tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC August 7, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," the trump show. live and in living color and it all started with the republican front-runner leafing the door open to a third-party run. >> mr. trump -- >> if i'm the nominee i would pledge i would not run as an independent. we want to win and we will win. >> he's used to buying politicians. >> well, i've given him plenty
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of money. >> you call women you don't like fat pig, dogs slobs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell and i don't frankly have time for total political correctness. our leaders are stupid. our politicians are stupid. >> i don't think you heard me. you're having a hard time tonight. most of the people on this stage i've given to just so you understand, a lot of money. >> not me. not me. >> with hillary clinton i said be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. you know why? she had no choice. it's medieval times. we don't have time for tone. we have to go out and get the job done. >> the hillary factor when the focus wasn't on trump it was on hillary clinton. >> if i'm our nominee how is hillary clinton going to lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck? i was raised paycheck to paycheck. >> and the breakout. as for the other candidates, one came away from the night with a lot of buzz but can she carry it
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forward? and good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington back from cleveland where donald trump stole the show dodging and weaving past tough questions from the fox moderators, right out of the gate. >> looking for you to raise your hand now if you won't make that pledge tonight. mr. trump. experts say an independent run would almost certainly hand the race over to democrats and likely another clinton. you can't say tonight that you can make that pledge? >> i cannot say i have to respect the person that if it's not me the person that wins. if i do win and i'm leading by quite a bit, that's who i want to do. i can totally make that pledge
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if i'm the nominee. i will pledge i would not run as an independent. and i am discussing it with everybody, but, you know i'm talking about a lot of leverage. >> he's already hedging his bet on the clintons okay? so if he doesn't run as a republican, maybe he supports clinton or maybe he runs as an independent, but i would say that he's already hedging his bets because he's used to buying politicians. >> well, i've given him plenty of money. >> but it's what he said about women in answer to megyn kelly's question that is driving a lot of the conversation today. joining me now are "the washington post" chris cillizza jonathan capehart nbc's kelly o'donnell live in atlanta and the red state gathering and katy tur covering the trump campaign. katy, first to you, you've gone one-on-one with trump in the past frequently, in fact. this is class tick trump, trump being trump. i saw you tweets last night and your messages but did he cross the line particularly in answer
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to megyn kelly's question about women? >> i'm not sure for his supporter wls he did. the supporters like that he speaks his mind and he is controversial. he said i didn't need to be politically correct. what you hear when you're on thespeaking to people who like him they like the fact that he doesn't pull punches. the women thing could be an issue but from the tweets i got after my interview there are a lot of people siding with him and saying that meghan klly was out of line with her questioning. they believe that she was wrong with what she said. the question though is whether or not he's going to lose this fox news base the fox news turns on him will he start to lose a chunk of the people who are fervent fox news supporters and will he lose them. my gut says that he is not going to hurt from this. my gut says that he will come out on top like he has had in
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the past. i think in some ways he's gaffe proof. >> well, in this case of course he is taking on fox news' biggest star and he's also arguably offending women voter, the largest single voting bloc. let's play megyn kelly's opening question to donald trump. >> you've called women you don't like fat pigs dogs slobs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> no it wasn't. your twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks. you once told a contestant on "sently apprentice" it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. does that sound you like the temperament of man we should elect as president and how will you answer the charge if hillary clinton who is likely to be the democratic nominee that you are part of the war on women? >> i think the big problem this country has is being politically
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correct. i've been -- i've been challenged by so many people and i don't think frankly have time for total political correctness. and to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either. >> i'm not sure chris cillizza how you call it political correctness correctness, the language that he used. >> yeah, so, i think if he has a problem from the debate last night it's this one. and i tend to think trump has, whether smartly or accidentally as katy noted, pick some not bad targets. conservatives don't love john mccain conservatives think the language on immigration has been too soft by the republican party. megyn kelly is not only popular but very high profile. this is five nights a week in prime time on the station that we know from lots of data most republicans and conservatives
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rely on for their news. i don't know if he's picked the right fight here. that said katy's point is important because i've gone down this rabbit hole and been wrong. things that would disqualify a normal person run for office do not hurt him. so, yes, if we were talking about this in the context of another candidate i would say, there's going to be calls for him to drop out of the race. with him, it's worth debating well is he going to go up or stay the same in polling. >> kelly o'donnell is down in atlanta and you talked to chris christie and asked him about this. what kind of reaction did you get from chris christie? let's listen in fact kelly, let's play it first. >> do you think women voters might have been offended by the way donald trump handled the question from megyn kelly a had to do with his language about women and some of his messagist trumps that h throws out? >> listen, all of us can be responsible for myself. donald is going to be a serious a candidate as donald wants to
