tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 1, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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out there today in this heat doing everything they can to find the individuals responsible for this very tragic incident. thank you. >> you have just been watching a press conference out of illinois. a police officer has been shot and killed in fox lake, illinois north of chicago. the officer has been identified as charles gliniewicz. he's described as the 30 year veteran police officer. he has four children. four boys. and has strong ties to the community. a man hunt is under way for three suspects that police say are armed and dangerous. officials are describing the suspects as three males, two white and one black. the shooting happened at roughly 8:00 a.m. local time. so the man hunt has been under way for 8:eight hours.
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the officer was on routine parole wh patrol when he got in a foot chase with the suspects. his pepper spray and weapon were taken and police a searching a heavily wooded area near the wisconsin border. helicopters and blood hounds have been deployed in the search. metro trains have been shut down. and the faa has even put flight restrictions on the area. we're closely following the situation and will bring you update as questiwe get them. for more professor eugene o'donnell, jim cavanaugh, and clint van zandt, msnbc contributor and former fbi profiler. clint, what is the next few hours for authorities like here? >> well there is a number of things going on right now. there is one report that's credited to a local political official as well as the illinois
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state police that they have one custody -- one subject in custody. we haven't received further confirmation of that or not. of course that would make a major change in this. as opposed to looking for three unknown people, we may have one in custody. and if we know the other two, either by this person or talking by just by association, that is going to allow these hundreds of law enforcement officers instead of looking randomly throughout the community and maybe in a multi-state area to find focus on the investigation hopefully on the identity of people they are looking for. realize 7:52 is the time that we go from dusk tonight. so the law enforcement would like to wrap this up, like to find these two fugitives. they have air asset, helicopter, night vision goggles that the local -- the federal authorities can bring to bear on this.
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but again, i think this entire community not only has suffered a terrible loss, but they still have this threat that hangs over them of some type of potential hostage situation that could take place. >> we're joined by my msnbc colleague craig melvin. as you saw earlier on the left side of your screen, helicopters patrolling the area. craig, you know the area very well. tell us about it. >> i spent two summers working in mckinry county which is just west of fox lake. you know, it is rural. largely rural. it is not entirely rural. you have some strip malls and what not there. but roughly 10,500 people live in this part of illinois. it is a part of illinois that is actually closer to wisconsin than it is to chicago proper. a lot of folks who live here in fox lake work in the city. but a lot of folks also work in wisconsin as well. we spent some time in the last hour talking about how the fact
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that it is so wooded, how that might exacerbate search efforts there. this would also not be the first time that there was a suspect that was in custody and law enforcement did not confirm that publicly. we heard in the last hour from a local representative there who said that there was in fact one of the three who had been taken into custody without incident. we have not been able to independently confirm that. but fox lake, as we heard from a reporter, a newspaper reporter a short time ago, this is one of those towns where they love their police officers. here was a guy that had been on the force for more than 30 years. father of four. two of his boys active duty military. he was in the military as well. apparently loved the police force so much and that community loved him so much that his nickname was g.i. joe. so this is a guy -- and there is a new picture there. this is a guy, charles joseph
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gliniewicz, lieutenant begin wits who apparently goes by joe is apparently going to be sorely missed. >> mayor schmidt called him a dear friend. said he lost a dear friend. jim, let me bring you in here. jim cavanaugh. do you think that the suspects are still in the area? krig just gave us a good lay of the land area up there. >> well, you know, if the report is true, we're unsure. [inaudible] -- of one person in custody. and the state representative said, you know, it was on a neighborhood check. so you know one thing you do on the man hunts is you are going around to all the houses in the area. and you are searching the yard. you are searching the garage. you are searching the bush, the crawl spaces. you are knocking on the door. you can checking with the residents. everybody here? are you all safe? we're looking for fugitives etc. pretty routine. we call it a the neighborhood canvas, neighborhood check. and one of these guys may have been picked up in this. like i say it is not confirmed.
