tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 11, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars, and new creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. go on, have one. . it's kind of a foggy, rainy morning in new york city. good morning, everyone, it's tuesday, august 11th. welcome to "morning joe." we have mike barnacle, and john heilman, contributor don dorian mooreman and bbc world anchor
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catty kay and staff writer at the weekly standard michael warren. good to have you all on board. we have a lot going on. just an update on this kind of weird political snowball that keeps rolling down the mountain here. it appears donald trump has buried the hatchet with fox news. have you heard about this? trump was under pressure to apologize to anchor megyn kelly for comment he made really disparaging the questions she asked him in last week's debate. i think there are a lot of folks that expect he would apologize for that. yesterday on "morning joe" thump sa trump said it was the other way around. >> she should really be apolleyesing apoll apologizing to me, to tell you the truth. >> trump seize ready to continue the feud. then late yesterday morning, he tweeted this, fox news president roger ailes just called. he is a great guy and assures me that trump will be treated
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fairly on fox news. his word is always good. hours later, megyn kelly responded. >> mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. i have decided not to respond. trump who is the front runner will not apologize and i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. so i'll continue doing my job, without fear or favor. and mr. trump i expect will continue with what has been a successful campaign thus far. this is a tough business and it's time now to move forward. >> john heilemann, president of the network, talking to the candidate and then that statement, which is kind of in the middle of no where. what happened? >> well, i think she, obviously, fell like she had to address all the things that have been said but was not going to back down. >> that i think seems fine. the interesting thing is about the call from roger ailes, gabe
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sherman wherote a book about fo news, he has a story up on the website that says the overwhelming pro-trump e-mail coming into fox news freaked out roger ailes and the fact that fox was not on news programing on sunday caused panic inside fox. what would the world to look like if donald trump were to boycott fox? is. >> is trump impacting the way they will cover trump? what is the story? >> well, the story is that roger, again, according to this report, felt like he needed to try to reach a detant with trump. how that will affect their coverage going forward, with eshall see. >> i have great respect for gabe sherman in his ability as a reporter and a writer. i do not believe roger ailes was panicked. i do not believe roger ailes gets panicked and i don't think donald trump will ever apologize. >> do we all agree she was called bad names and i would defend her if i were running a
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network. i'm not sure what's happening here. >> we're talking about trump. that's what's happening. >> she is being called slanderous names and her network is -- what's going on? >> roger ailes characterization is it was contentious, he was sticking up for megyn kelly, said he thought she did a great job. >> he said that on the network? >> yes. >> great. >> to be clear the sherman piece does not say roger ailes apologized to trump. he felt to reach out to trump to reach and get this thing calmed down and the conversation was designed to get back to status quo. >> wow. i'm just going to leave it there. as for his presidential campaign, donald trump is building up the infrastructure and new reports says he will begin increasing staff in michigan nevada, new hampshire and iowa. two new national tracking polls show his lead holding or growing since last week's debate. the morning con consult shows
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trump with 32% of the vote up seven points where he was last week. an online reuters/ipsos poll has it maintaining the lead. jeb bush in second with 12 points, falling five points from last week. bush still performed slightly better than trump in a head-to-head general matchup against hillary clinton as does marco rubio. trump holds his own. yesterday, clinton talked about trump's improbable rise in the polls and also how she ended up at his 2005 wedding. >> it's entertainment. i think, look, it's all entertainment. you know, i think he's having the time of his life. you know, being up on that stage, saying whatever he wants to say. getting people excited. both forened against him. ip didn't know him that well. i knew him and i happen to be planning to be in florida and i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it's always entertaining. now that he's running for president, it's a little more troubling.
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>> o'boy, michael warren, let's talk about this a bit hillary clinton is addressing donald trump. a lot of people thought the performance at the debate and that firestorm afterwards was going to sink him. now we have two, three polls showing he's maintained his lead. is there anything that could happen in this campaign that actually would sink donald trump? >> well, i do want to caution about some of those polls, particularly the daily tracking polls. people i talk to that actually know how polls work say you've got to give eight few days before an vent like a debate before we can really see something and know what it means. if you look at those, the margins of error on those polls are pretty big. so you know there is sort of a wide swing. >> that, all of that being said, it doesn't look like donald trump was immediately suffering like people thought. i really think it's going to take sort of a whittleing of the field, some of these other candidates to drop out. just to give it a little more obvious about what the choice is here for republican primary
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voters. ultimately, when it gets to iowa and new hampshire. these are republican primary voters who have done this before. they know what they're looking for in candidates. i don't really expect that in the ends do you know alleged trump is what they're looking for, certainly not what the republicans are looking for. they're just going to have to physical out what happens if donald trump decides, you know, screw you, republicans, i'm going to run as an independent. i think he is leaving that door opened still. that's a real possibility that i don't think republicans know what to do about yet. >> all right. and what could be a preview of a general election battle in 2016, hillary clinton is going after marco rubio. the he said trump is not the only one who should be singled out. >> when one of tear major candidates, a much younger man the senator from florida says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a
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comment as you could hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. so, yes, i know it makes great tv. i think the guy went way overboard, offensive, outrageous, pick youred a jekive. what marco rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on that stage. >> senator rubio's campaign was quick to respond saying, quote, hillary clinton supports abortion even at the stage when an unborn child can feel pain. she has defended partial birth abortions as a fundamental right. she opposes requiring parents to be notified that their minor daughter is having an abortion. she supports funding planned parenthood, even after they have been exposed for their role in the selling of organs of unborns and she supports paying for abortions oversea, hillary clinton holds radical views on abortion we look forward to exposing in the months to come.
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catty kay, this is, obviously, a real hot button issue, especially for women within it comes to the republican party. did marco rubio do enough to deflect what hillary clinton said, which i thought was 100%. everyone was looking at the shiny candy and weren't listening to the real story on stage. >> reporter: it's interesting, my car, we are amidst all the distraction caused by donald trump, there is actually a substantive debate going on, on issues like abortion, like college loan payments between some of the candidates, between hillary clinton and some of the republican candidates and this issue of abortion has not been settled yet, i don't think. it's on that line that spectrum where americans feel comfortable with abortion. it's going to be debated consistently and marco rubio is trying to get involved in a debate with hillary clinton on this, because he doesn't want to keep talking about donald trump. and she has called out an issue that i think was ignored in all
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of donald trump kind of mania during the debate, which is something that marco rubio is going to have to answer very carefully that scott wakeer already pressed on carefully on the issue of whether he supports any exceptions to abortion. this debate is not over. it's been overshadowed unfortunately by all the attention paid to done aldz trump. i think at some point, donald trump, you tried to press him on issues yesterday on the program on iran on women's issues, steve did it on the economy. he hasn't got answers yet on policy. at some point, he, too, will have to be involved in a policy discussion if he wants to run for president of the united states. >> hillary clinton, meanwhile, was also trying to make some news yesterday with what her policies are, talking about the expenses with colleges and certain solutions there, i mean, these are real issues that i actually think resonate with people, as you can see, what bernie sanders is able to do with an important message. >> that's right. you see the incredible crowd for bernie sanders right now. i think the number of people are
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saying it's around 27,000 in los angeles yesterday. so hillary clinton is trying to stay relevant in setting a policy agenda for the democratic party. so she announced her huge student loan policy proposal yesterday, which would basically provide no loan tuition at state public universities and colleges. now that stops short of what sanders and even martin o'malley have offered in terms of free debt free higher education across the board. but there is a substantive policy debate happening there. she's right to try to refocus attention on policy issues. by the way, i have not seen secretary clinton that animated at a press conference in a long time. so if anything not only is trump setting the agenda for the republican party but setting a bit of boost and energy for senior clinton. >> everyone has to somehow cut through all this. really, she took questions. let's just pointed out, she went to a podium and took questions. they're all about donald trump,
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really? maybe one of us was there. go ahead. a little further down the republican poll there are signs of financial trouble for rick perry's campaign. there are reports he's freezing pay to south carolina stash staffers. then the washington post scooped his fundraising broke dry. his campaign manager told him they were free to go elsewhere. many reportedly have stuck with him as unpaid volunteers. the paper reports perry's super pac be pick up some of the slack and by no means is a death sentence. if 2007, john mccain was forced to slash dozens of workers when his campaign coiffeurs ran dry. his campaign recovered and of course he went on to take the tom nation. john heilemann is this as bad as it looks for rick perry? >> pretty bad. you think of someone like john mccain was the prumttive nominee when he had thinks nominee. he would run and come in second, two cycles earlier. he had a lot of a reservoir of
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good will in new hampshire. he won before. rick perry has none of. that he came into this race in some ways better prepared than he was in 2012 also with the huge cloud of 2012 hanging over him when he so badly under performed expectations. he in a race where a lot of people have raised extraordinary amounts of money. he has not been so skechl. so far his performance more competent than some of the worst graering mistakes he made in 2012. he's not exciting for voters very far. he did not break through an that under card on thursday night. no one wants to sign a death nel for a campaign. he's in a bad way right now. >> can you recall any campaign that recovered you heard of in the last 30 years, all of the issues, abortion, marco rubio, college eggs e education, rick perry going under, whatever, are all like delayed fuses while one person donald trump gets the
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spotlight? >> it's a stelt totally sui generous moment for us. i think that's latin for never seen before kind of new kind of novel thing. >> thank you. >> google it. >> what is that? >> are you catholic. i fixed you'd know the latin stuff. this is a novel moment. it's partly because it's the summer and partly because trump is unique. he is unique just in the clear -- never had a man that rich run for president. nobody had someone come if from a totally non-political background, a celebrity i.d. everyone in the country knows about him or has been as deliberately provocative. he comes also into a new kind of supercharged media environment in which all of those characteristics. >> he's breaking every rile. >> are more pyrotech next. have i ever seen anything like this before? it's completely without precedent. >> by the way, i guess he's going on the road more setting up operations, state by state,
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but this candidate dials in to wherever he wants to go. >> he's totally accessible. >> totally accessible without having to go anywhere. it's kind of. >>ing. >> and it works in both directions. he's unique in the sense that there is no candidate as accessible or a candidate that can pick up the phone. >> call him right now. >> any program anywhere that will immediately let him on the air. he has, he always had that at nasa, he could call up the morning shows, they would take his call, they didn't make him come into the studio. calm. that's always been true, now the appetite for it is overwhelming and he's willing to meet it. >> by the way, if you think we're not being fair, hillary clinton can call in any time she wants. so too can jeb bush, but they won't. >> yep. >> right? >> let's give them the number. >> they can call in. they know that. but they won't. >> i know. >> they won't. they're like, you know, when they do interviews, it is carefully orchestrated, meetings
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with many producers, many phone calls, many different ways of leverageing exactly the time and the place and then they finally sit down and it's this kind of careful thing. >> that's the trump difference. he's accessible. no handleers, go up to him. >> he might call this morning. i can calm him right now. >> let's get him on the line. >> call him. >> all right. still ahead on morning joe, he says donald trump, he says he told donald trump "you're fired." he did not? who tells donald trump "you're fired?" roger stone did, why he says he left the campaign. why he says he's still a supporter. plus, senator claire mccaskill will discuss her new memoir, plenty ladylike. also, congressman emanuel cleaver of missouri. we will talk to them about the state of emergency in effect in ferguson after dozens of arrests an protests. another obama adviser takes to twitter to attack chuck schumer for coming out against the iran
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deal. this is heating up. >> that story is ahead. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them.
