tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 8, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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being just harassed because they believe something of their faith. and we cannot criminalize the christian faith or anybody's faith in this country. and i'm praying that there will be remedies that do not involve putting someone in jail for their convictions, especially when the issue is whether the courts can just make a law out of thin air and then somehow try to apply it and punish people for not obeying something that's not a law. >> on friday, some licenses were issued. we're told by some people that mrs. davis' name was not actually on the license. is that the case? or not? and if so, what does she plan to do tomorrow? >> the licenses issued were issued without the clerk of rowan county and not valid. they -- there are criminal laws in kentucky that say that if you issue a license to someone that
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is not authorized by statute that there are criminal penalties for that. kim davis because of the 5-4 opinion of june 26, chose to not issue any licenses because of serious criminal penalty to wrongfully issue a license. you cannot just voluntarily change the certificate. you cannot issue a license to those that are not authorized under kentucky law and the general assembly has not met to clarify the licenses in kentucky so kim davis cannot, number one, violate her conscience and she is going to also file with the kentucky law which is a very serious violation for wrongfully issuing a license. >> so we have a lot of people waiting in the hot sun. we are going to get her out and be with joe and -- >> was it worth it for you?
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yes or no? >> thank you, guys. >> let me say that kim will come out at the very end. there's people here that came from washington state, from parts of mexico and texas and around the country, around the texas-mexican border just to say thank you for kim. she will speak briefly to thank those people who came to support her. as far as further substantive discussion on the merit ofts case with media, we'll make whatever arrangements we need to as time goes on this week and next week for kim to -- to address what she needs to. we'll be having to meet with her as her attorneys. to consider the next step. we still have appeals in the process. and kim plans to return back to work. she's not going to abandon her job or her people so she'll
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continue her job. but i can tell you she's been in this jail for six days. she's not getting out because she violated her conscience. her conscience remains clear today as it was when she first walked into these jail cells and it will remain clear in the future. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> back to work tomorrow or when? >> you have been listening to presidential candidate mike huckabee. they're speaking to the media moments ago following the release from jail. i'm jonathan capehart. kim davis is free. we're now waiting for her to adress her supporter who is are holding a rally outside the detention center. nbc's sarah dallof is live in grayson, kentucky. sarah, when's the latest on the ground there? what are you seeing? >> reporter: hi, jonathan, because of the events over the last couple of hours they have gone ahead and started this
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rally early. we're waiting to hear from kim davis' attorneys say she will address the crowd. strictly to thank them, not commenting on the legalities of this case or what she sees for herself going forward. right now, behind me, this's tony perkins, president of the family research council and he is leading the crowd as best i describe it an impromptu sermon asking them to repeat after him, say praise the lord, jesus is king. things like that. this is taking on a very religious, godly tone here this afternoon. davis has become this symbolic soldier in the perceived fight of christian values for this crowd. they're harrowing as a hero standing up for what she believes on. let's go over what transcribed this afternoon. the judge issued an order, ordering her released saying the plntiffs issued a report they were able to obtain the marriage licenses on friday after davis'
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deputy clerks began to issue them and the court is satisfied, the office is fulfilling the obligation of licenses to all eligible couples. now, based on this, the judge ordered her released and not interfere with the issuances of these licenses so it remains to be seen how she proceeds going forward. her attorneys had argued that since her name and her office is listed on the marriage licenses that it was her authority granting same-sex couples the right to marry. right after the supreme court issued its judgment, her office stopped issuing any licenses, same-sex, opposite-sex. several couples sued. the judge ordered her to resume issuing licenses and refused on thursday he held her in contempt of court. put her in jail for the long weekend and now the result of this we have seen is huge gathering of people for a rally to hear mike huckabee speak as well as other featured speakers and owl of them overshadowed by kim davis herself expected to
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take the podium in the coming moments. >> sarah, not everyone throughout is supporting kim davis. you spoke with some people who are concerned about what message this case is sending. >> reporter: yeah. that is correct. while the overwhelming majority here on the site is in support of kim davis, it would be indroekt say they all are and they all 0 r in town. several people said the supreme court ruled and it is law and she needs to do her job and others are concerned about the rhetoric that's being thrown around here. the thing that is are being said about homosexual people, some hate speech we have encountered out here. they say that doesn't achieve anything, that doesn't reach any standard conclusion and we talked to a presbyterian pastor saying that isn't what his church believes and so you have a lot of opposing viewpoints,
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jonathan. not just political but religious, as well. >> let's ask you, davis' attorney moments ago said she won't violate her conscience. what happens now in terms of the compromise that has the deputies signing marriage licenses? >> reporter: yeah, that is the key question right now. her attorneys upon hearing the news said that this basically just puts us back at square one. her attorneys had asked the governor to step in and provide relief, accommodations for her so marriage licenses are issued and not under the authority of her name and title. nothing in that regard changed. all that's changed in here is her deputy clerks are issuing those licenses. he name and her title as far as we know are still on those licenses. and so what remains to be seen is if she tries to stop her deputies from issuing the licenses or if she continues to allow same-sex couples to receive the licenses out of her office.
