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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  September 6, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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welcome back to extreme caught on camera, the 100th ep toed, with help from the panel we're watching most memorable moments. we have featured more than 800 stories across 44 states and 61 countries. if you're a fan of the show, you've probably noticed not everyone featured on "caught on camera" is a model citizen. some of the folks you're about to say take bad behavior to an extreme. >> oh, what happened there? >> jaw dropping.
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uncivilized. inappropriate and out of control. in the category of bad behavior, these five videos are the baddest of the bad. anger reaches its boiling point in an extreme case of road rage. june 12th, 2012, in los angeles, two motorists pull over and begin to argue. a nearby driver records the action. >> the video starts and both out of their cars and getting in a fist fight. >> the fight escalates -- >> and a friend joins the mix. >> two men are now beating on one man, just wailing on him. at one point you seep see the man and two assailants literally kicking the man while he's down.
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>> you all right? >> come on. >> the man regain consciousness and drives off before police arrive. >> the video footage helped law enforcement figure out who the two men were who committed this attack and resulted in them being arrested. this liquor store robber lives by the creedif you don't succeed, try, try again and again. and again. >> he does everything in the book that you would have managed would have done in any slapstick comedy. >> may 30th, 2006, ft. worth, texas. a would be robber approaches a liquor store and attempts to scale the wall. now on the roof the robber tries to enter the store through the ventilation shaft. >> it's not going well but it's
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going to get much, much worse. >> coast is clear. or is it? because camera, camera. with a contract full of liquor, it's time to make a getaway. the only thing harder than breaking in is breaking out. >> tries to leverage it so he keeps sliding. >> frustration sets in. he's trying to leave, he's trying to climb back out -- >> it's like a cartoon. you kind of know what's coming -- oh, oh -- and there you go. it's like you couldn't script this any better. >> defeated and trapped, the bruised bandit does the only thing he can. he waits for the cops to let him out. >> when someone says they had a bad day, watch this video, you haven't had a bad day compared
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to this guy. >> a security camera catches behavior so bad it's hard to believe. august 21st, 2010, in coventry england, a woman approaches a cat on the sidewalk. >> the cat was like, happy, was puring up against her, hey, someone is here to pet me. >> then seemingly out of nowhere, she took a living, breathing organism that's only purpose in life is to make people smile and go oh, and threw it in a trash can. >> it was a moment of disbelief. is this real or is this staged? >> when you find it's real, that like disturbs you to the core. >> 15 hours later, the cat's owners find her in the garbage can. she's hungry and scared but alive. the cat's owner had a whole
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security camera system set up. looked at the footage, she's busted red handed. >> but they don't know who the tab by tosser is and they post it online. >> it turns into a witch hunt, we're going to find this woman and she's going to be brought to justice. >> the woman was found fairly quickly and sentenced to pay a fine and was not allowed to have any animals under her care. >> you don't mess around with cats and expect the internet not to retaliate in some way. >> things heat up during one of the most outrageous police chases ever caught on camera. november 7th, 2001. in dallas, texas, an ex-con steals an 18-wheeler carrying lumber. but the thief doesn't know the rear tires are locked. >> you can see smoke start to
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pour and eventually the friction causes enough that it starts on fire. >> got to move. got to move. >> the flaming flat bed weaves into medians and into oncoming traffic. >> i can't believe they stopped this guy, man. >> after 90 minutes, the suspect pulls over and is placed under arrest. >> this was like watching hollywood block buster big car chase but i like it better in film, not in real life. >> this woman proves that sometimes the customer isn't always right. new year's day, 2010. as security cameras roll, a mcnugget's craving turns into fists aa flying at the toledo drive-th
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drive-thru. >> a woman pulling up month mcdonald's after a heavy night of drinking. >> the customer wants chicken mcnug get the because they are not available. >> she got upset about that and started screaming at the woman -- she starts to grab through the window and tried to climb inside. what is she going to do? make her own mcnugget? >> the manager comes to the aid of the employee and woman starts hitting manager. they try to close the window. >> the customer climbs back into her car, we think she's leaving but instead she grabs a bottle and she throws it through the window. >> bloodied and mcnuggetless the woman drives off. hardly phased, the employees go right back to work. >> they just open up the window and the next person who had placed their order, just handed them their order. >> police track down the drive-thru destroyer and she's convicted of felony vandalism
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and assault. while her mcnug gets weren't served. justice is. >> now this young lady is known as the drunk mcnugget lady. has a stigma attached the rest of her life. coming up -- >> get on the ground. >> a police officer's silent partner speaks volumes. >> stay in the car. >> a total complete disregard for human life. >> our most dramatic dash cam videos. >> this is not hollywood. this is the real mccoy. when extreme "caught on camera" 100 episode continues .
