tv Caught on Camera MSNBC December 30, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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ecks that you have provided from her and that maybe she will then be able to go to high school thanks to one of those scholarships that you provide. and then maybe, like dr. muteti, just maybe she can make it through college, and then maybe become an educator one day herself. and maybe one day, like dr. muteti, she will send a contribution to k.i.n.d. and send us a tweet that says she is supporting kids in need of desks because she lived it. through a maximum-security
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prison wall. >> nobody's ever seen anything like that before. >> "caught on camera," audacious "caught on camera: inmates and outlaws." hello. i'm contessa brewer. welcome to "caught on camera." when dealing with dangerous people out on patrol or inside prison walls, members of law enforcement know never to let down their guard because the minute that happens, something terrible could unfold. one ohio officer learned that lesson the hard way. a late-night arrest leads to sudden violence. >> this was a person whose intent was clearly to hurt someone. >> this came out of the blue. he did not see it coming. >> and a fight for his life.
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>> you don't know how it's going to end. >> may 15th, 2011. elyria, ohio, 3:00 a.m. in a small town 30 miles west of cleveland. police are called to the house of 29-year-old anthony thomas whose girlfriend calls 911 after a fight. officer william whit arrests thomas when he realizes he has an outstanding warrant for contempt of court. thomas doesn't resist, and the drive back to the station is uneventful, except for one brief exchange. >> at some point in that time frame, mr. thomas made the comment, i can smell the fear in you. officer whit's reply was something like i'm not afraid of you. >> whit, a 17-year veteran with the p.d. doesn't think much of the comment. >> it's not uncommon for somebody that we're going to arrest to act tough and want to say things while they're in handcuffs. when you take the handcuffs off them like you would do in the booking area, they rarely ever
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follow through with anything. >> after removing the cuffs, officer whit moves behind the counter to finish booking the suspect. what happens next catches whit off guard. >> he jumped over the counter right at officer whit. >> leaping nearly four feet in the air, thomas attacks officer whit. >> mr. thomas clearly resecures his pants and moves back to get himself in position go over the counter. so it was clearly thought about. it wasn't like it was something that just happened. >> officer whit slams him down on the floor. >> he pushes his hands forward to try to stop the attack. there's a pretty intense struggle. there's absolutely no way i would want to encounter officer whit. just his size alone, his stature is intimidating. >> officer whit is probably the biggest officer we have on the department. he's around 6'6, at least 300 pounds. >> at first anthony thomas, 6'2, 180 pounds, seems outmatched, but it's only a matter of seconds before he springs up and overpowers the officer.
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>> thomas was trying to get officer whit in it looks like a choke hold. officer whit is able to push away from that. you see officer whit go to the phone trying to call for help. >> that phone is officer whit's lifeline, but before whit can make the call, thomas maneuvers behind him to take control, and that's when the fight takes a potentially deadly turn. >> he definitely did try to go for the gun. >> but the gun is not in the holster. >> mr. thomas thought that officer whit still had his weapon. >> earlier that night whit brought thomas in through the station's secure sally port. >> prior to bringing him into the booking area, he removed his handgun and put it in the gun locker. but thomas did not see the officer put his gun away, which is why he continues to go after it, forcing whit to turn and defend himself. the violence escalates. >> it was an all out fight. >> there was a lot going on. it looked like he was hit full force. >> officer whit isn't able to call for help, but dislodging the receiver gets the attention
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of the dispatcher. >> dispatcher tina thompson saw officer whit on the camera, and he was kind of hunched over. lunged over. she thought he was having some kind of medical distress. she immediately got on the radio and said an officer needs help in the jail. >> meanwhile, thomas pours on the pressure. he grabs the officer's neck and applies a stranglehold. >> i am sure to officer whit it seemed like a lifetime for backup to arrive. that's what it feels like. when you fight somebody straight for 30 seconds, it takes all your energy away. officer whit fought this guy for a minute and five seconds straight. >> just when it seems like thomas might suffocate him, officer whit summons a reserve of strength. >> officer whit's hands are on thomas's neck. you can see thomas slowly starting to lose the fight. >> in a situation where a policeman or anybody is fighting for their life, deadly force is justified. >> after whit regains control, almost 30 seconds pass before
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backup finally arrives. the officer lets go, but thomas continues to struggle. >> once on the ground, mr. thomas didn't give up. trying to handcuff somebody who doesn't want to be handcuffed is not an easy task. the officers were holding down his shoulders, they were holding down his legs so he couldn't kick them, and, finally, they were able to get him handcuffed. >> anthony thomas is finally subdued and cuffed and taken to the lorain county jail. >> mr. thomas came into the department on a contempt-of- court charge, which is a low-grade misdemeanor. he left our department with a felony assaulting an officer charge. all when he was going to be released on a summons for the first one. >> thomas pleads not guilty to the felony assault charge. he's awaiting trial. officer whit sustains minor injuries.