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>> sarah dallof, thank you. joiping me now is perry bacon. perry, this is turning into a 2016 issue now. governor huckabee is there. senator ted cruz is there. they're both there in kentucky. but not everyone in the 2016 republican field shares their view in this. >> yeah. you seen the split. ted cruz and mike huckabee are there in kentucky. bobby jindal spoken out and spoken in defense of mrs. davis. but you have also seen candidates like carly fiorina particularly among the more moderate candidates saying essentially why, you know, this woman works for the government. she needs to obey the laws of the government and government requires same-sex marriage. she can resign if she likes. shows us the wide range of the split of the republican party. you've seen after the ruling in june, you saw people like jeb bush, marco rubio, iffiorina an
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and huk bee used the word tyranny and not surprised by this in the cruz and huckabee the candidates trying to appeal to christian conservatives the most, huckabee famously won iowa in 2008. he's a pastor himself. people who i expected to be there are down there. >> kim davis as you said, you know, she is an elected position. she was elected last year. it is a job that is $80,000 a year. one way for her to be removed from that office is if she were to be impeached. how unlikely is that? >> since she was just e leblgted, she was elected for this job, i suspect that -- i don't know the politics of that county that well but you can tell by the crowd people supporting her and she has some people defending her and if she were impeached she would file suit i'm sure because we're in a fight that's become conservatives been saying this for a while. moving from gay marriage debate to the religious freedom debate and kim davis is saying this is
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my religious freedom vie violated and do i have to agree with it? do i have to bake the cake? >> take the photos. >> this is what we're headed toward. >> this is the impact on the presidential race an one thing no one is talking about is in the commonwealth of kentucky, there's a governor's race this year. how's this playing in that race? who stands to ben in it and who is scared to death of this? >> interestingly, you know, nationally there's been a big wave of support. polls shown gay marriage support is rising a lot. it's risen in kentucky but it is a close issue and seen the republican candidate for governor, matt bevin, he is tweeting and talking about kim davis and been very much in defense of her versus democrat jack conway is quiet. he's said she should issue the licenses and careful and not rallying and suggesting the politics of kentucky in his mind
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at least is divided and not sure how to react. the republicans been aggressive. the democrat not so aggressive on this. >> judge david bunning, he is the one that first ordered kim davis to jail and also the judge that ordered her released. he is a bush appointee. should we read anything into that? >> i don't. a lot of federal judges that ruled that gay marriage bans were illegal were republican and not surprised he is involved and he is kind of taken the side of pro-marriage, pro-marriage equality advocates and the issue is moved most, kim davis we should note, most counties in the country in the south in kentucky are issuing these marriage licenses to all couples and kim davis is an anomaly within an anomaly. an unusual person taking the stand. >> that's a point evan wilson of freedom to marriage, a pro-marriage equality group is
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making for days to understand since the federal decision 99.9% of the counties in the country as you said following the law. kim davis is one of three county clerks in kentucky who aren't issuing marriage licenses. but in terms of the politics of all of this, again, is there a danger of, say, ted cruz and mike huckabee who, again, down there in kentucky and at the carter county detention cent we are kim davis, is there a danger of them overplaying the hand in being a part of this? >> you know, i don't think it is for their politics because ted cruz and mike huckabee trying to be the advocates of christian conservatives and tea party republicans who the polls show reluctant to support gay marriage so i would be surprised if jeb bush or carly fiorina or john kasich went there but
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because they're the moderate republicans and bobby jindal, making a political decision and also note mike huckabee and ted cruz believe this in their heart that is marriage is between a man and woman and i don't believe they're -- maybe they're doing something to help them politically and a view that's long held for them. >> right. i mean, we are talking about two people in terms of the latest polls. two people at the top. donald trump and ben carson and then there's everybody else and then huckabee and cruz who are way down there below 4%. >> right. >> i'm wondering in terms of the people in the race who are not there with huckabee and cruz on this, i'm thinking of carly fiorina or jeb bush, who's trying to straddle the line, what kind of pressure does that put on them in the primary race? because i could imagine that this is something that republican primary voters base voters find very important and might look down on or look negatively on those not with
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huckabee and cruz on this. >> this issue is moving so fast and we have seen in the republican primary is 17 candidates and as far as i know none of those candidates are explicitly for gay marriage. they're not for marriage equality as of such and all of them pretty much say marriage is between a man and a woman. at the last debate, john kasich noted that he attended a same-sex wedding of two friends and trying to signal he's a more tolerant person. i'm not sure that even the candidates know where the issue is moving. i don't think you're going to get a backlash for not participating in this. but i don't think it's going to hurt you either. i think it's an issue where -- conservative voters are sorting through this in a lot of ways and tell that in the polling and with the polling showing if you have friends or people you know who are gay, more likely to be supportive of same-sex marriage and more and more people in america experience that at the
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same time this notion that christianity does not support gay marriage is something that a lot of people -- they have kim davis' view and not unique among christians. >> gop autopsy said that for millennials, to reach millennials, the republican party needed to be open and welcoming to gay and les byian people or more open on marriage equality. what does what we're seeing here in kentucky do to that sort of aspect of the gop autopsy? >> it's a great question. you know, i'm not sure you can be elected president in 2016 in america if you're not pro-gay marriage. this is just looking at the polling. not sure about that. republicans trying to figure this out now and 17 candidates i don't think any are for gay marriage and i assume once you get the nomination, always room to like move to the left and reinvent yourself a little bit and i think this's the core question. the autopsy, of course, talked about how -- latinos and how they should appeal to them and
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did not imagine a world in which huckabee and cruz down there and donald trump talking about mexicans and fences and the autopsy is thrown out the window in some ways perry bacon, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. coming up, much more live from kentucky including a look at the legal ramifications of this case. and still ahead, back to business. congress returns to capitol hill after a five-week recess and the first order of business, the iran nuclear deal. go get help, boy. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty...