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20 past the hour. democratic senator chuck schumer is speaking out publicly for the first time since announcing his opposition to the nuclear deal with iran. the man considered the most influential jewish member of congress says the u.s. should restart talks with tehran and despite white house speculation his opposition will not jeopardize him becoming the next leader of senate democrats. >> some say the only answer is war, i don't believe so. i believe we should go back and try to get a better deal. the nations of the world should join us in that. we have secondary sanctions which got them to the table the first time and can be used again. the deal has too many flaws to support. this is a decision of conscience
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and my colleagues respect that as i will respect their decisions of conscience. >> he's not urging them to vote along with them him senator schumer is continuing to come under fire for his stance, david bluff, president obama's former campaign manager and senior adviser tweeted, quote, mitch mcconnell will have a field day with the. this kind na ivete, schumer is opposing the deal, president obama continued his criticism of those against the nuclear agreement in an interview with npr. >> what i know is that unfortunately a large portion of the republican party if not a mear unanimous portion of republican representatives are going to be opposed of anything
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i do oftentimes have based that on a judgment on the merits but have based that on their politics. that's true of health care. that's true in budget negotiation, that's been true on a whole host of things. >> meanwhile, former city mayor michael bloom burg is criticizing the white house response to critics, he says, rather than acknowledging a respectful difference of opinion, folks close to the white house suggest senator schumer's decision may cost him the caucus. congress could consider what it means for the future and leaving the politics aside the white house should do the same. joining us now, editor of the "weekly standard," bill kristol. first of all, i to the republicans, especially, but often those were contradiction
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of the deal cared about our reputation around the world, restarteding talks with iran, that's ludicrous. does he mean that or say that to solidify his long-term political feeds. >> chuck schumer is a democrat, not a republican. >> i'm very clear on that. >> he said republicans should know. >> especially republicans like you. >> so let's talk about it. president obama said republicans will oppose everyone on everything. what was the big vote on congress? it was the trade authority supported by republicans, afghanistan surge supported by republicans. the intelligence collection supported entirely on foreign policy when president obama has done what republicans have agreed with, they've supported him. when he's done what they don't agree with, we've opposed it. it's a pills difference, for president obama to make it seem like this is a knee jerk reaction is silly. senator schumer i think if you look at chuck schumer's actual statement, it's a thoughtful long statement.
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we put it up on our website side-by-side, president obama's personal attacks on his critics. i think senator schumer comes at this better than those attacking him. >> cat can i kay, senator schumer's statement gives given the state and the party he is in. does it affect the outcome of whether this deal goes through? >> unlikely, right? the chances of going back to renegotiate this deal are almost zero. chuck schumer is saying the world should come towing the p5 plus 1 and go back to the negotiating table. that's not going to happen. you won't get the members saying we will get back into this process which has taken a decade and start renegotiating when we finally have a deal on the table, also, what would happen to the international sanctions regime in the united nations security council has voted to say they will lift their
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sanctions. the critics of this deem, mica, you raised this yesterday, the choice is what happens now, let's be realistic. we have a deal, do we take that deal off the table and walk away from it? those are really the options on the table right now. >> it is a choice. critics have tried to say what will happen. the sanctions regime will be stronger than it was in 2009, 2010. we could contain iernl, it will be back to the status quo. >> you are calami to us. >> congress guess to approve major foreign policy. >> we have a deal. >> it was an agreement that president carter signed. the europeanens supported it. everyone else was for it. it would be calamitous.
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ronald reagan was elected in 1981 him everything is okay with the soviet union. >> michael warren, do you get a sense any of the members of the democratic minority, chuck schumer's colleagues were surprised at his decision? >> i don't know. why would they be surprised? this is something he actually came out and said i am seriously considering this. this is a difficult decision for me. i think the choice for democrats in the colleagues now is they actually have an opening to seriously consider opposing this deal. one of the leaders and their party has now come up out for against this deal. the president is not going to be president for much longer. they have to think of their long-term political viability. >> there is a long game. let me answerer mike's question for you, john heilemann, no, absolutely not. they're fought surprised at all. he's also saying don't vote with me. i think he is doing what he
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needs to do, he is saying, everyone else do what you want to do. if it goes through, i won't make noise if i have my political kickoff. >> i think dts missing schumer with politics. a senior senator he's been there a long time. >> come on. >> you don't think it's just politics? you don't think foreign policy has problems with the deal? >> i think it's a lot of politics, that's fair to say. come on. look at how -- go ahead. >> the other side is all principle, right? >> no, i think it's politics. i think they got the best deal they could get. again as catty pointed out as i pointed out yesterday, what are we going to do, skrap the deem right now? >> yes. >> that's crazy, sorry, heilman. >> i have to say when schumer came out with this on friday, my assumption was that he now is a that democrats had the votes and he would not have done this if he thought it had a chance of sinking the deal t. votes, that
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is to sporlt r support it. override a congressional sanction. so i sort of assumed that. but this, the degree of a program being heaped on schumer by the whoemg of the exobama caucus in the last three days made me rethink my view this was kind of orchestrated and they were going to give him a pass on this. obviously, they're not giving him a pass on it. which makes me think they are a bit worried about the consequence of this than i thought they would have been on friday. >> i know it was not orchestrated. i know they were surprised. i think you are right. many of my conservatives say that's a collaborative thing. >> that must mean. >> it's not the case. are they worried they can get do 67? they already see themselves going below a buck 66 in the number of no votes in the senate. it's embarrassing. i think they are nervous now there is a new ad out, veterans against the deal, who were iraq
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war veterans, that's about the white house, they attacked them. i think. >> or it could be they worked on it for 18 months and they believed on it. the alternative is quite nasty, quite frankly. >> as you said, mica, at this point the choice is, do we approve the deal or walk away from the deal? ecannot believe chuck schumer will come out and say no one followed him. i think he was vaf i have on his part. it's not an accident that he waited until he knows the votes are there before he came out. >> it's a lot more pressure on democratic senators in the swing states, the undecided senators, whether it's cory booker or senators for more moderate states who and their constituents will come to see them, veterans will say i was
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wounded by an iranian bomb in iraq. one of the major senators says this is a bad deal, we can get the sanctions back on, et cetera. >> it's more of what we need. >> it's a tougher moment now. the white house wanted schumer to hold off until september. >> one man capable of reading the mind, mike born cam, using your powers of clairvoyant, 94 vous or confident? >> confident. >> we are good. >> all right, bill chris to him, stay with us. coming up, eugene robinson joins us for the must read pages, why he says the rise of donald trump shows the political system is not working. i would suggest the echo chamber might be a little off, too. we'll be right back. with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind.
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yet he continues to dominate news of the campaign. his trance gestion e gregss caused the plunge and his pool numbers eagerly anticipated. the irooney is several candidates if theory could be formidable in the general election. but the process of quelling the trump-led insurgency is already boxing the whole field into absolutist positions that will be difficult for the eventual nominee to soften t. longer chaos reigns i believe the less room the gop candidate will have to maneuver. barnacle take it to gene. >> well, gene, let's start with topic a. rarco rubio and abortion. is moreco rubio depending on who you talk to is unfortunate donald strump out there. this would be front and center. >> exactly. this would be headline news if donald trump was there. as you guys have been discussing
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earlier kind of stealthily under the radar, they are going way right on abortion in a way it's going to have to pay for i think in the general election. i think it's going there on imdprax with the exception of jeb bush and on health care, on a voter of issues on the iran deal. it's gone there. and you know the thing that fascinates me is how well the protest candidates are doing in the republican race. donald trump, ben carson, carly fiorina, who is not a politician. i would include ted cruz, who is dedicated his senate career thus far to not acting like he wants to stay in the senate very long. there is something interesting happening out there and it's being masked by the circus around donal trump i think. >> so carly fiorina, bill, she
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said i am being underestimated the last time she was here. during that debate i agreed with her him i thought she had an effective precised measured but strong delivery of opinions and critiques of her oponies. what do you make of her candidacy and do you think she could perhaps persevere and make it through the top tier? >> yeah, i think so. she came an spoke at the weekly standard, 400 people there. fred barnes questioned her. she blew people away. most people haven't seen her before. i spent some time. she is sort of the respectable serious version of donald trump. >> i think she can take him on. >> i do still believe, maybe i'm one of those pubas. 91 the less i believe the trump balloon will deflate. if you want a non-politician who is tough, pretty candid and straight forward, impressive,
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knows the private sector, different from what the other politicians insert. >> no business writers have questioning her? have whether she can be the nominee? no one hasn't held the likes of office like dwight d eisenhower commander. so i would bet on carly fiorina as the nominee. i think she can be a top tier candidate. she will be in the big debate the next time she benefitted. this is the great irony. >> even if she did win it all. it was an impressive field. she and marco rubio i think. >> we had carly fiorina, if you put donald trump to the side for a second. he's his own phenomenon. who else has excitement and energy among conservatives right now in. >> i think ted cruz can do this. he is sort of speaking i think to that trump when of the party but represents sort of all the things trump isn't. he has elected office he sort of
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has his policy proposals he would put forth. i would definitely watch him. i think john kasich a piece in the weekly standard, i think he can sort of step into that jeb bush role if jeb bush does fall on his face in new hampshire. john case sick sort of a john huntsman type character from 2012 campaign. i think he's a better candidate than hundredman was, huntsman really struggled i think to connect to real voters in new hampshire. i used to see that following him on the trail. kasich has a different persona. he's got all kind of problems i think with the republican base, particularly on ped cade expansion, but he's somebody to watch. i don't just think that because i have a story about him. i think he really could go some places. >> you know, it's kind of interesting is rand paul has just fallen off the screen. his only shot is this pathetic donald trump rant that he had
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yesterday. >> i think he was overoffensive the word that a dovish critique was going to do well, it wasn't going to work out t. question for me is rubio, fiorina or fiorina-rubio? >> fiorina. i didn't see rubio. >> you think you'd be happy with that? >> yeah. >> is that your top choice? >> i like walker as well and others. >> biden is really my choice. >> fiorina, rubio against biden-sanners. >> a question for big crystal, what about jeb bush? >> oh my gosh, 40 minutes have gone by. >> i watched a debate at an american reunion watch party. i got to tell you, there was dead silence when jeb bush spoke. there was no passion, no enthusiasm for him at all much less than frankly for just about anybody else on the stage.
