tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 9, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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roseburg. >> and today could be a pivotal day in the legal battle facing bill cosby, scheduled to give a deposition behind closed doors. we have an exclusive clip with my interview of nearly 30 cosby accusers airing tonight on dateline. we start with the big news on capitol hill today where paul ryan is facing a massive lobbying effort from his fellow house republicans encouraging him to run for house speaker. the former vice presidential candidate was asked the question on everybody's mind in washington, will he run for speaker? >> right now i'm just going to catch my flight so i can make it home for dinner. >> saying right now he's just going home for dinner. it comes after ryan sought to quell speculation saying chairman ryan appreciates the support from his colleagues but he's still not running for
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speaker. but the cohorus is getting loud per. >> would you support him? >> 100. >> he's the only candidate we can broadly agree to get to 240 votes on the floor. >> i believe paul ryan would make a very fine speaker. >> even kevin mccarthy who dropped a bombshell by withdrawi withdrawing agreed. >> joining me luke russert and carrie dann. what's the latest from there, luke? >> paul ryan is back in wisconsin. he has a lot of thinking to do,
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a lot of soul searching because the pressure on him to run for the speakership, it's intense and it's picking up from big names. his former running mate from 2012, mitt romney, we can confirm from our own peter alexander actually had a phone call earlier today about running for speaker, mitt romney saying that paul ryan is the perfect time of person to take the job. that's really what paul ryan has to figure out during this week. from conversations i've had from people close to him, he's going to take time to talk to his family, talk to his advisers and see what happens within the conservative flank in his conference. not every house conservative is enthusiastic about paul ryan. he does not want to go through a process in which he would get bloodied up a bit with the conservative flank. if there's a clear pathway to 218, it's unobstructed and paul ryan feels comfortable enough getting in the race, then it's
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possible and more likely he would do it. but as of right now he's standing by that no comment. he has the entire conference in a holding pattern because until paul ryan makes a decision, there is no plan b, kate. >> i was just going to ask, there is no plan b here. are there any other names be tossed around, carrie? >> you're hearing so much pressure on paul ryan. all the people talking about the possibility of him ascending to leadership, they mention he has personal concerns. he's someone that darrell issa has called his dream job. they're talking about he's the one person who could unify the party. and jason chaffetz says if paul ryan is to seek it, he will step aside. >> we promised to go to the big
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board this morning. there he is. what are the scenarios if paul ryan is in or if he's not in? >> let's take a look. the three possible scenarios of how this all ends up, obviously what we're talking about for the last few minutes, paul ryan is scenario number one. back in wisconsin, got to talk to his family, got to think about it, probably got to field a lot more phone calls like the one he just needed from mitt romney. top people in the republican party all telling him, look, you have got to save us, all prevailing on his sense of loyalty to them. we know he doesn't really want this job in his heart of hearts. the question is can he resist that? when you think back, very few situations like this in politics where so many people are bearing down on one person saying you have do this. that's awfully tough to resist, even if he doesn't want the job. the first scenario, paul ryan comes back and says i will do it. what if paul ryan does resist? what if he does say no? then you start to think again
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about the guy we thought was off the scene. john boehner announcing his retirement a few weeks ago but the key thing to keep in mind is he has thought about retirement before and cancelled retirement plans before because the chaos in the republican party. it was just last year when his deputy, eric cantor, the number two among house republicans back then had that shocking loss in a primary in virginia that ended his political career and took him out of the house. john boehner been planning to retire but because of the chaos that set off, he delayed his retirement. if paul ryan were to say no, john boehner may look around and say those 247 republicans, i don't see somebody who can get them all on the same page. guess what? if john boehner stays they don't have to go through this election process. he could remain the speaker through the 2016 election.