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county clerk kim davis. she is expected to thank the hundreds of supporter there is to greet her leaving the detention center. let's head back to nbc's sarah dallof live in grayson, kentucky. >> reporter: still waiting for kim davis to take the stage. her laurels said she will not comment on the kiss and the surprise release from the dekrend detention center today. on the stage is casey davis, the county clerk of casey county, he also said will not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and explaining the stance to the crowd encouraging them to raise money for a special session of the legislature. some are calling for the special session so that they may pass a law changing the requirement for kentucky county clerks to issue marriage licenses under their authority. under the county clerk's authority. one of the issues in this case
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here. right now, kim davis a free woman after spending five days in jail. she and her county clerk's office had stopped issuing all marriage lines shortly after the decision and several sued her. the judge ordered her to begin reissuing the licenses and she refused on thursday, he held her in contempt and sent her to jail. this is a very pro-kim davis crowd. in would be hard pressed to find anybody with a differing viewpoint here but in town you hear a different viewpoint both from those that support same-sex marriage and regardless of the stance on it, the supreme court ruled and time for kim davis to do her job, jonathan. back to you. >> sarah, thanks again. here with us now is caleb mason, a former federal prosecutor. thank you for being here today. what do you make of the judge reversing the decision to hold kim davis in contempt? >> well, it appears that the
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judge is satisfied that the clerk's office is doing its constitutional duty and there is no longer the open defiance of the court's order previously. >> but she is expected to return to work tomorrow but if she continues to refuse to issue marriage licenses, then what? >> well, her options would be to simply not do anything and let her deputies continue to issue the licenses. in which case people would be getting the licenses and what the constitution requires. it does sound from the rhetoric that we have heard from far from her lawyer that she does not want to do that. if she were to cease issuing the licenses or, you know, demand that her deputies stop doing so, or make public statements in which she challenged the val validity of the previously-issued licenses she would be in violation and she
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would be subject to being reincarcerated. >> speaking of her attorneys, some alternatives the attorneys proposed creating an opt-out measure deputizing a neighboring county clerk, taking her name of the licenses and having the state distribute the licenses. do any of those sound reasonable to you? >> they all sound fine and reasonable. if the state of kentucky wants to do that. does she have the right to demand that from the federal court? and i think the answer there is no. the district court does not have the power to change kentucky law or to set up some kind of an ad hoc exemption for her. the legislature could do that if it wanted to and may well and that would be a satisfactory solution to this but, no. as a demand that she makes as a terntive to her being in contempt, no. she does not have the right to
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demand this. >> is it the judge or would it have to be the state to come up with a situation where they moved the power to issue all marriage licenses in rowan county to another office in the could county government? >> right. that would have to be an act of the state legislature. all the district court can do is ensure that the law of the land, federal constitutional law, respecting the fundamental right of all people to marry is complied with. as long as that is complied with, the district court has done all that it can do. the district court may impose sanctions on the local official responsible. namely the clerk. they do not have the right to rewrite state law to make her feel comfortable about the manner of which she does her job. she can't demand it from him. >> caleb mason, thank you for joining us this afternoon. we'll continue to follow that