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but that will change the whole dynamic. if one is picked up he's going to know the other two. he's going to know their identities. he's going to know at the minimum their street names sosmts he's going no know who they are. and that changes the whole search. now you are looking for known people. and even if there is known people who could be on foot in the woods or could be in the neighborhood or could be trying to run, it changes everything. because you can, you know, get photographs of them. you can get their family members. you can get intelligence on them. you can figure where they are going to run to. is the whole search is changed dramatically if that is true. >> and eugene, to follow-up on what jim is talking about, do you think the three suspects, assuming they are all still at large, do you think that they stay together? or do they separate in a situation like this? they have been on the run now since 8:00 a.m. local time. >> if they have one and not the other two there is some reason to believe they did separate.
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the benefit hopefully if it was not a predetermined attack, if it was spontaneous is they would have a lack of planning. unlike the focus in theed a r n adirondacked who plansed the escape, these are people who presumably don't have a great plan and are on the back foot trying to fashion some sort of plan. impossible to say exactly what they are up to. but i would say if you were saying whether these are likely to be caught more quickly than ordinarily as the case you would say here versus the david sweat case. these are people that actually planned to be out at large. >> right. clint van zandt, do you think the suspects would head north to wisconsin? we're talking about a town that is not too far from the wisconsin border. >> well i would suggest -- and again, your other guest just talked about david sweat who was on the run who was one of the
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two fugitives who escaped from the prison. in that case they were heading to canada. we know the canadian authorities were lined up across the northern border to catch them. it would be the same thing. even though this fugitive hunt is taking place in wisconsin, that is right up on the illinois border. the lakes connect the two. and i would suggest law enforcement has water craft as well as the wisconsin authorities will be there. and realize more than likely these two or three fugitives that are still on the run probably didn't -- this to our knowledge is not an ambush right now. it looks like the officer came upon some type of criminal activity. so they wouldn't have had the chance to really plan their escape. i saw something earlier that suggests law enforcement was using helicopters to try to beat
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down the reeds and tall grass to see if these individuals had simply hunkered down in the grass nearby the location. that would suggest that law enforcement has nothing to indicate they had a vehicle but that they stayed on foot after the attack and likely are still in that same local area then. >> let me bring everybody back up to too speed here. we're talking about the man hunt going on, you shouunder way in of fox lake, illinois. at about 8:00 local time, a police officer, lieutenant joe gliniewicz happened upon three individuals who he thought were suspicious. he called it into police communications. and when backup showed up, they found officer gliniewicz down. officer gliniewicz is a 30 year
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veteran of that police force. he has four boys -- he leaves four buy boys. in that press conference by local authorities they said they are undertaking three actions here. one is the aggressive search that you see on the left side of your screen and has been underway since 8:00 local time. the second thing they are doing is evidence processing. and then the third thing they are doing is an investigation into exactly what happened here. and as we've been talking here at the table, and as eugene o'donnell is our professor here from john j. college of criminal justice pointed out, we don't know whether there was an ambush, whether this was something that the police officer just happened upon them. but as they undertake this investigation we will hopefully find out what exactly happened here. to your mind, gene, what -- what
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are police doing now to try to figure out exactly what did happen here? whether it was premeditated or just officer gliniewicz just happened to be in that spot at that particular time. >> vitally important and this was alluded to in the press conference they get the forensic processing correct. they get the case correct. all good investigations you are thinking a year in advance when this case will be in court. will there be some effort to claim self defense or out of left field claim. you are not only gathering evidence that points conclusive to these people but you have have also have an eye to screen out evidence to suggest these are not the people. so very much while the marquee issue is the man hunt, for lack of a better term. really this is about proving beyond a reasonable doubt that these are the individuals who did the killing a year from now, presuming it goes to court. and blocking any kind of illegitimate defense of any kind of claim that is without
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foundation. that is always the two tier kind of approach the police are following at this point. >> all right. with that, eugene o'donnell, craig melvin, jim cavanaugh and clint van zandt. more right after this. t the sol. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner, brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about.