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be. that's going to be determined by his conduct and what comes out of his mouth. >> what is your takeaway from taking -- you're talking to a lot of people down there as well as chris christie, does not want to go head to head with him? >> i think one of the things that i wish the clip had played a little longer because he then turned it to his own wife mary pat and said she would have none of that she wouldn't put up for that second. mary pat owns more than the governor has been in the finance industry until recently pausing on that to assist with his campaign. so he personalized it in terms of his own wife. in talking with people here there is a sense that donald trump has a sort of built-in extra sort of barrier where people expect him to say outrageous things and so they seem to be less critical taking points off. but i also talked to chris christie and governor haley, nikki haley of south carolina about donald trump and his refusal to take the no independent pledge and said
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that's really a nonstarter to him, harmful to the party. quick to criticize him. for all the things donald trump seems to say i'm sorry seems to be outside of his vocabulary. he acknowledges mistakes from time to time but part of his brand has been to say what he wants and not apologize for it. so there are conservative voters who like that straight talk and seem to be giving him a wider burt on that. when it comes to other candidates who know the value of women voter, christie told me he had 60% of the women vote running against him for the gubernatorial election he sees it differently. we'll talk to other voters here as well and other candidates that comes through. the idea of alienateing women voters has always been an issue for republican voters who has a gender gap. we know donald trump is not well versed with republican party sint of ethos. if he was talking about single payer last night he may not be as cess tive to the issue of trying to attract more women,
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republican women, to vote to participate, and perhaps some independent women. so it was an interesting exchange with governor christie. he doesn't like to talk about other candidates but he weighed in on the donald. >> and chris christie had another very interesting exchange. jonathan capeparthart, i wanted to play this with rand paul over the whole debate within the republican party within the country over privacy versus security. >> it's a completely ridiculous answer. i want to collect more records from terrorists but less records from other people. how are you supposed to know what are you -- -- >> use the fourth amendment. get a warrant. get a judge to sign a warrant. use the constitution. >> listen, senator, you know when you're sitting on a subcommittee blowing hot air about this you can say things like that. >> you fundamentally misunderstand the bill of rights. every time you did a case you
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got a war ranlt from a judge. i'm talking about searches without warrants indiscriminately of all american records and that's what i fought to end. i don't trust president obama with our records. i know you gave him a big hug and if you want to give him a big hug again go right ahead. >> jonathan capehart who won that match-up? >> you know what we saw there, two things. you saw two candidates who needed to have a strong showing in the debate because they're lower down in the ten. and if they want to be in the next debate they've got to show that they are alive, present, energetic and can make their own case. that's what they did. the second thing that was happening there in that debate is the actual debate that's happening within the country. the country's grappling with the fact that, you know people's personal data is being collected and may or may not be used legally or properly but at the same time the country is facing a threat from forces that, you
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know have already struck this country once in september 11 2001, and has been continually trying to do it again. if a nation is going to protect itself it needs to know when and where the enemy will act. and so in those two people in that clip you showed they each made coach and arguments and whoever the next president is is going to have to do something to try to settle that argument as much as they can. >> and, jonathan there were two people who i think really got the spotlight for a very strong debate performances. one was marco rubio and the other is john kasich. the host governor. in different ways. and here's a moment with kasich. first he i think, distinguished himself by defending his decision to accept medicaid money from obamacare and explaining it was in the context of money for drug rehabilitation for prisoners. it's a lot less expensive to get
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people out of prisons and into treatment. it's better for, you know everyone's health for the society. he had a case to make. and this is what he had to say when challenged for his opposition to gay marriage. >> if you had a son or daughter who was gay or lesbian, how would you explain to them your opposition to same-sex? marriage? >> i'm an old-fashioned person here and i happen to be in traditional marriage but i've also said the court has ruled. >> how would you explain to your child? >> the court has ruled and i said we'll accept it. guess what i just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay because somebody doesn't think the way i do doesn't mean that i can't care about them or can't love them. so if one of my daughters happened to be that of course i would love them and i would accept them. >> what's your takeaway from that jonathan? >> andrea that's where the party needs to be.
