tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 17, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. would you feel comfortable with donald trump's finger on the nuclear codes? >> mr. trump, i want to give you a chance to respond to something that your rival next to you, governor bush said. >> governor bush, would you be comfortable with donald trump's
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finger on the nuclear codes? >> one of the reason he's a front runner is because they like to fact he's not bought and paid for my wealthy done nors. he's repeatedly said that the $100 million you've raised for your campaign makes you a puppet for your done nors. are you? you say you can do business with president putin and say you would get along well. what would you do right now if you were president to get the russians out of syria? why is it panderring when he says this? >> and so the night. >> it was the trump debate. i said it yesterday it's going to be the trump debate. you didn't believe me. >> i thought you were joking. last night were three hours of asking trump questions and asking other candidates what they thought about donald trump and then when others answer it's
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like they were showing a split screen of donald trump. it was just nonstop donald trump. i'm sorry, i'm a member of a party that has 15, 16, 17 candidates. i would like to have seen the other candidates instead of people throwing quotes around all night trying to start a schoolyard brawl. it was not a serious debate and it went on forever too. >> too long, too many candidates. turn up the air conditioning, please. they're all sweating. >> and there was incredible moments. >> i could watch that six nights a week. i started the debate, my kid was in the bathtub. thank god he didn't drown. i got myself dressed and i was
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ri r watching the whole thing. i thought that the candidates got better. i loved seeing them acknowledge the race they're in which is a death match against donald trump. >> there are 11 candidates and it's unfair. there's mike huckabee who hardly gets a chance to talk. scott walker hardly got a chance to talk. marco rubio got a few chances to talk. trump. whenever they would give somebody else a chance to talk, john kasick, he hardly got a chance to talk. he elbowed himself in. he's the governor of ohio and third place in new hampshire and they were obsessed with trump. >> there are at least five of those candidates that might as well have boarded air force one in the background and taken off. >> i think i would have after 45 minutes came out and said when you guys are finished obsessing
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over trump, i'll be in the plane. >> i'm surprised no one said that. >> i seriously would. mike huckabee, what the hell? they went two hours without asking a question, it seemed. it was a full on obsession with donald trump. they did a disservice to anybody watching that and john kasick was right. at one point you're going why if you're a working american do you stay up to watch this? it's just going to be the donald trump show. they're not going to ask 11 candidates questions, they're just going to go there. >> john kerry and chris christie tried to pull it away from trump verses whoever it is at the moment. i think cnn was trying to put on a tv show and the star was donald trump and they were going to make sure he was involved directly or indirectly on every question. i think carly's first hour
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within the meaning of penal code section among the best i've seen in the debate. she had two great moments of the night when she responded to trump's comments. chris christie was really, really good and marco rubio was good. >> i agree with you. mika and i were talking before the show and we thought carly was in another league. last night, fiorina was in another league. it's remarkable to see a candidate go from what she's done go from an asterisk to the kitty debate we call it and now dominating the main stage. >> i was texting with a die hard republican, my sister-in-law, a die hard democrat.
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>> john, what was your take away from the debate? >> hi, guys. i'm listening to nicole talk about how she could do that six nights a week and i'm thinking she's lost her mind completely as much as i love her. it reminded me of sitting through the six hour documentary i once saw, show up. it was tough. the main thing i agree with is carly f iiorina came into the debate and had the highest expectations and had the greatest opportunity because of that, all eyes on her. to the extent it's true now, these debates more than ever before because of social media that big moments are what matter the most. her moment being asked to respond to trump's look at that face comment in rolling stone, it was the thing that got the most coverage on facebook,
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twitter, tv. she knocked it out of the park without saying anything directly negative about donald trump. she made herself into a bigger candidate and proved she belongs on the stabge. there's some predicting it's going to take her to the top of the poles. i don't know if that's true. >> it's going to happen. let me tell you something, i'll show you three moments here. every single time she spoke it was like a pin prick strike. she knew what she wanted to say and said it well. here she is linking the issues of iran and planned parent hood. >> iran and planned parent hood. one has something to do with the defense of the security of the nation and the other has to do with the defense of the character of the nation. you have not heard a plan for iran from any politician up here. on day one in the oval office
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i'll make two phone calls. second to the supreme leader to tell him unless and until he opens every nuclear facility and inspections by our people, not his, we, the united states of america will make it as hard as possible to move money around. in regards to planned parent hood, anyone who has watched this video tape i dare hillary clinton, barack obama to watch these tapes. watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating and legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. this is about the character of our nation and if we will not stand up and force president obama to veto this bill. shame on us. >> here's fiorina's response during the discussion of legalization of marijuana.
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>> i very much hope i am the only person on the stage that can say this but i know there are millions of americans out there who will say the same thing. my husband frank and i buried a child to drug adiction. we must invest more in the treatment of drugs. i agree with senator paul and sta state's rights but we are misleading young people when we tell them marijuana is just like having a beer. it's not. >> here's her answer to the question posed to all candidates to which woman should appear on the $10 bill? >> i wouldn't change the $10 bill or the $20 bill. i think it's a gesture. i don't think it helps to change your history. what i would think is that we ought to recognize women are not a special interest group when women are the majority of the nation and half the potential and the nation will be better off whenever woman has the opportunity to live the life she
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chooses. >> and as john mentioned she landed one of the biggest blows to donald trump when responding to his comment about her face. >> there was no question because i heard when he said the statement. i was watching and he said the statement and i said wow, i can't believe it. >> donald trump said the following about you. quote, look at that face. would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that the next face for our president. trump later said he was talking about your per sauna. >> it's interesting to me. mr. trump said he heard mr. bush very clearly and what he said. i think women all over the country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful woman.
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>> nicole. what do you think? >> i think trump crashed and burned and i don't think his supporters will care. i think he had the worst night. i think he was everything his critics have been saying he'll become. i don't think we'll see his pole numbers dip. >> so trump got kind of ganged up on which i think ultimately will help him in a punch back. moments he said things like i get along with everyone and that's a dog whistle to you don't. >> first of all, carly is going to be on the show today, carly's going to be on the show today. i would like a republican debate where donald trump is treated like every other candidate. i would like to see how donald trump responds when you don't
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have moderatormoderators. i'm not saying defend donald trump but i would like to see what's it like when the moderators aren't making it all about one candidate. >> aren't we all obsessed with donald trump. >> no, my point is when we're doing a debate there's a job you have to do and it's not to obsess about donald trump. it's to get candidates to give their views and debate views on certain issues. you want to hear and flush out issues. they as in cnn were obsessed with donald trump. >> they're asking questions and finally when they ask people other questions it's about donald trump and then when they answer questions it's a split screen. make sure at home you don't say
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i'm -- i would like to see donald trump treated like other candidates. that would be fair to the other candidates. as for carly fiorina, it's one of the strongest performances i have seen in modern american politics. i can't think of another candidate that had as many balls out of the park as she did last night. >> every single one. >> regardless of what you think about her ideology, answers, past, future, the performance on stage last night, i thought, was about as good as we've seen. >> there's no doubt about that. three hour debate with 11 people on stage and almost all of them with the exception of carly fiorina because of her strength and delivering what she said. she's one of the few who did not fade slowly into the background, including donald trump.
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faded slowly into the background. jeb bush faded slowly into the background. carly fiorina and chris christie had a good night. marco rubio was strong on foreign policy. what was ted cruise doing? >> oh my lord. >> that's another thing too. when you have so many candidates, what do you do if you're ted cruise and scott walker? what do you do if you're mike huckabee? what do you do if you're rand paul? 50% of the questions go to one candidate. it's stunning. if you want to do it based on percentages in the poles which is a lousy way to do debates, they're suppose to be a leveling win. ask questions to ben carson. i still don't know if carson knows policies or not. second in every pole and they hardly go to him.
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>> there were stretches of 30 minutes or more where you wouldn't hear from one, two, three, four other candidates. trump when the 40 minutes at one time without talking. you have 11 people, how do you get everyone involved and the people that haven't been heard from tried to jump in and that looks desperate at some point. >> carly got so much air time because she did just that. she jumped in on every exchange. they left it up to the candidates to determine how much air time they got. whenever anyone's name was mentioned they got to jump in. it was more schoolyard brawly. maybe that's why i liked it so much. i think that's why carly showed up so much. she was inserting herself in every conversation. >> it had to be maddening and i'm sure you talked to a lot of handlers last night. it had to be maddening if you,
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let's say you were in john kasick's camp and just saw a new hampshire pole to put you in third place and then he has to sit there most of the night listening to questions about donald trump. >> joe, in a lot of ways it's the e pitmy a. that frustration was evident for almost everyone. people were expected to be frustrated that way and been frustrated that way for the past three or four months which is to say nobody's been able to break through and then a debate where everybody came loaded it was true. after af while the clashes and
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conflicts blur together for people. you got to the end of three hours of candidates going after each other with trump at the center for all of it. there was little that was memorable. >> by the way, we're showing splits. this is carly fiorina. let's do a split with donald trump. hey marco, what do you think of russia? now the show is split with donald trump. it was a joke. and again, i don't know who has the debate next but i really hope that oh, here's rand paul. let's show a split with donald trump. it was just a joke. >> so perhaps one of the more comfortable places on stage last night was the 20 inches separating donald trump and jeb bush. >> the one guy that had special interest i know of that tried to get me to change my views on something that was generous and
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got me a lot of money was donald trump. he won the casino -- he wanted casino gambling in florida. i'm not going to be bought by anybody. >> if i wanted it, i would have got it. >> no way. >> i know my people. excuse me, one second. >> no, you cannot take. >> more energy tonight. i like that. >> when he asked florida to have casino gambling we said no. >> wrong. >> we said no. >> don't make things up, jeb. come on. >> don't cut me off. >> we need a half billion dollars for women's health issues. i don't believe parenthood should get a penny from the government. >> did you say it?
