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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  August 16, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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a dangerous chase. >> i hit him and he came back and started firing at me. >> a daring maneuver. >> i saw the world coming at my face. >> a crash not to be believed. >> he was bent in half. >> a dog leads a trooper to a burning building and the dog whisperer tells us why. >> he was charged with the message. go find help. >> this dog takes a bite out of the cop's bumper. >> as you see, he's playing. he's not being aggressive. >> this suspect seems to take a bite out of the evidence. >> he swallowed it.
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swallowed it fast, too. >> tense situations. >> he fired seven shots very quickly. >> heartbreaking stories. >> what happened was so senseless. it was senseless. >> and moments that have to be seen to be believed. >> i was dumbfounded. i was -- you're kidding me, right? qusz "caught on camera: dash cam diaries." >> hello, i'm contessa brewer. welcome to "caught on camera." a police officer's working day may include violent confrontations, touching human dramas and even comic relief. for an officer in a patrol car, the dashboard camera is the silent witness capturing the action and preserving some
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hair-raising stories. our first video begins in new mexico with an amazing high-speed chase and a shootout caught on multiple dash cams. with their dash cams rolling, police cruisers chase after a 22-year-old man through highways and country roads in northern new mexico. the pursuit is not only dangerous, it's violent. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> i started hearing we have an officer injured. that's when i noticed sergeant faulk had blood coming from the area of his face. >> in may 2007, sergeant jackie bud of the san juan county sheriff's office in aztec, new mexico, is the first backup to respond to an incident that begins in a nearby town. that's where lionel claw gets into a confrontation near a laundromat and local police are
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called. >> claw and his party was trying to leave in a vehicle. a bloomfield officer approached them head on with his vehicle in an attempt to stop him, to find out what was going on. shots were fired at bloomfield police. a taser was deployed and at some point mr. claw was able to drive out and around, partially taking out a fence and then drove out to third street and headed north. >> by the time budd gets to the scene, everyone is gone. budd rushes to catch up with the suspect, who has two others in the car with him. as he closes in on them, he notices the rear passenger door opening. >> i see a head poke out. sure enough, somebody comes diving out of the vehicle. >> somebody jumping out! somebody just jumped out of the vehicle. >> the speed was 70 miles per hour and i'm thinking, oh, my lord, somebody wanted out bad.
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>> the sergeant veers to the right who tries to avoid the passenger in the road. >> i didn't want to run over this person. they had all been drinking at the time, and they were -- he was just along for the ride more or less. >> another officer stops to help the passenger who is then taken to the hospital. it's hard to believe but he has no serious injuries. the situation in the getaway vehicle escalates. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> the passenger, a woman, fires from the front seat of the car. >> i'm thinking to myself, i didn't have any rounds come in through my windshield. i didn't have any impacts to my car so apparently life is good. >> the chase continues on, as seen in these four different dash many cams and he enters the navajo nation. by this time a spike strip has been thrown in the car's path. >> at the time i caught up to the pursuit, it wasn't high speed at all.
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the suspect vehicle's tires had already been punctured by spike strips. >> at one point is looks as though the chase is over. as claw drives through the residential area of the reservation, he stops and the female passenger runs from the car into a house, then claw gets out of his car. >> lionel claw actually gets out of the vehicle and points his weapon at me. and i'm thinking at this time, you know, i'm just going to run him over. and i keep going and then i realize there is a house behind him. there could be a baby on the other side of that wall sleeping. >> my concern at that point wasn't so much the capturing of the bad guy. it was making sure everybody was safe. >> get in your house. get in your home! >> get down. >> the officers shut down their vehicles and shout commands to claw but he's not backing down. >> mr. claw got back in and took off again and we started another pursuit.
