tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 31, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> let's start with this new poll that shows vermont senator bernie handers suddenly within striking distance of hillary clinton in iowa. in the des moines register, bloomberg politics poll, sanders trails clinton by just seven points, 37% to 30. san sanders doubled support since may. clinton is below 50% in this poll for the first time all cycle. here's the vermont senator talking about his iowa surge yesterday. >> i don't know if her campaign is in trouble but our campaign is doing great. i think the gains that we are seeing and the enthusiasm, the huge crowds that we are seeing this is not anti-hillary clinton. this is pro bernie sanders and pro a message that says enough is enough. this country and our government
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belong to all of us, not just a handful of very wealthy people. >> meanwhile, 61% of iowa democrats say the controversy surrounding clinton's use of private e-mail as secretary of state is not important to them. just 10% say it's very important. >> so look at the polls. and what you do, the national polls is a beauty contest. it doesn't matter. they are sort of the swimsuit part of the competition. >> yeah. >> but you do start asking the question that chris christie was asking four years ago. very popular but what state i do win? >> right. right. >> with hillary clinton, you suddenly have john, bernie sanders coming up in iowa getting closer. it seems to me that bernie sanld serz a natural fit. i think a lot of us said that. and then you move on to new hampshire where he's ahead. i think hillary clinton's campaign can endure a lot of things. it's going to be tough to endure losses in the first two states,
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not that that's ever going to happen. it could. but you look at this poll, the des moines register poll and bloomberg poll, the gold standard of this poll this race is close in new hampshire. bernie is ahead in new hampshire. it's close in iowa. >> it could be ahead in iowa. he's within the margin of error. so there's -- it would be a bloody and ugly thing for her to lose those first two contests if she did because there would be a complete freakout by the democratic establishment. and that would be a damaging thing. she has huge demographic advantages in the long haul. you look at iowa and new hampshire, very few african-american voters and hispanic voters. bernie sanders is weak among those groups. but getting punched twice in the face in the first two contests would cause panic in the party. >> and al hunt, the one headline out of this poll really is that this is a competitive race.
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we're not saying that hillary's ship is going down. we're not saying that bernie sanders is the next nominee, but the headline at least as we move into the fall is this starts as a competitive race. >> absolutely, joe. iowa was supposed to be her preemptive fire wall, if you will. yeah, new hampshire is right next to vermont. their independents up there. we might have trouble. we have a great organization in iowa. we listed a bunch of the obama people from before. we're not going make the same mistakes, no way. this is the clinton campaign. we're going to win iowa big. right now it is very competitive. she was ahead by 40 points in may. now she's up by seven. this is a real cause of concern for clinton. >> now there is this. joe biden made a surprise appearance at a political vent in delaware over the weekend as he continues to mull a 2016 run. sources tell nbc news that he stood on a picnic table and spoke for about ten minutes.
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he reportedly thanked attendees for support following the death of his son telling them i came because beau would want me to come. there was no mention of a potential candidacy. you might have new reporting to add on this. >> certainly his jstop on the weekend keeps the narrative going that he's running. he's very interesting in running f you're the vice president and looking at this poll, you're finding it pretty encouraging. his numbers doubled from may. and you see hillary clinton's numbers dropping 20% from may. that shows that there is potentially an opening for him. we had a story today that looked at the electoral map in the first four early states for him. it still looks very tough. if he were to get into this race, hillary clinton has a massive head start in iowa in, new hampshire. bernie sanders is gaining traction. it's not exactly clear what the vice president's constituency
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would be. but clearly he's still thinking about getting into the race. expecting to make a decision in the next few weeks. and he's traveling to florida this week. i'll be going with him there. and he'll be meeting with a number of -- doing a fund-raiser, meeting with a number of folks who could be critical to his campaign. it is very much on his mind. >> yep. that is up against mark halperin's reporting about how many supporters she has. there was hardly a united front in minneapolis. the leadership has come under fire over the number of debates they're holding in the presidential prime airy. and one candidate in particular who has really had a problem with. this he didn't hold back. then there was this awkward exchange with the party's chair. take a look. >> the dnc as you know is saying that if you or governor o'malley participate in any nonsanctioned debate, then you don't get to participate in the official
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ones. they're restricting debates. >> and i think that that is dead wrong. i have let the leadership of the democrats know that. again, i think this country benefits all people benefits, democracy benefits when we have debates. i want to see more of them. >> four debates. four debates? four debates? four debates and four debates only we're told not asked before voters in our earliest states make their decision. this is totally unprecedented in our party's history. this sort of rig process has never been attempted before. who's decree is this? where did it come from? to what end? for what purpose? what national or party interest does this decree serve? we are the democratic party, not the undemocratic party. if we are to debate debates, the topic should be how many, not how few because when the lights come up on our stage, we will
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speak to where america is going, not to where we have been. thank you very much. may god bless america. and may god bless our democratic party! >> this is awkward right here when she is not so happy. okay. yeah. that was martin coming out of his shell. >> kids have a phrase called throwing shade. that's what he was doing right now with o'malley. >> his only chance is for a debate. he can't break out without more and more debates. so it's a bit self interested and ratcheting it up there to say it's all about democracy. >> they should have more debates. >> are they rigging it for hillary? is that what the deal is? will anybody say what's happening here? >> i will. >> they're rigging it for hillary. >> look, every one of the candidates that is not hillary clinton has a strong argument to
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make that it seems like the party is protecting hillary clinton. >> al hunt, are they rigging the debate process for hillary clinton? >> yeah, sure they are. >> see, that's why we love al. that's why we love al. go ahead. >> joe, i think, by the way, that o'malley exaggerates the importance. the problem democrats has is they should have a different chairperson. debbie wasserman shultz is not doing anything the democrats need to do, organizationally and she's not an effective chairperson. debates are secondaryi issue, ad money, fund-raising. how are they doing? >> not doing well. >> let's go to the republican side of the ledger. new polls in iowa that donald trump completely transformed the perception among the early nominating states, likely republican caucusgoers. look at these numbers. >> bloomberg politics, des moines register poll finds trump leading the field with 23%. retired neurosurgeon ben carson
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is five points behind, nearly within the poll's margin of error. where did it come from? >> i want to stop right there. you have ted crews and scott walker and marco rubio way back. look at those two numbers. this is what nicole and i did last week. add donald trump and ben carson. you're looking at, what is that 41% of the vote? in a lot of the polls, at least four out of ten republican voters, nick, are saying to the republican party, screw off. >> yeah. >> you are not relevant to us. we don't want any of your game show hosts in washington, d.c. coming out saying the same thing you've been saying since 1980 while you've been driving up debt to record levels and starting wars where can you start wars. i mean this is a party that's in full blown revolt. it's the base revolting against d.c. republicans.
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>> and ben carson is about as opposite as can you get from donald trump, right? if he isn't your flavor, ben carson, the soft spoken guy is right there as the other choice. and those two guys are one and two. >> it's unbelievable. so let's go -- also, i mean -- >> carson tops iowa, republicans second choice in the crowded field. when caucus goers first and second choices are combined, trump and carson tie at 32%. there really is logic to combine them. they're the same voters. the outsiders rise as perhaps best explained by their opinion on republicans in congress. 54% are unsatisfied and 21% are mad as hell. as for trump, 61% of iowa republicans hold a favorable opinion of him. now more than doubling his standing in may. >> al hunt, we're going keep this up. and then john heilemann, look at these numbers. it's remarkable turn around.
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there have been so many arguments against donald trump ever being able to win. republicans themselves hate donald trump. that one is being blown away. look at these numbers. in may, if you're driving in your car, only 27% had a favorable impression of donald trump. today, 61% have a favorable. and then in may, 63% had an unfavorable. today, only 35%. that is a remarkable turn around for any candidate. al? >> yeah. it is. joeshgs i talked to a bunch of democrats and republicans yesterday. they all love the poll. republicans love the democratic poll, and democrats love the republican poll. they show what deep, deep trouble both are in. but you know, trump is 35% negative. it's really interesting. it's not just the drop from before. jeb bush is negative. jeb bush is negative among republicans in iowa. he's 15 points higher. that's a stunning number.
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they are so turned off the voters out there on the establishment. if you take trump and carson, they are getting as many votes as the top four or five establishment candidates put together. it's really remarkable. >> all right. so donald trump gave a preview wlaf the gener of what the general election may look like with a scathing attack on a trusted aide to hillary clinton. it happened at a donor gathering outside boston which despite signs saying make checks payable to the campaign, the republican front-runner insisted that was for paying for the event like food and stuff. and not a fund-raiser. >> we are, i guess they're paying for some of the basics in terms -- we have food. i guess we have 1500 or 2,000 people. but this is not a fund-raiser. we're not doing anything in terms of fund-raising. i think what they're doing is some of the people -- many of the people are coming in. they can pay whatever they want. but i think they're doing something to offset the tremendous cost for food for
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2,000 people. this is not a fund-raiser. >> during the event, trump took aim at hillary clinton's top aide saying she's at the secent of the e-mail scandal along with her husband. >> when you look at what she's done and how she's done it and the servers and uma. how about uma? okay. here's the story. so uma now is one of the people that it all sort of came through uma. who is uma married to? one of the great sleaze bags of our time. anthony weiner. did you know that? she's married to anthony weiner. you know the little bing, bing, bing. i love you very much. now think of it. so uma is getting classified
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secrets. she's married to anthony weiner who's a perv. he is. he is. if you think that uma isn't telling anthony who she's probably desperately in love with in all fairness to anthony. why else would she marry this guy? i can't believe it. he can't see straight. look, think of it. so uma's got -- it's coming through uma. she has a lot of stuff. a lot of information. who knows? so she's married to a bad guy. i know anthony weiner for a long time. i knew before they caught him with the bing, bing, bing, right? he was a bad guy then. it turned out that he was a really bad guy. so she's married to anthony weiner. do you think there is even a 5% chance she's not telling anthony weiner now of a public relations firm what the hell is coming across? do you think there is even a little bit of a chance? i don't think so. are there any women in this room who are in love with their
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husbands who wonluldn't be tellg them everything? you would or wouldn't. you said i'm in love but i wouldn't. no, you will. >> no, not really. >> i think we should add -- i think we should add the phrase bing, bing, bing. it should be part of our lexicon. >> what is the bing, bing, bing? >> i don't know. i think it sounds good. >> a super old phone? >> it's baning, bing, bing. it sounds like a pop song my 12-year-old daughter would sing along to. >> you are going to talk about what happened? donald trump spent the summer saying offensive things about women but there is no place for patently false personal attacks towards staff members. he should be ashamed of himself and others in his own party should take a moment to stand up to him and draw the line for once much it's embarrassing to watch, frankly. >> i turned on -- actually, i
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turned on and looked for the news this weekend because my twitter feed exploded. i check it once every maybe six or seven hours over the weekend. and donald trump insulted uma. i thought oh, gosh, what did he call her? all i could see he is called her husband a name and suggested that she would share information with him. but the headlines were, you know, trump attacks uma. and maybe you see that as an attack. >> i think it suggests -- it is speculation on his party. >> i will say one thing that donald trump has totally wrong is that uma would share anything with anthony that had to do with any classified information. i think that's a blind spot as to how professional women deal with their husbands because there are a lot of chinese walls from work to home especially -- look at james carville and mary matalin. >> that's the offensive -- the
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attack element. the notion that he's just out of nowhere on the basis of no shred of evidence anywhere accusing her of sharing classified information with him. i think -- not only on the basis of that, kind of gender issue that you're raising, but just in general, that is what the clinton campaign is reacting to. >> to suggest that. yeah. >> yeah. >> it's awful. he's tapping into this obsession on the right with uma, right? like people on the right think she is at the center of all the things obsessed with, the e-mails, benghazi, she is always in the room. so they're obsessed with her knowledge. >> we know her and we like her. >> yeah. >> i know anthony. i like anthony. so personally, i think donald trump's wrong. >> she's an impressive woman. >> she's very impressive.
