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tv   Up  MSNBC  January 3, 2016 6:00am-7:01am PST

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don't let it conquer you. with the capability and adaptability of lexus all-weather drive. this is the pursuit of perfection. an election year starts and america is angry. a very good morning to you. i'm richard lui. thank you for getting up with us this sunday morning. donald trump speaks out about the terrorist recruitment video that contains a trump sound bite. also a brand new survey from nbc news that shows how angry americans are as they get ready to pick a new president. overseas violent protests break out overnight outside the saudi embassy in tehran after saudi
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arabia executes a shiite cleric. we'll look at how the tension could impact american diplomatic efforts in the region. plus the ugly history of japanese-american internment as the senate moves to make the largest of the internment camps a national historic site. our special guest actor and activist george takei starring in a new broadway musical inspired by his own experiences in one of the camps. we begin with donald trump responding for the first time to the new terror recruitment video containing a sound bite from the billionaire candidate himself. the video from al shabab features trump's call for a ban on all muslims entering the united states. here's what he had to say about that in an interview to air later this morning on cbs' "face the nation." >> look, there's a problem. i bring it up, other people have called me and they say you have guts to bring it up, because frankly, it's true, but nobody wants to get involved. now people are getting involved. >> the controversial development
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comes only 29 days before voting begins in iowa. caucus goers will kick off the 2016 presidential election on february 1st. senator ted cruz leading in iowa but roughly three points in the polling average by real clear politics. attack ads are going after cruz on his opposition to ethanol and renewable fuel, a big issue in corn growing states and a pro-cruz superpack is getting ready to fight back with a multimillion-dollar ad buy. meanwhile, former front-runner in iowa, ben carson, is looking to reset his campaign after five high-level staffers quit earlier this week. despite the turbulence, early numbers show carson pulling in nearly $23 million in the final quarter of the year, $3 million more than ted cruz and then there's jeb bush who this week canceled a major tv ad buy in iowa, using that money to bulk up his staff on the ground there instead. the "new york times" reporting
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this week that the bush campaign is lowering expectations stating two main goals in iowa, one, to finish no lower than fifth and two, to beat chris christie, who will emerge as the anti-cruz anti-trump establishment favorite, that's the question. joining me to discuss the state of the ground game in iowa is political columnist for the "des moines register" kathy brodoovic. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> also rabert trainham, former aid to chuck shimer michael tobin and political reporter jane timm. kathy, who has the best operation right now? you saw the average. we started the new year, all the eyes are on your state. >> yes, so i think you look at really two things you have to do in the caucuses.
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the old in iowa is organize, organize, organize and get hot at the end. ted cruz has a good ground game, that's important because you have to get your people out on a cold february night and be there for a couple of hours so you really have to deliver your people. donald trump, people question does he have the organization to deliver on his support. >> right. >> i think he does. he's got some really smart people organizing for him in iowa and i think he will have that push to get his people out. marco rubio who i think is the biggest contender right now for the establishment republicans as well as some conservatives. big question about whether he has any sort of organizational muscle in iowa and people have actually expressed some concern about whether he can do anything with that. you mentioned jeb bush. >> right. >> adding to his organizational muscle in iowa.
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that's a really smart move i think. advertising is not what takes people to the caucuses. you need people on the ground to do that. jeb bush could perform better than his poll numbers if he has a strong enough organization and i think that coming in fifth in the caucuses is not going to be good enough this year. he needs to move into fourth place if ben carson continues his freefall, jeb bush could do that. >> 29 days to go. what are you watching? what is the key move? obviously the ground game is one of the items you brought up and the ad campaign will be less effective along the way but also the messaging and who is resonating right now in your state. >> right, so get hot at end cannot be overemphasized. so what's going to be important? the debates first of all, are going to be extremely important. debates have driven poll numbers. ted cruz had that sort of moment where conservatives coalesced
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around him, but he had it at thanksgiving. he's got to do something to stay hot at the end. i think that there's going to be some things that happen during the campaign around advertising. it may not be the advertising that drives poll numbers but it is something that people pay attention to, so it drives the narrative. and also, who is driving big crowds and having big rallies and that's where donald trump shines. he is a master at drawing media attention and you know, so part of the question will be who can compete with that. >> i want to drill down a little bit more on jeb bush. here's what he had to say about his position in the early states including iowa. let's take a listen. >> i don't think i have to win any of them, because we're organized in every state. the good news is, expectations are low for me, and i'm definitely going to beat those. i feel really good about new hampshire to be honest with you, just the way it, it feels.
