tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 23, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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live. it was really great. i'm very excited for folks to see this. >> i came back up to my office as soon as we were done taping the interview. they said chris hayes watched it here, he was watching it in the room. i said did he like exclaim or make any noises? they said when she said the word pathetic he went ooh. and i said we've got to use that in the news. that's good. pathetic, coming up. appreciate it. and thanks to you at home for watching this hour. there are two things we're keyed into this friday night. one is hurricane patricia bearing down on the pacific coast of mexico. it is the strongest hurricane ever recorded. it had sustained winds of around 200 miles an hour recently, which is almost unimaginable. those are winds like a strong tornado. but in a storm many, many, many, many times more massive. as the storm approached landfall in hall jalisco state it did we slightly as it made landfall. this is still just a mammoth storm and the worry is evacuations in that part of mexico happened early enough and
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completely enough that there will not be significant loss of life in the face of this huge storm. in addition to the winds, the storm could bring as much as a foot and a half or more of rainfall in some areas. so this is a big one. the other thing we are keyed into this friday night is that i have just had my first interview ever with hillary clinton. the democratic presidential front-runner. i should confess that i did shake her hand once and i said hello once at a state department function years ago where i had no idea what i was doing there. but apart from that "hello, madam secretary" and shaking her hand today was the first time that i have ever met secretary clinton and it is certainly the first time i have ever had the chance to interview her, and this is the first interview with anyone that she has had since her marathon 11-hour benghazi hearing testimony yesterday. it's also the first interview that she has done since vice president biden decided that he would not run against her for the democratic nomination for
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president. without further ado here is secretary clinton today on whether joe biden might have actually made the more enviable decision when it comes to the run for the presidency this year. >> vice president biden has said that he is not running for president. you've talked a lot about your friendship with him and your respect for him. you've begin him a lot of space to make some decision on your own without any pressure. now that he's said he's not running, are you jealous? >> that's a really good question. >> and he doesn't have to go through all this. >> and he doesn't have to go through it. well, bless his heart. look, i am a huge joe biden admirer, a friend, former colleague. and i know this was an excruciating decision in a time of just such pain and grief for him and his family. he is liberated. and i don't think history is done with him. there is a lot for him and the president to keep doing in the next year and a half.
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i want to build on the progress that they are leaving behind. i feel very strongly about that. i want to go further. but i think the real point of this election is whether or not the republicans are going to be able to turn the clock back and rip away the progress that has been made. i want to support what the president and vice president have accomplished. >> in terms of the obama legacy and the way that vice president biden has talked, even as he's saying he's not going to run, talked about needing to champion the obama legacy, obviously there are some specific policies on which you have some differences with the president. but i want to ask you about one part of president obama's approach to being president that i think there would be a difference between him and you. has he been naive in expecting republicans to work with him when they really didn't work with him on anything, they explicitly did not work with him even on things they agreed with him on, because it was more important to them to try to stop
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him than to even achieve their own policy aims? should he have expected that? would you expect that? >> well, i think when you are dealing with the other party in washington it's that old saying, you know, you hope for the best, you prepare for the worst. of course you want to have the opportunity to work across party lines. i did that when i was a senator. i did it when i was secretary of state. but you need about, you know, six, seven, eight, ten scenarios if something doesn't go your way. i think what the president was doing when he came into office, number one, was coping with the worst financial crisis since the great depression. and the very people who had supported president bush in voting for t.a.r.p., the republicans and the democrats, were then asked to support the president on the recovery act and the stimulus and it was democrats predominantly again who supported him. and i was there at the end of the bush administration. and i know that i was trying to
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exercise my responsibility as a senator. i voted for t.a.r.p. and then to see people who did something when the republicans were in the white house who wouldn't do it when we had a new democratic president although we were losing 800,000 jobs a month and the auto industry was on the brink of total collapse gives you an idea of what we're up against because there is this ideological purity test that i think unfortunately too many republicans who know better are being subjected to. so i will go anywhere, talk to anybody, anytime to try to find common ground, to try to achieve our national objectives, but i'll also stand my ground. and i think it's a constant balance about where one begins and the other one ends. i think the president was absolutely sincere. i spent a lot of time with him in the first four years. and he was absolutely sincere. and he was often just bewildered
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that the evidence was clear, the results were going to flow, and the republicans would privately say yeah, you're right, but i can't or i won't. so we've got to break the stranglehold that the extremist views in the republican party have on too many people who are otherwise sensible and try to get them back into the pragmatic problem solving that should be the hallmark of the relationship between the president and the congress. >> i think a lot of people hoped that would be true, both democrats and republicans, and people who maybe see themselves as neither but hope for constructive policy. the question is how to do that. you don't have the nomination. and there is already a sitting republican member of congress from alabama, mel brooks, who says he is ready to impeach you on the first day of your presidency. >> isn't that pathetic? it's just laughable. it's so totally ridiculous. >> but that is where the republican party -- >> that is where they are. >> it's probably good politics in republican politics for him to say that.
