tv Morning Joe MSNBC December 1, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST
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a friend of mine said, you know, so far -- let's see christie hasn't hit me yet. he will. he has to. he has no choice. he's two or three. there's only one way to get to top and it's through trump. it's a sad day but we'll hit back. >> donald trump be careful what i say is fascinating. you know, i don't think donald picks his words with great care. >> and good morning.
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it's tuesday, december 1st. welcome to "morning joe." we're live in concord, new hampshire this morning. >> this morning we're live at a place that's no stranger to politics. if you're a presidential contender snowshoe club is must stop territory. we'll be talking more about this historic place in political history in just a minute. >> in our next hour governor chris christie will join us here on set for an extended conversation. he's been racking up some important endorsements here in the key first in the nation primary state. >> you can send us your questions for the governor using the #mj and mh. >> we have msnbc contributor mike barnacle, managing editor of bloomberg politics mark halperin. >> he has cowboy boots. >> first in the nation. first in the nation cowboy boots. >> it does not work. msnbc political analyst and
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former chairman of the republican national committee michael steele is with us. >> willie, a lot of response yesterday to the donald trump interview. obviously trump is just, again, sucking up all the energy on the campaign trail. >> yeah. he did exactly what we talked about him doing which is to take these set of facts about whether or not there were tailgate parties on the roofs of jersey city on september 11, 2001. he said people told him about it. he can brush it aside and his supporters cheer. >> mark halperin you reported he's organized very well in new hampshire. >> people are under estimating to the extent this is not a campaign tool but his people are using his celebrity to organize in this state and iowa. who can stop him in either of those two places? >> that's a dynamic. yesterday, of course, i had a torrent of emails and texts from
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my brother. >> oh, right. >> saying 7% of a billion is 70 million. it's still 70 million. i'm telling you, we got halfway through that trump interview, and you looked at me and said he's turning all of this to his advantage. >> he is effective with it. let's start with new jersey governor chris christie who is picking up even more support here in new hampshire, and locking horns with donald trump. yesterday christie received the endorsemen of top law enforcement officers at the federal and county level along with several major republican activists after his endorsement from the union leader newspaper. the new support has drawn the attention of donald trump who tweeted quote how is chris christie running the state of new jersey which is deeply troubled. christie had this to say.
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>> i'm gad donald noticed me. i'm happy to take any observations he has even if he can only do it at 140 characters or less. that's the best way he can communicate. that's fine. >> mike barnacle, you have seen other republican candidates stare at donald trump's attacks like deer in the headlights on back new england roads. a dynamic between chris christie and donald trump is going to be fascinating indeed if chris christie continues to rise in new hampshire, donald will have his hands full with that fight back and forth. >> we're sitting in a state that's ground zero for that combat, trump versus christie. christie is gaining strength. the endorsement is big for him. it comes each and every day. each and every day. >> joe is a bit of an addict for that newspaper.
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>> the old drip treatment. >> not drip. it's more like water hose in your face every day. >> and as you just eluded to, trump's strength is it won't diminish that much. it won't go away. >> it's not going away. the question, though, it's very fascinating, mark and i were sharing notes about how much other campaigns are starting to be concerned about chris christie, and i've been getting a lot of emails from other campaigns about marco rubio or ted cruz or donald trump. this morning both of us were getting hammered with emails from rival campaigns about chris christie, ask him about this. ask him about that. why can't he justify that. which is as chris christie said on tape there, boy, i'm glad donald is paying attention to me. campaigns are starting to notice chris christie's rise in new
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hampshire. >> and he's got something going on here in new hampshire and this could be a place that launches him or end things. the governor and trump also traded words -- i'm just saying about the billionaire's comments alleging the new jersey muslims celebrated as the world trade center towers collapsed in 2001. last week christie said he did not remember it but also said quote there are things i forget too. >> people microanalyze every word. i said i don't remember it. i wanted to qualify that day not that i thought it happened but just to remind people that was a very emotional day for me. it was personally emotional. i was not focused on everything that was going on across the state. what i was focused on was my wife and mother who were in lower manhattan and i hadn't heard from for at that long, long time. >> he didn't say that the other day. he was very weak the other day. the other day he said it like he doesn't know.
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now i guess he feels a little bit emboldened. he must be careful with what he says. >> be warned by donald trump to be careful what i say is fascinating. i don't think donald picks his words with great care. listen i was there on september 11th. i wasn't across the river in new york city. i was there. and not only myself the state attorney general at the time john farmer, good smart, you know, republican, has said the same thing i said that it didn't happen. and, you know, the worst part of his claim he said he saw it on television. well no one has been able to unearth any video of any such thing happening. if it was widely enough shown on network television in new york city, you can usually find that video fairly quickly. so, you know, listen donald is used to intimidating folks but i have no reason to engage with him. his facts are wrong. i know that.
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he knows it too. it's okay. >> so, michael steele, i don't think chris christie or anyone else convince donald trump that didn't happen. chris christie is on the cover of the comfort monitor. we watched him for two hours at the loudoun firehouse. he's impressive. that's his format. answered every question. stayed for two hours. as we stood outside that door as people were streaming out they said i had my top three what you do in new hampshire and a lot of them said no i have one. >> he connected with the audience in a genuine way. it was something i always thought would be in the end the strongest point and governors make a difference. he talked about governing. he talked about being in the space where he had to make executive decisions at a time the country is looking for someone to make executive decisions for them. a lot of them feel this administration has not done
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that. th they gave that power to others. chris christie can talk about not just 9/11 but the trouble of inheriting a state in debt and having to work through that and govern through that, make tough decisions. that came across last night and the audience responded. take northeast one quick thing. he's now in a defensive posture of something donald trump said that everybody said that didn't happen. amazing how donald trump is able to navigate the story, the narrative back to his space, his wheelhouse for everyone else to respond to. >> mark halperin, you hear these stories about chris christie having events in new hampshire, him having an impact. walking out the door i had three now i have one. is there anything to back that up? >> he's moved up in the polls. some candidates are streaky and they can perform well and have a little bit of a surge and then they will be in a slump. the thing that makes christie potent he can be hot for two
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months. he's shown it in the past. i don't think he's peaking too early for him and his skill set. christie versus r trump in new hampshire is like king kong versus godzilla. he's not psyched out by him. christie knows,000 deal wi s ho with trump. >> at the end of the day, mike barnac barnacle, it's up to the voters. i knocked on doors my first campaign. you sensed it. two weeks before the election i was down like by 30 points. i ended up winning. that happens time and time again. michael steele knows this with grassroots campaign doing the
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type of thing that chris christie is doing and it's all anecdotal. when you hear the same thing over and over again, i had three people that i was looking at. now i have one. i'm hearing that from one new hampshire voter after another. that starts showing up in polls at some point. >> ask bill clinton and john mccain about that theory. that theory applies to their campaigns as well. this is one of the few states, iowa is a little like this, but not as much in that word-of-mouth really can carry a powerful, powerful sense for a campaign in this state. just word-of-mouth. you hear it willie coming out the door gee i had three now i have one. that's the way it is in this state. >> a caution for christie now that he's had success people will come after him. if he's doing well there will be an ad hugging barack obama after sandy. how does he deal with that. we won't know how high he can go. >> donald trump held private
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meetings, a private meeting with a dozen african-american pastors at trump tower. there was no group endorsement as the campaign has signaled. the candidates said many faced pressure from the black lives movement. he gave a press conference from a former contestant. then he was off to georgia with 5,000 supporters and a guest appearance from herman cain. >> i want to thank herman cain my friend for his wonderful remarks. he's really a good guy. 9-9-9. >> can you believe i'm running part time? i'm running part time. i'm doing well for a part timer. we're leading in everything. the biggest crowds by far, so much bigger than bernie sanders.
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you always hear about bernie sanders. [ crowd booing ] >> may he rest in peace. you know he had an operation today. i think it was a hernia operation. you know why? carrying around too much tax problems. we can't tell any more jokes. every time i kid and tell jokes, these guys put on like little segment all they do is show these little snippets. they do whatever they can to look bad. i'm not going to tell any more jokes. i'm not going to kid? oh, you want me to? okay, so i will. >> and joe speaking of herman cain jeb bush has derided early polls as inaccurate predictors of the white house race by invoke herman cain's early lead in the last cycle. >> this is the beginning of the
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campaign. i mean look at the past. herman cain was winning right now. >> but before appearing at donald trump's rally in georgia yesterday cain issued a statement on his website that reads in part this. quote at the height of my campaign i was at first place at 24%. between i left i was in third place. who am i? a guy who ran a pizza company and had a successful corporate career before hosting a talk show in atlanta. i was not anonymous but hardly famous. if you want to say i had a fall go ahead. i guess you can't fall when you've never gotten any higher than the floor in the first place and that's the state of jeb bush's campaign. >> that's tough talk. trump-herman cain comparison is a cliche. >> what is he doing? >> that's not a comparison. donald trump has led every poll almost straight through.
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and much stronger than herman cain was. >> i just noticing a territory that he's venturing in over the past week that's great for the base but -- >> who is voting. >> sarah palin's people. >> they vote. >> they vote. you know what? he had a broader appeal. this is tightening it. i'm sorry. am i the only one who thinks this or the only one that has the guts to say it. >> you're the only one who thinks it because donald trump is going up in every poll i've seen. >> i think that would be really interesting if you were correct. but i think that this is -- >> what kind of evidence is there that i'm not correct? donald trump says something -- >> when you start bringing herman cain to your events and having him speak and talk about muslims, you know, screaming
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from the roof tops on 9/11 when there's no proof of it you're venturing into territory that's great for the base but beginning to scare people. >> where he was. >> he was popular where he was. >> no, no. popular in georgia. he's popular in that market. he's popular in that part of the country. >> let me ask you, mark halperin, we heard the "new york times" say repeatedly over the past several months what mika is saying now. do you get any sense on the campaign trail or from trump's people or anybody else that they are concerned about the recent spate of stories and the recent run in with chuck todd and recent predictions of doom and the recent -- this has happened -- >> it's not a prediction of doom it's squandering of a solid position. >> the attacks have been fierce over the six seven days. are we in a new territory with trump? >> no. i agree with mika.
