tv News Nation MSNBC August 4, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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across the country. plus disturbing video handcuffed in elementary school. an officer in kentucky cuffs two young students with disabilities. it's caught on camera and now that officer faces a federal lawsuit. good morning. i'm tamron hall. in just a few hour, we'll find out exactly who will be on the stage thursday night for the gop presidential debate. as of right now donald trump will be center stage as the republican frontrunner and the final two spots at the this point would go to new jersey governor chris christie and ohio governor john kasich. just missing the cut would be former texas governor rick perry. but fox news has indicated if there is a statistical tie for the final spot an 11th podium may be added. we'll find out for sure after
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5:00 p.m. eastern time. that's the cutoff for the national polls that will determine who gets to be be on that stage. this morning four new polls are out, a cbs news poll shows donald trump with an 11 point lead with jeb bush second and wisconsin governor scott walker third. a bloomberg politics poll has a similar outcome. trump up by 11 points. and a fox news poll also shows trump with an 11 point lead over jeb bush followed by scott walker. finally a monday mouth university poll has trump up would 14 points. on "morning joe","joe," donald trump about why he thinks he's surging. >> i think people are sick and tired of incompetent politicians. when i get up and speak, i get the biggest crowds. we get standing ovations and and he bull doall we do is talk about how great our country can be. one thing people like about me nobody is taking care of me. i don't need anybody to take care of me. >> meantime trump's gift to last
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night's gop forum in new hampshire, 14 did take part and their main target president obama and the clintons. >> she lied about benghazi. >> i'm fluent in clinton speak. and when she tells us trust me you've got all the e-mails that you need, we haven't enven scratched the surface. >> this president has admitted we don't have a strategy. >> he said we won't beat isis with guns. we have to change their hearts a minds. >> hillary clinton president obama and john kerry are responsible for sending billions to iran. >> cut carbon emissions 25%. is that realistic? >> well, first off it's not the clean power plant it's the costly power plant. it would be like a buzz saw to the nation's economy. >> joining me now live michael
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steele, also karen tumelte, and jonathan alter. let me start with chairman steele here. let's talk about the focus yesterday at this forum being the clintons president obama, deliberately avoiding the elephant not in the room donald trump. >> yeah, if you can talk about something else why not. and i think that for many of the folks that cross that stage, that was probably welcome relief for the first time in probably two months they have been able to have a forum or space in which they can begin to articulate their vision, their thoughts and views on a host of issues. but overhanging all of that is donald trump he was not there. but his presence was still there, as well. and it will be more present when they're on the stage with him thursday. how do they deal with him and what he has to say in those moments. but yesterday was that first hospital where they could fill that space with their voice. >> and jonathan to his point,
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how will these candidates react to donald trump? governor casekasich was on and talked about how he will approach donald trump. because it seems like donald trump's strategy is to lie low. let's play what they said. >> will you attack donald trump? >> no. my goal is to let people know what i think. >> i think with 10 candidates in this debate the right thing is to talk about your ideas and what you want to put forward as a plan for america's future and those are the things you need to talk about. i think focusing on any one particular candidate doesn't make any sense. >> i'm actually pore intrigued by chris christie because that is a tell it like it is tough new jersey guy. john kasich when he made his announcement really talked about his father, he talked about the high prison population of african-americans, immigration. he was the kinder geptler erer erer
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erer geptler conservative. what did you make of it? >> chris christie has the most to lose because he was positioning himself as the blow hard in the race the tell it like it is character. but he'll have to figure out some way of conveying to the audience that he's a more credible version of what they like in trump. >> so how does he do that? >> i don't think he has a path to doing that. i think this is another nail in chris christie's political cough coffin. trump is very experienced master of insults as we know. it's part of what makes him popular. and he said that he will counterpunch. so anybody who goes after him is going to get deft by trump in return and the crowd at home super bowl size ratings, will love it. but we're not likely to see that. i think it will be much more
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mild mannered. >> i think that's the jen congeneral consensus. strump trump's favor and, 52% favor beable favorable, 35% unfavorable. the reverse of the numbers we saw fwhak june. to jonathan alter's point, trump is masterful at the insult but what he did with scott walker he not only insulted, he broet up brought up the governor's record in the current state of wisconsin and how there are huge economic problems. so when you're looking at a governor broke has a record towho has a record to attack them with, you don't have to take the low ball insults. >> the key thing about these debates as opposed to just two people on the stage and they can have an opportunity on get their ideas out there, these gigantic debates are about two things.on get