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>> we do not have time to be afraid. we react. if you want to be afraid or you want to think about the events or think about the dangers, it happens afterwards. that's when you think to yourself, wow, that could have been bad. coming up, a deputy gets taken for a ride across a busy highway. >> my life was flashing before my eyes. and, later, choreographed chaos in a prison yard. >> just like that. somebody gives somebody a cue, and it's people chasing other people with knives. >> when "caught on camera: inmates and outlaws" continues. ] no matter what nasty cold symptoms you get, alka seltzer plus liquid gels rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. and they outsell mucinex liquid gels 2 to 1. alka seltzer plus liquid gels.
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a florida traffic stop turns terrifying when a reckless motorcycle rider guns it through a red light, dragging the deputy with him. >> my life was flashing before my eyes. >> it was so surreal. >> i just got drug by a motorcycle. high rate of speed. >> it's all caught on his dash cam. >> i thought i was going to die that day. >> west palm beach, florida.
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with beautiful weather year round and wide freeways, the sunshine state is a playground for renegade drivers. >> on a daily basis you see people out on i-95 that are driving just crazy. very fast speeds, 120, 130, 140, 150 miles an hour. >> deputy mike musto is part of the aggressive driving unit. >> they just get out there and they're blind. they have no sense of how fast they're going. >> at 62 years old, the veteran deputy thought he'd seen it all until the afternoon of march 29th, 2011. >> the day started routinely for me. running my laser speed measuring device on the side of i-95, detecting speeders that i normally get 20 miles an hour over the speed limit before i even look at you. >> musto is parked under an overpass when suddenly a motorcycle blows by. >> the speed limit on i-95 is 65 miles an hour, and he went by me at 112, in and out of traffic, following too closely, improper lane changes.
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>> musto shadows him for about five miles up an off-ramp to a red light. >> he never knew he was being followed until i pulled up alongside of him. i got out of my vehicle as quickly as i could. >> as he approaches the suspect, deputy musto senses something was going to happen. >> i could see the way he squinted his eyes and stared a hole right through me. i could see the hatred in his eyes. >> what happens next literally blows musto away. >> i saw him reach for the clutch on the motorcycle. i grabbed him in the area of his right shoulder blade and got a good grip. as soon as i grabbed him, he hit it and took me off me feet, and within a second i was going too fast to let go. >> blazing through a red light at a busy intersection, the biker drags deputy musto for nearly 300 feet. >> i probably was drug behind the motorcycle for four to five seconds. it felt like an eternity. during that moment, i was scared. >> hanging onto the outlawed biker, musto needs to make a split-second decision to save his life.