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weak data from china put pressure on the markets leading to sharp delines on wall street. the dow saw its third biggest trop of the year, down 468 on day a loss of almost 3%. the s&p and nasdaq also fell today. the s&p finished down 58. the nasdaq lost 140. today's losses put all three major u.s. indices back in correction territory. back in a minute. it's evil. and ladders. sfx: [screams] they have all those warnings on 'em. might as well say... 'you're gonna die, jeff.' you hired someone to clean the gutters. not just someone.
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a police officer has been shot and killed in fox lake, illinois and a man hunt is still under way. authorities provided this update moments ago. >> we are using many resources. we're using numerous air units to search from above and look below. we're using numerous k-9 units that are trying to sniff out and grab ahold of the scent of the offenders. and we have numerous police officers through across northern illinois as well and we're joined by state agencies and federal agencies as weal. we're asking residents to please be an alert if they see anything suspicious to dial 911 immediately. anything out of the ordinary. anything they are not used to seeing in their subdivisions. no tip is too small and we're asking for the community's help on locating anything suspicious. >> officials are describing the suspects as three male, two white and one black. they should be considered armed
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and dangerous. i'm joined again by eugene o'donnell, professor of law and police studies at john j. college of criminal justice and msnbc anchor craig melvin. and the president of roman and associates, anthony roman. >> do we know of any signs of a struggle before the shooting. >> there is some reporting. and as usual the facts lag from what's initially thought. it sounds like there was conversation about the officer having been disarmed. at least of his pepper spray. that is the initial reporting. sounds like there is some physical contact. >> anthony, as the search is going on what tactics are they using in the area? >> well they are engaging an enormous amount of resources for this search, both manpowerwise and tactically. they will have listening devices in the forested areas. they will have they are moe
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imaging in the aircraft. they have created a no fly zone. that means no civilian aircraft are permitted in that two mile cylindrical area that probably goes to 10 or 20,000 feet. in addition to that, the officers will engage what is known as man-hunters. these are usually d.e.c., department of environmental conservation officers. they are used to tracking animals, people. in rescues and this kind of thing. and they become very effective in the woods and in areas of cover and concealment. so the officers, even during the nighttime. and we really hope we find these people before the evening. but even during the nighttime, the officers will engage thermal images from the helicopters, night vision goggles. and they have really all of these gadgets and wonderful things that can assist them. help to make them a tad bit safer. >> the name of the police
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officer we should tell you again is lieutenant joe gliniewicz. and craig, what do we know about this police officer? >> the community there loved him so much and apparently he loved the force so much that he'd earned the nickname g.i. joe. former military man. father of four. married. four sons. two of his boys also active duty military as well. apparently spent the better part of his entire law enforcement career with that department. we heard from the mayor a short time ago, who didn't just talk about the police officer but talked about his friend as well. and became visibly choked up. you know jonathan, as you know all of this happening in the northern most part of illinois just days after the tragedy in hoousz houston texas where a sheriff's deputy darren goforth
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gunned down in a gas station parking lot, shot 15 times execution style. we've heard from a number of police officers in the past few days who have talked openly and candidly about the dangers officers face. the particular officer in houston was targeted. there is no reason to believe that lieutenant gliniewicz was targeted by one or more of these suspects. what's interesting to me at least is over the next few hours or days, dash cam video. i would imagine this particular law enforcement agency h-- i spent two summers working a stone's throw from fox lake, just west of fox lake in fact -- is i won't say in affluent area but an area where the police department can probably afford to have dash cameras in the cars. so we may get a better idea of precisely what went down in and