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why did you say it? >> increase child support. >> you said you were going to cut funding for women's health issues. you said it. >> did mr. trump go too far in invoking your wife? >> he did. you're proud of your family just as i am. to subject my wife into the middle of a political conversation was completely inappropriate. i hope you apologize for that, donald. >> i hear phenomenal things and your wife is a wonderful woman. >> she's the love of my life and right here and i want you to apologize to her right now. >> i didn't say nothing wrong. >> when donald trump talks about jud judgment, who was the best decision to deal with iran? hillary clinton. >> your brother and your brother's administration gave us barack obama because it was such a disaster those last three months that abraham lincoln
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could have been elected. >> there's one thing i know for sure with my brother, he kept us safe. i don't know if you remember, donald. >> that was a great moment for jeb bush. but yeah, the back and forths. >> from the casino. that was interesting. >> that was interesting on the casino. bush aid action said that donald trump never did actually lobby him. >> so was it nontrue? >> donald trump was a significant contributor but never asked in person. >> never asked him. >> i think the point he was making was that he had been a special interest. i'm sure he lobbied chris christie too. i thought that the line of attack and he started it at the
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first debate of his business record was overdue. i do not think trump's numbers were good as a result of anything said last night. if he crumbles, his business record has been made a campaign. carly talked about how he declared bankruptcy four times. talked about his record of hits and miss and i think it's fair game. >> not only is it meaningless, so donald trump had four companies that went bankrupt and a city that went bankrupt. he took his dad's business and everybody says yeah, his dad had a successful business. come on, i know a lot of guys whose dads have a successful business and they go around golfing. donald trump took a business from queens. it's ridiculous to hear these politicians criticize donald trump when he risk his fortune
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day in and day out for 20-30 years and comes into manhattan and the biggest builder in manhattan. a poll situation that has drawn taxpayer money like their entire life for a salary criticizing donald trump's business experience, that's kind of a joke. >> with carly, she said it was a did i sa disaster. >> another business woman said if you go attacking and tearing me up for my record, let's look at your record. >> still ahead on morning joe, three of the presidential contenders have a debate with donald trump. >> three great ones to have. chris christie, you're exactly right. that guy punched through. i did think the very thing that we're criticizing the moderators
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for last night, i wish there were a whole held of a lot more. one of the smartest questioners out there, they didn't use enough. donald trump, i'm doing a split screen. chris christie, that moment where he said you two quit fighting. let's fight for the middle class. woe, that was great, right. >> it's style and was the best of chris tisty. he was funny but he was chris christie. he had substance. >> three major candidates on today. tomorrow governor scott walker as our guest. still ahead this morning analysis from bill crystal, stacey hunt and nbc's peter alexander. up next foreign policy issues dominated much of last night's debate. we'll bring in the president on the counsel of foreign
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relations. you're watching morning joe we'll be right back. r windshiels fixed, trust safelite. for these parents, driving around was the only way... get their baby to sleep. so when their windshield got cracked, we can't drive this car they wanted it fixed right... they scheduled with safelite. our exclusive trueseal technololgy means a strong... ...reliable bond, every time. at safelite we stand behind our work... night, night little buddy. ...because the ones you love, sit behind it. that's another safelite advantage. (softly) ♪safelite repair, safelite replace♪ (softly) ♪safelite repair, you do all this research on the gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light.
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they even use social media. then we have this horrible deal with iran. we are e vice rating our military and have a president more respectful to iran that the prime minister of israel. >> marco rubio giving a very strong answer on foreign policy and cnn provided a split screen of donald trump. in case you missed him in the 12
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seconds they gave another candidate to answer a question, here's marco. okay. great. we got somebody other than donald trump up there. >> talking about policy. >> oh, there's donald trump. there's a split screen. it was really maddening. so nicole, how did ben carson do last night? >> i understand his appeal. my husband is a ben carson enthuse yast and loves that he's a pediatric neuro surgeon. when it come to the plans of his own tax plan. >> he's willing to change that and his immigration plan and everything. >> he's very unformed. at this point it doesn't seem to be hurting him but i think it will. >> let's bring richard haus. what was your take away? who stood out on the foreign policy issues?
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>> marco rubio. this is somebody who has it nailed. i thought the most interesting foreign policy debate was the iran agreement. on the other side. you got to deal with allies. let's see what happens over the next year and a half. on the other side you had people like ted cruise saying rip it up on day one. ripping up the agreement is not a strategy. he's right. the agreement has to become part of a much larger strategy. we don't know in a year and a half if there's going to be a problem with north korea. do we want to start with that on day one of the crisis? the first debate of the reagan administration was interestingly enough the agreement jimmy carter forged. we don't want to rip this up.
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do we want to get where jimmy carter was? we want to start with a clean slate. we got a whole world to deal with. here you were having the same conversation three dedcades later. >> was there a winner? >> carly fiorina, i thought she separated herself. several others did. i thought george in the first talking about the rule of law rather than the rule of religion, i thought that exchange was powerful. several candidates, jeb bush had his moments and chris christie, his opening statement was powerful turning to the office. quiet a few of the people had a good night. >> people you talked to last night who passes the commander in chief test up there, who can you imagine up there sitting in the office making the decisions? >> it takes two things. one is knowledge of foreign policy and the other is
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judgment. none of us have an idea what's in the inbox. you look for the people that have a necessary threshold. to okay knowledge people, rubio probably has the greatest amount of knowledge and lindsey grape. two people know most about foreign policy and then people that's more judicious. i think you have quiet a few. >> what about trump? how would you have answered the first question of the debate when they asked if they would trust donald trump with your nuclear codes? >> what do you want me to say? >> how would you advise them to answer the question? is dond trump someone we should perceive. obviously he doesn't have experience. that's not his fault. >> what you want to do is press him. one of the things he said last night was interesting.
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he said we can't just focus on iran. we have to focus on korea. when he says he's going to talk to putin and that's going to be transit formin transforming. >> i will say this about donald trump. so much has to do with personal relationships between world leaders. at the end of the day it's about personal relationships. you can watch putin while barack obama is next to him. putin is slouched in the chair and doesn't make eye contact and is absolute contempt for barack obama and sees him as a weak leader. i'm not so sure other leaders and i think trump might be one of them, would be treated the same way. we'll ask all these questions of donald trump. >> yeah, he may not have his finger on the button right now but he is on the phone. we'll be talking to donald trump after the break. we'll be right back.
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wasn't joking when i said it was going to be carly's night. i swear to you, i meant it dead serious this was going to become the trump debate and joining us by phone republican presidential candidate donald trump. donald, you got a ton of face time. it was you everywhere. >> this is the second debate donald where it was all about you. the fox debate and now the cnn debate. all the questions, split screens and everything. yet, you thought you were treated fairly last night. >> i thought i was treated fairly and was on too much. i felt badly for everyone else. every question had to do with me. everything was about trump and then they go into this debate and there was split screens all over the place. it was a little bit unfair to a lot of other people. from my sfientd it was fair. time magazine just did a pole and it had 67% say trump won the debate. you know, i was listening to you
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and you're talking about carly and i thought carly was fine but maybe i saw it a little bit differently from the stage but more than 60% said trump. the pole after the debate. 60% is big when you have 15 or 16 people up there. >> i thought carly did a great job last night. i was just like one debate for moderators to treat you like other candidates. if your back on your heals for three performances straight. >> they tried. >> it's distorted. >> they're taking every sentence i said over the last five months and put it to the other people and that was a, mcman would have loved it. it was a wwe kind of thing. i was involved in every
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question. it was wild. a couple of them came up and said you know what donald, next time can i hit you so i can get more time? some of these guys, i feel badly. a lot of them are friends of mine and got no air time last night. >> okay. i actually think even though you felt bad for the other guys, i think the approach of the debate played right, i'm not surprised there's poles showing donald trump doing better this morning. i'll have to check those. when you gang up on a candidate. this is what you talk about in political races. you gang up on the woman or one person and that person prevails because you put them in. >> you called your father. what was your father's first tweet? >> my dad is a big fan of yours and texted me five minutes in and said first of all, they've all signed a loyalty pledge. why would the answer not be if he's our president, of course, i will. he thought that was insulting
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and rude and he thought that the dynamic was outset with everyone ganging up on you. >> it's a personality test. >> i guess they looked at the ratings and figured out i get the ratings and i said it. normally 2 million people would be watching the debate. and then at 24 million, the 24 million goes up after they get their final numbers. this one, i think we'll get more. one thing i complained about, three hours is too much for a debate. it's a long time to be debating but worse for people. three hours is really unacceptable. what happened is about a week ago we get a call they were going to make the debate almost an hour more. you know what that is, that means the advertising is so dense and so deep they're
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getting tremendous numbers. they added another 45 minutes to an hour to the debate. i think three hours is too long. how long is gone with the wind? three hours 20 minutes. >> morning joe is three hours. we're tired every morning. go ahead, willie. >> donald, most of the debate was about you. as you stood up there, who else stood out to you. were you impressed by any other candidates? >> i was. there was nobody that did poorly. i think carly did well. i didn't see her. joe was saying and. >> that was me. >> and you that carly did well and i thought she did well too but i didn't see it as stand out like you did. maybe it's a different perspective. i was being hit 15 different ways. everything i ever said about a woman i got hit on that show. i think she did well.