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>> now -- >> we're not done yet. >> i want you to hear what you think he was doing and whether it was right. >> i will say this, al hunt. this is another great example of the archie bunker billionaire saying in front of a microphone what almost everybody out in the audience is thinking. and not just republicans but independence. this is what -- and i'm not justifying anything. i'm just saying we sit around here and we know these people. i've known anthony for a very long time. it's shocking to us. but what is the political impact of that? the impact is anthony weaner is branded what donald trump called him and a lot of people out there have asked the question. why is she married to that guy? and she's got this really important position. there is all this class -- again, it's the archie bunker billionaire mentality. we can sit here and be shocked he said it. we're certainly saying around this table he shouldn't have
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said it. the political impact i suspect won't hurt him but will only reinforce his political brand. >> i think that crowd responded very well from his point of view on that. i don't like anthony weiner. i think it's outrageous what he said. he would not say that about jake sullivan, another aide. he's obviously telling his wife or girlfriend about classified information. among the other i think terrible offenses here, it's just another example of trump's sexism. does it work? i suspect it does. >> we have all the big stories covered this morning including presidential politics with hugh hewitt. question ask him about this. the war with isis with congressman adam kinsinger and big nfl investments with sal pal tone yoe. but first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> joe is right. i saw leaves yesterday, too.
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i was in upstate new york. it's so dry. we haven't had a lot of rain. there is drought. the trees are stressed. the weaker ones are already turning. amazing. we're going to be hot. talk about stress and drought and it's going to be ridiculously warm. all that rain in florida left over from erika is not going to make it up the east coast. there are still flood watches in effect and tampa and orlando, daytona beach and jacksonville. we won't see horrible rainfall amounts. localized flooding is possible. i think the bigger story is the heat. as we go through september, at least the first week, very hot conditions out there occurring everywhere in the east. we should see temperatures almost to 100 in north dakota on wednesday. that sun heard of for the first week in september. chicago, one of the hottest periods of your summer is coming tuesday and wednesday. and in areas of the east as we welcome in september, 92 on wednesday in new york. notice a little cooler in boston on tuesday. wednesday, you're hot. washington, d.c., 94 two days in
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a row. and our final thing, we were worried about hawaii over the past weekend from a category 4 hurricane. thankfully ignacio is going to miss hawaii, just barely to the north. big waves but that's about it. leave you with a shot of new york city. the sun is rising on a hot and humid late august day. more "morning joe" when we come back. quicker smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays.
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all right. really quickly, let's go over the numbers. you say there are other numbers that are really surprising for donald trump, not just completely turned around his approval rating. >> look, the headline out of -- the two headlines out of the republican side of our poll with the des moines register is this surge for ben carson. really important. important for ben carson and the whole anti-establishment part of the race. the other thing is his incredible turn around. he's ahead by less over carson in iowa than he's been in other polls. but the internal numbers, we talked about his fav and unfav on the show, but we also ask the question, would you ever or never support someone for president? and when we did this poll last
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in may, trump's numbers were incredibly bad. 58% of people said they would never, republican caucusgoers, never vote for him ever, ever, ever. >> 58% said never. 29% -- only 29% said they would ever vote for him. now the never number is down to 28%. >> yeah. >> and the ever number is up to 36%. that 58% used to be for people like me and others would say one of the reasons you can't -- the trump can't be the nominee is 58% of the party won't support him ever for president. >> right. >> that makes it impossible for him to be the nominee. he turned that number around in a dramatic way. >> that has been turned around and also the argument he could never win a general election has been turned around now that he's doing better like in swing states than jeb bush or the other republican candidates. >> so i mean, i don't know you about guys, but your experience is but across -- all across the weekend in every table, i could hear, wherever i went, i hear
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trump, trump, trump, trump, sev everyone is talking. >> we had a dinner with one of the most powerful people in washington, d.c. and we got through that dinner. and every time we have dinner, we're talking about a million different things. and what about this? how are you going to move forward in the middle east? at the end of the dinner conversation, we all looked at each other and said we talked about trump for this entire dinner. and we probably had 20, 30, 40 meetings and this has never happened before. and we all shrugged our shoulders and said if it's happening here, it's happening all over america. >> it certainly was happening over my weekend. friends saying -- asking the question first, you know, how and why? the party of the discussion of donald trump is that he was -- he did seem like such an unlikely candidate back whether he was getting 58% of republicans saying they would never in a million years vote for him.
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and here he is now. we're all discussing how did he get from point a to point b? it's been extraordinary. >> yeah. >> all right. coming up next on "morning joe," the sheriff's deputy killed because he wore a uniform. we'll have that story straight ahead. these two oil rigs look the same. can you tell what makes them so different? did you hear that sound? of course you didn't. you're not using ge software like the rig on the right. it's listening and learning how to prevent equipment failures, predict maintenance needs, and avoid problems before they happen. you don't even need a cerebral cortex to understand which is better. now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized. nbut your dell 2-in-1 laptoped gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. all laptops on sale, save $230 on this dell 2-in-1. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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of a sheriff deputy in texas. the story is incredible. really kind of touches on the concerns that you had last year. more than 1,000 people descended on the gas station in the town of cyprus where he was gunned down. community members embraced police officers and left flowers and balloons. and they donated money to the married father of two. suspect shannon miles is charged with capital murder and is expected in court later this morning for an arraignment. his mother says he can't be the gunman because he was shopping with her at that time. >> at this moment, our assumption he is was a target because he wore a uniform. we heard black lives matter, all lives matter, cops' lives matter, too. let's just drop the qualifier and say lives matter and take that to the bank. >> a lot of cops feeling that way. they have been under attack over the past year, year and a half
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because of some very bad actions from some very bad cops. that's basically been generalized over the entire force. i remember saying it when the st. louis rams held their hands up and that hands up don't shoot. >> yeah. >> i said it's a lie. and i was absolutely torn to shreds and called a racist for saying that was a lie. but that was an entire movement at the time. jonathan capehart wrote about this later. he wrote later that that was a lie. and my argument, must have been a year ago is, if you go around and the countervailing attitude on cable news shows 24 hours a day are that there are white cops driving around black neighborhoods looking to shoot teenagers with their hands up in the air while they're
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surrendering, then you are going to start a war on cops, that you're spreading a lie that is going to have serious fallout. and do we really need to start counting up these examples? listen, there are two sides to the story. i have said -- i have said for as long as this show has been on that young black males especially live in a different america than the rest of us. and they are unfairly targeted. i said it time and time again. but, amy, the focus on cops and sort of this 24/7 rush to just basically paint all cops with the same brush has led to this sort of anger. and i do blame it on cable news. i do blame it on the churning of the past year. nonstop churning.
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that leads to people wearing uniforms being a lot less safe today than they were before ferguson. >> we have the killings point blank of the new york police officers just not so long ago as well. i'm not sure i would blame it entirely on cable news. >> i'm not. they created an environment. >> the drum beat and con flating true victims i would say like eric garner with men who are resisting arrest, driving their car into a police officer and much more, you know, violent conflict confrontation with police officers that there will be these marginal people, nutters, people who have their -- that are bitter who do have a beef against the cops who will be listening to these messages and taking them to heart and actsing in an evil way. >> and cops getting gunned down in louisiana. one cop deciding not to do anything because he didn't want to be on the news. ended up getting shot. >> so it's really an interesting
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conversation in terms of coverage. we had -- there were conversations to be had about showing video after the tragedy last week in roanoke. this is a bigger, more complicated issue. when we covered ferguson, when we covered baltimore, you know, you have the issue of images on cable news superseding information and anchors going back and back and back again with one piece of information to that one image and focusing in on that image making it look like balt smimore is burning wi no data. just images. >> that's exactly what happened in baltimore. >> absolutely. >> it was sickening. they were drooling. i will say, the network -- the network that did that last week i was shocked -- was really shocked last week to see that in the roanoke shooting, they were actually glorifying in a perverse way the shooter. this is what the shooter's tweet said. this is -- this is where his car was. this is -- >> his facebook. >> this was his facebook.
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no. no. that's exactly what this guy wanted. >> there is research to back that up. that the shooters are looking to make headlines. are looking to become famous and competing with previous mass shooters to -- >> so the cable news network that did that, actually, there were a couple that did that. they were promoting the next roanoke style shooting. and you can talk to experts and they will tell you that. why this network felt the need, they were so desperate for a few rating points which really didn't come around anyway, but were so desperate for few ratings points that they actually gave the murderer what he wanted. >> right. >> that is absolutely sick. >> and also i think a lot of people got access to video that is probably something that you don't want to be releasing at the drop of a hat. i think that the key here is not that this information and these images don't have a place to be seen and to be learned from, but what our job is even in 24-hour
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news, what our job is to stop and think first. and i literally watched just over the case of ferguson, over the case of baltimore, over the case of roanoke, the stories that come to mind no thought, blurting out, vomiting out of information with no context, no data and, therefore, creating a problem for cops that your describing. >> by the way, i said it at the time. i need to say this again. i'm sure people will try to twist my words again like they tried to twist my words a year ago whether i was dead right about this. as i said, i think i wrote a column about it. the facts of ferguson were awful enough. the facts of two americas when it comes to a criminal justice system that treats young men who are black much worse than young men who are white, those facts are bad enough on their own. the facts speak for themselves. you don't have to create addition allies to stir up
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additional hatreds that put cops in danger. >> it's about showing gore and things that tra that attract th. sometimes you have to dare to have information. new polls show growing support for outsider candidates. jeb bush is looking to rack up establishment endorsements. adam kinsinger joins us next on "morning joe."
