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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  September 15, 2015 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt in for tamron hall. we begin with the race for president and a new poll out this morning showing dr. ben carson now pulling almost even with donald trump just one day ahead of the next big republican debate. "the new york times"/cbs news poll shows trump at 27% among republican voters nationwide while ben carson has now climbed to 23%. their next closest rivals, jeb bush, mike huckabee, senator marco rubio all tied at 6%. tomorrow is the second gop debate at the reagan presidential library in simi valley, california. once again donald trump will be center stage. coming off his massive rally at a huge arena in dallas last night, nbc's peter alexander is in simi valley with more on the run-up to tomorrow's debate. >> reporter: hey, alex, good morning. this is hallowed ground for republicans. today the good news for californians, like yourself, is this is wet and hallowed ground.
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but tomorrow there will be 15 republican candidates sharing this stage in the two separate debates, all trying to claim the mantel of the 40th president, ronald reagan. the question may be will any of them break his 11th commandment, thou shalt not speak badly of any fellow republican. so far, donald trump is not holding back. >> reporter: a texas size welcome. donald trump rallying supporters in dallas predicting a rough and tumble debate. >> i have a little debate coming up on wednesday. i hear they're all going after me. whatever. whatever! >> reporter: trump's harsh criticism of undocumented immigrants resonated with the border state crowd. >> we have to stop illegal immigration. we have to do it. we have to do it. >> reporter: but outside, tempers flared as trump protesters clash with supporters over immigration with mounted police moving in to break it up. ahead of tomorrow night's debate, trump isn't laying off
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his republican rivals. >> carly's giving me a little bit of a hard time. even though her poll numbers are horrible. jeb -- nice guy. really a nice guy. jeb. hillary. well, jeb's more popular than one person i know. >> reporter: six weeks after their first showdown in this cleveland, trump will again be center stage flanked by bush and the surging ben carson. >> look at this face. >> reporter: and debuting on the main stage, carly fiorina in her first face to face appearance with trump since his controversial comments about her looks. >> this is the face of a 61-year-old woman. i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. >> reporter: one other note. nbc, which parted ways with trump months ago after his controversial comments about undocumented immigrants, has now announced who will replace trump in the boardroom as host of the show the "celebrity apprentice." it will be perhaps the state's most famous immigrant, the
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state's former governor, arnold schwarzenegger. trump yesterday tweeted his congratulations to his friend saying he'll do great. so now we wait to see what it looks like when you put a terminator in the boardroom. alex? >> okay, can't wait for that. thank you so much, peter alexander. now to the democratic race where yesterday hillary clinton targeted women voters who are key to her campaign. one poll shows her support among democratic women voters nationwide has fallen 29 points in the past two months. crisscrossing iowa yesterday the former secretary of state tried to shore up support urging victims of sexual assault not to let anyone silence them, also pledging to defend a woman's right to choose and against defunding planned parenthood. we also talked directly about her sagging poll numbers. >> i am not one of those who ever thought that this was going to be a straight shot. i've been in and around enough campaigns to know that there is an ebb and flow. polls go up and down. people's attention and decision
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making changes over time. i feel very confident about where we are in the campaign and very committed to doing everything i can to make my case as effectively as possible to women and men. and i think that will be successful. >> meantime, senator bernie sanders spoke in front of two more huge crowds yesterday. he drew an estimated 8,000 people at a rally last night in virginia, and then earlier in the day the senator addressed a crowd of about 112,000 at liberty university, the college founded by televangelist jerry falwell. >> too often in our country -- and i think both sides bear responsibiliti responsibility for us. there is too much shouting at
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each other. there is too much making fun of each other. it is harder, but not less important for us to try and communicate with those who do not agree with us on every issue. >> let's bring in our "news nation" political panel today. republican strategists. welcome to you both. ladies first, patricia. starting with hillary clinton's sinking poll numbers among women, with all the democratic stroert voters, for that matter, ahmed her e-mail controversy, you wrote an article for the daily beast the other day called "why are women ditching hillary." >> i think there are a couple of reasons women are leaving hillary, especially democratic women.
