tv MSNBC Live MSNBC August 7, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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trumped. the republican front runner wakes up after the debate, comes out swinging again. refusing to rule out a third party run. >> and i don't frankly have time for total political correctness. >> after fight night in cleveland, hear what chris christie is saying today about donald trump's comments on women. also setback and a major blow to president obama. new york democrat chuck schumer says he will not support the nuclear deal with iran. we're live at the white house with reaction to that. and msnbc exclusive, loretta lynch talking with melissa harris perry, as ferguson gets set to mark the one year mark
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since the death of michael brown. >> i'm craig melvin from new york city and there is a good chance you were watching the debate last night. 24 million people tuned into last night's republican debate, making it the most watched cable news telecast in history. today, several of the republican candidates are in atlanta addressing the red state forum, an annual meeting of conservatives there. not only the trail today t man everyone continues to talk about. donald trump, who courted controversy right from the start last night when he refused to rule out a third party run that he did not back down this morning on morning joe. >> i'm a natural negotiator and i like leverage. honestly i'd much rather run as the republican. and i let that be clear. if somebody gets in that i like and i'm treated with respect i would not run as an independent.
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but i want to leave the option open just in case that doesn't happen. >> today trump is also criticizing the moderators and characterizing many of the debate questions as unfair. including this particular exchange with megyn kelly. >> you have called women you don't like fat pig, dog, slobs and disgusting animals. >> i think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. i don't frankly have time for total political correctness. >> meanwhile in georgia this afternoon, nbc news asked chris christie what he thought about trump's comments. >> i've said all along about donald that donald is going to be as serious a candidate as donald wants to be. and that is going to be determined by his conduct and what comes out of his mouth. i have a really strong, capable, tough wife who wouldn't put up with five seconds of that kind of stuff. so, you know, i know exactly who i am and how i want to speak and
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that is what i have to be responsible for. >> i'm joined now from atlanta by the woman who asked that question there, nbc capital hit correspondent kelly o'donnell. kelly, chris christie, he seemed to kind of dodge that question just a little bit, didn't me? >> reporter: well we have been talking about donald trump for weeks now. and when i interview candidate, christie and others, there is a hesitation for many to engage on the subject of donald trump again and again. they feel like they have answered though questions. but today christie was willing to respond on that issue of the language of trump. i also talked to bobby jindal, governor of louisiana, who said there is too much political correctness. and he said voters will sort that out. carly fiorina was just on the stage here extremely well-received. and she was talking about some of these issues. not so much as talking about how donald trump talks to women. but, you know, kind of nudging donald trump a little bit.
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stealing a line from him in reference to saying as donald trump would say you're fired when she was talking about the bloated federal government. so donald trump is in the air but not here today. what these conservatives, who are here in person for a two-day event, getting to see almost all of the republican candidates up close and personal. they are hearing full speeches and getting a chance to put questions to the candidates and so far there's been very little of trump in the actual events playing out here. there is a lot of talk on issues that really animate conservatives whether it comes to religious liberty or the healthcare law. obamacare as it's known. the border and immigration. all of these key issues are really being talked about quite a bit. marco rubio who had a very big night last night. he is next to speak. this is an up close chance for these conservatives to get a measure of these candidates after watching last night. and there is really excitement here i think because of the proximity of seeing those debate performances and then seeing these candidates live.