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at that time, i called out we need to go ahead and force this vehicle off the roadway. we don't need to let him back in this residential area. >> a decision is made to initiate the pursuant intervention technique. also known as the p.i.t. maneuver. >> it's basically where the patrol vehicle kind of nudges the suspect vehicle one way or the other, and it cause the the suspect's vehicle to spin out. >> at that moment, another officer, sergeant corey faulk, rams his vehicle into claw's car. >> i hit him. his arm went up in the air as he was off balance and he came back and started firing at me. i leaned over my computer and began firing my weapon directly at him through my understand. -- windshield. there were several officers there were firing weapons at him.
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i saw that he was down. he wasn't moving anymore, didn't have the gun in his hand and it was over with at that point. i got out of my unit and was going to engage him again and noticed i had been hit. >> one that's been hit. conscious and breathing. >> sergeant faulk is hit three different times. one on the bridge of his nose, another alongside his head and a third in his hand. he is immediately taken to a hospital. >> i could have easily been killed. >> claw is also wounded. >> what stands out? seeing sergeant faulk injured like he was. that was a reality check. >> the female passenger, a juvenile, is discovered to be claw's girlfriend and is convicted of two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer and sentenced to three years in prison.
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lionel claw gets 25 years for attempting to murder a police officer. turns out he and that police officer, sergeant faulk, are no strangers to one another. >> i had him on an armed robbery case when i was in the detective division two years prior. >> claw's essentially convicted and sentenced to five years for that crime, too, and goes to prison. >> i don't think this guy deserves to get out of prison. i think based on his mentality he should stay in prison for the rest of his life. coming up, a robber chowing down on the evidence. >> he swallowed it. he swallowed it fast, too. a van steamrolls a patrol car. >> when i saw the wheel coming at my face, that was a very scary moment. and a german shepherd saves the day. >> he's telling you something wrong is happening in my house. >> it makes a person wonder what their pets are really made of. >> when "caught on camera: dash cam diaries continues." watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence.
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a bank robber in cuffs seems to make a last-ditch attempt to get rid of evidence by swallowing it. that's right. while police pat him down, the suspect is chewing on what could be the note handed to the bank teller. >> we had no clue he did it until we saw the video. >> officers daniel biyata and alan chernowski have been patrolling the streets of twinsburg, ohio, for years. >> happened to be scanning for other city's radio traffic and i had picked up that a bank robbery just occurred in streetsboro, which is >> a witness at the bank gets to the east of us. the license plate number and a good description of the suspect's car and the twinsburg police force spreads out knowing the bank robber is headed their way. >> the advisory on the radio was a gray car with a certain license plate and i just happen
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to see a black car with the same license plate come past me. radioed it in. >> minutes later the officers kept up with the suspect and shut down the freeway. >> with the suspect by the side of the road, the officers try to make sure they're not in for any surprises. >> he's capable of anything. and any time there's a bank robber in a vehicle, it could go one of many ways. >> we handcuffed him. brought him back to one of our cruisers and as we laid him on the hood of the cruiser to do a search of his person, make sure there's no weapons on his person. >> i was patting him down and taking everything out of his pockets. >> officer terklowski was taking everything out of his pockets. he's throwing change and paperwork. whatever's in the pocket out of it so he knows he cleared it. one thing was a folded up piece
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of paper. >> with the cops focused on a weapons search, the suspect seizes his opportunity. >> he reaches over with the -- stretches his neck out and got the piece of paper. he swallowed it. swallowed it fast, too. >> even without the note they find plenty of evidence in the suspect's car. >> on the passenger floorboard we came across a bagful of money and a loaded handgun on the floorboards which had been right at his feet. >> the suspect is convicted of this robbery and two others in the akron area. surveillance video from the bank seals the federal case against him. the note the bank robber used is never found. coincidence? >> we're not aware of what exactly what the note was. we know it meant something to him. enough to eat it. i'd imagine it was the bank note but it could have been shopping list. >> backing up in tight spots is one thing but pushing it to the limit like this is quite another. especially if the guy behind you is a cop in a patrol car. >> i saw the jumper jump up and
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i saw the wheels. when i saw the wheel coming at my face, that was a very scary moment. that's what happens the night of july 22nd, 2010, to patrol office seth carson of the montgomery county police department in bethesda, maryland. and it's all caught on his police dash cam. the fiasco starts when officer carson who was out patrolling gets word an attempted armed robbery has taken place and that three suspects are on the loose in a white suv. >> 15 officers flooded the area trying to find the individual. one officer thought he had seen him in an apartment complex. >> officer carson is right at that apartment complex and spots the van. >> my whole intentions were to make a left-hand turn when traffic cleared up. but when i saw them, i ended up turning right.
