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tv   Up  MSNBC  January 2, 2016 5:00am-7:01am PST

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president obama's new year's resolution on gun violence. and good morning, i'm richard lui. we start with a terrifying scene when a gunman opened fire outside a crowded tel aviv bar. deadly floodwaters also in the midwest starting to head south, putting more communities in the path of disaster. so did carly fiorina jinx the iowa hawkeyes this in yesterday's rose bowl. what some are calling pandering
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and a curse. president obama begins the new year by vowing to take on gun violence, with or without the help of congress. and jerry signfield comes knocking at the white house. the two sitting down over coffee. we begin this morning with that massive man hunt in tel aviv. several others were injured in the gruesome attack that was all caught on closed video surveillance footage. >> reporter: police hunting the killer, think he remains in the tel aviv area. while survivors say on hearing the automatic gun fire, they thought of last year's paris massacre.
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kangdales overnight for the victims of a killer still on the run, a man hunt still under way this morning. friday afternoon, young people relax at a bar then dive for cover. a gunman appears firing more than a rounds. second later, one victim looks up in horror. two were killed and 7 people were injured. >> i was thinking what was happening to my daughter, she was inside the restaurant and i was shocked. >> reporter: more surveillance footage shows the gunman moments earlier in a grocery store pretending to shop. then he pulls an automatic weapon from his backpack and begins killing. >> ial fall. >> reporter: israeli media are reporting police have identified
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afternoon arab-israeli suspect. some believe this could be to the country's first isis inspired attack. >> we are still planning on going out tomorrow night in tel aviv. >> reporter: but this morning detectives still hunt the man who both hands gripping his eweapon was so determined to kill. terrorist attack motivated by nationalism, he said other reports aren't ruling out a criminal motive. richard, 2015 was scarred by terrorism around the world. it does seem as if 2016 may not bring an end to the violence. witnesses say the shooter was smiling, ripped. >> kira simmons, thank you for the very latest on that attack. friday's attack comes as major cities around to the world have beefed up security. in munich, train stations were
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evacuated just shortly after the new year. then in brussels, new year's fireworks were -- paris held a more subdued new year's eve playing a five-minute video performance. here in the united states, a terror arrest on new year's eve, leading officials in rochester new york. 25-year-old emanuel lutchman planned an attack on a bar in tel aviv. and 6,000 -- ensure security as an estimated 1 million people jammed the crossroads in times square to you arer in the new year. let's start with this manuel, your thoughts about what we saw on that arc of 2015 to 2016 that
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came together and i just described some of the headlines. >> well, europe has a lot of problems. here in the u.s., we obviously have it somewhat contained. although we have seen numerous attacks in the last several months. but new yeyears eve as expected was brilliant right here in new york city. europe had several problems. the fact that they had to shut down some of their fireworks celebrations proves that they do not have the it's it's structure contained s. >> and in terms of the new york police department and it's -- it sends -- to understand actually firsthand what is happening, for instance in israel, in germany as well as in the uk? >> this was a program that was started by commissioner kelly, post-9/11, it follows the fbi model of sending attaches
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stationed strategically throughout the globe so we can get liaison information from people on the ground. >> it's worked well? >> it's worked exceptionally well, we have been able to identify, contain, several, at least a dozen attacks a and there are several others under way that are being investigated and will be contained as well in the not so far future. however now our main concern is the lone wolf, the person such as this individual apparently in israel who clearly flew under the radar, the most aggressive defense tactics in the world, which israel has. >> rochester, new york, we were just talking about that yesterday, is that telling us something about what 2016 might be bringing us? >> absolutely, this was an individual that was on nobody's radar, clearly was radicalized on the internet, which is the
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main tool that isis uses, wanted to prove himself to isis by going into a random bar and attacking and killing as many people as possible. and this is something that direct direct director comey who -- >> our capability here in the united states, such attacks that we were reflecting on. better in 2016, are we going to be hitting a new peak of capability compared to 2015, or are we going to level off? >> absolutely. the name of the game is being pro active, not reactive. we need to be three to the five steps ahead of these people. now they're what they call in the black. which they can go on playstation encrypted devices and with be able to communicate without us picking it up. we're very pro actively trying to break those codes and stop them from being communicate
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without us knowing what they're doing. >> also known as crowd sourced attackers. president obama's beginning the new year by resolving to reduce gun violence. the president saying from hawaii that he will meet with attorney general loretta lynch. taking on the issue the president and close aides have found frustrated and intractable. it has been three years after the president's efforts to enact tighter gun laws in the wake of the sandy hook shooting failed in congress. ron allen is live for us in honolulu. >> reporter: this is obviously an issue the president feels very strongly about. he has said that his inability to do more to reduce the number of mass shootings and gun veels in the united states is the biggest frustration of his time in office. so he's determined to do something during the final year
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of hiss presidency to address this issue. he's going to announce various actions. the there's something we often refer to as the gun show loophole, which doesn't require background checks when those guns are purchased, that might be one of the targets that the president is trying to take aim at. this is something that the president's been looking at since the shooting a at the community college in oregon that left ten dead including the gunman. the president has formed a task force, they have been scrubbing existing gun laws trying to find a way to tighten the laws based on executive action because it's clear that the congress isn't going to do anything any time soon that the president would want congress to do. he's going to look at his own set of powers to see what he can do to take matters into his own
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hands. the president has addressed the nation several times about the country's mass shootings, each time he seems more frustrated, more anguished about do this. clearly he wants to take some action, we'll hear more details on monday to see what he's going to propose. clearly there's going to be opposition from gun owners and gun activists who feel if he does use some kind of executive authority that he would be essentially overreaching, abusing his authority. on monday we'll hear what the president plans to do. it's a legacy issue for him, he wants to do something during the remaining time in office to address this concern. >> thank you so much, ron. joining us now to discuss this is the political recorder for