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i've spoken to democratic women who have changed their support from hillary clinton to bernie sanders. the same thing keeps coming up. they don't trust her anymore. the e-mail controversy has affected them. they don't really care about her e-mails but the fact that she wasn't truthful in answering them. one woman said the older i get, the easier it is to tell if somebody's lying to me. there is no way to focus group your way out of that. the second thing is women feel like they don't really relate to hillary clinton that much anymore. she and the president have made $200 million since they left office. she's living a very different life. they don't hold it against her but they don't relate to her in the way they used to. the best thing she could probably do to get out of this is get a republican opponent. get through this and say it is not if you like me, it is wouldn't i be a better president
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than donald trump. she's got to get through this primary first. >> what about the fact they're ursing these old nostalgic photographs all the time of her since way back in the day as a young mother, as a child. will that help soften the image? >> it hasn't helped soften the image. that's the problem. they've been doing this since the very beginning days of the campaign. they made a very clear decision to make this about hillary clinton possibly being the first woman president, now being a grandmother, being a mother. they've tried to really push these issues with democratic women voters. it's not working. so whatever they're doing, whatever they've done, it has not worked. in fact, it's turning women off. i think she really needs to hit the reset button with be come back and just start the conversation over. but she's got to get the e-mail thing behind here, gifind a wayo answer that that sounds truthful and honest. >> something else looming here is whether or not vice president biden jumps into the race. clinton supporters say he is running a shadow campaign. this week he'll head to the
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bad battleground states of michigan, california and ohio. they say he doesn't have to make a decision until after hillary clinton testifies about benghazi. october too late? >> usually when it comes to politics, whether leadership races in congress or races for political office, you just got to get in. the fact that joe biden seems to be a little bit of a political hamlet about whether or not he's getting in this race is good for hillary clinton because it is preventing somebody else who actually would get in to be the alternative besides bernie sanders to hillary clinton in this primary from getting in. let me just say this. hillary clinton's problem is not a reset button, it is not that she has the wrong strategy, not that she needs to be more spontaneous, not that they have to come up with new memos on new strategies. they have a candidate problem. the fact that women are walking away from her is a real warning sign that hillary clinton, her
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campaign, and she herself, she's in trouble. she's got to dramatically change the way she addresses this race or i think we're going to be hearing a lot more about bernie sanders and joe biden. >> well, he does keep gaining support, patricia. he's got the voters embracing his message. look what we saw yesterday. 7,000 in manassas, virginia. even a warm reception with 12,000 at liberty university. weigh in on that. >> i just recently actually saw bernie sanders speaking in georgia. he is an incredible communicator. he's probably the most underrated speaker in the entire race. he speaks so clearly, so distinctly. he's so passionate, people know who he is. he has a gift of being the same person in front of two people, 2,000 people, or 20,000 people and he's got a message that's resonating with not just the base of the democratic party. i think there's probably a wider cross section that actually donald trump kind of taps into that something is unfair in this country, something is wrong in this country, and i as president am going to help you fix this.
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he is really catching on. >> alex, if i could just jump in. yes, i'm a conseative republican. i'm going to get some heat for saying this, but i give bernie sanders great credit for going to liberty university. he -- you are exactly right. he didn't tailor his message. he had the same message there. talked about income\s, helping the poor and his vision of how you help the poor. i think in politics if we saw a lot of -- lot more of that authenticity, people really saying it like it is -- which trump does do -- i think our politics would be better. i don't think bernie sanders deserves credit -- >> you're not the only one who's saying. bernie sanders right off bat said i understand that we have differences in social policies but let's get to something we can all agree on. i have to ask you with republicans, matt, ben carson closing in on donald trump. everybody else is in single digits. what does that say to you? >> i think it is a two-fold message here. one, great cred did it to ben carson who is a fantastic human being, he's had a great career.
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he is a really good candidate and getting to be better all the time. the real message with trump and carson which is on the republican side, these primary voters think washington is so broken and are so discouraged over the fact that republicans have won in these mid-term elections and they haven't seen the kind of change they'd like to see, they're willing to give a total outsider a chance. whether it is donald trump or ben carson, whether it is a carly fiorina or these other people who haven't had elected office, they really want to push them forward. will that kind of person get nominated in the end? that's what we're going to find out. >> with the cnn debate tomorrow night, who goes after trump the most? people think it may be carly fiorina. does that play well? >> i think it's carly. she was only candidate last time who went after trump directly. it really worked for her. she is not afraid to go after him. other people seem to be afraid but she is not. >> carly's too smart to do that. carly's going to answer the questions and she'll take him on on policy when it is merited.