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i think rubio did well. i don't know. you know, specifics for a period of time. i actually think everybody, i'm trying to be nice when i say this because i've gotten to know some of these people and i like them. i think everybody did at least pretty well. >> was jeb bush, did jeb bush have more energy last night? >> he did. i thought he was, actually he's a very nice guy. i thought he did fine. i thought he did very well. i thought he was push me harder to apologize to his wife. >> let me ask you about the florida casino question. did you ever ask jeb bush personally to bring casinos to the state of florida? there seems to be some debate between you two about that. >> no, joe. what happened is a group i knew wanted him to do it. i wasn't involved in it. they wanted him to do it.
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ultimately, i think he did it. i didn't even follow the whole process but i think he did it in some form but i wasn't involved with it and also, the indians got approved. i was not involved with it at all. i told him if i wanted it, i would have gotten it. i was not into it at that time. it sort of coincided but was not from me. he knows that. he knows that. there was a little article some place. maybe he picked that up. i was surprised to hear him say that actually because it wasn't tru. >> donald, ben carson, what did he say last night in the debate that proved he should be closing in on you in the pole sns. >> you're talking about the debate what did he say personal? >> just anything. >> i don't know. i just like him as a person, frankly. i thought his whole thing on autism where he backed me up was
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terrific. i'm very much involved with autism and i see these kids when they go for a shot. a massive inoculation and all i say is spread it out with smaller shots over a period of time. he did back me up on that. so did rand paul. i'm sit tlg ating there and all stuff shot at me by rand paul, i said you're not suppose to be up here. you have 1% and we have 11 people. after that, he behaved nicely. >> the pope is going to be coming to this country in a couple of days and one of the issues he's made central to his own period in office is climate change. last night there was conversation about it. where do you come out? how seriously do you take it and what do you think the united states should be doing about it? >> i consider climate change to be not one of our big problems. i consider it to be not a big
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problem at all. i think it's weather changes. there could be some man made something. china is doing nothing about it. i view climate change as a big problem we have. we have a nuclear climate change. that's the climate change and nuclear problems. i don't believe putin is a believer at all. he's doing it for his own economic advantage. >> john in california, john. >> donald, as you've reflected on your performance over the course of these last few hours, are there any particular moments or responses of yours where you look back and think you didn't do as well as you would have liked to have. if you could you would go back and do it a different way? >> you know, i thought i knew the carly thing was controversial. rolling stones did a cover story on me. it was a great story but they
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happened to have one great who knows it's one of those quotes. i expect that could be used at some point. i think there was not much i could do about that. that was an open set up. i was waiting for that. i think i did about as good. i get good use. you're the one, actually you're the show which is very sad because i have to listen to your show as you know and watch your show. i'm in the car, i just got out of the plane. i get great reviews from most other people. i was able to see the television shots and shows and we've had great reviews. there's no, ma'am things, maybe it would have been better if the guy would have been in rolling stone. it is what it is. i said that to carly. i thought it was a nice statement i made to carly. >> you know, donald, don't be sad. we've been talking about moderators hammering at you.
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all we're saying is we would like to see one debate where you're treated like everybody else and it's not a constant barrage of questions. like you said it's one got cha question. you said the first 15 minutes of the debate was what? >> a personality test. >> a trump personality test. >> it kept going right until the end and you know, it was a little bit strange and it was the statement, any statement made by me, trump said this and trump said that. it was a little bit of a difficult situation to be in. with that being said and then i'm just looking at the final numbers and i'm up to 61% and time magazine 60 -- did you say 65%, mika?
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>> we said it last night after the debate. we know you have to go. same thing after the fox debate. there's going to be impression among supporters and others you were teamed up against and you're probably going to come out the winner. it's the case with nicole, it's the case with trump fans all over the place. >> it's interesting. one of the poles said i'll go up in the ratings. we'll see what happens. look, i found it to be an amazing experience. it was very interesting. i thought it was very unfair to a lot of other people because they didn't get any time. a lot of people didn't get any time. i guess i have to be complementing. >> all right donald trump, thank you so much for calling in. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much, folks.
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time magazine online pole. donald trump the winner. marco at 5, jeb at 2 and everyone else at 1 and 0. someone now who will be cheered by the results and time magazine online pole. editor, bill. bill, i said the other day when club for growth had a new add out, i said if you want to be trump you have all these adds. when fox goes after trump the way they did, when cnn goes after them they just feed trump, right. >> i don't know. i think trump defeats himself.
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trump is not going to be the nominee. >> if they just treat him like every other candidate, give up the oxygen. >> i think that's true. he's benefitted from being sort of the guy picked by the republicans. >> who won the debate last night? >> didn't we agree six months ago there was going to be a fiorina and rubio ticket. my first choice is the cheney-cotton ticket. >> i'll go with cotton. mika will not. so why did fiorina do so strongly? >> every answer was disciplined and serious. prepared but didn't look too rehearsed.
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she's very good. good candidate. candidate skills matter and the irony is someone who has won once and lost turns out to be a better candidate. >> are you surprised by how good she is? >> i would have been a year ago but when she came and just hit it out of the park i thought she's a good candidate. >> stay with us, bill. carly fiorina and governor chris christie will be your guest. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. when your windshield needs trust safelite. our exclusive trueseal technology means a strong reliable bond.
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nchtsd carly had a big night and a presidential contender joins us live plus nbcs peter alexander lands an interview with jeb bush. peter joins us live and we'll show you lindsey graham's best one liner from the earlier debate. >> did you see the way carly won the last preamble in cleveland? >> not only did he do that, she won every weekend. it was an amazing performance. the morning show will show you it when we come back.
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did mr. trump go too far? >> he did. she's right here and i want you to apologize to her right now. >> short, tall, fat, ugly, my goodness. that happened in junior high. >> i never attacked him on his look and believe me, there's plenty of subject matter right there. >> mr. trump, why would you be better at creating jobs than carly fiorina. >> she can't run any of my companies. >> i find it quiet rich you would talk about this. you were forced to file for bankruptcy not once, not twice but four times. a record four times. >> almost everybody in atlantic city is in trouble or filed.
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>> this personal back and forth about his career. stop the issue. carly, reason. >> it was three hours. nicole loved every second of it. i actually thought it was very bad for the republican party. i thought it was bad for the republican brand. obviously, some local newspapers here not giving cnn a high marks. it was one of the most disappointing debates i've seen. the split screens and donald trump, all they're doing is feeding into the rise. he has every reason to feel like he's won because it was all about him. they asked every question and then asked others questions about trump and showed split
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screens. >> even when it wasn't about tru trump. >> not fair to the other candidates. >> a lot of good answers and a lot of candidates really shined last night. kay talk about carly but actually chris christie had a great night. marco rubio. >> chris christie did well. i thought he did great. marco had some great moments. john kasick was struggling to get a little bit of oxygen. they just wouldn't give kasick and other people any oxygen out there. mike huckabee gave a really, really strong answer and by the way said what i believe, this is not about iran, it's about civilization and i wanted to hear more from him and scott walker. >> scott walker had good moments. >> none of them had a chance because they kept going back the donald trump. donald should feel good about it. there's a time pole out that's
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an online pole. donald trump at 65% and carly at 14%. cube w rubio at 5%. it's not online and not official but it's an indicator looking at e-mails and texts from trump supporters, they all ganged up on again. >> steve is here. >> steve, your take away on the debate last night? >> donald trump did fine in the debate last night but his performance is going to have to increase dramatically in the coming debates. particularly at a level. chris christie did a great job last night. we understand why he was a breakout star. >> shehe's going to be on this morning also. >> carly fiorina is phenomenal. incredible performance. >> a lot of us looked at carly
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when she went on the mccain campaign and didn't do so well and had some problems in the senate race and didn't do so well. i remember seeing her and she's got game. >> i ran a successful governor's race in the state of california. a lot of people don't understand california politics. the governor lost by 18 points and carly lost by 10. she raised 40 millions dlrs in a state where it lost 4 million a week to be on television. she performed better than people think she did on the magnitude of loss. she had a bad moment on the mccain campaign in the fall but carly did somehthousands of campaigns. >> carly, in those roles, was in the supporting cast. carly is a star. now she's having an opportunity for the first time to be center
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stage and you see a performance for the ages. her ability to debate is absolutely equivalent to barack obama reading a speech off a tell prompter. there is nobody that we've seen in resent years who could do what she did from it. fluency and policy issues. the object to articulate. tough strong and we should remember something. new hampshire is the only state in the country that has two female u.s. senators and a female governor. >> i'm going to talk style, if i may. don't be afraid. >> let me follow up with that and talk style. we have to say. >> let me do that so i don't leave people hanging thinking i'm talking about clothing. go ahead. >> let me talk about an elephant in the room. compare carly's performance last night. with hillary clinton stumbling through a basic attack on donald trump. there's no comparison.
