tv MTP Daily MSNBC November 3, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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department, she now says -- >> she's evolved. >> thank you. that does it for this hour. i'm kate snow. "mtp daily" starts right now. ♪ >> if it's tuesday, polls are open, voters are voting. it's election day in america, 2015. and there's no better evidence of the mood actually than our new poll where ben carson isn't just leading the republican pack, he's a strong front-runner. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> happy election day from new york city. and welcome to this super tuesday edition of "mtp daily." we're watching ballot measures across the country and including the main event in kentucky. we'll have more on what's at
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stake. we'll break down our new poll, digging deeper into why ben carson is in such a strong spot right now. plus, the latest on the republican debate, over debate, i'll talk with ben ginsburg about that, the lawyer who is leading the republican confab. all that ahead, but first let's hit the press box. we have our own n"nbc nightly news" anchor lester holt, with more from his sitdown with president obama. kasie hunt with the bush campaign and steve kornacki is here to talk more about election day. >> but let's start with president obama having some strong words for the republicans hoping to take his job next year. sitting down with our own lester holt, the president talked about the changing political landscape, the president's remaining days in office and the republican complaints about the most recent presidential debate. >> i've been interested in seeing some of the republican candidates who say they're so tough they're going to stare
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down the chinese and the russians and somehow cnbc scares them. you got to be able to field difficult questions and that's what citizens should expect, and if people are paying attention and involved, i think they're going to make good decisions. >> lester holt joins me now. so, lester, is he ready to get into campaign mode? with that bite to you, is he revved up? >> we talked about criminal justice reform and he agreed to stop by to talk about general election things, and he offered that up as part of an overall discussion we were having, about people becoming engaged in the election process. i even said, trying to put your democrat and political hat away and just relay to people what this job is. and he did get into some of these answers. you're not going to get 100% of what you want, the give and take, got to set your priorities, but he couldn't help
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slipping into campaign mode and you would expect nothing less, i suppose. >> you did slip in an important question on syria. let's look at that. >> many will look at and say you've broken your promise about boots on the ground. have you? >> keep in mind that we have run special ops already, and really this is just an extension of what we were continuing to do. we are not putting u.s. troops on the front lines fighting fire fights with isil. but i've been consistent throughout, that we are not going to be fighting like we did in iraq, with battalions and occupations. that doesn't solve the problem. >> so did he break his promise? he didn't say so explicitly. but literally, certainly, there are boots on the ground inside syria. >> but he changed the goalpost a little bit. what i said is, we're not going to have any fighting like iraq.
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>> we're not going to have an invasion, an occupation. but there are special operations forces in harm's way inside northern syria. >> what else should we expect? >> we'll hear more about his views on this election, the climate. he talks about how super pacs have changed the climate in terms of not winnowing the field down yet and people are not able to necessarily completely focus. so he talks about that and has one more dig, i think, that republicans will not find pleasant about what is provoking a lot of the conversation out there. >> i look forward to it. thank you, lester. the second part of the interview will with president obama will air tonight on "nbc nightly news." check your local listings. jeb bush's campaign reboot took him to two states today. in a few minutes, he'll be at a barbecue in new hampshire. but this morning, he made his case in a place where you
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normally would rather have barbecues, in south carolina. >> i don't think we can take a chance on someone from one side of the capital to the next that has no proven experience. >> bush's reset has not shied away from obvious jabs at marco rubio. and he's notably pointing to someone not named bush when it comes to foreign policy. >> we need to be more reaganesque and less obamaesque as it relates to our foreign policy. >> it's interesting on the issue of foreign policy, that jeb bush does not pick his father or his brother, but goes back to reagan. that tells you what they view the electorate as thinking these days. bush is floundering in the polls and our new nbc news/wall str"w street journal" poll, he is down to single digits. bush is focusing on issues, but the numbers don't show a clear path to get there.