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he wouldn't like that. but it's a scenario of course. then we get to the wild card scenarios. these are some of the names being bandied about, jason chaffetz and daniel webster. darrell issa would defer to paul ryan, trey gowdy, he would defer to paul ryan. tom cole, he's very well liked by the establishment, he ran the republican congressial campaign committee, he would defer to ryan. what's interesting about john klein from minnesota, he is respected, he has already announced his retirement after the 2016 election. so you look at somebody like klein. the idea of a place holder
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speaker, somebody who would take the job through the 2016 election, try to keep the republicans united and basically the case for somebody like klein would be, look, let's not have a fight right now, let's put klein or somebody else like him in there for the next year and change and after the 2016 election, that's when we'll have the fight. another name, kathy rogers. if you're a republican, chances are somebody has mentioned your name in connection with this job. it it really is interesting. >> wow, wow. thank you for the walk-through. >> love the drama. >> i love the drama and i think our viewers do, too. i want to go to congressman john
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micah on capitol hill. i don't know if you could hear steve kornacki gaming it out for us. at 4:00 eastern time, sir, what is your assessment of where we're at? are you going to land on paul ryan or someone else? >> well, i think just the talking on the floor and to members, there is a huge draft paul ryan. he may not want to do it but i think that the conference and the country and some of the republican leaders are calling on him. he's one of the brightest most capable leaders and he brings people together. plus he has knowledge. he's been on the political circuit so he handles him so well. so i took him by the arm a few hours ago. i know he has to consult his wife. he's just an incredible person, incredible family and father and i'm sure they're going to
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discuss the implications this weekend. >> is that what he said back to you, if you took him by the arm? did he say i need a moment? what did he say? he smiled, he smiled. i said, you have to do this, you and your wife and family have to do this for the country. and that's what i feel. you know, there are people in history that can bring people together and we need that now. and we want to go forward in the 2016 elections unified. this is a perfect time to do that. mr. boehner stepped aside. that's a big deal to step down from speaker. we just heard kevin mccarthy shock us all with his stepping aside. the other candidates so far that have been named, i don't know anybody that could get more than a couple dozen votes. we got to have someone we can coalesce around. we've done it before, i think we'll do it this time. >> congressman, a lot of americans are watching this play out and wondering what the heck is going on in the republican
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party. i think people are -- some americans are questioning whether you can govern if you can't organize your own caucus. >> well, they can be very proud of the republicans. leaders like boehner, when he realized he was becoming the target. the american people, not just republicans, are very frustrated. they're frustrated with the president's agenda, not being able to stop some of the more offensive things. we're frustrated, i'm frustrated as a conservative member of congress because we want to do more. john had his things he wanted to achieve. he saw that he became the target. kevin stepped aside. so it's a time that we can have fresh leadership. it's probably one of the most exciting times. nobody owns any of these positions. my seat isn't secure. i just got a map a couple minutes ago, i may have to run from a new seat in central florida. so these seats belong in the positions of leadership belong to the people and they're only temporary. so we need to get the best
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people in and we'll do that. we'll figure out who we can all coalesce around. i think we got a long time before 2016. so this is a good time to have that discussion and that action. >> all right, congressman john micah, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> coming up from congressional politics to the 2016 campaign trail. plus bill cosby giving a sworn deposition today. we have an exclusive clip from my "dateline" special that brought nearly 30 accusers together in one room. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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today a new poll shows donald trump maintaining his lead at the top of the republican race while more candidates are releasing candidate numbers. ted cruz reported a $30 million haul. jordan frazier is following the jeb bush campaign. katie, tomorrow there's an event in atlanta. >> we're hearing there's a special guest. herman cain will be there to speak before donald trump take the stage. we're also hearing it's not necessarily an endorsement that he has a few options out there in his desire for president. he's not going to commit to any one of them right now. it's very interesting. just a few years ago he was the front-runner for the republican race for president. and of course he plummeted in the polls and many said donald trump would do that as well. so far that has not happened. the trump campaign is still as
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bullish as ever. this the first time they'll be here in atlanta since that red state gaffe after he was kicked out of red state after saying megyn kelly was bleeding from her wherever. red state was very angry, they did not invite him to their event. this is the first time they'll be in georgia. they say they are not dropping out any time soon. in fact, here is what mr. trump had to say on mojo this morning. >> i made the statement that, well, you know, if i could see i wasn't going to win and if my numbers were really terrible and if you you wouldn't call and everybody's not calling, if i saw it was going to happen, of course i would. the next day headlines, "trump considering maybe getting out," it's so ridiculous. now i'll give more of a political answer, i'm never getting out. >> that's what they're telling us -- >> go ahead.