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breaking news out of kentucky waiting for kim davis to address the crowd. next, we turn to 2016 politics and the question on everyone's lips. will joe run? these two oil rigs look the same. can you tell what makes them so different? did you hear that sound? of course you didn't. you're not using ge software like the rig on the right. it's listening and learning how to prevent equipment failures, predict maintenance needs, and avoid problems before they happen. you don't even need a cerebral cortex to understand which is better. now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized. and now i'm going to get them to milsmell my shirt.uys, smells good yesterday i washed my clothes in new downy fresh protect. it's like deodorant, for your clothes. you just throw it in with your detergent, it neutralizes odor on the spot new downy fresh protect a disacan mean at keeps you broken dreams
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and you are looking there on the left side of the screen. kim davis' attorney speaking to the crowd outside of the carter county detention center in kentucky where moments ago kim davis, the rowan county clerk, was released from prison. let's take a listen. >> we have here in this country and that that's not the kind of america i think that the majority of american people want to go forward. kim stood up for her beliefs and for the law. in kentucky if you issue a license that's not authorized by statute it is a criminal violation. and that statute is not changed
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by the general assembly in the commonwealth of kentucky. kim davis was attacked by individuals who wanted to attack her as an individual. they wanted to talk about her past marriages. they wanted to talk about her past failings. they wanted to talk about how she had as in kim's words played in the devil's playground and done a lot of things that she regrets and what she's not proud of. but you know what? four and a half years ago that was a kim davis that was then and there's a different kim davis now. [ applause ] because kim understood and was able to experience the grace of jesus christ who loved her, gave himself for her and freely forgives her all of her sins and throws them into the bottom of the ocean and cast them as far
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as the east is from the west. and when she went to church that sunday night, at the dying wish of her mother-in-law, for her just to try church one time, she gave herself to the lord jesus. she was a broken lady. she wept because she realized for the first time that there's a god who loved her, gave himself for her and forgave her of her sins. kim davis never thought she would be a person in the national spotlight. she does not consider herself a hero. she does not consider herself a martyr. she considers herself kim davis, faithful follower of the lord jesus christ. [ applauds ] >> we continue to follow the breaking news in kentucky turned into a 2016 political issue with senator ted cruz and governor mike huckabee turning out to support county clerk kim davis. in other 2016 news, a brand new
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poll has troubling news for hillary clinton. in the last month support of democrats shun from 52% to 43 trs. and joe biden's backing of democrats on the rise. 63% currently support the vice president or would if he runs for the democratic ticket. the vp match it is former secretary of state in favorability of the democrats, 71% have a favorable view of each but hillary clinton's unfavorable rating is almost twice as high as the vice president's. the poll comes amid more news of the clinton e-mail controversy. "the new york times" reports a second intelligence review found two e-mails on the personal account, quote, contained highly classified information when she received them. she min taned the e-mails did not contain classified information. joining me now is msnbc political reporters. guys, thanks for being here.