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>> a chase ensues and officer carson radios in a description of the car with the plate numbers and quickly discovers it's a stolen van. >> i knew we were heading for a one-lane bridge. my dash cam can't show it but i can see a vehicle coming across that bridge. i know no other car can get through it. i knew there was nowhere for him to go. >> once on the bridge he tries to maneuver around an oncoming taxi. but instead hits it. now the passenger side is up against the guardrail and it seems like these guys have no choice but to give up. >> just when i thought it was over i'm telling dispatch there's nowhere for them to go. >> but instead the driver puts the van in reverse and guns it. >> i saw wheels coming at my face. it pretty much the point i saw the wheel coming at the windshield, i didn't know if the car would cave in. i didn't know if i would have a roof when i was done. even when the car flipped over they were still hitting the gas. >> officer carson jumps out of his car and with another officer
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grabs the three suspects. aside from cuts from the broken glass, no one is hurt. >> the roof caved in maybe five, six inches in the center, the windshield was pushed the whole way down. >> all three suspects are arrested. among the charges are armed robbery and motor vehicle theft, malicious destruction of property and two counts of resisting arrest. looking back on that incident, officer carson realizes what a dangerous situation he was in and how lucky he is. >> i'm just happy that when it's all said and done i walked away from it. >> holy [ muted ]! coming up, a driver plows into an overpass at 100 miles an hour. >> the driver was three lanes over from where the cash had occurred. a shootout from the back of a taxi. the tale of two very different dogs. the dog whisperer weighs in. >> well, look at his tail. it's up, and he's having a great time in the police car.
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taxpayer money. he doesn't know that. >> when "caught on camera: dash cam diaries" continues. with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. all my life, he's protected me. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about once-daily namenda xr
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what you're watching is not a stunt from an action-packed movie but a real life car crash with 19-year-old brennan eden, a student from mason, ohio, at the wheel. >> it just was a freakish, freakish accident. >> it's early in the morning on august 23rd, 2010. an officer from sugar creek, ohio, near dayton, is scanning i-675 for traffic hazards when suddenly he sees a car flying fast through the air. sergeant james williams, a crash reconstructionist, rushes to the scene. >> the first thing i noticed was what appeared to be the engine compartment on fire which is opposite from where the crash occurred. then i noticed the occupant compartment in the center median and then the right side of the
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vehicle sitting underneath the bridge. >> the car is totally demolished with pieces scattered all over the highway. >> the driver was three lanes over from where the crash had occurred. >> miraculously eden is alive. he is rushed to the hospital by helicopter. >> so i described it at a bifold wallet. he was bent in half. it's amazing that he's even around. he hit the drainage ditch and went airborne glancing off the guardrail at that point. i would say he was going well in excess of 100 miles an hour. >> eden's mother is stunned. >> from what the police and doctors have told us, we really feel this is a miracle that brennan is alive. >> as it turns out brennan was pulled over by police just an hour before the crash. >> brennan had alcohol inside the car, trace amount of marijuana with him and also a
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device that was used as a pipe. >> a sobriety test shows brennan is not under the influence but he receives a summons less than an hour later he ends up here. after the accident eden's license is suspended for two years for reckless driving. all involved agree, eden is lucky to get a second chance. >> based on the manner that he was ejected and the distance and the circumstances, he should not be alive today. >> it's january 10th, 2009, and state trooper ian henry is patrolling interstate 90 outside albany, new york. in the westbound lane he spots a speeding taxi and takes off after it. eventually the trooper catches up and pulls over the cab. >> first thing he noticed was out of state cab which is unusual to have somebody come all the way from connecticut. pretty expensive cab ride. >> the trooper talks to the cab
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driver and then focuses his attention on the passenger in the backseat who has two duffel bags with him. one has clothing in it. >> the passenger was somewhat hesitant to show him the second duffel bag but trooper henry was able to see an assault rifle amongst the clothing there. >> the passenger grabs the rifle before henry can get at it. the trooper quickly backs off leaving the taxi driver in the car. >> the trooper made that choice to retreat because really that was all he could do at that time to save his life in case the passenger started immediately firing. better to have one person than two people die. you know, you just can't stay there and spend a minute trying to get somebody out of the vehicle.