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so there is real excitement and interest because these are the kinds of voters who get out and knock on doors and make phone calls and do show up at the polls. craig? >> the die hards. kelly o'donnell for us in the peach state. kelly have a good weekend. thank you so much. i want to bring in democratic strategist jemal simmons and joe w wadkins. a lot of people saying the donald had a bit of a tough debate last night. naturally he disagrees with that assessment. this was donald trump on morning joe, take a listen. >> i think i go up. i would think i go up. but we'll see what happens when the next numbers come out. but i think i'll go up. >> joe, he clearly thinks he'll go up. do you agree with that assessment? are we going to see a bounce in the polls from donald trump? >> well i've been on the record already saying a little earlier today on cnbc that at least from
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what many -- [inaudible]. >> we just lost joe there. let's see if we can get joe back. but meanwhile, jemal, i'll ask you the same question. do you think we see a bounce from donald trump? >> yes i think we're probably going to see donald trump top out. i never thought he would get much past or closer to past 30%. i this i the first question was a very tough answer. donald told the truth and he wants to hold his leverage by saying he would run as a third party if they treated him badly. but i got to believe, if i wear a red jersey and you tell me you're willing to throw the election to the democrats because you aren't treated well, i'm not so sure i want to be on the same team with somebody who we can't trust to stick by us when we're running against democrats in the fall. i think donald is going to have a tough time. >> i thought that was the most significant moment last night right off the top when he was
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asked whether he would run as the third party candidate. and i guess you have to give him credit. perhaps a lesser person would have hedged it. he didn't hedge it at all. josh ernest, white house spokesman was asked a short time ago what president obama thought of the debate. listen. >> can you tell us whether he watched the debate? what was his reaction. >> >> i did have opportunity to speak briefly with him this morning. and he indicated that he did not watch the debate. >> do you believe that? >> jemal, do you really believe that he didn't west chester the debate -- watch the debate at all? or do you believe the president of the united states might have had a pint glass and chuckled non stop for two hours. >> someone may have given him a highlight reel so he could see some of the more interesting parts. but i got to tell you, you know what concerns me the most and we
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might get around to to this. is that 24 million people watched the republican debate. how many are going to watch the democratic debates? i'm nervous. i'm more intrigued from joe biden running for president because he might inject little excitement. and right now no democratic people are really talking about the contest. >> generally the biggest reaction on social media was the exchange between rand paul and chris christie on national security. and today senator paul tweeted chris christie's disregard for the constitution sets a dangerous precedent. ignores wisdom of the founding fathers. here is that exchange. i want your take on the other side. take a look. >> i want to collect more records from terrorists, but less records from other people. how are you supposed to know, megyn. >> use the fourth amendment.
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get a warrant. get a judge to sign the warrant. >> wait, governor christie, make your point. >> senator, you know when you are sitting in a sub committee just blowing hot air about this ux say things like that. when you are responsible for protecting the lives of the american people, then what you need to do is to make sure that you use the system the way it is suppose to work. >> i don't trust president obama with our records. i know you gave him a big hug and if you want to give him a big hug again go right ahead. >> we all knew that hug would come back to haunt chris christ christie. just a mart of time. what do you make of that exchange? who got the pert? i think it depends where you come from. i actually support rand paul and his efforts to push the administration and government on issues of pricvacy. because this is a fundamental reason this country exists. but if you are someone who cares more about security issues and you are willing to give up privacy for that i bet you think
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that what chris christie did was the right way to go. so the two of them are really representing two very different strands of the republican party and going at each other pretty hard. and do you know what else they did? they got mentioned on the news today. so both of them win by getting in that fight and trying to mix it up on something other than donald trump. >> good point. especially fur rand paul, who barely got in a word edgewise. he spoke the at least of the ten candidates. thanks to you and i suppose we got to think joe wadkins as well. even though we just got his introduction out before we lost his signal. enjoy your weekend. also right now we're following breaking news in colorado right now. the jury in the james holmes penalty phase has reached a verdict. we will get a live report from colorado in just a few moments. again, the jury in colorado has decided on life or death.
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7:00 p.m. eastern i'm told. 7:00 p.m. eastern that verdict will be read. just under three hours from now. also coming up, one of the most influential democrats on capitol hill just dealt a major blow to president obama. we're live at the white house with reaction. and disstrougt families. distraught families anxious for closure, clashing with police outside the malaysian embassy in beijing. some say the government is lying about what really happened to mh-370. and nearly one year since the death of michael brown set off protests all over the country. attorney general loretta lynch speaking out to msnbc exclusively about what's changed and what has not. that and more straight ahead sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings
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. following breaking news after months of testimony and deliberation, the jury in the trial of james holmes has reached a verdict we're told. we're told that verdict will be red in about two hours. 5:00 mountain time there in colorado, which of course is 7:00 eastern. the judge in that case will be taking the bench. the decision before the jury: whether homes should live or die. last month the jury found holmes was legally sane when he killed 12 people and injured many others. in this final sentencing phase jurors have been deliberating since yesterday afternoon to. sentence holmes to death there in colorado, the decision must be unanimous. meaning if just one juror is opposed, he will be sentenced to life in prison. i'm joined by nbc's scott cohen
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live outside of the courtroom for us. scott, again, the verdict going to be read at 7:00 eastern. how likely is it that the jury is going to sentence james holmes to death there? >> reporter: well your guess as good as ours, craig. what we do know is this. and we'll try to sort through it. they deliberated for about seven hours by our count. the one thing we heard from them this morning was a request to look at the crime scene video. as the 45 minute video that by all accounts, it was shown in the court during the trial. it is gruesome. it is very difficult to watch. whether that was jurors trying to convince a hold out or whatever reason we won't know obviously and we won't know until the verdict is read. the choices are three. one is a unanimous verdict for the death penalty. the other is unanimous verdict for life in prison. the third is that they cannot reach a unanimous verdict.