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kasie hunt live with the bush campaign. kasie, i can't help but go back to something tim miller, the communications director for the bush campaign tweeted out basically in response to what will likely to be bad numbers for bush over the next few weeks. >> yeah, saying the poll numbers aren't going to move right away. of course our poll showing picking up after a disastrous debate for jeb bush. part of the reason he'll spend three full days on the campaign trail in new hampshire, he needs to make the numbers move to make his donors feel they're making an investment that might pay off. and they need the numbers to move here more than anyone else. with the monmouth poll showing rubio edging up into third place, it's a tough road for him even here. and judd greg was saying they've missed opportunities to tap into the family network, that bush
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has been so eager to distinguish himself from his family name that he's missed the chance to dig in here. his unfavorability rating is fairly high and he doesn't a lot to distance himself from his last name. >> i think david pluck used to call it, when you're in the barrel, you don't know when the rolling stops. anyway, kasie hunt, thanks so much. still 370 days until election day 2016, but voters across the country are headed to the polls as we speak, it's election day 2015. big cities are voting for new mayors in houston, philadelphia, san francisco, and salt lake city. later in the show, we'll talk to the man who is the favorite to be the next mayor of philadelphia. a man who many see as new york's phil de blasio. but the big race is in kentucky.
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jack conway against republican matt bevin. a race that could hinge on how much the state's value their state health care exchanges or dislike obama or the tea party. and the attorney general jim hood is fighting against a republican tide that has taken over the entire south. the control of virginia's legislature is up for grabs with all 40 of their state seats in play. terry mcauliffe thinks he can win there. in michigan, a bit of a soap opera. two state reps look to win their jobs back after an extra marital affair and a cover-up pushed them both out of office. and ohio will decide whether to legalize marijuana and whether they'll give the green light to grow it in ten state-sanctioned facilities. >> and san francisco votes on a proposition that would limit short-term rentals, pitting the locals against web giant air b and b.
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i'm also joined by my pal and my monday anchor here on the show, steve kornacki. steve, let's start with kentucky. what's interesting here, two people who have lost senate races in the past. jack conway and matt bevin, both trying to redeem their political career. basically the loser, probably their political career is toast. >> yeah, it's a really interesting match-up, also because of how much kentucky has changed. one of those states with a democratic change, a white, rural, democratic tradition that's swung so sharply in the republican direction, especially in the obama years. and as you say, republicans counting on the dislike for barack obama and the democratic party to propel matt bevin tonight. also the obamacare issue with that state expanding medicaid under a democratic governor. the other issue that i think is interesting to watch. kim davis, the big name in the news from a few weeks ago, the
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county clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses. matt bevin, the tea party candidate in the race has been really making an effort in the final days to drive up support and enthusiasm among evangelicaevangelical voters, making common cause with kim davis there. so i'm curious to see, an issue we all watched nationally play out in the last few months, how that goes over with kentucky's voters and how that factors in. >> a democratic hold on the governor's race might put extra pressure on rand paul. but let's move to ohio. because there's a bunch of ways to look at this ohio thing with marijuana legalization. but here we are in an odd year for a statewide referendum. means you should have a little more of a conservative electorate than in 2016. if marijuana legalization passes here, in ohio, in 2015, what does that tell us nationally? >> yeah, i start to wonder if
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that becomes a tipping point, you know, ohio being sort of the swing state of all swing states. and given the composition of the electorate, of course this issue, not to get too in the weeds -- >> hey! you had to. >> -- there is the potential that legalization could pass and it could be invalidated by a second ballot question because of the way this has been constructed. the wild card, the spending has been so wildly one-sided because of the way the proposal is structured. it legalizes marijuana in the state and says there are ten pre-approved dispensaries. so that's the one x factor. >> and tell me about houston prop 1, which has to do with transgender rights. >> it's a gay rights ordinance that extends to the transgender community as well. the interesting thing on this, i think this could reflect where the battle on gay rights is