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>> it perhaps is good politics with the most intense extreme part of their base. i guess that is. otherwise, why would they be doing it? and i think we have to, you know, really try to build a larger base of our own that cuts across all kinds of geographic and political gradations. you know, let's try to have, from a center right to a center left understanding about certain things and then let's have a good old-fashioned argument and fight about progressive values versus the alternatives. but there are some things like not defaulting on our debt that should not even be the subject of a political argument. it is just beyond my understanding how anybody despite how extreme he might be would think it would be in america's interest to default on our debt. and so for whether it's the president or me or anyone else, you just have to keep trying to build the case as best you can
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and look for ways to bring those who are responsible over to the right side. that's one of the reasons why we're hoping that before speaker boehner departs his speakership there will be the vote on the debt limit. >> on the issue of finding a path between the left and the right, finding what's doable, what's not doable, i'm a true blue liberal and i'm allowed to say that. it's okay. but one of the things that i have been struck by during the obama administration is that a lot of the really the civil rights achievements of this administration have actually been undoing things that were done in the clinton administration, whether it was don't ask k don't tell or the defense of marriage act or the tough on crime sentences. former president clinton is progressive on those issues but the policies that he signed for politically practical reasons in the '90s have taken the political miracle of barack obama's election and a decade of progressive activism to unwind those things to get back to
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zero. and so i know that you and president clinton are different people, and i know that you're not responsible for what he did as president. but is your approach to civil rights issues the same as his or is it different? >> i have wanted to ask hillary clinton that question for years now. her answer about the setbacks to some major progressive issues during the bill clinton presidency. she has a long very specific really interesting answer to that. and that's next. >> i -- my take on it is slightly different. mobile techn, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see.
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the environment is there for my kids and future generations. together, we're building a better california. this is done. [ cheers and applause ] >> president obama has had a pretty ambitious civil rights agenda as president. but that specific bill signing from 2010, that was really one of the -- that was one of the
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clean breaks. that was him signing into law the repeal of the don't ask don't tell policy which banned gay people from serving openly in the u.s. military. that was a big leap forward. that was a clean break from a terrible law signed by former president bill clinton. and that's one example. but there's more than one issue, more than one big issue on which the big civil rights advance of this president was undoing something done by the last democratic president. which is awkward if you're a democrat and you want to say that democrats are the good guys on civil rights. well, i asked hillary clinton about that tonight. she has a really interesting explanation and answer for that. and i think in her answer here she's also about to make some news in terms of telling us about policy conversations that she was part of, that she was in the room for, that she contributed to. and these were things we did not previously know she had been involved in them. and that's next. >> because i was in on some of
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one of the things i've been struck by during the obama administration is a lot of the really civil rights achievements of this administration have actually been undoing things that were done in the clinton administration. whether it was don't ask don't tell or the defense of marriage act or the tough on crime mandatory sentences. former president clinton is progressive on all those issues now, but the policy thaez signed for politically practical reasons in the '90s have taken the political miracle of barack obama's election and a decade of progressive activism to unwind
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those things to get back to zero. and so i know that you and president clinton are different people, and i know that -- you're not responsible for what he did as president. but is your approach to civil rights issues the same as his or is it different? >> well, i want to say a word about the issues you mentioned because my take on it is slightly different. on defense of marriage i think what my husband believed, and there was certainly evidence to support it, is that there was enough political momentum to amend the constitution of the united states of america and that there had to be some way to stop that. and there wasn't any rational argument because i was in on some of those discussions on both don't ask don't tell and on doma, where the president, his advisers and occasionally i
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would chime in and talk about you can't be serious, you can't be serious. but they were. so in a lot of ways doma was a line that was drawn that was to prevent going further. >> it was defensive action. >> it was a defensive action. the culture rapidly changed so that now what was totally anathema to political forces they have ceded. they no longer are fighting except on a local level and a rear guard action. and with the u.s. supreme court decision it's settled. don't ask don't tell is something that, you know, bill promised during the '92 campaign to let gays serve openly in the military. and it's what he intended to do. oh, my gosh, it was the most astonishing overreaction, but -- by the military, by the
