tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 18, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> it's the top of the hour. >> follow the leader, isn't it? >> follow the leader. >> when the leader is fought even there. >> the leader sets the agenda by just being there. >> donal trump, not even out if iowa, everybody is out chasing donald trump's hoktd, but immigration, so much so, that one of the candidates is for changing the constitution of the united states. >> please don't tell me that. >> no. >> i want to block it out. >> there is a 14th amendment that says if you are born here, you are a u.s. citizen. >> scott walker didn't do that. it's grace. >> we had this in the beginning with marco rubio. marco came out on immigration reform. he flip-flopped and came back. now they are all wildly chaseing donald trump. in agree, what that's fought going to work. >> we have columnists from al
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hunt. "new york times" reporter. radio network to april. ryan, great to have you all on board. we have a lot to get to. we will get to trump, setting the again do you in just a moment. first, a team from the u.s. intelligence community says it has flagged 30 5e mails from hillary clinton's private server from further review because they could contain classified information. one day that number was 60. >> that is roughly one out of every five e-mails reviewed so far by the state department. at that pace, it could mean about 1,500 e-mails could be flagged. it hasn't been determined yet if any of the flag's e-mails contained classified information and the state department says it has seen no indication of negligence or wrongdoing. in an iowa radio interview from the weekend, clinton suggested the e-mail controversy would fought be public when she, herself, would not ask them to
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be released. >> i never sent or released classified e-mail, nothing marked classified and i think this will all sort itself out and in a wry, it's kind of an interesting insight into how the government operates. because if i had not asked for my e-mails all to be made public. none of this would have been in the public arena. but i want people to know what we did. i'm proud of the four years that i was secretary of state. so i know this is all going to work itself out as we go forward. >> mica. and it's stunning you would say that when absolutely none of that is true. and everybody that's followed it for more than ten seconds knows that what she is saying is not true. last night, clinton called the investigations, said it was about partisan politics. it's not about e-mails or servers. it's about politics. is that what are you telling the ig of the justice department and
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the ig of the state department and the ig of the intel agencies? it's breath taking. >> eugene robinson pushed back on the show and said it's not a great deal. in the walk post, hillary clinton is her own worst enemy, so gene has turned a bit on the. if you accept the job as secretary of state, you inevitably surrender some of your privacy. so i wish hillary clinton would be respectful enough to say i'm sorry, i was wrong. i wish she wouldn't insult our intelligence by claiming she only did what any other secretary of state had done. i wish she would explain why after turning over to the state department, she had the server professionally wiped clean. i wish i could be sure that clinton is now, finally, doing everything in her power to ensure that any e-mails are turned over. unfortunately, i can't.
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if clinton now has political problems because of the e-mails, it is her own doing. last week i wish the politicians would stop thinking the person people are so stupid. >> she is going back to 1999. >> it's a way to say it. >> seemingly a wing conspiracy, now you have the fbi and "new york times" chasing this story more than anybody else. she is telling jokes, david ignacious about snapchachlt you know the intellicommunity as much as anybody else in d.c. i spoke to a lot of people i have known for 20 years, they're horrified by there. >> i think people are genuinely upset. you have to remember, we just have had a cia director, one of the most decorated generals in our modern history who had to plead guilty to a criminal charge involving this question of unauthorized use of classified information. it's not a trivial issue. secretary clinton wandered into this with her e-mail server. she has been scrambling over
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ever since. i have to say, my colleague, gene robinson failed it this morning. this is a self inflicted wound. questions whether she can apologize to the american people. these are mistakes. they're serious mistakes, especially the ones involving classified information. if she can do that convincingly. i think she can, you know, deal with us. she has to do it soon. >> can you explain to viewers the clinton people. the spin meisters keep sake, well, nothing was marked classified. can you explain how that makes people in the intellicommunity roll their eyes, that the responsibility is on the sender and the receiver and the person that has this information, they have the responsibility to know what's classified. you don't get big markings of classified top secret on e-mails. that's not how it works. >> i think it's always made people in the national security nervous about the clintons is they seem to play by different
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rules and in their world, things that are marked classified, have to be treated very, very differently and respected. i think it's that sense of disrespect for the system that's animating a lot of the anger now. >> let's take you to the rest of the tiebl. first you mentioned snapchat. here's chris christie now responding. you know the republican candidates tend to have a field day with issues like this. so take a look. >> her arrogance is breath taking. it's breath tang. mrs. clinton, this is not robert politics. why don't you just answer this question, why did you have your own private e-mail server? i worked for the next for seven years as a u.s. attorney. it was made clear to all of us, official business is done on your official e-mail account. so this is not about politics. answer the question. all this other stuff, it's the typical approach of the clintons where when they're in trouble, they blame everybody else. >> i tell you this, there is certainly enough there should be an investigate. we have to get to the bottom of it. i will tell you as a former u.s.
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attorney there is snow question in my mind if there is classified information on there, she is in trouble. >> can you imagine, if after the bridge investigation began, i came out and said, oh, by the way i've done all of my business as governor on a private e-mail server and i've delete now 30,000 of those e-mails, but trust me, none of it had to do with the bridge. give me a break. i mean, she wants to talk about being held to a different standard. what she is doing is refusing to be transparent. >> so chris christie play not make the general election. certainly, that's what a lot of republicans will be talking about. whoever makes the general election. >> that loads to a bicker question and al i'm sure you heard a lot of democrats talking about other possibilities. joe biden's name keeps rising up. i think he is getting more assertive about it. what have you heard about joe biden? what's a possibility? >> first of all, joe, if it weren't for this controversy, i agree with david and gene robinson's comment, fit weren't
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for this i don't think we would be nearly hearing the biden talk. this is a deeply flawed candidate. >> let me start with that. how big of a problem? you have been around a lot. >> david knows better, i'm not sewer. i thought the benghazi panel was a partisan political effort. i think to keep going after that is crazy. this is taking on a new turn, however. >> it is completely different. >> it is totally different. i don't know how serious. i don't know what's in some of those documents. i agrow with david again. i think she hassle to come forth and apologize and you can't do the limited alongout road as we used to call it. so i think a lot of democrats think it could be more serious than they initially thought it was going to be. that's what's driving the biden talk. there was even al gore talk a couple dis ago. so my own guess, joe, is in the end, joe biden will not run. i think he is very seriously considering it. >> already all right. let's move onto the guy setting
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the agenda every day now. i want to hear you say the game. >> gilmore. >> by the way, martha's 59yard vineyard, can we start there? >> one of the more interesting moments in the show, yesterday, bob woodward came on when saying the word trump is when fonzi was saying i'm sorry. e-couldn't get it out. once he broke through, he is saying we were talking about trump too much. i tried to steer the conversation to iran for 30 minutes. he wouldn't stop talking about trump. there is -- as i say, it is upsidedown. >> a great investigative reporter, once he's on a story. >> that's it. skills. all right. donald trump may have been stuck? jury duty yesterday, but he was still setting the again da.
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the republican front runner spent the day at manhattan supreme court while most of his republican candidates were left responding to his hard line immigration plan. his main tenants are to make mexico pay for a wall. reduce the amounts of visas and green cards and end birthright citizenship in the u.s., which candidates responded to yesterday. >> do you think that birth right citizenship should be ended? >> like i said, harry reid said it's not right for this country. i think that's something, yeah, absolutely going forward. >> we should end it? >> as to me it's about enforcing the laws in this country. to make it clear, if we enforce the law i think it's important to send a message we're going to enforce the laws, no matter how people come here, we need to uphold the law. >> now you have at least two republican candidates who are against the constitution of the united states. if are you born in america, you
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are an american citizen. this shows how much donald trump is impacting the debate. >> this is the kind of this inc. that makes a lot of the middle of the road republicans absolutely screaming mad crazy. 20,000 hispanics turn 18 every single month for the next few decade. if the republican party wants to make themselves into a national part they can win election against, the leading candidacy cannot talk about amending the constitution to disallow people becoming citizens. >> avery, you look at that as far as hispanics go, then you look at say marco rubio who jeremy peters has an article on this morning in the "new york times" we want to talk about. particul marco has spent the campaign figuring out whether he wanted young women to have abortion -- to carry their babys to full term if they were raped or victims of incest or if their
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life is in danger. it took him a long time to get the right of the mother exception right. good luck in being the party of a rape or incest in the future or any party. the republicans somehow in '16 are going further out than they even did in '12 when they were afraid that they had you know scared off the middle. >> there are real issues on the table. issues that many democrats have dealt with. they're trying to dell with nit their own way. one thing on the immigration issue. i think now with trump in the mix, unfortunately, but fortunately, i think the immigration issue will be tackled. it was a bipartisan issue. it could not, it could not get through for some reason. many people were blaming republicans. now, we are dealing with this issue with the abortion issue. abortion is a very big issue in the republican party. to say those words rubio has been saying is it's a death nel to any campaign. you have to be careful when you craft this.
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we're talking constitution, party principles here, you have to navigate these waters very carefully. >> so all the candidates jumped in on this, but walker's campaign, first of all, sought to clarify his remarks stating, we have to enforce the law, keep people from coming here,en force e-verify to stop the jobs magnet and by addressing the root problem, we will end the birthright citizen problem. >> so while it sound like they are still for the constitution this morning. >> at least most o. amendments. >> most of the amendments. >> you get 80%. this is a disaster. >> oh my god you are right. >> at some point we have to say donald trump has a plan. what is the plan? the plan is worse than described. can you have federal raids on maternity wards, federal raids on unions, it would devastate the american economy. >> by the way, we don't have the money to do that. we don't. bailed wall. >> it will cost $11 trillion.
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>> also the truth that anybody that understands how the country runs understands that a lot of this economy runs on illegal immigrants who should be legalized if they're playing be i the rules. not citizenship, citizenship is a completely different thing, but most people say, get them out of the shadows. they're here anyway. we don't have the money. we don't have the enforcement mechanism to ship immigrants back to members colorado it's never going to happen. >> millions of dollars. >> it will never happen. i can be for santa claus coming to my house 50 nights a year. it's not going to happen. >> i can make that happen. >> why this question? >> that's a good question. why just 50? it's a disaster because people like donald trump be donald trump, take up that space and actually kind of do what jeb is doing, slow and steady.