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car chases, rescues, shootouts, and life-threatening accidents. you can't hide from the law in
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these five dash cam videos. a woman on the run runs over herself. january 23rd, 2011. in moses lake, washington, a dash camera rolls as a police officer pulls over a woman wanted on forgery charges. as he questions the suspect, she takes off. >> do police chases ever end well? something bad is going to happen eventually. >> and it does. the suspect tries to bail from the truck while she's driving it. >> instead of escaping, she ends up getting dragged by the truck. >> the vehicle hits a curb, the woman loses her grip and gets run over. >> the truck comes to a stop with the wheel on top of her pinning her underneath the truck. >> bystanders try to lift the
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truck, but the weight is too much. >> it seems like it could crush her any second. >> the officer makes a gut wrenching decision, to drive the truck off of her. >> it was kind of a last ditch effort to save this woman's life. >> the policeman pulls forward and the suspect's body spins out from under the wheel of the truck. the woman is rushed to the hospital. she makes a full recovery. >> jumping from a moving vehicle that you're driving is a death wish. as far as extreme human behavior goes, that takes the cake. >> a routine stop becomes a waking nightmare for one officer. march 22nd, 2006. in tyler, texas, trooper steve stone pulls over two men for speeding. >> you never want to be in a situation as a police officer where you're outnumbered by suspects. >> the trooper finds an open bottle of liquor. but that's just the beginning. >> what's in here? what is that?
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what's in there? >> weed. >> what? >> weed. >> weed? >> yeah. >> trooper stone prepares to arrest the suspect for possession of marijuana. >> place your hands behind your back. you're under arrest. >> and as soon as the detention happened, that's when the scene flipped. >> stay in the car! get in the car! >> the passenger exits the vehicle, and the two men open fire on the trooper. >> total complete disregard for human life. >> trooper stone is shot multiple times but is able to call for help and backup. >> it's going to be a blue pickup truck. two hispanic males. >> with the description, officers are able to find and arrest the two suspects. they are each convicted of several counts of aggravated assault on a public servant and sentenced to life in prison. it takes trooper stone nearly two years to recover from his
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injuries. >> this is a very good example of what police officers face every single day. this is not hollywood. this is the real mccoy. >> in twinsburg, ohio, a criminal goes bobbing for evidence in front of the unblinking eye of the dash cam. >> november 19th, 2009. police pull over a suspected bank robber and search him for weapons. >> the guy gets thrown in front of the cop car and as he's getting frisked, the cop takes out everything from his pocket. >> everything including a piece of paper which could be the alleged holdup note used in the robbery. >> he's got his hands bound behind him, but he still has a mouth. he uses his mouth to grab that note and eat it. >> unfortunately for the suspect, it is just the appetizer. they find a bag full of bank's
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money and a gun in his car. >> the note is the least of his problems in this case. >> the suspect is convicted of the robbery. the alleged holdup note is never recovered. >> they may not have wanted to handle it, but they would have found it eventually. >> a great grandma is tased in one of the most controversial videos to appear on "caught on camera." >> get on the ground! [ screaming ] >> may 11th, 2009. just outside austin, texas, a deputy pulls over a 72-year-old woman for speeding. >> coming up the hill and you accelerated. >> when he asks her to step out of the vehicle, the situation erupts. >> he begins to get her off the roadway and she's being very uncooperative. >> oh, you're going to shove me?