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>> okay. good to see you both. coming up later today, i'll talk with legendary rocker dee snider from twisted sister about donald trump's use of the song "we're not going to take it." the five-week seattle teacher's strike appears to be over. they have reached a tentative agreement a short time ago. students should be going back to class on thursday. the teachers union will decide later today to recommend approval or continue striking. no word on the specifics of the agreement yet. still ahead, some dramatic images from utah where a flash flood killed at least eight people. five are still missing. we have the latest. veteran firefighters are describing the wildfires in california as "hell on earth." more than 700 homes now destroyed.
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>> a whole lifetime of memories, pictures. >> just heartbreaking. those fires have forced at least 23,000 from their homes. we'll give you a live update from a town that's been decimated. an unruly passenger forces a flight to be diverted and is then escorted off the flight. one of the stories we're updating around the "news nation." find team on twitter or online. look for tamron hall. it is her show. queso dip ♪ ♪ haven't been this lost in years ♪ (gps) ♪ recalculating shortest route ♪ ♪ do i really look like this? ♪ ♪ never seen this one before ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ i like it.
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we are back with developing news out west for two national disasters are wreaking havoc. california's in the midst of one of the worst wildfire seasons on
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record. more than 700 homes have been destroyed already by fire. in southern utah flash flooding turned deadly and left several people missing. the small town of hilldale, utah hit hard, two vehicles carrying 16 people were washed downstream after getting hit by a large wall of water. also debris in there. eight people inside died, three of them were rescued but authorities are still searching for five people. just across the border in colorado city, arizona, witnesses captured rescuers pulling a family from a car stranded in raging floodwaters. more rain is in the forecast for today which could hamper rescue and clean-up efforts. joining me with the latest, nbc's jennifer bjorklund. what a mess, to say the least. >> really dramatic pictures this morning out of hilldale, on the arizona/utah border. it is a small community and it was hit very hard by a wall of water. hundreds of rescuers and volunteers are searching now through piles of debris and rubble hoping to find those
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people missing after the flash floods. again, eight people found dead. five are still unaccounted for. it was one wall of water that swept two vehicles away that were carrying women and children believed to be headed home from a park just around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. it was a group of 16 all traveling together. before the last fatality update, the hilldale assistant fire chief, kevin barlowe, confirmed seven dead but also saying three people survived as flash flooding washed the vehicles several hundred yards downstream. to give you an idea of the scope of this -- six of the dead were found in utah, two found in arizona several miles downstream where these cars were first overcome. the national weather service has issued a flash flood warning. they did issue it earlier in the day and zion national park closed all the canyons but not all the people in the community may have seen those warnings. hilldale served as the home base for the polygamist leader warren
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jeffs. many of them don't have contact with the outside world so that may be one of the reasons they were caught unaware. we are expecting an update on search effort, but more thunderstorms are predicted for today with about half an inch of rainfall believed to be hitting all at the same time with some more of those strong storm cells. we'll keep you posted. >> tragic story on so many levels. another developing story out of northern california, those unprecedented wildfires which have now destroyed more than 700 homes killing at least one person. as of this morning, the so-called valley fire has burned an area twice the size of san francisco. it is now only 15% contained. firefighters are certainly hopeful that today's cooler temperatures and rain forecast will help bring it under control. meanwhile, hundreds of residents evacuated over the weekend are now sleeping in tents, cots, even their cars. many not knowing if their homes were lost or spared by the fire. imagine the anxiety there!
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nbc's jinah kim is in middletown, california for us. what are conditions like this morning? >> reporter: we've got both good news and bad news, alex, in this most destructive fire going on in the western u.s. right now. let's start with the good news. it's those cooler temperatures that you've mentioned. we've had them since yesterday. they are expected to continue through tomorrow with even rain forecast by tomorrow. much less winds. that's really going to help firefighters get control over the flames which are now, as you said, 15% contained at 67,000 acres burned. the bad news is, the number of homes and businesses destroyed in this fire has just jumped dramatically. 200 more than yesterday. we're now at over 600 homes and businesses here in the valley fire alone that have been destroyed. we're in front of one of those homes. each of these homes destroyed here in middletown tells a really amazing story. like this one. the house is completely gone.
