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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  September 7, 2015 4:00am-9:01am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. thanks for starting your labor with us. coming up to day, the migrant crisis and migrants on move. certain nations finally opening their borders. warning, it won't last for long. the pope is now offering his own plea on their behalf. plus, appealing. the kentucky court clerk in jail over the holiday weekend for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples now wants out. and laid to rest, the fox lake community preparing to say good-bye to one of their slain officers known as gi joe. but we begin with politics and the unofficial kickoff to the fall campaign season. at least half a dozen candidates
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will be on the road today including hillary clinton. she's going to meet in three different stops starting and finishing the day in iowa. it comes as a new poll shows she's losing ground in some key early states n new hampshire, it's a nearly 20 point turn around. once up 10 over bernie sanders, she trails him by nine points. and in iowa, her lead has sh rufrpg from 24 points in july to just 11 now. on the campaign trail, she is keeping focus on republicans and telling voters she's ready for a general election fight. >> it's going to be a hard election. the other side said they will spend, do, and say anything to win back the white house. i had a little experience with that. and i am absolutely confident that whatever they throw at me i can throw it rugt back. >> nbc's kristen welker has more from the campaign trail in iowa.
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>> thomas, good morning you to. the candidates will be out in force marking this labor day holiday. and they will also be ramping up their campaigns in the fall season and that includes secretary hillary clinton who will be campaigning in iowa and illinois today. her aides tell me they're not concerned about these latest poll numbers. they always anticipated a competitive primary. still, they are hoping for a restart in this fall season. one of the biggest challenges for secretary clinton has been this drip, drip, drip factor to her e-mail issue. over the weekend we got yet another revelation. secretary clinton acknowledging she paid her then state department staffer to set up and maintain her e-mail server while she was secretary of state. it's those types of revelations coupled with a real appetite for an outsider which helped to propel vermont senator bernie sanders. the latest poll showing he is leading clinton in new hampshire as you pointed out and catching
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up to her here in iowa. this is a real race on the democratic side. secretary clinton going to try to turn the page, focus more on the issues shez wants to talk about. she's also going to go after her republican rivals more aggressively according to her campaign aides. again, you're going to see a handful of candidates out on the trail today marking this labor day. a lot of eyes on vice president joe biden who continues to mull a run of his own. he will be marking labor day in the battleground state of pennsylvania. thomas? >> all right. thank you so much. as you mentioned, vice president joe biden remains this political wild card in the democratic race and he will be in pittsburgh to take part in the labor day festivities just days after saying he still determining whether he has the emotional energy for another presidential run. now if so, he's got the support of a large slice of the electorate. our nbc poll finds that among potential democratic voters, biden has a higher favorability rating than either hillary clinton or bernie sanders in iowa and runs close second to sanders in new hampshire.
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kelly o'donnell is live in pittsburgh for us to day. kelly, where do things stand with the vice president? you have heard anything from his camp about being closer to making a declarative statement? >> no, but i think we can get a sense today of where his fire and passion may be. and we will see from the vice president in his home state he's the boy from scranton that he loves to play that card and to remind people of his hard scrabble roots. here in pittsburgh, he'll kick off the labor day parade. and this is the kind of democratic base that will be so essential to whoever the democratic nominee is and if joe biden gets in the race this is a way for him to connect with those important parts of the democratic party. these are the union members who organize and, of course, democrats in pennsylvania are critical because this can be one of the pistol swing states. so no new information from those close to joe biden. part of what he talked about last week is resonating with
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voters. when i was on the trail over the weekend talking with voters about the possibility of a joe biden candidacy, we heard some things that might really work in this election cycle that maybe counted against him in the past. and that's his authenticity. his ability to sort of have that wrap his arm around you kind of personal connection. voters seem to be hungry for that. he's not an outsider. he's the sitting vice president with a long career. he's run twice before. he has not been successful. would that count against him? does he have the organization? but when he spoke last week, i had one voter say to me, hearing the vice president who as you know thomas talked about the emotions, the family, the concerns that he doesn't know yet if he can really feel this kind of a run with the death of his son. and they said that, boy, that sounded like a man not yet ready. so we'll take a measure of it today, thomas. this is a key labor day event. we'll watch biden and see if we
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can read any tea leaves here. >> kelly o'donnell, great to see you. thank you. on the republican side, donald trump is still commanding the top spot. in polls in both new hampshire and iowa. he's up seven points over ben carson, 29-22. no one else has more than single digits. in new hampshire, trump has 28%, more than double his next closest opponent, john kasich. that's despite the fact opponents are keying in on i had difficulty with issues like foreign policy. >> i think it is very difficult to lead if you don't have the requisite knowledge. and i think it's perfectly acceptable that you don't know the name of every terrorist leader. i don't always either. i do think it's important to know who our enemies are. >> joining me now from washington, syndicated columnist bob franken. great to see you. >> same to you. >> thanks. let's talk about carly fiorina. she talks about not knowing who
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everybody is. her example though when hugh hewitt asked her the same question as donald trump, she knew the difference between the kurtdz a kurds and the quds force. donald trump wasn't able to get himself out of it unscathed but he is able to survive. how he is able to do that when he's being challenged on things lying foreign policy chops? >> i suspect that if you were to talk to the average voter, he or she would not know the difference between the kurds and quds. i hate myself for knowing it myself. the truth of the matter is that donald trump managed to tap into the feeling that right now there is a whole group of people out there who should be opposed and donald trump is the person to do that. he sort of has come across as a don rickles. >> yes. this charisma keeps carrying him. we look at the polls and see trump doing well and ben carson,
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carly fiorina is the most improved. john kasich also is doing well in here. so the so-called mainstream candidates, jeb bush is the only one that even hits six points. marco rubio, scott walker, they're nowhere to be found. can they come back from this? >> sure. you talk about this being the official start of the campaign. actually, i think we're a year away from the official start of the campaign. that is to say there is a long time to go. and they're going to be all kinds of ups and downs. right now donald trump and the others you mentioned are pretty much riding a crest. we're going to have to see if they can maintain their position. >> i know we have a long time to go, i'm still feeling myself wanting to write 2016 on checks because we talk about 2016 so much. i forget that we're still in 2015. bob, is the debate that's coming up, the one that's really going to help springboard candidates that have been hovering in those single digits, carly fiorina, john kasich that can help propel
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them as this new chapter of campaigning begins? >> carly fiorina was able to successfully campaign to get a spot in that cnn debate. and i suspect that her presence and ben carson's presence, he's sort of the anti-donald trump when it comes to personality. and, of course, donald trump's presence is going to mean that probably an awful lot of people are going to be watching cnn that night. >> i think so. and carly fiorina came to win in the happy hour debate. i think a lot of people are expecting her to bring her a game to the new debate coming up. great to see you, bob. >> good to see you. a town in mourning today. funeral services will be held for an illinois police officer killed in the line of duty. we're going to take you there live. plus, thousands of migrants seeking shelter from war in their home countries are welcomed in germany. will other countries follow suit? our own richard engel will join us to talk about what this unrelenting journey is like. back at home, it's labor day. many are getting ready to head to the beach or a backyard
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barbecue. we hope you are. we're showing you this beautiful look of a sunrise over new york city. good news, gas prices there are at the lowest levels in 11 years. we'll take a look at that and the holiday forecast on msnbc. stay with us. what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah, even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. you are looking at can you spot the difference? no? you can't see that? alright, let's take a look. the one on the right just used 1% less fuel than the one on the left. now, to an airline, a 1% difference could save enough fuel to power
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in illinois, thousands of mourners are expected to attend the offer of charles gliniewicz this afternoon. he was shot last week while pursuing three suspicious men. nbc's adam reese joins us now from illinois. he's been covering this story from the beginning. adam, bring us up to speed, the latest on what we expect today from the mourners and the services but more importantly about the police investigation that continues. >> sure, thomas.
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good morning. about 5,000 expected to come out, pay their final respects to the man they called gi joe. someone so committed to the police force, 30 years on the force. a month away from retiring. but also so committed to the community here, involved in the explorers program, young men and women, cadets who want to be future officers. he mentored them. he was a role model. he leaves behind a wife and four sons. the public viewing here begins at 9:00. that will be followed by a law enforcement viewing and then even more public viewing. there is so much interest here for people to see and come and be a part of this. that will be followed by a short funeral service and then 18-mile procession that will lead its way through town so everyone here can be a part of it. everyone here can say their final good-byes again to the man they called gi joe. now regarding that investigation, thomas, they believe they have a significant piece of evidence that they found friday afternoon when they did a recanvassing of the crime scene. they used weed whackers and
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whacked it down to the ground and they said they found something. but something that is significant that could be a major breakthrough in this investigation. that in addition to a piece of video that shows what they believe are the three suspects, two white men and one black man. they also recovered his gun, a .40 caliber gun next to his remains and a $50,000 reward, they're a step closer to locating the guys who they believe remain in the area. thomas? >> adam reese reporting in i will i. thank you so much. we'll talk again later. i want to give you a live look at cape mae, new jersey, where it is a little bit early out. there later on that beach is going to be packed. full of people enjoying the last horray of labor day weekend which is the unofficial end to summer. we'll get you ready for it. the labor day forecast and all about travel. we'll have that forecast for you as well. but for manufacture us, labor day is just another day at the office. yeah. with better lighting for us here
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though. according to a new survey, two in five employers or 41% require at least some employees to work today. most of those are emergency personnel, retail workers, or those of us in tv news. but, hey, misery loves company. if you're at work today, we're sending you our love. we're back after this. food have? 18%? 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one.
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ask your doctor about it by name. new developments in the growing humanitarian problem in europe. germany welcomed up to 18,000 this weekend alone. the nation is saying they will spend $6.6 billion next year to help deal with the crisis. at the same time, thousands continue streaming into hungary every day. we want to go live to hungary and nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel. your compelling reporting has been informing all of us back here at home about the
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unrelenting travel so many thousands have gone through. explain what you're seeing now in hungary and how they lrnd from past mistakes of allowing people to travel through. >> well, europe is facing a migrant crisis. it's not just a humanitarian crisis, it's a moral crisis. it's a demographic crisis. it's a crisis of identity. and we're seeing two very different policies emerging with northern and western countries trying their best to open their doors to open their hearts to migrants. they're calling them refugees in particular. there's a lot of debate over that -- the wording here. refugees versus migrants. refugees are generally people who have a legal status. they're at war escaping from war. they deserve shelter. migrants are people who are looking for better lives for humanitarian reasons or because they are refugees. germany has been opening doors as you said about 20,000 couple
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coming in just this weekend. the vatican and pope have been taking a very aggressive stance, calling on every christian perish to take in a familiarly. the vatican city says they'll take in two families. austria has opened its doors. hungary has taken a different approach saying that it can't take more people, that already there are auto th50,000 in the already. they're trying to corral migrants into detention camps. one of the migrant camps can you see behind me, a lot of the migrants don't want to go through camps like these. they say they are president like conditions. they're fenced in. there is barbed wire and guard dogs. it is a very different approach. the hungarian government says they're guarding europe and the front line and if you listen to comments from the gun herian prime minister today who said very clearly dhoent want any more people. it doesn't seem likelike hungar
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policy is lightening up. >> people are not really wanted in specific spots, that isn't stopping the influx of people arriving on different greek islands. more and more people are arriving. from the experience you had in talking with people whashg, wha basic financial bank that these people are leaving with? you've talked to some people that have absolutely nothing. and some people who only have scraped together a few dollars to make this journey. what's the difference you've seen from most of the people you've experienced? >> it's actually excite expensive to make this journey. it is driven by smugglers. most of them are from syria or iraq and afghanistan. but syria is the biggest percentage. they will leave syria generally go into turkey. they can spend 500 or $600 to make that crossing from the
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syrian border into turkey. then the most expensive part is to cross on a rubber dinghy from the turkish coast to greece, to the greek islands. and they are spending up to $1,000 each just to make that journey. and usually families will send one or two people. so the families will get together in syria. they'll pick one member. they'll round up money and take loans and sell what they can so they can get together $3,000, $4,000 to make this journey with the hope that if one relative makes his way toermany he can bring the rest of the family with him. >> absolutely amazing. your reporting is amazing. richard engel, thank you, sir. appreciate it. back here at home, it's the unofficial last day you have summer. it is estimated more than 35 million americans are get away over the holiday weekend. but before you pack up the beach towels and break out the hotdogs, we want to check in with the weather forecast.
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ver on y veronica johnson has that. >> rip currents will be a threat again for the east coast. especially for the atlantic beaches right up to delaware. meanwhile, on the west coast, it's northern california also that could see rough surf. the big story, thunderstorm again rolling through the nation's midsection. areas of omaha, wichita, that's where there could be hail and high wind from storms today, even some river flooding possible. the radar already lighting up early this morning into northern missouri as well. look at the rainfall totals. more than two inches in that pocket of southwestern missouri. so that's the big story. behind the front, big cooldown, thomas, that's coming. temperatures drop to the 70s. billings today, 73. boise, i'd eye, 76. and we're heating up in the east with temperatures in the low 9 o's. the heat peaks in the eastern third of the country tomorrow around 49 and 95 for d.c. 83 atlanta. not too bad in the southeastern
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corner. more severe storms here. cooling down with even some frost advisories now showing up in some of the high spots out west. >> tale two of coasts. thank you very much. veronica johnson. >> if you didn't get away this weekend or have a vacation coming, airline ticket prices are coming down. joining me now on where to find the best deals is the managing partner for airline weekly, seth c caplang to see you y are we watching prices coming down across the board for certain things? or it is about certain destinations people have to travel to to get the deals? >> certain destinations more than others, no question. this is an indirect impact of falling fuel prices. we all know as you put fuel in a car, we're paying less than we used to. airlines are paying less to fuel planes. for a while people were saying why aren't air fairs falling? and this now is finally the
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impact of airlines saying we can start growing again. basically it's supply and demand economics, put more seats into the marketplace. guess what happens snt price of whatever it is start falling in this case air fair. good news for consumers. >> seth, explain. a lot of us are from this old school mindset of booking out travel pretty far in advance, thinking we're going to get best deal that way. obviously, waiting until the last minute we see them skyrocket. where is the sweet spot now? >> you're right. people know, if you wait until the last minute, you're going to pay a lot. what not as many people realize is the opposite of that is not exactly true. it's not the people who book many months in advance. the early bird doesn't always get to keep travel ticket. a lot of times it's between a month and two months before you travel that you get the best deal. and, you know, part of that is people do get nervous thinking it's a holiday. it's thanks giving or christmas, i need to book many months out. airlines know that. they take advantage of that.
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then as it gets a little closer, they have to start discounting the seats to fill the flights with the most price sensitive travelers, the bargain hunters. even if you know that you want to travel on a holiday, act more like a bargain hunter. act more like somebody who doesn't care and wait for a deal and you'll get that better deal. >> and also when it comes to the holidays, there are certain ones that are good time that you say to get out of the country. to look to go beyond our shores. >> exactly. you know, obviously domestic travel very, very busy of people going to visit their families for thanksgiving. well, not as many people want to go abroad then. and so that's the perfect time. i remember years ago when i was younger i said i'm going to go to istanbul on thanksgiving. everybody is eating turkey. i'm going to go to turkey. it's cheaper to go. yeah! it's cheaper to go abroad. not sure i'd get away with that general more now with the wife and kid years later. but if you're somebody that has that flexibility, can you say i'll visit you next week, i'm taking advantage of a bargain. it's a great time to do that.
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>> just bundle up the family and go now, seth. airline weekly, great to see you. thank you for your time. a kentucky county clerk spending labor day weekend behind bars refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses to couples there. now kim davis is appealing the decision. we'll tell through and get a live reports h. report. poll position, we'll get into the new numbers that put bernie sand areas head of hillary clinton in the key state of new hampshire. and are you ready for some football? tom brady is. after a judge threw out his four game suspension stemming from deflategate. september 3rd i think is a holiday in boston. so we're going to talk about what effect his game coming up on the 10th. we'll talk about that and much more. ooh, i thinki saw dessert! but you just had a big lunch! wasnthat big steve... hey! come back here, steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you?
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honey, he didn't say that! he did, very quietly... you can't hear from back there! don't fight your instincts. with each 150 calories or less, try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars and new creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. go on, have one!
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who knows, one of these kids just might be the one. to clean the oceans, to start a movement, or lead a country. it may not be obvious yet, but one of these kids is going to change the world. we just need to make sure she has what she needs. welcome to windows 10. the future starts now for all of us. we welcome back everybody. we take you to kentucky where this morning the clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples
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intends to appeal the judge's decision that landed her behind bars on thursday. kim davis, an lekted official, ig knight the a national firestorm when she defied the u.s. supreme court's ruling and a lower court ruling on religious grounds and prompted some gop candidates to rally behind her including mike huckabee who is set to visit davis this week. >> when is it that liberals get to choose which laws they support but a county clerk in kentucky who acting on her christian faith is criminalized, jailed without bail because she acted on her conscience and according to the only law that is in front of her. >> we go to moorehead, kentucky now to get up to speed on the very latest. where it stands in the court in an appeal process for this. i think a good reminder for everybody is how much time has already been legally invested from lower courts all the way to the supreme court that has brought us to this stage.
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>> there was quite the scene setter leading up to this. this wasn't a sudden decision. in fact, this judge had ordered her more than a month ago to begin issuing the licenses. so here in kentucky this case has been going on for weeks now, thomas. now her attorneys filed an amended notice of appeal that addresses the contempt order. they're going to argue this was illegal and they plan to ask for an expedited ruling. now yesterday kim davis' husband and about a dozen other people were able to visit her in jail. they've also been able to talk to her on the phone. during phone calls, she says she's doing well. she's reading her bible to pass the time. she's also expecting, as you mentioned, a high profile visit from mike huckabee. not only he is scheduled to visit her in jail, he'll hold a rally on the jail grounds tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. a lot of people expected to attend that. now this case is really not only dividing the community here but also the political field.
