tv The Ed Show MSNBC August 4, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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away from everybody without something else to replace it. let's not throw the millions who objectively have gained healthcare off and roll and then figure something else. i think he was articulating what makes sense. i let's just take it for what it is. rational thought. >> so much to be said here. certainly a very interesting evening. sam stein. thank you very much. i'm ayman mohyeldin. michael eric dyson picks up our live coverage next. >> i'm michael eric dyson. the big reveal. it is 5:00 and the folks at fox news are deciding right now which of the 17 republican presidential candidates will make the cut for thursday night's debate. and amy schumer is teaming up with her cousin chuck. and an eight-year-old is handcuffed by police after allegedly miss behaving in
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school. and now the child's mother is suing. the decision for the debate is expected this evening. the criteria lasts with the most recent five polls. fox says there is never been a cap at 10 participants. there could be 11 or 12 in case of a tie. it could look like this. rick perry and rick santorum missed the mark. nothing's been finalize birthday we should find out soon. the republican front runner right now is undoubtedly donald trump. the nbc news recall street journal poll has trump in first place with 19%. scott walker in second with 15% and jeb bush in third with 14%. a new cbs news poll has trump at 24%. jeb bush at 13% and cotscott walker
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at 10%. donald trump will most certainly make for interesting tv on thursday night. he says americans are tired of politicians. >> i think people are tired, sick and tired of incompetent politicians. nobody knows the politicians better than me. don't forget three months i was on the other side of the ledger. i was the fair haired boy in the rnc. i was the fair haired boy with the governors things. i gave $350,000 last year to the republican governors and you don't even get thank you anymore. that is how crazy it is. but i think when i get up and sbeek speak we get the biggest crowd. we get standing ovations and all we do is talk about how great our country can be. and i mean that. if it continues though go at this path it is going to be almost impossible to bring it
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back. >> chris christie will also most likely make the debate cut. earlier he was asked how he would handle trump. >> i think with ten candidates in the debate on thursday night, the right thing to to is to talk about your ideas and what you want to put forward as a plan for america's future. and those are the things you need to talk about. and i think focusing on any one particular candidate doesn't make any sense. >> everybody's been sitting around for a month and a half scratching their heads trying to figure out why donald trump is doing as well as he is. why is he governor? you know politics. whereas your gut on it? why is he doing this well is this. >> i think this is a phenomenon we've seen often in primary politics. and folks will do well for a period of time and maybe not so well afterwards. you don't know and you can't predict the stuff. donald is a friend of mine. i've known him for over 13 years. and he's someone whose
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articulate and has a good way at times of presenting himself. we'll see. it is august. everybody take a deep breath and there is a lot of work to be done between now and and iowa's and nn hn's vote. >> the debate will take place in ohio. issues like jocks, trade policy immigration and national security will almost certainly be key in the debate. senator brown of ohio the debate is taking place in your home state. what issue do you think the people of ohio want to hear about from all of these candidates? >> well taking place in my home state, taking place in the city in which my wife and i live in cleveland. i'm proud to welcome them as i'm proud to welcome the republican convention to our city. i don't make any -- i don't really have any preference. it is not my place or role to say who should be the nominee or even have upt input there. what i do ask for is they talk about issues that really effect
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cleveland. the zip code my wife and i live in had more foreclosures than any city in america. 44105. more than anybody in america in 2007. i want to hear. republicans in this town want to continue to give tax breaks to wall street and i want to hear what they are saying about the cost of precipitation drugscription drugs. they fall over themselves to say they want to repeal obamacare. what are they going to do bring drug prices down. i now cleveland is still a major manufacturing center in this country. but not what it used to be. what are they going to do to bring manufacturing back to this state, to this country? instead they support trade agreements and outsource jobs. i want to hear jobs what's happening in our neighborhoods, those kind of issues. >> speaking of your neighborhood, cleveland has been cited by the department of justice for horrible practices in regard to policing of
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especially african american citizens. what will the republican party say about that? and do you expect that issue to be addressed since his looms large over that city and indeed over the state. >> it looms large in so many cities around the country now. i think that people welcome the indictment in cincinnati of the police officer. i wonder if that indictment would have happened of the university of cincinnati police officer if there had not been the body camera and the actual videotape that people could see that the prosecutor could simply not ignore and the community couldn't ignore. we have a serious problem in this country on -- with police and trust in the black community. i'm hopeful that republicans will talk about how do we rebuild that trust with community policing with some of the proposals the president's talked about and the quote/unquote war on drugs and all these issues that matter so much to black families and to working class, middle class
