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tv   Locked Up Abroad  MSNBC  December 27, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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xxx it just sounded like most of the other jobs that i have had ever done. it was a new club in the caribbean. >> there something not right here. >> you are taking drugs back to england. >> and putting them in a shampoo bottle. >> it is ludicrous. it is mental.
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and in prison in the caribbean for 20 years, and good luck with that. >> after what i was just going through. >> the englishman will be dead within two weeks. it was a pole dancer, and what we used to call the table dancers. basically just dancing and having fun and a laugh with the guys in the audience. i love music. i love dancing, and the pay was excellent. one night, this girl, she just came and asked if i was interested in doing a job abroad. >> god yeah.
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what else? >> and she mentioned it would be guyana, and south america, and the money would be very good. i am thinking, yeah, i could do with a little bit of a holiday to be honest. i didn't say yes straight to away, but i said that i would probably do it after i spoke to davi david. >> hey, darling. >> hello, love. >> when i got home that night, david was still up. >> you know i have been offered a job. >> and she said she had a job offer, and pole dancing and teaching the locals like at the gym. i said, not a chance. i said no way am i letting you go to south america, not in a million years. we didn't argue about it, but i said, no, jayne, it is not happening. >> i was angry a little bit, because i had it in my head that
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i was going off to the caribbean. he can be stubborn, but i usually get my own way, so i thought that i would be able to talk him around. ♪ the next time i was working in the club, the girl introduced me to this tall black guy who said, hello, i'm mr. biggs, pleased to meet you. >> beautiful woman you are. >> thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> he was very polite and charming, and he even said to e me, it was a new club in guyana that needed to teach some of the local girls, so i would be teaching them how to do the pole dancing, and just doing a show a night myself. >> so you teach the dance. >> and relax in the day, and then work at night. to me, there was nothing unusual. i did mention him that david was not so happy about me going on
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my own, and so i asked if it would be possible for david to come with me? >> i don't think it is a problem at all. >> oh, really? that sounds good. so i said that i will have david come meet with him, and he is comfortab comfortable, and we are off. in my head, i was already packing my bags. >> and two or three days later, i had a knock at the door. >> hello, how are you? my name is steve and everybody knows me as biggs. >> he came in and sat down. >> so david, mind if i call you dave? >> not at all. >> straight away, i liked the guy. and he says, i know that you are probably worried about thing, and sending a girl out to south america, and it sounds dodgey, but believe me, he said, that is why i have said thatly pay for you the go with her, and the hotels and everything will be paid for, and all of your expenses. i think that i just pushed that little doubt to the back of my
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head. i'm starting to think, well, you are worrying for no reason. >> come on, when is the last time we had a holiday? >> so we decided rightly, let's just go for it and go out there to have a break. >> okay. >> nice. >> we'll do it. shook hands, and said, i'll be in touch with the tickets. >> see you. >> i will see you when you get back. we're on? >> yes! >> and after jayne was smiling and said, i knew we were going to go whether i wanted to or not. >> i got my own way in the end. >> and the biggest mistake of my life, without a shadow of a doubt. we got off of the plane, and it was about 8:00 at night. >> and so we were expecting somebody waiting with the name cards like they do and
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everything. and somebody was supposed to meet us there, and they are not here. we well, we have the details of the hotel, and we know where we are going, so shall we just grab a cab and go there? >> that is what we did. the driver pulled up alongside the hotel, and it is a big ho l hotel. and five-star. all lit up, very clean. my mood lifted. i felt a lot better. >> i thought, fantastic. this is what i came for. >> and we went to the reception and gave our names. >> david and jayne blaine. he couldn't find us. >> i am sorry, there is not a reservation by that name. i said, you have to check, and there has to be a mistake. she checked again, and we were not booked in.