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right? but then you have this fence here that was left untouched. then there's this very sad garden hose that's melted in the center of the lawn that looks like it was abandoned by somebody who really wanted the home to survive and just was trying to save it up until the last minute. you combine this destruction with the destruction of the second worst fire going on in california right now, the butte fire, and that's how you have the nearly 800 homes and businesses that have been destroyed just this week alone, alex, in california. as well as 23,000 people still under evacuation orders. >> that pristine white fence next to such devastation is an incredible sight right there. thank you for bringing it to us, jinah kim. still ahead, a warning from north korea. the country says it is fully ready to use nuclear weapons against the united states if necessary. one of the stories we are updating around "news nation." new this morning, two students are dead after their school bus fell down a freeway
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embankment in houston. details ahead. hey babe, last one home cooks? ♪ ♪ ♪ another tie.
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that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? mississippi's delta state university campus remains closed today after a professor was shot and killed by a colleague triggering a lockdown, then an intense manhunt. search for the suspected gunman ended overnight near greenville after police found shannon lamb dead from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. police launched a massive search for lamb after connecting him to the shooting on campus and the death of a woman he lived with. police say lamb shot ethan schmidt, a popular history professor at delta state, right on the campus there yesterday afternoon. officials say the two knew each other well. msnbc's adam reese joins me now from delta state campus in cleveland, mississippi where that community is certainly shaken this morning. what's the latest from there? >> reporter: they're certainly
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breathing a sigh of relief. the lockdown's been lifted. but they'll never know one why professor killed another professor. all started yesterday morning 10:15 right here on campus. shannon lamb, a geography professor, entered the office of a beloved professor on campus, ethan schmidt, and killed him as he sat at his desk. police say he earlier killed his girlfriend at their shared home some 300 miles from here. after that this school went on lockdown. there was an immediate manhunt. people were told to stay indoors, stay away from the windows. it wasn't until late last night they finally located him 35 miles from here in greenville. as they waited for back-up, he killed himself. today was going to be a celebration here and it is now going to be a vigil for professor schmidt. it was going to be a 90th celebration, 90 years of delta state university. >> i understand. i understand they brought in a lot of counselors from
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neighboring communities and colleges to support the students. is that under way today. >> reporter: absolutely. there were a lot of people here very upset by this whole incident. chaos, people were very concerned about their own safety. for a period people didn't know where he was. as classed resume tomorrow, they'll get back to some kind of normalcy here. >> terrible time. thank you for the update. still ahead, insiders versus the outsiders. why our "first read" team says there is a chance there will be two different debates going on at the republican showdown in california tonight. in today's "gut check," imagine winning millions in the lottery only to be given an iou instead of the jackpot. outraged winners are now suing. we'll explain that. and a little later, iconic rocker dee snider joins me to
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we're back with a developing refugee crisis in europe. hungarian authorities say they have arrested 60 people under tough new illegal border crossing laws. the new laws make it a felony to cross or damage the fence hungary has built along its border with serbia punishable by up to three years in prison. right now other migrants and refugees are waiting on the serbian side of the border all hoping to cross into hungary. richard engel has the latest from hungary. >> reporter: alex, so much has changed the last 24 hours. yesterday we were seeing a border with thousands of people streaming across it as they had been for weeks, walking down the train tracks. that has now all effectively stopped. i am in the town, the government is not making a clear case. now hungary has a clear policy
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that's very different from the one that was being imposed or not imposed over the last several weeks. the policy now is that the border is closed, that anyone who wants to come in to hungary to stay or just to pass through the country has to apply for an asylum, a registration area is being set up in a border lessleborderless, stateless part of the country. the government seeing this very differently. they say this is not just a refugee crisis, that only one-third of the 200,000 people that the government has tracked coming in to hungary are claiming to be from syria, that they can't prove to be from syria, but just one-third are claiming to be from syria be with and that people have come arriving from 100 -- more than 100 different nations. so this government, which is a hard-line right wing government, sees this as a migration problem first and foremost with a