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where do you think he is and where do you think he goes now? >> it's good you get out. you go to way parties. i'm impressed by that. look, jeb bush built himself fear such a party in a very long time on the upper west side most of the time. >> hillary clinton watch party. jeb bush is okay. he's in the top tier, all that, he is stepping back. if we had said in january, if we were siting here in january, what do we talk about in august? we could have gone 45 minutes talking about the republican race and not have discussed jeb bush the fact that he would have been in the first tier, the top of the first tier you got to say. still fought dominant. not dominating the debate, fought dominating the story. not exciting. either conservatives or the moderates. kasich could become the moderate alternative perhaps to the more conservative republican party. >> there is a significant question about whether the republican dogs will eat the jeb
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bush dog food. i will say with all the money he has, as this field. the dogs eat the dog food, a common phrase the question with all that money that jeb bush has the thing that bush has is staying power. >> he will be the smartd one. right now, who knows where this is all going? michael warren, thank you very much. genes, stay with us. up next, the new stun, why investors are getting ready to say good bye to google as the company rebrands, plus the latest from ferguson, the city is under a state of emergency, officials plea for peace, keep it right here on "morning joe." .
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now in effect in ferguson, missouri after a second day of protests marking the anniversary of michael brown's death t. associated press reported that more than a dozen arrests were made last night after protestors blocked traffic on the street in ferguson the satellite police department saying officers are being hit with rocks and bottles. we continue to support free speech but radicals resist arrest. earlier in the day 16 people were arrested after members of black lives matter movement occupied a square outside the federal courthouse in st. louis. protestors shut down a major interstate. i-70 west of st. louis was closed in both directions as dozens of arrests were made there. let's bring in nbc's jay dpra with the latest from ferguson. jay. >> reporter: hey, good morning, my california things have calmed don't here at least for now. that's the good news. look, there is concern and
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frustration though on both sides of the protest lines here. there is a state of emergency in effect right now. more officers on the ground. officials in st. louis county saying they're not willing to take chances within it comes to the violence here. >> i think what is required in this situation is a proactive response and i think we need to get out ahead of the and you know last time around last 84, we saw a city burn and we are not going to see that again. i'm taking every measure possible to avoid that scenario. >> police tell us there was no looting, no shots fired overnight. much different than monday night when they say 18-year-old tyrone harris, jr., fired at police officers, he's still in critical condition in a local hospital. he has been charged now, four counts of aggravated assault on law enforcement. five counts of armed criminal action and one count of shooting at a motor vehicle. that's the very latest here in ferguson, i'm jay grey, my car, back to you.
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>> jay grey in ferguson, thank you, willie. from the denver post, 3ple gallons of waste water accidentally released by the e have flowed from colorado to mexico, they declared a state of emergency t.e could not give an assessment of potential harm there. testing by the agency found high levels of heavy metals, arsenic, lead and copper in that waste water. >> the "wall street journal" japan switched on a nuclear reactor despite protests nationwide the first in nearly two years after tougher safety standards were introduced in the wake of the fukushima daichi disaster. the prime minister shinzo abe said monday they passed the world's toughest safety screening. opinion polls show a majority of japanese oppose citing environmental risks. hackers have been hacking top united states officials since april of 2010 according to a senior intelligence official
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and a top secret document obtained by nbc news. the e-mail grabbed code name dancing panda. it continues as late as 2014 t. timing does overlap with hillary clinton's time as secretary of state and her use of a private e-mail server. >> from the "new york times," internet giant google is reorganizing under a new name. alphabet. the few company will be run by google co-founders, alphabet will be a collection of companies the largest will be google. google will be slimd down, excludeing companies not a part of its core internet business. the surprise news sent shares of google up as much as 7% in after hours trading. still ahead, jerry sign fell, chris rock and bill maur say there is an emerging trend that is no laughing matter. are college campuses becoming too politically correct? >> yes. >> really? >> yes. >> the new issue of "the
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perks are nice. but the best thing you can give your business is comcast business. comcast business. built for business. for all the bravado and "you're stupid" kind of language, it doesn't really get us anywhere. it makes you think that imperriousness that he's just going to say, well, i'm done and trump and therefore every it is
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so. my concern is he would grab up that power and really treat the country as sort of his bully fifedom. i think that cob a problem particularly when what is his philosophy? he said to the "wall street journal," he said, i give politicians money so they'll do what the hell i tell them to do. >> that kind of concerns me. that's what i don't like about washington t. politicians are bought and sold. you know, hillary clinton, many of us conservatives are upset with hillary clinton, she sells access, appears to sell access, my concern is a businessman like donald trump buying access, isn't that equally despicable. aren't people eventually going to say, does the emperor have any clothe or have a brain, frankly, people will fine alily say what is he saying i must be smart because i'm rich. is that really a logical statement to make? >> that long.
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>> donald trump, he tweeted a couple things about rand. one saying, how is it the people of kentucky can allow him to run for the same. he was terrible in the debate. he's a loser. >> good night, rand. >> rant paul's criticism is correct, of course, in most instances, he looks like a sore loser, who is supposed to be the exciting outsider new face candidate six months ago, and paul? i have more rand paul supporters supporting donald trump than supporting rand palm. >> no one has been hurt more by trump. coming up at the top of the hour, hillary clinton went up to jeb bush last week over funding women's health. now she is hitting another republican candidate over the issue. she is not holding back and taking questions, too. and did he quit or was he fired? former campaign strategist for donald trump roger stone will join us to explain what happened. plus, a white house aide is facing charges for allegedly opening fire on her boy fren.
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why police say a love triangle may be to blame. much more "morning joe" when we come back. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays. if that's not what you think of when you think of the united states postal service, watch us deliver. thank you, you're welcome. you're welcome. look, i know everyone's all up in arms about the comments i made about megyn kelly after last week's gop debate, which by the way i won easily.
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it was fantastic. the ratings were huge! >> okay. welcome back to "morning joe." it's the top of the hour. mike barnacle, john heilman, bill kristol, catty kay and you gene robinson with us. alex said in my ear, let's start with trump and get into hillary clinton's actual policies, so, good, we will do some news here that goes beyond some of this news. is that okay? will you all stay with me? okay. done and trump is building up the infrastructure of his presidential campaign. a new report says he will begin increasing satisfy in michigan, nevada, new hampshire and iowa. and yesterday hillary clinton talked about trump's improbable rise in the polls and also how she ended up at his 2005 wedding. >> it's entertainment. i mean, look r it's all entertainment. i think he's having the time of his life, you know, being up on that stage, saying whatever he wants to say, getting people
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excited both for and against him. i didn't know him that well. i mean i knew him, i knew him and i happened to be planning to be in florida and i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it's always entertaining him now he's running for president, it's a little more troubling. >> i didn't know him that well, but i knew him. okay. would you have gone to trump's wedding? >> i don't know. >> okay. >> absolutely. >> come on. >> i would have gone. >> if she wanted to go. >> for the record. >> he was a major donor to hillary clinton. >> yes. >> also, it would be fun. >> and mostly entertaining. of course, you would have gone. >> i would have gone an periscoped it, the whole thing. >> someone so misogynistic and
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relaxed her high standards of condemnation of all people whoever say anything his words and are you also going to his wedding? i'm just saying, you can't have it both ways. >> of course, you can. >> you can? okay. cool. there you go. >> right. let's get into politics specifics, shall we? >> no. >> come on. >> yesterday-illry clinton rolled out a $350 billion plan to address america's student loan debt crisis. this is very important. i very much support this. we need to talk about this. bill kristol, are you on. at a town hall in new hampshire clinton introduced the new college impact which seeks to control tuition highs, which you agree is out of control and the government profits off student loans, bill, you agree? come on now? >> i guess the government took over the student loan business under president obama, anyway,
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yeah. >> the interest rates are ridiculous and help those who have do you understand debt refinance at lower rates. >> i call this a college exact. it goes both ways. everyone is going to have to step up. states will have to start investing in education again. colleges will have to do better by their students. students will have to make a contribution of working ten hours a week, americans will have to work hard to put themselves through school to outlearn and outhustle our competitors just like we always ha have. >> in the question and answer quest session:was asked how they would afford a higher education is there the way we will pay for it is by closing the loopholes and the deductions for people at the top and we will go. in one instance, we will go back to where it was when president
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reagan was in office, which you know i think the republicans should love and embrace. >> i should love and embrace that. now senator marco rubio who spoke out against clinton's plan yesterday morning, take a look. >> the thing they always do on the left, she has to physical out who to raise taxes on. so this is about making, doing business in america, more expensive. raising tax, taking all that money and pouring it into an outdated higher education system. >> let's bring in nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of andrea mitchell reports, andrea mitchell, who asked hillary clinton questions at that events finally an opportunity to ask her questions. i think they will be coming more often, andrea. tell us what she said. what were you interested in? >> reporter: well, i was asking for other reporters about donald trump and the distinction that she was clearly making. she went after donald trump. she went after all the republicans saying all of them had policies about women's
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health and particularly about the right to abortion that were damaging to women. she's singled out marco rubio. i followed up and asked her about donald trump, isn't the language he used about megyn kelly and talking about a woman's mental cycle, many people, carly fiorina, many people intrerptd him as saying despite his denials wasn't that damaging in this whole environment of attack. she said, no, she is much more troubled. she was fierce about this much more troubled by what the senator from florida said, specifically said marco rubio about the exceptions for rape and incest. what he said at the debate. he explained in his follow-up interview with chuck todd on "meet the press." so it was very clear to me and others there, she was going after marco rubio the way she went after jeb bush ten days ago in florida and last week. she is ramping it up. i think this is partly about the
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criticism she has not been enough of a fighter that, democrats are getting nervous about their front return and here she was in new hampshire for the first time since the reports that joe biden is thinking of running. now joe biden, where is he? he's in south carolina making that discussion, that itself the retreat and also the last time she was there, you didn't have bernie sanders 6.524 hour hours earlier, getting reportedly 25,000 people in portland, on the ground, amazing pictures. >> we need to talk about -- >> a lot of reasons she is fighting. >> -- the bernie factor in a second. you talked about the pointed attack on marco rubio and his concepts on abortion. let's hear what hillary clinton said about that take a look. >> when one of their major candidates, a much younger man, the senator from florida, said there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a
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major candidate running for the presidency. so, yes, i know it makes great tv. i think the guy went way overboard, offensive, outrageous, pick youred a jekive. but what marco rubio said has as you much of an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on that stage. >> catty kay, i think she was really politically sharp, targeted and effective in her statement, especially calling him a much younger man, which shows that more artful way of saying, something that i said once, but on this issue, it's important because this issue often can be seen as generational. and to point out that he's 42-years-old and he has this point of view, i think to a lot of women who support hillary clinton would be extremely troubling. >> yeah, it's going to be interesting, isn't it, to see how much women's issues, women's health issues they did in the last campaign play out during the course of this campaign, eugene said something earlier, which is the donald trump
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phenomenon is pulling the other candidates into positions further than to the right, then they may have wanted to go. but i don't think donald trump is pulling marco rubio to the right on the issue of abortion or scott walker. i think this is them stating what they believe and for republicans watching female voters and what they will soet and think about the republican party stumps on women's health issues, i bet some are nervous what marco rubio and scott walker said. i want to ask you eugene, it's really hard, i cam back from a couple weeks away if europe. it's lardz to understand from the outside the donald trump phenomenon. is it that we are lig in a world that is so complicated. the solution seem so elusive people are desperate for something simple. they actually don't want policy prescriptions at the moment. they just want somebody to tell
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them with conviction that they will fix it. even if there aren't policy positions to back that up. it's almost the only way you can explain what's happening here. >> that's as good an explanation as any, i don't know that any of us really truly can say we understand exactly what's going on. i would. i kind of look at i.t. appears to me a disgust with politics and politicians as generally practiced and you know the gop establishment just is not very popular within the republican party right now. i think you have to conclude that. so maybe eventually republicans will fall in line perhaps judgeingly, but maybe not. you see to a much letter extent, but a similar kind of thing happening in a democratic party. i don't want to draw an exact
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equivalent. i'd rather play hillary clinton's hand in this election than anybody else's. but look at those crowds bernie sanders is getting. he is kind of an anti-politician in his own way. so there is something going on there about the electorate and its relationship to politicians. >> i want to point out, these crowds are flocking to a man who has served in political office from the low level to senator his entire life. he's not a celebrity. he has a consistent message. he's i think people are showing up because they like what he has to say and that's incredible. when you look at these numbers, you are talking 27,000 people flocking. >> i totally agree. it's unfair to say that's anti-political sentiment. >> it's a message. >> it's an ideological message. more power to him.