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the guardian, we have blk contributor and former south carolina republican party chairman. we'll go right in order here. so sabrina, a topic we have talked about before, the president now moving off 23 efforts that he had made post sandy hook, now you've heard from ron allen, what might be one of the considerations here that he'll be sitting down with loretta lynch to try to figure out what will work from his perspective? what a you heard in ron's report, unlicensed gun dealers, is this going to work? is this something he should be pursuing? >> this is something that gun control advocates have wanted him to take action on. the coalition that was founded by michael bloomberg, they have set forward -- how many gun dealers may be distributing, if it's 25 guns a year that person
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should be -- what will hold up legally? we fully expect that it will be challenged in the court, that you already have certain gun rights advocates are saying that it's an overreached. certainly the expectation is this is as much as he can get done. >> are there other actions that the president might be planning in addition to this. because they a''re cobbling together what can be done moving forward? >> he's trying things he thinks can actually be done. not much can actually be done if congress doesn't get involved. that's the most disappointing part. and every single time. initially what the administration did, they said okay, let's try to pass a law that would stop this particular event from happening. when that didn't work, now he's trying executive action. there isn't much can be done
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unless congress gets involved. >> if you look at this, do you think this might work, what ron allen is talking about? because what has been said is that the president's trying to split the difference, get both sides together on common sense issues? >> we're in the middle of campaign season. it's the clintons versus whoever we're going to nominate out of our plethora of candidates. it will fire up the base, it won't start a decent gunnal control conversation that we talked about on this show before. about 74% of republicans are for background checks at gun shows. there's somal politics that work with gun control that the president hadn't been successful at using. >> this is not the right time is what you're saying, what is the right time, post election? >> you're seeing this be a major campaign issue with hillary clinton and the democrats for the first time are running on
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the need for stricter gun laws and hillary clinton says as president she would use executive action to move forward what this administration has not. and they're universally against any new background checks, so i think for the first time in 2016, you might see a major conversation around this issue, of course at the end of the day it's going to depend on if you see a republican in the white house. if republicans still maintain control in the house, i wouldn't expect any changes under hillary clinton. >> the reaction from gun rights a advocates, might this then invigorate those who support that and maybe get the effect opposite of what he is desiring, which he is seeing in moves by the president. this is a legacy issue then? >> it's a legacy issue, something he's legitimately concerned about. and there's so many different things that as kate mentioned that republicans aren't in favor of. the gun show loophole is
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something fairly simple. the idea that you can't just buy guns after a three-day background check, these are things that everyone agrees on but the poll techs that are preventing it from happening i don't think will change in 2016. >> they pivot from gun control to mental health, which everybody's capable and culpable in that space. >> thank you all three of their panel for their perspective on that. why bill kosz by's fate could rest on what his wife says in sworn testimony this coming week. (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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it's going to be another big week in the legal battles facing bill cosby. cosby's wife camille is set to testify after losing a battle to
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keep her are from having to testify. her husband is speaking out after being arraigned this week on a charge of second-degree aggravated assault. >> reporter: after a year of standing mostly quietly by her man, camille cosby is scheduled to break her silence next week, the 71-year-old will be deposed by lawyers representing seven of the women who claim bill cosby drugged and sexual assaulted them. her testimony will be key. >> she has information clearly about hissal sexual proplifities, his sexual encounters with other women, his use of quaaludes. >> reporter: they are among more than 50 women who have alleged some form of sexual misconduct. camille cosby was noticeably absent in court this week when her husband was charged with aggravated sexual assault. her statement a year ago the man
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i met and fell in love with and who i continue to love. the mother of his five children, but also his business manager. >> they may be looking for business records, they be looking for checks that were paid out through the business. knowledge of where he was and when he was supposed to be. >> reporter: cosby has repeatedly denied all charges and is suing the women for defamation. >> when you separate what has happened in a court of law, from what has been allowed to happen in the court of public opinion you will get an outcome that justice requires. >> reporter: cosby has broken his silence just days before his wife faces questions. >> legal analyst karen desoto always great to have you here, the question might be given that report, who is camille cosby? >> for the purposes of the civil
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litigation, she's the business manager. that's the exception that the judge is allowing this deposition to take place, because you have a unique situation here, you have someone who is a wife of bill cosby, who's basically a corporation, he's a brand, he's worth an estimated $200 million. so she's fwog to have to testify specifically to business related items. the problem is that in this business in hollywood, where does the wife start and the business manager begin? a it's a very difficult question. so i think this deposition is going to have a lot of objections, i think it's probably going to be somewhere where the judge is going to be on call. and if they start crossing over the lines, i mean asking someone about sexual proclivities a wife, versus asking about business related things are different two different things. is the judge going to let that mesh a little bit or is he going
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to be strict? >> which is why they are bringing her in. it has been said that when bill cosby set the deposition and he was speaking, he expressed certain pieces of information that one should not in a deposition, but yet he was allowed to by his own lawyer evidently. in this case, do you expect it to be more lawyered? >> yes, obviously, there's criminal charges on the plate, he's got a lot on the line, and remember, he's a brand, he's a corporation, this is civil money. one of the reasons why you're allowed to do depositions in civil matters is towards damages, damages, and how much money they have and how much they're worth, and what's in what account and where may be questions that will be explored here. >> there is a criminal case, when he gave a deposition, maybe they did not think that the da was going to come down with this case against him. >> this case was from 2004, it was closed and there was also a
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civil case that was settled. it wasn't until there was a district attorney campaign and this was one of the platforms in the campaign. >> so cosby's lawyer, did they maybe let their guard down in this civil edeposition that was given? >> i think the client let his guard down, unfortunately. you do prepare your clients, but you don't know what they're going to say. and you don't knnoknow anyone testi testifying. sometimes people get tired and sometimes things come out that you're shocked. you don't know three things when you're going into a deposition that your client will say. if you could testify for them, that would be fantastic, attorneys would love to do that. this is why attorneys are constantly saying keep your mouth shut, i don't want you to testify, why? because they're not an attorney, they're lay people, they say things and you can be tricked easily. up next, we'll go live to
