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tv   Politics Nation With Al Sharpton  MSNBC  August 13, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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nomination? >> i would love to see him run third party. he will make it entertaining and he helps the other gop candidates. they get a big audience and he really helps fox news. >> always entertaining. thank you. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politics nation," the donald trump/rand paul smackdown. why it could be good news. plus, jeb bush's iraq apology tour goes from bad to worse. a new twist in the case of a woman found dead in her jail cell. and then outrageous story from right here in new york. why are some people taking photos of the homeless? and posting them on social media? welcome to "politics nation." we start tonight with the question for republicans in this
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election cycle. how do you solve a problem like donald trump? if you're running against him, do you ignore him? cozy up to him? or try to take him down? rand paul is the latest to go on the attack. >> the questions are, is trump really a conservative or is this all a put-on or a show or an act? i think it is an important question. most of donald trump's life has been as a progressive democrat and that's fine. when someone has a late life conversion, you wonder whether it is real or an act. the question is, is there sincerity? >> and that was nice compared to this. here's donald trump impression. >> we have now people up there who say such profound things as, you're stupid. you're fired. you're a pig. you look terrible. you only have half a brain.
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and then when you respond with an argument, it's like, you're stupid. my favorite is, you know the reason i tell women they're ugly is because i'm so good looking. my other one is, i must be smart. i'm rich. i'm rich. i have to be smart, right? >> the senator needs to work on his new york accent but trump is dishing it right back. saying in part, quote, recently ran paul called me and asked me to play golf. i easily beat him on the golf course and will even more easily beat him now in the world in the politics. donald trump certainly isn't afraid of a fight and that may be why others are taking a friendlier approach. >> why should i attack him? donald trump may be the guy that i'm going to look to for support when i get the nomination. and there is no way that it makes any sense for me to attack
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somebody else on the ballot. >> ted cruz agrees saying it would be foolish to criticize donald trump. and who knows? if huckabee and cruz don't get nomination, maybe they're angling for a spot in a trump administration. >> give me an idea of what a trump white house would look like, a trump cabinet, secretary of defense, secretary of state, give me some ideas. names you like. >> i don't want to you've names. i could say a jack welch, i could say carl, henry, warren buffett said the nicest things about me the other day. >> joining me now are jeff mc -- jesse mcintosh and richard wolf. thank you both for being here. >> great to be here. >> what makes more sense for the other candidates? going on the attack or playing nice with trump? >> well, if you're desperate, then attacking donald trump will help you but it only helps trump
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too. what are the candidates trying to do? rand paul needs to break out in the 0-3 point range? he is right there in the barely perceptible level. when candidates go after each other, they both knock each other out. so mike huckabee has done it before with mitt romney, dick again hart. you can take someone else down but you're taking down yourself too. you get oxygen. you get oxygen to the other person. a lot of oxygen in a brush fire and it is just flames all around. >> what do you think? what is the best strategy if you were against him? >> yeah. i don't even want to think about the staffers trying to figure out how to run against donald trump right now. i don't often express sympathy for republican operatives but i feel it truly and deeply here. i don't think the rest of the field can take donald trump out. i think they can hit him just
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like richard said to give. they more oxygen. the only reason we're talking about rand paul is because he's taking on donald trump. i don't think donald suffers at all because of that. i think he only grows larger the more you attack him. and i think that the only person who will take out donald trump is donald trump. so we just have to wait and see what target he chooses. although it wasn't immigrants, it wasn't mccain, it wasn't megyn kelly. nothing has been able to deflate him that he has insulted yet and he is an equal opportunity insulter. maybe it is the voters of iowa that will take him down but not rand paul. >> not every candidate is going as hard as paul is. they are starting to say something. watch this. >> donald trump has clearly
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tapped into a sentiment in our party of anger and angst about the future. my feeling is we ought tonight appeal to their angst. >> people don't want to today in the negative. they want to move to the positive. they want to believe the sun will come up. >> given mr. trump's positions last night during the debate, you said that you had not given any money to the clinton foundation or donated to his wife's senate campaign. is he running in the wrong party? >> you'll have to ask mr. trump. >> fiorina didn't exactly come to his defense there. so are the other candidates going on the offense? >> well, look, the establishment candidates don't know what to do. he isn't just tapping into the anger. he is tapping into the anti-establishment spirit.
