tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 4, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. >> hillary clinton or joe biden for a fresh new face in the past. >> as for the clintons i have been doing this job for 30 years, i am fluent in clinton speak. >> my first day in the office i would make two phone calls, one
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to bb betia netanyahu and the second to the president of iran. when i say i will do something, i will. when i say i won't, i won't. >> give bern fisanders credit at least he's calling himself socialist. hillary clinton, not better. >> you mentioned cutting federal agency, what agencies would you eliminate or cut? >> i've heard this question before. >> yes he has. >> did he get it right? >> boy, i'm sure he did. what a, boy, we got some polls up today. we got a massive, fought even a shakeup. it's sort of a cementing of you know the final pre-season polls are in. >> trump is trumping them. >> it's pretty crazy. it's not just the national polls. i think the most impressive numbers come out of the state polls. especially like new hampshire. by the way, these are people,
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you know, mike better than anybody else they are hardened. they are tough when it comes to politics and -- >> it's what they do. >> it's what they do. >> it's what they do. >> they take the time to know each and every candidate. >> he's up by 12 points if new hampshire, leading the pack. >> iowa south carolina, he's leading chris christie he's not sejt he's growing, he's doubling up everyone if these new polls. >> i were jeb bush and everybody else, this is a snapshot. this is summer. rudy guiliani. >> he is coming on. >> eight years ago that's great. but you go to the cross tabs you were saying look at the cross tabs with trump. also look at the numbers that are shifting. the people that said two months ago, i'll never vote for this guy. who months ago, they had an
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uncarable impression of him. he is turning those number. >> lease heeding in the national polls. in the new hampshire poll the republicans said who do i trust to handle the economy. 43% trump. the next highest is 8 or 9%. >> wow. >> who do you choose the handle illegal immigration in trump, those rates as well as improving favorability rating. >> look at the expressway. 43 too 9. >> kind of a big issue. >> by the way, who will you trust, politicians that have been in politics? i'm talking about, if you are a new hampshire voter and somebody asks, who do you think can hand him the economy better? a guy that has been doing deals across the world for 30 35 years or a guy that became governor two or three years ago? >> he is also doing well on that poll on who do you think can win the general election second to bush?
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who do you think will be the nominee sec to bush? >> let's go over these, we want to methodically understand them especially when we get to new hampshire, which are really important. but the first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign is now two days away. we should be finding out today who makes the cut in the debate. a source tells the new york magazine the average will be taken from the most recent polls with live interviewers. >> that would include surveys like the ones you see here and we're seeing a flood of new polk ahead of thursday's debate. that includes a new addition from plume berg politic, donald trump, 21%, way ahead of jeb bush and scott walker who are points in the field. further down chris christie john kasich tied they hope to inch up before the debate cutoff. zplmpblts. >> here's the bloomberg poll what did you take out of it? >> trump is ahead, no one else
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fairly close in double digits, if terms of qualification for the debate rick perry looks like he will be the odd man out. really, you got to say, kasich people worried for him, getting if late buying tv time in new hampshire. they're like, how are you going to rise in national polls? he rose enough fast enough in the national polls in his home state on that debate stage. it's a good thing for him. >> you got the big governors from the big states cemented in. >> now, look the fact i still think that debate will be a good forum for them. rick perry will get to talk a lot more in that debate than he would in any other one. for john kasich to get on that stage is a big deal. times look like they were in danger. our poll and others will cement in the last 24 hours, means we know who the ten are on the stage. >> there are more polls to contend with. fox released their poll with trump scoring big.
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234 the monmouth university poll, trump had the biggest lead at 26% he is 14 points ahead of his nearest rival, more than doubling bush and walker's numbers and there is a three-way tie for seventh between chris christie, rand paul and marco rubio. more good news for the new jersey governor fear the bottom of the top ten if recent averages. >> willie, look at these numbers, from all of the polls this morning, massive leads for donald trump. >> yep again, more than doubled in that poll. the most interesting football we don't have up there yet. this is one football that jumps out at you in the monmouth poll his favorable. unfavourable. in 2001 u june 20% favorable. yesterday, same pool 52% favorable. 35% unfavorable.
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so that's a 52 points flip when you fact oor everything in. he was minus 35. now he is minus 17 in the monmouth poll. the debate stage will look something like this right now. 34507bth nafld ago, we had-- owe a month-and-a-half ago, we had people saying donald trump wasn't going to run. people were offended at mica would dare say he would have an impact in the race. this is the equivalent is it not, of the college pre-season poll which of course means nothing at the end of the year certainly means something as this campaign shapes up it
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certainly means something you are talking about, raising money, getting momentum. it's one thing to have a poll in june, it's another before the first debate as we get into august. august soon turns into september. at that point you know it's a mad dash to primaries. >> there is one number in the polls we have been discussing that would petrify me if i were any one of those candidates other than ben carson all of the people in that poll setting as a stage setting have been in public life have been running things, have been in the united states senate, governors. the pom that would scare me is the poll that shows him most trusted with the economy by a substantial margin. >> let's put that back up again. again, this isn't a national i'm sorry, put up the economy one. this isn't the national poll. again, pike, this is new hampshire.
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>> i'm telling you, people are underestimateing the professional operation he is putting together. this is not ross perot by himself putting out press releases, his campaign manager is building big crowds they make you register before you go to a trump event. so people that think the poll numbers aren't backed by intensive organizations are wrong him and these other candidates can't compete with trump on wealth name i.d. or on the ability to get a lot of media attention. >> i think because the ecochamber didn't or some analysts or intellectual lead didn't like him. they assumed america wouldn't like him. that's a big mistake. >> donald trump made billions of dollars. of course, his critics go okay. he isn't worth 9 billion. okay give me his 3 billion.
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he did it from the very beginning and he has played sort of court jester at times for the billion fair crowd, sort of thumbing his nose at them. you know we showed the larry king chamberlin yesterday. he's always having a good time. he's always poking proding. >> he's always completely lucid. i mean the larry king moment was amazing. >> yeah. >> it was amazing. >> what i'm saying is donald trump has always been underestimated. >> i agreement especially in this town by people who have contempt for him and say, he's just got it. as they go home driving up the website highway, they past like ten skyscrapers with the name trump on it. i don't know, this is not the way that i judge success, but how many of these people that have their names on one skyscraper? my point is if he's such a fool, if he's such a bungleer
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such a joke how has he managed to become a billionaire and an international, a guy making deals building things across the world and why would a new jersey voters have more confidence tan a guy, a congressman that became governor three years ago than a guy who has been making deals like for 40 years? >> one of the more amusing things of the criticism of trump who i don't believe will end up with the republican nomination one of the more amusing criticisms up there. >> you are holding to that. >> one of the criticisms is people say about those buildingings, if you travel up the website highway, you see trump the, trump that. people say he doesn't understand, no he markets and licenses his brand. i think that droibts the fact that 43% of the voters would trust him with the economy. >> that's the thing, people you know the votes are just
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foreigners that buy his building. he isn't even on it. he puts his name on it. i go oh he doesn't have to worry about the upkeep. he puts his name on it and makes millions an millions of dollars. boy, that's rough. >> there has always been this contempt for donald trump since the late '70s, early ''80s, he was this flamboyant guy crushed aside as he continues to succeed. mike barnacle won't be the nominee. >> that is now gospel. you read the fork times or anywhere else, he of course will fought be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >>notought be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >nought be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >ought be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >ught be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >ght be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >ht be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >t be the nom knee.
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is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. > be the nom knee. is that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. >ineeis that still true? >> see, it will all just stop. > >> it ends one way. >> it's a colossal mistake by donald trump, himself. >> how colossal? criticizing a war hero? >> it can be worse tan that. >> it ends with aco lassal wound by donald trump. it goes over the line. hhan that. >> it ends with aco lassal wound by donald trump. it goes over the line. >> i was going to say the normal physics of politics won't don't apply to him. i think the gap would have to be pretty big to do it. i think right now it's not in the interest of scott kasich or jeb bush to bring him down. some of the other campaigns, opposition research will have to make a concerted effort and it will be ricky to try to bring him down through a really negative story. i don't know they can do it. it's a huge ricksk. he's been proving the numbers.
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all the stables have been getting set. all that makes it tougher for him to come down. >> there is a lot of hottie experienced politicos that make good prognostications, who have been pushing back on. i don't agree with donald trump on his pageants his whatever he and i have battled it out on the air. it's fought that we are sitting here like this is our friends, we're with our friend and we think that he can win. that's never been actually what we have been trying to say. we have been trying to say what you just said the normal physics of politics don't apply to donald trump and from the get-go we knew it and we were laughed off this set day after day after day after day, take a look at the polls, yes, something could happen but everyone is wrong. everyone has been wrong. >> really good friends from around the city have sent us both e-mails, people we love and respect and have since this show
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started saying how do you have a joke like donald trump on your show? he's never going to do anything except -- we're not saying he's going to win. we're not saying he's going to finish the race. who knows? nobody ever knows. we have said he will be relevant. we have said he will have an impact. i can tell you, if you hear a ding in the morning, it'spy brother, it's my brother talking about donald trump. you know what that guy always talked about my dad. you know i wrote that column crazy never wins. i'm not so sure he's seen donald trump, he was always the ford guy, he was for ford rather than reagan he was a reagan guy, fixen was his favorite. he was the establishment, sort of the mid-west establishment republican. i'm not so sure this year he wouldn't say if he were still alike, joe, things are so screwed up why don't we give a businessman a try.
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because that's what i hear all the time. >> we are constantly misunderstood about this. it's not who we like it's about who breaks through. that guy has and everyone missed it. many thought that donald trump's dust off of john mccain would hurt him in the polls a. new monmouth poll shows otherwise. the poll find a majority of gop voters have a favorability. >> how is that willie favorability turning around? >> that was the knock against him, these are inflated numbers. look at the favorability, nobody likes him. they think he's a clown, he's not a serious candidate. now it's starting to flip. if you watch that candidate forum if new hampshire last night. i thought it was good sensitive. we heard from the candidates. donald trump wasn't there.
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we heard trump speeches and talking points. when he's standing next to those candidates on thursday and they're giving the trump speeches, everyone has always heard, not that there is anything wrong with the content or the substance of them. he will jump off the stage because he's not those guys. >> last fight, really quickly, did you not know what they were going to say? >> sure. >> before they finished their sentences? i think i love these guys and respect them. i know the end of that speech because it's the same speech republicans have given, mica for 30 years, donald trump's different. >> it's different. >> it keeps him away. >> the percent annual you say would never vote for him is way down. it may be the reason scott walker said the last night. >> i think part of the reason those polls are that way is people want a fighter. right now they think mr. trump is a fighter. i think i'm polk in sec is because people think i'm a fighter. >> chris christie is offering a different perspective of the trump effect on the race. take a look.