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treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. nbut your dell 2-in-1 laptoped gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. all laptops on sale, save $230 on this dell 2-in-1. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. republican congressman adam kinsinger of illinois serve in the air force in iraq and afghanistan. obviously you've been following isis closely. what do you make of the right now the inspection, i guess checking in to see whether the pentagon exaggerated success
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against isis? >> we need to find that out. this is an issue i run into smi sometimes with the pentagon and leadership. they're eager to either please the president or sometimes the president can even influence them to say we need better numbers so we can please the public. >> i was in arms services. that is a great shock. i figured out that generals and admirals were more political than everyone else. >> at the end of the day, look, we've been bombing isis for a year? >> what do we got? >> that's the question. where are we? we stopped, i'm sure, some expansion. i'm not saying this is the wrong thing to do. but if you look at it, any other president where this had been a year where we're still bombing isis with no real success -- >> have we made any gains at all? >> to an extent. this sounds har tosh ssh to say any time you kill people, you're gaining. nobody is saying that he is the
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incubator of isis. and four years ago the president said there are a bunch of doctors and lawyers. the doctors and lawyers were the ones poised to take over. today it's isis and it's just getting worse. >> as far as territory control, does isis control more territory or less territory or about the same as they did a year snag. >> i'm going to say it's about the same as a year ago. they made expansions in certain areas. they've had role backs in other areas. if you look at where isis is today, it's in a much worse situation. syria, iraq, everything else. >> let me ask you a political question. >> sure. >> you're one of the first endorsers of jeb bush. he has been taking to frontal assault on donald trump. how do you think that's going? >> it's a start. there's really two ways to come to power. one is through negativity, you know, reinforcing to americans, hey, the economy stinks. leaders stink. it's kind of stirring that anger
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part of people. or 1979 ronald reagan won the presidency not by reinforcing the people how bad the economy was under carter, but by talking about this idea of a shining city on a hill and inspiring people. that's what i think the job of a president is to do is to lay out a road map for people to say, look, it's not necessarily me but here's where we need to go. so is it a start? probably. has it been overly infective? maybe not yet. i think jeb is the guy. >> a lot of people say he does not have the optimism, the joy. he looks uncomfortable, unhappy. >> let me breakthrough. this he looks dull and joyless and awkward. what say you? >> i don't think he is. if you get to know jeb and -- >> we can't. he looks dull and joyless. >> listen, i know jeb. i like jeb. but this jeb isn't black and white. everybody else is in color. what's going on? >> we saw a piece of jeb that he needs to bring out. i think he's going. to. >> yes, with the sfwhal. >> no, when he talked about, for
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instance, when he talked about in the debate -- i was in the front row of the debate. when he talked about education. look, foreign policy is important. i'm a foreign policy guy. i think it's important. but when he rolled into education and talked about the optimism and the next generation and, frankly, how the greatest way to come out of being in poverty or going to the next level of education, we saw that. that's what he needs to grab on to and be much more public. donald trump is sucking all of the oxygen out of the room. any candidate running for president has to be frustrated because everything is donald trump, donald trump, donald trump. >> yeah. you know, we like cranky jeb. we love him. a guy who said they built the wall of china. yeah, 600 years ago. that's the jeb i know and love. i want to see some of that jeb come out again. some of the frustrated jeb. >> frustrated jeb works well. he is a smart, smart guy and cutting humor. i think people love to see. that he hasn't been on the campaign trail for a decade. if i take a month off of the
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campaign trail, i come back and i'm rusty. i think for ten years he's doing well. but it's a long, long, long -- >> but donald trump has never been on the campaign trail. >> but if you listen for 50 years. if you listen to what he says, it doesn't say anything. it's the tone. and people like the tone. i guess he's tapping into anger people have. but you listen to him. it really makes no sense when i listen to what he says. i'm going to make mexico pay for the wall. how? i'm going to make them. military or what? >> how does jeb breakthrough an era when rage and anger and tone is what is happening in politics right now? >> that's the big question. i want to be the kind of leader that is not a yell he, not a screamer, that tries to inspire people to something bigger. i think that's going to win. i really do. >> all right. i just fell asleep, i'm sorry. >> thank you, congressman. don't worry about what you just said. we're going to call donald trump and tell him you're an okay guy. >> understood. >> thank you so much. coming up next, tom brady's
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suspension could come as early as today. >> we have sal palintonia ahead with a look at what could happen. that's ahead on "morning joe." toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain.
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winner. leave him alone. >> gosh. that was donald trump over the weekend in massachusetts backing new england patriots quarterback tom brady. joining us now, national correspondent for espn, sal palantonio. >> talk about it. >> this book is really like a nine year project, joe. i wanted to take the essence of the game and marry it up with the essence of the country. and to me, how and why this game was created explains america and what it has become. >> come on, baby. you're being general. dig in. how does football explain america? we have to get to the nfl. >> manifest destiny explains america. it's about controlling territory, gaining territory, defending territory. >> i love this. >> yeah, that's what it's all about. >> yes! and so who's going to control the most fert thesst territory ?
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>> i think the colts. this is their year. this is the time for them. >> why? >> well, they got a great -- tom brady may not play for four games. >> that's a topic. balance the power. >> yeah. >> all right. deflategate. what's going to happen today? >> well, you're going to have tom brady and roger goodell back in the courtroom. there is the third time for a hearing. and the judge could get up there and say a lot of different things. the one thing i think he does need to say is we want you to go back and do this over again. he could get up and say do this hearing over again. go back to the drawing board. >> why is goodell making such a big deal about brady here? because you know he's going to be standing next to him when he's inducted into the hall of fame. you know brady is one of the marquee players in the sport. why brady? >> well, specifically i this in
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this case they're worried about the power of the commissioner's office. i think that's the key thing for them. they want to protect the commissioner's ability, joe, to be the final judge and jury in all things regarding the integrity of the game of football. >> but in the past, guys beating up their wives and they get -- like one or two games. they do illegal drugs. maybe one game. here, deflates footballs which hasn't been proven. i have to say that as a lawyer, and it's four games. >> that's clearly what the position is of tom brady and the nfl p.a. he overreached the four games, he didn't have proper notice in terms of the punishment coming down. and tom brady was not involved in his scheme to deflate footballs. so that, to me, is -- and they had -- >> the integrity of the game. >> they talked about settling but they have not been able to get past the core issues. tom brady doesn't want to cop o the wells report and the commissioner doesn't want to
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give up the four game suspension. >> we have to go to washington for a second. al hunt who is worried about the nationals skidding, boy, they are skidding into a ditch, al. the van is about to turn over and blow up like a -- did pintos used to blow up when you hit them from behind? that's the state of the nats. but the redskins right now not looking much better are they, al? >> much better. my gosh, i mean the nationals look like world champions next to the redskins. it's been a tough baseball season, joe. it's been very tough. hopes springs eternal. we have another month. the redskins, i guess we have another decade. it's going to be a long time. >> rg-3. it's sad. >> it's going to end in divorce. they're going have to trade him or cut him. they clearly don't want him. and it hasn't worked out between jay gruden and rg-3. >> how badly have they handled rg-3? a great guy, great talent. he's been handled horribly from the start. >> he was put in a position where he was exposed to injury.
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he got injured. and, you know, the bottom line is he's not suited for that system that they have there in washington. he's going to have to play somewhere else. he's a great talent. he's a pyrotechnic once in a lifetime talent. and it's really been wasted. sad. >> mishandled. >> i want to ask about two other quarterbacks. what can we expect? andrew luck and peyton manning. >> i think andrew luck this is the year for him. it's boom or bust. he has to get to the super bowl and win it. they've come very close. the owner put the coach and the quarterback on notice. and andrew luck is really, i think the best quarterback in the league right now. he's the one quarterback that can carry a football team and he has. he's got as close as kechcan. he's close. as for peyton manning, nobody's won the super bowl at age 39. he recently said he can't even feel his fingers because of the nerve damage. >> it is bad? >> yeah. >> last season for him? >> probably. >> all right. the sbook "how football explains
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america." i want to get you back pretty soon. i want you to tell us how it explains the battle of midway. al hunt, thank you as well. greatly appreciate you being here. good luck. we'll be cheering for the nationals, maybe. >> all right. >> coming up at the top of the hour -- >> it's no surprise that donald trump is leading the latest poll in iowa. should he be concerned that another republican is within striking distance? and on the democratic side, joe biden makes a surprise appearance as another poll shows a dwindling lead for hillary clinton. plus, all the angles you'd ever want to see. >> i've seen them all. >> of the mtv video muse ache warts including what miley cyrus did and did not wear. >> let's go to break. don't show that. >> we'll be right back.
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what did iran's supreme leader get in the nuclear deal? to start with, $100 billion. they keep their nuclear facilities and ballistic missiles. there won't be surprise anytime-anywhere inspections. and after ten years, restrictions are lifted and iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. congress should reject a bad deal. we need a better deal.
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it's not about me. it's about ideas, bro. new ideas. people with ideas. people who believe in truth. and, yes, as you probably could have guessed by this moment, i have decided in 2020 to run for president. >> all right. it's the top of the hour. that was last night. >> crazy dude. >> that is a crazy, crazy dude. >> if donald trump can be the republican front-runner in the summer of 2015, there is no reason why kanye west can't be the front runner in 2020. >> why are you assuming he's a democrat? >> exactly. >> i'm sorry. >> i'm a student of kanye west
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personality and politics. >> that is not objective. >> no. >> i don't understand. why would he jump to that conclusion? >> i'm a student -- if you observed his life, his statements on political policy matters, his previous attack on george w. bush over katrina, for instance, famously, i would put him in the democratic party. >> trump used to be a democrat. i'm offended. >> i'm not saying he couldn't switch to the republican party. >> he's his own party. >> we're going to talk about that event later on in the show including miley cyrus who actually think jumped the -- is it -- >> there's a balloon outfit. that's just gross. oh, my god. i seriously would rather see hugh hue it in that. >> that is repulsive. >> also her jie ragss of the last event she took. >> take that down. >> no, put it back up. >> don't put it up. >> scare the children. children should be scared. >> don't put it up. >> i actually think young people were kind of grossed out,
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horrified by what she's doing. so at this point, put it up. she's not starting a wave here. that is sad. >> you know who sets a wave, steve schmitt. >> so disturbing. >> it's so interesting that a month and a half ago when mika and i suggested merely suggested that donald trump might be a wee bit relevant to the republican race, we heard gasps from people that, you know, nbc reporters. we heard gasps from some of the most respected magazine editors. people storming off the set. shocked that would even suggest that. you, for some reason, figured it out. what did you know that nobody else seemed to know at the time? >> we live if a time where trust is completely collapsed and every institution in the country. so we live in a time of unsettlement.