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refugee element which is not the way that it is being perceived by many countries around the world. but other countries, nonetheless, are following similar procedures and we're seeing borders tightening up all across europe and this concept of a borderless european zone where once you enter, you can move and trade and travel from country to country. that system, because of this crisis, is showing strains, and maybe even be breaking down. alex? >> nbc's richard engel thank you from the border between hungary and serbia. if you are looking for ways to help, head over to for a list of organizations you can contact. we are back with your "first read" on politics this morning. donald trump tells a crowd of thousands in texas that he's ready to take on attacks from his rivals in tomorrow night's republican debate. westerns looks to build on his outsider momentum with an unorthodox campaign stop at liberty university, of course
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the heart of evangelical conserconse conserve. let's talk about donald trump's speech in dallas. quite the warm-up for tomorrow night. by high-stakes debate there. but some estimates put the crowd at 15,000, during which he plu off reports that his rivals are going to go after him. you say a lot of people on this stage tomorrow may actually have a different target in mind. >> there is an interesting dynamic going on. you can end up having one group, the outsiders. that's donald trump, carly fiorina, and ben carson. the latest poll that's come out by "new york times" and cbs has combined percentages at 54%. so a that jomajority of the rep electorate. in a lot of ways we've seen the three mix it up over the past few days. the other group to look at would be the establishment or the insider group, and that are a
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lot of the folks who we kind of thought were the republican front-runners a few months ago. talking about jeb bush, scott walker, marco rubio, chris christie, even john kasich. it is possible that we can end up seeing the outsiders clash with the outsiders and the insiders clash with the insiders. >> we talked in detail a bit earlier on the show about the new poll out today showing ben carson draining ground on trump. trump's numbers stayed fairly even, but scott walker and jeb bush are the ones that both fell quite a bit. do you think that's where carson is pulling his support from, rather than from trump himself? >> yeah. i think that that's one of the things that's gone on. we've talked about donald trump, we've talked about ben carson. to me the biggest poll results in that poll was scott walker at 2%. we are talking about the person who was seen as the overwhelming favorite and front-runner in the iowa. somebody who people thought would eventually go toe-to-toe with jeb bush down the stretch
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in the primaries. again it is incredibly early, it may well end up being a scott walker versus jeb bush primary contest but you see how much has shifted since that first debate. given those shifts, i wouldn't be surprised if we see a lot more even coming after this next debate tomorrow night. >> which puts even more emphasis on the importance of this debate tomorrow night. let's move on to bernie sanders and his speech yesterday at liberty university. you write that the move took political courage. how so? >> well, because he was going in and talking to social and evangelical conservatives. here is a democrat, person who's running for the democratic nomination, self-avowed socialist, and going in and talking about giving his normal speech, talking about the things that he wants to talk about. we don't see that every day in american politics. we've seen it a few times, but certainly not on the presidential campaign trail when the game is for bernie sanders winning over democrats and for republicans it is winning over republicans. and so it would be almost the equivalent of a republican
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candidate going and speaking at the aclu or a net roots conference, something you just don't even every day. >> i think bernie sanders is pulling a little bit from his independent streak when you went there. as you know, dissatisfaction with congress and politics, as usual, is what's profepelled th trump, carson, sanders candidates to the top. yet today on capitol hill we have another vote on the iran deal. that vote has already failed once and is expected to fail again. mark, is this not the exact kind of political maneuvering voters are just fed up with? >> alex, the sausage making is very complicated on capitol hill. think that's one of the reasons people do get upside. you have situations like the filibuster which the democrats are doing. but the dissatisfaction, that conservatives have with congress, that's real. that will play out in the debate tomorrow night. >> mark murray, many thanks. it is time for the "news nation" "gut check." this week more people are expected to join a federal lawsuit filed against the illinois lottery over innings that have not been paid out.