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that answer from governor kasich was one of respect. lesbian/gay people don't expect everyone to love them or to even understand them but they certainly expect and should expect that people especially those who want to lead them respect them. so governor kasich is doing, i think, a terrific thing for the party because if it's going to survive it needs to get right on the gay issue. as the gop autopsy pointed out, if the republican party wants to pull in the young voters it needs to survive and be a national party again, the way to do that is to be a little more accepting, a little more tolerant, if you will of the gay issue, because for a lot of republican millennials the gay issue isn't an issue. if you speak well and speak with respect about gay issues and gay people you bring in the young
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people and then you can talk to them about the other things that the party stands for on national security, economic policy and things like that. >> and chris cillizza the whole question of whether donald trump's threat to leave the party and run as a third-party candidate is disqualifying because he was on a republican platform. this is reince priebus' problem and they have to walk around him very gingerly. steve schmidt, of course john mccain's former adviser, was saying last night if you add up ted cruz and donald trump support and rand paul's arguely they are 40% of the people in the republican primary who don't give a darn about the republican party. >> it would be hugely -- the reason that you're seeing trump handled with somewhat kid glove, marley by the party, is because they know that a trump independent candidacy probably gets 15% of the vote and that 15%, 12ish percent are going to
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vote for the republican nominee. i think -- it's amazing to me that his justification for saying why he wouldn't run gives me a lot of leverage. remarkable admission we know it's true. the admission that i sort of want to hold it over them to see what i can get is just telling. >> thanks to all of you, katie kur and kelly o'donnell and jonathan capehart and, of course, chris cillizza. planned parenthood was a favorite target of all the republicans. up next barbara boxer with another point of view. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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parenthood i defunded planned parenthood years ago long before the videos came out. i have a position that's aligned with everyday america. >> this notion we just continue to ignore the personhood of the individual is a violation of that unborn child's fifth and 14th amendment rights for due process and equal protection under the law. it's time that we recognize the supreme court is not the supreme being and we change the policy to be pro life and protect children instead of rip up their body parts and sell them like their parts to a buick. >> i advocated we pass law in this country that all human life at every stage of development is worthy of protection. it's called the constitution of the united states. >> the reactions very fierce to the planned parenthood last night at the debate. pro life drum beat has grown stronger has republican contenders look to stake their claim among conservative voters. joining me now senator barbara boxer. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> let's stipulate the sfakt
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facts that 3% of planned parenthood funding, none of it is government funding, is spent on abortion services. >> correct. >> all the rest is spent on other health care. we have to acknowledge that however badly those tapes were edited out of context, there were some really casual and dismissive comments, disturbing comments, to say the least about fetal tissue tissue for which they do not get money, only reimbursement of the cost for the lab work. >> right. >> this is a problem, is it not, for the movement for those who support planned parenthood? >> well, not really because here's the deal. we've had fetal tissue research going on since the '30s. it's why we have a polio vaccine. this attack is just a smoke screen. it's all about planned parenthood parenthood. they didn't tape any other group. and so to me we have to get to the fact. last night people asked who won that debate.