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he could be broadening his base more. make america great, be strong and dominate the news has worked for him. that's what he's still on. if he wants to blot out every other candidate on any given day by doing almost anything he can. that's a reality of this race and that makes him strong. >> is there any suggestion he'll expand his base, he's interested in expanding his base or does he want his 25, 26, 27, 30%. >> he wants to win the first two states. if he keeps his current support he'll win the first two states. >> to mark's point, unlike the other candidates if he wins wray and new hampshire, he's going to have way more momentum going into nevada and south carolina let alone the remaining states that are part up to march 15th than the others. he's going to collect a lot of energy off of that which is why his organization is so focused. >> your argument, mika, it would work for donald trump in a
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primary. maybe you're changing that a little bit now. by the time he gets to the general election all this talk rears its head. any swing voter won't be interested in voting for donald trump in a general election. >> these last two efforts that kind of went off the deep end are unnecessary for him. he done need to do this. he's squandering what's a really -- this muslim celebrating 9/11 and now bringing herman cain. come on. i don't mean to sound -- he has a solid lead. he's squandering it. >> are you saying he's bigger than herman cain and by wringing herman cain on stage you're springing yourself down in >> yes. >> herman cain is the hugely popular. >> there's lots of things that are hugely popular with the base that he doesn't need to do it. do you think he needs to do
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that? does does he desperately need to do that >> he's on the stage with a very popular republican african-american who is supporting him. that-a lot of weight. like meeting with ministers in new york carries a lot of weight. >> i'll try this one more time. do you think that jeb bush because he could get 2,000 people should have sarah palin stand by his side and do a rally? >> i'm going in this respect i'm going to side with you that donald trump request draw the people without herman cain. at some point -- i do one what you guys are saying. he's hugely popular. that's what marco rubio or ted cruz or jeb bush might do to gin up a crowd. donald trump gets the crowd anyway. why confine yourself to this wing of the republican party,
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the palin, bachmann, cain part of the republican party. i'll say this about donald trump. at some poin he has to start working on expanding his base within the republican party. i'm saying this as a guy right now, i had a guy ask me from florida yesterday who will win the nomination. if i were betting all my money i would put roigt now about 75% on donald trump. i'm saying this as somebody thinks he can win the nomination. at some point he's got to turn the corner and start expanding the base. you just sit and wonder, a guy wrote is in first place picking a fight ever wriy single day. you don't just send off republicans but god help the republicans if he's fighting between now and the convention. >> you're assuming, you're looking at this from the position and point of view of a normal person, a normal --
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[ laughter ] -- i don't think he's thinking about that. i agree with mark. he's thinking about the first two states. he knows instinctively and been told and feels it when he comes to a state like new hampshire you can win new hampshire with 24%. >> i'll say one thing too, mika, donald trump has survived and has become a billionaire many times over by constantly by being under estimated. i'm just saying in general, we've said this to our audience before, you and i talk to donald all the time. i told him four or five times early in the campaign you can't say that about john mccain you have to go out and apologize. you can't say that about so-and-so. after the fourth or fifth time i said never mind donald. whatever you're doing is working for you. i wouldn't do it. but i don't get it. but never mind i'm not giving you advice. >> i think this goes right
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against the make america great again brand. he's just hurt it twice in the past two weeks. >> don't under estimate him going fully off the rails. he does a thousand things that any manager would say stop it. let trump be trump. so far it's worked. >> but there's pacing. and i'm serious. there's a constant fight. donald could use a week or two of quiet. and of peace. >> going to soup kitchens. >> just whatever. it's a constant barrage. >> i think, i don't think i'm the only person that thinks that. we're on the verge of one of the greatest political stories of a generation if he wins the first two states iowa and new hampshire. that is going to be just enormously huge cultural/political story. the other asuspect and you just alluded to it.
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at what point do voters state after state think to themselves before they cast their ballot i do really want to listen to donald trump every day for four years. >> i think right now under the republican base a lot of people would rather listen to donald trump over the next four years than governors like scott walker, jeb bush or senators like marco rubio. marco who still can't tell us what his position is. i'm talking about getting through the primary. i think right now it is likely that donald trump continues to do very well. and mika, i saw megyn kelly she sounded like rachel maddow. a civil war is coming in the republican party if this continues. >> we walked in the room today. it was 5:57 and you said you're not getting a truck.
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>> okay. >> we have a bet. a brand new. what was it that -- what did you say? >> why did you say trump won't win the nomination. >> i think it will be an enormously important story. i think he's more likely than not to win iowa and new hampshire and that's when the fight is really joined. >> if he wins iowa and new hampshire, bar the door. it's over. >> i don't think so any more. >> listen, donald trump's strength mark it down is the deep south. if donald trump gets past iowa and new hampshire in first place he wins south carolina by 20, he wins alabama, georgia, mississippi by 20, 25, 30. if he wins iowa and new hampshire this fight is over. we got to go to break.
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>> still ahead on "morning joe" -- hillary clinton holds an event where 13 of the 14 democratic women in the u.s. senate were there to back her. she got endorsemens from almost all of them. you can guess who was missing. who was missing? very interesting name. governor chris christie joins us here in concord, new hampshire. and the new hampshire union leader. where does marco rubio stand. we go next to climate talks in paris where president obama and president putin are discussing a lot more than greenhouse gas.
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28 past the hour. hillary clinton hosted a high-profile show of force last night in washington, d.c. surrounding herself with some of the most powerful women in america. 13 of the 14 democratic women in the u.s. senate were there to back her. the notable absence was massachusetts senator elizabeth warren who was invited but did not attend. warren has yet to endorse clinton or any 2016 candidate. >> what do you think of that? >> maybe she has a scheduling issue. >> i don't think that. what do you think of that? >> i don't know. there must be -- i don't know. here's what senator barbara boxer pointed out on msnbc yesterday. >> elizabeth signed a letter that i circulated asking hillary to run and i think in her course
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of time she will come out there for hillary. >> what do you think? >> she's waiting. i guess to hear more, maybe. maybe there's been some concerns about hillary's ties to wall street and whether or not she truly would be able to be there for the middle class, and would stick to her word on some of these issues. >> i agree with senator boxer that senator warren will come around. senator warren's message aligns with bernie sanders. it's not totally a shocker. >> maybe she would do it in more of a grand flourish. a solo shot. >> the night of february 8th we may be sitting sthant with two, mike mentioned the one huge political story, trump winning the iowa and new hampshire. if sanders wins iowa and new hampshire democratic party will face a similar earthquake situation. if elizabeth warren hasn't endorsed by then and can bernie
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sanders after beating her in the first two states, i think elizabeth warren might want to wait until that moment. >> maybe get a cabinet position. >> or be on the ticket. >> sanders-warren who mobilize a lot of people. >> most democratic activists are laughing and saying that's not possible. is point that bernie sanders wins iowa and new hampshire? >> he's within hailing distance in both states. the trump story and the fact that sanders has slipped a little bit has taken people's eyes off of this. sand serious raising money and building a huge operation in this state and iowa. i'm not predicting a win in both but i'm not ruling it out. >> talk about the story you just showed me. >> trump people are still trying to win the fight over the question of whether there were mass protests in support of the attacks on 9/11 in new jersey. and fred siegel a respected
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professor and thinker in manhattan wrote an op-ed piece in the "new york post" three days after 9/11 that says here in new york it was easy to get angry listening to egyptians, palestinians and arabs of nearby patterson, new jersey celebrate as they received word of the murders, attacks in nook and washington. three days later he writes no proof, no video but reports he believed this happened. >> what's fascinating about that he goes on to call for calm and commend rudy giuliani for don't strike out against muslim-americans. siegel was making the opposite point that trump supporters was making yes there were protests in patterson. yes they were celebrating the attacks. as mayor rudy giuliani says now is not the time to strike out against muslim-americans. >> to be fair it's not like donald trump has called for violence against mulch. but this isn't proof. it shows two things.
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one trump people want to win this argument. two, it suggests that at least one respected person just asserted that this happened. >> by the way asserted this 15 years ago, three days after 9/11. >> not a political contest. >> not proof but interesting. >> let's turn to paris, france where more than 150 leaders from around the world under one roof yesterday for historic talks targeting climate change. the meeting represents the first effort for a binding global agreement on climate change in nearly two decades. >> see what they did with the president. when you get the president of the united states -- you don't rap the president of the united states. doesn't matter. you don't rap the president of the united states. >> they tried. >> it's not like he's a prime minister of luxembourg. great country. i don't know if luxembourg has a president but if they do he's a
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great woman. >> joining us live from paris nbc news correspondent, chris jansing. tell us about day two of the historic meetings. >> reporter: i think to joe's point the president will not be rapped. i'll get to that in a second. yesterday was about urgency. all the leaders got to speak. today it's about finding the money and that's the tough part. so here's basically the way it is. the poor countries are saying you develop nations got rich by burning fossil fuels and now you want us to go green and we're trying to improve our economy and we need money and talking about hundreds of billions of dollars far more than these developed nations have talked about. it's clear there's some sense of optimism here they could get an agreement that failed twice before in kyoto and copenhagen and all of the leaders got a chance yesterday to make their case including the president as joe pointed out started to hear
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beeps as if he was an oscar winner being told to leave the stage. >> here in paris let's reaffirm our commitment that resources will be there for countries willing to do their part to skip the dirty phase of development. here in paris let's also make sure that these resources flow to the countries that need help. preparing for the impact of climate change that we can no longer avoid. there are hundreds of billions of dollars ready to deploy to countries around the world if they get the signal that we mean business this time. let's send that signal. [ beep ] that's what we seek in these next two weeks. >> reporter: yes he did finish his speech as did everyone else. he wasn't the only one who got those beeps. a lot of meetings on the sidelines. you don't get 150 world leaders under one roof in one day. it's the most unusual gathering of its kind of. and so he talked with vladimir
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putin for half an hour yesterday and then this morning already he's had a meeting with turkey's erdogan. the conversation in both about the downing of the russian jetliner by turkey asking them to ramp down the tensions and making the case of what they need to focus on is their common enemy, isis, this a place less than three weeks ago got hit by isis has been front and center. we got some new numbers from french officials, 2,000 searches have taken place here since those attacks. we're still under a state of emergency for the next several months. 300 plus arms have been seized, 210 people taken into custody, and the french prime minister made the case see this is really about getting something done, trying to answer critics and civil libertarians who said using these powers under the state of emergency have gone too far. joe and mika. >> nbc's chris jansing. thank you so much.