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ohio's governor john case whoik like huckabee will be running for president says does he not agree with traditional marriage but the courts have ruled and it is time for kim davis to do her job. thomas? >> sarah in moorehead, kentucky. thank you. let's talk more about the 2016 race, how it is heating up. in a few hours, hillary clinton will attend a labor day picnic with union members in cedar rapids, iowa. as we mentioned at the top of the hour, new nbc polling numbers show signs of trouble for clinton's campaign. she still ahead in iowa. but the lead there, that has sh rufrpg from 24 points in july to 11 points now in september. and in new hampshire, bernie sanders is leading by nine points. joining me now to zero in on what hillary clinton needs to do as we head into the fall is the host of the richard fowler show, richard fowler and writer jason russell. i appreciate you being here. first up, i want you to listen to this. jason specifically, to what
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bernie sanders had to say this weekend in iowa. >> don't tell anybody, i think they're getting nervous. don't tell anybody. i'm not all that much into polls. but some of the polls now have us leading in new hampshire substantially closing the gap here in iowa, closing the gap all over america. so obviously i think the secretary's people are getting very nervous about the energy and enthusiasm our campaign is bringing forth. >> jason, it is a tale two of states right now, especially when we look at a surge in new hampshire for sanders and the fact he was able to in a short period of time really close in the gap between him and clinton in iowa. so should this make the campaign nervous? >> of course it should make the campaign nervous. look, this really shows that there is an extreme portion of the democratic party that is supporting a self described socialist in bernie sanders rather than a former secretary
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of state, a former first lady in hillary clinton. they look at obamacare and they want the government to get more involved in health care. these are voeders looking at hillary clinton and saying we need someone smor progressive. >> the "new york times" rors that hillary clinton is looking to rely on southern states to help out. really locking up the democratic nomination. is that right strategy for her to take on and do you think that it's going to work to go southern? >> here's the thing. i think hillary clinton is running a very strong campaign. i think what we're seeing is she had a bad month in august because of e-mails. but what we'll have to see from hillary clinton going forward is one taking on southern states and hillary's got to be hillary right now. she does the best when she is under a little pressure. i think we'll see more from the candidate and more from the former secretary as we go into the later parts of the campaign than we're seeing right now. she's going to get a little dirty, get some fist in there and that's going to be critical for her winning this election. >> i think people want to see a
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sharper candidate emerge from all sides and as we're hooking at thez new polls numbers relosed, clinton had some very strong words for who is at the top on the right and that is donald trump. take a look at -- take a listen to this. >> mr. trump insults and dismisses women. he's been throwing a lot of heat my way. i do find a loit t of what he s pretty ridiculous. for example, he recently said i don't have a clue about women's health issues. really? i mean you can't make this stuff up. he said he would do a much better job for women than i would. now that's a generally election debate that's going to be a lot of fun. >> so, jason, you think this is a smart move that hillary clinton is keeping her language squared on general election and
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making people realize that she is the nominee that can best go up against a donald trump? >> absolutely. it was a mistake early on in the campaign she did attack hard on the left on liberal issues such as voter registration and debt-free college. now she's attack both of the rhetoric on republicans. that is smart. she basically have the democratic nomination locked up when you look at the big picture. and you kind of ignore some of the flash poll that's do show her losing ground to bernie sanders but still she might lose one or two primaries to sanders. in the big picture, she's going to win the nomination in most of the states. >> richard, while bernie sanders could make her nervous, joe biden being this wild card must really make them nervous. >> there's no question that joe biden makes the hillary clin campaign very nervous. we have to see what the vice president is going to do. this week he sort of, you know, did a little bit of bob and weave there. but with that being said, i think hillary clinton going
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against donald trump speaks to who she is as a candidate. it talks about her strength against any republican, any republican candidate but especially donald trump. she understands the issues a lot better than he does. she's been in washington very long time. she's been in the senate a long time. she's been in the state department a long time. that will bode very well for her as we go into general election if it is indeed donald trump if he can come out of the primary as the winner. >> all right. it is an interesting fall season. richard and jason, thanks so much. the nfl regular season kicks off this thursday night. that's when the defending super bowl champion new england patriots takes on the pittsburgh steelers on nbc. it was after a tumultuous off-season that the pats quarterback tom brady is ready to get back on the field for the first time in months. the super bowl mvp spoke out about deflategate and the league's decision to appeal a judge's decision to overturn his four game suspension. >> that's their choice. i think that's part of -- that's just part of the process. you know, my part is to get trod
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play football. that's what i'm really excited. >> joining me now the "boston globe" and nfl patriots writer. how much toll do you think deflategate has really taken on brady psychologically as we ramp up to thursday? >> yeah, i think over the last month when he's been in court in new york city and had to miss three different practices, be away from the teammates, i think it was a little draining on him. just having his image dragged through the mud. his personal e-mails became public. everyone is reading about his $8500 pool covers. i think it was draining and football is a respite for him. it's awe way to get away from it all. i think you'll see a tom brady that is very focused and very appreciative of the opportunity he has and someone that is going to work very, very hard to win that fifth super bowl. >> so does the dark cloud go await first time they win a game? >> i think so. i think the dark cloud has pretty much already lifted over foxboro. thursday night's game against
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the steel serz going to be an unbelievably emotional atmosphere. just the fans welcoming home their conquering hero. they wanted brady to fight this thing to the end and he d he won. it's going to be an unbelievable night. they're going to raise the super bowl banner. elsewhere around country, people still maybe have a little negative image of tom brady. here in new england, it is all good for tv 12. >> do you think they can shake it off enough to repeat what they did for 2004? no one has repeated as super bowl champs since the patriots did it then. >> you're right. it's very difficult. the seahawks came within a yard of doing that last year. so certainly teams have shown they can get back there. i think the afc is wide open. as long as you have tom brady and rob gronkowski, they're going to look good. i think they'll use this incident this summer to galvanize them, sharpen their focus, usually you see a super bowl hangover. i don't think you'll see that with the team. they're pretty upset no that no one is talking about them as the champions. all they were focusing son
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deflategate. as far as motivation and keeping the team focused, i don't think that will be an issue. >> interesting to see what's going to mote them as a team feeling they have to prove something. ben, thank you so much. i appreciate it. thank you. >> coming up next, 35.5 million people are expected to drive somewhere this holiday weekend. that's the highest volume since 2008. maybet's because gas prices are at some of the lowest levels that we've seen in more than a deck a. down a dollar from last year. where is everybody going? according to, the third most popular destination is chicago, then orlando, florida. home to disney world and universal studios. the number one destination this labor day, vegas, baby! yeah. what happens there stay there's. but you get cheap gas when you go. we're back with more after this. let's discuss medical supplies i'm kind of happy with my guys. i think you'll love our newest line the stuff my vendor sells works fine.
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when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah, even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. this weekend u.s. gas prices reached their lowest point in 11
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years. right now a gallon of gas costs $2.40 and this is less -- excuse me, almost $1 less than a year ago. so the last time prices were this low it was in 2004. some 30 million americans traveling this labor day weekend, aaa is estimating u.s. consumers will save more than $1 billion over this weekend compared to 2014. joining me now cnbc's ron insana. happy labor day. what's the move behind why we're seeing decade lows to our gas prices? >> oil prices crashed for a variety of reasons. one, product around the world whether it's in saudi arabia or the u.s. with all the fracking going on pushed oil up to record levels and demand faltered in the restst world. the chinese economy is slowing. japan is slowing. europe son the slow side as well. as a consequence, you have this big imbalance between supply and demand. that pushes prices down. if you adjust for inflation, we
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haven't seen prices like this since 1975. >> it's been decades. >> yeah. >> it's amazing when you think about it, especially when you bake in inflation. but how long is this going to last for us? a lot of us have whiplash when it comes to feeling as if we're getting a deal at the gas pump. >> it's hard to predict oil prices will go back to $100 a barrel absent a huge production in countries. the u.s. is efficient at producing oil. there say glut of oil in the u.s. canada has so much oil that they're running into trouble. they can't even export it anymore because we have so much of our own. so prices can stay depressed for a long time. i would expect volatility in prices up and down. we've seen that in the last couple weeks. my guess is they stay lower for longer than we've been accustomed to in recent years. >> is this going to drive people to check out those bigger gas guzzlers? >> well, that's been -- >> they've been looking for labor day. that's the best time to buy a car. >> absolutely, the labor day
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sales. but, yeah, that's been going on for a couple years now as prices have gone down, particularly since last june when oil was at $107. big trucks are selling like hot cakes. there has been big, big interest in. that you're getting much more bang for your buck here. >> they go hand in hand. great to see you, ron. thank you, sir. so after today, summer is supposed to be unofficially over. >> it is. >> yeah. and we're going to look to fall. up next, we'll have the fall movie preview for you. but the big one doesn't come out until almost winter. we are talking about "star wars: the force awakens." are you a "star wars" fan? >> absolutely. >> we'll talk about that and the rest of the film field right here on msnbc.
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everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait.
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all right. the early numbers are in, and
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with a little prayer going to long way at the box office this weekend. take a look. >> lord, we need an army of believers. >> call us to battle. >> all right, so the faith based film war room managed to grab the top spot in its second week of release. raking in an estimated $9.3 million. that's followed by straight outta compton and a walk in the woods. that rounds out the top three. but the one movie that continues to grab the headlines still doesn't hit theaters for more than three months. yes, we're talking about "star wars the force awakens." joining me now for a preview, entertainment correspondent for young hollywood, nicky novak. let's talk about star wars because it's just one of three new movies from major franchises coming out later this year. we have the hunger games and james bond, but everybody is going to be talking about star wars because it has all of our
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aga gen-x rs and beyond. >> i was at comic-con that susm and i got to sit in on the panel and speak to mark hamill about the new film. the buzz is off the charts. even the fans coming out, i got to talk to them. they showed the early footage and they have just done it right. it's definitely going to break all records. >> we're getting back our luke skywalker, han solo. we're getting back our people. >> that's right. harrison ford was there. it was unbelievable. >> it's going to be great and blow the doors off box office numbers. another upcoming film garnering a lot of attention is everest. let's show everybody. >> looking good. >> help, help!
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>> okay, so an adventure here. this is a universal film, part of nbcuniversal. hots the buzz about this one. >> jason clark, and i would give it an a. it's a great film. i saw it in imax, the footage is unbelievable. you have a great ensemble cast, j jake gyllenhaal. >> based on a true story? >> the '96 disaster. jason told me it was one of the best experiences of his life. he said the male bonding that went on on set was a lot of fun. >> also out september 18th, black mass. this is about a boston mobster, whitey bulger. johnny depp is in this. >> right. >> he almost looks like a vampire from one of those kate beckinsale movies. >> he does. >> jen knows what i'm talking ability. kind of does. looks like one of those vampires. anyway, what's the buzz on this? there is talk about great performances. maybe oscar-worthy stuff.
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what are you hearing? >> mixed reviews about johnny depp's performance. some people are saying this could be his comeback role. he's been campy lately, had a few misses. this could be the one that gets him an oscar nomination. i'm also hearing the supporting cast is kind of overshadowing him, but the film itself is getting good reviews. row have benedict cumberbatch and his performance is lauded the most. >> i think people will love to see the inside of what it was like, what they're painting this life, this character, and johnny depp certainly has a huge fan base, so we'll wait and see how it all rolls out. yes, star wars. >> i know. you're excited about that one. i thought i was the biggest fan. >> three months to go. >> can you wait, will you sleep? >> yeah, great to see you. that's going to wrap up this hour. i'm thomas roberts. stay tuned, milissa rehberger will be picking up things next and she's going to have a look at europe's migrant crisis.
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france is the latest country accepting the people fleeing. >> plus, funeral services in fox lake, illinois, for the police officer killed in the line of duty. we're looking at a live picture where fellow officers are waiting to receive joe gliniewicz's casket. stay with us. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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there won't be surprise anytime-anywhere inspections. and after ten years, restrictions are lifted and iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. congress should reject a bad deal. we need a better deal. today on msnbc live, as humanitarian crisis reached a tipping point, tensions are building on the ground in hungary between police and ref uj ugees as thousands of mig grnts pour into the borders. >> plus, gj joe glen wits's funeral services including an 18-mile processional and a public viewing are set to get under way this morning. >> and the 2016 race is heating up. a brand-new poll puts vermont senator bernie sanders hot on hillary clinton's heels. he's taking the lead in new
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hampshire and gaining major ground in iowa. we're live from the trail on this labor day. we're following fast moving developments right now in the growing humanitarian crisis that is sweeping across europe as more and more refugees and migrants rush to escape the violence erepresenting in the middle east and africa. just this morning, france says it will accept 24,000 refugees after germany welcomed 18,000 just over the weekend. at the same time, the increasing number of refugees streaming into hungary is overwhelming authorities there. richard engle is in hungary with the latest. >> europe is really struggling to come up with a consistent and effective policy to deal with this migration crisis. and two very distinct approaches seem to be emrerging with northern and western countries welcoming migrants. germany said it received just this weekend around 20,000 people. the german government has pledged to spend over $6 billion
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next year to aid the migrants, to help integrate them and house them and try and offer them new opportunities. austria as well has opened its doors. the vatican city, the tiny vatican city, just a fifth of a square mile, said it will take in two migrant families. the pope called on every christian parish in europe to take in one family. the pope saying it was a moral obligation, called for by the gospel. here in hungary, it's a different approach. they say they don't want to have any more people traveling through. there are about 50,000 migrants in the country right now. some are being held in camps like this one behind me. the migrants don't want to go to these camps. they say the conditions are unclean, they're more like prisons than refugee centers. hungary is also trying to seal its border. the country is building a 100-mile fence, 12 feet high. a lot is already complete.
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hungary says once that fence is up, it will hermetically seal the border. for now, thoins are still coming into hungary, but the prime minister said today that hungry does not want any more people. >> richard engle in hungary, thank you very much. let me bring in senior british adviser and former adviser in the uk ministry of defense, mikey kay. thank you for being here on this labor day. what do you make of all this? >> let me give you some numbers. the international organization for migration have detected about 350,000 migrants at the e.u's border this year in contrast to 220,000 in the entire year 2013. this is a catastrophe developing for years. there are 7.6 million internally displaced people in syria. 4 million refugees. around syria, 1.9 million in turkey, 1.1 million in lebanon. you've got 630,000 in jordan.
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this is a regional problem that is just -- that is just developing and becoming worse every day. now, we've got to go back to the source. it's all very well, the prevention and cure piece. what we're trying to do is cure the problem through humanitarian assistance and rightly so, we should be doing that. at the same point, there's no point in putting a band daaid oa wound if you're not going to address the wound. there needs to be acquiescence and unification. >> we're talking about pressure on european countries to make this work. who's taking in how many, et cetera. it's going to cost billions of dollars. what about the lack of pressure on the middle eastern countries. >> great question. if you look at saudi arabia, qatar, uae, jordan, none of those countries have accepted
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significant quantities at the moment. >> why do you thinko? >> it's a really good question. the first point you've got to ask is, do people from syria actually want to end up and seek asylum in those countries? why are people moving towards the european union? there's got to be quality of life. they're obviously regional dynamics going on between, if you're a shia in syria, or if you're an aloite that has been displaced, you don't want to go to a country that is predominantly sunni-based. if you look at saudi arabia, it's helping to fuel the insurgency or produce the principality. why would you want to go to those areas? if you look at what saudi arabia is doing in yemen at the moment, the saudi-led coalition air strikes on yemen. they're targeting shia. there's this regional dynamic between iran and saudi arabia that is causing a sectarian divide that various people will be afraid to go to.
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it's not just shia that have been displaced. it's aloite, azeidy, but to your point, we really do need to put pressure on those countries to help ameliorate this problem. >> it says a tremendous amount that people would prefer a wholesale change of environment from what they're accustomed to. what about the u.s.? what about our role here? >> there's a significant part the u.s. has to play as well. the benefit, if you like, that the u.s. has is obviously it's geographic disposition and its ability to control the in-flow of refugees or asylum seekers and control it that way. now, obviously, they can come in through mexico or through canada, but i think that helps it. if you look at somewhere like greece and you have the islands of roads and cars. they're less than 25 miles away from the turkish mainland. so greece's geographic disposition makes it a lot
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easier for the migrant flow, if you like. getting to the united states is hard. i do think the united states has a huge part to play in this. it's the number one economic power in the world. it's the number one power in the world, the number one security power in the world, and it should be taking an advancing role. let's go back to the source of the problem. aylan, the 3-year-old chap who was washed up on the beach, was from kaboni. kaboni has been in the news lately, richard has been there. it's a town fiercely contested between the islamic state and the syrian kurds and the ypg. the ypg actually beat back the islamic state, but it's impossible to live in it. there's no water, disease, starvation, and death. that's why people want to leave syria and migrate to the other places. the european union being a primary location right now. >> thank you very much. developing now in illinois, thousands of mourners from across the region will pay their
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respects for slain officer charles joseph gliniewicz at his funeral today. a viewing is held two hours from now. while his funeral will begin at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. he was shot to death last week while pursuing three suspicious men. i'm joined by adam who is in antioc, illinois, for us this morning. police continue the manhunt for the three suspects. what's the latest in this investigati investigation? >> first, i want to tell you, there casket has just arrived here. i want to give you a live picture as the casket is taken out of the hearst and is welcomed by the honor guard. a multi-jurisdictional honor guard. this is where honor gliniewicz went to high school. about 5,000 people expected today to come out, to remember him. there will be a public viewing at 9:00 a.m. this morning. that will be followed by a law enforcement viewing. there's so much interest here, there will be a second public viewing before the funeral service, which will be short,
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and that will be followed by an 18-mile procession. now, regarding that investigation, milissa, they have found a piece of evidence at the site on friday they believe is significant. they believe could be a breakthrough. they won't tell us what it is, but it is a significant piece of evidence. combine that with a piece of video they have found that they say is consistent with the three suspects. that is two white men and one black men. plus, they found the 40 caliber gun of gliniewicz at the scene nearby his remains. that combined with the $50,000 reward, they believe they're one step closer to locating the men who they believe are still in the area. milissa. >> adam, obviously, people are watching this incredibly closely. you said they're believed to still be in the area. is there any kind of talk about how that's possible or where they could be hiding out? >> sure. they believe they're locals because this is an area where the shooting took place that is
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off the beaten path. an obscure location that would probably only be known by locals. that's why they're believing their they are from this region and they hope they stayed in this region. in their comfort zone. >> thank you very much. president obama will try to mend some fences with members of organized labor and what better opportunity than on layer day. with that in mind, the president will address a union rally and labor day breakfast just above avenue:00 a.m. he'll also sign an executive order requiring paid sick leave for workers on federal contracts. part of a broader effort to help the middle class. hallie jackson is live at the white house. good morning, how does this fit into the president's larger agenda? >> it really is part of a push, at least the white house is framing the for the president to reach out to members of the middle class to focus on economic disparities, to make sure people have access to, for example, paid sick leave. that's what we'll see today in this executive order. this affects about 300,000
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federal contractors. they're going to get under this eo essentially seven days, up to seven days of paid sick leave. they can take it for themselves, if a child is sick, if a spouse is sick. it covers all of that. the president will also call on president to go ahead and pass a law that will expand sick leave for businesses with employees, businesses that have more than 15 employees. that's sort of what the president is doing here. why boston? massachusetts just passed, for example, just voted on some paid sick leave legislation. voters there. the president also wants to make sure that he's reaching out. what is really the start of the political season, the traditional start of the political season although this year, we have seen, obviously, the campaign for months now. >> hallie jackson, thank you very much. up next, inevitable no more. vermont senator bernie sanders pulls ahead of hillary clinton in a key swing state. what's next for the clinton campaign? plus, the minnesota dentist who killed cecil the lion fires
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back against the global outrage. and a labor day tradition. your two-week u.s. open preview, including a williams sister faceoff. that's all ahead on msnbc live on labor day. you're looking at live pictures of the jersey shore. we'll be right back. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go on that business trip? ♪ should i stay or should i go well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new
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find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. turning to politics. hillary clinton says she can take whatever her republican opponents throw at her, but over the past two days, she has been showing that she can dish out as well, particularly when it comes to donald trump. on saturday, she hit him hard on gender politics. >> he says he loves women. in fact, to quote him, he cherishes us. well, if it's all the same to
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you, mr. trump, i would rather you stop cherishing women and start respecting women. >> on sunday, it was trump's immigration policy or lack there of. >> mr. trump, on the other side, talks about deporting 11 million or 12 million people. somebody needs to ask him, okay, tell us specifically, how that will happen. this is just the kind of political rhetoric that doesn't belong in our election. >> trump is not the only candidate mrs. clinton needs to be worried about. new polls shows bernie sanders has turned this into a real nail biter. i'm joined by kristen welker from iowa. good morning. these polls have to be creating some concern within the clinton campaign. >> well, good morning to you. secretary clinton's aides say, look, they have always expected a competitive primary. so they say that is exactly what
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they're seeing in these polls. there's no doubt they're hoping for a major restart in the fall season. hillary clinton in iowa, looking to restart her campaign. >> if you work hard and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. >> clinton's raspy voice underscoring her nonstop schedule, as the latest nbc news/maris poll shows she could be in trouble. bernie sanders is closing the gap in iowa, trailing clinton by just 11 points, and things get worse in new hampshire where for the first time in our poll, sanders has overtaken clinton, leading 49 to 38%. a key factor, ongoing questions about her e-mails. over the weekend, clinton acknowledged she personally paid a department staffer to manage her private e-mail server and in an exclusive interview with andrea mitchell, she addressed the broader controversy. >> i am sorry that this has been confusing to people and has raised a lot of questions.