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>> a thousand thoughts go through your mind. do i let go at 40 miles an hour now or let go at 140 miles an hour down the road? >> in that split second, musto has another thought. >> if i could have freed up my left hand and hung on with my right, which was impossible, i could have reached for my gun and probably would have shot him. >> but he doesn't. he is thrown off just as the biker re-enters the interstate. >> this guy was not going to stop. he would have killed me for a traffic ticket. i rolled around on the ground, and my first thought was, i'm not paralyzed. i can move. and i stood up and said, wow, there's no bones sticking out. i can walk. >> now musto finds him in the midst of oncoming traffic in the center of an intersection. >> i went to get up and i saw the light turn green, and people didn't want to miss the green light, so they went on through the intersection. no one offered help. >> dazed and disoriented musto dodges oncoming traffic. >> one lady that was parked next to my patrol car when this whole
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thing happened, i could see her mouthing to me, "are you all right?" >> i'm all right. >> he returns to his patrol car and immediately pursues the biker. he also radios dispatch. >> i just got drug by a motorcycle. high rate of speed. north on i-95. >> in this line of work you hear signs. you know, people who you've worked with. that just didn't sound normal. >> deputy will ferrell is a mile away when he hears his friend's call for help. >> you start hearing it in his voice. you start hearing that adrenaline, you know, tired sound. >> white motorcycle. black leather jacket. hispanic rider. some kind of a tat of a logo on the back. >> musto's call sets off a countywide manhunt for the suspect, mobilizing officers, patrol cars, even helicopters. meanwhile musto's lost sight of the biker and pulls over to the side of the road. >> i may have video of the tag.
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i don't know. just keep an eye out for this guy. i'm going to check my video. >> it's not until now that severe pain sets in. >> i'm skinned up a little bit. my uniform's ripped. i don't need ems. >> the pain was pretty intense. my scrapes were pretty big and deep. i didn't even feel pain until ten minutes later when things started burning. >> i didn't know how bad it was for deputy musto until i got there. >> when ferrell reaches musto, the dragged deputy isn't in good shape. >> as i approach him, he's out of the car, very excited. i want to make sure he's okay first. sit down. >> i'm okay. i'm all right. >> i want to make sure. sit down. >> musto refuses ems. instead he insists they watch the dash cam video, looking for any identifying information. >> when i first saw the video of deputy musto getting dragged, i had the same feeling i do now, that's goose bumps. you watch him as he falls off the bike and he rolls around. he tells me he doesn't want to go to the hospital. well, you're going to the hospital.
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i mean that's pure toughness. >> the deputies can't see the license plate. the biker tucked the tag under the seat hidden from view. but musto's earlier dispatch yields a lead. >> white motorcycle, black leather jacket. >> the bike is spotted in a nearby strip mall parking lot, only a mile away from the scene of the crime. >> the motorcycle was parked in front of a barbershop. >> the boynton beach police department is working in a nearby mall when he hears the call. he knows this barbershop very well. >> i, of course, recognize it only because i get my hair cut at the barbershop it was found in front of. when i heard that it was this barbershop, i knew who owned the motorcycle. there's only one person inside that barbershop. it's mr. morales. >> palm beach deputy ron cohen arrests victor morales. >> he was the barber and he was late for work. he was on his way to the barbershop when it all happened. >> the logo on the back of his jacket is for the 0 to 60
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motorcycle club. >> god forbid deputy musto would have got killed that day, he would have been charged with manslaughter, gone to jail for a very long time just over a speeding ticket. >> victor morales is charged with three felonies. aggravated battery on a police officer, fleeing and eluding, and resisting arrest with violence. he also gets a speeding ticket. >> i think he would have rather killed me than to get a couple of traffic tickets, i really do. >> deputy musto is taken to bethesda hospital and treated for injuries including road rash. while most of the physical wounds have healed, the emotional wounds are still raw. >> from the second i got back up, i was as mad as i've ever been. i'm still mad. >> within a week, deputy mike musto is back in his charger patrolling his regular beat. >> if i had to do the same thing over again this afternoon with the same results, i'd do it again. i like the adrenaline rush. if that guy's going by me at 112 and just looking at me saying
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come and get me, well, i'm coming to get you. coming up, a vicious attack in a prison holding cell. >> they were going to be administering their own form of jail justice. >> when "caught on camera: inmates and outlaws" continues. here's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models.
