tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC September 8, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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donald trump upstaging hillary clinton in iowa. but it's joe biden who would trump them all if he runs. >> you got to talk to my wife about that. i've got to talk to my wife about that. wave of humanity, hundreds of thousands continues to stream across europe, a treacherous journey to escape the ravages of war. >> i don't have anything here. i have one, two blankets and for two children. >> and they say one day, two day, three day twice. >> what i have here, my journey starts from one month ago. >> i feel sad and feel sick and feel pain. i see about all of syria and it's very dangerous. >> and late show rapport, stephen colbert replaces letterman tonight on cbs. >> who do we have?
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sounds like clooney or somebody, i don't know. no, i don't want clooney. no clooney. too handsome. >> good day everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington as summer comes to an unofficial end presidential candidates are making campaign stops in new hampshire and iowa, they made them monday as a new poll showed hillary clinton sinking to new lows against the competition in both political parties. her could be opponent vice president joe biden fanning the flames by marching in pittsburgh's big labor day parade. >> thanks. thank you. >> run, joe, run! run, joe, run! >> if you didn't hear it, they're saying "run, joe, run." joining me is luke russert,
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"wall street journal" political editor jean cummings, ann guein, chris cilliza, and first to you, you were traveling with hillary clinton all weekend and you've seen this reset and written about in today's "post." she's trying to be funnier, have a lighter touch. what is the reboot? >> she's really trying sort of this labor day is a natural pivot point in the political calendar anyway toward a quicker pace but she's also trying to revarp some elementals of her campaign, how she presents herself on the e-mail issue, i think that your interview with her on friday was one of the major steps in what they're trying to do there so that she answers questions without being as defensive as she has been previously, and also answers more fully and doesn't blame everything on republicans. that is one of the main things that they're doing. she's also trying to appear more
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human. that's something that's been an issue for her in the past is how relatable is she, how likeable is she? people who know her say she's likeable but doesn't often come off that way. >> joe biden who has high favorable numbers, at least an undeclared candidate, we know what happens sometimes once people declare their run for office, this is what joe biden had to say in pittsburgh when asked about running. >> nobody to stand between us and the major party. no, not -- you got to talk to my wife about that. i've got to talk to my wife about that. but guys, i've taken too much of your time. back in delaware, if you make someone stand on a hard floor for more than 15 minutes, you lose all their votes. i don't want to lose your -- i don't want to lose your friendship. you've been my friends, you have
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been my friends my whole career. >> was that a freudian slip? >> the old votes to friendship equation. andrea, if you look at the optics of yesterday, you showed some footage in the show open about him at pat rathe parade, e speech, the way he was sheefd, the data about hillary clinton's weaknesses in iowa, new hampshire and nationally. if ever joe biden was looking for signs that things might be maybe there as a path, the last 72 hours would suggest there is. >> and today there's a new monmouth poll, clinton with biden and bernie sanders and biden both in this down ten with registered voters. jean cummings, what is the poll impact with bernie sanders on the rise, bernie sanders beating hillary clinton according to the
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m marist poll in new hampshire and gaining on her and biden doing better against republicans. >> she has a lot of work to do in her campaign and is really aware of that. the last poll that showed biden at 20%, he took 10% from her. he carved right into her base. she was at 52, dropped to 42, he went up 10, so you could see the impact that he would have. he would cut into her base. the campaign is well aware of it. they not only are having to reboot their approach on the trail as anne was speaking of but having to deal with donors who have gotten rattled by the handling of the e-mail controversy. it's not that anybody is jumping ship but they aren't happy with how the campaign is managing that particular investigation, in large measure because it will not go away. they'er this there are going to be batches of e-mail that get dropped every month from now to december,
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testimony on the hill. they have to learn to live with this thing and even her donors want them to manage it in a more aggressive way. >> and luke russert, there was another story today in the "new york times" confirming as well as other newspapers that in fact the intelligence community's inspector-general rejected the state department's appeal to reverse its ruling that two of the e-mails had top secret information in them. this is top secret information based on what the intelligence community says was communicated in that e-mail and not that it was marked or labeled but that it referred to things that were secret at the time or should have been secret at the time. how does that affect her on capitol hill with the benghazi hearing october 22nd coming up? >> i think it reinforces the narrative that a lot of republicans have put forward which is if the state department has been actively trying to protect hillary clinton throughout the process of this investigation, and they say the inspector-general's latest report is just another good example of that, where the
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clinton campaign has been saying, andrea, is that look, government agencies are often competitive with one another, often have different standards regarding what is classified and what's not. this has been a bureaucratic fight that we have nothing to do with. we were at the state department, this is how we interpreted it. all that being said, though, andrea, i think this illustrates the drip, drip, drip nature of what's going on regarding this e-mail controversy. she's not testifying before the benghazi committee, related to the events that happened in bengha benghazi, she's not testifying then until october 22nd. all of this regarding the e-mail is attributable to the investigation of the ben xwghaz committee. if you think there won't be leaks between now and whenever the investigation wraps up, probably at least into sometime early 2016, you'd be nuts because there will be more, and that's what i think is the difficulty for her, every time they try and pivot like they had your interview friday, change the narrative, talk about something else, this comes back and bites them.