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>> ma'am. >> you're going to shove a 72-year-old woman? >> the deputy tries to gain control of the scene. >> step back or you'll be tased. >> i dare you. i'm getting back in my car. >> no, ma'am. he shoots the woman with volts the woman is stunned but doesn't suffer any lasting injuries. [ screaming ] the woman is stunned but doesn't have lasting injuries. >> it sparks debate. >> i think it went over the line. >> i don't think so. >> i thnk he pushed her because they were in traffic. >> although the great grandma settles for $40,000, an internal investigation finds the deputy did not violate any policies. an officer in trouble is rescued by a super samaritan.
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>> usually it's the damsel in distress that was saved by the cop. this is role reversal. >> december 11th, 2010. a dayton, ohio, police officer pulls over a man for a headlight violation. >> that's the problem there, buddy. >> suspecting the driver may be drunk, the officer asks him to get out of the car. >> this guy starts to resist and starts beating up this cop. >> the suspect's trying to get at his taser. he's trying to get at his gun. >> just as it looks like all hope a lost -- >> this random woman comes from the side and starts wailing on this guy. >> she's hitting him enough to distract him and give the cop the upper hand. then it's good-bye, charlie. he starts pounding him. >> backup arrives and helps the unlikely team finish the job. >> makes you feel good that people aren't so bad after all. we're here for our fellow man.
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coming up, five videos you have to see to believe from the danger zone. where life hangs in the balance. >> it hit the tower. >> and every second counts. >> suddenly the machine starts going with a baby inside. >> when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. ♪ ♪ isn't it beautiful when things just come together? build a beautiful website with squarespace.
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three, two, one! >> don't try this at home. or anywhere, for that matter. >> oh! >> these are close encounters of the perilous kind. so brace yourself. you're about to enter the danger zone. a wide open field, a trailer, and a sky diver trying to avoid it. >> he had eyes on that trailer the entire way down and that's exactly where he landed. >> april 2011. 4,000 feet above colorado's fremont county airport, a sky diver's instructor's helmet captures the last jump of the day. >> you see a guy jump out of a
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plane. he sales over flat land. looks like nothing could possibly go wrong. >> the instructor floats towards the drop zone, an open field. the only object in sight, a trailer used to pick up the jumpers. >> it was like the moth to the flame. he was just drawn to that trailer. it was like, come on. there's a whole field. really he's going to hit that? >> hit it, he does. the sky diver injures his arm and eventually is amputated. but it hasn't stopped him from sky diving again. >> i've never been sky diving. it must be that great to make it worth risking another limb. or he's crazy. or both. >> a camera man captures the shot of a lifetime but does he live to see it? april 2012. rubber meets the road at the bristol motor speedway in
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bristol, tennessee. where cars go from 0 to 170 in 4 seconds flat. behind the wheel of her blue camaro, lizzy musey. seconds into a qualifying race, the camaro swerves out of control. the 2700 pound racing machine is airborne heading directly toward the camera and cameraman behind it. >> the butt end of that car came right into his lens. and pieces just flying. >> and then comes that point where you think you're so safe, he realizes i'm getting out of the way. >> he dives over the wall just in time. musey walks away without a scratch. >> that sucks. >> and so does the cameraman. >> that was a close one, man. >> with a shot to almost die for. >> that's one for the reel,
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boys! >> a hot air balloon slams into a radio tower leaving passengers stranded 700 feet above the ground. >> he's on the tower. >> october 2004. the drama unfolds at the albuquerque, new mexico, balloon festival. after a microburst of wind blows this smokey bear balloon off course. >> suddenly the balloon crashes into a radio tower which carries 50,000 watts of electricity. >> you're now basically atop of this 700 foot radio tower and the basket is weaving back and forth. >> inside the basket, a retiring forest ranger and two young boys. an air rescue is too dangerous. their only option, climb down a ladder inside the tower. workers shut off the structure's