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>> he's planning on being in the race until the convention. >> sorry. we're talking over each other in different locations. >> and now t. boone pickens? >> he's decided to broaden his support to include both ben carson and carly fiorina. a little bit of a blow to have an early backer decide to expand his support. the bush campaign will continue to say they're in this for the long haul, playing the long game here. i was with the governor in iowa this week and he really touted his faith in advertising. he thinks people just don't know him as jeb. they may know his last name as bush but he thinks the jeb part of his name is still an untold stories and he's framing himself as this washington outsider who still comes to this race with a record of accomplishment in government from his time in florida. and so governor bush will say that as advertisements continue
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to hit the air way and people get serious about which candidate they're going to support, his story will be persuasive to voters. >> jordan, i think i messed up when i asked you that question. it's t. boone pickens is giving money to ben carson, not jeb bush? >> right. >> katie, the last time we saw you, you were in vegas and it was a huge event out there. what do we expect in atlanta? >> i think we're going to expect something similar in terms of his stump speech. in terms of the crowd reaction, though, i'd be surprised if we get anything like vegas again. that was a unique experience. trump was on his game in a way i had not seen before and the crowd was loving it. i think it will be slightly more subdued. this is just outside of atlanta, there will be quite a conservative crowd but they're not expected to be as raucous as maybe the vegas one was does.
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his similar stump speech. he does not give out preplanned comments to the press beforehand. so what he says is all in donald trump's mind and we'll be as surprised as the people in the crowd. kate? >> thanks. let's bring in halle jackson out on the trail with marco rubio. you just had a chance to speak with senator rubio. what did he tell you? >> reporter: i asked him, kate, about his fund-raising numbers because that has been sort of the big story lines over the big campaign over the last 12 to 24 hours here, rubio raising in the last three months about $6 million, that's half of what ted cruz raised and less than a third of what ben carson's campaign raised. senator rubio says he's essentially unconcerned about it, this is part of the game plan. he feels they're right where they need to be. i asked him if he thought his campaign is peaking too soon. he's seen his rise in the poll lately and laughed it out. his message is to get out his
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life story, his biography and his message about this new economy. i will say the campaign is saying essentially over the summer, you had july when scott walker got into the race, that was slow for donors, august was slow for donors. they say they picked up in september raising about a million dollars and this month, october, will be his best month yet. important to point out, rubio's rise in the polls really only started fair lily recently afte the debates. >> thank you all so much. after spending half a billion dollars, the u.s. looks to revamp its program to train syrian rebels. we head to the pentagon for more next. and the university of south carolina preemptively cancelling weekend classes tomorrow amid concerns of rising floodwaters. >> plus, north korea puts on a show with a rare visit with one of the most closed countries in the world.
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less than one year after the u.s. launched a $500 million program to train rebel fighters in syria, it's being eliminated. nbc's chief pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski joins me now. this has to be a bit embarrassing for the pentagon. >> reporter: embarrassing indeed. the death nell for this program was sounded several weeks ago by commander lloyd austin when he told the senate armed services committee that after spending $50 million, only four to five syrian fighters who had been trained and equipped were actually in the fight. one senator in fact called the entire program a joke. now they're going to turn the whole program on its head. instead of train and quip, it's going to be equip and train.