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lawsuit was filed on behalf of two dozen winners who haven't been paid since july 1st. it comes after state lottery officials announced last month that payouts over $25,000 would be suspended until a state budget is passed. illinois lawmakers have been at a stalemate over the budget since the summer. they aren't due back until next week and the attorney handling the lawsuit says there is an estimated -- get this -- $280 million in price money that's just sitting uncollected. >> we don't know if there will be a budget, when there will be a budget. and why should the lottery winners have to suffer? >> the lawsuit calls on the state to stop selling lottery tickets until a budget is passed. the state's controller says her hands are tied and is urging winners to contact their legislature and demand they pass a budget. what does your gut tell you? do you think illinois should stop selling lotto tickets until they can pay winners? go to to
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vote. a report from bloomberg news says vice president joe biden may not decide on a 2016 presidential run until late october if even early november. if true, biden would miss the first democratic debate in october and possibly limit his fund-raising ability. we asked you, do you think joe biden still has ha chance of get being the nomination if he waits until late october or early november to make a decision? weighing in there, 39% said yes, 61% saying no. twitter makes a major announcement that will allow users to put their money where their tweets are when it comes to politics. it's one of the things we just thought you should know. plus -- ♪ we're not gonna take it ♪ no we ain't gone that take it ♪ >> who could forget that song? or that face? twisted sister's iconic "we're not gonna take it" has become an anthem for kids and poll significances alike, even donald trump. up next, dee snider joins me
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north korea tops our look at stories around the "news nation" this morning. north korean leaders say they are working to improve the quality and quantity of its nuclear weapons and it resumed operations at the country's main nuclear facility. north korea says it is ready to use the weapons against the united states at "any time." the announcement comes after north korea said yesterday they are ready to launch a satellite into space aboard long-range rockets. two high school students were killed and two others seriously injured after a school bus crashed on a highway in houston this morning. the bus driver was also injured. the bus it was struck by a car and crashed through a guardrail. it then fell off the freeway landing on its side on the road below. the accident is under investigation. a chicago-bound american irls flight had it would be diverted to indianapolis after an unruly passenger hit a cabin crew member and a fellow passenger. the incident was caught on
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camera by someone on board. >> just a lot of screaming, yelling. i thought it was a kid crying in the back. but ended up being she was kind of being belligerent, drunk on a plane. >> yikes. authorities say the woman also kicked an airplane police officer so she's now facing battery and two felony charges. let's go back to politics now and how donald trump helps energize his supporters. it's with his campaign theme song. played at each and every appearance, including last night's huge rally in dallas. ♪ we're not gonna take it ♪ no we ain't gonna take it ♪ we're not gonna take it anymore ♪ >> okay, you know that song, of course. it's twisted sister's 1984 smash hit "we're not gonna take it." donald trump adopted the rebel anthem with the blessing of the legendary heavy metal band's frontman, dee snider.
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dee joins us from los angeles looking every bit the rocker. look at you with your glasses on. it's perfect. that song totally energized everyone. >> you got the hair, alex. >> thanks. but anyway, you appeared on all-star "celebrity apprentice" two years ago but drorm fir, bu donald trump fired you. >> how about on the year before on the regular aparprentice whei raised $325,000 for the large of dimes. yeah, i am friends with the trump family and they did call and ask how i felt about it. they didn't want a neil young situation where the artist came out and denounced them. this is a song about rebellion and independent thought and free thinking. that's the spirit of the song. it always was. i said, you're welcome to use
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it. it fits exactly what you're doing. hey, it fits what bernie sanders is doing, too. but it is definitely a song about rebellion. >> i'll ask you about bernie sanders in a second. so in other words, he asked. you thought that was the polite thing to do, the appropriate thing to do. >> yeah. i think so. i mean when arnold schwarzenegger used it, he asked to use it. you know, i mean -- this song -- i wrote it with that spirit in mind, rebellious spirit in the '80s. it's been used now for sporting events, it's been used for commercials, it's been used in movies. so it's been -- people use it pretty freely. but i thought it was pretty cool of him to call and ask. >> i have to say, i covered schwarzenegger's '03 gubernatorial campaign, that's one of my strongest memories is people rock being out on the campaign trail. >> me and arnold. yeah. >> you would not let republican paul ryan use the song when he ran for vice president in 2015 on the romney ticket. how come? did he not ask or was it more
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than that? >> first of all, it is not really a matter of letting. as long as they're not licensing it for an actual commercial, it is just playing in the background, you really have no say. but the owners can say i'm not in favor of you using it. and i'm pro-choice. the first line of the song is "we've got the right to choose." i've never changed my position about that. and paul ryan was so anti-choice, so vocally anti-choice. i just couldn't stand by. i said to him, what couldn't you understand about the lyrics? >> yeah. what about the lyrics? because it is about rebellion. do you consider donald trump a rebel? are you endorsing him? i know you have a soft spot for bernie sanders, too. >> i have a soft spot for anybody who's getting rid of politics as usual. and turning the whole system on its head. bernie's doing that and donald is doing that. it's got people thinking. i think it's great. they're both challenging people to think outside the box and not
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approach -- just go with the system the way it's been going for the last several years. decades, i should say. so you know, the song is very general. i never wrote specifically about what. i mean i remember it was either the "rolling stone" or "village voice" was, what from who? three-word review. i said that's the point. put your personal situation. if it's your mom, your dad, your teachers, your bosses, protesting a political cause or you just want your team to win, we're not going to take it is a song we can all sing. >> you may want to stick around here, because andrea mitchell has bernie sanders in the next hour with a live interview. that's a great get. i want to talk about something really passionate to you. september 19th marks the 30th anniversary of a senate hearing that led to the warning labels on the album covers about violence, sexual or drug, alcohol-related lyrics similar to the ratings we all know about movies and tv programs. you testified at that hearing along with frank zappa and john denver against what all three of
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you called censorship. i know you have an op-ed to be published on or about september 19th. you are critical of those warning labels. >> it was in the huffington post the op-ed piece as of today. here is the irony. we are talking about politicians playing "we're not gonna take it," and 30 years ago politicians "we're not gonna take it" was on the list of the filthy 15 of the prnc. things have changed dramatically but censorship has not. back then my concern was the misuse of a label. i wasn't concerned with informing parents. that's not the problem. problem is when people will misuse the label that was put on the record. and they did. they segregated those records. they wouldn't sell those records. and some stores even forced record companies to make alternate versions, edited versions, that people didn't know about. so i'm very pro amendments. all the amendments.
