tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 18, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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like for this women? >> we're looking to lengthen or eliminate the statute of limitations in california. for our client it will be a positive outcome in this lawsuit. >> thank you for sharing your stories with us. that does it for me. johnathan capehart picks up our live coverage, next. tonight donald trump and the republican party's birther reji revi revival. and democrats respond to carly fiorina's call to name hillary clinton's accomplishments. but first, donald trump is coming under fire for his handling of a controversial question at an event last night in new hampshire. trump isn't often criticized for remaining silent. but this exchange is different. >> okay. this man. i like this guy. >> i'm from white plains. amen, okay? we have a problem in this
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country. it's called muslims. we know our current president is one. you know he's not even an american. >> would he nee need this quest. >> we have training camps where they want to kill us. that's my question. when can we get rid of him? >> we're going to be looking at a lot of different things. a lot of people are saying that. a lot of people are saying bad things are happening out there. we'll be looking that and plenty of other things. >> trump refused to correct the man on president obama not being muslim and not being born in america. he also didn't take issue with the premises of the man's question, asking when america can, quote, get rid of muslims. trump's campaign told cnn, all he heard was a question about training camps which he said he would have to look into. trump cancelled a campaign event today because of a business
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deal. senator bernie sanders tweeted, trump must apologize to the american people for continuing the lie that the president is not american and not a christian. hillary clinton also responded today. >> he knew or should have known what he was asking was not only way out of bounds, it was untrue. he should have from the beginning repudiated that kind of rhetoric, that level of hatefulness in a questioner in an audience that he was appearing before. so i would call on him and call on all of the candidates to stop this descent into the kind of hateful, mean-spirited, divisive rhetoric we've seen too much of in the last months. >> it's important to note donald trump has been on the birther bandwagon for years. remember, back in april of 2011, trump launched his own investigation into president obama's birth certificate. trump even credited himself with
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forcing president obama's decision to release his long form birth certificate weeks later. >> today i am very proud of myself, because i've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish. i was just informed while on the helicopter that our president has finally released a birth certificate. i want to look at it. but i hope it's true. so we can go on to much more important matters. >> that still didn't do it for the donald. here is donald trump back on july 9th. >> do you accept that president obama was born in the united states? >> no, i really don't know. i don't know. i don't know why he wouldn't release his records. but, you know, honestly, i don't want to get into it. trump was able to get him to give something, i don't know what the hall it was, but it
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doesn't matter because i'm off that subject. >> why did he say that? he's playing to his base. 61% of trump's supporters don't think president obama was born in the united states. the poll also reveals 66% of trump's supporters believe president obama is a muslim. the numbers aren't much better among all republicans. a new cnn poll shows 43% of republicans think president obama is a muslim. 19% of republicans believe he was born outside the united states. all these years later, even after president obama released his long form birth certificate, the birther movement is still alive and well in america. so let us know what you think about this topic. tonight's question: will birtherism hurt trump's chances of winning the gop nomination? log on to for more, let me bring in jonathan alter and genevieve
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wood. thank you both for being here. jonathan, let me start with you. i'll ask you a question that -- i mean, nothing seems to hurt donald trump. but will this hurt donald trump? >> certainly not with a 43% of republicans who believe the president wasn't born here. many of them believe he is a muslim. you know, this is the best example that we have in our politics of the republican party and its flight from reality. they are no longer -- many of them, not all of them, but, you know, a good 43% of them are no longer living in a reality-based universe. they are impervious, immune to factual argument. when that happens, you're in
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danger of running your political party off the rails. this is why you see hillary clinton responding to strongly. she knows that most americans still do have a grip on reality, and that this is a remnant of a portion of a major american political party that no longer has a grip on reality. and we're going to see that now become an issue. trump is caught in between his base, which has departed from reality, and reality, which he knows exists. he's not an irrational man himself. what's going to be fascinating is watching the way he tries to wiggle out of the fact that he's now tied to something that's untrue. >> genevieve, i would love to get your reaction to whether or not this will hurt donald trump, and also to the question, is donald trump playing to his base by not condemning the man's question? >> i would have to say, i think the reality is president obama could be sitting on the front
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pew of the first batptist churc of washington, d.c., and most conservatives would agree with him, not because he does or does not go to church, but because of his policies. that's the reality here. >> genevieve, the question here is not the president's policies. we're talking about a big chunk of the republican party who doesn't believe the president of the united states was born in the united states, and they don't believe that he's christian. they believe he's muslim. there is that guy at the event. answer that question for me. >> the question was -- i think you're linking the two, and i get it, but the question is whether they thought he was a muslim or christian. it wasn't whether he was born in this country or not. and so what if he's a muslim? is that a bad thing? >> facts are stubborn things. he's not a muslim.
