tv Morning Joe MSNBC October 1, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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. you know it's bad when it's completely dark out. good morning. it's thursday, october 1st. here we go. september is over. it's over. it's done with. >> i get a vacation. >> welcome to morning joe everyone. with us this morning we have the managing editor of bloomberg politics. msnbc correspondent and al hunt along with joe, willie and me. okay, a lot to get to. >> how are you willie? >> i'm great. a busy morning.
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another busy morning. >> in every way it keeps going. you look at the front page of washington post. the air strikes against syria, devastating. >> that's where we're going to start. russia continues air strikes. this morning there are unconfirmed reports of a fresh wave of raids. the -- they met at the u.n. and had this to say. >> we agreed that the military should get into contact very soon. we all want syria democrat you can, united, secular, syria which is a home for all ethnic and confessional groups whose rights are guaranteed but we
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have some differences as far how to get there. >> it is one thing obviously, to be targeting isil. we're concerned if that is not what's happening. >> we also agreed it's imperative to find a solution to this conflict and to avoid escalating it in any way. >> meanwhile, the russian defense ministry released video of its own claiming terrorist targets were destroyed in a bombing. yesterday ashton carter joined secretary kerry joining motivations into question. >> it does appear they're in areas where there probably weren't isil forces and that's precisely one of the problems with this whole approach.
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>> so the question is are say going after the rebels to protect or going after isis? >> if you look purely ant facts on the ground they were not going after isis. that's clear. one of the good things that's visible in the battlefield of syria is that the frontlines is known. the territory is visible, the territory that the rebels have, they're all well known to the russians and to the americans and based on these targets alone, it does not look like they were going after any isis. they've identified the exact target and none of them isis. >> any about what just happened and president obama set down at the u.n. and talking about ways they could koord night, work
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together and syria could defeat isis. during that and immediately after the conversation russia goes over syria and bombs the very people united states are trying to pop up. they have made fools of the obama administration. >> they drew red lines and seem lost at times. i think the russians may be creating a real problem for
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themselves, joe. for russia to get in this and support, i think russia may be getting into a real mess. that's separate from the problem the united states has. >> joining us is kira simmons with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. after that conversation one of the sizable risks now is the fact that the syrian air space is a very confined air space. the dangers range between an accident between u.s. and russia and what does the u.s. do? do they intervene or let the russians carry on that way and then there's another risk about the u.s. allies in the region. countries like saudi arabia and as the russians began to prepare
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for the strikes, i spoke to a senior saudi, turkey adviser who was the washington ambassador and head of saudi intelligence and here's what he has to say about the dangers. >> i'm extremely worried about this question, actually. i don't know if it is a result of persuasion. they're sending troops and more military hardware to a man who for the last four and a half years has been murdering his people. if they think by supporting him
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they're going to effect the ability of what i prefer to call -- rather than isis, i think they're mistaken. >> reporter: since the air strikes he doesn't believe they will work. the influential website understanding war is assessing this morning the kinds of strikes that russia took suggests that they're on the offensive. it isn't about defending the region but going on the defensive. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> let's get to politics. we're going to get to politics. willie, i know you know because it happens every sunday. this sunday. you get a lot of predictions. if there's ever a prediction on sunday about donald trump. >> it's wrong.
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>> you know they've got to be dead right coming out of washington. trump is over. trump is finished. we finally see the end of trump. i seen it all oh the twitter. >> he's going down his escalator or something. >> what did i say? i said those offensive muslim remarks were going to give carson a lift and they did. it's beyond gross but that will go down. you know, it's over for trump. seriously, how many times can people say this? >> they probably cycled the same comment after mccain made comments. >> we have a new national pole. showing new top tier solid identifying donald trump still on top with 23% and tied for second are ben carson and carly
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fiorina with 13 points each. marco rubio fourth. it is the third consecutive pole in which rubio has passed jeb bush that's dropped six points since july and carson the most favorable while donald trump is the least. donald trump used some colorful language when talking about two of his opponents. >> so they asked rubio what do you think of -- he's my dear friend. wonderful. they hate each other. trust me, i know. they hate so much, they hate more than anybody in this room hates their neighbor but it's political bull [ bleep ]. it's true. it's true. >> okay. he's ranting it up a little bit. as much as anybody hates their neighbor.
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i didn't know people just that. >> i love my neighbor. >> you love thy neighbor, i thought. i found that quiet illuminating. let's talk about trump. it seems to me we're getting a trend where trump is in first place a good bit. something happens to shake up the race a good bit and then we're seeing the natural settling of trump going back out. you got 60 minutes if you're a trump fan. >> he was on the people of cover magazine this week with an extraordinary spread. it's the kind of treatment any american politician would kill for. millions of dollars worth of free publicity. several pages showing him as a family man. wife, child, whole thing. again, we've, i think what we've learned over the course of the last few months is we don't see
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donald trump rise much. we're not gaining ground and falling back. the ceiling and floor seem to be the same thing. >> it's got to be the adds pending that's been happening around him. all that money. just millions and millions of dollars. >> we saw a break down of adds. donald trump zero. he's living off the fad of the land. >> you don't need to spend a lot of money at this stage. i think if you talked to republican establishment the hope is he's not going to go
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away and won't self-destruct. when we get him one on one, that will be the end of donald trump. that may be right and then you ask whose going to get him and take him on 101? then they look blank. >> jeb bush will be on the show in a few minutes and marco rubio, the plan is to sit and wait for the outsider candidates fearing trump and carson to fall by the wayside. how that happens we don't know yet. >> there was a report a couple
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of days ago jeb was going to panic. >> depends on what you mean by people. i think within jeb's orbit which is to say he will work on his campaign and strategist, they're not campaigning at all. there's nervousness among jeb done nors who have put in a lot of money and not only seen it start to rise but if you look at the trim line over the course of the last six months it's been steadily downward. they understand patience and understand having a big work chest. a lot of don nors would like to see some upward movement. >> and former massachusetts governor predicted mydonald trump's downfall. >> i support the republican nominee. i don't think it's going to be donald trump. my party has nominated someone whose a main stream conservative
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and someone who gives foreign policy that gives people confident. mr. trump said he thought it would be a good idea to let isis take over syria and we could pick up the pieces and i thought that was absurd and dangerous. i don't think that kind of proposal is likely to lead him to become our nominee. >> out there morning, the latest batch of e-mails from hillary clinton's server. some were marked classified. the server was the target of fishing attempts that came in the form of speeding tickets, hackers, at least one with russian ties. the clinton campaign says they have no evidence to suggest she
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replied. unexchange, clinton jokes. i guess we have your state but not your gmail. how did that happen? must be the chinese. in june 2011 ann slaughter wrote i'm you thought of this but it would be a great time for someone inside or outside to make a statement. points out state's technology is so an kwated that no one uses a state laptop. they use home e-mail accounts to get work done effectively. clinton agreed and asked how to follow up. she said it's better to hear from someone on the outside. not sure we want to telegraph how many folks do or don't do
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state mail. there are others that would try hacking them. >> from the white house to all cabinet secretaries. >> absolutely. we feel, we want to make sure we preserve all government records and there was guidance given government business should be done on government e-mails and if you used a private e-mail it should be turned over. that's what she's doing as recently as you said a few minutes ago. >> this is turning into a