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>> that's exactly what i was talking about. she was disciplined. she had a measured tone. she used, she always uses a local range that projects strength, warmth and confidence. without being too this or too that, she's pitch perfect. on top of it she knows her material, has strong opinions, knows how to fight and never fights so hard it can be criticized as whatever. what words people would use when it comes to shrill. she actually was as you said pitch perfect, a star. like a breakout star. >> you notice watching her she's never on her heals no matter what the topic is she takes a breath and gives a clear answer. whether she's attacked and gives a clear answer. she's prepared when donald trump went after one of the best studies yale. that guy who said, he's a
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clintonite. i thought she won the night clearly. cnn made a calculation to keep him at the center of this at every moment. whether it was a cut away of him when someone auz talking, a split screen, a question to someone else, he was the star of the debate. >> i am another candidate up on the stage and i say okay, the news coverage is rigged. can't i at least get a fair shot in the debate. >> that's true. we've all been saying trump is going to fade. >> he's been wrong at every
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turn. >> trump did badly last night. trump was bad. if you watched the debate. >> when you're on television and how people think, he actually was. >> this is peak trump. it's probably peak ben carson. it's fortunate. >> i'm sorry. when you're saying i'm telling you, it's the call of the future. let's go to mark right now. he's got his report card. mark, how did you score the debate last night. >> reporter: hey guys from reagan library. carly fought her way in. she was the star.
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she was confident and had three of the biggest. she was talking about taking on donald trump on his remark. next i did i have the two front runners. carson and trump both did what they do. their trackers will say they weren't great and carson was vague and trump was trump. they both did their message. carson never attacked, never the attacker. trump was on the attack all night. i think he did well for himself. i don't think tonight will hurt him if the past is any indication. i give jeb bush a b. he was strong at times and more prepared. he stood up to trump at moments. he spent too much talking about his brother for him. he had a descent night. marco rubio, very similar performance. he talked a lot at times and was left out of the debate at times. he got to present the message he
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likes to present. next a couple of b minuses. chris christie, john kasick. i thought both of them had flashes of what they wanted to say. both had descent nights. ted cruz a c plus. when he spoke he positioned himself to be alternative for trump. walker strong in the beginning and took on trump self-consciously and faded quiet a bit. the rest of the field, huckabee c minus, paul c minus. big night for carly fiorina and carson and trump got through this not making any errors in the case of carson helping himself a little bit. that's the story here from reagan library. >> all right, mark, i know you got to go. i don't get a lot of this. i thought huckabee did a great
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job. chris christie really good job. ben carson, i said it before and i'll say it again, after watching last night i don't get ben carson. i don't get the b plus. >> he's a wonderful man. i think if you had heard a little bit on carson in the poles and turned on last night and watched him he didn't have much to say. the good news is there were a lot of good candidates on stage and the bad news is the two people sharing half of the vote are not qualified for president of the united states. >> you're saying it's a problem. >> it is a problem. it's going to change. the party will be fine and. >> mike, your thoughts. >> i don't want to take any course talk from mark.
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i think carly fiorina cleared the debate last night. all had a tendency to fade into the background. i think off of mark's grading of ben carson, i agree with you. i think carly's presentation put ben carson's candidacy in the down escalator. i would not be surprised to see him slide and carly take over the number two position. >> absolutely. i was talking about that discipline and range, these are the things women struggle with. actually they get counted out because of these physical presentation issues. my god, i have never seen anyone like her. ever. carly fiorina landed one of the biggest blows to donald trump because she knew exactly where to place her words and where not to place them. when asked about trump's most resent remark to rolling stone
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about her face, he response representing an exchange. >> i heard when he said the statement and i said wow, i can't believe it. >> donald trump said the following about you, quote look at that face. would anyone vote for that. can you imagine that, the face of our next president? mr. trump said he was talking about your per sauna, not your appearance. please feel free to respond what you think about his per sauna. >> it's interesting to me. mr. trump said he heard mr. bush very clearly in what mr. bush said. i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful woman. >> wasn't a great moment for donald trump. at the end of the day. >> what about for carly? >> it was a great moment for
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carly. she showed strength and fits the model of what they need to be whether it's margaret thatcher. toughness and strength. >> you just brought up my political hero, margaret thatcher. i actually and can't believe i'm saying this. i can't believe it because it would be like me comparing a band to the beetles. half way through there i said she could throw into a thatcherite conservative. when i say grow, she's doing better than anybody i've seen but like margaret thatcher, bill would aglee ree is a gold stand.
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she showed qualities that reminded me of thatcher. >> if you're a smart democrat, you're watching this field, all of them, against the perspective hillary clinton. >> you don't want carly. >> and for sure, the performance of these candidates against the performance of their candidate has to be terrifying for a lot of democrats. we saw the debate taking place in california. >> he's terrifying. >> nbc political correspond nt is in this morning. you were able to get questions in in the spin room after the
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debate. what did you ask him? >> hey guys, i have to say in the spin room there was no one that had a bad word to say about carly's performance? i couldn't find a single campaign operative. part of that is a lot of them are excited about the idea of seeing somebody take donald trump on. carly, as you showed turned out to be in a unique position to do that last night. that's what i asked donald trump about in the spin room. >> politically correct i don't think so. one of reasons i'm leading in every pole is because i'm not so pl politically correct and people get it. >> i will also say on the flip side on the top of this debate if you had trump and fiorina out in front there was a lot of discussion about jeb bush and scott walker and whether or not they accomplished what they needed to which was to put
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themselves in a position to say to done nors, hey, i'm going to do good things with your money and in particular, you saw how little he managed to talk last night. i asked him if he did what he needed to do to keep his campaign going. >> do you feel like you need to take any additional steps to get your campaign back where it needs to be. do you need to shake up your staff? >> biggest thing for us is getting back to the basics. getting into iowa we announced the other day 99 county shares would be organized. they're looking for a president that's going to shake things up. my argument to those voters is if you want somebody to do that, pick somebody that's not reformed. >> that was a pretty interesting, i thought, joe opening acknowledgment of the fact that he is going to put all these eggs in one basket in iowa. a little glimpse in scott walker, the strategist coming
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out there. it's unusual, especially this early in the campaign to have such a frank assessment there. >> yeah, it's been a really rough couple of months for him, willie and now words, the possibility that there may be a campaign shake up there. scott walker is a perfect example of somebody who i thought was chipped be i the process last night. >> they were strong. mike huckabee was too. scott walker comes out strong. i said okay, wait a second. walker is back. i didn't hear from him for 15 minutes. there's too many questions about trump. split screen trump. it was a disservice to some great candidates. >> given his drop in the poles, particularly iowa. his consensus was he had to do something to take the campaign back last night. >> you can't give him a c minus for pitching if the coach gave
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you the ball. >> right. casey, before we let you go, let me ask you something atmospheric. it was a long hot night. i mean that literally. in that room it looked hot. a lot of the candidates were sweating and standing on their feet for three straight hours. what did it look like to you? >> i will say my little sister's name is carly. >> totally forgiving. look, cnn in many ways set up the atmosphere in gender fighting between candidates and put out unpredictable moments and 20 inches between those podiums much smaller than the 34 inch and much smaller than the 40 inches in cleveland. you did get the one carson trump high five. they were definitely looking for that. the heat in the room, the room has these windows in it. that drives up the temperature you saw. i will say many of the male candidates struggling with that. you want to get into the men verses woman air conditioning
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argument over the summer. they seemed to struggle a little bit on that front. frankly, the candidates got tired. you may have seen some of that from trump there. >> you can feel that watching it. >> you could. >> three hours on your feet is a long time. they faded in and out. >>. >> i if were working for carly, i would say she's done great and did great for the last few months. one piece of advice i would like to add is a little humor. she's pretty stern looking. maybe you have to do that and maybe frankly a woman has to do that a little more. do you think she could have made once in the debate sort of a little bit of a joke or no? >> you know what, i have been studying this. >> yeah, that's why i'm asking you. >> she's like the perfect know your value woman. she knows her shall and communicates it effectively. respect first and then all the
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friendship and fun stuff later. she's doing what she needs to do right now. >> she said force them to respect you first and they'll like you later. >> up next nbcs peter ago sander joins us with his exclusive interview with jeb bush and later new jersey governor chris christie joins us live. you're watching morning joe. we'll be right back. when your windshield needs fixed, trust safelite.