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in a phoenix, arizona, jail, four strangers band together to brutally beat a man. >> they basically wanted to kill me and leave me for dead. >> the maricopa county jail is one of the busiest in the country, housing about 120,000 inmates a year. run by the outspoken sheriff joe arpaio, it's one of the most violent and controversial. june 7th, 2006, violence erupts in a crowded holding cell. >> this is the entry point for every inmate other than a few very small jails for some small communities. >> chief of detention, jack mcintyre oversea sees the 4th avenue jail. >> in the holding tank we're looking at the people who have an array of various felony charges. could be a burglary, could be a
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car theft, could be stealing 12 packs of beer from your local circle k. >> after arrest, suspects wait in the small cement cell for hours. too many prisoners and not enough space is a common scenario. on this day, there are more than two dozen sandwiched in together, including rick herman. >> rick herman was arrested for a number of charges by the phoenix police department. >> the 35-year-old receives a card that lifts his charges, and then his clothes are taken away. >> the phoenix police department took them into evidence and issued him what we call a bunny suit. it's a white paper jump suit. and booked him in that apparel. >> herman keeps to himself but a few inmates show interest in him, asking to see the card that lists his changes. >> rick herman doesn't know any of the men who interrogate him. they are adrian rivera, jeremy quint, and jason morris. >> there's nothing that would indicate that any of the individuals knew each other, had any history with each other, had
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ever seen each other before this particular date. >> with thousands of inmates to monitor, it can be at least five or ten minutes before guards pass this tank again. and though there is a camera inside the cell, the video is not watched in realtime. after the guards leave, a few of the inmates move to the window blocking the view from outside. a minute later, rivera, in full view of the camera, takes off his shirt and attacks herman. >> one of these guys thought that wearing a bunny suit meant that mr. herman had child molest charges. >> herman is no saint. he's in there on a kidnapping charge. but he's not a child molester, which even hardened felons consider reprehensible. with the accuracy of an experienced boxer, rivera lands 13 punches on his face and midsection. rivera finishes with a knee to the chest and then goes back to finish his juice box. herman spends the next 20
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minutes washing his wounds before the second inmate morris unleashes a barrage of blows to his chest. >> it's bizarre conduct by these assailants because they actually looked at his booking card, and there was nothing in there about child molesting at all. and he was never charged with it. >> the assault continues. morris comes back with a vicious kick to the head followed by some heavy swings by quint. and then a fourth inmate, reyes enters the melee. rick herman is terrified. >> i didn't know if i was going to live or die. it was just get over with. i didn't know if i was going to live through it. >> the pummelling lasts for 30 minutes. >> at no point during that time does herman call for help for fear of being labeled a snitch or a tattletale. but none of the other witnesses does anything to help either. >> what they should have done is bang on the door to alert the detention staff to come. the assault would be over. but the vast majority of them either said they were asleep or they saw nothing or they know
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nothing. >> it takes more than an hour from the time the first punch is thrown until officers finally enter the tank and discover herman blood-soaked and severely beaten. herman is put on a stretcher and carted down to the jail's medical facility. >> injuries from the back of my head and then stitches over both of my eyes. i had a shattered jaw, and my whole right side of my face was all swollen up. i think there was black-and-blue bruises from being kicked. >> herman spends a month in the infirmary. he's unable to speak or stand, has trouble breathing, and can only take in liquids through a straw. meanwhile, jail officials review the surveillance tape and discover who's involved. >> we had a wiry black person in the cell, we had a large hispanic man. we had a white male who had blonde dreadlocks. it's not really difficult to pick these people out. >> sheriff arpaio says this type