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president obama will be holding a news conference this morning at 8:40 a.m. eastern time. we'll carry that. >> what do you think about rapping? no. this is not going to happen unless we -- this is like uncle sal taking your family to thanksgiving dinner at the pizza joint. if uncle sal wants to talk a little longer you sit and listen because he's paying the bill. >> i feel badly he didn't take a page from ronald reagan and say hey we paid for this beat. >> we will be paying for this. i want to ask you michael steele, maybe you're the wrong republican to ask, after seeing year after year after year after year after year after year of the hottest years over the past 1520, years, i'm sorry at some point people in our party are going to have to say climate change is real. it is caused by man.
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and we're going to have to figure out a way to acknowledge it first. and then have a grown-up discussion with the rest of the american people on how we address climate change without destroying our economy because there's absolutists on the left but don't we as republicans have to acknowledge climate change is real and it's a very possible threat. if the communists in china are recognizing it against their own interest in studies isn't it time that republicans in america recognize it? >> good luck with that. the china argument in come par season is i've heard from some folks, we're not walking around in washington, d.c. and new york and los angeles with masks on because the smog is so bad. so china argument is one that falls flat for at that lot of folks in terms of making the case since in their argument, their view china has tone nothing. we footed this bill and carried this argument.
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>> do you think there's climate change. >> absolutely. everything you said is true. i think there's a space for us not just in the present day but historically to make the case to the american people for, you know, concern about the environment. it is part of the roots of the party's history. we got off of that conversation in a lot of respects but i think it's a real opportunity we miss sometimes. >> some of your republican friends can go on a trip with my brother mark who heads up the committee on the arctic and watch it melt in high-speed. >> the counter argument is the arctic is gaining ice it's gaining more ground. >> one republican in this state senator ayotte has supported the president's plan. >> which is why i'll wear this hat today. >> kelly, this is four. all right still ahead from new hampshire to iowa we get a live
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report from the other early battleground state. kasie hunt looks to pin down ted crews on his immigration stance. but first the must read opinion pages. "morning joe" is back in a moment live from concord, new hampshire. if yand you're talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,
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hampshire. >> 20808 primary, talking with john mccain, and one of the ships that he flew off of is now sunk in pensacola harbor. i said gee they sunk that in pensacola harbor. he said yeah, too bad scarborough didn't go down with it. >> oh, that's not nice. you guys are doing fine now. still ahead on "morning joe" -- governor chris christie joins us on set in just a few minutes. plus his wife mary sits down with us as well for a rare joint interview. "morning joe" will be right back live from concord, new hampshire.
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opinion pages at 47 past the hour. let's bring in nbc news correspondent haley jackson. i'll read from "wall street journal," chris christie second win, this out this morning. up until now donald trump appears to have gained most from the post-paris shift of focus. it's not hard to see why when he says for example he would approve water boarding even if it doesn't work because the terrorists deserve it. the message voters hear is that he will not let political correctness get in the way of fighting our enemies. in the coming las vegas debate on december 15th, mr. christie will get his chance to show republicans he shares both mr. trump's willingness to take the fight to the terrorists and mrs. clinton de facto understanding that the obama approach has failed. but that he has something mr. trump and mrs. clinic do not a strategic vision to go with it. >> this is chris christie's moment.
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he's coming off that endorsement from the plumbers, the union leader and picking up today an endorsement from former speaker of the house who said she made her decision she tells us a month ago before christie started to pick up this momentum and before the paris attack. one thing you're seeing from christie when you go to town halls, people like where he is on national security and where he's been on national security. when you ask people why are you here? why are your coming out and considering chris christie, they say he's honest, straightforward, not a robot politician. he's a real person. in the next breath yeah the economy is an issue but more importantly where he is in keeping our country safe. he said i don't want to be in your top three. i want to be the guy that gets your vote and that wins. i asked him yesterday how do you do that? right now in the "boston globe" poll 4%. how do you in the next two and a half months get to the point
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where you're winning. he said people in new hampshire don't make decisions until a couple of weeks out. that's what he and his campaign are banking on. as we get closer to the vote here people will start to see him as a more viable candidate. >> no doubt he's got momentum in this state. >> fascinating reading that piece, that's the case governor christie makes at these town hall meetings. his presentation starts and ends with national security. he lays out the case against president obama why he's been weak and bad for the country and says we can't afford to have president obama's second-in-command, hillary clinton do eight more years of what we've seen already. he focuses exclusively for the first 20 minutes on national security. >> he shows range in these presentations and town hall meetings. he can go from extremely emotional and personal and sympathic and understanding to, you know, to real tough. >> that's what a governor can do for you because a governor deals in that realm every day.
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he has to have that ability to go from that tender moment with a mom and her family to more serious moments when there's a disaster or bigger concern for the state. so he can show that range. >> trump and seems to me christie's strength is in part the perception among republican voters that barack obama is weak on national security. and so is the campaign banking on that? >> i think so. i think the other thing you're seeing with governor christie he's not afraid to take it to donald trump. you've seen folks hesitant to come out to attack donald trump. chris christie is not. especially 9/11. he brings this up frequently. he speaks about what his experience was on that day. so when donald trump starts talking about it and talks about new jersey muslims cheering 9/11 you heard chris christie say a couple of weeks ago he didn't recall. he was much tougher on that. donald trump says you need to be
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careful what you say. chris christie said i'm fascinated by this. donald trump needs to watch his own words. he's not afraid to come out. >> thank you. >> to your point, though, joe, governor christie says in his speech, fun, exciting, new i get it. that's fun. he's talking about donald trump and some of the young senators. but this is a very serious time. you need a serious person who sat behind an executive desk and made serious decisions. >> i'm a republican primary voter. i'm just giving insight to our viewers who may not have voted in the republican primary before. i have been frightened by president obama's foreign policy over the past year or two. i'm not trying to make any political point. i'm trying to explain the primary voters. i see his lack of response to paris. i see him desperate to make a deal, in my opinion, with the iranians. i see all of these things happening over two, three, four years and, yes, when i go in the
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voting booth i'm going to put foreign policy ahead of economics right now, especially after paris, and i think just as was said that's why people are moving towards chris christie because he has donald trump's attitude but they may feel he may have a more nuance approach. more nuance approach to water boarding. that wasn't too nuance. >> no, it wasn't at all. we can talk economy as well. chris christie will join us here on set in a matter of moments. also ahead what is marco rubio really believe? >> just to clarify, his position now is that he's personally against abortion in all instances including rape, incest, life of the mother but if he were faced with a bill that had those exceptions he would still be willing to sign it? >> i'll let rubio and the campaign speak for themselves. what i will say is that my understanding of it is that he wants to prevent abortions in
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all cases, obviously, and so even if there was a bill that did provide for some exceptions he would still be okay with that because it's marching the ball down the field. >> david brody is back with new video that could help shed some light on marco rubio's position. that's just ahead on a special edition of "morning joe" live from concord, new hampshire. well, hello... ♪ santa? ♪ (flourish spray noise) ho, ho, ho! dad...what are you doing? i am not your dad... i am santa claus. then who's that? ♪ this holiday, share the joy of real cream... (flourish spray noise) share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. ♪ (flourish spray noise) ♪ at ally bank no branches equalsit's a fact.. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good?
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how shocking he walks in front of the camera. >> new jersey governor chris christie says it's been an entertaining republican primary so far. but while campaigning here in the granite state yesterday he said it's now game time. the republican presidential candidate joins us live next. you're watching a special edition of "morning joe" live from new hampshire. oh, like right now. okay.
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11th. i wasn't across trinity river in new york city. i was there. not only myself but the state attorney general at the time john farmer. good, smart republican. said the same thing i said it didn't happen. and, you know, the worst part of his claim is he saw it on television. well no one has been able to unearth any video of any such thing happening. if it was widely enough shown on network television in new york city, you can usually find that video fairly quickly. so, you know, listen, donald is used to intimidating folks but i have to reason to engage with him. his facts are wrong. i know that. he knows tight. it's okay. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it's tuesday, december 1st. >> can you believe that >> we're live this morning in concord, new hampshire and with us now, republican presidential candidate governor chris christie of new jersey. good to have you with us. >> happy to be back.
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>> your wife is here. we talked her into it. >> that's good. >> welcome to new hampshire. thank you it's wonderful to be here. hi, mary pat. >> you've been here for some time. >> day 50 today, joe. >> day 50. >> in new hampshire. >> i remember about 50 days ago writing a quick column saying don't rule chris christie out yet because everybody at that point had. and you said, you know what? i'm just going to go to new hampshire, i'm going to hold town hall meetings, i don't care what they are saying in the national immediate area up here i'm getting a good reception. you stuck to that strategy for 50 days. >> listen, i was at a big town hall meeting at the loudoun fire house last night. great crowd. lost of great questions. lost of concern where our country is headed. i did it for two hours plus last night. that's hat i like to do. we're having a good time. >> momentum. obviously you got momentum with huge endorsement from the union leader. you had some other important
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endorsements over the past couple of days. but as was written in "the washington post", it's now or never. you got to -- >> it's only december 1st. >> you need the momentum. that's a great point. you got two months instead of one usually. are your sensing the momentum is picking up and when does it translate into higher numbers in the polls. >> hopefully by february 9th. quite frankly the folks up here they don't decide until very late. you know that. the last two weeks is when folks decide. here's the bottom line. the reason why this is happening, is for one simple reason. i've been talking about the same things for the last six months. and i've always thought the most important thing is national security. and the security of the homeland. and people are now coming around to that. after paris they understand acutely. the good thing they need to know about something asking to be their leader i understood that
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six months ago. it's what my life and career has been about, protecting the homeland, prosecuting the terrorists and keeping new jersey safe and hopefully keep our country safe. >> i've always believed anecdotal evidence is critical on the campaign trail. you told me two weeks ago on the phone that people were starting to come up to you and say you used to be in my top three. tonight i'm leaving you're my number one. willie and mike barnacle said the same thing last night. >> people are coming up to me and say okay we're voting four. everyone told me this in new hampshire all the folks that have been supporting me here when i would get frustrated in august or september, they said don't worry about it chris. it takes time. people in new hampshire are used to taking their time to make these decisions. like you, i'm used to people falling in love with me overnight. so it's very disorienteding for me. but i'm willing to adjust myself
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now. >> please. >> oh, my god. >> it was love at first site. now these people of new hampshire are coming around to it. >> let's talk about how you're doing post-paris. we're hearing a lot of great feedback on you especially on your ability to have range on issues. tough on foreign policy. but also really sympathic deep meaningful touch on domestic issues. but now let's look at your record. let's look at new jersey and the economy. nine credit downgrades. state ranks 44th in private sector growth. it has a pension crisis that we talked about before. third highest foreclosure rate in the country and you'll say often to that question what's going on with the economy that you were hand ad miserable situation. but isn't that the same answer that president obama gives when he gets criticized about the state of the economy. >> no that's not my answer. my answer is you should have seen it when we got there. we were 50th. we're better now than we were before. let's remember this.