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>> it's a weird primary system. >> it always is. >> not this weird. >> no listen are you telling me it wasn't as win when her man cane was wing nationally or michelle bachman? this happens. >> trump is casting himself as the straight talk guys he's the one telling the truth. >> listen donald is telling his version of the truth. >> only the loudest voice or outrageous voice gets heard. >> that's part of the candidate and part of the media. some people are feeling the pressure to try to be outrageous to get on the news that's why idea is the most important thing, not if you are getting the most attention at any one particular time. >> no, you are not. >> i was going to say the question shows what i'm talking about. it's not weird. if you take a look i have been if cable news for a long time. i see them come along and which ones will pop, it ain't for good reasons. this is the same thing, donald trump connects in a way that really gets everybody's
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attention, john harwood who is a great reporter does not understand that this is not weird. this is what was going to happen the minute donald trump announced, guy come on what am i missing? >> you know her man cane had a spring fling, michelle bachmann had a spring fling. they have not been on the cover of "time" magazine 35 40 years ago. that's the thing. people know this guy. >> the minute those two got scrutiny, they collapsed. trump has gotten scrutiny in those same 25 years. >> if you ever took a minute to talk to him, you understand why he wouldn't collapse. why, when he fights back it's a little bit different. and why there is something a little behind the eyes much more than all these other people who have come and gone and had, you know, had the impact that harwood calls weird. if you take a minute and talk to him. >> if he tries to take him down.
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>> that iseugene robinson said the, hey, i got an idea let's shoot godzilla full of electricity, he gets bicker goes over kicks the buildings down. it does going back to my brother, every time somebody attracts donald trump, it makes my brother more determined to pick up the phone and call his friends and put up yard time. >> yes. >> the most stunning thing -- >> by the way, here's the thing, he's not really even in the politics like he's just like he's a business -- >> two-thirds of the trump people aren't in politics. >> that's the person, he goes around it's fascinating. he works, he goes around the country. he's constantly traveling. he consults. he's a really really smart guy, a business guy and every time he'll be with people from around the country. again, they aren't locked into
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politics. they'll sit around lunch, who are you for? he says 75% of the people he talked to the business people that travel that he talks too say trump, trump. >> two of thirds of the people with trump i would bet have never been into politics. part of the thing going on with trump, willie referenced he coined it last week he sid donald trump's candidacy in effect has given the big middle finger to the entire system. people like that. >> senator, senator, governor governor. >> coming up on "morning joe," we will talk to a pair of presidential candidates including donald trump, governor chris see the joins the conversation. they're both prepping. one for thursday's debate. "morning joe" will be live in cleveland on friday to break down all the big moments. >> that will be fun. still ahead, senator claire mccaskill weighs in on the negative numbers, her new books by the way, fabulous. >> it's great. >> former new york city mayor
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guiliani will be on set, america's mayor, first, here's bill karins. >> mica thunderstorms plagued us yesterday, there are two fatalities in new hampshire. straight line winds went through a fairground, a circus tent actually collapsed. 22 people were injured. two fatalities. this is in lancaster county. so once again, the dangers of thunderstorms, this wasn't a tornado. these were 60-mile-per-hour winds that uprooted that tent and caused those problems. this morning, even at this hour we still have thunderstorms. in the providenceary or check, probably 100 to 200 lightning strikes are about to roll through providence new london the storms just went through. so we'll keep an eye on that area. you are safe if new york city also philadelphia, light rain for you. your storms are done. baltimore and dlk have to wait for this afternoon. so that's round one. round two is later today, 37
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million people are at risk ahead of that front. one or two tornadoes are possible. i think the wind damage is the bicker threat. they should be widely scattered. for the rest of today, the rest of the country, still very hot across the southern half of the country. you want great gorgeous weather, head to detroit, the great lakes look fantastic over the next couple days. leaving a shot of new york city very muggy after the early morning rain we'll watch for scattered strong storms this afternoon. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance
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stricter gun control laws. a deadly movie playing her movie "train wreck" the pair stood in front of a sign that said "enough is enough." it would help people with mental illnesses to stop obtaining guns. >> my heart goes out to jillian and macy and everyone attached to the horrifying actions of this man who shouldn't have been able to put his hands on a gun in the first place. i'm not sure why this man chose my movie to end these two beautiful lives and injure nine others. it was personal for me. these are fought extreme ideas. no one wants to live in a country where a felon the mentally ill or other dangerous people can get their hands on a gun with such ease. the time is now for american people to rally for these changes. these are my first public comments on the issue of gun violence, i can promise you, they will not be my last.
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>> amy schumer with her cousin scluk schumer. former president jimmy carter under went an elective surgery. the 90-year-old had a small mass removed from his liver in atlanta yesterday. the 39th president still traveling extensively around the world, including recent visit to south america. he won the nobel peace prize for his humanitarian work if 2002. >> all right. the washington post, a move to defund planned parenthood of half a billion if federal funding came up short in the senate. it was a mostly republican push to strip the government backing after the release of a series of edited under cover videos. more of those are to come apparently. two democrats, including senator joe manchin voted in favor of the procedural bill. republican backers say they want to redirect the funds to other women's health clinics and resource, as you can imagine, it made for a passionate day of
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debate. >> perhaps the only thing more shocking than the actual dismembering of unborn children for sale is the cavalier attitude by the planned parenthood staff who seem to have sacrificed their humanity and showed so little regard for the sanktty of human life. >> i come to ask my republican colleagues a question. do you have any idea what year it is? did you fall down hit your head and think you woke up in the 1950s or the 1890s? should we call for a doctor? let's be really clear about something. the republican scheme to defund planned parenthood is not some sort of reprised response to a highly edited video. nope. it's just one more piece of a deliberate methodical orchestrated right wing attack on women's rights. >> i don't know what was
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acceptable in 1890 or what was shocking in 1950. the archbishop of chicago said have we so muted the humanity of the unbonn child some consider acceptable to speak freely of crushing a child's skull to preserve valuable body parts. was that acceptable in 1890 or 1950? the commerce of body parts, the archbishop said the defenseless unborn children callously discussed over lunch. a number spoke yesterday on the senate floor, talks about a sheer disdain for human ticketh human dignitary and disregard for their babies. there are pro choice people that believe fervently in the right of a woman to choose who are
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equally repulsed disgusted by those videos and more videos are coming out and they will be worse. >> really bad. >> they will be worse. and for elizabeth warren to try to conflate the right of a woman to choose with the horrorness and grotesqueness of what is discussed over lunch is really unfortunate. you know elizabeth warren talking about the 1950s and the 1890s, she can talk about it all she wants. there is a great quote. i don't know the source. it goes something like just because we are not shocked by what shocked our grandmothers does not mean we are more advanced than our grandmothers. >> okay. but with, you know just to be clear here she's talking about the issue of defunding planned parenthood and its services. she's fought talking about what's going on in these videos. >> she's talking about an
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organization whose leaders. >> look i don't disagree. >> and there are more. it's -- >> i know there are more. >> it's easy to see how many americans really believe their tax dollars should go to fund this organization. planned parenthood is not synonymous with women's health. you can have women's health or you can have an organization that takes care of women's health without having the number one abortion provider who speaks so callously over lunch about the har vesting of unborn children. >> the story is going to get a lot bigger. >> i'm saying conflating the right to choose with planned parenthood conflating dollars with protecting women's health that's just a red hering. it has been set up that way so you can't have this discussion without being against women's health. but you can be against the
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funding of planned parenthood without being against the support of women's health care. nice try elizabeth, nice try elizabeth warren. nice try. it's only going to get worse for planned parenthood. i agree with hillary clinton. there are troubling things on those tapes. and everybody needs to open their eyes and see that instead of reflectively talking about right wing attacks on a woman's right to choose. please stop insult our intelligence elizabeth warren. stop. >> coming up we'll have a deeper conversation about this i'm not sure that's what she was doing. that's your opinion. >> you want to play it again, we can play it again. >> no it was about funding planned parenthood not what is going on in these videos. you can be for funding planned parenthood and against what's happening in those videos. >> you can be for a woman's right to choose and fought be a part of this organization. >> you can.
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coming up how the most educated generation is earning far less than ever before. steve ratner has one of the big issues driving younger voters at the polls. plus former governor howard dean joins the table. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp." life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career you'll love. find more real possibilities at
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>> all right. joining us former treasury official steve ratner and former governor of vermont and chairman of the democratic national committee howard dean. >> let's go to howard dean first. you said before you were actually starting to see world nomination for donald trump. >> i never thought i'd say this. as of our discussion last friday on the show when you see, sure the national polls, that doesn't interest me much. but the florida polls where he's up against two politicians that are popular among republican voters and have 100% name recognition, he has a ten-point lead. if, the big if can he do the organization? it's been a lot of speculating. we don't know. you won't know until iowa. i decide barak obama could, fact, be president of the united states, he won iowa with twice as many voters. trump will have to do something like that. if he does this is the middle
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of the summer. >> right. >> we got a long way to go. >> it's not impossible anymore, it's not impossible. >> steve ratner. what do you got? what is it? >> for me that's so sweet. >> you will have it. >> that's a luxurious bag. >> it's gold. >> it's classy very classy. >> what do have you there? >> oh. >> oh. >> make america great again. >> oh yes. >> it's wrapping and everything. >> i love this. this goes right here. >> are you on team trump, steve? >> right there. from your personal collection. >> this is trump vodka. >> he has the rid one also the red cap also. all right, steve, we're looking at why millennials have results for the economy. you wrote something in the "new york times" this weekend. a great article. what's it look like in charge? >> part of this relates to donald trump, because we are
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talking about an important group of american was have a tough time. they have high unemployment low wage student delaware they're not buying homes. they can't afford to buy homes. let's take a look at what that means in numbers. it's pretty stunning. if you start with the first chart, this generation we define them as 18 to 24. from 15.7% in 1980 if you were a young person in 1980. you had a 15% rate of college education. it's up to 22%. look what's happened to their incomes. they went up steadily again a young person in 1980 to 1990. these are all adjusted for inflation, 2000. here we are now. you see the drop. >> by the way, willie this chart alone, proves what we tried to tell our friends in high school. education ain't ever going to get you nowhere. >> stop. >> this proves it once and for all, steve. if you are home the more education you have the less you make. >> what's next steve? >> a big part of their problem
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is education in the sense of the cost of education. let's take a look at what's happening to college tuitions over the last 22 years. the last 22 years, inflation has been up by 63%. the rate of tuition at colleges is up by 234%. >> what is driving that? >> i hate to say it and sound like a conservative, which i will do this one time. >> what is it? >> the college loan program enabled these huge university collections to develop to essentially charge the students at a future time. it's a really big problem. >> so how do we make the loan program strong so working class and middle class can go to school without colleges bilking it? >> this is where hillary and obama are right. you have to have some sort of a program that looks like debt-free college. you can't slogan it and tax and all that stuff. you have to fundament ally change it. >> do you do it for community colleges? state colleges? >> i would start with all public
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colleges improving the university of michigan to the local community college. one of the things that nobody is going to want to talk about is you will have to forgive at least half of the student debt. >> that's right. >> it's a phony item on the ambulance sheet. it's not there. it will never get paid. they cannot pay the state. >> i can give you some numbers to help you, howard here. so few go back again, you look at this next chart. 46% of college students graduated with debt. today it's 71%. in dollars, it was $15,000. today after adjusting for inflation, real dollars, it's more than doubled to $35,000. >> california's college, you used to be able to go to berkeley for free if you were a state student, right? >> this is part of what's happening at the government level, where you had a lot of cutbacks. i agree with everything howard said, there are a couple things going on with college. one every school feels it needs a new and better student center
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new and better dorms in order to attract these students so they go out, borrow money, raise their tuition and people pay for it. >> or they borrow it. >> borrow and pay for it. >> so it's a transfer from colleges an universities to the students. >> so it's unbelievable. even back to when i went as to undergrad in the ''80s and law school in the late ''80s and early '90s i spent $1,000 per semester. for alabama and university of florida, you look at the 26 for those even in-state it's like crazy how much it's changed. >> remember the consequences for these young people. they are buying houses at the lower rate than anyone has bought houses before they have a lower net worths than any generation than they have had in the modern history. when we ask them what do you think your future is? most think they won't be better off than their parents, this is a real problem. >> and a big chunk of their checks willie will go to pay
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off student loans. >> this is a part of too, steve, i don't know why you have numbers on this, why community colleges have become so wildly popular over the last decade or so, people see this as a poor investment. i don't want to graduate from a four-year school with all this debt for all the reasons you say, it hampers you on the first step out of the gate. >> the relating piece, people are realizing having a degree in philosophy is a good thing on many levels having a degree on something that has more practical application leaves you to community college. >> up next they hold the key for the race for 2016. what do the presidential candidates need to do to win the hispanic vote in much more "morning joe" when we come back.