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of attack can't always be prevented. >> how are you going to stop someone from whacking someone? i'd have to tie them up. how you going to stop this guy? you can't control it. >> in the end, all four of the inmates plead guilty to the assault, receiving sentences ranging from 2 to 24 years. >> this is an isolated situation. it happened. justice was done. they're going to pay. >> after recuperating, herman is convicted of kidnapping and aggravated assault, the original charges he was in the tank for. he's sentenced to five years in prison and released after three. >> i don't think they were trying to kill mr. herman. i think they were trying to act out some preconceived little game that they had, that they were going to be administering their own form of jail justice. coming up, mayhem in a massive prison riot. >> i had a 180-degree vision of the yard, and it was a war zone. >> when "caught on camera:
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and for an intense 30 minutes, officers struggled to contain the chaos. >> i had a 180-degree vision of the yard, and it was a war zone. >> terror in a california vision after members unleashed a blood-thirsty attack. >> the thing that was so extraordinary is that the rifles didn't stop them. >> february 23rd, 2000, crescent city, california. deep behind the redwood curtain is pelican bay state prison, one of the country's highest correctional security facilities, a super max prison, housing some of the most dangerous and violent criminals. teda boyle is a retired lieutenant from pelican bay. she was a watch commander on the day of the riot. >> the kind of people that were there were guilty of some of the most heinous crimes. murder, strong-armed robbery,
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rape. >> within the 275-acre penitentiary is the security housing unit known as the shoe. a prison within a prison. shoe inmates spend about 22 hours of every day in solitary confinement. locked up in an 8 x 10 windowless cement cell with little human contact. inside the shoe are about 1,000 level-four prisoners, what boyle calls the worst of the worst. inmates that other wardens don't want or can't handle. dangerous gangs founded within the penal community. >> because of their gang leadership, they have the authority to authorize other people in the community to commit these types of crimes. >> and on that day two alleged gangs go to war. it's sunday, and it's raining. 200 shoe prisoners are released into b yard for exercise. boyle says that the entire prison is on edge dating back to a smaller racially charged riot
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six months earlier between two gangs, the southern hispanics and the black guerilla family. >> you could feel the tension. staff were particularly alert. as it went on, the tension got more and more and more pronounced. >> the pent-up tension finally erupts. >> just like that, somebody gives somebody a cue, and it's people chasing other people with knives. >> a full-scale attack. the southern hispanics ambushed the black guerilla family. within seconds b yard becomes a war zone. >> there was a lot of confusion and a lot of chaos. the level of violence on this one yard at that one day, that one moment, was as large as i had ever seen in my life. >> nursing director jim anderson is at the shoe gate when he hears the explosion of a tear gas canister. >> i looked up and i saw the white smoke billowing out of b yard and then i heard the crack
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of a mini 14, which is like an assault rifle. >> dr. everett allen, the surgeon at pelican bay, watches the mayhem unfold just steps away from his clinic. >> you see these little combat scenes going on all over the yard as far as you can see. you see smoke all over the yard, and you know that this is a pretty massive event. >> the sheer number of the people involved in the riot is overwhelming, 200 inmates, 100 officers. >> it was well choreographed. it was extremely well executed. the hispanics outnumbered the blacks two to one. they knew exactly what time they were going to do this, and they had their targets already picked out. >> you could see inmates working in pairs. it was teamwork. they set up little defensive perimeters. they set up assault teams. >> the senior deputy district attorney assigned to pelican bay says the inmates spent months preparing by making weapons in their cells.
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>> some inmates carve out knives out of metal from the lower parts of the bunks or other metal in the cell. >> before being released into the yard, inmates are strip-searched multiple times. so how do they smuggle out weapons? >> the only effective place to hide those are in one's anal cavity. that's a dangerous thing to do with a sharp instrument. >> once out in the yard, they're able to transfer the weapons from their hiding place and conceal them under their bulky prison-issue raincoats. >> some are large, shockingly large. >> gunners fire rifles and tear gas in an attempt to halt the fighting. they use tear gas. >> when you hear the crack and it deafens you, you know it's lethal force being used. >> most hit the ground and stay there when shots are fired. >> it didn't matter that day. they would get down then back up again and start chasing each other with knives. they were determined, as determined as anybody could be. it was really difficult to get them all to lie down and just stop.