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i could see jayne's face. >> thin got to thinking, what the hell is going on? >> and in the middle of south america, and you have got no ohotel room, and it is getting late at night, and nobody has met you. all of my alarm bells that had been kicked to the back started ringing again. i said, look, the om thing that we can do is to book in and pay for the room. and then tomorrow, try to get a hold of these people. >> okay. thank you very much. >> we had been there about five minutes, and a bang on the door. and i answered the door. >> hi. i'm michael. >> he looked a little bit rough and ready, the guy, but polite, very polite man. >> look, aim so sorry, i should have met you at the airport and
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all i can do is to apologize. >> and jayne was a little bit angry with the guy. >> hello, are you the person who is supposed to have met us at the airport? and we waited there almost an hour in a strange country and you leave us stranded. >> i am so sorry, i mixed up the flight times. i am so sorry. >> he was polite and apologizing. >> and i know you told me that it is the hotel. >> and he said, this is not the hotel, but when you come through customs, and let them know that you are staying somewhere that is already. >> and the other hotel that we are going to take you to is as nice as this one. just stay here and relax and have a good night's sleep. he said good night, and he went. >> there you go. >> and me and jayne were laughing. the mood lifted again. it has been a mistake, and these
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things happen. >> the next day. we had gotten all of our things together. he met us. he was nice again. he just took us to the car. >> it was a little bit safer that we could see through car window, and few bars and restaurants and people milling about. everything was back on track, you know. we came off of the main road and drove down a couple of, like, i would say basically trucks. we were there for about another
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five minutes, and we pulled up to this hotel. we could see that there was a fence all of the way around it, you know. but there was nobody there. nobody. we had been there about two minutes, and we got a knock on the door. >> are you are all right? >> it was michael. >> and he was with a big african guy. >> for some reason he got on a bomber jacket, a zip-up jacket, and he looked a little bit spooky, the guy. a guy you would not want to cross >> and michael said, oh, this is john. he'll be taking care of you while you are here sh, and anytg that you need or you want, we have to see john. >> so if you want to go into town or anything, john will come with you to make sure that you are safe. >> like a body guard. >> and michael said they are having trouble with the license
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at the club, and he says, so, everything is on hold for a day or maybe two days. so, just, you know, be cool, and everything is still on track. >> and just waiting for the license. >> okay. >> i will see you out. >> i am thinking, oh, here we go again, another problem. but after he went, jayne said, well, mind you, that gives us a couple of days to just chill out. >> hey, come on, and stop worrying. and jayne said that we can go in the daytime to the hotel and go by their pool. >> the pool was lovely, and i forgot the other hotel, because i will just sleep there and come to this one everyday. >> nice. >> it was fantastic. and relaxed. i could do two weeks of this,
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you know. brilliant. i laid there just relaxing, and i could see john coming to the hotel, and coming into the hotel pool area. you know, i thought maybe just coming to check to see if we were okay. but he looked serious. and he lent over to me, and he said, i need you to go back to the hotel. i said, there is nothing at that hotel. i said, what, we are just taking in some sun and drink, and he looked at me and he said, i need you to go back to the hotel, and i'm not going to ask you again. he said, i'm telling you. >> go back to the hotel. no more discussion. >> as he lean ed over, you coul
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see in the jacket that he had a gun. >> come back to the hotel now, all right. >> i saw david's face, and the expression changed. >> all right, all right, mate. >> i said, jayne, look, just get your thing, and let's just go. >> we walked right through the h hotel, and it was silent. there was a car waiting. he just opened up the door, and he said, get in. >> i thought, well, i'm in a strange country, and this guy there in the front with a gun. >> this is not right.
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did we just, start looking for a house? oh did you see that listing on zillow i sent you. you see that bathroom? did we just decide to buy house? i think so. yay! find your way home. zillow.
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wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini.