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>> jane timm on our panel here, sounds like the expectations are an inch off the ground so if you can jump an inch you can make it. i don't have to win any of the early states. >> he's still talking about new hampshire awfully a lot, that's his key moment. if he cannot get a second place win at least in new hampshire he's done and we've seen him moving his staff to the early states. he pulled an ad buy in iowa which was neve a good fit for him as a moderate in this race but he needs to win new hampshire or at least come close. he's got, he's still got to win it. he might say it's not a big deal but it is. >> he's trying to set expectations for the outcomes. robert, so jeb bush, not even talking about him looking at iowa? >> what jane said a few moments ago she hit the nail on the head. iowans don't care about
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advertising. they're motivated by word of mouth. what the republican party historically has done is beat up the presumptive nominee and nominate individuals meaning in the first couple of states that actually don't become the nominee. so what jeb bush has to do is lower the expectations and probably try to hold on there into super tuesday. if he can hold on to super tuesday mathematically can he win the nomination. it doesn't matter about iowa and new hampshire. what happens is south carolina and the other state at the end of february. >> what all three of you said so far and i go to you here, michael, the idea of okay, that the messaging just doesn't sound strong. it's not robust, it's not forward. it's not like i'm in control, i'm doing well. >> i don't know that's in his temperament, i don't know that's in jeb bush's dna. maybe it was in his brother's we saw and wasn't really in his father's but certainly not in his and i think he needs to share the decisive action and i'm moving past this already. i'm conceding this. that's great, i'm not going to win here, i'm moving on, exactly
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what you said. this is what we're going to do on super tuesday and sounds those of us who have kids anywhere between 8 and 15 you get to say they manage expectations. this test wasn't so important, and then you come home with a grade that they're managing expectations. >> i'll remind you, mitt romney, bob dole, the republican nominees in 2008 and 2012 they didn't win iowa and they also didn't win new hampshire. >> well-known numbers. that's right. >> when you look at the map and this is very important, when you look at the amount of money that jeb bush has in the bank, he has the money to stay in this until super tuesday. now if you lose super tuesday then he's out. >> "des moines register" columnist kathy obradovich thank you for your time and have a good sunday. back with the idea of anger speaking of the election to our panel, who many are going to the primary season feeling a little bit of that, a new nbc news survey monkey online poll out this hour is featured in the february edition of ""esquire"
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magazine. you can see fire and rage. is the overall anger of the electorate and the numbers here, this is interesting, overall when the question was asked do you feel more angry about events in the news more often today than you did a year ago, and the answer to that was 49%. so pretty much even. however when you break it down by party and we look at republicans versus democrats, republicans 61% feel more angry about the events that are happening today than they did a year ago. democrats 42%. and what might be asked then is, and you probably saw the headline, does donald trump's voters have enoughager to get out there and vote for him? that's the question, if he is tapping into that idea of the electorate, at the end of the day, will they come down and vote for him? how would you explain why we have this difference, republicans versus democrats?
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jane? >> i feel like anger has been so powerful on the gop side and when you look at what republican voters are angry about, they're angry about the status quo. they're angry nothing seems to get done in d.c. they're angry at the economic structures that have created a lot of middle class unemployed, underemployed white americans. even obama talked about this sort of white blue class anger that is there because a lot of the jobs that used to create the american dream, manufacturing jobs, are just gone right now. >> also when we look at the gender breakdown, 53% of women feel more angry today about event than a year ago. 44% for men. are you feeling less angry? >> i don't know the right word is anger. i think it's aboutage state to. people are feeling anxious. i understand that's not a headline and not what we talk about at trump rallies but i think the issue is anxiety. in periods of transition, one presidential administration, a
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first african-american president to perhaps a first female president and international affairs, wars, terrorism, thinning out of the middle, changes in our economy more than we've seen in 8, 12 yeermars ag. i don't know that it's anger but anxiety. people who are anxious are asked are you angry, given the choice between anger and anxiety i think the real issue is one of anxiety. >> this is broken down by race, whites at 54%, african-americans at 33% and latinos at 43%, not fitting some of the story lines put up by individuals who might be angry. >> i'm throwing darts in the air here, take a look at where we are today. americans are in a funk. when you wake up every single morning you hear about black lives matter and a lot of people angry with the police and with the establishment. you hear over and over and over again that the more you work, the harder that you work, the more your jobs go overseas.