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if you've been a governor, if you are a current senator to say yeah, i get this. what are you getting? what is being directed at the whole party is the disgust, the frustration with elected officials. if you look at the nbc news survey monkey pole, three of the top four candidates were not elected to office. that's why carly fiorina counts. look. i'm not a politician. i can do this better than donald trump. there may be a moment when people say, we want someone who is not a politician but we want someone who is more co-heernlt than druchb. i think for those former electors, this is hard to make. >> when you see from the so-called happy hour debate on the earlier debate. fiorina got the most attraction out of that. and then dr. ben carson got a lot out of the debate that trump
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was in later. the two candidates that went the hardest were worse off. he points out that the two who went the hardest are not doing well in the polls. the real clear politics polling has rick perry in 12th place and lindsey graham in 15th. so can picking a fight with trump back fire? >> absolutely. i think that the folks who are in the back of the pack, what we were calling the kids table debate ultimately outshone. i think the front-runners are behaving so childishly. we're watching slap fight that ought to be a presidential primary debate. i thought we would have to wait until the general election to really see a contrast between parties. it is really hard to have this conversation. on the other side of the aisle
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we have hillary clinton talking about debt-free college is that bernie sanders engaging in issues of racial justice and democrats really excited about what the agenda is going to be and putting out some really incredibly progressive stuff out there. while on the republican side, we're not talking about issues at all. there is no issue, there's no agenda, there's no this is what i want to do for the country. i don't get the sense any of the front-runners have the people whose votes they want in mind at all as they chain saw the tax code and blow torch their cell phones or whatever it is they're doing this week. the contrast between the two parties could not be any more stark than it is right now. >> now, richard, something that caught my eye was conservative columnist george will. he wrote a very hard piece on donald trump today. he called him a counterfeit
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republican. this has been rand paul's line. will this stick? >> when did the conservative idealogs understand that he is the ant-establishment candidate. the more they say he doesn't fwlong more the base will say he's just the guy for us. that's the rand paul argument is, he's not for us. the base is saying we don't want one of you. this isn't a lit muss test election. they need to understand when you see three of the four top people in the poll. that's almost 50% of the voters say we don't want anyone who has been elected before. they do not want someone who looks like every other conservative. george will will find that very hard to understand. >> keeping that in mind, if the combination of anger and ant-establishment is what will drive some of the very far
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right, the things he said. you say the only one who can bring him down is donald trump himself. what does that have to be? what would he have to do? he's made every gaffe, move, he's made every gaffe and added some. so what does that look like? >> probably not something i could say on television. >> i think trump is a nightmare because of everything richard just said. the republican brand is really terrible. it is among lowest it's ever been. the republican party has been marching really far to the right. and they've been abandoning their more moderates, or their less nativityist republican types along the way as they got more and more extreme. and i think that those people haven't identified with the republican party in a really long time. so the fact this guy is coming and saying, i'm not like you. i'm something else.
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and oh, the republicans are saying, wait, he's not a real republican. most people don't want a real republican. most moderates don't want a real republican. they might not be ready to vote for a democrat. but saying this guy isn't one of us won't be the silver bullet here. >> i have to ask you. can you imagine anything that trump could do that would just seal it, that this brings him down? he himself would do. hypothetically putting this out here. let's say it's a mitt romney situation where he is found to have employed lots of illegals and maybe he didn't know or maybe he didn't care. i think that would undermine him for the base that has really rallied around that anti-immigrant sentiment he's put out there. >> thank you both for your time.
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coming up, a new twist of an ohio woman found dead in her jail cell. was she overmedicated? and people using social media to shame the homeless. why are they taking photos instead of trying to help. and jeb bush makes a stunning claim about his brother's war in iraq. >> i'll tell you that taking out saddam hussein turned out to be a pretty good deal. plus, you've heard the buzz about joe biden for president. what about al gore? stay with us. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more.