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why do so many people in your party believe he is? that's the issue. everything else is a sidestepping the conversation. >> the particular poll that you looked at, the cnn poll said 43%, and the washington post said they felt that was a high number. apparently 29% of independents think so. but i think what's interesting here is the way that hillary clinton answered that question today. if you go back to 2008 and hillary's interview with "60 minutes" where she was asked about this very question and she said, no, i don't think he is, he said he's not, but she ends up saying, at least i don't think so. why wasn't she so definitive back in 2008? >> that was on the question of the president's -- >> let me try this. this is interesting. you make a good point. she did try to exploit it politically when she was running against barack obama. but a lot has happened since
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then. a lot of facts have now on the table. we know for a fact that he was born in the united states. we know for a fact that -- >> no one is questioning that. >> 51% of trump's supporters think the president wasn't born in the united states. >> you can find people in any audience, including republican audiences, but i would say in democratic audiences too, who have views that are outside the mainstream of their party or even what most other people think. but that doesn't mean that anybody who has an r or a d next to their name thinks that way. >> i didn't say that everybody did. i said several times, a certain percentage. and what i don't understand tonight is why don't you take a hard look at your political party and say, we have to clean up our act, we cannot be in this non-reality-based environment. >> i don't know what you're talking about, jonathan. >> i'm talking about the 43% who believe he's a muslim and the
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19% who believe he wasn't born in the united states. >> but the same poll showed that 15% of democrats, his own party, think that. why aren't you yelling about them? 15% isn't a small number. >> genevieve, i'm still looking for an answer to my question. >> what's your question? >> the question is, is donald trump -- i'll leave off the other question i asked. is donald trump playing to the base of the republican party by not condemning that man's question? >> no. i don't think he's doing that. because i don't think the majority of republicans, a, think that, or two, that is not their chief issue with president obama. and frankly, president obama isn't running in the next election. it's either going to be hillary or bernie or whoever. i don't think he's doing that. i think for whatever reason, he didn't want to answer the question or he didn't want to take it on. but that's donald trump's issue. he's got to speak for himself on this. i don't think it helps him with the base. >> you know what, jonathan? i'm going to ask you a question. we'll take you down memory lane
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to 2008, when a similar question was asked of the republican nominee for president. >> i can't trust obama. i have read about him and he's not -- he's an arab. he is not -- >> no, ma'am. he's a decent family man, citizen, that i just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. and that's what this campaign is all about. he's not. thank you. >> jonathan, that was a moment in presidential politics when you had someone from the opposing party who took responsibility for what was happening there when an untruth was being said and a nasty one, not whether it's good or not to be muslim, but the tenor and tone of the conversation that time in 2008, i remember, was
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incredibly toxic. and so why isn't it -- why shouldn't donald trump be held accountable, especially since he's running for president of the united states, to do exactly what john mccain did when confronted by the same kind of question? >> he is being held accountable, by msnbc, by cnn. what's troubling to me is he's not being held accountable by other republicans. that's why i got a little exercised a few minutes ago. it seems to me pretty rudimentary that other more responsible republicans should be issuing statements today saying that jump is just wrong on this. they've criticized him on many other things. why haven't they stepped up and said he's wrong? >> i think some have. chris christie put out a statement immediately. there were a number of folks who put out statements on that, saying he should have addressed this. and by the way, i've seen fox play the same clips that we just
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played here of john mccain and having this exact same discussion. >> so then i'm sort of dumbfounded here. i'm trying to figure out how, here we are, seven years later, we're still having this same conversation, and still the republican party by and large is letting this untruth, these lies, a lot of it rooted in xenophobia and racism, to fester. >> johnathan, just because some people may believe this doesn't mean everybody or the majority. even the majority in that poll don't believe this. i think -- why did trump not take it on? if it had been me standing there or i had been advising him, i would say, yes, you shouldn't allow something like that to stand unless that's what you actually believe. i don't know, maybe donald trump actually does think that barack obama is not a christian or is of the muslim faith. i don't know, because he didn't answer that question. he didn't come out and say
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anything. >> he cannot admit he's wrong, that's why he won't back off. he will never apologize, just like with carly fiorina's looks. >> i have to say rush limbaugh said something funny, he advised trump, maybe he should have come back with that he's beautiful. he missed the moment. >> jonathan alter and genevieve, thank you for your time tonight. ahead, republicans make a move to defund planned parenthood. and how bernie sanders plans to close the polling gap between limb and higlllary in south carolina.
