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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  December 10, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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monday's announcement by donald trump calling for a temporary ban on muslims entering the united states. well, nbc news and "the wall street journal" teamed up to find how voters are reacting to that plan. here's what we found. overall, 57% of americans oppose the idea of that ban. just a quarter support it. a very high no opinion. the republican party is a little more divided than the overall population. a plurality of republicans favor the ban, 36% are against it. what about that demographic that matters even more when it comes to republican primary voters? guess what? it's a more even split. 38% of republican primary voters support trump's call to block muslims. 39% oppose it. so basically evenly divided. here's a broader look, particularly interesting when it comes to trump taunting republicans about a possible
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third party bid. a full 75% of democrats reject the bad. just 13% of urban respondents and 27% of suburban correspondents back trump's plan. and there's also a big education gap on this question. trump's ban opposed by 81% with those of post graduate degree d. those with a high school diploma are split. this poll also finds that more than two-fifths of the country believe trump's statements are frequently insulting or have the wrong approach. 24% say that trump's manner and language might be problematic, but they believe he's raising important issues. another 22% say that trump is
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telling it like it is, and has the right approach. but as you might expect, republicans see trump differently. among republican respondents, only 16% find him insulting. 37% he's raising important issues and 40% say he's telling it like it is and he has the right approach. i want to turn to some breaking news that relates to all of this. with 53 days to go before the caucuses in iowa, 220 days until the republican convention in cleveland, and donald trump still leading the polls, the republican party establishment is now preparing for a brokered convention, officially. let me bring in someone we can call on an msnbc news analyst, bob costa. you broke this story moments ago. it's a group of republican insiders that suddenly decided to start talking about a
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contested convention. how did this come about? >> they met monday night on capitol hill. reince priebus was there, and a group of long-time party hands, people that have been close to mitt romney, george w. bush, people going back many campaigns and said to the party chairman, you have to start to prepare for a brokered convention and have a strategy if this goes to a second ballot. what that means perhaps is having some campaigns if they decided to end, suspend their campaigns to throw their delegates somewhere. >> robert, two of the people in that room were mitch dannials, and former vice president dick cheney. >> this was the ultimate
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gathering of the republican establishment. it was strictly off the record, it was like a political fight club. but the word leaked out and it all became an event, because priebus started the meeting just talking about the rules. and people said, wait a second, mcdonnell, prix dis, what are we going to do if trump has the delegates going into cleveland. >> there's also logistical nightmares for the rnc. if you don't have a presumptive nominee, that means more hotel rooms. it means the nominee doesn't control the speaking slots at the convention. there are a lot of -- there is a logistical reason why you have to prepare for this if you really believe this could happen. >> that's right. and this is something priebus thought would not happen. he said months ago that there would probably be a nominee in
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march for the republican party. there's a concern they can't be overtly anti-trump. they know if they do that trump can run as an independently. so if trump becoming the nominee, they need to have an alternative strategy. >> and i want to clarify one thing. this is a group of party elders that meet regularly. it was started by cheney and daniels. clearly, it was a room filled with the establishment correct, robert? >> certainly. these are people that have been involved in campaigns going back decades. you had governor bush and senator rubio, long-time party insiders. >> bob costa, i'll see you at the end of the show. again, welcome aboard as an official msnbc political
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analyst. we do think this is connected to all things. so let's go back to our poll. two members of our bipartisan polling team, fred yang and republican pollster michael roberts of public opinion strategy. so michael, let's remind people of these numbers again. favor overall, 25%, oppose 57%. with a fairly high no opinion, i want to ask both of you this. what do we make of the nearly 20% who wouldn't give an opinion on this? mike, i'm going to start with you, then fred. >> i think you've got a 2-day-old policy from a member of one person that's running for office from the republican side. i'm not surprised at all 20% of americans don't know what to make of a 2-day-old policy that somebody mentioned seemingly off hand like donald trump often does. so that's all it is, it's just people don't know what to make
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it. and people are a little shocked about what just happened. so no surprise. >> fred, we talked about this before. sometimes people won't say to a live caller what they might call on the internet, because there was an internet flash poll that indicated a higher number of republicans were supportive of trump. that is what some people will ask me, could this be one of those case where is that the undecideds maybe doesn't want to tell a live poller what they think. >> i do think there's some of that. look, i think mike is probably closer to what is going on, as this is a radical policy and people need time to process it. what's interesting about this question is the favor and oppose, 25, 57, is very close to donald trump's overall feeling
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thermometer. so it does indicate trump has limited potential in a general election. >> you have to advise republican campaigns. you have these results, a republican campaign says okay, how should i interpret these results? this is a divided republican primary. basically republicans appear to be split down the middle on this question. >> right. and i think what you've got to say is, first, across the poll, the most important thing is americans aren't looking at donald trump as a -- synonymous with the republican party. only 25% of the people said that he's representing the republican view on this. and so that's the first i think and most important finding from this national survey of adults. as a republican position, i don't know that'9" has much merit or much standing. i think beyond the poll, you have republicans across the hill and the country condemning trump for this kind of position.
