tv News Nation MSNBC September 3, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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fines if u.s. judge david bunning decides to hold her in contempt of court. a growing number of the state's republican lawmakers and gop presidential republican candidates are coming to her defense, including former governor mike huckabee who had this to say. >> when you say it's the law of the land, can you quote the statute passed by the people's elected representatives? no. the only law she's following is the kentucky law which by constitutional amendment defines marriage between a man and a woman. the specific form she is required to fill out for a marriage license specifically requires male and female. if the kentucky legislature decides that they agree with the supreme court and they change the laws of kentucky, that's a whole different thing. but we're bordering on jewish tyranny here. >> joining me now, msnbc contributor seema iyer, former prosecutor as well. right now, we know there was a
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legal filing yesterday, davis' attorney arguing that it will irreparably violate her conscience by directing her to issue same-sex marriage licenses bearing her name and approval. you also heard mike huckabee's argument, the kentucky constitution versus the u.s. constitution. >> all due respect to governor huckabee, that's not the law of the land. laws are built by case law. when the united states supreme court says something, that is a law of the land. that is the law that must be followed by all the states and all the counties. >> yesterday on lawrence o'donne o'donnell's show, he had other clerks refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. they say the law of the land isn't the law of the land. lawrence o'donnell pointed out segregation and the laws that needed to be changed in this
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country versus what state laws would have upheld, including not allowing marriages of different races. let me play what this other clerk had to say on lawrence's show. >> you think there's some relief that the state legislature can provide for you against a federal law that applies to all 50 states? >> i absolutely believe that there is a way that these folks can come to their county and get a marriage license that would simply be authorized by the person solomizing the wedding. it can be brought back to the clerk's office. i think ms. davis has been bombarded unjustly. >> what do you see this playing out legally? >> this is confusing because the law of the land is that same-sex marriage is legal. that needs to be reconciled with the question, do you have a constitutional right on
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religious grounds to refuse to issue the licenses? now, all of these clerks, they took oaths and their oaths said they would uphold the constitution of the united states and the laws of the land, including kentucky as well, so help me god. ms. davis looks at "so help me god" as, i will uphold the laws unless god tells me differently. that's not what the law says. >> this gentleman pointed out a doctor not providing an ador abortion, this is a government employee, not someone with a private practice. >> there was also a case in 2006 where it said if you take a government job, you have to deal with the fact that you're going to give up some of your everyday freedoms. that's what the law says about this. >> there is a report that the judge also called in, i guess, the assistant clerks here as a possible compromise where they might be able to sign -- >> i'm so glad you brought this up. when the governor got the law,
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what he said was all 120 county clerks, you need to issue these licenses and we need to change the form. at that point, they could have changed the form to remove her name so she doesn't be put in the predicament. and there are deputies, the deputies' names could be on there or it could be a pro forma letter so her name doesn't have to endorse the license. >> this clerk is right now before that federal judge. we'll keep you up to date throughout the hour if we get an update on what the judge decides ultimately here. we're also following breaking news, sad news out of north carolina. the military says one marine was killed and 11 injured in a hard landing at camp lejeune, the military base there. msnbc's courtney cuby joins me live from the pentagon. what else do we know regarding what happened there? >> reporter: they were on a training mission at the time of this hard landing. a hard landing is when a hard landing, a helicopter hits the grand with a speed more than a
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normal landing. the helicopter was very badly damaged. one marine was killed. he was medevaced to a hospital nearby but died tat hospital. 11 others were injured. of those, nine have been released and two remain in hospital, one in a civilian hospital and the other in the military hospital at camp lejeune. both reported to be in stable condition. we don't know much about what may have caused this. it's under investigation. we know there were no adverse weather conditions that had been reported. but it remains under investigation and notification of next of kin is ongoing. >> courtney, thank you very much for those details. another breaking story we're following right now, a federal judge has thrown out tom brady's four-game suspension in the deflategate case. it puts an end to the nearly seven-month-long saga over whether brady and patriots staffers deliberately underinflated footballs ahead of the afc championship game.