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>> the passenger turns out to be 23-year-old darryl brown from hartford, connecticut. the cops later find out he's a member of a gang called the bloods and is fleeing hartford because he was involved in a carjacking the night before. >> it was a carjacking the night before and he seriously injured the man involved and he was made to believe from a third party that he had killed the person so he thought he was dealing with a homicide as well. >> brown had jumped in a taxi and told him to head for the albany area. >> he told the driver to keep driving. he would let him know when he got there. >> you can see the taxi driver waving his hands putting his head out the side window. then in a dramatic move he makes a run for it. >> the cab driver shouted to trooper henry to let him go with him. trooper henry at that time while retreating to the rear is telling the cab driver, put your hands up, pull your shirt up, i want to see your waistband. he wanted to make sure he wasn't a co-conspirator or a buddy of the cab passenger. >> with the cab driver out, he
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opens fire and shoots out the back window. >> he fired seven shots very quickly. he knocked out the back window and peered around then his eighth shot knocked out the video cam of the trooper's camera. at this point in time, all the other police departments are picking up on the radio what's going on and we're getting pretty quick response within a matter of a few minutes. >> the interstate is shut down and police position themselves with the taxi in their line of fire. after a 40-minute standoff, brown is silenced by a sharp shooter and dies two days later in the hospital. miraculously everyone else is safe. >> the only person that died that day was darryl brown and he initiated the entire incident. it just is amazing someone can fire that many rounds and have no concern for the public or police and have it as contained
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as it was. we are certainly grateful for that, as well. coming up, one dog leads police to a burning home. >> buddy saved us, i would say. buddy saved our home. it was just a miracle. >> while another takes police for a totally different kind of ride. >> look at his tail. it's up, and he's having a great time in the police car. >> when "caught on camera: dash cam diaries" continues. i asked my dentist
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with daylight rescuers are hoping to get to the area in ind nooeg nearbia where villagers report seeing the wreckage of an aircraft that went down in bad weather. the area is mountainous and remote making travel there difficult. three people were killed in
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a mid air collision involving two small planes, inbound to brown field. now we'll take you back to "caught on camera." welcome back to "caught on camera." i'm contessa brewer. so far our dash cam videos have shown us people whose deeds range from outrageous to criminal. but humans aren't the only ones who step into the limelight here. next are two of man's best friends, remarkable dogs with two very different tales. even in april it's still a cold, dark night in 2010 when a state trooper navigates his way through alaska's back roads. he's just received word about a fire on someone's property. >> we had quite a bit of snow on the ground yet. the roads were all ice covered. it was dark and visibility was
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poor just because of low light conditions. >> at an intersection the trooper decides to go straight. >> something caught my eye about 100 yards in front of me. as i came to the crest of a hill and then around to the corner, i saw that there was a german shepherd in the middle of the road coming toward me. >> he begins to detect something special about the dog. he himself raises sled dogs and spends much of his time with his four-legged pals so when he sees this canine out on the road, he knows the dog is there for a good reason. >> there was that split second where immediately we connected and there was some type of second nature that i was falling back on and following the dog on a hunch. >> the german shepherd is a 5-year-old dog named buddy. >> it was just the body language of the dog, the way he would look over his shoulder. he was almost giving me
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prompts and cues to speed up and slow down. almost in tune with the speed of my vehicle, the sound of the engine. and i was just totally focused on the dog. >> the trooper follows the german shepherd and incredibly the dog turns up the driveway that leads to the fire where a building is engulfed in flames. >> buddy stopped at the end of the driveway, quit running and came around to my vehicle and greeted me at my driver's side door and started to nudge me in the palm of my hand. >> the property is owned by tom and lynette heinrichs who live with their 23-year-old son ben, buddy's best pal. >> i would say buddy has pretty much been shadow. when ben leaves, buddy leaves. you could tell that buddy was ben's dog because he was right there with him and he listens to him real well. ben is definitely the master. >> the night of the fire, buddy is right beside ben who's working on his car in the shed when gasoline ignites.