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economic dislocation caused by globalization where flat wage growth for the middle class for the last 30 years in the country, rapid, cultural change in the country. american people in their support of trump are giving voice to the absolute contempt they feel to the political establishment of the country. they think is not on the level. i don't think that they know this statistically. they can cite it intuitively. eight of the wealthiest counties in america ringing the federal capital of washington, d.c. >> eight of the ten richest counties in america are in washington, d.c.? >> ringing the area around washington, d.c. >> unbelievable. >> and so when you look at donald trump, i think you see this severability between issues and conservatism. and conservatism is being defind by emotion, rhetoric. the more incendiary the rhetoric, the more conservative you are. >> it has been for a while. >> but the test of your conservatism is fidelity to the person who has the most
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incendiary rhetoric. and this message of american nationali nationalism, we were great but we no longer are -- >> so let me show you this bloomberg poll. let's go ahead and put it up. donald trump is leading at 23%. ben carson, 18%. i could stop there. political out seeders never held a political office. really don't have the campaign plans that everybody else has. then everybody else, ted cruz, marco rubio, carly fiorina, they're swallowed up by ben carson and donald trump. it's your poll, man. look at that. the revenge of the outsiders. barbarians at the gate, whatever you want to call it. 41%. basically saying screw off, washington. >> and then add in ted cruz's eight and carly fiorina's a% and you're at 54% for
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anti-establishment politicians. you take the top four establishment politicians in the poll walker, rubio, bush and kasich and you're in the mid 20s. >> if you take the top four establishment candidates, they're crushing the establishment candidates. >> so i walked past a table of political types in washington. i heard one guy going yeah, and the bush campaign thinks that they have everybody exactly where they want them. we're really good with it the are they really good with donald trump beating their brains in everywhere? or how about this stat from the des moines register poll, ben carson, i don't know if i heard ben carson put together a coherent sentence on policy. ben carson is tripling jeb bush right now. >> look, there's no doubt. john's exactly right. you add it all up, 54% for the nonestablishment candidates. you look at who are running there right now.
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i think the whole conception of the race is off. their whole sense of the mood of the country is off. look, jeb bush was a very successful governor. he's a thoughtful man. he was a good conservative governor. but every day donald trump is ee mass cue lating jeb bush. and republican primary voters are not going to default to the establishment candidate who is being weakened by these attacks that go unresponded to. >> the outsiders rise is perhaps best explained by voters opinions of republicans in congress. 54% are unsatisfied. 21% quote mad as hell. as for trump, 61% of iowa republicans hold a favorable pin of him now more than doubling his standing in may. >> yeah. >> that's a stunning turn around right there. >> yeah. you know what is amazing? the things we thought of as important in politics, money, endorsements, stature, strength in the establishment do not
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matter at all. in fact, they're dragging down the candidates that have them in some weird way having $100 million if you're jeb bush is somehow not helping him at all. >> not even close. you've been studying campaign finance and do better than anybody else. we have a guy leading that refuses to do a 30 second ad. >> the second guy is leading, carson, has a terrible campaign. in fighting is destroying it. the super pac is a mess. and yet, right, on words alone, he's there at number two. >> and donald trump had some incredible events where he said some incredible things over the weekend. we'll get to that in just a moment. first, i want to talk about this. this new poll showing vermont senator bernie sanlders suddenly within striking distance of hillary clinton in iowa. in the des moines register, bloomberg politics poll, sanders trails by seven points. he nearly doubled support since
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may when he trailed by 40 points. clinton is below 50% in this poll for the first time all cycle. also, 61% of iowa democrats say the controversies surrounding clinton's use of private e-mail as secretary of state is not important to them while just 10% say it's very important. it's interesting. we're seeing each candidate moving in a different direction. one that you wouldn't expect really. >> yeah. but what's interesting in this poll is that you're seeing that on both sides. this unsettled electorate is showing up in the republican side and on the democratic side. and, you know, hillary clinton to drop 20 points since may, that's a big deal for her. and she needs to -- is going to have to try to figure out how to reboot there. and then when you look at bernie sanders, he's out there making this case that whatever the clinton campaign is doing, that has nothing to do with him. his campaign is just doing really well. >> right. >> he's just out there
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campaigning. >> well, then i was going to mention, the vice president is an interesting component of all this. where he decides to get into this race, he's this weird mix of total establishment politician and, yet, would be possibly seen as an insurgent candidate. it's not clear if he were to get into the race how an lekt rat would view him. >> it will be interesting him against trump. >> she lost a third of her support since may. he is our pollster on this right now. the coalition sanders is building in eye ichlt young voters, liberals and first time caucusgoers. guys that did not have a caucus before. that is the obama coalition in iowa. >> if you think back to four years ago or eight years ago, she was leading in iowa by
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siveseven points over john edwards. so the dynamics are strikingly similar to what is going on then in that state in that cycle. >> we might need steve to do clarts on th charts on this. have you seen this before? >> they're not on national park side of it. she is always going to come down. but when you look at the numbers and look inside of them, the e-mail scandal, it has decimated her trust levels with the electorate particularly in the middle of the electorate. and now she is -- she is in a competitive race in these early states with the 73-year-old socialist. >> and that's it. she's running against a 70 year socialist who was almost invisible in the house of
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representatives. >> not a celebrity, that's for sure. >> a curiosity in the united states senate. i'm not knocking bernie. i know him and like him. but it's not like she's running against the ghost of jfk. and she right now is in a competitive race in iowa where we heard for months she was going to just blow everybody else away. and she's behind in new hampshire. steve schmitt, if the trends continue, like what happens? i mean, if hillary loses iowa and new hampshire? >> look, when you talk to people in washington, d.c. in both parties, they look at you and they say, well, there's no way that hillary clinton can be beaten. joe biden can't beat hillary clinton. i don't know why democrats don't think that the inducumbent vice president of the united states can't give her a run for her money? same thing with jeb bush. jeb bush will be the republican nominee. donald trump is going to fall apart. the conventional wisdom in washington, d.c., looking out at the rest of the country about what is going on, i think is just fundamentally off.
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as if repeating it enough will make it so. >> you talked about this over the last several months. the smart people in media have gotten everything wrong this preliminary year. >> it's fascinating to see the turn on both sides of the aisle. the prognostications are in the aisle. there was a scathing attack to hillary clinton. checks were said to be payable to the campaign. >> during the event, trump took aim at hillary clinton's top aide uma abidine saying she's at the center of the e-mail scandal along with her husband. >> uma, how about uma?
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okay, here's the story. so uma now is one of the people that it all sort of came through uma. who is uma married to? one of the great sleaze bags of our time. anthony weiner. did you know that? she's married to anthony weiner. you know the little bing, bing, bing. i love you very much. so think of it. so uma is getting classified secrets. she's married to anthony weiner. if you think that uma isn't telling anthony who she's probably desperately in love with in all fairness to anthony because why else would she marry this guy? can you believe it?
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can't see straight. but if you would -- look so she's married to a bad guy. i knew anthony for a long time. i knew before they caught him with the bing, bing, bing. it turns out he was a really bad guy. so she's married to anthony weiner. do you think there's even a 5% chance she's not telling anthony weiner now and the public relations firm what the hell is coming across? i don't think so. are there any women in this room that are in love with their husband that's wouldn't be telling them snefrg you would or wouldn't? no, she said i wouldn't but i'm in love. no, you will. >> steve? first of all, is this there any
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way to mess this up? what are your thoughts on that entire statement? >> i think it's an improvisational routine. i truly think when he gets up in front of the crowd, he lets it rip and he's responding to the energy in the room. >> is he bringing up something important? >> what he's doing is he's attacking hillary clinton much the same way he's attacking jeb bush. i think what he understands is that is the prospecting combination of a clinton-bush race from which he is drawing a lot of the energy which is fueling his campaign. >> but it was attacking uma in a deeply personal way. >> absolutely. he attacks everybody. n. a de in a deeply personal way. this notion of our sensibilities, you know, out of washington, d.c., or new york and everyone said my god, he said this again. we live in a coarse time. go on and look at twitter, the
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dialogue that takes place around politics. it's disgusting. and so you go and you see these events. the crowd is energized. the crowd is not looking for niceties out of the candidates. and they're responding very, very well in these states to this message which isn't so different than anything they're hearing on talk radio from a tone and tenor every day that tens of millions of people are listening to. >> i don't read them anymore. i used to read them and go who is this person? it's like christian mom, love you jesus. praise the lord. this is all about him. and then you have the most hateful thing. a hippy on the other side. i'm zen, dude, i'm high on life. then he hopes you and everybody that related to you it,s a cesspool. it is awful. it is coarse, disgusting debate.
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it's where a the love people that follow politics is. >> what you said about uma and chinese secrets is sexist. washington is full of men that have classified clearances and security clearances and secrets don't come out. >> you mean men don't reveal secrets? if you don't think that, then you don't watch the americans. you get kerry russell in there. they spill the beans. >> that's a great show. >> it is an amazing show. >> they have some real situations, too, where that happened. >> men talk. women talk. but, yeah, that was -- >> carol, your thoughts on this? >> david petraeus? >> okay. there we go. checkmate. >> i guess when you look at this, this is exactly why the republicans fear donald trump because he says things that, i mean, this is tack on uma is, it comes out of thin air. it comes out of nowhere. yet, it's being repeated over
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and over again and that is -- that is precisely why republicans are -- have not figured out how to deal with him and are fearful of him because he can say one thing whether it be true, not true, completely made up and it can gain traction. and it gets a reaction. and the question going forward is going to be how the republicans figure out how to deal with him. it is jeb bush? he seems to have decided he'll put his head down and the storm will blow over. you know, that may in a year from now look like a big mistake. >> he's broken the code. zbh he's broken the code. it's a koefd behavior. >> you said something of areas where you go and don't go. >> he's broken the code. it may be fair game. >> and you brought up something very interesting. you talk about it's an improv routine. because if it were about him, he wouldn't bring her up. just like a immediate yant wouldn't. but you have anthony weiner attached. how many comedians made a lot of money off of anthony weiner's problems and talked about it?
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you say wait a second, people say it but don't think it. sow gets a laugh. he makes a connection. and he says something that nobody else says. i'll give you another example. john kerry. he's negotiating this very important deal. >> oh, gosh. >> he's running around. he gets in a bike accident. he's 73. he goes if i'm elected president, i will not -- he's a baby. what's he doing? i guarantee you, again, that's a great routine for a guy in an improv. >> absolutely. >> that's what this guy is doing. it sort of part comic routine with a dash of truth. it makes people go, wow. he's on to something here. >> i think it's -- i think the conception in washington, d.c., is people talk about presidential campaign and they say it's a long race. it's a marathon. it's not a long race.
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it's not a marathon. it's a reality show. and every day is a new episode. and donald trump understands this. and he is putting new content into the reality show, entertaining as hell every day. he is dominating and controlling the battle space of the campaign in every conceivable way. >> and this is maybe the biggest change it seems to me. you know more about this than i do. the message is discipline. staying on message. saying the same thing over and over again on the campaign trail is thought to be a virtue of a candidate. even though it was boring to reporters. it would be repetitious, whatever. if you're managing a campaign, you say you have to control your public image. say the same thing every day. repeat your message. trump never says the same thing every day. he is totally off message most of the time. and feeding the beast of the reality, that's a big change in the context in which politics takes place. will we be rewarded for that? >> we used to stay on message
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repettively to drive dhsh -- th my position on an issue. he conveys a message consistently, strength. everything he communicates is i'm strong, i'm competent. they're not. >> they won't say this, i will. and if they don't like it, they can go straight to hell. >> and even for people who think that, hey, this wall in mexico is totally impractical, makes no sense if a policy perspective, but if we did build a wall and trump built it, it would be a great wall. >> it will be a beautiful wall. >> it will be a fantastic wall. and that's what people are responding to. >> and huge. huge. >> carol lee, thank you. i don't know if you regret being on the show this morning. we appreciate it. >> nick, thank you as well. >> thank you, nick. >> steve, stay with us. >> nick, whether you go, no bing, bing, bing. stay off the bing. >> this is on silent. >> stay off the bing, bing.
