tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 11, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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donald trump reigned supreme in iowa, as a new poll shows he surged 17 moints there the last month. and will he or won't he? joe pieden speaks out on a possible run. >> do you have anything you would like to tell us right now about your plans? >> yes. [ applause ] i think you should run for president again, and i'll be your vice president. >> also developing, is there a break in the hunt for a phoenix sniper or snipers? police are questioning two people of interest. we're live in phoenix straight ahead. and move over deflategate. are you ready for this? head set gait. mike tomlin is not happy about a head set issue. now the nfl is reviewing the incident. >> we were listening to the patriots radio broadcast for the majority of the first half on
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our head sets. >> today a new poll out of iowa shows donald trump leading the pack the ben carson in second place and both candidates surging double digits since june. today ben carson spent the day in ferguson immediameeting with mayor and the residents. and. >> i do want to respond to donald trump's charges? >> the answer is no. i really don't. i've made it clear that i was not attacking him. it was interpreted that way by the media. and i think he took the bait. but i'm not taking the bait. i'm not going there. >> we'll have more on carson's trip to ferguson and the comments about the need to deemphasize the issue of race. and carly fiorina was in arizona talking leadership. including this apparent dig at
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donald trump. >> leadership is not about the size of your office. the size of your airplane. the size of your helicopter. it is not about your title. it is not about your ego. leadership is about service. >> joining me now, former governor of pennsylvania and nbc political analyst ed rendell and michael steele. michael, you saw fiorina's subtle dig but neither she nor carson seems to want to go after trump directly. >> you don't want to do that. it is a dangerous proposition to take him on directly. and i think, you know, some folks are now coming to the realization that subtlety is probably the best policy in dealing with donald trump. you hit, you move. you stick it and you go. the key thing for these guys and
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gals is to stay focused on your message. figure a way to break beyond where you are with the rest of the pack to catch up to where he is. and you don't do that by engaging him directly. governor trump tops the new iowa poll. but here is something that is interesting. the same poll finds 25% of iowa republicans say they would not definite support him. what do you make of that? >> well i think there is a segment of the republican voting base that finds a lot of what donald trump is talking about to not be to their liking. and if he became the candidate, which i still believe is unlikely. but if he did, he'd have to fight a moderate democrat, someone like a hillary clinton or joe biden, he'd have to fight them to hold those republican voters in line. whereas a john kasich or bush or rubio wouldn't have to struggle the keep voters in the republican column. >> what do you make of ben cars
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b's surge? does this surprise you? was he breaking late and now look at him he's number 2 in iowa? >> yeah it doesn't surprise me. because i think the telltale signs have been the base of the republican party, particularly those who are activists and voters have been disenchanted and downright angry in fact with the establishment order. they want to shake this up. we saw this trend line begin back in 2009. it is now reached the presidential level. where, the activists, the tea party, whatever you want to call them are saying enough is a enough. we are looking for leaders who are going to be real and honest and authentic about what they are going do. stop lying to us. and both carson and carly and certainly donald trump speak to that particular -- >> they represent that disruption -- >> as the manifestation. and best said this morning on morning joe. where the idea -- and chuck todd said this. someone like cars season a place
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holder for that anger right now. now, for him it is an opportunity. because he can take that and then begin to shape it which is why you hear him back pedaling. i don't want to get into this back and forth with donald trump because he realizes he the move the needle a little further in favor of his direction. >> let me ask about joe biden. he was on colbert last night. let's play clip. >> i don't think any man or woman should run for president unless number one, they know exactly why they would want to be president and two, they can look at the folks out there and say "i promise you you have my whole heart, my whole soul, my energy and my passion do this." and i'd be lying if i said that i knew i was there. >> i want your opinion on this in a second but governor, political reports -- and we have it on the screen -- that people