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congress. i remember being, you know, on the edge of one of those conversations. and so don't ask, don't tell again became a defensive line. so i'm not in any way excusing them. i'm explaining them. and the same with the crime bill, which was the result of a lot of reaction particularly from poor communities, communities of color, to the horrific crime rates of the 1980s. and there was just a consensus across every community that something had to be done. that went too far. first speech i gave in this campaign was about mass incarceration and reform of policing practices. and i think that sometimes as a leader in a democracy you are confronted with two bad choices
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and it is not an easy position to be in and you have to try to think, okay, what is the least bad choice and how do i try to cabin this off from having worse consequences? my take on this now is we're going to have an election that is truly going to be at bottom about fundamental rights. a woman's right to choose. defending planned parenthood. marriage equality. taking on the continuing discrimination against the lgbt community. you can get married on saturday. you can get fired on monday. voting rights. the most profound citizenship right that we have. being blocked and undermined at every turn. we are going to have a very vigorous debate in this election because the republicans are all on record as trying to reverse and rip away the progress that has occurred. a lot of it because of decisions the court has finally made, both
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for good and for bad. i mean, the marriage equality decision for good. the terrible gutting of the voting rights act for bad. and the local activity in states against a woman's right to choose and defunding planned parenthood. this is going to be at the core of this general election. >> part of the political way that we got there is that the democratic party's been doing terrible in state politics. something like 70% of state legislatures are controlled by republicans now. the number of states where the governor and the -- the governorship and both houses of the legislature is controlled by republicans is now 25 states. the number of states in a similar situation in the democratic party is i think seven. down ticket races have been going really south for the democratic party for these last few cycles in a way that has huge policy consequences. are you able to lead the democratic party in a way that will get people other than yourself elected? >> well, that's my goal. and i have said that representedly across the country
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to the democratic national committee, to local elected officials. i think it's part of what i not only want to do but i must do. you see the problems that come when democrats don't show up, when we don't have a pipeline of candidates starting in county commissions and school boards all the way up to state legislators and governors. and it has really hurt us because we don't pay attention to midterm elections. democrats are very much personality driven in a lot of our politics. there's that great old line that democrats like to fall in love and republicans just fall in line. there's a lot of truth to that. and we have been just decimated. and you look at what more can happen that can hurt us. we're going to have another census not so long from now. we need a real focus on recruiting and raising money for
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and having some united message that people will actually listen to to help build parties from the local level up again. >> hillary clinton in our interview today talking about one of the lesser acknowledged parts of what it means to be a presidential candidate. she's saying she will do as leader of the democratic party is fix this, fix the failure of democrats to win in the states. 25 states now in complete republican control. only seven states in total democratic control. secretary clinton also they're talking about her involvement in and her views on some controversial policies from her husband's time in office including the federal gay marriage ban and don't ask don't tell and the crime bill. i think secretary clinton is probably right about some of those policies functioning as blocks at the time against even more draconian approaches from the republicans, but still those policies themselves did do a lot of harm for a very long time. and of course neither hillary clinton nor barack obama decided
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they were even in support of something like marriage equality until long after president obama was already in office. well, next we'll find out about what secretary clinton thought about her marathon testimony before the benghazi committee yesterday and how she coped with the endurance factor. that's when we come back. >> what does a person do after 11 hours of testimony? you're the only human being i know of on earth who's done 11 straight hours. what did you do after? like i l, come to red lobster's endless shrimp... ...for as much as you want, any way you want it... sweet, buttery, and creamy. like new pineapple habanero coconut shrimp bites... ...and teriyaki grilled shrimp. and yeah, it's endless, but it won't last forever. so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. (friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i'll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs... you name it.