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i take responsibility, and it wasn't the best choice. >> republican candidates keep piling on. >> for heaven's sakes. this was the secretary of state. she had a server in her basement. >> meanwhile, donald trump is still surging. when matched against clinton in a general election, trump comes out on top in iowa, beatingclipten by five points, although she holds a one-point lead in new hampshire. she's now taking aim at trump. >> i would rather you stop cherishing women and start respecting women. >> trump firing back on twitter. our country needs a president with great leadersh shiship skid vision, not someone like hillary or barack, neither of which has a clue. while clinton might be struggling against trump, joe biden, who is still mulling a run of his own, beats trump in a general election matchup in iowa and new hampshire. she he's marking this labor day as
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the political world awaits his decision. >> kristen welker, thank you. doug is a democratic strategist for press secretary for the democratic congressional campaign committee, and joe watkins is a republican strategist and former white house aide under george h.w. bush. happy labor day. >> happy labor day. >> doug, let's begin with you. i want to show people the polls again out of iowa and new hampshire. on the democratic side, these are, with joe biden in the race, they show bernie sanders leading by nine points in new hampshire. he trails by 11 in iowa. that's where clinton used to have a 24-point lead. we're seeing more clinton supporters starting to attack bernie sanders. but clinton herself does not. do you think that is about to change? >> well, first of all, you know, any time you're a candidate and you're losing points, you know, obviously, that's not great. but i think what the clinton people will tell you is if you look at several polls, she has
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about a 20-point average on with iowa. and new hampshire, i think they were prepared for this in terms of the sanders surge. at some point, i think they're going to engage mr. sanders and there's going to be an opportunity for that the first debate, which is october, i believe october 13th. and i think from then on, i think you'll probably see that secretary clinton talk more and more about the differences between her record and her vision and senator sanders. >> joe, let's talk about joe biden. if he's in the race, where does his support come from? does it come from hillary clinton supporters or does it come from bernie sanders supporters? >> probably a little bit from both. i mean, i think that joe biden is smart to be eyeing the possibility of getting into the race. and he sees that secretary clinton is having real challenges, especially with the e-mail scandal. she doesn't have a chance to stay on message because she's so busy defending herself. as her poll numbers drop, joe
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biden is seeing more opportunity. he's looking strong against donald trump in new hampshire given the most recent polling numbers. there could be an opportunity for him. he will cull from secretary clinton's supporters and the bernie sanders people as well. >> joe, i want to stick beyou for a second. according to nbc/maris polls, donald trump is up by seven in iowa and 17 in new hampshire. instead of shrinking, donald trump appears to be expanding his lead while no other candidate seems to be gaining traction. why is that? >> donald trump is clearly striking a cord with voters in iowa and new hampshire. consider just a few months ago, he had a 60% unfavorability rating. the longer he's on the stump, the more favorable he's viewed. and the more acceptable he is to a larger number of people.
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he's to be taken seriously. he's smart to use social media. he's talking to supporters and others listening every day by virtue of social media. other candidates ought to take a feather out of his cap and follow his lead. >> doug, in the republican polls, jeb bush can't get out of the single digits. but when you do a matchup between bush and clinton among registers, he beats her in iowa and new hampshire. is he the republican that democrats actually should be fearing? >> i don't think so. if you look at national polls, aggregates, hillary clinton still has a lead over jeb bush. jeb bush may not even get out of the primary. if you look at jeb bush's numbers, his favorable numbers. he's not over 50% with republican voters in iowa or new hampshire based off your polling. he's getting swamped right now by trump. he's losing to ben carson. he's got his own issues before focusing on secretary clinton. he's got to win the primary on
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the republican side and there's no evidence rights now there's any energy or excitement around his campaign. before you start thinking about clinton in the general, he still has to beat donald trump. >> doug and joe, thank you both very much. >> thank you. when we come back, dr. walter palmer is breaking his silence. what does the man reviled around the world for killing cecil the lion have to say? and in las vegas, scary moments as a man opened fire with a semiautomatic handgun at a police vehicle sitting at a sta stoplight yesterday. what was behind this alleged attack? to clean the oceans, to start a movement, or lead a country. it may not be obvious yet, but one of these kids is going to change the world. we just need to make sure she has what she needs. welcome to windows 10. the future starts now for all of us.
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and get up to $500 in total savings. the minnesota dentist who came under fire this summer for the killing of cecil the lion is now speaking out for the first time. in an interview with the associated press in the minneapolis star tribune, walter palmer is telling his side of the story. stephanie gosk has that. >> reporter: breaking his
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silence. minnesota dentist walter palmer who faced worldwide backlash after killing cecil the lion on a hunting expedition in africa, now says he did not intentionally kill the beloved lion. telling the associated press in the minneapolis star tribune in an exclusive joint interview, if i had known this lion had a name and was important to the country or a study, obviously, i wouldn't have taken it. nobody in our hunting party knew before or after the name of this lion. after palmer's identity was revealed in late july, his dental office and home became protest sites. puditions began circling to have him extradited to zim bobbery. his vacation home in florida vandalized. he closed his practice and disappeared, but he insisted i was not in hiding. i have been out of the public eye. that doesn't mean i'm hiding. i have been among people, family, and friends. location is really not that
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important. palmer now set to return to his minneapolis area dental office on tuesday, says he doesn't know what the future holds. after he and his family had been vilified across social media, with some posts suggesting violence. this has been especially hard on my wife and my daughter. they have been threatened in social media and again, i don't understand that level of humanity, to come after people not involved at all. nbc's stephanie gosk reporting there. up next, jailed kentucky county clerk kim davis appeals the contempt ruling that landed hr behind bars after she refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses. >> plus, the queen's crowning achievement. the royal family gets set to celebrate a record more than 60 years in the making. much more ahead. stay with us.
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let's discuss medical supplies i'm kind of happy with my guys. i think you'll love our newest line the stuff my vendor sells works fine. and my budget's small, just so you know. ♪ should i stay or should i go when you choose to go for business, go to the new it makes finding the right room faster and easier than ever. and right now stay two times and earn a free night book now at i work on the cheerios team. and when i found out that my daughter-in-law, joyce, can't eat gluten, we found a way to remove the grains that contain gluten, from the naturally gluten free oats that cheerios are made of. so now we can have cheerios together, anytime.
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the kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage
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licenses to same-sex couples is awaiting her appeal to the judge's decision that handed her in jail on thursday. kim davis, an elected official, ignited a national firestorm when she defied the u.s. supreme court on religious grounds. the 49-year-old believes marriage can only be between a man and a woman, and is prepared to stay in jail, reaching according to her lawyer. >> las vegas police have an unidentified man in custody this morning after he allegedly fired at a pair of officers sitting at a stoplight on sunday. officials say the alleged shooter armed with a semiautomatic hand gun fired multiple rounds into their marked suv, striking one of the officers in her hand. the second officer chased the suspect and made an arrest. the injured cop is reportedly in stable condition. >> disturbing video out of texas that shows two high school football players targeting and blind siding a referee during a
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game between rivals john jay and marble fall schools in san antonio. it is not clear whether either player intended to hit the referee, but both players were ejected from the game and later on suspended from that team. the incident occurred after multiple unsportsmanlike penallies in the game, including the ejection of a player who reportedly threw a punch. in a statement, the school district said the video that we saw is extremely disturbing. we will deal with this on tuesday and schedule a due process hearing which will include formal interviews with game officials, coaching staffs, and student athletes. we will not tolerate this kind of behavior. players and students from john jay have tweeted claims that the hit came after racial slurs were used by the official. weighing in on the iran nuclear deal and keeping the government running. those are two major items that congress has on its to-do list when lawmakers return to work in the nation's capital tomorrow.
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with just ten ledgislative days in september, congress faces several looming deadlines. it has until the 17th to vote on the nuclear deal, it also must have a stopgap spending bill to keep the government open after september 30th. thank you for being with us. >> good morning, milissa. >> first, to the iran nuclear deal. at least 37 democratic senators have pledged to support that agreement. that gives president obama enough votes in the senate to sustain a veto. so how do you see this whole thing playing out? >> well, it's going to be battle stations right away. in the house, they're going to take up the bill. there's little doubt that the bill is going to pass. but like you said, it looks like the president has enough votes to sustain a veto, which he says he would do. so this is largely a symbolic fight. the party is staking out positions. and it's an easy vote for people who are against it because the
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odds of this turning out beautifully really aren't that great. >> gop leaders are playing down talk of a government shutdown, but some conservatives seem to be determined to use the spending legislation to strip funds from planned parenthood. what are you hearing about that? >> well, this is really the big concern of the leadership in congress. the deadline is the end of the month, end of september, otherwise, the government is without funding. the plan really was to pass a stopgap bill, a temporary spending measure so other issues could be worked out. now that this has landed, there's a really good chance they're going to have a tough time making that deadline. there are tea party republicans, as you know, anti-abortion republicans, who are going to vote no on anything to try to strip planned parenthood of the funding. and the democrats aren't happy with the bills either because what has happened is domestic spending programs have been kept very tightly on their budgets,
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and defense has got more money. that wasn't the budget deal of a few years ago. so there's people who are against this on both sides of the aisle. and it's going to be a real challenge for the leadership, especially with mitch mcconnell, the senate leader, who has promised no shutdowns, and his skills are really going to be challenged here. >> we only have a moment left. there are other items on the to-do list. the export/import banks to make loans, the federal aviation authority's ability to spend money. there are 11 days to do all this in september. will they get any of it or all of it done? >> well, i presume they'll get some of it done, but all of those are tough issues. even issues like no child left behind, which was a republican program passed under president bush. that's stuck now. and can't seem to get renewed.
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>> steven, thank you very much for being with us. happy labor day to you. >> thank you. this week marks a milestone for england's queen eliz bt ii. she'll become the longest reigning monarch, overtaking her great, great-grandmother. she will have sat on the british throne for 63 years, 7 months and 7 days. keir simmons joins me with a look back at the english monarch's legacy. >> good morning. those numbers are stunning. what's really amazing is the queen has told folks in there that she doesn't want any big celebration on wednesday. she will go to see a railroad track in scotland and maybe there may be a few coins mi s m, which is kind of stunning giving it's such a historic day on wednesday, where she, as you say, overtakes her great, great-grandmother, queen victoria.
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you can call it her crowning achievement. 63 years, 217 days on the throne. declaring aged 21. >> i declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service. >> at only 25, she became queen. elizabeth ii inherited an empire established by queen victoria. the uk's longest reigning monarch, that is until this week. >> she has always been someone to vowed to do her duty and has not really waivered in carrying that out over the course of the six decades on the throne. >> in that time, the world has changed. during her reign, 11 presidents have been elected. back in the 1990s, the future of the royal family itself seemed uncertain. >> 1992 is not a year on which i shall look back with undiluted
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pleasure. >> her daughter, princess ann, the princess royal, divorced. and her son andrew, the duke of york, from sarah ferguson. but it was diana who had the greatest impact. loved by the british, first divorced from prince charles then killed in a paris car crash, leading to the biggest crisis of the queen's reign. >> there was a real feeling of anarchy. there was a real bristling amongst the loyal subjects of the queen. and she felt it. >> but she rebounded. charles and diana's first son william married his college sweetheart. the future seemed assured. in time, the crown will pass to a line of kings. prince charles, prince william, and one day, prince george. today, a grandmother with her husband of 68 years, prince philip, she is embarking on fewer foreign trips. she has five official visits to
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the u.s. under her belt. but last year alone, she carried out 393 official engagements. at age 89, queen elizabeth is not exactly resting on her laur laurels. loy royal as they may be. and another measure of her achievement, i guess, when you think about it is both charles and william are now older than the queen was when she came to the throne. which suggests it could be a long, long time, a very long time before we ever see even a king or a queen match her term in office, if you like, and she's still going. surely, sury, on wednesday night, when she's with philip and charles and they're relaxing, she'll enjoy a sherry. >> i should hope so. thank you very much. up next, as the price of college skyrockets, some creative students have found a new way to fund their education.
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that doesn't act that way. more than 130,000 students in the u.s. are turning towards crowd funding to help pay for college this year. using the website go fund me, the students have raised more than $20 million so far for educational costs. one of those go fund me accounts for for 37-year-old brooklyn resident maurice osbourne. in less than two weeks, strangers have donated nearly $22,000 to his tuition fund. the site was created after he became a hero for rescuing a young woman who was being sexually assaulted on a subway platform last month. joining me now is the woman who started the fund for him, bridget. tell me how this all got started. >> there was an article that came out explaining the details of what had happened and how he intervened and later took the rapist to the local precinct and
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some friends of mine saw the article and we felt really compelled to do something to give back and kind of make things -- >> that's good for you. way to take action. are you surprised by -- i mean, $22,000. >> absolutely. >> that's a lot of money. did it surprise you? >> our initial goal actually was $5,000. and we were crossing our fingers for that. we initially said, let's not get our hopes up. let's just see what happens. within 48 hours, we hit our goal. then it was escalating and escalating. now here we are. >> so now you're in contact. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. tell me all about that. i'm very curious. >> there was -- i was the person of contact. i was the one who went to him and explained who i was and what we were doing. and just he was -- >> what was his reaction? >> he was like thanks? like what? he was kind of in disbelief. he didn't believe somebody would be doing this for him. and then he just was -- has been
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so thankful and so humble. he's just humble and kind and just, oh, i'm so glad. always wants to talk about how he's going to move forward. oh, let's talk about school and how we're going to work this out and what i can do. i'm going to pay off my loans with this. >> so for other people, you go on the website. what do you do? >> it's fairly simple process. you just sign up. it tells you, gives you a step by step directions and then the biggest thing i would recommend is sharing it. that's how we were able to create this enormous fund for him, was just facebook and the social media sharing. it just was circling nonstop. >> bridget thank you so much. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. when we come back on this labor day, all the action from the u.s. open from weather to the williams sisters. the stage is set for the most famous sisters in tennis to play each other once again this week. what is in store for the 26th meeting of these two?
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the heat and humidity that has been blanketing the northeast is being blamed in part for the record number hof injuries at the u.s. open this year. 16 players had to retire from the tournament so far. and with the quarterfinals right around the corner, is there any relief in sight for the players? i'm joined by raegan medgie who is live in flushing, queens. what is our outlook for today? >> our outlook is another hot day. i'm just going to cut to the chase at this point. yeah, so you know, the heat has been a big headline, not only the tennis stars but the heat. take a look at the leaderboard. all these players, 16 of these players had to deal with being retired from the game, meaning they couldn't end their play because of the heat. not always directly related to the heat, but sometimes the heat worsens existing problems. that 16 number broke a 2011 u.s.