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hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. 40% of the streetlights in detroit, at one point, did not work. you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done,
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the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks, young people are moving back in town the kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long.they're coming back. >> i have so many hispanics, they love me. i employ, they're tremendous people. they work hard mexicans all over, i have thousands, i have thousands and i love them. i'm number one in nevada number one in north carolina, number
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one nationally, but very importantly, i'm number one with the hispanics. mexicans for trump. when it's all said and done mark my words, if i get the nomination, i will win, i will win, remember that the hispanic vote. >> by the way, such a great relationship with the hispanics. >> all right. joining us now with the professor of political science of chica na studies, he has been looking at how it impacts the race for 2016. >> he has been smiling. >> by the way, tell him, we have too get him the make america great hat. >> i'm sure he is excited about that. professor, thanks, for being us with up, we appreciate it. despite what trump says, we have a poll that shows five% of latinos polled have an unfavorable view of donald trump. is there anyway he can change that impression? >> i don't think so those clips you were showing is pretty
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funny, it's just the opposite of what he is saying. he does not have any favorability in the latino community. the larger question people are asking is whether or not that's carrying over. he has so loud and carrying over to the large ever brand and image of the republican party as he continues to make some of these statements. >> that should be a big worry for a lot of people inside the party. >> by the way the favorable numbers, 13% for donald trump in that poll among latino voters. if i not donald trump, professor, who among the republican candidates is registering well among latino voters? >> well, i think one of the things you saw last night in the new hampshire forum was that a lot of them are starting to take trump's lead. >> that should cause a lot of worry for the republican party as a whole. there is a lot of people last night in new hampshire were taking a very strong stance on against immigration reform in favor of more border security. of wanting to delay immigration
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reform. so we didn't see even from folks like jeb bush who were supposedly the ones who were going to bring the republican party back for hispanics, we didn't see a lot of that last night. we saw people talking about securing the border delaying pushing back any legal status. so we want to study. we want to assess whether that trend continues, like it did if 2012. that was o things that got mitt romney in trouble him he let the primary sway him so far to the right. i think that can be a big, big issue of concern. >> i remember the day, i realize mitt romney couldn't win. that's when he looked in the camera at one of those debates, said i will veto the dream act if it gets to my deck. he said it twiechlts i realized he had no idea between the immigration reform and dreenl act is telling people they cone want their children in this country. they did well served in the armed forces. i think this is not good for the republican party. if he gets down to the final four or five this process goes
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out when people are paying attention next winter i think the republican party is in deep trouble no matter who they nominate. >> all right. thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe," a big day for presidential politics. we'll talk to republican front runner donald trump. is he going to be calling in? >> yes. >> oh boy. also joining us, governor chris christie. we'll be right back.
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>> carley is a pretty good choice, there you go. >> i thought you were going to say mrs. santorum. >> now you will get me in trouble. okay i'm putting you. so i was thinking actually. >> welcome back to "morning joe." mark halperin is still with us. >> he's at the trump camp. >> trump decision desk. >> monitoring that story. that weird story. the new york sometimes reporter jeremy peters and pollster president writer for the washington post and msnbc contributor jonathan capehart. >> we have donald trump and chris christie coming on soon i have a make america great cap courtesy of steve ratner. >> brought it from his personal collection. >> let's talk really quick before we get into these crazy polls. they are crazy let's talk about the forum last night. you were talking about them beforehand, what do you see?
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>> it's a fascinating exercise they parade the candidates across the stage two minutes or three minutes? they say, okay you are dismissed. it really was, though, few watched it for the several hours it was on, if you are interested if substance, there was a lot there. but we were talking about the fact that donald trump was the one candidate fought there and how a lot of these speeches are canned answers, they're trump speeches. they're things you heard before. if you follow politics donald trump doesn't do any of that. it showed me how different 31st night will be with donald trump. >> what was your question last night? >> i think willie is right. while donald trump was not there physically, he was there in spirit. he was acknowledged not directly, but acknowledged indirectly by almost every candidate on the stage who had to take a tough, tough stance on immigration, who also interestingly enough talked about their working class, middle class background in a way that donald trump can't. >> who trumped last night? >> i think the consensus i have
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seen so far is that jeb bush under performed. he tripped up over a lot of his answers, he's shown once again that he stumbles about questions, how he differs from his father and his brother, how he will be a different kind of bush. at the end of the debate he was asked about that he stumbled for an answer he gave this strange response about the jeb bush swag story and there being a tee-shirt that said something like if you pick on my dad, i'll come beat you up. >> there is no new politics. >> according to bloomberg politics donald trump is points ahead of the republican field.
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fox released their poll with trump scoring big. 26% to bush's 15. walker trailing with 9%. cruz and mike huckabee posting strong numbers. 124r a three-way tie between christie, rand paul and marco rubio. more good news for the new jersey governor in the recent averages the debate stage will look something like this. . >> let's go to the phone right now. we got republican presidential candidate for governor chris christie of new jersey. governor christie this debate format and how you decide who is
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on the stage has been controversial from the very beginning. it certainly looks like you made the pre-season's top ten world trade center new polls da came out this morning. it looks like you will be there. what are you thinking this morning? >> well at least i look forward to being there thursday night. good morning. i look forward to being there thursday night talking about the specific plans that we put forward for the country and it should be an interesting evening. >> we have been talking about how it's hard to break through 47 candidates, republican candidates, you now have that you have to break through, also the donald trump phenomenon where he is blowing everybody away with the polls. do you talk about trump, confront of the trump or ignore him and focus on something different in. >> listen i think with ten candidates in this debate thursday night shows the right thing to do is to talk about your ideas and what you want to put forward as a plan for america's future and those are the things you need to talk about. i think focusing on any one particular candidate doesn't make any sense.
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>> everybody has been sitting around the table scratching their heads, trying to figure out donald trump, why he is doing as well as he is why, governor? you know politics. i mean what is your gut on it? what why is he doing this well? >> listen i think this is a phenomenon we seen often in primary politics folks will do well for a period of time maybe not so well afterwards you don't know. you can't predict the way it will work. donald is a friend of mine. i've known him over 13 years. you know he's someone who is articulate and has a good way at times of presenting himself. we'll see how it goes it's august. we'll take a deep breath. there is a lot of work between now and when everyone votes, iowans vote and new hampshire citizens vote as well. >> so what itself the strategy with the debate? the sort of packed question you will get anywhere what will you do to break through in. >> that was my question, okay. >> i have to say, beyond donald
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trump, there are several other candidates before you in the polls, some of the polls are the specific once, especially the state wide ones. >> that has to be a concern to you. what itself strategy to break through? what's the policy you want to focus on you think sets you apart from the rest? what do you make of this situation? >> first off mica i've never had an easy race so you know i don't worry about what the polls look like if august when people are not voting until february. so what you need to focus on is what makes you different. what you have to offer to the people of the country that will catch their attention and their imagination over the course of time. and wr nobody has been more substantive we v. we laid out entitlement reform criminal justice reform and on our world. those things will last over the test of time much more than any one particular sound byte you might get off at a debate or fought get off well at a debate.
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again, i think it's about the substance of the policies the republican primary voters will want to hear exactly what you want to do and how you will do it. nobody has laid out more spec ideas on difficult issues we have so far. >> jonathan what part of new jersey were you born in? >> north jersey i lived near haslet. >> you are a jersey boy. i will sit back and shut up. >> thank you, governor christie. >> another great american born in newark like me jonathan. >> hey, governor christie i want you to agree or disagree with this comment that a friend of mean e-mailed to me james slocum from los angeles who was responding to a piece i wrote about you and donald trump how you are tell it like it is candidates. he said to me that he hoped that you would go after donald trump because quote are you the only one with the balls to take trump
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down a peck or two. agree or disagree? >> you can dell he's from jersey. >> i don't think this morning my goals should be assessing the field's anatomy. >> oh come on. >> at the end of the day, listen i am who i am. as you all know. i have been on your program a lot over the years. i say exactly what i think. if i believe there is something that needs to be said on that stage thursday night, i'll say it. >> hmm, jeremy. >> okay. i'll speak for bergen county here, governor christie it's willie. one of the centerpieces of your campaign has been entitlement reform. you were talking about it lasted nightt the candidate forum. do you find that's making traction that is a time bomb waiting to explode not too far down the road.