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hillary:was shrewd, let's have a debate on economic issues, bernie sanders is clobbering her from the liberal point of view. if joe biden gets in, he will clobber her on the middle american working politics. >> that can be fascinating. >> bernie sanders is authentic and clear in his message. he has been saying this his entire life. democratic senator chuck schumer speaking out for the first time the man considered the most influential jewish member of congress says the u.s. should restart talks with taurnl and despite white house speculation, his ob situation will not jeopardize him becoming the next leader of the senate democrats. >> some say the only answer to this is war. i don't believe soch i believe we should go back and try to get a better deem. the nations of the world should join us in that. we have something called secondary sanctions which gottesman them to the table the first time and can be used
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again. this deal has too many flaws to support. this is a decision of conscience. my colleagues respect that as i will respect near decisions of conscience. >> senator schumer continues to come under fire, president obama's former adviser tweeted this, quote, mitch mcconnell will have a field day with this kind of na ivetai. let's go to massachusetts where president obama is vacationing now. let's see the senior white house correspondent chris jansing. it's not just former members of the obama white house, it's from the podium inside the briefing room la this administration has been very critical of chuck schumer. >> not only there, we also have heard the president on a pretty passionate defense. they knew he wanted downtime when he was here in martha's vineyard, willie. they have a slow rollout of interviews on thursday before he came here defending the deal. it's really interesting, when you heard what chuck schumer had
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to say, there could have been a better deem. we're now hearing that echoed with sammy hoyer on a trip sponsored by apac. this is something they do every couple of years. the timing of this one was really critical. they spent time with benjamin netanyahu. other key leadership lobbying them very hard as they have been all along against this deem and toof sonny hoyer back to the united states echoing what chuck schumer had to say which is that there could have been a better deal is exactly what the white house is pushing back against. what are they doing besides the presidents willing to make phone calls? senior members of administration, they think they can fight these with these undecided folks who want to dig deep on what all of the components of this mean, ernie monez, the nuclear physicist, a key part of. that john kerry a part of that. the numbers favor them.
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they need a third of the house and senate to sustain any veto him but this is a difficult fight for them. they're keeping a very close watch on it, willie. >> andrea, you have been covering this deal every step of the way. let's talk about what's happening right now. we were talking a little earlier about perhaps chuck schumer made this announcement knowing the deal would go through. when you watch the critique in the white house and see how blistering it is, it's hard to leave that's true. >> a saying earlier, those of us who may have thought there was a paired vote, announcing the night before, then chuck schumer. chuck schumer announcing it under cover of the republican debate on thursday night. he didn't announce it. it leaked out that and thursday night. those in the political world, but then you see this fierce attack fight and thoughts and people connected to the white house as chris jansing said, behind the podium as well, it
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looks as though the white house is really concerned about this chuck schumer carries a enormous amount of weight. they are fairly confident because nancy pelosi is working it so hard, she's the best vote counter of all. this is really a tough fight t. fact that schumer and his announcement came out now the president is on the golf course. they're not working it as hard as they would if he were in town calming people in. this vacation poorly timed for those who are fighting for the passage of the iran deal for congress not to block it. >> chris, jumping to a different topic here. you have been reporting yesterday on a white house staffer charged with two counts of reckless endangerment following a domestic dispute. what itself going on here? >> reporter: her name is barbetta singletary. she started as an intern in 2000 on capitol hill. she made her way up to being a deputy chief of staff and then last year came over to the white house.
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her title is special adviser to the president. shelves a liason between the white house and congress. and last friday night, she called actually a capitol hill police officer. he came over and they fought about another woman he was dating. when he went out to his car, apparently, she was able get not just his cell phones, two cell phones, but his service revolver t. gun he carries as a capitol hill police officer and she wanted the passwords to his phone. when he refused, they went back into the house, according to police, she fired a single shot at him. neither was hurt. but the police that we spoke to said he obviously feared for his life. she was taken to jail and she's out now on $75,000 bail. >> i guess she's been placed on unpaid leave and had her access to the white house revoked. >> she is banned from the white house grounds. >> chris jansing with the president on martha's vineyard, thanks, so much. >> andrea mitchell.
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thank you very much as well. bill kristol, thank you. still ahead this morning on "morning joe," democratic senator claire mccaskilling will here live and democratic congressman emanuel cleaver. up next, we will take a look inside trump's campaign for president. his former strategist roger stone joins the table next. .
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. >> it's 20 past the hour. joining us now former political strategist for donald trump roger stone joining us now. why'd you leave the campaign? >> frustration. i decided to go rogue maybe to have a more profound effect on the campaign him i'm slighted they're now putting out position papers and issue papers and hiring up in the next round of statesp. >> don't you think you should be in there to help with that? >> i was saying these things before i left. i'm not going to divulge all of our discussion. i became particularly frustrated when somebody on the campaign staff leaked a telephone conversation that was private between former president clinton and donald trump. >> that did not serve mr. trump
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well. republican primary voters some of them jumped to all kind of conspiratorial theories about the:s are getting trump into bush, it's all completely false. whoever did that did not serve their boss well. >> did you think the people working for trump were not doing a good job? >> i thought he was ill served by the campaign. i am a veteran of eight national presidential campaigns. i have some feeling of what it takes to get from here to there. just getting on the ballot is an expensive and difficult and onerous process. when i went to the campaign manager, he was out having coffee with george stephanopoulos. >> how does a candidate like donald trump is so uncontrol, you can't control him. you have no idea what is coming out of his mouth. >> you don't try. trump is unscripted, unhandled, unkoempd. when he's good, he's really, really goodch when he is off, it's because this is a different
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experience. it's different being a real estate mogul or a reality television star and a celebrity than being a candidate for public office. my view is that presidential politics is about big picture sweeping issues, a few memorable phrases to get people to understand them. to retain them. it's not about 20 point plans, ask newt gingrich lou that works out. it's not about being the chief. that's not what voters are looking for either. >> you said great experience if presidential campaigns, now you have been inside donald trump's camp, do you believe he actually could be the republican nominee? >> there is no question. i remain a strong supporter of trump t. largest single reason is he has the personal and financial independent independence to take on a broken system. doesn't need coke brothers, he is a billionaire. doesn't need the lobbyist, the special interest, the special pleaders, in many way, he's like ross perot.
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people fine it prefreshing, the system is broken. they think he has the financial independence to fix it. >> you think he'd make a good president if he were to win? >> he certainly can be a good president he's a very, very part is guy. he graduated the top of his class at wharton. he's built one of the great financial empires in american history. yes, she more than capable of being a great president. >> you are added a advocate this has to be a serious professional campaign, state operations across the board. he's hired a few people who have significant political experience, michael glassner is now in that operation. >> very good man. >> how far along do you think they are as an organization towards being what they need to be at the level of professionalism as a campaign operation? >> well, i was very encouraged yesterday when they said they were going to be hiring people. it really has been skeletal up to this time and maybe you can get away in the first phase of a presidential campaign running an all free media campaign and trump has certainly done that. a week ago you couldn't turn on the television getting anything
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other than trump. at a certain point when jeb bush unloads that $100 million of dirty wall street money in negative television ads in new hampshire and iowa. >> that matters. if you look at the oling where trump has made his greatest gains it's among voters between 59 an 70. mostly his greatest gains in the south. why? it's summertime. people are inside watching them le vision. when people come into the same markets as paid television the potential for real change is there. >> eugene robinson has a question. >> will trump be on the ballot in the places he needs to be and will he still be in it when people start voting? >> he can get on the ballot t. greatest single ballot is money. he has asked, he has $350 million in liquid cash or cash assets, according to his
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financial statement he filed with the federal election commission. which by the way many critics said he would never file. he has the money. money gets you people. people get you on the bal lot. look i did governor jerry johnson's effort as a libertarian. he got on the ballot in 48 states. he got thrown off by courts unfairly in michigan and oklahoma. it's a herculean task, with money and people and enthusiastic people it's very do youable. >> catty kay has a question from washington. >> reporter: ul said earlier you tweeted out you'd like to see more policy specifics. donald trump on the program said said we'll get to those specifics later. when do you think the campaign will come out with policy platforms and how much dunk that will clang the nature and the tone of the campaign? >> well, based on what i read yesterday it appears they will start putting out statements here shortly.