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open number of nine players who had an end game. we look at this we're and it's a hot one. so hot that the national weather service says today could break another record. so far, if today reaches 80, which is expected to, we can look at 60 consecutive days of 80-degree weather. can you believe that? breaking a 1944 record of just 59. what about this heat? i'm sorry, guys. if you're not all about it, you have to be. get ready because we might be looking at the third heat wave in new york city this week. so far in the summer of 2015. boston, you're looking like you might get your first heat wave, all the way in september. then we look at tomorrow, another record-breaking possible day of heat. all the way from new hampshire, buffalo, connecticut, long island, new york, and washington, d.c. we talk about this heat, talk about the players at the u.s. open. let's look at arthur ashe stadium. you can see the blue and white steel. 6,000 tons of steel, to be
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exact. that's making way for a retractable roof, not for this year's u.s. open but forthex year in time for next year's play. that retractable roof construction has been going on since the winter. of course, mother nature had to cause a little bit of a problem with the construction, delaying some days, adding an extra crane, more work, but we look at this now, and some of the fans in here coming to the u.s. open will have a sneak preview of what this beautiful stadium will look like next year. for now, arthur ashe stadium has this set up for a retractable roof which is going to happen next year to defend against mother nature. >> i was out there on saturday. it's already providing shade, and i have to say that was helpful for me in the heat. thank you so much. enjoy yourself out there today. well, i'm joined now by neal greenberg, sports writer for the "washington post." the big matchup that everybody is talking about, of course, is the williams sisters, who will face each other in the quarterfinals tomorrow. what do we expect from that?
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>> from the williams sisters? >> yes, their 26th time playing each other. >> i think it will be a great matchup. it always is between those two. i think we're seeing some of the most dominating performances in tennis history from serena williams, especially, but it's going to keep people talking, especially as she goes to continue her quest in history. >> she's playing the best tennis of her life. >> she sure is. it's really great to watch. when you look historically at how dumbinating she's been, you have to go back quite a ways especially in the major tournaments to see some of her peers. we're going to look back at this reign she's had in tennis and it's going to be hard to find comparables. >> meanwhile, venus is back in the game, and she has faced a lot of hurdles physically. are you surprised to see her right back up there again? >> i am.
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you typically see athletes as they get older, you know, struggle to maintain competitiveness. this hasn't been the case with either of the williams sisters. so yeah, a little bit surprised. but then again, not surprised because when you have players that are that great players, they typically rise to the challenge. >> there's also a big matchup tonight for the men as well. the top seeded american john isner will play against one of the all-time greats, roger federer. >> yeah, and again, we're witnessing -- this is really a golden age of tennis, and it should be something that is going to be exciting. i mean, federer has been great. i mean, his serves are tremendous. and this should be another one that keeps people talking. >> let's go to the nfl. this week, as we look ahead.
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>> okay. so nfl opens up this week. the big story, of course, tom brady suspension was nullified. he'll be able to play against the steelers in week one. it's going to be great for the patriots because it gets their quarterback back in the game. even though they were selected to finish at the top of the afc even without brady, getting him back is only going to make them more formidable, so it's a great win for tom brady and the patriots. but by the same token, it was a really big loss for the nfl and especially their commissioner, roger goodell. >> well, thank you very much. neal greenberg from the "washington post." >> thomas roberts picks up our coverage in the next hour here on msnbc live. we'll focus on iowa and new hampshire. hillary clinton is behind bernie sanders in the latest poll from the granite state. vice president joe biden is spending labor day in pittsburgh. he's scheduled to speak at a breakfast there this morning.
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we'll bring that to you live in the next hour, and apple is set to make a big announcement on wednesday. will the new iphones be worth your money? what do a nascar® driver... a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common?
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well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new hi, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. happy labor day to you and thanks for being with us. we have lots of news ahead in this hour of msnbc live. there is no end in sight for the migrant crisis as syrians continue to flood into europe. germany plans to harbor 800,000
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people seeking asylum. meanwhile, the pope is making an urgent appeal to european catholics. >> back at home, former jail cell in kentucky, the clerk who refused issuing same-sex marriage licenses is now refusing to give up her job and is planning to fight for an appeal. >> we're waiting for vice president joe biden to speak at labor day festivities in pittsburgh. will the vice president give any clues about a run in 2016? >> so, as we speak about that race, democrat hillary clinton is one of several candidates out on the road for labor day events today. but she may be the one with the most attention on her, and the most to lose. in a new development that may seem nearly impossible a few months ago, a new nbc news/maris poll shows clinton trailing bernie sanders in new hampshire. that's the first primary state. she still holds an 11-point lead in iowa, but that's a far cry from the 24-point advantage she held in july.
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even though he's not in the race, joe biden gets 20% of the vote. it's not just sanders causing headaches for the former secretary of state. the e-mail controversy that's overshadowed her campaign now for weeks got new momentum over the weekend and doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon. kristen welker is live for us in davenport, iowa. how is the campaign responding to these new poll obviously, still a hold on the state in iowa. >> well, absolutely. look, campaign officials say there's no doubt it's disconcerting that sanders is catching up to her in iowa and has overtaken her in new hampshire. one official said, look, we have always anticipated a competitive primary. this is they say, what they were expecting. having said that, there's no doubt that the e-mail groefrbs continues to be an ongoing issue and problem for secretary clinton. as you just said, thomas, over the weekend a new revelation. the secretary acknowledging she
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pay one of her state department staffers to set up and maintain her private e-mail server while she was secretary of state. he is the same aide who said he's going to plead the fifth before a congressional committee. that is a controversy they know they have to deal with. by the way, her campaign aides say they feel as though they're turning the tide on that. she has been more aggressive about answering questions, has been more accessible to the press. you can expect to see that trend continue in the coming weeks and months. by the way, she testified about all of this in october. the campaign hoping that that's a real moment where she can turn the page. the other thing going on is voters have a real appetite for an outsider. that is helping to contribute to the bernie sanders surge and also to the donald trump surge. that's one of the challenges that secretary clinton is going to have to content with as well. you can also expect to see her refocus on some of the core issues she wants to be talking out on the campaign trail today, like the economy, like jobs. those types of issues that democrats really care about.
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meanwhile, as you also said, thomas, the wild card in all of this is vice president joe biden. he is still mulling a run. he's going to be marking this labor day in the battleground state of pennsylvania as the political world awaits his final decision. >> thanks so much, kristen welker reporting for us in iowa. as kristen was just talking ability, in about 30 minutes, vice president biden is going to be speaking at a labor day parade in pittsburgh. it comes amid that intense speculation about whether he's joining the race for the democratic nomination. alex joins me now live from pittsburgh. what can we learn from the vice president's speech today? has his aides given any indication? >> i think we can learn a lot today, actually. this is the first major political event the vice president has participated in since the tragic death of his son earlier this summer. it's a chance for us to see him in this environment, and also a chance for him to experience what it's like to be back out
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here shaking hands, marching in a parade with union members, doing the kinds of things he would be doing if he were running for president. is it enjoyable? is he feeling natural, is he feeling good, or is he just going through the motions and it's too soon for him? that's a really interesting thing to watch. another thing on the other side is the reaction from the crowd. this is a labor-heavy crowd. organizers tell us about to 70,000 people marching in this parade. it's biden country. we're in pennsylvania, his family is from scranton. is there an appetite for him to run. these people would need to support him if there was. that would be incredible to watch. and as kristen said, the stakes could not be higher. if he decided to get in, fundamentally reshape the democratic race. we'll get potentially first hits today. >> as people are watching the sands go through the hourglass on this, alex, the endorsement of labor would be huge for joe biden. there was chatter about that
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over the last couple weeks. look at the timing of all this. is the calendar leaving much wiggle room for him to make a decision? >> well, that's definitely one of the biggest questions, one of the biggest difficulties, frankly, for the vice president. he is the sitting vice president, so he comes with a huge built-in name i.d. our poll showing him with 20% support in iowa and 15% support in new hampshire, something no one else has, but the closer you get to the october debates and then to the caucuses and primaries beginning in february, the less time you have to lockdown endorsements, to secure big donors. before they all start committing to hillary clinton. and already, we have had some major labor unions, the american federation for teachers, the biggest one so far coming out for hillary clinton. the major nurses union came out for bernie sanders. that has to be weighing on joe biden. he knows that every day that goes by between now and february 1st, the iowa caucus, the window closes just a little bit.
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>> alex, reporting for us in pittsburgh, thanks very much. a programming note, we'll have those remarks of the vice president coming up in roughly 30 minutes there from pittsburgh, p.a. donald trump is one of the few candidates not on the road today. instead, it's his republican rivals, marco rubio, scott walker, and carly fiorina trying to make up ground in our latest n nbc/maris poll. it shows trump far out in front in iowa and new hampshire. he's up by seven points in the hawkeye state. if you add trump's numbers to ben carson's, they top 50%. in new hampshire, trump leads john kasich by 16 points and has more of the vote than jeb bush, carly fiorina, rand paul, and scott walker combined. scott bland is editor in chief of the national hotline and joins me now. good to have you here. how do mainstream candidates get back in this race, trying to break double digits? >> sure, with donald trump and ben carson and also carly
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fiorina having zero years of experience in elected office between them, it's really been a struggle this summer for those more traditional politicians to catch on. and so i think as we move into the fall, as super pacs start airing their tv ads, as jeb bush's campaign and other campaigns really start advertising in earnest, i think you're going to see a lot more of these candidates bump up in the polls. john kasich is one of the few traditional politicians doing well right now in new hampshire. part of the reason for that is his super pac has already spent $3 million or $4 million on tv when no one else has been there. >> as you talk about the bump up for the other candidates with carson, fiorina, and also someone who is a political insider, john kasich, they're considered to be long-shot candidates, but vin weber, a republican strategist who is backing jeb bush had this to say recently. quote, it indicates how politics has been turned on its head.
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we may have underestimated the antiestablishment mood dramatically. is he right? is the nontraditional candidate really on both sides emerging as the most attractive options going forward? >> i think there's no question that trump and other nontraditional candidates have been underestimated this summer. the big question remains, will they be able to translate the summer momentum into real electoral success once the caucuses and primaries start? we have never really seen something like that happen before. we have seen scatters wins and scatters results but never any sustained momentum. right now, this kind of angry surge in the polls behind trump, behind carson, behind fiorina, these nontraditional politicians is going. in the summer, we have seen a lot of times before, what happens in the summer fade as we move toward the voting, as voters start to think about electability, start to think about other factors. it's going to be very interesting to see if what we have underestimated over the summer really turns out to be
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something when the voting really starts. >> as we turn our attention to the general election, if trump was picked as the standard bearer, the republican nominee, can he win the white house? >> well, you know, a few recent polls have shown him doing well against hillary clinton. the fact is there's a lot of education still yet to be done about what donald trump has done in his business career. some of his past statements. other campaigns and the republican party in general have struggled with this so far because it really seems like everything you would expect to damage trump as a candidate has left him either exactly where he is or even higher in the polls. just thinking back to his words about john mccain, and how he likes veterans who don't get captured back in iowa over the summer. everyone was expecting that to be the end of his campaign. it absolutely wasn't. so it's going to be a real question. at what point is something going to start sticking to him? a lot of people are wondering.
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>> what would typically be kryptonite to any other political candidate seems to only fuel trump forward. scott bland, great to have you with me. happy labor day to you. >> you, too. still ahead, the tide may be turning in europe for the tens of thousands of migrants seeking shelter from war in their countries. bill neely will have the latest report from europe. plus, vice president joe biden and those remarks from pittsburgh this labor day holiday. he's going to be speaking in this hour. we'll have those for you live. and james bond, back this fall. inspector. could this be the last time, though, we see daniel craig as 007? one of the many major movies we're looking forward to for the fall. we'll have that movie preview right here on msnbc live straight ahead. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas.
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we are a little more than an hour away from british prime minister david cameron making a statement on the migrant crisis engulfing europe with tens of thousands of people continuing to pour into the continent. many are fleeing violence in the middle east, and fleeing from isis. a short time ago, france announced it would accept 24,000 migrants over the next two years. germany says it welcomed 18,000 this week alow, and for the first stop, many of them is hungary and greece. we want to learn more now from bill neely reporting in les bos, greece. >> good morning, thomas. nature has intervened in this crisis. there are strong winds today off the coast of greece, and so far, that has prevented any boats from making the crossing between the turkish mainland to this island of lesbos. as far as we know, no refugees or migrants have arrived on the
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island. that might relief some of the pressure at the main port because there's been a great deal of pressure. there have been clashing between migrants and riot police. police using batons to push back about 300 migrants who were protesting at the length of time it's taking to issue them with travel permits. they need those travel permits to get off this island onto boats and onto the mainland. now, one boat did leave overnight, and it has now docked at the main port in athens, carrying more than 1,000 refugees. but it still leaves more than 15,000 migrants and refugees at and around that port and the u.n. says now there should be an emergency evacuation of those migrants, that it is a situation that is simply unmanageable. people living out on the street or in makeshift camps without many facilities. not much food, not much water. and certainly sanitary conditions are pretty bad.
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in order to help, greece has brought in more police officers to try to process the migrants. it's brought in more riot police. and there are reports that they brought in troops as well, although we haven't seen any evidence of that here today. but the situation is still difficult. the u.n. says it's unmanageable. this island, its people, the migrants, the refugees and even the police are at breaking point. back to you, thomas. >> amazing reporting from our bill neely. thanks very much. back here at home, want to remind you about what we're watching out of pittsburgh, p.a. a labor day parade taking place there shortly. vice president joe biden is going to be speaking at this event, which is making people curious if he's going to drop any clues about a decision for a run at the white house come 2016. we'll have those remarks live. then coming up next for you, if you're looking for a vacation destination this fall, we have this season's hottest spots to check out. first, take a look at this.
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a live shot of the beach, cape may, new jersey. gorgeous. soon going to be filled with folks enjoying the last moments of summer. 35.5 million people traveling this weekend. that's the most since 2008. if you are traveling, travel safe. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration
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of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. still not sure whether to stay or go on that business trip? ♪ should i stay or should i go well this fall stay with choice hotels two times and earn a free night. when it comes to business, you always have a choice. book now at the new ...are taking charge of their acrotype 2 diabetes...... ...with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults... ...with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication
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may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ...ask your doctor about... ...non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. so if you haven't left for your beach holiday yet, you still have time to get out there and enjoy the last lazy days of summer. a stunning live shot coming up from miami where 35.5 million americans are expected to travel, and there is beautiful miami. all right, so let's do one thing before you head out the door, and get on the road. we want to check in for the holiday forecast with veronica johnson. how is it looking? >> beautiful miami, right? always beautiful. even with some clouds starting to build. there's a chance for some showers and thunderstorms.
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miami, florida, all the way northward to the western gulf coast today. you're looking at a live radar and satellite review. not much going on across the country, so we're doing okay this holiday. meanwhile, chicago, down towards st. louis on labor day, some storms building, and behind that front that's producing those storms, temperatures are cooling down. they're coming way down. 68 in minneapolis, minnesota. 40s right now. temperatures on the rise, but still a little cooler than average across the northern most states today. 75 in d.c., 74 in new york. but temperatures, we're talking about heat for the next couple days in the east. 91 degrees in new york city. temperatures also rising down toward the south. if you're looking for temperatures to cool and stay down, that's mid-september, thomas, when a pattern change over the east will start taking place and folks can start enjoying more fall-like temperatures. >> we look forward to it. thanks so much. >> as we're talking about summer turning into fall as we witness the winddown, you can get really
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great deals on get aways for the fall. take some unused vacation time you still have left. if you're one of the more than 56% of americans who have not taken a vacation in the past year, you need a getaway. that number is up from 2014. joining me now, vice president of royal travel and tourist travel expert kendra thornton. great to see you. it's amazing to think so many americans waste their vacation time and they don't actually cash in and take it. so if we're looking at the fall and travel, a lot of people would think go to new england for the colors. you're going to teach us something new about a different place to go for great foliage. where? >> yes, that's right. you know, the beautiful silver lining to summer being over is fall is that one season where you can pretty much find travel deals to about every popular destination. so if you are one of those that love to view the beautiful colors of the season, then instead of new england, maybe consider tennessee. the smoky mountains, the fall foliage is peaking there in october. it's actually spectacular.
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a wonderful place to stay is river stone resort and spa. this is located in pigeon forge, but it has the largest river frontage of any hotel in the smoky mountains. of course, outside of just viewing the beautiful fall fo folia foliage, you can do hiking and zip lining, fly fishing. a lot of great fall packages running where you can experience the on-site spa or a kids camp in where they set up camping inside your condominium where the kids can do an indoor camp experience. rates start at $159 a night for fall. and again, these condominiums are between one and four bedrooms and really updated with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances. >> i think pigeon forge, isn't that where dollywood is? >> yeah, a lot of great attractions and dining options. >> dolly parton. all right. one other thing, kendra. let's take people from the smoky mountains all the way to hawaii. you say maui is a great deal. if you're into the beach scene.
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>> exactly. the island of maui has been recognized for the last two decades as one of the most beautiful islands in the world by conde nast travel magazine. you have to experience it. one great package i found from apple vacations allows you to experience two sides of the island which are really very different. you can start and spend four nights in a region where there's a lot of fun art shops and restaurants. there you can stay at a partial ocean-view room and head over to the quieter side of the island and stay at the marriott beach and spa resort and stay three nights there. this week long package will cost about $1,000 per person. which really, you know, hawaii can be pricey. that's a great teal for the fall time. >> when we think about things a little closer for some people, family destination of orlando is always great, especially for carving out a deal. >> it is. i always recommend, especially for families that aren't tied to the school calendar, if you have kids under age 5, experience the
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orlando theme parks in the springtime or the fall. great deals to be had right now. one example is from choice hotels. they have the upscale ascend collection, and in orlando, they have blue greens, the fountains resort, running an amazing week-long promotion. a two-bedroom villa plus two days of theme park passes for a family of four. you get to pick the theme park. this would typically cost for a week long stay about $2600. in the fall, about 60% off. only $895 for this week-long vacation. if you can get away in the months of october, november, that would be a great time to experience that deal. of course, the theme parks are less crowded and there's still great weather in orlando that time of year. >> yeah, just catch a few sick days with the kids. real fast, you want to teach us about a new app for travel? >> yes y do. also, i wanted to mention a caribbean cruise from excellent cruises that's available. it's $799. people depart from ft. lauderdale and hit jamaica and cozumel, wonderful spots there.
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that departs on november 15th, on the excellent silhouette. $799 for that cruise. then a new mobile app calls gogobought, which is great for those americans who haven't taken their vacation. this is a wonderful place where you can go and get inspiration based on your personal interest. it's almost like creating your own staycation experience. they have tribes whether you're into food or night life or you're on a budget and looking for budget friendly idea. for example, if you're in new york city today, looking for some way to celebrate the holiday, they're saying if your tribe is family or budget friendly, go to the satin island. they're having a county fair. >> i like this. very cool. in our education, you can educate and inspire. >> thank you. i want to show everybody a picture right now from pittsburgh, a.p. as we mentioned before, the vice president joe biden expected to speak there. it's the start of a labor day parade they're holding. this is fueling speculation about 2016.
