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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  September 6, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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for saving a young man's life. congratulations. >> the stories revealed by the dashboard cameras in this hour give us a window into the extraordinary and scary situations officers face on a daily basis. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this edition of "caught on camera. the most memorable -- >> one shot, pow right across the chops. >> -- most dramatic -- >> someone just drops. >> -- most explosive stories ever seen through a lens. >> you can actually see that split second between life and death. >> it's our 100th episode and we're counting down "caught on camera's" classic clips with help from our panel of internet
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gurus, real-life heroes, legal experts, daredevils and more. >> when the car meets the bridge, bridge wins. >> i would say that has to hurt. >> coast is clear. or is it? because camera, camera, camera, camera, camera, camera. >> we'll see people at their worst. >> i was so frightened, i was literally screaming, no! oh, my god! >> and humanity at its best. >> makes you feel good that people aren't so bad after all. >> you may need to sit down for this. >> oh! "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode." hello, i'm contessa brewer. welcome to an msnbc event. when we first launched this series, we knew the explosion in personal video cameras would
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mean a big jump in the stories caught on camera. but little did we know how quickly we would reach our 100th episode. that's right, 100 shows filled with stunning video and the stories behind those pictures. as we reached this milestone, we decided to bring you this
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special look at the most memorable, most incredible stories we found. buckle up and hold on. this is going to be one heck of a ride. starting with some extremely close calls. when lives are on the line, a matter of seconds, inches and a little luck can be the difference between tragedy and triumph. these five close calls will make your heart race. >> a woman on the verge of drowning gets help from above. august 20th, 2003. in las vegas, nevada, a woman is driving when she meets a flash flood head on. >> water is so powerful, she has no control of where her vehicle is going. it's going wherever the water is flowing. >> she's able to get on to the roof, but panic sets in. the woman is immobilized by fear. a rescuer is lowered down to the car. >> picking up an able and willing victim is different than picking up a limp body, because they can't help themselves. >> seconds before the car is completely submerged, the rescuer secures the harness and lifts the woman to safety. >> a lot of skill on the rescuer's part, which resulted in a fantastic rescue and another life saved. a skydiver has the ride of his life, caught on the plane's
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tail and amazingly caught on camera. august 2004. 15,000 feet above illinois, a group of skydivers prepares to jump. as the first jumper nears the open door, the unthinkable happens. >> his parachute deploys while he's still jumping out and he goes flying backwards, the parachute gets caught on the tail of the plane. >> he had to get away. there was no way he was going to stay there and survive. >> he grabs a knife and cuts his parachute from the plane. >> what kind of macgyver [ bleep ] is that? how is he not the star of an action movie? >> his only hope now, his reserve chute. at 4,500 feet, he pulls the ripcord. the chute opens and he floats safely to the ground. >> and thank goodness, he ends up being okay. but he had some wet undershorts by the time he was done, i'm
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guessing. a diner guest gets an unexpected jolt. and it's not from the coffee. july 16th, 2008, in wilkesboro, north carolina, kenneth wilson relaxes in his usual booth. out of nowhere?-- >> a car just plows into him at 55 miles an hour through the wall and shifts him about 10 feet. >> rather than be shocked and totally amazed that he's okay, he's looking for his hat. >> kenneth doesn't have any broken bones, just minor scrapes and bruises. >> this is the luckiest guy in the entire world. >> i don't know what kenneth has been eating for dinner but, man, i think i might try that.
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at a fair, screams of excitement turn to screams of terror. august 2nd, 2005, davenport, iowa, a developmentally disabled man and his caretaker are riding on a 50-foot ferris wheel when disaster strikes. >> he slipped underneath his safety harness and was dangling from the top of the ferris wheel. >> the caretaker gave it all she had. i mean, you see her screaming and holding on to his arm and he's slipping through. >> oh, my god! >> but she can't hold on any longer. >> he falls. your stomach just drops. >> i screamed. it's just goosebump-inducing. >> but help is on the way. >> the woman actually holds on to him just long enough that some of the guys who work the ferris wheel can climb up the center of it. >> they were able to pass him from one person to the next until they got him down all the way.