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>> he's not winning the race right now. >> it is august and there is six months. i would rather have a candidate in that position. i have been critical of jeb of being dull and uninspird. i would much rather have a candidate in that lane than in scott walker's lane who continues to flip-flop and has been flip-floping since he started the race. >> don't you want someone between the tortoise and the hare, jeb bush is slow in answering and made some mistakes economy with women's health. >> i would like a better candidate as a republican? yes, i would. that's not a hard question. but i got to say again, it's august. it's august, it's august. rudy guiliani was at 33% in august of 2007. michelle bachmann was in 1st place from august of 2011. it's still august. >> we still have to get to casey hunt. we want to hear from louisiana governor bobby jindal who also
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empraised trump's position and others flatly rejected trump's proposals, take a listen. >> reporter: you know, we should talk about what it would take to get it changed. it would take passing a constitutional amendment. this is a part of our 14th amendment. honestly, i think we should put all of our energies, our political will over finally getting the border secured and fixing the illegal immigration system. donald trump has part of it right. there is no question we should be functioning sanctuary cities. we should deport illegals committing major crimes and have a verification system that actually works to make it mandatory. >> look, this is not about the big personality in the room. this is about how do you fix problems that are broken? we need to start solving problems instead of just saying how bad things are and so, i appreciated the fact that mr. trump now has a plan, if that's
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what it's called, but i think the better approach is to deal with the 11 million people here illegally in a way that is realistic and to have border security that is done in the right way to lessen the number of people crossing our border. >> this is a giant step backwards for the party. we're making progress. romney said his biggest mistake in 2012 is deportation. this is forced deportation. this is not self deportation. apparently under this plan there is going to be some government agency or a combination of agencies that's going to root out these 11, 12, 13 million people and drive them back like the second exodus. >> i'm disturbed. >> okay. >> boy, i tell you why, whoever is setting up jeb's press conferences. >> i told you. >> start overkill. get him out -- >> you weren't excited? >> get him out of the coat and
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the tie and get alternate old guys away from behind him. seriously. the setup. that was about the most boring -- yeah. >> i told you. >> they look back because jeb has lost so much weight. >> it's all about appeal. when you are running for president it's about that physicality, that appeal. that's some of the reason donald trump has some kind of something. it's sensational. >> pizzazz. >> the hair for sure. but you know r. >> first of all we, we, i don't know what we is. we rejected him and laughed. the american public, the american people, you kind of can't deny millions of american people following him. so now we're covering the story. but a lot of reporters are eating crow. >> a lot of people that came on said it would never happen. here's the thing about trump
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that is so disturbing and what a lot of people in walk and new york don't get is they sit here and they mock trump and they ridicule trump and then this past weekend you start to hear people say you know lower class americans, they're the ones, the poor, the uneducated are the ones who -- then, boy, my dpod, i get, i talked about my brother getting ten e-mails. here's a guy that's voted for every mainstream republican ever. he's very well educated. >> it's voters. >> he's a consultant. he does extremely well. he's extremely well read. yesterday nicole wallace said her father mainstream republican from california voted mainstream said he and all of his friends get together whether they're golfing or whatever they're doing and they all say enough is enough. politicians from washington are idiots. they've run up the delaware we got this horrible deal with iran. again, it's not just my brother.
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it's everywhere my brother flies, he is talking to professionals. it's the professional class. so if people on tv are talking about this being some lower class uneducated teaming masses fe tom none, they don't understand the trump phenom none. i think it's up to the republican party to figure out why it is that business professionals educated with advanced degrees that have voted for ford and reagan and bush '41 and deal and bush '43 and mccain and romney are now voting for trump. >> but don't forget, recent republican races tell you that the more extreme candidate usually doesn't win. >> why is that? >> it may initially be very attractive to people. mitt romney and john mccain before that the more moderate candidates. if people look at donald trump's pramgs, now he's announced an immigration program and look at how extreme the measures are.
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they're way beyond -- >>. >> when your friends look at this. if they're that extreme, then this is a different country than i thought. >> i need to get something out. he is not afraid to talk about single payer. he's not afraid to go places that are far more moderate, al, than other republicans would ever be allowed to go. so he's extreme on immigration, he's moderate on heck leg, he actually wants to expand medicaid. these are things that drive conservatives like me crazy. so he drives both wings crazy. >> i don't think many people are paying attention to those specifics. he has a remarkable ability to get away with stuff. he talked over the weekend, i like ronald reagan, ronald reagan liked me. he wrote ten years ago ronald reagan was basically a con man. this goes on and on. at some point it's like a boxer that takes body blows for three or four rourngsdz it has to
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accumulate. >> you say it has to accumulate. >> offended, changed the rules, totally thrown away the book on how the media covers candidates. like we complained or we sort of worried over the past maybe four months ago before all in took off about access to hillary clinton or access to certain candidates and sit-down interviews. this guy is just thrown that all out the window. calls people, puts kids on the helicopters. there are no rules anymore. >> but you know. >> there is nothing. >> i think there are two reasons trump has risen out. i tried to watch the phenomenon. one thing for sure is one of the reasons we saw obama as president. people want change. they want to see something different. they want to go against the establishment. two, the fact and this is real politics is so over the head, so heavy, he just comes at it like, like, hearings what it is, he reaches the every day person in his speech versus thus now therefore where art however.
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you know. >> if i hear that. >> he does not talk like that. i want to say really quickly. alex is screaming in my ear again, what trump proves to me is what i said since my first election when i ran 22 years ago, americans just aren't ideological. they just aren't. at the end of the day, they vote on gut. i always tell the story about i campaigned for a year-and-a-half. i knocked on 10,000 doors, i sweated in the hot florida sun and then i went to wave right outside the both. right outside the voting center and i saw the people coming in. and i just turned around and i walked to my car and drove because they said, they are not focused on my 4-point plan on trade with mexico. it is not up here. it is all a gut reaction. who is going to fight for she in. >> they were watching that gut reaction now. people like trumpl. they think the guy is telling
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the truth. as they look at the him. our system is based on we have a smart electorate that makes good judgments about people. >> that has to prevail. if they look at these trump positions and think, that's the way forward for the country i'd be surprised. >> you also can't discount the closeness, the familiarity the people feel with him. >> that goes a long way here. >> he -- >> hold on a second. we want, why strump connecting with these people is because they feel like they know him. they see his character on reality television. they identify with that. >> also trump also has been around since the 1980s he has a massive best selling book in the 1980s he went through the boom of the ''80s, the bis of the '90s, went back through the boom. people have seen, my number one rule on picking vice presidents, never sneak up on the press. never give them dan quayle. never give them sarah palin. don't sneak up.
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say i'm coming. and this is my candidate. i will talk to you from a week. like don't sneak up. >> so true. >> on the press. donald trump has been known for 30 years. he has not snuck up on america. so nothing is going to shock them. >> the polls this weekend. who was second? ben carson. >> i know. >> i mean. >> that's the message. if you put those two together. >> oh, by the way, that's a message of how the republican base feels used and abused for good reason. >> that's right. >> by their party over the past 30 years. >> what you have been saying. >> we promised them balanced buckets. we gave them massive debt. we gave them a decade of war and occupation. >> that is a rejection of the republican establishment in d.c. >> okay. ahead, we're going to finally get to casey hunt live in iowa. she's been waiting. i have been waiting to hear her report. also coming up, the president's point person on jobs, labor secretary tom perez joins the
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conversation and dr. brezinski has been here and chuck todd and later, joe's conversation with yankee's slugger alex rodriguez is push for baseball redemption. >> he almost walked off the set when he saw he drinking from a red sox coffee cup. >> why did you do that? >> red sox fans. >> an explosion in bangkok rocks the city for a second day in a row. you are watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. become the only thing you think about. .
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all right. time now at 30 past the hour. take a look at the morning papers the associated press reporting on a second explosion in bangkok a day of r after a bombing attack held two dozen in that city. they tell the associated press a device was thrown from a bridge and blew up at a ferry pier. no one was hurt. it comes as a manhunt.
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it fell under way this morning a possible suspect of a deadly bomb explosion that killed 22 people and injured 120 more in bangkok yesterday. it happened during rush hour in the middle of an upscale neighborhood popular with western tourists. under surveillance footage cap cured the moment of the blast and the chaos that ensued that the target was apparently a hindu shrine that also usually is crowded with tourists. thailand's prime minister is calling it the worst attack ever in that country. no group has yet claimed responsibility. >> there "new york times" hack of the irs first report is back in may. nearly three times as large as previously thought. the agency said yesterday the hackers accessed more than 330,000 taxpayer accounts during the breach. they reported in may the information was only 114,000 people. the irs says in the coming days it's going to send 220,000 letters to taxpayers whose returns were probably viewed by
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the hackers. that's frightening. >> sad news, nbc 4 in walk t. maryland man that drove a custom made batmobile and donned a costume to visit six people in the hospital died from a highway crash on sunday night. lenny robinson became a viral sensation three years ago on police dash-cam video surfaced showing him driving his batmobile. the walk post reported at the time that robinson spent more than $25,000 of his own money on batman-related items every year he gave away to kids. he was 51-years-old. from usa today, welcomes back tracy morgan. the sfl veteran will return to the show as a host october 17th in his first performance since that terrible accident that nearly took his life. morgan, what of course, a cast member for seven seasons and hosted the show once before. he took to twitter to announce his return writing stoked to be
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going home..."snl." -season premiers october 3rd with miley cyrus hoffsire cyrus. hosting for the third time. >> the first me mail women to complete the course since the army ranger school was opened on an experimental basis this year. students in the grueling two-month course are required to survive on little food and sleep, despite demanding activity, carrying more than 100 pounds of gore in swamps, it is considered the toughest combat courses in the world. congratulations to them. we're going to break now. >> more about trump? >> you know, i think you guys literally took it to the nth degree in the first block. we will get to casey, next block, she's standing by live in iowa. a look at how voters feel a pathway to citizenship as donald
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msnbc political correspondent. casey, watching you all over the airways talking about scott walker's position on birthright citizenship. i think she did that thing again. >> i don't know, casey, scott walker's had a history of flip-flopping in his short presidential career. and it appear wappears we saw a and a flop and his campaign was trying to clean things up. tell us about it and how donald trump is making everybody get out of their game. >> sure, joe, look, i'll start off saying walker had a strong visit. he confronted hecklers. he is the only one. he is very used to being if that situation in his time as governor of wisconsin. he took that on no problem at all. this immigration on the other hand was a little trickier. you saw earlier his answer to me which seems straight forward on birthright citizenship. he tried to clean it up at a
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different stop in iowa later in the day. >> no, i pointed out i think i understand why people are concerned about that. what i said about any of these issues is until we secure the bordered and start enforcing the laws, americans aren't grand jury to trust politicians in washington, d.c. we had a three of hour roving gag, so you answer part of the question, somebody turns to ask you something. my point is i empathize with people's concerns over that. >> reporter: look. when le talked to me, he talked directly about harry reid and how he once expressed support. >> that is straight out of donald trump's immigration plan, ripped from the pages of it. i think what that tells you is that walker is paying extremely close attention to what donald trump is doing and there is a serious acknowledgement that donald trump voters are probably also supposed to be scott walker voters here in iowa. >> wow, casey.