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i'm not a white american but i'm surmising as a white american i don't recognize the country anymore. it doesn't speak to me anymore and i'm afraid and there's anxiety there. the question, what can be done fix in this? i'm not exactly sure that donald trump has the answer but he's speaking declaratively to me, age to fix things imaginatively that gives me hope, something to cling onto. >> we're going to talk about that very topic later in the show. i want to get to another bit of the study here which i found interesting. they tried to quantify the level of anger when you did say you were angry and the top three i'll read to you, this is about how your view is about how others are being treated. african-americans how other african-americans are treated 70%, that's a higher quantified anger quotient they're
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describing. african-americans about lgbtq people 49%. so we can see certainly the opposite of what the last data point was in that once you are angry, the level can be high, so it's different than the last numbers. >> can i speak to this for a second. i can speak specifically for african-americans. african-americans always thought president obama has not been treated with the same dignity and respect as his white counterparts. you go to january brewer pointing after he got off air force one, the south carolina senator who said "you lied" during the state of the union. these are things as an african-american you say that wouldn't happen to bill clinton, ronald reagan or george w. bush. >> do you believe the american dream once held true but no longer does. that was the question. the answer by whites saying the american dream no longer holds true, 54%, african-americans 39%. rob or jane, michael or jane?
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>> please, after you. >> i think that is what is fueling bennie sanders and donald trump, the system is rigged against the little guy and the majority of white americans think it's rigged against them. >> the dream is not there. >> they see demographic changes, why am i pressing one for english, that is the kind of sort of unrest with this. >> bernie sanders is going after that. >> he absolutely is, which is interesting because he's on the far left but here he is going after alienation and a feeling of disconnect on issues driven by a more progressive agenda like marriage equality. >> sorry we have to go. we'll have an opportunity to revisit this very topic of the election shortly and talk to the panel later. we're following a developing story out of iran, violent demonstrations broke out overnight outside the embassy in tehran after saudi arabia executed a prominent shiite cleric. of two aleve for six tylenol?
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angry protesters stormed the saudi embassy in tehran overnight. images from the associated protests, after saudi arabia executed a prominent shiite cleric and 46 others yesterday. to our knowledge no one was hurt or injured in the protests. the iranian students news agency reported 40 arrests. iran's supreme leader saying that saudi arabia will face divine vengeance. the executed sheikh was a critic of saudi arabia's treatment of its shiite minority. saudi arabia is defending the execution as part of the war on terrorism. here with more details ali aruzi live in tehran. >> reporter: that's right, angry protester, raided the embassy
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over the execution of prominent sheikh nimr al nimr. they threw molotov cocktails inside the building before ransacking the premises. flames of smoke could be seen billowing from the windows. protesters ransacked the saudi consulate in a major city northeast iran. iran's ruling establishment were quick to condemn the execution, iran's supreme leader ayatollah khomeinei said they will face divine revenge for nimr's execution, calling it a huge crime and wrong deed. the powerful revolutionary guard vowed revenge. rouhani in a more balanced statement said nimres excuse violate s human rights. he ordered iran's interior
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minister to identify attackers and bring them to justice in order to put an end to these sort of crimes and guarantee the full safety of the country's diplomatic missions. now, having said that, there's no love loss between rivals and iran and saudi arabia and the latest episode is sure that fan the flame of tension between the two countries. more protests today in tehran, they weren't allowed to gather outside saudi embassy, they gathered outside palestine square, a famous police where people get to protest political things. hundreds gathered burning the u.s., israeli flag, calling for death to america, israel, as well as saudi arabia, a prominent cleric there addressed the crowd saying this was just the tip of the iceberg and that the saudis are going to face a lot more from iran. back to you, richard. >> nbc's ali arouzi thank you so much in tehran. 5:51 p.m. local time there. to discuss how the tensions