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what does a person do after 11 hours of testimony? you're the only human being i know of on earth who's done 11 straight hours. what did you do after? >> well, i had my whole team come over to my house, and we sat around eating indian food and drinking wine and beer. that's what we did. >> was it like let's just talk about tv, let's not talk about what just happened? >> we were all talking about sports, tv shows. it was great. just to have that chance to, number one thanks them because they did a terrific job, kind of being there behind me and getting me ready. and then just talk about what we're going to do next. >> there is no rest at this point in the campaign trail. i will say looking back, though, at last night it was interesting. chairman gowdy was asked right after the committee hearing ended, he was asked what new information was gleaned from those 11 hours with you. and he responded, um, then he paused for several seconds. and he said "i don't know that
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she testified that much differently today than the previous time she testified." so he's basically saying we got no new information here. does that make you glad you did it or does that make you feel like it was a waste of time? >> i said i would do it. and i did it because if there is anything new, which is unlikely after the eight prior investigations that have been held, we should know about it because the point is what are we going to do to both honor the people that we lost and try to make sure this doesn't happen again? and as i said yesterday, we have had horrific incidents. we lost so many americans in beirut, first a bombing of our embassy, then a bombing of the marine barracks. we lost americans in the al qaeda bombings in kenya and tanzania. we had more than 100 attacks on our facilities around the world since 2001. so we live in a complicated, dangerous world. and so we do want to have a good conversation where people come to the table ready to actually
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learn about what we can do. i'm afraid that's, you know, not necessarily what this particular committee is doing. but we have learned a lot from our previous investigations, and i'm certainly, you know, committed to doing all i can to make sure we do save lives. >> one of the things i agree with you that i don't think it was a very constructive process in terms of getting at security issues, at diplomatic outposts yesterday. i do think that the republicans on the committee were right yesterday when they highlighted as a policy matter that libya is in a bad situation since the libyan civil war, since gadhafi was toppled and then killed. he was killed four years ago this week. i can now imagine the toppling of assad in syria, whether or not he's propped up by the russians. but like in libya, i cannot imagine what happens after. and it worries me. is it a good idea to help topple
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assad when there isn't a government in waiting, when we don't have any idea what would happen next? >> well, let me just say a few words about libya because i think if we are going to draw some conclusions from that i'd like to say a few words about it. one of the hallmarks of gadhafi's dictatorship is that he did hollow out all the institutions. but there was a very dedicated core of people who were committed to a democratic path forward. and it's often overlooked. libya held elections within a year, less than a year after the fall of gadhafi. they were free. they were fair. they elected moderates. they tried to form a government. they were making progress. and they had very little institutional support to do that. there were a number of efforts made, certainly by our government and others, to help them. it was almost as though they didn't know what to ask for and how to translate any help into changes on the ground.
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but there still is a very committed group of people who are trying now to work out the differences. and the differences between the east and the west of the country have been very prominent from the beginning. >> in some ways it's an artificial country. >> in some ways it is, like a lot of the places in africa and the middle east where the lines were drawn during colonial times. but next door in tunisia, a much smaller country of course, but with far fewer resources than libya, they have struggled and worked so hard to find ways to accommodate the different points of view and they just got the nobel prize for having done that. so i'm not prepared to give up on libya. i think we have to do more to invest in libya. i think what happened in syria in many ways is a different story but with perhaps an even worse outcome. because assad, when there was the uprising that was legitimate, it wasn't terrorism, it wasn't extremist, it was pharmacists and professors and students saying wait, we're
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done, we have to have more freedom, there were so many other ways for him to go. because syria did have institutional structures. they were repressive on a lot of the people in the country, but they did exist. now, though, we have territory that is controlled by not just isis but other terrorist groups. we have assad with the help of the iranians and the russians trying to hang on to the territory that goes from damascus up to the coast. and unless there is some kind of agreement which very well might result in either a confederation or a dismantling along geographic and tribal or religious lines inside syria, it's hard to see how there can be anything that would be constructive after assad. but i am encouraged that secretary kerry is meeting with the russians, the turks, the saudis, and others to see if there isn't some sort of a political way forward. >> you differ with the current
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administration, with the obama administration now, on having said you support a no fly zone in syria. if, say, you're president and that no-fly zone is in effect and a russian jet flies into that no-fly zone and they refuse warnings to leave, do you give the order to shoot down a russian jet? >> former secretary of state hillary clinton saying in this first interview after her benghazi testimony that it is important to learn everything about what went wrong but that is not what yesterday's benghazi hearing was about. of course we'll get her answer to that question about giving the order to shoot down a russian jet. we'll get that answer right after this. >> you're president and that no-fly zone is in effect, and a russian jet flies into that no-fly zone and they refuse warnings to leave. do you give the order to shoot down a russian jet? ss. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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states solo effort, is to have conversations with the russians at the table. because the goal of any no-fly zone is not only to provide safe areas for syrians so they don't have to be fleeing or continue to be bombed by assad, supported now by the russians, but to get some leverage to get everybody at the table to try to create as much of a cease-fire including the assad forces with the russians and the iranians as well. one of the ways you do that diplomatically is you put out some ideas like wre going to talk about a no-fly zone. in fact, i thought it was interested on the other side of the argument here putin is now saying okay, now we can talk diplomatically because we're changing the situation on the ground. and therefore we should come and have some diplomatic consultation. i think the no-fly zone which the turks have asked for for a long time and humanitarian organizations have is a device as well as a potential outcome