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he is bringing major change for the nation's highest mountain. plus, we'll look back on the life and legacy of iconic horror film director wes craven. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. hey terry stop! they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen
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the country's highest mountain is getting a name change as president obama heads to alaska this week. the obama administration will switch the name from mt. mckinley to mt. denally which means the great one. the original name before they honored the former president, the white house says it is an attempt to improve relations with native-americans. this is an exciting trip. joining us from anchorage, alaska, chris jansing. tell buus about the name switch and what we can hear from the president on the arctic? >> good morning from alaska. this is a fight that actually has been going on not a lot of people have paid attention to it
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for years though. the highest peak in america is mt. mckinley for hundreds of years. now it is pitted the alaska delegation that wanted it to go back to its native alaskan name against the ohio delegation, of course, president mckinley being from ohio. this is something that the president said that he thought was appropriate. a lot of folks here are very happy about it saying that this is kind of -- has been for years a sign of american imperialism, taking this name away from native alaskans. but the president wants to come here and focus on climate change and his message is going to be that we're at a critical turning point in the fight against global warming. in one of the most beautiful places on earth, mike and kelly bender run a tour business. the alaskan glaciers are melting. >> we had no snow. we had 80-degree summer. we just really watched the glaciers change and dramatic
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changes. >> scientists say this year alone the average glacier will lose 30 inches of thickness. >> there's about 25,000 glaciers in alaska. and almost all of them are retreating, losing mass and shrinking. >> and that's why president obama is making alaska the last leg of a 14,000 mile trip focusing on climate change in advance of a critical international meeting in paris in december. >> climate change -- >> a white house video previews his visit to the alaskan arctic. >> the state's god given natural treasures are all at risk. >> here in the bay, we found ourselves in the middle of a pot of whales. it's absolutely incredible. but even in this remote place, you're not never if far from a complicated political question much it's a debate over how to save the wilderness without the economic development. >> they certainly don't know how
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vital arctic resource development is for thousands alaskans. >> groups are on the attack just last week the administration gave a final okay to shell, to drill for oil off the northwest coast while fossil fuels are partly to blame for climate change. >> for somebody like president obama who presumably understands the science and understands the numbers, it's infectively like drill baby, drill. >> the administration argues unprecedented safety measures are part of the new shell drilling lease and want to keep the trip's focus on climate change. >> inaction is no longer an option. these families, these communities, their way of life is being threatened. >> families like the benders. watching melting glaciers turn into waterfalls. >> when you see that, what does it mean to you? >> again, business as we know it is going to change. >> changing along with the spectacular scenery that's the backdrop to the on going debate.
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while he's here, you'll see president obama get on a boat. he'll go to a glacier. the message obviously is that this is one of the most critical issues of our time and, in fact, secretary of state john kerry is already here. the state department is sponsoring this conference. mika? >> chris jansing, thank you. >> this is obviously a really important issue. >> it is. >> a guy, none other than mark pierzynski. he came back to the white house and chairing the committee on the arctic. "new york times" had the front page story about how so much is in play. and you're talking about vast resources as well as, of course, all the questions around climate change. >> it's the next frontier. not only on the environment and science but, you know, business interests as well. >> yeah. >> so we'll be watching that and watching the president's trip this week. it should be fascinating. still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> i am eating popcorn at the moment. >> i'm getting ready to watch a
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video. >> really? what? >> just some scary movie. >> you like scary movies? >> yeah. >> what's your favorite scary movie? >> i don't know. >> you have to have a favorite? what comes to mind? >> his films have been causing nightmares for generations. we remember horror movie mastermind wes craven ahead on "morning joe." ♪ mother nature can turn in an instant; don't turn back. introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. ♪ this is my fight song...
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we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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i know you're there, freddie. >> you think you were going to get away from me? >> i know you too well now, freddie. >> no. now you die. >> don't you ever play in the cat. >>, no please don't kill me mr. ghost face. i want to be in the sequel. come on, casper. that's a wrap. hey, what the hell are you doing? >> those were just a few of wes craven's horror films that are still scaring audiences now. the film maker that gave sharon stone her first starring role and took a chance on a young johnny depp. lost his battle with cancer over the weekend. nbc's carson daily has more.
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>> reporter: maurniourning wes n following a long fight with brain cancer. the man behind freddy krueger and "scream's" ghost face passed away surrounded by family at his los angeles home. he was 76. his family announcing his death in a statement saying in part, "our hearts are broken." kraven made his name writing and directing 70s cult classics, "the last house on the left" and "the hills have eyes." before introducing the character that launched 1,000 nightmares and almost as many sequels in "a nightmare on elm street." >> whatever you do, don't fall asleep. >> over a decade later, he enlt tand a new generation with equal pars scares and self-awareness in "scream". >> there are certain rules that
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one must abide by to survive a horror movie. >> crazing the bar on horror film making in the process. >> wes craven's real legacy is he helped invent asian are a with nightmare on elm street and he turned that genre on its head and poked fun and exploiting that genre in "the scream" films. >> courtney cox who worked on all four screen films tweeted today the world lost a great man, my friend and mentor. >> all right. wes craven was 76 years old. up next on "morning joe" -- >> in the case of univision, i sued them for $500 million. i want that money. i want that money. >> we've heard about that one before. mike at michael is could have has more reporting. keep it right here on "morning joe."
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chief investigative correspondent for yahoo news, michael izikoff. you are taking a look at how the presidency could turn into a litigation circus. tell us what you mean by that. >> exactly. well, this hasn't gotten very much attention during trump's presidential campaign. but he's being sued for fraud by new york attorney general eric schneiderman in connection with this for profit school he was running. he is facing two class action suits on the same issue in california. one of which accuse him of racketeering activities. and here's the thing. these lawsuits don't go away were he to be lekt elected pres. you remember the supreme court recalling ruling in the paula jones case. a president is not immune from
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civil litigation just because he's a sitting president. >> it also didn't impact his ability to become president. >> right. well, actually, bill clinton was elected before the lawsuit was commenced. but the fact is that i talked to bob bennett who was bill clinton's lawyer who said that trump would be at substantial risk of being embroiled in this litigation. it would follow him right into the oval office. and there's a lot of schneiderman has something like 150 witnesses to testify against donald trump who have kbland about that university. just last week trump was supposed to be deposed in the california class action suit. now that was put off until the fall. but the point is it's not going away. and this litigation circus that follows trump is going to -- is going to continue through the campaign and were he to be elected into the oval office. >> how does the litigation that
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trump is dealing with, how does it compare to other business professionals of his caliber and financial status? >> look, that's what trump's lawyers argue. any successful businessman has lots of litigation. i am -- first of all, it's worth noting i'm not aware of any other presidential candidate who is being sued for fraud by an attorney general. and facing potential trial there. but you got to look at the details of the case. it all depends on the severity, the nature, the allegations and i went through the file on that new york case and there's a lot of witnesses there, a lot of evidence we talked to and cites, sworn affidavits from some of the people who say they were promised that they would get mentoring by hand picked experts from trump university. these hand picked experts one of whom turned out to be a failed businessman who had filed for
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bankruptcy. another was an exsports manager. they were urged to max out their credit cards in order to spend more for higher elite courses and came up completely empty. one woman who we cited in the weiss said she was promised to get a photograph of herself with trump when she ended up getting was a picture of herself with a cardboard cutout of trump. now, yeah, i'm just saying, there are some pretty serious allegations there. and they're not going to go away as this campaign continues. >> and, again, other business leaders of his sort of financial caliber, are there -- is there parallels to how many suits they would have against them? >> trump is a litigation magnet. he almost takes pride in the number of lawsuits he's been involved in. as you noted, he's actually initiated more lawsuits since the campaign began.
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one against jose andrews and another against univision. it is for breach of contract and defamation. he asserts that univision was seeking to suppress his first amendment rights and defamed his reputation. >> michael isikoff, thank you so much. >> this is something that i suspect we'll hear as the lawsuits move forward. and, of course, the attorneys generals and obviously judges and juries will have to make the decisions as they move forward. the political impact, steve schmitt? >> none. the notion that the democratic attorney general of new york is suing donald trump, if this comes an issue on the campaign trail, i think he'll swat it away like child's play. the lawsuit over the woman's mad because she got her picture not with the real donald trump but with the cardboard cutout donald trump and that this is going to be the issue that brings him
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down on this race, i just -- i think that all of these issues that will come up about him, the opposition research dumps that will be disabling to other candidates, i just think he is immunized from him. his teflon armor is very, very thick. >> and that's the point here. this would be a very serious situation for any mortal political candidate. chances are really good. it's just not going to have an impact on donald trump because those who support him and those who follow him do not care about the details. >> all right. ahead on "morning joe," a plan that would have the government tracking immigrants like fedex tracks packages. and a vow to build a wall on the canadian border. we have got the details of candidates' immigration plans. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number.
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tell you where that package is. it's on the truck. it's at the station. it's on the airplane. it's back at another station, back on the truck, at our doorstep. she signs for it. yet, we let people come into this country with visas, and the minute they come in, we lose track of them. we can't -- so here's what i'm going to do as president. i'm going to ask fred smith, the founder of fed ex, come and work
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for the government for three month. we need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in and then when your time is up, whether it's three months or six months or nine months, however long your visa is s we tap you. we say excuse me, thanks for coming. time to go. >> what my point was this is once again a situation where the private sector laps us in the government with the use of technology. let's use the same type of technology to make sure 40% of the 11 million people here illegally don't overstay illegally. >> they don't have a number, a label on their wrist. >> we can do. we should bring in the folks from fedex to bring in the technology. i don't mean people are packages so let's not be ridiculous. >> i can't do it. >> where do you put the bar code, on their forehead? >> a chip. a chip underneath the skin. >> like dogs. >> the chip. >> a little chip.