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>> just 20 feet from the watch tower, inmate miguel sanchez repeatedly stabs another inmate. he defiantly looks up at the officer with a rifle trained on him, but sanchez doesn't stop. >> he was shot and he was hit in the back of the skull. and when he went down, he immediately exsanguinated, he immediately bled out his entire blood volume in about 15 seconds. i've seen a lot of trauma in my days, but i've never seen anybody bleed out that fast ever before. >> the two warring factions fight over sanchez's body. the gangs are so determined that even a brutal death of one of their own inches away doesn't stop them. medics finally drag the body out to the clinic to dr. allen. >> he was not moving. he had a pasty, dusty look about him. when i grabbed his head, the back of his head was bleeding. >> after an intense and bloody 30 minutes, heavy reinforcements
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flood the yard to bring it under control. remarkably, sanchez is the only fatality. but overall the wounds are deep and widespread with nearly 300 reported injuries. >> i don't know how you quantitate violence, but for me that was the most i'd ever seen at one time in any place. >> in the end, the district attorney convicts the leader of the hispanics, jose luis sanches, of riot, voluntary, manslaughter, and attempted murder and the death of miguel sanchez, a member of his own gang. after this, the second incident in six months, pelican bay is put on lockdown and remains that way for years to come. no more than a few dozen prisoners are allowed in the yard at any one time. >> that day i believe that group of inmates had a motive, and it was to teach the other group that they run the yard and they
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will not allow anybody else to disrespect them. like what happened six months before. >> when you go into a prison, you have one thing that is not taken from you, your dignity, your respect. you have to stand up for yourself, or you're going to become a greater victim. >> the ravaged yard is eventually cleaned up, but the psychological carnage still haunts those who were there. >> people were walking around really depressed because they were still looking, smelling, seeing how much human suffering took place that day. it did affect us. it affected us psychologically and emotionally. coming up, jailbreak. two women ride under a bus in a daring escape. >> couldn't believe what i was seeing. and later inmates run free when a prison wall comes crumbling down. >> nobody has seen anything like that before. >> when "caught on camera: inmates and outlaws" continues.
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an inmate about to walk out of jail a free man unleashes a vicious attack on an officer. >> this guy believed that if he went out those doors, he was going to be killed. >> pinal county, arizona. just 70 miles from the u.s.-mexico border, in addition to combatting local crimes, pinal county and its sheriff paul babeu face a growing and deadly threat. >> cocaine, black tar heroin, and black amphetamine, very dangerous drugs. me and my deputies and all the local officers are on the front lines of this drug war. >> and on april 17th, 2011, babeu says the ripple effects of that drug war find their way to the front steps of his jail in florence. 26-year-old alejandro guerrero is about to be released after being arrested for an outstanding warrant. he has been in and out of arizona correctional facilities
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for about four years. >> he is a violent offender. this is a guy who has been convicted of aggravated assault, who's been dealing with domestic violence and serious other felonies. >> now guerrero is free to go. he just needs to fill out some paperwork. >> this is an occasion that any prisoner, it's like their high five moment. hey, i'm about to have my freedom again, right? >> but guerrero might not want to leave the jail. why? a worst fate could await him on the outside. >> he said there was a hit upon him, meaning he was going to get killed if he got outside these doors. >> a hit by a mexican drug cartel group. the cartel sees him as a snitch for leaking information to law enforcement. sheriff babeu says to understand guerrero's fear, you'd have to understand the brutality of the mexican drug cartels. >> they're very proud of their violence and the fact they torture people, that they kill
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people, that they behead them. >> he felt that his life was in jeopardy as that cartel from mexico has identified him in his own words, as an informant. is it true? i don't know. but there was a true sense of fear. >> but none of that is known when without warning, guerrero attacks officer roman salazar. he will later say he feels disrespected by the officer. >> you see guerrero lunge forward start to strike immediately officer salazar in the face, knocks him to the ground, continues the attack, punches him further, breaks his nose, cuts his face. >> guerrero pummels him with a closed fist and kicks him in the gut. >> officer salazar had no thought that he was going to be brutally attacked. >> help rushes in. >> when the first officer responded, guerrero also struck
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officer mortenson in the forehead, knocking him backwards. >> meanwhile officer salazar staggers away to get medical help. >> there was quite a bit of blood on the floor that mr. salazar had lost that day. >> he suffers a broken nose, cuts to the mouth and lips, a laceration above the eye, and a head injury that bleeds profusely. >> we needed to secure the area and to restrain this person who continued to be combative. >> after two intense minutes of what deputies call fight for life, guerrero finally gives up. >> he said i'm not resisting. i'm not resisting. please don't tase me. >> guerrero is subdued, taken back with handcuffs into the same holding cell he came out of. a few months after the incident, officer salazar returns to work. >> violence is always present here. you're dealing with the human psyche. you never know what makes a person function or tick. >> alejandro guerrero is sentenced to six years in prison for aggravated assault.