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people glaze over it. do you think voters have suffering tear teeth in entitlement reform? >> we are finding reaction in our town hall meetings, which is the best gauge i can have for it at the moment. people understand with 75% of federal spending is on entitlement debt systems. we will lead into a country that can't invest in its future. it can't create jobs for young people. people understand that that's where we're headed. by the way, it's the insolvency of these programs or a massive tax increases on the american people. so i think you have to put it directly to folks. you have to speak in really plain language i think people are understanding it. you know, no one likes it. it's not a pleasant conversation to have, willie it's a conversation we need to have as a people. because otherwise, we are going to lose both way, these programs will go under and we will be killing our chance at economic growth and opportunity in the country as well. >> now, let's go to cherry
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hill's favorite song jeremy pe ders. >> you know, i did cover clinton for a little while. i guess that gives me a little jersey. >> i guess that's why they give you cherry hill. >> governor, good morning, you won re-election the way republicans want to win the white house, that's by capturing a significant percentage of the hispanic vote. what do you think donald trump's being in the race does to the party's chances of winning over his pangs? >> i don't think anything jeremy. not only did i win a significant amount of the hispanic vote. i won the hispanic vote. we got 51% in 2013 and 22% of the african-american vote and female candidates we got 56% of the female vote. >> that is the way we have to try to win across the country. i don't think any one particular candidate has an effect on the party unless and until that candidate is the nominee of the party. until that time all you are is someone who is aspiring to lead
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the party. but we don't decide who leads the party by who leads in the polls in august. the year before the elect. we decide who leads the party when someone gets the number of delegates they need to capture the nomination. so at this point i don't think it has any effect. you need to be out there speaking of the things we believe if. from there, if you capture the imagine axe of our voters in the republican party, ten you can lead the party and then your conduct and your words have a direct effect on the party's ability both at the top of the ticket and below. >> all right. mark halperin. >> govgs i've eaten a snickers at bradley beach. that's the benefit i can do. i read some interesting xentsz you said about jeb bush saying he hasn't been around very much as you have been traveling helping republicans around the country. i'm wonder a, what you meant by that, b, what you thought governor bush did last night since you got a front row seat to watch him. >> first, i was responding to a direct question about the relevance of governor bush's experience. i just said you know his voice
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on the issues of today. i said listen i haven't heard him much on the issues of today, just because since he left office, i haven't seen him around as mump talking about those issues so it was an honest answer to a direct question which i know is unusual in politic, but, you know, that's way i do it. listen i thought jeb did fine last night. last night was an opportunity for all of us to have a very brief period of time to answer, you know, very direct questions from the moderator in new hampshire about a whole variety of issues. so i'm sittingwith jeb in the front row. i think it was ben carson between jeb and i. i thought he did fine last night. i don't think anybody had a particularly bad evening. and i know that's what the commentary was to focus on afterwards who did poorly. the pact is i think everybody did just fine it's the first round in a whole number of rounds of debates and discussions that we will all participate in. the food news is over the course of time people will get
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to see folks performing in those forums. it will give them at least some window into not only our view of what the future of the country should be but also a view towards how we perform in those types of situations. >> governor chris christie we hope you come back on the show on the set the last time you came in here, you did it on my day off. >> i would have stormed off the set in protest by the time i got there. the dye was cast. >> fine. >> i will absolutely come back. i appreciate you having me on this morning. >> we look forward to seeing you. governor christie thank you very much. >> he says everyone did fine. >> jeremy peters you violated. >> it's great to have chris christie with us. >> i thought the performances were uneven. we talked about jeb's stumbles. i think scott walker also struggled to articulate why beyond being a fighter he would
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be a good presidential candidate. trump resonates, he's a fighter. i think you need more rationale. >> why do you think jeb bush didn't do fine? >> we should get the sound. it's quite stunningly articulate quotes. my dad is probably the most perfect man alive, so it's very hard of me to be critical of him. in fact, i got a tee-shirt that says i'm the, my dad's the greatest man alive, if you don't like it i'll take you outside. >> okay. >> well or you can put make america great on the cap. so jump in here. you know i remember mark halperin us talking the point four years ago being stunned that mitt romney still did not have an answer for romney care. we sat here going, he knew it was coming. how could he be in the middle of a campaign and still fought have
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a good answer? now, okay he eventually got do that in the middle of the general election, but you do wonder why jeb can't. we understand he loves his dad. we all love our dads. we understand he loves our brother. if you are running for president of the united states you know this is a question that will keep coming up. why can't he come up with a bad answer? pass it by his family at the next bar-b-que and you know on walker's point and go out and say it? >> let's not overstate it. but the biggest thing that happened i think in the last 24 hours besides these polls is what jeremy's pointed to not just that one answer from jeb bush. he was not sharp all fight. he seemed a little uncomfortable in the format. i think for those who believe that jeb bush is likely to be the events wal nominee, performances like that if he slows up on thursday i think it will set him back in a big way. >> what was so bad about last night for those of us who were watching with our seven-year-old. >> and still are?
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>> he was not sharp or commanding. he also said i to the most of the others were not sharp or commanding either. this is their first time on a stage like that. there will be a little nerves but they're going up against trump who is always sharp and commanding. >> we are talking about jeb, he has been doing the forever. >> not just on that answer he wasn't sharp and commanding. don't overstate one performance. he can be sharp and commanding. but that answer and the others he gave some of his supporters are concerned about it. >> let's look at the sound byte when he's talking about his family. let's take a look. >> i have a different view than my brother. my dad is probably the most perfect man alive. so it's very hard for me to be critical of him. in fact i got a tee-shirt that says the jeb swag store that says i'm the,py dad's the greatest man alive, if you don't like it i'll take you outside. >> is that comfortable? clearly, willie, uncomfortable.
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we're not overanalyzing it. if you have two minutes and running for president of the united states and raids over a million dollars, you have been planning there and they throw you a softball down the middle of the plate. you don't bond it foul for the third strike. >> i'm not going do get two bothered he botched the slogan on the tee-shirt. if you watch, they will have to tune things up by thursday because either there was some fumbling or a lot of long answers that were sort of word answers, that's not going to fly on a debate on thursday. >> we have perfected. >> you are mean. >> we are sol zblid you are mean. >> i am making a point here. >> yes, sorry. >> we have perfected word salay around the morning joe table. but if you know if are in a position, no i'm going to get two minutes and i got all these people here. i'm going to break through, one performance is just a flick. it doesn't matter.
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but the guy has got to start performing. the take away last night is he was stumbling around by everybody that was marching. that's a problem. >> i guess for one fight, he did. request i get mun positive review? i to the carley fiorina was good. >> she's great. >> i think her poll numbers won't get her on the stage for the main event. to have somebody not a politician, a ceo, who is a woman by the way. >> yeah. >> i think she would add a fascinating -- >> i thought before this election cycle she may have been the single worst politician i've ever seen. she was miserably bad. i have been surprised every time i have seen her. she's outperformed every time really really impressive. >> two of the big mysteries this race so far in the polling state and national why her numbers haven't gone up an rubio's numbers haven't gone up. they both bring a lot of distinctive qualities to the race. >> what's happened to rubio? >> le basically got five or 6%
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of people that seem to be with him. he's not grown. he still has high favorability. still a lot of people like him. he's still a work in progress. i have been surprised and others he and fiorina has not grown. >> i didn't see the forum last night. i'm not surprised by what willie said. i went to a christian science monitor breakfast in washington with carley fiorina as the guest. she was impressive. she took presidential style questioning from the walk hardened press core. she gave as good as she go. her one big liability is her running of hewlett packard. people came at her. you ran the company into the ground, you got fired. you were gave platinum parachute to lead the company. she had answers, that were convincings, hey, she's tough. she's on it. in a way that jeb bush isn't there on the iraqi question or the questions about his father
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and his brother in the way that romney wasn't when it came to his wealth. so i'm surprised. i also am surprised carley fiorina, who performance wise very very strong isn't doing as well. >> let me do something, listening to what you said mark said, we all said one thing we do know about politics an campaigns, at the end of the day, it's like football block and tackling. it's the fundamentals. if somebody is this good and they keep being this good day in, day out, day in day out. they will break through. maybe they don't win, at the end of the day, it's like night kept showing up. he would say these things blow himself up. step on a landmine every three days, but he'd go to those debates, be really good. people say we will give him a chance. i think if carley keeps performing this well i think, who knows. >> there is probably only so much room in the field for one business minded anti-politician at a time. right now we know who that space is being filled by.
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>> in a measured way, she brings a little of what trump brings she says implicitly you guys have been one of 35 in washington doing nothing the rest of us have been out here in the country getting things done. >> i think drump hurt her the most. pre-trump before the trump surge, i started to see her at 5 and 6% in the national polls, if a couple national polls. we'll see what happens with the trump shakeout. >> we have to go to break, jeremy peters for being so mean we will make you wear this hat. put that on. oh, will you wear it when trump calls in? i want to see that. >> we will get you a jeb tee-shirt. >> that will be incredible. still ahead on morning joe's, we could find out today which republicans do and do not make the cut. chuck todd is standing be toy break down the latest polls. we are moments away with our current conversation jeremy peters will wear a hat that says make america great again. lou is donald trump prepping for
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wild donald trump surges hillary clinton numbers are going in the wrong direction. she leads bernie sanders. >> that's good. >> i wouldn't complain with that. but her support has dropped 16 points since june. her net favorability saw a swing with 48% seeing the former secretary of state in a negative light. >> you see that you think that's really bad. >> steve ratner is at the table. >> that's horrible. let's show her republican front runners. >> clinton's net favorability bush is down 14 points trump by 30 points. >> with us from washington moderator from meet the press, chuck todd i would say these negative numbers make a big difference, but you look at donald trump. >> its not relative.
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>> they have moved so radically, trumps over the past couple months, you look at the poll who is minus 11 today may be plus 5 next month. it's so volatile. >> except there is one trend in all of it. it's so negative for everybody. this is an indictment of the entire presidential field. so you are right, hillary clinton by comparison, the clinton campaign likes to bring this up. yes, you folks are on a low approval rating. she's on a better place and everybody is if bad shape. we ask ourselves, why is the anti-washington candidate the guy that's doing so well in one party right now. why is bernie sand herbsers on the move. they don't like the field. by the way, joe, there is two things that matter in her negatives and in jeb. her negatives are worse than at any given time of obama. at any point in time during his term. that's number one.