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will he drop any clues about jumping in the race? >> and the countdown is on for thursday's nfl season ownner. will there be more off the field that's coming up on msnbc live. ? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. mmm hmm.i know the markets have taken a hit lately. just wanted to touch base. we came to manage over $800 billion in assets, through face time when you really need it. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ugh! heartburn!
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(vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. welcome back. i want to show you this and take you to joint base andrews. president obama is about to board air force one bound for boston. he's going to make labor day rorks around 11:00 a.m. he's going to announce a new executive action with employers paying sick leave for employees. we'll have that for you on msnbc live. we're keeping our eyes on another live shot for you, this one out of pittsburgh. vice president joe biden is expected to be there in front of that microphone and american flag to speak before the labor day parade in pennsylvania. the pennsylvania visit comes
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after intense speculation about whether joe biden is going to enter the 2016 race for president. he reflected on the decision before him. >> the most relevant factor in my decision is whether my family and i have the emotional energy to run. the honest to god answer is i just don't know. >> joining me now is communications consultant peter, and republican strategist susan del percio. great to see both of you today. peter, let me start with you. he has been open about the reluctance he feels to enter the race. do you think he's going to ultimately end up getting in? >> it's a difficult decision. if i were to bet on it, i would say no. i think that we have to look at the fact that he has not spent the last eight years laying the political groundwork unlike george h.w. bush, al gore, so you know, a lot of this
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infrastructure has to be put together before you make a run. i think hillary's operation was in place after '08. there was a skeletal operation that was gearing up for 2016. i mean, there were people she brought back together. i think the vice president will have a tougher time because he has not had those folks lined up or offstage ready to go for him if he decided to run. >> obviously, everybody wants to have a robust debate as we go through the primary season and get to the general. there are certainly people who would say it's great to have a viable alternative to clinton. biden would sharpen her skills. from the republican standpoint, would they love to see joe biden get in the race and end up in the general. >> right now, no, because if you look at the polls, joe biden is doing the best against either jeb bush or donald trump. so if you're just going by the polling data right now, biden is the toughest person to go against. that being said, he's also
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riding the highest he can, because once you get into a race, your popularity decreases. it's the nature of the beast. the question for biden is he part of the problem or part of the solution. part of the problem is he going to lead to the demice of hillary clinton or part of the solution that she's so damaged that people need him to step in. that's an interesting question because people are afraid. a lot of democrats are concerned about hillary clinton and the e-mail scandal and the tolls it's had, and they don't want bernie sanders to be the only alternative. that's where joe biden looks very attractive. plus, if he decides to run, there are an awful lot of people in the obama white house who would be there to help him set up. >> it's all about clething talent you need. especially as we watch the days on the calendar start to tick by and evaporate. it was last week that biden talked about that. looking at what it takes cash wise about donors. take a listen. >> everybody talks about a lot
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of other factors. the other people in the race, whether i can raise the money and whether i can put together an organization. that's not the factor. the factor is can i do it? can my family? >> peter, for you, cash is a factor. clinton has a lot of cash. could biden raise the money in time? >> i think it would be a steep mountain to climb, thomas. and i was interested in your previous line of questioning because i notice that dick cheney encouraged the vice president to get into the race. any time dick cheney encourages a democrat to do something, i get leery of it. at the end of the day, we will see a challenge, a division within the party. it's a historic election for women, obviously, with hillary clinton. there's a lot going on under the surface.
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i think the vice president is sensitive to that. he's aware of that as well. he also has wanted this office for his entire political career. and so it should be interesting. >> it's been in reach over the last eight years, watching it through the eyes, susan, of president obama's leadership. but joe biden has been there along the way. you made the statement before about how this would divide the white house. certainly president obama would be conflicted. but the talent behind the scenes might be conflicted about where to throw their support. >> as far as the question goes as money, i don't think that's at all a problem for vice president biden. in the age of a super pac and unlimited giving, he's going to be able to get money together very quickly. i don't think the white house may be as divided as well speculated. it is well known there wasn't a lot of love lost between clinton and obama '08, the two camps, so it's not a difficult reach for a lot of folks in the white house right now.
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>> great to see you in person, and peter, thank you for making time for us today's. i appreciate it. >> we're going to take you to illinois where moments ago, the casket of slain officer charles joseph gliniewicz arrived at the antioch high school where he wants attended. public viewing will begin in about a half hour from now and thousands are expected to attend this funeral. gliniewicz was shot dead last week while pursuing three suspicious men. the suspects are still on the loose. adam is in antioch, illinois, with the latest for us. adam. >> reporter: thomas, good morning. mourners arriving by the bus load here. we expect thousands more to arrive to pay their last respects, to mourn the man they call g.i. joe. 30 years of service on the fox lake police department. he was a month away from retiring but decided to stay on. he leaves behind a wife and four sons. his casket, as you mentioned, thomas, arrived about an hour ago. received by an honor guard here. the public viewing will begin
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very soon. that will be for the public, then law enforcement, then yet another public viewing. so many people want to be a part of this, they'll have two public viewings and then the funeral service at 1:00, followed by an 18-mile procession as it winds its way through a number of towns, touching people all over this county. so many people knew him, they want to be a part of it and say good-bye. >> adam, reporting for us in antioch, illinois. thank you. as we move the news now to kentucky, where this morning, that kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is now intending to appeal the judge's decision. she's an elected official and igniting a firestorm when she defied a court ruling that said it was her religious beliefs from keeping her from issuing the licenses.
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that got people behind her, including mike huckabee. >> why is it that liberals get to choose which laws they support, bought county clerk is criminalized, jailed without bail because she acted on her conscience and according to the only law that is in front of her. >> i want to go to sarah dallof for the latest on this. bring us up to speed on the appeal and the likelihood of her being granted a release. >> reporter: well, good morning, thomas. legal experts that we have spoken to say that they don't feel that this, her case holds a lot of water right now. her legal team, however, arguing that this contempt ruling was illegal, and they plan to appeal it. they're asking for an expedited ruling in this case. meanwhile, her supporters are going to hold a prayer rally outside the detention center where she's held at noon today. right now, more police than
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protesters. they have brought in extra personnel, not because they anticipate problems necessarily but they're concerned about people's health with the heat and humidity standing out in the sun for hours. yesterday, davis' husband and about a dozen other people were able to visit her in jail. she has told her husband on the phone, she has no intention of backing down. attention now shifting to the high-profile visit from mike huckabee who will also hold a rally here tomorrow. this case not only dividing the community but politics as well. back to you. >> sarah dallof in kentucky for us. thanks so much. >> a big week ahead in sports. now that tom brady and the patriots are past deflategate, they're looking to put the off season turmoil behind them when they welcome the steelers to foxboro for first game of the regular season. that's will be aired on nbc. the pats hoping to repeat as champs this year, but there are 31 other teams standing in their way who also want to hoist up the lombardi trophy.
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joining me now is the host of "sports matters" on the shift. rob, it's great to see you. i know we said deflategate is behind hem, but is it really behind them? >> it's probably mostly behind them, at least when it comes to their on the field product. i don't think tom brady has to worry about missing any games anytime soon. he's going to play thursday night. that's a sure thing. the nfl has said they're appealing this ruling that overturned their suspension of tom brady. that appeal will take a long time to play out. there are some people who think they may have some chance to have some success there, but i think it's really unlikely that brady's playing status will be affected. they can put it behind them and turn their attention to the steelers on thursday night. >> meanwhile, there's more attention than ever to take down an nfl super bowl team. on the patriots right now. how good are their chances in being able to repeat the type of season they had last year?
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>> i think they're good. the thing the patete reets have going for them, they play in a division they have dominated for more than a decade. while there are teams, the miami dolphins, the buffalo bills with a new coach, the jets, none of those, i think, are really looking like serious contenders. you can pencil the patriots in as a division winner pretty much right now and see what happens in the playoffs. they can take their chances at that point. i think they have a good chance. >> you talk about the afc. what about the nfc? who looks sharp to you? >> the most interesting thing, thomas, is how will the seattle seahawks rebound from that crushing defeat in the super bowl? we spend so much time talking about deflategate, a lot of us have sort of forgotten one of the most improbable endings in the history of the super bowl. with russell wilson, the quarterback of the seahawks now happy to have a huge contract, he went from making $1.5 million guaranteed this year to getting a $31.5 million signing bonus.
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he got a pretty good raise for this year, despite throwing that interception on the last play of the super bowl. and i think a big part of the question is will wilson and the seahawks put that play behind them and manage to get their way back to the super bowl. >> such a great game. i really did think the seahawks were going to be able to repeat what they had done, but the patriots took it. rob, great to see you. thank you. thanks, thomas. are you ready for an upgrade? apple is set to make their next big announcement this week. could the next round of products be a game changer once again for apple? one of the most talked about movies this year doesn't come out until december. the latest installment in the star wars franchise live up to the hype? we'll talk about that and other fall films right here on msnbc live.
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cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. go get help, boy. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty... this wednesday, apple is expected to roll out a handful of new products, and among the possible new items, a new iphone
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with a higher quality camera, two new ipads, an updated apple tv and a software update. until later this week when tim cook takes the stage, it's all just speculation. joining me now is senior staff writer at wired magazine, jesse hemp. great to have you with me. everybody gets excited when we know new apple products are coming. what do we have firmed up we know is coming up? >> it's apple, so we know absolutely nothing. there are rumors and rumors that are quite trust rthworthy. the thing i'm looking for is a final evolution on apple tv. apple tv, it's been three years since they updated the puck like thing. you probably have one in your junk drawer at home. that's where it belongs. but the rumors are we're going to see something really original this wednesday. and in fact, it might even be a gaming device.
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now, we know the graphics are going to be good, the remote is going to be different. this might be the kind of thing if you're a serious gamer, you probably still want your xbox, but if you're a casual gamer, someone who spends a little too much time on candy crush, this could be your device. >> that's my mother-in-law, yes. i just outed you. all of the products rumored to be launched this week with the two new ipads and these other updates, there really isn't a super game changer that we expect to see from tim cook. otherwise, the buzz would be bigger, wouldn't it? >> here's the thing. there may be. apple is one for surprises. i think it's really curious that apple is holding this event in an auditorium that seats 7,000. keep in mind, mostly when apple holds these events and it does every fall, it holds them in this auditorium in san francisco that seats about 700. so why do they need seven times? >> now i'm very interested. >> what can i tell you? me too. >> the i-watch was a big thing.
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although the stock for apple is struggling, not as high as it was. >> right. >> the i-watch, is it the big success they thought it was going to be? >> i think it's too early to tell. we're going to see a second operating system for the watch. it's not expected to be a big thing. but you know, with a lot of these devices, it was certainly true with the iphone, you have to sort of see it through 1.0, even 2.0, before we begin to understand how to use it. >> let it seat itself in your life and figure out if you're really going to use this on an everyday basis. for a watch perspective, i think that's what a lot of us watch wearers feel, we need to have a point for it. >> we don't know what it's good for yet. there are not enough app makers coming up with reasons to need it yet. i would not bet against it. i think that will change. >> never bet against apple. >> jesse, great to see you. as you point out, 7,000 people
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packing the auditorium to figure out what they're offering. james bond, han solo, and snoopy. they're all making their way to the big screen this fall. we'll have everything you need to know about it coming up in the fall movie preview next. when it helps giveshot ma lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you,
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a little faith is translating into big crowds at the box office over the holiday weekend. >> lord, we need an army of believers! lord call us to the battle. >> so the faith-based film earned an estimated $9.3 million. "straight outta compton" finishes in second place and "a walk in the woods" finishes third. desire is growing for the new star wars film, even though it's not hitting theaters until december.
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that's not another hit in the works. james bond and the hunger series will be out with new installments. we have with us, in touch weekly, kim serafin. we know star wars is going to be big. obviously we're talking about it now but we have to wait until december. can we talk about how big it's going to be and how much money it's going to make? >> people talked months, years ago how big this would be. this is j.j. abrams. we know this is probably going to be the biggest movie of the year. look how much excitement there was friday with the toys coming out, every time there's a new trailer, every time there's things that might be a spoiler or not be a spoiler, everybody goes crazy. when you see the toys released in these little snippets we see, yes, december 18, so we have a ways to go. >> they have a built-in audience over many generations. james bond, that new film comes
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out in november. is this the last time we'll see daniel craig as 007? >> very possibly. this is why you may want to just get your ticket for this movie because it's his fourth time doing it, daniel craig. he did say this about "skyfall," that that might be his last one and then it wasn't. in interviews he says he has a life, he wants to lead it, so there is some question about whether he'll do another one. there is already talk about who should be the next james bond, hughja jackman made a comment tt he would be interested. if this is daniel craig's last time, there are a loft ft of phenomenon task people in the runni running. >> tom harding, too, maybe? >> yeah. >> this is a film from abc universal. take a look.
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so this is a film that came from our parent company, so in full disclosure. explain. is there good talk about it, good buzz? >> oh, my gosh, yeah. just looking at this trailer, it's frightening to watch this. of course, this is based on the 1996 true story about these two groups that got caught up in that storm up in everest. it's 3-d. this could be the gravity of this year. it's intense, it's petrifying, fantastic people in it. jake gyllenhaal, and the intensity of this. this is definitely one to go and see and be scared of. >> also talking about true stories, let's get to this quickly. "black mask" is about heidi
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bolger. good, bad? >> johnny depp stars in this. it just premiered. really good feedback from it. johnny depp doesn't look like himself. he reportedly stayed in character throughout the filming of this movie. his lawyer and people who actually knew whitey bolger were so freaked out because he looked like whitey bolger. this looks to be a fantastic movie for him and everybody is saying great things. it has that "goodfellas" feel, basically. >> nice to see you. happy labor day. >> thanks, same to you. vice president joe biden has just arrived at this labor day event in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. he'll be speaking. we'll be watching that for you and bring you his remarks. plus, president obama will be
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making a labor day speech as well, this about paid sick leave, his latest executive action to try to improve the labor market. i'll see you back here at 11:00 a.m. eastern time today. look at that, a beautiful picture of people enjoying the sun in cape may, new jersey. pu. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. it's the brand more doctorsose recommend for minor arthritis pain. plus, just two aleve can last all day. you'd need 6 tylenol arthritis to do that.