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>> this is what we were warned of in the baptist church, what the antichrist was going to do. you get the mark. uh-huh. >> is it a bar code? >> i don't know. >> it's a chip. it's a chip. a little chip under the skin. subcutaneous chip. >> sort of a gps thing. what happens when your skin starts going beep, beep, beep? you know your three months is over? >> like logan's run. >> except you can live past 30. you just have to go back to mexico or canada. >> and there's a tracking system. >> by the way, let me just say, on this whole candidate thing, we talked about canada. i will be the first to say, i have been talking about for years. you have to watch canada. >> well. >> blame canada. >> scott walker beat you. >> let me tell you something. i don't want to build a wall. i disagree because i still think a lot of shell oil up there, we take a couple divisions up, invade canada. we have to set them up like they
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did in canadian backen, and then we get the oil. >> and the patine. >> that, too. >> sounds dirty. >> shell oil and poutine. >> this is what happened on "meet the press." >> we're always talking about the southern border and building a fence there. we don't talk about the northern border. if this is about securing the border. do you want to build a wall north? >> some people asked us about that in new hampshire, including law enforcement folks that brought it up to me at one of our town hall meetings about a week and a half ago. it is a legitimate issue for us to look at. >> it is porous. >> one of the providential passings of the country is the longest peaceful undefended boer border in the history of the world. with our neighbors to the north. i think you look at that and i'm sure jon stewart is regretting
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his decision to retire. >> i'm a numbers guy, as you know. i didn't take a math class after eighth grade. >> but you were good back then. >> really good. but i'm sort of a numbers guy anyway. i'm great at numbers. nobody's better at numbers. m.i.t., i could have gone to m.i. timpt, bid i didn't want to do it. my question is this, because i have been listening to the immigration debate and following everyone. as far as numbers go because they're fascinating to me, do we lose the hispanic vote by 75% next year or 85%? what's the over/under for how badly republicans do with hispanics and asian-americans who jeb is now blaming for things. and african-americans. how bad does the republican party lose? >> we lost the popular vote in
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five out of the last six elections. the out liar, the bush election. mccain down to 32%, romney to 27%. it looks like we're on target to be in the high teens to mid teens by the time this is over. >> we're laughing and everyone is having a good time in august with this. >> you're not laughing. >> we're -- we are in trouble. and the hispanic vote was bad enough in 2012. what was really frightening, asian-americans getting pounded with a group republicans used to win, and nobody was actually even saying anything offensive toward asian-americans. it was such a general anti-immigrant pose that republicans took and we're taking now that we just offended every group. >> total collapse of the asian vote as well, as you said, in the 2012 election. also, the second fastest growing population in the united states behind hispanics.
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>> way to win, guys. >> up next, the bernie sanders surge continues. he's leading in new hampshire. a new poll shows him within streaking distance in iowa. >> is that bernie? >> no, but we'll get to that. plus, as donald trump tops the gop field, we'll play for you what he said about hillary clinton's closest aide and her husband. >> now you show this one. >> miley cyrus and her outfits are the talk of the town after this year's mtv video music awards. there's actually a few there at this point i think push it over the edge. >> where's the balloons. >> make it disgusting for everybody. everyone loves the picture i posted of you.
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so, that's how it looks. >> yeah. >> the last day of august. yeah, last day of august. >> so sad. >> wow, what a weekend, actually. there were so many different things to show you we didn't know what to bump in with. we're going to bring it to you right now. let's start with politics unless there's something you need to say. >> there's something i need to say. i'm bummed out. the last weekend really of summer, august, right? i'm driving down the street and i start seeing like red leaves in the tree. >> oh, come on. >> i swear. >> that's a bummer. >> in connecticut, trees are already starting to change colors. that's way too early. yes, i did. >> i think that might have been what you were drinking or something. >> that would be you. >> i'm not drinking. >> speaking of being inebriated,
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how was your weekend? >> it was fabulous. i don't remember any of it, but i'm sure it was fabulous. i did not get arrested as far as i know. so that's a winning weekend for me. >> you guys, while you were out, while you were sleeping, you teamed up at bloomberg for the des moines register for a poll. pretty surprising results. >> we'll get to that. we also have al hunt in washington, columnist for bloomberg view, and white house correspondent carol lee with us. good to have you both with us. let's start with the now poll that shows vermont senator bernie sanders suddenly within striking distance of hillary clinton in iowa. sanders trails clinton by just seven points. 37% to 30%. sanders has nearly doubled his support since may when he trailed by more than 40 points. clinton, meanwhile, is now below 50% in the poll for the first time all cycle. here's the vermont senator talking about his iowa surge yesterday.
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>> i don't know if her campaign is in trouble, but our campaign is doing great. i think the gains that we are seeing and the enthusiasm and the huge crowds that we are seeing, this is not anti-hillary clinton. this is pro bernie sanders and pro a message that says enough is enough. this country and our government belong to all of us, not just a handful of very wealthy people. >> meanwhile, 61% of iowa democrats say the controversy surrounding clinton's use of private e-mail as secretary of state is not important to them. while just 10% say it's very important. >> so look at the polls. and what you do, the national polls are beauty contests that really don't matter. they are, as david axelrod said, sort of the swim suit part of the competition. but you do start asking the question that chris christie was asking four years ago, very popular, but if i run for president, what state do i win? with hillary clinton, you suddenly have, john, bernie sanders coming up in iowa.
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getting closer. it seems to me that bernie sanders is a fit for iowa. and then you move on to new hampshire where he's ahead. i think hillary clinton's campaign can endure a lot of things. it's going to be tough to endure losses in the first two states. not that that's ever going to happen. it could. but you look at this poll, the des moines register poll and bloomberg poll, the gold standard of the poll. this race is suddenly close in new hampshire. bernie's ahead in new hampshire, and it's close in iowa. >> he could be ahead in iowa. he's within the margin of error. it is -- it would be a bloody and ugly thing for her to lose those first two contests if she did because there would be a complete freak-out by the democratic establishment. and that would be a damaging thing. she has huge demographic advantages in the long haul
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because you look at iowa and new hampshire, very few african-american voters, very few hispanic voters. she's strong among those groups. getting punched twice in the face in the first two contests would cause panic in the party. >> and al hunt, the one headline out of this poll really is that this is a competitive race. we're not saying hillary's ship is going down. we're not saying bernie sanders is the next nominee, but the headline as we move into the fall is this starts as a competitive race. >> absolutely, joe. iowa was supposed to be her pre-emptive fire wall, if you will. new hampshire is right next to vermont. we may have some trouble, but we have a great organization in iowa. we have enlisted a bunch of obama people from before. we're not going to make the mistakes of '08, the clinton campaign, and right now, it's very competitive. she was ahead by 40 points in may. right now, she's up by seven.
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this is a real cause of concern for clinton land. >> then there's this. vice president joe biden made a surprise appearance at a political event in delaware over the weekend as he continues the mull a 2016 run. sources tell nbc news he stood on a picnic table and spoke for about ten minutes. he reportedly thanks attendees for their support following the death of his son, telling them, quote, i came because beau would want me to come. there was no mention of a potential candidacy, but carol lee, you might have new reporting to add on this. >> well, certainly, his stop over the weekend keeps the narrative going that he's interested in running. he's very seriously considering running. and if you're the vice president and you're looking at this des moines register poll, you're finding it pretty encouraging. his numbers doubled from may, and you see hillary clinton's numbers dropping 20% from may. that shows that there's potentially an opening for him. but we had a story today that
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looked at the electoral map in the first four early states for him. it still -- it looks very tough if he were to get into the race. hillary clinton has a massive head start in iowa, in new hampshire. bernie sanders is gaining traction. it's not clear what the vice president's constituency would be. but clearly, he's still thinking about get nothing to the race, expected to make a decision in the next few weeks and he's traveling to florida this week. i'll be going with him there and he'll be doing a fund-raiser, meeting with a number of folks who could be critical to his campaign. it's very much on his mind. >> that, though, against -- up against mark halpern's reporting on friday about how many committed delegates hillary clinton has. the democratic party, meanwhile, met in minneapolis this weekend, but it was hardly a united front. the leadership has come under fire from a number of its candidates over the number of debates they're holding in the presidential primary.
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one candidate in particular who has really had a problem with this, he didn't hold back, then this awkward exchange with the party's chair. take a look. >> the dnc as you know is saying if you or governor o'malley participate in any nonsanctioned debate, then you don't get to participate in the official ones. they're restricting the number of debates. >> i think that that is dead wrong, and i have let the leadership of the democrats know that. again, i think this country benefits all people benefit, democracy benefits when we have debates. i want to see more of them. >> four debates. four debates? four debates. four debates and four debates only, we're told, not asked, before voters in our earliest states make their decision. this is totally unprecedented in our party's history. this sort of rigged process has never been attempted before. who's the creator of this
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exactly, where did it come from, to what end, for what purpose, what national or party interest does this decree serve? we are the democratic party, not the undemocratic party. if we are to debate debates, the topic should be how many, not how few? because when the lights come upon our stage, we will speak to where america is going, not to where we have been. thank you very much. may god bless america and may god bless our democratic party. >> oh, this is awkward right here when she is not so happy. okay. yeah. that was -- that was -- martin coming out of his shell. >> the kids have a saying called throwing shade. that's what she was doing. >> his only chance as a debate, breaking out, he can't break out without more and more debates. it's a bit self-interested to get up and say it's all about
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democracy. >> four debates. >> they should have more debates. >> are they rigging it for hillary? is that what the deal is? will anybody say what's happening here? >> i will. >> they're rigging it for hillary. >> look, every one of those candidates who is not hillary clinton has a strong argument to make that it seems like the party is protecting hillary clinton. >> al hunt, are they rigging the debate process for hillary clinton? >> yeah, sure they are. >> see, that's why we love al. go ahead. >> joe, i think, by the way, that o'malley exaggerates the importance. the problem the democrats have is they ought to have a reince priebus type as their chair person. debbie wasserman schultz isn't doing anything the democrats need to do organizationally, and she's not an effective chairperson. the debates are a secondary issue. >> money, fund-raising, how are they doing? >> not doing well. >> okay. >> let's go to the republican
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side. in iowa, donald trump has completely transformed his perception in the early nominating states, likely republican caucusgoers. look at these numbers. >> bloomberg politics des moines register poll finds trump leading the field with 23%. retired neurosurgeon ben carson just five points behind, nearly within the poll's margin of error at 18%. where did he come from? >> i want to stop right there. >> please. >> you have ted cruz and scott walker and jeb bush and marco rubio way back. look at those two numbers. >> yeah. >> this is what nicolle and i did last week, add donald trump and ben carson. i mean, you're looking at, what is that, 41% of the vote? a lot of these polls, at least 4 out of 10 republican voters, nick, are saying to the republican party, screw off. >> yeah. >> you are not relevant to us. we don't want any of your game show hosts in washington, d.c. coming out, prattling around,
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saying the same thing you have been saying since 1980 while you're driving up debt to record levels and starting wars wherever you can start wars. this is a party in full blown revolt. >> amazing. >> the base revolting against d.c. republicans. >> and ben carson is about as opposite as you can get from donald trump, right? if he isn't your flavor, if the bluster isn't your flavor, ben carson, this soft spoken guy, is right there as the other choice. >> they're taking him. >> those guys are one and two. >> unbelievable. also, i mean -- >> carson tops iowa republicans' second choice in the crowded field. when caucusgoers first and second choices are combined, trump and carson tie at 32%. there really is logic to combine them because they're the same kind of voters. the outsiders' rise is perhaps best explained by their opinion on republicans in congress. 54% are unsatisfied, and 21%
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are, quote, mad as hell. as for trump, 61% of iowa republicans hold a favorable opinion of him. now, more than doubling his standing in may. >> al hunt, we're going to keep this up and then go to john heilemann. look at these numbers. it's remarkable turn around. there have been so many arguments against donald trump being ever able to win. the number one is that republicans themselves hate donald trump. that one is being blown away. look at these numbers. in may, if you're driving in your car, only 27% had a favorable impression of donald trump. today, 61% have a favorable, and in may, 63% had unfavorable. today, only 35%. that is a remarkable turnaround for any candidate. al. >> yeah, it is. joe, i talked to a bunch of democrats and republicans yesterday. they all love the poll. republicans love the democratic poll, and democrats love the republican poll. it showed what deep, deep
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trouble both are in. you know, trump's 35% negative, it's really interesting. not just the drop from before. jeb bush's negative, jeb bush's negative. among republicans in iowa is 50%. 15 points higher. that's a stunning number. they are so turned off, the voters out there, on the establishment. if you take just trump and carson, they are getting as many votes as the top four or five establishment candidates put together. it's really remarkable. >> all right, so donald trump gave a preview of what the general election might look like this weekend with a scathing attack on a trusted aide to hillary clinton. it happened at a donor gathering outside boston which despite signs saying make checks payable to his campaign, the republican front-runner insists that was for paying for the event, like food and stuff. and not a fund-raiser. >> we are, i guess they're paying for some of the basics in
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terms -- we have food, we have, i guess, 1500 or 2,000 people. but this is not a fund-raiser. we're not doing anything in terms of fund-raising. i think some of the people -- many of the people are coming in. they can pay whatever they want. i think they're doing something to offset the tremendous cost of food for 2,000 people. this is not a fund-raiser. >> during the event, trump took aim at hillary clinton's top aide, huma abedin, saying she's at the center of the e-mail scandal along with her husband. >> i will tell you, when you look at what she's done and how she's done it, and the servers, and huma, how about huma. here's a story. so huma now is one of the people that it all sort of came through huma. who is huma married to? one of the great sleaze bags of our time. anthony weiner. did you know that? she's married to anthony weiner.