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alex, let's start with you. the numbers are striking and the clinton campaign is doing a reset. it wants to show mrs. clinton's softer side. humor and her heart. alex, why is this something that actually needs to be announced? >> right. i mean, this is a point that you get to in a lot of presidential campaigns when the going gets rough. you hear cries for letting the candidate be the candidate and, you know, letting the humanity shine through. but you risk if you announce it, if you have too many focus groups and polling around it, upsetting trying to appear more spontaneous and down to earth. which is a criticism we have heard about hillary clinton for a listening time going back to the 2008 campaign. this time was supposed to be different. remember, she started out in the skooby van driving to iowa. made the speech referencing her mother's story and her grandmother and still despite all of that she had trouble
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connecting and then joe biden waiting in the wings the complete opposite stylistically. i was just with him yesterday in pittsburgh and running across the street to hug people and to take selfies and just a huge contrast in style there that i think the campaign is well aware of. >> michael, speaking of vice president biden, alex said and he was there, pittsburgh yesterday marching with the head of the afl-cio, and got a great reception of union workers. if the vice president does run, how much does union support help him? >> i think it helps significantly. in a democratic primary where union support is still a significant part of that democratic base. a lot of people talking about, you know, does joe biden get in and compete with bernie sanders as the not clinton, the not hillary and i think biden and many ways sort of is a better candidate than hillary clinton for that wing of the party for the sort of union, sort of classical democrat part of the
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party that bill clinton did very well with in the '90s and hillary clinton supposedly would do well with if she were the nominee but she's not doing well with. i think biden in many ways is sort of a, you know, he doesn't have the ability to say, he would be the first woman president and which is what hillary clinton would have and he's better at it as alex pointed out, retail politics of side things and joe biden getting in, spotlight takes the shine off the vice president but it can also make people maybe look up and say, wait a second. we could do better than the scandal-ridden hillary clinton. >> alex, let's turn attention to the republicans and nbc/marrist poll has trump leading with 29% of the iowa republicans and dr. carson is closing the gap with 22 pst and in a piece i wrote today, carson's pole vault could be due to eagerness of republicans to show they have
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their own brilliant black man to support. and here's what ben carson said about the faith in god and running for president. >> all the pundits and all the experts say it's impossible for someone like me to put together a national organization, to be able to raise adequate funds, do all the thing that is are necessary. which kind of comforted me hearing that. anyway, but i said, if you really want me to do it, you have to open the doors and if you open the doors, i'll walk through them. >> alex, your reaction to all that? >> well, the fact that we have donald trump and ben carson at the top of the republican field just goes to show how strong this anti-establishment mood is. neither is politicians and in any traditional sense stylistic and bombast and bravado and
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carson is much quieter. he's coming across qui yetter. a brain surgeon, and if they don't want a career politician, turned off by donald trump's bravado he is an obvious place to go and then iowa, you have iowa nice. that could be a part of his support. >> we have to cut this short. thank you very much. >> thanks. as we i said, we're continuing to follow developments out of kentucky where kim davis is released from jail. we'll listen to governor mike huckabee and then take a quick break. >> i know there are some people who will say that this is a rally of hate. they would be wrong. i know this. and i think i speak for you. we don't gather here today because we hate anybody. we gather here today because we
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love god and we love this great country. and we do not want to see this country become the smoldering remains of what once was a great republic where the people ruled and it's exchanged for a place where five unelected lawyers think that they can rule. we're here to say, no, they cannot. our founders warned us of the consequences of forgoting something that most of us learned in ninth grade civics. we learned that there are three branches of government. not one but three. we learned this each of those branches is equal to the other. and i believe that in the providence of god the founders were inspired to create a unique form of government that is never