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jobless claims are the lowest they've been in 15 years now in new jersey. we were the highest state last month in job creation over 16,000 new private-sector jobs last moynihan new jersey. we're now at 220 new jobs since i've been governor and eight years before i became governor we had zero net private sector job growth in eight years. what i'm saying not i got dealt a bad hand. ever knows that. in made the hand better. have i made the hand number one in the country? no. no one is going to go 50 to one in six years. >> how has the obama done on the economy. >> let me say this about the president. you know he's created a lot of jobs in this country. and the middle class in this country know it because they have three or four of them to keep a roof over their head. there's more part time jobs created in this economy. last quarter 1.5% gdp growth. if i were him i wouldn't be taking a victory lap for something like that. now the fact is, is the economy better than it was after the
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stock market crashed and after the mortgage meltdown? yes. but that's a very low bar. if that's what we aspire to in this country i have no interest in aspiring to that. i aspire to something much greater and so do the american people. >> listening to you last night you're positioning yourself as the national security candidate in new hampshire and across the country. you said something that caught my ear. you said this is not the time for amateur hour or some youngster who says gee whiz isn't it great to be here. your talking about senator marco rubio, ted cruz. who your referencing? >> anybody who doesn't have the requisite experience to make the tough decisions. what we've seen in the last seven years gee whiz isn't it great to be here. >> does marco have the experience to be president? >> he doesn't have my experience. i've been through the fire here. i've been through the media fire as you all know. i've been through the fire of dealing with what i lovingly call an unruly state to govern
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with democratic majorities. >> staying on marco it sounds like that is focused on marco. doesn't marco and barack obama share a similar biography. >> as does ted cruz and others in this race who have no experience in governing. as i said last night new is wonderful, it's great, shiny, untarnished and everybody loves new. it's exciting. new is great until you need experience. until the tough moment comes. i said to those folks last night that they think here in new hampshire you can anticipate any question. no. in 1999 nobody asked governor george w. bush what will you do if get four airplanes gets hijacked and 3,000 americans are dead. what will you do governor? what we knew was somebody like george w. bush's experience, his character would be able to handle it and he did. and that's the kind of test we need to have and that's why i've been talking about these issues for months. when it wasn't fashionable,
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willie, back in the summer to be getting in a fight or nsa meta data which made us weaker, i was fighting that fight because i understood based on my experience that this is necessary to protect the homeland. we have to focus on protecting the american people. >> ted cruz's possession and rand paul's position on collecting meta data made america less safe? >> yes. >> ted cruz has made america less safe >> sure he has. he went for tezy political vote at a time when it looked like it was a popular thing to do. with all those dead parisians it doesn't look so popular. >> why does a governor of state of a new jersey who is dealing with jobs and pension plans and things like that get to take the high ground on national security. why do you know more about national security. >> i was the united states attorney for seven years. let me tell you something, that
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next day after september 10th it was personal. the fight against terrorism was personal to me. and we brought the two, two of the biggest terrorism cases in the post-9/11 era. i'm the only person on stage that used the patriot act, the fisa court, who have fought terrorism and knows how to use those tools and knows how to bring to terrorism to heel. that's why. i didn't get briefed in a basement on capitol hill and have to get a vote on subcommittee which i could vote differently in the full committee and then vote differently on the floor. i had to decide do you go after this group or don't you. what evidence do you gather? when do you intervene to stop before somebody gets killed. those are decisions you have to make. i won't need to practice that. >> so i would guess, governor, sounds like your views are similar to mine on the war on
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terror, pretty tough, pretty expansive, views that ted cruz may not support. i don't wring my hands over the three terrorists that were water boarded because maybe i know more details about it than many others. i know the information we got from it. but when i hear you -- i set that up just to say it doesn't make me wring my hand because we get a lot of actionable intelligence out of it. but when i hear you say that you don't care whether water boarding works or not, that you'll continue water boarding because quote they deserve that. >> i didn't say that. that's what trump said. >> that was trump? >> not me. >> okay. so how can you defend what donald trump said. that's interesting. i saw that last hour and i guess we were -- okay. thank you. so let me ask you about that. so let's talk about water
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boarding. that's not your position on water boarding. >> you know what i am? >> should we have water boarded these three terrorists to get -- >> we need to do whatever we need to do to get actionable intelligence within the constitution. >> is that torture? >> i don't believe so. the tentacle officers that conducted that activity were told by the justice department that what they were doing was lawful and constitutional and then you have barack obama come in and be hillary clinton and second guess these people, demean them and kill them around. these are people that do a dangerous job in a dirty world and we need to support them because they are the first line of defense between us and isis, between us and al qaeda, and if you're sitting in the basement of the senate, you don't understand that. you don't understand those decisions need to be made. i've made them. i know what those decisions need to be made and i know how to do it. >> i have some questions that we got off facebook for you. rapid fire. will you support trump if he's the nominee. >> yes.
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>> governor chris christie you have no foreign policy experience. please name three people you consider insightful that you would rely on. let me pitch my republican brother ian brzezinski. >> i've had a lot of good people folks like henry kissinger, brian hook, brian hoss, all people who have given me good advice. >> what percentage of sandy relief money has been given to new jersey sandy victims. when do you expect it all to be given out? >> that's up to the federal government because they are ones giving it out and it's their red tape that slows it down. jersey shore had their greatest season not just the greatest season since sandy their greatest season this year. all businesses are open. we have 306,000 families whose homes were destroyed are back in their homes in three years. sandy has been an enormous
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success. go the jersey shore and see it. it's been extraordinary. talk to the people down there. with the exception of some and we'll continue to work with those. sandy rebuilding has been ahead of the pace of louisiana. >> i understand someone from new jersey why you accepted president obama in 2012 to come down the shore in the wake of the storm and why you accepted his help. but there are people in the romney campaign are not happy, people in the republican party not happy that you embraced president obama in that moment and they think somehow romney the election. what do you say? >> it didn't cost governor romney the election. ask governor romney. he said it over and over again he and ann are great friends. they know no one worked harder absent paul ryan no one worked harder for mitt romney's election. i went to 27 different states for mitt romney. i would have been in fire, six more in the last week of the election except the second worst
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natural disaster in american history hit my state. when i take the oath of office i take an oath of office not an oath of party. my job as governor of new jersey was do the best i could for the people of my state that's exactly what i did. i make no apologies for it ever. i did my job. the proof is that now new jersey is rebuilt. almost all of its families are restored. i make no apologies for that. nor will i ever. >> as you continue to rise in new hampshire you'll see that down the road in an ad. they will show you -- >> if that's the worst thing they put about me i'm having a great week. >> i'll tell you in florida, three hurricanes coming through, hated at the time, loathed bill clinton. but i'll tell you what people want to see the president of the united states no matter who it is coming into your district and when he came in, i was so appreciative of him coming in and bringing attention to the national disaster that four years later i voted to impeach him. but i'll tell you at the time,
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i'm just saying whoever the president is, you want them to come in because with the president you know comes help from the sba, comes help from if he marks comes help from all the federal agencies. if the president comes in, then he or she is personally invested in the rebuilding of your community and state in this case. >> exactly right. my test now as governor and my test as president will be to do the best thing for the people who elected me. that's it. and any other test is not appropriate when you take that oath. >> we're just getting started they're morning with governor chris christie. ahead we'll bring back in mark hall brooklyn and mike barnacle with their questions. later mary pat christie will join her husband on set. much more live from the historic snowshoe club here in concord, new hampshire. we'll be right back.
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sure thing... uh right now you can get 15 gigs of data for the price of 10. that's five extra gigs for the same price. looks like someone just made it to the top of the nice list. in that case, i want a new bicycle, a bike helmet, a basketball, a stuffed animal that talks when you squeeze it. and... yes, yes. i got your letter. we're good. oh. okay i was just making sure. get 15 gigs for the price of 10 now at at&t. it's gotten squarer. over the years.
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a lot of colorful characters. a lot of people from different walks of american life who decided to offer themselves up for the president of the united states. it's a good thing. ifts a good thing for our party and our country. but it's game time now, everybody. >> it's game time. welcome back to the snowshoe club live in concord, new hampshire. we're back with republican presidentialandidate governor chris christie. and msnbc contributor mike barnacle and managing editor of bloomberg politics mark halperin join the conversation as well. >> new hampshire voters, there's always some colorful people in the audience in new hampshire. let me show you a shot from yesterday. strange characters. like sleep in clothes. >> there's chris christie. >> behind him is mike barnacle and willie geist and now if we can cut to mike, mike barnacle wearing the same thing he wore last night. >> did you sleep in it? >> i'm like everybody else i worked all night.
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[ laughter ] >> whatever. that stuff doesn't wrinkle. >> he wore his best under armour zip up for you. >> i saw it last night. it inspired me. you're inspirational. >> willie shaved for god's sake. >> all right. >> first question, mark halpe n halperin. >> governor people are going to come after you once you have success. one thing people raise is your temperament. they say in private you have a volcanic temper. true or false? >> no, not true. volcanic. not true. >> you have the temperament ready to be commander-in-chief? >> absolutely. >> what about marco rubio and his judgment? you raised questions about ted cruz's judgment on voting on intelligence and surveillance. is there anything in harko rubio's career that you say raises questions about his
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judgment to be president? >> nothing that comes immediately to mind. again, my point on all this is you need to have the right type of sfoerns make these decisions. i think we've seen over the last seven years that someone who has not had to make these decisions often finds it very, very difficult to be able to make them. i have been making these decisions for 13 years in the post-9/11 era and now as governor. a lot of good people. as i just said in that clip we have a lot of good people running for president. marco is one of them. the fact is we're talking about differences now. and the differences, i've made these decisions. i know how to make these decisions. my first and sole priority as president in this regard is to protect the american people's safety and security. if you don't do that nothing else matters. >> one more question on immigration. there's a lot of people in your party who are aren't taking a firm position on what to do with the 11 million people or so who are here illegally.