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electricity and the three slowly maneuver themselves onto the ladder. >> it's remarkable the amount of bravery it took not only to get out of the basket but then to climb down. >> the descent takes two terrifying hours, but the three make it safely to the ground. panic in a laundromat when this man inadvertently locks a baby in a washing machine. >> what on earth can you be thinking? >> may 11th, 2012. camden, new jersey. a security camera captures an ill-fated game of peekaboo. a male friend of the babysitter places the 1-year-old in the machine, shuts the door, and steps back. what the man doesn't realize is the door locks automatically. >> suddenly the machine starts going and starts filling with water and starts spinning with a baby inside. >> i was so frightened i was literally screaming no, no. my god. >> they're trying to find out how to unplug this. fortunately there was an attendant in the laundromat. >> two minutes after the wash
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cycle begins, an employee is able to unplug the machine. the baby is removed unharmed. the camden county district attorney's office says the game of peekaboo was not intelligent but not a crime. >> this is clear child endangerment. at the very least this would have been criminal negligence. so he should have been charged with that. and why he wasn't, i don't know. >> two divers are cornered by one of the sea's most dangerous predators. >> they were very, very close contact, truly face-to-face with a great white. >> 30 miles off the coast of capetown, south africa, two have paid to get up close and personal with sharks from a cage. within minutes a great white appears and suddenly rams its head through a gap in the cage. the shark batters its way deeper into the cage forcing the people
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divers to the bottom. >> i was on my couch physically watching like that. >> the action takes a more frightening turn when the great white knocks out one of the driver's air regulators. >> this is your living nightmare unfolding right in front of your eyes. >> with no room left in the cage and oxygen running out, the diver takes matters into his own hands. >> he pushes it back, kind of able to when the shark turns to sneak his way out of the cage and back to the surface. >> the guy saw a gap and took it. and made it safely and the other guy followed suit and they both survived. >> and there's a twist to this shark tale. >> many people after this happening would never dive again in their life. but this guy was so passionate about it and decided to kind of turn it into a positive and become an instructor. coming up, you thought your job was tough? get set for occupational hazards from the terrifying -- >> i'm thinking this could end
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badly. >> -- to the stupefying. >> i'm taking a bath in a sink at burger king. >> when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. do you like the passaaadd? it's a good looking car. this is the model rear end event. the model year end sales event. it's year end! it's the rear end event. year end, rear end, check it out. talk about turbocharging my engine. you're gorgeous. what kind of car do you like? new, or many miles on it? the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs.
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ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. i'm richard liu, the police department in charlotte, north carolina is calling officers back in from vacation after five killed and five others hurt in shootings over the weekend including a 7-year-old boy killed during a birthday party. a san antonio school district is investigating after a football player there purposely ran into the back of a referee watching a play and another player then dove into the official as he lay on the ground. both players ejected there. now back to "caught on camera." tantrums -- >> that was my [ bleep ] i.d. >> -- tirades -- >> do your job!
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>> -- and takedowns. just another day at the office where anything can happen. so if you thought your job was tough, you may reconsider after watching this. a clip guaranteed to give any manager labor pains. a fast food worker sinks to a new low. >> i'm taking a bath in the sink at burger king. >> june 2011. aspiring performer timothy tacket finds fame "caught on camera" style. it's just oof closing at a burger king and he works in a food prep area. tonight the 25-year-old is celebrating his birthday in a bath in the utility sink. >> it's my birthday. feeling a little frisky. thought i would get clean. >> it is your worst nightmare and plays to the worst
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stereotypes of fast food employees. >> the birthday boy even asks a coworker to record his tubby time on video. then tells her to go get their boss. >> karen, he's in the sink. is that okay? >> once they actually get the manager's attention, she's not even interested. in fact, she gives some short responses. but it's basically just ignoring what's going on. >> tacket puts the video on hismy space page and it goes viral. he gets his 15 minutes of fame but loses his job. >> fast food could become the cleanest, safest industry and 20 years later point to that dude. >> eggs, smoke bombs, and fists. welcome to parliamentary politics ukrainian style. >> this one's beyond insane. >> april 2010.