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when we got back to the hotel, michael was waiting. >> he said, i need you to go up to your room, and i will be up in a minute. >> jayne is so walking around the room ranting and raving a little bit. >> there is nothing to do here. >> i said, jayne, calm down here, and we will see what they have to say. and the door just opened, and they walked in. michael said, look, i dont n't w what you have been told in england, but you are here the to do a job. i said, what do you mean? >> why do you think that you are here here? nobody flies all of the way to south america for no reason. >> i am here to do a dancing job. he says no matter what you are told, are there is no club. there is no dancing. he says you know why you are
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here. >> you are taking drugs back to england, simple as that. >> and as soon as the words came out of his mouth, take drugs back to england. >> i kind of lost it. >> wait. >> you are going to do exactly as you are told. >> john says, you are in this country, and nobody knows where where you are many this country, and if we want you to disappear, you will just disappear. >> all of the sudden, the look just scared me to death. michael said, take your suitcases, and your clothes, and we will plant a kilo of cocaine in each bag. >> jayne is just shaking her head saying no, way am i doing it. and john said, that you are doing it, and that is the end of the matter. tomorrow morning, we will take you to airport and things will
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start from there. they took the case, and they got our passports and any money that we had. these guys said, don't try to leave your room. and don't try to leave the h hotel, they said, because you will pay. they said, and at the end of the day, you will pay with your life. >> now, we are just stuck there in the room. both of us were just absolutely terrified. >> it is okay. >> at one point i said, look, i'm going to have a look, and see downstairs and see if there is any way we can get out of here. there's nobody else in the hotel. there is no guests or anything like that, because i saw just
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what they used the hotel for. i walk odd the top of the stair s, and took the about three steps down the stairs, and there's a john stood there right at the side of the door. it was no exit from the hotel apart from down these stairs. you won't get out, and simple as tha that. >> we didn't sleep much that night at all. >> can we tell somebody. can we tell the police? but the trouble is that our phones didn't work. the hotel phones didn't work. we couldn't phone anybody.
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i really believe that 100% no doubt the about it, these guys would have shot us. total nightmare. i said to jayne, look, we are going to have to do what they say. like it or not, we are going to do it. the next morning john and michael barge into the room brandishing two brand-new suitcases. john pulled out a bottle, and it was a shampoo bottle, and he explained that the drugs were inside of these bottles. >> cocaine in this bottle. >> i thought, good god, this is going to be amateur hour sh, an
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you know, putting it in the the shampoo bottle, and anybody who just opens it up, they are going to know straight away what is in it. and he said, eight bottles in each case. i said, you are not flying direct, but from here to st. lucia into st. martins, into guadalupe into france. >> and when you get to france, you take a ferry straight to england. >> it is ludicrous. it is mental. this is, and there is a reason for it, because the route we take, we know it is safe. we have done it a thousand times he says, a thousand times, and everybody has paid. the police are paid. and the people at the airports are paid, and the customs are pa paid, and so you can't get caught. they told us when we got back to england, and as soon as we handed the case over, we we
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would get 8,000 for it. wh what? $8,000 for what we were risking, you would not do it for a million. there is no way around it in the situation that we are in, we have to do it. >> i am just like a zombie. i am just doing what david is telling me to do. >> she was just terrified. i could see it written all over her face, you know. >> i felt like crying, but i didn't want to like show emotions in front of these guys. >> it is killing me inside, because i am the guy that is there to look after her, and i should haven't let this happen at the end of the day, and now i feel guilty, because i cannot protect her, you know.
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when we arrived at the airport. john opened up the door and put both cases out. we walked into the airport.
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and there was a woman checking the bags, and straight away, you think, i have had it. and she is checking all of the bags. i said, john, they are going through all of the bags. and john says you are not going to be searched. take your case, and go into checkout. and just go through and get on the plane. we walked up, and everybody else had been searched, everybody with a case had been searched.
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i looked back and john was still standing at the door just watching to make sure that we went through. make sure that we are getting on the plane. >> i am shaking, and i'm sweating. i am shure that people could se the fear in my face. >> and she just waved us over. good god, we are going to be stopped. we are going to be caught. this is it. and then after an hour, she waveded us past, and both case, and never looked in it, the bags or anything. the pressure on top of me just
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seemed to vanish, you nknow. >> thank you. >> and ki remember walking off with jane saying, god, that were easy. and nobody gave it a second glance, you nknow. nobody batted an eyelid. as we get back into the airport, it started coming back again and we were waiting at the carousel, five, ten minutes, and the bags come around. and then it is that walk, you know, that you have to go through customs, and you know, you have to go through customs. and all i kept thinking to myself, i feel sick. calm down, calm down. it is madness. you know, your head is going 11,000 miles an hour thinking,
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if we get stopped what shall i say? what shall i say? >> i am still scattered thinking, do i look like i have anything with me? i am trying to act as calm and normal as possible. >> i looked at the guy, and he smiled and i thought that he was going to say, come through. hi. bag on the counter please. and he just said, "can you put your bag on the counter?" at that point, i could have physically been sick there. yes, have you got the keys to unlock the lock. i was trying to take the key out without shaking.