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around joe bide reason increasingly convinced he's going to run for president and yet a lot of people who watched colbert last night certainly didn't see a candidate in that interview. your thoughts? >> i think joe has two problems about running for president. number one, i think he's being very honest. i think he's beaten up inside. losing bo was just a horrible thing. and he's not sure whether he could devote 110% to the campaign. i think a year from now if he were elected president he could devote and would devote 110% of himself to being president. but he's not sure and as anyone who's run for office, michael i'm sure would agree, youn't can't run unless you are in 100% all the way. that is number one. and number two. joe is a good politician. he looks at the polls and he's behind bernie sanders and behind hillary clinton. and he and hillary clinton are almost identical in views and
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experiences and the only by a he claims over hillary clinton is by going after her. and he can't go after her on the issues. and he would have to go after her on character issues. and i'm not sure he wants to do that. he and hillary are good friends and i'm not sure he has the stomach for that type of campaign. >> michael, do you see an opening for joe biden with the democratic landscape as it is now? bernie sanders surging and hillary clinton -- >> i do absolutely see an opening. as to a whole lot of other democrats. and i absolutely agree with the governor that he can't do it unless he's 110% into it. my sense is he really wants to. the fight he's having internally is how does he do it in light of the way he has to do it? and knowing what the potential outcome could be. hillary is a friend. it could rip a hole in the democratic party. so he's weighing a lot but i think he wants to do. >> do you think the democrat want party wants to see these
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two go at it. >> i think they do. because the democrats i talk to around the country, despite the fun they mike r like to make of what is going on in the republican side with trump and all of that. they appreciate what it is doing for all the candidates. it is pushing the conversation internally. it is pushing it externally. and that is not happening right now for the democrats. >> interesting. all right. well governor let me ask about hillary clinton quickly. she's getting attention for these comments in ohio yesterday. she said she pleads guilty to being a moderate. take a listen. >> i get accused of being kind of moderate and center. i plead guilty. i think sometimes it is important when you are e in the elected arena you try to figure out you bring people together to get something done, instead of just standing on the opposite sides yelling at each other. >> so the conventional wisdom is you don't campaign as the moderate during the primary, especially when bernie sanders who is left of her is leading in new hampshire and according to at least one poll.
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do you think that position hillary clinton took to come out as a moderate is the right step for national campaign or for the primary campaign? >> i think it is the right step for any campaign. i think as someone whose run for office and i have run 16 times, you have to tell vote frers the beginning who you are. you can't try to pretend to be someone you are not. mitt romney tried to pretend to be a hard right conservative and never could escape from the fact he attacked to the right and people saw he wasn't entirely sincere. they looked and said this guy is a not a real conservative. he would have been better running for the governor of massachusetts. hillary clinton is a moderate. but moderate for the democratic party is center left. the republican party moderates are center right. and there is nothing wrong with that because i think people -- the great majority of americans are yearning for someone who can
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bring both sides together. which is why i still believe if you pick the nominees it will be hillary clinton and jeb bush because they are the two people who have the best chance to bring this mess in washington together. and i'm not saying they will but they have the best chance to do it. >> gentlemen, thank you both for joining us. as we mentioned earlier, republican presidential candidate ben carson spent the day in ferguson meeting with leaders in the community. he was asked why he travelled to ferguson after. >> why did i come here? so much of what i've said in the past deemphasizes race. because we need to deemphasize race. and we need to emphasize respect. i think that a lot of people perceive everything through racial eyes. but my point is that we don't have to do that.