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tonight we have an update on the case of an iowa woman found dead in her jail cell. documents released to nbc news show she may have been improperly medicated while in jail. the prisoner log indicated she was given medications twice over the course of a 24-hour period. while a separate jail log shows the drugs were dispensed three times. in a letter to nbc news,
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cleveland heights police. quote, this matter is under investigation along with the cuyahoga county medical examiner's investigation of the cause of miss jones' death. jones was arrested after an alleged fight with her ex-husband in a video from inside the jail, jones is seen talking about her health with officers. >> i'm not asking any exceptions to any rules. but what i will tell you is i don't want to die in jail. >> are you having a seizure? you're taking a medication? >> i have my medication. one. two, i have a brain injury. my main concern is my syndrome, a tacky cardia syndrome. >> in layman's term. when frig a sitting or standing position, i faint.
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>> paramedics later took her to a health clinic after she was returned to the jail. she was monitored overnight. but found dead in her cell the next morning. let's talk about it with midwin charles and judge eric. thank you for being with me. >> eric, how does this news about medication affect case? >> it will affect night major way. the jail is supposed to have all documentation, all correct documentation of medications that have been dismentioned to make sure each person gets medical care they need. ifneed. ifneed. ifneed. if, seois, if they overmedicated her or made a mistake, the jail is civilly liable for this case. medication, another, midwin at three. it does look like not only the
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possibility. again, we're looking at documents. we don't know. it looks like the possibility that she was medicated ill properly. and even someone may have tried to cover-up or correct what should have happened. >> exactly. one of two things is going. on one, either she received incorrect medication or the wrong dosage. or two, the dromts improperly filled out. which both are obviously problematic. whenever a suspect or a prisoner is in police custody, police are responsible for making sure. >> who is upon for medicating her. >> whenever you are in custody, the authority that has you captive is responsible for insuring that you get the proper medication. >> i see you nodding your head. >> i totally agree. one document said two times.
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another said three. someone made a mistake. and the mistake possibly led to miss jones' death. we do know that something is amiss. something is wrong and someone will have to answer for it. we know something was bad in those documents. >> what's interesting is they had notice of her medical condition. she was inkret creditably articulate with what wrong with her. the police officer saying, what is that? in layman's terms. >> nbc news talked on a pharmacy professor who expressed concern over some of jones' medication and said, quote, that particular medication, because of the interactions, we probably want her on the lower side of the dose so there are potential drug interactions that are present there. eric, what happens if it turns out these drug interactions contributed to her death? >> that makes the jailers highly
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possibly liable. because if they did not take her to a hospital. they actually took her to a health clinic. they knew she had multiple medications. they may not have gotten the proper care, the proper doctor to look at this to see whether or not she was taking the correct dosage. if the drugs were interacting with each other. because they're people who work in the jail. they don't know about drug interactions. >> well, we're going to stay on this. let me to go this one, midwin. we turn to a fatal police shooting of an unarmed teenager in south carolina. the justice department said it will investigate the shooting death of 19-year-old zachary hammond, who was shot and killed by a police officer while in the driver's seat of his car last month. hammond's family. he was on a date. police say the girl he was with tried to sell marijuana to an undercover officer. when lieutenant mark tiller approached the c c c c c c
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hammond accelerated his car toward the police and that he shot hammond in self-defense as the car came at her. a family lawyer , an independent autopsy shows hammond was shot from the side. and they want dash cam video of the incident to be released. >> we just want answers. we have no clue as to what happened except for what we actually found out ourselves. we would like to see the video so we can know what happened. >> we need some kind of closure ourselves. right now, it is so difficult to move on without having answers. >> the police officer has been put on administrative leave. his lawyer defended his actions saying, quote, if not for lieutenant tiller's quick reflexes and his ability to push off the car, lieutenant tiller would have easily been run over by mr. hammond.