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between iran and saudi arabia could impact american diplomatic efforts in the region we bring in steve clemmens of "the atlantic" magazine. one of the questions is the sheikh and who he is and how important he was at least to peace or lack thereof between these two countries. what do you know? >> i think in the eastern provinces of saudi arabia, where you had both an area of air in bahrain that began to rise up and demand for more justice from the saudi regime and bahrain from their sunni dominated regime, bahrain is a shiite majority country and in that arab spring moment when we saw protests throughout the region sheikh al minr called for a robust movement and was arrested shortly after that as part of the protests that were going on. most look at him as being the voice of that opposition that was calling for greater sectarian justice in saudi arabia, and so it's a confusing picture, those on the side of the saudi regime look at him as
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someone who is brewing rebellion. those that are human rights activists say he was calling for greater democracy and greater fairness within that system. the importance of this is, it pours fuel on a fire that was already raging between saudi arabia and iran throughout the middle east. >> so the question might be here based on what we've seen within the last 24 hours and the execution here of the sheikh, his followers and supporters and what might happen after that. >> reporter: i think what happens now is everything gets worse, to be honest. when you look at the fact that various, the iraqi army just took back ramadi within, from isis within iraq, but that depended upon activities of shia militia coming in and basically knocking off supply routes. that sort of coordination inside places iraq is going to crumble. in geneva we have coming up a peace process at the end of january that will try to begin looking at syria and you've got the saudis and iranians both at
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the table andlooked at that as an accomplishment, that is now going to be fraught with new problems. >> how might this exacerbate the tensions right now? what is the worst case scenario that you are watching? >> well, i think one of the things you worry about which the iranians have not done by the embassy, whether or not you see greater armed tension between the saudis and iranians. they're across the different sides of a strait. that is the bigger complexity. the bigger challenge, proxy wars brewing between shiite and sunni interests throughout the middle east. i expect all of those to intensify so while you may not have the direct collisions between iran and saudi arabia it won't matter because you'll see manifestations of the tension everywhere else and in many of these other places you have the french, the british and the americans trying to tam per down some of these tensions and you'll see it get worse particularly in syria.
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>> you talked about the tensions here and you've been watching this. hassan rouhani sped up development of iran's missile program in response to the u.s. preparing sanctions to iran because of missile deployment. >> the you state has been trying to broker a different arrangement in the region that hopefully would get the saudis and iranians to deal with each other to keep the iranians away from a bomb and away from provocative military actions. their missile test moves in the wrong direction, killing sheikh nimr al nimr goes in the wrong direction. the state department cast gaited the saudi government for doing something that made bad tensions worse. it means the tectonic tweengs between the two countries will get dramatically worse now and the way they'll manifest it is greater arms development, not
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nuclear development but at least ballistic missile development. the saudis may engage in their own development. >> thank you so much on this sunday. >> thanks, richard. >> up next the swollen mississippi river is surging ten times the speed of niagara falls and the worst may be yet to come for people living south of st. louis. those details next. i do my best to manage. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. toujeo® also provides proven full 24-hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin.
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last night president owe pa ma signed a state of emergency for missouri directing federal aid there as the flood surge heads south of st. louis. forecasters are warning the gulf states that the high waters are heading their way. late next week water also rise to dangerous levels and governor jindal has declared a state of emergency in louisiana. so far 24 are dead and four are still missing in flooding. up next, the ugly history of japanese-american internment as the senate moves to do something
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about it. actor george takei joins us to discuss an often overlooked historic study. ho i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or in reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery.