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so i don't think there's much mystery there. >> and fred, i guess you look at this and the education divide, which is the starkest. it really is -- i was talking with a muslim colleague who said, i was telling him about the irony of this education divide. he said to me, that's isis. it's the uneducated so-called muslims that are gravitating to isis, not the educated. talk about your ironies of ironies. >> i think the numbers were real interesting. >> all right. fred, michael, thank you both. we got a lot more coming out in the next couple of days. stay tuned. i want to get some reaction from some candidates.
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>> >> today, the house armed services committee released its report on the transfer of five taliban prisoners from gitmo in 2014. the report questioned the legality of the obama administration's decision to exchange those prisoners for captured army sergeant bowe bergdahl and found it had violated several laws and today, the public is hearing from bergdahl for the very first time. speaking of his experience in season two of the popular podcast "serial," he explains why he chose to walk away from his afghanistan outpost in 2008, and the events that led to his eventual capture by the taliban. here's the clip.
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>> just hours ago, bergdahl's lawyer spoke to our own peter alexander of msnbc about the need for bergdahl to speak directly to the public. >> we have struggled from the very beginning to get sergeant bergdahl's version of events out so the public could proceed on the basis of some information instead of rumor. the more everyone knows about the facts and circumstances, the better handle they'll have to draw conclusions. >> that story and debate will continue on that one. we'll be back with more right after the break.
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of course i'll talk about
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isis. but today we're talking about a community in which half of the people don't have jobs. we're talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable. >> that was senator bernie sanders in baltimore on tuesday. sanders wanted to keep the conversation on socioeconomic issues in the black community. senator, thanks for coming on. let me get you to first react to this full-fledged complete poll on donald trump's plan, the large majority of the country against it. what is your initial reaction? >> my reaction is that demagogues historically try to play people off against each other. what we have seen in the last many years in this country is people playing whites against blacks, men against women, straights against gays, native
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born americans against people who immigrate to this country. it's the oldest trick in the world. instead of focusing on why the middle class is disappearing, massive levels of income inequality, corrupt campaign financing, let's blame all muslims or all mexicans are rapists. so we have to come together as address the real problems facing us. >> there's a big divide between urban and rural and education on this. one way to interpret it is many americans don't know much about islam. and you can look at this and say, the more you know, the less fearful you might be. what would you do as president to reassure folks that live in middle america that may not have met many people who are muslim about the religion? >> look, chuck, as i think everybody knows, there are wonderful people in every
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religion. there are awful people in every religion. and historically, terrible, terrible things, including mass murders have been done always in the name of religion. and that's what we're seeing right now. the overwhelming majority of muslim people in our country are law abiding, serious, good people. some are not. that's true of every other religion and what we have to understand is that we judge people as martin luther king jr. reminded us, based on their character, not the color of their skin, not their religion. i think as a nation, we have got to do better. for all of us to get to know each other in a way we don't do, including the muslim community. >> i know when it comes to the issue of isis, there seems to be two challenges. one is military, perhaps diplomatic, in the region itself. the other is defeating an ideology. and i know you were asked a lot on the military front, i don't
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know if you've been asked about the ideology. how do you defeat an ideology like that? >> from the military point of view, we need a coalition from muslim nation who have troops on the ground, supported by the united states, russia, the uk, france. that's all -- >> that's interesting, you would have putin in this coalition? >> absolutely i would. look, they lost an airliner and several hundred people. they have an axe to find here. let's work with them and put aside the differences that we have. but you ask a good question. in a world of despair, chuck, what you have is young people who want to believe in something. and if they don't have meaningful, constructive things to believe in, then terrible people can get them to say you know what life is about? blowing up somebody, giving up your own life. and by the way, it's not just us who has to counter it. read what people like king abdullah has to say. he is leading the effort to
