happen. you heard him say i'm trying to start a conversation cobbling together the votes to do something like this would be a heavy lift. for the republicans generally, you're seeing it on the senate side too there's a lot of issues between mike lee and ted
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cruz accusing mcconnell of lying. thgs not the best moment for the republican party to be having this kind of division in its congressional wing. >> wouldn't you say, is it a moment for theirs to take lately and what has happened? never mind. i think i just answered the question. >> it's hard to say exactly what's happening. the latest poll the republican party has its lowest approval ratings ever. >> i know i don't get it. tell us about a dream undone we're about a week away from the 50th anniversary of the 1965 voting rights act and you are looking at this in this sunday's new york times magazine. >> yes, we are, what i did, i went back to the anniversary is approaching so we looked at the 50-year fight since the law was passed. that law was -- did extraordinary things. it stopped the poll tax. it stopped literacy tests at the
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polls. it paved the way for umt matly millions of black voters to get registered throughout the south but did something else that was extraordinary. it covered a select number of states that the federal government defined as bad actors and put them under extra scrutiny so they couldn't play with their laws in a way that would hurt minority voters. >> you say there's been a 50-year campaign to undo this act. talk about that? >> it's taken -- it's evolved over the years. in the beginning, that act -- what you have is a lot of southern democrats who hated this thing from its conception and they went after it. the report fights they tried to stop it in congress. they failed a lot of them switched parties -- we'll talk about that and became republicans. then in the '80s and that's the key kind of inflection point, there was a point where there was especially among conservatives a movement to say it did its job. it did an amazing job but the argument was it's basically
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should be done now and start rolling this thing back. it was -- it was kind of conceived as an emergency provision and from there on out began in kind of long fight to pull back. >> mississippi talking about what an incredible job, increased to 54% from 7% within just three years. >> and how do states go about proving they kplilcomplied with the law in order to escape the law? >> there's a bailout provision. the way they went about proving it is by not getting in trouble. it had to be a 10-year period but states -- you have states that cover an entirety and counties and townships covered. if a state has violations within its borders, it's stuck in that section five provision. >> how is the law affected today in terms of states proposing things like you have to have driver's license and voter
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i.d.s, things like that? >> i think the most striking -- if i can go into this, the most striking example is north carolina. this movement to which we talk about too in a piece. there was an independent movement to introduce new restrictive rules on voter i.d. and who's showing up at the polls. north carolina produced a mild version of that law before the supreme court made this decision, not very mild democrats were flipping out over it. but they said they could live with it because section five would keep it from going too far. when the supreme court strikes that provision, north carolina immediately reintroduces the same law and it's grown like component shally with everything you can imagine, making voting harder. >> how do you see the future of this playing out? you have a deep understanding of the issue. hillary clinton has called out her opponents by name. is that realistic?
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are we going to see major changes here? >> there's a move afoot in congress to change the formula. there's a formula under section 4 that makes section five work. congress -- that says what states are covered and what's going to bring this back to life, the section five aspect. there's a move in congress to reintroduce a formula. in this congress do we -- you know -- >> how do you see it playing out in the presidential race overall? >> hillary as you noted her lawyer for her, chief lawyer independently of the campaign but what's independent of a campaign these days has brought a couple of suits and couple of states or helped bring and hillary, it's a good issue for her to jump on because there's a theory in democratic politics that black vote will not be the same for hillary as it was for obama. it's a good issue to show she cares. black voters who understand this are very upset about it.
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>> the piece is the cover story for this sunday's "new york times" magazine. thanks for coming on this morning. >> thanks jim. >> still ahead, amazon reveems how it plans to make the world safe for drone deliveries, they won't stop on the drones. we'll be back with cnbc e. brian sullivan. when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t's innovative solutions connect machines and people... to keep your internet of things in-sync, in real-time. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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new 2016 mid-size utility lincoln mkx. your choice of mkc mkz gas or hybrid for $369 a month with zero due at signing. all right, it's 43 past the hour. time for business before the bell with brian sullivan. brian? >> three things to watch today. good morning it's federal reserve interest rate decision day at 2:00 eastern time. right at the top of a fine show on cnbc i might add. feds come out with the interest rate decision. nobody expects a rate increase today but they could strongly signal in september we'll get the first interest rate increase in the united states in nine years. also twitter shares tanking today, about 10% growth there is slowing. people concerned about how much
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utility twitter might have to their life. and story you referenced before the break, right now we look up at the sky and see birds and clouds. if has their way, we'll see thousands of drones delivering trinkets to the masses because they laid out a plan to create a drone aerospace area couple hundred feet above the ground trying to woo the faa -- >> why is this so important to them? somebody is going to get hurt. >> i could go on this thing at 5:00 this afternoon, order something and it's at my door step the next day if i so choose. >> can't they just stop. >> how fast does it have to be? >> people want stuff now. this is america. >> that's the problem in america. >> how fast can drones fly? i mean can they really get it there faster than if i order something at 5:00 from my house in connecticut, it's there the next morning at 10:00 a.m.? how much faster do we need. >> i would argue it would be the same day. you could order something in the morning, if they have a distribution center nearby and
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couple of drones they could drop it on your doorstep later on that day. i guess an upside will be you have few you are trucks on the roads, i suppose. >> you can already do that in the city get it the same day. >> think about how your life would change. you're sitting on the deck in your home and you're out there, beautiful day -- >> i know where this is going. >> you need a giant quart of beer and call your drone, your amazon drone and it's there in ten minutes. >> i understand what you're saying -- >> you don't have to talk to that. >> as well as above ground pool and above ground hot tub. i've got a cigarette machine right on my deck. >> i know. >> it's a lot easier. >> i've been up there and you've run out of cigarettes though. >> that's true. one hell of a day. you just made it before. coming up -- >> hi neighbor. >> we'll get personal with renowned food critic mark
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bittman, we get him to reveal his guilty pleasures. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro... when you go this summer, go to the new and when you stay twice get a free $50 gift card. book now at you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident.