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their ideas out there, these gigantic debates are about two things. they are about zingers and gaffes. they are about creating a moment that people will talk about after the debate. so unless they engage, they might as well not even be up there. because again, with that many people on the stage, we're not going to be talking about an in indepth discussion of issues. >> what did you think of jeb bush's strategy in the "new york times" headline was about the uneven performances from the gop, they highlight jeb bush how he stumbled through. >> i have a t-shirt that says
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the jeb swag store that says i'm the -- i'm the -- my dad's the great ets man alive. if you don't like it, i'll take you outside. >> the team over on "morning joe" heavily criticized that performance. what do you make of what is going on? has he not found his lane? >> i think he knows his lane. i just don't know if he's yet comfortable with talking about his brother and his father. i really -- i think he still sees a lot of those questions that pertain to them as almost gotchas. and he shouldn't. you own your family. you embrace your family and then you move on and talk about you, your vision and your leadership. so i think that those moments and hopefully his folks will take a look at that last night and say just be comfortable. don't think about it. feel it. because that's when you're the most authentic when it comes toor familyto your family. it's not a policy trap. just feel the moment and be in it. >> but surely we've seen him
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stumble through this question. so is he just incapable of giving an authentic answer or i don't even know a fluid answer to this question? you would think that they would sit him in the room okay let's practice, here is the question. and give me the answer. there is rote memorization that you could inflict. >> it is tricky win it's your family. i think he will find his footing, but i think the one to watch in this debate other than donald trump is john kasich. people haven't paid very much attention to him. he's new in the race but he is bush without the baggage. he's a very popular sitting governor of ohio. he is playing in that first tier that is bush rubio walker kasich. one of those four guys is likely to be the nominee. and i would put more of my money on bush or kasich. so part of this debate is to take a look at some of these guys who might actually be president, not who are providing
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entertainment value. >> right. and i get that. and i know that many people like yourself who have been in this game far longer than i look at the long range conversation, the immediate conversation this time around was herman cain. he did continue get the nomination. however, i think there are a lot of people have noted we've not seen a candidates quite like donald trump. you can clump herman cain and newt gingrich when he wanted poor kids to be janitors at school not very far in our memory, but this guy has been called a game changer, donald trump, by more than a few political pundits. >> but i think that he -- what these poll numbers are showing is that there is something in the air now that he is almost in-vulnerable to things that would have completely destroyed anyone else's candidacy. so i suspect that he will float right through and say things
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that pundits in the media will just be horrified by. and end up with his numbers even higher. but i personally agree that kasich is the guy to watch. kasich in long forums tends to wander and not be terribly focused. but constrained buyer time he has the potential to be pretty compelling. >> and you can't neglect gate that we're looking at the home field advantage. he can say this happened in my state. and that always brings i think people -- your attention to an individual. they can point to something specific. >> exactly. and that's why his being on that stage on thursday night was so important. and the format i think to the brooter point fits him well. >> he's bush without the baggage. that's his line. >> that may be the headline come
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friday. thank you all for your time. turning how to developing news out of new hampshire where officials investigating a circus tent collapse that killed two and injured at least 32 people. yesterday evening about 100 people were sitting inside that circus tent at the lancaster fair when strong winds reaching up to 60 miles per hour knocked the tent down killing a father and daughter. this all comes just a day after another man died and several were injured when a tent collapsed at a festival in chicago. ron allen is in new hampshire with more on what happened there. ron, what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: good morning. take a look at the scene behind me. it is utter devastation. you have to imagine that there was a huge big top tent that that seated over 100 people. it's completely gone. flattened like a pancake thousand. investigators are trying to figure out what happened. we heard from the state fire
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marshal earlier who revealed that the operators of the circus walker brothers, it's their decision whether to continue the show given the storm warnings that were in place. it's also their responsibility apparently to apply for a permit. and it sounds like they did not do that. when asked what their response to all this was, the state fire marshal says they are consulting counsel. bottom line they're trying to figure out how did a circus become such a big disaster. for the second day in a row, weather turned outdoor fun into tragedy after a severe storm blew down a circus tent in lancaster, new hampshire killing two people. officials say about 100 people were inside the tent watching the walker brother circus around 5g 30 5:30 when hail, wind and rain caused the tent to collapse.