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clinton scandal. the way they do it is you get so much information that after a while people learn to tune it out. people don't want to hear about that anymore. they're confused. it's not that hard. if you want to work at getting it, really, if you can focus for more than three seconds, it's not that hard. it's going to be met because there's just again, just the drip, drip, drip every day that seems to be going in our favor. >> yopg anybody at this point including in her world doesn't dispute the notion that this drip, drip, drip over the monthings has been a huge political drag on her standing and the democratic race and
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country. if you look at the pole numbers we've talked about a lot on the show. she's under performing and this is a large part of the reason why. it is and always has been if you buckle down and deflect and do the things they always do then eventually, unless someone ends up in jail, the thing will actually be survivable. >> the numbers get bigger and what would have within more shocking months ago is met with
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a collective yawn. it's the old frog in water and you just slowly turn it to a boiling point. >> and although those russian attempts to hack into the e-mail or spam, it didn't turn anything to compromise security. it speaks to how unwise it was to get the private e-mail account. get the e-mails you all get that you delete immediately and to hear valerie say yes, we used government e-mail. former secretary of state sitting in the chair saying i wouldn't allow my deputy ever to use private e-mail. >> well, you have bill and hillary clinton saying it's the republicans and their sort of constant and i think kevin could not help end the republicans on this. they may be right. they may survive it and do exactly what joe is saying. still ahead, republican
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presidential candidate jeb bush will be here in the studio. plus senator bob will join us. first, bill karens with a look at hurricane hakim. >> we just got a new update from our american gfs computer model which was taking areas of north carolina. late last night areas of new jersey, new york city. for the first time it's updating. everything is starting to trend. let me get into athe details here. it's a powerful category. they are dealing with the brunt of the storm right now. they've have i rain, storms serge, everything that comes with a major hurricane. nasa should not be hit all that
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heart. should not have any damage at all. this is the 5:00 a.m. update from the national hurricane center. if you're on the coast, the trend is better for you. that's the hurricane center's forecast. all of our computer models, notice that yesterday they were all into the carolinas. now a few of them starting to go off the coast. some of that still in the carolinas. we're not going to give up on the storm yet. they all diverge tomorrow afternoon. >> let's hope the trend
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continues and keep it off the coastline. we don't want another sandy. thank you so much. we appreciate it. i've been out of the loop on some of this stuff. you guys, we were talking about the comments a couple of months ago. >> he's caused potentially damage, significant damage to the benghazi hearings and everything else. >> we were going to do papers next block. let's wipe those out and talk about this all next block. it sounds like a massive mistake. >> we'll be right back. you're watching morning joe. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about.
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krin ton was unbeatable. we put together a special committee. what are her numbers today? her numbers are dropping. why? because she's untrustable. no one would have known any of that had we not. >> i agree. >> you see that on the hammer he's getting today. >> i think rightfully so. that's an absolutely inappropriate statement. we wanted to get to the truth of it. the more we've dialled into this and learned about it, that's not the reason we started. we started because there were four dead americans. >> he should apologize. >> yeah. i think they should withdraw it and it's an inaccurate statement as to what we're doing and have done and the work on benghazi.
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>> this comes right as he moves to take over. what a rookie mistake. >> the context was he asked about the accomplishment. first of all, that's not a great thing to be telling as an accomplishment. second, obviously, this john boehner and the rest of the republican leadership have been very politically disciplined leading up to these hearings about what this is all about. now you have the guy that's the next speaker from the democratic point of view revealing and giving up from the democratic point of view saying it's all
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sham. it's all political. that's the real purpose of this. gives her a huge pocket point and undermines goud did i and makes a lot of people wonder whether kevin is, in fact, up to the job of being speaker of the house. >> you heard republicans saying he's apologized or bith drawed. >> he fell right into bill and hillary's hand. it. >> it's going to stick. >> they've been driving this suddenly. the guy whose suppose to be the next speaker of the house makes it true by what he says. >> he did but it's also the rule in which there's a gap in washington and when a politician
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tells the truth when he's not suppose to say it. i think it was clumsy in the part of kevin mccarthy. >> all right. we have also had -- take a look. >>. >> i think this happened when mccarthy has created the washington gap. >> whose irresponsible? >> i have to tell you i find him deeply destressing. i knew the ambassador we lost in benghazi and also lost three
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other brave americans representing us in a dangerous part of the world. when i hear a statement like that that demonstrates this was always meant to be a partisan political exercise, i feel like it does a great disservice and dishonors. not just the memory of the four that we lost. but of everybody who has served our condition try. >> that's right. >> hillary clinton said it's deeply destressing. everybody in the studio exploded laughing. >> you can't even say this. >> no, i can say it because you know whose fault it is? >> it's kevin mccarthy's fault. >> you can't give -- >> i'm reporting. >>. >> i'm just reporting. >> she's right about the insult. >> i'm just reporting. people broke out laughing because kevin mccarthy wrote her
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lines for her. there's no reason republicans should be mad at anybody but kevin mccarthy. >> the reason i laughed is because she's saying she's deeply mismantled when in fact this is the best possible news. it's the birthday and christmas present all wrapped up into one. >> they're going to have to, if you're sitting in the republican caucus and you're wondering who your next speaker is and you've made your commitment to kevin mccarthy, this is a pretty massive mistake and i think you have to sit back and there has to be a discussion about how that happened and whether it proves he might not be ready to
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do this job. >> all right. coming up is syria's civil war becoming an international free for all? we're going to talk to a four star general to get his opinion on that. first, morning joe is back in a moment. ♪ gluten free. oh! that's a lot of kale. qualifying customers may receive $750 toward a new audi q5 the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself.
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35 past the hour. trump odd man out. the trump candidacy is pure based and mr. trump has not been built from that base which topped out at 30%. mr. trump's single personality is at odds with political skills necessary to carry that move any further. his support the moving to candidates with variations. when the primaries arrive, the trump vote subdivides further among the others. if he stays in, donald trump becomes another presidential ran with ostentation suitable to his stature mr. trump should retire to a sky box and enjoy what he has wrought.
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>> that is a perfect crystallization of what the republican establishment thinks right now. >> i think his argument is he finally saw last week they shifted to carson. i think that's what he was arguing there. >> again, i'm unpacking on this is what's so fascinating about trump. i think trump is sort of an island to undo himself and i don't know that the people that are on his island survive. i don't and if ben carson is your answer, willie, for a main stream republican candidate, if not trump, i don't know that you
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haven't gone from the frying pan to the fire. >> that's what i was going to say. if you don't like donald trump as the base pick in the field then your alternative is ben carson. >> as you put in the base alternative, there are other people there. >> the planned parent hood story pertaining to her. >> yeah. >> i mean, i have to say that. i think that, you think it could hurt her? it seems like it should and
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maybe it won't because the issue is so unbelievable deviced and those who are with her on the issue probably don't care. >> all right. the washington post. now we know one of the reasons republicans spent so much money investigating the tragic episode was to bring downhill ri clinton's pole numbers. rob has estimated the select will likely spend $6 million by next year. mccarthy's statement does not make clinton disappear miraculously. almost no one in her own party believes she handled the controversy particularly well. mccarthy's statements give democrats a hint that this
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investigation was never on the level. >> al, imagine you're darrell or someone working literally for years building this case against hillary clinton based on what happened in benghazi and the death of four americans and perhaps in one moment and one interview is wiped out. >> can you imagine he has to play statesman. i think it changes the dynamics on october 22nd. i think we're going to have to be less aggressive, less political, less pointed than they might have been otherwise because already others were accusing them when it came to their turn in being nothing but a political witch hunt and now that that point of view has been given credibility by the man who i suspect will be the house speaker, i think is going to change the whole tone.