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kiev, ukraine. members of ukraine's legislature are working on a controversial treaty with russia. when the opposition party tries to disrupt the vote. >> instead of handling it diplomatically, they use fists instead. >> the weapon of choice? eggs. >> where do they get the eggs? i'm just going to bring eggs to parliament today and throw them at everyone. >> also been thrown, plenty of punches. >> this isn't happening at a sporting event. this isn't a bar fight. this is a governmental meeting. >> the opposition sets off several smoke bombs to further cloud the issue. it fails. amid the chaos, the treaty is ratified. >> whenever you think the political climate is crazy here, look at the people overseas. it makes me feel much better. >> a scaffold careens out of control with two window washers
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trapped on the platform. downtown denver on november 30th, 2005, a news camera captures a scaffold swinging 12 floors above the ground. you can see the metal twist every time. you just never know each time it strikes is the building if it's going to fail or not. >> high winds snap a support line holding it in place. stranding a pair of window washers hundreds of feet above the ground. >> how do you get them? how do you stop this from happening? >> firefighters man the windows broken by the scaffold hoping to grab it when it comes near. after 15 frightening minutes, the scaffold lines up with one of the windows and firefighters are able to secure it. the two workers jump back into the building. >> i got to think if halfway through your work day you're
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flying through the air on a platform out of control, it's a tough day. >> will this reporter survive his most dangerous assignment yet? >> as i'm watching it i'm thinking this could end badly. >> september 2009, south africa. a reporter from england's daily telegraph is about to become part of the story he's covering. he steps in and the big cat gives a frisky hello. >> he likes you. >> frisky quickly turns ferocious. >> you can sort of see that transformation in the reporter. he starts to get nervous. he doesn't know what to do. he doesn't know how to get after out of it. >> the reporter is further rattled when the lion sinks its teeth into his calf. >> he finds himself in a situation where he is in danger and the trainer may not be able to help him. that's when suddenly it becomes a scary situation.
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>> at last the trainer is able to corral the predator allowing the reporter a hasty retreat. >> the lessons are pretty careful about being willing to put yourself in dangerous situations when they're outside of your expertise. >> when the caped crusader takes on a taunting tourist, it's good night for the dark knight. may 2011. this street actor's work place is the vegas strip where he poses as batman for money. a passerby is reporting when batman and a tourist start talking trash. >> the minute the cape comes over his shoulders i think this guy is serious. it just reveals the potbelly. >> the tourist responds by tossing a traffic cone. >> so batman starts swinging back with karate chops which
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don't make sense. >> then it's on. >> this guy starts swinging and batman's like oh [ bleep ]. i'm in a fight. and you realize batman's got no moves. where's robin? >> then out of nowhere, the dude in the white shirt body slams this guy. >> the dark knight takes several hits to the head but walks away unharmed. >> saddest end to a batman fight you will ever see. coming up, for these folks surrender is not an option. >> one shot, pow, down he goes. >> they simply won't back down. >> i reach for my gun. i pull the trigger. >> when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. by allowing you to see things from more than just one point of view. that's a story worth telling.
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at&t reminds you it can wait. they are the wrong folks to mess with. people who'd rather fight than fold. even when outnumbered, outmatched, or under fire. here's "caught on camera's" top five people who won't back down. a would be robber picks the wrong store to hold up. >> [ bleep ] son! >> december 2011. hendersonville, north carolina. a gunman walks into this we buy gold store demanding money. the clerk appears to comply, but as he goes to hand over a satchel of cash --
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>> who are you, son? >> out a all of a sudden out of nowhere, wham! one shot, pow. right across the chops. down he goes. >> but the clerk isn't done with the suspect yet. this punch has a punchline. >> he made the robbery suspect clean up his own blood. i thought that was great. >> clean that [ bleep ] up, man. >> you can't beat that. >> soon after police arrive and remove the suspect on a stretcher. >> we got satisfaction watching this guy be humiliated for all to see. >> two bystanders risk their own lives to save a police officer's. >> may 2003. linden, texas. an officer is overpowered while trying to arrest a wanted man. >> when she went to put the handcuffs on him, he turned and grabs for her weapon. she's in a struggle for her life
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at this point. >> out of nowhere comes a good samaritan. >> he walks into a situation where a man had a gun and could have shot somebody. >> was able to remove the gun quickly from the guy's hand. >> while the good samaritan holds the gun, the officer drags the thug to the ground. but still can't cuff him. enter good samaritan number two. >> this lady just does an awesome mma body slam and drops on this guy. >> it's the booty shorts too. he got straight thigh to the face. >> a double shot of texas justice. >> that's tremendous teamwork. i loved it. >> december 2010. a veteran b.a.s.e. jumper is about to jump off a bridge in california.