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to see how we get people to the table. and the russians would be certainly warned. there's been military discussions now to, as they say, deconflict air space. so i think it would be highly unlikely if this were done in the right way -- >> but ultimately a no-fly zone is an anti-aircraft proposition. >> it is. but that doesn't mean you shoot at every aircraft that might violate it the first or second time. >> former secretary of state hillary clinton supports a no-fly zone in syria as do many of the republican candidates for president, interestingly. president obama does not support that. but that was her explaining why she supports it and how it might work. and next we get to the part where she quotes from a girl scout song. >> you know, i am like the old girl scout song, you know, make new friends but keep the old. ♪ one is silver and the other's gold ♪
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including some territory that i will admit was a little uncomfortable to broach in which the secretary said she had read about before but nobody had ever put it to her before. >> do you hear that criticism? does it make sense? i hope it doesn't sound mean. >> no, it doesn't sound mean. and you know, i haven't heard it directly but i've read it, so that i know that it's not -- it's not something that, you know, is just a throwaway line. >> warning. sensitive subject ahead. stay with us. new charmin ultra strong, dude. cleans so well, it keeps your underwear cleaner. so clean you could wear them a second day. new charmin ultra strong. it's 4 times stronger, and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin. ♪ ♪
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one policy question that i think the republicans are raising, they're talking about amongst themselves, hasn't really burst into a general election conversation yet but i am genuinely shocked by it, which is that it'sing becoming sort of fashionable in republican circles to talk about abolishing the va, privatizing the va, getting rid of it, throwing veterans onto the mercy of the for-profit health care system. the reason they are able to propose something that radical is because the problems at the va seem so intractable. if i had been running a republican campaign against president obama last year i would have run it entirely on the va. a bureaucracy. a bloated big government program that can't be fixed and let's do right by our veterans. >> mm-hmm. >> do you have any new ideas for trying to fix it? you can't find a person in politics who doesn't say we shouldn't do right by our veterans. but for some reason this can't get fixed fast enough. >> yeah. and i don't understand that. i don't understand why we have
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such a problem because there have been a number of surveys of veterans and overall veterans who do get treated are satisfied with their treatment. >> much more so than people in the regular system. >> that's exactly right. now, nobody would believe that from the coverage that you see and the constant berating of the va that comes from republicans, in part in pursuit of this ideological agenda. >> but in part because there has been real scandal. >> there has been. but it's not been as widespread as it has been made out to be. i do think that some of the reforms that were adopted last year should be given a chance to work. if there is a waiting period that is just unacceptable, you should be able to in a sense get the opportunity to go out, have a private physician take care of you but at the cost of the va. but i think it goes deeper than that because if you look at not only va health care but the backlog on disability
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determinations there's something not working within the bureaucracy. and i have said i would like to literally appoint a s.w.a.t. team. i mean, bring in people and just tackle the disability, have an ongoing review of the care that is being given, do more to make sure that every va hospital is delivering care to the highest standard of the community because unfortunately some are doing a lot better job than others are. and i think that the current new leadership that president obama did put in seems to be trying to tackle a lot of this. i just don't know if they have enough help. and here's a perfect example of the way that the republicans try to have it both ways. they try to create a downward spiral. don't fund it to the extent that it needs to be funded because we want it to fail so then we can argue for privatization. they still want to privatize medicare. they still want to do away with social security. and these are fights we've been
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having for 70, 80 years now. so we cannot grow weary in the face of these ideological assaults on basic fundamental services, whether it's the va, medicare, social security. but we have to be more creative about trying to fix the problems that are the legitimate concerns so that we can try to stymie the republican assault. >> so we can try to stymie the republican assault. we cannot grow weary in the face of these jideological assaults. i love what she says kind of in all candor. i don't understand that. can we clip that? can we roll that little bit again? >> for some reason this can't get fixed fast enough. >> yeah. and i don't understand that. >> former secretary of state hillary clinton showing some frustration tonight over the ongoing trouble at the va and how that trouble has been turned into a way to attack the va. when we come back, we've got my last exchange with her. the aforementioned uncomfortable
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exchange and also some perspective on why it might have been some uncomfortable. some perspective from a reporter who has been covering secretary clinton for decades. that's next. >> do you hear that criticism? does it make sense in i hope it doesn't sound mean. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. hair color wants to to help you keep on being you.. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color... it just looks like you. nice'n easy: color as real as you are.