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going from here. it bans discrimination in housing and public works, in job discrimination against the lgbt community. the opposition to this has focused not so much on the issue of gay rights. they've played up the transgender issue, and specifically the idea of this -- this theoretical idea of men pretending to be transgender to go into the women's rest room. and even the governor of texas tweeted out this afternoon, no men in women's rooms, encouraging people to vote against this. so interesting to see if that resonates. >> and if it becomes a cultural touch stone that perhaps some try to take nationally. this is why we love to watch these races. see what percolates and what doesn't. all right, kornacki, it's an election night, always fun, even in an odd year. thank you, brother. >> sure. coming up, the republican 2016 field butts heads on the future of their debates. i'll ask long time republican attorney ben gins burg, who was
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in the room why some candidates are getting cold feet when it comes to signing on to a draft of supposed debate demands. and we'll have a look at next november. ben carson rises in the polls. we'll look at why the doctor could be more formidable as a front-runner heading into 2016 than some might realize. stay tuned. once he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, oh he's gone. and our linebackers and dbs dish out punishment, and never quit. ♪ you didn't expect this did you? no i didn't. the nissan altima. there's a fun side to every drive. nissan. innovation that excites. so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. (friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i'll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs... you name it. i'm going to transform the way the world works.
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>> transcanada, the company behind the keystone xl pipeline has officially asked the u.s. government to suspend its application on monday. putting the politically charged pipeline on an indefinite hold. transcanada cited uncertainty about the pipeline's route through nebraska as its reasoning. but the move may be political. president obama has expressed doubts over the project. the company could be waiting for a republican president to give it approval. in his briefing today, josh earnest said the move seems unusual. all republicans are in favor of it, and all democrats, including hillary clinton are now against it. except for one or two tweets,
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not much talk about keystone today on the campaign trail. we'll see. i wonder if the new canadian government had an influence on this too. just worth asking, right? coming up, we'll break down the numbers on your new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. it's a year out and it's a doozy. we'll be right back. ve managemen seek to outperform. that's the power of active management. diis critical for brain health?n brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. ensure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in. theand to help you accelerate,. we've created a new company... one totally focused on what's next for your business. the true partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward.
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accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. >> on this off year election day, the long lines are not at the polls. they're at book stores. or specifically, one book store. hundreds of people lined up for hours to see ben carson at a book signing this afternoon in tampa, florida. >> i believe in his principles. i believe in, um, everything he stands for. >> he's forth right. he's honest. he's a breath of fresh air. >> he's a real individual. he's not a politician. he's not a career politician, and we need somebody in office that is not a career politician. >> after he signed some books, carson weighed in on president obama mocking the gop candidates last night, saying, they couldn't handle those cnbc
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debate moderators. >> is this the same president obama who won't come on fox news? the same one of the same party that won't have any debates on fox news? that seems a little strange for somebody to be saying something like that when they're afraid of fox news. >> interesting little comeback there. >> the event comes as carson surges to the front of the pack in the gop primary race. he's now leading the field with 29% in our poll. he gets to 50% when you combine first and second choice responses. dr. carson has another book signing coming up in lakeland, florida, where we find our own chris jansing and lots more people waiting in line to see dr. carson. so, chris, you've been talking to these folks. i can tell you, and you have had -- there's a lot of people who want be doubters about carson's ability to hold the lead for the long haul. what do you see, and hear and feel on the campaign trail?
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>> it's interesting how good his political instincts are. and you heard it in his answer about president obama. so he goes after the president. you don't often hear him going after republicans. that hits the sweet spot of his support, right? i've talked to lots of people in this line and lines like it in other states. and this is the base of people who have had it with washington. they say things to me, like, america is sick, and needs a doctor to fix it. dr. carson has the prescription to fix what's wrong with america. so they like that he'll go after president obama. they like that he'll go after washington. but at the same time, they like that he's soft-spoken. they will say he's not donald trump. and so it sort of goes on both of those things, one, going after washington, but keeping ronald reagan's command, thou shalt not speak ill of other republicans. >> who's the republican candidate you hear the most after carson when you're with carson supporters?