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that day the sheriff believes guerrero gets his wish. he goes back to jail. in ohio, two women fight to get out of jail. female inmates in a shocking jailbreak. >> i thought it was some kind of movie. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. >> by holding onto the bottom of a moving bus. >> only a stunt person would be able to try something like this. >> july 11th, 2005. downtown columbus, ohio. the franklin county courthouse. dozens of dangerous prisoners a day are transported from the county jails to the courthouse and back in a reinforced sheriff's bus. the bus sits in a locked and gated secure sally port. it's monitored by surveillance cameras, and it's equipped with steal bars on the doors and windows. amy morris was a homicide detective with the columbus police department. >> i've never heard of anybody escaping from the franklin
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county jail before. >> but that doesn't stop two inmates from trying. that day tracy mobley is charged with multiple counts of burglary, theft, possession of drugs, and receiving stolen property. mary ann morrissey, on the other hand, is charged with a few traffic violations. strangers shackled together by a pair of handcuffs. they're led to the bus in the loading area. >> when the line of prisoners was getting on the bus, tracy and mary were the last two prisoners of a long line of prisoners. >> and that's when they make their move. >> they were sitting fairly low to the ground. you have to be pretty small to be able to crawl under this bus and then maneuver yourself around so that you're hanging on that train. >> but watch closely. initially they were not last in line. mobley waits for the perfect moment to switch positions. >> tracy mobley was the ring leader in this. there was no doubt she was the one who came up with the idea
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because she had a felony hanging over her head. and mary morrissey was just here for misdemeanor traffic things for which she probably would have gotten a fine. >> after their disappearing act, a full five seconds ticked by before a sheriff's deputy appears in the loading area, but he doesn't seem to notice anything's amis. >> doesn't somebody watch the video while the prisoners are going onto the bus? don't they do a beginning count when they start to go out? don't they do an ending count on the bus? then they would have known they were short two prisoners. >> oblivious that two prisoners are underneath the bus instead of inside it, the bus pulls out onto the street. officer morris just happens to be standing steps away. >> he was pulling out exactly the way he is now, with prisoners aboard like he has right now. pulled out, made it to probably just about right there. >> incredibly, the prisoners cling to the underside of the bus for a full five minutes, mere inches off the ground.
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as the bus stops at a red light, they lose their grip and fall, hitting the ground hard. at some point their handcuffs come undone. >> tracy mobley immediately got up and then took off running southbound. >> morris asks a court officer to call for help and runs after mobley, the one with an extensive rap sheet. meanwhile terry myer, a local private detective, just happens to be driving behind the bus when it stops at the light. >> they pulled out on the street right here into the second middle lane, and i was right behind them in a small convertible. that's where the two prisoners escaped. >> shellshocked from the spill, morrissey doesn't know where to go. she makes a halfhearted attempt to hide in front of the sheriff's station, realizes that's a bad idea, and wanders back past the jail slowly. myer leaves his car running in the middle of the street and pursues mary ann morrissey. >> i thought they were filming a movie somewhere. i looked all around. i was about to back up. i didn't want to spoil their
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scene. then i realized it was a real escape attempt. >> he catches up to morrissey down the block and cuffs her. within seconds of her escape, myer walks the defeated captive back to the courthouse. but nobody at the sheriff's office seems to notice their missing prisoners. >> they were surprised. i said, you guys want your prisoner back? and they looked at me like they didn't know what was going on. they didn't know there was an attempted escape. >> at the same time officer morris chases mobley across a busy street and corners her at the edge of the freeway where she's hiding in the bushes. >> i'm not sure what she was trying to do because from this point on there's nowhere to go. >> it takes 15 minutes for sheriff's deputies to show up to reclaim their prisoner whose back is broken from the failed escape. for his efforts terry myer receives an award. while morris gets a thrill from the chase. >> i had been a homicide detective for about 15 years and