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when that video surfaces. >> i think we still have james cavanaugh with us. we don't. i'm going bring this question to you craig. i now you talked about you spent time occupy there. but give us an idea of the topography of that area. >> it sits on a lake. it is a lake community. you have a number of vacation homes there as well. about 10,500 live in fox lake, part of lake county. it is a suburb of chicago. it is technically considered part of the chicago land area. equidistant between milwaukee, wisconsin and chicago proper. a lot of folks who live in fox lake actually train in to work in chicago. it is a middle class community. a middle class neighborhood. but it is also one of those places like a lot of suburban areas they love their police officers. i mean, the folks who patrol these communities don't just
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patrol these areas. they are very much a part of these communities which would explain why they called him g.i. joe. >> anthony, you said something in a question i asked you before that i thought was interesting. and you said that, you know, as night comes you hope that this search ends before night fall. obviously it is more difficult to look for people at night. but in terms of the criminal mind and the person who is on the run, does that make them more -- more dangerous, more desperate? or do they use the darkness just simply to hide. >> these guys are incredibly dangerous. they were dangerous at the time they shot this police officer and ambushed him. and now they are facing possible death penalty in illinois. simply because the murder of a law enforcement officer in illinois can be a capital crime. so at this juncture, they have nothing to lose. if they kill another or wound another police officer, if they
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kidnap a civilian to try and escape, if they hijack a motor vehicle -- any of that at all will not really add anymore problems to the serious problems that they already have. so they are desperate. and why i say i hope that it's over, the community is under stress. they are shuddered in their homes. they have their alarms on. they are keeping their cell phone handy and if they are not i recommend they do that. and they are worried and concerned for their children. it was a tremendous traffic jam leading to the school when the school announced they could pick up the children. a 2,000 student population school. you know, the sooner, the better. these guys are very dangerous. >> and eugene what are -- you are a law enforcement expert. what are you looking for over the next few hours as to clues as to whether the folks up there looking for these guys are getting any closer or that the
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suspects may have eluded authorities for at least another day. >> i think it's important to do it properly. not take underrisk. as indicated correctly these guys are tremendous risk to the public and the police. they have to maintain firearms discipline to make sure there is not a friendly fire incident. also of course one of the things that happens a lot in searches is you go far afield not having adequately searched the area immediately close by. so that is the mechanical stuff they have to work -- it is just -- it is a waiting game. it is impossible to say -- again, on the positive side for law enforcement it would appear these guise didn't have a lot of deliberation and don't have a good plan b and don't have a means of escape. but it wouldn't be the first time that the police were two or three miles away only to find out that immediately within the area that is where the actual people were hiding out in a car trunk or something like that. >> eugene o'donnell, craig melvin and anthony roman.
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thank you. law enforcement officials certainly for three men suspected of killing a police officer. we'll have more after this across america, people... ...are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal.
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without the burn of alcohol. so you move to a healthier mouth from day one. welcome back. at this hour authorities are still searching for three suspects that killed a police officer in northern illinois. the officer has been identified as charles gliniewicz. he's a veteran police officer and a father of four. moments ago fox lake mayor donny schmidt said he lost a friend. >> today not only did fox lake lose a family member, i lost a very dear friend. understandably our officers are having a very difficult day today. we lost a family member. they are dealing with the loss of their colleague, partner, while also identifying efforts to find the person responsible for this senseless tragedy.
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our community is having a very difficult time. and the coming days will be even more difficult as we remember him as the police officer, a father and a member of our community. g.i. joe was a father of four boy, a decorated police officer and asset to our community. many residents here knew him asas gy g.i. joe and someone deeply committed to fox lake. >> joining me so adam reiss. what are the latest details you are hearing? >> at that same press conference that you just listened to, they give us a the good detailed briefing on where they stand in terms of this extensive man hunt. they are obviously using many resources. they have a number of choppers in the air. they have cleared the air space. they are also using k-9 units on the ground. a number of police officers from a number of different agents, state, local, federal.