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and they outsell mucinex liquid gels 2 to 1. alka seltzer plus liquid gels. a new bill in the senate would recognize a site of a japanese segregation camp as a historic site. it was the largest of the ten internment camps during the war. senator barbara boxer who introduced the bill saying in a statement "this legislation will give tule lake the national recognition it deserves while honoring the tens of thousands of japanese americans interned." activist george takei, he and his family were held there in the second world war. he stars in "allegiance" inspired by his own family's
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experience in the camps. george, thanks for being here with us today. >> good to be here, but with all respect, sir, i'd like to correct what you said about the japanese internment camps. they were american internment camps. we were not imprisoned by the japanese so i'd like to get that once and forever established. they were japanese-american internment camps and yes, the establishment of tule lake camp as a national site managed by the national parks system is very important, because tule lake is probably the most significant of all of the ten internment camps. it was also the largest internment camp housing at its peak 18,000 people, but it was also selected to be the segregation center a year into internment, because of a loyalty questionnaire. >> question 28. >> question 28.
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it was one sentence with two conflicting ideas. it asked will you swear your loyalty to the united states of america, and foreswear your loyalty to the emperor of japan. this being asked of american citizens who were unjustly imprisoned for no reason other than that we looked like the people that bombed pearl harbor. there were no charges, no trial, no due process, and to ask american citizens to foreswear our loyalty to the emperor of japan was insulting. >> right. >> we're americans. >> right. >> but for the government to assume that was outrageous. so if you answered no, i have no loyalty to the emperor do foreswear, you were answering with the same no to the first part of the very same sentence, will you swear your loyalty to the united states. if you answered yes, meaning i do swear my loyalty to the united states then you were
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confessing that you had been loyal to the emperor of japan. >> and would it be perceived in the community that you're keeping your head low and allowing yourself and your community and the country really to be insulted in such a manner and those who said no i object to that, they were sent to tule lake? >> that was our family, my parents answered no to that and the other controversial questions. >> george, talk about that, because of your experience in an internment camp at a very young age. >> i was by that time 6 years old. i was 5 years old when we were first taken to santa anita racetrack assembly center and from there we were taken to the swamps in southeastern arkansas and then a year into imprisonment the loyalty questionnaire came down and because my parents answered no on principle, my father said they took my business, they took our home, they took our freedom, but i will not give them my dignity. that's the one thing i will not
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give them. >> when we think of your play that's running on broadway, much loved and very well attended, how does that reflect your experience and why tule lake is so important as it's now being determined whether it will be again an historic site? >> well it is, as i said, the largest. it was the largest internment camp. today there is nothing there except for the concrete structure that was built by the internees called the stockade where particularly unruly ones were imprisoned. and it is important because it tells a story that's particularly timely for our times today with a broad brush painting all muslims as potential terrorists. you go to arlington national cemetery, some of the markers there have the muslim symbol on them. muslims have fought for this
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country. they have died for this country, and the message sent out by allegiants is that that kind of thing in our history must never happen, and we tell that story eight times reserved in the theater for a mr. donald trump. >> who you invited. >> he has a seat reserved for him and we're counting the days that he's missing the performance. >> if he were to show up and sit down in that seat, will you alter your play at all for him or you will continue straightforward with what you've done now? >> well the lesson he has to learn is the story that we are telling right now. it will not be altered, and i worked on a show, "celebrity apprentice." >> that's right. >> i've had conversations with him privately on marriage equality, so we have a
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relationship established, and i hope that he comes and after he's seen "allegiance" that he'll come back stage and we'll have a very interesting discussion. >> that was an interesting discussion, george takei, actor and activist, thank you for sharing your experience. >> thank you very much. look at what happened yesterday at a bernie sanders rally in amherst, massachusetts, when a donald trump supporter heckled sanders, take a listen. >> today in america -- today in america the top -- here is a trump supporter worried about mr. trump's money. [ booing ] i say to mr. trump and his supporters that the billionaires in this country will not continue to own this nation. >> yet ironically donald trump
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and bernie sanders might both be fighting for the same set of american voters. we'll explain that, right after this. ♪ because at banquet we believe that every dollar should work as hard as the family that earned it. that's why we're making our meals better. like using 100% natural chicken breast in our chicken strips and adding real cream to our mashed potatoes. so now, there's more to love with banquet. now serving... a better banquet.