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he never said anything, but he looked at me and looked at the the bag, and rummaged through the bag, and it is like he knew what he was going for. i thought that my heart was going to the come through my mouth. >> i was thinking, that is it, we are caught. this guy is not stupid. >> i could have just burst into tears. when he flicked the lid open, it was game over, you know, life over, in prison n the caribbean, and 20 years, and good luck with that. but ha what happened is that when he squirted it, shampoo came out.
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i couldn't take my eyes off of what he was doing, like every motion, everything that he was doing. he looked at me again, and he took a tissue and wiped it down. he said that everything is fine, take your bags and go through. i could have kissed the man, you kno know. >> as we are walking out of the airport both me and david were just laughing. we knew that we had got through. >> it is like you had won the lottery. the relief is just overwhelming, and it is like, we have gotten away with it. god, it is -- sheer joy. >> it was my birthday, and so david says, go out and have a
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drink, and have a good time for your birthday for tonight. >> one, two, three. >> i can remember waking up pretty early, and the hangover from hell, and i just nudged jayne, and i said, how easy was that, jayne? i says that guy at customs office, and he searched the bag, and tried the shampoo. and if field him, it is going to fool everybody. i said, we are going to make this. michael said that there a payment of $8,000 when we get back to england. >> and you will get an envelope with 8,000 pounds in it. >> we had been through all of the terror and the pain and if we don't deserve 8,000, who
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does. let's take these jokers and get them over to the england and then let's just spend the money. >> and i looked at david, and i said, let's just go the rest of the way home, and drop the bottles off with them, and pick up the cash and go. >> within three days, we had become international drug smugglers.
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checking out the listing on zillow i sent you? yeah, i like it. this place has a great backyard. i can't believe we're finally doing this. all of this...
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stacey, benjamin... this is daniel. you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow.
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hi, i'm richard lui with the day's top stories. 11 people are confirmed dead in texas, and four counties declared disaster. in amarillo r there is a chose sure of i-40 and the same storm that dropped a foot of snow in n new mexico. and there are eight dead from flash floods in missouri as well. and in arkansas, officials are investigating a possible tornado
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near little rock. that is a look at the top stories. and now, we continue with "lockup abroad." the next morning we got into the car, and went off to the airport. >> from st. lucia, we were headed to guadalupguadalupe. i don't believe i was even nervous. >> i was acting more normal, and tourists, and island hopping. >> i think thats wer the nerve gone, because we had done the hard part, and a few security guards about, and smaller airport, and we would get through there no problem. the bags come around and ours still had not come off of the plane. everybody else got their
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luggage. ours did not come off of the plane. >> and i remember looking around and thinking that there are less and less people in here. >> i stood there for five minutes, an one bag came around. it was jayne's. >> we have two of these. >> took it off, and still waiting for my bag. no bag. >> i looked at a david, and i said, what is going on? i am thinking, then, they know, they know. >> i said, i have to go up to the information and report the bag missing. and i said, look, we just got here from st. lucia and two bags, and there is only one
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case. >> when she got off of the phone, she said it is a mistake, it is left on the plane, and going to the next destination. she said, don't worry, we will deliver it to your hotel. so then i calmed down again. they just left it on the plane by mistake. >> don't worry about it. >> and now, jayne is trying to calm me down. so i am trying to think positively, yeah, it is just a mistake. it has just been left on board. walking through the customs, and nobody else around. nobody. apart from the customs man on the desk. and all hell is let loose! they just appeared. out of every door.
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>> it was just absolutely petrifying. >> there you are ton the floor, and 20 coppers there, and guns all out, and one pressed in the back of your head. i could hear her saying, i haven't done anything wrong. i haven't done anything wrong. i am trying to say, leave her alone. leave her alone, and he said, you are under the arrest for transportation of cocaine. right at that second, my life had gone, you know. dragged into a little room, and guns at the back of our heads.
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>> they take the case and put it on the counter in front of us. they opened the suitcase up. and immediately, immediately, picked up a bottle. >> complete and utter fear. absolutely terrified. >> they just took a knife out and cut the bottle open, and pulled out a bag. panic, panic, panic. >> they got a testing thing, and put it in there and dumped it.