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the u.s. marble marshals are h the ground and asking residents to be alert. just to recap for the audience what happened this morning, it was around 8:00 a.m. [inaudibl [inaudible] routine patrol when he saw some suspicious men. he radioed it in. he pursued it. then they lost contact with him. and they found him in this marshy area nearby. he was missing his gun, his gun bemt. and then that is when this massive man hunt began. the perimeter has been set up. the perimeter seems to be expanding as the day goes on. we're almost at [inaudible] since this first happened. so obviously the intensity has picked up. the urgency has picked up and this search continues. >> let me ask. you remember during the time of the boston marathon bombing and tsarnaev brothers were on the
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loose and all of boston was put on lockdown. as we get closer to sunset and the evening hours in fox lake, illino illinois, is there any indication that you might be hearing that fox lake, illinois would be put under a townwide or area wide lockdown in the way boston was? >> that's interesting you mention it. i actually covered that. and it was a very eerie feeling when those two men, the brothers, were out on the lamb. and i just covered the two men who escaped in upstate new york. it is hard to predict how they are going to handle this when it gets dark. there is still plenty of sunlight here for the search to continue. and as we saw in up state new york, the choppers have infrared and technology to continue searching into the evening. but they have asked people to stay indoors. they let school out early here. so obviously there is great concern about the safety of the residents. it is a very rural area.
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we are about halfway between chicago and milwaukee. just about an hour north of chicago. but obviously residents here very concerned. officers very concerned. they have only been giving us a very briefest details as the day has gone on. there was word about an hour or so ago that maybe one of these guys have been apprehended. but that doesn't appear to be the case. it took a long time for them to identify the officer. so they are keeping it close to the vest so far jonathan. >> adam reiss, thank you for joining us. more after this. you are watching msnbc.
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a message. this is a very real danger that all law enforcement officials knowingly face every day when they put on the badge and go out to protect all of us. pledge to honor his memory by continuing to protect and serve the citizens of illinois and hope those responsible can be quickly apprehended without further bloodshed and brought to justice. let's bring back eugene o'donnell, and anthony roman. and clint van zandt. eugene, how does this search change as nightfalls? >> well it is, again, it is a resource issue. the resources are on the ground and as alluded to, you are going to see night vision goggles and high-tech equipment. the aerial assets are going to be used also. it is establishing a perimeter and essentially waiting these people out. the crucial thing here is not to -- if they are located to
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undertake a very careful, cautious and deliberate approach so that police people are not injured or killed which could happen. these guys could dead end at the end and be willing to take the police out and other people out. approaching them in and when they are located is going to be of the utmost seriousness and needs to be done by very skilled people. other u.s. marshals are out there. the people in the front, to the extent the people are located, the people in the front should be the most skilled, disciplined, professional people. >> and officials ask resting to be on alert to suspicious activity. who are some signs residents are looking for? >> since everyone is shuttered in place there should be fewer people on the street, fewer cars in the local neighborhoods and since this is a community of only about 10,000 and just about several square miles, pretty much everyone knows one another. so they will know when something is out of place, someone is out of place. or if anyone they know is
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behaving in an inconsistent way. and they are the eyes and ears of the police at this point. and that is a lot of eyes and ears. it could be very helpful to law enforcement, you know, in terms of calling 911. >> and clint, how crucial is it the next 24 hours in apprehending these suspects? >> well, it is crucial for law enforcement and for the community. this community is afraid and they have got a right to be afraid right now. so i -- and realize we are dealing with a couple of numbers here. one, is 24. that is the number of police officers that have been gunned down this year already. last year we saw over a 56% increase last year in the number of police officers shot and killed in the line of duty. and this officer or this lieutenant who died today is number 24. so law enforcement has -- i think has got a real right to be