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honestly, i don't think there was a clear winner. but there was a clear loser. the women of this country and our families. and one of the candidates even said that those of white house are pro choice are barbarians who are murdering millions. that was marco rubio. what a stunning stunning statement. he's insulting and hurting the vast majority of people in this country. a majority of democrats, a majority of independents and a strong showing among republicans. they are so out of touch, andrea and i'm glad you reminded people that there's no federal funding for abortion going to planned parenthood and all of these guys were jumping all over themselves to say who hurt women more. oh, i defunded it. that means women and some men don't get cancer screenings that means there aren't pap smears, that means that a woman who could have a breast tumor
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detected is going to die, and this is what they're so proud of. i tell you something, bring on hillary clinton because we need someone who is a grown-up and someone who is a realist and someone who is a moderate. >> well, and of course in the undercard, karly fir rena was going after hillary clinton and also taking very very strong position against planned parenthood. i want to play a little bit of donald trump though and ask you -- >> well, you know, i just want to say, as you know i beat carly fiorina by ten points and there was a reason for it. that was the depths of the great recession. and i beat her by ten points because she tells everybody that she was a corporate star. she forgets to say she was fired. she shipped thousands of jobs overseas and lined her own pockets. she is the poster child for income inequality. so bring it on carly fiorina. it's okay. >> so let me ask you you about donald trump who was certainly bringing it on. >> sure. >> and the way he talked about
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women, the way he responded to megyn kelly. here's a little bit more about that. >> you called women you don't like fat pig, dogs slobs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> no it wasn't. for the record it was well beyond rosie o'donnell. >> i'm sure. oftentimes it's fun, it's kidding. we have a good time what i say is what i say. >> what's your reaction to that? was that just political correctness, the language he uses? >> donald trump insults everybody and the only reason i think he's striking a tone in the republican party is he's 100% authentic. he had an opportunity to clarify, he should have. but you know what i'm not in the republican party and they are going to decide whether he is their spokesperson. >> there are a lot of women in the republican party whom we talked to, who are
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correspondents at watch parties last night talked to who are trump supporters and were cheering him on and saying that megyn kelly was being too tough on him. >> i'm not going to tell people to vote for, andrea. i'm not. i said how i felt. he had an opportunity to clarify, to apologize. he didn't do it. it's up to him. it's up to the republican party to decide if they want him to be their standard bearer. i will tell you to a person on that stage, i never heard the words income inequality, i never heard the words college affordability, i never heard the words equal pay. i never heard the words climate change. i never heard the words voting rights. so the bottom line is we need a democrat in the white house and if anything proves to me it was this full throated attack on women's health and the disrespect shown toward women across the board. >> speaking of disrespect, trump's twitter account
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retweeted a tweet now that he didn't originate but he retweeted a tweet saying viewers give low marks to bimbo @megyn kelly, we will consider other programs. using the term bimbo. >> i thought she was very strong and that's very disrespectful. but again, donald trump is running as a republican. it's up to the republicans to decide who their standard bearer is. i certainly would not support him. but that's probably going to help him in the republican primary. the more i say. >> barbara boxer, thank you very much. >> thanks a lot, andrea. and donald trump's wall and how the other republicans handled the immigration debate. president and ceo of the national council of relazza is joining me next.
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if it weren't for me you wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration, chris. you wouldn't even be talking about it. this was not a subject that was on anybody's mind until i brought it up at my announcement. >> donald trump is taking credit for making immigration a top campaign issue this year. joining me now is janet murguia, president and ceo of national council of la raza. i seem to remember that immigration was a very big issue when mitt romney ran and, in fact, his answer you know about immigration during these primary debates was one of the reasons why some people feel that he lost the election. >> yes, we haven't forgotten the self deportation issue that former presidential candidate romney raised. it was a big issue back then although i think it looks like donald trump has forgotten that. but it feels like he hasn't
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forgotten his very inflammatory and divisive approach to addressing this issue. and, in fact it's not been a very credible position that he's taken. we've not seen any substance in terms of any proposal or plan that he would be talking about. and we didn't see anything last night that would change the minds of many latino voters out there. >> well, i'm wondering what you think because the other candidates were a little reluctant to take him on on this issue. here's what trump had to say, first of all. >> i was at the border last week. border patrol, people that i deal with, that i talk to, they say this is what's happening, because our leaders are stupid our politicians are stupid and the mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning, and they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them.