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they're not going to try to train large numbers of fighters, but they are going to supply them with guns and ammunition, air drops from the sky, in which they will be armed and get some kind of advice from u.s. military trainers. not directly from on the ground. but what they're going to do is take out some of the leadership from the country and they're going to train those leaders to -- on how the u.s. military works, how the air strikes work and they will be trained to call in air strikes on enemy forces there in syria. it's a program that really appeared doomed from the start and what we heard today was that they're not going back to the original train and equip. as i said, a whole new program to try to make this thing work. >> all right, jim miklaszewski reporting from the pentagon. thank you so much. >> all righty. >> south carolina's coast all right battered by historic
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flooding is preparing for even more today. rising water levels continue from last week's rainfall. three more counties were declared disaster areas today, bringing the total to 19. homeland security chief jeh johnson flew into north carolina today and gave an assessment. >> all tolled fema has deployed to south carolina over 4,000 cots, 9,000 blankets, 54 generators, 593,000 meals and over 3 million liters of water, which are or have been or will be distributed throughout the state. >> bill cosby is set to give a sworn deposition in a civil suit against him today. we have an exclusive look of my "dateline" interview with nearly 30 accusers. and also, leader who say the
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today could be a pivotal day in the legal battle facing bill cosby. for the first time in ten years, cosby is scheduled to sit down for a deposition with an attorney behind closed doors. the transcript and video will be sealed for the time being. cosby is scheduled to answer questions from attorney gloria allred over an alleged incident that took place when her client, judy huff, was just 15 years old. >> in 1974 when cosby was filming movies, huff claimed she met him on a set and he later sexually molested her. >> the charge from cosby's attorneys is that your client judy huff is in this for money. >> my client wants justice, she wants her day in court. that's all she wants is justice.
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>> for most of cosby's accusers, 55 women now, it's too late to file suit. in an unprecedented gathering, "dateline" brought 27 of those accusers all over the country to a los angeles ballroom to share their stories about bill cosby. how many of you believe you were drugged by bill cosby? >> their ages rang from 46 to 80. their allegations vary but as we spoke, patterns occurred. >> i believes i was targeted and drugged to an unconscious state. >> i was sexually harassed and assaulted. >> many said they believed cosby was going to mentor them and instead he attacked. but are their stories credible? >> none of you have police
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reports or any evidence. why should we believe you? >> we came forward to say we're using our voices to say this isn't okay. >> amen. >> cosby's attorney say these things never happened. >> he has vehemently denied that he, one, without consent ever game anyone a drug and that he, two, without consent had a relationship or sexual interaction with another adult. >> it took many years for these women to publicly come forward. many of them are mothers and gra grandmothers now. they say they can't change the past but they can change the future. >> this is an incredibly powerful group of women right here. >> absolutely. >> we're using our voices to say this isn't okay. >> enough. >> this is about women taking power into their own hands. >> that's so true.
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>> again, bill cosby has never been charged with any crime. we reached out to bill cosby and his legal team for comment, both declined to talk to us. he has in the past denied he ever drugged anyone or had sexual interaction with anyone without their consent. ari, legal lily speaking, let's talk about today. what's the significance of a deposition? >> a deposition is part of the discovery process. this doesn't mean anything happened or anybody did anything wrong, it simply means the case has been dormd legitimate. it's the parties and their lawyers give an oath. >> yes and answer.
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gloria allred told me she planned to ask not just about her clients but about other cases. you would expect that as a lawyer. >> you would. both sides are going to grapple over that. so if you are pushing the case, in this case the plaintiffs, you want it to be as broad as possible, what you consider relevant, pattern, practice, anything that might have related to the charges at hand. and if you were the defense counsel here in a deposition, you would say, no, let's narrow it to exactly what this case is about and try to defend your client in any deposition from giving away more than you absolutely legally have top. >> cosby's attorneys have frequently says these accusations are untrue. i asked a lot of critical questions to that group of women. i asked them why they didn't speak out sooner. >> how many of you reported anything to police at the time of the incident? nobody. did any of you go to a hospital for a rape kit exam?