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concerned. we realize there is, you know, 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers out there. but these men and women who step out there every day and say they are going to serve and protect. they are becoming targets. and i think they have got a right to be concerned as to what they are stepping out into. and this particular officer, whether he went out after two or went out after three, they made a decision they were going to take his life. whether by a weapon they had or by taking this officer's begin awa -- gun away. but this next 24 hours is important because you have all of these law enforcement assets that are in place as your other guest suggests, they have got night vision capability. they need to get these two or three individuals off the street quickly. because the potential rises if they are still in the area they will try to hijack a car, break in a house, a business. something such as this. so i think until they are found
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or until they can place them out of this community, there is a high danger in that local area. >> so this man hunt for the three suspects in the killing of lieutenant charles joe gliniewicz has been under way since about 8:00 a.m. local time. that is 9:00 a.m. eastern time. eugene, what kind of distance can these guys cover? as you see in the map the viewers can see at home, fox lake is just south of the wisconsin border. >> yeah again, there's no telling exactly how much deliberation went into this and whether they are associated with this community, whether they have the capacity to deal with associates that get them further afield. i think the thing here is not to make assumptions, to do an evidence-based investigation to cast the widest net possible but also of course in that immediate area to make sure the eyes are dotted and the ts are crossed. ultimately though law enforcement will have the resources there, virtually a
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blank check. they will be there in gigantic numbers and the chance of these guys not being apprehended soon is slight, unlike the case we saw with the prison breakout. because that is a whole different dynamic. >> well in that case there were two people who were on the run. and the question was whether they were together or whether they were split. and anthony, in a situation like this, where we are also once again dealing with multiple suspects, is law enforcement expecting to find -- expecting, to find them together or separated? >> it really depends. it depends on whether they are urban guys or whether they are backwoods type guys and they will profile them differently in terms of whether they might be together or what resources they have or what direction they may travel. so there are mixed reports now that they may have one of the individuals in custody. >> and now -- now we know that that is not indeed the case.
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that was an earlier report but not the case now. >> often in an unplanned attack one guy goes off the reservation and does the shooting and leaves the other two people shocked. this might be the situation here. the idea these are three desperados, possibly. but the other possibility is these are three criminal people and one guy did something at another level and left the other two shocked as anybody. >> and the police department talked about three things they were doing and the last thing is investigation of what happened and maybe it is through that we will find out truly what happened in this tragic situation today. anthony roman, eugene o'donnell and clinton van zandt, thank youing if br here. >> thank you. >> we'll continue to follow the developments o out of illinois and bring you any new information. heers) toenail fungus? don't hide it... tackle it with fda-approved jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus.
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ten days before football season, the first glimpse of a movie the nfl may not want you to see. in concussion, will smith stars the t a real life doctor that first discovered that repeated blows to the head can cause a progressive brain disease that results in confusion, depression and dementia. the villain in the movie -- the nfl. >> they have to listen to us. this is bigger than they are. >> what you think they are doing to you now, that's nothing. you have no idea how bad this could get. >> i have to keep going. >> they want you to say you made it all up. >> if they continue to deny my work, men continue to die. >> sometimes in life, you are asked to leave it alone.
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sometimes you can't. >> who are you? >> tell the truth. tell the truth. >> we should note that the nfl has released a statement saying quote, we are encouraged by the ongoing focus on the critical issue of player health and safety. we have no higher priority. up next, more on hillary clinton's e-mails as they come under scrutiny. we'll look at how the confusion over classification is keeping her campaign on defense. across america, people like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins... ...are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes...