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in the 40-page ruling, judge richard berman said the nfl went too far in their punishment of the nfl mvp and said it was, quote, on several deficiencies. this puts an end -- can the nfl appeal or go back at this? >> they certainly can appeal and try to get an injunction to reinstate the suspension. but absolutely nobody expects them to. they are expected to take their lumps and go home. roger goodell has taken a public beating and humiliation. he has been pantsed before not only the court but the american people and the nfl world. probably go home, wait for the start for the season and hope people forget this ever happened. >> did you think that goodell saw this playing out? they have some of the best attorneys in the world working for the nfl. you go in a game on a sunday,
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you're going to map out the possibilities of every play from the other side. did they always know without any evidence, without that phone from tom brady, that there was just no way this was going to hold up? >> i think the nfl thought they were going to win this in a slam dunk was they filed to have the case heard in new york instead of in minnesota. they thought they were going to get a friendly judge. they thought the judge would say, roger goodell was the arbitrator in this case. courts are loath to interfere with an arbitrator's decision. they say there's supreme court precedent and the decision holds. but judge berman gave sign after sign that he found the nfl's contention that roger goodell was a neutral arbitrator when he was also responsibility for giving brady the punishment, that he thought that was an absolute farce. so as this was going on day by day, it became increasingly and increasingly obviously that brady was going to get a ruling that he found much to his liking and roger goodell might in the
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months ahead have to be looking in the want ads. >> so the patriots play the steelers on the 10th, the bills on the 20th, the jaguars on the 27th and they'll lose to the cowboys on october 11th. but this goes back -- i was walking in the studio and i'm thinking, people see tom brady, whether you like him or not, as always the winner. this guy -- and i'll even break it on a more superficial level. when you look at the memes of him, he's like mr. tall, dark and handsome who never loses. this guy always comes out on top, even with his haters. this adds, i think, to the myth of the greatness of tom brady. >> yeah. he's the guy who gets away with it in the end. and this does add to his mythical status. that's so funny because months ago what many of us were saying was that, wow, tom brady just went from being the golden boy, the person going down as the greatest quarterback arguably to ever play to someone who would
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always be associated with deflating footballs. now i think that's flipped on its head, essentially as we learn more about the facts of what took place with those footballs and not the initial leaks by roger goodell which is one of the things judge berman found so offensive. >> i guess the rule of thumb is always bet on tom brady. thank you, dave. interesting news there. developing also now, big political news, a former state department staffer who set up hillary clinton's private e-mail server says he'll plead the fifth and not testify before congress. "the washington post" first reported that brian pagliano would invoke his constitutional right not to answer questions to avoid incriminating himself. he worked clinton's 2008 presidential campaign before joining the state department's department of internet technology in 2009. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams joins us. we know that the hillary
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campaign says they've encouraged pagliano to testify and called it his decision not to understandably but disappointing. >> reporter: this is a pretty straightforward application of the fifth amendment by his lawyers. you tend to see this happen whenever there is a congressional committee investigating something. and in this case, his lawyers say they've gotten requests from the benghazi committee, the one to whom he's formally given notice he'll plead the fifth, and two others. at the same time, the justice department -- the fbi is looking at how classified documents were handled. so his lawyers are just being extra cautious here. they're saying, we know that the fbi's investigation isn't a criminal one at this point but it is the fbi after all. it could go there. and let's just be careful and not have him testify because the reason lawyers want their clients to do this is so they don't say something before congress that could be used as evidence against them in a criminal proceeding. no sign that's going to happen.