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first, second, all the way down to the 14th, people. all of them. so i'm ready to stand up and fight for any one of them. dee you. have a good one. >> thanks. keep the hair. >> we'll be right back. the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself.
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misswill turn anan asphalt parking lot into a new neighborhood for san franciscans. a vote for "yes" on "d" is definitely a vote for more parks and open space. a vote on proposition "d" is a vote for jobs. campos: no one is being displaced. it's 40% affordable units near the waterfront for regular people. this is just a win-win for our city. i'm behind it 100%. voting yes on "d" is so helpful to so many families in our city.
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ahead of pope francis' visit next week, nbc news has confirmed a 15-year-old boy was arrested for allegedly threatening to launch an isis inspired attack against the pope. that revelation underscores the major security concerns ahead of the pope's trip. he's said to arrive exactly a week from today. anticipation is growing with massive crowds expected wherever he goes. >> reporter: the vatican is saying it knows of no specific threat to the pope and setting out plans for the pope to conduct some of the u.s. tour from an open top jeep. even as the vatican was setting out its plans for that tour, news was emerging of an alleged
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foiled plot by a u.s. teen to target the pope and according to reports, that young man was inspired over the internet. this morning, confirmation that a 15-year-old boy arrested outside philadelphia last month is accused of planning an isis inspired attack on the pope. reports say the plan had been to target pope francis during his history-making u.s. tour. those reports quote a joint fbi/homeland security bulletin saying the assault would include multiple attackers, firearms and explosives. that bulletin reportedly says the minor had obtained explosives instructions and was spreading them through social media. in new york, officials already gearing up for an unprecedented security test. the large screens at many police headquarters showing many high priority concerns during an exercise by homeland security. >> this event is going to be the largest security challenge that the department and the city have ever faced.
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>> reporter: the papal visit coincides with the 70th anniversary of the unit nations which will bring 170 of the world's leaders to the city at the same time. >> we can say safely we have literally never seen something like this before and we welcome it. we embrace it. we look forward to it. >> reporter: this latest arrest illustrates how isis social media is reaching young people, even inspiring them to attack the pope while he's in the u.s. like the vatican, new york authorie authorities sayi authorities saying there is no knowledge of a credible threat against the pope and some reports say this young man's plot was aspirational. meanwhile, the vatican's saying that the plan is that the president is expected to meet the pope as he touches down in the u.s. for the first time. alex? >> thank you for that. there's a lot going on this morning. bringing you live pictures from the white house, where moments from now, president obama will
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welcome the naacp -- ncaa uconn women's champion. sorry about that. president obama picked the huskies to win the tournament when he filled out his bracket in march. that's not a stretch. they're so good. that does it for "news nation." up next, andrea mitchell has an exclusive interview with bernie sanders. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! hey! let me help with that. [ music playing ] oh, thank you! [ laughing ] [ music continues ]
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senator from a small state. he is a free candidate. turns out people are prepared to take on the billionaire class. >> coming up, an exclusive live interview with presidential candidate vermont senator bernie sanders. swept away. eight people are killed when flash floods rush through a small utah town. the latest coming up ahead. and desperate journey. this hour, the wave of people escaping war find new barriers barring their safe passage in europe. we'll talk to senator john mccain about america's responsibility for the refugee crisis. >> we are human beings. we live in homes. we have homes somewhere. and that we came not -- we are not happy to be refugees of war. it's not -- it's not a matter of choice.