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they say wait until the border is secure. what's your firm decision? >> what i say to everybody is the american people are not ready for anybody to take a position on that firmly. here's why. because they don't trust government to do their job to begin with. they say until you can figure out how to secure the border we're not giving you any further authority to do anything else. and i think the american people are right about that and i think they are smart about that. they don't want us to do anything else about that until we prove to them we can actually do the job they gave us in the first place which is to secure the border and stop adding to those numbers. i don't think it's an indecisive decision. it's responding what the american people are telling us. they don't want to give us any authority or the government to do other than secure the border and get that fixed. >> some american people might be saying that. employers would like some stability, 11 million people would like some stability. you don't want to address it for them >> employers should hire people
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who are here legally. use e-verify. and anybody who doesn't use e-verify should be fined double of what they pay for those folks. this is part of the president's problem. he doesn't like the laws he doesn't enforce them. he wants sanctuary places. go ahead dynasty. smoking pot where it's lilg, go ahead and do it. >> in our economy have you personally benefitted from the work of those 11 million people? >> i have no idea. there have been real costs that come with that too, mark. whether it's a net benefit or not who knows. >> governor last night at the town hall you made light of the president of the united states being at the climate control conference and when he's forming
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a coalition if you were leader of the free world you form a coalition to fight isis. don't you believe the president is doing this? you know executives can do more than two things at once. grade the president of the united states on national security right now. >> first, mike let me say this. the president is focused on the wrong climate change. the climate change we need is climate change in this country. you know the climate right now between people and their government is just poisonous. the climate right now between treeses is as bad as it's been in the last eight years. the climate between those who believe deeply in religion and those more secular is worse than ever been. the climate we need to change is the climate in this country and as president that's what i'll do. now on isis, i haven't seen a coalition put together yet. i'll tell you this. i saw two weeks his deputy national security adviser was on television and asked him what about invoking article v.
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here's what his deputy national security adviser says. we'll wait to see what france does. i didn't think i would live long enough where there was a nato dispute and the president says i'll wait to see what france does. this is emblematic of the problem. we should invoke article v and say what happened to france is an attack on all the nato nations. >> following up on mike's climate change question, regarding paris do you believe in climate change? is it occurring >> climate is always changing and we cannot say, we cannot say our activity doesn't contribute to changing the climate. what i'm saying it's not a crisis. the climate has been changing forever and it will always change and man will always contribute to it. it's not a crisis. >> i don't know the exact numbers. but we've had one record setting year after another as far as the heat on this planet.
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>> i don't buy that, joe. >> what do you mean you don't buy it. >> i don't buy that it's a crisis. i don't buy the fact it's a crisis. >> why not? >> i don't believe it is. i don't see any evidence it's a crisis. >> what scientists agree with you. >> a lot of scientists agree with me climate change and men and women contribute. >> what scientist. >> that's my feeling. i don't see evidence that it's a crisis. i don't. >> isn't it a question about crises, we had another one in colorado springs over the weekend. you were a former u.s. attorney. you can be on a terrorist watch list and still purchase a gun. what will you say to the nra about that aspect of lack of gun control? >> not in new jersey i signed a bill if you're on a terrorist watch listing new jersey you can't buy a gun. so, to me -- >> first of all, i got to laugh. i got to laugh that this is an
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open question in my party's primary. that there are people that are afraid to say that people that are on a terrorist watch list ought to have the second amendment right to go out and buy guns and shoot americans. >> in new jersey we decided that's not way to go. the fact is my experience as a prosecutor tells me that the folks that we need to be concerned about are the criminals. you're on a terror watch list we need to be concerned about you in lots of respects. and the real violence problem in this country, mike, is happening every day on the streets. let's see where it's happening. new york has some of the strictest gun laws in america. yet now the murder rate is up 11% in new york. any of us who walk around new york on a regular basis know anecdotally and in statistics that it's much more dangerous than new york. why? you have a liberal mayor who pursues policies that tied one hand behind the back of the police force and you see it going on in chicago and other major cities where liberal
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mayors are not supporting law enforcement. so if i want to get at the violence problem in this country let's support law enforcement to do their job because 1993, 2,200 murders in new york. regionally, mike bloomberg comes in, tougher policing standards. by the time mike bloomberg leaves 20 years, 220 or so murders in the year he leaves. now murder up 11% under mayor de blasio. so let's focus on the real issue which is violent crime on our streets by criminals who don't that have legal right to have a gun. they are felons. >> given joe's reaction the republican party stance on this, would you fight for in the conventions, you know, platform a binding resolution terrorists, on terrorists watch list can't get guns? >> my record on terrorism and how we deal with terrorists is pretty firm so i don't think you have to worry about that. >> you recently said to hugh hewitt you would not accept any new sir ran refugees going as
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far to say no exception no or fans under age 5. you want to rephrase that? >> no syrian refugee should be admitted, none of them should be admitted until the fbi director tells congress and the american people that he can effectively vet them. in fact, he said the exact opposite. he went before congress and said we cannot assure you that they can be vetted. this is a guy i worked with. when i was u.s. attorney in new jersey. he was u.s. attorney in manhattan. he's worked for a republican president now a democratic president. he's a credible guy. i won't listen to barack obama and his united nations crowd who wants to get his next nobel peace prize for doing nothing. >> have refugees who arrived in your state yesterday go back? >> they shouldn't have come in the first place. ate federal issue. i expressed my concern on behalf of the people of new jersey that we're happy to welcome refugees who are properly vetted. and until the president can
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assure the american people -- now he wants to increase the number of refugees we take ten fold, and he wants to vet them in half the time that it took them to vet ten times less. >> you accept there's a vetting process. >> i accept there's a vetting process that the fbi director has said not a political appointee of the president but somebody who is a professional law enforcement guy with a ten year term. he doesn't have to worry whether the president likes him or doesn't like him. these other folks are all serving at the pleasure of the president. not the fbi director. this is the same fbi director who said there's a chill wind blowing through law enforcement in this country because the president of the united states and other political leaders are not supporting law enforcement. >> you had the drerkt director homeland security saying they were concerned about the vetting process and another obama nominee -- we've been talking before about several months back about the fbi investigation that's ongoing regarding hillary
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clinton and emails. do you trust jim comey to do a straight up investigation of hillary clinton and let the chips fall where they may. he'll do the right thing and follow law? >> 100%. jim comey is a guy of extraordinary integrity. now he can't decide to prosecute. all he can do as fbi director and i know this as a u.s. attorney the fbi can recommend prosecution. present the evidence to the justice department. then they got to make the decision. so in the end this is loretta lynch's decision. >> do you have the same confidence in her as in comey to do the right thing? >> no. >> why is not >> i don't know her nearly as well. i know jim comey personally. you saw him stand up to the bush administration in 2004 on some of the surveillance programs. and threatened to quit if changes weren't made that he believed were right for the constitution. this guy has shown -- that was a
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job where he was politically appointed. >> he can't make a decision to prosecute. if you were a prosecutor in new jersey knowing what you know about hillary clinton and her use of emails and classified material -- >> i would take a hard look. if the evidence is there, no matter who it s-republican, democrat, high ranking, low ranking you make the call that's what i would do and that's what i expect the attorney general would do. i don't know for sure. >> stimulus ahead this morning the first lady of new jersey, mary pat christie joins us to talk about life in the public eye. and their sudden surge here in new hampshire when "morning joe" returns live from concord, new hampshire. we'll be right back. i wanna see, i wanna see. longing. serendipity. what are the... chances.
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but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. welcome back to "morning joe" live in concord, new hampshire. we've been speaking this morning with republican presidential candidate governor chris christie and joining us now, the first lady of new jersey, mary pat christie. how are you doing? >> great. doing well. >> you've taken up residency in new hampshire? >> close to it. >> how many days have you been here? >> 40 plus. it's a lot. >> a lot. four kids? >> yes. >> trying to navigate all of this in the public eye. >> sure. >> how are you holding up? >> i'm really doing great. i left my full time job back in april. so this is really no different
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than what i've been used to. the balance with the kids is working. two are half baked or mostly baked in college and two at home are adjusting to all of this. >> we can tell how young and naive you are. mike barnacle will tell you they are not even half baked. not until 27 or 28. >> i'm trying to get a job from mike for my daughter. >> my oldest graduated from high school. i can check him off the list. no, no. big kids, big problems. the list grows. so mary pat, there's anxiety before everybody takes their family into a presidential campaign. you had the same anxiety, i'm sure. better or worse than you expected? >> better. definitely better. >> not as tough? not as personal? >> no. >> not as grinding. >> we've had such great training bus chris has been in
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the public eye since -- totally for 13 years. when he was u.s. attorney and then governor. made it a lot easier transition i think for us. our kids are -- they do as much or as little as they want to. >> they stay off of google and like the internet. >> the two older definitely don't stay off of it but what two younger ones we can still shield somewhat. they are in seventh and ninth grade. they have a lot of other things going on in their lives. >> how has this changed you? how has this changed your husband? >> i don't think it's changed us, honestly. it's kind of something that we're honored to be doing. and we really are a team. i actually enjoy being able to spend so much time with chris, that's a big change. because, you know, normally i was leaving my house at 6:00 in the morning and not getting home until 6:00, 7:00 at night. so we're spending a lot of time together. it's nice. >> she's still with me by the
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way. biggest shock of the campaign so far. she's spending more time with me. and she's still here. >> you talk about the governor being in the public eye for a long time being in a very tough media market. how do you handle that as a spouse of the governor? as a spouse of a candidate you open the newspaper and look at the "new york times" whether it's the george washington bridge story or anything else. can you shield your kids a little bit but you don't shield yourself. >> that was some ugly stuff. >> the first mistake is i don't open the "new york times." i do read other papers. but you really do start to ignore it. i get clips every day and i just zip through them. if they are negative i don't read them. i read headlines so i am aware, not ignorant to what's going on. chris is the best example to all of us. he really has managed to handle it pretty well. you know, we know the truth. we know how good a person he was and certainly through the bridge stuff it was a challenge but, you know, we got through it.