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she already lower than him. jeb bush has a higher negative rating than mitt romney had at this time. mitt romney barely survived. >> barely. hey, chuck. i'm sure you saw the wmur poll that came out last night at 6:00. mark halperin alerted us to the cross tabs pretty stunning. donald trump blows away his closest competition when voters in new hampshire. these are new hampshire voters are asked who can handle the economy best. >> prey% trump, walker a distant at 9%. 14% of voters are unsure who would be best on each of these questions, but on the economy, if new hampshire, donald trump 43% 2nd place cut walker at 9%. at this point jeb's campaign should probably start breaking at least a tiny sweat, maybe. chuck? >> i would think so. i mean this idea that okay oh
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they're happy, because trump is taking attention away from walker or rubio or cruz okay but at this point in time it's making jeb, himself, though also look weak. he looks like one of them. if it were jeb and trump and everybody else okay then you could say that. but have you seen a trend here? jeb has fallen back to the pack too, he's looking like just another high single digit guy that walker and all these other guys are looking at. so. you know coupled with this uneven performance, i think we haven't seen him on a debate stage like this ever. this is he's and then what happened to him on friday when hillary clinton went up there and laid into him at the urban league and jeff didn't respond. >> okay. do we have them, dan? not yet. on. we are doing trump after the break. really quickly, cluck, joe biden. if he jumps in is that a huge
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factor? i think he will. do you think he will? >> look i think the family knows. he has extra advisers chattering around. so we'll see. i think he's always believed he is more prepared for the presidency tan hillary clinton. he has always believed he has a he knows why he wants to be president more so than she does. so the question is she is willing to go through this a third time it's hard to do one of the polls, i think deserves mentions we have plant parenthood and nra were the two most popular political entities that we tested. >> i saw this. >> yes, there was obviously a lot of support for planned parenthood and support for the nra. independent versus a net positive view of planned parent had and a view of the nra. we wonder why the senate was so
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conflicked. planned parenthood resonates more positive with the middle electorate than the party wants to admit. >> those numbers for planned parenthood exist right now. i predict in two or three months they will be very different. we'll see. chuck todd thank you very much. coming up, new polls show him with the widest lead yet, donald trump standing by. we'll talk to him next on "morning joe." [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing]
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>> do you have the genes to be a successful politician? >> well you never really know. i think i'm pretty outspoken. that's probably not a good thing in terms of a politician. it's a good thing if you ever got elected, you can do a job. i see what's happening in this country our so-called allies are ring us off left and right, with saudi arabia and kuwait they're ripping this country off. can i tell you if i ever was in office which is unlikely, i don't think i want to be. if i ever was, that would not happen. we wouldn't be taken advantage of the way we are. >> brand-new. >> this is trump. saying the same thing 30 years later. >> you speak vintage. i have something new's, few cbs poll out right now. trump 24 jeb bish 13 zot walker a ten. >> donald trump is with us. donald i know you don't like
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talking about yourself. there have been a spate of new polls this morning. you don't look at polls. they all have you doubling the feel t. state polls are even more impressive. new hampshire, south carolina you're blowing the field away. what's, what do you do donald going into the debate? do you play it safe by a comfortable margin? >> we are doing well if iowa too. i don't know if you seen that? >> no tell us about the iowa poll. >> a great poll. i guess it came out recently, i was told we are doing with el in iowa. >> yep. >> what's happening, donald? i mean you are shocking everybody in the political class, why are you doubling your closest competitors? and why new jersey to what was it 39% denying or 43% denying people in new hampshire think you can run the economy better than anybody else? >> i've had a great record of
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business. my business has been phenomenal. i built a great business. the only reason i say that, i think people concur with that. they see me projects all over the country, all over the world. it happens to be over $10 billion in net worth. the bloomberg guys a and the forbs is 4 or $5 billion. it's irrelevant. but i've had great success and they you know just and people see that, i would put all of that energy and whatever that brain power is whatever that type of power into our country. >> why do you think it's so hard for people to say, we have been talking how mica got pounded over the past couple months? why is it so hard for people to admit that? why has it been so hard for people to admit you actually could be a relevant force in this race? >> well, you know you sort of
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alluded to it. i've had it all my life. i had it in real estate. i came if from brooklyn. my father was a brooklyn builder if queens. i said pop, i really want to go to manhattan. i had a greats father. he's a tough cookie. he was good, taught me a lot. i said i want to go into manhattan. he said, son, that's not our territory. we should stay here. you know nothing about that. but i want to build big building, pop, i went into manhattan and did phenomenally in manhattan. now we are all over the world. it's always a little bit of a struggle to get people to understand it. and they don't necessarily love writing positive. in the end, you have to keep chunking forward. you love me very well. you and mica. you keep chugging chugging. i think people are tired, tick i sick and tired of incompetent politicians. nobody knows the politicians better than me. don't forgive, three months ago
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i was on the other side of the ledger, the fair haired boy in the rnc. i was the fair haired boy with the governor's thing. i gave $350,000 last year to the republican governors. you don't even get letters of thank you. you give money, they don't even say thank you anymore. that's how crazy it is. but i think when i get up we get standing ovations they talk about how great our country could be? our country has such a potential. if it continues to go this path it will be almost impossible to bring it back. it's really far down the line. >> let's start there. let's talk about your vision to make america great again. give me one policy that would be a goal, a singular goal in a trump presidency. we were talking about college debt. we have been talking about wages, what is your goal? what do you think you have to do in office to make america great again? a policy. >> well, you could have a
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conversation for hours on that. we'd still have plenty left over. one of the things it does have to do with the wealth of a country. we are a debter nation. we owe 18 trillion going up to 21, 22 trillion very rapidly now. you watch what happens. obamacare is going to start kicking in. that's a disaster for the consistent in many ways, a disaster for the people and a disaster for the balance sheet so to speak. but we have to negotiate great trade deals. i would get the best guys carl icon is a friend of mine i'd say handle coin. i'd say, good luck here's japanch believe me we will do so well. we make so much. i was in los angeles two weeks ago. i see ships coming if from japan, untils and millions of cars coming in from japan, all the time constantly. we give them what do we give them? we different them beef. they don't want i. they fight. they pick it when we send them
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our beef. they don't want it. it's just so imbalanced and so unfair and comes in tax free no taxes, no nothing. a set of building cars in this country and you have to negotiate. i mean who is our chief negotiator with japan? karlin kennedy. she was shocked she got the job. she said i can't believe they gave me the job, ambassador to japan, she is dealing with a killer abe who has done a great job. battling the heck out of the yen in their country. if you ask me, there are so many things, we have as to strengthen up the borders, get rid of the executive orders where everybody can come in enjoy your life. the nice thing about an executive order, the new president can come in and sign it away immediately. you don't have to worry about congress. we have to have great trade december, mexico is killing us on the border. i have great relationships, they buypy apartments thousands of people over the years have
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worked with me. we have to make great trade deals. we can't let all these other nations steel our jobs they're steeling our manufacturing. >> donald, we have pa lot of people around the table that want to talk you. let's go to willie. >> donald womanly geist. >> hi, womanly. >> one of the biggest issues in this campaign on the republican side is obamacare. >> right. >> last night all the questions at the forum many about repealing it and what you would do to replace it. you were asked the other day what you would do after you'd repeal obamacare, you would replace it with something spec. that's a good place to start, could you be more specific in this year you were taughting on the david letterman show are you for a single payer health care? >> no it's certainly something in certain countries works. it works incredibly well in scotland. some think it works in canada. not here. what has to happen i like the concept of private enterprise coming in.
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the insurance companies are making a fortune, willie, on obamacare. you look at their stocks this was done almost you could say for the insurance companies. they're doing great. you have to create competition. and you have to go back to a system of private and the private has to you have to get rid of the artificial lines drawn around every state. when i negotiate for health care, i have one bidder. i'd like to have a bidish from iowa from nav, from california. i'd like to have 100 bidders. the only thing the governor should be involved in is making sure the bidders are strong. >> instead, there is only one person you are bidding against, health care costs, mike barnacle are sky high. >> i can't bid against anybody. there is one group that comes in all the time. i say get me more get me more. they're not allowed. if i'm in new jersey i want new york i can't bid anybody.
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i get one or two people one or two groups they're not good groups. they give lousy service, lousy treatment d. reason that is is because they make a fortune. because they have the politicians taken care of with the lobbyists and special interests and the donors. and one of the things -- there so there is no competition. >> there is no competition. joe, one of the things people like about me nobody is taking care of me. i don't need anybody to take care of me. i think a lot of people one other thing on health care by the way, you get great plans, they'd be much more reasonable. rich as heck and this is where i get myself if trouble with some republicans, believe it or not i have a heart. we have to take care of the people that have no money that can't afford to take care of themselves. i say for those people maybe you are talking about 25% 20-something percent. for those today i work out deals with hospitals. which by the way are fought
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doing well. >> donald so let's keep this moving. this is fascinating we go do mike born cal now. >> everybody is making so much money. >> he's absolutely correct. >> these companies are making a fortune. they have a special interest what obama wants them to, do that's what happened with obamacare. >> mr. trump when the news stories and the newspapers and the tv networks aren't talk accounts about donald trump, a lot of the time and space is filled with stories about gun massacre after gun massacre in this country. what would you do about the gun shows, where it's easier when you go to a gun show it's easier to get a handgun than it is a library card. >> well i must tell you, i'm a big second amendment person. you have very sick people that shouldn't have guns. we're all into that.
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you have some real whack jobs, it would be nice the communities would report these people. so often, when you have a shooting. they go back to the community, the community, half the people said we few he would be a sick puppy, et set remarks et set ravenlt i believe in the 2nd amendment. i think you need it for protection. >> mark pal person. >> mr. trump, good morning. we were talking earlier today whether you can build an organization. you have a message, so did barak obama. he built a big organization, what are your plans and commitment to your supporttories build a field operation, to do grass roots organizing in places like iowa and new hampshire? >> you know what people don't understand i have a big organization, there are those that say i have the biggest organization as an example in iwest virginia i have chuck wagner who is fantastic. he's got i think 12 or 14 people with him. i've got in new hampshire a great organization. those two states i have such a great relationship with the
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people there. i go there, the crowds are unbelievable. it's been so much fun. we have a big organization in new hampshire. we have a big organization in south carolina. by the way, south carolina polls just came out. i think i was at 34 or 35% and other people were like at 9. but in south carolina we have a very big organization. we have terrific people. real proven winners. and i have a big organization and a lot of people don't write that. i think you started to see it mark if all fairness, i think i might have more people than almost any organization. by the way, that's funded with my money, not with a lobbyists money. >> i think it's fascinating, you talk about the outsiders. it's still viewed as an you'der in washington. i love the story they began with willie talking about he's a brooklyn guy and a queens guy, he told his dad he wanted to go
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into manhattan and build big buildings, there is a manhattan pushback. always it happens all the time. >> so willie's father the great william geist wrote that story, the cover of the fork times sunday magazine. >> it's true that is a true story. >> he actually wrote that story, many years ago, i don't know what that was. >> '84, donald 1984. >> if you are going to bring up stuff from the past did larry king really have bad breath? >> actually that was funny. he said you are able he had to watch it. i get a lot of heat for that, i would never do that to a person larry said you are able to put people off guard and to make people really uncomfortable few want. how do you do that? what do you do? i said larry, your breath is terrible? he goes, what what? if you would go three minutes earlier, he was talking how i, i don't know if it's true or not. he said you have an ability to really make people feel
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uncomfortable. they go for the guilt. he said, how do you do that? i said larry, your breath is terrible. he didn't know i was responding to his question. >> did you say that to scott walker? >> they only play the larry your breath is terrible sometimes. he didn't have bad breath actually. >> okay. i'm going to take notes. >> garlic. >> a clear in garlic. >> i love that. >> yes has to polls have been astoungd there was one bit of discourageing news for you, as you know one of the big reasons mitt romney got creamed against latinos, our nbc news "wall street journal" poll shows you have a 75% unfavorable rating among latino voters 13% unfavorable. how can you win a nomination with those numbers? >> i have thousands that work for me right now. by the way, there was a pom out recently, a latino poll while i
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was at 35%. i was leading in the latinos. i will find it for you. there is another one in nevada at 35%, i'm way ahead in nevada of everybody else. i'm in the mid-30s and with hispanics i was higher than the regular numbers, i won the hispanics by a lots. so i think i'm going to do i think what will happen i'm talking illegal immigration a. lot of miss spannics in this country, they agree with me. i am getting letters and cause, i think i will win the hispanics. i think i am going to win the african person vote. >> all right. >> because i create jobs and they want jobs. they don't want jobs from carolina taking away from china. all of these countries that are taking our jobs they are ripping our country to the shreds. with me that will not happen. >> donald trump, always good to have you on this show thank you very much. >> good luck out there. >> up next on "morning joe," and
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paul shane saw thursday. >> friday talking about how well, you did on thursday. >> lindsey graham used a blender, the latest candidate to release a viral video. this one includes bacon. we'll be right back. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his sunshine. i am his advocate. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr
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machine gun. >> you said something about donald trump. >> he's explained this pretty darn well. if you look at how he's handling himself, the fear of other candidates and i think he's more likely to go up than down in the short term. >> what he said in the beginning was so revealing. he's an outer borough guy who has kind of been carrying that chip on his shoulder because people in manhattan have been underestimating him, making fun of him for all these years. now the washington sort of elites are doing the same thing. always at their own peril. >> he jokes about the piece my dad wrote in 1984. i went back and read it. that's really the theme. the whole piece, he's a guy who came from brooklyn, came into manhattan. turned that industry on its head. walked into board meetings said and did whatever he wanted. he didn't play by the rules that existed before he got there, and he's been doing it for 30 40 years.