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people i care about. american people right now are suffering, people are stuck in poverty. the middle class has a declining income. my energy is focussed on creating policy and letting them rise up. i was excited about the proce prospects of coming into this debate and i think i did a fine job. >> how much damage has donald trump done to your campaign efforts? >> i don't know. i'm not a trumpian. i can't figure the guy out. i took him on today and been the guy that's taken him on and took him on and i'll keep doing it. i'm not going to disparage the guy but when he attacks my family or me i'll fight back. that's the way this game is played. the beauty of the debate tonight was that we were at the reagan library. the difference between reagan
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and trump is day and night. reagan united people. he tore down the berlin wall. he's not even close to donald trump. hees an inspiration and we need to restore that optimistic message to be successful. i have to go earn this. i have to share the jeb story. i've got to go sell that story. no one knows it. everybody knows me as george's boy and george's brother which i'm proud. the florida story is what we need to share. we started advertising yesterday. there's a long haul in this. i'm confident i will pick up steam going forward. >> he's got that right. he's been defined a lot of ways but it's the florida story people like me know about that we're waiting for them to get out. it is not getting out. this is one of the most
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conservative successful governors i have said most of my adult life and jeb was the strongest leader i've seen. he was, i mean, that guy when the hurricanes came on shore and there was a natural disaster, i never seen anybody come close to jeb getting on the ground right after the storm passed being at the middle schools, passing out things, shutting down areas that needed to be shut down, getting electricity back up. we had a category four in pensacola. that night i woke up and there were 30 trucks from mississippi power and our lights were on the next day. now i live in connecticut which is like a failed state when the wind blows more than 15 miles an hour and no power for two weeks. katrina, watching the tragedy unfold in new orleans, you appreciate how hard it is to do what jeb bush did. extraordinary leader. i will say it unashame bli.
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it's not translating on the national level. >> in real life he's stuff, strong, residence lawsuit, confident. >> tough. >> tough. he's very, very effective. he's lost control of his narrative and has to take it back. once you step back and look at that interview for a second he's being attacked as world ener j i. look at the lighting in the room. mooes not the scott walker campaign. he's not one of the other campaigns struggling for money and oxygen. how do you put a presidential candidate into a room in looks like a holding room for the protection program. everything about the visual image in that says low energy. it reinforces the central attack on him. he's going to have to fight through. >> one other thing too i noticed. he looked low energy because he had just been standing on his feet for three hours under extraordinarily pressure. they should not have put him
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there. another thing, the jeb bush i know, the jeb bush i know, if somebody asked him that question, hey, peter, have you run a state with 17 million people and have millions flooding in and out of the state and it's one of the most diverse states in the nation? slufr done th have you ever done that, peter? that's the jeb i know. this is not jeb bush. jeb's like you said a tough guy. he's a leader. i love that and it's not coming through. >> help me out here. >> the next president, i think, inside jeb bush's head is trying to contrast with his brother,
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the president, not barack obama. what primary voters are demanding is strength, toughness and resolution to deal with the country's problems. he has to fearlessly campaign, articulate to the american people his plan to get this country moving in the right direction. >> we got to go. i've got to ask the table a question. i was very tough on w. for a long time. does anybody at this table think w would have trouble taking care of trump? he would have caught him open on the campaign trail. i think it's fascinating. >> he would have killed him. >> if trump went after w, w would have killed him and killed him in about a 15 second response and trump would have stayed away from him. jeb can't do that. maybe he will. >> still ahead governor chris
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christie joins us live. plus lindsey graham turns an earlier debate into open mic night. we have a montage for you. morning joe back in a moment. [ music playing ] hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! [ laughing ] [ music continues ] introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle.
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a lot of people didn't get any time. i guess i have to be complimenting. if they didn't ask me many questions, i would be calling saying i was treated unfairly because they didn't ask me enough questions. >> joining us, governor chris christie of unanimously new jer. you had a great night. >> total debate time. trump 16 minutes 20 seconds. it was a lot more than that if you talk about the split screens and tough like that. you're at seven minutes and all of us saying you had a great night. talk about the debate and your frustrations about the fact they were obsessed with donald trump. >> well, i'm not frustrated at all this morning. with me, it's been quality, not quantity. i feel pretty good this morning.
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>> i agree, that's good. you had quality. they were back and forth about their business careers and tried to bring it to the issue. did it seem like it was all about what trump said and everybody responding or do you feel you had a chance to really put exactly out there what you can offer to the american people? >> listen, i feel like what i've learned on the campaign trail, mika, we're sick of all these folks talking about themselves and they don't hear them talking about them and what they're concerned about. that was my observation during what happened last night. i could say this. i would love more time talking on the stage. i think we all would. i don't feel like anybody stepped on me last night. i got to say the things i wanted to say and it gave me more time to talk about the problems i've learned. >> governor christie, it's willie. i know you're thrilled to be up with us at 4:30 in the morning in california.
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>> thank you. knowing i had rather be with the new willie at 4:30 in the morning. >> i know you mean that, governor. we've watched you closely and you've stayed below the radars. donald trump has dominated all the coverage. you said i'm going to continue to do my thing in town halls and you've been doing that and did it last night. take us inside your campaign behind the curtain. what's the strategy now? are you prepared to blow up in the trump, fiorina and carson category? >> we're going to keep doing what we're doing and the fact is that it's working. folks understand they want somebody in the oval office whose going to understand their problems and going to hear them and bring those experiences to the oval office to help them fix the problems here and around the world. the strategy is to continue to work harder than any candidate
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in the race. that's what we're doing. we'll get on the plane this morning and head back to new jersey and do more work tonight and raise some money this evening as well and move on to south carolina tomorrow. >> hey, governor, we were all exhausted last night just watching the three hour debate. >> oh my god. >> i heard you at one point talk about the legislature and the democrats and the new jersey legislatures who you had to work with sometimes successfully and not so successfully and that's the way you govern. would you join several of the people on the stage who said last night that the iran deal on the first day in office, they would rip that deal up, where do you stand on that? >> well, listen, i think there's going to be ample evidence before the next president gets there, mike, of cheating. the iranians have made it clear they're going to do whatever they want to do.
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we're in the honeymoon period. i think the cheating is going to be well established by the time the next president comes in and you're going to have to go back to work to put sanctions on iran and to make them understand that with a new president there's going to be new rules. i'll tell you this though, it is a disgrace that this president assigned this agreement while there's still four americans being held hostage. nobody in america could understand that that he couldn't get that done in the agreement and couldn't get iran to say the simple words, we recognize israel's right to exist. president christie will not deal with iran until those two things happen. our people come home and they recognize israel's right to resist. >> when you look ahead to becoming president of the united states. you would be sworn in on janu y january 20th, 2017, what would
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you say to the american people in our inaugural address? what's the most challenging thing in this docountry. >> that the games are going to be stopped and she unanimous gans are going to end and someone's going to enforce the law and level the playing field they're tired of their generosity being taken advantage of. i asked them to put the cameras on the people in the audience and i asked how many believe their children are going to be truly better off than them. i didn't see any hands. that's what we need to address. this president has killed our trust, faith and belief in that fundamental american truth was going to be better off than ours. that's what we need to restore and what i'll talk to the
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american people about. >> so chris christie, no complaints about the debate format. do you think you got enough time? >> joe, no whining and moaning in this camp. you don't win in politics with moaning and complaining. i think we did the best time we had and did great during the seven minutes and i hope i get more of it. i hope the folks are going to communicate to msnbc they want to hear more from me. you know i'm ratings magic. >> i thought you did great last night. i'm getting killed by my democrats friends. i'm just talking about the debate performance. i don't agree with a word they say but i have to say you're great. >> the ratings go. you know what you remind me of you're like red fz ford and
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streisan. >> joe, are you trying to get me to start singing the way we were? >> could you please, just a few bars, memories? go ahead. >> i can hear it in my head but if a start singing 4:30 a.m. pacific time we're going to run people off the show. i want to continue being ratings magic. mika, what a wonderful evaluation and objective to the debate. >> just to save your campaign, i'll say i don't agree with a word you say. >> thank you, mika. >> thank you, chris. >> thank you, governor. >> coming up next his campaign message is that isis is a threat that can be eliminated by sending 50,000 u.s. troops back to iraq. but senator lindsey graham somehow managed to deliver that scary message with humor. we'll hear from the fun anyiest candidate to take the debate stage ahead. i say we go all in on the internet of things.