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existed before, that was based on the premise that it understood that we are frail. that we are sinners. and that as such, we could not be trusted with too much power so the power was distributed and balanced so that no one individual and no one body would have so much power that they could rule over others without checks and balances. this is the genius of our constitution. this is what we have all agreed would be our contract that we would live under. and it was understood that the courts would have within it a supreme court which means that of all the courts it has the ultimate authority within that one branch. but it's limited. it can only review a law. it can even recommend the application. but the founders never gave that one branch of government the
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power to make the law. that is reserved for the representatives of the people. our founders were so concerned that they said that should we ever come to the place that we allow a court to run amuck of its purpose that we would be living under what is no less than judicial tyranny. that's why we gather today. it is far more than one clerk saying she will not issue marriage licenses. it's that every one of us will have to decide whether or not we want to keep this great republic or whether we're willing to sacrifice it and surrender it to tyranny. and i think we gather together
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here today to say we will not sunday tore the tyranny of one branch of government. [ applause ] i do not think that it is possible to explain america apart from the providence of almighty god. there is no other explanation for how this country could have come into being. that's no other explanation for how this country could have been sustained. the only explanation is that god intervened. and i believe this week once again as forrest gump so wonderfully said, god showed up. and he showed up in the form of an elected democrat named kim davis. now, i only bring that into it because i don't want people to think that this is an issue about democrats and republicans. because it was a republican
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judge who put her in this jail to begin with. i don't care what party a person is as much as i care whether or not they believe that this country was founded on basic fundamental principles that all of us must live under and for those who want the courts to make laws so the politicians can be excused and cowardly hide behind the court and not take a stand, i say that is exactly what our country was not supposed to be. so today, we gather. we thought so that we could rally and maybe get the attention of not only a judge but of the world to say america is not dead and those of us who
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love this country are not walking away, running away, or hiding. we come to take the stand today. we will stand with kim. we will stand with the constitution. and we will stand with our faith and will not be bullied, no matter even if they incarcerate us. [ applause ] i have a message for the judge. and i say this with all my heart. if this judge believes that somebody must be put in jail because a person is willing to stand on the biblical definition of marriage and is willing to stand because they believe that the constitution does not allow the courts to make up law according to their own whims, if the judge believes that then i
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would ask this of him. let kim go. but if you have to put someone in jail i volunteer to go. let me go. lock me up. if you think that's how freedom is best served. because, folks, i am willing to spend the next eight years in the white house leading this country but i want you to know i'm willing to spend the next eight years in jail but i'm not willing to spend one day under the tyranny of people who believe they can take our freedom and conscience away. [ applause ] we have all come today for the purpose of seeing kim davis free. earlier today, a judge has at
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least decided that she no longer is going to have to stay in this incarceration center behind us. again, i say thanks to r.w. bogs the jailer who has treated her with kindness and decency and respect as has all the staff and all the people of this county. and i pay tribute to them. but i thought before we left today maybe you would like to personally express your thanks to the person who had the courage to cause a lot of people to start standing up, a person whose courage exceeds that of 99.9% of the politicians of this country. and sadly, that exceeds a bunch of even the pastors of this country. but i believe that her act is going to wake up the politicians, the pastors and the
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glory. his people have rallied and you are a strong people! we serve a living god who knows exactly where each and every one of us is at. just keep on pressing. don't let down. because he is here. and he's worthy. he's worthy. i love you guys. thank you so much. [ applause ] >> and let's hear her it for her husband joe who's been a faithful, strong supporter at her side. [ applause ]