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actually in some ways brought us closer together as a family because we knew we had each other to depend on and we always knew the truth and were confident that would come out in the end and it did snowplow has it happened to you even in 13 years in the public eye, u.s. attorney governor running for president is a very short span of time when you merit against history and everything. and the assault on public people and their families is so on the radio, online, in the newspapers, at the grocery stores, you're checking out through the check out line. has it ever gotten to you? i mean has it ever got to the point where you said to someone at the grocery store or something hey you don't know what you're talking about? things like that. it's sovy show us. >> i certainly engage with people but you have to remember for most of us 13 years, chris' popularity was off the charts. so it was never -- it was only a very small segment of that time where we were dealing with a lot
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of negative press. overall the 13 year span has been overly positive. sure, i push back. i try to take people through all the details of arguments and what they don't know and what's right. >> i got to ask you. mika and i said repeatedly the bridge episode and that battle has made chris the best politician he's ever been. he's better at his game than ever before. how did it change you? >> maybe more cautious, for sure. and just continued my thought process about how little some people know. but, you know. made us, you know -- we always joke about we rather be weaker than stronger and having not gone through that. it's part of life. part of life's journey. >> all right, mary pat christie. secret weapon. >> not a secret any more. >> not in new hampshire. >> great to have you on. chris, thank you.
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>> thank you. >> thanks for coming to new hampshire. still to come he strangled me at the beginning of the show. i don't know how this will end. it helps. he went up five points among republicans in new hampshire. >> that's the traditional new jersey greeting. >> really? >> that's what we do. you know why we do it is because we love you. >> coming up ted cruz makes his own bold prediction about the party's nominee. >> i don't think it's good advice for getting into the business of blasting each other. i do think, i don't believe donald trump will be our nominee. i don't believe he'll be our president. and i actually think the men and women in this room have -- >> he's surging in iowa and starting to throw elbows at marco rubio as well. we'll go live to iowa next on "morning joe." ♪
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correspondent for cbn news, david brody. joining us from waterloo, iowa, msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt. we're exactly two months away from state's first in the nation -- >> by the way she's standing in front of my favorite museum in america, the grout museum. i take my kids there once a year. >> does jack love it? >> more than the baseball hall of fame. it's crazy. i don't know why. >> wow. >> can we please start with david. all right? we'll start with david. what's wrong with you? you're giddy. just stop. >> let's start with david. here's the news sound bite he teased for us yesterday from marco rubio about his stance on abortion. take a look. >> you know, i was challenged about the fact that i don't require there be to an exception for rape or incest.
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these are tough decisions. i'll vote for bills that have exceptions because they save lives. i'll vote for anything that saves lives but i don't require. that's not in the majority position even in the republican party. i don't feel this is a political issue. i really don't. but i will support bills that have exceptions i'm in favor of anything that protects life. these are not politically easy issues. i get advice. but it's not a political issue for me. i'm not is going change my position on them for anyone. >> so, david, he says he'll sign a bill with exceptions. sounds, those like he still is supports no exceptions though to abortion, right? >> well, yeah. see here's what's going on, joe. there's the test tube situation and then there's the reality situation. you know, look if there was a test tube there where you could just have a utopia of what he would like to see, he believes
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that there shouldn't be abortion in this country. you know, it's not that extreme a position, although hillary clinton will say it is and planned parenthood and others will. but he doesn't think there should be out there. >> right. so casey in iowa, does it help or hurt that marco's position is that he supports no exception for abortion, even though he would sign a bill that had exception in it? >>. >> reporter: well, it's a little bit tricky, right, john?
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rubio in the debate seemed to come across in a different way. it was actually in front of a group of pastor that he said he personally supports these but is willing to potentially sign legislation as david was just outlining. that's potentially not quite the right audience for this. my question for the rubio team is exactly how are they trying to mete out this election. is a group of iowa pastors the right place to try and put yourself in a different place on it in. >> it's a good point by casey. i would just say i think we need to take it at face value. think about this for a second. he goes in front of a closed media session, iowa pastors and says, yeah, i'm okay with a few exception if it comes to my desk. you wouldn't think that would be what he would say to pastors and yet he did. you can make the case he's being extremely authentic. why would he say that to pastors
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when he really should be saying i support no exception. he's saying, hey, look, this is the deal. >> but again, mark halperin, his position appears to be still that he supports no exception but would sign a bill that had them in there. so is his position i support no exception for abortion, in rape/incest/life of the mother? >> i think he's basically saying he wants as much pro-life legislation as possible. if there's pro-life legislation that gets part of the way to where he'd like but that's no his -- the biggest thing that has caused mistification closed to mitt romney and close to the bush family. how can you take this position,
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a minority position within the republican party and 90% of the public is in opposition to the position he has. >> the other half of this emerging cruz/rubio feud, it's pretty clear that rubio is concerned about getting conservative voters, both on that social issues question but also on immigration. this of course has been a tricky problem for rubio to try and navigate, especially as donald trump has been taking the position of building a wall. i kind of pressed cruz on this immigration question because it's not clear exactly where he stands on the definition of amnesty. take a listen.
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>> reporter: senator, immigration has become a major issue in this race. there are people reasoning against you who have tried to say their position is the same as yours or to take issue with where it stands. how do you define amnesty? >> you're right. we have seen an awful lot of the republican candidates for president who want to obscure -- >> but how do you define amnesty? >> we have seen particularly marco rubio's campaign -- >> so how do you define amnesty? >> if you look at a majority -- is a path to legalization amnesty, sir? so the question that the rubio allies might raise there is how different of a position does ted cruz really have at this point from marco rubio, guys?
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>> wow, kasie hunt, thank you very much. >> and david brody, thank you very much. so it's heating up, marco and ted cruz. that seems to be the battle. >> it's one of the most undercovered stories right now. rubio's team is going hard after cruz. >> why are they doing that in. >> it's surprising. i think because rubio, one of his strengths is he appeals to republicans across the spectrum. the mirror image of that is he doesn't have a base. he's got a found a base of supporters to support him. and cruz has votes that rubio would like to take away. so that rivalry is intention. >> and if they have weaknesses right now, michael steele and
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they're focusing in on them, rubio's is immigration. who gets hurt more, if you're wrong on nsa or immigration in new hampshire? >> i think rubio has a little more at risk here because of the narrative that precedes the discussion on many grags, that's baked into the base of the party in a real way. i think for rubio he's got to justify his position longer term than you see with ted cruz, who right now is just coming into that conversation. >> rubio is showing what we call in miami chutzpah. he knows immigration is a huge weakness for him. they're going hard to put cruz on the defensive. >> mark said it again today, the real challenge for marco rubio still remains what is his base? what is his state? what is his base? who are the group of people that
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naturally go to him instead of being more of a generalist candidate that makes people think that, hey, maybe he's the future of the party. >> right now we're awaiting a live news conference from president obama this morning in paris. we'll take that live when he begins and we'll take a break right now on "morning joe." when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet
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from president obama outside of paris. joining the conversation the publisher of "the new hampshire union leader." good to see you, joe. >> where did concord come from? that's the first thing. barnicle's letting you pronounce it like that? >> concord. >> the chris christie candidate came the most viable one, the one that we thought had the best chance of beating hilltotrump, y and isis. >> bill crystal coming out saying he will not support trump and will blow the party up in
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effect. why is it so important to stop donald trump? >> i like donald trump personally. he's come up and spoken at groups for me but he has no business running for president of the united states. he has no talent in that area, which is experience and not be rolled by government. donald trump talks a great game but i don't think there's a lot of substance there. >> just to follow up on what you initially said, you think that chris christie has the ability to beat trump, clinton and isis. why as opposed to the other candidates in the field? >> he's good on his feet. if anything, he's the nontrump trump. he's sharp, he's quick. people you looking for that these days. he's had great experience as a governor and before that as an
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attorney. the day of a the paris attacks he spoke about 9/11 and what we have to do. >> so his resumé is impressive and you think it applies to the job. but let me ask you about his record. what in his record, what success in his record stand out to you as something he could accomplish on a grand scale. >> he's a pro-life governor in new jersey and he has vetoed several bills that were pro abortion. he has defunded a block funding for planned parenthood. that appeals to a lot conservatives in this country, and he has tried his best to keep taxes in check in the great state of new jersey, which spends like crazy and is ranked at the bottom but he's held that in check and i think that's important. >> mark halperin, what are you looking for in december and
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january. we talked about cruz and rubio as a subplot. how does krchristie play in tha subplot? >> thanks to joe as endorsement, christie is a hot candidate now. watch him in iowa, though. who have is the top finisher amongst christie and rubio and bush is going to come in here with some momentum. even if they're well behind the leaders. i think christie could be that person. >> we haven't talked about jeb this morning. what's the state of the bush campaign? >> jeb is performing better than he was before. that matters. he's got the problem of where his focus is. we hear he's still not catching on with voters. they still associate him with
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the past. they don't associate him with someone they want to see be the face of the republican party. john kasich still has a chance, despite the fact he's not caught on and has faded a little bit. joe singled out stopping trump. come january into february, that's going to be an imperative to more than half of the republican party and anyone who can say to the people, as christie can right now, i know how to stop trump. >> christie stood out to us and bush and kasich fade a little bit of the union leader not going with them. i like them both. they're both competent guys who have good but you got to have somebody who can win and we just thought christie, dark horse as he is, has a good shot. >> if christie doesn't win, is
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there somebody that you support -- >> we go back to gingrich. and george bush sr. came out of iowa with a big mo into new hampshire and came up with a guy name reagan. as governor sununu said, new hampshire picks candidates, iowa picks corn. i like kasich and bush but on one of those three guys is going to survive new hampshire. >> let's ask you about the economy. you talked about social issues, you talked about holding the line on taxes. he's well into his second term now. does it not at least caution you that the new jersey economic record is not particularly good? >> i think he's been up against it. i think he's done his best as the republican in a big blue state to hold on to that.