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missouri for the latest on that historic flooding and why we could be in store for even more devastating weather nationwide in the coming year.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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the death toll from the flooding in the midwest has now reached 24 people. the floodwaters have started to recede. the worst is yet to come as floodwaters continue to crest down the mississippi river and other affected water ways. let's turn to charles hadlock in missouri. >> reporter: we're in valley park, missouri, just to the south of downtown st. louis. take a look at this, this is many meramec river in the background there you see i-44. that reopened yesterday, that's a major thoroughfare across
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missouri, so a lot of people are happy that's open. this reservoir is having a hard time flowing back into the mississippi because the mississippi river itself is flooded. the town of st. girardeau is going to see a record flood. however, it's protected by a floodwall. the flood stage there is 32 feet. today the river is at 86.86 feet. that's the highest its ever been. it's on its way up to 50 feet there. that floodwall can handle that, 95% of the city is protected, but 5% isn't. so there's a problem there, but elsewhere across the state, the water is draining away, but the misery is left behind in places
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like arnold and here in valley park and eureka and other communities here that are still picking up the pieces trying to clean up from this mess, if they can even get to it. that's the problem, a lot of these secondary roads are still under water. it's going to be a lot of days before the water unwinds into the mississippi. farther south, a flood advisory is in effect south of missouri down to natchez, mississippi, a high water warning is in effect as all this water heads to the gulf. >> charles, thank you for that. the unusual december flooding that charles was talking about in the midwest is just one aspect of one of the strangest holiday weather ever. some areas getting nearly 30 inches of snow. it's also with been the deadliest december for tornadoes in the u.s. since 1953. all this happening on the heels of a historic climate change agreement signed in paris by president obama and other world
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leaders, obama calling it the most ambitious deal in history. joining us is joseph rome, author of the book "climate change" what everyone needs to know. thanks for being here right now and we can't help but talk about what charles hadlock was indicating and that's that the flooding in the midwest is now going to move down the mississippi, what does that tell you? >> when you hear a phrase like he said, the highest ever, you know, off the charts reported setting, that's a good sign that on top of a whatever local weather patterns there are or regional like el nino, global warming, fossil fuel driven climate change is putting its finger on the scale and juicing the atmosphere and causing the even bigger event, weather event than you would have otherwise seen. >> you're very familiar with this number, pugh doing a survey
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finding that 41% of americans thinking that climate change is harming people right now. how do you put those two together. what you just said and what americans think? >> it's -- the scientific community has been clear for many years, and the reason we had this unprecedented agreement in paris to deal with climate change is because indeed, climate change, hotter temperatures, when you hear hottest ever, driest ever, most extreme, yes, climate change is harming humans on every single continent and it's going to get worse and worse, you know, until we, you know, ratchet up our commitment to reduce, you know, the consumption of fossil fuel, coal, oil and natural gas. that's what the paris agreement with was about, it's not the solution to the problem, it's the first step, and the
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countries of the world agree, we're going to ratchet up our commitment every five years until the entire world has zero emissions from fossil fuel. we have begun a journeyful to ad even more extreme weather. >> how do you help those, the six out of ten roughly to understand your point of view, saying it does not exist or they don't have the same information to reach that conclusion that you have, a paris agreement or not at this moment? >> well, i think the first thing people should know is that 97% of the actual experts in the field, climiming to gists -- 95f scientists agree that humans are changing the climate. i think it's pretty clear when you are heating up the planet with heat trapping gases, that
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you're basically juicing the atmosphere, you're putting more energy, more water vapor into the atmosphere, so you're going the to see more intense droughts, more intense flooding, we're seeing more record setting events, more extreme events. >> how would you grade this administration's work on climate change, it was something that president obama was very clear about during his inauguration speech. >> i think the first term, it was an incomplete grade. but i think with the agreement in paris, with the last year, or two years ago, the agreement with china to get china finally the to agree to cap carbon pollution and to peak in coal consumption, i would give the administration now let's say a solid b. and i also think by the way the end of year budget deal, the administration deserves a lot of credit for getting significant
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extension of tax credit for the cleanest forms of energy, solar and wind, we're really in a clean energy revolution now and the obama administration i think deserves some legitimate credit for taking renewable energy which was maybe like 1% or 2% of u.s. electricity consumption at the start. by 2020, it's going to be about 10%. so we're now seeing to the inflection point for renewable energy and we're starting to see the world come together. so, yeah, we are at a tipping point, but we have a lot more work to do if we're going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. >> as oil prices go down, joseph rome, thank you for joining us this morning. why yesterday's rose bowl may prove to be a thorn in the side of carly fiorina's presidential homes. -- hopes. aunt alice...
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criticism of donald trump dominated the skies above pasadena, california ahead of yesterday's rose bowl. the message in -- stanford beats iowa that some are now blaming, yes, carly fiorina, ahead of the game the gop candidate turned to twitter to shun her alma mater. twitter users mocked fiorina for the apparent pandering. one of many presidential hopefuls whose campaign has failed to catch fire in 2015. taking a look at the carly curse and the other gop candidates. first of all, i went to berkeley, so i'm not a huge lover of stanford here.
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but i must say, stanford grads aren't necessarily huge fans, rabid fans over their family. the carly curse, it just shows that her 1% needs some help within iowa. >> as a reporter, i have to say pandering is unsurprising in presidential politics, but i think the reaction to ms. fiorina's tweet is very telling in the state of her campaign because there's been so much negative attention for her support for the iowa hawkeyes, she hasn't caught on in iowa. >> looking at the others, ben carson, we had news over the weekend, jeb bush we had over the last week, as with we now move into this first weekend, this first month of 2016, in the final winnowing period?