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thank you. >> it seems like she asked simple questions. they just kind of -- >> let's talk the people, jeb was up, not so long ago, it was jeb and scott walker up at the top. jeb seems to have lost a lot of steam with the trump rise, scott walker also. now, really bad, doing really badly now, post-trump. you could say the same of rand paul, of others. it seems the only person that has survived and al brought this up before, is right now ted cruz. he is sort of staying in there steady and, of course, ben carson. >> that's right, ted cruz is obviously benefiting from a lot of this angst against walk right now. they see ted cruz i think more of an outsider, someone who is willing to smash the system than a rubio or a rand paul or a scott walker. >> rubio completes a couple of sentences in a debate and everybody gives him a ticker tape parade. like it's the greatest thing that has been in politics
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before. he's only passed two bills. mark halperin and i talk about it after every debate. marco rubio. we sat there going, he completed a couple sentences. he's sitting at 3% in the polls. >> the headline to your piece is quite something. >> looking at it a little more charitably. i would say i think that he demonstrates in moments like that his pure raw talent as a politician. >> he's at 3%. >> in the polls, you know why, his exposure has been rather minimal lately. he has not been out there. instead of going after the debate and going on a barn storming tour of iowa or south carolina, he went on a fund raising tour. so this is kind of what his complain is grappling with right now. how high a profile do they want to be at a moment like this when donald trump is consuming all the oxygen. they would argue they don't need to be very high profile. they will wait until after labor day when people start paying attention and when rubio is going to play a big role in the debate over the iran deal in the senate. >> rubio is in some national
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polls, he is up a little more, in the state polls. >> right. >> he is doing it more. he seems to be doing poorly in iowa and new hampshire and does better in some national polls. >> he does. >> so cnn/orc poll came out. >> let's see if it's the truth here. donald trump at 24%. that's donald trump by the way. he's trademarked. >> floor ceiling. >> trump, 24, his floor and his ceiling. bush 13%, a nationwide poll. carson, 9%. just a surprise. >> where is rubio? >> walker is at 8%. and, oh, rubio is at as well. he's in fifth, fourth, fifth, rand palm at 6% smr where is christie? >> christie is not there. >> which is a big problem. >> luck a bee is not there. >> 3%, which, you have to say, of the newer names, marco rubio has done better than most and to
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your point, joe, he should. he is i think a remarkably articulate, clear minded. he has thought through the issues. particularco rubio you compare his positions on complicated issues with a kind of air speak of donald trump. there is no the thing is maybe serve one term and think about running the world. really quickly, nobody does it anymore. cruz who had some momentum and others, 5% fiorina, 5% kasich. basically you have rubio, walker, rand, cruz, fiorina, kasich all within the margin of error clumped up. >> at the bottom. >> at the bottom. the top three are trump, bush and carson. trump doubling bush's lead. and ben carson, % as you said
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before, he doesn't know where a lot of countries are. >> i did say that at first he didn't. he cleaned it up at the debate. he fixed out. >> who knows where luxembourg is. seriously. >> many young students do. but you know his forte is health care. he is a chill wonk, according to those who talk to him from the morning, before he started. bern carson is someone to look at. he adds to the conversation. he is changing a little the dynamic of it. not only that, he did what donald trump did. he threw the bombs to get people to pay attention. now he's got some numbers. >> rick perry not in here. a lot of talk about rick perry getting out of the race. we basically have win, place, show here. in most polls, it's trump first, easily, bush second, carson 3rd. >> all right. up next. could the iran nuclear deal help lay the groundwork for ending
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or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. >> it was the language. we are talking about this amazon story last night on the air talking about amazonians. whatever they call them. >> speaking their language. >> yeah. >> that's kind of a rough story. >> he transformed himself. >> that is a rough story. >> it's rough. joining us now senior foreign affairs correspondent michael crawley. he played his piece for politico, looks at the possibility the nuclear deal with iran may lead to a few round of direct talks between the u.s. and tehran over a solution to the civil war in syria. >> michael, thanks, for being with us.
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why is there any reason to hope that will happen? >> i think what the administration hopes, now we have the deal, during those talks, they would not talk wide or regional issues. now the deal is done, they will see these sectarian conflicts and not only iranians or half a dozen countries with an interest in this civil war stoking the fire in one direction or another are coming to this growing, shared concern that bashar al-assad may actually topple from power. you could have isis and/or al qaeda rung all of syria. >> that happens. i think for a long time? although there is talk assad may finally be back to go? this is truly it, that is scaring people into action. >> that also means the russians might be willing to pull the rug out under assad, you have to have them both to do it. it will be the thing you leave the table cloth out and leave the table standing and the class
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ifs and plates. it could be worse. it could look like libya, total anarchy throughout the country. >> michael's reporting is good. i'm hearing the same thing within the u.s. government. this is known as the problem of catastrophic success that our efforts to get bashar al-assad out of power in syria might suddenly succeed. then what? the terrible truth is the strongest forces lined against him are jautdist groups, which we wouldn't want to see running syria at all. so there has been an effort to do some peace making behind the scenes. the syrian intelligence chief ali malik went to saudi arabia. the foreign minister went to oman. the saudis have been going to moscow, russians have been going to the gulf. all of these countries are talking to each other and iran is trying to play a role. it's interesting, for a change, as peace maker as well. >> yesterday the iranian foreign minister met with the russian
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foreign minister. part of what is interesting for me is trying to pull this off somehow is going to require us to work with what are arguably our two biggest rivals. things seem to be getting worse in the ukraine. so we have a lot of problems with vladimir putin. we are on no means friendly terms with iran. so to try to do a deal will be consistent and will drive the saudis and israelis wild. they do not want to see us continue with our diplomacy further in tehran. >> it seems tehran, where does this come from? >> you know, it's been building for many months. the iranian foreign zarif told me he had a plan. they do have now as they see their client assad getting weaker and weaker, they need to find a path to maintain their interests in syria. that's what's going on. they are cynical in some ways.
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they want to be in that regional game now. that's clear. >> michael crawley. thank you very much for reporting to us. coming up, dr. brezinski will join us on his thoughts on the nuclear deal with iran. keep it right here on "morning joe." >> i think i'm going to leave. [whirring drones] just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. ♪ [whirring drones] ♪ no sudden movements. ♪ [screaming panic]
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jury duty today in new york city. yeah. it might be the first time someone didn't have to pretend they were a racist or sexist to get out of jury duty. [ applause ] >> of course, they didn't allow cameras in the courtroom while trump was there. they did release a sketch. >> coming up at the top of the hour pretty good, right? is there a new litmus test for the republican party? i don't know what's going on. what could that test be? how the gop contenders are reacting to donald trump's push to change the constitution. mark halperin and chuck todd join us, plus, rumors swirl about joe biden in 2016. hillary clinton's controversy dominates the headlines again. why the number of classified do you means from her server is surging and could go even higher. we'll be right back.
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>> one of the kids in the helicopter assuming he was looking at the helicopter, he asked, are you batman? and trump said, yes, i'm batman, which is what you should say if a kid asked you if you are batman. we took audeia, real audio and combined it with video from the batman series. i have to say, i think it feels pretty natural. >> i will build a great, great wall on our southern bordered and i will have mexico pay for that wall. >> i have a great relationship with blacks. i've always had a great relationship with the blacks.
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i think i get along very well with vladimir putin. i justly the so. the american dream is dead. you need to put that on a hat. america's dream is dead. >> welcome back to "morning joe." >> wow. >> we are live in washington him al hunt, jeremy peters and david ignacious are still with us. joining us now, msnbc political director chuck todd and from des moines, iowa, bloomberg politics, mark halperin. >> the atlantic had an article about the america dream is dead and how long the american dream has been dying. basically, it's been dying since the first time somebody said it was an american dream. >> when was that? >> 1789? >> exactly. >> it's been going on very, very
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long time and the american dream has ended up being a lot more resilient. >> king george, iii, kept trying to say it. >> let's talk about. >> should we ask chuck? >> hillary, trump? moderator "meet the press" what's the lead story? >> you want to talk about hillary and 05 e-mails? is that the story or is it trump? >> trump is -- he's making everybody respond on immigration. >> all right. >> he is controlling the again da. on the republican side. i hear you on 305 e-mails. >> this is what we will do. mark halperin, mark halperin jumps right in. fools rush in. he picked hillary on our roll of fortune news wheel. >> like that. >> i'm through talking about trump, too. >> all right. we will start with a team from the u.s. intelligence community
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now says it's flagged 305 e-mails from hillary clinton's private server for further review because they could contain classified information. >> one day ago that number was 60. it's roughly one out of every five e-mails reviewed so far by the state department. at that pace, it could mean about 1,500 e-mails will be flagged. now. it hasn't been determined yet if any of the flagged e-mails actually contained classified information. >> the state department says it's seen no indication of negligence or wrongdoing. in an iowa radio interview from the weekend, clinton suggested the e-mail controversy would not be public if she, herself, did not ask for the e-mails to be seized. >> i never sent nor received any classified e-mail. nothing marked classified and i think this will all sort itself out if i never asked, it would
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not be in the arena. i am proud of my four years as secretary of state. i know it will work itself out as we go forward. >> mark halperin, i'm absolutely toned by all the deliberate untruths that were contained in that statement. she wasn't the one who pushed to get him out there. she didn't release all of her e-mails. she destroyed her server based on the information that we know and she still in a political campaign event last night. a fundraiser. she said this was all politics as usual ignoring you have the state department and the justice department looking into this she sounds extraordinarily tone deal. at what point is she going to wake up and right this ship? >> if you take a snapshot where
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we are now with the facts and how she is handling it. there is great skepticism amongst leads. there is despite what the campaign says, i seen it here in iowa, a great understanding and a nooj and awareness of what's going on and a lot of unease about it from democrats and certainly republicans. the bigger problem for her is lock down the road. this is not a static story. two big things going on. one is the fbi investigation. if they get their hand on her old e-mails, there could be problems related to national security and her credibility deciding what was personal and what was not. do not underestimate, coming up, soon, the committee they will have, the chairman is preparing like crazy, strategizeing how to make it a legitimate hearing, not a show hearing, not a hearing in which hillary clinton has gone to the hill o in the past on health care, she's killed the committee. outfogged them. outperformed him. they are trying to grab how can
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this be a hearing with credibility, ask tough questions, fair questions but also puts her in a politically tough position? >> yesterday, mark, have you heard more on this, jonathan carl with abc was reporting that actually there may be a back-up server that the company that provided her the server that she scrubbed says that it may have a back-up server with information on it and that they're cooperating fully with the fbi, have you heard that? >> reporter: yes, one of the officials from that same company told one of my colleagues at bloomberg the same thing, of course, there were back-ups. you think hillary clinton had a server with e-mails courseing through it and no one backed it up? she decided i decided not to keep them, but at some point someone must have been ordered to get rid of them. what was that order? i want these delete to the point they can never be recovered or did she simply say delete them? i think that goes without
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saying. the question are how many and can those back-ups be recovered? >> you gene todd had a change of heart here. hillary clinton is her own worst enemy. if you accept the job of secretary of state, you inevitably surrender some of your privacy. i wish hillary clinton would be respectful enough to say i'm association i was wrong. i wish you wouldn't insult her gel jens by claiming she only did what every other secretary of state had done. i wish the e-mails she deemed work related she had the server professionally wiped clean and i wish i could be sure that clinton is now finally doing everything in her power to ensure that any extent e-mails are turned over. unfortunately, i can't. if clinton now has political problems because of the e-mails or potentially even legal trouble, it's her own doing. >> chuck, forget the first
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problem, which was as you were saying, deciding to set up your own serve outside the state department. >> that's why we're here. >> let's go to last night. she's in a fundraiser, this is much ado about nothing. she is doing snapchat jokes while the fbi is expanding their investigation, notice 305 e-mails and beyond, where all of us, who report the news, who you know read the news, look at it and go, well, that's plainly not true. just look at what se did last night and she's digging herself if deeper in a el home. by destroying her credibility. why is she doing it? >> you know, this is the only explanation is, it's how they've handled these situations for the last 25 years. >> but she's fighting the "new york times". not -- >> they believe they have been fighting the "new york times" by the way for years. >> it's the fbi, not rush limbaugh. >> which by the way, those three letters, because, look, i found
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the same thing. my three days in iwest virginia when i was talking to fought just democrats who want a job, democrats who just simply are voting and taking their kids to the fair. the letters fbi is what changed this story. this is the difference between us and washington and new york saying and her effectively a month ago being able to say this is you guys in the media that care about this. voters don't. that was true a month ago. the three letters fbi totally changed. >> i think the dowdy committee will be a change for her. i think the fbi changes everything. if that proceeds. there is more trouble. i guess is he will make her look good. that's what they always do. >> what if they plate down and are extremely measured and calm and ask her again and again. >> the wheels of the trolley. that's not the way they work. >> there is a question here that doesn't have an answer.