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bernie sanders is a self-described democratic socialist and big tenet of his campaign is going after the billionaire class. you may find it more than just a bit surprising to find out which set of voters bernie sanders thinks may be up for grabs. >> many of trump's supporters are working class people and they are angry and they're angry because they're working longer hours for lower wages. they're angry because their jobs have left this country and gone to china or below wage countries. they're angry they can't afford so send their kids to college or retire with dignity. >> he is even campaigning in some of the reddest parts of iowa and goes the other way with the "new york times" reporting that donald trump appeals to a certain kind of democrat.
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sanders and trump may be about as far apart ideologically as any two candidates in the field as has been said but let's break out a ven die gram for a second. if you map out both sides, both are inclined to appeal to americans get up with the political establishment, middle aged white men in the middle. let's bring back our panel right now and who would have ever thought that they would be going after the same voters, jane, i want to start with you, since you have written about this. >> you know, on the trail the candidates feel similarly. you go to a bernie sabders rally or trump rally you could be at either one. some of the rhetoric at the donald trump rally tends to be a little bit inflammatory than bernie sanders rally. >> a little bit different. >> they are peeling often to people who talk about the economic structure and that's not necessarily what black lives matter protesters have said we need to be talking about at bernie sanders rallies. both say the system is rigged.
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the big difference is that bernie says it's the banks who rigged it and donald said it's wad leaders, bad deals and not enough success. basically not enough donald trump. >> we have a map where we do lay out where that support is for donald trump as well as the bernie sanders voters. you can see the darker the red is from the "new york times" here shows where that support is, it shows where republicans are most likely to support donald trump in the darker areas, where he has the most support and then also the less affluent and less educated, that's part of that evidently. it starts from the south, moves up the appalachia and into new york city. very interesting here, and tie that together if you can here when we look at this, michael, what has just been said by jane and how they are going after the same voters. it is also just a certain part of the country. >> it is a certain part of the country. it's areas where folks are more likely to respond to that sort of volume and red meat and i
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call it red although on the left we would call it blue meat. the irony is that trump is painting himself as an anti-establishment candidate, when his billions were made building subsidized developments here in new york city and how he has managed to rewrite his own personal history to appeal to far right evangelical anti-establishment angry or anxious voters in iowa, it boggles the mind. it used to be you had to be a governor to run for president in the year when people were anti-washington because he didn't want to be a u.s. senator. now you have to be a builder from new york city or socialist from vermont. there's no rule book. we're in completely uncharted territory. >> robert, as we look ross perot as the previous entrepreneur billionaire who ran for president. it's opposite in the "new york times" map, where he was getting his support was west of the mississippi. this is where donald trump is not getting any.
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will he win over the bernie sanders supporters, east or west of the mississippi based on as was said here by michael it's totally different now. we can't look at the precedents. >> i'll go grassroots. the bernie sappeders supporter and donald trump supporter are the same type of a voter that is frustrated. >> as jane was saying. >> frustrated with the establishment. in the '70s silent majority, in the '80s the reagan democrats and it's the same type of a voter there and what they're drawn to and goes back to my earlier point they're drawn to some type of hope or some type of vision for the country because what they feel is that their current elected establishment is not speaking to them. >> they were drawn to hillary clinton in the last cycle. >> if you remember that's where you saw barack obama's numbers dip, these are americans clinging to guns and religion. those are real people, that feel no one is speaking to them. hillary clinton can speak to the
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audience because she is a "blue collar" democrat and her cross tabs speak to that demographic. the difference is, is that with a donald trump and bernie sanders, they are anti-establishment although bernie sanders has been in the conference since the 1980s. >> i don't know i agree it was the same as the silent majority. the silent majority was the establishment. these are the folks anxious out there organizing and stressed out by the civil rights movement and stressed out by the war and here it's the people who are loud and the people who are anxious. >> in the 1960s there was the riots and other things going on and a lot of people in ohio, kansas, pennsylvania and michigan and so forth that richard nixon spoke to in 1972, they voted for him in landslides. exit polling showed the same thing we are seeing today, i'm working harder for less, the american dream is much more unobtainable and i'm attracted to sun who is going to fix something. ? >> in the middle of a brutal war in vietnam nixon won and reagan
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49 out of 50 states. >> what are you saying? >> i don't see the analogy between the nixon years and the reagan years and what we're seeing now. i think they're completely different demographics. >> that's not according to the facts but go on. >> either way, with the silent majority or not, we're seeing the candidates trump and bernie sanders don't look like politicians. >> exactly right. >> martin o'malley has a lot of liberal credibility and gotten nowhere because he looks and walks and talks like a politician. he is a born and bred looks great in the suit, he needs to be anything but. bernie sanders has been in congress, he's been in the political cycle, but he's an independent. >> sounds like you agree with the ven diagram. which way will they go and who will grab them? >> it does bernie sanders a disis ever to compare him to donald trump. >> i think donald trump might say the same thing. >> you almost called him the donald before in that, you stopped yourself. they're completely different people and while they may be
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appeal to the same type of anxiety in voter they're two different people. >> we'll take a quick break. up next, what president obama plans to do to avoid becoming a lame duck. our panel tells us what they think.