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families really throughout the state. but fundamentally i'm hopeful republicans will talk about how do we provide opportunity for kids in cleveland that haven't had much opportunity. how do we help strengthen a middle class that is clearly under duress because of wall street over reach because of trade agreements to don't work for the country. >> what about the debate over immigration. what will that look like? >> i think they see trump's numbers take off when he engaged in the xeno phobic and borderline racism. and i don't give advice they don't ask. i just hope they take a position that really embraces whether our country's values have been for generations. since the know-nothing party of the 1830s and i believe 40s that was sworn in part of in immigration. the know nothings evolved into
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the modern republican party. i hate to make that kind of joke but it's true. and i hope republicans will begin to look at what the values historically of a different republican party of lincoln and roosevelt instead of beating up on foreigners and immigrants and people with less privilege. let me bring in jenaveve wood. and jess mcintosh. jenaveve, how big a force will trump be in this debate? there is all the ballyhoo and celebration but how big will he be? >> if i had the answer we could make a lot of money placing bets. honestly i don't. you have ten people on the stage and two hours. it will matter how the individual candidates conduct themselves and also matter how the moderators conduct the debate and how they pose the questions. do they keep people within their time frames?
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look i think what governor christie said earlier is an important one. i think most people watching this debate. some will be watching for entertainment and to see what trump will do. but a lot of voters being conservative voters, republican voters who will vote in these primaries, they are looking to see more specifics. let's be clear. most people have seen pictures of these candidates where we ahead the poll numbers up. most of them unless you live in iowa or new hampshire haven't heard individual specifics from these folks. and that is what i think voters are looking for. >> one adviser said dealing with donald trump is like dealing with a drunk driver at that nascar race. how do they keel with donald trump that night? >> i guess carefully. i think that his impact on
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thursday night might not even reap how great his impact on this lead up to the debate has been. i think we've seen a couple of weeks in the republican primary race that nobody ever anticipated seeing. our political -- you know, our political world always gets a little crazy in the summer. but this year we've had the chain saw to the tax code, the cell phone in the blender, ted cruz cooking bacon with the barrel of a machine gun. it is not the presidential primary i believe republican primary voters were expecting hors d'oeuvre.or frankry deserve. and that is just watching them get into the spotlight taken up by trump. >> stay classy with it. if christie makes the trump, do you think he'll go after trump? a tett atett or a brash contradiction? >> i hope not.
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i hope they do stick to policies. governor christie governor kasich, most of the people on the stage tomorrow night all have records that i think they would want to talk about. that they may want to defend. that is what i think they ought to primarily be doing. if this gets into personal attacks i don't see how that is helpful to anybody, to any of the candidates. i think most of them coming out of us there will be some people saying i haven't given so and so a look and now i have. we don't know if there will be a stand out. if there is you might see the race become tighter. >> hasn't the rnc indicated they don't want that kind of nasty infighting? >> they have said that. but you can't control what they say when they get on stage. >> jess, do you think the other candidates will attack trump on immigration? >> you would think so. except last night in the
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republican presidential forum that did not include trump you saw the first three candidates get up and give their immigration answers trying to sound as much like trump as possible. apparently the entirely racist rhetoric he came out with regarding mexican immigrants is what volted him to the top place in the polls now. the perspective is ted cruz openly defending him or jeb bush leading with border security instead of a lawful non citizen status to undocumented immigrants. i think they are playing catch up with someone racing to the bottom and that is just a bad look for the party. >> what do you think about that jenaveve? >> i think a lot of republicans, a lot of conservatives, frankly a lot of miles per houramericans are concerned about the immigration issue. and we all know the issue is much bigger than the border and this is where you need to come
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in and give more specifics and not just throw sound bites out there. >> thanks for your time tonight. an overwhelming majority of americans trust donald trump make the right decisions about immigration. according to a new poll we'll have the details. and a politician and comedian team up to push for gun control. stay was. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is.