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>> the man suffers some scrapes and bruises, but without the actions of the caretaker and fair workers, it could have been much worse. it takes a village to save one man's life. september 12th, 2011. in logan, utah, we see the aftermath of an accident between a car and a motorcycle. >> the motorcycle is on fire. so, if the gas tank is ruptured, it could explode. >> bystanders run over and spot the biker under the vehicle. he is trapped, immobile and slipping in and out of consciousness. >> as soon as these folks realized that the motorcycle rider is under the vehicle, they start to take action. >> with all their strength, they
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raise the car. a construction worker pulls the victim's body from under the vehicle. the victim, 21-year-old brandon wright, is rushed to the hospital. he suffers minor burns and a broken leg and pelvis, but survives. days after the accident, he addresses the media. >> i just wanted to thank all the heroes that put their lives on the line to save mine. >> this is a perfect example of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. when we return?-- >> going up everywhere. this is mayhem. >> buckle up. our five most dramatic crashes are next. when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. hey terry stop! they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one?
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come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. i work on the cheerios team. and when i found out that my daughter-in-law, joyce, can't eat gluten, we found a way to remove the grains that contain gluten, from the naturally gluten free oats that cheerios are made of. so now we can have cheerios together, anytime. like big big. at&t and directv are now one. bringing television and wireless together. so you'll get your tv from home on the go.
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smashes, crashes -- >> holy [ bleep ].
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>> collisions and collapses. brace yourself for "caught on camera's" five most compelling crash videos. monster motor bikes skid out of control. >> it's going up everywhere. oh, this is mayhem. >> barreling straight into a paramedic. september 8th, 2002, the netherlands. round 11 of the super sport world championship. on lap 12, a german rider's oil filter ruptures heading into a turn. >> it blew so violently and so severe that it just exploded oil all over the racetrack. >> the german rider is the first to skid and fall. >> oh, that's a big -- oh, two bikes down. >> no sooner does the rider hit the wall when another rider's bike nearly decapitates him.
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>> i bet you he's got a tire mark on the top of that helmet, it was so close. >> as the bodies and bikes pile up, a race paramedic runs on to the track. >> oh, dear me, that was horrendous. >> this poor guy comes running out there to help him and gets hit by a motorcycle being shot at him like a gun. >> the imparct breaks the paramedic's ribs, kneecap and leg. >> no one was injured in the crash but the paramedic. it's a terrible thing a guy is there to help you and gets hurt like that. unreal. a barge bears down on a duck boat full of tourists. >> hey, sorry, sorry, sorry, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! >> are you having a good time, gang? >> tourists in philadelphia flock to ride the ducks, a scenic tour of the city by duck boat. in july 2010, a surveillance camera captures one of those duck boats with 37 passengers
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and crew on board stalled in the delaware river. >> the boat is experiencing some mechanical problems and broke down. unfortunately for them, they were in the path of an oncoming vessel. >> that oncoming vessel is a mammoth barge, 250 feet long and headed straight for the duck boat. >> hey, sorry, sorry. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! >> most of the stunned tourists are unable to abandon ship as the massive vessel sweeps over the tiny boat. >> we've got people in the water. it looks like they got run over by a barge, one of the duck boats. >> did all of them drown? is anybody coming up? i'm almost holding my breath and miraculously, you start to see folks pop up out of the water. >> rescuers pull 35 passengers and crew to safely. tragically, two hungarian students died. an investigation focuses on the pilot of the tug boat that controlled the barge. it reveals he was using his cell phone and laptop when the barge
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struck the duck boat. he pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter and is sentenced to a year and a day in jail. >> that's a no-win situation for the duck boat. that barge is going to win every time. >> a speeding pontiac is pulverized. >> when car meets bridge, the bridge wins. >> august 23rd, 2010, beaver creek, ohio. at 7:15 am, a state trooper's dash cam is rolling. when a pontiac firebird flying at more than 100 miles per hour swerves out of control, hits a drainage ditch, ricochets off the center divider and into a concrete column. >> the car just disintegrates into a million little pieces. i had just come to the conclusion that the driver had