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>> yes, it makes a lot more galling i'm sure to his colleagues. trade se tray seemed to be trying to build a hearing. that's what he's shooting for. as you know, joe, republicans tend to in these situations to screw up. they don't run public hearings well. they ran the planned parent hood hearing horribly. they have cast a long shadow over it and raised the bar for what he's going to do. anything that seems remotely off key or plit sized is going to
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get hammered. again, the bar was always going to be high and that much higher because of kevin mccarthy. >> a terrorist banner flying over a huge swamp right now. we'll speak with the author about his break through reporting on the rise of isis. morning joe is coming right back. it's one of the most amazing
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and also, this is a drain for those who don't have to go to russia. they can go to syria and kill russians there. >> i think it's important to remember a time where we started. everybody thinks of isis as a new phenomenon that sprung out two years ago. this is ideology and leadership. it goes back decades and got the start with the fight against russians. they learn to defeat the generation. learning how to fight, learning they are powerful and could drive a power out of the country. they think they could do it and p again and i can the fight. great, bring it on.
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what do you think isis is going to do here? >> right now it seems to be their luxury to do that. no major bombing campaigns. so right now, they're just watching the russians pick off other opponents which are add vin says of theirs. it's not unhelpful. >> 14 years ago americans woke up to al qaeda and woke up to another group called isis. what's the difference between the ambition in those groups? >> in the book i describe the fundamental difference in the
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personalities. the way he makes it happen is extreme violence. >> this is his innovation. it's working for them. it's exciting the basis. >> the tensions between the u.n. and russia. the u.s. and russia given the fact that they were according to u.s. defense officials only given an hour's notice before the bombing began. a talk about how that further perhaps creates a bigger problem that we have geopoliticaly. >> you have these forces on the ground, a hundred thousand rebels who want to fight isad. it's true, it's dangerous.
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we have no idea where this is heading. >> all this starting back. al qaeda tried to distance themselves back in 06-07. they're like enough, dude. >> you're going to offend the natives. stop it now. which at the time was pretty shocking. >> those two groups do not like each other or amphetamine along. one thing they have in common is they want to get rid of -- which they won't be able to do. >> this could become a unifying factor. had an interesting message the other day. long sermon. it announces the idea and you don't recognize it. he says i think we might be able to work together in certain
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circumstances. is this a circumstance where al qaeda and isis come together as a front. it could happen. >> the book is black flags. thank you very much. congratulations on the book. coming up, presidential candidate jeb bush joins the table. we'll get his take from donald trump to hillary clinton. it's his first appearance on the show since he announced his candida candidacy. we have a lot to ask him. do you think he's going to accuse us of clubbing baby sales. i asked my dentist
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the battle to expel isis turns into a turf war. bob corkeroins us this morning. stay with us. licate things. like limiting where you earn bonus cash back. why put up with that? but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. real simple. i'm talking easy like-a- walk-in-the-park, nothing-to-worry-about, man-that-feels-good simple. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's a simple question. what's in your wallet? so our patients can keep their regular weekday schedules. weekend appointments are available here at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at appointments available now.
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>> who knows. come on, man. i'm winging it. you see. >> we're back with managing. >> you got to be adaptable. >> what's going on there? >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to election 2016 kovrmg. coverage. >> correspond nt and columnist back with us. >> wakeem coming up. >> it happened a few years ago i do recall. i do seem to recall. >> all right. so a new national pole. the republican presidential race
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shows a new top tier solidifying. tied for second are ben carson and carly fiorina. it's the third consecutive major national pole which rubio has eclipsed jeb bush whose dropped six points since july. >> it doesn't matter marco is within -- of jeb bush. looking at jeb minus 6 and him being down in a lot of poles. >> 7% isn't going to cut it. >> he's lost a huge amount of support from the time he entered the race to now. i think it's the downward tro jekt ri. it's not like marco is slowly moving up.
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kasich slowing moving up. tread line is what matters. he's lost something like two-thirds of support which is not great. >> jeb bush coming on the show in a few minutes. we'll ask him personally. we'll ask him right now. what changes the dynamics of this race? it's not like jeb has made all these terrible mistakes in the campaign trail. >> there's a fundamental question with jeb about whether there is an audience in this republican nominated electorate that will find what he's selling compelling. their argument is once people learn about the conservative record in florida with the help of a lot of advertising over the course of the next few months, by the time we get to the voting as the establishment behind an alternative to the anti
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establishment way that jeb will be the guy that his record is better than marco rubios, better than john kasich's so conservatives will ultimately consolidate behind him. we'll see. that's the theory. >> latest fundraiser numbers show carson surging as well. his campaign raised more than $20 million and more than twice the amount he brought in over the previous quarter and more than the entire g.o.p. field rates in the same quarter last election cycle. >> okay. i don't -- just beating off bernie sanders with 26 million. >> 31 million for ben carson.
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so i just said it out right here. i don't get the ben carson thing in my own party. i'll go to al hunt. i'm sure he'll explain. >> he's authentic and an outsider. his story is real. i think he said awful goofy things. he has credentials to be president. he's very authentic. in contrast, carly was considered a lousy ceo. i think carson has appeal that may be in many respects greater than most of the others. >> carly fiorina can answer a series of questions. a blizzard of questions of her policy and what she would
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actually do in the white house. ben carson. i've yet to see a ben carson interview where i walk away saying boy, he knows his stuff. have you seen that interview on policy? point me to it and i'll go home and watch it today. >> no, i haven't. >> come on. >> you get the planned parent hood. >> she melt him one time briefly. whether we agree or disagree on qualifications, you ask about the appeal and i think the appeal is he's not one of them. he didn't run for the senate. he wasn't part of john mccain's campaign. he was a genuine outsider.
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>> i know most everybody around the table disagrees with me. i think we're in trouble in syria and in trouble across the globe. i think we have a president that wasn't ready to be president of the united states because like marco rubio and rand paul and ted cruise, i'm saying this is not just a partisan thing. they showed up in washington one day and said i'm going to run for president. it's not easy. it's not easy. ben carson being the president of the united states would be like me walking in and saying i'm a good guy and i speak so softly and give me this. show me where it is because i think i can do it. >> just give me the saw. >> i think we need a whole lot
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more. we don't know what to do with the joint twins than ben carson would know sitting in the oval office and it is time that my party faces down that reality. if you think barack obama was equipped to be commander in chief, ben carson is not your answer eight years later. >> one of the criticisms is obama doesn't have the plan for syria. >> people are starting to say we need solutions and need to decide based on actual solutions and i'm not seeing at least on the foreign policy side of things a clear solution for the issue facing the united states
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right now. >> i don't think i'm qualified because i don't have the experience. you have donald trump, ben carson and carly fiorina answering questions about -- even though they have no experience doing it they know about the world and what they would do if they were president. i would argue it's carly fiorina. >> i would argue on the economy. donald trump has been there and done that. while he speaks in primary
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colors, he does get deals. he understands making deals. he understands negotiations. again, the mere fact you can have people on tv pitching about the fact that donald trump is not worth $10 million, he's only worth $4.5 billion. >> i think you're saying he brings something to the table that applies to what americans are thinking about or worried about or would worry about in the future. does ben carson, the work is amazing but how does it transit late at all into a presidency and what is he saying that helps us understand how his experience transit lates to a presidency? i've never seen anything. >> my grand mom, i loved her. if we needed intervention from the lord, we would go to my grand mom. she would get on her knees and get it. she was like the woman of god. the oracle in the matrix. there was a direct line between
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my grand mom and jesus but i would never vote for her for president of the united states. i would say why don't you keep praying, we love you. >> if i had to vote for the woman whose oracle in the matrix. i would vote for her. >> the much bigger point here is people right now are voting with their heart and not their head and that's fine. maybe they do a lot. i still, as a republican, i would like to be a lot more comfortable with ben carson who seems to be a goodman.