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my man jimmy flon had some fun impersonating donald trump last night. he got this very funny phone call from president obama. >> the reason i called is people are talking smack about you. don't your care about the way you're portrayed in the media. >> the media loves me. they try to act like they don't but they do. they say they're done but they keep coming back for more. they're like chris christie at the golden corral buffet.
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>> oh snap. snap crackle and pop. >> by the way those are the same sounds it makes when chris christie sits on an old wooden chair. snap crackle and pop. >> oh now you double dipped. you double dipped on the christie chip. >> much more coming up. stay tuned. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. ♪ quicker smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays. if that's not what you think of when you think of the united states postal service watch us deliver. a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪
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the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. when mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. they are sending people that have lots of problems. and they are bricknging those problems with us. they are bringing ingdrugs. they are bringing crime. they are rapists and some i assume are good people. >> donald trump's remarks have caused controversy since day one for his campaign. but new polling shows republican voters think he's the best man for the job in immigration policy. two-thirds of republican voters
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say they are confident in his ability to make decisions about immigration immigration. voters have more confidence than jeb bush, marco rubio and scott walker. it may be winning the base but not latino voters. regarding his controversial comments 55% said the remarks were insulting and racist and have no place in a campaign for president. the same poll showed his unfafrlt rating at 75% but the donald is still confident he'll carry the latino vote. >> i have thousands that work for me right now. and by the way there was a poll out recently a latino poll where i was at 35% and i was leading in the latinos. i think what is going to happen -- hey look i'm talking about illegal immigration. a lot of hispanics that are legally in this country agree with me.
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i'm getting letters and phone calls all the time. i think i'm going to win the hispanics and i think i'm going to win the african american vote. >> i'm joined by hearnnry fernandez and jenaveve wood. henry, is he going to win the latino vote? and what do you make about the polls that show republicans have confidence in the donald to address immigration policy. >> there is no question he's not going to win the latino vote unless something dramatically changes. he currently has support about 13% of latino voters. and let's understand this is a very fast growing voting block. when president obama won latino voters in 2008. since that time 5 million more latinos have become voters in the united states. so this population is essential to winning an election. latino decisions kind of the premier pollster of latino
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voters states the republican candidate will need 40% to become president. donald trump is at 13%. he's not close. >> jenaveve what are the policies people find so appealing when they say they have confidence in his ability to address these issues? >> i wish they would have asked that question in the poll. what you have is people are reacting because they are concerned about the issue, concerned we have a lot of people living here we don't know who they are and we don't know how long they have been here. and some do have criminal backgrounds. we saw what happened in san francisco with the young woman who had been shot by someone deported and got back in to the country. so people are rightly concerned. but i think what people want to see now is what are people actually going to do. but all the sound bites most of the media have played on the issue of immigration have been from donald trump. i don't know anybody's heard
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from carson or fiorina or a lot of other folks running. they are not getting that air time and that is what i hope thursday night be. is those individual candidates saying what will be my individual policy ideas how to address this issue. both for those of us already living in this country and those who want to come here. >> in light of what she just said is it fair to cast latinos in that shadow or light because so many americans who commit crimes don't get deported, number one. and number two, mitt romney received 27% of the latino vote in 2012 and the party has been trying to do outreach to the community since then. how does trump impact that push to quinnwin over the latino community. >> no question he's hurting republicans across the board. we saw that with mitt romney embracing mass dporgs language.