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they said, this is liquid cocaine. and she looked at me, and i could see that we were terrified. they photographed it. and all of the policemen behind all shaking hands and generally all smiling, and they had been tipped off that we were coming. and we were meant to get start right from the start. i am sure all 40 or 50 key loil. all we were, we were decoys. nightmare, absolutely. nightmare. oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right?
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jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. ♪ you make me feel so young... it's what you do. ♪ you make me feel ♪ so spring has sprung.
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they put us both in the back of the big van and drove us off to the prison. go god, it is awful. >> i am thinking that i have got him into this. why the hell did i talk david into it? when he said no, why didn't i just leave it at that? i hated myself. when we got to the prison gates, there were guards there with the guns, and it was all like the b barbed wire fencing. >> i stepped out of the van, and they yanked me off to one officer, and jayne to another one. >> i didn't realize that we were
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going to be taken in through separate doors. >> all i could think of is, god, a place like this, and women getting raped and anything can happy to her. >> jayne! >> i was scared to death for the girl, you know. scared to death for her. >> he just looked at me and turn and he shouted "i love you." "i love you." >> i am thinking, how can he? how can he still love me after what i have just gotten him into? >> all i remember is walking through the gates, and everything was quiet and silent and strange. two officers came up to the side of me. and he opened the door.
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you never heard anything like it in my life. endless shouting, and banging of the doors. banging and banging. they were throwing things out of the window, and burning cloths. when he opened the door, and he the turned to me, and he says, englishman, he says, you will be dead in two weeks.
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>> and the conditions for me weren't that bad. the rooms was was clean. the guards were quite nice. by that point, i weren't scared for myself any more it. was worried about david. i was scared for him. >> every day i was in prison, you live in fear, someone is going to stab you or kill you. you've got all the tricks from the earth. petty criminals, armed robbers to child killers. i was terrified.
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i had been in there two weeks. it was a sunday afternoon it. can remember walking down steel stairs to the bottom landing. they were blistering me up. i've got a shirt on. i took the shirt off. but i've got the shirt on my head. a guard smashed me legs from underneath me. i fell down the stairs. i hit my head. i hit my back. i just felt the bones in my back crunch. i landed on a heap on the bottom. i could feel the blood gushing out of my head, you know?
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someone took a white sheet and threw it over me, you know? they thought i was dead. i can't believe we're finally doing this. all of this... stacey, benjamin... this is daniel. you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow.
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>> they took me to the infirmary semi conscious. in and out consciousness. three broken ribs. i needed about 14 stitches in my head. bottom two lumber disks exploded into nothing. they were just gone. completely gone.
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they gave me a pair of crutches and lugged me back to prison. i'm crippled. it was tremendous pain. they don't care. they just want you back in the system. >> i heard a rumor they had been attacked. they didn't give me any details. i was scared to death the whole time. i'm terrified for him. not for me, but for him. >> i could see the women's cell block through a cell window. so i took the pillow case off. i've got a marker pen of some kind.
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i put it like a flag outside the window. >> it caught me out of the corner of my eye. i glimpse and i see this big pillow case out the window. it just said, "jane, i love you" on it. i instantly knew it was david's. >> hey! >> i stuck my arm out the window and i'm waving. i start shouting to him. >> first i saw jane's arm come through. it made my heart race. just to hear her voice, "i love you" just for that few seconds meant the world.
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>> i had gotten the release forms. it was amazing. i knew that day was here that we was absolutely going home. >> the guard come up with a wheelchair and to wheel me to the reception. >> i just run up to him poking him to bits. and i'm thinking i'm not letting him go in case they take me back. >> it was like, let's just kwet out of here. you know? it's joy.
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overwhelming euphoria. without it, that hole, that cesspool, that prison. i paid a high price, you know? a very high price. healthwise, yeah, it's damage beyond repair. them two years has cost me my mobility, you know? i will end up in a while chair. >> with a lot of people, it would have broken, but i just love him to death. >> i regret not having a little more common sense at the time and sticking to my instincts. i was going through a situation that anybody can go into. believe me, it can happen to
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anybody. it really can. we didn't never want to blame each other. i love her to bits. we're soul mates. always. i never committed a crime in my entire life. i never thought that a small lie could spin out of control. >> give us our documents. we'll be out of here. >> that was just beyond a nightmare. >> this is the court. >> a cage. a cage is for animals. human trafficking? are you


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