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the blaze leaves ben with first and second-degree burns. >> one of my parts had fallen into the tank of gas and splashed up on my heater and ignited, catching me on fire. i ran outside in the snow. told buddy we need to go find help. >> buddy obeys and that's when he runs to the road and meets up with trooper shanigan. >> i am very proud for what my dog did leading the state trooper to our house. by doing so, he saved our house. >> but buddy isn't finished. he runs back out to the road again. >> i had a firefighter that had come to up to me during the whole episode and told me they had followed a german shepherd in from the same general location that i had met the german shepherd. the dog had led two different people in to the same location doing almost the very same thing. >> the fire is so intense, it could have spread to the heinrichs' home if it hadn't
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been for buddy and his heroic act. the family says buddy's actions are totally out of character. >> the reason it's hard to believe is because he's always so shy and always kind of skittish around people. i just didn't think he'd do it. >> it makes a person wonder what actually what their pets are really made of. you know, well, what did we do to have him do this for us? we didn't teach him that. how did he do that? >> perhaps the best person to answer this is cesar milan, host of national geographic channel's "dog whisperer" and author of "cesar's rules." >> this is instinct. animals are not afraid of life. they just have an internal understanding about fear of fire, fear of earthquake, fear of natural disasters so they're in tune to mother nature, you know, especially dogs who get to live in the woods. >> looking at the dash cam video cesar sees how buddy communicates with the trooper.
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>> a stray dog in the road and he does this, you know, he's not concerned about anything else except who you are. but a dog that's expressing this is telling you something wrong is happening in my house. the dog was charged with this message and dogs do listen to our message and this case is go find help. >> i'm really speechless. i didn't think my dog really was that smart to do what he did. >> this example of heroism. >> since buddy's heroic act, he has received numerous awards and accolades. >> we need to recognize the value of our animal companions. >> at a special ceremony in anchorage, he receives a stainless steel dog bowl with the state trooper badge as well as doggie treats. >> buddy saved us, i would say. buddy saved our home. it was just a miracle. >> he'll always be there for me,
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and i'll always be there for him. >> and for trooper shanigan who is now buddy's pal, honoring him means a great deal. >> i think that our animal companions do deserve a lot of credit for many of the things they do every day. for the heinrich family to have their own dog to step up and do something that people rarely get to experience, but i think was fortunate enough to be caught on a camera. this example of heroism should open our eyes -- >> if buddy proves dogs can be heroes, winston proves dogs will be dogs. the 2-year-old pit bull mix is caught on camera chomping away on the bumper of a chattanooga, tennessee, police car. >> all right, fellows. this dog has almost got his whole bumper ripped off. >> on march 14th, 2010, the naughty winston unlocks the gate from his home and ends up here where he discovers a new doggie
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treat. the police tried prying loose the 80-pound dog by moving the patrol car back and forth but winston just won't let go. >> do you want me to take action or just sit here and wait? >> hang on for a minute. do you have the video on recording this? >> that's correct. >> so what is it about this bumper that winston so thoroughly enjoys? is it the smell, the taste? it's neither according to the dog whisperer cesar millan. >> if he was smelling an animal he would be peeing on it or rubbing himself against it, not chewing. this is the smell of plastic that triggers fun to him. this dog was encouraged to bite plastic or tires. they're not born wanting to buy a tire. they just get encouraged. the dog learned to release his frustration on that object. >> from the sidelines other dogs
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seem to be cheering on winston. >> as you see, he's playing. he's not being aggressive. this is why the other dogs are not attacking him. if he was aggressive, the other dogs would be attacking -- see? now they're going into chase behavior because the car is now a toy. they're playing with the car. >> believe it or not the dash cam video lasts for almost an hour. >> now he's trying to chew his tire as he drives off. >> look at his tail. it's up, and he's having a great time on the police car, taxpayer money. he doesn't know that. he's just having a good time. see? look at this guy right here. >> police even try to catch the dog on foot but winston remains steadfast. so what would the dog whisperer do? >> i stop the car and i put a leash on the dog so he could stop or redirect him with food. stop it. ask him to lay down in front of the bumper. you know?