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>> i spent a lot of time with ben carson in the last week and i spoke to his advisors in the last week. massive resignations in the carson campaign. in the last four weeks before the voting begins, it's not only a winnowing process, but you have to have the money to stay in the race, graham got out, with we may see more people get out in the next few days. if you don't have the resources to have a protracted fight, you might want to get out. >> you were sitting with dr. carson, now that he's gotten rid of three of his lieutenants and now removing some others from the bench. >> he spoke about his frustration with his own staff, he said i'm a calm guy, and my staff wants me to be more combative, they want me to be a
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fighter against trump, i'm not comfortable with it. when his staff heard his comments, they said we think we're going to resign. they said we have just had enough, we raised $20 million for dr. carson in the last quarter of the year, but we don't feel like this campaign is going anywhere. that's when the presidential campaign hits a boiling point and everyone's tension that's been simmering for months, not just the carson camp, everywhere i'm seeing it happening, boiling up. >> is he done? >> really close, i've been on presidential campaigns and it comes to a boiling point and when that happens, it's something either really good or something really bad. and ben carson was not -- ground games aren't there, i would say that both carly and carson will never make it to supertuesday. >> we also have jeb bush, reallocating resources to some
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key states. >> you can do that and jeb just had his second, third, fourth reiteration of his campaign. i don't think ben carson was ever really running for president. but jeb bush, he came into there race as a real contender, and -- >> the name. >> exactly the name alone, and carson has kick eed sand in his face. >> he's obviously put a lot of his time in new hampshire and chris christie is seeing more signs of life, he's the one moving up at the right time in the polls. and a strong showing for chris christie would leave jeb bush ---he doesn't have a name id issue where people are just getting to know him. you are either a committed supporter of jeb bush or you're not. carson has been a lot of people's second choice, he has
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been sitting steady at second or third. but jeb bush, you're either for him or you're not, and i don't think he's been able to convince enough people to come into his corner. >> we have bill clinton coming in this week, we have w. and h.w., that have not been leveraged by jeb. >> donald trump needs a bigger field. so let's see what he does. donald trump needs more people in the race. his base is there, if 43 shows up, which i predict he will. 43 is a beloved figure this our party. regardless of what the media says, might not help jeb, but it might put some sanity to our race and it has been insane up until today. >> robert, last word? >> i think the thing to watch this week, donald trump's television advertisement, this is a telling point, a move to a more traditional model. if donald trump spends money on his came pain he's going to be more of a threat.
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he'll have a message on the airwa airwaves. >> it's hard to believe he's just turning on that spout. >> he doesn't want to spend his own money. >> thank you so much for joining us on this morning, we'll be speaking with you again next hour. up next, what happens when the leader of the free world and one of the world's most famous comedians go out for coffee. (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... this is brad. hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no.
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learn more at or call 800-580-3421. also, 9 out of 10 medicare part d patients can get toujeo® at the lowest branded copay. ask your doctor about the proven full 24-hour blood sugar control of toujeo®. the seventh season premier of jerry signfeld's web series getting cars and coffee featured a very special guest, president barack obama. let's take a look. >> don't you think that every american child is a president thing? you grow up loving the president? >> i do really well with the 0 to 8 demographic? >> really? >> oh, yeah, partly because i think my ears are big and i look a little bit like a cartoon character. >> can you adjust the temperature in here at all? have you ever touched a thermostat?
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>> no, i make a call. >> if i slid open your underwear drawer, one brand or a number of brands. >> i got to go with a number of brands. is. >> one brand, one color? >> yes, this is a critical concept. >> you got to go off at some point with food, what's your thing -- >> machos. >> that's something i have to have taken away, it's the walk molly coming out of my- >> it's most like football, you have to punt a lot, but every so often you'll see a hole and then there's hope field. >> bill sheft, former write for jerry signfeld. he cut loose a little bit. >> jerry was very general are rouse, but he gave back as good as jerry gave to him and he's
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such a natural, if he's looking for something to do after this is all over, he could do worse than, you know, go on tour. >> bill-- >> maybe co-headline with wanda sykes. >> wanda sykes and approximate president obama. is it just part of being in office and having to take on a serious role where you can be deadpan and is it a uniqueness of holding that office? >> i think that most politicians are funny and they do well with scripted lines. but are they like standups? they're not. he is. he's got some moves, he has total commitment to the material. he's not afraid to ad lib, his last appearance on the letterman show. he came out and he said to dave, you look great. and dave said you haven't seen me naked and he turned to the audience and said, and we're going to try and keep it that
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way in the next four years. he's an absolute natural. >> does he reveal more in his humor than he does in all of the other events that we see the president speaking this in? >> absolutely, because i think the guard goes down, i think the filter goes down. but i think one of the things we're going to seize on. is that the corvette has no seat belts. this is why people don't think he can keep us safe. >> but bill, back then the seat belts are very low, maybe they have them on and we can't see it on to the camera. >> that shot was low, there's no seat belts. >> what do you see from president obama that you've noticed? >> i, in preparation for the segment. and i was available to do this segment. i looked at all the white house correspondent denv correspondent dinners, and he's done seven there's a line here
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in 2014 he said that an american won the boston marathon for the first time in 30 years, which is only fair, because a kenyan has been in the white house for to the last six. he's very aware of who he is and who people think he is and he plays to that. >> is that the key to his sense of humor? >> yes, but i also think that he knows how to deliver a line. in 2011 at the white house correspondents' dinner, he comes out and this is in the middle of the birth certificate issue. his opening line is, my fellow americans. i mean that is -- that's just great skill there. >> bill, we can talk to you forever. >> and it looks like it's going to go that way. up next, the man behind some of the most iconic pictures from the white house. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try,
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this is a photo of jerry signfeld arriving at the white house to interview president obama. souza takes hundreds of thousands of photos each other capturing major moments in history as well as capturing glimpses of life in the white house. an exclusive interview with the man behind the lens. >> reporter: they are unique, behind the scenes close up images of the president. many never seen publicly until now. serious matters inside to the white house. a first daughter drops by the oval office to see her dad. a president with an aide's twin sons. >> i probably take between 500 and 2,000 a day.
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probably about a quarter million a year. somewhere in that. >> over seven years? >> over seven years so a lot of pictures. >> part of his mission to document history. president obama and the first -- a big smile after the iran nuclear deal mr. obama with vice president biden after his son's funeral. >> he's a president but he's also a human being. i try to show his personality as with best i can. he loves babies. >> that's deputy national security advisor ben rhodes daughter ella before the halloween party. >> have you ever seen a president lying on the floor in the oval office with a kid in an elephant suit? >> definitely not. is. >> the gallery reveals the obama administration wide open door policy for staff children. >> and a lot of them are
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children of working moms. and he knows what a sacrifice they make. in terms of being at work a lot. >> reporter: this year's gallery at 111 pictures. wh what's souza's favorite? >> my favorite picture will hopefully be the one i make later today or tomorrow. that's what keeps you going, you're trying to get a good picture tomorrow. what a job. up next a developing story we're following overseas, a discovery of a recruitment video of one of the world a's most notorious terrorist group that includes an excerpt from donald trump. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey.