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now i like to tie everything to congress, andrea. you might have a government shutdown in the next few weeks regarding planned parenthood funds. maybe that gives hillary clinton say this is a dysfunctional gop congress out to get me my entire career. right now they hold the cards with how they got this information. >> luke, you'll be busy because the iran votes coming up, some starting this week. hillary clinton ann gearna is giving a speech tomorrow as ted cruz and donald trump are leading rallies against the iran deal. today over the top in the senate with the 41st promised vote, that means they could face a scenario where it doesn't even come up to the floor, the disapproval motion doesn't get to the floor. they can prevent it by filibuster if they choose. >> certainly that's what the white house is hoping and presumably something that hillary clinton will talk about and try to advance when she gives hers on policy tomorrow. one of the main things she wants
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to do is talk about how the origins of the deal happened while she was secretary of state and got a lot of this stuff going because she saw it all along, in her words, as the better alternative to any of the other, you know, pick one bad scenario that could happen, iran gets the bomb or there's a war or, you know, israel bombs them or something, you know, any number of the bad things that could have happened. she said she was trying to head off by getting these talks going years ago. >> she telegraphed that she would as well prescribe certain tough measures, jeanne, going forward to make sure that iran lives up to this. i wanted to play for all of you what happened when dick cheney with a new book out with his daughter, liz, tried to give a speech at the american enterprise institute, which has been very, you know, familiar territory to the cheneys, his wife has had an office there for years when she was writing books at the time, and this was dick cheney today speaking about iran with a very tough attack on the
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president, interrupted by a protester. >> they have watched the iranians get the better of us in these negotiations. [ inaudible ]. >> thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> cheney certainly responded with aplumb. what you saw there was somebody from the audience, he doesn't work for ai, jumping up and getting into a tug-of-war with that young woman protester over the banner that she was trying to ununfortunatelfurl. >> might have been better to let her walk out with the banner instead of a tug-of-war.
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>> cheney is amping up his criticism and hillary clinton and obviously the white house and colin powell on "meet the press" this weekend clearly laying out a different scenario. >> it's become a very partisan issue and that's allowed the president to appeal to votes from democrats as a legacy that they need to be with him because this will be part of his legacy, and it will be an important cornerstone for the party's foreign policy going forward. hillary clinton is expected, you know, to ramp up that message as well, and give a strong endorsement of the iran deal. but the opponents of the iran deal, they by making it partisan, they actually undercut their case and bringing up dick cheney, one of the most partisan voices, also in opposition, is only going to harden the position of those 41 senators who have said that's it, we're done, we're going to go with the
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deal. >> dick cheney is defending a legacy with a new book so the timing of his book perhaps kins don'tally, perhaps not with the iran vote coming up and netanyahu has a lot to answer for in the way that israel handled this as well. anne gearan, jeanne cummings, lukes reert and chris cilliz ask a, thats to all. one more note from the white house a look at the president's alaskan adventure with bear grills. during a taping for "running wild" barack obama sat down for a special meal of alaskan salmon. >> a bear has chewed on this, we'll cut that out so it's going to be good. >> all right. >> i think the president looked a little surprised when i pulled out this bloody carcass of half eaten salmon. >> oh, i heard a little sizzle there. >> yes. >> i think a piece of salmon that will work just fine.