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i'll start with gourders and we'll move on from there. >> are you done? >> i've been doing this show for seven years and don't think i've heard the word gourder at this table. >> whatever the problem is. >> he's got a saw to match it. however big your problem is joe has a saw to match it. >> you got a head cold i'm going to take off your hand. >> i got whiskey and a bullet for you. >> okay. at a campaign event yesterday in new hampshire donald trump shared his message to any middle eastern migrants who might be headed to the u.s. here's what he said last month followed by his comments yesterday. >> migrants who are getting out of the middle east and africa, do you object to them coming to the u.s.a.? >> i hate to concept of it but on a humanitarian basis, it's living in hell in syria. no question about it. they're living in hell.
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i'm putting the people in notice coming here from syria as part of this mass migration that if i win, if i win, they're going back. they're going back. i'm telling you. they're going back. >> yesterday, russia began carrying out strategic air strike strikes. >> you're going to talk about that. they're going back because once he's president syria is going to be cleared up and it won't be a living held. that's what i'm talking about. >> they know where hell sen tens. >> yesterday russia continued carrying out. >> in fact, syria is going to be fabulous after he's president. >> it's going to be reverse migration. >> condos. >> oh my god. way too soon. >> can you imagine the most beautiful condos ever. >> most incredible golf course.
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>> stop. >> he's going to do it. >> yesterday russia began carrying out strategic air strikes. this morning there are unconfirmed reports of a fresh wave of raids. the question now is whether the strikes were actually targeting terrorist as the defense said. the air strikes came after russia asked u.s. to clear the air space one hour ahead of time. this is not good. >> yeah. it was nice of them to give them an hour's notice to clear the air space. >> exactly. this is going to end up badly. if i were the russians, i wouldn't want to cross the men and women of the united states air force or navy. let me ask you quickly, you were too young to remember, the chaos reminds me of lebanon in the early 1980s.
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none of us, i mean, we knew syria was descending into chaos but the talk about what you've seen over the past five years there, could have never seen this coming, could you. >> i don't think anybody could have seen it coming. the country has imploetded and the further it implodes the more it's sucking people into the vortex. >> you're seeing for the first time the united states not taking the lead role in terms of putting together a solution. this is something you hear from diplomats. they say it's one thing to have a clear plan but it's another to not have. >> can you talk about the anger quickly? we have the anger directed towards our government, towards our president and the
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responsibility we bare for this. >> you hear from this week in particular during the u.n. general assembly, you're hearing from arab diplomats saying over and over again we are ready to do what we need the united states to lead us. they cannot impose a fly zone over syria. they cannot impose any restrictions. what they do need is the united states to bring them and everyone to that table and they're not seeing that kind of leadership from the united states and who stepped in? russia. >> let's go to washington now where we have the president and founder of the group and foreign affairs editor for time magazine ian brimmer and joining us from charleston, south carolina retired four star general barry. general, we'll start with you. just your reaction to what you've seen play out even in the last couple of days where you've had putin and obama clinking glasses at the u.n. and talking
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about how to work together and then one day later russia going in and bombing syria. >> yeah, i think russia made a strategic blunder a quarter of a million dead, seven injured. the russians came in late on the wrong side that can't be rehabilitated. he'll never survive in the long run. by the way, the elephant in the room, the russian air force won't tangle with the u.s. naval air or u.s. air force. israelis won't be barred from operating syria. the russians just put s.u. 27 long range interceptors in there along with ground cam bat troops to combat their air space. this is a huge mistake on putin's part.
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>> i actually retweeted a tweet of yours from about a week ago when you talked about the united states time and time again. it was like you got a lot of thoughts, a lot of gee owe strategic thoughts into 140 characters. basically, the idea was he told the russians not to get engaged and was sending tanks and said okay no more and then said planes were on the way. we have backed down to isad and russia time and time again in syria and the world has taken note. >> it's a perfectly good reason why we haven't wanted to engage militarily. wo talked a very different
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the -- in the region. >> this is strategic blunder for the russians. one thing it has done is bought russia a seat at the table. if they negotiate with arabs and the u.s., russia is going to get some conceptions. they'll say fine, we'll let them go but what are you giving us in return and they now have bought a seat at the table and going to have a saying in what happens next. >> let me ask you in your professional life, since you first put on a uniform, can you remember a time the united states being as passive or letting events shape what we do? >> the union is terrible. we have a problem.
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i've got to remind you we have several thousand people on the ground in iraq. trying to influence the isis outcome. it's not hands off. the problem is it's hard to know what to do. isad is going. he's lost half the country already. the entire s muslim is opposed to them. we should be spending a billion a month to sustain the turkish and jordanian governments and taking care of 4 million external refugees but getting in on the ground they put 28 aircraft. they're not going to be a significant player.
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they're making a huge mistake. >> all right. general thank you very much. al hunt, thank you as well. still ahead former florida governor and presidential candidate jeb bush joins the table. this morning he's comparing his tax plan to ronald reagans. we'll ask him about that and the other tax plan. you're watching morning joe. we'll be right back. they come into this iworld ugly and messy. ideas are frightening because they threaten what is known. they are the natural born enemy of the way things are.
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>> it may not. >> you always did. great stories about how you handled these emergencies in florida. we want to ask you about what's happening in foreign policy right now. how would you react right away right now? what would be what you say as president pertaining to the russian air strikes in syria. ? >> look, i think the russian relationship has been destroyed if putin continues to do this. we ought to make it clear that's the case. this is outrageous. he's attacking the syrian free army. we got the support during the time it had strength and now instead of us creating a no fly zone he's saying there's a no fly zone including the american air force. we're in a position where if we don't show strength this will create problems in the rest of the world. >> how do we do that? what's the next move?
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>> i think sanctions should be on the table. france and germany both have said they're prepared to engage militarily and this was an effort to try to stop all that. i think it's wrong. then on our side we have donald trump saying refugees need to be sent back. if they're president they'll round them up and send them back. this is not an america that will create peace and security. america values matter and american's strength matters and both are at risk because of what's going on. >> front page of washington post shows absolute ruin in syria. this is a scene played day in and day out. we've had people coming on for three years asking what do we do, what do we do? most americans don't want 30-40,000 troops in syria. what would president bush do?
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>> 45 days ago at the reagan library we had a strategy to create a russian fly zone over syria and make a strategy no more barrel bombs. >> why haven't we done that? >> this president don't believe we need a strategy. he believes we should pull back and the void has made it worse. we pulled back three or four years ago and created this problem as well. we need to engage and make sure that our traditional arab allies are on the frontlines of this. if you're sitting in turkey and looking at what's going on, the united states is not a reliable partner. maybe russia is as they share intelligence between iraq, iran and syria. this is all doing a victory dance around president obama and i think he should stand up and be clear. this is still the strongest country in the world.