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but if you're a careful lawyer, this is the advice you would give your client. and if you're a careful client, you would be nuts not to take this advice. now, of course, congress is not powerless here. if they feel really strongly about this, they could give any witness immunity and force them to testify. but i can't imagine that's going to happen here. this is a pretty straightforward application of the fifth amendment. >> thank you very much, pete. let me bring in the political panel. thank you for joining us. rosalyn, this is not an fbi criminal investigation at this time. this was a request from the benghazi committee, one of three committees who subpoenaed here. but the headline this morning is the dubious one of, he's taken the fifth amendment and people often believe when you hear not to incriminate yourself, they're less likely to believe what pagliano is saying, which is he doesn't want to be part of a
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circus. >> right. and i think you can see that line that you're describing from the clinton campaign which put out a statement that said on the one hand, they are very understanding of mr. pagliano's decision but that they were encouraging him to talk. even if there are perfectly legal reasons to do what he did, this is not a good headline for them and they know it. >> michael, we have congressman elijah cummings said yesterday that trey gowdy unilaterally issued the subpoena to pagliano and that gowdy is using the committee for the political purpose of trying to smear a democratic presidential candidate. with that said, i believe you wrote it is time perhaps for clinton to reboot her campaign. how does she do that with these headlines that continue to read the way they did this morning? >> she's not blameless here by any means. as i wrote yesterday, she made an error in setting up this system in the first place.
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and this is going to be a bad headline, no doubt about that. but here's a question that i bet a lot of people watching this segment haven't even pondered. why is the committee that was impanelled to investigate the deaths of four americans in a consular attack of benghazi subpoenaing an i.t. guy in the first place? you can drum up gowdy, if he were here, he could drum up some phony answers to this. but they're not investigating that. it's investigating hillary clinton politically and trying to find something on her to keep her out of the white house. >> essentially that's what senator cummings said in his response to this. but is the hillary clinton campaign effectively communicating that, michael? >> i think they could be doing better. but they're not getting a great shake out of the media, in my view, a lot of the media. and all their opponents -- the republicans are all pouncing on this.
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they're in a fierce wind tunnel with the strong wind blows at them. hard to make much noise when you're in that position. >> to michael's point, his opinion that hillary clinton is not getting a fair shake from the media, if we had a dollar from every candidate including the 17 to 19 gop candidates to whomever decides to run, we'd be all well off, no one's getting a fair shake from the media. hillary clinton has tried to change the tone on this, tried to be, in her campaign's words, as transparent as possible with these details here. but this response to pagliano pleading the fifth saying we've encouraged him to do so, that they're disappointed. how does she and her campaign effectively convince those who believe that she lacks trust, that she's a liar, how does she convince that, yes, i've tried to push this person but i've done all i can? >> well, it's very hard.
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i think one of the things you can see in this particular incident is how this situation has gone beyond her control and her campaign's ability to control it. she doesn't have the ability to tell this i.t. person he should or shouldn't talk to congress. she doesn't have the ability to tell congress they should or should not subpoena him. she can express an opinion on it but she can't control events once congress opens inquiries, once the fbi is investigating. she's just going to have to continue to deal with this story as it comes. >> michael, are we now entering potentially a time when people are -- benghazi fatigue, e-mail fatigue, i have to say -- there was a conversation where someone was discussing the chris christie bridgegate, many headlines predicting the end of chris christie. that never manifesteded. no proof linking him to that ever came to light. might we see some of that with this hillary clinton from benghazi to this e-mail situation where it's just a
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battle cry for republicans but independents tire of it soon? >> it could be. but with respect to christie, the u.s. attorney has not yet spoken. still waiting for that. and chris christie is at 2% in the polls now. nobody's talking about him very seriously anymore. it hurt him. clinton is being hurt by this, no question about it. she's going to go before that committee in october and she's going to have a chance -- and she's going to have to seize it and do a really good job at that appearance and then maybe she and her democratic surrogates in her campaign can start putting out the word that this is a partisan witch hunt being paid for with taxpayer money and has been going on for 15 months, longer than frank church's cia committee and it's going to go on for another 13 if trey gowdy decides that's what it takes, up to the election. >> thank you both for your time. much more on politics ahead for you in our first read this
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morning, including senator elizabeth warren talking for the first time about that private meeting she had with vice president joe biden. >> was there any talk with the vice president of a joint ticket even jokingly? >> it was a long conversation. >> we'll have more of what she's revealing about that conversation. plus donald trump will meet with rnc chairman reince priebus today. the question, will trump now pledge not to run as an independent? we're picking up more politics for you this morning in our first read. and developing now, a cruel hoax in the search for three men accused of killing a police officer in illinois. why a woman says she gave police a false tip. a live report is next on that manhunt and that woman's court appearance. you can join the conversation online. find the team on twitter and find me on facebook, twitter and instagram.