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is. good morning, everyone, and happy labor day. i'm melissa rehburger. these are live pictures of a pittsburgh labor day parade where vice president joe biden is waiting to speech. fuel into the fire with his supporters trying to drag him into the race. he is rating better than hillary
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clinton. he does better than donald trump in both iowa and new hampshire in the latest survey. even without entering the race, the vice president is pulliollit 20% in iowa. alex walt joins us in pittsburgh. alex, what can we expect from joe biden back in his home state this morning? >> reporter: we're going to hear from the afl-cio and vice president joe biden. this is his first major political event since the death of his son beau biden earlier this summer. for joe biden, the political and the personal are deeply intertwined sorks it wi intertwined, so it will be incredible to watch, is he excited to be here or is he still mourning the death of his son. he said in atlanta the main thing that will determine whether he runs or not is whether he has that emotional
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fuel, whether he can commit himse himself wholly to it. this is his home state of pennsylvania, as you mentioned, melissa. it's a very union crowd. we're expecting up to 70,000 people here. do they want joe biden to run? is there an appetite for him? lots of questions to look forward to today. >> and that's nbc's alex seitz-wall. thank you. today hillary clinton is traveling across iowa and illinois to celebrate labor day with organized labor. a poll shows she has her work cut out for her. numbers show the secretary of state losing ground to bernie sanders and republican frontrunner donald trump. white house correspondent kristen welker has the latest from davenport, iowa. good morning. >> melissa, good morning to you. labor day means all the presidential candidates will be ramping up their campaigns, including former secretary
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hillary clinton. they're not worried about the latest whole numbers. they expect the primary to be competitive. still, they're hoping for a new bing in this fall season. hillary clinton in iowa looking to restart her campaign. >> if you work hard and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. >> reporter: clinton's raspy voice underscoring her nonstop schedule as the latest poll shows she might be in trouble. bernie sanders is closing the gap in iowa, trailing clinton by just 11 points. and things get worse in new hampshire where, for the first time in our poll, sanders has overtaken clinton leading 39 to 48%. a key factor, ongoing questions about her e-mails. over the weekend clinton acknowledged she personally paid a state department staffer to manage her private e-mail server, and in an exclusive interview with nbc's andrea mitchell, she addressed the broader controversy. >> i am sorry that this has been confusing to people and has raised a lot of questions, and i
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take responsibility and it wasn't the best choice. >> reporter: republican candidates keep piling on. >> for hef avens sakes, this wa the secretary of state. she had a server in her basement. >> donald trump comes out on top in iowa, beating clinton by 5 points, although she holds a 1-point lead in new hampshire. clinton is now taking aim at trump. >> mr. trump, i'd rather you stop cherishing women and start respecting women. >> reporter: trump firing back on twitter, our country needs a president with great leadership skills and vision, not someone like hillary or barack, neither of which has a clue. >> reporter: vice president joe biden, who you were just talking about who is still mulling a run, of course, does better than trump in a general matchup here in iowa and also in new hampshire. the political world, particularly the hillary clinton campaign, is awaiting his final
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decision. back to you, melissa. >> nbc's kristen welker, thank you. joining me now is democratic strategist doug thornell, former national press secretary for the bccc. and also joining us in a minute is joe watson, but we'll wait for him on that. let's take a look at the surprising new nbc poll numbers that are out in new hampshire. bernie sanders is now ahead of hillary clinton by 11 points. what are you making of that so far? >> well, hey, melissa, it's good to be with you. new hampshire is actually interesting. i was talking with the clinton folks several months ago and they were not surprised that new hampshire was trending sanders. i think one thing to keep in mind is he's a neighboring senator. there are a lot of dynamics that go into new hampshire that play well for bernie sanders. i think the clinton people will tell you look at the larger map, look at the march 1st, the super tuesday states that are more southern. in iowa they're very happy about
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and pleased with the organization they're building out there, even though that's getting close. but they're not too concerned with new hampshire right now. they want to win it, obviously, but they're not that surprised that bernie sanders is doing well. >> all this talk about early frontrunners, is there any truth to what people say, that nobody really wants to be the early frontrunner because they never finish well? is there any truth to that? >> i think there is some truth that most people like to be the chal challenger. the spotlight is brighter on the frontrunner. i think there are frontrunners that had a tough time getting back there. bush had a tough race against mccain. al gore had a very similar race against a bernie sanders and bill bradley. bill bradley was doing very well in new hampshire, gore was able to pull it out. hillary clinton in 2008 was a frontrunner and we all know what happened there. jeb bush this year was supposedly the frontrunner and now he's trailing and it looks like he's starting to run out of steam. i think most people like to be the challenger but with the
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potential to win it. that's kind of the balancing act where you want to be able to win, but you like being in that challenger position. >> we learned this weekend that hillary clinton personally paid a state department staffer to manage her private server. what does this newest revelation mean for clinton who is trying to put this issue behind her? >> i don't think it really means that much in terms of voters, everyday voters looking at this issue. if you look at hillary clinton and how she matches up with republicans nationally, she still is beating all the top republicans by, you know, two, three, four points. ultimately i think that she's going to have to answer more questions about the e-mail setup that she had. her campaign said she'll be doing more and more interviews, and of course she has the very big hearing in congress october 22nd, i believe, where i think all of this will probably begin to play itself out, and i expect
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republicans to overplay their hand. but that's going to be a real seminal point in this early part of the campaign when she goes before members of congress and tells her side of the story. >> joining us now is republican strategist joe watkins, former aid to former president george h.w. bush. now on to the republican subject, trump continues to build his lead. in new hampshire he's at 28% followed by kasich at 12% and carson at 11%. the rest are in single digits. in iowa, trump and carson are way out in front. joe, we're heading into the fall and donald trump is still your party's frontrunner. >> yeah, that's right. well, you can't discount the fact that donald trump is really connected with voters. obviously what he's saying really is really connecting. so he's continuing to lead by a large margin in iowa and new hampshire, and for the most part, he's using social media
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and other forms of communicating with his public to retain that lead. the burden really is going to be on the other candidates, those who are in the single digits, the mainstream candidates, the well-known republican candidates to try to catch up. they've got to raise money, they've got to try to get their message out there. they have to do the same thing donald trump is doing, which is using social media to talk to their audience. >> i'm going to ask the same question i just asked doug a moment ago. what's it like to be an early frontrunner in a race such as this, and where do you think donald trump will be, say, a year from now? >> a lot of people have predicted early on that donald trump wouldn't be able to retain that lead, but he understands how to retain an audience, especially given his business background and television background. ideally, you don't necessarily want to be in the lead in august the year before a presidential election. in the past, people who have led early on haven't ended up being the party's nominee. but this is a very, very different year. this is the year where the public is looking for outsiders,
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and donald trump is an outsideer. he he's not someone who has been inside the political system, he's not held political office, but he's been extremely successful as a businessperson and somebody on tv. he understands both those mediums very, very well. from that standpoint, he's doing very, very well and he's right where he wants to be. again, the burden is on everybody else. donald trump has sucked a lot of oxygen out of the race for the smaller candidates, the candidates that are in the single digits, and the burden is on them to try to get that energy back. >> interesting. thanks to both of you. back to pittsburgh where vice president joe biden is speaking to union leaders and will kick off a labor day parade there. let's listen in. >> emery woodard who is about 6'6" and 250 pounds. he represented the steel workers at what used to be called worth steel in claymont where i moved from stanton to claymont, delaware. he took me to meet a guy who was
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a regional director in philadelphia. he said to ewing, we're backing this boy. and ewing said, like hell we are. if you're not, you don't have me. he turns around. ewing carcella came and spoke to the national president and the next thing you know, i was endorsed. at that time i was losing in the most recent poll, 57 to 19. but i won! i won because of the steel workers! we have an expression where i grew up. you go home with who brung you to the dance and you all brung me to the dance. it's great to be here. i understand -- i don't know where he is right now, but i understand mike doyle, who -- hey, mike, there you go. good to see you, congressman. it's nice to have someone in congress who actually knows what a steel mill looks like. where is mac? mac does all the heavy lifting.
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there you go, mac. thank you, by the way, for having me, pal. thanks for having me back. and my buddy rich trumpka. rich and i go back a long way. he's the kind of guy, and i'm not joking, like all of you in the neighborhood, you always knew the person you could turn to who would have your back. not a joke. you knew it. you knew it. this is the guy to have your back. he would have your back in a fight, he would have your back in an argument, he would have your back no matter what. and i've had his back and he's had mine, and i can't tell you how much i appreciate the friendship, rich. i really mean it. you know, it's good to be back. i'm almost home! i'm in pennsylvania! i'm getting closer. actually, i'm further from scranton now than i was in wilmington, but at any rate, it's good to be here. you know, i don't have to tell you, you've done a remarkable
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job here in pittsburgh, but nationally, labor has been clobbered. some of you heard me say some time ago, actually 15 years ago, the national chamber of commerce may declare war on labor's house, flat out declared war. not a joke, not an exaggeration, because you're the only ones who have the power to keep the barbarians from the gate, man. no, no, not a joke. not a joke. without the ability to sit down with the most powerful entities in the world, without that ability to negotiate, without that ability to throw up power, there is no shot, no shot for any american worker. i don't mean labor, i mean any american worker. and ladies and gentlemen, what's happened has been devastating. productivity, that's what you do. you make their products more valuable. you do it better, you do it cheaper, you get more out there. it used to be when productivity went up in america, everybody
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got to share. the people that caused the productivity increase, they got a piece of the action. they got a piece of the action. but it went up about 73%, but yet wages only went up about 9% all across america. something is wrong, folks. >> that was vice president joe biden in pittsburgh speaking to union leaders ahead of today's labor day parade. we'll continue to monitor that event and bring you any developments from there. right now scores of police officers and community members in fox lake, illinois are paying their respects to fallen officer joseph gliniewicz even as the hunt for his killers continues. the police lieutenant affectionately called g.i. joe was not just an officer in fox lake but a man who grew up in the neighboring town of antioch and was a friend to many. this afternoon funeral services will be held at antioch high school where gliniewicz was a graduate and where his own children attended. msnbc's adam reese is just
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outside the school with the latest. adam? >> reporter: melissa, good morning. they're coming by the busload, mourners, and we expect thousands more to come this morning to pay their respects, as you said, to the guy they called g.i. joe. 30 years of service on the fox lake police department as well as the fact that he was going to retire in a month, but he decided to stay on. he leaves behind a wife and four sons. his casket arrived about an hour ago, received by an honor guard, a multijurisdictional honor guard. this is a public viewing for now, then there will be a law enforcement viewing and then a second public viewing after that. there is so much interest from the community, people want to be a part of that, there will be a second public viewing. the service is at 1:00 and that will be followed by an 18-mile processional weaving its way through the towns of this county, so everyone here who knew him, and even the people who didn't but were touched by this, they can say their final goodbyes.
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melissa? >> people are still searching for the three suspects as well? what can you tell us about their efforts so far? >> that manhunt continues, melissa. they say they found a significant piece of evidence on friday. they did another canvass of the crime scene. they were using weedwhackers, cutting down the high grass. they found something, they won't tell us, but they say it's important. they also recovered his gun, the .40-caliber gun found near lieutenant gliniewicz that remains at the scene. plus a $50,000 reward that's out there now, they hope all of that will bring someone to justice. they believe these guys are still in the area, local people who were familiar with the area. i just hope they're one step closer to finding them. melissa? >> adam reese, thank you very much. coming up, the mounting refugee crisis in europe, crowds fight their way onto packed trains in macedonia. some eu leaders pledge to take in 160,000 migrants while others
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move to seal their borders. plus congress is heading back to washington this labor day. what's awaiting him on the fall agenda? and the hunter who killed cecil the lion is breaking his science. what the minnesota man now has to say about this beloved animal.
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richard engel is here with the latest. >> reporter: melissa, this isn't just a humanitarian crisis, europe is facing a moral crisis, and two distinct policies seem to be emerging with northern and western countries opening their doors and hungary taking a different line, trying to close the door. corralled into holding areas, migrants into southern hungary this morning awoke looking more like prisoners than europe's newest immigrants. many are sleeping outside and it's starting to get cold, because the camps in hungary are packed and dirty, ringed-in razor wire and guarded by dogs. this migrant crisis is showing there are two europes now, perhaps there have always been. in germany migrants have been applauded when they arrive for having escaped the world's worst war zones alive. germany said it will spend over $6 billion next year to help the migrants. in austria, too, a warm embrace.
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the tiny vatican city just a fraction of a square mile in rome said it would take in two families. the pope urged every christian parrish in europe to house a family. the gospel asks us to show solidarity to the smallest and the abandoned and to give them a real hope, he said. but in hungary, the government is calling out right on the police and is working fast to finish a 100-mile-long fence to try to lock the border for good. the hungarian government says it's simply overwhelmed, that there are now 50,000 people in hungary trying to make their way, most of them to europe and other western and northern countries. and the prime minister says he will continue to build that fence, and he says hermetically seal the border. melissa? >> richard engel in hungary, thank you. coming up, a clerk in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses. we're live outside the detention
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developing news in kentucky, a new appeal from the defiant county clerk put in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. attorneys for kim davis filed a motion late last night just hours after her husband visited her in jail. ♪ >> i handful of demonstrators also gathered near davis' church yesterday with homemade signs on religious freedom. meanwhile, ohio's republican governor john kasich became the latest presidential candidate to weigh in on the ongoing legal battle. >> i respect the fact that this lady doesn't agree, but she's also a government employee. she's not running the church. i wouldn't force this on a church, but in terms of her responsibility, i think she has to comply. >> nbc's sarah dolhoff is live if graceland, kentucky.
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sarah, what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning. kim davis' supporters are beginning to gather outside where they're going to hold a prayer rally in about 90 minutes. police outnumbering those protesters. they brought in extra personnel as a precaution in case people start succumbing to the heat and humidity out here. last night davis' husband and about a dozen people visited her in jail. it was a visit that lasted less than half an hour. preparations are under way for a high-profile visit from mike huckabee who is said to visit her in jail and hold a rally outside the detention center. her attorneys, meanwhile, have filed that notice of appeal. as you mentioned, they plan to ask for an expedited ruling on it. on friday deputy clarks started issuing licenses to same-sex couples who now have 30 days to get married. davis' attorney alleged those licenses aren't worth the paper
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they're printed on since they don't have her signature, however, the county attorney says they're valid. the killer of cecil the lion is breaking his silence. walter palmer, the minnesota dentist and big game hunter who found himself the target of international outrage for killing the beloved lion says he'll get back to his dental patients tomorrow. palmer has been out of the public eye since killing cecil this summer while on safari in zimbabwe. the 55-year-old dentist insisted the hunt was legal but told the minnesota press and the star tribune, quote, if i had known this lion had a name and was important to the country, i wouldn't have taken it. officials in zimbabwe want him to be extradited, but so far he hasn't been charged with any crime. president obama is about to address a union rally in boston. what he's doing to help 300,000 federal contractors. we'll bring you the president's remarks live. people choose aleve? it's the brand more doctors recommend
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30 million drivers are hitting the road this labor day. they're getting some major relief at the pump. the price per gallon is at the lowest level in a decade, dropping below $2.50 at a majority of the country's gas stations. and the overall savings for the holiday weekend will be more than a billion dollars. joining me now is greg liskowski. happy labor day to you, and apparently it's a very happy labor day to drivers. >> you're absolutely right. motorists are saving $1.4 billion this weekend compared to what we were spending a year ago for gasoline. the average price today is 2.39 there are a gallon. that's down $1.05 from what we were looking at just a year ago, and it's very good news for consumers because at this point now, we're going to be looking at even cheaper gasoline coming into the market. the winter blend gas that usually reaches motorists no later than october 1st, and that
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means that from now through the end of the calendar year, we're going to see the lowest prices of the year. >> last year no gas stations in the country sold gas below $2.50 per gallon. this year it's nearly 70%. why the change? and is this $2.50 number going to be our new standard? >> you know, i don't know if it will be the new standard. certainly from now to the end of the year we're going to be looking at these lower prices. but the reason for the change is really the market fundamentals. we have an oil inventory today that's at the highest level we've seen in 80 years, and globally we have just much more production than consumer demand. so as a result, we see downward pressure on crude oil prices, we see crude trading in the mid-40s. that means downward pressure on retail gasoline prices, too, and if you just look at what happened last year, last year from september 1st until the end of the year, gasoline prices
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declined by $1.18 a gallon. if we see only half of that decline this year, we could be looking at a national average that puts us at $1.86 a gallon somewhere around christmas. >> the price at the pump has fallen below $2 per gallon in many areas of the south. 68% of gas stations in south carolina, nearly half of alabama gas stations and 40% of mississippi gas stations. so why is the cost of gas so low specifically down south? >> taxes. the southeastern region, with the exception of florida, has much lower combined gasoline taxes. that's federal and state combined, than the rest of the country. we do see lower prices in a few other states. altogether it's about 20 states right now that have gas somewhere within their border selling below $2 a gallon. but the places where we see the lowest prices in the country, those are the states that have the lowest combined gas taxes. >> greg liskowski, thank you
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very much. >> thank you. congress returns to work tomorrow with a lot on its plate, including a looming deadline to pass a stock op spending bill and furious debate is expected over the iran nuclear deal. president obama has enough votes to overcome republican opposition in the senate. now he hopes to have enough to have to veto any disapproval. but in a potential setback on friday, senator ben cardin announced he will vote against that deal. joining me now is political analyst and columnist ellis heneken. thank you for being here today. what do you make of all this? obviously it's a very, very busy september. >> you're right, and we know what's going to happen in the end. the president is going to get his deal, but melissa, there is going to be some wild pyrotechnics between now and then. >> do you think he'll have to veto something?
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>> i think it's certainly possible he'll have to, because getting to the point where you can actually hold that legislation back, and the senate is the best place to try to do it, it's going to be awfully close. we'll know in the next few days. >> senator cardin is a democrat, but a very, very high-ranking democrat who came up against it. what kind of impact does that have? >> it's probably not an awful lot, any more than chuck schumer's opposition in new york, another important democrat. these decisions are really being made based on personal, political and philosophical calculations, right? every senator has to decide where he or she wants to come down on it, and frankly, i don't think they're really swaying each other very much at this point. >> colin powell expressed his opinion on the iran deal on "meet the press." let's take a look at that. >> i've studied very carefully the outline of the deal and what's in that deal, and i've also carefully looked at the opposition to the deal, and my judgment, after balancing those two sets of information, is that it's a pretty good deal. now, will they comply with it?
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will they actually do all of this? well, they get nothing until they show compliance, and that's the important part of the arrangement. >> so, now, here's this man that both sides of the aisle have absolute respect for. >> sure. >> what kind of impact will he have? >> well, again, big smiles at the white house, sure is nice to hear any republican say nice things about the deal. but melissa, i don't think it's going to sway a lot of votes in the congress. this is really separating party lines. even though there have been some hope on a couple, none of them are really coming through. >> if this passes, what does it mean for the president's legacy? >> it's another big plus. remember the term lame duck? we used to think presidents in the last year or two of their term couldn't get a lot done. exactly the opposite of this president. he's achieved so much in the last few months than he had in the years before, so yeah, just put another check mark there.
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he's on a roll. >> so on a different subject still in congress, obviously, with a lot to do in a very busy september, a lot of republican presidential candidates are trying to defund planned par parentho parenthood. what do you think is the next step in that? >> they're trying to shut the whole thing down and mitch mcconnell is saying, don't do that, we're not going to do that. but there are social conservatives who say, not one nickel for planned parenthood, and if we have to shut down the government, that's what we will do. we'll know by the end of the month, and i think it's going to come to the wire, and i got to tell you, it sounds like a dumb idea, but i think it's kind of possible. >> ellis, thank you very much. >> good to see you. developing now, president obama is on his way to boston today with good news about federal workers on labor day. he's about to address the labor council and announce an executive order requiring federal contractors to provide
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up to a week paid sick leave a year. the president chose boston as the place to make the announcement because massachusetts voters approved a new paid sick leave law that took effect in july. mr. obama is also expected to call on congress to pass legislation to expand paid sick and family leave for workers in the private sector. and wisconsin governor and gop presidential candidate scott walker is spending this labor day on a motorcycle tour across new hampshire where he is expected to highlight his experience and taking on unions. he is riding a rented harley-davidson across 10 new hampshire counties. this is walker's seventh trip to the state this year where the latest nbc news maris poll shows him in ninth place. coming up, california's unprecedented drought starts to take its toll on these 3,000-year-old giant sequoyahs. farmers making a desperate plea for help. an historic milestone this
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week for queen elizabeth. she'll replace her great-great-grandmother as britain's longest serving monarch. how the nation plans to celebrate. that's after the break. you're not using ge software like the rig on the right. it's listening and learning how to prevent equipment failures, predict maintenance needs, and avoid problems before they happen. you don't even need a cerebral cortex to understand which is better. now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized. i would kill for something sweet. i know... we could have one of those. one? are you kidding? we'll end up eating like thirty. wanna split that?, so much fat. don't fight your instincts.