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i was very encouraged to read mr. trump will be meeting with larry can you do low and steven moore and steve forbes and others in the growth wing of the party to talk about a growth oriented ojob pack an. trump has his own thoughts about tax reform that would be more favorable to entrepreneurs and to growth and to business. so i consider that a very good sign. but, frankly, it's something i have been arguing for for some time. perhaps i played some small role going rocky and saying if nodes to be done. >> if he does not win the nomination, sit your gut that he will run as around independent? >> well, there is a lot of legal barriers to that. you can't get on the ballot -- >> you can, will he in. >> the idea he will one as an independent is based on the fact that a "new york times" piece two squeeks ago said three candidates have been meeting and talking about boycotting the debates if trump is involved.
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in 15 states the republican establishment can knock this guy off the ballot with a stroke of a pen as a republican. so why should he give up his leverage if he's not going to be treated fairly by the republican party. >> yes, he might run as an independent? >> only if he is treated unfairly in a gross way, if he gets a fair shot at the republican nomination. if the establishment doesn't try to bar his access from the process, he's made it very clear, he doesn't want to run as an independent. i wouldn't give up that leverage. i saw what the republicans did to dr. rand palm and they could easily do it to donald trump as well. >> roger stone. sorry. >> what would happen to donald trump as a candidate if he continues the successful run, becomes even more successful and stops calling people stupid, you're crazy, you know, loser, you know, if the language recedes a bit. if he tampers down the language a bit, what happens to trump? >> that he will continue to go up in the polls in my opinion.
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>> really? >> yes, he needs 20 focus again on the big picture here and not get into cul-de-sacs of media disagreements and so on. he's not running against megyn kelly. he's running against 15 career politicians and one smart brain surgeon. >> policy position papers, all that stuff would be very useful, only useful if mr. trump talks about them once they have been issued. do you think he has the dispalestinian to stay on an economic message? >> he did it in 2000 when he was looking at the reform nom make the. he laid out a proposal to be a one time tax on the super, super wealthy to eradicate the national debt in one fell swoop, a proposal that would have cost him an additional $450 million in taxes. it was controversial. yes, he is capable of it. >> it would be hugely controversial if he put it now in the period of time. >> yes, will is the orthodox of being against taxes. we are against debt t. kind of
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republicans that vote for trump are not wealthy. >> roger stone, thank you very much. a pleasure to meet you. come back soon. coming up, a state of emergency is in effect in ferguson as the unrest returns to the city. how can officials restore the peace? a congressman is standing by. keep it here on "morning joe." .
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but is this also an issue the first black president couldn't attack it hard in the first term because another things had to be covered first, other grounds had to be covered first for political reasons if nothing else? >> that i don't buy. i think it's fair to say that if in my first term ferguson had flaerd up, as president of the united states i would have been commenting what was happening in ferguson. i'd feel a great urgency to get as much done as possible and there is no doubt that after over six and a half years on this job i probably have an easier time juggling a lot of different issues and it may be that my passions show a bit more. just because i have been around
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this track for a while. >> that was president obama reflecting on his administration's handling of race in america. meanwhile, a state of emergency is in effect at this hour in ferguson, missouri after a second day of protests marking the anniversary of michael brown's death. the associated press reports that more than a sudden arrests were made last night after protesters blocked traffic on the streets in ferguson. the st. louis county police department tweeting, quote, officers are being hit with rocks and bottles. we continue to support free speech buttage st but agitators. congressman, thanks for being on, first of all, where do we stand in terms of the state of mortgages at this hour? >> well, i think the state of emergency was appropriate by the county executive. i think we need to make sure
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that people understand around the country and certainly in missouri that individuals who came to what should have been a peaceful demonstration with guns were not demonstrators. they were instigators. the criminal element has to be taken out. senator claire mccaskill who i think is coming on this morning met with the fbi, the attorney general, the u.s. attorney in his office way back when this controversy first started a year ago and we were given information that there was clearly a criminal element taking advantage of this. >> right. >> and i think that everybody needs to know that. >> well, i think that is clear and gene robinson, i want you to jump in the conversation. because there are also demonstrators there and the sentiment they have is nothing has changed for them.
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>> that was the question i was going to ask congressman cleaver in the year since the incident since the michael brown killing, what has changed in ferguson and has there been change for the better? >> yes, i tell people ferguson a year ago was 1955. today it's 1965. so there has been change. the congressional black caucus went into ferguson. we conducted a political boot camp. others came n. we now have two african-americans, two more african-americans elected to the city council. the police chief has been dismissed. the municipal court judge who orchestrated a lot of this has been dismissed t. city manager has been dismissed t. city manager has been dismissed. that was done by the state supreme court t. reality is that many people are still disturbed
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the mayor never resigned. clearly, we got to admit there is progress. if it's 1965, we still are a long way from getting ferguson into a state where it is a part of the 21st century. it's coming. it's coming slowly. >> congressman cleaver, i want to follow up on what you said if terms of what more needs to be done in ferguson in the region in terms of say investment for job creation or reforms of police departments or municipal court systems, broadly, what else do you think needs to happen going forward? >> well, ferguson is a small communities of 21,000 people. at one point they had 31,000 track citations in one year. so that mean there is is one citation for every citizen and some left over or visitors. so if you have been living under these kind of circumstances for years, even decades, even with
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the changes that have taken place, are you still going to be apprehensive. you will still be paranoid. we need to understand and accept the fact that it's there. now it is a town where we need industry. we got to have economic development so people can get employment and now that's disconnected with people shooting but the reality is that unfoorntly only when the shoot og curse are we willing to give enough. >> response. >> attention to the other part of it. >> so congressman, the 31,000 track violations that you just mentioned and other minor petty traffic vieblgss are, in essence, a mechanism to fund the city government on the backs of largely poor, i imagine some of them unemployed people, which would leave them subject to arrest if they don't response to the violation, so why has not the state or some other larger governmental entity stepped in to try and correct this?
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>> well, i think that is being corrected. we were having, you know, government by citation and i think that's been discontinued. the acting police chief has stepped in and changed up some of the culture. so look i'm not here to paint a rosie picture of ferguson. i'm saying there have been some changes and most of those changes were demanded by the real demonstrators, not the agitators and instigators. let's look at this. a lot of the discussion was fought the state of emergency, they would have had body cameras, because there is a debate now about whether or not this young man who was shot by police is actually the person who was shooting. so if we have body cameras. >> so no body cameras? >> still no body cameras, despite the united states house of representatives john boehner
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agreed to do i. went on record supporting body cameras. >> why aren't there any there? congressman cleaver, we will look into that. thank you very much, thanks, for be being on the show. it could mean no longer asking students a warning before reading a classing light "the great fatsby. they ask whether college campuses are becoming too politically correct? >> yes. >> we'll be right back. ooh, i thinki saw dessert! but you just had a big lunch! wasnthat big steve... hey! come back here, steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you? honey, he didn't say that! he did, very quietly... you can't hear from back there! don't fight your instincts. with each 150 calories or less, try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars and new creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. go on, have one! so, what did you guys they think of the test drive?
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i'm not known as a politically correct person for good reason. i think we are so politically correct in our country that people are sick and tired of it and things aren't getting done. i don't think certainly you want to be diplomatic. we are diplomatic in our country and everybody hate us all over the world. we are politically correct and the world hates the united states. we have so politically correct we can't move anymore. i am losing some contracts who cares. people are weak, they want to be politically correct. >> you get the idea, donald strump sparking political correct inside. the new issue of 80 the atlantic magazine" shows how it is ruining education. joining us the co-author of the story at nyu stern school of business. professor, good to see you. >> nice to be here. >> we will put donald trump to the side for a minute. you are zeroing in on political
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correct inside and higher education. let's layout a couple things are you talking about. buzz words, trigger wars, microaggressions. >> that's right. these are words nobody mentioned these words three or four years ago, if you do a google search on them, you graphic out the last two or three years there has been a c change in many schools. many children are asking for warnings, which is ape signed, what if it has violence against women? what if a women reads that that was raped. they are asking for a warning on any book that has anything offensive. there are microaggressions, you might ask, according to one campus guideline if you say i think the most qualified person should get the job well that could be a microaggression. people aren't qualified. >> you are making me so tired right now. do these conversations really happen? >> they do. that's what itself so interesting to me, this might seem like a left-right issue.
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most professors are on the left. they're sick of this. horrified by this stuff. so everybody over 25 seem to think it's ridiculous. >> if professors are hor side who is opposing these things in. >> this is a wild rearing in the ''80s. most of us are old enough to remember there was a disappearance in 1979. warnings on milk cartons, parents got much more protected in the ''80s and '90s, zero tolerance policies on bullying. by the time these students get to college, they expect adults will protect them. if i feel offended, some adult should have been there to protect me. >> >> so, john, having taught on college campuses over ten years, i experienced some of. this it seems to me two things are happening simultaneously. there is as you describe a greater attention to microaggression, sugar warnings, at the same time, though, on
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anonymous social media sites there is a practice live racing of people saying whatever they want to say that is politically incorrect, so to speak. what's the line that should be drawn? what is the appropriate line for college campuses? >> that's right. this really should be an exercise in balance. this is why free speech cases are difficult. so i think one clear line is that while we have freedom of speech in this country. if someone says something offensive, of course people should call him out, criticize, donald trump says a lot of offensive things. people should criticize him. but if you have a legal right to call in or adult reenforcement on a college campus, that's chilling. many colleges have speech codes. they're all illegal. friends from individual rights and education, they sue the colleges, they always win. so you can't criminal's speech unless it's threatening. that's one line, it soulard be an exercise in balance. >> catty kay has a question from
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washington. >> so, jonathan, do you think this is a pendulum issue one of those things that has swung too far one way and will naturally correct itself or do you think this is actually going to have significant long-term damaging impact on the quality of american higher education? >> well, we, it's hard to predict the future. i would put all of my money on that it being a long-term problem. here's why. the conditions of childhood change and kids go out and play after school, ride your biing isles around. that's not going to come back. we will have coddled childhoods from here on out. another contributing problem is the rising polarization, the political polarization, left and right used to slightly dislike each other, if you go back to the 1970s, now they intensely like each other. so as the political pool
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larization gets more hostile, any environment which leans left or right will get more of an intense breeding browned for hostility. >> is there anyway that a parent with a thimble of common sense could get a list of colleges where they employed trigger warnings, speech codes, to save money on application to colleges? >> a thimble. >> just announce. >> i think you've just laid out a great opportunity for some conservative magazine or something. maybe there is. >> what about a common sense magazine? >> well, i wish there was common sense magazines, maybe you can start one. >> that seems like that's needed. >> you touch briefly on this ideological question. another thing is you have conservative speakers hired to come to campuses and have those revoked or if they do come the schools create these safe rooms so they don't have to hear ideas that counter their personal
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philosophies. isn't that an absurd position for a university to take? >> it is. and this is why, so these are always driven by the students t. faculty and the administrators are usually opposed to these efforts. so, for example, condoleeza rice there was a big protest when she wasible vieted to be the commencement speaker at rutgers. i can understand, tensions about the iraq war are high. if it gets to that level, where you don't like anything they did, they're out .