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a game of inches. this was the case for jeb bush, the tallest candidate on the stage. but apparently not tall enough. moments before the debate, we can clear see him rising to his tip toes for a group photo. some out there suggested he did this to tower over the rival on his right, donald trump. but jeb offered a different explanation. he said he did it to see where his wife was sitting because when you've been married 42 years, that's the kind of thing you do. jeb bush came into the debate trailing donald trump by a wide margin so you can't blame him for doing anything possible. . aby girl. duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices so you can always be there. ♪
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>> mrs. clinton will have to defend her track record. her track record of lying about her e-mails, lying about benghazi. she doesn't have a track record of accomplishments. if you want to stump a democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of hillary clinton's. >> if you were on that debate stage with her, what would you say was your number one accomplishment as secretary of state? >> if anybody's interested, you know, there's a long list about what i have done. and i'm very proud of it. you can read my book, "hard choices." >> clinton supporters are having no trouble responding to fiorina's challenge. they've cited diplomatic victories from her time as secretary of state and
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interactions with iran long with her focus on women's rights. women's healthcare has been a major topic on the campaign trail. carly fiorina was just one of the candidates passionate about ending the government's funding of planned parenthood at all costs. >> i dare hillary clinton, barack obama, to watch these tapes, watch a fully formed fetus on the table. its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. this is about the character of our nation. and if we will not stand up and force president obama to veto this bill, shame on us. >> earlier today the house voted to defund the organization, an effort that is expected to be blocked by senate democrats. hillary clinton took on the republican efforts to defund planned parenthood at a campaign stop today in new hampshire. >> all of the candidates on that stage are in favor of defunding planned parenthood. and i vigorously disagree with
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that position. i think it is unfair and wrong to single out planned parenthood, to try to deprive the millions of women who get healthcare from planned parenthood access to those services. >> i'm joined by president of the national organization for women and a senior fellow at media matters for america. what do you make the carly fiorina's statement on planned parenthood? >> that's exactly why carly fiorina does not get the women's vote. women across the country and across the political and ideological spectrum love planned parenthood because it provides family planning services to millions of women, including enormous numbers of, yes, middle class, younger women, in high school and in college who are not in a place where they can have that conversation with their mom and dad. and they go to planned parenthood because their mothers know that they'll be cared for
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safely and with medical excellence at planned parenthood. when carly fiorina supports policies that would shut down the family planning services that planned parenthood provides, what she's actually doing is promoting policies that increase infant mortality, promoting policies that increase internal mortality. and women won't vote for someone who supports policies that kill women. it's pretty simple. >> eric, that clip we showed of carly fiorina pounding the podium and giving that very vivid description of what she saw on video, there are lots of reports out there that say what she was describing she couldn't possibly have seen because the video doesn't exist. i think it's part of a larger thing about the misrepresentation of planned parenthood. why has it been so difficult to stop these kinds of misrepresentations by the republican party? >> well, jonathan alter in the previous segment talked about the republican party being immune from facts, living in their own bubble.