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>> cruz. ted cruz, for sure. i mean, look, these are carson people, and it's been very interesting to me. they fit in a number of groups. one that you would expect conservatives, especially religious conservatives. there are a lot of young families here. there are a lot of folks who want their kids to read his books and see how he made something of himself. but maybe the most interesting thing, doctors, nurses, highwly educated medical professionals have found his story to be inspirational. >> glad you pointed that out. that is one of the more interesting secret ingredients that may help them in the long run. >> agreed. >> chris jansing, thanks so much. so what are republican candidates going to do about the debate format? well, they don't want to look like whiners and at the same time, they want to modify some of the rules. president obama called out the tough rhetoric many of the candidates use when talking about president putin of russia, but said they can't quote handle
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a bunch of cnbc moderators. and nearly all of the candidates sent advisers to a meeting aimed at changing the debates' structure. ben ginsburg moderated the event and drafted a letter that proposed new debate parameters, but so far, none of the candidates have signed the letter. carly fiorina flatly rejected the debate letter. here campaign secured the temperature roll prcontrol prov. donald trump said he's low maintenance before today. >> the debates it's very interesting. because i don't really care that much. i want a room, i want a podium and let's get going. >> governors kasich and christie also declined to sign onto the letter. are negotiations falling apart before they start? joining me now, the man asked to herd cats -- i mean the candidates here. ben ginsburg, and i believe earlier you were on the scott
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walker for president campaign. >> i was. >> now totally unaffiliated. so ben, let me ask you here, i have to say, i'm not surprised at what i'm sieeing, because plenty of candidates don't like any debate format, but they all have a different theory of the case. is that what you've run into? >> the meeting was the first time all the candidates had gathered in one place to talk about the debates. so what came out of that meeting was a consensus on wanting more information, more accountability about the debates and to answer a number of questions. and so that was awfully productive. what was great about the room, chuck, was that the folks there were also experienced in running races. they also said from the beginning, there are 14 of us. we all want our candidate to win. we're all going to have different tactics and strategies for getting there. but there's a commonality about
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wanting debates to be a platform where we can show up our substantive knowledge of the issues and talk about our visions for are the future and that's what this was about. >> ben, you were with the romney campaign last time. you were one of those that was very frustrated with the amount of debates, and correct me if i'm wrong, you were encouraged by the idea that the party would be the facilitator going forward this cycle. why hasn't this worked in your opinion? >> well, i think that in all previous cycles, it was the candidates who dealt directly with the debate sponsors. >> sure. we would deal with each other a lot. >> we did. there were magic moments for us both, chuck. >> of course. >> and that was really where i think the group came to on sunday night, that the campaigns had to get directly involved. certainly what mr. trump said, all the candidates will be able to talk to the debate sponsors. each candidate will now make a
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decision about whether he or she wants to come to the debates, based on the information that they get back. >> now the rnc had proposed delegate penalties for, say, going rogue on this debate process. is that now null and void? what's going on here? >> i'm not sure it was ever -- it was never put in the rules and would have had to have been put in the rules by now. so i think it became null and void as an idea last august when the deadline for rules change passed. >> so the rnc doesn't have a role anymore? or help me out. do you believe the candidates are going to essentially say, fine, they're going to want to be more involved in the operations of how the debate's being put on, but they're not going to tell the rnc yes or no on who does debates? >> there are three levels. first of all, there's the candidates. they want to debate. then there's the staff. and it's the staff's
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responsibility to work out the format. so again it's an opportunity for the candidates to explain their positions on issues and their vision for the future. so this is a staff obligation, to be sure that their candidates don't have to worry about all this stuff. so a lot of statements from the candidates today that you referred to in the openings, are correct. the campaigns want the rnc to be involved, to take care of ticketing and credentialing, green rooms, the logistics of the debate. the things that the campaign just want done and don't want to have to think about so their candidates can concentrate on the substance of the debates. >> fast forward to 2020, or 2024, the next time there's a big republican field and they're doing debates. >> it's 2024. >> fair enough. but what do you want to see the party do going forward in this? do you want to see them involved in deciding who does debates