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they don't want to take care of them. why should they when the stupid leaders of this united states will do it for them? >> so you know how do you deal with that first of all? >> yes, it's a great question. >> you know how are people in the community going to react to that? >> well, it's more bluster. it's name calming. it's a rant that what you hear from donald trump. there's nothing serious or specific in terms of how he really would address immigration reform. and for us you know, we want to see not just from donald trump but from the republican party a solution to this broken immigration system that we all acknowledge. but donald trump isn't bringing solutions. he's really mostly doing the same name calling and bluster that we've seen no specifics. but frankly, none of the
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candidates on the platform last night are offering a comprehensive approach to solving this immigration solution that would have a path to citizenship. i did appreciate governor bush's thoughtful response but i think for us in the latino community, the vast majority of voters out there in the hispanic community want to see a comprehensive solution that includes a pathway to citizenship. we want to hear more specifics in terms of this approach. >> excuse me. i was just going to ask you about marco rubio because when you talk about a path to citizenship they label that amnesty and this is what marco rubio said who has really backed off from a comprehensive approach that he was about to support, i guess about two years ago now. >> the evidence is now clear that the majority of people coming across the border are not from mexico. they're coming from gaut maul la el salvador, honduras.
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they are the majority coming in. i also believe we need a fence. the problem is el chappo builds a tunnel under the fence we have to deal with that too. >> you didn't hear anything from jeb bush or marco rubio or any of the other candidates that solved the basic problem that you're looking for? >> well, i think that it's fair to say that governor bush has been the most thoughtful but he still has not embraced a pathway to citizenship. marco rubio raises the issue of border security and talks about that. well, the fact of the matter is that we've invested $18 billion in border security over the last few years. more than all federal enforcement agencies combined. border security can be an element of solving our broken immigration system but it can't be the only element that we're talking about. we have to really deal with the legalization and modernizing our legal immigration system and
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also dealing with those undocumented 11 million who need to have a solution if we're going to benefit as a country economically. again, governor bush more thoughtful. marco rubio has changed his position before he previously supported the comprehensive approach that was passed by the senate that would have addressed a lot of these issues that we're all talking about today as it relates to immigration reform. the house failed to take that bill up. but now it looks like rubio has backed off of that position and is focusing around the rhetoric of border security. it's not going to solve our issue. we need really a comprehensive approach and donald trump is just sort of fanning the flames of divisiveness not only around this issue but around the approach to i think, latino voters. and for us that is not anything that is going to solve the republican party's problem with latino voters. they have a problem.
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they need to solve it. it can start with immigration reform but they really need to be showing how they're talking about the issues that our community cares about. one of them which is immigration reform but we didn't see anything last night that really addressed the solution that we know needs to be made here on this issue. >> janet murguia, thank you very much. thanks for being with us today. donald trump also cashed out on atlantic city. what did he leave behind? reaction from someone who knows what happened. atlanta city's former mayor. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc.
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[music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] hillary clinton lies about benghazi. she lies about e-mails. she is still defending planned parenthood. and she is still her party's front-runner. we need a nominee who is going to throw every punch, not pull punches, and someone who cannot stumble before he even gets into
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the ring. i am not a member of the political class. i am a conservative. i can win this job. i can do this job. >> well, in the undercard it was carly fiorina, the consensus star of the early debate. no audience. strange debate held thursday afternoon. just one of the republicans who is throwing a punch at hillary clinton and her campaign. joining me now republican strategist david winston and president of the center for american progress who has been closely aligned with hillary clinton for many years. your reaction to carly fiorina going after hillary clinton as strongly as she did, calling her a liar, you know, one thing after another, as well as the fact that hillary clinton was so much the target of last night's debate. >> yeah. i mean i think, look i actually thought the debate really illustrated the differences between the parties and definitely the differences between hillary and the gop. issue after issue you saw the entire group of republicans taking pretty extreme positions.