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so he learns to relax in front of the bumper. >> finally, the animal center arrives and takes winston away. then his owner comes to pick him up. >> we're glad that he's getting to come home and get back to his old life. pre all the excitement. >> but winston isn't off the hook yet. charged with being a potentially dangerous dog winston is ordered to attend both obedience school and a canine good citizen class. in september 2010 he graduates. as for the damage to the patrol car, winston's family paid a hefty fee. >> he did act very badly but that was not his typical behavior, and we're sure that he will be a model citizen from now on. >> and he was. sadly winston died of heart failure on october 15th, 2010, but we're sure he's on his best behavior in doggie heaven. coming up, a chase that even
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the cops can't believe. >> behind a drunk driver that's really -- >> this is somebody who just took it to the whole next level because now he's putting many more people's lives at stake. >> when -- but next two officers pay the ultimate price in the line of duty. >> what happened was so senseless. it was senseless. >> and a police chief that will never forget. >> it was the worst day of my life ever. we were totally caught unprepared, and we won't be again. >> when "caught on camera: dash cam diaries" continues. (vo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not honda. not ford or any other brand.
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subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence. but these birds are suffering. because this better place turned out to have a less reliable cell phone network, and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. birds hate that. so they came back home. come home to verizon and now get 12 gigs for $80 a month plus $20 per line. verizon. come home to a better network. iand i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww!
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sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit today. but right now, it's choosing time. ooh! we have a winner. all: what? [chuckles] he's supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. two west memphis police officers are dead tonight.
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killed in the line of duty around the noon hour today. >> what happened was so senseless. it was senseless. >> what happened on may 20th, 2010, was something the town of west memphis, arkansas, will never forget. particularly its police chief bob paudert. >> we're leaving en route to your location. >> there's no such thing as a routine police call. nothing is routine. >> on that day in may, officer bill evans is patrolling the interstate and pulls over a white van with an out-of-state plate. inside are jerry cane and his 16-year-old son, joe. >> the license didn't appear right when he stopped van. then when he checked it, the paperwork was certainly out of order. it wasn't issued by the state. >> instead, the paperwork is issued by the department of heaven, a bit suspicious, evans
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calls for backup and a second officer arrives on the scene. >> i think they realized that it was up. there was two officers there then, and they were in trouble. >> off camera, jerry cane pushes officer evans down an incline and then on the dash cam cane's son joe appears with a gun. >> bill is stumbling down this incline. he shoots at him. he didn't have time to get his weapon out. he hit him many times in the body, in the back. >> at that point, the second officer tries to help evans when the 16-year-old turns his weapon on him. >> officer down, officer down. 277 westbound. >> a delivery driver witnesses the whole scene. >> these guys just shot a police officer. >> through the statements of the driver, this kid was very methodical, very slow, knew exactly what he was doing, and he handled that ak-47 like a military person would. >> the father/son team calmly gets back in the van and takes off, leaving the officers
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bleeding on the ground. >> shortly after, more police arrive and find that officer evans is alive but just barely. >> and there was about three officers standing over him and they were saying, bill, you're going to be okay. you're going to be okay. there was quite a bit of blood around and then i saw another officer lying on his back. one of the sergeants stopped me and said don't go up there. >> sadly, that second officer lying on the ground is the son of the police chief, 39-year-old brandon paudert. >> i pushed him aside and i went up there and i saw brandon lying on his back facing straight up with his pistol in his right hand. to find your son in the condition i found brandon, no parent should ever have to endure that pain, ever. >> officer bill evans dies later at the hospital but brandon paudert is dead at the scene. >> it was the worst day of my life ever still.