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>> we are awaiting remarks right now from president obama. he's going to be out in the next few minutes. obviously climate change summit in paris, we'll be hearing about that. i'm sure also mika will be also hearing about isis and the coalition. >> i think chris christie's comments on climate change were really interesting. i mean, he was -- i don't know. it just seemed like -- >> what did he say? >> well, he doesn't think it's a crisis. >> most of the republicans don't think it's a crisis that the democrats and president obama seem to think. they think there is definitely a problem with climate change and it has to be addressed but not at the exof trying to keep the chi going and they rank fighting isis as a bigger crisis. >> your answer is a bit more progressive and that chris christie's was about 30 minutes ago. >> i can't wait to see the front paej of the "union leader"
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tomorrow if barack obama preempt mr. mcquaid. >> in 1976, bush came out of iowa. looked like bush had it won in '76 and then reagan turned everything around in new hampshire. >> well, a big part of the story actually is the "manchester union leader," in an age where newspapers influence is severely diminished about the board, this newspaper has a unique influence over the electorate. the influence, the reach of the paper is still enormous. >> let go live to paris. right now we are awaiting remarks from president obama. >> once again i want to thank the people of france and
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president hollande for their extraordinary hospitality, hosting nearly 200 nations is an enormous task for anybody but to do so just two weeks after the terrorist attacks here is remarkable display of resolve. that's why the first place i visited when i arrived on sunday night was the bataclan so that i could pay my respects on behalf of the american people who share the french people's resolve. it was a powerful reminder of the human toll of those attacks, our hearts about out to the families. based on my discussions with president hollande and other leaders, i am confident we can continue building momentum and adding resources to our effort
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to degrade and ultimately destroy isil, to disrupt plots against american and our allies and to bring about the political resolution necessary to relieve the hardship on the syrian people. now, this has been a quick visit. of course all visits to paris see quick. you always want to stay a little bit longer. i know some would ask why we would devote some of our focus to combatting climate change even as we go after terrorist network. the reason is because this one trend, clima climate change, af
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a all. if we let it the planet continue to warm, we will have to devote more and more of our resources to it. america is already leading on many issues a climate is no different. we've made significant progress at home, increasing production of clean energy, working to reduce emissions while our businesses have created jobs for 68 straight months and we've been able to lower our unemployment rate to 5% in the process. since we worked with china last year to show the two largest
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economies and two largest emitters can cooperate on climate, more than 180 countries have followed our lead in announcing their own targets. the task that remains here in paris is to tour these achievements into an enduring framework of -- we seek an agreement for countries to update their emission targets on a regular basis and each nation has the confidence that other nations are meeting their commitments. we seek an agreement that makes sure developing nations have the resources they need to skip the dirty phase of development, if they're willing to do their part and make sure the nations most vulnerable to climate kang to the impact of investors we can
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no longer destroy. that will -- that's the goal. it's an agreement that helps our economy grow and continue to thrive without condemning the next generation to a planet that is beyond its capacity to repair. now, all of this will be hard. getting 200 nations to agree on anything is hard. and i'm sure there will be moments oaf the next two weeks where progress seems stymied and everyone rushes to right that we are doomed. but i'm convinced we're going to get big things done here. nobody expected that 180 countries would show up in paris with serious climate targets in hand. nobody expected that the price
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of clean energy would nal as fast as it has or that back in the united states the nobody expected that more than 150 of america's biggest companies would pledge their support to an am bosnian serbs paris outcome or that a couple of dozen of the world's wealthiest private citizens would join us here to pledge to invest unprecedented resources to bring clean energy technologies to market faster. what gives me confidence that progress is possible is somebody like bill gates, who i was with yesterday, understands that tackling climate change is not just a moral imperative, it's an opportuni opportunity. without batting an eye, he just said we're going to have to go ahead and invent some new
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technologies to tackle it problem. that kind of opt mission is infectious. and you tend to believe somebody like bill when he says that we're going to get it done since he he's done some prit remarkable things. i believe a successful two weeks here could give the world that same kind of optimism, that the future is ours to shape. so with that, i'm going to tack a few questions. we'll start with jerome cartillier. >> reporter: for months you've been asking mr. putin to have a more attacking role on syria.
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>> i think mr. putin realizes there is not going to be a military resolution to the situation in syria. the russians now have been there for several weeks, over a month. i think fair-minded reporters who have looked at the situation would say that the situation hasn't changed significantly. in the ent rinterim russia's lo commercial passenger jet, you've seen another jet shot down. there have been losses in terms of russian personnel, and i think mr. putin understands that with afghanistan fresh in the memory, for him to simply get bogged down in an inconclusive and paralyzing civil conflict is
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not the outcome that he's looking for. now, where we continue to have an ongoing difference is not on the need for a political settlement, it's the issue of whether mr. assad can continue to serve as president while still bringing that civil war to an end. it's been my estimation for five years now that that's not possible, regardless of how you feel about mr. assad, and i consider somebody who kills hundreds of thousands of his own people illegitimate, but regardless of the moral equation, as a practical matter, it is impossible for mr. assad tobury that country together and
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to bring all the parties into an inclusive government. it is possible to have an encluesive state in which the interests inside of syria are represented. so as part of the vienna process, you're going to see the moderate opposition groups that exist within syria, some of which frankly, you know, we don't have a lot in common with, but do represent significant factions inside of syria, they'll be coming together in order for them to formality least a negotiating unit or process that can move vienna forward. and we're going to just keep on working at this. and my hope and expectation is that that plet call track will move at the same time as we
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continue to apply greater and greater pressure on isil. with the contributions the french have made, the germans have announced additional resources to the fight, the brits have been steady partners in iraq and i think are now very interested in how they can expand their efforts to help deal with isil inside of syria, with not just the cohesion of the coalition that the united states put together but also the increasing intensity of our actions in the air and progressively on the ground, you know, i think it is possible over the next several months that we both see a shift in calculation in the russians and a recognition that it's time to bring the civil war in syria to
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a close. it's not going to be easy. too much blood has been shed, too many infrastructure has been destroyed, too many people have been des placed for isplaced fo anticipate it will be a smooth transition. isil will be a deadly organization because of social media, the resource that it has and the network of experienced fighters it possesses. it's going to continue to be a serious threat for some time to come. but i'm confident that we are on the winning side of this and that ultimately russia's going to recognize the threat that isil poses to its country, to its people is the most significant and that they need to align themselves with those of us who are fighting isil.
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>> thanks, mr. president. >> just iin cink. >> thank you, mr. president. did you receive assurances from president hollande that said president putin had told him he would only target jihadis and isis, that that would be the focus of russia's military campaign going forward? and secondly i wanted to ask about climate, the outstanding issue seems to be whether republicans who have kind of voiced opposition to your agenda could somehow submarine funding for the green climate fund? inning if you're at all concerned about what sara
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mcconnell said that a future president could undo what you're trying to accomplish here in paris. >> first of all, on mr. putin, i don't expect that you're going to see a 1 0 turn on their strategy over the next several weeks. they have invested four years now in keeping assad in power. their presence there is predicated on propping him up. and so that's going to take some time for them to change how they think about the issue. and so long as they are aligned with the regime, a lot of russian resources are still going to be targeted at opposition groups that ultimately are going to end up being part of an inclusive government, that we support or other members of the coalition
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support. and are fighting the regime and fighting isily at the same time. so i don't think we should be under anyily uses that somehow russia starts hitting isil targets. that's not happening now, it's not going to be happening in the next several weeks. what can happen is that the political process that john kerry has so meticulously stitched together in concert with foreign minister lavrov of russia, if that works in vienna, then it's possible given the existing accord that the parties have already agreed to that we start seeing at least pockets of cease-fires in and around syria. that may mean then that certain on session groups no longer find themselves subject to either syrian or russian bombing.
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they are then in a conversation about politics and slowly we then are able to get everybody's attention diverdictted to where need to be and that is going after isil in a systemic way. with respect to climate and what's taking place here, i don't want to get ahead of ourselves. we still need a paris agreement. so my mean focus is paking sure that the united states is a leader in bringing a successful agreement home here in paris. and there are a number of components to it. so i just want to repeat so everybody understands what we will consider success several weeks from now. number one, that it is an ambitious target that seeks a low carbon global economy over
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the course of this century. that means countries have put forward specific targets and although those are self-generating, there is a mechanism in which they are presenting to the world confirmation that they are working on those targets, meeting on those targets, so there's a single transparency mechanism that all countries are adhering to and that those are legally binding, that there's periodic reviews so that as the science changes and as technology changes, five years from now, ten years from now, 15 years from now in each successive cycle, countries can update the pledges that they make and that we've got a climate fund that helps
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developing countries to not only adapt and mitigate but also leap frog over dirty power generation in favor of clean energy. and if we hit those targets, then we will have been successful. not because, by the way the targets will meet the -- but because we will have built the architecture that's needed. we will have established a global con as soon as us of how we're going to approach the problem and then we can successfully turn up the dials as new sources of energy become available, as the unit costs for certainly like solar or
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improvements in battery technology make it easier for us to meet even higher targets and systematically we can drive down carbon emissions and the pace of climate chang oaf the corse of several decades. i want to emphasize this. i know that in some of the reporting, if you add up all the pledgins and they were all met right now, we would be at an estimated $2.7 sent grate increase but if we have these periodic reviews built in, what i believe will happen is that by sending that signal to researchers and scientists and investors and entrepreneurs and venture fund, we'll actually
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start hitting and so when you look at the cumulative targets that may existence years from now, we may well be within the 2% sent grade increase. by when you look at the experience of the united states, for example, i came into office, i prioritized clean energy, i said we're going to double our clean energy production through the recovery act. we rok niezed that making these big investments were also good for the economy and helping us get out of recession and create jobs so we made a big investment and it turned out that we met our goals a will the quicker than we expected. if you had asked me when i first came into office my expectations
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for the price of solar general ratted power versus traditional coal or other fossil fuel generated power, i would say we would make some progress but that sole already would still require substantial subsidies in order to be economical. the cost of solar has gone down much fast are than any of us would have predicted even five years ago. the key here is to set up the structure, we're sending signals all around the world, this is happening. we're not turning back. and the thing about hume eninjen eningeneral u -- ingenuity -- i was going to say american ingenuity, there are other smart folks around, too, i don't want to be too parochial about this,
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human ingenuity respond when it gets a strong seg nal of what needs to be done. the old expression that necessity is the mother of invention. well, this is necessary. and us getting a strong, high-ambition agreement in place, even if it doesn't meet all the goals that we ultimately need to me and that will spur on the innovation that's to. >> reporter: thank you, mr. president. one follow up on the climate chang issue. are you confident that you can hold the u.s. to its commitments under existing treaties with no new vote needed? and separately on planned parenthood, i wondered if you could share your thoughts on that shooting and any thoughts