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ways. ultimately, it's way for students. >> the september issue of the atlantic is on stands this week. jonathan haidt thank you for being on. >> still ahead, how much longer can rick perry's campaign for president hang on after telling staff they can't be paid. we'll be right back. (vo) what's your dog food's first ingredient? corn? wheat? in new purina one true instinct grain free, real chicken is always #1.
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joe," it could be a preview of 2016. hillary clinton and marco rubio trade harsh words over a key issue. >> and is the feud over between donald trump and fox news. we'll look at the phone call that may have brokered a truce for now. and claire mccaskill joins the table with her very revealing new memoir. she said the story she reveals in the book are proof she wasn't going to be running for higher office. keep it right here on "morning joe." equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. thover 65 million years ago.rth like our van. yeah. we need to sell it.
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morning in new york city. good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, august 11th. welcome to "morning joe." with us this morning, we have contributor mike barnicle, manager editor of bloomberg politics, john heilemann, msnbc contributordorian warren joins us. katty kay, and staff writer at the weekly standard, michael warren. good to have you onboard. we have a lot going on. just an update on this weird political snowball that keeps rolling down the mountain here. it appears donald trump has buried the hatchet with fox news. trump was under pressure to apologize to anchor megyn kelly for comments he made really disparaging the questions she asked him in last week's debate. i think there were a lot of folks expecting he would apologize for that. yesterday on "morning joe," trump actually said it was the other way around. >> the fact is she asked me very inappropriate questions.
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she should really be apologizing to me, you want to know the truth. >> why are we showing you this again? because it actually kind of develops into something. trump seemed ready to continue the feud. late yesterday morning, he tweeted this. fox news president roger ayles just called. he is a great guy and assures me trump will be treated fairly on fox news. his word is always good. hours later, megyn kelly responded. >> mr. trump did interviews over the weekend that attacked me personally. i have decided not to respond. trump, who is the front-runner, will not apologize and i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism, so i'll continue doing my job without fear or favor. and mr. trump, i expect, will continue with what has been a successful campaign thus far. this is a tough business. and it's time now to move forward. >> john heilemann, president of a network talking to the
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candidate and then that statement which is kind of in the middle of nowhere. what happened? >> i think she obviously felt like she had to address all the things that had been said but was not going to back down. that seems fine. the interesting thing is the call from roger ailes. gabe sherman has a story up on the website that says basically the overwhelming pro-trump e-mail coming in to fox news freaked out roger ailes and the fact trump was not on any fox news programming on sunday caused panic inside fox. what would the world look like if donald trump were to boycott fox, how bad would it be for fox? >> is trump impacting the way they're going to cover trump? >> that -- >> what is the story? >> the story is that roger, again, according to this report, felt like he needed to reach a ditaunt with trump. how that will affect their coverage, we'll see. >> i have great respect for gabe
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sherman and his abilities as a riter. i do not believe that roger ailes was panicked. i don't believe roger ailes gets panicked and i don't believe donald trump was going to apologize to anyone. >> we all agree she was called pretty bad names? i would defend her if i was running a network. >> no doubt. >> i'm not sure what's happening here. >> they're talking about trump. >> so she gets to be called slanderous names? what's going on? >> roger ailes' characterization of the conversation was it was contentious. he said he thought she did a great job, brett beahr, chris wallace. all did a great job. >> to be clear, the sherman piece does not say he apologized to trump but said he needed to reach out to trump to kind of get this thing calmed down and that the conversation was designed to get back to status quo. >> wow. i'm going to leave it there. as for his presidential
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campaign, donald trump is building up the infrastructure. a new report said he will begin increasing staff in michigan, nevada, new hampshire, and iowa. two new national tracking polls shows his lead holding or growing since last week's debate. the morning consult vote shows trump with 32% of the vote, up seven points fraom last week. an online reuters poll has him retaining the top spot at 24%. jeb bush is in second with 12%. bush still performed slightly better than trump in a head-to-head general matchal election against hillary clinton, as does marco rubio, but trump holds his own. yesterday, she talked about trump's improbable rise in the polls and how she ended up in his 2005 wedding. >> it's entertainment. i think he's having the time of his life, you know, being up on that stage, saying whatever he
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wants to say, getting people excited, both for and against him. i didn't know him that well. i mean, i knew him. i knew him, and i happened to be planning to be in florida. i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it's always entertaining. now that he's running for president, it's a little more troubling. >> michael warren, let's talk about this a little bit. hillary clinton is now addressing donald trump. a lot of people thought the performance at the debate and perhaps all the firestorm afterward was going to sink him. how many times have they said that before? now we have two, three polls that show he maintained his lead. is there anything that could happen in this campaign that actually would sink donald trump? >> i want to caution about some of the polls. people i talk to who actually know how pools work say you have to give it a few days before an event like a debate in these daily tracking polls before we can really see something and know what it means. if you look at the margin of error on the polls, they're pretty big.
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so there is sort of a wide swinge. all that being said, it doesn't look like donald trump was immediately sunk like people thought. i really think it's going to take sort of a winnowing of the field, some of the other candidates to drop out just to get it a little more obvious about what the choice is for republican primary voters and ultimately, when it gets to iowa and new hampshire, these are republican primary voter whose have done this before. they know what they're looking for in candidates. i don't really expect that in the end, donald trump is what they're looking for. certainly not what republicans are looking for. they're just going to have to figure out what happens if donald trump decides, you know, screw you, republicans, i'm going to run as an independent. he's leaving the door open still and that's a possibility that i don't think republicans know what to do about yet. >> what could be a preview of a general election battle in 2016, hillary clinton is going after senator marco rubio on the issue of abortion rights. the democratic front-runner was asked about donald trump's
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controversial comments and said trump is not the only one who should be singled out. >> when one of their major candidates, a much younger man, the senator from florida, says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. so yes, i know it makes great tv. i think the guy went way overboard, offensive, outrageous, pick your adjective, but what he says has as much an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on the stage. >> senator rubio's campaign was quick to respond saying, quote, hillary clinton supports abortion even at the stage when an unborn child can feel pain. she has defended partial birth abortions as a fundamental right. she opposed requiring parents to be notified if their minor
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daughter is having an abortion. she supports funding planned parenthood even after they have been exposed in their role, and she holds radical views on abortion that we look forward to exposing in the months to come. katty kay, this is obviously a real hot button issue, especially for women when it comes to the republican party. did marco rubio do enough to deflect what hillary clinton said, which i thought was 100% correct. everyone was looking at the shiny candy or the sparkling light and weren't listening to the real story happening onstage. >> it's interesting that amidst all the distraction being caused by donald trump, there is actually a substantive debate going on on issues like abortion, like college loan payments, between some of the candidates. between hillary clinton and between some of the republican candidates. this issue of abortion has not been settled yet, i don't think.