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four years from now, eight years from now again? >> so it was definitely helpful to have the party involved in setting up a schedule, and the number of debates. the promises that the campaigns would actually show up, which was done this time, i think everyone would recognize, took away some of the leverage that the candidates general had. so there's probably a different way that will be done in 2024. but it's always the candidates who need to take responsibility for their campaigns being satisfied with the sort of rules of the road. the ground rules for the individual debates. the rnc is absolutely -- has a key role in that and it really is the logistical side of things. >> it is. >> but it's the candidates and the campaigns who have to take the primary role in talking to the sponsors. >> and of course what's always fascinating, the candidates that have leverage are the ones that are top of the polls. and who had leverage six months
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ago are not the candidates that have leverage today. i will leave it there and we'll see if you stay -- you're going to stay neutral and on the sidelines for the rest of the primary? >> we'll see. we'll see. it's a good life being on tv, chuck. >> good talking to you, ben. thank you up. >> up next, the who, what, when, where, and why in the headlines, including what twitter update is pushing users' buttons and it's super tuesday in a lot of places. we'll check in with the heavy favorite to be the mayor of philadelphia, stay tuned. nope, you can redeem your cashback for any amount, any time. that's great. yeah, you can use it for a statement credit or even get the cash. nice. i could use that extra cash for a last-minute gift. one less thing hanging over your head, right? tell me about it. gary, you got to go. who's gary? a mistake from last year coming back around again. too much egg nog! yes! laaaaa... at discover we treat you like you'd treat you.
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gardner. now to the what. it's a fallen star. twitter replaced the fave button with wia like button. twitter said it's making the move because the heart icon is more expressive. some users are upset, saying the change is a facebookification of twitter. turning to the where, man bites dog in seattle. amazon is opening a book store, not closing one. amazon announced a brick and mortar store. the shop will use amazon's online insight to determine what books to keep in stock. now to the when, it's an empty house. most days in 2016. look at this schedule, folks. the house majority leader put out the next year's schedule today. and the united states house of representatives will only be in session for 111 days. to put this in perspective, that is the fewest amount of calendar days the house has been in session since 2006. it's the second fewest since
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1975. the house will also take a seven-week summer recess next year. it's the longest time off its had this century. nothing like an election year to show the voters you're doing your job. and now to the why. paul ryan replaced john boehner as speaker of the house last week. but the gop is still looking for someone to sit in ryan's old seat. tomorrow the house republican steering committee will meet to pick a new chair for the house ways and means committee. could be pat tibery or kevin brady. here's why this matters. this chairman's race is one of the first tests for paul ryan as speaker. he declined to say who he's backing and luke russert said there's no favorite to get the gavel right now. up next, we'll have the how. including how ben carson may be
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more of a solid front-runner than you might believe. our pollsters are here to break down the new numbers. but first hampton pearson with today's cnbc market wrap. >> stocks climbing higher again today. the dow rising by 89 points, s&p up by 5, the nasdaq adding 17 points. a bit of a rally for crude oil today. it closed up nearly 4%, ahead of the government's inventory data due out tomorrow. it helped boost shares of exxon mobil and sef ron. gm's sales were up 16% compared to a year ago. and ford shares also rose. they posted a more than 13% gain in sales last month. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. glad i could help you plan for your retirement. alright, kelly and promise me that you'll try that taco place on south street. and we have portfolio planning tools
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on this election day 2015, we find that dr. ben carson is at the front of the pack for 2016 republican nomination, and unlike insurgent front-runners in races past, think herman cain or michele bachmann, there's reason tobl he has real staying power at the top. consider the following. our poll has him leading. nobody's gotten to 29 yet. not only that, when you combine first and second choice, carson hits 50%. he also ranks first among republicans in fund-raising. raised over $20 million. just had a $10 million month in october alone. that puts him on pace for a $30 million fourth quarter. dr. carson also has a massive social media presence. it beats trump and dwarves the rest of the field.