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you know, the little bing, bing, bing. i love you very much. so think of it. so, huma is getting classified secrets. she's married to anthony weiner. who is a perv. no, he is. he is. if you think that huma isn't telling anthony who she's probably desperately in love with, in all fairness to anthony, because why else would she marry this guy, can you believe it? can't see straight. look. think of it. so huma, it's coming through huma. she has a lot of stuff, a lot of information. who knows. she's married to a bad guy. i know anthony weiner for a long time. i knew before they caught him with the bing, bing, bing, right? and he was a bad guy then. it turned out that he was a really bad guy.
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so she's married to anthony weiner. do you think there's even a 5% chance that she's not telling anthony weiner now of a public relations firm what the hell is coming across? do you think there's even a little bit of a chance? i don't think so. are there any women in the room who are in love with their husbands who wouldn't tell them everything? you would or wouldn't? she said i wouldn't but i'm in love. no, you will. >> no, not really. >> i think we should add -- i think we should add the phrase bing, bing, bing. part of our lexicon. >> what is the bing, bing, bing? >> i don't know. >> what is it? >> a super old phone, maybe. it binges when you type. >> he does the bing, bing, bing. sounds like a pop song. my 12-year-old daughter would sing along to. >> are you going to talk about what happened? the clinton campaign responded saying donald trump has spent the summer saying offensive things about women, but there is
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no place for patently false personal attacks towards a staff member. he should be ashamed of himself and other in his own party should take a moment to stand up to him and draw the line for once. it's embarrassing to watch, frankly. >> actually, i turned on, looked for the news this weekend because my twitter feed exploded. i check it once every maybe six or seven hours over the weekend, and said donald trump insults him. i said, what he has called her. all i could see is that he called her husband a name. and suggested she would share information with him. but the headlines were, you know, trump attacks huma. and maybe you see that as an attack. i will say one thing. i will say one thing that donald trump -- i will say one thing that donald trump has totally wrong. is that huma would share anything with anthony that had
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to do with any classified information. i think that's -- i think that's a blind spot as to how professional women deal with their husbands, because there are a lot of chinese walls from work to home especially -- look at james carville and mary matalin. >> that's what i think is the offensive attack element, the notion he's just out of nowhere on the basis of no shred of evidence anywhere, accusing her of sharing classified information with him. i think not only on the basis of that kind of gender issue that you're raising but just in general, a complete adhomnn. that's what the clinton campaign is reacting to beyond the questions for anthony weiner. >> still ahead on "morning joe," in just four days last week, the dow jones traveled more than 10,000 points. we're going to take a look at what's ahead. plus, he sat down with six republican candidates over the past several days. hugh hewitt sizes up the gop field. >> that ought to be tough.
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>> we'll see. >> first, here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> joe and mika, after a hot and humid weekend, it continues in the east. no signs of fall whatsoever for the eastern half of the country. and remember erika? all the tropical moisture. charleston, south carolina, has flooding problems. flash flood warning at the airport. they received four inches of rain in the last 12 hours with thunderstorms. be careful there. hopefully the rain -- the rain is now stopping, so the water should begin to subside. further to the south, florida, you also have flash flood watches for today. again, not going to see epic flooding but we will see isolated areas getting up to three inches of rain and possible airport delays. other story is the heat. incredible how warm it is. this bermuda high is building in and it's going to be really like mid-summerlike heat from chicago to the east. check out some of the temperatures. we could be near 100 degrees in the first week of september. bismark, nort dakota, that's very rare stuff. chicago, minneapolis, near 90 in
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the next couple days. detroit, too. as we go to the east, washington, d.c., one of the worst periods of the summer when you add in the heat index. 94 on tuesday and 94 there on wednesday. a very warm end to august, and a very hot and steamy new york city, as we're staring at september right in the face. you're watching "morning joe." hey terry stop! they have a special!
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so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealr toda!
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really quickly, let's go over the numbers. you say there's other numbers that are really surprising for donald trump, he's just completely turned around his approval rating. >> the two headlines, number one, his incredible surge for ben carson. important not just for ben carson but for the whole anti-establishment part of the race.
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the other thing is donald trump's incredible turnaround. he's ahead by less over carson in iowa than he has been in some other polls, but the internal numbers, we talked about his fave/unfave already in the show, bea but we also asked a question where we said would you ever or never support someone for president. when we did the poll last in may, trump's numbers were incredibly bad. 58% of people said they would never, republican caucusgoers said they would never phovote f him ever. 58% said never. only 29% said they would ever vote for him. now, the never number is down to 28%. and the ever number is up to 36%. so that 58% used to be for people like me and others, would say one of the reasons trump can't be the nominee is if 58% of the party won't support him ever for president, that makes it impossible for him to be the nominee. he turned that number around in a dramatic way. >> that's been turned around and
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also the argument he could never win a general election has been turned around now that he's doing better in like swing states than say jeb bush or the other republican candidates. >> i mean, i don't know about you guys, what your experience is, but across, all across the weekend at every table i could hear wherever i went, trump, trump, trump. trump, trump. everyone is talking about him. i mean -- >> we had a dinner. we'll just say this, with one of the most powerful people, influential people in washington, d.c., and we got through that dinner. and every time we have dinner, we're talking about a million different things, and what about this, how you're going to move in the middle east, this? at the end of the dinner conversation, we all looked at each other and said we talked about trump for this entire dinner, and we've probably had 20, 30, 40 meetings. and this has never happened before. and we all sort of shrugged our shoulders and said if it's happening here, it's happening
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all over america. >> certainly was happening over my weekend. friends saying, asking me question first, how and why? the part of the discussion donald trump is that he was -- he did seem like such an unlikely candidate back when he was getting 58% of republicans saying they would never in a million years vote for him. here he is now and we're discussing how did he get from point a to point b. extraordinary. >> coming up, all of the highlights of the mtv video music awards. >> oh, my gosh. i need to get the lysol out. >> i want to take a shower, including kanye west's 2020 vision. >> i like that part. kanye running for president. yeah. i'm there. >> we have seen every angle of your body, every part of it. we have seen every crevice. we have seen every little thing. >> i need lysol. >> and we don't want to see anymore. >> we don't have to show it, do we? do we have to show it? >> i wonder what more does she have to show. she would have to really
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contort, i think. plus, there are plenty of senators and governors running for 2016, and not a single one is polling above 8% in iowa right now. hugh hewitt breaks down the bleak numbers for a big portion of the gop field. >> i would like to see him in pasties. can i say that here? >> that's so gross. we'll be right back. 130 yards now... bill's got a very tough lie here... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric...
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how to follow the wind. so while the ones on the left are waiting, the ones on the right are pulling power out of thin air. pretty impressive, huh? now, two things that are exactly the same have have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized. i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california.
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he's a clown. just having fun. you know, i went to a great school. i did great. everything was great. i came out, i made a fortune. which i want to use to bring for you, but i made a fortune. nobody believed i was going to run. nobody. my wife didn't even believe me, but now she does. but she actually said, if you actually say you're going to run, you're going to do great, because people like you. she actually said they love you, but i don't want to brag. >> what the polls tell me is nobody has any real votes right now. after we get past this summer of silliness and insults, the voters are going to look at who is prepared to do the job. >> let's talk to hugh hewitt, by the way, a huge miley cyrus fan, but he has been from the very beginning. also the author of the book "the queen, the epic ambition of hillary and the coming of a second clinton era. quartz not so fast, buddy. john heilemann and sam schmidt
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here as well. i can usually hear the quiet voices and say this is why it's working in the republican party. you guys don't get it. you're elites in manhattan or d.c. or fill in the blank. i'm a bit flummoxed at the latest des moines register poll and other polls showing ben carson, who is not even really running an active campaign, ben carson at 18% behind donald trump's 23%. and i mean this seriously, hugh. explain to me when callers call in and tell you they like ben carson, because i've got really good friends tell me they love ben carson over dinner, but i don't want to grill them and say, what do you see in ben carson? what is it about ben carson that has this guy jumping ten points ahead of jeb bush? >> he had 12,000 people show up in phoenix two weeks ago. i spent a half hour with him at the des moines fair when i was out doing a sunday show two weeks ago. dr. carson is simply a wonderful
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man. people like him, at the western conservative summit here in denver this summer, he had people on their feet because he is gentle. he's kind. he is unfailingly good natured about everything. and people see in him the kind of american success story that they like to think is still possible from the depths of positi poverty in detroit through the university of michigan, which is a great university despite its football program, onward and upward. he's inspiring. >> so does he have any more nuanced policy positions than, say, the gop front runner, or do we have two guys that take up 41% of the vote in iowa, who really can't be bothered with policy? >> well, i had both donald trump on last week and scott walker. governor walker, very detailed policy speech at the citadel last week. senator rubio gave a very new aunlsed china speech on friday.