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the new federal probe will run parallel to the state's investigation. so what will investigators be at to determine hammond's civil rights on whether they were violated or not? >> they'll be looking to see whether this police officer overstepped his bounds. whether or not his actions were in proportion to whatever threat it is that he perceived at that time. the problem is, we see a trend where police officers are not at the very least, 100% accurate with their rendition of what happened. we saw that with walter scott. the police officer said one thing. >> north charleston. >> right. a video confirmed that was not the case. that is part of the problem as to why. >> which is why the family is saying they want to see the dash cam video. >> and i think if there is dash cam video, they should always be made readily available so we can continue to have trust in the police. >> how do you see this? >> that's why we need cameras on
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all police officers. this case shows us that if every police officer had a camera, that would eliminate most of the questions. was the officer in front of the car when zachary was driving? was he in danger? was someone else in danger? if no one else was in danger, that officer would be held liable civilly. >> i want to bring this up, too. the "washington post" reports that they've been tracking fatal police shootings. so far, 601 people have been shot by police this year alone. and 60 people, 10%, was unarmed. and this issue goes beyond racial boundaries. and i think this case shows that this case begins to push this way. this becomes an incident you see even beyond blacks and clearly many of us have been dealing with the disproportionate amount there. it is a matter of how you deal
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with policing of unarmed people. >> i've been covering these cases for quite some time and i've. it is an american issue. it is not a black issue. we do not live in a military state. we live in a country where every american has civil rights. and those civil rights must be protected at all times. whether or not the police officer suspects wrongdoing or not. what makes these cases all the more egregious is that the underlying offense that the person is alleged to have committed is so low level. marijuana? hello. it is legal in a few states now. >> and the major issue, was the officer in danger and was the uses of deadly force necessary? >> and i think some of it, much of it in many cases is racial. some of it class. some of it just general in terms of how you use deadly force. all of it should be dwelt and there should be systemic change.
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>> midwin charles, eric guster, thank you for your time tonight. coming up, how can people justify posting pictures of homeless people on social media? part of a trend to try and shame the homeless. and what is behind all buzz about joe biden and even al gore running for president? but first, jeb bush makes more outrageous claims about the iraq war. and it is landing him in tonight's gotcha. the possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc.
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jeb bush's iraq policy tour hit a new low today. earlier this week, bush gave a speech, blaming hillary clinton and president obama for iraq's decline. but didn't mention his brother even once. and today, he continued trying to rewrite history.
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>> isn't it also the case that had we not invaded iraq in the first place, we wouldn't be dealing with this problem? >> who knows? it is such a complicated hypothetical. i'll tell that you that taking out saddam hussein turned out to be a pretty good deal. who knows? then you're in back to the future. might as well make a movie out of it. >> make a movie out of it? taking out saddam was a pretty good deal? wasn't a pretty good deal for the 36,000 american casualties of the iraq war. it wasn't a pretty good deal for the 134,000 iraqi civilians who died or the 1.5 million iraqis displaced. and wasn't a good deal for the american taxpayers who have spent nearly $1.7 trillion so far. did jeb bush think we wouldn't
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a longstanding political tradition just kicked off in iowa. the state fair. one by one, the candidates will step up and talk to the voters who will launch the election. three of them already spoke today. and on saturday, donald trump plans to show up to it in style. like only donald trump can. he'll land his helicopter near the fair grounds. once he's there, his teams say he will check out, among other things, the famous butter cow. it is a state fair staple. one tradition he'll skip is the soap box speech. and it could come back to bite him. it is a chance for candidates to relate to the people of iowa.
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>> this is like going home for me. rural, small town, farming and ranching people. are some of the great back bone of america. >> the first thing i got to do cause enjoy pork chop on a stick. >> let me begin with a recommendation. >> pork chop on a stick. trust me. it's what is for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. >> but skipping the speech could also save trump some trouble. mitt romney's campaign hit a defining moment on the soap box. and it wasn't good. >> corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes. of course they are. everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. where do you think it goes? whose pockets? whose pockets? people's pockets. okay. human beings, my friends. >> that line haunted romney for
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the rest of his campaign. and tonight, many are wondering what type of reception donald trump will get. joining me from the iowa state fair is dave of the "washington post" and david, the dean of iowa politics. he worked at the des moines register for 34 years. and is now at the southern illinois university. thank you both for being here. >> good to be with you. >> dave, do you sense much anticipation for trump's arrival there? >> i haven't heard much of that specifically. i was in michigan when it went down and trump was there. he still draws a bigger crowd. the mistakes in the media are not mistakes with more blue collar fans of his show or his wealth. i met a lot of people who agree him on trade, china, i thought
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it was noticeable that mike huckabee struck all those notes in his speech. he spent a lot of time talking about china and the loss of manufacturing jobs. that's why trump connects. i think he'll have an enormous crowd. a new poll shows iowa republicans think donald trump has the best chance of winning the general election. >> well, i think that donald trump is getting a lot of media attention. it is summertime. people are not paying attention. about two-thirds of iowa republicans have not decided what to do. donald trump is getting in the 20s in the polls. to me that's hardly a surge. that means that 80% of likely
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iowa republican caucusgoers want someone else or haven't made up their mind. this is the summertime ebb and flow. sometimes these polls get cooked by the heat. >> all right. rumors are flying about trump's appearance at the fair. the des moines register had to squash at least two of them. trump will use a homicide at iowa but it will not land at the state fair. and he will not introduce def leopard while he is there. how much of trump's popularity in iowa comes from his celebrity status? >> less and less. it is being transferred to support. it is about the strong organization donald trump is building. not him personally. he is spending a lot of time fighting with people on tv. but the the one doing work for him did that for santorum.