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fight for the soul of islam, to make sure that islam is not hijacked by terrible, terrible people who want to convert it into a religion of hatred and violence. >> it's interesting you brought up king abdullah of jordan. a lot of this, you talk to anybody, there's a feeling that a lot of this has come because too many saudi elites have turned the other way for what's going on inside saudi arabia. how would you handle saudi arabia on this issue? >> i agree with that criticism. look, two things. number one, you have a country like qatar, which happens to be per capita the wealthiest country in the world today, the wealthiest. they will spend $200 billion plus for the world cup soccer games in 2022. you tell me how much they are contributing to the war against isis. and the answer is not a whole lot. saudi arabia, third largest military budget in the world. they're busy in yemen. how about them getting involved
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in the fight against isis. and what we see in both of those countries, there are reports that families in those countries are, in fact, contributing money into isis. that has got to change. >> how do you stop it? what do you do? what leverage do you use? >> you've got a lot of leverage. the united states of america, europe, have a lot of leverage. an enormous amount of leverage to demand that they join us in the fight against isis. that it is in their neighborhood, that sit their religion being hijacked. >> that leverage what, military contracts, what is it? give me an example. >> well, we purchase a whole lot of oil for a start. we sell them a whole lot of military hardware secondarily. we have a whole lot of leverage. >> senator bernie sanders, thanks for coming on this afternoon. >> thank you. up next, the who, what, where, when, and why in today's headlines, including what half
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of millennials say that no longer believe in. it's kind of a bummer. and marco rubio and ted cruz take iowa by storm. but can they overtake trump in a poll ahead of the caucuses? opportunity is everything you make of it. this winter, take advantage of our season's best offers on the latest generation of cadillacs. the 2016 cadillac ats. get this low-mileage lease from around $269 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing.
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the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to, become a member of experian credit tracker, and take charge of your score. time for the ws, and we need a little music. ♪ >> that's the who. michelle obama and "saturday night live" helped out the first lady with her reach higher initiative in that little catchy video. now to the what. the american dream is dead. at least according to nearly half of millennials. in a new poll, 49% say the dream is alive and 48% say it is dead. folks, this is the largest
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voting bloc in america that thinks this. now to the where. it's dubai where a multibillion dollar gulf community is dropping donald trump's likeness over his position on muslims. trump is still in business with the firm, but the complex decided to remove trump's name and image. now let's go to the when. it is saturday and we'll say in the middle east. women in saudi arabia are voting and running in elections for the first time. the country still does not let women drive, but over 900 women are running for public office. now the why. it's jimmy mcmillen. he was new york's colorful perennial candidate for everything. he's retiring from politics. he famously took over 40,000 votes in the 2010 new york gubernatorial race, because he was never shy about telling us why he was running. >> i represent the rent is too damn high party.
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>> because as you know, the rent is too damn high. yesterday, he wrote, rent is too damn high is an international crisis. so there you go. up next, former virginia governor doug wilder joins me to discuss how president obama became a tool of his advisers. that's all in a new book by the former virginia governor. but first, here's the cnbc market wrap. >> we did have stocks getting a bit of a bounce after three days of selling. the dow gaining 82 points, the s&p up by four, the nasdaq up by 22 points. and chipolte's share rallied after the ceo said new procedure also make the restaurant the safest place to eat. the number of americans filing for jobless benefits jumped by 13,000 last week to 282,000. that's a five-month high. and crude oil prices finished down about 1%, hitting a fresh
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2009 low. that's it from cnbc. first in business. this holiday i can count on being slammed with orders. we're getting slammed with orders. and my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. totally slammed! introducing real-time delivery notifications. one more reason this is our season.
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(phone ringing) you can't deal with something by ignoring .t but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard and pay into it, so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates! answer the call already.