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we've been talking about the main debate last night. before that one there's the four person prelude to the debate. we have senator lindsey graham and most reviews suggests lindsey graham did well last night. >> senator graham, i took a shot at you. you're having a good debate but there's this problem of washington elites and saying things about each other. >> i've been called a lot of things but never elite before. my dad owned a liquor store to a bar to a poolroom. if you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new illegal immigration system. ronald reagan did a couple of really big things that we should all remember. he set down with tip o'neal. the most liberal guy in the entire house. they started drinking together. that's the first thing i'm going
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to do as president. we're going to drink more. >> amen said america. >> he also was very tough. had some very tough back and forths with bobby talking steve about the insanity of shutting down the government. >> absolutely. look. lindsey graham was tremendous last night in this earlier debate. one of the things he was really focussed on was that he wants to win. he wants to see the republican party which has lost the popular vote in five of the last six elections which was alienated where we need 40% in order for a presidential candidate to get elected. we saw conservative meet optimism, humor, and that is why lindsey graham is such a great and popular politician in the state of south carolina. look, i don't think lindsey graham is going to be president of the united states though i think he would be a fine one. i think i have an idea who the
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next republican secretary of defense is going to be. >> you're right. >> all right. carly fiorina joins us live in just a moment. stay with us. ♪ you've been telling me you were a genius since you were 17 ♪ i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? when your windshield needs trust safelite. our exclusive trueseal technology means a strong reliable bond. at safelite we stand behind our work... ...because the ones you love, sit behind it. (softly) ♪safelite repair, safelite replace♪ ♪
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a look now, of the more moderate syrian nighters, only four or five are still fighting in syria. that according to general lloyd austin, the top u.s. commander in the middle east who revealed the numbers to frustrated senators on capitol hill yesterday. >> can you tell us what the total number of trained fighters remains? >> it's a small number. the ones that are in the fight is -- we're talking four or five. >> so we're counting on our fingers and toes at this point when we had envisioned 5,400 by the end of the year? >> we have to acknowledge this is a total failure. it's just a failure. i wish it weren't so but that's the fact. >> it's what we've said here about iraq. whenever you hear a politician telling you that we're going to
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build iraqi forces to take care of the chaos in iraq, that's them punting the ball and then surrendering. it's the same thing with syria. we spent millions and millions of dollar, steve schmidt, four fighters. >> you're very close to fielding a basketball team. >> close to fielding a basketball team, probably a j.v. basketball team. you've got two choices. the united states either engages in a community of countries through the united nations, through nato, through whatever and we go in there and bring order or the chaos continues. these are cop-outs, nothing but cop-outs. >> we talked about george schultz, the great secretary of state for president reagan last night in this debate. he said the most important foreign policy decision ronald reagan ever made was firing the air traffic controllers. it sent a signal to the world that he was a man who did what he said he was going to do. we look at this president, we
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look at isil, we look at chaos in the middle east and we look at the action after he laid out the red line and we look at the president saying we have a strategy to degrade and destroy isil, this is a fantasy. this is a malignancy to the peace of the world. the dishonesty of communicating to threat to the country is a appalli appalling. >> this is a fantasy that our intel community is promoting by lying about our success against isis, just like george w. bush is going to own failure in iraq, historians are going to look back and everything that is coming out of syria, the chaos,
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the migrant crisis, isis, civil war spreading across the middle east, the collapse of syria and the after effect of that owned by president obama. it's what leading from behind in this case has gotten us. ahead, we've got a lot more of last night's gop debate analysis. and we have the woman who i've got to say is universally acclaimed as the winner last night. carly fiorina, we're going to talk to her about her now second breakout performance in the debate. we'll hear a third breakout performance but at some point you're just used to it. >> she's broken. >> and we have our interview with front-runner donald trump. keep it here on "morning joe." t, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast.
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quote, look at that face, would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that the face of our next president? mr. trump said he was talking about your persona, not your appearance. please respond to what you'd like to say about his persona. >> it's interesting, mr. trump said he heard mr. bush very clearly in what he said. i think women all across this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. [ cheers and applause ] >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful woman. >> welcome back to "morning
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joe," steve schmidt and mike barnicle still with us. and joining us from california, republican candidate carly fiorina. congratulations on an incredible night. >> thank you so much, good morning, mika, joe, everybody. >> i tell you what, i don't think we've had a debate, certainly not a debate with 47 people on the same stage for 18 hours or however long that black hole of calcutta experience was, where there was such a unified response. i think most everybody has said that it was your night. you won. what happened last night? what's your take on it? >> well, you know, i went into this debate understanding that half the people watching had never heard my name and didn't know i was running for president. and so it was a really important opportunity for me to continue to introduce myself to the american people. there were things that i wanted to say last night and then there
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are other things that you need to say based on what's happening around you. i was satisfied that i said what i needed to say last night. >> hey, carly, i want to put up while you were talking, i want to put up and read these reviews and also people listening on radio can read this. "business insider," "fiorina dropped the mic after stunning debate performance," ond "carly's night," bloomberg said "no one performed better than carly fiorina." you've got to even be surprised by the overwhelming response this morning. >> well, i'm certainly gratified. >> okay. not surprised but gratified. mike barnicle. >> ms. freiorina, you lost a
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child. other than the obvious of losing a child, other than enduring and going through that experience, what did it teach you about yourself? >> well, i think that during that experience, as well as my battle with cancer i learned that love and faith heal all, if given enough time. i learned that life isn't measured in time, it's measured in love and positive contribution and moments of grace. and i have had good times and bad in my life as all of us had, i have been tested by life.
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i've also felt enough of those moments of grace and i'm grateful for the love i have from my family, i'm grateful for my faith and i want to continue to make a positive contribution every day. that is why i'm running for president because i think every american deserves the opportunity to fulfill their potential and use their god-given gifts. that's an opportunity i've had in this nation. >> willie geist. >> i thought that was one of the most powerful moments of the night when she talked about her daughter. i'll embarrass you one more. the question after the second republican debate is this, will it take a week for carly fiorina to sit atop the polls or will it take two weeks because after wednesday night's debate, it's going to happen. that seemed to be the consensus on twitter or looking at
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reaction from conservatives and republicans. the first debate was a big bump for you in cleveland. now you've got up another notch. do you agree that you could be soon atop the polls? >> well, that would be great but it's still very early on. literally where i go from here is south carolina. you know, the first caucus still is about four or five months away. it may not be an exciting answer but the real answer, the true answer is i'm going to keep doing what i've been doing, which is working hard every single day to answer every question, to meet as many voters as i can, to be transparent about who i am and what i intend to do. but i hope that what people saw last night is that i can win this job and i can do this job. >> steve schmidt. >> carly, good morning.
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>> good morning. >> a wonderful job last night. i wonder if there was a moment in the debate where you knew you had this? it was hot up there, it was long, but was there a moment where you understood you were in complete command of the debate? >> actually not, steve. it was a long debate and i'll tell you what, i had to do it in high heels. >> on concrete. >> on concrete. >> that's right. but i was paying attention, very close attention every minute half debate because every minute counted for me and i wanted to be very aware of what was going on around me. as i say, there were things i wanted to be sure i conveyed if i had the opportunity and so you're on alert making sure that you have those opportunities or you take those opportunities. i had to take some opportunities as well. >> by the way, i just got a helpful quote from alex, who talking about carly's
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performance last night compared to the other men reminded me of the ginger rogers quote where ginger rogers said, "i did everything that fred astaire did except in high heels and backwards." >> threw ere you go. >> as the sole woman on stage, it must have been an unbelievable experience. let's talk about wages for women. there are people who can't live on the wages they're working for. wages haven't changed in years. what would you do about stagnant wages and the wage gap, especially as it pertains to women? >> well, first of course we need to create more jobs. i mean, the way that wages rise over time is to create more jobs. and what we're doing right now is crushing the job creators. it is small, new, family-owned
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community-based businesses that create two-thirds of the new jobs in this country and employ half the people and we are now destroying more of those than we are creating for the first time in u.s. history. that's why you see a 2% economic growth instead of closer to 4%. secondly, look, there are times and places where a minimum wage needs to be raised but not nationally. there's just no justification for saying the satandard of living in new york city is the same as it is in louisiana. a minimum wage discussion has to happen at the state level, not the national level. >> and the federal government is not a meritocracy.
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up disadvantage women. they leave the workforce for a time or they come later. i will as president of the united states move to a meritocracy where it matters what you produce, it matters how you perform, not how long you've been in the job, which is what we have throughout the federal government today. >> carly, let me ask you another policy question. before you came on we were talking about the failure, our united states complete failure against isis, especially in syria. syria has exploded under the world stage. it's now -- it's not at the doorstep of europe, it is now visited upon europe. the united states and the rest of the west has done very little over the past several years. it is a problem from hell and it's a problem we've done nothing about significantly. what do we do moving forward? what would you do as commander in chief to bring order back to syria and the region? >> well, you know, this is an example of what happens when the
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united states doesn't lead. when we do not lead, the world becomes a more dangerous and a more tragic place. the failure in syria lies at the feet of president obama and secretary of state clinton. we now have three failed states. we have yemen, we have libya, we have syria, basically each one of these countries is breaking apart. iraq, many would argue, has already broken apart. syria is a particularly complex situation. i said in terms of isis i would immediately hold a camp david summit with our arab allies who are fighting isis on the ground and ask them what support they need, though we have to arm the kurds, et cetera. however, on syria i'm not going to give you an off-the-cuff answer. i would have to have a serious set of consultations with our military experts because the
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options we had 18 months ago or three years ago are not on the table. we had an option to arm moderate rebels, obama did not take it. we had an option to push back on assad when he armed rebels, we did not take it. by the way, russia is sitting in syria today because president obama and secretary of state clinton would not push back on vladimir putin. we should be rebuilding the sixth fleet, rebuilding the missile defense program in poland to push back on putin. syria has become immeasurably more dangerous with the entrance of russia into that battlefield. >> different topic for you. we just got the news this week that h.p. was cutting 30,000 job as the company splits under the leadership of meg whitman, in addition to 55,000 jobs cut there earlier this year. i understand you haven't been with h.p. for more than a decade
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but what was your reaction to that news as someone who led that company? >> as you said, i haven't been there for over a decade. look, i worked very hard to keep hewlett packard together. i thought that the diversified portfolio served us well and indeed it served us incredibly well for the next decade after i left. but obviously meg whitman is there, she has a strategy that she is pursuing and it's always terribly unfortunate when people lose their job. it is why it's the hardest thing a chief executive has to do is to tell someone they don't have a job anymore, which is why when i was there, we gave extremely generous severance packages, lots of counseling to employees so that they could successfully go on and find another job. but it was a tough time when i was in huewlett packard.