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to have been killed. >> remarkably, the driver survivors the crash. as to why he lost control, he has no recollection of the accident and investigators find no alcohol or drugs in his system. disaster strikes when mother nature's wrath brings down the house. the indiana state fair. a hoosier tradition since 1881. on august 13th, 2011, country mega stars sugarland are the night's scheduled entertainment. the video picks up moments before the duo is set to hit the stage. >> you can see the wind catching the curtains and blowing it. the big question is, is that structure created or rated for those types of winds? >> sudden wind gusts of nearly 60 miles an hour rock the framework of the stage. those near the front begin to panic and run, but it's too late. [ screaming ]
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dozens are trapped beneath 35 tons of twisted metal. seven people are killed and nearly 60 people are injured. >> we can't control mother nature. she dishes out what she wants. you never know what you're going to get. a dance floor, crowded with wedding guests, collapses. may 2001, a young bride and groom enjoy what should be the best day of their lives. 700 guests share in their wedding celebration, held on the third floor of a jerusalem wedding hall. >> everyone just is having a good time. a guy is filming it with his camcorder. >> friends and family pack the dance floor. >> in the blink of an eye, the floor goes down. everything just erupts into total chaos. you just see people screaming
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and people running around. it's horrifying. >> 23 guests do not survive the fall. more than 380 are injured. the bride's pelvis is broken, but the groom is not seriously hurt. an investigation finds slipshod construction and criminal negligence to blame for the tragedy. >> the building just was not constructed well enough to hold that amount of weight. and that sheer amount of weight of those people dancing on that floor made it collapse. coming up, courage under fire. [ gunshots ] >> let them go. i'm the one that did it. >> it was absolutely chilling. >> get the weapon away from him as soon as possible. >> when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues.
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in extreme danger. with bullets flying, the camera is an unblinking witness that may help solve a crime. watch these five terrifying videos, "in the line of fire." officers under attack in the one place they usually feel safe. january 23rd, 2011, detroit, michigan. security cameras capture a quiet sunday at a police precinct when
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all hell breaks loose. >> man walks in with a shotgun and starts blasting away. >> police return fire. >> it's a firefight. they're toe to toe. >> but what the gunman does next is even more brazen. >> leaps over the desk, jumps into the fire. next thing you know, you have a gunfight at point-blank range. >> four officers are injured. the gunman is killed. investigators believe the shooter may have intended to commit what's called suicide by cop. >> it was quite obvious that this guy wanted to die and he wanted to take some people out with him.
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and i see him as a huge coward. in public, in broad daylight, cold-blooded murder is caught on camera. january 18th, 1993. ft. lauderdale, florida. a television news crew follows a father to the grave site of his 15-year-old daughter. >> this was a very tragic situation. she took her own life, using her mother's gun. and the husband blamed the mother, in part, for the death of their daughter. >> the girl's mother shows up at the cemetery and the reporter tries to question her. suddenly -- >> right out in public, in front of the television crew, he just starts shooting. even after she's down, he stands over her and continues to unload the clip into her. it was absolutely chilling. >> the girl's mother is dead. the father flees the scene.
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at trial, jurors view the video evidence. the shooter is convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. >> the camera doesn't lie. the camera just tells it like it sees it. that's why this evidence is so powerful. the daily commute becomes a fight for survival as gunmen open fire on a public bus. june 18th, 2011. security cameras capture a mother and her 2-year-old son, boarding a bus in philadelphia. >> she got irritated with her child and started spanking him. >> and another passenger on the bus says that he's going to report her to family services. >> she apparently got very upset by that, got her cell phone out, called some friends with guns who were instructed to meet her at the next bus exit. >> the woman and her child leave the bus. what happens next is horrifying. >> these two fellows with the
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automatic weapons fire into the passenger portion of the bus. >> a mother grabs her son and runs for cover. an elderly woman, at first paralyzed by fear, ducks as bullets fly all around her. >> they didn't care who they shot. their own family could have been on the bus. >> the driver floors it to the nearest hospital. >> nine bullets actually strike the bus and by the grace of god, nobody actually was wounded or killed. >> the powerful video evidence helps prosecutors reach a deal with the two gunmen and the mother. all three plead guilty to attempted murder and aggravated assault and are sentenced to multiyear prison terms. when you've only got one shot, you better make it count. >> weapon away from him as soon as possible.