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he started with a much lower base of support than trump. i mean, there is no one who gets this level of excitement and they're capitalizing on it in ways they're starting to see. >> you see, david, that donald trump is building this momentum. how does he sustain that? and if he does, where does that put the other part of the ticket? >> first of all, i'm not sure he can sustain it. for example, one of the polls that you cited said that 55% of the people in iowa who saw the debate said they did not think trump helped himself as a presence candidate. there may be a ceiling. it is early, this is new, he is a celebrity riflt i agree. getting chuck to do your organization is a good move in iowa but i think we're a long way to six months from now.
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from the celebrity and flash in the pan issues into caucus votes on caucus night. i think that's a long way to go. the rest field is a jumble. and everybody can sense that they still have a chance. if you have this many candidates in the race, reverend al, you can win this caucus with a few thousand votes. >> switching gears for a minute, they're two 2016 headlines getting attention on the democratic side of the race today. let me put it that way. one is, vice president biden and his aides are reportedly calling around about potential 2016 shot at running. second, former vice president al gore, insiders are trying to figure out if there is a path for him to run for president again. what do you make of these two headlines? >> i would go off the reaction
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that jim webb and martin o'malley have work the guys in the race who are at the fair today. jim webb flat out refused to answer questions about who is or might be in the race. martin o'malley was asked twice about joe biden. both times praised him and said he would welcome hill in the race. i think this has to do with biden's support. it come directly from her. in the latest cnn poll, she leads 59% in the race. 51% if he is. that's actually more support than martin o'malley. is i think they would welcome a late arriving establishle seeming candidate. martin o'malley more than anyone, bernie sanders after that, hillary tied with him have put in the work on the ground. and these two, the guys who looked originally, would be the ones who benefit if it splits. >> would the entering of the race by the vice president or by
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al gore, would it change iowa? would it change the race? or not that much? >> oh, you bet it would change the race. both those men have worked the state for years. they're well known. they've run in past races. people say it is too late to get in. it is not too late for someone to get into iowa. someone of their stature could really open things up. a lot of democrats are getting more and more worried about hillary clinton's electability. that's an important issue to caucusgoers. >> do you think either one of them is likely to do it? >> i do not. at this point, i don't have a good sense that they'll do this. >> all right. thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> ahead, we'll look at whether it is better to try and help the
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there's gotta be a better way. ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. should we try to help the homeless or should we try to shame them? that's a big question here in
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new york. a police union has launched a social media campaign asking officers to take pictures of the homeless and post them online. >> that's the image the sergeant's been wants you to see. they're now turning the phones on the homeless population. on monday, they sent a letter asking them to snap pictures of the growing number of homeless on street streets while they're off duty. the union president said failed city policies and more homeless on the streets are leading to new york's down fall. >> several referred to them as bums. another calls a person disgusting. this kind of shaming is being echoed in the right wing media. who areville identifying the homeless and progressive policies.