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>> all right. joij me now is trymaine lee. he said fergus season is a very important epicenter. and you asked why he didn't meet with black lives matters activists. let's take listen to what he said. >> you know, my beef with black lives matter movement has been i think they need to add a word. and that word is all. all black lives matter, including the once that are eradicated by abortions. including the ones that are eradicated on the streets every day by violence. >> what was the general reaction to carson today in ferguson and in the wake of those specific comments. >> ayman, so as you mentioned ben carson met a handful of stakeholders and the community
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leaders right before this press availability. i was able to speak to a few of them. and one thing they were pleased he was here and seemed to be listening. others said they had invited every presidential candidate to come here to ferguson. what better stage to have this big conversation about race and justice in america than ferguson? so the people who were here at least, again, a little more than a dozen people met with carson before the press conference, said they were pleased he was here. and it wasn't overly politicized. they felt their voices were being heard. to have the opportunity to sit down with a presidential candidate for over an hour and discuss the progress, the pain, all that's been going on in this community. focus really appreciated it. >> thank you for that update. a potential new lead in the search for a sniper or snipers who have terrorized a freeway in arizona. police questioned two people of
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interest. plus the nypd just released this surveillance video from that incident involving former tennis star player james blake. more on this tape ahead. and a major upset in the world of tennis. we're going tell you all about it. sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested and ready to enjoy the morning ahead aleve pm. the first to combine a sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last until the am. so you... you... and you, can be a morning person again. aleve pm for a better am. check your sunday paper and save $3 next week.
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but they are saving water. we have a lot of projects at pg&e that can help them with that and that's extremely important while we're in a drought. it's a win for the customer and it's a win for california. together, we're building a better california. two weeks after the sniper attacks on a phoenix arizona freeway began, authorities have questioned two people of interest in the shootings. this after police confirmed another shooting. the 11th such attack in the past two weeks. authorities have offered a $20,000 reward for information on the attacks. the incidents have left the entire city on edge with school districts even rerouting school buses. joining me from phoenix is scott
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kohn. what do we know about these two people of interest? >> well they detained two people. a man and a woman, earlier today. and now they say they are focusing on the questioning on the male. we don't know the fate of this woman at this point and police will only say this is in connection with the shooting investigation. so make oaf that what you will. they clearly have been working very hard to gather information and to apprehend whoever is doing this. but now the questioning focusing on a male who was detained earlier today. >> and at this point do police think that it is one suspect? or there was a theory i heard from earlier in the week that it may have been more than one shooter involved in this. >>. >> they are not saying. and one of the things that they have said. and they have said this publicly to reporters is that they want to make certain they don't endanger any undercover officers
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who are still out in the field. so they are being very careful about what they say and who they might be looking for. all they have said officially is there are eleven incidents. some of them shootings. some projectiles of the various types of vehicles. most on i-10 but not all of them and they are all related and this is angoing investigation. >> as i was saying earlier some of the school districts are rerouted school buses due to these incidents. have other phoenix residents being avoiding the freeway out of fear? do you get a sense the fear is genuine and serious about taking the freeway? >> as you can see there is still a fair amount of traffic on the freeways and the morning rush was busy. four school districts rerouted to avoid the freeways and some drivers are doing the same. >> it really takes us out of our way but for the safety of my son it is worth it. >> it is scary. >> who wants to be driving on i-10 when there are bullets
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flying around? not me. >> well driving on surface streets this morning, they weren't particularly crowded by any means. and as i said there were a lot of people on the freeways. it is a big city. and sometimes there is just no other way to get to where you need to go. but it is very clear and stating the obvious this is a city on the edge. >> thank you for that update. joining me now is sniper expert mark spicer, who was an expert witness in the d.c. sniper trial. you say you think these attacks were done by more than one suspect. what leds you to believe that or conclude that? >> the first thing really is the fact that the police have mentioned there are sort of bullets and there are projectiles. it is not a common occurrence for a sniper oar trained person to change calibers or change weapons. so to me it would look like there are at least two of which i would suggest one is at least a copy cat. >> and you raise this good point
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about being a trained shooter. how likely is it that these suspects are potentially professionals at the way they are shooting at these cars? >> with what's sort of visible to the media, and obviously i didn't see anything that you guys don't see. my feeling would be that this isn't a professional. >> and do you think noift incidents might have been carried out by a copy cat that you mentioned right now that it could have been possibly a copy cat? >> well if it is a professional, then a professional is going to do exactly what happened in the d.c. incident. they are going to move locations. they are going to suck up everything the police have got to use in one area and then move to a different area. and in the d.c. incident they did exactly that. by now, seeing that this incident is starting to spread across the entire valley. it is one of two conclusions. a professional. therefore they are following a the set plan or it is people just coming out and thinking they are going to have a good go as well because at the moment the police haven't caught the