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developing now, the investigation into the shooting death of a police officer in fox lake, illinois, has expanded today as authorities continue to look for three suspects wanted in the shooting. this after a false tip sent dozens of heavily armed police, three helicopters and 11 k-9 units to a rural cornfield overnight. the massive five-hour search ended after the woman who reported seeing the suspects admitted she made up the story to get attention. that woman is now under arrest, charged with falsifying police report. all this happened just hours after hundreds of police, including two officers' widow and four sons attended a vigil to honor the man called g.i.
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joe. >> he was the love of my life. he was my rock as much as i was his rock. every night he came home to me. my world got a little bit smaller with his passing and he will truly be missed by all of us. >> adam reiss is live with the latest. we know the manpower is there. but there seem to be very few leads or tips. >> reporter: the investigation right now, they're analyzing two videos, one from a passing truck that happened around the time of this shooting and another deer camera in the woods also near the shooting. they also recanvassed the crime scene yesterday looking for more clues. they believe there's a chance these guys are from the area, that they knew about this secluded area only because they're from the area and that this is their comfort zone. that is the hope that they're still in the area, they haven't
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left the area by train or by boat or by car. >> with that said, they believe they're in the area. i know that yesterday you had some schools close. obviously they can't keep the entire community -- not on an official lockdown but in the status that it is right now. >> reporter: they're doing what's called a saturation search. nothing like that massive manhunt that we saw a couple of days ago. they have cars out on the street not only to reassure people that they're out there, but also to pick up new leads. schools did open today with extra security. we see sheriff's cars in the parking lots of the schools as they continue this manhunt. >> thank you very much. developing now, we have new video coming in in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in europe. chaos in hungary as trains packed with desperate refugees now stopped from leaving the country. we'll have the very latest on that situation.
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new video just in from hungary showing the migrant crisis playing out on train tracks as hundreds of people try to reach the austrian border. a distraught man is seen pushing his wife and child onto the tracks in protest over police not allowing them to continue their journey. the family eventually dragged away. the migrants boarded a train in budapest early this morning. but police stopped the train about 20 miles away. meantime, we're learning more about the boy in a picture that shocked the world. we want to warn you the picture obviously as disturbing as that train video, this photograph is that as well. the 3-year-old was found lifeless facedown in the surf on the shores of syria. one of a dozen syrian migrants who drowned while trying to get
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to greece. his family had been trying to get to canada. bill neely has the update on this crisis. >> reporter: the flashpoint today, a railroad station in hungary and a surge of refugees. for days, police have stopped them trying to leave the country amid fury and frustration as they push to get to germany. now it seems the hungarians have had enough and are letting them go. this woman walked her with her children. >> children, cold. >> reporter: they've suffered enough. a third of a million leaving their homes to reach europe this year, thousands drowning and dozens dying in this truck of suffocation. these refugees rescued yesterday by a norwegian ship. other migrants tried to reach england on top of trains, through a tunnel under the sea. their journey is long and
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dangerous, most leaving war-torn syria, afghanistan. trying to get to richer countries like germany, even sweden. europe, though, is struggling to cope, to find the refugees food and water. authorities are overwhelmed. even escaping greece to the next country, macedonia, isn't easy, but they are desperate. further north, hungary has put up razor wire fences to keep them out. their target, germany, though, is ready to welcome nearly 1 million. the numbers defying all predictions. europe, muddled, divided, unable, it seems, to deal with a crisis tearing at its heart. >> that was nbc's bill neely, the graphic picture of the young boy whose body was found on the shores of turkey shocked the world. activists say it needs to be seen. we're asking you, what does your gut tell you? should that photograph have been shown. go to our website to cast your
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vote. following breaking news. french authorities are confirming the wing debris found on a remote island in july in fact belongs to malaysian air flight 370. until now, malaysian authorities were the only ones who had confirmed the identity of that missing aircraft. in a statement just a short time ago, french authorities said after their analysis, it's possible to state with certainty it belongs to mh-370. coming up, what elizabeth warren is revealing about her private meeting with vice president joe biden. and donald trump meets with rnc chair reince priebus. it's part of this morning's first read in politics. and i'll talk live with the first woman coach in the nfl, jen welter. now players say her unique coaching style will help with a special bond. she is tough. and we'll talk with her. [ male announcer ] we know they're out there. you can't always see them.