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in which case it defaults to life in prison. he would automatically be sentenced to life in prison without parole. so it's taken them seven hours to choose one of those and we'll hear the result in a little less than three hours from now. >> do we know how long they looked that the crime scene video? any ideas? >> well they were only allowed to look at it once. there was some concern certainly on the part of the defense. they raised objections about it being parental additionrejudici. and the judge allowed them to view it one time and one time only and also instructed them not to give it undue weight. nevertheless from everyone who is seen that video it is heavy stuff. >> we're going to be getting the decision on life or death for james holmes in about two and a half hours from now. scott, thank you. do stand by for us. we'll check in a bit. meanwhile for the setback to president obama. one of the most influential
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democrats in congress, new york senator chuck schumer has now come out against the iran nuclear deal. in a statement last night senator schumer saying he made the decision after deep study, careful thought and considerable soul searching. the first senate democrat to oppose the deal. also the likely democratic leader in 2017. his opposition carries weight. could be cause for concern. so 16 senate democrat have come out in favor. president obama needs 34 to sustain a veto. congress will be voting to approve or reject the deal in mid september. nbc news senior white house correspondent is standing by. chris we should note here congressman eliot engel also came out against the deal.
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>> reporter: officially the way they put it is they are disappointed but not surprised at chuck schumer's decision. having said that it is an endorsement they badly wanted and know would have helped them. and they have lobbied very hard with chuck schumer. less than a month ago i watched him walk across the white house lawn to go into a meeting with the president. he's certainly gotten phone calls and everybody knows he's been carrying around a kind of tattered copy of the deal in his pocket studying it very hard for the last couple of weeks. he is someone who others are paying attention to. the numbers still absolutely favor the president. he only needs to hold on to a third to sustain an expected veto of any resolution of opposition passed. but one of the things we noted as the president -- and i can hear the helicopter. marine one is landing. they are about to head to martha's vineyard. he wanted to take a real
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vacation. now the white house is not ruling out the possibility that he could do some phone calls and a little lobbying while he's there as they head towards that september vote. >> working vacation from the vineyard for the president. chris thank you very much. ambassador burns, thanks for joining us. one problem senator schumer had with this bill apparently is that inspections are not thorough enough. at a hearing on capitol hill this week, you yourself said it was, quote, inevitable that iran would try and cheat. i want to play for our audience what you said. >> i think it is inevitable the iranians will test the sanction -- the restrictions and try to cheat. no question in my mind they will cut and cheat on the margins. that is why we have to watch them. >> under the deal, how confident are you that we will actually be able to catch them if they
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cheat? >> the great advantage of the deal -- and here is the point that president obama needs to keep emphasizing is that for the next 10 to 15 years we're going to know if they are complying or cheating because there will be iaea cameras inside the known nuclear facilities. the real problem begins -- and here is the risk side of this agreement -- after ten or fifteen years. the restrictions begin to lapse and the iranians can reconstitute a civil nuclear program. they could possibly although not certainly use that as a cover for a convert program. that is where i think the verification has to be strong. but i would say this. the inspections procedures will inspect all of iran's nuclear supply chain for the next 25 years. so they are unprecedented and i'm in favor of this deal. i support it because i do think it freezes their forward movement and it really puts their program into moth balls for the next 10 or 15 years.