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all of this to say, do not dismiss dr. carson in this race. joining me now, two member of our bipartisan polling team. bill, let me start with you, it's your party. ben carson, look, i've had plenty of people throw herman cain at me, rudy guiliani at me, hillary clinton polls at me. meaning each one of those polls, our poll at this point in time, had people that ended up not winning the nomination on top. should we just toss carson aside, or is this more real than we might think? >> well, first, i don't think any pollster would tell you we know that carson is going to do well in iowa, new hampshire, or anywhere else. what we know is, there's a lot of things people find attractive about him. you said he's the first candidate to 50% on a two-way
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ballot. a and that tells you he's putting together a broader coalition inside the republican party than any candidate has so far in 2015 and that needs to be noted and recognized. >> peter, you said something a little provocative. you said there's been this assumption that republicans are going to coalesce around supposedly somebody who looks to be a more plausible president. you said, 1964, and barry gold water. i might throw back at you, what about '76 and jimmy carter? aren't they two of the same examples? >> exactly the same examples. what it comes down to is the swan year. and that is, the things that you don't expect are happening. and there's no reason to think they're going to stop happening. and the idea that the establishment is going to come around and sneak away with this thing. every one of their candidates are gone or receding. so something's going to have to
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change. what ben carson is, he's the grandfather to these people. the older, wiser brother. there's a comfort factor in him. they have not looked at the substance of his arguments, but boy do they like him stylistically. >> bill, i found it fascinating that the two most important attributes for republican voters was honesty and trustworthiness. and there's something about the guy who's been a doctor with bedside manner, that made me think no wonder carson is higher than everybody else, maybe the bedside manner is a factor. >> maybe. but 75% of the republican voters said they're dissatisfied with congressional leadership and by 2-1, they want someone to stand up for principle, not compromise. this party is not happy with its own leadership and they're loorkiloor looking for a change. beyond dr. carson, we have other candidates who can still be
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that. this is still a very fluid campaign. >> there's no doubt. very quickly, only six candidates, bill, got double-digit support when you combine first and second choice. trump and carson. cruz and rubio, bush and fiorina. safe to say those are the six, it's only one of those six to be the nominee? if you haven't broken into double-digits now, when will you? >> i've been through iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina. we have three early campaigns. that's why we do them in the small states. we always have a chance of a long shot candidate scoring well enough in one of those states to get another look. but in general, yes, i think the race is sorting out, and i think those six people are likely to be one of our nominees. i just don't want to preclude somebody surprising us in iowa. >> that's right. rick santorum was a one percenter at this time. hillary clinton, let me throw up
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some numbers there. the democratic primary numbers. she's now at 62% to sanders 31. it was 58-33. could you see yourself supporting before benghazi, and those are the numbers. but we asked questions, knowledge and experience, easy going and likeable, sharing positions on issues, bringing real change, honest and straightforward. she was net negative on four of those five attributes before benghazi and after. but the numbers jumped. she became considered by independents less honest after, less likely to bring real change, less likely to share positions and issues. but among democrats, her numbers improved on those scores. that's something else here. we're seeing a polarized view of hillary clinton staring us in the face. >> fascinating. we're one year out, what hillary clinton did with those three weeks was to buy time, the one thing that jeb bush doesn't have, hillary clinton suddenly
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has. but the challenges that she had before this rebound are still there. and with independents, it's particularly important. honesty, likability. but on every element that has to do with capability and ability to run the office, they believe in here. even people who are not necessarily high on her personal attributes. >> bill, does hillary clinton's standing, whether considered strong or weak, do you being it's having any impact on republican primary voters right now and who they choose? >> no. no, i don't. but the thing that amazes me -- about her standing right now, she has a net double-digit negative in personal favorability with white women. so the notion that she would appeal to white women voters, we're not seeing that with a year left before the election. >> i was going to say, they've been trying to. they tried a sexist attack on