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carly fiorina has a problem telling the truth. she either didn't watch these videos, which is amazing because she wants to shut down the entire federal government to defund planned parenthood, or she did watch the videos and just made this stuff up, because what she described, as you said, does not exist. how are you going to run for president when say this is what she saw on the video when everyone can look at the video and say it doesn't exist? when al gore ran for president, the dc press said he couldn't be president because he has the tendency to exaggerate. will the press hold carly fiorina to the same standard? she's making stuff up about shutting down the federal government. this is kind of weird. >> this is like a jump ball question here. has the republican party gotten better or worse when it comes to talking about women's issues? >> so, exactly, johnathan. after 2012, when it was clear that the republican party had a problem with women, and
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specifically a problem with women around rape because they had candidates in the republican party saying that, you know, a pregnancy from rape is a gift of god, republicans have actually gone backwards from there. now what they're saying is not only do they not want women to terminate pregnancies caused by rape or terminate unwanted or unplanned pregnancies, they don't want women getting birth control. to be clear, the attack on planned parenthood is an attack on funding for family planning services. so now all of the republicans running for president, from carly fiorina to donald trump, on down, they all want to stop women from having access to birth control. that means they lose the millennial vote for both men and women millennials, they lose the women vote for decades to come. that's not good for women advocates. we want republicans to have a fair shot at getting women's
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votes because we want there to be competition between republicans and democrats for the women's vote. unfortunately where we are right now is republicans are making themselves into a party that women absolutely cannot in good conscience vote for. >> as i alluded to in the uctiintrod, carly fiorina sort of deflected questions about her tenure at hewlett-packard by going on this tirade on planned parenthood and also going after hillary clinton and her accomplishments. did fiorina pick the wrong battle in attacking hillary clinton's record? >> it's kind of a strange battle to wage. carly fiorina, head of hp, laid off 30,000 workers. she ran for the u.s. senate, lost in a landslide, and ask asking hillary clinton what are your accomplishments. she doesn't seem to be the perfect person to set the standard for what great accomplishments are. the idea that she's not
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accomplished, this shouat she d show what she's doing, that she doesn't understand how power works in america, doesn't really connect with voters, most voters, even republicans, independents say she's been in power, she knows how government works, she's an effective leader, things like this. this idea that hillary clinton might be in over her head if she were president is a very odd tack for republicans to take. >> back to the conversation about defunding planned parenthood and the possibility of a government shutdown over it, it's easy to talk about, you know, withstanding vetoes, the administration certainly has made it clear that they are not going to sign a budget bill that defunds planned parenthood, which means we'll head to a government shutdown. that's the mood right now. but as we get closer to that d-day for that shutdown to happen, do you expect the obama administration's resolve and the president's resolve to hold firm and the government to shut down over this issue? >> we're working very hard,
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especially in the senate, to make sure that nothing comes out of the senate that would defund planned parenthood. and we don't want any compromises, any deals around the budget that would threaten planned parenthood's funding. i do think the obama administration will hold firm. i think that over the years of president obama's tenure as president, it is extremely unfortunate that what we have learned is that increasingly, the republicans in charge of both houses of congress cannot be reasoned with and they cannot be bargained with. you don't go to the bargaining table with people who deliberately pursue policies, as i said, that actually increase the rate of maternal mortality and infant mortality. you just can't bargain with that kind of an attitude. so i think the obama administration is going to hold firm. and i think that in the senate we can make some real headway. we had a terrible vote, two votes that were terrible in the house today. but we have better shots at the senate. >> we'll have to leave it there.
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thank you both for joining us tonight. still to come, chris christie gets put on the hot seat and bristol palin wastes no time for taking on the president. when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. oh, hello race car driver. in my speekitchen...clean up! it's these bounty with dawn multi-purpose cleaning towels. long-lasting power of dawn. in an ultra-durable bounty? awesome. they're water-activated.
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swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. critics are hitting president obama for clock watching. 14-year-old ahmed mohamed was arrested for building a digital clock that school officials mistook for a bomb. it caught the attention of business leaders around the country. mark zuckerberg invited him for a tour of facebook. twitter offered him an intern ship. and president obama asked him to bring the clock to the white house. not everyone liked the idea. >> cops are being gunned down. we don't invite them to the white hughes. but when a muslim kid builds a
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clock, call him by. what is this world of this situation? you don't get invited to the white house for building a clock. i'm sorry. i hate to be harsh but it's the truth. >> that is 13-year-old c.j. pierson. he's also the chairman of teens for ted cruz and a commanding presence for the young conservative movement. former dancing with the stars contestant bristol palin shared the disapproval. she wrote, this is the kind of stuff obama needs to stay out of. this encourages more racial strive that is already going on with the black lives matter crowd and encourages victim hood. ahmed is eyeing a spot at m.i.t. for college and is looking forward to transferring to another school. still ahead, bernie sanders discusses his southern strategy.