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i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. so i certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material. >> that was hillary clinton in march defending the use of her private e-mail server. six months later it seems like clinton misspoke. last night roughly 7,000 more of clinton's e-mails were released. today we learned 125 of those e-mails have information redacted because it was deemed to be classified. key points to remember when assessing this story. first, this information was not
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marked classified when clinton sent or received the e-mails. second, it is widely known in washington, d.c., that information is overclassified. all of the arctticles you see there were written before the controversy became a story. keeping it secret amounts to a turf war between different departments of the federal government. clinton is caught up in a battle between the state department and intelligence officials who are arguing over what is classified. one e-mail exchange that came to light in last night's release is very telling. in an e-mail to deputy chief of staff jake sullivan clinton is trying to obtain a public statement from tony blair. clinton seems annoyed writing, it's a public statement. just e-mail it. sullivan responds trust me, i share your exasperation. until ops converts it to the unclassified e-mail system, there's no physical way for me to e-mail it. i can't even access it. this brings up another important
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fact. classified information is transferred in a completely different system than nonclassified information. it's possible for classified information to be sent to a nonsecure account. another factor, agencies are constantly reclassifying information. an e-mail that was sent at 8:00 a.m. on monday could be deemed classified days or even months, sometimes years later. so for more, let me bring in former vermont governor howard dean. governor dean, thanks for being here. >> thanks, jonathan. >> so governor dean, come on, is the media being fair in his coverage -- >> no, the media is being ridiculous. even you, who i think is wonderful, misstated the case. hillary clinton is not caught up in this battle between the state department and all these places. hillary clinton simply told the truth. this is a story about bureaucracy doing things after the fact that we can all argue about. hillary clinton had nothing to do with this -- nothing! >> so governor, so then is the
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overclassification of information then playing into the role -- playing a role in clinton's problems, chiefly the problem of trustworthiness in that poll that came out i believe last week that the number one word that people associated with her was, quote, liar? >> hillary clinton's problem is that there's an overeager press conference, which doesn't have enough to do. they've made a lot of big mistakes including "the new york times" which was wrong in two of the major stories they wrote about this. and they have a very skillful antagonistic republican party who feeds information to these papers -- i'm talking about the respectable ones, not the daily caller or people like that, who doesn't check into these stories but print it. but very skillful on the republicans' part. she used a private server. been done before. colin powell had a private e-mail account. it was not illegal, not against
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policy. she's caught up in it because the press can't leave it alone because they made a big mistake in the beginning and can't admit it. >> do you think she's done anything wrong using her private server? >> no! it's very clear. that was not against policy at the time. and i've had press people look at me right in the face and say, you know that's against policy. there was no policy. the policy was changed in 2009 shortly after hillary clinton became secretary of state. if you use a private server, don't send information that's classified over it. well, she didn't. it may be classified after the fact. there was no classified material sent by hillary clinton and nothing she did is either against the law or policy or precedent. this story has nothing to do with hillary clinton. >> you wrote in an op-ed in "the washington post" today saying, quote, all this has made hillary more than the best person for
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the toughest job in the world. i want her as my president, and i trust her to do the kind of job that is necessary in a very tough world. you elaborate on why you think hillary clinton should be president. >> sure. i went through this process myself. i was the front-runner. i was picked up on the way up and had the hell beat up on me on the way down by the press which took feeds from the people who were interested in making sure i wasn't the front-runner, which was my own party. this is exactly what's happening with hillary. look, this is a tough process and the toughest job in the world. if you can't survive this process, no matter what gets thrown at you, fair or unfair, then you shouldn't be president. this is toughening her up. she'll persevere because she's doing the right thing. it makes me want to support her more because i know what she's going through and she's standing up to it pretty well. >> if you were in the situation she's in now, do you think it would be incumbent upon you to have a press conference where
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you lay out everything so that you get -- you get this controversy behind you? >> well, the problem is she's tried that twice and it hasn't worked because there's nothing to put the conference -- the story behind her. i think probably what she could do is wait till after the silly season is over, which is only about two more weeks. once you make the turn into september and head towards the primaries, all this stuff stops. you will see it will have an effect on trump's campaign, too, although i don't know what it will be. people get much more serious. then she might want to have a press conference. john kerry did something in his stage of overtaking me in iowa, which is really smart. he sat there and answered every question as long as the press wanted to ask them. aggravating as they may be, foolish as they may be. he just patiently sat there for about 2 1/2 hours and answered every question. that might be something she'd want to consider but certainly not until after the silly season is over and that's at least two or three weeks from now.
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>> the silly season, which as you said, is probably two or three weeks away from being over. howard dean, thanks for your time tonight. i'm jonathan capehart. "politics nation" starts right now. >> right now on "politics nation" the manhunt for three alleged killers accused of gunning down an illinois police officer. also jeb bush hits trump and trump hits back as only the donald can. you got to see what he said. a dramatic showdown over marriage equality. and maria from "sesame street" stops by to talk about teaching kids and breaking down barriers. we start tonight with breaking news. the massive manhunt for three suspects in illinois tied to the deadly shooting of a police officer. it's unfolding north of chicago in a town
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