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police the not releasing the names of the deceased, both spec at a time the spectators. at least 15 victims were taken to four area hospitals. there was a severe thunderstorm warning for the area. >> we'll be looking at the construction of the tent and how it was set up. these are fatherly substantial structures when they're put up and we haven't had any issues in the past. >> reporter: the accident comes just one day after a man died and more than a dozen were injured when high winds caused a tent to clapgsollapse during a storm at a festival in the chicago suburbs. so far we've not heard any explanation from the circus operators. we know that they have canceled shows scheduled for nearby here tonight. back to you. >> thank you very much ron. and in california a historic wildfire is growing even bigger. the rockery fire riy fire jumped a
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highway yesterday. it's grown to 62,000 acres throughout three counties. officials describe it as erratic burning in whatever direction it wants to. some 13,000 people were ordered to leave. so far 50 homes and buildings have been destroyed. the rocky fire is one of 21 wildfires burning throughout the state. and in tampa after ten days of rain new evacuations after severe flooding. fire and rescue crews rushed to help residents of an apartment complex vehicleevacuate as floodwaters got dangerously close to them. torrential downpours forced evacuations in three counties yesterday. a flood watch remains in effect until 8:00 tonight with rivers continuing to swell. today forecasters say much less rain is expected. and also developing now, the map suspected of killing a memphis police officer surrenders to officials. the latest on the investigation.
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plus this -- >> what's that bottle on the floor? >> we have new results in the samuel de samuel due boez due boston investigation. [ school bell rings ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs. [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation.
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get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. no student's ever photographed mean ms. colegrove. but your dell 2-in-1 laptop gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. get this high performance laptop bundle for only $399. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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traffic stop. willbourn turned himself in yesterday. on sunday the police director called wilbourn a coward. >> i want to make sure that he was okay. he said yes. he wanted to make it a point to say that i want you to know one thing and i asked what was that he said i want you to know that one, i'm not a cold blooded killer and i'm not a coward. >> adam reiss joins me from memphis with the latest. so are we learning more about what happened during this violent confrontation? >> reporter: yeah, the police presence here in memphis was so intense after he fled that skrencene he knew he had no place to hide he really had for choice but to turn himself in. as you mentioned, he had a conversation last ne night here with the police chief.
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he had heard likely while on the run that the chief had called him a coward, so he wanted to tell the chief he's not a cold blooded killer and he's not a coward. officer bolton would have been 34 this week, his funeral is on thursday. >> all right. thank you very much. greatly appreciate the update there. obviously our thoughts are with that officer and his family. this morning the family of samuel dubose filed the initial paperwork indicating they plan to file a lawsuit in his death. according to the documents his mother is a pursue a claim for wrongful death. and as the investigation continues, the coroner's office now says a gin bottle that dubose had in the car with him did in fact contain air freshener and not alcohol.ubose had in the car with him did in fact contain air freshener and not alcohol. he's seen telling the officer this and tests now confirm.
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meanwhile officer tensetensing is due back in court later this week. victims will testify today in the push to have james holmes sentenced to death. a live report next. and later a police officer in kentucky face as federal lawsuit after video shows him handcuffing a student with disabilities. and the loss of claims this has happened to another child, the details coming up. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters
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that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? developing news out of colorado. james holmes is in court where he and the jury will hear testimony from victims and family members this third and final penalty phase is where the jury will determine whether holmes will receive the death penalty. the jury deliberated for less than three hours yesterday determining that holmes did not deserve lean krensniency for killing 12 movie goers and injuring 70
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others. scott cohen is in front of the courthouse with more. do we know how many victims we could hear from today and their families? >> reporter: we expect that over the next couple of days we will hear from as many as 15. and as we look at the what is going on in the courtroom right now, the judge is trying to balance the need for the victims and the importance of the victims' families to have their say to talk about how this impacted them against any undue prejudice against james holmes. but it's already clear that this jury has been siding with the prosecution throughout including as you said that verdict yesterday after very little deliberation saying that no he does not deserve liens i didn'tience city after the defense had presented considerable testimony including from holmes' parents about his mental illness. the fact that he had no prior record, that he was being treated by a psychiatrist with
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antipsychotic drugs went unclearly off the deep end by all accounts and commit that had mass murder back in 2012. the jury basically throwing that out, now want to go hear from the victims' families which they will over the next couple of days. and what we expect will be pretty heartbreaking testimony 37. >> you can bet it will be very emotional to relive what happened and the impact on their lives. with that said, what will happen following those statements from the victims and family members? >> reporter: well, what we expect after that will be closing arguments from each side. the prosecution has alreadyed that they don't have much more to say, but the defense will give one last ditch attempt to save holmes' life. and he has an opportunity to give an statement, what they call an all low kugs. he has declined thus far. he would not be cross-examined.