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it would have been nice if we had had a cracker to go with it. >> as you can see the president did, in fact, eat the salmon, by all accounts he survived the ordeal, at least as far as we know. no air date is set for this episode of "running wild. " coming up the kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses is asking the governor of kentucky to free her from jail as two republican candidates show their support. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas.
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bloomington, minnesota, police spoke to reporters saying they have not had any contact with palmer and there's no plan to charge him with any crime. >> the local police department would not be pursuing any charges against dr. palmer for something that happened in a different country. >> john yang is outside the office in bloomington. this created international outrage but at this point unless there is some legal action overseas there is nothing that would take place here, correct in. >> reporter: that's right, andrea. the local police said this is something that happened overseas they wouldn't be charging him. there was some talk of the u.s. fish and wildlife service wanting to talk to dr. palmer. he said in that interview over the weekend with the associated press and the minneapolis star tribune they have not been in contact with him. there are a handful of protesters here, maybe about a half dozen who were asking or calling on palmer to be extradited to zimbabwe to face
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charges there, and they're also calling on his patients to abandon him, to not patronize him but earlier today, some would stop by, a retired doctor who said that he was actually coming to him for the first time because he knows how difficult it is to keep a practice and he also thinks it's wrong to have dr. palmer be run out of business, as he says, for something that he has not been charged with a crime for. so there are arguments going on, on both sides here in bloomington, as dr. palmer is back for the first time in a number of weeks, first time in his practice since this all broke a few weeks ago. andrea? >> we've seen where he has lost a lot of people who were his patients who say they are oftened by whoften offended by what he did. we've seen pictures of him with a lot of trophies. this is not the first time for
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him. >> reporter: this is his sport. he's a big game hunter, he's been to zimbabwe, he said a number of times. he said i think of the interview he said four times, this last trip was his fourth time. it is interesting, i mean the doctor who came here for his first appointment with dr. palmer said he was bothered by the killing of the lion, but felt that it wasn't enough that people, that patients should abandon him, that he should be forced out of business just over this one thing, and he stressed that it was something that for which he's not been charged and so he felt that this was his way of showing support for a fellow medical professional. >> john yang as always thank you so much, from bloomington, minnesota. republican presidential candidate mike huckabee weighed in on the kim davis case. the kentucky court clerk found in contempt of court last week after she refused to issue
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marriage licenses to same-sex couples. >> you've got democrats who ignored the law when it was the law to have traditional marriage. gavin newsome in san francisco as mayor performed same-sex weddings even though it was illegal. did he get put in jail? he most certainly did not. you have barack obama and eric holder when he was attorney general they ignored the rulings of doma, did they get put in jail for ignoring the law? they most certainly did not but a county clerk in kentucky who acting on her christian faith is criminalized, jailed without bail because she acted on her conscience. >> fellow presidential candidate ted cruz will be meeting this afternoon. sarah, thanks for joining us. lot of supporters for kim davis out behind you, a noisy day there among her support. but there is a distinction