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welcome back. this news just in. bernie sanders has just been endorsed by comedian will ferrell, members of the red-hot chili peppers, and actor mark ruffalo. meanwhile, sanders raised $1.2 million in the days following an attack from a pro-clinton super-pac. sanders has promised not to go negative in his campaign and has kept that promise. recent polls show sanders leading in new hampshire in iowa but struggling in the south. the latest ppp poll out of south carolina has sanders trailing hillary clinton by a full 45 points. last night bernie sanders spoke to rachel maddow about expanding his resources beyond iowa and new hampshire. >> we'll put a lot of resources and energy into nevada, south carolina, and now we're gearing
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up for the week after. we think we can do very, very well on super tuesday, i think we'll celebrate in colorado, massachusetts. i think we'll do a lot better than people think in states like south carolina, where we're beginning to put a lot of resources in. >> did you learn anything from your admittedly somewhat unexpected success in iowa and new hampshire that has taught you how you want to organize in new states that you're just getting into? >> yes. our emphasis, what we're doing in iowa, we have 50 or 60 people on the ground knocking on doors. that's what we're doing in new hampshire. we'll obviously be on the television and radio with ads. most of our emphasis will be at a grassroots level, door to door, talking to people. >> let me bring in the senior editor with the new republic and a contributor with essence
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magazine. do you think one of hillary clinton's super-pacs going negative could hurt her campaign? we know that super-pacs and campaigns cannot coordinate. >> we know that if they do shoddy work, they won't be much of an advantage for her. to the extent that these slip-ups allow bernie sanders to raise money, that's not going to be effective for her. with respect to support for bernie sanders among black voters, i don't think it's going to be a big issue. >> hillary clinton's super-pac going after bernie sanders, i just asked brian if it would hurt her campaign. but isn't that sort of like a match under the sanders supporters? >> absolutely. and they don't really need any more motivation, they're very excited already. i see them, you see them in your
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mentions all the time. >> all the time. >> what is key here is she's winning the endorsement primary, she's winning at things that we look at for data points on who is going to win the primary. she's ahead in all those respects. in 2008, barack obama had 82% of the black vote in 2008. bernie sanders is under 10%. so that's why he's in south carolina. he's trying to reach out to those black voters. i don't know if campaigning with cornell west, though, is going to attract obama supporters. i don't think that that's -- that seems to be a misstep. i'm waiting to see here how he maybe corrects his strategy a little bit. >> so he's got these great numbers in iowa and new hampshire, the first two big contests. but you could argue that south carolina is a first really big contest because of what she was talking about, the
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african-american vote is huge in south carolina. can bernie sanders replicate the high poll numbers he's got in iowa and new hampshire, in other states? >> it's complicated. if you go back to 2008, things have kind of flipped. hillary was very strong back then with white working class democrats while then-senator obama performed very well with young and educated sanders is s the white working class. if he can improve his popularity among black voters in the south, hillary will have a big problem on her hands. the question is how to do that. obviously the clintons are popular among black voters. the smart thing, if sanders wanted to do that, is less exchange with individual black leaders, but going after the clintons where they're per received to be strong. the clintons spearheaded reform
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in the '90s. people resigned from the administration over the impact that would have on black families. if he campaigned on that. but not campaigning with cornell west. >> i also thought it was a little odd that if you're trying to reach out to the obama coalition, campaigning with cornell west isn't capacity the w -- exactly the way to do it. >> you don't go and campaign with someone who has called obama a sell-out and a puppet and worse. he's already beginning to reach out to black voters. he needs to talk about black lives matters. he's beginning to do that. he needs to talk about criminal justice reform. he's beginning to do that. you can't only talk about economic issues. he has to have a real conversation about where those issues intersect with race and gender. the same is true when you talk
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about women voters. he needs to speak specifically about women's issues. right now they're trying to defund planned parenthood. that's an issue for not just women broadly but women of color specifically. because if you close planned parenthood, we don't have access to contraception, or breast exams. >> do african-american voters know who bernie sanders is? it's one thing to be low in the polls because you're up against this juggernaut that is hillary clinton in south carolina. it's another to be like, well, who is that guy? >> who is the independent from vermont that i've heard about that caucuses with the democrats. obviously if you are college-educated you probably know about bernie sanders. he's been saying the same things for 40 years straight. he's very consistent in that way. but i don't think my mother, for example, and i always think of her when i'm thinking about how a message is resonating, does
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she know who bernie sanders is. his message on the trail doesn't resonate with her, a church-going black woman newly retired, who votes in every democratic primary. i don't see it quite yet. >> one last question, brian. there's a lot of excitement on the bernie sanders side, bernie sanders folks are filling our twitter feeds. is the same excitement there for hillary clinton, among hillary clinton supporters, do you think? >> i think this is one of the biggest misconceptions that reporters in washington and new york have about the clinton campaign. the clintons' struggles right now are real. but there is a huge base of extremely enthusiastic hillary clinton supporters in the states. they were extremely unhappy when then-senator obama beat her in the 2008 primary. and many of them are still huge supporters of her. i think that the issue we're going to see with her is her poll numbers can't continue to plummet because she's going to hit a floor below which, you know, this huge mass of millions
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awe believe active management can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can take calculated risks. active management can seek to outperform. because active investment management isn't reactive. it's active. that's the power of active management. the new york mets, like many pro teams, show a kiss cam on their scoreboard between breaks that encourages couples caught on it to smooch.