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>> the 1984 piece, he came across the brooklyn bij with a chip on his shoulder and said boom. here i am. >> in a time where a lot of people in the country feel we're on the wrong track, a guy who says i don't care about the rules, follow me to success. that's a good message. >> it's fielding and worked for him so far, but i think what's so striking mika is you go back and look at the interview with jane pauley in the 1980s. you look at the interview with larry king from 1989. he's saying the same exact thing. we've got suckers in washington, d.c. that are being ripped off by japan, that are being ripped off by china. that are being ripped off in trade deals, ripped off in treaties. yeah, you know what? carl icon he's a tough sob. we're going to send him to china to take care of china. what do most americans think?
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that's probably better than a bure cat who got his masters degree from some ivy league negotiator negotiator. >> all the republican candidates on the podium the bumbling tired old messages. look at that bacon thing, and then listen to the last interview and tell me what works for republicans, for people who want to win. >> machine gun bacon. >> tasty. >> coming up at the top of the hour, you could call it a dry run for thursday's republican debate. we'll have highlights from the gop forum in new hampshire, and the major candidate who did not attend. and claire mccaskill joining us. also joining us rudy giuliani. we'll be right back.
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i'd love to go against whether it's hillary clinton or joe biden. i'm a fresh face versus a name in the past. >> as for the clintons i have been dealing with this crowd for 20 years. >> my first day in the oval also, i would make two calls. the first would be to netanyahu. >> 50% of america probably doesn't know who i am. >> what the people of new jersey know is when i say i'm dpog to do something, i do it. >> give bernie sanders credit. at least he's honest enough to call himself a socialist. hillary clinton, president obama, they're no better. they're just not honest enough. >> you have mentioned cutting federal agencies. what agenciess would you
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eliminate or cut? >> i have heard this question before. >> yes he has. did he get it right? >> i'm sure he did, mika. >> yes. >> boy, we got some polls out today. talk about a massive, not even a shakeup. it's sort of cementing of you know, the final preseason polls are in. >> trump is trumping them. >> just it's pretty crazy. and it's not just the national polls. >> no. >> i think the most impressive numbers come out of the state polls. >> absolutely. >> especially a state like new hampshire. and by the way, these are people, you know mike better than anybody else. they are hardened. they are tough when it comes to politics. >> it's what they do. they wait for this. >> it's what they do. >> they take the time to know each and every candidate. he's up by 12 points in new hampshire. >> iowa south carolina beating
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chris christie in new jersey. he's not just cementing. he's growing. he's doubling up jeb bush scott walker, in almost every one of these new polls. >> if i were jeb bush anybody else, i would say these are just snap shots. it's summer. rudy giuliani blah blah eight years ago. >> he's coming on. >> rudy's coming on? >> yeah. >> that's great. you go to the cross tabs. you were saying look at the cross tabs of trump. also, look at the numbers that are shifting. the people that said two months ago, i'll never vote for this guy. two months ago had an unfavorable impression of him. he's turning those numbers which do have to cause concerns. >> he's leading in our new national poll. in the new hampshire poll republicans were asked who do you trust best to handle the economy. 43%, trump. the next highest is 9%. >> wow. >> amazing. >> who do you trust to handle terrorism? trump, 21%. best to handle illegal
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immigration. trump, 38%. those traits as well as his improving favorability rating -- >> look at the economy. look at the -- 43 to 9. >> kind of a big issue. >> by the way, who are you going to trust? politicians that have been in politics. i'm talking about, if you're a new hampshire voter and someone asks who do you think could handle the economy better a guy doing deals across the world for 30, 35 years or a guy who became governor two or three years ago? >> he's also doing well on the question who do you think can win in a general election second to bush. and who do you think the nominee will be second to bush. >> we want to methodically understand them especially when we get to new hampshire. the first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign is now two days away. we're going. we should be finding out today who makes the cut in the debate. a source tells new york magazine that the average will be taken from the most recent polls with
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live interviewers. that would include surveys like the ones you see here. and we're seeing a flood of new polling ahead of thursday's debate. that includes the new edition from bloomberg politics just in this morning. donald trump with 21%, way ahead of jeb bush and scott walker who are just points in front of the rest of the republican field. further down chris christie and john kasich. tie with ted cruz at 4% as they hope to inch up before the debate cut-off. >> we have a ton of polls to go through. quickly, mark there's the bloomberg poll. what did you take out of it? >> he's ahead in our poll as he is in other polls. in terms of qualification for the debate rick perry looks like he's going to be the odd man out. >> the bloomberg poll looks like it put chris christie over the top and john kasich. >> you have to say, kasich people worried for him getting in late. buying tv time in new hampshire. he rose fast enough in the
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national polls in his home state on that debate stage. that's a very big thing for him. >> you've got the big governors from the big states that have made it in. >> now look the fact is i still think that undercard debate is going to be a good forum for them. rick perry will get to talk a lot more in that debate than he would have in the other one. for john kasich to get on that stage is a big deal. and for chris christie, too. both of them at times looked like they were in danger. ow poll and some of the others in the last 24 hours means we know who the ten are on the stage. >> fox has released their new poll with trump scoring big. 26% to bush's 15. walker trailing with 9%. cruz and mike huckabee both posting strong numbers as well. in the new monmouth university poll, trump posts his biggest lead yet and the biggest of any candidate in the race so far. at 26%, he is 14 points ahead of his nearest rival, more than doubling bush and walker's numbers. there's a three-way tie for
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seventh between christy, rand paul, and marco rubio. more good news for the new jersey governor near the bottom of the top ten in recent averages. >> willie look at these numbers. again, from all of the polls coming out this morning. just massive leads for donald trump. >> again more than doubled in that poll. the most interesting number in the monmouth poll this is one that jumps out at you, his favorable/unfavorable. in june two months ago, 20% favorable, 55% unfavorable. yesterday, same poll 52% favorable, 35% unfavorable. that's a 52-point flip when you factor everything in. so the debate stage will look something like this right now as we take a look at it. donald trump center stage. jeb bush. >> wow. >> looks like scott walker flanking him right there. >> keep that right there. keep that picture up.
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mike barnicle, look at that guy in the center. 22.4%. a month and a half ago, we had some owe of the mose respected people sit around the team some who work for nbc news in high positions saying trump is a joke, he wasn't going to run. people being offended that mika would dare say he was going to have an impact on the race. just a month and a half ago. this is the equivalent, is it not, of the college preseason poll, which of course means nothing at the end of the year but certainly means something as this campaign shapes up and certainly means something as you're talking about raising money, getting momentum. i mean it's one thing to have a poll in june. it's another before the first debate, as we're getting into august. august soon turns into september. at that point, it's a mad dash to primaries. >> there's one number in the polls that we have been discussing that would petrify me if i were any of those candidates other than ben carson surrounding donald trump.
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other than ben carson all the people we're looking at in that poll setting as the stage setting, have been in public life. have been running things. have been in the united states senate. they have been governors. the poll that would scare me is the poll that shows him most trusted with the economy by a substantial margin. >> this isn't the national poll. again, mike as mike says this is new hampshire. and we've all spent a lot of time in new hampshire. if there's a more educating voting block in america, more sophisticated than new hampshire, please show them to me. these people live politics. when you have donald trump leading 43 to 9 in running the economy -- >> and i'm telling you, people are underestimating the professional operation he's pitting together. this is not ross perot by himself. his campaign manager is an expert on new hampshire politics. they're building big crowds. they make you register before you go to a trump event. people who think the polls aren't an attempt by an
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organization to build it are wrong. and these other candidates can't compete with trump on wealth name i.d. or the ability to get attention. >> the oako chamber or some analysts didn't like them they just assumed america wouldn't like him. that's a big mistake. >> donald trump has made billions of dollar. and of course his critics go he's not worth $9 billion. okay give me his $3 billion. i mean and he did it from the very beginning. and he has played sort of court jester at times for the billionaire crowd. sort of thumbing his nose at them. you know, we showed the larry king clip yesterday. he's always having a good time. he's always poking he's always prodding. >> right on the edge of being completely lucent. i mean larry king moment was amazing. it was amazing. >> i guess what i'm saying is donald trump has always been underestimated. >> i agree.
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>> especially in this town by people who have contempt for him and say, well but as they go home and driving up the west side highway, they pass like ten skyscrapers with the name trump on it. i don't know. this is not the way that i judge success. but how many of these people that make fun have their names on one skyscraper? my point is if he is such a fool, if he's such a bumbler, such a joke how has he managed to become a billionaire and an international -- a guy making deals. building things across the world. and why would a new jersey voter have more confidence in a guy who is a congressman or became governor three years ago than a guy who has been making deals like for 40 years? >> one of the more amusing things about the criticisms of
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trump, who i don't believe will end up with the republican nomination, by the way. >> you're clinging to that. >> one of the criticisms people say about the buildings, for instance, on the west side of manhattan, as you travel up the west side highway, you see trump this, trump that. people say, he doesn't own the buildings. no, he markets and licenses the name. that contributes to the fact that 43% of new hampshire voters would trust him with the economy. >> that's the thing. people say, well you know those are just foreigners that buy his building. he doesn't even own it. he just puts his name on it. i go oh, so he doesn't have to worry about the upkeep? he just puts his name on it and makes millions and millions of dollar. that's rough, huh? >> there's always been this contempt for donald trump. he was always this flashy flamboyant guy, and he's brushed aside. as he's continued to succeed. i want to take up something mike said which he won't be the nominee.