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that's not gowdy's fault. >> two things to remember. the first is hillary clinton is still leading by more than 30 points in the average of polls. i mean, she's so far out ahead of her democratic lead. you have to remember -- >> she has gone away five to six points every couple weeks it's eroded. >> this it is first time first. the second thing is if she is found to have used classified information. this goes into a different geerp. as damaging as this e-mail scanned alscandals, if this is david petraeus, our decorated person, these rules are enforced. they're taken seriously, if you misuse classified information, if you send or receive -- >> can i ask you this, though, david? one of the people in the intellicommunity have been saying to me for some time. they have been frustrated that people and the iran tell agencies and the state
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department knew there was classified information outside and i said the protocol is very simple. if it's outside the building. you seize the classified information immediately. you bring it inside the building immediately. and then you conduct the investigation. the frustration i keep hearing. they knew classified information was outside and was not secured and they kept it outside the building. >> well, the way in which this was brought was so unusual, so accommodating to miss clinton to the way they want to do things. it's not just her e-mail that was on the server. a lot of her key aides would get our government officials there, officials in the state department. >> why didn't they immediately go after the classified information do what they would do? david they would do this. >> it's hard to say, madam secretary. what you are doing here is violates our procedures. they should have, looking back. you know, why didn't her closest
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aides say, madam secretary, you into ed to stop this? >> i know, why? >> david david -- had a phone drive with classified information. please, i would write somebody, one other time in american history where somebody ran around saying i got stacks of classified, potentially classified information on a phone drive and i'm keeping it here. you didn't have agencies say hand it over? >> the story of clintons is the story of people around not saying, sir, madam, stop it. that's over and over again. >> it's the other way. >> further, the other story the clintons is that they believe i think she, i fully believe that she thought that when whoever suggested this idea of starting up the private server, look, this will be a way to keep congress from being overly obtrusive in your affairs. >> can i bring it here to this conversation, this will thrill everybody, donald trump and the
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reason why hillary clinton is resting a little easier while all of this controversy swirls around her e-mail. it's because as soon as republicans trump, scott walker, start talking about immigration, they start alienating the hispanic vote they start losing on the question, which the clinton campaign is posing to voters. who cares about you most? who is looking out for your interest most? really that's what this election is about. >> right now, hillary is running against herself. hillary's numbers are collapsing. you look at a recent national pom. donald trump is now within 5 points of hillary clinton. whoever is sitting there, at the end of the day, this is political scar tissue that hillary clinton carries whether she runs against scott walker, jeb bush or donald trump. go ahead, mark. >> reporter: two things, one, agree with al gowdy would not get the hearing right. that's their goal, though, they're well aware of the mistakes in the past. i've covered hillary clinton and
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controversy and scandal since 1992 and there are three things i think at play here that explain her behavior. one is she hates when her privacy is violated. she's deathly terrified. she has been from the beginning people will see her private e-mails and they'll will leaked. second, when there is tension between the political and the liam, she and david kendall, the clinton's legal attorney, want to go with the legal. even when there is politics involved. finally, you all talked earlier about she should apologize, clintons laid to apologize and so weakness. that's why she will dig in and continue to spin if way she has been spinning and hope their distractions like trump. things come up. she slays gowdy. i'll say one more thing the state department should be explaining this stuff. >> i agree.
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>> we have been saying the state department las a lot of explaining to do. yesterday she put out a statement we did nothing wrong john kerry should be embarrassed when it comes to securing classified information. they have been nothing but an apology gist for her. it's time they turned the corner. they start answering questions. david i think basically what you were saying earlier, not in as tough terms as i've said, but they had classified information outside of the state department and they sat back, did nothing about it and you look at the statements. time and time again, they have been covering up for hillary clinton. >> they needed to say to her right from the begin, a special deal like the one you are plo poseing is not appropriate. here's why. and they needed, once that server deal got started to make sure, i mean, there should have been conversations every day. let's keep classified
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information off of this server. there is the government officials take classified information very seriously, believe me. this is something they should have been talking about. >> who is they? >> they planning the flaws, they don't think these issues are front and center for everybody. >> by the way, when you hear john kerry, al, going out, saying he thinks his e-mails have been hacked by the russians and the chinese. that's john kerry already covering for hillary clinton down the road. pause they know that's a story that can be coming out in the next couple months. the entire thing has been orchestrated in a way that is a real embarrassment and john kerry and the state department should not be covering up for hillary clinton when it comes to classified materials. >> i agree. i will go to marks question earlier, trying to treat this as
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a legal issue and be narrow about it. john pedesta is an incredibly talented man running the campaign. if he doesn't override the lawyers and say, houston, we have a political problem here. i think it will be really bad for her. that's what will happen. she can't treat this as a narrow legal problem. the fbi changes that. >> cluck todd, you pushed the buzzer too late. we will do trump next block. >> i tried. >> you tried. >> don't worry. we'll be right back with all things hillary. .
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david petraeus the former head of cia on his e-mail problems. david pe delays had to plead guilty to a criminal charge in court. >> a misdemeanor, but still, right, a criminal case. >> but and there are many people in the community that believe there are a lot of similarities between those two cases. >> they're certainly going to answer that question. they take this issue of classified information, how it's handled, very seriously, secretary clinton will have to have better answers than she has so far. al has been sake, they have answers that speak to the law and the politics? >> and, of course, jeremy, you had great insight. we were talking about how the intellicommunity rips the lane, the intel community enraged. they didn'tbell bring them into the state department until the next day. you said that you learned that that was the proper move, when? >> when i was watching the homeland, kerry called, they came, they fired her. >> fired her, boom. >> there you have it.
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>> a lot of lessons. >> exactly. >> new poll numbers in the 2016 race out this morning t. latest cnn/rnc poll has donald trump at 24%. jeb bush is 11 points behind at 13%. ben carson at %. marco rubio, scott walker at 8%. trump gained the most. 6%. carson gained 5 points, fiorina 4 points. donald trump still topping. >> the top three in most polls. everybody else is within the margin of error, trump, bush, carson. >> bush is the one that's not always in the top. carson is now. >> amazing. >> it's funny, he is now regularly in the top three. >> what's fascinating sheer carson had the least inspiring debate. because he hardly talked. >> until the end. >> until the end. >> until the end and then he had that close and it was a very good sort of like touching an
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audience inside, whatever it is he's a gut -- whatever, it's funny he doesn't come across as one of these gut politicians but that's the effect he is having. i tell you, he's the one that holds more steady than anybody else, trump, in the last two months, he sits there with a solid 10%. >> what are you hear income iowa about carson, about trump, these political novices who never held office before, mark halperin? how do they continue to hold steady like chuck said? >> well, look, on carson, i think the media doesn't get a lot of us. i didn't get it until recently. in talking to a lot of his supporters. they don't get his manner is appealing to peep. it's not about his ideas. he doesn't have very many he talks about. it's not about his fieriness. people like his demeanor. i talked to him the other day if harlem. he says 24 million people saw him, easily the biggest audience that's ever seen him. i think whatever, that
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population like that manners, many more people saw him. i think he could continue to grow. it's this outsider thing the establishments, walker, bush, the strategists are trying to figure out how do we take our records and make a political claim to be an outsider, even though at events they say senator, ex, governor, ex, that's a real problem. effortlessly trump and carson never ran for office. >> what also ran the rands, the rubios, the john pauls, the scott walkers that everybody was caulking about now have you rand paul complaining nobody will pay attention to him. what are they saying about now being, you know, the country mile away from trump? >> reporter: yeah, everybody in that category i put governor christie in that category, too, governor huckabee. they are all relying on two twin
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pillars to say hope springs etern am. one is trump willco lance and he will be down to 10% and that support will be up for grabs, they say $300 million i think jeb will have to spend, $300 million cannot convince a electorate to pick another bush, if you take bush and trump out of campaign, it's chaos. ted cruz, mike huckabee, chris christie, all of them think i will be the guy that emerges from that chaos, steels enough momentum to be the nominee. >> all right. donald trump spent yesterday in jury duty at manhattan supreme court while most of his fellow republican candidates were left responding to his hardline immigration plan. his main tenants are to make mexico play for the completion of a border wall, reduce the amount of available visas and green cards and most controversially to end birthright citizenship in the united states, which candidates
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responded to yesterday. >> do you think that birthright citizenship should be ended? >> like i said, harry reid says it's not right. i think that's something is that we should absolutely going 40. >> we should end the citizenship? >> i think you enforce the laws and i think it's important to enforce the laws, no matter how people come here, we need to uphold the laws in this country. >> mark halperin, what happened to him? >> reporter: politicians are at their worst when they're trying to not speak the truth. it's particularly bad for people like walker now, because the contrast with trump is so blatant. trump is speaking directly. he says what he thinks. in a case of governor walker, like most republicans, they don't want to address the 12 million or so people here illegally. they don't want to do i want. they say shut the border down. he got asked this question about 50 times yesterday and never would give a straight answer. watch what happened when i tried to press him. >> children who were born here
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to parents here illegally, should they be deported? >> well, i talked about how going foerksd i believe we should clang the rules, the law, but i think in terms of deporting the best thing we can do is enno, sir the law. we enforce the law across america to uphold the law, which means an e-verify system, i think that ultimately puts us in a big position. >> you still aren't addressing it, should children here born and are currently citizens the current law would be they can stay. >> i said in terms of what we should do is enforce the law. we enforce the law, we will not have that problem going forward. >> reporter: with the exceptions of people like jeb bush and lindsey graham, no one in the party is adressing it in a straight forward way a really comprehensive immigration plan. people like walker and rubio who used to support a comprehensive plan. they don't want to talk about this. you said earlier, it's so bad. it shows it's another manifestation, not just responding to trump on do you like his plan or not, which
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walker was asked to do there and wouldn't. it's a broader question of how do you convince people you deserve some of trump's support and a lot of these guys, wakeer was with his donors yesterday, they're saying to him, how do you deal with trump? they don't have an answer. >> hey, mark, break it down. first of all, cluck and i are both very, very jealous of bloomberg audio. that's the best in the field audio we heard in our life. you can tell the guy that owns your joint is worth $40 billion. we want some of that over here. but secondly, let's break down what was just said there. you asked a candidate for president of the united states whether he would ignore the constitution of the united states, the 14th amendment to the united states constitution and would actually deport a u.s. citizen. you were born a u.s. citizen when you were born in america. he could not answer that question.