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we have the strongest military and we're not acting like it right now. >> is it worth sitting down with putin at this point? we saw the president had a 90 minute meeting with putin this week. secretary kerry met yesterday. is it worth sitting down and talking to them anymore? >> i don't think it is if the objective is to prop up with regime. if there's some way to create an international force to take out isad and to deal with isis, that would be fine. look, i think it's okay to talk to people who are your adversaries but you got to do it from a position of strength and not weakness. every time they move forward and we do nothing, it creates a voice not just in syria but in the world. >> do you agree with the president it's time for them to go? he said there needs to be a
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managed transition. >> yeah, he's killed 200,000 people of his citizens innocent. i was at a town hall meeting last night and a woman named nora with tears in her eyes and a quivering voice talks about how she's helped 12 of her family members escape syria. these are syrian christians had they stayed they would have been killed. they're in turkey and had no place to go. should we sit back and accept this slaughter? should we allow for millions to displace? if you're interested in fighting islamic terrorism over the long haul, we cannot allow these to stand pack. these refugee grounds will be create problems for us. >> i want to shift from domestic policy to foreign policy. the front runner, donald trump put forth a big tax plan.
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you already have one. tell me why yours is better than his. >> mine's better because it's focussed on growth. his mirrored some of the things i proposed for which i'm flattered. one of the few times i'll be flattered with donald trump, i guess, the simple fact is the tax foundation scored both of these and measured the impact of the taxes and the dynamic impact and his static impact is $10 trillion. it will create such problems of deficits. it's not a serious plan in other words. this is typical of mr. trump. he had a plan he's going to take all the syrian refugees whenever they come. he's going to in two years time remove 12 million people from our country. the cost of that, the lack of civil liberties, the disruptive nature of that is just not realistic and ultimately, people are going to begin to see these
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things. >> do you think he's a fundamentally unserious caidate? >> he's not offering serious proposals. he's a talent for sure. he can disparj someone as good as anybody can get. i think the long haul people are going to realize sitting behind the big desk requires more than just insults and we'll see how that plays out. i'm pretty confident his message is not going to be one that lasts long. >> we've been so restrained. you mentioned donald trump. we didn't. >> no, you guys get high marks for your questions so far. >> we are not clubbing this morning. >> i did want to ask you about the washington post report earlier this week. about donors. >> no donor has called me up and i'm a kind gentle person.
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>> low energy. sq >> yeah, whatever people say about me, you would think people called me up and say get better. not a single person has called me. we've had a good quarter. i don't know what the super pack has done but i hope they've done well as well. >> we're in for the long haul. we filed first in kentucky. all this stuff may not matter in october or september but it matters getting on the ballot every place and doing the things necessary. ultimately, that's what it's about. >> i want to go back to tax policy. >> we lower the rates from 25-30% and allow for full expensing of capitol investing. there's an 8.75 tax for the $2 trillion of cash, whatever the profits part of that is to come back. >> you also. >> looking at all the cash outs. >> you also take on corporate inversions. >> shifting from world wide to territorial means you won't have
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inversions for the cash over seas. >> so you're going to tax it a one time rate and get the $2.5 trillion back to the united states. >> yes. >> what's that rate? >> 8.75. >> also, obviously, trump's talked a good bit about hedge funds. you've done the same. carried interest. you took that on first. explain to people watching what you do. >> first of all, i'm not sure hedge funds, it's for people as a whole. i think if you have, if you invest you should get capitol gains treatment. if your business is to manage someone else's investment it's ordinary income. i think that's fair and we've lowered the rate, the top rate for high income americans and put a cap on it. so look, at the end of the day, our tax plan creates actually
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high income americans paid a little bit more than they're paying today proportionally to everybody else. the middle class gets a pretty good break. >> let me ask you a question about marco rubio. you said you compare it to president obama. the president came in and said the same thing. he didn't have the leadership skills to fix things. are you saying that senator rubio does not have the leadership skills to fix things? >> there were two thoughts in that sentence i had. i think i fix things and that's what i talk about and marco was a member of the house of representatives when i was governor and followed my lead. >> but you don't think he has the leadership skills to fix things? >> no. barack obama won them and he won an election based on what he could and he koebt try. >> you said poles don't matter. >> they only matter if they're
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good. you and senator rubio behind. how do you diagnose that? your support has eroded over the last four or five months. >> there's a lot of anger. people are upset with what's going on in washington for a good reason. our team hasn't delivered what was promised. the president is pace cli said we're not going to do anything. there's a right now the military's being gutted. we have huge national security around the world and the president is going to veto the bill. they're saying what's going on? they're latching on to the people that's clearly the most outsiders. >> i know people watching our show and especially republicans
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thinking the same thing as me. strong governor, conservative governor, two terms, a tough stake. i love john but running utah two terms is different than running florida for two terms. i know a lot of people listen to you now and thinking why is he not breaking through. you have bush minus five or six. how do you turn that around and get people to focus? i'm not kissing up to you. how do you get people to focus on what you did as governor for two terms where you were attacked in florida papers for being too conservative? >> i've got to go tell my story which is what i do each and every day. we just started advertising
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literally two weeks ago. if you go to new hampshire it will start breaking through when people see the adds and people say wow, he did all this. i can bring the same leadership skill to washington. that place need to clean out the crud. it's not working and a danger to our democracy that you can't pass a budget. we've done this historically and need to do it again. my responsibility is to let people know i have the skills to do it. >> i'm curious what your thoughts are on kevin mccarthy's mistakes. >> the benghazi committee exist because there should be an analysis of what happened. this isn't to try to damage hillary clinton and i don't quiet understand why he said
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that. that's the problem with washington right now. they're grasping to find something to say they've done something positive. that's not positive and not the intent. trey has been busting his rump here to get to the truth. >> i think john brought up the fact the question to him was what has the house of representatives done under republican leadership. >> and that's my point. that's clearly the problem. they pass bills all the time. they passed a budget. it's a good budget. a conservative budget. the problem is there has not been a strategy between the house and senate to be able to force the president to show his hand.
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at a time like this we should send a signal to the rest of the world we're engaged and this is not a serious budget in that regard. >> a serious question right quick. there's a lot of questions about why he hasn't caught on. some say he doesn't look like he's having fun. >> some say that. that's my question to you. are you having fun or not? >> absolutely. maybe i'll send you the tape of yesterday's most resent effort. >> not my opinion. i think you look plenty happy. there are those who say this. >> you know what. >> look, i'm having a blast and it's going well. i'll give a story that helps explain the context. october 8th years ago i was at the atlanta airport and i saw john mccain who was carrying on his left shoulder, he can't even
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raise his left hand because of being torchered. he was carrying his own bag transferring planes like we always do in atlanta to go from one place to the next and he was campaigning for president of the united states by himself. he won the republican nomination. this is how it works. people want you to walk on the hot coals. you have to show that you care about people, that you have a heart, a sense of humor and ideas to lift people up. that's the process i'm in right now and i'm having a blast doing it and i believe i'm going to win the nomination. >> presidential candidate, jeb bush, great to have you on the show. >> great to see you, jeb. >> we're back in a moment with much more morning joe. want bladder leak underwear that moves like you do?