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so it's entirely possible. but barring that, the jury could be sgi be deciding once and for all life or death. >> scott, thank you very much. coming up, new results from the latest nbc poll on the 2016 candidates. results are rough for nearly every candidate both sides of the aisle oig. i'll talk with mark murray. just in case you were wondering what cheerios are made of whole. grain. oats. [ school bell rings ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle
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you know i tried one of those bargain paper towels. but i had to use so many sheets per spill the roll just disappeared. i knew i should've bought bounty. bounty is 2x more absorbent and strong when wet. just look how much longer bounty lasts versus one of those bargain brand towels. and that's a good deal. bounty. the long lasting quicker picker-upper. and now try bounty with new minions prints. minions summer 2015. we're back with your first read on politics this morning. the new nbc/"wall street journal" poll released last night finds there is more trouble for the so-called dynasty candidates. hillary clinton's popularity numbers are heading in the wrong direction and jeb bush looks to be even worse shape with
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favorability numbers worse than what mitt romney had at any point during the 2012 race. plus after the vote to defund planned parenthood failed in the senate last night, the new poll could help explain why. and most poplar institutions were planned pashtsrenthood and nra. joining me now mark murray with more on those latest numbers. so let's talk about what chuck todd referred to on the "today" show as the dynasty candidates. and how their up innumbers are not what either want. >> i think the takeaway from the poll is how lousy the numbers are for everyone. hillary clinton, jeb bush donald trump has a minus 30 favorability rating in our poll. you even have other republicans like ted cruz, rand paul that are in the double digits. chris christie isn't all that great. and in a lot of way this is is just a sign of our current political times right now where you can see americans just
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aren't happy with anybody. even president obama has just a plus one favorable rating in our nbc/"wall street journal" poll. and so you can kind of see almost that as we're heading into 2016 this isn't the kind of hope and change election. this will be a grind it out contest where the winner will be the lesser of two evils for a lot of americans. >> but is it -- and i get that you're pointing out that it's trouble for everyone across the board even with donald trump and all the headlines. but if you're hillary clinton and jeb bush you have a my name recognition, she being one of the most popular politicians in the world, he has the last name bush and successful record for the most part as governor and you're the dynasty candidates. >> well, so what was notable about hillary clinton's numbers were that there was a they go difference swing of 15 points in her polling where she went from a plus four 44 positive 40 negative last month to now she's at 37% negative -- or 37%
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positive, 48% negative. that's a 15 point swing. but she still leads the democratic field. jeb bush's numbers at a negative 14 and he finds himself in third place. so if the name of the game is to win your party's nomination first and then scrape it out in the general election hillary clinton has an easier path as of right now. but again, very few people are positive in this poll. >> and let's talk about planned parenthood and what poll shows about that agency and how people feel about what is happening there. as it relates certainly to last night's senate vote. >> you know so i think the best way to look at the discussion on planned parenthood and a lot of the outrage that people he said up oig having is that it is occurring between republicans address conservatives. democrats love planned
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parenthoods, independents, too. you about the negativity is coming from the republicans. on the tlip side flip side, national arrival association issed a tored adored by republicans and independents and the opposition comes from democrats. it shows you why getting background checks was hard back in 2013 and trying to defund planned parenthood is an uphill climb for republicans. >> what an interesting poll. thank you, mark. so as we mentioned, the first gop debate is thursday. how many times have we told you that. we'll find out of course tonight who will make the final cut for a spot on the debate stage. yesterday we asked you which gop candidate won't make the cut. 48% of you said rick perry. 31% predicted john kasich. 21% said chris christie. and it looks like if the numbers
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are right as far as the average that is out there, our audience picked rick perry and that seems to be who will be missing from the stage. but we will again know at 5:00 p.m. today. coming up 165 degrees ultimate side, unprecedented weather, sweltering record temperatures. up next the science behind the phenomenon. plus this -- a criminal investigation under way into what caused two cranes to collapse in a neighborhood, one of the stories we're updating for you this morning around the "news nation." but first, there is a lot going on and here are things we thought you should know. scott walker was at a pizza parlor in. in that monday when a group of climate activists posing as supporters asked him to take a photo hold be a sign walker for president. when walker agreed and posed for the photo, they turned the sign around to show a fake $900
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million check from the koch brothers. they then presented to walker who declined to talk about the prank. and donald trump is the latest victim in the feud between harvard's humor paper and its more serious counter part. lampoon writers posed and took a picture with trump and posed a rave endorsement. after trump's camp find out about the prank, his spokesperson told the hill quote, mr. trump attended the great wharton school of finance, a school that has more important things do. those are the things we thought you should know. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10.