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it hurt republicans up and down the ticket with latino voters.eportation language. it hurt republicans up and down the ticket with latino voters. but what's interesting in the poll is that a majority of the republicans polled over 55% actually said they believe in a pathway to legalization or citizenship for undocumented immigrants. so donald trump may be appealing to 25% of republican voters at this point, primary voters. but actually even a majority of republicans currently support a pathway to citizenship. and that is important. and it will be interesting to see. jenaveve mentioned you saw large numbers of the other candidates and say large numbers because there are lots of republican candidates. you saw them trying to move towards donald trump in their language. but since a majority of republican voters actually are very comfortable with a pathway to citizenship, it will be interesting to see if any of the republican candidates are smart
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enough to break apart, break away from the rest of the group and go anti trump and really push for immigration reform. >> jess mcintosh on the previous segment indicated she thought the very racist comments by donald trump are the specific things that vaulted him to the top of the polls. >> let's understand. the republican party has a problem. it is not really a donald trump problem. the problem it has is every other candidate. donald trump doesn't actually have a huge percentage of the vote. he's somewhere between 20 and 25%. the problem is that he's like doing twice as well as everybody else in the republican primary. so they have not figured out how to break out. and i think it is because the issues that they are raising are not appealing on a wide range of levels, whether it is on immigration or economics. job creation. unless they find a way to break out they are going to have this plob. >> so jenaveve an nbc news poll found 6.5% of latino voters say
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donald trump is hurting the republican party's image. do you agree? and is there a point where party leaders have to step in and do damage control and say enough is enough? >> well i don't know what -- what do you step in and do? you can't say this person can't run if they are doing well in the polls if they are getting votes. >> but they can make arguments on behalf of the party itself that this doesn't represent the majority viewpoint. >> they can do that. but i think what we need to see here are all the candidates on the stage give their ideas and give it in their language their tone. let people hear from them and i think i agree with the other guest. donald has 25% of the vote. but that means there is 75% he doesn't have and while yes it is currently divided up among another 14 to 15 folks. eventually that is going to change and you are going to see this become a tighter race. and look to which issue is propelling different people to the top, i think most of the base of the republican party, conservatives in particular are
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very frustrated with how washington is working. and i think immigration is one of the issues that's broken but not the only one. >> thanks for joining us. still to come. the subtle jab hillary clinton made at bernie sanders over race. and the gun control movement has a new ally. comedian amy schumer. we have the details next. doers. they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do.
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for $369 a month with zero due at signing. no student's ever photographed mean ms. colegrove. but your dell 2-in-1 laptop gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. get this high performance laptop bundle for only $399. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. two well known cousins are teaming up for a good cause. actress/comedian amy schumer and new york senator chuck schumer are calling for changes to the background check system to buy a gun. during a screening of "train wreck" in louisiana a man opened fire killing two women and nine others. that fueled her passion to speak out. kate snow has more. >> i was like legit heartbroken. just to get that news. >> amy schumer discussing her
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agony and new activism with john stewart. >> i wanted to act and go down there and just do whatever i could. so yeah this has been in the works. >> the comedian's interview coming hours after she joined her cousin new york senator chuck schumer to call to states or the turn over the right records to better background checks can be had on gun buyers. >> i'm not sure why this man chose my movie to end these two beautiful lives and injure nine others but it was very personal for me. unless something is done and done soon dangerous people will continue to get their hands on guns. we know what can happen when they do. >> after the shooting in lafayette, the daughter of a teacher who survived sandy hook wrote an open online letter to schumer urging her to take up the cause. sarah clemens, called her, this generation's epitome of what