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>> you read any column in the "new york times," anywhere else, and it says he of course will not be the nominee. is that still true? >> i would all just stop. >> it's a serious question? >> in the short and medium term,io think about how does a politician come down to earth. tough press coverage gaffes. we have seen all that. in the short term i can't find anyone who tells me how it ends. >> it ends one way. it ends by a colossal mistake by donald trump himself. >> like what? >> how colossal? >> criticizing a war hero? >> it can be worse than that. >> maybe. >> it ends only with a colossal self-inflicted wound by donald trump. saying something on the campaign trail that just goes over the line and can't be forgiven. let mark get to his point. >> just going to say, you know the normal physics of politics do not apply to him.
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we have already seen it. we have seen it throughout his career. the gaffe would have to be pretty big for that alone to do it. i think right now, it's not in the interest of scott walker jeb bush or john kasich to bring him down. some of these other campaigns, maybe in the debate maybe through opposition research, are going to have to make a concerted effort and it's going to be risky to try to bring him down through a really negative story. i don't know that they can do it. just a huge rivsk but these improving numbers, seen strong as economy, his favorables getting better. all makes it tougher for him to get come down. >> there are these people who make prognitions about who is going to come out. i don't agree with donald trump on his pageants he and i have battled it out on the air. it's not that we're sitting here like, this is our friend. we're with our friend. we think he can win.
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that's never been actually what we have been trying to say. we've been trying to say what you just said. the normal physics of politics don't apply to donald trump. from the get-go we knew it. and we were laughed off the set day after day after day after day. take a look at the polls. yes, something could happen. but everyone has been wrong. everyone has been wrong. >> really good friends from around the city have sent us both e-mails. people we love and respect and have since this show started. >> not about friendship. >> saying how could you have a joke like donald trump on your show? he's never going to do anything. and we're not saying he's going to win. we're not even saying he's going to finish the race. who knows? nobody ever goknows. we have said he's going to be relevant. we have said he's going to have an impact. i can tell you, if you hear a ding in the morning. it's my brurg, and it's my brother talking about donald trump. you know what? that guy always talked about my
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dad. you know i wrote that column crazy never wins. i'm not so sure he would think donald trump was crazy. he was always the ford guy. he was for ford instead of reagan. he loves nixon. nixon was his favorite. he was the establishment, sort of the midwest establishment republican. i'm not so sure this year he wouldn't say if he were still alive, joe, things are so screwed up. why don't we give a businessman a try? because that's what i hear all the time. >> we're constantly misunderstood on this. it's not who we like or who we're connected with or whatever. it's about who breaks through. that guy has and everyone missed it. many thought donald trump's dust-up with john mccain last month would hurt him among republican voters but the new monmouth poll shows otherwise. trump's favorability numbers have shown major improvements in the last three weeks and an incredible swing from june where his net rating was 35 poins against him.
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the poll now finds the majority of gop voters have a favorable opinion. >> how important is that willie? favorability turning around? >> that was the knock against him. they said these are inflated numbers, but look at the favorability, nobody really likes him. they think he's a clown, not a serious candidate. that's starting to flip as people watch him as they hear him. if you watch the candidate forum in new hampshire last night, it was pretty good very substantive. we heard a lot from the candidates, but donald trump wasn't there. you heard a lot of stump speeches and talking points. when he's standing next to the candidates on thursday and they're giving the stump speeches that sound like the same debates and speeches everyone has heard, not that there's anything wrong with the content or substance of them he will jump off the stage because he's not those guys. >> can i ask you about last night, really quickly? did you not know what they were going to say? >> sure. >> before they finished their sentences? i love these guys respect them. they start talking, i know the end of that speech because it's
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the same speech republicans have given me. >> got to tune it out at some point. >> for 30 years. donald trump is different. >> still ahead, she was one of hillary clinton's earliest backers for president in 2016. what does senator claire mccaskill make of the new negative numbers hanging over the white house contend snr. plus at this time eight years ago, it was rudy giuliani leading the field for republican president. what advice does he have for the current front-runner? he joins us straight ahead. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better.
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let's take a look at the morning papers. "washington post," a move to defund planned parenthood of half a billion dollars in federal funding came up short in the senate. it was the mostly republican push to strip the group of backing after a release of edit edited undercover videos. more to come apparently. two democrats, including joe manchin voted in favor of the procedural bill. republican backers say they want to redirect the funlts to other women's health clinics and resources. as you can imagine, it made for a passionate day of debate. >> perhaps the only thing more shocking than the accht dismembering of unborn children for sale is the cavalier attitude by the planned parenthood staff who seemed to have sacrificed their humanity and show so little regard for the sanctity of human life. >> i come to the senate floor
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today to ask my republican colleagues a question. do you have any idea what year it is? did you fall down hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950s? or the 1890s? should we call for a doctor? let's be really clear about something. the republican scheme to defund planned parenthood is not some sort of surprised response to a highly edited video. nope. it's just one more piece of a deliberate methodical orchestrated right wing attack on women's rights. >> i don't know what was acceptable in 1890 or what was shocking in 1950. the archbishop of chicago said have we so muted the humanity of the unborn child that some consider it acceptable to speak freely of crushing a child's skull to preserve valuable body parts? was that acceptable in 1890 or
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1950? the commerce of body parts, the archbishop says defenseless, unborn children is callously discussed over lunch. a woman who spoke yesterday on the senate floor talks about a sheer disdain for human dignity and a complete disregard for women and their babies. and there are pro-choice people who believe fervently in the right of a woman to choose. you're equally repulsed disgusted, by those videos and more videos are coming out, and they will be worse. >> really bad. >> they will be worse. and for elizabeth warren to try to conflate the right of a woman to choose with the horrors and the callousness and the
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grotesqueness of what was discussed over lunch is really unfortunate. you know elizabeth warren talking about the 1950s and the 1890s, she can talk about it all she wants. there's a great quote, i don't know the source. but it goes something like just because we are not shocked by what shocked our grandmothers does not mean we are more advanced that our grandmothers. >> okay but, you know just to be clear here. she's talking about the issue of defunding planned parenthood and its services. she's not talking about what's going on in these videos. >> she's talking about an on zargz whose leaders -- >> i don't disagree. >> and there are more. it's going to be very interesting to see how many americans really believe that their tax dollars should go to fund this organization. planned parenthood is not synonymous with women's health.
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you can have women's health or you can have an organization that takes care of women's health without having the number one abortion provider who speaks so callously over lunch about the harvesting of unborn children. >> this story is going to get a lot bigger. >> i'm just saying, conflating the right to choose with planned parenthood conflating taxpayer dollars going to planned parenthood with protecting women's health that's just a red herring. it's been set up that way so you can't have this discussion without being against women's health, but you can be against the funding of planned parenthood without being against the support of women's health. >> you also can be for the funding of planned parenthood -- >> nice try elizabeth warren. nice try. >> coming up on "morning joe," could the battle over planned parpt hood lead to a government shutdown. claire mccaskill has thoughts on
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that. >> first, america's mayor, rudy giuliani is here on the set. we'll see if he has a favorite in the republican race for president. "morning joe" is back in a moment. everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished
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all of a sudden oh, bernie bernie. i think bernie is too liberal. to gather enough votes in this country to become president. and i think hillary clinton is going to be a fantastic president. >> that was democratic senator claire mccaskill praising -- >> can i say something? bernie bernie bernie. >> you know what claire is? you better watch out. >> what is claire? >> she's got a lot of characteristics someone i sit next to has, including freaking out our producers. >> what are you talking about? >> sitting down in the chair about 30 seconds ago. producers were like claire's not there, claire's not there. claire will be there when claire wants to be there, just like joe shows up. >> you're saying claire and i are a lot of like. that's a big insult to claire. >> she's sat in your seat and done fine. she's also the author of the book "plenty ladylike." i love this book. we're doing an event together on it. great to have you on the show. >> a little freaked out. i'm a little freaked out. >> i know.
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>> did the intro to me say i'm a lot like joe scarborough. >> yeah. in some ways. >> we're done. >> only in some ways. you're strong tenacious, you're stubborn. you show up when you want to show up. >> that's true. >> you're not worried about the side noise to the point where everyone else around you gets a little nervous. >> but claire the bottom line is you always show up. >> yeah that's true. that's one difference between you and joe. >> right? >> there you go. there you go. >> i do show up. stop it. >> okay. >> so claire a lot to talk about. let's start with hillary clinton. you're a supporter. a lot of noise out there, might just be ground noise about her favorabilities dropping et cetera et cetera. anything to be considered about at this point? >> i have been watching you guys this morning and i noticed all these poll numbers. there's one poll number you left out. that is the fact that all of these poll numbers show that hillary clinton is beating the other candidates that could be running against her in our party by a huge margin. makes trump's margins like like nothing. and she's beating every single
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republican, and guess which republican she's beating by the widest margin? that would be donald trump. >> we're showing those numbers right now. hillary clinton, 59 bernie sanders, 25. showed them earlier, too. she certainly right now doesn't seem to have much of a concern on the democratic side. does joe biden change that equation if he jumps in? >> i don't think so. she is now the focus of all the negative, all the negative hits. every single republican candidate is focused on her. and she is remaining a force in this election. and that is because when the dust clears and the smoke goes away the american people are going to want strength and stability. not bluff and bluster. and that's what she represents. >> would joe biden be a good president? >> of course, he would. of course, he would. but i believe hillary clinton is a stronger candidate for president, and will be a great president. >> why is that? why do you think she's stronger than joe biden?