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as president obama heads back to washington departing hawaii overnight, he told reporters he's fired up about his last year in office. politico giving some details on what that year will look like reporting that the president has asked aides to set up a busy international travel schedule for him in 2016 with half-a-dozen trips in the work already, at least. what can he accomplish in his final year and what have past commanders in chief done as the clock ran out? this is pretty typical, eighth year, lame duck year. the president will go abroad and solidify a legacy. anything else that you sigh here that might be different than previous administrations? >> you mean domestically or internationally or both? >> in a president deciding to go abroad. you can do domestically or
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internationally. >> i think the script has been written many years before. i think the president has some foreign policy wins. when you look at presumably the iran deal, if you think that's a plus. i think he wants to go over to russia and try to solidify whatever relationship he has with valid fear putin especially as relates to tensions in russia. i think the president also wants to clearly do something with the trade deal in china. president bush, rightfully so, gets credit forthe aids thing in africa. lastly, israel. that's the riddle every president has tried to figure out the middle east. >> i don't know if you can figure that in one year. >> we are not going to see an eighth year last minutes of the term effort to secure peace in israel and the middle east. that's just a bridge to for a. it is not going to happen. i think secretary kerry wants it to be done. i think he's the type of person
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who believes you get the right people in the room you can make progress. i just don't see the obama presidency looking to invest any kind of capital for what they believe just can't be done. >> domestically, we expect discussion on executive action over gun rights. so is that an opportunity to stay at home and do something about it? >> i argue that this will be the president's biggest regret that he wasn't able to get this through congress. they said if anything -- if anything can change, gun culture in this country, it is 26 students and their teachers in an elementary in connecticut. this i think is what he's going to try and get every last inch of ground he can cover with executive action and find a e legal opening there, he'll do it in the last year of his presidency so he can sleep at night. >> the other thing is immigration reform. clearly congress has no appetite for that right now because of the presidential year but it will be interesting to see if the president does anything
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executive order wise there. lastly, this is a bad legacy but also a good legacy for the president -- that's isis. he has to try to figure out how to stabilize the relationship that we have with the middle east as relates to isis and hopefully hand that off to a su successor, in a bow, if he can. >> and how much he will be involved in the election. >> right. he's going to be making executive orders and pushing a domestic legislative agenda, perhaps effort for democrats to take control of the u.s. senate and to favor likely democratic nominee hillary clinton. >> what he does on immigration is very key for her because she struggles with that part of the -- >> is immigration really dead? it is dead for at least one or two more cycles. >> probably when getting through congress but talking about raids on people he might conduct on people that came across the border in the refugee surge last year. that puts her in a very tough spot. >> guess what? ran out of time.
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sorry. jane, thank you so much. thanks so much michael, robert as well. all three of you, have a very good new year. and thank you for getting up with us on this sunday. i'm richard lui. i do my best to manage. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. toujeo® also provides proven full 24-hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin.
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this morning, my question -- just what do we mean by diversity? plus, 382 days and one very determined president. and, the complications of politics, marriage and misdeeds. but first, bill cosby's latest lesson for america. good morning, i'm melissa harris-perry. by now you have seen the unlikely images from every possible single angle. bill cosby in a


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