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ladies and gentlemen, your prayers have been answered. kim will tonight go home. she will be with her family. she will sleep in her own bed. but all of us need to ask who's next? your pastor? the head of a school? when's next? my question as we leave here today, will you be ready to take the stand even at expense to yourself to stand firm for your convictions for the constitution and for your faith and will not waver nor fall? god bless you. thank you for being here today. and may the lord be with you and give you his strength. god bless you. ♪
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>> you were just listening to governor mike huckabee there to rally in kentucky for just-released rowan county clerk kim davis who had been in jail since thursday where she was ordered to stay because she would not issue marriage licenses. not only to same-sex couples but to opposite-sex couples. let's head back to nbc's sarah dallof live in grayson, kentucky. sarah? >> reporter: it was the woman the crowd was waiting for. kim davis a few seconds ago on the stage, emotionally thanking her supporters. she did not comment on the kiss as the lawyer had told us she would not do that. but did take a moment to thank her supporters. her husband indicated to us she was aware of what was going on, the frenzy outside of the detention center but as to the extent she knew, she was very overwhelmed by the extent of thousands of people out here. now, her lawyer took the stand before her and said that she
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cannot in good conscience continue to allow her name and authority on the license and that's a confusing point for us. nbc news obtained the licenses of one of the same-sex couples ishlsed on friday and same-sex couples on friday and interestingly it doesn't have her name on it. it doesn't have her name or office. i had the deputy clerk's name and the deputy clerk's signature. a point we're not clear on right now. her attorney says she'll return to work later this week. she spent four and a half days in jail, four and a half day, five nights in jail total. her husband says reading the bible much of the time. her attorneys indicated it is kind of back to square one on the issue. that the legal issues in this case have not been necessarily resolved. instead the judge found that since the office was allowing the deputy clerks to issue licenses of both same-sex and opposite sectix couples it was fulfilling its duty to offer
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licenses to all eligible couples. but it still remains to see where this is going. >> the question i have is will kim davis report back to work tomorrow? is that in the plans? >> right now it's been left as the vague this week. she'll report back to her job this week. they did mention she'll be home with her family and close friends today. her husband joe has been out here every day. but when exactly thiele she'll go back to the office remains to be seen. and when a same-sex couple goes in seeking a license, that also remains to be seen. her deputies began issuing licenses on friday to at least four same-sex couples. they have 30 days to get married after the date of issuance. her attorneys have said they are not worth the paper they are printed on. they are not valid since they don't contain her signature or her authority.
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the county attorney says the licenses are fine. >> thank you very much. we've all been watching the rally down there in kentucky after the release of kim davis after being in jail since thursday for refusing to issue marriage licenses not only to same-sex couple bus also to opposite sex couples. we'll have more after the break. just might be the one. to clean the oceans, to start a movement, or lead a country. it may not be obvious yet, but one of these kids is going to change the world. we just need to make sure she has what she needs. welcome to windows 10. the future starts now for all of us. if ynow's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have.
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more on the breaking news out of kentucky. we've been watching this past hour the release of kim davis. she's the county clerk who is been in jail since thursday for refusing to issue marriage licenses. a federal judge ordered her to issue those marriage licenses but instead of following the judge's order she opted to go to jail. and as i said she's been in jail since thursday. and now she's expected to go back to work at some point this week. we don't know exactly when that might be. but that is it for us t 3:00 i'm jonathan capehart. ayman mow hayden is up next with the breaking news of kim davis's release. audible safety beeping mow ng audible safety beeping
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breaking news out of kentucky where a county clerk kim davis was released from jail and moments ago addressed a massive crowd gathered outside to support her. take a listen. >> oh i love you all so very much. i just want to give god the glory -- [ applause ] -- you are a strong people. just keep on pressing. don't let down. because he is here. [ applause ] -- worthy. i love you guys. thank you so much. >> davis was released today after the judge lifted the contempt order against her but ordered her not to interfere are her deputies issue
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