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why do i bring this up. i bring this up because this is august and this is the month i believe that rick santorum four years ago started talking about contraception in ways that scared the hell oust a lot of republican women that voted for republicans and would never vote for democrat. it came up four months later, suddenly rick son tar rum was indignant that people were conduct u talking about contraception. it is happening here again chuck todd where they are actually talking about ignoring the constitution to the united states of america, to win a few cheap points on an iowa state fair. >> them bracing a birthright citizenship. if the party, if more and more of the party do this -- >> but that's the constitution. it's in the constitution. you are not embracing birthright citizenship. you are saying -- >> to ignore an amendment of the constitution? >> that's a better what toy put it. if you want to ignore the constitution of the united
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states, that's the way to put it. not embracing citizenship. >> by the way, how would you enforce this? show us your papers when you come to the hospital? no, i mean -- >> raids on maternity wards. >> it is. >> this is an ice in the maternity wards. it's sad. >> who is the one candidate in this crazy, crazy discussion about immigration who has the same policy and has not changed it? >> jeb bush. >> that's jeb bush. let it be said -- >> we have -- >> he has changed. illegalization. >> he did back down. >> that's -- compared to what we're looking at, this is a -- sense of a balance. >> lindsey graham is at the bottom of the sea. but, by the way, jeb -- >> jeb, i'm sorry, jeremy, jeb yesterday even said building the wall is silly. he basically said -- >> he tried -- >> he is responding to generally trying to say certain things. >> yes, he s.
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>> jeremy, where i think this is going and one of the more interesting things in trump's plan not talked about a lot is restricting of legal immigration. legal immigration. >> that is significant. because if you have a republican primary debate in is all of a sudden centered around not only getting rid of birthright citizenship, restricting how many people can come here legally. >> that will take us in a whole new direction. it will be morale yen nateing. >> there is a legitimate argument, though, on the legal citizenship, the legal immigration aspect on h 1 bb says the argument that corporate america is abusing the program, that is, this is not -- i'm not talking about the issue offing a culture, there is this idea that you use the h 1 bb program instead of paying and it it person $150. you pay this person 80 grand a year. they want to go to a next step. >> let's talk about the headlines. i'm dead serious here from august, 2015, for the republican
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party. and what will remain after trump? even if trump makes it through, let's say trump doesn't make it through. what are we going to be hearing about four months from now? we will be hearing about a republican party where some of the major candidates are talking about ignoring the constitution and the 14th amendment put in after the civil ward and we're going to be talking about major candidates that took the position that at a 13 or 14-year-old girl that is raped perhaps by her family and whose life is in danger has to carry the baby to term. >> that is. >> are you writing hillary clinton's election? >> i'm not writing this. the republican party is writing this. and people should fear the august summer heat in iowa because al hunt, every four years it hans, a lot of times it
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used to happen with the democratic party. but when i hear republicans fumbling around. it's very simple. do you support birth right citizenship? is that -- i'm not gooded with constitution, yes, it is, i support the constitution. that's simple. we had a guy who is supposed to be like the great hope in scott walker, had trouble all day. he wouldn't even answer the question. do you support the constitution? yes, i support the constitution. it's the 14th amendment. are we really going as a party to be supporting, kicking down the hospital doors and seizing babies and taking them back to mexico? this is sheer insanity that will kill us in the general election. >> joe, you put it pretty well. i mean, it's absolutely true. this is a -- such a loser. you are talking, the things you are fought talking about, deporting 11 million people, breaking up families. this is the rnc put out a very good report after the last election to talk about how lethal the immigration issue had been to mitt romney.
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you know what they've done, they've made mitt romney look like a moderates. >> he really does. >> mark halperin, thank you for that. coming up, a major voice on foreign policy comes out against the nuclear deal with iran. we look at a see senator who will vote. dr. brezinski joins the table next. ♪ ♪ (dorothy) toto, i've a feeling we're not in kansas anymore... (morpheus) after this, there is no turning back. (spock) history is replete with turning points. (kevin) wow, this is great. (commentator) where fantasy becomes reality!
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(penguin 1) where are we going? (penguin 2) the future, boys. the glorious future. (vo) at&t and directv are now one- bringing your television and wireless together- and taking entertainment to places you'd never imagine. (rick) louis, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. other clinical antiperspirants didn't work. then i tried certain dri. it's different. it stops sweat before it starts. add some color to your life with certain dri. it's a good looking car. ? this is the model rear end event. the model year end sales event. it's year end! it's the rear end event. year end, rear end, check it out. talk about turbocharging my engine. you're gorgeous. what kind of car do you like? new, or many miles on it?
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>> it is 37 past the hour. a major voice on foreign policy is going to oppose the nuclear deal with iran. senator bob corker, the chairman of the foreign relations committee says the agreement will not prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. he says the deal strengthens tehran with hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. joining us now, former national security adviser for president carter, dr. brezinski. >> also known as dad. >> hi, dad. >> le las the first question. >> i want to ask dr. brezinski, it's yesterday's news that senator corker on the senate foreign relations in the will oppose this deal, follows similar deals against senator flake who the without wanted to get.
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senator sclumhumer. from your experience selling the camp david agreement, the carter administration, other things over the years, what's the best way to try to sell this deal to the american public and to the congress to get more support? >> you know, i am not sure i already know. i'm not very good at salesmanship. but it seems to me the public has to be aware of the fact that a decision not to approve it will have consequences. now, these consequences are very troubling. because we can define them precisely. i think any intelligent person knows in their gut. if we don't approve it, the consequences might be devastating. >> uh-huh. >> a larger war in the middle east are vetted actively by a middle eastern state that clearly through the mouth of its foreign minister seems to favor military action would be one
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that is unpredictable in its consequences. >> do you deal, doctor brezinski, this has predictiovi to verify? >> i have been thinking this agreement has difference from many, most agreements. most agreements in international affairs are like pacts. you do this, we do this, we agree and we do it. this is a process. this agreement is a process. i want to repeat that. it's a process. in other words, there are series of reciprocal actions over a longer period of time in which we move forward, there is reciprocity. then we move forward. then there is this agreement. there is a look at it. investigation, perhaps some additional side negotiations, it's a process designed to clang an incredibly complex
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relationship in a more positive one in which the domestic evolution of public attitudes towards each other are talking out of america and iran. it takes time. but there is this real possibility that if it succeeds, iran really joins international community and becomes a force for good. if it doesn't, especially if it doesn't, war is a vetted from the outside, then we have a mess on our hand in the middle east like none that we have known before. >> mica. >> dad -- >> i'm shocked. your father said something. >> he says he's not a gold salesman. you just sold it. >> i hope people are buying it. >> that was selling of the deal. >> he says he's not good at salesmanship. i thought -- he had the lightest touch in the carter white house. this is a shock to me. so, do you say to the senators
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still trying to make up their mind? they look at people they respect, cluck schumer, bob corker, who has actually pushed republicans who have been a bit more try dent to the side? do you think like president obama that this is an open and shut deal that is clear cut or do you agree with senators like angus king that is a really tough decision? this is one, angus king said it was one of the toughest decisions he's ever made in his public life? >> it certainly is a tough decision. it's a tough decision based on the sense of strategic vision in which steps by steps the two parties and, therefore, in a wider sense the region, moves to stability and there is no alternative to it. that's the i think the key argument. those who argue against it don't say what the consequences would be, but in our gut, we know what they will be. it will be sol sort of a
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conflict with additionally negative interests, i dare say global stability. let me make one more point. i don't want to be holding forth like you. >> oh, like me. if i did it. let me just say i learned at the key of the master. you don't speak in complete sentence or paragraphs. you speak in complete chapters and do it well. >> okay. i quit. this agreement is not just between us and iran, it's an agreement that involves china, that involves russia, europe, too. it's a possibility. it's a potential. this is why i call eight process. if it works, those relationships also begin to be altered. if its fails, those who want to do us in will do us in with pleasure. >> right. >> with unexpected facility and this is what worries me about the whole mess. the public doesn't have one bit of understanding of what's
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involved. it's a complex agreement. you know i was given stacks with aannotated notes to read. i plead ignorance. i haven't even read it. >> the footnotes are longer than the agreement the anotations. doctor, i'm curious if you see any parallel what you dealt with in your administration the one most polarizing decision, the panama canal that became sorts of a touchstone particularly on the right, where suddenly you were losing the bipartisan nature of sometimes international agreements, do you see any parallels here in the difficulty of when politics sort of gets in the the way of an international decision? >> oh, sure and there was one in the campaign and stay there both similaritys in that respect. but they are not as complicated as i said with the middle east and not so much as at stake as
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there is in this agreement i really fear the consequence of rejection. they will be very diverse american interests and american interests should be defined by america and not others. others have 2450er their own interests. that's fine, if we make them combatible then we have a process that succeeds. that was the role of kerry. >> thank you very much. thank you, dad. >> he held court very well. he's quite a salesman. >> i'll see you later. >> you stole the deal, actually. i have been trying to say something close to a tiny bit of that for in terms of the consequences of not approving it. thanks, for coming in today. up next, it's a plan that would revolutionize college sports. this morning the decision is in on whether to allow college athletes to unionize, labor secretary tom perez joins us with his take on the big ruling. we'll be right back. (vo) what's your dog food's first ingredient? corn? .