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we are back with your first read on politics this morning. joe biden hits the road for the second day in a row speaking to key democratic constituency. but he's still offering few clues as to his plans for 2016. and what elizabeth warren is now saying about the private meeting she had with the vice president last month. we'll look ahead to donald trump's press conference this afternoon. the head of the gop reportedly wants him to sign a loyalty pledge after trump refused to rule out a third-party run in the first debate. has trump changed his mind? and the impact it could have. and jeb bush is firing back at trump's latest line of attack, that bush should, quote, set the example by speaking english while in the united states. joining me now live, nbc's senior political editor marc murray. great to have you on. let's launch in here with this interview elizabeth warren had. she spoke about the meeting with vice president joe biden. let's play what she said.
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>> it was a good, long, rambly conversation. >> was there conversation about a joint ticket with him? >> it was a long conversation. >> it was a long conversation. and as i mentioned, day two of joe biden meeting with key constituents. >> yeah. that was a very short answer for a long conversation, tamron. one thing worth noting about elizabeth warren is that she still wants to be able to have influence over the democratic party and the presidential nomination. she's not running at all, but has withheld an endorsement and is wanting to wield some kind of influence and certainly having a tease, not revealing all that keeps that influence there. as for joe biden, i think we are going to get more clues into next week. joe biden will be attending a labor day festival in pittsburg, illinois, with the head of the afl-cio in tow.
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and he's going on stephen colbert later on next week. wouldn't be surprised if he get some clues there. >> let's transition to this meeting, rnc chair reince priebus with donald trump, going back to this loyalty pledge. why is it so important to press trump and other candidates this early on this? >> our understanding is this is kind of a mutual beneficial for both sides. on the republican side, they are able to say, look, we are holding donald trump's feet to the fire, ensuring that he doesn't run as a third party, which has certainly scared a lot of republicans. on the benefits side for donald trump, he gets to hold another news conference right next to the head of the republican national committee. and it is also worth noting that it's probably likely that this pledge isn't bound by law. but at the very least for both sides, the republican national committee and for donald trump, it's mutually beneficial. >> and i think that's the last thing we have on our laundry
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list of things -- no, i'm sorry, let's talk about this jeb bush back and forth. donald trump saying that he should speak english while in the united states. again, the party trying to juggle the momentum of donald trump with what could certainly and is seen as offensive language that could shut them out of the key hispanic vote later on here. >> this feud between donald trump and jeb bush has been playing over the last four days. and it's been playing out in different media. it's been playing out on different topics. of course, the last one, whether jeb bush should be allowed to speak in spanish. it is worth noting that a lot of times because he is fluent in spanish, he gets questions from spanish language media and answers in spanish. and also worth noting that his family -- his wife is a mexican american. his children are as well. spanish is a very common thing in jeb bush's household. this is a very personal issue for him.