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moments ago in chicago, family members of police shooting victims gathered to speak out against the city's police department and mayor rahm emanuel. it came as demonstrators called for mayor rahm emanuel's resignation for a second straight day. protesters stained what they called a die-in and marched with signs that read "do no harm" and "fire emanuel." this comes of publicly released videos showing multiple officer involved shootings. and the mayor continued to try to reach out to the city, attempting to rebuild the public's trust. joining me now is former
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virginia governor doug wilder. good to see you, sir. >> chuck, always good to talk with you. i wish you well in your expanded endeavors. >> thank you so, sir. let me start with getting your reaction. you've probably known rahm emanuel a little bit. >> i've never met him. >> oh, is that right? >> no. you have to go to the white house to meet him and i didn't meet him there. >> we will file that away for a minute there. but let met ask you, give me your advice to him from afar, watching him have to deal with this. >> i'm watching the protesters. my advice to them would be don't stop. continue to demand what is right, and to criticize what is wrong. and leadership means to do just that, to lead. now, you and i know quite well that rahm emanuel, by
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reputation, is a very smart man. there is no way you can tell me that he did not know what had taken place, not just in this place, but other matters affecting the chicago police force. >> so you don't believe his public statements? >> the public statement? the latest one was what? >> that some of this stuff he didn't realize what was on these tapes. >> well, i would say what i have said earlier today, that leadership requires you to be aware of the people on your leadership team. and either you know or you should have known. so the question is not whether he knew. should he have known? and this is what the protesters are saying. it is your job to lead us. it's one thing to point the finger at the police chief and say he didn't do his job. somebody had to mislead the police chief. the police chief should have
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told the mayor, someone else should have told the mayor. who are the people on the leadership team that the mayor has? now, to say the kinds of things -- let me put it to you a better way, chuck. do you think for a moment that rahm emanuel didn't know anything at all until he fired the police chief just last week? and you don't have to answer that question, because i know you can't pass judgment, but i can. and it's very difficult for me to believe that rahm emanuel, as smart a man as he's purported to be, did not know that the police system and chicago was rotten, that it was criticized at every level many, many times, and that the only time he knew anything about this is when this video was released, then i would want to know who kept this video from me? i'm the mayor of the city. who was it that shot the video? who was it that told the police to do whatever they had to do?
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not just fire the police chief, but everybody responsible in that leadership position needs to be re-examined. that's why i support what the demonstrators are saying, and what they're asking for, because -- >> so you believe he should resign? you don't think he has the ability to repair this himself and fix it? >> i don't think that it's going to be done in any foreseeable time in the future that it can be fixed. are you going to fix it in a month, six months, two years? that's the difficulty. i'm not saying he's lying, i'm saying leadership requires him to have known. it's just as bad about the question about howard baker, what did you know, mr. president, and when did you know snit >> so you think he should resign? >> i think the demonstrators have an excellent point in asking for his resignation. >> you are stopping short, i will duley note that.
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>> well, he's best guided by what should serve his best interest. he would be better served by letting the people of chicago know that if his actions led to what did take place, his conscience should direct him to do the right thing. >> let me move to your book. you refer to president obama as a bit tone deaf and said -- >> expand upon that further. is there a specific example where this became most pronounced? >> first of all, i think he'll go down in history as a great president, a good president. and i think to the contrary of the criticism that i recommender, i was one of the first persons recognized by the
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party to come to his aid and support when everybody else was supporting hillary. i talked to you many times relative to supporting obama. yesterday, chuck, when i listened and heard the remarks of justice scalia, saying things that were so totally out of nowhere, i was saying, where is that voice on the supreme court that could speak from experience, having been a person, having been black, having been african-american, who would not be afraid to say what needs to be said? and when you consider that the president had two chances, most presidents don't have any chance, two chances to appoint someone of african-american back ground and heritage to be on the supreme court, and represent the interest of those people who were speaking yesterday about the need for recognizing, they don't have that total representation. hopefully the case can be resolved. but that's one example.
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the other example is when you see the president calling for gun control, but i had the only gun measure in the -- one gun a month. and when he didn't understand it, didn't ask me about it, but asked me to support the man who ran for governor who pledged to defeat it. so being that one vote that defeated the one gun a month thing. so my criticism, the president has another year left, i would hope that he would understand that there are those of us who are elected to political office, not for ourselves, but for what lincoln described of the people, for the people, and that government by the people. and that's what i think has been missing in a couple of instances, particularly as it relates to persons of color. >> governor doug wilder, i'm going to leave it there. the book is called "son of virginia" and you don't pull your punches. >> i try to tell it like it is,
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chuck. and tell the truth. thank you very much. >> good luck with the book, sir. former governor doug wilder. people know the first in the modern era african-american to break the color barrier winning a statewide office. let me bring in my panel here. welcome all. perry, let me start with you. boy, those are some tough words there. i always expect blunt talk from governor wilder, but tough words on rahm emanuel. really doesn't think he has the room anymore to fix this. >> i think there are two issues going on. rahm emanuel, he's known for being very effective. even in washington, he didn't build a lot of allies. the congressional black caucus had a tense relationship with him. so a lot of black leaders did not connect with rahm emanuel. so i'm not surprised they're not rushing to defend him.