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as a joke they put two players from the opposing team on the cam. some found it not funny or downright homophobic. one man tweeted at the mets for months, imploring them to end the practice. the mets received the following response from a team spokesperson. we have on occasion received messages about our practice. we apologize for offending people and will no longer include players in the feature. our organization is supportive of fostering an inclusive environment at games. but this wasn't yesterday's only notable kiss cam news. former president jimmy carter was featured on the kiss cam. the 90-year-old carter and his wife received an enthusiastic
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for low energy. he was ready for rapid fire round. >> do you think the government is going to shut down over defunding planned parenthood? >> probably not. >> joe biden, will he run for president? >> i hope he does. >> what about pope francis? his attitude, the way he has dealt with the church in the beginning and the faithful has potential to be transformative. john paul ii was transformative. >> last one that young man who brought the home made clock to school, did the school overreact? >> it's such a tough thing. it is obvious that they did when you look at the facts it is obvious that they did. we know we live in dangerous times and people are really concerned. that is part of what i have been talking about. the president hasn't met the burden of helping people feel safe. >> republicans gather at the heritage foundation with one
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the best birthday present is i heard donald trump had dropped out. wait a minute, that was just for today. >> conscience is what religious freedom is about, not just going to church or having a view of faith in your house. >> it's time we sent the president a bill that defunded planned parenthood with 51 votes in the united states senate. >> congress has tools. they can defund everything. they can defund his breakfast. >> a tolerant country like ours needs to protect religious freedom. it is the first freedom of our constitution. >> where is the bill to repeal obamacare? i want to know where it's at. >> joining me now arthur brooks, president of the american enterprise institute and author of the conservative heart. thanks for being here. >> hi. how are you? >> i'm just swell. there is speculation about
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donald trump's cancellation and swirling around the political sphere in a statement he cites a significant business transaction is keeping him from the event. how do these events compare in importance to town halls and rallies for individual candidates as we have seen candidates do throughout this cycle so far? >> they are important, actually. when everybody gets together you have major donors and supporters who are really keyed into this kind of event watching people all at the same time. it's a good place to make comparisons. i have seen a lot of them. sometimes i speak at the events where i'm the only non-candidate there. it will be candidate, candidate, think tank, candidate. >> ben carson received criticism for relatively listless performance. is the quiet demeanor what sets him apart from trump? and does that spell trouble for him going forward?
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>> well, almost anybody in america has a quiet demeanor compared to donald trump. but ben carson is just a mellow guy is the way it comes out. we have to wait and see whether or not that is the right temperment people want. >> rick perry dropped out of the race a week ago today. the last national poll showed he had one percent of support in the race. are there other candidates who should do a rick perry and throw in the towel? >> well, there are other candidates who will do a rick perry and throw in the towel. it is such a fragmented race because republicans behind the scenes and overtly really believe hillary clinton is highly beatable. and that vacuumed up so many people that you are going to get tiny sections and people are going to run out of money and the free market will sort it out. >> nikki haley helped moderate
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the event today. do you think she is a major contender for vice president? >> i do. i think she is terrific. she is of indian-american dissent. she took down the confederate flag and was confident in doing it. she is a courageous person and good politician. people would be crazy not to look at her if not now than later for some really important national slot. >> another woman to talk about, carly fiorina received ample praise for her performance. what does she need to do to keep that momentum going? >> she has to keep doing what she is doing. she is highly capable and i suspect that republicans had a lot of bumps early on where people go into the lead for a little while or at least get a significant amount of poll support. carly fiorina will do well. >> arthur brooks, thank you very much. president of the american
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enterprise institute. thank you to the 5:00 crew and thank you for joining us. msnbc live continues next. right now donald trump cancels his appearance at a presidential forum after a supporter revives the birther issue. reaction coming in fast and furious. big news from the clerk jailed for refusing to obey the law. and the army general who investigated sergeant bowe bergdahl's alleged desertion testified. massive fallout over this exchange at donald trump's new hampshire town hall. >> i like this guy. >> we have a problem in this country called muslims. we know our current president is
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