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oral-b know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. who's responsible for donald trump? >> and thank you for staying with us this saturday morning. what donald trump has been
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saying out on the campaign trail has been popping up on an isis propaganda video. what's next in the fight for lgbt rights. the details on all of that straight ahead. but we begin this hour for you with that massive man hunt in tel aviv and israel. police saying they know who the gunman is that opened fire on a p popular bar that killed two people. kira simm mons is live with new details on the man hunt and the suspect. kira, what are police telling you? >> reporter: hello, good morning. this is now an intense hunt for this killer, abandoned warehouses, construction sites are being searched. folks there are being told it's safe to go out, even though the gunman is still on the loose,
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while survivors saying on hearing automatic gun fire, they thought of last year's paris massacre and knew they must hide. a man hunt under way this morning. on a surveillance camera friday afternoon, young people relax at a bar, then dive for cover in fear. a gunman appears, firing more than 15 rounds, seconds later, one survivor looks up in horror, around him, two are dead, seven people were injured, four in serious condition. >> it's a shock because i was thinking what's happened in paris, and my daughter, she was inside to the restaurant. and i was very shocked. >> reporter: more chilling surveillance footage shows the came gunman moments earlier, in a grocery store pretending to shop, then he pulls an automatic weapon from his backpack and continues the killing.
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israeli media are saying that the man is an arab suspect. one new yorker visiting israel says most people are not frightened. >> with are still planning on going out tomorrow night in tel aviv. >> but the suspect with both hands gripping his weapon was so determined to kill. and tel aviv's mayor has called it a terrorist attack motivated by nationalism while others are not ruling out a criminal motive. 2015 was scarred by terrorism around the world, and it looks like 2016 may not seed an end to that violence. witnesses say the shooter was smiling. friday's attack comes as major cities around the world have beefed up security amid a
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heightened threat of isis einspired attack for the new year. in munich the train station has been reopened. in brussels and paris, fireworks shows were cancelled there. police alleged 25-year-old emanuel lutchman planned to commit an armed attack on a bar on new year's eve. and in times square, about 6,000 police took extraordinary measures to ensure security as an estimated 1 million people were jamming the crossroads there in times square. we're now joined by manuel gomes, a former nypd sergeant. while we're looking to hear some of the nypd tactics, europe versus the united states, some
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watchers might say, europe moves faster, perhaps a little more hard-nosed than the united states. your perspective. we are protecting the united states way better than europe is, europe has a big problem, they have a huge population that is already embedded throughout the different countries in europe. we have better protection, we have the atlantic ocean is between us. our borders are much more hardened than european borders. europe is designed so that the borders are porous, then you have hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees who have poured throughout europe and even here and we don't know who needs help and some who could have been filtered in. >> and in paris, how quickly they were able to move, respond and actually get results. >> but the fact is that the attacks still happened. so they were reactive not
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proactive. here in the states we have been proactive, we have thwarted more than a dozen attacks here in new york city alone. >> let's go down to a city basis here, you brought up new york city, which is a veritable army, which since 9/11 has moved like other u.s. cities have not been able to move. but when we look at the responses to recent school concerns, when we looked at los angeles and we also looked at threats that also happened in terms of in new york, they called it a hoax, which happened in new york and los angeles, they decided, okay, we're not going to have classes. how do you meter out the balance so we have consistent responses? >> it's always a learning process. we have dozens of hoaxes or alerts that go out throughout the day. many of us don't hear them. but the government is filtering them out, making sure which ones are potentially real.
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l.a. made a decision to close their school system. on the heels of san bernardino. they erred on the side of caution. new york, we're much more hardened. we had our 9/11, we learned from it. we are much more pro active than other places. >> and what have you you said, it depends on the amount of intelligence, the quality of the intelligence where the intelligence is coming from and how the intelligence balanced out. >>ive we're going to stop our way of living every time someone calls s in or sends an e-mail threatening us, they have won. it's limiting our freedom to act. and that's how authorities have been protecting us since 9/11 and continue to do so proactively. >> thank you so much for those development headlines on this first full week of the new year. it features a clip of republican presidential front-runner donald
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trump talking at an event last month in south carolina. here's part of what trump said, not from the recruitment video but from our own archives. >> donald trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> joining me now with more details, msnbc's cal perry. tell us more about this? >> this is as you said al qaeda in somalia's affiliate, al-shabaab. we need to make sure that we're giving the proper context and framing this properly. this is a 51-minute video. donald trump is in it for about 30 seconds, it's based largely on that clip that you just played. and it's to the obvious play for extremists, this is something
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that's come up on the campaign trail, take a look at what hillary clinton said in a recent debate. >> we need to make sure that the -- don't fall on receptive ears. he is becoming isis's best recruiter. they are going to people showing videos of donald trump insulting islam and muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. >> now to be clear, again, al-shabaab are not terrorists, you can put them under the extreme umbrella if you want to. donald trump is not the first politician to be used in recruitment videos by extremist groups, we have seen in the past many politicians approximate being used most of them in europe. this is sort of again the obvious play. and i think's something we can probably expect more of. we haven't seen a slickly produced ist'sis video yet, but they're a savvy media
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organization in many ways, and we know have a video library, they have rehashed videos of timeses square whenever there are attacks around the world. we should not be surprisedive we see more of these type videos. some are raising questions about who is responsible for what donald trump says along the way along with trump himself. a it's a problem not only for the republican party, but caucasians overall, even those who don't plan to vote for him. a recent quote, stop acting like trump isn't the pinnacle and the result of america's history and tradition of white supremacy. welcome back our panel. how about me throwing that over to you. and that's not a heavy subject at all. but an interesting dynamic because as donald trump is out
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there making these comments, there are those from various communities who will go please stop saying that, whether it's a political community or whether it is an ethnic community. but first, get your boy first is when a certain video says something of a certain background that that entire community from the same background says, hang on a second, do not be like that because that reflects all of us. >> it's true, in proper come loek wallism, it's come get your boy. we can say this about donald trump, we can say this about a lot of politicians over the last couple of years. and i have been saying this for a very long time is that much of what we have to acknowledge in america has always been a white people problem, it's not a black people problem, we have dealt with it for eones. but white americans, it's time for them to have internal conversations about those people who do not want us to have a combined multicultural nation
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and those who are allies, that means inside the white community conversation not just with brown people involved. the gem demographics of this -- >> this dining familiaric, this not only the black and brown communities, it exists in all communities across the country, political communities, the lgbt communities, a all of these different kmoournts and some might say when may see trump is all of america saying, hey, this isn't us, or all of america saying, come get your boy. >> trump says so many disqualifying things for any other politician, that would just have annihilated them right off the bat. he has changed the whole process. the question is he going to with be successful getting away with it? we'll see. there is an anger at washington that he has channelled. >> i want to get to you in a second sabrina. but kate, don't you feel as a
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republican, he's a registered republican, that come get your boy? >> he's going to land in south carolina with an indian-american government, lindsay graham who just got out of the race. he's going land and there's going to be i think some sobriety to this, because in the deep south, we have worked very very hard and a lot of work to go and you saw the tragedies we had in our communities there and it's something that our state normally just doesn't put up with, but we'll see. >> and the on stack cck obstaclr the republican party is that after a poll is conducted, there's at least 30% of people who agree with what he said. his viewings on immigration and the really hard line stance he's taken and that's coming at a time and especially in an election where the republican party has really widened it's
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tent, people, asian american voters, after 2012, where they had really heavy losses among those demographics and now they're faced with this front runner who has offended every group you can possibly think of and then have a poll that shows that there is a significant -- not a majority, but a significant enough faction of americans who agree with him. >> we cannot hold groups responsible. we flip this and we talk about the muslim american community, we can't tell muslims, come and get your boy. so there's a limit to how far we can blame everybody? >> what is the limit? >> the limit is going to be this election and we're going to see and again we're going to see whether the republican party, this election we all thought would be a defining election pore the party. we thought it was going to be serious, we thought it was going about issues and policies.