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office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing]
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everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait. vo: with beyond natural dry pet food, you can trust our labels. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. when we say there's no corn, wheat or soy it's not there. learn more at this morning much of the middle east is stifling under weather event dangerous, high temperatures nearing all-time records. right now it's unclear if there is any relief in sight. so far the worst has been felt
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in iran where the heat index topped 165 degrees last week. by many reports, the second highest heat index ever recorded on earth. and take a look at that this map. this is what it feels like in several major cities including baghdad where the heat index topped 110 and bahrain's capital city it hit 124. according to meteorologists part of the so-called heat dome that has hovered for the past few weeks. many governments are essentially begging residents to drink plenty of water and avoid the sun, but that's not as easy for the tens of thousands of people in refugee camps set up in cities feeling the unbearable high temperatures. joining me now host of the show greenhouse on so we were on air yesterday talking about the president's climate change proposal as it relates to carbon emissions and it headline popped up 165 in
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iran. we both didn't believe the headline. >> it's shocking. that is what it feels like. it's the humidity plus the temperature. and in late 1970s, heat roll guests came up with this index in a way to relate the draft to people. what does it really feel like. and these readings are off the chart. and that's not even the highest of all time. in saudi arabia, it was even higher about a decade ago. >> so far officials say 2013 the hottest year on record. you know that when people see he's kinds of temperatures, many will say is this climate change. does this have something to do with our ongoing conversation. >> it absolutely does. what science will tell you about climate change is it's stacking the deck. so if weather is like a deck of
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card, climate change makes it it more likely that you'll roll over a car that is 165 degrees. you'll get that deal. and you're right to point out refugees. climate inequality is astounding. for some people they have air conditioned repairmen on call like fire and ambulance. it shuts down, they come. and for a lot of other people air conditioning is still a luxury. >> in fact there is a vine out "washington post" wrote about it it was filmed yesterday at a refugee camp in jordan where it was also incredibly hot 113 degrees. i think we have that vine. >> amazing. >> i mean you would normally see something like that on local news when it gets hot here in the united states. but obviously that little frying of the egg points to a far more serious issue there. >> yeah, and this is 30 degrees above anything we've ever seen in the u.s.
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and i remember being a kid in miami and experiencing hot temperatures, but nothingthis this. >> at least one expert called it a global temperature anomaly. how do we process that observation? >> anytime you set a record it's obviously an anomaly. the question is whether the decades to come this region which produces a lot of the oil that could be eating you up the climate, will it be an anomaly the next decade or after. that's what we have to pay attention to. >> thanks so much. deadly outbreak of legionnaires' disease tops our stories. it's claimed lives of 7 in new york city and more than 80 have been diagnosed since july. the disease is caused when water contaminated with a certain bacteria is inhaled into the lungs and the outbreak was discovered last week at a bronx hotel and in some new york city hospitals. following the backlash over the
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killing of cecil the lion several airlines are now saying they are banning the shipment of big game hunting trophies on their planes. united delta and americans will no longer transport trophy remains of lie remains. and in netherlands two huge cranes fell over as they were lifting part of a bridge landing on a group of houses and businesses. up to 20 people injured. officials have launched a criminal investigation into that incident. and now to a federal lawsuit filed in kentucky over two children with disabilityies handcuffed in a school for misbehaving. the aclu has released video of the sheriff's deputy working at the school restraining a boy. and we should warn you, you may find it difficult to watch certain parts of this video. i don't know john yang has the story. >> reporter: the aclu says the video was taken by school person
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nell at personnel in covington, kentucky outside cincinnati. >> it hurts. >> reporter: the deputy kevin sumner can be seen handcuffing the boy's hands behind him. the suit says he was an 8-year-old third grader diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder. he was sent to the vice president's office last november after having disability related difficulties obeying his teacher. the suit quotes the deputy saying the boy had swung his arm and attempted to strike him with his elbow. >> we don't think handcuffs at the biceps are the way to treat an 8-year-old child. even if the child is emotionally distraught. >> reporter: the lawsuit alleges that sumner also handcuffed a 9-year-old girl with a sdchlt hdhd
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at another school. >> children with does hisisabilities should not be happened ndcuffed. >> reporter: sumner doesn't respond to telephone messages. civil rights activists question why police are dealing with young students even those without disabilities. >> instead of treating garden variety discipline they treat them like law enforcement problems and it leads to the coops of inappropriate response that we saw here. >> reporter: the covington school district declined to comment on these incidents. as a federal court is now being asked whether it violated his constitutional rights. john yang, nbc news, chicago. >> wow. coming up, apinspirational story emerging from a horrible tragedy. a group students who survived a deadly taliban attack are now in the u.s. on a once in a lifetime trip. getting a special education they cannot get at home. he'll talk with one of those
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students about their amazing experience coming up next. [ school bell rings ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs. song: rachel platten "fight song" ♪ two million, four hundred thirty-four thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. and only one me.
