tv Way Too Early MSNBC October 28, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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2:30 out west, this is "way too early." good morning, it's wednesday october 28th. i'm louis burgdorf, this morning the fbi and justice department have launched investigations after video from a south carolina classroom provoked tough questions about how african-american students are treated. multiple videos showing deputy ben fields, a school resource officer, at spring valley high in columbia slamming a female student to the ground. fields has been suspended without pay, pending an internal investigation. sheriff leon lott of richland county said in a news conference that the student refused to leave the class when both a teacher and administrator asked her to. and refused again when asked by deputy fields. but the sheriff also said he was disturbed by what he saw on the videos.
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>> after seeing this video what were your impressions? can you give us your impressions? >> i want to throw up. i mean, it just makes you sick to your stomach when you see that initial video. but, again, that's a snapshot. as a professional i have to look beyond just that one first video and look at the total picture. and that's what we're doing. >> now, according to sheriff lott there are three different student cell phone videos showing what occurred in that classroom. including one that appears to show the student hitting the officer. the student was arrested and charged with disturbing schools. now today the sheriff will announce his decision concerning deputy fields' future employment. the sheriff said he doesn't believe race was a factor in what happened. but the videos have garnered national attention. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton weighed in yesterday, tweeting, there's no excuse for violence inside a school. the assault at spring valley high is unacceptable. schools should be safe places. officer fields has been sued twice. one case was settled in his
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favor, and another filed by a former spring valley student who was expelled in 2013 is set for a jury trial in january of next year. the lawsuit said officer fields unfairly and recklessly targets african-american students with allegations of gang membership and criminal gang activity. fields has denied any wrongdoing. president obama walked a fine line while addressing the nation's police chiefs yesterday. showing support for law enforcement while acknowledging strained relations, mainly with communities of color. speaking in chicago, the president said the officers too often get scapegoated for larger failures in society, like sub standard education, too few jobs, drugs, and the prevalence of guns. the president also acknowledged that increased scrutiny as a result of recent high profile incidents may be deterring some officers from carrying out their duties. but he did not go as far as the fbi director in linking it to an increase in violent crime. >> with today's technology, if -- if just one of your
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officers does something irresponsible, the whole world knows about it moments later. and the countless incidents of effective police work rarely make it on the evening news. when an individual officer does display bias or excessive force, which is going to happen, just like there are going to be politicians who do stupid things, or business leaders who do -- there's no profession that doesn't have somebody who sometimes screws up. then we've got to have departments to honestly and fairly address it. and not just simply close ranks or stand down. >> the president also took on republicans who accuse him of not supporting police. >> in my budget proposal, i've asked congress to increase funding for the cops programs so that we can hire even more police officers and make sure you have the training and equipment you need. that's what i value. it's in my budget. and i'll be honest with you, in the past, some republicans in
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congress have tried to cut funding for the cops program to zero. and i've argued that's wrong. it won't make us safer. it's time more folks in washington started valuing our cops. not just giving lip service to it. >> now the president address came as many police chiefs worked with administration to push criminal justice reform. let's turn now to the presidential race. donald trump is in a fight for first place after an undisputed lead that lasted more than three months. yesterday "the new york times"/cbs news poll showed ben carson passing trump by four points but within the margin of error. carson's support is up five points since earlier this month while trump's is down five points. the poll also showed the vast majority of primary voters are not firm in their choice. 71% say it's too early to make up their minds. trump has fared well in other national polls, and in the early contest states including the new
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poll of south carolina where he leads carson 23-19. but in the four most recent telephone surveys in iowa, trump is trailing carson badly. last night trump returned to the hawkeye state for the first time since his polling dip and delivered some tough love. >> from the time i announced, i've been at the top of the polls, almost at the top. you know, we're doing well. iowa, will you get your numbers up, please? hey! when you get these numbers up. i am a great christian, and i am. i am. remember that and i do well with the evangelicals. but the evangelicals left me down a little bit this last month. i don't know what i did! in most polls i'm number one. now, until iowa came along, i said, every poll. and then iowa. what the hell are you people doing to me? you know.