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person involved. or maybe they have. which is not detrimental to the police. this is an extremely difficult thing to stop. >> mark, thank you very much for that insight. >> coming up the nypd just released surveillance from that incident involving former tennis star james blake. what does this video tell us? more straight ahead. also a hero's homecoming. three american whose thwarted the attack on a european train are honored with a parade in sacramento, california. and a rally happening right now. we're going to talk more about that straight ahead. t out to see if they could find the guy who uses just for men. it's me. no way. i had no clue. just for men gives you a natural gray-free look in just 5 minutes. it looks really good. great looking hair made easy. just for men. can you tell what makes them so different?. did you hear that sound? of course you didn't. you're not using ge software like the rig on the right. it's listening and learning how to prevent equipment failures, predict maintenance needs,
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introducing boost 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it's big in nutrition and small in calories. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. it's the brand more doctorsose recommend for minor arthritis pain. plus, just two aleve can last all day. you'd need 6 tylenol arthritis to do that. aleve. all day strong. following breaking developments out of new york where police have just released a surveillance video of incident with james blake. he was arrested with a case of mistaken identity outside a new york hotel. the video shows him waiting when an officer suddenly grabs blake, takes him to the ground and
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hantd cuffs. according to p.d. blake was released as soon as they realized they had the wrong person. they have apologized. the investigation into the officer's action is on going. he has been placed on modified duty. >> now to a major upset in the world of tennis today. >> she's done it. >> serena williams quest for historic grand slam ended today when unseated italian player vinci defeated her in the final match. she was a 300 to 1 underdog. >> i wake up and say okay, i have a semi-final today. don't think about serena. play. enjoy. but i didn't expect that i won. she is certainly going to be enjoying that one. it was a heartbreaking loss for serena and all her fans but
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congratulations to her and her fans and welcome to the final. now to p last night with the patriots beating the steelers and one game in there is a new controversy involving the patriots. ready for head set gate? after the game head coach tomlin complained his head set was interfered with the first half. >> that is always the case. >> here? >> yes. >> every time you play here -- [inaudible]. >> i said what i said. >> what exactly happened? you didn't have any communication. >> we were listening to the patriots radio broadcast for the majority of the first half on our head sets. >> the nfl released a statement saying they will review the incident and also attributed the problems to power issue and bad weather. in part the coach's communication equipment including the head sets is provided by the nfl for both club's use on game day. joining me from boston, joe
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sullivan, managing editor of the boston globe. is this real or piling on the patriots here? >> well it happened. we believe mike tomlin that it happened. but i do get a sense oaf of a little piling on here. there's been many accusations beyond the deflated footballs that have a accumulated this week with stories in sports illustrated and about other things the patriots may do to push the envelope or even outright cheat and this is one of them in the story in sports illustrated about how they are accused of sometimes interfering with the transmission between coaches on the head sets the coaches wear during the game. this has happened before here. i do think it is minor. it seems like it is piling on to me. i think that even know the steelers are back pedaling. they have told the league they are not going to file an
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official complaint. the league says this happens in all stadiums at one point or another. every time it does they will do a review and in this case as well. >> the inform says they are taking this seriously. they are reviewing the incident. what can you tell us about the investigation. is investigation even a strong word here? or are they just reviewing the incident? >> i think investigation is a strong word. i don't think we're going form another ted wells investigation for this like in deflategate. i think they will follow normal procedures and in most cases we don't even hear about the results of some of these. i don't know what the case will be in this. these things have happened in the nfl before and if the nfl is following procedure, they are reviewing it. i've never recalled them announcing any kind of results about these types of the situations. >> thank you very much. up next. at least 87 are dead in saudi arabia as the crane collapses in the city of mecca. and president obama just wrapped
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welcome back. here is what's happening right now. police in phoenix questioned two people of interest connected to a string of recent freeway shootings. officials say the shootings don't fit an obvious pattern. schools have ordered bus drivers to take alternative routes and to stay off the freeways. carly fiorina has made it into the main stage of next week's gop debate. she's also taking a swipe back at front runner donald trump saying today, quote, leadership is not about your ego. leadership is about service. >> in sacramento a hero's homecoming for three americans who thwarted a paris attack three weeks ago. the city held a parade today to honor them.