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means to be a strong powerful self aware champion saying we need your help. and schumer responds don't worry i'm on it. you'll see. it is not the first time schumer has taken on the gun issue. months before the theater shooting her comedy central show featured a commercial. >> no refills? i have to go through all of this again next month? >> yep. see you then. >> can i have a gun? >> yep. >> her voice on the issue now turning from parody to pledge. >> these are my first comments on the issue of gun violence but i can promise they will not be my last. >> i'm joined by -- are celebrities the best advocates for change when it comes to gun safety. >> we're grateful for this powerful duo of chuck and amy
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came together to say enough when it comes to the issue of gun violence and this not one more american should die because it is far to easy for dangerous people to get guns and kill in our country. amy is more than just a celebrity. she's a cultural influencer with the nation's top movie and people are paying attention and it is not a given that she would be speaking out on this. >> so the legislation would try to improve the background check system by creating monetary incentive for states to block gun sales of criminal records and history of mental illness. >> the proposal to improve the reporting of mental health records into our background check system is absolutely a response that we need in this time. we've seen that states, since we've shined a lot on the problem of mental health records reporting into the national background check system have improved. the virginia tech shooter, for
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example, his record was missing in the system and now virginia is one of the states one of 19 that have passed laws that require and improve their mental health records reporting. and that is what's helping to keep guns out of dangerous hands and what we're fighting for. >> wouldn't that be advantageous to the gun lobby to make sure the people with mental illnesses don't have access to guns so as no to besmirch their character when it comes. so why such opposition? >> clearly they have other interests and keeping guns in dangerous hands not something you see them fight for in their policy directives. but it is what we're doing and it is what more than 3 million americans are saying and to show up in their state houses in the legislative session to say we need to do more to keep guns out of dangerous hands and that means passing better laws and making it harder the get guns. and as we see violence against
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women is a very key factor in this discussion. and while we don't know the motives we can't speculate on why the shooter chose amy's movie, we know there is a problem with gun violence and violence against women and having better laws that will keep guns of off domestic abusers hands can help the problem. >> thaw forthank you for joining us. i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. somebody stocks end in the red. the dow falls 47 the s&p sheds 4. the nasdaq drops 9 points. disney shares are lower after hours. earnings came in high but revenue light. apple shares slid 3% today, sinking further into correction territory. and it and etsy taking a hit. it's results top forecast but
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welcome back. hillary clinton is taking a subtle jab at bernie sanders on race. as cnn politics points out during a confirmation about racism with the chairman of the south carolina democratic party, clinton addressed the black lives matter movement saying this smoousmt fueled in large measure by young people and a particular development in civil rights that deserve ours support. by that i mean there are some who say well racism is a result of economic inequality. i don't believe that. they think he only views racism through an economic lens. in response bernie sanders said quote, we need to simultaneously address the structural and
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strugs institutional racism which exists in this country while at the same time vigorously attack the level of income inequality disproportionately affecting communities of color. we have to solve both of these problems. do you think bernie sanders is doing enough to address black lives matter and the underlying issues of race that play into that movement? >> what i'm hearing from bernie sanders right now is very good political rhetoric. i mean it is like a well-written script. but, you know, i see very little action. and you know we've seen this play before from the democratic party. it is time for the votes. and we know that black people are traditionally very loyal to the democratic party. and sometimes without good reason. and i think this time around
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what's different is that you have a bunch of young activists, a bunch of young people, a bunch of young concerned citizens that, you know, we went through the typical rodeo of allowing politics to tap dance for the camera when it is time to galvanize us and get the vote. i think there is a drastic disconnect from my generation between both candidates. >> professor petersson, what do you think of hillary clinton's subtle dig on bernie sanders? >> first everybody needs to go out and cop that war machine three by tefpo. and really at the end of the day black voters matter. and because of the black lives matter movement that is becoming much more clear. so i think secretary clinton has to be very very careful about critiquing bernie sanders. because the young activists on the front lines and in the trenches haven't seen either of these candidates in terms of