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you know. i'm telling you, they said why don't you skip iowa. they told me that. everybody said, skip iowa -- no. all of the political geniuses, a man just interviewed me and he said, would you ever think of maybe skipping iowa going right to, you know, right to new hampshire. i said i can't do that because i have such an unbelievable relationship with the people from iowa that i think we're going to win. i really do. i believe it. i believe it. you know, i hate to say it. but the last, long number of elections on the republican circuit, the person that won iowa did not get the nomination. okay? i want to take away some of your muster. you understand that. so could we do -- please do me a favor. let me win iowa. and then i'm going to win did i'm going to win, i'm telling you -- >> come on, iowa. just let him win iowa. no. the stage is set and the stakes
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are high as the altitude in boulder colorado tonight where the republican presidential candidates will square off. now the top ten candidates will take the stage at 8:00 p.m. now four candidates in the undercard debate, aside from trump and carson, the most attention will be focused on jeb bush, losing traction in the polls and making deep cuts to a campaign that set out to shock and awe. bush took a break from his debate prep for a hike with veterans at colorado's el dorado canyon and governor john kasich who will be at the end of tonight's debate stage appeared ready to rumle at a send-off rally yesterday in ohio. >> do you know how crazy this election is? let me tell you something. i've about had it with these people. let me tell you why. we got one candidate that says that we ought to abolish medicaid and medicare. you never heard of anything so crazy as that? we got one person saying we ought to have a 10% flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of
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daughters that my daughters will spend the rest of their lives having to pay off. i say to them, why don't we have no taxes? just get rid of them all and then a chicken in every pot on top of it. we got one guy that says we ought to take 10 million or 11 million people, and pick them up -- i don't know where we're going to go into their homes? their apartments? we're going to pick them up and take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country? i mean that's just crazy. what has happened to our party? what has happened to the conservative movement? >> but it turns out the first debate battle began last night over the candidates' green rooms. after a walk-thru yesterday the campaigns of governor chris christie and senator rand paul are complaining that higher polling candidates are receiving better accommodations from the republican national committee. while donald trump has a spacious room complete with plush chairs and a flatscreen tv, chris christie's campaign manager fumed, this is ridiculous, we're in a rest room. rand paul's adviser tweeted
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photos. one showed donald trump's green room, another showed paul's with white concrete walls and a toilet. for senator rubio check out marco's theater, exclamation point and for carly fiorina, quote, someone has a jacuzzi. but it appears things worked out for the paul campaign late last night there was a photo of a nicer area saying quote, thanks to everyone at the gop for bending over backwards to acquire great working conditions for team paul. now let's go to the democrats and new polling that shows hillary clinton with a commanding lead over the rest of the field in iowa. a new loras college poll has clinton ahead of bernie sanders in iowa by 38 points, 62-24. meanwhile a new monmouth university poll out of iowa has her ahead by even more. here she's in front of sanders by a whopping 41 points, 65-24. the new numbers come as the clinton campaign prepares to begin airing a new set of tv ads in iowa and new hampshire
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starting tonight during the gop debate. the new spots invite viewers to, quote, join the fight and profile different working women. ♪ >> on average, women need to work an extra two hours each day toll earn the same paycheck as their male coworkers. join the fight for equal pay. join the fight for sara and women everywhere. i'm hiry clinton and i approve this message. >> now let's go to the hill. the house can vote as early as today on a budget to raise the debt ceiling while keeping the government's running through the rest of the president's term. congressional leaders worked well into the night wrangling over whether spending increases would be offset by cuts. they even overcame a late-night attempt to kill the legislation in committee. house speaker john boehner
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admits the deal is not perfect while the man in line to replace him paul ryan weighed in but not on the details of the actual agreement. >> does it feel beneficial to you? >> i haven't even seen this agreement so i'm going to reserve judgment until i can actually see something on paper. if you want to ask me what i think about this process, i think this process stinks. under new management we are not going to run the house this way. we should have been discussing this months ago, as members, so we'd have a more coherent strategy. so in the future we need a better process than the one that's working if we want to do the people's business the right way. >> -- bipartisan agreement in a town that isn't known for a lot of bipartisanship, you're going to see bricks fly from those that don't like the fact that there's a bipartisan agreement. but there is. i don't want him to walk into a dirty barn full of you know what. so i've done my best to try to clean it up. >> now the three republican senators running for president all oppose the agreement, ted cruz referred to it as boehner's
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quote golden parachute, rubio called it business as usual, and rand paul is vowing to filibuster but that would most likely do little more than briefly delay a vote. now, still ahead on "way too early," the royals take game one of the world series in an extra inning battle. we'll have the highlights including the technical problem that played the game. plus governor andrew cuomo is coming under fire for using the mets world series home games to raise campaign cash. we'll explain why. those stories and a check on weather when "way too early" comes right back.