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the childhood friends grew up in the sacramento area. congressional republicans are refusing to concede defeat on the iran nuclear deal. a day after democrats held ranks to hand a victory to president obama. the house voted to prevent u.s. from lifting sanctions on iran as part of the deal. the house also voted --. nbc's luke russert joins us from washington live. so the president got his victory. what is the gop strategy here? and are these votes just to show? or do they actually carry any significance? >> well they don't carry any significance that they could delay the deal right now. the delay -- the deal is going to go through by september 17th no matter what ayman. with the votes the gop did in the house did were a few things. one is they had the vote saying they believe that the administration has not been forth coming in terms of
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presenting the deal saying there was a lot of side deals between the iaea in iran, hence the clock that would have allowed for that september 17th deadline for this to be approved was all for naught. it didn't exist. so that is number one. number two, they also had a heavy vote against giving sanctions relief to iran and three, they also put a straight approval vote on the floor today. 25 democrats backed it. only 162 -- sorry went against it. only 162 democrats supported it. so they were able to showcase the large difference in number there. as far as what they could do from this specifically. there is the possibility of the lawsuit later on but everything else is pretty much a show right now. >> so what are the next steps here? what do you expect to see go forward? more votes or what? >> well the senate is going to have a vote next week on the same exact legislation. that is also pretty much to show and put it around the neck of democrats that they were in fact
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the ones that allowed for the iranian deal to move forward. and the possibility of a lawsuit is definitely something the house counsel is taking a look at. something boehner has done in the past. it was in the news this week about how they sued over a healthcare law. so question about whornt something like that could happen again. f from the discussions i've had on both sides fatty acit is gray l area. remember this is not a treaty which would have to go before congress. this is simply an agreement. and the only reason the white house even p brought the iranian deal by congress because because democrats had concerns wanted to be on the record. that it didn't have to do it technically. so in terms of what the republicans can do and ted cruz saying the deal can be stopped by congress, it really is not at this point, ayman. >> and speaker boehner is even saying it is very possible the house gop could go to court to black the iran deal and the white house related it back o a
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certain d.c. mexican restaurant. take a listen to this. >> this is, you know, the contin continuation of the tortilla coast gambit. they seem like great ideas of a couple of the margaritas but when faced with the scrutiny of light of day they don't seem as realistic. >> explain that. >> tortilla coast a popular mexican restaurant and watering hole about a block from the capital house. what it is known for is ted cruz and a lot of these real conservative members often go to tortilla coasts. they go down to a private room downstairs and they have these discussions about things they could do to try to shrink the size of government. mitch mcconnell once told me a
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lot of these discussions are dorm room. philosophical discussions people could have in college that sound great after a couple of drinks but when you try to put them in and implement them it is impossible. so in this case it is an example because the deal is going to happen in september 17th, no matter what. it is also a case in terms oaf funding the government and the planned parenthood debate coming up now. planned parenthood even if the government is shut down will get the money either way. so this is something they have to deal with and the white house actually is now taking up the tortilla coast point of view which makes a lot of people on the hill smile and grin. >> sound like you got a few tortilla coast stories yourself. >> i'm old now. i'm 30 but back in the day we had some fun. >> thank you very much for making sense of that. coming up. at least 87 are dead in saudi arabia as the train collapses in the holy city of mecca. hey babe, last one home cooks? ♪
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collapse in mecca. a massive crane topples to the ground at a mozic in mecca. the associated press reporting at least 87 killed and more than 100 others injured. a horrific scene there inside the grand mosque where people from around the world were gath gathering. the civil defense authority and rescue crews are on the scene. no word yet what caused the collapse in that ongoing investigation. as the world watches the refugee and migrate mai grant crisis up front, another massive crisis in unfolding in yemen. a coalition led by saudi arabia has been launching air strikes in effort to retake the capital city from houthi insurgents. but the war has taken its toll. in the last two days officials say seven civilians were killed in those air strikes. peace talks mediated by the united nations have so far failed to stop the blood shed and a new round of talks is set