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>> let me play what jeb bush said this morning on "good morning america". >> i think donald trump is trying to insult his way to the presidency and it's not going to work. people want an uplifting, hopeful message. people come to this country to pursue their dreams. sometimes they start without speaking english but they learn english and add vitality to our country. this is a diverse country. we should celebrate that diversity and embrace a set of shared values. mr. dump doesn't believe in those shared values. >> here we are still another week of these two being laser focused on each other. many wonder when this will turn into a trump versus ben carson. >> i think we're going to end up seeing so many different fights that go on between now and when the campaigns really begin in the fall. there is some strategic advantage for the jeb bush campaign wanting to pick a fight with donald trump. it feels like it elevates them, diminishes the rest of the field and also tries to rebut some of the criticism and the critique
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that donald trump has that jeb bush is a low-energy guy. jeb bush is able to try to come out swinging and we'll see if that continues. >> thank you very much, marc. msnbc will have live coverage of donald trump's news conference at 2:00 p.m. eastern time on msnbc. coming up, just ahead of his appearance on stephen colbert's new show, did jeb bush make a misstep? >> no one from jeb's campaign asked me if this was okay with me to raise money off my first show. >> what bush is saying in response. it's one of the things we just thought you should know. plus, can you suffer from an actual broken heart? what doctors now say could be a very real danger. it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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teachers and students have reported symptoms of a severe gastrointestinal i'llness, simil symptoms of norovirus. and a rumored nazi gold train, the train said to be buried underneath a castle. the train may be protected by explosives and warned treasure hunters to stay out. and for one college student, his iphone is a lafsaver. a student at fresno state was walking near campus when a man pointed a gun at him. he grabbeded the student's back and fired a shot which hit the iphone in his pocket. the student was unharmed. the shooter was not caught. and many of us have probably suffered from the pain of a broken heart through the loss of
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a loved one or a tough break-up. but did you know it's a real medical condition and dying from a broken heart is possible? a new study from the new england journal of medicine is shedding light on this syndrome. this is what comes to mind when people talk about broken hearts. but this is what a broken heart could look like. a condition -- >> it's caused to the tiniest blood vessels. >> reporter: the condition also known as a broken heart syndrome is caused by extreme physical or emotional distress, often explained when couples die within days or hours of one another. the overabundance of stress signals the brain to release an unusual surge of hormones into the bloodstream, paralyzing part of the heart, causing it to balloon out and then shut down.
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>> what people experience is that central crushing chest pain when you're having a classic heart attack. the difference is when you go to the hospital, the doctors are going to find in a classic heart attack, blockages on the outside of the heart. with this condition you don't find that. >> reporter: according to a new study, 90% of those who experience broken heart syndrome are women and 79% are over the age of 50. but researchers say men are more likely to die from an episode than women. the good news, unlike a broken heart, broken heart syndrome is usually treatable with medicine. most people make a full recovery within weeks and are at low risk for it happening again. that's a very interesting report there. coming up, she is breaking barriers as the first female coach in nfl history. >> it's a dream i never could have had. now it's a dream other girls can grow up and have. >> we'll talk about what's next for this groundbreaking coach in the nfl. coming up.
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the nfl regular season officially kicks off a week from today and before a single snap is already been a trail blazing season. for the first time ever, the refs will include a woman. she's not the only woman making nfl history. the arizona cardinals hired jen welter to their coaching staff this summer, making her the first woman ever to coach in the nfl as part of an internship, welter helped coach the inside linebackers. she brought significant experience to the role having previously been a player for the texas revolution and the first woman to coach in that league. and it's being hailed as a groundbreaking moment. jen is with us.
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congratulations. >> thank you so much. it's been a great year. >> i have three nieces. and i was thinking about you and i said, what advice would jen give my nieces any young girls out there. would you tos can on the female part, the first woman part, or the toughness that it takes in anything? how do you explain it to the young girls who are looking up to you? >> i would tell them to be great and to work hard to be great and to realize that when you do those things, anything in this world is possible. even coach football. >> which, let's think about it, before you broke down the barrier, before sarah, you think of the nfl and you think women not even really being able to get in the locker m radios. >> right. and no place for women other than cheerleading. and eventually broadcasting. but you know, to me what's great is that this wasn't a dream i had because i couldn't look to the sidelines and say, i could be like that woman one day. and now little girls everywhere can grow up and say, oh, i could
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do that, too. there is a place for me anywhere in this world, even in the nfl. >> it's interesting when you point out there was no one for you to look at and say that could be me. how do you find that within yourself? >> you know, i never did. i never had dreams of the nfl. i really didn't. most people don't understand that. what i had was, you know, as soon as i started playing football, it was the right place. it was the place i felt best in this world. i knew it was my destiny. i just followed it every step of the way to be great at it. and i made a promise to myself that as different challenges, different opportunities would come up that i would take them and step into them and do the best josh i coub i could no mat they would. >> domestic violence, seen as an nfl problem. i do a lot of advocacy work of getting the voices of survivors out. it is a societal problem. but when you have the glare and the money and the fame, people look at the nfl.