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>> i think because she represents such an image of a fighter right now. look at all the attacks she's weathering, and look at how strong she remains. and i think her plan to fight to champion those people who are working really hard and playing by the rules and keep getting further behind i think that's what's going to resonate. i det it that people are mad at the government and they love donald trump. but at the end of the day, people want to be proud of our president. >> why do they love donald trump? i know there are a lot of people in missouri who love donald trump. why is that? >> i think they're mad at the government, and i think he's tapping that vein. i think they believe the government has an outside responsibility for their frustrations, but i think hillary is going to end up being hope and strength and stability and optimism and donald trump is going to be you know bluff and bluster and a lot of negativity. >> okay. and if there was one thing you
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could change about the hillary clinton campaign or how she's handling her campaign, what would it be? >> you know i think that she's really focused and listening. she's talking about issues that people in america care about. that's because she's listening. i think that they've got -- they're rolling out a really strong field operation. >> does she need to be more forthcoming on the e-mails and the other things that seem to be slowly chipping away at her trust? >> i think that -- >> you would be. >> i think there has been a jump to judgment on some of these things. i was really disappointed in the "new york times" reporting lately that misrepresented entirely what had gone on in relation to the e-mails. i think she's going to come in front of the committee. she's coming a lot of candidates wouldn't do that. and she is. she's coming in front of the committee. i think that shows her strength
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and ability to face this head-on. >> senator, on another topic, what is it that causes you concern about the iran deal that causes you to still be on the fence as to whether you'll vote for it or against it? >> well the republicans wanted us to have 60 days to look at this deal. it appears to me that most of them made up their mind on the first or second day. they didn't need 60 days at all. so i'm taking some time and here's what i'm doing. it's not the deal or the status quo, because we're not going to have the status quo going forward. it's the deal or what? and i'm looking at the or what. that means i'm reaching out to the ambassadors of all the countries that are part of this deal and finding out, one, what are they going to do if we walk away? two, what's going to happen to iran's money if we walk away? >> that's a great approach. what are they saying to you? >> i'm in the process of setting up all those calls now. i know this. we don't hold iran's money. this money that's talked about,
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so maybe they're going to get the money anyway and being on the threshold of a nuclear weapon with this plus in resources. to me, that's a much more dangerous outcome. so that's what i want to judge, and that's why i'm taking the time. i wish some of my republican colleagues would be doing the same. >> let's go to the "new york times" jeremy peters. >> here we go. >> i want to switch gears once again to planned parptenthood. we know these videos have been edited in a misleading way. i wonder are you satisfied with the explanation that planned parenthood has given about their practices and would you support an investigation by congress into their practices? >> well the investigations are going to occur. one is occurring in my state. i think nay are occurring. i think they have cleared planned parenthood in an investigation in indiana. in terms of inappropriate or illegal activity. really we've got to look at this issue, i think, from a place of common ground. the videos are horrific.
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clearly, someone, you know yes, they were edited. yes, someone fraudulently embedded themselves in planned parenthood organization for years, trying to find the worst they could possibly find. here's the point. common ground is this. we all want to prevent abortions. how in the world do we prevent abortions by taking away money for birth control for millions of women across this country? that's going to increase abortions, not decrease them. none of this money is used for abortions. it's illegal to use it for abortions. it's for birth control and cancer screenings and sexually transmitted diseases. why would we want to increase abortions by taking away birth control? >> nobody wants to take away birth control. >> that's what this would do. >> i think there are a lot of people who believe in a woman's right to choose who wouldn't support federal funding of planned parenthood. they aren't the only people who can hand out birth control.
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>> well they aren't the only but joe, i don't think you realize how many women that planned parenthood is their go-to resource. it's where they can get birth control. i'm not saying that they're the only ones that should. i'm saying investigate them make sure they haven't broken the law. don't give them tax money for abortions. but don't cut off the very way that we avoid abortions in this country. that is by family planning and birth control. >> nobody wants to do that. we'll have this debate later. being yelled at in my ear. >> a lot of people want to do that. >> i always listen to my instructions and i'm being yelled at that we have to go to break. plenty ladylike. >> i love this book. you can preorder it now. >> i don't usually read all the books that come to me. i read this one. it is something. i can't wait to talk to you about it next week. claire mccaskill thank you for being with us. >> i'll see you next week. still ahead, why donald trump is good for the gop.
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former new york city mayor rudy giuliani explains that next on "morning joe." ad moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®.
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it's great to have america's mayor with us. hey, liberals. it's great to have america's mayor with us. you know who we have with us? america's mayor. every time you say that the bells start ringing on the upper west side. i love it. speaking one of my favorite bush stories. as bush is driving up after 9/11, going up to the upper west side. the mayor goes none of these people voted for you. i did. go bush! none of these people voted for you. >> true. >> trump, it's pretty extraordinary what is happening right now. why don't we start there? >> sure. >> what warnings do you have for donald trump? this time eight years ago, we were talking about rudy giuliani versus hillary in the general election. what does john -- >> different election, different set of problems. many more candidates this time.
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last time sort of mccain, me and huckabee, and romney. that was it. i would say that donald has to communicate his positions. like a sensible normal person. which he can do very very well. donald is a tremendous salesman. a tremendous entertainer. >> right. >> performer. >> why is he in first place? >> you have to be a different -- >> blowing away all these professional politicians. >> because of exactly the last two words you said. professional politicians. people are sick and tire offend professional politicians. donald is not a professional politician. he's a self-made man. got a head start, but made billions out of what was really not that big a business. >> right. >> and he's a tremendous tremendous communicator. like obama, like reagan like clinton. he's a tremendous communicator. >> different style, but still a great communicator.
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what are his biggest liabilities? >> lack of experience. a lot of people are -- biggest strengths are his biggest liabilities. a lack of experience in politic politics. lack of experience in debating. interesting to see if he can convert that style he has to the 60-second answer the 30-second rebuttal. if he can do that he could be really really very serious contender. if he gets by tonight's debate as good a debater as he is performer, we're going to have -- >> what are the odds of him getting the republican nomination, in your mund? >> about as good as anybody right now. i think they're about as good as anybody. i mean bush him. the polls kind of tell it. the first five, six in the polls. the only one i could see possibly breaking through is christie because of his talent and kasich because of his background experience. >> sensibility. >> yeah he's a guy who is ready
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to be president. >> yeah. >> have you talked to donald at all, given him any advice? >> what did you tell him? >> we're like stop fighting so many people. >> i like all the people that i mentioned. i would throw rubio in. i was the second republican to indorse rubio. the second republican to indorse rubio after jeb bush endorsed him and after jeb asked me to indorsein endorse him. makes it funny for me because donald has been a friend for 25 years, jeb for 22 years. christie is sort of like a meantee. mentor/meantee? >> that works. >> let's switch topics here. how dangerous is the iran deal? >> i think the iran deal is catastrophic. i do not understand putting a nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions of dollars in the hands of a president who wants to wipe
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out the greatest ally and wants to wipe you out. >> i agree with you, but what's the alternative? >> much more hard-nosed diplomacy. we know that obama caved for five months. i know obama caved over the people that have promises of protection from the united states government. already about 200 of them have been killed. they have promises of protection from the american government. the state department refused to listen to the promise that was made because the government of iran has such influence over them. they gave away everything. it's like i got your house for nothing, and basically, they took obama's house for nothing. they gave up nothing. and if you think they're not going to cheat, i am very close to an organization that caught them cheating three times in the last ten years. >> since you didn't talk back to claire, i'm not going to talk back to america's mayor. rudy giuliani thank you very much. >> that's kind of fair. i don't talk back on planned
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parenthood. you don't talk back on iran. >> what about planned parenthood? >> exclusive club unlike any you have ever seen. up next a special look at the cnbc reality series west texas investors club. keep it right here on morning joe. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit?
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corporation. >> while the rest of america chases spread sheets and trends -- >> i was going to invest in facebook, but the technology part is not my forte. >> they developed their own investment strategy. >> let's come wack to reality. >> these are the stories of the intrepid entrepreneurs searching for investment. >> i thought we went to 40. >> no we didn't. we're going to have to stop drinking beer in these. >> you don't know me. >> you don't need me. >> we believe in the product. we don't believe in you. >> from the men who call themselves the west texas investors club. >> okay that's great. >> i love it. >> i got an idea i need some money for. we're going to go to west texas. >> i'm going to west texas limited. okay, that was a look at the new cnbc show "west texas investors club" and joining us are the hosts, rooster mcconaughey and
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butch gilliam. that's going to change our brand, but we like it. they may know a thing or two about branding. >> how did this start off, this idea? >> butch and i have been doing this for long time. for years, he and i have been invested in different people and stuff, so they came to us jake and henry and charlie, and asked if they could do something about our lives. so we just -- that's what we do. it's a condenlsed version. we don't have much time to get to know these guys but it's basically how we invest. >> it's a condenlsed version of deals being done? >> yes, normally when we get to know people it takes us longer. you know we're all about the person. when we get to know somebody, it takes longer. this deal is like in three days. so we're probably going to get fooled occasionally. >> in your decision -- it's interesting what we saw on the screen, because you know you guys come on. you have a beer.
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and some of this is schtick, some is real. but at the end of the day, you sound a lot like warren buffett. >> we want to do it in a laid back fashion. we're looking at the person but we've heard every get-rich scheme under the sun. we thought we would do this in a different way. instead of people finding us we try to find them. >> how do you do that? >> we've got like a site they can get on. and kind of pitch their -- tell us about their stuff. we kind of pick them. >> you get your nicknames since that's a huge part of uryour success? >> i had mine a while. >> how did you get that? >> one said it is because i am a picker head. >> bhie arewhy are you rooster? tell him the truth. >> i used to get up every morning early, early, and i had a spike haircut back in the early '70s before the punk rock was even around and i did a little jig and had a beer
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drinking contest. he said what time can you wake me up? i said i wake up in the elevator shaft at day light. that day i didn't. about 9:00 he looked at me and said you roost erer blah blah and he went and told everybody and it stuck. >> i like it. >> where did yours come from? >> mother and dad. i have always been butch at home and doug at school. >> okay. >> what are people going to see? why should people tune in to see west texas investors ss club? it looks great, but what will we see when we tune in? >> you're going to see us connecting with common folks. rooster and i consider ourselves just as common as they come. we're looking for that type of a person. a person who puts their boots on and goes to work every day, whether it be a guy or a girl takes the kids to school. gets on with their busy day and they come home and relax and may have an idea. they want to have a dream, but they want to explore.
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>> rooster? >> well, one of the neat parts is they come in there, you know most of them on a private plane. we got this guy named bill the bearded guy. he shows up in a beat up old pickup truck. they come from by god, caviar to sardines and salteens and that throws them off. >> sounds like a lot of fun. >> "west texas investors club" premieres tonight at 10:00 p.m. on cnbc. thank you so much. have fun. >> thank you guys. >> looks like you're having fun. >> we appreciate it. >> next time, bring morebeer. >> they're rationing me. >> thank you, take care. >> great to meet you. >> thank you so much. >> "morning joe" will be right back. did you leave behind something reliable? something that felt like... home? and now you can't connect the way you used to...
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course he's not going to win. we don't know. if it's way too early, it's time for "morning joe." stick around, "the rundown" starts right now. and good morning, i'm jose diaz-balart. we begin this morning with extreme deadly weather across the country. in lancaster, new hampshire, powerful thunderstorms destroyed a circus tent killing two people and injuring more than 22 others. in california a massive wildfire is growing wider and moving fast in several new directions this hour. thousands of people are being evacuated. and in florida, floods crippling an infrastructure already tested by massive rainfall. residents evacuated. public facilities closing throughout the sunshine state. our team has it all covered across the country this morning. we begin in new
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