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>> august 16th, 1993. in columbus, ohio, local tv news crews are covering a disturbing story of a suicidal man sitting in the middle of a busy intersection with a gun. a risky plan, have the sniper shoot the weapon out of the suspect's hand. >> a lot of things could go wrong. you could miss the gun and then that suspect would panic, start shooting at officers. >> the man lowers the gun from about 80 yards away, the sniper gets the green light. >> shoot the weapon away from him as soon as possible. >> he ends up shooting the gun right out of the guy's hand. >> shoot the weapon away from him as soon as possible. >> then the officers line up and tackle the guy and they arrest him. >> that's a one in a million shot. i would buy that sniper a steak dinner. >> a tense standoff plays out right in front of the camera lens. >> please don't.
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please don't. please. >> december 14th, 2010, in panama city, florida, a school board meeting is under way when a man enters the room. >> everybody in this room?-- [ bleep ] behind that counter hit the road. >> he starts waving a gun, telling people to get out. >> news reporters leave but accuracy continue to roll. six board members are ordered to stay. >> they have no weapons and they don't even have anywhere they can run. their backs are literally against the wall in that setting. >> it turns out that he was upset that his wife was not offered a full-time job as an elementary school teacher and he blames the board for this. >> sensing time is running out, the superintendent makes a
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courageous plea. >> i'm the one that signed the paper, right? okay. i don't remember and i don't know who she is. but let them go. i'm the one that did it. will you let them go? >> this man was willing to put his own life on the line. it is a remarkable human moment. >> but the gunman doesn't back down. >> this isn't worth it. this is a problem. please don't. please don't. please. [ gunshots ] >> a security guard enters the room. a firefight breaks out. the suspect is hit and drops to the floor. >> at that point, he ends his own life with a shot to the head. >> no board member is injured, though the superintendent was nearly shot by a bullet that hit a notebook just inches from his body. >> you never know, in life, when it's all going to be over. and this is when you find out what you're made of. >> please don't. please.
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coming up, things that go boom. >> this is like a lot of gunpowder. >> you can actually see that split second between life and death. when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. [ school bell rings ] ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs.
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hi, i'm richard lui with your hour's top store. several people were injured today on greece. 15,000 migrants are stranded on that island. officials are not processing them fast enough to continue on to western europe. chicago police resumed their search in a park were a toddler's remains were found. a foot was discovered near the garfield park lagoon just before 6 p.m. last night. the initial search turned up other parts also appearing to belong to a child. now back to caught on camera.
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any injuries or -- >> they frighten us, shake us up and blow us away. take cover for these five explosions. >> fumes and fire are a combustible combination at a gas plant. july 25th, 2007. in dallas, texas, an acetyline tank explodes at a gas company. >> it's a highly flammable gas. we use it in torches to cut through metal. >> flames spread from tank to tank of compressed gas. many launch into the air like missiles, raining fire and debris on to the highway, narrowly missing vehicles. >> these things have enough force to blow through the side of a fire truck. >> the out-of-control blaze is
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too dangerous for firefighters to fight it safely. they can only try to contain it. >> if they know nobody is inside, their best bet is to back away, keep the firefighters safe, evacuate the area and then let the fire burn out. >> it takes nine hours for the fire to extinguish itself. the facility looks like a war zone. but there are no casualties. >> in the end, all you lost is a building. if you saved the folks around and didn't injure or lose a firefighter, then it's a good day. a routine call has explosive results for a fire department.