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>> reporter: mika, good morning. these new e-mails come on news that she has earned $28 million, but, as you say, there are mounting questions about the security of her private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. as hillary clinton tries to fire up her base in boston today, she faces fresh scrutiny, as newly revealed e-mail shows she received spam. she was sent several e-mails disguised as speeding tickets. security experts say those e-mails contained so-called m malware that can be traced back to server overseas, including
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russia. they have they'd there's no evidence to suggest she replied to this e nail nor that she opened the attachment. >> it is like a drip, drip, drip. >> these are part of new pages released on wednesday over court order. one aide expresses frustration with the antiquated e-mail system. i'm not sure we want to telegraph how much folks do or don't do off state mail because it may encourage others who are out there. in other exchange, close friend sidney bloomenthal towards clinton an e-mail. >> everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi
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special committee, a select committee. what are her numbers today? >> reporter: in an interview with the reverend al sharpton, clinton fired back. >> when i hear a statement like that, which demonstrates unequivocally that this was always meant to be a partisan, political exercise, i feel like it does a grave disservice. >> now the state department is going to release four more batches of clinton's e-mails in the coming months, a reminder that this controversy just isn't going away any time soon. mika? >> all right, kristen welker, thank you very, very much. we move on to the a.p. reporter who broke the story. >> very quickly, jeb talking about kevin mccarthy also. what's the guy doing? >> i think what was so interesting about his comments is that he said that he played into what's worse about washington right now, it's the
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language that washington is using right now, the language that america dislikes. let's bring in brad clapper, part of the associated press reporting team that broke the story, the attempted russian-linked hack of clinton's e-mail. what's the headline here and was there any danger of a track truly happening? >> well, we don't know whether the hack happened or not. there's no way to tell from e-mails that were sent or received by clinton whether she opened the attachment or not. so clearly the danger was present. clearly hackers knew enough to target her e-mail address, which was not public, but whether she in fact opened it and activated the virus is unclear. >> okay. so at this point we also have new e-mails that we're looking at here that were classified. is there going to be the response that they weren't classified at the time. how does this actually become a headline that is legitimate and doesn't get pushed away as something that's not important?
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>> you mean the 200 plus? >> mm-hmm. is it important? >> surely it's important. >> why? >> you know, it shows that she was routinely receiving or even sending in some cases information that shouldn't be in the public domain. and that's perfectly fine to do that from a private or a government -- unclassified government account, but we don't know the security apparatus of this computer and this server that she had. so if it was readily hackable or available to others, that poses a problem. >> all right, brad. thank you so much. >> brad klapper, thank you very much. >> and john heilemann, following on what he said, i have over 200 new classified e-mails that have come out to the public domain now, this story just keeps building on the classified front. what can you tell us as far as your reporting goes on where we
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are now? >> we are reaching this -- the fbi investigation continues. there's the questions around -- it's basically a security investigation. they're trying to figure out whether the server was hacked at any given point. they've been doing this -- trying to look at to see whether they can recover any of the private e-mail she deleted from the server. there's been reporting that they've been able to recover some of the private e-mails. there are congressional questioning whether this is true. the fbi investigation and what it yields could be hugely consequential, both legally and politically, but we don't know that much about where it stands because the fbi is only things that are leaking out but they're not coming out and saying yet. >> it seems that's a game changer, mika, one awway or the
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other, either exonerates her or makes things worse. >> coming up, russia claims they're bombing isis but all signs point that they're bombing the assad regime. plus a new poll out this morning once again dominated by outsider candidates. >> we'll check into those donald trump is going away stories and tweets. >> and tomorrow, the man who is still on top, joins us live, donald trump. we'll be right back. run this b. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®.
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♪ welcome to "morning joe," everyone. with us we have the managing editor of bloomberg news. and al hunt, along with joe, willie and me. >> how you doing willie? >> i'm doing great. another busy morning. >> in every way it just keeps going. you look at the front paej of "the washington post" and, mika, the air strikes against syria. >> yesterday russia began carrying out strategics air strikes it claims are aimed at repelling isis and this morning there are unconfirmed reports of a fresh wave of raids. the question now is whether the strikes are actually targeting terrorists as their defense ministry said or syrian rebels supported by the united states? russian foreign minister sergey
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lavrov and john kerry met and had this to say. >> we agreed that the military should get in contact with each other very soon. we all want syria democratic, united, secular, syria which is a home for all ethnic and confessional groups whose rights are guaranteed, but we have some differences as for the details on how to get there. >> it is one thing obviously to be targeting isil. we're concerned, obviously, if that is not what it happening. we also agreed that it is imperative to find a solution to this conflict and to avoid escalating it in any way. >> meanwhile the russian defense ministry released video of its own claiming terrorist targets were destroyed in the bombing, but yesterday defense secretary ashton carter joined secretary
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kerry in calling their motives into question. >> it does appear they were in areas that were probably not isil forces. that is precisely one of the problems with this approach. >> the strikes came after requesting the u.s. to clear planes. >> the question is, eamon, are they going after the rebels to protect assad or are they going after isis? >> if you have to look clearly at the facts on the ground, the battlefield layout, they were not going after isis. that's pretty clear. one thing that is good is that the territory that the rebels have and assad regime, they're all very well known to the russians and to the americans. and based on these targets alone, it does not look like they were going after any
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isis-held positions. the civil defense and those folks have reported at least 35 civilians killed, identified the exact target and none of them seem to be isis held areas. >> think about what just happened. putin and president obama sat down at the u.n., lavrov and kerry sat down and talked about ways to defeat isis and then russia gave us about one hour's notice, knocked on to the door of the u.s. embassy there and said, hey, we're going into syria, thought you should know. >> we continue engaging in russia. we're all for engagement but, i'm sorry, they have made fools of the obama administration one day after another day after another day and it seems that we're still hanging in there,
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just acting as if nothing happened. >> well, you can't defend the administration's actions in syria. they drew red lines that they didn't enforce, they said assad must go and haven't pushed it. they seem lost at times. i think the russians may be creating real problems for themselves, you know, joe. for russia to get ensnared in this in support of assad, of whomle 80, 85% of syrians hate, who has killed his on people, who at some point is going to go, i think russia may be getting itself into a real mess. that's separate from the problems the united states has. >> last hour presidential candidate jeb bush joined us on set. i want to ask you about what's happening in foreign policy right now. who would you respect right away, right now? what would you say as president and how that affects the relationship with russia and the entire landscape.
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>> i think the russian relationship has been destroyed if putin continues to do this. we ought to make it clear that's the case. this is outrageous. he's attacking the and now he's saying there's a no-fly zone, including american air force. we're in a position right now where if we don't show strength, this will create problems not just in syria but the rest of the world. >> what's the next move? >> i think sangs ought to beon the table. france and germany both have they'd stair and this was an effort to try to stop all that. i just think it's wrong. and on our side we have donald trump saying that refugees need to be isn't back if he's elected president, he'll just round them all up and send them back.