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>> what is a fair living wage? >> you know, it's tricky, i want everyone to make a fortune, with me, i will take jobs from china, from mexico. i will bring jobs back like you will be surprised, so we won't even have to be talking about the minimum wage. you know, we have a problem could corporate inversion in this country. where corporations are leaving the united states to go to other places because they can get lower wages and lower taxes. i want to keep the minimum wage pretty much where it is right now because of the fact that we have a country that is now competing more than ever before because of airplanes and transportation and -- >> you think we need to keep the minimum wage lower? >> i want to compete with the rest of the world. i want to bring in jobs so much so people don't have to live on minimum wage. >> that was republican presidential candidate donald trump his thoughts on minimum wage. the secretary of labor tom perez there is a two-week prelabor day
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tour to help community colleges train workers for well paid and highly skilled jobs, a great, great thing to be doing, especially as we get closer to labor labor day. let me ask you, as you know, i'm a conservative guy, but i see what happens to these college football players that don't go into the pros. a lot of times they have inju injuries that stay with them their entire lives. i'm surprised the northwestern team lost its bid to unionize, especially when you have the obama administration in place making the decision. what happened? >> well, that's an independent agency, joe, so i don't know what happened and we don't have involvement in that decision at the department of labor. and what's interesting is i think there's in designing to exercise jurisdiction, it seems they have probably disappointed people on all sides. the issue you raised is a really important issue, which is how do workers have voice in the work
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place? that transcends yesterday's discussion. that's an issue i hear in my travels all over america. i was in nebraska yesterday and i met with a group of business leaders, labor leaders, grassroots advocates, elected officials who led the campaign to raise the minimum wage in nebraska through a voter referendum. the basic point they make is $7.25 an hour in nebraska, you can't feed your family. you have to go to the food pantacy after 40 hours. newt gingrich works with bill clinton on raising the minimum wage, every president except two since fdr has raised the minimum wage. that's why president obama has been working on this issue relentlessly. >> i also know, tom, you can look at polls over the last couple years and half of self-identified tea party members support some raise in the minimum wage and say a little over $7 an hour doesn't
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make sense. jeremy peters is here. he has a question. >> i want to go back to the decision yesterday regarding northwestern. they did not rule on the central question in the case, whether or not the students are employees. you're a lawyer. what do you think of the legal soundness of that decision and whether or not there's room to revisit this legally speaking. >> it left open for future consideration revisiting that issue. i mentioned at the outset, this decision will probably disappoint advocates on both sides of the issue, so the issue remains open. we have been discussing this. how do workers have a voice in the work place. how do you make sure, put aside a college campus. let's look at employers across this nation. how do you make sure workervise a meaningful voice? that's what we have been doing at the department of labor, working together. i'm always impressed. i was at a family-owned business
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in omaha, they make -- they're one of the nation's largest producers of the -- when you go to a target or a walmart or go to a cvs, they make all the fixtures in the stores. they have been around for generations. talking to their workers, they have built a corporate culture where everybody feels like their voice is heard. that to me is an issue. we're make aglot of progress in our economic recovery. we have seen 13 million jobs over the last 65 months. the unfinished business here is how do we make sure that this wind at our back results in shared prosperity. when more people have more, we are a stronger nation. when i meet family like the family yesterday in omaha, they cracked the code on that. and i see so many other people. >> secretary tom perez, thank
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still ahead this morning, donald trump announces his immigration plan. runs off to jury duty, and leaves the rest of the gop field scrambling to respond. we'll find out which of the candidates seemed to now be against the u.s. constitution. >> it's going around. >> it's catching. another day, another batch of e-mail headlines for hillary
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clinton as the number of e-mails flagged for review soared to over 300. a day ago, it was 60. we'll be right back. it's so shiny. i know, mommy, but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want beautiful results, you know where to go - angie's list. now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. you can shop special offers or just tell us what you need, and we'll help you find a local company to take care of it.
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5:00 am
♪ (dorothy) toto, i've a feeling we're not in kansas anymore... (morpheus) after this, there is no turning back. (spock) history is replete with turning points. (kevin) wow, this is great. (commentator) where fantasy becomes reality! (penguin 1) where are we going? (penguin 2) the future, boys. the glorious future. (vo) at&t and directv are now one- bringing your television and wireless together- and taking entertainment to places you'd never imagine. (rick) louis, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies.
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try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . welcome back to "morning joe." it's 8:00 on the east coast, 5:00 a.m. on the west coast. back with us here on set in washington we have al hunt, david ignatius, jeremy peters and april ryan. first, a team from the u.s. intelligence community says it has flagged 305 e-mails from
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hillary clinton's private server for further review because they could contain classified information. one day ago, that number was 60. that is roughly one out of every five e-mails reviewed so far by the state department. at that pace, it could mean about 1,500 e-mails could be flagged. it hasn't been determined if the flagged e-mails contained classified information and the state department has said it has seen no indication of negligence or wrongdoing. clinton suggested the e-mail controversy would not be public if she herself did not ask for the e-mails to be released. >> i never sent or received any classified e-mail, and i think it will all sort itself out. in a way, it's kind of an interesting insight into how the government operates because if i had not asked for my e-mails all to be made public, nonef this
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would have been in the public arena, but i want people to know what we did. i'm proud of the four years that i was secretary of state. so i know this is all just going to work itself out as we go forward. >> mika, stunning she would say that when absolutely none of that is true. everybody that's followed it for more than ten seconds knows that what she's saying is not true. last night, clinton called the investigations, said it was about partisan politics, not about e-mails or servers. it's about politics. is that what you're telling the ig of the justice department and the ig of the state department, and the ig of the intel agencies? it's breathtaking. >> we had a lot of folks come on the show, including eugene robinson who pushed back and said it's just politics and not a big deal. here's what they wried in the
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"washington post." hillary clinton is her own worst enemy. if you accept the job of secretary of state, you inevitably surrender some of your privacy so i wish she would admit she was wrong. i wish she wouldn't insult our intelligence, i wish she would explain why after turning over to the state department the e-mails she deemed work-related, she had the server personally wiped clean, and i wish i could be sure that clinton is doing everything in her power to make sure that any extent that the e-mails are turned over, unfortunately i can. if clinton has trouble, it's her own doing. i wish some of these politicians would stop thinking the american people are so stupid. >> she's going back to 1999. seeming to claim it's a vast right-wing conspiracy when now you have the fbi and the "new york times" chasing the story
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more than anybody else. and she's telling jokes, david ignatius, about snapchat. you know the intel community as well as anybody in washington. i don't know who you have spoken with. i have spoken to a lot of people i have known for 20 years, they're horrified by this. >> i think people are genuinely upset. you have to remember, we just had a cia director, david petraeus, one of the most decorated generals in our history, who had to plead guilty to a criminal charge involving this question of unclassified information. secretary clinton wandered into this with her e-mail server. she's been scrambling ever since. i think my colleague gene robinson nailed it. this is a self-inflicted wound. the question is whether she can apologize to the american people. these are mistakes, serious mistakes, especially the ones involving classified information. if she can do it convincingly, i
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think she can deal with this. >> david, can you explain to viewers, the clinton people, the spin meisters keep saying, nothing was marked classified. can you explain how that makes people in the intel community roll their eyes, that the responsibility is on the sender and the receiver and the person that has this information. they have the responsibility to know what's classified. you don't get big markings of classified top secret on e-mails. that's not how it works. >> what's always made people in the national security community nervous about the clintons and they seem to play by different rules. in their world, things that are marked classified to have be treated differently and respected. it's that sense of disrespect for the system that's animating a lot of the anger now. >> let's move on to the guy setting the agenda every day now. who could that be, david? i just want to hear you say the
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name. >> t -- >> president obama in martha's vineyard. let's talk about that, on the golf course. >> one of the more interesting moments yesterday on the show. we love bob woodward. bob always comes on. bob woodward came on and at first saying the word trump was like when fonzy was trying to say i'm sorry. he couldn't get it out. then, once he broke through and was saying that we're talking about trump too much, i tried to steer the conversation to iran. for 30 minutes. he wouldn't stop talking about trump. it is -- >> people are flummoxed. >> as i say -- >> that's why he's a great investigating reporter. once he's on a story. >> exactly, that's it. donald trump may have been stuck in jury duty yesterday, but he was still setting the agenda. the republican front-runner spent the day at manhattan supreme court while most of his
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republican candidates were left responding to his hard line immigration plan. its main tenants are to make mexico play for the production of a wall, reduce the amount of green cards and visas andent birth right citizenship in the united states, which candidates responded to yesterday. >> do you think that birth right citizenship should be ended? >> like i said, harry reid said it's not right for the country. that's something -- yeah, absolutely, going forward. >> we should end it? >> to me, it's about enforcing the laws in this country, and you enforce the laws and it's important to send a message that we're going to enforce the laws. no matter how people come here, we need to uphold the law in the country. >> now you have at least two republican candidates who are against the constitution of the united states. >> i thought they loved the constitution. >> if you're born in america, you're an american citizen. this shows how much donald trump isdebate.
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>> this is the kind of thing that makes a lot more middle of the road republicans screaming mad, crazy. 20,000 hispanics turn 18 every single month for the next few decades. if the republican party wants to make itself into a national party, they can win national elections again, its leading candidates for the presidency cannot talk about amending the constitution to disallow people from becoming citizens. >> april, you look at that as far as hispanics go, and then you look at, let's say, marco rubio, who jeremy peters has an article this morning in the "new york times," that we want to talk about, marco has spent the campaign trying to figure out whether he wanted to force young women to have abortions -- to carry their babies to full term if they were raped or victims of incest or if their lives were in danger. it took a long time to get the
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life of the mother exception right. good luck not having an exception for rape or incest being the candidate of the future, in any party. republicans somehow in '16 are going further out than they even did in '12 when they were afraid that they had, you know, scared off the middle. >> there are real issues on the table, and issues that many democrats have dealt with and they're trying to deal with it in their on way. one thing in the immigration issue, with trump in the mix, unfortunately but fortunately, the immigration issue will be tackled. it was a bipartisan issue, but it could not get through. now we're dealing with this issue with the abortion issue, and abortion is a very big issue in the republican party. to say those words that rubio has been saying could be a death knell to any campaign. you have to be careful how you craft this, but we're talking constitution, party principles here, and you have to really
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navigate these waters very carefully. >> so, all the candidates jumped in on this, but walker's campaign, first of all, sought to clarify his remarks stating, we have to enforce the laws, keep people from coming here and force e-verify to stop the jobs magnet and by addressing the root problems we will end the birthright citizenship problem. >> while it says they're still for the constitution this morning. >> today. >> at li most of the amendments. >> most of the amendments. >> you get 80%. this is a disaster. >> oh, my god. you are right. >> at some point, we have to quit saying donald trump has a plan and say what is the plan? the plan is even worse than described. you can have federal rage or maternity wards, deporting 11 million people would devastate the american economy. >> by the way, we don't have the money to do that. we don't. >> it would cost $11 trillion, also, the truth that anybody that understands how this
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country runs understands that a lot of this economy runs on illegal immigrants who should be legalized if they're playing by the rules. not citizenship, citizenship is a completely different thing. but most people say get them out of the shadows. they're here anyway. and we don't have the money. we don't have the enforcement mechanism to ship 11 million, 12 million, 13 million illegal immigrants back to mexico. it's going going to happen. i could be for santa claus coming to my house 50 nights a year. it's not going to happen. >> i could make that happen. >> that's a good question. why just 50? but it is a disaster because people need to let donald trump be donald trump. take up that space. and actually kind of do what jeb's doing. slow and steady. keep your head down. >> he's not wining the race. >> but it's august and there's
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six months. i would rather have a candidate in that position. i have been critical of jeb for being dull and uninspired. i would rather have a candidate in that lane than have a candidate in scott walker's lane who continues to flip-flop and has been flip-flopping since he started the race. >> don't you want someone between the tortoise and the hear. moderate speed? jeb bush is slow in answering and he's made mistakes, especially with women's health. >> i would like to, yes -- would i like a better candidate as a republican? yes, i would. that's not a hard question. but it's august, it's august, it's august. rudy giuliani was at 33% in august of 2007. michele bachmann was in first place in august of 2011. it's still august. >> we hear from bobby jindal who also embraced trump's position while others used more cautious language or flatly rejected trump's proposals.