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in the context of the sharp political rhetoric in the country at this time. >> i apologize i didn't address that. but fortunately nancy was batting cleanup. on the issue of the climate fund, we already engage in assistance to countries for adaptation, mitigation, sharing technology that can help them meet their energy needs in a clean way and so this is multi-year commitments that is already embedded in a whole range that we have and the world. my expectation is that we will absolutely be able to meet our
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commitments. this is part of american leadership, by the way. this is part of the debate that we have to have in the united states more frequently. for some reason, too often in washington american leadership is defined by whether or not we're sending troops somewhere and that's the sole definition of leadership. and part of what i've been trying to describe during the course of my presidency is that where we make the most impact and where, by the way, we strengthen our relationships and influence the most is when we are helping to organize the world around a particular problem. because we're the largest country, because we have the
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most powerful military, we should welcome the fact that we're going to do more and often times we're going to do it first. so during the ebola response, other countries could not respond until we had set up the infrastructure to allow other countries to respond and until we had made the call and show that we were going to make that investment. the same was true with respect to making sure iran didn't get a nuclear weapon. we had to lead the way but ultimately because we reached out and brought our allies and partners together, we were able to achieve goals that we could not have achieved by ourselves. the same is true with climate. when i made the announcement in beijing with president xi, i was able it do so in part because we
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had led domestically. i could put my money where my mouth was and i said here are the tough political decisions we're making now what are you going to do? once we were able to get von and they that they needed to be involved in the process as well. so whether it's organizing the coalition that's fighting isil or dealing with climate change, our role is ten tral but on large international issues like this, it's not going to be sufficient. at least not if we want it to teak, if we want it to sustain itself. we got to have partners. and that's the kind of leadership that we should aspire
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to. with respect to planned parenthood, obviously my heart goes out to the families of those impacted. i mean, nancy, i say this every time we've got one of these mass shootings. this just doesn't happen in other countries. we are rightly determined to prevent terrorist attacks wherever they occur, whether in the united states or with friend and allies like france. and we devote enormous resources and properly so, to rooting out networks and debilitating organizations look isil and maintaining the intelligence and
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improving the information sharing that can identify those who would try to kill innocent people. and yet in the united states we have the power to do more to prevent what is just a regular process of gun homicides. that is unequalled by multiples of five, six, ten. and i think the american people understand that. this spurs a conversation in action and i will continue to present those things that i can did aministratively pu in the end of the day, congress, states, local governments are going to have to act in order to
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make sure that making sure you're preventing people who are deranged or have violent planned parenthood, i think it clear, i've said it before, they provide health services to women all across the country. have for generations. in many cases is it's the only organization that provides health services to impofr, i don't thinks that somethings that beyond the pale of our political discussion. it a serious, legitimate issue. now we talk about it, making sure that we're talking about it
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factually, accurately and not. >> jeb massachusettson. >> reporter: thank you, mr. president. do you believe that turkey is doing enough to strengthen its northwest border with syria? how is it that a nato country with as large a military that turkey has has not sealed this border? and is that something that you raised today? and then to put a fine are point on a climate change question, can leaders gathered here believe that the united states will keep its commitments, even after you've left office if a republican succeeds you in the white house -- let me first of all say that i'm confident of
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the wisdom of the american people on that front. but even if somebody from a different party succeeded me, one of the things you find in this job is you think about it differently than when you're just running for the job. and what you realize is what i mentioned earlier that american leadership involves not just playing to a narrow staconsiste back home but you now are is he tenner of what happens and the world. and that your credibility and america's ability to influence events depend on taking serious
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about now the fact of the i marte is that probably you'll have the largest gather, here in paris. everybody else is taking climate chang really seriously. they think it's a really big probably recommend. it spans political parties. you travel around europe and you talk to leaders of governments and the opposition and they are arguing about a whole bunch of things. so whoever is the next president of the united states, if they come in and they suggest somehow that that global consensus, not just 9.5% of scientists and
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experts but % of world leaders think this is really important. i think the president of the united states is going to need this think this is really important. that's why it's important for us to not project what's going said on a campaign trail but to do what is right and make the case. the good news is the poll tex inside the united states is changing as well. sometimes maybe it's hard for republicans to support something that i'm doing but, you know,
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that's more a matter of, you know, the games washington plays. and that's why i think people should be confident we'll meet our commitments on this. with regard to turkey, i have had repeated conversations with the presidenter that -- there i still a transit line that so we is been having our militaries work together to drm how a combination of hair and turk b
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frb, and i think presidentered want recognizes that. i'm alsoin kournld that the president -- or turkey and the encht u. had a series of meetings around the issue of the turkish/greek border. we have to remind ourselves turkey has tone they are now moving into major cities throughout turkey. that puts enormous strange on their infrastructure, on their housing, on employment and tu turkey has continued to keep those borders open for people in
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real need. so i'm proud that the united states is the single largest contributor of humanitarian aid for syrian refugees. i'm glad the e.u. is looking to do more to help turkey manage those refugee flows but i also think the e.u. wangt to see the orderly process that's necessary for europe to be able to regulate the amount of ref i didn't jis it absorbing and to save the lives of refugees human
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trafbe tra traffickers operating an -- we talked about it today but i guess i'm saying this has been an ongoing situation traf being pip we got to choke them off. we have to choke off how they make money, we have to choke off their ability to bring in new fighters because, you know, we've taken tens of thousands of their fighters off the battlefield but if new ones are still coming in, then they continue to maintain a stranglehold over certain population sen fers inside of iraq or syria. so we've got to cut off their source of new fighters. that's also part of the great
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air strikes is not con strand by the amount of missiles that we have. the pace has been dictated by -- scott. >> reporter: thank you, mr. president. in terms of sending that market signal you talked about today and a couple times this week, i wonder if you see any political path back home toward putting an explus it price on carbon? i have long believed the most elegant way to drive emissions is to put a price on it. this is a classic market failure. if you open up an econ 101
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textbook it will say the market a 2025, in terms of allocating production, except there are certain things the market just doesn't couldn't. it doesn't price. at least not on its on. >> president obama speaking at the climate summit in paris on the feet against isis. he said he is confident from conversations with french president francois holland they will thin to pd. >> the president said the pace of the air strikes is defined by the targets they have. on the situation in syria, he said he's going to keep working on the political process while also applying great are prsh and
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that it will take some time for russia to change who it thinks about syria. the president said once we see more pockets of cease-fires in and around leebia, the plt. >> let's bring in chuck our ter there about pricing carbon so we could get to you in time. anything from the press conference that you kay to i didn't hear anything new. i heard a lot of we're going to need more time to convince the russians, we're going to need more time to figure out or intelligence. so i didn't rae anything new
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other than i need time. >> he had a lot of time and he continues. let's talk about donald trump. i wonder if your sense is the sense that i've got i don't know over the past couple of days. i won't say there's a pan being in the republican party, i would say -- reading business crystal, looking at a lot of conservative commentators, it seems like the heat is really starting to crank and some republicans openly talking about revolt if dp wents the nom where woof seen them move and they've all come from the anti-establishment
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lane, trum many, carson and cruz in various forms. we've seen surges for bush but they've been down. we've seen reverse surges, if you will, for the establishment. rubio gets all this great press, all this great chatter among insiders. hasn't translated yet. and will it ever? we keep assuming there's going to be some normalcy that returns and that the establishment is going to unite and maybe it will be christie's got a new boost from the union leader, that is aing is tant none of them can get out of single digits. where are they going to win? i think that's why the panic's there, joe. it's more than just trump. all the energy has been at various point only with the
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anti-establishment candidates. >> mika, that's a conversation we had offloon with chris in 2012. everybody wanted him to run and he said where do i win? where do i win? that's a question we've been asking about rubio. where does he win? >> so stage is set for who to win? who wents it all? >> please, somebody tell me who can win this thing right now, other than donald trump? >> the establishment win are of iowa can be the nominee for sure, whoever that is. >> joe mcquaid, you've indicated you like donald trump personally but you feel he's ill prepared to be president. do you think in new hampshire that there is a floor for donald trump, that he does not go below that -- >> there's a floor but there's
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as will ceiling. everybody is fixated with the polls, the polls. and the polls flip $ ins hillary was down and out in new hampshire eight years ago. obama was going to think here. i didn't think show. she won. if the kwa mt alisten, pay attention, we got to back somebody. >> but check be that's the problem. every one of those people they're the one that can stop donald trump. so nobody drops out and they keep dividing the pie. >> look, this primary calendar, particularly early on, favors
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the confer winner of iowa. i get what mark is saying about the the establish winner of wa, but the conservative they're set to do really well on march 1st and sec tuesday. i think joe's receipt trmt that might be the way it used to be you needed just one surrogate to say rally votes in the 70s and 0s. maybe it's reversed the establishment is going to rally around one if they open to survive this contingency. >> there just isn't a person, willie, in the republican establishment that can say you've become up i mean, ted
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cruz,s we are all first term senators who are running for president. that would have never happened 10, 15 years ago. there's just no republican establishment left to unite. >> go down the list of candidates not named trump or carson. why would any of those get out of the race at this point? >> they've all got money. znd a then the pac is so tight any one of them could make the case that go this is totally up it. >> let, mark hall prn, you wering issing recall why are this morning.
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>> it's more likely than it's ever been and still not very likely. i think one of the candidate will find his voice, get hot probably in new hampshire and become the person everybody consolidate and, if even they doesn't drop out. i wouldn't argue any of the four have improved as candidates rubio, christie, kasich, bush, they've all got yb a bill better but none of them are setting the world on fire. >> i think chris is a much better candidate than we've ever sen. >> yeah. >> actually, chuck, this is something we were talking to governor christie about afterwards, he actually came out
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of the bridgegate debacle much stronger than he was when he went in. i'm not talking about numbers. i'm just talking about ability. >> with all due respect, i do think of the four christie has improved the most over the last year as a candidate, that he has found his comfort zone, that he has found his voice. i don't know if it's stuff. you still hear grumbling from conservatives that he's not a real conservative. there are ways that if he got -- in his head possible into that eventually pays off in a place like new hampshire. >> all right, chuck todd, thank you very, very. that does it for us. >> joe, thank you for being here. it's great to have you here in
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concord. >> got it. >>. ♪ msnbc live picks up where we left off. have a great day, everybody. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today.
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so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. (friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i'll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs,
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hamsters, guinea pigs... you name it. i'm going to transform the way the world works. (proudly) i programmed that hat. and i can do casaba melons. i'll be helping turbines power cities. i put a turbine on a cat. (friends ooh and ahh) i can make hospitals run more efficiently... this isn't a competition! good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart. president obama just wrapped up a press conference in paris on the global climate. >> the reason is because this one trend, climate change, affects all trends if we let world keep warm as fast as it is and sea levels rising as fast as they are, and whether patterns keep shifting in
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