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>> the president got into trouble this week for saying something about republicans. this is a snippet. take a listen. >> it is those hard liners chanting death to america who have been most aopposed to the deal. they are making common cause with the republican caucus. >> so the president caught a lot of flak for that. he responded to the flak during an interview with cnn that is going air on sunday. this is what the president said in defense of that comment. >> what i said is absolutely true factually. the reason that mitch mcconnell and the rest of the folks in his caucus who oppose this jumped out and opposed it, before they even read it, before it was even posted, is reflective of a ideological commitment not to get a deal done. >> you don't -- >> and in that sense they do have a lot in common with hard
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liners who are much more satisfied with the status quo. >> do you think that is a fair comparison? or is president obama at the risk of further alienating the republicans and others who might be opposed to the deal? >> i don't think it is a fair comparison. i have great respect for the president but frankly i think that speech, the tone of it was ill advised. because what's really happening here as congress prepares to vote just after labor day is really a battle within the democratic party. there are few republican a handful that might actually support this deal. so the fortunes of the president rise and fall in his own party. and to suggest opponents are all iraq critics or warmongers, to suggest if the deal is disapproved than war is neftable, i don't think the facts support those contentions. and there are a lot of democrats, i've testified four times on capitol hill the last
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few weeks, who are wavering. i think the president has many good arguments to make and the most important that his critics have not shown any credible alternative to this deal that would do enough for american national security. i think the president can win this but i think the tone has to be more optimistic and self confident. >> interesting to hear the tone because this is not a president who routinely engaging in hyperablhype hyperbo hyperbole. and i think there are folks who have been somewhat surprised at the tone. ambassad ambassador, always good to see you. >> thank you. coming up. france launching a new, massive investigation for missing malaysia light 370. we'll take you there. and also that exclusive interview with attorney general loretta lynch on ferguson, missouri nearly one year after michael brown's death.
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aboard missing flight mh-370 staininged ed staged a protest in beijing. over mixed messaged that whether wreckage found was in fact wreckage from the missing aircraft. some families demanded to be taken to the island where the debris was found. this as france steps up search efforts. i'm joined by alistair jamison. what's the latest? >> reporter: this week long new search operation began today. it involves french military forcing including an air force sea patrol, two boats and a helicopter from the marines. and including foot patrols and other vessels. it covers a large area, some 75 miles by 25.
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but bad weather in the southern hemisphere's winter is already hampering efforts. they are not looking for the plane. they are looking for debris and after that investigators will have to decide that anything that is found is significant or whether it is just another piece of ocean trash. meanwhile tests are still being carried out at this military lab on 777 wing fragment. malaysia says there is a link. france hasn't announced it yet. malaysia says they have conclusive evidence of the connection. and that's angered families who earlier today clashed outside the malaysian embassy in beij g beijing. saying they didn't trust anything and staying it amounts to what they called a conspiracy. craig? nearly one year after the death of michael brown set off a national conversation about race relation, about policing and about a host of other things, attorney general loretta lynch
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clorox handles the germs. will be announced at 7:00 eastern. we're told. we will of course bring you new development as we get them. but again the decision announced at 7:00 eastern. we are back with a campaign 2016 update. campaign already under way. fresh from the debate stage. sprint down south now. the gop is gathering in atlanta george today. live look at florida senator marco rubio. he has just taken the stage at the red state gathering. it is a two-day grassroots event
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in atlanta. all right on the heels of the trump-dominated showdown in cleveland last night. the latest giving candidates one more chance to court the base and break out from a crowded pack. >> i was up late last night. not as late as i wanted to be. >> how about listening to this accent for eight years? come on. >> i don't do squishy on judges. >> guns are useful when you have to kill murdering terrorists to defeat evil. >> image how many people i coiled fire from the irs if you could do your taxes in 15 minutes. >> race to the top. no child left behind or common core. >> it is time for us to stand with our great friend israel again and never let light show between them. >> msnbc political reporter
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benji sarling joining us from atlanta now. this is a southern grassroots conservative gathering. potentially a bit of a different audience from last night in cleveland. are you seeing more rhetoric? less? red meat rhetoric specifically than you did last night or about the same? >> you are definitely right, the audience is different here. i was at a watch party here last night watching the debate. and john kasiched a his hometown in cleveland was getting cheered the whole night. he was getting booed here. so that gives you an idea. but the rhetoric very similar. there is not a lot of of difference so far. a lot of lines you heard in the debate are being repeated from the stage. >> live pictures of the marco rubio addressing the group there. what are focus on the ground saying about rubio's performance last night? or are they talking about it al
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all? >> rubio's gotten some buzz here but the person i've heard the most chatter about from people in the audience is carly fior a fiorina, which is impressive since she was not in the main debate. many didn't even see her yesterday at 5:00 but she's got an lot of attention. she had a standing ovation when she took the stage here about an hour and a half ago. it's interesting that as far as people volunteering that oh this is the candidate i want to hear more about, she's definitely stood out. >> surprised they aren't still buzzing about donald trump down there in georgia, no? >> oh it's coming. i've been talking to a lot of people about donald trump here. he has a lot of fans here. not necessarily voters. but it is very hard to find people who don't have something nice to say about donald trump at the least. people gave him big cheers. they tell me how they love he makes the establishment sweats.