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between what other officials have done in different jurisdictions because she's responding in defiance of a supreme court ruling. so it's a case that has already been adjudicated according to the highest court in the land. >> reporter: yes, that is correct, but if you ask a lot of these protesters out here, i want to show you the crowd that's gathering in the anticipation of this rally, you will see a lot of signs out there citing biblical passages. for a lot of these people they say god's law is above man's law. others do not recognize the authority of the supreme court. they say they do not create laws, instead, just issuing opinions. obviously this is just one side of the debate and one sector of the protesters. you have really a lot of opinions, a lot of varied opinions throughout this crowd, you can see people behind me playing music, there have been preachers on bullhorns giving impromptu sermons out in the crowd leading of course to mike huckabee's 3:00 p.m. rally and visit with kim davis and this morning we learned that ted cruz
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will also be stopping here. this all comes on the heels of kim davis' legal team filing some motions in hopes of getting her out of jail. the filing asks the governor to accommodate her relingious convictions and not compel her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. in kentucky licenses are issued under the authority of the county clerk. davis stopped issuing all licenses after the supreme court's ruling. she was sued by several couples and the federal judge in this case ordered her to stop issue -- start issuing licenses, rather, last month. when she didn't comply with the order last thursday he ordered her to jail where she has been ever since. these protesters, demonstrators keeping a vigil of sorts ever since then. it's important to also to note that not all gop political candidates agree with cruz and with huckabee. for example, carly fiorina, lindsey graham and john kasich have all said publicly the supreme court has ruled, andrea, and it is time for kim davis to
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do her job. >> sarah dallop, thank you so much. thanks for being there in kentucky. the family of freddie gray reached a $6.4 million proposed settlement with the city of baltimore. the office of mayor stephanie rawlings-blake has confirmed that amount. the 25-year-old freddie gray died in april while in police custody. this tentative settlement still has to be voted on by the baltimore board of estimates tomorrow. according to the mayor's office, this would resolve all civil claims related to the city and the police department. the settlement has nothing to do with the criminal proceedings which are now under way involving the six officers charged in gray's death who were indicted and are scheduled to be given separate trials. the officers have all pleaded not guilty. open arms, germany welcoming thousands of refugees fleeing civil war in syria. what will the u.s. do? you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc.
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europe is continuing to struggle with the flood of migrants from war-torn countries pouring into europe by land and sea. we've got the story covered from every angle. chief deployable correspondent bill neely and new refugee processing center on the island of lesps in greece. >> reporter: for the last couple of weeks there has been a refugee crisis on this island, lesbos, with according to the u.n. 20,000 refugees effectively trapped here and unable to get off, because they haven't been able to get the transit papers they need to get on the ships and get to the greek island. now this is some kind of a solution, there's been a deal between the u.n. and the greek authorities to speed up the registration process, give these people the papers they need, and provide more police and more ships to get them to mainland greece. these people mostly from syria, though there are some iraqis and
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afghans as well hoping in the next 24 hours they can get away because some of them have been living in refugee camps with very few facilities, living on the street, no toilets, no showers, very little food. many people have used up a lot of the money if not all the money that they had and we've heard from doctors and cardiologists, from damascus, a police officer from iraq, a former political prisoner from syria, all reduced to the status as one of them said of gypsies. he said i'm a cardiologist but i've been reduced to a gypsy. i'm not just homeless, i'm countriless. but the flow of refugees continues. over the last couple of days there have been attempts to get across from turkey to greece in inflatable boats but the sea has been very choppy, and this morning we witnessed a dramatic rescue by the turkish coast guard of three inflatables with about 100 migrants on board.