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take a listen. >> we should talk about what it would take to get it changed. it would take passing a constitutional amendment to get it changed. this is part of our 14th amendment. honestly, i think we should put all of our energies, all of our political will over finally getting the border secured and fixing the legal immigration system. donald trump has part of it right. there's no question we should be defunding sanctuary cities if they won't enforce the laws. there's no question we should deport illegals who have committed crimes. we should have an employer verification system that works so we can make it mandatory. >> this is not about the big personality in the room. this is about how do you fix problems that are broken. we need to start solving prob m problems instead of just saying how bad things are. so i appreciate the fact that mr. trump now has a plan, if that's what it's called. i think the better approach is to deal with the 11 million
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people here illegally in a way that is realistic and to have border security that is done in the right way to lessen the number of people crossing our bord border. >> a giant step backwards for the party. we're making progress. romney said his biggest mistake in 2012 was to embrace self-deportation. this is forced deportation. this is not self-deportation. apparently under this plan, there's going to be some government agency or a combination of agencies that's going to root out the 11 million, 12 million, 13 million people and drive them back like the second exodus. >> remember the first one, the second one bored me to death, and now i'm disturbed. >> i tell you what. whoever is setting up jeb's press conferences -- >> i told you. >> -- start over. get him out -- get him out of the coat and the tie. seriously, the setup, that was about the most boring --
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>> it's all about appeal. when you're running for president, it's about the physicality, that appeal. i hate to say this, but that's some of the reason we're running at trump. he has some kind of something. it's sensational. >> pizzazz. >> he's got the hair, for sure. >> reality tv star. >> first of all, we, as in we. i don't know what this is, this we did not run after trump. in fact, we rejected him and cast him. the american public and american people, you kind of can't deny millions of american people following him, so now we're covering the story, but a lot of reporters are eating crow. >> a lot of people who came on the set said it would never happen. here's the thing about trump that is so disturbing and what a lot of people in new york and washington don't get. they sit here and mock trump and ridicule trump, and then this past weekend, you started to hear people say lower-class americans, they're the ones.
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the poor, the uneducated are the ones. boy, my god, i have talked about my brother. here's a guy who voted for every mainstream republican ever. he's very well educated. >> it's voters. >> he's a consultant. he does extremely well. he's extremely well read. yesterday, nicole wallace said her father, mainstream republican from california, who has voted mainstream, said he and all of his friends get together, whether they're golfing or whatever they're doing, and they all say enough is enough. the politicians in washington are idiots. they have run up the debt. we have this horrible deal with iran. and again, it's not just my brother. it's everywhere my brother flies, he's talking to professionals. it's the professional class. so if people on tv are talking about this being some lower class, uneducated, teeming masses phenomenon, they don't
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understand the trump phenomenon. it's up to the republican party to figure out why it is that business professionals that are educated with advanced degrees, that have voted for ford and reagan and bush 41 and dole and bush 43 and mccain and romney, are now voting for trump. >> don't forget, recent republican races tell you that the more extreme candidate usually doesn't win. they may initially be very attractive to people, but it was mitt romney who won last time, mccain who won the time before that. moderate candidates. if people look at donald trump's programs and look at how extreme the measures are. they're way beyond the most extreme republican -- >> this is difficult to follow. >> when your friends look at this, if they're that extreme, then this is a different country than i thought it was. >> i need to get something out then you do this just because he also appeals -- he's not afraid
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to talk about single payer. he's not afraid to go places that are far more moderate, al, than other republicans would ever be allowed to go. so he's extreme on immigration. he's moderate on health care. he actually wants to expand medicaid. these are things that drive conservatives like me crazy. so he drives both wings crazy. >> i don't think many people are paying attention to those specifics. he has a remarkable ability to get away with stuff. he talked over the weekend to say how i like ronald reagan. ronald reagan liked me, but he wrote ten years ago that ronald reagan was basically a conman. this goes on and on. at some point, it's like a boxer who takes body blows. it has to accumulate. >> still ahead on "morning joe," the bronx bombers invade morning joe's nation. >> a-rod, brett gardner and dellin betances. up next, news that the irs website hack is much larger than
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you believe. how you can find out if your account was invefected, next, being infected -- >> did you say affected or infected? >> i changed it. >> is that better or worse? good morning to you two lovely people. fires continue to be the story in the west along with the extreme heat. the pictures out of a fire in washington state, pretty amazing. this was four separate fires caused by loigening and then the fires have since merged. they're calling in all the big guns to try to fight the blaze. it's already destroyed over 100 homes and it's only 30% contained. here's a map showing you where all the fires are. most are located in the northern rockies. doing a little better in central california, but there's such bad air quality, the air is not moving. it's very stagnant. you have smoke in the air, plus, it's hot, too. not ideal conditions in the northern rockies.
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worst weather goes to areas around omaha. flooding overnight, more storms today. i think if we're going to get the worst of the severe weather, it will be down towards kansas city to wichita, back to tulsa, columbia, missouri, up to des moines. maybe a few tornadoes late this afternoon. almost like a springtime setup, downpours locally, ohio valley to the southeast, and one more sticky hot day in the northeast and then rain should be cooling you guys off also. new york city had heavy rain early this morning, just to add some ugly mugginess to the air mass we already have. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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and i am a certified arborist for pg&e.ughes i oversee the patrolling of trees near power lines and roots near pipes and underground infrastructure. at pg&e wherever we work, we work hard to protect the environment. getting the job done safely so we can keep the lights on for everybody. because i live here i have a deeper connection to the community. and i want to see the community grow and thrive. every year we work with cities and schools to plant trees in our communities. the environment is there for my kids and future generations. together, we're building a better california. all right, time now to take a look at the morning papers. the associated press reporting
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this morning on a second explosion in bangkok, just a day after a bombing attack killed almost two dozen in that city. a local police sergeant tells the associated press an explosive device was clone from a bridge this morning and blew up at a ferry pier, but no one was hurt. it comes as a manhunt is still under way this morning for a possible suspect after a deadly bomb explosion that killed at least 22 people and injured about 120 more in bangkok yesterday. it happened in rush hour in an upscale neighborhood shopping neighborhood. surveillance captured the moment of the blast and the chaos that ensued. the target was apparently a hindu shrine that usually is crowded with tourists. thailand's prime minister is calling it the worst attack ever in that country. no group has yet claimed the responsibility. >> this from the "new york times," a hack reported in may was nearly three times as large as previously thought. the agency said yesterday the
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hackers accessed more than 330,000 taxpayer accounts during the breach, and they had reported in may that the information was only 114,000 people. the irs says in the coming days it's going to send 220,000 letters to taxpayers whose returns were probably viewed by the hackers. >> sad news from nbc4 in washington. the maryland man who drove a custom made batmobile and donned a costume to visit chin in the hospitals died on saturday night. he became a viral sensation when video surfaced showing him driving his batmobile. the "washington post" reported at the time that robinson spent more than $25,000 of his own money on batman related items every year that he gave away to kids. he was 51 years old. >> from usa today, studio 8-h
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welcomes back tracy morgan. he's going to return to the show as a hust on august 17th and his first performance since the accident that nearly took his life. he hosted the show only once before. he took to twitter to announce his return, writing, stoked to be going home, snl. snl's historic 41st season premieres on october 23rd with miley cyrus hosting for the third and hopefully last time. >> usa today, two female soldiers were graduate from the ranger school, becoming the first women to complete the course since it was opened to them on an experimental basis this year. they're required to survive on little food and sleep, despite demanding activity including carrying more than 100 pounds of gear through mountains and swamps. it's considered one of the toughest combat training courses in the world. congratulations to them. coming up on "morning joe,"
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he calls it the most challenging thing he's ever been involved with. joe's discussion with alex rodriguez who opens up about his return to baseball after his year-long suspension. >> and we know donald trump is riding high in the polls, but we're going to dig deeper. we'll break down the key polling trends so far for 2016 and what they will mean in the months ahead. keep it here on "morning joe." a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. take advantage of our summer offers. get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest, for around 269 per month. at ally bank no branches equals great rates.
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josh groban's multiplatinum the best tweets of kanye west was the number one album of 2011, and now his highly anticipated follow-up, the best tweets of donald trump. ♪ we need global warming >> all the self promotion. ♪ my fragrant success is flying off the shelves at macy's, the perfect christmas gift. >> all the contradiction. ♪ macy's stars suck and they are bad for usa ♪ >> and so much more. the best tweets of donald trump. available wherever trump steaks, trump water, trump mens' wear, trump the fragrance and home mattresses are sold. >> i'm officially running for president of the united states. hash tag make america great again.
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>> thank you. really good. >> i want that cd. >> what about the trump vodka? it exists. >> i want that. let's bring in right now the senior editor at the daily caller, jamie weinstein. in columbus, senior elections analyst for real clear politics, shaun trendy. great to have you here as well. jamie, let's start with you. you look, donald trump in first place. second place is not even close. you go back four years ago. and you had rick perry, michele bachmann, ron paul, and newt gingrich in first place in august of 2011. john helpfully tweeted 2007 august numbers where rudy giuliani had 33%. is donald trump another august flash in the pan? or is this different? >> well, that's obviously the hope, that he's a flash in the
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pan of what i guess people term the republican establishment. i'm not so sure it's the same. i kept thinking he was going to go down in the polls after each what we presumed a gaffe. he didn't. there's a column that he might be understating his numbers. he might be more like jesse ventura or arnold schwarzenegger where he may be bringing in people who never voted before. they're only polling likely voters who had voted in the past. he might expand past that. >> you go to iowa and new hampshire, the first two, obviously, democrats can caucus and republican caucuses. new hampshire, obviously, you can cross over as well. is it possible that actually donald trump's numbers are being understated in august 2015? >> certainly possible. he has shown a pretty fast growth in his poll numbers.