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cosby's attorney has said, quote, it is completely illogical that so many people would have said nothing, done nothing and made no reports. >> when it happened to me, there was no such thing as like date rape. i'd never even heard of somebody being drugged and raped. >> syndra ladd said cosby raped her in 1989. >> i never even thought of rape. rape was done to somebody on the street. >> i didn't report my sexual assault because i blamed myself. >> many said they felt too ashamed to come forward sooner. >> i'm one of the few that did accept pills from him. when i woke up the next morning, i apologized to him for passing out. >> oh, my god. >> when i think about that i
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apologized to him knowing what i know now, it makes my skin crawl. >> it's legally complicated, ari. these women in that room are not filing any kinds of suits against him because statute of limitations wouldn't allow them to because these crimes are often decades about. so the case today, judy huff's case, why is that one moving forward? >> it's moving forward specifically because california has a rule that basically, tends the amou -- extends the amount of time you can bring the suit if the victim feels they discovered it pursuant to a psychological injury and they discover it later. you add in what you found in your reporting and what we've seen, the issue of whether people were drugged and does have further memory problems. >> one other thing i wanted to ask you about, in our hour
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tonight on "dateline," we talked to some of the jane does, women supporting witnesses willing to talk on behalf of andrea ten years ago, that philadelphia case in 2005. that was sort of a turning point in this entire story if you look back. >> it was clearly a turning point. that is of course, as we've discussed, where later the deposition emerged that involved him talking about obtaining the quaaludes. i spoke to the d.a. who looked into that case at the time and he said while there was a lot what we would call incriminating evidence, just as you raised earlier in the clip you showed, there wasn't a lot of evidence beyond the testimony that you showed in your interview to go forward. asked if you thought he did it, he said probably but that's not our standard, our standard is much higher. either u think one person is
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lying or if you buy what mr. cos cosby's lawyers are saying, you think everyone else is lying. but the legal standard is case by case. it is not combining everyone's accusations. >> a quick mention that one of his co-stars who played theo huks tabl on the "cosby show" said just today he believes cosby's reputation has been tarnished. >> it was said if he didn't do it and wants to clear his name, he can go forward. >> ari melber, thank you so much. can you watch the special "dateline" edition tonight at 9 p.m. >> a rare look inside north
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korea as the nation prepares to celebrate 70 years of its ruling party. but one defector paints a very different look at what life is like in north korea. and once again snl set to be a power player during the election season. a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? earning unlimited cash back on purchases. that's a win. but imagine earning it twice. you can with the citi double cash® card. it lets you earn cash back twice. once when you buy and again as you pay. it's cash back then cash back again. and that's a cash back win-win. the citi double cash card.
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anniversary of the ruling party. bill neely reports from the capital city of pyongyang. >> reporter: good afternoon, kate, from north korea, i'm here with a very rare opportunity to look inside one of the most closed, the most secretive countries in the world. and i'm in pyongyang in a metro station, rather beautiful. the early morning commute soothing, patriotic music playing in the background. we're here because they've invited us in to celebrate, a big party. it's the party to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding communist party. in the capital city, everyone is busy preparing for the communist party celebration. uniformed groups are practicing, children are drilling, soldiers are everywhere, no one here can step out of line. it is one of the most regimented countries on earth. i'm asked to wear an arm band to mark me out as a foreign
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journalist. down we go into the metro station, the pride of pyongyang. >> hello. >> the trains are frequent, journeys cost just a few cents and there's one thing the commuters have in common. >> nearly everyone here is wearing a party badge. most of them with a picture of the country's founder on it. there are portraits of kim il sung everywhere but it's his grandson that rules now, they say they'll all behind him. >> yes, yes. >> they speak english. what should the world know about your leader? she says the world is bright with their leader. this doubles as a bomb shelter in the event of nuclear war. north korea is developing a nuclear weapon.