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but not so far. >> donald trump might arrive and nobody comes to get him at to the end of the day. >> we'll speak to the panel later again this hour. but we want to bring you the latest on the devastating floods in the midwest. the river near st. louis there are starting to recede. but things could get worse very soon. for other nearby residents, we'll tell you why we go live in missouri. yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
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swollen rivers are now receding, but the worst is yet to come as the floodwaters move
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downstream towards the gulf states. for the latest let's now bring msnbc and nbc's charles hadlock in missouri. >> reporter: we're in the valley of ---valley park in missouri. this is the meramec river where you see some of the streets there, you see a tractor driving through there, actually the water is going down, it was about eight feet higher yesterday, and it's a few inches lower than when we got here today, so it is on its way out. but it's going to be a while because the merrimac flow into the mississippi river and the mississippi itself is flooding. st. louis was spared any major flooding, but the town of valley park, eureka and arnold all were hit very hard. about 150 homes just down the street here in arnold were flooded, as it goes into the mississippi river. farther downstream the river is rising, in the town of chester,
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it should crest about three feet below the record. farther south in genevieve, it will fall two feet short of the record. but down in girardeau, the boot hill of missouri, they're really a watching the rise. today the flood stage is at 48.86. that is a record, it's never been that high before in cape girardeau. it's expected to crest tomorrow at 50 feet. now that sounds very dangerous, but there's a wall, a flood system there that can with stand 53 feet. so they're barely making it there. everyone is holding their breath that it doesn't go any higher and it's not forecast to. 95% of the town of cape girardeau is surrounded by a levy system. 5% is not. so about 25 homes are inaccessible because of the rising water. farther south toward memphis,
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there is expected to be a rise in the river, but it's not expected to be major flooding there. there's flood alerts from st. louis all the way down to natchez, mississippi. >> nbc's charles hadlock with the latest for us on that. and nasa warning the worst damage from this year's elnino is yet the to come. nasa says the weather will cause chaos early this more. joining us is meteorologist bonnie schnieder and with we may be in for --- >> we're already seeing that classic el nino pattern, looking at our national water vapor, you can see water and a brand-new storm system coming into the west are going to bring rains into california.
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these are tip can kl factors of el nino, we have that wet pattern with the southern branch of jet stream bringing a lot of energy and moisture into areas of arizona and t texas. in texas, cooler conditions and wetter conditions, we look for the threat of potential ice and that's what we're going to see today and tonight into parts of west texas. not as bad as the event we saw last week, but not good when you're traveling. further to the northwest. the el nino system typically causes warmer and dryer conditions, this is a typical el nino, there's always going to be fluctuations, but dryer into the northern plains. the pattern for el nino brings dryer conditions into the great lakes and even warmer up into the midwest. you may be thinking how does that impact those areas in terms of weather? when you have milder air at the mid levels of the atmosphere and sometimes at the lower levels, sometimes instead of a snow event, you get ice events.
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everyone knows you don't want to drive on ice, as the typical storm system works its way up, you could get an icy situation. what we're looking at in the immediate future is rain, sunday into monday, this is happening right now into arizona, we could see half an inch into the phoenix area as well as california. san luis obisbo getting wet, but the heaviest a rain will be in the northern california. look at ukiah, a rain event there. and this is one of some serious weather conditions coming n one for tomorrow and one for tuesday and that will bring more widespread rain up and down the coast even as far south as san diego. we're already seeing this el nino impacting our weather now and for the weather it's likely to keep doing that. >> any time you can bring up the little town of you can kaya north of san francisco, they're smiling because it's been a dry,
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dry state. ukiah, california. up next, donald trump and ben carson may have been the biggest political surprises in 2015, but who will provide us with the unexpected stories in 2016? ways discreet underwear and move, groove, wiggle, giggle, swerve, curve. lift, shift, ride, glide, hit your stride. only always discreet underwear has soft dual leak guard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most and a discreet fit that hugs your curves, you barely feel it. always discreet underwear so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because hey, pee happens. get your free pair and valuable coupons at always and this year, look at whate he put in our driveway. the lexus december to remember sales event is here. lease the 2016 es350 for $349 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer.