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the winds are fairly high, the seas of choppy. that flow has if you like eased. this is some kind of solution to the problem, to the crisis here on this greek island, but this means that 20,000 people will now be pushed off this island onto mainland greece and will head for more problems in hungary, so it's part of a solution here, but not the solution to the whole problem. back to you, andrea. >> and our thanks to bill neely and right now to the border of hungary and austria, next stop for hundreds of migrants, men, women and children are waiting to get across the border into austria, we find nbc chief foreign correspondent richard engel who filed this report. >> reporter: european governments seem overwhelmed by this wave of migration which is still continuing. we're in hungary now, and the hungarian government has taken a much publicized hard line policy
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against the my grants and refugees with police rounding them up, taking them to camps but it is not discouraging people from coming. they are still arriving, thousands a day, maybe 3,000 a day according to official numbers, that the hungarian government knows about. the camps are full, so police are simply leaving people out in the open, they are sleeping in the dirt. it's getting cold here at night. and people are becoming increasingly frustrated. they say if you're not going to put us in camps, but you're not going to allow us to continue with our journey going north and west to germany and scandinavia, which is where they really want to go, then they say another solution must be found, that they cannot simply be left in the dirt out in the elements forever. some european officials are proposing what they are considering a solution, a quota system with the uk taking in 20,000 over the next several years, france 24,000, and
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germany 40,000. but that is really just a drop in the bucket, because germany says it will take in those 40,000 but at the same time says it expects 800,000 to arrive in germany just this year. so what happens to the hundreds of thousands of people in germany that germany says it won't process, will they be forcibly rounded up, will they be forted? where will they be forted to? will they be sent back to their home countries? all of these are unanswered questions. the hungarian government says its solution is to finish building a border fence. the border fence is supposed to be 12 feet high, 100 miles long and the hungarian prime minister was down in this area recently and says that work on the fence must be speeded up. once that fence is up, i expect we're going to see a big concentration of people trying to get in, there could be some violence. this is a big crisis, it is not going away, and europe, frankly, doesn't seem to have any plausible solutions. andrea? >> richard engel, thanks so you
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and to answer some of the questions, kelly cobiella joins me from munich, jeremy. the chancellor agreed to accept up to 800,000 my grants with open arms. how will they handle it? >> reporter: well, first off, that 800,000 number which has been talked about quite a bit, andrea, it's unclear whether that means 800,000 asylum seekers will arrive and among those some asylum applications will be rejected. i mean, in these groups of refugees, you also have economic migrants, people coming from balkan states like kosovo, albania. you have romani coming in claiming persecution in their home countries and macedonia. it's unclear how many of those people will actually settle in germany. i will mention, though, that people who are coming here know that germany is a place with
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friendly asylum rules. they know they will get help financially as they apply for asylum. we spoke to one young afghan who arrived here three months ago and he said you hear through other friends who have made it and through social media which countries are more friendly to asylum applications. andrea? >> thanks so much to kelly cobiella and the u.s. of course is considering pressure, certainly a lot of pressure from around the world to do more, some refugee internationals say the u.s. should take as many as 65,000 refugees. so far the united states has only taken in about 1,400. up next, the political reboot. our new poll numbers, are they causing the once presumptive front-runners to start worries? ? don't tell anybody, i think they're getting nervous. shhh, don't tell anybody. you owned your car for four years.
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you an off we go joyfully. >> the question is are you joyful? >> let's get some joy going, guys. >> preseason is over. hillary clinton isn't the only presidential candidate, trying to reboot her fall campaign. joining me is msnbc political analyst and former republican chairman michael steele and democratic strategist steve mcma han. welcome to both of but >> thank you. >> we've seen a lot from both sides of the presumptive front-runners taking a beating in the polls the last couple of days showing that donald trump is beating some of them and that joe biden is beating donald trump and doing better against trump than hillary clinton and sanders coming in ahead in new hampshire, so all of the above. michael steele, what is going on here in terms of the professional politicians that we can say versus the outsiders?