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the riens priebuss and the jeb bush's of the world uncomfortable. but the big trump show is going to be tomorrow. he's going to be here with a tailgate party. >> so they are saying basically, we love the guy. we're not going vote for him. but we love the guy. we love what he's saying. >> some version of that. >> gotcha. ben benji, thank you so much sir. do appreciate it. one year after it ignites a nationwide conversation about policing and race relation, ferguson, missouri set to mark the anniversary of michael brown's death. sunday marks one year since white police officer darren wilson shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old michael brown. the death sparked months of protest in ferguson and around the country. and also helped spur the black lives matter movement. a grand jury chose not to indict
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wilson and the justice department cleared him of violating brown's civil rights. but they also found a practice of discrimination in ferguson. in an interview with melissa harris perry, loretta lynch says the spotlight on brown's death helped shed light on pervasive things this america. >> opened the eyes of the world to what many minorities are saying when they talk about feeling a level of disrespect and lack of inclusion in their own government, particularly at the municipal level. >> joined my senator from st. louis now. good to see you again. thanks for being with me. i can't believe it's been a year since we were there in ferguson when that city became a flash point. what's changed there? and what still needs to change? >> craig, thanks for having me
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on. let me just say the st. louis area has come long way since the tragic death of michael brown. we had a situation occur on august 10th where the world saw the burning after quick trip. but guess what, craig? we're looking to develop urbanly a brand new building that will be there and that will provide services to the most needy, the in indigent, from ged to job placement, utility assistance. and we also have a program coming up in ferguson and throughout the county that is going to provide services for those young men and women that were not able to channel their energy in a positive -- negative way but in a positive way. we have a boys and girls club that is coming up in ferguson along north county. so we have made strides as a result of the tragic death of michael brown. we have a lock way to go. we have businesses that was looted that are now rebounding
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as a result of the private sector stepping up to the plate and putting millions and millions of dollars into those small businesses along ground zero, thanks to kathie osbourne and other leaders around the city. now we have a african american chief a african american city councilman that was at one time one. now we have two. city manager is now african american. so we have come a long way. do we have a long way to do? absolutely. >> so programs -- it sounds like programs and buildings and certain initiatives are under way. what about hearts and minds? what about the mind set there? has that changed? you know what? i think that when we began to look at the systemic problems that have plagued those individuals for so long, the economic and political oppression, once we change those dynamics, i think only then will we change the mind set and hearts of those people in
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poverty along ferguson and throughout north county. and i do believe that the one thing that we haven't changed is the police and community relationship. i think that we're going to have to get there and we are not there yet. but we will get there because everyone in the state of missouri, in the city of st. louis, are looking to move this city and this state forward. >> so the chasm betweens poli t police and those they are policing still exists there. >> absolutely. >> all eyes on missouri this weekend. state senator nasheed. thanks so much. and again, don't miss the full exclusive interview this sunday, 10:00 a.m. eastern only on msnbc. major cyberattack hits the pentagon shutting down the joint chiefs of staff e-mail. who is behind it? we're live at the pentagon next. [ school bell rings ]
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martha's vineyard. the annual two week trek to martha's vineyard. we rarely get these shots so we're actually going to let you watch air force marine 1 land behind air force one. halle jackson standing by from the vineyard for us. tough gig you landed there, halle. what is happening ahead of the president arrival there? >> yeah play the world's smallest violin for me. as soon as he hits air force
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one, takes off, we expect him here in about two hours. security preparations are in place long before that. peoplerer r here are used to it then. the president first lady and ity sasha as well getting off in just a moment. they come here every year for the last six years and they will be here about two weeks. so folks know what it is like when the president is in town. a little more traffic. a few more road closures. but overall it is a busy time of year anyway. fridays in the summer incredibly popular. the president and his family will be here. we expect to see them out and about. no public eventes on the schedule but don't be surprised to see the president golfing maybe almost every day. the weather looks like it hold up at least for a little while. date nights, dinners out. beach time with the family. typical summer vacations. he will of course be getting briefed every day. his top staff here with him. >> again, president obama and some of the first family aboard
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marine one, expected to hop aboard air force one any moment now to head off for vacation on martha's vineyard. >> jackie deangeles here is here with us for the cnbc market wrap. >> stocks closing lower. [music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing] (vo) what'scorn? dog food's first ingredient? wheat? in new purina one true instinct grain free,
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the pentagon is dealing with what it is calling a the sophisticated cyberattack by russia. the e-mail system has been shut down two weeks now while officials try to assess the damage. mick, what exactly happened here? >> they are not coping very well, craig. because it is still shut down after two weeks.