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2:44 am
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chase for business. we heard you got a job as a developer!!!!! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? let's turn now to business, one of the best-known pharmacy names in the country is about to get even bigger. walgreens will buy its smaller rival rite aid for about $9.4 billion in cash in a deal that would combine the nation's largest and third largest drugstore chains based on store
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counts. cnbc's nancy hole grave joins us live from london. what are regulators expected to do with this merger? >> well, as you suggested, it is a mega merger worth about $9.4 billion and regulators will have to look into this from retail perspective as you know, combining the second and third largest to make sure it complies with antitrust concerns. but there's some real big benefits here that walgreens sees, one of which taking on more competition from the likes of cvs and also fending off rivals from online sales and the likes of walmart as well. this is all a part of the changing health care sland scape in the united states trying to get more bargaining power to keep those drug costs low. as you said it's nevertheless still under scrutiny from regulators. waiting to see whether that deal gets done. however, given they paid a large premium for rite aid, we saw shares shoot up more than 40%. so investors definitely like the deal so far. tech earnings also in focus will be in play today on wall street. we got apple reporting, better
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than expected profits. but they also did reveal that iphone sales largely met expectations and gave good guidance for the current quarter, so that will be welcomed. however the stock did come off gains in after-hours because investors still want more clues how iphone sales will fare especially in china into next year. twitter results in focus although they meet expectations but guidance was disappointing so shares are falling in premarket trading we can expect additional losses for twitter shares a bit later today in the session. back to you. >> apple up, twitter dan, nancy hulgrave live from london. thanks so much. it's time now for sports. game one of the world series between the royals and the mets in kansas city. all 14 innings of it. to kauffman stadium and kc, bottom of the first inning, escobar hits one deep to left center field and the mets outfielders can't handle. the speedy escobar makes it all the way around the bases for an inside the park home run to give the royals a 1-0 lead. this is the first inside the park homer in a world series since 1929.
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take another look. some thought it should have been ruled an error but the official scorer saw it differently. >> good hustle. >> good hustle. fast forward to the top of the fifth. game tied at one. and curtis granderson takes volquez deep to right it's gone. give the mets a 2-1 lead there. granderson's first home run in the postseason is a big one. now the top of the eighth, the game tied up again at three. a man on second when flores chops one to first base eric hosmer can't handle it and the mets take the lead again. just the second error by the royals all postseason. the mets add the one-run lead to their shutdown closer. he hadn't blown a save since july until last night, ouch. the bomb to deep center tied the game at 4 with one swing of the bat the score would stay that way until the bottom of the 14th inning. that's right the 14th inning, when eric hosmer got a chance to make up for that costly error, back in the eighth.
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>> into right, granderson back. escobar tags. here comes escobar. the royals win game one! hosmer drives home the winner in the 14th! >> what an ending. hosmer sac fly wins it for the royals. the mets will try to level the series in game two tonight in kansas city. so the royals take an epic game one. but on a night that brought tragedy to one of their players. the father of kansas city starting pitcher edinson volquez died yesterday. hours before his son took the mound volquez was taken out of the game in the sixth inning when fox sports didn't report the deaths on the broadcast until the eighth. after the game ended royals' manager ned yoes told the media that the team found out prior to the start of the game but the family asked that they not tell volquez until afterwards. >> we found out about it before the game, and the wishes of the family was, you know, let eddie pitch.