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we had a big debate on a war on women in washington and gop aligned with a war on women and donald trump's statements last night and the way he kind of went after megyn kelly and really sort of all women really demonstrated that. carly fiorina and others, hillary is a big girl. i think she expects kind of vicious personal attacks from the republican party. and she can take it and dish right back in the general that really on issues i think we see that there are substantial differences between the parties. >> one of the things he did last night was to talk about his political donations and what he expected from the people he donates to. your reaction to that let's play it. >> i give to many people before this before two months ago i was a businessman. i give to everybody. when they call i give. and you know what. when i need something from them two years later, three years later, i call them. they are there for me. so what did you get from hillary
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clinton and nancy pelosi? >> well, i tell you what. for hillary clinton i said be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. you know why? she had no choi because i gave. i gave to a foundation that frankly that foundation is supposed to do good. >> david, is there any element among the trump supporters in the republican party who would say, wait a second this sounds like exactly the kind of politics i don't like and why is he giving to nancy pelosi and hillary clinton if he's a true conservative? or is the teflon so, you know to inpenetratable. >> he was just trying to show, you know how much his money could do and just trying to show how much he could control the system and ultimately that was just pure bravado. i think going to your point it's going to create that conflict. that is exactly the sort of behavior that a lot of people are supporting him don't like. and so how do they resolve that? and i think he created a problem for himself.
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again, i have to say that was just showmanship at that point. part of the problem that creates for the republicans at this point is he was trying to have a serious debate about issues and you can agree or disagree about the issues but it's a serious discussion and then you have a moment like that. >> what about the way he talks about women and he retweeted this description of megyn kelly as bimbo megyn kelly. >> look i think -- i actually think it's a problem that he talks this way and it's not the first time. i mean he has a long track record of going after women and their looks. pretty sexist remarks. and yet people will still applaud him. and so i think that's a really dangerous sign. and obviously i think it's worse. i was frankly surprised that not a single republican took him on in the way he was talking about women. i mean you know rand paul went after him on something, wouldn't go -- no one on that stage said
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hey, wait a minute, just by the way, you shouldn't talk about people this way. and it's ridiculous that you're doing it. i thought that was kind of a failure of the whole field, not just donald trump. >> to be fair, given the dynamics and the way the debate was set up there wasn't an opportunity to do that. trust me i'm sure there would be folks there who would object to that. calling megyn kelly a bimbo is so beyond the pale. look, he was unhappy about getting tough questions. are you serious? he's the front-runner. of course he's going to get tough questions. that was an absurd statement. what he tries to do to defend himself is points at her and calls her a bimbo, absurd. >> it was a retweet of a tweet today. >> sorry. >> want to make shah clear. we're going to leave it there. to be continued. it's a long campaign. thank you both so very much. and coming up high roller atlantic city donald trump may be gone but he is not forgotten. atlanta city's former mayor joining me next.