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we have a really big moment this last year, and you're seeing it. you saw it in missouri and now you're seeing it in chicago where rahm emanuel was the first chief of staff from the first black president and look where he is now. this movement is really powerful and really angry and trying to change the country and really focus on these issues like police shootings. there's a story in "the new york times" about how there's never been a time when it's harder to be a police commissioner. >> the rahm emanuel i know is not going to quit without a fight here and wanting to prove -- he'll want to prove he can fix this. >> absolutely. i thought that was a very interesting apology/news conference/catharsis that he had. >> the fact that he's doing it two days in a row shows he knows he doesn't have control of this situation. >> and it's gotten bigger than
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him and frankly gotten away from him and he's not getting a lot of national support. he's not getting a lot of people saying let's give this time, let's take the mayor at his word. hillary clinton did not do what i'm sure he wanted to do when she called for the federal civil rights investigation that he didn't want. >> ann brings up a good point. not a lot of democrats are coming to rahm emanuel's defense. national democrats have taken note of the black lives matter movement to a point they realize, it doesn't matter how long you've been friends with somebody. they're not sticking by him. >> they're not, but rahm emanuel benefits from not having this protracted democrat primary. if this was a republican mayor, you would hear all these republican candidates talking about it. >> you're right. there would be pressure for all of them, should he resign or
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not? you're right, it would be in a different spotlight, although this may still not go away. we're going to take break. coming up, marco rubio hitting the trail in iowa. does he campaign in iowa enough or is he letting his rival ted cruz have free reign on the state? we'll take a look after the break. llion people, we are having 5,000 new cars being sold every month. this is a very big problem for us with respect to fast and efficient transportation. it's kind of a losing proposition to keep going this way. we are trying to tackle the problem with several different modes. one of them is the brand new metro. we had a modest forecast: 110,000 passengers per day in the first line. we are already over 200,000. our collaboration with citi has been very important from the very beginning. citi was our biggest supporter and our only private bank. we are not only being efficient in the way we are moving people now,
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the wake of the san bernardino shootings has been widespread on the internet. last night, facebook creator mark zuckerberg wrote -- >> well, "the post" has over 1 million likes and 200,000 shares. we'll be right back. looks like some folks have had it with their airline credit card miles. sometimes those seats cost a ridiculous number of miles... or there's a fee to use them. i know. it's so frustrating.
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presidential rivals, trying to overtake donald trump in the polls. after a series of news stories saying rubio doesn't have much of a ground game in the early states, rubio is hitting three separate events in the hawkeye state today to tell us and the press otherwise. at one, he was asked about cruz's foreign policy. >> bottom line, the issues that we face, in each instance which senator cruz and others, not just him, have been given the choice between isolationism and the defense of our country, he's chosen neoisolationism. >> that's one way to frame it. while rubio is hitting cruz, is cruz starting to take on donald trump? at a fund-raiser yesterday, cruz questioned whether trump has the judgment to be president. cruz was asked about that comment today. cruz doesn't deny it, but listen to what he says. >> i'm not going to comment on what i may or may not have said at a private fund raiser.
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but the course of a presidential election, the voters will make a decision about every candidate and ultimately the decision is who has the right judgment? >> alley jackson is following this for us and joins me from des moines. so hally, i was going to say that was a nondenial denial. but that's a guy saying look, i'm going to take on trump. >> reporter: the thing is, chuck, he almost can't deny it now, because in the last couple of minutes "the new york times" posted a recording of that fund-raiser where you can hear cruz talking about this. it was provided to "the new york times" by an attendee and cruz says my approach so far has been to bear hug both of them, meaning trump and carson, and to smother them with love. and this is something if you've been watch thing campaign and this race, you know that ted cruz, given every opportunity to go after trump.
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when he says these controversial comments, cruise every time has declined to do so, because he feels that those trump supporters could eventually come over to cruz. he may be starting to turn up the heat a little bit. it's something we may see going forward with policy disagreements. at some point, somebody has to take on trump to knock him out of the top spot. >> doesn't look that cold yet. see you out there soon. beautiful capital in the background. let me bring back the panel. robert, let me start with you. cruz was smart enough to know there may have been a recording, so he clearly didn't fall into the trap of denying what he said. what do you make of it? >> he's just waiting for the inevitable. trump's waiting for this fight to happen with cruz. and it seems to be on the rise. >> let me check twitter right
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now. can we do that? >> you better check real donald trump. >> perry, this was inevitable at some point. they're both trying to win in iowa. >> even is already questioning donald trump's credentials. i don't know if he'll say it immediately, because we're seeing the cruz versus rubio fight right now. >> it is interesting how rubio wants to frame this argument going back to rubio here. but i go back, and anna, i can't -- we were talking about this a little more, but rubio looks like sometimes he's ce d'ing edceding iowa to cruz and i question that. >> you look at the difference on the democratic side, and hillary and bernie both are going there just about every week. certainly iowans know the difference.