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so i was kind of keeping my eye, didn't want him to hear about it. i was keeping my eye on him, and you know, he was fine. he didn't know, and i guess after the game is when he found out. >> twists and turns of this game one series are unbelievable. volquez's father daniel reportedly died of complications from heart disease he was 63 years old. there were also some technical difficulties during last night's game. play was temporarily suspended in the fourth inning after fox's production truck lost power. the game resumed about ten minutes later with both teams' managers agreeing to play without replay challenges until the system was back up and running. on the television side of things fox was forced to switch over to mlb's international broadcast for what was reportedly a hectic 20 minutes behind the scenes. let's turn now to the opening night of the nba, six teams were in action including the bulls and the cavaliers. in chicago where president obama was on hand to cheer on his home team. now during the second quarter the president offered his take on the bulls' chances this season.
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>> well, these are two of the top teams in the east. i think in the west it's a free for all. golden state, spurs, oklahoma, houston, that's a tough lineup. so i wouldn't want to be battling it out over -- i'm glad my bulls are over in the east. >> meanwhile the game itself was a good one. it was back and forth all night long the cavs down two with less than ten seconds remaining and a chance to tie and lebron james is rejected by pal gasol, throw it away on the next possession and the bulls are 1-0 must have been the president i think, bill, what do you think? >> they played well in front of him they really did. >> how about the mets, huh? >> that's a shame that the game ended 1:30 in the morning. no one, no kids could watch that. that's true. one of the great classic world series games and no one on the east coast could even come close to staying up that late. >> i'll take it. what do you got for weather? >> a soaker today. good thing they're not going to try to play a baseball game at shea. good thing they're in kansas city today. a lot of heavy rain from chicago to detroit all the way covering
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two areas in the mid-atlantic. it's a shield of rain at times it will be heavy in a few spots. especially late this afternoon in areas of new england. this is going to be one of the bigger rain events we've had in awhile. a drought situation over the last couple of months. we're looking at one to two inches pretty much everywhere in the northeast. and then as we go throughout the next, you know, maybe two or four hours we'll get some isolated thunderstorms starting to pop up. those will continue through the afternoon. so a few spots could pick up near three inches. of course the winds are going to howl, too, could have major airport delays throughout the afternoon hours especially like philadelphia, boston, new york airports late this afternoon. and also, windy and cold conditions in the northern plains. the baseball game in kansas city tonight, chilly, the windchill will be in the 40s. but that's kind of expected this time of year. >> but dry. >> but dry. they'll play. >> let's play ball. still ahead, president obama honors the u.s. women's soccer team and gets a little too excited. >> this team taught all america's children that playing like a girl means you're a bad ass.
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>> we'll show you how he tried to clean that up when "way too early" comes right back. beyond natural grain free pet food is committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is always number one. we leave out poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat and soy. and, we own where our dry food is made - 100%. can other brands say all that? for grain-free nutrition you can trust, does your food go beyond? learn more at
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offering tickets to games three and four to citi field for the low low price of $5500 a ticket. the price also includes a private reception for cuomo before the game but the governor isn't the only politician cashing in on the world series. a queens congresswoman is selling tickets for $2500. now yesterday president obama honored the u.s. women's soccer team for their world cup win and appeared to get a little caught up in the excitement of it all. >> this victory was about more than just soccer. it was about dominance, and skill, and about inspiring our whole country. this team taught all america's children that playing like a girl means you're a bad ass. and -- perhaps i shouldn't have used that phrase. >> amen to that. the president did clarify, though, saying that playing like a girl means being the best, and
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taking yourself and your country to the top of the world. that does it for me and "way too early." coming up next on "morning joe," as congress hashes out a budget deal, top leaders on both sides join us from capitol hill. we'll talk to congressman steny hoyer and jim jordan, plus donald trump adjusts to a new reality, life in second place. his plea to iowa voters. and why one of marco rubio's hometown papers is telling him it's time to quit the senate. that and much more, coming up next on "morning joe." can a business have a mind?
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