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a friend records the b.a.s.e. jumper who's prepped for the jump by downing some liquid courage. >> he's had a couple of drinks at this point. he's had a few vodka cranberries. >> but as the boozy b.a.s.e. jumper prepares to take the plunge -- >> a patrol officer pulls up. >> police. >> don't even think about it. pull it back up right now. >> i'll sit here and wait for you. >> options are "a," get in the back of a cop car with a guy who looked pretty pissed. or "b," b.a.s.e. jump over an ocean. i'm going to "b" any day. >> i'm sorry. i got to do it. >> the guy does it. does a little roll in the sky, pops the chute out. then there he is on the beach. >> after a perfect landing on the beach, he then lands in jail. ultimately convicted of
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disobeying a police officer. he spends 69 days in the slammer. >> you did that, buddy. now you're going to jail. >> egged on. a politician puts the bare knuckle back in politics. may 16, 2010. british deputy prime minister john prescott is in north wales for a labor party rally. when a man hurm hurls an egg at him. >> as a politician, there's always going to be positive and negative comments and whatnot being said. but to actually get assaulted has to be pretty unexpected. >> prescott, a boxer as a boy, responds with a solid left hook. >> and just clocks this guy. >> i thought the punch was quick. it was decisive. he hit his mark. >> after a brief tussle, prescott and the protester are separated. neither is charged but some hail
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the politician for his quick response. >> i would think that more of them need to take training. they probably make a lot of enemies as they do friends that like them. >> our number one is a grandtastic vigilante. a no nonsense that that you don't want to mess with. june 26, 2006. three armed robbers invade her beach eye land south carolina convenience store. >> these three thugs, these enemies of society come in brazenly and boldly start pistol whipping the employees. >> a bunch of robbers come in, attempt to knock down the door of the back office where great grandmother is knitting and watching tv. >> i saw a man running and hitting the door. i reach for my gun. it was on top of my bible. and i took my gun off and i cocked the gun and i shot the window out.
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i pulled the trigger. >> they couldn't run fast enough. they were knocking into one another. they looked like a version of the key stone cops. >> this great grandma is ready should they return. >> she reads the bible and yet she'll cap you right between the eye with a teflon coated bullet. my kind of woman. coming up, the envelope please. we reveal your choice for favorite video. when "extreme caught on camera: the 100th episode" continues. . small, medium, large and extra large. if you need less data, pick small. if you need more, go with extra large-- a whopping 12 gigs for $80 a month plus $20 per phone. pick a size. change it up anytime. it's the simple way to get the best network. and now, get $300 when you switch.
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is the big company that doesn't act that way.
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i was going to the library to do my homework. it was a little bit of a walk to get to the bus stop. i had to wait in line to use the computer. took a lot of juggling to keep it all together. what's possible when you have high-speed internet at home? the library never closes. it makes it so much better to do homework when you're at home. internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. for the past two hours, we've picked the videos we thought were "caught on camera's" most compelling. so what do you think? we asked viewers to choose their favorite from five of "caught on camera's" highest rated videos.
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you voted on our facebook page and the results are in. so let the countdown begin to "caught on camera's" ultimate fan favorite. a news chopper makes headlines when it falls from the sky. may 2004. shots are fired in flat bush, brooklyn. a local helicopter is there to cover the story when the video feed suddenly cuts out. the chopper has lost hydraulic power. >> it starts sputtering out of control and spinning in circles. >> another helicopters covering the same story rolls on the drama. inside the nbc chopper are a reporter, the pilot, and copilot. >> what must have been going on in the people's heads as they were kind of spinning down to what i assume they assumed was their demise? that's really horrifying.