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rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. and they outsell mucinex liquid gels 2 to 1. alka seltzer plus liquid gels. . despite a recent shakeup, ben carson raising more money than any other candidate this cycle. and how many others predicted bernie sanders would catch up as a viable opponent to hillary clinton. msnbc political analyst and "washington post" political reporter robert costa along with our panel, so we're talking about donald trump, that's the headline. nobody thought 2015 would be all
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about donald trump. do you see this continuing in 2016. >> the candidates that has the best chance of surprising in 2016 is governor chris christie in new jersey. if the establishment becomes a little bit uneasy with senator rubio and they don't think he can take on trump or cruz, look for christie to be their favorite. >> i think one of the surprises and it won't be to people whoal follow him really closely is ted cruz, he's spent years developing this extensive network of grass roots support. he fundraises at a sort of record pace and he's positioned himself to take away some of trump's supporters or when caucus voters go to the caucus in iowa.
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he e's not necessarily palatable to the establishment. but he really could be the guy to beat when it comes time to go to the polls. >> why not senator rubio? i thought i would throw that out there. >> i think rubio has a chance, he's the actually the best chance to beat hillary clinton if republicans want to go head to head with her. it's like football, it's not the team that's killing it all season, it's that team that's 5 and 5 at the end of the season and gets hot at the end and goes to the playoff. jeb bush is not going to win, but i think he'll do better than we expect in iowa. because a lot of times it's the third through fifth that has good ground game. >> i think christie -- that was a christie voter they were angry, they were mad, they liked his bravado.
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>> what about ben carson, talking about numbers, $23 million in q-4. >> ben carson has the money, the equestion is how does he use that money? his campaign manager is gone, his deputy campaign manager out, his press secretary the same. so if he doesn't have an organization, he may be able to have some social media presence some ads, with bbut he has to h good debate showing. >> what do you say about the outside, hillary clintons coming out too. a really outraising everybody, she beat her $100 million goal, yes $100 million goal, and is she has some 30-plus million that she got in 2004. >> if there's going to be any democratic surprise, you have to look at bernie sanders, his poll numbers in iowa are strong. he has a democratic party base, he has to rethink, what does the democratic party mean post
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president obama, does it want to perhaps move to the left. as much as he's not taking on senator clinton, when you're out on the campaign trail, there is a bernie sanders vote, but nobody's paying attention the to it because clinton's running a solid campaign. >> we have often talked about bernie sanders and where his funding is coming from. below $100, but that is also true from the numbers that came out from the hillary clinton campaign. 90% $100 or less. >> that was really true for the last part of her campaign where the majority of her donations are small donations, we had a record night of fund rasing after that benghazi hearing as well, where a lot of donations, small donations poured in and the days that followed. when it comes to bernie sanders, i think he'll win iowa. but like robert said, she a's
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running a very solid campaign, it's hard to imagine that this get ace way from her. but you have seen the impact he has had in the democratic primary on pushing her to the the left. he's certainly left his stance on the democratic primary, whether he's going to be the democratic nominee or not. >> talking about the surge, he doesn't have bill clinton. >> right, he doesn't have bill clinton, he doesn't have that opportunity. i saw bill clinton at the hope foundation last year, he said i'm too old for this stuff. from lethal weapon. he said i'm going to come out there and be the statesman. i'm going to come out and argue for whoever is there. sometimes we underestimate, some people really like her. there are some people who really are passionate about her in a way we sometimes forget. >> trump and clinton are going to be about 20 miles from each other on monday. i've been likening it because i like movies here, batman versus "superman." >> and clinton is going to be
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very smart, he's pivoted to -- he's getting ready to run $30 million in campaign ads. what bernie sanders and we talked with about the president. bernie sanders base, i see it in yard signs, it's going to take president obama to put them back on the reservation, not hillary clinton, because they don't like her. but he'll do it. that passion is there. they're for him and she's got a problem with that base in the party. >> last line to costa. >> you have to pay attention to this week, donald trump versus bill clinton. we have already seen secretary clinton and donald trump have their personal clashes. it's a foreshadow to a general election battle that could be more dif vieive than anything we have seen in decades. and trump is not afraid, he'll very well to take on clinton on the personal issues and that's something that hillary clinton didn't think she would have to fight at this point in the campaign. still ahead, why leaders of the lgbt civil rights movement
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2015 was a historic year for the lbgt community. after witnessing a new wave of backlash against the lgbt community, some think 2016 will be very different in the country. kim davis made headlines for refusing to issue same sex licenses. and more transgender people were murdered in 2015 than in any other year on record. here to discuss what's next in the fight for lg with bt rights is former senior advisor to president clinton. richard, thank you for being here, we were just listing some of the landmark issues that have passed and made their way for rights for lgbt people. do you have concern about what
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2016 might bring given what i was just mentioning, and that is some of the waves of individuals and unfortunately crimes that have been leveed against lgbt people? >> first of all what those examples illustrate, quite importantly, is that the battle for civil rights for lgbt people in this country and more importantly globally, that bat system far from over. the supreme court decision was sweeping and was very positive and not only gave gays and lesbians everywhere in this country the right to marry, but it brought gays and lesbian into the main stream, a political thought and a policy thought. al you can still be fired in a lot of places just for being gay, while we have made a lot of progress on transgender rights,
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kaitlin jenner who started the google ad, i thought that was rather interesting. but there's still a lot left to do, and especially on a global stage, where globally, human rights, gay rights for people outside the u.s. is still a matter of life and death. >> what happens on the state and local level since we were just bringing up kim davis, we also have houston as well. >> on the state and local level, it seems that states in more conservative places in rez states and in some purple states are going to fight over the so-called religious exemption rules, some state legislatures have tried to pass laws that would give people a so-called religious exemption so that if you claimed a religious belief, you could somehow be exempt from nondiscrimination provisions that protected lgbt rights people. i don't think ultimately these laws are going to go very far, where ethey have been enacted, they have been scaled back, we
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have to continue to fight them, we have to continue to take them seriously, people will continue to propose them, but i think ultimately, this is small potatoes, i think the kim davis thing, she got a lot of media attention, but she was one county clerk in the whole -- >> is she got a lot of attention, and that could invigorate those groups that you are talking about. >> it got a lot i attention, but i don't think it invigorated anybody that wasn't already invigorat invigorated. >> there's something happening this year called the election, how do you think this will be part of the platforms that have already been discussed? >> democrats who generally favored gay rights had that position used against them in elections and the republicans used it as a wedge issue against democrats. now it's become a wedge issue, opposition to gay rights has become an issue against