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donald trump spoke in big generalities, but big pictures. your dinner party you referred to before the break, that happened everywhere. that happened all weekend long to me. everybody wants to talk about trump. it's not because he's got a policy position on the fence or anything else. it's because he's slagging the d.c. manhattan beltway elite. and people love to hear that. >> hugh, have you ever -- i mean, you have been involved in this longer than i have. obviously going all the way back to the reagan administration. i followed it for a very long time, but i have been involved with it for 20, 25 years. have you ever seen one candidate, one figure so dominate, not only the political landscape and the news coverage, but dinner conversations, discussions, in the way donald trump has over the past month? >> good question. i was going bang over the old campaigns, back to '76 when i was involved in college. there has never been a dominating media figure like this, but there's never been
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this much media before. it used to be the three networks could control who dominated media coverage. they can't do that anymore. not with talk radio, not with twitter. you mentioned twitter before you went to break, you were checking it every six or seven hours. so do i, on the weekend, and trump,@realdonaldtrump is always showing up. this ubiquity of media is allow someone who has genuinely trained tv chops, reagan had genuine tv experience, film experience, but we never had a television star who has as many hours behind the green light as we do with donald trump. he knows how to work this better than anyone ever before in the game. >> well, i mean, i think that's a good point about his training, so to speak. but it's also his personality. and i -- the way he thinks. it's really a little bit more -- >> and how he's had 12 seasons maybe on national television to
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hone that. into a brand, a very successful brand. >> yeah. >> he knows how to deliver a line. i talked to him for half an hour last week, and he would not answer a specific question. he would answer the general subject matter area, put he won't be corners by you, by me, by anybody. >> it's john heilemann here. i'm curious what your views are at this moment on the state of jeb bush's campaign. >> yeah. >> i've heard the insider's take that mike murphy believes it's a jeb/trump race and come super tuesday, they'll win their share of delegates. they'll win florida and destroy trump in the out years and i think that's a very decent -- it's not giuliani 2.0, a much better plan, but they have to watch rubio. i think this is the most interesting campaign of my lifetime, because walker and rubio represent the new, the young. 8%. jeb, and john kasich was getting a big call-out from frank bruni in the "new york times."
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a thumbs up. >> as you and i both know, not good. >> well, i disagree. >> you would much rather get the call in from the editorial page. >> i disagree because it makes people have their eyebrows drop and say what could appeal to frank bruni about john kasich. he's a left-wing columnist, but a superb writer. >> we love him. a great guy. so you actually, if somebody in jeb bush's camp would tell you off the record, hey, we're not concerned. we know he's going to end up in a good position for us. you're actually buying that? >> i believe that believe it. on the other hand, i also think that scott walker is going to come back in iowa very strongly. >> do you really? >> oh, yeah, because he's so good in person. i think rubio is going to do fine on the s.e.c. primary. this thing is going to the convention, joe. book your rooms for two weeks, not one. two weeks in cleveland.
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>> speaking of ford, reagan '76, i would love a replay of that. that actually steve schmidt was when conventions mattered. >> you could absolutely see it. you have so many candidates in the race, a truncated primary season. the conventions have been moved forward, and the proligz of outside groups mean the campaigns won't run out of money. used to be campaigns ended when they ran out of money. the super pacs don't run out of money anymore. they have what it takes to go to distance. >> the stunning thing, too, you have a billionaire who is not spending any money. not spending a dime. his people, after every crisis and every sunday "new york times" and "washington post" story that says this is the end of donald trump, you know, they panic and say, we have to run ads, we have to run ads. he says, no, i'll go out on table news tomorrow. he hasn't spent a dime. >> this afternoon, i'm going to interview dick cheney and liz cheney about their new book.
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it will be fascinating to hear if dick cheney has an opinion on donald trump and on national security. i think that book is going to change a little bit of the arc of the campaign back to the seriousness of the times in which we are. and then trump is going to have to respond to that. all the candidates are going to have to respond to dick cheney talking about very serious subjects and the fact we face very serious threats from china. i think that walker and rubio were ahead of the curve on friday getting there. so watch for september to be very different from august. >> what did you think of the book? >> it's terrific. it's very well written because it begins surprisingly with fdr. it ends with the failings of president obama and secretary of state clinton, but it marches people from fdr through truman and eisenhower, kennedy and nixon on how they conducted national security and how the vice president's view is that president obama's totally abandoned american leadership. i think it will have the impact in this cycle that richard nixon's "the real war" had in
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1980, which was big. >> they're coming wednesday. and i can't wait. i can't wait. hugh, thank you so much. we love having you on. and hope you'll come back soon. >> always a pleasure. >> all right. coming up, the fresh start for the markets after an extremely volatile week on wall street. plus, miley cyrus. goes wild with her wardrobe. and kanye west admits he smoked before announcing his white house intentions. >> and it's all apparently too much for justin bieber, who broke down into tears. we'll be right back.
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bell with cnbc's sarah si eisen. the markets set to reopen in less than an hour. what can we expect? >> more bumps after what was a wild week for volatility. up and down moves last week of 6,000 to 1,000 points. when the dust settled on wall street, actually last week was an up week for stocks. they rose a percent, but most experts agree the swings are going to continue. that's because there's a lot of uncertainty in the market. two major sources that are worrying investors, number one is the federal reserve heading into its big september meeting in a little over two weeks. the news over the weekend was the number two at the fed, stanley fisher, saying there's a pretty strong case for raising rates in september. the worry is, is our economy solid enough and strong and healthy enough to handle the first interest rate increase since 2006? it would raise the rates for mortgages, for auto loans, anything else tied to interest rates. that's a big source of concern. then the other one is china,
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which i know we talked a lot about. another rough session for china overnight, down 3% at the authorities in beijing try to get a handle on the slowing of their economy and the craziness of their markets. so we're setlower open. we have a lot of u.s. data in the economy this week. auto sales tomorrow and the jobs report on friday. >> thank you. we'll be watching. up next, inside the mtv video music awards. we'll look at the jaw-dropping moments with our friends from spotify. hey terry stop! they have a special!
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so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealr toda! rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my
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and now, back to this [ bleep ] that had a lot to say about me the other day in the press. miley, what's good? >> hey. we're all in this industry. we all do interviews, and we all know how they manipulate [ bleep ]. congratulations. >> all right. so, with us now, to talk about trends is the trends expert for spotify, shannon cooke. if we can summarize this for people who didn't watch last night, miley wore balloons. >> she did. >> nikki called miley a bitch, kanye rambled like he does before declaring his presidency, and justin cried. what do you take out of this? >> you just summarized the whole
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show. i might as well leave now. >> read the tea leaves. what does it all mean? >> it was a circus, but that's what the mtv vmas are. they're not about the awards. it's about who does something wild. >> since britney slithered naked on the floor in 2000. >> and britney and madonna made out. this year, miley was hosting. she wore the most interesting outfits. >> i would say repulsive. >> her hips and her pelvis. >> the thing she is actually was instagraming completely naked pictures of herself. i think it's gotten to the point that beyond the fact she seems disturbed and i feel sorry for her, i don't think anybody wants to see more of her. there isn't a crevice they haven't seen, isn't a spot on her body you haven't seen. at some point, it becomes like porn and too much. >> so, it was a circus. were there any great musical moments? >> i thought there absolutely
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were. some of the performances were fantastic. one i really loved by "the weekend" guy from toronto. he got up there and performed his song "can't feel my face" which has been a big summer hit. everybody was on their feet, including kanye west. >> by the way, i think it was george washington who first said i can't feel my face when i'm with you and i love it, and i love it. wasn't it washington when he was crossing the delaware? it was very cold. >> justin bieber crying was interesting, too. >> why did he cry? >> i feel like he was really feeling the pressure. he's kind of staging a comeback of sorts. he's been in the press a lot in the years, but it's for antics, for slip-ups, doing the wrong thing. this is his chance. he has an album coming out. this was his chance to say here am i, i'm a serious musician. there's a reason why i deserve fans. it got to him so he cried. it was kind of real, actually probably the most authentic moment. >> it could be that or it could
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be that he's emotionally disturbed. let's talk about somebody who is talented, ed sheeran. he's on your 25 under 25 list. >> we compiled a list. he's at the top. >> love that. >> he's a force. he's got the most streamed song on spotify ever. >> wow. >> somebody else on the list, who had a very tough summer, should stay away from doughnut shops and not say she hates america, ayryana grouir yauayry when i hear that from my 12-year-old daughter and her friends talking about her having problems, it's a problem. >> interestingly, she has a song called problems. she's doing just fine. you know? fans haven't -- she's still got her fans. she streams in the most ridiculo ridiculously numbers. she could probably lick more doughnuts and still be okay. >> what about one direction? they were the it band three
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years ago. are they still making it? >> we don't know. they're taking a break. >> how are they doing as far as streaming? >> incredibly well. in fact, whenever there's news like when one of their members, like zayn malik left the band, streams went way up like 800% in the u.s. >> john heilemann, a one direction question? >> you love 1d. >> you want to weigh in. >> i'm so obsessed with kanye. was that -- he spoke for a long time, right? >> he spoke for about 11 minutes. and it was rather a confusing speech because he would start to make a point and then the point would just evaporate. >> do you think that was just -- was that intentional or was he just too stoned for tv. >> he's crazy. why are you asking the question. >> that's kanye. >> he admitted to partaking of some reefer before he appeared, correct? >> he admitted to spoking some weed. >> so did miley. >> we think he had it together up there or maybe a little bit
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too stoned for tv? >> i think that's possibly as together as it is with kanye. it was very entertaining. >> why are you asking these questions? >> because i'm obsessed with our next president. >> he's a very disturbed dude. >> everyone is disturbed to you, joe. that's the theme of this. >> except shannon cook. she's not disturbed. she's going to tell you what the future is and you're going to like it. >> i love spotify. >> up next, what if anything did we learn today. ♪ mother nature can turn in an instant; don't turn back. introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. ♪ this is my fight song...
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welcome back. time to talk about what we learned. what did you learn today? i want you to tell us. >> i'm good. i learned that john is up next. >> oh, gosh. >> i'm up next. i learned that kanye west running in 2020. i think 2020 is too late. we need him on a ticket with trump. trump/west ticket. >> i like it. >> that would be the 50-state strategy. >> mika, can you say my steering wheel is stuck? >> what did you learn today, joe? >> why are you in the corner? >> i learn mika should keep her invisalign off until 9:01. >> i learn america is going to be safer when scott walker builds this wall on the canadian border. >> i agree it's the canadians we kept our eyes off all this time, and we're fought going to make this mistake again. >> as long as we can get the u
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poutine in and out, it's okay. >> nothing but strip clubs and poutine in montreal. >> i just want the oil up there. if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." "the rundown" begins right now. and good morning to you. i'm jose diaz-balart. developing now on "the rundown," there man accused of gunning down a texas sheriff tfs deputy while he filled up his gas tank is scheduled to be in court this morning. shannon miles is set to be arraigned in the death of deputy darren goforth, and the seemingly random attack has left the community shaken. janet shamlian is live in houston. what's the feeling on the ground there? >> caller: jose, good morning to you. this is a community in shock. last night, they organized a walk to kind of support law enforcement officers and support each other, expecting 100, maybe 200 people. more tha
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