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>> the helicopter slams into a rooftop chimney, snaps apart, and lands in pieces on a roof next door. >> police are stunned to find all three men alive thanks to the pilot. >> as devastating as it looked as it catapulted off one roof to the other, he was able to slow the descent enough that everyone survived the incident. a bear gets the shock of a lifetime. august 1989. albuquerque, new mexico, a momma bear is on the loose searching for her missing cub. authorities track down the momma bear but she gets scared and scales an electric pole. >> the bear looks like i made a huge mistake coming up here. and panic sets in. >> officials shoot the bear with a tranquilizer. >> it just kind of languishes up there.
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>> the bear loses its footing and all of a sudden, she gets hit with 7200 volts of electricity. >> you see the spark, bright light and then the bear falls backwards, plummets to the ground. >> i thought she was done. the fall let alone being shocked. there is no way that bear is okay. >> witnesses are relieved to find the bear survives the shock and fall with only minor burns and some bruising. after rehab at a local zoo, the momma bear is reunited with her cub and released back into the wild. >> it's such an upsetting video from animal lovers to watch, but knowing the bear's okay is like getting a hug. >> what happens when you stay inside a new york city bike lane no matter what? may 4th, 2011.
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film maker casey mistad is riding his bike to work when he's stopped by one of the new york's finest. >> i start filming the cop. >> the police officer gives casey a ticket. >> for not riding in the bicycle lane. >> i'm getting a ticket for riding my bike not in the bike lane. >> casey's fine is $50. he pleads guilty by mail. but for the movie maker, it didn't end there. >> i thought it would be funny to show what happens if you always ride in the bike lanes. we were out for about an hour. in that hour i think we found six or eight different obstructions. we didn't set any of them up. they're all real. >> casey posts that video of youtube. more than 6 million people see it. >> so about a week after i made the movie, the same cop pulled
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me over. but this time he pulled me over to say hi and to tell me his daughter really liked the video. >> armed with a camera and some serious chutzpah -- >> don't be bringing hookers down here, buddy. >> -- this video vigilante captures prostitutes and their johns in the act. >> i hope you're not married. >> brian bates then posted the videos on his website, john tv for all the world to see. >> what are y'all doing? >> nothing. >> what are you doing? >> are you kidding me? what is wrong with you people? >> bam, right there on the hood of the car. it was like an x-rated white snake video. >> more than a million people have seen the low's truck driver making an unscheduled scope. >> i love he focuses on the johns and confronts them. >> are you a married man? what would you wife say? >> so i give a high five to my
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brother in solidarity, the video vigilante here. he's doing great work. and giving these guys an ex-lax attack along the way. >> and now, you voted for it. the number one fan favorite video. a man takes himself and rescuers to the edge of death. march 19th, 2003. niagra falls. a suicidal man decides that he wants to live, but it may be too late as he stands in frigid water at the lip of a 180-foot drop. >> i don't know there's been many people that have survived that fall, if any. >> rescuers arrive on the scene. two brave men attached to harnesses enter the frigid water. >> that water is traveling one way and the only way is down. >> the current is too strong and the rescuers cannot reach him. they try plan "b." air dropping a life ring by
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helicopter. but as the chopper inches closer, wind from the rotors blasts the man causing him to lose his balance and fall into the water. >> i was sure at the moment he fell he was over the edge. >> just by the grace of god he's able to grab hold of the rock he's standing on. >> rescuers toss the ring again. and this time it's a direct hit. the team on land drags the man out of the water. he suffers severe hypothermia, but is alive. >> these are heroic actions. personnel willing to put their lives on the line to rescue this man. >> there you have it. 100 episodes and counting. as long as cameras are recording, we'll continue to bring you shocking scenarios, real life drama, and amazing characters. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this special edition of "caught on camera."
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massive industrial accidents lead to unbelievable explosions. >> we just had a huge explosion. >> gas leaks, leveled buildings. >> biggest explosion i'd ever seen. >> gas stations erupt into infernos and rescue workers put it all on the line. >> it was the closest call i've had. >> dire circumstances. >> i'm thinking there's no way somebody is going to live through that. >> disaster -- heroism.


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