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>> it is the worst i've ever seen it. little tent cities. stepping over people with animals, with supplies. there's new synthetic drugs now where people are out of their mind. they're very unpredictable. why can't they get them in really plush homeless shelters? it doesn't make sense. >> instead of mocking the poor and instead of trying to shame them on social media, maybe we should focus on helping them instead. joining me now is joe berg, executive director of the new york city coalition against hunger. thank you for being here. >> thanks. what's behind this trend of shaming the homeless? >> i really don't know. it violates human compassion. it violates every single religious tradition. it violates common sense. i know police sergeants in new york city, most are
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compassionate, most are hard working public servants risking their lives for the public. most defend the constitution and i don't think their union is helping them by somehow getting into a war with the mayor by going through homeless people. they should pick on someone their own size and not the most vulnerable in our society. >> i don't get it. when you look at the statistics of homeless in america, it is hard to believe they're being vilified. 30% are mentally ill. 17% are physically disabled. 9% are veterans. isn't this a population that needs help, not to be attacked? >> absolutely. i live in new york. i don't like people urinating on the streets, whether it is a rich person after a game or a low income homeless person. but the solution isn't to throw them into prison. it is to help them get homes. they're not aggressively
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panhandling. they're not breaking the law. in wheel chairs and many are veterans. are police really saying that we should vilify veterans because they've given their all to this country and now they're homeless? >> you know, the justice department is currently arguing a case about how cities treat the homeless and they say it is unconstitutional to ban them from sleeping outside. and finally them, if a person literally has nowhere else to go, then enforcement of the anti-camping ordinance against that person, criminalizes her for being homeless. >> we shouldn't criminalize being homeless. we should criminalize a nation allowing people to go homeless. it is truly amazing that in a country of more than 400 billionaires, we have 600,000 of our neighbors. many of whom are women and children who can't earn enough to have housing.
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that's the issue. it is about housing, mental health care and basic human caring. black lives matter and homeless lives matter. every time you start dehumanizing people, you set up the ability to take away their rights. engage in violence and basically say they're less than human and they don't deserve basic rights. >> more and more cities are trying to criminalize homeless. a study of 187 american cities showed 34% ban camping in public. 43% ban sleeping in vehicles. 53% ban sitting, lying down in certain public places. 9% ban sharing food with homeless. how can this problem be helped if the homeless are legally being targeted? >> we have a funny way of defining dependency. as you know, scott walker said over and over again.
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the success of society is by how little people need government. and he just gave $250 million to arena owners. >> thank you for your time tonight. still ahead, stories to make you smile. breaking barriers and saving lives. check out those moves.
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coming up, inspiring stories from around the country. including this barber who turned his barber shop into a classroom. that's next. blia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available.
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raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. we close tonight with some stories to make you smile. we start in florida where one man is using his barber shop as a classroom. trying to help raise the county's 50% graduation rate for young black men. >> for the kids walking in, it is so much more than a hair cut. >> i'm reading about nine african-american inventers. i've never really heard of them. >> no tvs, no radios. he asked them to read the books while waiting to get a cut.
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>> and it doesn't stop here. the kids aren't finished reading their books, they can continue reading while getting their hair cut. >> it is good to see kids learning. i've always been an advocate of learning and education. >> another florida man is bringing smile to the sunshine state. this time through dance. >> he, keith wilson, the 28-year-old dagser who is going beyond social stereo types and breaking barriers through his talent. >> why audition for the dance team. >> dance and that's it. it has no agenda. no sexuality. it is just dags. it's an art. >> video has already gone viral. viewed over 800,000 time on
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youtube in a week. though he didn't make the finals this year, he says he has a lesson for every dancer out there. >> never let anyone tell you, you can't do it because of this. never let anyone tell you you're not good enough or you're not small enough or you're not fit dancing story in boston. enough. it should always be go for it. twice a week, dr. edmond hits >> finally we go to another the streets for w his boom box, raising money for charity. >> there's all sorts of people come dance with me. parents, students, trying to form a connection with another human being and make their life better. >> you don't have to be famous to make a difference. i am a firm believer and proponent that everyone has some basic talent. some basic thing that you can do that would make a difference.
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you don't have to imitate or even emulate others. final something in your lane that will make a difference and do that and do it better than anyone else. like these examples i showed you. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. it's come to this. the republican party's biggest dove has gone to war with donald trump. let's play "hardball." the good evening. i'm steve kornacki in for chris matthews. grab some popcorn. we begin with the must-see tv of this election. the bomb throwing fireworks assault on the latest assault


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