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sanders about shouting on gun control. they've been trying to fire women up and it hasn't happened yet. is that something that will happen closer to election day, or is it an issue? >> go ahead, peter. >> yeah, it is going to happen. people are going to vote for their daughters. >> you really believe this will still happen? >> oh, sure, it's going to happen in the fall of 2016. i'll bet on it. >> you buy that, bill? >> no, i'm not convinced. i think secretary clinton is a pretty unique candidate and i'm not sure gender is much of a cut either way. peter and i have a disagreement there. >> what a poll, what a poll. >> thank you. >> one year out, good stuff. we'll see if this is one we throw back in our faces four years from now. still ahead, we'll talk to the man hoping to be the next mayor of philadelphia on this election day and how he wants to use his position as mayor to impact some national policy. stay tuned. and everywhere i look... i'm reminded to stick to my plan.
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mayors across the country, particularly democratic mayors have been trying to influence national policy more and more as washington democrats find themselves stalled for an inability to get republicans on board on some issues like for instance, climate change and gun control. so mayors have been working on those issues, plus workers wages and labor rights. and they're tried to make cities literal incubators of change. jim kenny has been heralded as a progressive in the mold of new york city mayor bill de blasio. he joins me now. welcome to show "meet the pres " dail daily". people comparing you to bill de blas blasio, is that a fair comparison? >> i'm jim kenny from philadelphia and i respect mayor
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de blasio. i think he's doing a good and difficult job in new york. we have our issues in philadelphia and we're just looking to be the best administration we can be for our citizens in philadelphia and carry leaving office and doing e other good things, going forward. >> look, every election is about change in some form or another. what's the change you want to bring to city hall? >> i think the issue of poverty affecting our community is really extensive and very embarrassing. the largest city in the country with the highest poverty rate. evening we need to get our children into a really good pre-k program. 18,000 children this our city don't have access to it. we nd to create jobs for people who can raise families, not just $10 an hour jobs, but industrial-style jobs that can raise family and deal with our returning folks coming back from prison. reentry is a critical issue in philadelphia and we need to make sure when people come home, they stay home and become productive citizens in our cities. >> a couple things that are bedevilling cities the right now, number one, the difference
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between law enforcement and the african-american community. what do you want to do as mayor, if you do win, to fix that relationship. >> first of all, it's what are we going to do? that's how we need to approach our problems in any city and this city, too. we need to continue our community policing efforts. we need to train them in how to interact with our communities. every community has a different experience with law enforcement, through the history of our city and country, and be sensitive and respectful to people. there are some bad people on the streets. there's no doubt about it and we need to take care of them. most of our citizens are decent law-abiding citizens that need to be treated respectfully. and look at our police-involved shootings to make sure we get them down to a level that's better than we are now. >> the issue of homelessness, rising here in new york city, in washington, d.c. do you have a plan yet, or how do you want to tackle it in philadelphia? >> well, again, we've been working with right now, before the administration starts, hopefully, if we're successful
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this evening, with people like sister mary schoolion and others in the city that have dealt with the homeless issue over the years in a very effective way. we want to have them guide us in what we need to do in resources and how we need to approach the problem. again, it is really sad that when we live in a country with the wealth that we have, that we have people on the streets, who are mentally ill, and who are homeless for various reasons and we need to address those issues and get them the proper help and care they need to get their lives back in order. >> jim kenney, we'll be watching the elections as they roll in and see if you are, indeed, the next mayor of philadelphia. thanks for coming on the show today. >> thanks, chuck. take care. >> appreciate it. up next in a super tuesday edition of "the lid," why ben carson is drawing comparisons to jimmy carter. you're watching "mtt daily." we'll be right back.