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actually embodying what they are talking about. so rhetoric is okay. but at the end of the day we haven't seen secretary or former senator clinton at any of these actions or civic actions or speaking with young folks on the front lines. and same for senator sanders and i would imagine their political advisors in some ways want to speak to the black lives matter movement but don't necessarily want to act with them because of the political fallout and reaction and so on and so forth. it is a complicated scenario. but in terms of the democrat party young folks just haven't seen the proof in the pudding. so the idea there is a monolithic voting block that are just going to follow the democratic party, i don't think that is going to hold true for the 2016 presidential elections. >> what does bernie sanders have to do to augment his analysis and improve his standing with the black lives matter movement? >> i don't really know. i live in a world where, you
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know, this problem didn't start with hillary clinton and bernie sanders. and i think now the democratic party in general just needs to take a realistic look for itself. it's become a microcosmic mirror of the republican party for black people. the days of believing the lesser of two evils is something we can stand behind is over. we're living in a postferguson world. the same people that tear gassed us were democrats. how do you support a regime that has shown even when you do support it it will get you at the trop drop of dime. >> they are basically on your side. the argument is that are you going to alienate those people who can potentially be your allies. but you are making a powerful point. that is to say that the people who drop the tear gas have been
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democratic too. so what does the black lives matter movement do? do they go third party? do they spurn the political process? what is the process. >> think think it is in political activity and worded in up rooting the political jargon and getting to the meat and potatoes of the issue. even the black lives matter movement we're politically redefining ourselves and sharpening our analysis and analyzing what type of candidates do we promote or sponsor or co-sign if any? and i think this new era of politics that we're in for black people is one that is going to be deeply rooted in realism. even when you look at people who don't vote. initially not voting for black folks is an act of resistance. but now i'm looking at it likic, okay, so if we don't vote what political politicalization are you bringing to that community and the people around you.
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>> great point. >> so much more to dig into. i wish we had more time. tef poe, dr. james peterson. thank you so much. coming up the deeper meaning been the fight for temperature control at the office. or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪
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and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? chris christie is running on the platform of telling it like it is. but he might approximate telling us a little too much. governor christie make a
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campaign stop at the restaurant to talk with voters this morning in manchester new hampshire. when the issue of faith christie said religion shouldn't be in politics. but then christie got pretty personal. >> i'm a catholic. but i've used birth control. and not just the rhythm method okay? so you know my church -- my church has a teaching against birth control. does that make me an awful catholic because i believe and practiced that function during part of my life? i don't think so. >> we appreciate honest candidates, but christie might be too honest with the campaign trail. we'll be right back.
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as marilyn monroe tony kurtz and jack mehman prove some like it hot. fierce arguments are being waged between the sexes over the thermostat. and evidence to support a long running cold air conspiracy. jenna wolf explains. >> hot town summer in the city. but inside it is a different story should i say a different season. >> long sleeves, a blanket and a blazer. >> just in case. >> it could be 100 degrees outside and it feels like the north pole in here. >> this stays at your desk all throughout the summer. >> yeah and sometimes there are shivering going on. >> turns out an old formula may be to blame for the tussle over office temperatures. a new study shows temperatures in many office buildings are determined by an outdated and
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inaccurate model developed in the 1960s and based on resting metabolic rate of a 150 pound 40-year-old man. fast forward half of the workforce is female but the thermostats haven't bujddged. the great air-conditioning debate isn't just in your head finding that femaling in general prefer higher room temperature than men. a balmy 77 degrees for women compared to 71 for men. >> women tend to burn off energy slower than men. women tend to wear skirts so maybe they have their legs bare and cold. arms might be out. men wear more layers. if you add all of these things together it is more likely that difference between men and women is more pronounced. >> a battle of the sexes that isn't likely to end any time soon. >> i can't lie.