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republicans. and hillary clinton and bernie sanders are running on very strong gay rights platforms. i've been involved in politics for my entire life for over 35 years, and i have never seen a candidate in the democrat party run more positively, more pro gay rights, she really understands, hillary clinton really understands that this is a major plus for her. not because gay people represent such a large percentage of the electorate, most analysts say it's between 3 and 12%. but because so many people have come out and that's what's fuelled the whole legal -- it's become a big issue for straight people and progressives, if you're someone who cares about progressive social change in this country, you care about gay rights whether you're gay or not. >> i have to bring in kaitlin, as our panel republican, to get
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your response and you're talking about it being a wedge issue. >> you're going to be talking about religious -- you're looking at 65% evan skbrel kls, about the same number in tennessee coming into the small microchask of 650,000 voters, i heard my former candidate talk about it, we have had meetings with between 60 and 80 pastors a and there's states that are going to be enacting religious liberty laws. >> but it's going to be a huge problem for republicans because what's happening is that in order to win these republican primaries that are dominated by conservatives, these candidates have to run against gay rights, they have to oppose gay rights, but in the general election, what i hear from my republican establishment friends and i have a lot of friends in the republican party who are main stream republican who is say that our party has got to move forward, the party has got to
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come into the 21st century, but what's going to happen is around the time they have to run against hillary clinton, they're going to with be stuck with these positions they took in the primaries and believe me, she is going to hang this on them. you're going to hear a lot about gay rights. people think gay rights is over as an issue in national politics, believe me, it's not over, you're going to hear a lot about it in this election where hillary clinton is going to run as a pro gay rights candidate and a lot of republicans are going to be with her. >> kaitlin, in this particular situation, thank you thank you for piping in on to the topic. why the odds may be against you if you're hoping to keep your new year's resolution. that's up next. (vo) some call . we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need.
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they're trying to lose weight, exercise more, save more money. according to forbes, research suggests that only 8% of people achieve their new year's resolution. i want to ask our panel to share any experiences they have had with their own resolutions. >> fail, fail and fail. >> what was it first, though, i guess my question might be. >> what was the resolution? >> what was the resolution that you failed upon? >> you you always want to lose weight, you always want to drink less, and you always want to have more fun and you start failing at all of it. >> last year's contributor josh barrow wrote a piece called how to make yourself go to the gym. and in it he discussings the research of two economists who surveyed gym members who said they would work out about 9 and a half times a month. and a warning if you have any
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suggestions for any of you when it comes to gym membership that you have taken upon for yourself? >> i have tried it because i have a couple of good friends who are trainers and i decided i would just hang out with them therefore socializing became running, became jogging, going down to piedmont park. if you hang around with people who -- >> hang out with people who have similar sort of objectives. >> and the silly thing about new year's resolutions is that why do you decide at the beginning of this year that i'm going to work outer more. it's a mind set you have to keep throughout the year or you're not going to do it. i think you can't make excuses for yourself if you hang out with people with the same objectives. i say i never have time to work out is my excuse, you might have to get up at 5:00 in the morning if that's the only time you v. >> because 2016 is an election
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year, all bets are off, because anything you might put out in terms of a goal is not going to be achievable, especially in terms of you in the coming here. >> i want to try to be nicer. we're in the middle of campaign season, where people want to be mean. >> i had a stack of books last year, and i was like, i'm going to read these books, these are american classics, they're still sitting there, they haven't moved. and on the campaign trail, you never have time to read. >> this year i sent my resolution accordingly because i want to do a solid job covering this election. >> based on what you were saying, i have downloaded four or five can digital books, they're sitting there unread, keeping dust, that's about it. >> it happens every time. you want to do better, and let's add the fun equation, everybody should have a little more fun. >> i'm with you on that, i have
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just been looking at trips to hawaii on that note. all right, next, why tomorrow may be really important of if you hope to find love in the coming year. i wonder what our panel has to say about that.
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there's a lot going on this morning, so i want to get caught up on some of the other headlines making news with today's panel. dating sunday could be the time to find love. i don't know if the situation is for all three of you, according to, 60% is the number, there's a hike in new singles joining the site between christmas and valentine's day. what they have done, is they have made january 3 dateding sunday, the date where you will go out and find a new dating partner. >> my january 3 is me flying to new hampshire to follow marco rubio and hillary clinton all
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over to the the state. so is that going to be datesing sunday? >> on the campaign trail, as the three of you were just talking about, it can happen. >> all those long nights, when you're working with people. not that i'm revealing anything, but it can happen. >> what are you revealing? >> i'm just saying it can happen. >> on the campaign trail, you see it happen. when campaign season comes, you're moving, you're working and it's fun. i don't know if there's a lot of love in that equation. >> it is one of those resolutions, that was an interesting article we thought we could catch up on. >> i do like my tex-mex, so with how about a taco cleanse? it's from the "l.a. times." and it's designed to help you replace every day at least one
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meal with a taco. the president was talking about how he loves and a ha s nachos, partake of this vegan taco cleanse. mind you, i will probably end up covering it with nacho cheese and ruining it. >> i would like a burger cleanse. we talk got an age of equality, it's hard to believe some of the date women air force service pilots flew noncombat missions as many of you know in the.
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>> the homes in 2002. earlier this year, army lawyers determined these pilots were ineligible, because they fell under the category of active duty designations. they were historical, they were. >> they settle issues when it comes to equality, these are these little nuances that a lot of people aren't aware aren't n aware of, where women aren't treated equally. you still have many, many cases of discrimination on the basis of gender.
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>> i've really enjoyed spending time with all three of you. eating our doughnuts on top of that. you have a good new year. >> great panel today. thank you for getting up with us today. we'll be back with you tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. before that, watch melissa harris perry. she has an exclusive interview with the mother of tamer rice. that's coming up next. have a great saturday. and that's how they got it here. cool. the magic of the season is here at the lexus december to remember sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders.
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this morning, my question, why are we looking to lebron for answers? plus, my letter to oprah. and the president's bold move on gun violence. but first, grieving and fighting for tamir. good morning, i'm


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