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the u.s. wants to stop it. this is a country like no other, isolated, proud, still locked in a cold war with the u.s. and on the streets here tomorrow, north korea will show off its military muscle with one of its biggest ever parades, tens of thousands of troops, new missiles perhaps, and a message to the world, especially the united states, respect us, don't mess with us. it is a proud, tough nation. from its capital. >> bill neely reporting from pyongyang. that's what it looks like on the ground for reporters invited into the country but those who have fled north korea tell a very different story. i recently sat down with a young woman who escaped at the age of 13. she's written a book called "in order to live." and if it she writes she never understood the concept of freedom. >> i didn't know the word for
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freedom. >> literally the word you didn't know? >> i didn't know, yeah. i'm sure there is in the dictionary, but nobody talks about freedom. it's about defending our enemies and kill american bastards. >> tell me about that. you say even in school, in elementary school, they talk about americans. >> so i think the math problem was like this. there are four american bastards and you kill two of them, how many american bastards left to kill? and i say two american bastards. >> that's what they would say? class? >> yes. because for us american bastards is one word. you are not allowed to say americans. it's too nice. >> so it's engrained in the culture, this hatred of america? >> yeah, because of the information blockage. the government only have one channel for let us to watch and there's no independent newspapers and we don't have any
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independent news or anything, magazine, anything. nothing. >> did you have food? >> my life was like roller coaster. i had some time when i had three times to eat in a day but sometimes i had only once a day to eat. >> one meal a day? >> yeah, one meal a day. >> do you know people who died of hunger, starvation? >> absolutely. my grandmother killed herself when she realized she no longer can stay alive during the familifamine time in north korea. and my uncle died from tb. on the street i saw lots of dead bodies. >> you were 13 when you fled north korea? >> yes. >> you went over a frozen river with your mom? >> mm-hmm.
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>> it must have been terrifying. >> yeah, it was. i don't know how i did it. but that time all i thought was -- all i could think was if i stayed behind, i would be killed by the disease or starvation and i had to do it. >> it's hard for us as americans, i think, to understand the mentality and what was happening to you in terms of the manipulation. you thought the dear leader was like a god, right? >> i thought he could read my mind. i was not even free to think. being in north korea, we imagine people there, they are not free. physically they are not allowed to move, they are not allowed to travel, they are not allowed to wear jeans, they are not allowed to watch movies. they are not even allowed to think. >> when you crossed that frozen river with your mom, you were 13 years old. >> yes.
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>> if you'd been seen, they would have shot you. >> absolutely. i would have been shot by the guards or it was frozen river but i could be drown. it was end of march. >> it wasn't completely frozen? >> yes. >> so you get across the river and then what? you're sold into slavery? >> yeah. the first thing i saw was my mother raped by a chinese worker. and i didn't know what even sex was until then. >> you didn't know what sex was? >> i never knew what it was. >> you didn't know what was happening. >> so that was a terrible thing. and then our choice was my mother sold for $65 and i was sold for $260 at the age of 13 as a child bride. >> for someone to marry? >> yes. >> for $260? >> yes. >> so now here you are in new york, you have this new book
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out. what do you see ahead for your life? you're only 21 years old. >> oh, i feel like i live a thousand years at least. i saw so many things but i have so many things to see. and i think i want to live a victorious life, despite what i went through, it cannot stop me to enjoy this freedom. and i still have some trauma and that's an emotional struggle but i will overcome then and i wanted to prove to the north korean people they can be free like myself and we can be free. >> she told me she still has family back in north korea. she can't communicate with them because she's so worried they would be arrested or worse if she did. >> turning to roseburg, oregon where president obama is meeting with grieving families of the
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victims of the shooting at umpqua community college. jacob, the president is still there? >> reporter: he is. we understand, kate, that the president will actually makes remarks, contrary to what we had heard previously. i want to say the president has been at roseburg high school for about an hour meeting privately with the families of victims. the route of the president was lined with signs, not all welcoming. one of them said "we stand with sheriff hanlin," who had written the letter to the vice president about gun control, kate. >> you say we may hear from the president? >> reporter: our understanding is the president -- excuse me. i did hear that the president made remarks already and we'll get that tape as soon as we can.