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tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. former secretary of state hillary clinton sat yesterday for 11 hours. so some of the most grueling single witness testimony we've seen in d.c. in years. officially, of course, that hearing was an inquiry into the attack on the u.s. diplomatic outpost in benghazi, libya in 2012. but in reality a lot of it was just about a guy named sidney. >> you got a lot of e-mails from sidney blumenthal. >> madam secretary, mr. blumenthal wrote you 150 e-mails. >> from sidney blumenthal. >> an e-mail from sidney blumenthal. >> when you were asked about sidney blumenthal -- >> it was an e-mail from mr. blumenthal. >> mr. blumenthal had some e-mails you that didn't. >> before you give mr. blumenthal too much credit -- >> this is an e-mail from bluman
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that'll -- >> here's another blumenthal e-mail. >> blumenthal's e-mails. >> mr. blumenthal's e-mails. >> mr. blumenthal's sidney bloomenthal has secretary clinton's e-mail address and sent her e-mails. everybody freak out! for the 99.9999% of the people who live in the normal world, sidney bloomenthal is about the threatening a figure as charlie brown's great pumpkin. he's a real person and first met bill and hillary clinton in the '80s. he joined the bill clinton presidential administration in the second term. he worked for hillary clinton when she ran for president in 2008. and clearly mr. bloomenthal remains a friend of the clintons today. when you have been a friend of the clintons for a long time and you have been through wars together, through partisan wars and the war of imimpeachment and the wars of personal scandal and the wars of ideology and
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dynasty, when you've been with them that long, you become part of the clinton story. through thick and thin, for better or worse, for past and probably for future. and for republicans this week at that mammoth benghazi hearing, who was friends enough with hillary clinton to e-mail her when other people did not e-mail her? that became a bizarre side show. to thatter thatti ihearing on t matter. but even who know that sidney bloomenthal has nothing to do with benghazi still worry that all the old '90s era clinton warriors are going to come back with all their baggage to a second clinton administration. so i asked her that tonight. it was a question i kind of dreaded asking. i have a question for you having been in public life for a long time. there was a book written about the obama family in which michelle obama was quoted saying was one of their new rules when
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they got to washington was no new friends. that resonates with me. because i feel like i see that in other people who become well known for other reasons. they decide once you're well known, you don't want to bring new people into your life in a close, personal way because they probably want to use you for something. you've been in public life for so long that i have to bring this around to a sidney bloomenthal question, and i hope you forgive me. i realize he was not your primary adviser on libya, i do not hold him responsible for his e-mails to you. but i feel like maybe by necessity, you and your husband have had to hold on to friends for a very long time in part because it doesn't make sense to bring on a lot of new ones. and a lot of the friends you've got that are old washington hands have really been through the wars with you. and it has hardened them and turned some of them into really, really aggressive partisans. and that is one thing that i worry about about the prospect of you becoming president, about sidney bloomenthal and lanny davis and mark penn and all of these guys who you guys have known and worked with for all this time.