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>> sure. i think you're seeing a restlessness that has permeated the political infrastructure in a very real way. i know a lot of focus has been placed on the gop and donald trump and the magic that all that represents, but the democrats also have and have for some time their own particular dance with its base, and that's beginning to manifest itself. there is a reason a lot of people didn't talk about earlier in the season that bernie sanders is pulling this large audience of 15, 20, 30,000 people that again reflecting this restlessness that the infrastructure doesn't know what to deal with and the establishment really right now i think andrea has no idea how to get their hands around it. >> and one reflection of that is jeb bush's new television ad, take a look at this, this is jeb bush as an outsider. >> if you want more d.c. politicians, or more
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self-promoters, you got options. i'm offering something different. leadership, ideas, and a proven conservative record. >> so who is the self-promoter i'll ask you both. >> well, it seems a little low energy to me, i don't know what michael thought. i do though think that michael is right about the restlessness that's out there. you see it on both sides. you see it in general in the political environment across the country, people are tired of politics as usual, they're tired of washington, they're tired of the dysfunction, the partisanship and i think they're taking that out to some degree on jeb bush and lesser degree on hillary clinton in our primary, but there's no question that there's a restlessness out there that it's not a good year to be an establishment legacy candidate. >> with joe biden fanning the flames at the labor day parade in pittsburgh and bernie sanders now in first place in new hampshire, with that context, this is the way i framed it to
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hillary clinton on friday about whether this could be another one of the moments where she sees herself lapped by somebody who she never saw coming up. >> i think back to 2008, you were in the coffee shop in new hampshire, and people really saw a different side of you. perhaps you felt that it might be slipping away after what happened in iowa. do you think back about that, and do you worry that this could be happening again, that happened with your e-mail has created so much controversy that you could be losing this opportunity a second time. >> well, i don't feel that. i feel that i have questions to answer, which i intend to do at every turn with you and others about the whole e-mail issue, and to keep saying the same thing, and then also to keep making the case that i'm making for the presidency, what i stand for, what i've always stood for,
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what i will fight for, and how hard i will work to make sure that not just my granddaughter, but every child, every grandchild in america has the same chance to live up to his or her god-given potential. >> steve mcmahon, she's still among democrats considered to be a front-runner, even though sanders is leading her in some of these polls. >> yes. >> what about joe biden and the possibility that he would get it in? >> i'm one of those people who thinks and who watched in 2008 as hillary clinton got stronger and stronger, the more competitive the race got in the primary. joe biden getting in would not be a bad thing for hillary clinton. she's not able to push off of anything other than this e-mail scandal. the good news for our party this isn't a case where it's a left/right divide. this is establish the versus
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anti-establishment. it's the debate that's occurring in our party is not going to keep our nom fee from being successful in november in the same way that the debate occurring on the right is going to i think really hurt the republican nominee. >> and michael steele, the latest republican to tweet encouragement to joe biden getting in is rupert murdoch. republicans are enjoying the prospect of biden getting into the race and challenging hillary clinton. >> absolutely. i think republicans are looking at what's happening on the democratic side and to pick up on steve's point, she's in a primary against herself and losing and that is i think something that we take a little bit of delight in for sure. but the politics of that also says that hillary has something to be worried about. you can whistle past that graveyard all you want but you have the specter of 2008 looming large. you do have a base and even some establishment donors, and party
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officials who want someone else in the race, and from our perspective that's all good. >> michael steele, steve mcmahon, thank you so much. coming up next, clooney, bush, biden, spacy, burnett, the stars are lining for stephen colbert's network debut. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports qugsz only on msnbc. ugh! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies.
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it can help provide the additional control you may need. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! loving 35 to 12:30, hands in pocket, natural smiles, little teeth and the band. guests who do we have? something like clooney or somebody, i don't know. no, i don't want clooney. no clooney. too handsome. if i had anything distinctive before i'll still have it. we're not having any surgery done on my brain. am i having surgery done on my brain? someone tell me if i'm getting surgery done on my brain. >> tonight's the night stephen
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colbert will make his debut of host of "the letterman show." can he conquer late night tv for a second time and do it playing himself? joining me is joel lovell who wrote the cover story of colbert for "gq." you're one of the few people outside of the people around colbert who had insight into what he plans to do. who ises go to turn up on that stage tonight? >> that's a great question. i think the answer is that there's a whole range of stephen colberts who will turn up on stage. the one person who won't appear is the character he played on his former show. otherwise i think he'll range from his usual very smart, endearing congenial self and other characters he slips to depending on the situation. >> of course the blowhard cable tv host patterned after who