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you look at ibm. many technology companies are struggling. >> i was just wondering because where were we in the first debate? in the bar. >> cleveland. >> i heard a little bit about your husband and how you have a quiet moment before the debates. what did he say after? >> you couldn't see but in the breaks i would go over and talk with him. he was very close to the stage, as were the other candidates' spouses a and families. and at the end of it he said, "you did great." >> i remember when we were in the bar and you were talking to carly and she had a great monologue she was on and everyone was fascinated and i turned and and looked at frank and he had a beer and just winked at me, as in the wink was, yeah, my wife as got it.
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i told you she was great. he's a lovely guy. >> he is a great guy. frank's a great guy. by the way, when he told you you were doing great, he wasn't just being nice. you were. carly fiorina, thank you so much and congratulations. >> thanks so much. thanks for having me, guys. >> still ahead, we'll speak exclusively with donald trump as well as chris christie. you're watching "morning joe." be right back. we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at
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woman: when a student understands a concept for the first time. man: when the students get it. man: their eyes get big, the lightbulb pops on. woman: "i got it, i think i got it!" they light up. it's like magic. woman: this is not just a job. woman: the rewards i get are... priceless. man: we help kids grow, and that's part of the rush of teaching. narrator: the california teachers association. educators who know quality public schools make a better california for all of us. joining us by home, republican presidential candidate donald trump. donald, you got a ton of face time. it was all you, everywhere. >> the fox debate, now the cnn debate, all the questions, the
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split screens, everything, and yet you thought you were treated fairly last night. >> well, i thought i was treated fairly. i thought i was on too much. i felt badly for everybody else. because every question had to do with me, even the first characters. everything was about trump and then they go into this debate and it was split screens all over the place. i've never seen anything like it. it was a little bit unfair to other people but i think from my perspective i was treated fairly. i was listening to you and you're talking about carly and i thought carly was fine but maybe i saw it a little bit differently from the stage. but drudge just did a poll, more than 60% said that trump. you know, the poll right after the debate. >> right. >> and 60% is the big one, you have 15 to 16 people up there. >> i think carly did a great job last night. >> stood out.
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>> in one debate, i would like moderators to treat you like the other candidates because if you're back on your heels for three hours straight, i'm going to get a different performance from you and i'm talking as a republican who is trying to -- than if you're treated like the other candidates. it's distorted. >> they've taken every sentence i've said over the last five months that was tough and put it to the other people. that was a -- vince mcmahon would have loved it because it's a wwe kind of a thing. but i was involved with virtually ever question. so it was a little bit wild. a couple of them came up and said you know what, donald, next time can i hit you so i can get a little more time. some of these guys, i felt badly. a lot of them are friends of mine and they got no air time last night. >> okay. so i actually think that even though you felt bad for the other guys, i think that the approach of the debate played
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right -- i'm not surprised there's polls that show donald trump doing better this morning, i'll have to check those, but when you gang up on a candidate, this is like what you talk about in neophyte political races, you gang up on the woman or you gang up on one person and that person prevails. >> and what was your father's first tweet last night? >> my dad is a big fan of yours and he texted me five minutes in. and he said, first of all, if they've all signed a loyalty pledge, why wouldn't be the answer be would you trust trump with our nuclear codes and none of them could answer that. of course you would. >> joe, wouldn't you say that's about a 2 million debate and
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they had 24 million and actually the 24 million goes up after they get their final numbers. this one i think maybe we'll get more other than one thing i did complain about. three hours is too much for a debate. it's a long time to be debating but i think it's even worse for people who have to sit home. if this were two hours, it would have been a great debate. three hours is unacceptable. a week ago we got a call they were going to make the debate an hour more. that means the advertising is so sense and so deep and they're getting tremendous numbers per minute and half minute, they just added another hour. i think that's a shame because three hours is too much for a debate. how long is "gone with the wind," three hours, 20 minutes, right? >> "morning joe" is three hours. we're tired every morning. >> i think that makes you rhett
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butler. >> well, maybe. >> who else stood out to you? were you impressed by the other candidates? >> i was. i think nobody did poorly. i thought carly did well -- joe of saying and -- >> no, it was me. >> i thought she did well, too. i didn't see it as standout like you did but maybe it was different perspective. and i got hit every other way, anything i ever said about a woman i was hit with. i thought she did well. i thought rubio did well. i actually think that everybody -- now i'm trying to be nice when i say this because i've gotten to know some of these people and i like them, but i really think that everybody did at least pretty well. >> did jeb bush have more energy
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last night? >> he did. actually, he's a very nice guy. i thought he did fine, did very well. i thought he was going to push me harder to apologize to his wife. >> let me ask you about the florida casino question. did you ever ask jeb bush personally to bring casinos to the state of florida? there seems to be some debate between you two about that. >> no, joe, what happened is a group that i knew wanted him to do it. i wasn't involved in it. they wanted him to do it. ultimately i think he did it, i didn't follow the whole process but i think he did it in some form and i wasn't involved in it and ultimately the indians got gaming approved but i was not involved in that at all. as i told him, if i wanted it, i would have gotten it. that was a different time in my
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life. it coincided but it was not for me. it was not for me. he knows that. there was a little article someplace and he picked that up. and i was surprised to hear him say that actually because it wasn't true. >> donald, ben carson. what did he say last night in the debate that proved he should be closing in on you in the polls? >> well, are you talking about what did he say personally to me? >> anything. what did he say on the stage? >> i don't know. i just like him as a person frankly. and i thought his whole thing on autism where he backed me up was terrific. you know, because i've seen -- i'm very much involved with autism and i see these kids where they go for a shot, a massive inoculation and all i say is spread it out, smaller shots over a period of time and he sort of backed me up. he did back me up on that and so did rand paul. rand paul came out shooting. i'm sitting there and all of a sudden i got shot at by rand
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paul. i said you're not supposed to be up here, you have 1% and you're not supposed to be up here. after that he behaved nicely. >> the pope is going to be coming to visit and one thing he talks about is climate change. where do you come out? how seriously do you take it? what do you think the united states ought to be doing about it? >> i consider climate change to be one of our big problems at all. i think it's weather, it's weather changes. if you look at china, they're doing nothing about it, it's a big planet. i view climate change as being the big problem we have is nuclear climate change. putin is doing it.
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i don't believe putin is a believe at all. he's doing it for his own economic advantage. >> donald trump, thank you very. up next, new jersey governor chris christie joins the conversation. keep it right here on "morning joe." ♪ shattered, shattered that's a sensor. using ge software, the light can react to its environment- getting brighter only when it's needed. in a night, it saves a little energy. but, in a year it saves a lot. and the other street? it's been burning energy all night. for frank. frank's a cat. now, two things that are exactly the same, have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized.
5:28 am
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california. governor chris christie. you had a great night. >> total debate time, trump, 16:20 but it was a lot more of that if you talk about the split screens and everything else. you're only at seven minutes and yet all of us and the table are saying you had a great night. talk about the debate and your frustrations about the fact that they were obsessed with donald trump. >> well, joe, i'm not frustrated at all this morning. you know with me, joe, it's always been quality, not quantity. so i feel pretty good this morning. >> i agree. that's good. and you had quality. you jumped in there a few times, especially when donald trump and carly fiorina were kind of going back and forth about their business careers and tried to bring it to the issues. did it seem like it was all about what trump said and everybody responding or do you feel you had a chance to really put exactly out there what you can offer to the american
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people? >> listen, i feel like what i've learned on the campaign trail, mika, is the voters are sick of hearing them talk about themselves and that was my observation about what happened last night. i can say this, i would love to have more time talking on the stage, i think we all would, but i didn't think anybody stepped on me last night. i got the time to say what i wanted to say. if i had more time, i would have talked about what i learned doing 22 town halls in new hampshire. >> we know you're thrilled being up with us at 4:30 in the morning. >> no one i'd rather be with than you, willie, at 4:30 in the morning. >> i know you mean that, governor. we've watched you closely. you sort of patiently stayed below the radar as donald trump has dominated the coverage and
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you said i'm going to continue to do my thing at town halls and listen to the stories. take us inside your campaign behind the curtain. what's the strategy? are you prepared to blow up into that trump/kasich/fiorina category? >> we're going to continue to do what we're doing. it's working. folks want someone in the oval office who will understand their problems, hear them and will bring that experience to the oval office to help fix the country for here and around the world. so the strategy is to continue to work harder than any candidate in this race. that's what we're doing. we'll get on the plane this morning, we'll head back to new jersey, we'll do some more work tonight, raise some money this evening as well and move on to south carolina tomorrow. >> steve schmidt. governor, good morning. >> good morning, steve. >> if you look ahead to becoming president of the united states,
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you would be sworn in on january 20, 2017. what would you say to the american people in your inaugural address? what is the most fundamental challenge facing this country as we begin to move into the third decade of the 21st century? >> that the games are going to be stopped, the shenanigans are going to end, you have somebody in office to knows how to enforce the law. and people are tired of their generosity being taken advantage of, of the system gamed and by them falling behind for themselves and for their children. that's why i started the debate last night the way i did, which was to ask them to put the cameras on the people in the audience. i asked how many people truly believed their children would be better off than them. this president in seven years has killed our trust, our faith and our belief in that
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fundamental american truth, which was that the next generation was going to be better off than ours. that's what we need to restore and that's what i'll talk to the people about. >> so no questions about -- >> joe, no whining and moaning from this camp. i did the best i could last night with the time they gave me. i think we made great use of that seven minutes. i hope the folks watching last night will can't to the folks at cnbc in october that they want to hear more from me. because as you know, i'm ratings magic, joe, i'm ratings magic. >> you are. >> i'm getting killed by all my democratic friends, though, like you're for carly, you're from chris christie. i'm talking about debate performance. i don't agree with a word they say but i have to say you were great. >> and your ratings go. you're kind of like redford and
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streisand in 1974, that era. >> joe, are you trying to get me to start singing "the way we were"? >> could you, just a few bars, "memories"? >> i can hear it in my head but at 4:30 a.m., i'm going to run people off your show. and mika, what a wonderfully objective and smart evaluation of the debate. bless you. >> governor chris christie, just to save your campaign, i'll say i don't agree with a word you say. >> thank you, mika. >> coming up, the federal reserve will announce whether it's set to raise interest rates for the first time in almost a decade. >> and while the candidates were throwing down, bernie standers was landing the cover of "time" magazine. >> he should. >> the beg reveal coming up on
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first of all, let me say what i actually said about raising the minimum wage. i was asked should it be raised. i said probably, possibly. but i said we have to sit down and negotiate a reasonable minimum wage and index that so we never have to have that conversation again in the history of america. i think we also have to have two minimum wages, a starter and a sustaining because how are young people ever going to get a job if you have such a high minimum wage that it makes it impractical to hire them? >> all right.