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it's on that line, that spectrum where americans feel comfortable with abortion. it's going to be debated consiste consistently, and marco rubio is trying to get involved in a debate with hillary clinton on this because he doesn't want to keep talking about donald trump. and she has called out an issue that i think was ignored in all the donald trump kind of mania in the debate, which is something marco rubio is going to have to answer carefully, that scott walker is going to be pressed on, on the issue of whether he accepts any exceptions to abortion. this is being overshadowed unfortunately by all of the attention paid to donald trump. at some point -- you tried to press him on issues yesterday on the program,en iran, on women's issues. steve did it on the economy. he hasn't got answers yet on policy. at some point, he's got to be involved in a policy discussion. >> hillary clinton, meanwhile, was also trying to make news
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yesterday with what her policies are, talking about the expenses with colleges and certain solutions there. i mean, these are real issues that i actually think resonate with people, as you can see what bernie sanders is able to do with that important message. >> that's right. you see the incredible crowds for bernie sanders right now. the number, people are saying, is around 27,000 in los angeles yesterday. hillary clinton is trying to stay relevant and set a policy agenda for the democratic party. she announced her student loan policy proposal yesterday which would basically provide no loan tuition at state public universities and colleges. that stops short of what sanders and martin o'malley have offered in terms of debt-free higher education across the board, but there is a substantive policy debate happening there, and she's right to refocus on policy issues. by the way, i have not seen secretary clinton that animated
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in a press conference in a long time. not only is trump setting the agenda for the republican policy, he's providing energy and a boost for clinton. >> everyone has to somehow cut through all this. willie, she took questions. she went to a podium and took questions. they were all about donald trump. really? it could have been different in maybe one of us was there. >> a little farther down the republican poll, signs of financial trouble for rick perry's team. he's freezing pay to south carolina staffers and the "washington post" scooped he's no longer paying any of his staff because the fund-raising has run dry. they broke the news friday, saying they were free to go elsewhere, though many have stuck with him as unpaid volunteers. perry's super pac is going to help pick up some of the slack and it's by no means a death sentence. in 2007, john mccain was forced to slash dozens of workers, but
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his campaign recovered. he went on to take the nomination. is this as bad as it looks for rick perry? >> pretty bad. you think about someone like john mccain who was the presumptive nominee when he had his meltdown back then, his financial meltdown. he was a guy who would run and come in seconds, two cycles earlier. he had a reservoir of goodwill in new hampshire which he won before. rick perry has none of that. he came into the race in some ways better prepared than he was in 2012, but also with a huge cloud of 2012 hanging over him when he so badly underperformed expectations. in a race where a lot of people have raised extraordinary amounts of money, he has not been that successful in doing that. so far, his performance, more competent than some of the worst glaring mistakes he made in 2012. he did not break through in the undercard debate on thursday night. no one ever wants to sound the death nel for a campaign, but
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he's in a bad way now. >> can you recall any campaign you heard of in the last thirth, 40 years where all of the issues, abortion, marco rubio, college education, rick perry going under, whatever, are like delayed fuses, while one person, donald trump, gets the spotlight? >> it's a totally generous moment for us. >> what's that mean? >> like latin for never been seen before. >> i'll google it for you. >> you're a catholic. i figured you knew the catholic stuff. this is a novel part. partly because it's summer and partly because trump is unique. he's unique. have you ever had a man that rich run for president before, never had a man coming in from a totally nonpolitical background, a excellent 100% name id, and 100% has been as deliberately
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provocative and he comes into a new kind of supercharged media environment where all of the characteristics are more pyrotechnic than before. it's completely without precedence. >> by the way, i guess he's going to be going on the road more, setting up operation state by state, but this candidate dials in to wherever he wants to go. >> yeah. totally accessible. >> totally accessible without even having to go anywhere. it's kind of interesting. >> it irks in both directions. he's unique in the sense there's no other candidate as accessible as him, nor is there a candidate who is call any program anywhere that will immediately let him on the air. he always had that, which he could call up any of the morning shows. they would take his call and put him on the air. just call, we'll put you on the air. that's always been true. now, the appetite for it is overwhelming, and he's willing to meet it. >> by the way, if you think
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we're not being fair, hillary clinton can call in any time she wants. so, too, can jeb bush, but they won't. >> yeah. >> right? >> let's give them the number. >> they can call in. they know that. but they won't. they won't. they're like -- you know, when they do interviews, it is carefully orchestrated, meetings with many producers, many phone calls, many different ways of leveraging exactly the time and the place. then they finally sit down, and it's this kind of careful thing. >> that's the trump difference. he's accessible. no handlers. go up to him. >> he might call this morning. i could call him right now. >> let's get him on the line. >> still ahead on "morning joe," democratic senator claire mccaskill joins the table to discuss her very revealing new memoir. "plenty ladylike" is the title. up next, senator chuck schumer breaks his silence after announcing he will oppose the iran nuclear deal. what does he think as his future
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democratic senator chuck schumer is speaking out for the first time since announcing his opposition to the nuclear deal with iran. the man considered the most influential jewish member of congress said the u.s. should restart talked with iran. his opposition will not jeopardize him becoming the next leader of senate democrats. >> some say the only answer to this is war. i don't believe so. i believe we should go back and try to get a better deal. the nations of the world should join us in that. we have something called
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secondary sasecond a secondary sanctions, which got them to the table the first time and can be used again. this deal has too many flaws to support. this is a decision of conscience and my colleagues respect that as i will respect their decisions. >> he's not urging them to vote along with them. senator schumer is continuing to come under fire for his stance. david plouffe, president obama's former campaign manager and senior adviser tweeted, mitch mcconnell will have a field day with this. this kind of naivety, we will miss harry reid. they're saying they're withholding $11 million from democratic candidates because schumer is opposing the deal, and president obama continued his criticism of those against the nuclear agreement with an interview with npr. >> what i know is that unfortunately, a large portion of the republican party, if not a near unanimous portion of
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republican representatives, are going to be opposed to anything that i do. and i have not oftentimes based that on a judgment of the merits but have based that on their politics. that's true in health care. that's true in, you know, budget negotiations. that's been true on a whole hoesz of things. >> meanwhile, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg is criticizing the white house's response to critics. rather than acknowledging a respectful difference of opinion, the president's spokesperson and others close to the white house suggest senator schumer's decision may cost him the opportunity to become the leader of the democratic caucus. once it has reviewed the full deal, congress should consider what it means for the future and then it should lead, drawing on the facts and leaving the politics aside.
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the white house should do the same. bill kristol, bill, first of all -- bill, first of all, i thought republicans especially, but often those were critics of the deal, cared about our reputation around the world. restarting talks with iran. that's ludicrous. does he really mean that or say that to solidify his long-term political needs? >> he's a democrat, not a republican. >> i'm very clear on that. >> you said republicans should know -- >> especially republicans like you. >> let's talk. president obama just said republicans oppose him on everything. what was the most recent vote in congress, the trade promotion authority supported by republicans. afghanistan surge, supported by republicans. intelligence collection, supported mainly by republican. on foreign policy, when president obama has done what republicans agree with, they supported him. when he has done what they don't agree with, they opposed him.
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it's a policy dirngs. for president obama to make it seem like this is just a knee-jerk reaction is silly. if you look at chuck schumer's actual statement, it's a thoughtful, long statement. we put it on our website side by side with president obama's and his personal attacks on critics. i think schumer comes out better than those attacking him. >> senator schumer's vote or his statement about the deal obviously carries a lot of weight symbolically giving the state he comes from, the party, all of that, but does it actually affect the outcome of whether the deal comes through? >> unlikely because the chances of going back to renegotiate the deal are almost zero. chuck schumer is saying the world should come together and go back to the negotiating table. that's not going to happen. you're not going to get the russians and the chinese saying we're going to get back into this process which has taken almost a decade and start renegotiating when we finally got a deal on the table.
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also, what would happen to the international sanctions regime in the meantime. the united nations security council has voted to say they would lift their sanctions. so you would be in a weaker position. this is what i think the critics of the deal, and mika, you raised this yesterday, the choice is what happens now. let's be realistic. we have a deal on the table. do we take the deal or take the deal off the table and walk away from it? those are really the only two options. >> that is a choice, and critics have tried to say what would happen? the u.s. would maintain its sanctions. the secondary sanctions with have an effect on europe. it would be stronger than it was in 2009-2010. we could contain iran. it would be back to the status quo before the negotiations. >> it could be calamitous for the reputation of the white house if theyed let's not do it. >> we have a thing where congress gets to approve major deals.
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there was an agreement in 1979 that president carter signed and the europeans supported and everyone else was for and it would be calamitous if congress did not ratify it. they did not. ronald reagan was elected in 1981, and things turned out okay. >> in search of a new name, google makes the biggest change in its history. and up next -- >> how do you shotgun a beer? >> is it chugging? >> i learned this at wellesley. don't you put a hole in the bottom of the beer and then do that? >> okay. >> you suck it from the bottom. >> okay. that exchange was inspired, believe it or not, thank you very much, by senator claire mccaskill. she's standing by to explain what shotgunning a beer has to do with her political career. and we'll talk about how she does it because i think it's a hole in the side of the can, right? >> take a key. >> key, hole. i have been learning. yes, in cleveland. keep it right here on "morning joe."
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i'm at a loss. i don't know exactly what his accusation that i'm not ladylike means. i'm a former courtroom process kurt and i try to be strong and informed and i think the debate was tough for todd because i went through the list of his very, very extreme positions. >> vintage claire. that was democratic senator claire mccaskill of missouri on "morning joe" back in 2012. what was i wearing? responding to comments made by her then-republican opponent todd akin. remember that? that was fun. she won re-election by more than 15 points and she's out now with her memoir entitled "plenty ladylike." she joins us now. the book is great because something that we talked about, personal, raw, real, as well as really, really, really, i think, inlightening for women who want to have powerful careers, who want to step into the limelight and take on all the stress and all the different things that come at you in different
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directions. and this book really goes there as opposed to sort of pat, the pat stuff we see out there. i love it. >> one of my colleagues, i gave it to them to read early and they sent back an e-mail saying pretty obvious you're never going to run for president. >> exactly. >> because it's the kind of book that does not -- there's lots of things that people can use against me, so to speak, in a political baesh but it's okay. i just wanted to write one that wasn't full of bromides and aren't i wonderful. i talk about a lot of personal mistakes. >> we don't pretend. we're going to get to that in a moment. you just read us -- is this a tweet by david axelrod? >> it is. >> read it again. >> this is related to the iran deal. >> and chalk schumer. >> chuck schumer's opposition. david axelrod yesterday, facts are facts, and politics is politics. schumer made a decision based on politics, not fact. >> so senator mccaskill, does chuck schumer still have your vote as head of the senate
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democrats -- >> of course. >> why? do you think this is politics? >> listen, every senator is going to make their decision based on their analysis of this. and i think that chuck schumer has done that. i will do that. now, the only thing that's disappointed me about this whole debate was the republicans insisting that we get 60 days to review the deal, and it appeared to me that most of them made up their mind in about five minutes. that there was not the kind of really analysis, and the analysis i'm doing is pretty simple. it's not a perfect deal. there's a lot of things about this deal that are bad, but what is the new status quo if we walk away? what does it look like? what is our standing in the world if we walk away? and more importantly, does ira get the money anyway? >> sounds like you're voting for it. >> i don't know. what i'm trying to find out, the