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there are people, as you well know, who are professional attendees at these things and they go to republican and democratic events. cruz is evene saw cruz ahead of trump in one poll. >> there are two cruzs that spent a lot of time in iowa. we all should point out that ted cruz got an important endorsement. that's a big deal. >> it's a big deal because cruz's base people are plugged in not just republicans who see trump as an interesting figure. cruz has a ground game there. >> and it almost feels as if he has every single -- what cruz is putting together is the same evangelical activist base except cruz has one other thing going for him, early money. >> this is a unique kind of --
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he is the right person to have with you. the key thing was huckabee and santorum ran out of money. cruz has done well. he is like the test will be if you are the evangelical candidate moderates don't see you as the candidate. can cruz bridge the gap enough? most polls show trump is doing well among evangelicals. maybe trump is doing the immigration, muslim comments and maybe has a new -- >> the evangelical number is softer. i can bet you the pitch that cruz makes to evangelical leaders is this, i'm the first guy you can endorse that is going to get the nomination. we are talking scenarios. can cruz and rubio pull ahead or
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will the gop grudge match play out across the country? we get to hang out in cleveland for a long time. we will look at it all in the lid right after the break. who wants to try? before earning enough cash back from bank of america
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tand that's what we're doings to chat xfinity.rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. breaking news from the fbi. we are awaiting a press conference with the fbi at the site of a dive team search taking place near last week's mass shooting and terrorist attack in san bernardino. this is about two miles north of
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the inland regional center where 14 people were killed. the fbi did not confirm whether the search is in connection with the shooting but they are setting up a press conference and obviously they are still searching for anything, any clues related to what happened, any material evidence, any electronic evidence that the two terrorists had or tried to destroy with them. the minute that news conference starts we will bring it to you live. before we go, 53 days left until the iowa caucuses and basically five possibilities emerging for the 2016 race to shakeout. trump wins one or both of iowa and new hampshire and basically starts sailing away. second, the invisible front runner ted cruz takes iowa and sets up for south carolina and racks up wins and becomes true republican front runner. third, the party coalesces
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around an establishment candidate. is it marco rubio? marco rubio wins iowa and the whole thing ends. and then there is a fifth scenario. cruz wins iowa, trump new hampshire, maybe rubio in nevada and we have a three way grudge match to the convention. you have broke this convention story and participants all trying to rekwarcharacterize ow reporting is going. which makes most sense? >> i think cruz does well in iowa and you have a cruz/trump battle. the party is preparing for chaos. that is telling in and of itself. >> cruz/trump? >> definitely cruz. you brought up the fourth possibility. in '04 we thought -- i think
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this notion that maybe the polls are a little bit off or voters zone in more numbers might change. >> and i want to build on that. at this point in time before iowa it was something like two weeks before because the caucus is right before new year's. you had the scenario where everybody thought dean was going to win. people were talking about how long this thing is going to go on. rubio i think is the one candidate that could present that scenario. >> you put out a compelling case for that. i really do think, though, that trump has shown such durability in iowa and he is only up by about three points. that's not where he would like to be. we did see one poll with cruz ahead of him in iowa. >> and i think that the thing
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that we know the least about and my unknown here is if trump doesn't win iowa, how does he handle basically being second or third? how does he handle that? >> can he handle political pain? he says he has been through the real estate recession of the early '90s. we never seen him run a full campaign. it is one of the biggest tests of his career. >> sometimes it's not how you handle your first win, it's how you handle the first concession. >> how do his voters think about when he loses? his campaign is i'm a winner. i am curious to see once he lost does that change their view of him? >> i wonder do voters -- the more we talk about it do voters start responding to that? >> i doubt it. i think the trump phenomenon is
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completely a piece unto itself. i don't think it is affected boy this discussion. >> there are no rules that will apply to anything with donald trump. thank you. we'll be back tomorrow. erica hill picks up our coverage next. we are awaiting a big fbi news conference it looks like related to the san bernardino terrorist attack. tonight on msnbc live, breaking news reports republican leaders are preparing for brokered convention realizing donald trump isn't going away anytime soon. also breaking tonight waiting right now for an update from the fbi in the san bernardino where they have been searching this lake throughout the day. we will bring that to you as soon as we get it. members of congress briefed about last week's massacre


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