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this is not an america that i believe is the one that will create piece and security. both of those engs now. >> this has been played in day in, day out. most importance don't want 30,000, 40,000 troops over in syria but we've never heard good answers. i know it's a vexing problem but what would pressure do? >> it's been made more -- 45 days ago i revealed a strategy, to create a no-fly zone over syria and make it clear no more barrel bombs. >> why haven't we done that. >> their president doesn't believe we need it and they've pulled back. this refugee crisis is it's
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because we pulled back as well that we created this field. we need to make sure that our stit, you're saying the united states is not a lie abable this all just doing victory dance around president obama and i just think he should stand up and be clear. this is still the strongest country in the world, we still have the strongest military. we're just not acting like this right now. >> is it worth sitting down with vladimir putin at this point? the president had a 90-pint meeting with putin this week. is it worth sitting down and talking to them anymore. if there was some way to create
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an international force to take out assad and to deal with isis, that would be fine. look, i think it's okay to talk to people who are your adversaries but you have to do it from a position of strength, not weakness. two weeks ago they were talking exact oncy sit. everybody time they do nothing. >> do you agree with the president, though, that it time for assad to go? >> he's killed 200,000 people of his citizens, innocent. i was at a town hall meeting last night and a woman named nora, with tears in her eyes and quivering voice talked about how she himself helped 12 of hadder family members escape syria. these are syrian christians and
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they're now in turkey and have no place to go. should we just sit back and accept this slaughter, allow for ma many. >> we're going to get into politics. willie, i know you know because it happens every sunday, this sunday, you get a lot of predictions and they're right. if there's ever a prediction on sunday about donald trump -- >> yeah, it's wrong. >> you know they've got to be dead write coming o i mean, it was constant. it was like this is funny. there was a poll that came out that showed he was only 1 point ahead of ben carson. what did i say?
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i said those but, you know, it's over for trump. seriously, how many times can you say this? >> they probably recycled from all the other times he was going into a death spiral and he's still number 1. >> donald trump is still on top with 23% and tied for second are ken carson and carson is rated the most favorable while donald trump is the least with a net rating of 34 points. at a cam pawn event yesterday in
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new hampshire, donald trump used some colorful language when talking about it would have his opponents. >> so they ask, rubio, what do you think of bush? oh, he's my dear friend. wonderful, wonderful. they hate each other. they hate. trust me, i know. they hate so much. they hit more than anybody in this room hates their neighbor. any. but it's political bull [ expletive ]. do you understand? it's true. it's true. >> okay, he's ramping it up a little bit there. as much as anybody hates their neighbor, i didn't owe that's why i find out so let talk about trump. it o where trump's in place by a good bit. and then we're actually seeing sort of the natural settling
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being trump going back out. he had a pretty good "60 minutes" interview, his tack plan came out. >> he's on the cover of "people" magazine with an extraordinary spread, millions of dollars again, you know, i think what we've lerchd over the course of the last few months is we don't see donald trump rising very much. he's not gaining ground and not falling back. he's about a quarter of the republican electorate. he's about 25%. in this field, that's enough to be in first place and probably will be keep him in number for.
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>> we saw a breakdown of ad spending yesterday. donald trump is zero. he's living off the fat of the land. >>. >> jack: has that ever happened? >> people usually haven't been able to do this but he gets so much publicity, right? >> well, when you get seven free pages, you dominate locally and on cable, you don't need to spend a lot of money on this stage and i don't think he will for a moul but when we get him one-on-one or two-on-one, that will be there's a lot of talk right now about marco rubio. he's doing well in the polls. you just look at two people
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lined up against each other. i don't think that actually plays out well for the republican establishment, having marco on the same stage as trump. >> we were talking about this yesterday. we think that for jeb bush and marco rubio, the plan is to sit and wait. how that happens, we don't know yet. >>. outsiders and rubio and jeb right behind them. >> there were reports that people were starting to panic. >> depends on what you mean by people, within the jeb orbit, they're not panicking at all. >> if you look at the tend line
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over the course of the last six months, it's been steadily downward. that he understand having a biggencence and see six months of steadily down. >> ted his comments on republicans have the government whinsing. senator bob corker joins us and he's not holding back on what he calls a ledder lft but first, bill karins with a look at the hurricane potentially coming our way. bill? >> potentially is the big question. we still don't know exactly where this is going but there is a trend. all our thoughts go to people in the central and bahamas. this category 3 hurricane is still intensifying and moving right over the top of some of
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the islands in the islands. ever since 2010. this is getting into very strong category. the stronger the form, the larger the waves there' no this is the 5 a.m. advisory, the nest books next one will come at 11 a.m. they were taking it towards dc, they shift it towards the east. that's where some of our computer mol else now our american gfs model takes it offshored. two of our long range models that we look at every day is
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spiritually -- >> we have a chance for historic rains in areas of the southeast. maybe even 10, 20 inches of rain in south carolina does not mean we're going to be out of the woods so we have rat to. but the trend is good away from the kr. >> we give you a shot of new york city, who looks to be scared from this storm and the others behind it. more details coming here on msnbc and "morning joe."
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we heard you got a job as a developer!!!!! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is?
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i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california.
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that is not the reason we started. there are four dead americans. >> he should apologize? >> he should apologize. it's an absolute inaccurate statement on what we have done on the work on benghazi. >> wow. and this comes right as he moves to take over. >> yes. well -- >> what a rookie mistake as mika has said. that is devastating. >> there a couple horrible things about it. the first is that the context, that hannity asked him what the accomplishments were, rather than talking about governing. he said we set up the benghazi committee meeting and killed hillary's poll numbers. second, obviously this gowdy, john boehner, the rest of the republican leadership had been very politically disciplined leading up to these haeings
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about and now you have the guy basically revealing -- giving up from the democratic point of view saying actually, it's all a sham. that's the real purpose of this is to drag your poll numbers down. it gives her a huge talking point, undermines gowdy and makes a lot of people in the republican caucus won dewhether. >> now you have a republican. the likely next speaker of the house articulating that this was -- >> and the very argument that bill clinton was making the
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other night, which was preposterous -- >> it's going to stick. >> suddenly the guy who is supposed to be the next speaker of the house actually makes it true by what he says. >> jack: well, he did, but it also is the mike kingsley rule. a gaffe in i think it was really clumsy in part of kevin mack cartthey apart pr serious subsequent akwegss. that did. >> well, we also have to see how democrats reacted. tack a look. >> i think everybody here at the white house takes mr. mccarthy at his word. i think the thing that's happening here is that lead are mccarthy has committed the classic washington gaffe of
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saying something that everybody already knows is true. >> what's your response to mccarthy's comments? >> i have to tell you i find them deeply distressing. i knew the ambassador that we love who were representing us in a very dangerous part of the world. when i hear a statement that was unequivocally that this was meant to be a political power and exercise. i feel it shows a gave disma'am, not just the four they would. >> you can't even -- >> i'm just saying everybody in the studio exploded laughing because it is so calculated. >> no, i can say it because do you know whose fault it is? >> it's kevin mccarthy's fault. >> but you can't even give one
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little bit of critique. >> she's right about everything. he's writing about the losses and writing about the indents. >> i'm just reporting that people broke out laughing when she said she was deeply distressed because kevin mack carty just basically wrote her lines for her. there's no reason why the republicans should be mad at anybody but kevin mccarty. >> the reason that i laughed is she's saying she's delip li dismayed when this is like a birth and that's what kevin mccarthy walked out. put the tim. >> you know what they say about kool-aid. >> i'm sorry, they're going to have to -- if you're sitting in the republican caucus and you're
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wondering who your next speaker is and you've already maze your commitment, this is a pretty massive mistake. there has to be a discussion about how that happens and whether it proves he might not be ready to do this job. >> cog up, senator john pork plus, coming up, we'll talk to the president of tibo who wants to make watching commercials a thing of the past. i think he might be able to do that. right after these commercials. beyond natural grain free pet food
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i have an understanding of what russia and putin are doing. he's exploring a vacuum that was left in the middle east. the russians will begin to fly combat missions in that region, not just targeting isis but in order to prop up assad. he will also turn to other countries in the region, maerk is no longer a reliable ally, begin to rely on us. he's prying to replace us as the single most important power broker in the middle east. that is what is happening in the middle east. >> that was republican cans t --
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joining from us capitol hill, senator bob corker of tennessee. how has it played out to be true, senator? >> well, no doubt. i think if you see -- of course russia is saying they aren't hitting the rebel targets, those that are friends of ours that are the moderates. they have said they don't have anybody in eastern ukraine, too. i think he prognosticated exactly what was going to happen. if you think about it, this administration has het on its hands during the most apros tease and the highest number of theme that been mum the biggest refugee crisis, the most women raped, the most women and children being killed and the great tortures. and in essence we have done nothing, at times when we could have made a difference without u.s. troops ever being involved. look, it's sad. i see john kerrey on the screen
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with lavrov and i wonder what the uls. so i'm so despondent. i don't know what else can be done. this administration obviously is going to do nothing. go so you believe that the ballpark white house is responsible for the void that marco was talking about and the chaos that all followed it? >> there's no question. look, in may of 2013, our former relations committee tried to push the administration. >> i remember meeting with him in turkey. we couldn't even get trucks to him to carry food to his troops. >> why? >> it's just a lacking of will.
