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tv   MSNBC Films  MSNBC  September 26, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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♪ >> please welcome to the stage, beyonce. ♪ ♪
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>> poverty is manmade and it can be overcome and eradicated by the absence of human being. can overcome poverty is not a gesture of courage. it's the protection of the fundamental human right. the right to do dignity. poverty persists there is no true freedom. sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. you can be that great generation. of course, the task will not be easy. not to do this will be a crime
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against humanity. again, which i ask, all to rise up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that was beon -- beyonce. the best moment of the day.
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>> a powerful tribute by two different generations of icons coming together to bring the generations together. >> we didn't know that moment was happening. incredible and you mix in the nelson mandela speech on poverty. to 60,000 people who showed up to give back. they didn't pay for their tickets, they gave. we hope it inspired you. thank you for being with us. good night from central park. to, 186 miles per hour... you're not sure what's on the other side to that time after you land. but momentum pushes you forward. you are a test pilot, breaking through where others broke. this is why you take off. same reason the pioneers before you
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went in canoes and covered wagons, with wild eyes and big fevered dreams and it's why we're with you. 80 thousand people now... on the ground. in the air. engines on. because there is no stop in us. or you. only go. the night was pretty rough. the pain is the worst part. it really aches, really bad. feels like my face is just trying to bust out. >> i just don't like seeing my dad like, it looks like he's
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crying but he's not. i ask him if he is see out of that eye. he says not very well. >> i'm going to the pharmacy to get his prescription. the second treatment has been a little harder for me to watch him go through because i know how much pain he was in the first treatment. it hurts to see people you love in the hospital. >> by the time we got home pfs poofed out. my eye was this bad and it keeps getting worse. >> i still have flash backs. past things of i've done, things that have happened to me. >> one of his recuring nightmares centers on an incident that took place after he and fellow skin heads roughed up an african-american man.
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>> we went outside the black guy was gone and he had seven or eight of his buddies waiting for the four of us. he came back and put a .380 in my face. he planted it against my forehead and told me he was going to shoot me. at that point i was scared to death. it downed on me the next morning that i came that close to having my brains all over the side of a building. i still see his face and feel like that gun on my forehead most nights. >> it's his third treatment but the first on his neck. because of his neck sensitivity the decision is made to use
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general anesthesia. since he'll be asleep he decides to also treat one side of bryan's face. >> the difference between me and you, i make this look good like will smith said. >> when you run something so hot eventually it burns out. that what we did. a lot of members got really paranoid. there was rumblings of drug deal going on and infighting was body. egos were clashing everywhere. it self-exploded. me and a bunch of the guys decided we would start one more crew and make an attempt to take over the whole white power skin head movement. >> they formed the hoosier state skin heads. >> when we first started my role was to start chapters and move on. i would pick up a chapter, set up leadership in the area and go to another city. being in the tattoo industry that was the perfect job for me.
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i didn't have family. i was find anybody and recruit them and run off all their buddies. that's what we did. we were on a mass recruiting spree so we could go against the hammer skin nation. >> brian worked to set up skin head crews in several states. >> it was working out when it was like two, three states but we had five, six states under our belt. we decided we're going to go under one banner. >> the new banner became known as the vin lenders social club. >> they pulled other organizations like the hoosiers. their efforts were to have a bit l more radical. in other words, if you bring a knife, we're going to bring a gun. if you assault one of our members, we're going to kill one of your members. they consider themselves at war with each other. >> as brian mass recruited he sunk deeper into the depths of
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alcoholism. >> i was drinking about a 30 pack day. i was literally drinking myself to death. i was miserable. i was absolutely miserable. instead of trying to change it my out wads death. that's the skin head philosophy. they're the retirement program it's either prison or the grave. i didn't feel like going to prison. that would have been the other alternative. >> breathe. >> you're all done. open your mouth wide. you're all done. >> try to stay on your back. >> relax. >> stay right your back. >> bring the stretcher in. we're going to take you to the wake up room. >> i think he's more concerned about my stress level than anything else. he wants me to see him so i know he's okay. i'm a mom and i worry thousand times more than i should.
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>> it hurts so bad. >> i know. >> is it getting any better? >> no. >> zero being no pain. ten the worst. it's about a ten? >> i'm thinking 11. >> okay. >> i'm giving you some more medicine in your iv, okay. >> i was a little intimidated by both of them. my first impression of brian came from the other nurses. they told me he had a lot of tattoos on his face. they didn't know what all they meant but they weren't good. i had never seen anyone with that many tattoos on their face. >> i'm going to let you sign. we'll let you go. >> don't sign any legal documents today either. >> okay. you had general anesthesia. >> she's in charge of you today.
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>> she's in charge every day. >> just even more. >> you love me. say that again. >> y'all are precious. >> she's a cute one. >> no, you're the cute one. >> y'all are both cute. how about that?
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my name is mark amann. i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures.