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thinking that they heave got -- they're back at the table because they're ready to go fight your wars again. and that means we can't move on from all the old battles. do you hear that criticism? does it make sense? i hope it doesn't sound mean. >> no, it doesn't sound mean. i haven't heard it directly, but i read it. i know it's not something that, you know, is just a throwaway line. i think people raise it. well, first of all, because we've been in public life for a few years. there certainly is no new advisers rule, no new ideas rule. because bill started running for political office when we were very young, in our early 30s. if we had made no new friends, we would have had the friends we had in high school and college. so, of course, we've made a lot
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of new friends. i think that's all to the good. i'm very grateful i've had a lot of people who come into my life. my campaign this time is run from a lot of people that i didn't know before i hired them, as well as people who have worked for me before. so i am like the old girl scout sabotage, you know, make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and others are gold. i think i have developed a real, you know, ear for those who are more aggressive in my defense than they may need to be or should be. it is hard on your friends. one of your very best friends that i communicate with at least every week, if not more so, i remember her saying one time, it's really hard being your friend. i take everything personally. we' been friends since sixth grade. so yeah, she does take everything so personally. i do have a lot of my women friends who are, you know, they
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see something like yesterday with 11 hour and they're e-mails me like crazy like get a massage. can you take tomorrow off, all of that. i have great friends, and some of them are known publicly and some of them are totally private. but i would not have a no new friends rule, but i would certainly be a little bit -- i take my time to decide is somebody, as you say, just trying to get in to sit at the table, or is somebody genuinely interested in what i'm interested in? >> within of my friends who knows your family told me that what i should ask you today. i didn't plan on doing this, but i now realize i should. told me i should ask you what your mom would have said to you at the end of those 11 hours last night when you wrapped up. what would she have thought? >> i think she would have been appalled at the whole spectacle, but she would have been concerned about me getting home,
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because she lived with us in the last years of her life. and she would be waiting up and she would want to know how i was, and whether i had had anything to eat during the day. but i think at the end of it, she would have breathed a big sigh of relief. she was someone who lived a really tough life, and she knows that everybody gets knocked down in life. and the question is whether you get back up. or whether you allow yourself to be, not only knocked down but knocked out. and that's the way she raised me. so she would not have been surprised by my sitting there and absorbing what i did yesterday. because that's what she would have expected. >> secretary of state hillary clinton, presidential candidate. first time we've ever spoken. i really appreciate you being willing to do this. i know you have a million om options and i hope you come back. >> ill li would like to.
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thanks, rachel. >> joining us now is andrea mitchell who have covered bill and hillary clintons since the late '90s. >> that was fascinatinfascinati. >> i feel like you can contextualize what she said there about clinton world, about her friends. i thought it was a very uncomfortable question. i felt as a person a little bit uncomfortable asking about her friends being sort of creepy seeming. what do you make about the way she responded? >> i think she was trying to absorb it and take it in and responded indirectly. she's not going to run away from any of these people who have been her fierce defenders and attack dogs, frankly. and part of that is the whole, torturous process of clinton world, of what they went through, of that initial 1992 primary in new hampshire when all the scandals broke and hillary clinton first emerged on the national stage and was
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surrounded by the piranhas of the national press corps. and then you got into white water and the rose law firm and awful editorials in the lawsuit journal, who killed vince foster and the webb hubbel problem. they had so much to deal with. some of it their own fault, a lot of it had to do with the media. they're so offensive. i felt that was the reason for the private server, frankly. they won't acknowledge that. they're not going to run away from them, but it is true in this campaign, she has embraced the obama people. a lot of that was self-interest. they were really good at what they did. but it's a different campaign headquarters. there's been friction along the way. most recently, a memo released which showed some of her best advisers now from obama land, from back eight years ago, talking about how to campaign against hillary clinton. so she's tried to bring it all
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together, but i don't think she fully absorbed that. her answer on her mother was just extraordinary to me. i knew mrs. rodham and really admired her and know how important she was, and just the fact that she talks about her mother a lot now and she is iconic for her. but it is her mother's example who really is the center of her life. it's her core. >> andrea, on that point, obviously her mom lived with them in the last years of her life. her mom, as secretary clinton said to me right here, did have a very, very tough life. and we did not hear about that from hillary clinton while her mom was alive. we didn't hear about it in a political context. she didn't make it part of her political biography. but we do hear that now. why do you think that changed? >> i eechl not sure, frankly, but it was the central metaphor of her announcement speech on roosevelt island. i do recall a very touching interview after mrs. rodham died with chelsea, talking about what her grandmother meant to her.
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and i think that through all of the turmoil of the '90s that having her mother there was just so important. also in chelsea's growing up and for the clinton family, that she was sort of the central core and a neutral space. >> nbc news chief foreign aff r affairs correspondent, weekdays at noon here on msnbc. thank you for late on a friday, in particular. and after such a long week. thank you for being here. >> congratulations on a fascinating interview. >> thank you very much. thank you. i did it. i got my first ever clinton interview. with anybody named clinton. i never even interviewed george clinton. but we did it. that does it for us tonight. see you again on monday. now it's time for you to pay a visit to the warden who is very angry with you. >> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised.
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