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we could see these continue to grow, especially since independents can vote in either primary in new hampshire. kind of hard to peg down what they're going to do. >> what about in ohio? john kasich a favorite son of people in ohio. also the republican establishment, and some people in the media seem to like him. any evidence he can connect with the base in a meaningful way? >> it's kind of tough to say. i mean, he is fairly popular here in ohio, but he hasn't been getting a ton of traction in the early primary states. still early. he just entered the race, but as affright now, he's not catching fire. >> i want to ask you, jeremy, also the same question i asked befo before, jamie. we have seen august 2007 was giuliani pf giuliani's month. august 2011 was everybody pfsz month other than the guy who ended up winning. are we going to look back at
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august 2015 saying the same thing or does this trump rise seem to be a little different? it certainly seems that way to me, but does this seem different? >> it's different, i think, in large part because of who donald trump is. he is more than just a household name. he's more than just a guy with a lot of name recognition. he's a celebrity. so people go into thinking about voting for him in a much different way than they would say, a bush or rubio or whoever. but i would also point out back to what jamie said about who is likely to show up at these republican primaries and caucuses. we don't know the sanswer to tht question and it's hard this far away from the iowa caucuses to determine who is a likely voter. >> almost like you have to throw away the history books in terms of gauging trump's impact and whether or not it brings voters to the polls or not. there's no comparison. i think analysts need to stop. >> i think there's another factor here that you have a lot
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of candidates in the race. maybe some drop out before iowa and some of the other primaries and caucuses, but there's super pac money that might propel them to stay in, and then you have 10, 11, 12 candidates. we don't know how that split up with all these candidates in the race will affect the primaries. >> we also don't know what happens when jeb bush starts spending his, whether it's $200 million or $250 million or ted cruz starts spending his $50 million or $75 million in attacks aimed right at trump, a man who is being so toit with his money right now that he doesn't even want to take a poll. >> that's right. one of the tough things that mr. trump has going for him is that he has some pretty liberal positions on the issues. right now, people are focused in on his personality. as we get closer to actual voting, as people start running ads, i think the republican electorate is going to shift more towards an idealogical stance.
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i think that could hurt him. >> jamie, how freaked out is mark, as halpern said, the republican establishment at donald trump? >> no one can predict it. every other week or day you read a tweet from someone, again, i hate the term establishment where everything is a establishment where rush limbaugh is not a part of considering he's the largest radio base, i don't know if it's meaningful, but in terms of commentators in washington. >> the d.c. sort ofcommentary. >> they sad thiss is going to kill trump. you would think you get your foreign policy views by watching "meet the press" and other shows which show lack of seriousness and hurt him in the polls, seems nothing hurts him in the polls. >> i think people look to him and they're upset about washington not getting things done. they look to this guy, this billionaire who presents himself as a self-made billionaire, which is partly true, i guess. he had a base to begin with, certainly, and think, oh, well,
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only if we had a savior, a billionaire savior who would cut through the red tape, a negotiator as he presented himself for 30 years who will solve all our problems. maybe that will change something. i think it might be a bit simplistic. >> by the way, alex, note to you in the control room. mika was not on the show yesterday. and really wants to see pictures of donald trump giving helicopter rides to little kids. maybe next block. >> i saw a snippet. >> patriot king coming back. >> he's batman. >> jamie, stay with us if you can. sean, thank you so much. >> thank you. still ahead, the chinese stock slump continues as concerns grow about default in another country. what it all means for wall street. that's next in business before the bell. plus, it didn't take long, but jon stewart has his first gig after the daily show. we'll tell you what it is when we come back.
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43 past the hour. jon stewart's first gig since leaving the "daily show" may not be what you expected. he's set to host wwe's summer slam this sunday at brooklyn's sold out barclay's center. he got into an over the top feud with current heavyweight champion seth rollins earlier this year which culminated with stewart storming the ring at wwe's monday night raw. >> this man did not earn that brief case. you and i both know whose briefcase that is.
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cane -- >> yeah, not -- >> oh, my gosh. >> look at that. all right. >> so this is actually a show? >> yeah. kicked him, and he runs. yeah, so that's how he is spending his post "daily show" career. >> is that a network? >> let's go to business before the bell with cnbc's brian sullivan. brian, a lot of reasons, if you're in stocks, to be a little worried. about what's going on. china stock market taking another plunge last night. another indication of an economic slowdown there that's going to slow down the world. what's that mean for stocks here in the u.s.? >> you know, i'm still shaken by
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that video, by the way, guys. with the leather backed chair in the ring, the whole thing is perfect. anyway, listen. a good question, joe. if i knew the answer to that, i would probably be doing something different, but it's a big worry. china obviously the second biggest economy in the world. growing at more than 7% for more than a decade. the stock market fell another 6% last night. this is not some small economy, this is not greece. this is a huge economy, and there are very real concerned about the chinese government's ability to manage the economic slowdown. there are new pseudo capitalist country. a lot of people say they wield the hammer in terms of economic policy. whether or not that's able to keep the house going is a different story. a lot more concerns around the horrific explosion, 70 times the allowed amount of sodium cyanide. people are worried about that. i also will tell you this. turn your attention southward a bit. not a lot of people are talking about it, but i had brazil on my
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radar now for a couple weeks. brazil is the seventh biggest economy in the world. it is tanking. the economy is down, the stock market rather is down 16% in 90 days. inflation is running rampant, and now there are protests in the street calling for the impeachment of their president. massive import/export economy as well, the biggest in latin america, and now venezuela may be at risk of defaulting on its debt because of the drop in oil prices. south america should probably be just as much on your radar as china is. >> a wreck, and over the past five years you have been hearing about the emerging economies that were going to come up and overtake the united states. china one of them, struggling, and now brazil looking bad there. that's not good. hey -- >> brian, thank you. >> brian sullivan, we greatly appreciate it. coming up next, my conversation with a-rod, whose return to the bronx this season has catapulted the bronx bomberinize to first place.
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betances. it's great to have you guys here, and first of all, it's hard for me to say it, but congratulations. you guys keep going. it's been a great year. >> great to be here. love the show. >> watch all the time. >> will you still watch, even though you saw the red sox -- >> i'm going to mix it up a little bit for now. >> very good. so, let's talk baseball. talk about the year. what's happened this year. >> an incredible year so far. we have been blessed with a lot of health. playing well. so far, so good, and with about six weeks remaining in the regular season, we're looking to finish on a high note. >> looking good? >> so far, we had a pretty good season. getting the ball to these guys in the back end of the bull pen and feel good about the chances. >> how important has it been having alex back? >> it's been huge for us. we obviously missed him last year, and for him to do what he's done this year has been incredible. he's helped me as a young guy, how to be prepared when i come
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into games and how to pitch certain hitters. he's helped a lot of guys, and the key that we're in first place because of him. >> even as a phillies fan, you have to admit, pretty impressive what the yankees are doing this year. >> all you guys bounce back. sta teixeira has been unbelievable. you think you're going to beat toronto for the division? >> we have a lot way to go. teixeira had an amazing year. probably the mvp of the american league. it's really fun. i never played in my 21 seasons, never had a bull pen this strong. even though we played with rivera, the greatest closer of all time. the collection of righties and lefties. >> everybody, it seemed, outside of yankee stadium rooting against you. hoping you were going to fail. how tough has it been? and how rewarding has it been to see how the season has moved? >> playing for the yankees, we're used to people cheering against us. they're not our great fans.
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this is probably the most challenging thing i have been involved with, coming back, serving the suspension last year, gave me an opportunity to press the pause button and rethink things a little bit. coming back, grateful to so many people who gave me an opportunity to put the uniform back on. the league, the steinbrenners, my great teammates who i kept in touch with, most of them, and it's been a lot of fun. hopefully we can finish the year on a high note. >> brett, talk about home week and why it's so important, not only to yankee organization but the whole time. >> this is our seventh year in a row doing this and something we have always enjoyed being a part of. i think for us it allows us to use our yankees platform to shed light on special stories and people. >> isn't it amazing what wearing a yankee uniform can do for you? it can open a lot of doors. it can also help you help a lot of people. that's got to be inspiring? >> of course, hope week is about helping people. this is my second season doing it. and inspires us athletes to
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continue to work hard. >> alex, what would you want everybody watching the show to know the most about hope week? >> i would say the number one thing is you doinlt have to be an athlete or a celebrity to help out. there's tons of people in neighborhoods out there that need a lot of help that would love a helping hand. and hopefully, we're doing it with a platform of the yankees, but everyone out there could deit in their own small way. >> final question, how many more years do you think you have? >> just turned 40 a couple weeks ago. >> how are you feeling, man? >> some days i feel like i'm 50, some days i feel like i'm 30. >> i know how you feel. some days i feel 52, sometimes 17, sometimes 75. what's the difference at 40 than say 30 or 25? >> oh, boy. do you have enough time? >> what's the main thing you have to work on to compensate? >> i'm going to play as long as this old body allows me to play. i'm having the time of my life. i entered the league at 18 years
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old. a lot has happened and i'm having as much fun now as ever. and i'm just going to enjoy it. i'm going to enjoy every minute. people don't realize we play for nine months every day, sometimes seven days a week. we're in the middle of a 16-game stretch right now. waking up in the morning and getting into a routine and what you do before and after the game is very important. >> all about pacing, isn't it, at the end of the day, at 40? or 22, 23? pacing. who needs pacing, right? all right, well, guys, thank you so much for being with us. we really do appreciate it. and appreciate everything you do this week. and even put up with you guys beating the red sox. i mean, got to get in line to do that these days. thanks for being with us. hope week, of course, is this week, august 17th through the 21st. we'll be right back with more "morning joe."
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and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do. welcome back, kid. it's that time of the show where we talk about what we learned. jamie, what did you learn? >> comedy was merely an avenue for jon stewart to become a major success to pursue his real passion, professional wrestling. >> what dud you learn, jamie? >> a lot of the fears that the republicans had about scott walker's preparedness to be a candidate for president are really bearing themselves out now. >> tough days for scott walker right now. >> on that, i think the republican party's missing a big opportunity. looking at their real opponent
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and focussing on that as opposed to trying to follow trump's lead. >> i learned hillary clinton still doesn't get it. she's still thinking this is a vast right-wing conspiracy. she's got the fbi investigating things, the "new york times" on the case. this is not about brightbart or rush limbaugh, this is about serious problems. >> if it's way too early, what time is it? >> "morning joe," but stick around because right now it's time for "the rundown." and good tuesday morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. first on "the rundown," you've got mail. potentially top secret mail. the state department says intelligence agencies are now taking a closer look at more than 300 of hillary clinton's e-mails. these messages are from clinton's private e-mail server she used while secretary of state. there's worry they could contain classified government information. kristen welker
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