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and more. where do we start, labels? >> good question. >> the primary thing is to look for food without labels that is food that you know what it is. a head of broccoli a glass of orange juice don't have labels because they are one ingredient. that's really the goal. when things are processed, they tend to add ingredients and we don't know what they are, they tend to require more labor value added stuff. they tend to use things that may not have been pure in the first place and we have no idea what's going on. >> mark halperin, you're a foodie. did you know butter is back? >> butter is back. butter is fine. >> it was never gone to you? >> not in restaurants, there's a lot of butter. where are we compared to other countries? how are we doing on these issues? >> well no one is doing great but we lag behind much of europe
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and way behind mexico believe it or not and brazil also. >> what do we lag behind mexico on? inspire a nation. give us a goal. >> mexico in 2014 put a countrywide tax on sugar sweetened beverages and junk food. the junk food thing is hard to enforce because it's hard to define. not hard to define a sugared sweetened beverage. they put a tax nationwide and consumption of soda went down 10% that year and consumption of water went up 12%, which is what you want to happen. >> i drive past a lot of farm stands and prefer to buy like produce at farm stands. it's a little bit more expensive at the farm stand but it just makes you feel better. what can we do in this country to encourage more use, more commerce in local farm stands rather than your supermarket? >> well it is more than just
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making you feel better. presumably the food is better. if it's grown by a real farmer and sold at the farm stand, it's better food. it should be more expensive because more care has been taken in producing it. it's not a commodity, not mass produced and industrially produced. we have seen farm stands grow to the point where there are more farm stands in the united states, farmer's markets in the united states than there are mcdonald's, which is a great thing. >> really? >> the thing we can do to encourage more shopping at farm stands is we can increase the use of what are called double box or make food stamps worth more when they are buying fruits and vegetables or even at supermarkets. we can support farmers willing to grow fruits and vegetables opposed to corn and soybeans for animal feed and ethanol. we can acknowledge that good food is going to cost more. real food is going to cost more than hyper processed food. >> you're how to cook everything
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books, 1 million copies in print. you write on food policy for "the new york times." your most recent book debuted at number one in the "new york times" best seller list. you're a food expert. what is in your refrigerator and what do you like? i want to know. what's in your refrigerator? >> my refrigerator tends to be -- not bare but i have a lot of staples, capers an choefkys and vinegars and oils and eggs and cheese. parmesan cheese. >> what kind of milk? >> right now i have almond milk. >> i could have guessed that. >> i thought it was going to be soy or almond. go on. any jellies, anything with sugar? >> i have all that stuff because people bring that stuff, parmesan cheese. pecorino cheese. >> any meat? >> no meat in the rerefridge rater, i try to shop not every day, every other day. >> what juices?
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>> no juice. >> why? >> because there's a lot of sugar. >> the fresh orange juice? >> well if i were squeezing it i like fresh orange juice -- >> just a tiny little glass. >> do you ever eat fast food? >> yeah i eat fast food. come on i'm still a person i mean -- we all have our weaknesses. >> what is your weakness? >> i have a fondness for pizza and hot dogs but that's a question of frequency and what you do on a daily -- i think people -- we have a problem in this country with seeing things as either pure or sinful. the fact is the middle ground is where we want to live. >> the book is "a bone to pick." it's available now. thank you. it's good advice. we'll be back with much more "morning joe."
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i'm meteorologist bill karins, today could be the hottest day of the summer for many locations, dallas 102. how about the 94 in new york city. heat index will be dangerous in areas like memphis where it will feel like 110. few spots will be cooled by thunderstorms, including st. louis and chicago. watch out in florida where anything about sunshine. not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek! i can't find my discover card! wait, i can freeze my account. [touch tone] introducing freeze it, from discover. it allows you to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds if your card is misplaced. not here... ♪ and once you find your card,
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three of donald trump's kids have come forward to defend him and called him an incredible dad and role model. he was so moved he wrote one of them back into his will. i'm not saying which one. >> welcome back, children, it's time, that time where we talk about what we learned today. >> i learned that amazon will provide me with a drone in my backyard so i don't have to get my lucky strikes. >> a cigarette machine available for mike barnicle's use -- >> for anybody's use, you just come up and happy days. >> i learned turn the page into a better show tomorrow. >> it's gotten messy out there and. >> we've fallen into it. we've gotten dirty. >> i don't know about that. >> time to go. >> 1938 this is really what we
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did today was just as bad as chamber chamberlain as he walks away from munich. "the rundown" is next and seriously, it will change your life. it really will. i promise. >> good monday morning, i'm jose diaz diaz balart. tom brady says he's innocent the four game suspension from deflate deflate-gate scandal came with a bombshell that brady had his cell phone destroyed before meeting with investigators that requested it. he was responding to the finding, writing on facebook i've never written, texted e-mailed to anybody at any time anything related to football air pressure before this issue was raised at the afc
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