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now to an amazing story of survival and learning to thrive after tragedy. back in december taliban militants attacked a school in peshawar pakistan and killed is 45 people is132 of them were students. many more were injured but they returned to school in january. and received special classes to help them grieve and heal. well, now a group of 12 teenagers from that school are in the united states on a special two-week visit. they met secretary of state john kerry and toured the pentagon as well as the capitol. they've also paired up with some american students taking a week of science classes at sunni polytechnic institute in new york learning nano technology including as you see in that video how to build robots. joining me now is one of the students 15-year-old ali mahel
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along with bonnie grade from the center which designed the program. thank you both for joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you. we're delighted to be here. >> we're delighted to have you. ali, i've read so much about your story and the other students at your school. at the time of that tragedy, back in december but now you have a bright future and a bright opportunity here in the united states. what do you think so far? how has it been? >> i think so this was a long journey for us from pakistan to america. and the most surprising thing was the hospitality of the americans and the meeting with john consider ry john kerry. he was happy to meet all of us and we were also to meet him. >> i bet it was a great opportunity for you. i heen, heremean, here you are, you know thousands of miles away from
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home, from the things that are familiar to you and you are now meeting lawmakers and leaders at the highest level. has it ever been intimidating for you at all? >> yes. >> but what made you excited to take on the opportunity? >> america, we have heard about america, that it is already a beautiful country and the americans are very hospitable and they are very nice people. that's why. >> bonnie i imagine it warms your heart to hear him describe this warmth and this acceptance after going through so much rejection and brutality where he's from. why was it important for you to design this program, and particularly to include these 12 students? >> tamron we worked very closely with the american
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embassy in islamabad, pakistan, to come up with a concept idea for bringing pakistani students to the united states to meet with counter part students. we found a group of exceptional boys from the army public school in peshawar pakistan and we matched them with four very compatible american boys who are studying science and technology in the united states who are also very interested in sports and leadership. the blending of these two groups of boys 16 boys on the state university of new york polytechnic institute's campus the colleges of nano scale sciences and technology and engineering, has been an extraordinary student for both groups of boys to meet each other, learn different cultures and to recognize that they are going to be the leaders in their countries moving forward. it seems like a great idea to have future leaders meet each
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other while they're young. >> absolutely. you hear of these exchange programs on a smaller scale or schools adopting another school in a different country. but this is more than just an exchange of education, bonnie when you consider what these young students survive and having watched many of their schoolmates killed right in front of them. >> sure. this is a great opportunity to see different aspects of different cultures. and we were helped out in albany by the cultural center in albany to plan programs like what? what was your favorite program? >> my favorite program was baseball game and we also played cricket and we also teached american students to play cricket and they teacheds to play baseball. >> are you better at cricket or baseball? >> at baseball i am learning
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the baseball. >> you are learning. what about the american food have you enjoyed some of the things that you've been able to eat? >> yeah. american food is very great. and we were also hosted by the pakistani family to a pakistani restaurant, and it was great. >> i bet it was. we're so happy to have you in this country. we're very happy that bonnie and the program allowed for you to have the great experience. give the best to the other schoolmates of yours who is now visiting here. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, tamron. >> thank you very much. that does it for this edition of nut nation"newsnation."
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