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may 7th, 2009. a dashboard camera on a fire truck records firefighters investigating a gas leak at a strip mall in forestville, maryland. suddenly -- >> the gas finds an ammunition point and explodes. the whole roof kind of lifts off. >> you see glass flying out, debris, bricks. >> sound the mayday call. sound the mayday call. we have an explosion in the building. sound the mayday call. >> that's a term we never want to hear. that means that one of our own is lost, trapped, disoriented or, even worse, down. >> when the smoke clears, several firefighters are injured. but, luckily, the entire crew survivors the blast. >> as a firefighter, when i see a video like this, it reminds me that we have to always expect the unexpected. >> an accidental fireworks show rages out of control. november 3rd, 2004.
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a box of rockets ignites at a fireworks factory in denmark. explosions spread across 2,000 tons of fireworks. >> explosions on top of explosions. so before one's finished, there's another one exploding. >> i mean, it's beautiful to look at, but it's also terrifying, because you just realize this is like a lot of gun powder. >> a massive explosion shoots a fireball hundreds of feet into the air. >> i mean, there's a guy holding a camera trying to capture it. and he has to, like, hide behind a car. it's just rocking the land beneath him. >> the shockwave is so powerful, it registers as a magnitude 2.0 earthquake. >> the poor people of this town were terrified. >> finally the fireworks show that nobody wanted comes to an end. the disaster kills one firefighter and destroys more
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than 350 homes and businesses. a firefighter gets up close and personal with an explosion and shows it who's boss. august 19th, 2011. in los angeles, california, a parked car bursts into flames. a resident captures the action with his cell phone camera. >> this is your typical car fire that firefighters respond to all the time. >> you can see the firefighter bleeding his line and starting to make an approach to the vehicle, attacking the fire. >> without warning, an explosion rocks the vehicle, inches from the firefighter's face, but it hardly seems to faze him. >> rather than this guy run for the hills and say enough of this. you don't pay me enough for this, no, this guy stays right on task. >> within seconds, the
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firefighter gets the blaze under control. >> we have a saying in the fire service, w-t-f. it means something totally different to everybody else, but to us in the business, it means well-trained firefighter. this is a good example of that. a fighter pilot's dangerous stunt goes horribly wrong. july 23rd, 2010. it's the day before canada's alberta international air show. >> when you go to an air show, you almost expect something to go wrong. >> a pilot is practicing a tricky maneuver in his cf-18 fighter jet. >> he's doing something called an alpha pass, which is this really risky maneuver. he is doing it at low altitude so everybody can see it. >> the jet malfunctions and plummets to the ground. >> the jet goes boom, you get a massive explosion. >> but just 100 feet before
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impact, the pilot ejects from the plane. >> you can actually see it happen, that split second between life and death. >> he suffers a few compressed vertebrae but is alive. days later, the brave pilot, brian bughes, describes his wild ride on "today." >> it became obvious what i needed to do. i was well trained for it. it was just a matter of pulling the handle and going for a ride. coming up, can you say ouch? that's got to hurt. find out which of these five videos made us cringe the most when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. hey terry stop! they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one?
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come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. my name is phil zietlow, and i've been an engineer on the cheerios team for 51 years. about five years ago, i found out that if my daughter-in-law, joyce, eats anything with gluten in it she feels pretty darn terrible. so my team and i came up with a way to remove the grains that contain gluten, from the naturally gluten free oats that cheerios are made of. so now joyce and i can have cheerios together anytime we want. and if you love someone with celiac, or gluten sensitivity, you can too.
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break out the bengay. the forecast calls for pain. slips, flips and flops. extreme falls and extreme fails. when you see these five videos, you'll agree, that's got to hurt. an aspiring rapper tries dancing in the streets and gets a taste of life in the fast lane. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> kendrick green dreams of being a rap star and always jumps at the chance to perform. the aurora, illinois, native is busting his signature moves for a friend's video camera. >> he's going literally right into the path of traffic.