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knows whom. this is going to be not just celebrities, this is political as well. he has clooney, as he hinted at in the promo but also talking to a lot of politicians. >> absolutely. he's he a guy who is interested in politics, has a sophisticated sense of the american political scene and i think that i think he doesn't want to eschew that just for a more straight down the middle entertainment. >> a lot of focus in the last week on the fact that joe biden will be coming on and i've been told that that is not to announce whether he will or will not run, that their bond has to do with grief with colbert's personal tragedy of his father and brothers in a plane crash. >> yes, yes. i mean for people who don't know his story, he lost his father and two brothers when he was 10 years old. they died in a plane crash and that really is the most formative thing in his life, as he has said he feels like the marble that he's been sculpted
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from is engrained in that marble. >> and that is something that joe biden of course relates to not only because of his recent loss but also because of the horrific way in which he lost his wife. >> of course. >> and daughter, all those years ago, and which had an imprint on bo and hunter who survive that car crash their mother was in. >> absolutely. i think with colbert, you know, not only was he shaped by that loss, and his reaction to it i think was totally influenced by his mom, but people around him i think take from him some kind of inspiration that he just carries inside him from having dealt to that grief. >> one of the things that he obviously is doing is trying to break new ground. he's not going to be letterman, jimmy fallon or any of the others, jimmy kimmel, who are on the air already. he'll have his own distinct personality. >> absolutely. he has such a distinct
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personality anyway but i think his comic interests are different than those other hosts. he wants to push it i think in surprising directions even though there's a kind of template to late night television that you can't veer too far from. >> well, thank you very much for sharing your insights from the "gq profile." thanks so much. breaking news from kentucky an update, the same federal judge who sent kim davis, the county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses off to jail ordered her released from custody. more details to come. we don't know the timing of her release. the tech boom began in silicon valley. tech leaders across america are encouraging eager young minds to revitalize and shape communities. join us for a broadcast event as we equip and inspire the potential entrepreneurs for promising careers in technology.
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centre court tonight. venus is the next potential spoiler to seveis hserena's hop calendar slam. if she gets to the finish line and trophy it will be the first time since steffi graf won all four slams years ago. nbc's stephanie dposigosk has a preview. you have the best assignment of the day. >> reporter: no doubt it's a beautiful day here. >> venus does not have the record serena does and venus has been suffering from an auto immune disorder but she is in the round of 16 and potentially has this challenge. she's a competitor, wants to win but if she wins she spoils her sister's big chance. how does she balance that? >> reporter: i imagine gts'it's terrible position to be in and difficult on both sides.
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serena looking at her sister who haebt' won in several years. shes aa chance three wins away winning the u.s. open again. they're both in the spoiler roles of sorts. throughout the years they have faced off many times, more than a dozen, 26 times, serena has the bulk of those wins and most recently the most wins with 15, but they've shared the spoils in different ways and they both kind of categorize it as their situation of being a bittersweet victory when it happens, when they faced off at wimbledon at one point, serena said i'm really excited but at the same time i just beat my best friend, the person who i root for all the time unconditionally and so you can see how it's a double edged thing but for tennis fans and even quite frankly if you're not a tennis fan, the drama here tonight is going to be something that's irresistible for everybody. andrea? >> i think we'll all be watching. thank you so much. that does it for us and this edition of "andrea mitchell reports."
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tomorrow on the show senator dick durbin on the iran vote, they went over the top with 41 senators today. follow the show online, facebook and twitter. msnbc live" with thomas roberts is here next. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out ...with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis serious,sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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hi, everybody. today on "msnbc live" hillary clinton sinking in a brand new poll as joe biden and bernie sanders see their ratings rise. house is back in and at 2:00 p.m. eastern the clock ticking in on items including a vote on the iran nuclear deal. did president obama secure the votes needed to support his iran deal? updates on who is in, who is out and how congress plans to get it done in 12 days. it's good to have you with me. i i'm thomas roberts. a judge in kentucky ordered kim davis released. she's been in jail since thursday for contempt after refusing to issue same-sex
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marriage licenses. the release after her attorneys filed an emergency request for the governor to accommodate her religious convictions. people have been gathering to support her. rally is scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m. eastern today and her case gained the support of mike huckabee and ted cruz who planned to visit her in jail today. this is a suisse moving case and fast moving development that happened in the last 15 minutes. msnbc's sarah dallof is in kentucky. update us on when this was approved for her release and when we might see this cakim da emerge. >> reporter: when she might emerge is the big question. her lawyers didn't know ten minutes ago. the order is coming as a surprise to a lot of people. the court back in session today following the long holiday weekend. i had a chance to read through the order and in it the judge said the plaintiffs filed a report as requested by the cou
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