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>> there's a press pool traveling with the president and we'll get that when we can. let's go to kate for the market wrap. >> the dow gaining 33 points, the s&p 1 point and nasdaq rising 19 points. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. it's good. does it make the short list? you remembered that too. yea, i'm afraid so. knowing our clients personally is what we do. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. thanks, bye. and with over 13,000 financial advisors, we do it a lot. it's why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. they come into this iworld ugly and messy. ideas are frightening because they threaten what is known.
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and right now at at&t get $300 credit for every line you switch when you trade in a smartphone and buy any smartphone on at&t next. breaking news out west. in oregon you're looking at a picture there of marine i where we're expecting president obama to take off. he just spent a couple of hours in oregon meeting with the families of victims and families of survivors of the umpqua community college shooting.
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jacob is out in roseburg. we understand the president did speak and you're getting a transcript or a readout of what he said. >> reporter: that's right, kate. we just received a rough log of what the president said. the president said i'm going to be brief but want to say thank you to oregon and the community for coming together at this terrible time to support the families. obviously words aren't enough. they shared how much they appreciated ucc community coming together, offering thoughts and prayers, i told the mayor if there's anything we can do at the federal level we will. i came out with the delegation, there are going to be moments as we go forward that we'll have to come together. i've got very strong feelings about this because when you talk to the families, you're reminded this could be your child. we're going to have to come together as a country to work on these rights. that was the president after meeting with victims' families
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here in roseburg. >> making a reference there that we have to work together and he referenced rights. i assume he's talking about gun rights. there were protesters, at least a couple hundred out on the street today. >> reporter: that's right, kate. a couple hundred, which was less than the expected number of protesters. the president also made a reference to the delegation, he means the congressional delegation of course. from here in oregon we saw senator merckly and widen, we saw them make sort of a veil call for gun control like we heard the president make today. it will be interesting to see what they do going forward. >> those comments are quite different in tenor than the comments the president made just after the shooting last week. he was angry, he was outspoken in his comments from the white house. those sounded a little more tempered, perhaps because of the political climate where you are. >> reporter: i think it would have been really hard for the president to come in here and give a speech like the one he
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gave from the white house lectern given the fact that people here value their guns not just for hunting here in roseburg but for protection. i shouldn't say nobody but i don't think a great deal were looking for the president to come in and make apolitical speech today. >> it was really about him meeting with the families who lost loved ones and suffered last week. >> reporter: that's exactly right. i think these families, not only have they lost their brother, their sister, their daughter, their father but this community is very small, 22,000 people live in roseburg, the school has 3,000 people itself, and, you know, this is all part of this community coming together and finding a way forward. >> and we're looking at live pictures on the left side of your screen there. that's roseburg, oregon with marine i. i didn't see the president get on board but i believe he's on board. i know he's on his way to a
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fund-raiser later in seattle. jacob, just lastly, the president speaking very personally about this. he said this could be your child. the other day he said that, too, this could be any of our children. >> reporter: when you think about a community college, kate, this is not some big university, this is a central location to this community, people are there getting their geds, high school equivalency tests. there were people we should remember that people died in this shooting from the ages of 18 to 67. when anybody dies in a tragedy like this, it's horrible, but this is something that touched each and everybody here in roseburg. >> all right. we'll continue to look at marine i as it taxis there. jacob, thank you for your reporting all afternoon. as soon as we have the tape of president obama, it's coming in now to msnbc. as soon as we have that, we'll certainly put that on the air so you can hear from the president in his own word. but the president speaking briefly to families of those who were lost last week in that
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terrible shooting in roseburg, oregon. also speaking to some of the survivors of that shooting saying the country needs to come together, we all need to work together but the time right now is for healing and for helping those families who suffered so greatly. that does it for this hour. i'm kate snow. "mtp daily" with chuck todd starts right now. >> if it's friday, you can't hide your ryan eyes. pressure piles on the wisconsin congressman to say yes to the top job in the house. his spokesman says he's still not running for speaker, but that's present tense. the door may be shut but it's not locked. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. my apologies if you get that eagle song in your head all night long with your ryan eyes. tonight we have the latesn
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