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>> it's time now for business before the bell. cnbc's sara eisen joins us from the new york stock exchange. >> we're only a few hours away from one of the most widely awaited federal reserve decisions. will it or won't the fed raise interest rates for the first time in nine years? it has been at rock bottom since the financial crisis and the debate is is the u.s. strong enough to hand le a little bit higher interest rates? on jobless claims, fewer americans are filing jobless claims to 264,000 and it highlight the predicament for the federal reserve. that is that the labor market, jobs are doing quite well.
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5.1 unemployment rate in this country is the lowest we've seen since the financial crisis, yet at the same time, the other part of the fed's mandate is inflation. that is not happening. we're not seeing prices rise fast enough, not seeing wages rise high enough. does the fed move when it doesn't fulfill all of its duties on the recovery? it's been this start, stop, lumpy, bumpy recovery. >> can you explain why is the market so skittish when it comes to talking about an interest rate hike when the consensus seeps to be that it's inevitable that interest rates will be hiked by the fed sometime over the next -- if not this week, sometime over the next four to five months. why so skittish? >> because we're in unchartered territory. we don't know how the market is going to react.
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we've had this new phenomenon where called quantitative easing. the question is how muches that that distorted the economy, flows to emerging markets. so it's the and -- the federal reserve doesn't want to disrupt the progress it's made on the economy and with financial markets. >> all right. sarah eisen, thank you so much. >> coming up next, it was a big night for republicans but we can't forget about the democrats. "time" magazine puts bernie sanders on the cover of their new issue and he should be there. bernie "socialize this america." so they're ready if the power ever goes down. (bird screeching)
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i wonder why they save those backups... and not just put them in the regular rotation. i bet if they just had the chance, some of those backups would really shine. no matter what happens, a reliable network has your back. i needed work done around my house at a fair price.f sure can. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or make a backyard pizza oven? oh yeah. i can almost taste it now. tastes like victory. and pepperoni...
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misswill turn anan asphalt parking lot into a new neighborhood for san franciscans. a vote for "yes" on "d" is definitely a vote for more parks and open space. a vote on proposition "d" is a vote for jobs. campos: no one is being displaced. it's 40% affordable units near the waterfront for regular people. this is just a win-win for our city. i'm behind it 100%. voting yes on "d" is so helpful to so many families in our city.
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if we stand together, if we do not allow them to divide us up by white and black and hispan hispanic, by gay or straight, man or woman, whether we're born in this country or born somewhere else, if we stand together, there is nothing, nothing, nothing we cannot accomplish. thank you all very much. >> be"bernie, socialize this
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america." now why did i say that in donald trump's voice in i'm confused. it's a great cover. and i think exactly the other tomorrow of the week. >> if you were multi-tasking last night, you could have been watching bernie live tweeting the debate. it isn't clear how long bernie has been a republican but he only joined the democratic party in april. he's closed the gap with hillary without running a single television ad. he has exposed the weakness of the clintonian democratic establishment the same way donald trump has the republican establishment and these crowds that he's drawing are comparablely enormous and genuine and the movement he's
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trying to build is really like nothing we have seen. >> are they traction, though? is that a legitimate question? >> is he gaining traction? can he keep it? >> what he says is barack obama did this in 2008, he ran a great campaign, he built a big movement and in on inauguration day he said thanks very much, we've got this. he's not just looking for votes, he's looking for movement. the number of people who are signing up, there are about 180,000 some now who want to organize events and house parties and rallies. it is just incredible watching what he is doing with so much less in terms of traditional resources and staff and fund-raising apparatus. and so we're going to find out how much long-term impact this can actually have. >> it's clearly apparent if
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you've been to a sanders rally, i've been to one of them, that he along with donald trump to some extent but he is addressing one of the great fears and el men of anger that's out there in our culture, in our society stemming from the economic collapse of 2008, which shattered the foundation of hope that so many people have in this country that other candidates aren't even mentioning. bernie is keen on it. >> he talks about how in the last two years, the 15 richest people in america got $17 billion richer. this is what he is hammering at every single event, about income inequality, about poverty, about a 90% tax -- we'll see how much
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each shakes up his side of the race. >> you have another extraordinary story, the new roman empire. tell us about it. >> our religious expert will be on what they're calling pope the amage of him standing in front of both houses of congress, what that will look like and feel like next week will be really incredible. >> nancy gibbs, that is. he's going to three cities, right? >> philadelphia, new york and washington. >> the new issue of "time" is available tomorrow. up next, the question is did we learn anything today? >> i think we did.
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for this are hispanics and poor people. and yet the rich people aren't. >> i think if we left it open, someone smoked pot in high school. >> he's talking about me. i wanted to make it easier for him and i just did. 40 years ago i smoked marijuana. and i admit it. i'm sure other people might have done it and don't want to say it in front of 40 million people. my mom's not happy that i just did. that's true. >> my dad owned a liquor store and bar and a pool room. on in america can you go from the back of a liquor store to an elite. >> our leading can't gets his foreign policy from watching television. what i heard last night is the
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cartoon network, ooh, i'm big, i'm strong, i'm going to had the him in the head. strom thurmond had four kids after he was 67. if we're not willing to do that, we better -- >> ronald reagan did a couple of really big things we should remember. he sat down with tip o'neill, the most liberal guy in the entire house. that's the first thing i'm going to do as president. we're going to drink more. >> you see lindsey in the catskills coming up. lindsey was great last night. >> very funny. >> mika, what did you learn? >> my prediction has nothing to do with my opinions because i don't agree with them. i predict the polls will say that donald trump maintains himself lead and carly fiorina jumps to second spot. >> mike?
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>> i was touched and impressed by carly fiorina's response of what she learned about herself after the death of her child. >> she said one line was unbelievable, that life is not measured in years, it is measured in love. and talking about a tragic passing of a child made it a remarkable moment. >> i think i learned in that profoundly moving answer to that question that carly fiorina has the requisite answers to be the president of the united states. >> i think i learned that last night. i think i learned that she was not surprised that she did well. she was polite and humble about it. are you surprised that everybody's declaring you the win? she didn't come out and say no. she came on the show and said you underestimate me.
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she knew. >> carly said that a couple of months ago, she said you're underestimating me. >> it's confidence. i love it. >> i think for aspiring politicians and leaders out there, don't be afraid of the fight. the first time carly came on had a blood bath with mika. it was a really, really tough debate. it was such a tough debate i was uncomfortable afterwards. you know what carly did? she came back because she knew how to come back and she gained everybody's respect and she's still coming back. >> all right, if it's way too early, what time is it? >> it is "morning joe." but stick around because "the rundown" is what is next and they're going to be talking about the trump debate. >> that's what it was. >> good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. it was the largest debate so
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far, 11 candidates in primetime, all full of substance, sarcasm and plenty of sound. donald trump taking heat from all sides, including from carly fiorina. another strong performance for her. she took on the front-runner and looked ahead to the general election by calling out hillary clinton and this morning she tells "morning joe" she is gratified by the response. >> i'm going to keep doing what i've been doing, which is working hard every single day to answer every question, to meet as many voters as i can, to be transparent about who i am and what i intend to do. but i hope what people saw last night is that i can win this job and i can do this job. >> we've got it all covered for you. nbc's peter alexander was there for all of the fireworks. he's with us this morning. what a night last night. >> reporter: jose, good morning to you. is it morning morning already? is
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