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i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. now to the unprecedented drought crisis out west. new numbers suggest california has been stepping up and using less water, 27% less in june and 31% less in july according to government statistics. but despite the conservation efforts, hundreds of farm workers are living without running water. tom is supporter and host of greenhouse, and despite these numbers, some people literally do not have any water. >> they literally have not one drop, not for dishes, not for drinking. these are farmers, so there is an irony here. they're tending to plants and
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animals rather than the people. they come home dusty and they don't have a shower to turn on to make themselves clean. it's a profound situation. >> it must affect their livelihoods as well. >> many of them are laid off because the farmers themselves have also struggled. it's a groundwater issue so farmers have had to make cuts in the water they get, but they're drilling into the ground to get water from deep underneath it. and these farm workers, their homes, they're nice homes, but they have well water they need to tap. their straw doesn't go as deep as the farmers' straw, so they don't get the water. >> oh, my goodness. what are some of the other effects out there? >> the farmers are making less money, they lay off the workers, and also the yields are decreasing. the berries are smaller, so if you're paid by the basket of berries, you want a big fat berry in there so you fill it up faster. smaller berries means less money. >> what's the solution? >> the solution is building deeper wells, but there's only a
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number of drillers, so people who drill wells, they're also drilling oil. you have to pay them a lot of money to get them to drill in your ground. well, now to some other stories we're watching this hour. an investigation is under way in san antonio, texas after a high school football referee was apparently pummelled by two players. here's the video. the john j. high school football players appear to run at the coach from two different angles and slam him into the ground. it is not clear if either player intentionally hit that referee, but in a statement to nbc news, the school district said, quote, the two players in question have been suspended from the team and school pending further investigation. in the nfl, embattled quarterback tom brady has broken his silence for the first time since his suspension was overturned. the patriots' mvp says he hopes to put the deflategate scandal
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behind him and just play football. >> anything that's happened over the past seven months, you know, obviously i have a lot of personal feelings, but i really don't care to share many of those. i really care to think about what i need to do going forward. >> the nfl has said it will appeal the judge's ruling in that case, and tonight two college football teams will honor the two journalists killed on live television. you're looking at the helmets. ohio state and virginia tech football players are planning to wear all in honor of alison parker and adam ward, the wdbj journalists who were shot and killed last month by a disgrujtsed former colleagdisg s disgruntled former employee. now to queen elizabeth this week. she will become the longest serving monarch in british history. queen elizabeth's record-breaking reign will
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overtake queen victoria whose record-breaking reign was for 63 years. >> reporter: less is more, so the queen has told folks in there that she doesn't want any big celebrations on wednesday when she becomes britain's longest reigning monarch. she will go to a railroad track in scotland and maybe some coins will be minted on this historic, historic day when she overtakes her great-great-grandmother, queen victoria. you can call it her crowning achievement, 63 years, 217 days on the throne, declaring aged 21. >> i declare before you all that my whole life, whether it will be long or short, shall be devoted to your service. >> reporter: at only 25 she became queen.
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elizabeth ii inherited an empire established by queen victoria, the u.k.'s longest-reigning monarch, that is, until this week. >> she's always been someone who vowed to do her duty back in 1952 and has not really waivered in carrying that out in the six decades she's been on the throne. >> reporter: during her reign, 11 presidents have been elected. back in the 1990s, the future of the royal family itself seemed uncertain. >> 1992 is not a year on which i shall look back with undiluted pleasure. >> reporter: her daughter, princess anne, the princess royal, divorced and her son, andrew, duke of york, from sarah. but it was diana who had the greatest impact. first divorced from prince charles and then killed in a car crash, leading to the biggest crisis of the queen's reign.
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>> there was a real feeling of anarchy. there was a real bristling from the royal subjects and she felt it. >> but there was a bounce back. her grandson married catherine. in time it will pass to a line of kings, prince charles, prince william, and one day, prince george. today a grandmother with her husband of 68 years, prince phillip, she is embarking on fewer foreign trips. she has five official visits to the u.s. under her belt. but last year alone, she carried out 393 official engagements. at age 89, queen elizabeth is not exactly resting on her laurels, royal as they may be. it's not just the length of her reign, it's how well loved she is here in britain.
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over the weekend we found that most british people think queen elizabeth has been the best monarch britain has ever seen. so surely, surely on wednesday night when she's with phillip and charles and they're all relaxing in there, she might just enjoy a little glass of sherry, melissa. >> we should hope so. nbc's keir simmons, thank you. grab your iphone, ipad or mac book, because apple has another big announcement in store. what you can expect this week from apple ceo tim cook.
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we are two days away from the announcement that apple fans have been waiting to hear what is about to drop at apple? on wednesday ceo tim cook is about to take the stage to announce some major surprises, although most of the industry think they have a pretty good idea what's coming. senior editor dan ackerman. people get so excited about these announcements. can you give us a peek of what
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we might be able to expect? >> they do, and apple is very secretive about it. >> they've been very good at keeping their secrets, haven't they? >> they've gotten less good. we get a sense of what's coming. it seems they're going to cram a lot of news in here. the big beats, the new iphone, probably a new apple tv box, that box you plug into your tv and you stream tv shows and movies, and the wild card is are they going to have this thing they've been planning, this big screen ipad kind of for professional use. it's almost like a big screen tv. >> i was going to ask you that, the ipad pro, i know samsung is set to release a big screen tablet. are they trying to sort of meet that somehow? >> if you hear apple is going to do a product, you put out your own version of the product earlier, so last week samsung kind of teased something. it's not ready yet. they're calling it the galaxy
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view and it's some kind of big tablet, kind of like they released their watches before apple could do its watch. >> the market is kind of struggling a little bit. >> that follows everybody, and if you look at where it's gone the last couple years, i don't think they have any particular trouble and there's such a huge market sharing of some of these very important categories, especially expensive things like laptops and phones. >> what do you think is the reason why their stocks have been struggling a little bit? is it the watch sales? i know that's kind of been breaking even, not a huge hit by apple standards. >> other companies have the same problem which i call being trapped in this upward cycle, where they're being trapped into saying, we're going to have a new phone, we're going to have an ipad update, and you have to do something even though you have nothing to show. some years those updates are not very exciting and people kind of get fatigued. if you don't have it, they go, how come you don't have a new phone? >> isn't there kind of a new run
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on products, anyway, regardless? >> in 2006, they kind of crossed the barrier. people were waiting to get a bigger screen. before that, they had a smaller screen. people were waiting. >> you can track the year you were in by the phones that were huge and now they're getting tiny again. >> we got used to it. it was a fun way to leave your laptop at home and read books or a newspaper on a 5-inch screen like that. if everybody upgraded last year, there may be fewer people waiting to upgrade this year because it will be essentially it is same phone with new features. >> very interesting. dan, thank you very much. that wraps up this hour on msnbc. i'm melissa rehburger. the president's labor day speech in boston is up next, so stick with us. i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful,
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developing news. president obama on the road this labor day. we're going to go live to boston where he'll be speaking any minute now about a new executive order on paid sick leave. also ahead, poll position hillary clinton now trailing bernie sanders in a critical state. we're in iowa where she's campaigning today. and joe biden marching in a parade in pittsburgh. is he any closer about making a call for a 2016 run? hi, everybody. happy labor day. hope you're enjoying some time off. i'm thomas roberts. we begin with developing news in boston where any moment president obama will address a major union there. he is expected to sign an executive order today requiring paid sick leave for employees of federal contractors. nbc's halley jackson joins me now from the white house with more on this. this is a big day, halley, for unions. >> reporter: absolutely, thomas. the white house is framing the president's move today as a way to help the middle class. it's going to affect about 300,000 employees of federal contractors, and this new executive order will give them
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up to seven days of paid sick leave. employees can take it for themselves, they can take it for their family members. expect to see the president today also call on congress to pass the healthy families act to essentially require that businesses are 15 or more employees offer up to a week's worth of paid leave. why boston, why massachusetts? well, besides being, of course, a democratic stronghold, massachusetts just passed a new law that went into effect over the summer on paid sick leave. we're going to be hearing from senators markey and warren before the president speaks, thomas, and interestingly, when senator warren walked into the event this morning, she received a standing ovation without saying a word. >> wow. that's a way to command the crowd. nbc's hallie jackson. thank you so much, and we're going to bring the president live from boston as soon as he begins. now we move on for the race of the white house and hillary clinton barnstorming iowa today, celebrating labor day across the state with organized labor. she's going to be courting that key group of democratic voters
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in cedar rapids in the next hour, and this comes after showing the former secretary of state losing ground behind bernie sanders in two states. kristen welker is on the trail in davenport, iowa and joins us how. kristen? >> reporter: hey, thomas, good afternoon to you, or i should say good morning. the fact it's labor day means all the presidential candidates will be ramping up their campaigns for the fall season, including former secretary clinton. they're not worried about the lathest poll numbers. they always expect the primary to be competitive, however, no doubt they're hoping for a restart this fall season. let's look at the numbers you just referenced, thomas. this is according to our marist news poll showing bernie sanders above hillary clinton by 11 points. meanwhile, donald trump is still surging and when he's matched against clinton in a general
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election, trump comes out on top in iowa, beating clinton by 5 points, although she holds a 1-point lead in new hampshire. while clinton is struggling against trump, when you match them against vice president joe biden who is still, of course, considering a run of his own, biden beats trump in a general election in iowa and in new hampshire. now, of course, the vice president is marking this labor day in the battleground state of pennsylvania, so a lot of eyes on everything he says and does today as the entire political world awaits his final decision. thomas? >> and kristen, labor day really does kick off the beginning of a new chapter of a campaign season. can clinton really hope to achieve a reset she's looking for? >> reporter: well, the campaign thinks she can. they think they've already started this reset. you will notice she's been mo more aggressive about answering questions related to her e-mails. she's also been more accessible to the press. you'll see that continue. part of the reset, thomas, means
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she's going to try to refocus on these core issues that democratic primary voters really care about like the economy, jobs, fair pay, minimum wage. she's also going to be mo more aggressively going after her republican rivals and we've already seen that on the trail. she's had some sharp words for the likes of donald trump and others in recent days. expect to see a whole lot more of that as the clinton campaign tries to pivot away from this ongoing e-mail controversy which has really overshadowed her campaign in the last several weeks, thomas. >> keeping an eye on the primary. kristen, great to see you. thank you. we move on to pittsburgh where vice president joe biden is celebrating labor day this morning, kicking off a parade speech with union leaders. >> you're the only ones who have the power to keep the barbarians from the gate, man. no, no, not a joke. not a joke. without the ability to sit down with the most powerful entities in the world, without that ability to negotiate, without that ability to throw up power,
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there is no shot, no shot for any american worker. i don't mean labor, i mean any american worker. >> all right, so the vice president made no mention of a potential 2016 presidential run, but a new nbc news poll was adding fuel to the fire for biden supporters trying to draft him into the race. the latest numbers show he's more popular than hillary clinton among democrats and the general electorate. he also does better in general electorate matchups. even without entering the race, the vice president is polling at 20% in iowa. joining me from pittsburgh is alex seitz-wall. he's made no indication about a way he's leading for a presidential run. but i'm sure he feels confident at least in what he's taking part in today in pittsburgh. >> reporter: that's right, thomas, a very festive mood
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here, and definitely some vintage joe biden on the stump. he likes to call himself middle class joe and we saw why today. very strongly pro-union message, he credited his first win in the senate with the united steel workers and he wore a united steel workers cap as he gave his remarks. he said, as we played in the intro, the unions are the only ones that can keep the barbarians at the gate and union workers are the only reason any worker in america has any rights at all. this is his crowd, this is his home state. very friendly audience. and he's showing he has the energy. what a contrast from a few days ago when he was in atlanta speaking to a synagogue there and he was heartbroken. he was wearing his heart on his sleeve about his son beau who passed away a few months ago, and he said that his honest consideration about whether he runs is whether he has the emotional fuel. and that fits with what aides have told me, that it's really day by day for him. some daisies fired ys he's fire excited, he wants to move on and
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show he can be joe biden. other daisiys he's heartbroken. but i think this crowd is what he's looking for and might reenergize him as he thinks about this run. >> nice reporting and especially through the rhythm of the music. thank you, sir. our political panel joins us now from vermont, former governor and republican strategist susan del pur sirks o. it's great to have you both with me. vice president biden said he would decide soon whether he has the emotional fuel to make a run for it, but he's marching with the president of the afl-cio today, which is a huge democratic supporter and it will be a huge endorsement to come out of the gate with if he were to run. should we read anything into that? >> i think he's thinking about it. joe biden is a racehorse and he's very hard when he gets to the gate not to go. we'll see what he does. i have no idea what he's going to do. but i think one thing is that
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this is really the beginning of the real campaign. we've got about three months to go before the iowa caucuses. the polls are still meaningless but they do show trends and it's going to be a very interesting race. you're also going to see a lot more focus on substance and not so much on the gossip stuff we've been seeing over the summer. >> you talk about the polling and what he's doing for the all-important state of iowa. he's polling at 20%. that's impactful. >> well, you could argue both sides of that. he's at 20%. that's great for somebody who is not in the race. on the other hand, one of the reasons he's at 20% is he's not in the race and he hasn't gotten marked up yet. again, the polls are pretty meaningless, and the first one that really counts is the one on february 1st in iowa. >> susan, to you, joe biden being a threat to the republicans. how do you think that this will enhance if joe biden were to
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run, an issue for the white house with support for hillary clinton, former secretary of state, or the current sitting vp? >> first he would have to get through the primary before he had to face the republicans, and i think the governor race is a very good point. he's very popular now. what happens when he's out there for a few months and is actually a candidate? we always see numbers go down. >> clinton had numbers nobody thought could go down. >> once she got in, they went down, and after all this e-mail scandal, they've gone down even further. and as far as vice president biden and secretary clinton, that's going to be an interesting conversation in the white house, i would think, for sure if the vice president does get involved. i think you're going to see a lot of people who were behind president obama supporting the vice president, which means they could also have that operation put into place for them as well. so it will give the vice president an edge. and he'll be able to raise money very quickly. he's still a sitting vice president. >> but from a perspective of the
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gop field trying to take advantage of hillary clinton's lower polling figures, donald trump remains affixed at the top of the gop pack, however, when we go head to head in matchups in general, clinton would defeat him. >> that's also in part because donald trump is seeing a big problem for support among women. women and independents are not going to donald trump as much, so she would be -- there is a source of strength for her there, but -- and hillary clinton is also doing something wise. at her last event, she started taking on donald trump instead of trying to take on bernie sanders, which is smart because bernie isn't attacking her. it makes sense for her to attack the republicans. it would be interesting to see how the republicans go at this next debate. do they go after hillary clinton? or do they go after each other? >> governor, let me ask you, because the situation for hillary clinton up until now, she hasn't really been labeled as an underdog. is that a good thing to have
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right now for her in new hampshire after getting sheen's endorsement, but now the polls show bernie sanders has edged her out there? does that help a little bit? >> hillary runs very well from behind, as we saw in the race against barack obama. she lost in iowa in a shocking defeat in the sense there were twice as many people who voted in that caucus than voted in the year i ran four years earlier was a stunning achievement on the part of the president's team and hillary came back and basically tied him for the rest of the race. i'm very comfortable. as you know, i'm a hillary supporter. i'm very comfortable with where she is, i think she's going to win and i think she's going to win the presidency, but this is tough stuff. this is where people get proven whether they can be president or not, is between september and february when the caucuses and the primaries start. >> governor, how do you think, though, she can get around all the issues and concerns about
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the private server and any e-mail issues, especially given that it seems we're not getting the full story, and there seems to be a drip-drip-drip-drip? >> i personally believe that's all hocus pocus and media driven statements. she hasn't broken the law, she hasn't broke anyone policy -- >> on friday in an exclusive interview with andrea mitchell, she said, we were so busy i didn't think about it. i just didn't think about it. meanwhile, they paid privately a person they had worked with before in the oa campaign to set up a private server. they thought about it so much that they privately paid someone to set up a private server. if you're not thinking about it, you say, okay, thanks for the blackberry, thanks for my government address, where is the plane? i'll go. i don't understand. >> i'll explain it very simply.
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colin powell had a private e-mail address, so did previous secretary -- >> he also had separate devices and separate computers. >> what is to explain? >> i'm curious about the server. >> this is a very good -- this is a very good example. the fact is what? >> when you're sitting down to give this interview and you want to get it all out there as opposed to this drip-drip, governor, you want to take it by the neck and wring it clean, right? why not sit down in that interview and say, the president and i are pretty unique americans. we're not special, but we've given a life to public service, and because of our e-mail security, we thought it was best to not make the taxpayers pay for this. we set up a private server. we actually even paid the guy to do it, and it seemed to work for us. we didn't break any laws, and we made sure that everything has been turned over now. why not come out, instead of these omissions that we seem to be catching clinton in on the
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back end? >> what exactly was she admitting? >> that they paid prooifrtly iv set it up. who does that? >> i have a slightly different interpretation. this is a no-brainer. you're married to president of the united states, of course you're going to set up a private server. they paid somebody to set it up. of course they paid somebody. do you think bill clinton knows how to set up a private server. this is ridiculous. why are we talking about this? this is what's going to go away between now and february. this is nonsense. i think the press is serious about it and curious. it's a press hatchet job, i have to say. >> i think it's a unique situation, and i think we can all admit that. >> it's not a unique situation. colin powell had his own as well. >> we do not have a political couple who devoted their life to
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public service like the clintons. we have one who was a first lady and then a senator and then a secretary of state and now running for president. this is very unique. it's only them that hold these unique positions. but for regular, everyday americans, we don't have the access or understanding of setting up a private server. so i'm just wondering from a perspective of sitting down with andrea mitchell on friday and trying to wring it clean to then on saturday we find out that they paid the guy privately, and that's probably why he took the fifth. >> did you expect the government to pay for this? i don't get what your point is. i truly don't get what your point is. what is your point? >> the point is, why would you pay someone that is already working for the state department to then come in and privately set up and oversee your private system for four years if you didn't want to have complete control yourself at the back end? that's what this is. >> this is your suspicion about
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her motives. >> it's proven to be true because they had the server for four years and then she destroyed about 30,000 e-mails they didn't hand over because they deemed them not worthy to hand over. so this is operational -- no operational oversight. >> she had a lawyer for that. >> did she have oversight as secretary of state for her e-mails. did she have any oversight? >> of course she did. first of all, the people who sent her e-mails and the e-mails she sent, not one of them was marked classified. they were being marked classified after the fact, but not one of them was marked classified at the time. >> i'm not worried about classified or unclassified, i'm just wondering who has the oversight ever of her e-mails? during the obama administration, which is supposed to be the most transparent, most put-together one ever, who had the oversight of how she was communicating electronically? her. >> she's the secretary of state.