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joe, i've been to the refugee camps and rookd at people in the eye and toll them we are going to send still manies to your net views, to your uncle, to your brother. >> what if in they can trust barack obama in the white house to be there and that's why you're starting to look to russia. snp in august of 2013 and we were going to conduct a ten-hour operation, again at a time when the vetted, moderate opposition still had momentum and we did not do it, a time we could have really sat assad on his heels with a ten-hour operation from
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the mediterranean. i was in the region thereafter and that was exactly what was said. some of our allies, joe, that were going to be a part of that operation didn't even know it was called off. they watched the president go out into the rose garden and announce that we were not going to conduct this operation. instead figuratively we were going to jump in putin's lap and work something out relative to the incredible -- they're reliable. they do what they say. i don't know what at this point with and senator rubio mentioned at this point it's even more complex. how do you deal with this
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situation? so, look, i'm sad. i look at these people, 11 million refugees or 11 million displaced people, many of them flooding into you were. it and we know that we have sat there and done nothing. and assad is the one mostly that's driving them out of the country, russia's back in there backing them up and then hitting the folks that have been the relatives of these refugees. >> assad is obviously the complicated figure, put be, some would say not so complicated. >> what shurz the stray probably sprrn so, you know, mika, i've given you very specific clings we've all pushed for along the way. at this juncture, it's almost hollow to even say what the next step should be.
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this president and this administration is not going to do anything. we know. and why. >> i've missed opportunity after opportunity after actual, the president -- working with turkey in an air excluesion zone to keep terrorists from flooding into the syria and al dern puerto ricans that's not going to happen. we wouldn't even provide defensive weapons to ukraine. it's not us fighting for them. it's them providing for themselves. we couldn't pro described them
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pras might o i'm saddened for our country. i believe that we have lost a great deal of moral clarity. >> john heilemann here. let me ask you real quick. you're trying to bring secretary kerry up to your committee to give testimony next week. let me ask you, what's the main question, the single most important question that you want him to answer? >> i certainly would want him to answer what he expects that russia is going to do as we go forward. i mean, i know, you know, look, we've had so many hollow comments, john, about what we are going to do and we know nothing really is going to happen. so i get i would from him as russia sort of takes over this area, as russia that he expects
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and what possibly through negotiations when they're negotiating from strength and we are now do we expect to be generated? if i could, i guess the thing that really gets me is secretary carry says we're going o in. know these are not the people we're seeing on the television screen. these are people two years from now. the route cause is what you saw certainlying tlp killing people that the president has called that are there to protect their villages. we're not second kerry ho we're
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going to kay nothing, nothing to stem this huge refugee crisis. >> all right, chairman bob corker, thank you so much for being with us. coming up, the revolution is being televised. a new device may be. >> life is new experiences. are you ready? i'm great! every moment is our moment. are you enjoying this? it's been such a whirlwind. i want to get to know people and understand their ideas about everything. so you can too. to see if they could find the guy who uses just for men. it's me. no way. i had no clue. just for men gives you a natural gray-free look in just 5 minutes. it looks really good. great looking hair made easy. just for men.
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us or not, it's a huge difference, it changes the entire equation, it's not that you don't care, you're not giving the middle finger to the entire room but liking yourself actually. you're going to be authentically yourself so can you salvage yourself. >> that was mika talking with five business leaders about how women are changing the game. she's on the cover of "ad week." very impressive set of women there, mika. you talked about how you're changing the game and others are changing the game and media and marketing. that's a message you took to chicago last week. >> those are women who clearly know their value. in this issue of "ad week" we take a look at different ways they were able to communicate that effectively, which was exactly what we spoke to an oudens oou audience of 600 women. we looked at the small things
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you can do and the very big things that can you do, not just to get into a position of pow erp but to use your time more effectively and to navigate the business world effectively and navigate life effectively. these women in this article, i had the pleasure of interviewing them all. the cmo of nfl, dawn hudson. this was just an incredible week of women and i'm very grateful to have been a part of it. >> and you've got more events coming up through the pal . >> there's going to be a bonus competition there, what. >> heilemann wants to know if he can make the $10,000 for the pitch. >> why don't you come to orlando? you might learn something.
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>> she looks scary on that cover. >> a little bit intimidating. >> very intimidating. >> well, i mean, if you didn't know that already. >> oh, i knew. >> coming up next, what, if anything, did we learn today? ♪ i'm tired of being used but since the winds have got rusted ♪ you know the angels want to wear my red shoes ♪ 2% back at the grocery store... and 3% back on gas... vince of the flying branzinos got a bankamericard cash rewards credit card, because he may earn his living jumping through hoops, but he'd rather not earn cash back that way. that's the spectacle of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you.
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some people say he's not conservative enough, some people say his name is bush. other people say neither one is the problem, he looks like he's having fun out there. so are you having fun out there or not? >> absolutely. maybe i'll send you the tape -- >> i think you look plenty happy. i'm just saying there are those who say this. >> look, i'm having a blast. >> all right. time to talk about what we learned today. what did you learn, mika? >> i actually thought and i really like senator corker, he didn't have a lot of solutions, just a lot of criticism. >> i think unfortunately he would say they've been offering solutions for years and at some point after the russians have already gone in, what else is there to do? >> i would think there would be something. >> whatever it is, the president is not going to do it because he
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hasn't done it for three years. this is an interesting what have we learned? >> what's interesting is bernie sanders has earned as much as hillary clinton. >> and ben carson, did get this wrong, raised more than both of them? >> no. >> i thought he got 31 million. >> wrap it up now. we have to go. >> it's way too early and it's "morning joe." what i learned is i'm not sure what i learned. but stick around because "the rundown" is next. >> good morning to you. i'm jose diaz-balart. hurricane joaquin rapidly gaining strength and the entire east coast watching the storm.
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