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time for "the lid." as we've been telling you, ben carson isn't not just the new gop front-runner, he's a very strong front-runner. for more, let's bring in jamiel smith. also joining us, chris cillizza, msnbc contributor and founder of the fix. and tony kornheiser -- lap dog, with i think is what i would call you. lackey or lap dog? >> i prefer lackey if we're being technical. >> okay. it was a couple of weeks ago that somebody we all know wrote this column saying, hey, maybe
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carson is jimmy carter '76. and he wasn't talking about politics, liberal versus conservative, it's more the outsider fitting the times, which at the time everybody was like oh, my gosh, this doesn't make any sense. but jimmy carter, in the same ways as ben carson, he was a very moral man, saying i will never lie to you, at a time when the country has been shaken, like vietnam and watergate. >> i agree more with one of the pollsters of this poll, i liken him to barry goldwater. i see a man pushed by a very strong minority within the party, and, you know, damn the consequences. they're going to make sure he's the guy. and regardless of whether or not he's actually electable, they're going to make sure they make a statement. so, i think that carson, you know, to a large extent, is the personification of the republican superego. he is the moral consciousness of that party as they see it. so when you have people pushing that narrative, and also, you know, add into the fact that his medical intelligence is
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something that they find appealing, it's no surprise that he's at the top. >> cillizza, what do you say? >> so, you were talking to chris jansing earlier in the show and she mentioned, and jamiel touched on this as well. the story is really, i think, appealing. this is someone who, it is an american dream story in many ways. >> right. >> so you can take a lot from ben carson, what he knows about the issues, but what you cannot take is the guy is a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. no one disputes it. so i think the story is very powerful. the other thing is, i think ben carson is less understood by the washington, sort of, political establishment than any other candidate, including donald trump. you see a guy who's very soft spoken in debates. who seems sort of to be okay with disappearing for large periods of times in debates. you see him on the stump. he's very soft spoken. the things he chooses to emphasize, they're not the things a consultant goes to you and says, you should do x, y, and z things.
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in a normal year with an electorate that was generally happy with their choices and sort of with their party, that might be problematic, but i think, again, we've seen this with trump. the more -- the less you look, sound, and act like a politician, the better. and ben carson looks, sounds, and acts exactly the opposite of sort of a packaged politician. >> tell me, a quick preview of what you're talking about in your podcast with ben carson and black conservatives. >> we really confront the idea of black conservative. what does it mean to identify as a black conservative, especially given that there are so few of them. so we talk with a historian at harvard university about "the loneliness of the black republican," get a little bit of history and try to understand exactly where they're coming from, rather than outright dismiss that identity and dismiss people identifying as such, i think it's really important we understand where people like carson are coming from. >> chris, you are my favorite consumer of the nbc/"wall street journal" poll, because you always find something in there that even i forget about. give me the one thing you grabbed today that just knocked you down. >> well, i'll tell you, it's
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from last night and you guys have talked about it ad nauseam, so i don't know that i'm plucking it out. but i do think, add up the trump and carson number in the first choice, add up carson, first and second choice, 50%, chuck. that's a remarkable number. i think everyone who's saying, let's just wait until this sorts out, jeb bush will be the nominee, i'm not sure that that's how it's going to play out. >> i agree. i think the experts need to take a step back. jamiel and chris, thank you both. we'll be back tomorrow with "mtp daily." steve kornacki continues our super tuesday coverage, right now. it is super tuesday right now on msnbc and we have got you covered this election day. we are one year away from the 20106 presidential election and ben carson and hillary clinton lead the pack in their parties. but a lot can happen in 365 days. plus -- >>
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