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she runs the state -- >> having tenure. >> that's correct. >> so now there's a drip-drip-drip. >> here's why there is a drip-drip-drip. first it was the e-mails were personal. did she violate the law? you said yes. then it turned out not to be. was there a criminal investigation? the "new york times" said yes, turned out not to be true. the reason there is a drip-drip-drip, because every time somebody says something and makes an accusation that turns out not to be true, you all come in with another accusation. i think it's outrageous, i think it's unfair, i think it's a media-packed journalism because you are insulted because you can't find out everything that goes on in her personal life, and i think that's unfortunate. that is the media reaction to all this stuff. >> i don't want access to her personal e-mail, but i think that as americans -- >> no, you don't, don't you? >> as taxpayers we deserve to have access and oversight to the
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government-related work that she was responsible for. and, unfortunately, we don't have a clean access to that because that technically, and that oversight, doesn't exist for the americans. it doesn't exist for the american public. >> i think -- i disagree with you. i think she had an attorney go through that to make sure that nothing -- >> that's great. the american people don't need an attorney from the secretary of state in their e-mails. >> so you're taking the position the media always takes, which i think is fine, it's your job. >> she's an attorney herself, governor. she's an attorney herself. >> i think that's in her own defense. you're taking the position that as the media always does, that everything should be in the public domain. there is a freedom of information act to decide what should and should not be in the public domain and you frequently litigate it. not you personally but the media personally lit gatigates it. >> sure. >> i think this is a war between the media who wants to find out
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everything on every candidate, in this case hillary clinton but it appears to all of us, there is a line at some point. somebody gets to decide that, and it's not you, hard as the press may want to decide that, it isn't the press's job. >> no, it's hillary clinton's. she decided she didn't want oversight and she didn't have it. she declared not to have oversight and she didn't have it. >> you don't deserve oversight into the personal details of her daughter's wedding, and i don't blame her for making that decision. >> none of us would have access to that nor want to. >> you're complaining because you don't have access. those are the e-mails she destroyed. >> well, thaelt's the assertion you're making, that there were 30,000 e-mails over chelsea's wedding? i know parents love weddings, but 30,000? >> and lots of other things. i think this is a legitimate point for debate, but the reason this is such a big deal is because the media has the
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megaphone on this one. she's fighting back, it's an uphill fight. she's going to make it because there's no "there" there. this is not about you personally. i went through this myself. i know what this is like, and it's no fun because the media is the personal arbitrator and beneficiary of any disclosure that she makes. she doesn't feel, nor did i, that we have to make every disclosure. there were reports that i was having an affair while i was running for president, and it got -- it didn't get into print in the mainstream because it was nonsense, but this is the kind of stuff that gets done. the media has an insatiable appetite. somebody has to say no and she said no to certain things. that's the point of contention because you think she should say yes to everything. >> no, no, i think you're mischaracterizing what i was trying to get to here, and it's just about the oversight issue for the american people, and i think that's why we see the clinton campaign getting a little tripped up over this. but we will continue to follow
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this through the primary and see where this goes. former governor howard dean, thanks for your time. thanks for putting up with me, most of all. susan, thanks for putting up with me as well. a reminder we're waiting on the president to speak at a labor union event in boston. when he does, we'll bring that to you. we're also following a developing story in illinois. thousands gather to honor a policeman shot in the line of duty. thousands of refugees kept in camps in hungary kept from traveling. how people are helping these desperate families, coming up. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms.
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i'm a gas service my nrepresentative. n. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california. we are back now with developing news and the president speaking in boston addressing a labor day union event. let's go ahead and listen in.
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>> but the words that i spoke that night in 2004 are the same ones that generations of americans worked for and fought for. that's the belief, that america is the most extraordinary of countries. a place only in this country where someone like me could rise to the heights of political office, a con viviction that no matter who you are or what you look like or how much money you were born into, we can all make something of ourselves. we can clock in at a job that rewards our work with dignity and security. we can give our kids something better if we're willing to work for it and instill in them the values of hard work and respect for other people love of country, and the notion that here in america we're all in it
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together. that we are the united states of america, we're a union. those are the beliefs that built this country. those are the beliefs that built the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. but it wasn't just beliefs, it wasn't just words that built the middle class in this country. you got to say more than america's great and that's it. you got to work for it. it's not enough just to say america is exceptional, you got to prove it. you got to work to keep it that way. and that's what generations of the labor movement have done. it was hard-working americans who marched and organized to help working families get ahead. it was hard-working folks who demanded not simply a bigger paycheck for themselves but more security for the folks working next to them, too. they were the ones who were out in the cold on picket lines.
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they were the folks who were dealing with the pinkertons. they were the folks who sometimes got beat or got fired for organizing. got threatened and stood up for an idea that everybody deserves a fair shake. and those folks, your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, they're the ones who gave us the 40-hour work week. they're the ones who gave us overtime and the minimum wage and all kinds of things that folks now take for granted. it was those fights that gave us health insurance and social security and medicare and retirement plans. all those gains are union made. they're stamped with the union label. they're what we celebrate today. [ applause ] >> those values that built the
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middle class, working people's values, ordinary folks' values. that's what's guided me every day as president. i came in during the worst recession any of us have ever seen. we worked to rebuild our economy on a new foundation, to make it stronger for everybody. it's working folks who help power our economy to 66 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest streak on record. five and a half straight years, 13.1 million new jobs overall, the lowest unemployment rate in seven years. it was working people. middle class values that restored the meaning of the word "made in america," "made in the
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usa." we had an auto industry that was flat on its back when i came into office, now we're on track to sell more cars and trucks this year than we have in more than a decade. [ applause ] >> american manufacturing had been declining for a decade, and then we came in and we nearly created 900,000 jobs in five and a half years, fastest manufacturing growth that we've seen in a very long time. [ applause ] >> when i came into office, business leaders said best place to invest was in china. well, they don't say that no more. now the number one place to invest is right here in the united states of america. that's because we got the best workers in the world. that's progress.
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now, we're entering into the political season. i'm so glad i'm not on the ballot. but it's political season, it starts earlier and earlier, so now we're starting to hear a lot about middle class values. everybody wants to talk about the middle class. but some folks seem confused about what exactly that means. so let me provide a refresher course. for me, for us, middle class values means providing tax cuts to 98% of americans but then asking the top 2% to pay a little bit more. [ applause ] >> that's helping middle class families. for us, middle class values means protecting main street from another crisis with the toughest wall street forums in
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history that your senator makes happen. it means reforming student loans and increasing pell grants so every kid can afford a college education, and we got to keep working to make two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it. [ applause ] >> it means helping 16 million americans gain the security of health insurance because nobody in america should have to live in fear of going broke just because they or somebody in their family got sick. that's what it means to us to have middle class values. [ applause ] >> and we know we've got more work to do to make sure more families feel the gains of this recovery, but the fact is, the verdict is in. middle class economics works. looking out for working people works. bottom up economics works.
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middle class out economics works. when you make sure everybody gets a fair shot and a fair shake and you're fighting for decent wages for workers and making sure they've got decent benefits, when you reward people who are playing by the rules, that's how everybody does better. that's how america gets ahead. [ applause ] >> that's how it's always been in this country. unfortunately, there are some folks in washington and some folks who are trying to get to washington who don't want to face these facts. no matter whether we're supporting working families or signing up folks for health care, anything else that we do, we keep on hearing back from them, oh, you're going to destroy jobs. you're going to destroy business. you're going to crush freedom. you can't have a minimum wage for people, it's bad for business. bad for jobs. you can't provide people health
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care. it's going to destroy the economy. in their world, the only way to help the country grow and help people get ahead is to cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires, loosen up rules on big banks and polluters and you just wait, and you look up in the sky and prosperity will come raining down on us from the top of the whatever high rise is in your city. that's not how the economy works. that's not how working people get ahead. and that mindset, that idealogy, is what's been shrinking wages and increasing inequality and wrecking the economy for a long, long time. we're fighting to reverse it, but these folks are pretty stubborn. i will give them credit. they don't let facts or evidence get in the way. they really don't. and as i said, republicans in washington are trying to rebrand
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themselves as a party of the middle class. i'm glad they're doing it, really. i mean, i want them to start rethinking their positions on issues. i would love to work with them on stuff. but you can't just talk the talk, you got to walk the walk. you can't talk middle class and then do things that hurt the middle class. you can't say you care about working people and then do things that hurt working people. i'll give you an example. right now republicans if washington have the chance to prove they really care about working families. congress has to pass a budget by the end of this month or they risk shutting down the government for the second time in two years. everybody knows the world economy is pretty volatile right now. our economy is a relative bright spot. we're going better than just about everybody else. so a shutdown would be completely irresponsible.
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it would be an unforced error, a fumble on the goal line. yep. it would be like a ground ball slipping through somebody's legs. you guys have won a couple since that time, so i can make that joke. if you hadn't had so many world series wins, i wouldn't make that joke. the point is it doesn't have to happen. congress can pass a budget that does away with this so-called sequester that just lobs things off whether or not it's good for the economy, harms our military, hurts working people. we could instead invest in working families, invest in our military readiness, invest in our schools, rebuild our roads, rebuild our airports, put people back to work right now. i'll sign that budget. i'm ready to work with them.
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but so far, at least, instead of hearing about how we can all move together, what we're hearing from those folks is threats that they might shut down the government over things that don't even have to do with the budget. try to stop the budget in order to force us to do something that would restrict women's health care, for example. that's not a good idea. and you're seeing all kinds of mindless proposals that would harm our military readiness and cut job training, cut head start, cut preschools, cut k through 12 education. they're still talking about repealing obamacare. they've taken 66 votes to repeal this thing. everybody says it's working. it's working better than even i expected. and costing less and they're still talking about repealing. [ applause ]
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>> and what we're seeing from them is this constant war against unions. a constant attack on working americans by weakening worker protections, undermining workplace safety, gutting your ability to save for retirement, preventing you from forming a union. this is the party that says it wants to rebrand itself. i'm going to quote them here. they said they want to be the party of the american worker and the party of higher wages. well, that's great. but think about it. they oppose raising the minimum wage, they're doing everything they can to bust unions, and then they want to claim to be the party of the american worker. take a look at some of the folks who want to be the standard bearer in the next election. i won't say their names, but you can kind of attach the quote to
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their names. so one candidate, he is bragging about how he destroyed collective bargaining rights in his state. and says that busting unions prepares him to fight isil. i didn't make that up. that's what he said. really? a whole bunch of them are hoping to make right to work the law of the land. they think that's the way to equal prosperity. you had one who blamed unions for the women's pay rate. if there are no unions, women are all of a sudden going to be paid equal? these are the women who fought
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the legislation in congress. and then there's the guy -- these guys are running for office. they're running for the presidency -- who said a union deserves a punch in the face. really? tell me how you really feel. it reminds me of something our old friend ted kennedy used to say. what is it about working men and women that they find so offensive? why are they so mad about folks just trying to make a living? keep a roof over their heads? go to work every day, look after their families, rebuild their -- why are you mad about that? these are the folks who built america. these are the folks that allowed businesses to prosper. why are you attacking ordinary people who are just out there
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trying to do their jobs? i've said it before, i'll say it again. if i were looking for a good job that lets me build some security for my family, i would join a union. [ applause ] >> if i wanted somebody who had my back, i would join a union. [ applause ] >> i travel a lot. i've been to countries that don't have unions, that prohibit unions. that's where you got still child labor, that's where you have terrible exploitation and
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workers are constantly being injured and hurt and there are no protections, and that's true for everybody because there's no union movement. even brady is happy he's got a union. they had his back. so you know if brady needs a union, we definitely need unions. so because the fact of the matter is even kids understand this, you're stronger when you stand together. and a job is about more than a paycheck. employees are more than just cogs in the wheel. they're moms and dads with dreams for their kids. they're folks who pick up the extra shift to help out another worker, you know, who is in a jam. they're folks trying to save for
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retirement after years of sacrifice, folks who clock in every morning and stay late to make sure the job is done right and then donate some of that hard-earned money to their church or ymca. there is a pride and there is a dignity inherent in any job, whether you've got the security of a union or not, but the union will help express that dignity and that sense of voice in what you do every single day. and i believe that all workplaces should reflect the worth and the dignity of our working families. that's why we fought for worker safety, that's why we fight for the right to organize, that's why we're hosting the white house summit on worker voice next month to make sure workers share in the blessings of this country, and why people who are not in unions right now need to understand why unions are so important. it's why last summer we hosted a working family summit, to talk about issues like higher pay and fair pay and child care and
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workplace flexibility and paid leave. these things aren't just good for working women and working families, they're good for business, too. they're good for the economy as a whole. now, the good news is for the past couple years, working in concert with great members of congress like ed and elizabeth, we've taken steps to address issues facing working families. and we've had the cooperation of governors and mayors in a lot of places. 17 states, about 30 cities have answered the call to raise the minimum wage. i raised wages for federal contractors. [ applause ] >> so we're listening to the president here at a labor day event in boston talking about the fact that he is signing an executive order that will give basically for these federal contractors the benefit being at
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least seven days off of paid sick leave. and the president talking about how america needs decent jobs, decent benefits, that if he was working for a company, he would want to be part of a union. interestingly enough, as he is giving this address in boston, he also brought up the fact that tom brady's union, his players' union, had his back this past week that got him through the courts and to see his nfl suspension overturned, and he will be on the field this coming thursday for the new england patriots. so the other news that we're following today is something pretty interesting. it has to deal with the developing news out of illinois as thousands gather to mourn that fallen police officer, the one that was murdered in the line of duty. we'll take you to those services. also coming up, two high school football players accused of targeting a referee on the field. why they could face more than a punishment from their schools. we both drive a stick, we both like saving money on car insurance, and we both feel integrity, such as, that of healthcare in the america of the us
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funeral services will begin in illinois for a police officer whose killers remain on the run. scores of people showed up to pay their respects. the illinois officer was working last week when he was reported seeing three suspicious men, and he was found dead shortly after that call. gliniewicz' casket arrived earlier at the high school of his small community in antioch, illinois. adam reese is there with the very latest. adam, this was the same high school that gliniewicz attended. >> reporter: it is, and the public viewing has begun, thomas. we expect thousands not only from this area but from around the region. they're coming in by the busload to pay their final respects. so many people feel touched by the guy they called g.i. joe. 30 years of service in the fox lake police department, a month and a half from retirement, but he decided to stay on and continue his service. he leaves behind a wife and four sons. as you mentioned, his casket arrived about an hour and a half ago received by a
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multijurisdictional honor guard. after that there will be a law enforcement viewing and after that more public viewing. so many people want to be a part of this, and an 18-mile processional winding through town so everyone here can say a final goodbye. thomas? >> adam reese in illinois. two high school football players are now accused of intentionally hitting a referee on the field. we'll look at the punishment they could be facing now. plus we're going to give you a lighter look at a fall movie preview. we're going to see the images of some must-see flicks that are coming to a theater near you. we'll talk about it after this.
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we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. we are back with an investigation in texas after two high school football players appear to have intentionally hit an official during a game. the players involved have been suspend t from the team. nbc's kristen dahlgren reports. >> reporter: the hit comes from a minute left on the clock. there's the ref.
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watch the player behind him. boom. he's hit so hard his hat flies off. before another player from san antonio's john jay high school dives into him, helmet first. the takedown caught from several angles is now under investigation by school district and interscholastic league. both players suspended from the team. in a statement the school district said, the video that we saw is extremely disturbing. we will deal with this on tuesday and schedule a due process hearing, which will include formal interviews with game officials, coaching staffs shs and student athletes. northside isd will not tolerate this kind of behavior. the incident came as john jay's op poeb nebt marble falls was attempting to run out the clock for a 15-9 win after a conte contentious game where there were already several penalties against john jay for unsportsmanlike behavior. on social media reaction was fierce. many callinger to criminal charges on top of expulsion. but players and students from
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john jay have tweeted the hit came after racial slurs were used by the official. >> that was nbc's kristen dahlgren reporting. the referee couldn't be reached for comment. investigators say that they will be watching that tape very closely and talking to all sides. the athletic director says he hopes to be able to know a lot more when school gets back into session tomorrow. all right. so we switch gears and we talk about what labor day means. it is the official start of a new movie season. you might call this the fall of the reboots. one of the most highly anticipated being "star wars," the force awakens. if you want can't wait for the holiday release, "i've vest" due out in two weeks, quite literally a cliff-hanger. take a look. >> looking good. >> help. help. help. >> so in full disclosure
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"everest" is from nbc yun universal our parent company. is "everest" going to live up to the hype? >> it is going to live up to the hype. it is an excellent movie. i don't know that it will get oscar buzz but the unsem bl is strong and the visuals are off the charts. >> so speaking of visuals, "star wars," also name id. just one of the several reboots. we've got the "hunger games" sequel coming and return of james bond. we can show a preview. take a look. >> you are protecting someone. >> get away from me! >> why should i trust you? >> because right now i'm your best challenge of staying alive. >> looked really good. daniel craig says this is his last appearance as 007. so it's either bittersweet or just a good way to ramp up people to see him thinking it could be his last time. >> right. well, it does get people talking
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and people have been stalking about who will play the next james bond. it's almost overshadowed the film as of late. hugh jackman has been the latest person who said he would love to play james bond. but it does. it keeps the franchise -- keeps people talking about the franchise. they always deliver. it's going to be a great film. >> leonardo dicaprio, about a real life 19th century fur trapper attacked by a bear left to die by his companion. this one you feel is oscar buzz worthy. >> every year he comes out with incredible movies. he's not, you know, won one to date and people say this is going to be his year. come on, he gets mauled by a bear and survives. >> we can only hope. everybody certainly likes leonardo dicaprio. and for the family a new peanuts movie. >> parents are definitely going
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to like it. nostalgic. i'm sure they're going to bring their kids to see this film. it remains to be seen why they're not kids will catch on to this. new generation. we saw with pixels this summer it didn't do well with the under 18s. it dealt with an '80s or '90s theme. so it remains to be seen. but parents will definitely be dragging their kids to the theater toer that one. >> quickly, do we have time for peter pan? let's look at this. >> welcome. to netherlands. >> this is like a darker version of peter pan, a little meatier for those of us that are really familiar with this story. is this going to go over well with kids? >> i think so. you know, this is the origin story. this is how peter pan becomes peter pan. and speaking of hugh jackman, he plays black beard. i did interview the cast earlier
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this year and they're all, you know, super excited about it. you really felt a sense that they were all, you know, very proud of it. >> we'll see how it all goes for the at that time. thanks so much. that's going to wrap things up for me. i'm thomas roberts. enjoy your labor day. "msnbc investigates" lockup is next. everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait. how much prot18%?does your dog food have? 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. if an electric toothbrush
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons, into a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw." >> they tell me that i should feel safe living with another individual who's maybe been convicted of murder, rape, or whatnot. >> you know what i'm going to do?


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