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what do you say when folks say, listen, here you are this strong woman and you're supporting this league of people breaking the law and at some points, you know, assaulting women? >> right. like you said, you said what i've said from day one. first of all, it's not specifically an nfl problem, it is a societal problem. however, the beauty of when we see somebody who is high profile in the nfl happen and fall, we see one of our heroes fall, we saw a side of them we did not want to believe existed, what happens then is people get mad and they become instruments of change. domestic violence is not new. but finally shining a light on the issues with domestic violence is new. and once we recognize that it's a problem, once we say that this is not acceptable anymore, now we can get those victims and now we can put a hand out and we can lift people up and hopefully what will happen is that
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powerful institutions like the nfl who are markers of change in this society will take a stand against it, like they have been doing more recently, and then we can say, if it's not acceptable in the nfl, guess what, it's not acceptable in the rest of society, either. so while it's horrible, while i hate to see any woman be put in that position, i wouldn't say it's worse for an nfl player. what i would say is that because those guys have the spotlight now we have an opportunity to lift those women up. >> powerful words there. i got to let you give me your thoughts, top of the hour we've got the news. suspension for mr. brady is just null and void. he will play. what do you think? >> i think that tom brady is one of the best players who has ever been in the nfl. i'm glad he's back in the game as a competitor you always want to see everybody on the field. i don't know if he did it or not. i wasn't there. i can't voice on that. but i do hope that finally my
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infamous quote is that i'm sick and tire of talking about tom brady's balls. can we do that now? can we please let it go? >> will it ruin his legacy? >> no. what he has done on the pild he has done on the field. this is unfortunate. i hate to see anybody's reputation tarnished, especially over speculation when we can't prove it. but he's still the great tom brady. >> this is an awesome interview. i wish only it would end with me saying that you're coaching the dallas cowboys. you know i love the cowboys. >> texas ties. >> and you know dez bryant reached out to me the other day and said i'm so glad you're in the league, i'm so proud of you, i just wish you were with dallas. >> we're going to root for you wherever you are. my texas heart is bleeding. there's a lot going on this morning. thank you, jen. south carolina governor nikki haley is going after the black lives matter movement speaking at the national press club
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yesterday. she said activists are going about it, in her opinion, the wrong way. >> some people think you have to yell and scream in order to make a difference. well, that's just not true. >> haley's remarks come on the heels of similar statements from several 2016 presidential candidates. steven colbert was not too happy to find out that jeb bush was hissing his appearance on the first late show as a fund-raiser. he set up a raffle where they were entered to get a campaign. he did not ask the host, colbert. >> i am launching my own stejeb bush on the stephen colbert raffle. they will get to submit one non-obscene question that i will ask governor bush on their behalf. money raised in colbert's raffle will go to the yellow ribbon fund which helps injured service members and their families. bub responded by saying he would
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also make a contribution to the yellow ribbon fund and by lowering the donation level for his raffle. thanks for joining us today. that does it for this edition of "newsnation." up next, "andrea mitchell reports." we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that.
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," pledge of allegian allegiance. donald trump pledges to sign his allegiance to the gop as he stirs the pot further by saying jeb bush should speak english only when he's in the u.s. >> i think donald trump is trying to insult his way to the presidency is not going to work. >> what was your first thought when he criticized you for speaking spanish? >> i laughed. >> we'll talk about and more with an exclusive interview with senator lindsey graham. taking the fifth, former clinton aide says he will not answer wes from the benghazi committee.
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how is that going to effect clinton's campaign? >> when you plead the fifth, as far as the political world is concerned, then you're already admitting to some potential wrong doing. regardless of the legal part of this. and this is what makes this investigation so potentially damaging to hillary clinton. >> we'll talk about that and more with senator amy, a clinton supporter. defying the supreme court. right now the kentucky clerk who opposes granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples is hauled in front of a federal judge. at least one republican candidate applauds her for challenging the law. >> the supreme court is not the supreme branch. it's the supreme court. and it certainly is not the supreme being. it is the interpretation of five unelected lawyers on the court. >> but those lawyers are supreme court justices. >> most certainly are. >> do i decide what laws i want to follow and
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