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we are affected and will be affected until the day we die by brandon's death. >> with the suspects on the loose, an all-out manhunt begins. >> 911. >> there's a white van sitting here in the parking lot at walmart. >> less than a mile from the shooting, the white van is spotted in a walmart parking lot. gunfire erupts between the suspects in the van and other police officers. then out of nowhere comes mike neill, an arkansas wildlife officer who has his police scanner on. >> i pulled my m-4 up, and i was driving towards the suspects. i was holding the steering wheel with my left hand and the m-4 with my right, and i drove straight towards him. i made the decision at that point to ram the van to shut it down. >> the suspects begin firing, spraying neill's truck with bullets. within a matter of minutes, it's all over.
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jerry cane and his son, joe, are dead. whether it's mike neill's gun that silences the duo is not certain. other officers were also firing at them. >> there were bullet holes that went through the top, right above my head. i took multiple rounds into the grill, the hood, through the dash, the windshield. everywhere i was sitting in the truck was shot. there's no reason i shouldn't have been shot. >> it's obvious that mike neill was a hero in this case. had those two got out of that van and got in walmart, there is untold how many lives would have been lost. >> still, the question remains why all this happened in the first place. the west memphis police discover that jerry and joe cane were radical right members of the sovereign citizens movement. the canes traveled america giving seminars on how to avoid following some of the laws of this country. this video was posted on youtube by one of the seminar's participants who wanted to spread their message. >> you're being lied to just so we can wrap our hands around your throat. they don't have to go by any
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rules of this country. they misinterpret the constitution. they say that the federal laws do not affect them, that they have their own laws. >> at the time of the murders, of officers evans and paudert, no one at the west memphis the organization. >> we were totally caught unprepared, and we won't be again. >> chief paudert is informing other law enforcement communities about the sovereign citizens movement and he's on what many view as a controversial mission, arming his police force with more powerful weaponry and changing police procedure so that what happened to his son and fellow officer won't happen again. >> we're arming our police officers with ar-15 rifles. when an officer does a traffic stop, a backup officer will be standing out in front of his patrol car with an ar-15. i know we'll catch some heat from some in the communities, but i personally don't care. i'm here to save officers' lives.
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>> if each police officer doesn't believe they're going to war every day they pin the gun and badge on, they're living in a false world. >> reflecting on his son's death and the dangerous criminals police face every day, the chief is convinced if officers bill evans and brandon paudert had the right information and the right ammunition, the outcome would have been very different. >> brandon would have been there with an ar-15 and could have taken this 16-year-old punk out. coming up -- a cop on a slow speed chase can't believe who is at the wheel. >> i was dumbfounded. i was -- you're kidding me, right? >> when "caught on camera: dash cam diaries" continues.
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911, where's your emergency?