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to begin next week. still ahead a day of remembrance. live to lower manhattan where family members gathered at the trade center memory toll reflect. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out ...with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis serious,sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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on saturday, september 2626th, msnbc will partner with the global poverty project. a concert live in central park. and hosted by stars like steven colbert, and hugh jackman. part of the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. one billion are still trapped in poverty and over 800 million go to bed hungry every night. to earn tickets, taen dattendee
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to take certain actions. joining me is the ceo of the global poverty project and ceo and founder of dog pound. kirk, you are holding your own push up against poverty challenge ahead of the global citizens festival. thank you for joining us. we're going talk about that in a little bit. hugh, let me begin with you and talk about this year's event. a lot of focus is always put on the actual concert. but why is it important for this year's festival in where it is being held and why and the time it coincide with and what is going won the united nations. >> this is a very historic year for the movement to end extreme poverty. because this year the united nationss in september announces a new set of global goals for sustainable development. seventeen goals designed to tackle the problem by 2030. so the 17 goals and 169 targets have been the process of two
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years of deliberations by the united nations on september 25th, the goals will be announced to the world and the global citizen festival is the platform. and we've been working together with our creative director richard curtis and our producer to bring this to the world. so it is going to be broadcast to over a hundred countries around the world this year, taking this message that we can be the generation to end extreme poverty within our lifetime. >> there is always a big focus on the concert. obviously brings out big named celebrities and a world's attention. but talk to us from year on year. have you met the goals or have you made progress on the goals from last year's event? >> great question. on vaccinations we saw amazing progress was made last year. the prime minister of norway committed a billion dollars on stage at the festival last year. and following that the global alliance of vaccines and immunizations arranged a total of 6.5 billion dollars as part
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of the replenishment. so enormous progress was made in that area. another example was water and sanitation. and narendra modi got up on stage and a whopping $15 billion commitment to water and sanitation efforts but obviously it has no now focus on behavioral change. actually getting people to use toilets and not just building more. so amazing progress. and still a long way to go on girl's education though. that's been i think the poor cousin fur global development. but we've got great champions like the first lady michelle obama with let girls learn campaign and also others who have been enormous. >> and i want to talk to you about. we made made tremendous project halfing extreme poverty by half. what is the most important challenge by 2030 you want to see achieved? >> there are a couple things i want to see achieved. i wanl want to see the final
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eradication of the polio. i want to see that we actually can finally end malaria deaths. we finally end deaths through hiv aids and ensure people have access to antiretroviral drugs. these are the preventable diseases we can eradicate to ensure children and families can survive and thrive. i also want to see that kids are entitled to a full 12 years of quality education. and that is going to ultimately mean that we need to raise $39 billion to achieve that goal. and the world currently is only raising about $2.1 billion per an anumb anem in total. and whopping 60% of the population of india still defecates in the open. and without proper access to sanitation services. these are indicators of poverty we're targeting. because we're focused on the
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poorest of the poor. >> a big part of this is social media and you have partnered up with all sorts of organizations. tell us about what you are doing with global poverty project to combat poverty in terms of your social media campaign and what you guys have launched? >> we have an event going on backstage. and it is a dollar per push up. and b basically we're challenging how many push ups they can do in 15 seconds. each push up goes for a dollar per -- >> a punish up for a dollar. so in this case the idea is like the challenges that have taken off online where you get people to go viral with these are videos and things like that. >> right now we're trying to raise awareness so we created a social media platform that is variations and has as many push ups as you can do in a minute. or 15 seconds actually. >> i'm not going take that challenge on the set. my producers say we're running out of time.