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so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. pope francis in philadelphia tonight marking his last night in america at the festival of families. during tonight's vent families from all walks of life gave their personal stories of faith. francis speaking tonight talk bs about marriage, how god helps heal all troubles and even cracked jokes about the challenges of having children and mothers in law. he heads home tomorrow. now back to lock up.
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i think he's making steady progress. it hasn't been quite as rapid as i hoped it was going to be when we started this process several months ago. we talked about maybe we could get this done in seven or eight treatments. it's going to take more than that. this whole process could take a year and a half. >> now what we're we've put him to sleep. once he's asleep then we give limb the local anesthesia. then we do the treatment. when he wakes up his face is still numb. the numbing medicine wears off slowly and the pain builds slowly. he can tolerate it much better. >> this allows the doctor to treat his entire face and neck every visit. >> black power. >> there is america. >> we want a white america. >> realistically most skin heads got into it because they thought there was going to be this huge
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racial holy war. we were all going to take up arms and go into battle. a lot of skin heads believe that. a lot of its brainwashing. you can convince any street kid the black man has been keeping them down. the jews control the media and a conspiracy to overthrow the world. you can convince any kid of that. that's what they do. >> the white race is surrounded by non-white hordes. murder and rape your children, kill your wife, rape your freaking daughters. are we going to stand for that? >> no. >> this whole we hate minority because tlair heir destroying o culture is for them to beat up anyone they want. >> the longest i was in jail was a year. i bet up a mexican.
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i went in the bathroom and there was a mexican in there mopping and i started making sop snide comments because i was drunk and wanted to pick a fight. i proceeded to kick the [ muted ] out of him and smashed his face into the toilet and kicked some teeth out. i worked him over pretty good. >> hey. good morning. >> what about your hands. >> what about them? >> do you want him to get this? >> absolutely. >> we'll do that today. okay. >> this is the first tattoo i got. i got no use for it anymore. >> look at that. >> if i'm going all this far to get this taken off, getting the hand is the next step.
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that way i can blend in to the best of my ability. >> are you cold? >> it hurts. >> hurts. >> is it your hands? >> yeah. >> okay. scale of one to ten. more so than usual? >> the they swell up really bad like boxing gloves. the swelling throbs and kills. the worst part is you don't realize how much you use your hands for everything in the world until you can't use them. the pain sucks but it's the frustration that really gets me. >> we almost got divorced right after he got married because he
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was drinking almost every night. the beginning of our relationship was pretty rough. i was still a heavy alcoholic when we got married. i had the notion that i could raise a family and still drink a 30 pack a day. >> when he drank his friends were around and he wasn't the same person. he definitely was an instant [ muted ] just add alcohol. that was bryan when he drank. >> we fought about everything. if i didn't do the dishes she would scream at me. if she didn't sweep the floors, i would scream at her. we were at each other's throats. it boiled down i had to figure out what was more important to me, the booze or my family, the babies. progressive insurance? uh, i save people an average of over $500 when they switch? did you pack your own bags? oh! right -- the name your price tool. it shows people policy options to help fit their budget. [ scanner warbling ] crazy that a big shot like me would pack his own bags, right?
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[ chuckles ] so, do i have the right to remain handsome? [ chuckles ] wait. uh-oh.
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(ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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welcome to carmax, the bright side of car buying. carmax makes car buying stress-free, with fair, no haggle-prices for everyone, every... now wait a minute, can we, can we just hold on for a second? you know, we don't need any of this stuff. look, we're not splashy. we're not gimmicky. we're just a bunch of people like jeff... good people who sell good cars to good people. and that's what we mean by the bright side of car buying. we just want to secure the future of the existence of a race. >> as a skin head you try to live by the 14 words. as i was progressing in these
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crews i noticed that nothing was about the kids. these guys were abusive to their wives. half of them couldn't hold jobs. they were femalons. they liked to preach all this high higher nobility but nothing wanted to practicing anything. >> at the festival where they met julie said she witnessed clan members having sex with underage girls. >> there were tents with girls. they were running trains on the girls. i thought these men do not give a crap about age. they don't care there's no, she's an arian woman. we must honor her and treasure the woman. there's none of that. it's ridiculous. they don't care. >> when she told me about it the
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thing is i wasn't surprised at all. at that point i had already been a is skin head for 15, 16 years. nothing was shocking anymore. >> i had a girl that was 14 then. that moment that made me think that could be my child is probably the moment of the turning point where i started questioning everything that i'd been led to believe all those years. >> there was plenty of times where i'd see some of my brothers kick the crap out of their old ladies. >> i had a really good friend and she was nine months pregnant and her boyfriend of ten years punched her in the eye and this is the white power movement. this happens all the time. >> after a while it really eats at you and then you just realized all these things that you've been telling yourself years upon years and other people have been telling you is just [ muted ]. >> we were both at the point like whatever this whole thing is ridiculous.