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>> i'm behind a drunk driver that's really bad. i'm in greenfield. she's going off -- she is about off the road. >> patrol officer anthony newmeister is following a drunk driver out on the highway late at night, and it's all caught on his dash cam. >> the vehicle was all over the road, left to right. i got in behind it. >> but he's in for the surprise of his life when he eventually catches up with the car after a 25-minute slow-speed chase. >> i was dumbfounded. i was -- you're kidding me, right? >> it's august 29, 2009 in greenfield, indiana. and the seemingly intoxicated driver is oblivious and just keeps on going. at one point when the vehicle stops at a stop sign, the officer thinks the driver is about to pull over but instead the car goes right through traffic just missing two other
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vehicles. >> oh -- >> i thought he was going to get hit. i thought it was going to be bad. so i knew there would be some sort of chase. there wasn't. >> as the pursuit continues, the driver becomes even more reckless, switching lanes numerous times, driving over the median and heading straight into oncoming traffic. >> he took it to the whole next level. now he's putting many more people's lives at stake, and he's driving the wrong way on a two-lane highway that has a 60-mile-per-hour speed limit. that's when it got really interesting as far as this isn't just a regular thing that we see every now and then. this is the real game and let's try to get it ended before somebody gets hurt. and it had the potential to get really ugly. >> by this time squad cars from at least four different counties are in on the chase. one gets ahead of the out-of-control driver and throws
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down a spike strip in the driver's path deflating one of the tires. >> and the vehicle come back into the right lanes and then slowed way down, went off the right side of the road and veered off and went down to the field. i mean, it ended. >> the chase is over. officers order the suspect to get out of the car. but no one comes out. carefully they approach the vehicle and find a little boy hunched down on the floorboard. >> of course, we make sure he's okay. we ask him what happened, and at the time we're asking where the other person went. where is the other person. and we're asking ourself, we didn't see anybody run. >> police believe there has to be another person. someone else had to be driving the vehicle and then -- >> it clicked that that kid was driving the car. >> the driver of the chase that had officers from four counties and a canine unit after him was no drunk driver. it was a 9-year-old boy who could barely see above the steering wheel. >> i never experienced anything
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like that. i think i was just shocked. i wasn't really sure what to think about it. the kid was cool, calm and collected. probably a little bit more than me. >> so what made this little guy do such an impulsive thing? >> he was mad at mom and dad. mom and dad made him come in, get ready for bed. he didn't like that, so he was going to go -- he was going to leave. he took the vehicle and left, and he was going to a friend's house. he had 2 or $3 in his pocket and that was going to get him wherever he needed to go. and his worry wasn't running from the police, his worry was, officer, i really tried to stay around the speed limit as you were behind me. i really didn't want to speed. >> a call was made to the parents who had no idea what had happened. they thought their son was asleep in the next room. little did they realize he was keeping several police forces very busy that night. >> he had told me that mom and
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dad are probably going to ground him. i remember looking at him and i said, i'm pretty sure that you are going to get grounded, young man. >> the 9-year-old was charged with fleeing and resisting law enforcement. the juvenile was released to his parents, ordered child counseling and put on probation. since his infamous escapade, no further incidents have been reported. >> a lot of people could have got hurt. a 9-year-old kid who gets hurt or killed in a car crash where the police are chasing him, i don't even want to begin where that would have went. at the end of the day nobody got hurt. the only damage to the vehicles was a flat tire, and a 9-year-old at home. i don't think you can ask for a better ending to a situation like that. officers of the law step in when people or situations get out of control. whether they're facing robbers or rambunctious dogs or a mischievous 9-year-old.
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and when they do it in front of a dashboard camera we may all witness the challenges they face every day. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this edition of "caught on camera." out of control hoarding. >> you think, wow, why am i doing this? i need to stop. >> leaves a mother and daughter overwhelmed. >> it's very chaotic and stressful. >> this is hoarding. >> a real estate investor finds a real steal. >> there was no way anyone could live in the house. >> and gets more than he bargained for. >> you couldn't walk around. had to climb over it. >> a race against the clock. >> turned out to be 700 cats on the property. >> to save hundreds of lives. >> they were really, really sick and really malnourished. >> and when the experts step in --


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