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countries that hold the money, it's $60 billion. they will definitely get it if we do the deal. the question is, will they get it anyway? i'm calling turkey, south korea, japan, china, and asking them, what will you do with iran's money if america does not ultimately ratify this deal? >> let me go back to the question of the tweet and others. so dan pfeiffer, david axelrod, and david plouffe said mitch mccochal wim mcconnell will have a field day. you're a supporting of president obama. you understand the white house and these deals. what is your understanding? >> it looks like they're upset. i mean, i don't know that it's particularly helpful for them to all be piling on. i would tell them all that, most of them are my friends, and i know them well. i don't think that it is frankly i think it's highlighting that
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chuck schumer is against this deal, which is not in their best interest. so i think everybody ought to, both sides ought to turn it down a notch or two. the hyperbole, the exaggerated rhetoric on both sides of this issue, and by the way, it began with netanyahu came into the country and shamelessly made israel a partisan issue. israel has never been a partisan issue in our country. it has been an oasis of partisanship. when he decided to do that, he decided partisanship was worth it in his political calculation. it's unfortunate labecause i thk that's what i'm most worried about. as we protect israel, it's really good if we leave our party politics at the door. >> let me ask you a question about your preferred candidate for the democratic nomination, hillary clinton. yesterday, she was in new shamp hr and spoke out about marco rubio's comments about abortion
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in the debate last thursday evening. and because the republican campaign is like a delayed fuse, all anybody talks about is donald trump, it hasn't received a lot of attention. what was your reaction? >> i rewound it to listen again because i was shocked that he said that. and so i rewound it. then i rewound it a second time just to make sure i heard him correctly. what he has said, which is frankly shocking to me, is that he wants to go back to a time that victims of rape and incest are not allowed to get a legal abortion in this country. the vast majority of americans disagree with that position. that just shows you the trump factor has everyone diving so hard to the right that they are leaving so many americans. just that whole debate. i didn't hear very many things in that debate that i think appealed to the people i represent that are working really hard and every year it seems like they're making less
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money, not more. they're very worried, and frankly, they're cynical about their government. i get that. >> very precise and adept on making this point. pertaining to him, especially pointing out that he is not of an older generation. she he's supposedly the future. that was the future talking. can you believe it? >> yeah. it was, i think -- i can't believe he wants to do away with a rape and incest exception on all of these prohibitive laws. >> let's talk about "plenty ladylike." are you plenty ladylike? >> i am. >> you're strong. you're tough. former prosecutor. one of the toughest women i have ever met. yet the title of your book, actually, is fantastic given some of the stories tin. you're a very strong woman. it seems even from reading the foreword, you owe a lot of that to your father. i know you have spoken a lot
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about your mother as well. >> both my mom and dad. what i would like most about this book is that fathers would buy it for their daughters. because what my dad did is he gave me permission to not be quote/unquote popular, which when you're a leader, you make people mad. he also gave me permission, because the teachers were telling me if i didn't be more quiet, boys wouldn't like me. dad kept telling me, they will some day. just relax. the ones who don't want to be around you now, it's because they can't handle it. some day, boys will come around. he was right. i didn't get many dates in college. i wasn't really popular with the guys in high school because i was so outspoken. eventually, as i got older -- >> what were you outspoken about? >> just about everything. they called me motor mouth mccaskill. i was one of those kids that wanted to be the best. i was hyperambitious. i embarrassingly tell for the first time, i campaigned for
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homecoming queen. i mounted a campaign because the quarterback's qualify always got it. i figured if i went out and worked the linemen, there were more of them. and so i became friends -- and by the way, lasting friendships. along the way, i really did become friends with these guys, but i got elected homecoming queen because i figured out the constitch wnlch wnls atuency an. i wanted to be strategic. >> do you still think that ambition in women scares some men? >> i think ambition scares women and men. i think women are not really embracing ambition like they should. >> i think we're scare offend our own ambition and we feel uncomfortable with it. >> i think that's true. the other story in this book i hope people realize is i go behind the scenes about the very high-risk strategy where we polled in the republican primary, and realized what we had to do to help todd akin get
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nominated and spent almost $2 million of our money advertising for him in a way that would appeal to the right of the republican primary, because he didn't have enough money. it worked. and he was nominated. and it was very high-risk, but it was strategic. i want women to feel more comfortable with the strategic side, whether it's politics or in their careers. >> just as a united states senator and still women in the minorities in that caucus. how different do you think your experience of the u.s. senate is as a woman than it would be if you were a man? >> i think -- >> well, nobody would have said, did you bring your knee pads to a man? >> in fairness, that was a missouri legislator. >> i stand corrected. >> in the u.s. senate, i have been treated with respect, and as a colleague and as an equal. i haven't had issues like i did early in my career, in my 20s when i was single. really bad. but i think i have it better
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because the women in the senate have a circle of trust. we disagree with one another. but we don't throw each other under the bus. we are constantly trying to figure out ways we can bring everyone together. i think my experience is better and fuller because of my relationship with my 19 other women colleagues. i want us to get to 60 because if we do, this country will work a lot better. >> yeah. >> it really will. less testosterone. it would work better. >> that has something to do with the whole shotgun -- am i using that right, shotgunning a beer. is that your daughter's fault? she's here, but she's backing away slowly. i don't understand. >> she and maddy. maddy was the instigator and then both of them helped me execute when we won -- i shouldn't say we won, when todd akin won the primary, i had never shotgunned a beer, but they showed me how. >> oh, grade. maddy? >> maddy and lily. >> good job, good job, lily. she's returned to the corner. will not be on camera.
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i think that's fun, though. you had to celebrate. >> of course. it was -- i was as nervous as i have ever been in an election. it was ironic because i was in a hotel room with my staff and i wasn't on stage and we couldn't publicly celebrate todd akin had won. with his comment about the magic uterus, which is one of the chapters in the book, he exceeded our expectations. we knew he was going to be something else, but we didn't realize how good he was going to be as an opponent. >> gotcha on the. before we go, we have to ask about ferguson. obviously, there's violence, but there's demonstrations happening. i want to ask you the same question we put to emanuel cleaver. that is, the demonstrators who are there for peaceful purposes, they don't feel like a lot has changed. what's going on? what has changed? >> there's institutional biases in our system across -- >> no body cams. >> we changed the mew nis pal
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court system, we have done a lot in terms of training, we elected more african-americans to the ferguson city council. there have been changed. good people are working hard. by the way, the state of the emergency was only declared because they needed the county police to have the authority to manage policing. this is a chaotic patchwork of mew nis palunicipalities in inc areas. by and large, this has been peaceful. there have been some outliers who were not protesters that engaged in gunfire. that's what happened. once again, i worry that the nar t ative that gets picked up, this is us verses them, that it doesn't really help bring us together. i think this is another example where there is heighten eed rhetoric around what's going on in ferguson. at the moment the shooting broke out the other night by people who were not peaceful protesters, there were more
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media people there than protesters. and that has been a recurring theme. >> i tried to focus the question on the demonstrators, but i hear you. >> i think we are making progress. let me be the first to say, this fabric has been torn. and we are not going to mend it in a year. there is criminal justice reform that has to occur. there is education reform that has to occur. this is complicated, hard stuff, but we have to get out of this, it's the police versus the protesters. it's the police versus the african-american community. because that really is harmful to everything we hold dear in this country. >> well, the book is "plenty ladylike." joe loved it. >> yeah, that's exciting. >> i know. look at that. you're crossing the aisle. senator claire mccaskill, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. by the way, i didn't even mention the cardinals. did you notice? >> they're doing quite well. >> yeah, they are. >> you know who the leading --
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who won more games since the all-star break in the major leagues? best record? >> i think it's the canadian team, isn't it? >> philadelphia phillies. >> not surprising giving their record. >> cardinals are a great organization. >> pittsburgh is really hot, except they have the misfortune of being in our division. >> coming up tonight. >> first of three games. >> we're going to continue. we'll be right back. permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we're making hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. you don't have to be a member to buy their services directly at but members save more on special offers.
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have different operating units, maybe shed some units, buy some other companies. huge move. investors like it overnight. they have been clamoring for more transparency from google. what are other companies like nest doing financially? this may clarify some of that. meantime, china divided its currency overnight. just 2%, it doesn't sound like a lot, but the biggest one-day devaluation in 21 years and there are concerns it could spark a trade war and a currency war as well, and oil could make a new six-year low today. back to you. >> brian sullivan, thank you very much, despite heilman. >> up next, a busy summer for christopher meloni. he stars in the netflix prequill to wet hot american summer and also in the acclaimed and provocative film "the diary of a teenage girl." the actor joins us next along with the film's director. keep it here on "morning joe."
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and naive and lonely. >> i know how you feel. >> i have no friends. i don't want to go to school ever again. nobody loves me. maybe i should kill myself. >> no, alienation is good for your art. >> maybe i should paint a picture. i should paint a picture. >> it doesn't matter what kind of art you do, you just have to do it. >> i want to discipline myself to draw every day. that's what i have to do.
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right? i get distracted sometimes. overwhelmed by my all-consuming thoughts about sex and men. >> okay, here we go. that was a look at the new movie "the diary of a teenage girl." and joining us is cristmer meloni and mariel heller. really good to have you on the show. christoph christopher, you're back, looking different. you have a beard now. >> i do. >> okay, that's all right. >> i will take that as a thumbs down. >> thumbs up is you're selena's trainer on veep, and you're awesome on that. you're all over the place. tell us about being in this film, why did you choose it? so many options. >> this was a no hch brainer. it's very rare you get a script that from the first page to the very last page, it is solid. it's confident. it has something to say. and you know that you're going to be in good hands, especially because it was
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writer/director -- >> marielle. >> what's the difference for you, if any, in going from the rigors, years and yearoffs rigors of doing a tv series, a weekly tv series to longer form movies? >> you know, the difference is every day when you're given all these different choices, you don't know what's going to come up. it kind of kept me alive. you know, the law and order was a great gig. steady, steady, steady. after 12 years, it was time to swim in other waters. >> the magic of movies, the animation involved in movies, makes an extraordinary difference, obviously, when you go to see a movie, when you're looking at a movie, it draws you in. what's it like, you know, putting a movie like that together? >> for me, this has been this big passion project. i have been working on this film for eight years. so it's been an amazing experience getting to work with some people i have been manned of for so long and pulling
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together all of these great talents. also getting, like you say, a longer form. letting it play out in all these different ways. >> eight years. obviously, it takes a long time to go from page to screen, but was it money, was it -- what was it? >> a long process, and i worked on it in different iterations. it's based on a graphic novel, and i first adapted it into a stage play, and then that took about four years to get the rights, which i had never done anything like that before. i basically stalked the author and her agent. i sent cookies to her agent's office and sent pictures of my cat to the author until i got the rights. >> good for you. >> then i spent about four years learning to direct a movie and make a movie. >> christopher, tell us about your character. >> you sent cats? >> i sent cookies. >> i'm going to write that coun. >> i have done something similar. got to do what you've got to do. >> christopher meloni plays an
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incredible character who is the step father of our lead character, and he's sort of this emotionally reserved but also the only real adult in the whole movie. >> what did you learn about teenage girls, really quick, ten seconds or less? >> you have to wear radioactive gloves with that emotional cocktail. >> the diary of a teenage girl is in theaters now. marielle heller and cristmer meloni, great to have you back. welcome to the show. thanks for being on. "the rundown" picks things up after a short break. have a great day.
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good to be with you. i'm for instances rivira, in for jose diaz-balart. relative calm in st. louis county, missouri, with a state of emergency currently in effect. and police working right now to maintain the peace. the calm follows another night of protests and a total of 100 arrests yesterday as ferguson marks one year ans a police officer fatally shot teenager michael brown. the state of emergency was implemented following violence sunday night in ferguson that police say involved criminals and not protesters. tyrone harris exchanged gunfire with police. harris remains in critical condition at a hospital and is now charged with four counts of assault on law enforcement. five counts of armed criminal
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