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i had not had to chase anybody for at least ten years. this was almost like being a young officer again. >> tracy mobley is sentenced to four years in prison for her audacious escape attempt and her original charges. mary ann morrissey gets three years probation for the escape attempt. >> tracy was trying to be escaped. i think mary just happened to be there shackled to the wrong person. coming up, prisoners on the run in the streets of denmark. >> we didn't expect anything to happen like this. >> when "caught on camera: inmates and outlaws" continues. [ coughing ] [ sneezing ] a cold can make you miserable. luckily, alka seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels. rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. fast, powerful liquid gels from alka seltzer plus
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>> 12 inmates escape in a spectacular prison break. in this sleepy suburb 20 miles outside copenhagen is one of denmark's top maximum security prisons. >> the prison is from 1859 and some of the walls are even that old. the wall is just built of bricks and concrete. like any danish house would be built. >> the 19th century prison houses hundreds of denmark's most dangerous criminals. >> we have terrorists, we have murderers, we have gang members, we have drop crimes. >> prisons in denmark are not at all like their american counterparts. here they focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment. >> if you go into a prison wing in any danish prison, you
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wouldn't feel it more different than if you were in a danish school. >> still, nothing can take the place of freedom. no matter how comfortable the cell. and so on august 27, 1995, 12 prisoners try to regain their freedom in a remarkable escape attempt. maurel peterson on duty that day said there were having their summer together. >> the attitudes among the inmates that day were extremely well. >> the barbecue winds down and prisoners file back into their cells. a prisoner serving three and a half years for armed robbery is in the yard. the self-proclaimed escape king has busted out of various danish prisons 20 times in his 19 years of incarceration and has been caught each time. despite being 0 for 20, larson
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really misses an opportunity to run. on that day, he suddenly hears a crash. >> guards think it's a bomb. >> guards think it's a bomb. but the explosion is actually the sound of a 25 ton bulldozer ramming into the prison wall. reducing it to rubble. >> when the wall crushed i say freedom, freedom, freedom. i run as i could. >> larsen and other inmates go through the gaping hole spilling out of the prison like air from a punctured balloon. kyle herman has never seen anything as strange as this. >> when i got here, it was total chaos. all the officers were outside
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running around searching for the inmates. >> a nationwide man hunt begins for the escaped inmates, five murderers, four bank robbers, and three drug smugglers. >> definitely not people that we would like to be on the outside in a society like this. >> detective herman says that the escape was well planned. a former inmate on the outside steals a bulldozer and talks to inmates on the inside with a cell phone. larsen runs to his girlfriend's house in copenhagen. >> i was tired. but you can feel you get your freedom. you don't really feel it. you don't stop for nothing. >> after an intense investigation and national media blitz, all 12 inmates are captured within a month of the wall coming down. larsen is captured after six days and given two weeks in
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isolation. security is tightened including more surveillance cameras and the construction of a new outer wall. as for the original wall, it takes more than six months to rebuild it. >> a few years ago, don't lean against the wall. it might collapse. it should be quite solid now. >> one question, however, still stands. the camera man who shot the spectacular escape. why was he there? was he just very lucky in the right place at the right time? or was he somehow involved in the prison break? rumors still swirl. the cameraman kim faulk says he was simply there by chance awaiting a political rally. after the incident he's questioned by police and released. >> when you go inside a small room you will try anything to get out. there was at least one institution the escape king
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brian larsen didn't run from. the institution of marriage. in october 1995, about a month after the bulldozer incident, he married his girlfriend in the prison church. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this edition of "caught on camera. no, stop! >> a school bus driver drunk on the job. >> get off the bus! you can get off the bus. >> an elderly man who robs banks at gunpoint. >> this is a man who is using a gun. >> a priest on a belligerent tirade. >> i'm in jail! >> no you're not.
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