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the suit is a little tight. but when you are trying to get so many people together, do you get them around a specific cause. is it easy to get people around the issue of poverty? what is it that appeals to people and has made this event so big do you think? >> i think ultimately over the last several years we've been trying to show people it is about their actions, not about their money. >> like we actually want people to take action to end extreme poverty, not just give money. because if you are talking about a 2$260 billion challenge and reduce to it the monetary terms not. amount of the black tie din sers going to end it. we need to think about it a differently. so raising awareness and using power against push ps challenge is so enormous was a they can get more and more people around the world to realize my actions can make a difference. and one of the sponsors is actually going to donate a dollar backstage for every push up so we could raise hundreds of
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thousands for that. >> how many push ups can you do in 15 seconds? >> i did 18. but we've had people do up to 28. >> that's awesome. >> there is a lot of different variations. >> it is very inspiring to see people taking the challenge and how they are trying to raise the awareness and we'll see what happens on the day of. thanks for joining us. keep up the good work. and remember to catch the global citizens festival on september 26th right here on msnbc. we're following new developments on several stories. in phoenix police have questioned two people of interest in connection with a string of recent freeway shootings. at least 11 vehicles have been struck since august 29th but officials say the shootings don't fit a obvious pattern. and here in new york city, police released new surveillance video of the incident involving
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former tennis pro james black. the video shows him waiting outside his hotel when an officer grabs him and handcuffs him. blake was released as soon as they realized they had the wrong person. police commissioner has apologized. and the investigation into the officer's actions is still ongoing. he has been placed on modified duty. >> markets close out the week in positive territory. the dow rising by 103 points the s&p up nine and the nasdaq up by 26 points. that is it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. everyone loves the picture i posted of you.
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sasha. >> i have very vivid memories f of -- of, you know, giving sasha a bottle and rocking her to sleep while we were watching, you know, the aftermath of those attacks. it gave you a sense for the first time in my lifetime that our homeland could be vulnerable. >> now earlier today the president and first lady observed a moment of silence on the white house south lawn. defense secretary ash carter led services a t pentagon and at the flight 93 crash site in shanksville pennsylvania as well as in new york city. also vice president joe biden stopped by to thank first responders at the manhattan fire house. this afternoon the vice president helped kick off a motorcycle ride saying the difficulty of this day doesn't get any easier with the years. >> it is a tough day for all of
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you who -- who lost buddies, lost friends. it is even tougher for the family members. when you go through this year after year it doesn't matter whether it is 14 years or 40 years. it brings back memories as if they happened five minutes ago. >> nbc's ron mott joins us. what's what is the feeling there on this 14th anniversary at the memorial there in the shadow of the freedom tower? >> well the feeling there is always pain on this anniversary date. you can't escape that. in fact one of the family members who spoke here today said it's been 14 years. it could be a 100 and still feel like yesterday. and for a lot of folks who lived down here to see this happen in person those scars will remain with them going forward.
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but each year there seems to be more of a triumphant spirit in the air because you have the new tower up. and there are still sounds of construction and rebuilding going on here that will last for another four or five years in this area as they open new buildings to replace all that was lost 14 years ago today. but largely many folks have moved on. that powerful reading of those names every year, it just seems to get more and more poignant. and it is really a beautiful striking way to remember those folks by name. and that is what they do here every year. >> and you mentioned this is the first year that one world trade center is open. but you have got the memorial as well. the museum has been built. does it feel like a sense of normalcy has returned to that part of lower manhattan? >> i think so. right after -- during that day, i loved on the upper westside. not down here in the battery. and they lost about half the people who lived here who just decided they couldn't deal with
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the immediate aftermath. had about 20,000 and went down to 10 and back up now to about 70 thousand. >> that's it for me this hour. michael eric dyson is next. west. tonight a new poll puts trump at the top even as his insults continue. plus scott walker's free fall. and the headset gazi, the patriots kick off another season with the scandal. and a new quinnipiac poll shows trump leading the republican field in iowa with 27%. ben carson in second with with 21%. ted yoouz at 9% and jeb bush at 6%. trump is the clear front runner in the hawk eye state.
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