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>> all of a sudden, an ice cream truck comes down the street. >> next thing you know, bam. gets sidelined by the ice cream truck. >> the rapper's wrist is broken, but his ego takes the real hit. >> this ranks pretty high on the scale of dumb stunts. >> oh [ bleep ]. a mountain biker pays the price for trying to pass the buck. october 2011, a 38-kilometer bike race begins across albert falls game reserve in south africa. six kilometers in, the bikers come to a clearing. lead biker spots an antelope to his right. >> he says, hey, there's a buck. and then goes back to riding. all of a sudden, the buck is like, oh, are you challenging me? >> seconds later -- >> whoa! holy cow! >> he just comes out of nowhere and smashes this guy off his bike. >> it almost looks like the buck grabs the biker, throws him down and it's just this massive crash of body and bike. >> i would say that's got to
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hurt. >> [ bleep ] >> the biker survives with a concussion, but has no memory of the moment his buck ran out. >> holy cow! meet the diver who missed the memo, never smooch a shark. key largo, florida. every day, the scuba guide stuns the crowd by getting up close and personal with nurse sharks. >> he likes to kiss them for whatever reason. >> he's never had a problem before. but that's about to change. >> the shark kisses back. in this case, he kissed back and has a lot of teeth. >> and 500 shark teeth are suddenly gripping into his mouth
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and severed the top of his lip. he is rushed to the emergency room, where he had 285 tiny stitches. the lesson is don't kiss sharks. i don't think we even really needed to learn that lesson. an amateur daredevil stunt goes down in flames and up in smoke. july 2007, sydney, australia. wannabe stunt man, brian kincannon, plans to ride his bicycle off a roof and land onto a pile of mattresses. and if that isn't dumb enough, while on fire. >> he is preparing for the jump and we have some company there. >> when police arrive unexpectedly, brian panics, dousing himself with gas. >> lights himself on fire, pedals towards the ramp, goes over the ramp and straight down. >> clearly, brian didn't pay attention in physics class, because he want even close.
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>> brian plunges nearly 30 feet, misses the mattresses and breaks his nose and wrist. still on fire, he runs to a garbage can he has filled with water. >> he had a bucket of water. fire extinguisher? >> because of his injured hand, brian can't lift the bucket of water. >> i learned in school, stop, drop and roll. not run around on fire until you melt. >> eventually, brian drops to the ground. >> police officer casually walks over and pours water over him. >> oh, he's alive. >> not really sure brian was thinking real clearly on what his goals were with this thing. geez, brian, there's barber college. consider it. >> this video stars someone you've been hearing from, who knows a thing or two about pain. daredevil bubba blackwell. in this clip, bubba goes long. and comes up short.
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independence day, 2001. the man who broke many a record set by evel knievel is in del mar, california, stoking a crowd of 35,000 before the main event, a 22-car jump. >> i wanted to put on the most spectacular motorcycle jump you'd ever seen. >> bubba hits the gas for his final approach. >> when i saw the video footage for the first time, to me, it was so clear, i wasn't going fast enough. >> the impact sends bubba spiraling 70 feet like a rag doll. unconscious, he's rushed to the hospital where he spends several days on life support. >> i shattered my pelvis, like a spider web. broke one vertebrae in my neck, crushed my right shoulder, broke six vertebrae in my back,
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ruptured spleen, punctured both of my lungs, broke every one of my ribs. but the worse thing is the impact to my head. i had bleeding on the brain. that's not something you normally come out of. >> hard to believe, but bubba makes a complete recovery. he is back on the bike and continues to wow crowds from coast to coast. >> definitely a bad day at the office. coming up -- they spread like a virus. >> is this real life? >> yes and no. >> and to find out it's fake, mind blown. >> we go viral when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode continues." ooh, i thinki saw dessert! but you just had a big lunch! wasnthat big steve... hey! come back here, steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you? honey, he didn't say that! he did, very quietly... you can't hear from back there!
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i see myself as maybe an entrepreneur. internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. they capture our attention and spread like wildfire. sometimes too good to be true. but always entertaining. millions of viewers can't be wrong. >> i love you. >> they are going viral with these five fektous videos. ♪ >> a bride's perfect wedding makes a splash on the internet.