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i'm with the ladies. an eight-year-old is hand cuffed at school after he allegedly misbehaved. now there is a lawsuit. the details next. what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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office. the lawsuit says the deputy used the same method on a 9-year-old at different school. nbc's john yang has the details. just to warn you, some of this may be difficult to watch. >> the aclu says the video was taken by school personnel at an elementary school in covington, kentucky, outside cincinnati. >> o', that hurts! >> kevin sumner can be seen handcuffing a boy arms behind him above the elbows. the suit says he was an 8-year-old third grader diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder. according to the lawsuit, he was sent to the vice principal's office last november after having disability-related difficulties obeying his teacher. >> you can do what we ask you to. >> the suit quotes the deputy saying the boy had swung his arm and attempted to strike him with
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his elbow. >> we don't think handcuffs at the biceps are the way to treat an 8-year-old child even if the child is emotionally distraught. >> the lawsuit alleges that sumner also handcuffed a 9-year-old girl with adhd at another school after she didn't obey a teacher. >> children with disabilities should not be handcuffed. especially when their behavior is related to their disability. >> the sheriff's office declined to comment because the litigation is pending. sumner didn't respond to telephone messages. civil rights advocates question why police are dealing with young students even those without disabilities. >> instead of treating things like garden variety discipline they treat them like law enforcement problems, and it leads to the kind of inappropriate response we saw here. >> the covington school district, which is not named in suit decline to comment on these incidents as a federal court is now being asked whether it violated his constitutional rights. >> the video of the little boy is over seven minutes long but
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the lawsuit says he was restrained for 15 minutes. in a statement, the school superintendent said resource officers maintain the safety of students and staff but are not directed by staff to punish or discipline students who engage in a school-related offense. i'm joined now by dr. jeff gardere, a psychologist. i got to tell you, that's a pretty disturbing video that we saw there. what should the schools involved do about this? >> first of all, you don't handcuff any child. i don't care whether the child has some sort of a disability you feel the child may be dangerous, which children with disabilities are not dangerous, so let's get that straight first of all. and i think this speaks to some prejudice against children who have some of these emotional issues or learning disabilities. but what they should have done is put the child perhaps in a room with a counselor or a teacher who could help de-escalate the situation, who can help soothe the child. after all, this is a child who they said had a
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disability-related difficulty. that means it's an emotional issue, reverend. and therefore, you deal with it in a therapeutic manner instead of criminalizing the behavior which is what they did. >> absolutely. the lawsuit says the little boy was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and adhd. what kind of impact could these incidents have on his development because i imagine this will ring and echo in his psyche for quite a while. >> when you have adhd of course, this is a situation where there's some difficulties in focusing concentrating, having a lot of energy. so these sorts of behaviors are things that happen with these kids. so you should be prepared for that in the first place. but secondly you are talking about post-traumatic stress disorder. so something already traumatized this child in his life. we don't know what it is. this is a very serious illness that this child is dealing with. so are you telling me now you are going to doubly traumatize
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this child by putting him in handcuffs, by watching him beg, by saying things to him such as well, you know if you don't calm down or if you don't follow what i'm telling you, we're going to keep you in these cuffs? these are the things -- and i'm paraphraseing here but this is the idea that was related to this child. instead of dealing with him therapeutically, they were punishing him. he has ptsd. so why further injury this child emotion emotionally as well as physically? >> yes, makes no sense. in the 25-year anniversary with the americans with disability act was just last week. do we have a long way to go in dealing with folks with disabilities? >> absolutely. what's happening here may be a prejudice that people have. perhaps these children are less than or they're misbehaving. look these are kids who have some emotional issues. these are kids who have some
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academic issues. so instead of criminalizing them, you need to give them more attention, you need to work with them. they're children. they're human beings. they need love and attention. >> absolutely. do you think the officer involved should be punished and would that help for children to see that there are consequences to this kind of behavior? >> i have to tell you it's never my style to point fingers or get into the blame game because i think there's enough blame to go around. it's not just about the officer. the officer i believe was designated to be there. that was the first major mistake. he may not have had the training to deal with this situation, but why does a school district, instead of putting their money into school counselor, instead are putting sheriff's deputies law enforcement -- this is what we call the school to prison pipeline and it's got to stop. hopefully that will be a teachable moment as a good friend of yours says so that this can stop from now on. these kids need love not hate. >> that's no doubt.
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dr. jeff gardere putting it down as usual. thank you so much for your time. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politics nation," the deadline for the first gop debate. who makes the big stage and who doesn't? also, a key announcement in the sandra bland case. a legal fight over disturbing video of a third grader in handcuffs. and the voting rights act. 50 years later. i'll talk about the fight ahead with martin luther king iii. welcome to "politics nation." we begin tonight awaiting the official word on which republican candidates will take the main stage thursday night. for the first debate of
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