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we weren't really out yet. we were both in there just kind of hanging on by a string. >> as bryan and julie struggled to escape the movement they sought the council of a rival of sorts. >> you don't have the right. >> daryl jenkins is an anti-racist who runs the website one people's project. >> julie was at her wits end. she wanted to talk to somebody. it's obvious they're going through something. they're asking more myself. i think of you as a human first and not an adversary. >> his first conversation lasted more than three hours. >> he was educated. he knew what he was talking about. we liked a lot of same stuff. he was the son of a preacher. >> our conversation was about the music scene. we were able to get together on this common bond with each other to begin with.
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it just became something else as we went along. >> the more i talked to him, the more i realized i had more in common with him than the guys i buddied up with for 20 years. that changed me in a lot of ways. >> brian's break away was accelerated when julie became pregnant. it would be bryan's first biological child. >> when we found out we were pregnant with him, i realized it wasn't about just me anymore. i had this baby coming and the partying had to stop. he really opened my eyes to what it means to be plan and try to step up to the plate. >> he slowly with draw from skin head activities spending more time with family. >> i was trying to provide food for me family and the crew took a second place. it didn't have the priority that it once had and everybody
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started getting pissy about it. eventually, bryan james, the president of the club called me up and said i had to make a choice between either my family or them. so i chose my family. >> threats and harassment quickly followed. >> there were calls at 3:00 in the morning saying we're going to get you. you're going to die. i had to live on red alert. i was wondering when seven, eight guys would kick in my door. i didn't want to let my kids play outside. i couldn't get them play in yard where somebody could drive into the yard and run them over. to put those kids through that was miserable on that aspect plus it was miserable that seven or eight of them decided to show up there was very little i could do about it besides just get myself killed and let them have
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their way. it was hard. married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica.
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after they left the movement, they were threatened by his former mates. >> they take everything you entrusted and they threw everything at me. i was pregnant. i was so sick. i was cramping up. we thought we were going to lose him. that was the summer you had the nervous breakdown. >> yeah. >> we got into an agent. i was dealing with her being pregnant. i snapped and threw her and
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isabella out of the room and i ate a bottle of pills. >> it was horrible. it's one of those i'm pregnant. don't leave me. don't leave me with all this stuff going on. i love you. we finally found each other. i finally found someone that relates to me. i can be ploois tmyself and kno heart and soul. i didn't want to lose him. >> i was roller coaster. i got into mental care. i made a decision to quit dri drinking then. it was hard. i did it cold turkey. i just quit drinking. it was rough. >> he made the decision never once did i give an ultimatum.
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he did all that on his own. last treatment today. >> yeah. >> i can't believe it's been a year and a half. >> been a long time. >> it's unbelievable. it's been a long time but i can't believe it's at the end. i think about him and how he feels. i know why he got the tattoos on his face to begin with. i wonder when he's quiet sometimes how he's feeling. how he's thinking with the tattoos off because i think he's extremely attractive with or without them. >> we've had some pretty great cases. there has been different. it's an opportunity to see what life is all about. life is about redemption and trying to find our way in life and this is an illustration on
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steroids. >> i'd like to thank the law center. we wouldn't be making this change in our life because we would never have been able to afford it. we owe them so much. this has been incredible. i'm going to cry. this is just a great trip. it really has been. i wish somebody cared enough for another human being and another family to do this, to allow this to happen. i'm so grateful. >> there's been a couple of times when i wanted to throw in towel where i didn't want to do it anymore. it's been hard. it really has. >> what he's done with his life has been remarkable. we're proud to play some small role in this rehabilitation
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process for him. hopefully this will be something he'll carry with him and continue to do well throughout the rest of his life. anybody who puts themselves through this much torture is bound to want to do something good with it once it's over. absolutely. okay. that was it. brian we're all done. that got it. we'll tell him again when he wakes up. we're done. it's been an interesting road. we have gotten know them so well. they have become part of our routine around here. >> you've been awesome. >> we've been through a lot together. >> you trued us the meaning of family. what we thought, what we were into, there's no comparison on true feelings. >> it's been our pleasure. it's been a joy getting know you and we're going to miss seeing you so much. >> i know. >> all right. >> he's the one that brought the light. he did the work. he wanted to make the changes. it's important to us to try to
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help him if we could. even though it took a lot longer than we expected, i think we wounds up with a nice outcome for him. >> the office always treated me with dignity and respect. to them the tattoos weren't there. i was a normal person in their eyes. that's rare for me. i never felt out of place there at all. they have always been so helpful, so sweet. i love those guys. i really do. >> no, no. >> bye. bye. >> kiss the baby for me. >> i will. >> bye. take care. >> bye, guys. >> i have any facebook. it's great. i'm so excited. i'm so blessed that the opportunity came to where i could get it done. god's obviously smiling upon me for some reason.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons into a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen, "lockup: raw." >> leave that alone. >> they are the prison stories best described by one word. >> when i came to prison i was a kid. i had to do


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