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every company, and let me just tell you, i had the good sense and i've gotten a lot of credit in the financial pages, seven years ago i left atlantic city before it totally cratered. and i made a lot of money in atlantic city and i'm very proud of it. >> part of donald trump's explanation for why he got out, how he got out of atlantic city taking advantage, he said of the bankruptcy laws when he was asked about that to shut down four businesses out of hundreds he says that have been successful. new jersey state senator jim join mess now by skype. he served as the mayor of atlanta city when trump was involved heavily in atlantic city and then pulling out. what is your recollection of the facts of the case of how many people were laid off and of trump's rein in atlantic city? >> well, you know -- if you smell something, say something. i'm happy to be able to say something. for donald trump to come on and say he just used the laws and
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applied the laws and it was the big banks who got hurt, that just smells. the reality is there were a lot of small contractors, some of whom actually went out of business but because donald trump was business practices wouldn't pay in full. one of his tricks was to stamp trump on everything. you know he's famous for that. and then a contractor would deliver something, and he would refuse full payment because now a contractor can't take it to the other guy to sell it. and he bragged about it. so we saw small contractors go out of business a lot of people get hurt with his business practices in atlantic city. and, you know, there are no tears shed when donald trump left atlantic city. >> his basic argument as a candidate is that he has made $10 billion, he said there's argument over that. he's run businesses, he has thousands and thousands of employees. so he can fix the country and the national budget the way he gets things done in the business
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world. >> well, again, you look at the ethics that he fwrings, it may be legal the things that he did. it may be legal to order a bunch of towels with trump stamped on them and then when they come say i'm not going to give you full payment. but is that the ethics we want in our president? >> i think senator whelan thank you very much. >> again, he -- >> i think we're having difficulty with the skype. i think senator whelan the former mayor of the city made his point and we i'm thank him for joining us today, one person's experience as mayor of the city when donald trump was in atlantic city. up next late night says good-bye we hope not for long though. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. no student's ever photographed mean ms. colegrove. but your dell 2-in-1 laptop gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. get this high performance
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jon stewart told us last night "the daily show" wasn't really ending just a pause in his continuing conversation with h audience. >> hey, guess what i got big news. this is it! this is the final episode. even though it is our last night on the air, i feel a responsibility -- but yet we all still remain alive. john lewis black, kristen -- >> a lot of applause. >> it's good to see you, too, craig. for me it's very touching that you would come back after 12 years and do this. >> i never left jon. becoming an international superstar is just something that i did while waiting for my next assignment. >> lord vader? is that you? >> it has come to my attention you have been comparing me to
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dick cheney. that seems a bit harsh. >> actually. >> hey trevor. what's up? >> could you give me like 20 more minutes? >> oh, oh, oh, i'm so sorry. >> i'll never forget you, jon. but i will be trying. >> and just when i'm run for president. what a bummer. >> you know there are a lot of things happening around the world that keep me up at night, which is why i've relied on you to put me to sleep. >> i'm jon stewart, i'm dumb i'm stupid nah, nah, nah. so long jack ass. >> just a moment jon. >> no. >> you can't stop anyone because they don't work for you anymore. you said to me and to many other people here years ago never to thank you because we owe you nothing. one of the few times i've then you to be dead wrong. i know you are not asking for this but on behalf of so many people whose lives you changed over the past 16 years, thank you. >> i want to thank my wife
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tracey and my kids nate and maggie maggie, i'm not going to look over there, for teaching me what joy looks like. this show isn't ending. we're merely taking a small pause in the conversation. a conversation which by the way, i have hogged and i apologize for that. rather than saying good-bye or good night, i'm just going to say i'm going to go get a drink. and i'm sure i'll see you guys before i leave. so here it is, my moment has ended. this >> this is by request of the man himself. thanks for everything, jon. we wish you happy and save travels. >> and jon voyage.
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that does it for us, this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." "msnbc live" with thomas roberts is next. ...become especially important. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. new one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12... ...and more vitamin d. [ school bell rings ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs.
10:00 am
hi everybody. i'm thomas roberts. today on "msnbc live" back at it. one day after gop debate number one, many of the hopefuls are in atlanta. this hour they are there for the red state gathering. already on the stage odd governor chris christie and former governor rick perry. in 30 minutes we're going to hear from governor bobby jindal and later this afternoon carly fiorina and senator marco rubio are going to be speaking. we'll have more on that later. first, the talk of the political world continues to center on the very first republican debate. the top ten candidate faced off last night in many ways and they didn't disappoint. it was full of fiery exchanges and one line zingers, even jeers. all of the focus was on donald trump. this morning trump and some of the other candidates reacted and
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