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and it is believed that russian hackers -- don't know if it was the russian government -- but russian hackers broke into the e-mail system, unclassified system, of the joint chiefs of staff. the response from the u.s. military and pentagon was very quick. they shut down the system claiming that no classified material was compromised. but i've got to tell you, if it is still shut down after two weeks, this somewhat laissez faire complacent attitude from the military here in the pentagon just doesn't fit. because after all, this must have been a very sophisticated and somewhat major assault to have shut down the system for two weeks, craig. >> mick at the pentagon, thanks so much. enjoy the weekend. up next. jon stewart signing off the daily show. 40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers.
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one without jon stewart hosting the "daily show." after six years stewart signed off from the show last night with a star-studded send off. carson daily has before. >> i got big news. this is it. this is the finally episode. >> jon stewart's daily show curtain call. >> even though it is our last night on the air. [ awe ] >> but yet we all still remain alive. >> wonderful to see you. >> from the politicians and pundits stewart made frequent punch lines. >> i'll never forget you jon but i will be trying. >> have fun feeding your rabbits quitter. >> and just when i'm running for president. >> so long [ bleep ]. >> to the comedian whose launched their career. >> working here mebt the world
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to me. >> for me it is very touching that you would come back after 1 years and do this -- >> well i never left jon. becoming an international superstar is just something i did while waiting for my next assignment. >> and stephen colbert. >> you said never to thank you because by owe you nothing. >> right. >> one of the the few times i've known you to be dead wrong. and we are better people for having known you. >> and this is the most beautiful place i've ever been. and i'll never have that again. >> thanking his family. >> i want to thank my wife, tracie and my kids nate and maggie. [ applause ] i'm not going look over there. for teaching me what joy looks like. >> and his audience. >> rather than saying goodbye or good night i'm just going to say i'm going to go get a drink. and i'm sure i'll see you guys
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before i leave. >> giving you one last piece of advice. >> the best defense against bull [ bleep ] is vigilance. so if you smell something, say something. >> before one final moment of zen. >> thanks for everything, jon. we wish you happy and safe travels. >> courtsy of the boss. >> carson daily for us there. i'm joined by comedian columnist for the daily beast. what did you think last night. >> i thought it was great. comedic. touching. it showed jon as the very thoughtful person. i think we should cancel the elections this year. without jon stewart? 16 years, he's been a voice in every one. and we're going to miss him much more. >> there is an entire generation of people who got their news
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from that guy. >> yes. >> no one on this network or any other cable news network. and you have got to wonder where that audience is going to go now? >> i think some will watch trevor noah the new host. >> some. >> it was great jon had him on. but comedy will reach people that others will not. and jon reached people and he made them laugh and he made them smarter and that is his legacy. he got people to be endwanld in issues. >> let's talk about trevor noah. he made a brief experience last night. should the show have just ended? or should they have rebranded the show? is it feair to trevor noah to have him come into jon stewart's chair. >> it's no different than "the tonight show." it becomes a brand before an individual. it will be a different show. it is not going to be the daily show. we can't hold him to that. and i think trevor has a more
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global view of the world. he's from south africa. it will be interesting and different and i hope people give him a chance. >> watching the cavalcade of cameos as carson put it there. you forget just how much careers jon stewart launched. >> it is almost like saturday night live on a smaller investigation. we've seen people go on to great fame. jon has changed people's lives. he was about countering bigotry and he made a difference more than he even think he did. and that is remarkable. >> what do you think he does next? he's done producing, directing. do you think we see more of that? do you think perhaps at some point he decides to -- to be involved in politics? >> maybe. i think we -- i think we see a lot of budding comedy moves with me and jon stewart. he doesn't know. i'm pitching it. let's do it movie together. >> dino. thank for being was. and be sure to watch our
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one-hour special tonight. jon stewart has left the building. that is tonight 9:00 on msnbc. that's it for this hour. i'm craig melvin. have a fantastic weekend. my friend and colleague dr. michael eric dyson picking up live next >> i'm michael eric dyson. donald trump rates his own debate performance and comes out a winner. plus who dunnit? the feds are asking the public for help? and orng orange river. toxic waste in to a colorado river. first a huge huge 24 hours for the donald. his debate is dominating the news cycle. immediately out the republican
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