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>> oh, my god. everything looks like it will go off without a hitch. gorgeous flowers, perfect weather and beautiful dress. but when the best man presents the rings -- he takes the plunge -- >> oh, my god. >> everybody is like oh, my god, this is awful. seems like a disaster. >> cloe wei, your top. >> the wet wedding video becomes a viral hit. >> this is somebody's wedding day. that's the best man. look. >> but the joke is on us. take five, take two. it turns out this entire video is fake. everything looks completely legit. and to find out it's fake, mind blown. >> i became suspicious, started watching it frame by frame and saw it looks a little too
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choreographied. >> it was taken from a full feature home and used as a promotional ploy, it was a brilliant except for that was the beginning and middle and end. >> oh, my god! >> what happens when two profession professional videographers get stuck at an airport. >> running amuck in an airport that's completely abandoned. >> the thing about this video that i love so much, it reminds me of toy story, what's the airport like when everyone is gone. >> let me get this straight. i can't carry bottled water through tsa and this guy can do this? >> i didn't know the human body could physically spin around on an escalator like that. it does take class to sip it out
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of a parfait cup, didn't even raise his pinky though. >> in june of 2011, the airport video hits the web and inspires travelers everywhere. >> i'm living vicariously through these people. hats off to them. >> in september of 2009, a black bear with serious ninja skills becomes one of the web's biggest action stars. >> you have a bear at the zoo and they give him a stick. he starts twirling it around and throwing it in the air and catching it. >> spinning it so fast that it's like how is he possibly doing that without opposable thumbs. >> amazingly the video is 100% real. animals are one of the things that keeps the internet running. >> he is sfeshlly when an animal does something that looks human zb if he's willing to put on a
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mask, i would let him fight crime with me. [ screaming ] >> oh, my god! [ screaming ] >> in the winter of 2011 we meet frosty's less jovial brother, freaky the snowman. >> oh, my god. >> a man dressed up as a snowman, a very bad snowman stands on public places. >> no, it's not. >> yes, it is. >> then suddenly the snowman -- right there, the whole spirit of christmas drained from her face. >> the frightening funny video become anz internet sensation. [ screaming ] >> there's been hidden camera shows for a long time where people jump out and it never gets old.
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watching people in pure fear mode, there's nothing funnier than that. >> a trippy trip to the dentist leads to internet i am mortality. >> i feel funny. poor david. in may of 2008 his father videotapes him after have a tooth pulled. >> don't put that -- don't put it in your mouth. >> he wakes up and he's groggy and body doesn't know how to handle it. >> how did it go? >> i didn't feel anything. >> you feel a little bit bad for this kid because he's really trippy and doesn't know why. >> is this real life? >> yeah, this is real life. >> he's basically high for the first time in his life and asks existent shal questions about his life. >> why is this happening to me? >> it's okay, bud.
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it's just from the medicine, okay? >> is this going to be forever? >> no, it won't be forever. >> it all becomes too much for young david and he reaches his breaking point. >> stay in your seat. >> [ screaming ] >> he had to scream because when there's a monster in your head, you have to let it out. >> david's family screams all the way to the bank. the video becomes a money making machine, earning them more than $150,000 from youtube ads and licensing fees and merchandise sales. >> more than 100 million people have watched this video. he's actually going to be able to go to college because of money they are making off people watching this video. >> maybe i'll become a dentist. that would be fantastic. >> why is this happening to me? >> coming up, is this the end of
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civilized society as we know it. we count down the worst of the worst when it comes to bad behavior. >> it's not going well but it's going to get much, much worse. >> when extreme "caught on camera" 100th episode continues. . our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. to breathe with copd?ow hard it can be it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment
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welcome back to extreme caught on camera, the 100th ep toed, with help from the panel we're watching most memorable moments. we have featured more than 800 stories across 44 states and 61 countries. if you're a fan of the show, you've probably noticed not everyone featured on "caught on camera" is a model citizen. some of the folks you're about to say take bad behavior to an extreme. >> oh, what happened there? >> jaw dropping.


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