tv With All Due Respect MSNBC February 22, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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you're probably never going to get the seat. you're not going to be the justice but will you go through that. >> a judicial cam kamikaze mission. we'll be back tomorrow with more. "with all due respect" starts right now. i'm mark halperin. >> with all due respect to t the improvement -- >> turn off the lights! turn them off! >> happy national margarita day, sports fans. surviving the weekend. you know the saying? a win is a win?
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for hillary clinton and donald trump, a win was worth way more than that. their definitive victories in south carolina, today in nevada, here's what ted cruz said when asked whether the donald can be defeated. >> the only way to beat him is for conservatives to unite behind our campaign. if other candidates devote all their energy to attacking us in personal slurs and attacks, it is possible they could weaken us to a sufficient extent that they hand donald trump the nomination. >> mark, you have a brand-new piping hot story up on bloomberg today about this very topic. so my question for you, a two-parter. the first part, why did one south carolina victory make trump's triumph seem so much more inevitable than before?
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>> well, trump proved he could win not just in the northeast in new hampshire, but in the south, in south carolina, against two foes, particularly rubio and cruz who put a lot of effort in there. trump is now set up to come out of south carolina into this state where people expect him to do well tomorrow, and into the big march contest with momentum. and there's no one else on the field right now who's got the ability to describe the scenario where they can stop trump if not running the table, come close to it in march. >> i think one of the things that tells you just how important this was, was that on saturday night, in the trump world, the trump inner circle, the campaign manager and others, were on fire how more important south carolina was than new hampshire. largely because of the huge evangelical turnout here. and the fact that trump had beaten ted cruz in that demographic. it has huge implications for cruz going forward.
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won new hampshire, south carolina, hugely important for trump for the march 1 states. so the second part of my two-part question that i alluded to before is, now that we know trump seems as formidable, maybe inevitable, what, if anything, can the republicans do to stop him? >> well, i talked to a lot of republicans this weekend, both associated with the other campaigns still in the race and other strategists who want to stop trump, they basically gave me three scenarios. get the field down to one person, kasich, rubio or cruz and hope that that one person one-on-one with trump could stop him. doesn't seem likely, because i don't hear anything about the three guys getting out. the second scenario was lindsay graham, can we get two of the guys to team up. could they form an unorthodox ticket now, say kasich-rubio. that's not going to happen, i don't think. hold trump from getting a majority and take it away from him.
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i'm not saying in a crazy year one of the three couldn't happen, but they seem pretty unlikely right now. >> well, look, those are really pretty much the entire waterfront of poenlts. you lay them out clearly in your piece, and just now. i said over the weekend that i thought the only strategy to stop trump would likely be a convention strategy. by that i mean, somehow this field managing to keep trump from getting a majority of delegates. getting to the magic number and going into the nominating convention and having the establishment do what you suggested in the third scenario, to basically say loo, we just can't have donald trump as our nominee. it would cause trump to run holy hell down in the party if that happened. i find it plausible scenario one or two. >> none of them are all that plausible. that's why i wrote, if nothing changes, if nothing extraordinary happens, it's going to be very hard to stop donald trump. he and clinton may be the de
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facto nominees in three weeks. on to the democratic side. if you want to know how the caucuses here saturday night affected the democratic race, look at the candidates' schedules. if bernie sanders had done better here rather than losing by five points, he would be breaking his back to rush to south carolina and dig in there to try to win the primary on saturday night. instead, sanders and his team are now downplaying his chances in the palmetto state. he flew here to south carolina. but now he's headed off to new england to lay super groundwork for super tuesday when the new england states vote on march 1st. clinton, on the other hand, rather than rushing to south carolina, felt confident enough to head to southern california to spend time with rich people there to raise money for her campaign. she will get back on the trail tomorrow. john, the same question about clinton that we asked about trump, why did one caucus victory here on saturday night so change dramatically the perception that clinton is now, if not inevitable, in a commanding position.
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>> a point you and i have made, is that one cnn poll that showed nevada a tossup. the sanders campaign said they could win nevada. they raised expectations rather than lowering them. hillary clinton came in, and not only won the popular vote by basically the same margin she did in 2008 against obama, she also won the delegate count. she shows her strings with african-american voters and hispanic voters are formidable. sanders didn't do enough to make anybody think he could rob her of the coalition to carry he through south carolina, and big delegate leads on march 1st. the way the democratic process works, once she pulls ahead with this proportion of representation, very, very hard for sanders to catch up. >> the other piece on the super delegate side is, her win here reinforced the connection she had to her super delegates. they now believe in her. they now believe she'll be the
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nominee, and she should be. if she has the super delegates, if she wins most of the states in the first couple weeks of march, just under the way the delegate math works, bernie sanders can never catch up. unless he starts winning primaries and caucuses with well over 50% of the vote. and that's extremely unlikely, given the fact that she still has a strong hold on a lot of the elements of the democratic party. >> absolutely. >> so we know now, as we've just discussed why clinton seems at least so formidable, but there is the possibility bernie sanders with all his fund-raising strength, with the fact he has a hold on part of the party as well, could come back. so john, what are the scenarios under which bernie sanders can stage his own comeback and stop her from getting the nomination? >> i've got to say, mark, the only scenario that i see, and it's not totally impossible scenario, but sanders has got to come in, unlikely he's going to win south carolina. he's got to win a state that no one expects him to win. if bernie sanders somehow were to win in texas, in bernie
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sanders were somehow to win in georgia, these are not highly plausible outcomes, but if he only wins the states he's currently targeting if he wins colorado, if he wins maybe in michigan, if he wins obviously in massachusetts, vermont, that's not going to be enough. he's got to win some state that she's expected to win. >> yep. i think the clinton campaign is not just conceding those states, they'll try to break his back by winning states he's expected to do well in. for example, massachusetts, they're going to work very hard to try to keep bernie sanders from winning that state. i think others. not necessarily shut him out, but shut him down. and i believe the only other thing he's got going for him potentially is a big clinton scandal or controversy, perhaps if she's called in by the justice department for an interview relating to her e-mails, that could spook voters and maybe some elites. that will be difficult without him for a surprising strong showing. i don't think he'll get any momentum out of south carolina,
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to go into march and start winning unexpected places. >> yeah, look, if he were to win, of course, the other way to do it is to win the battleground states. if he could show strengths with democrats in ohio, in michigan, in virginia, in florida, maybe, maybe you could start to make the claim. but boy, it's a really tough road for bernie sanders, no doubt about it. coming up, a big departure from the cruz campaign. marco rubio's strategy. and mitt romney's endorsements in this race, after this. i take pictures of sunrises.
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ever since the south carolina primary saturday night, some of the republican establishment has been moving towards marco rubio as the person who can stop trump. but elements of the same republican establishment also believe that the only thing that can take down trump is another candidate taking him on
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directly, and consistently. that could be a problem, considering that rubio's rather tepid replies when he was given a chance to blast the new york billionaire over the weekend in sunday show interviews. >> bottom line, is he qualified in your view to be commander in chief? can you support him if he's the nominee? >> i'm going to support the republican nominee, because what the democrats are offering is so horrific. i will say this, i don't believe he has exhibited an understanding of foreign policy. >> why should a voter who's undecided choose you over donald trump? >> i think one of the reasons why is we have a real sense of optimism about america's future. sounding strong is not enough. you have to know exactly how you're going to do it. if you look at some of the policies he's talked about, they would not make america stronger. >> we just heard donald trump say he's not sure you're eligible to run for president. your response? >> this is a game he plays. he says something that's edgy and outrageous, the media flocks and covers that. no one else can get any coverage on anything else. that worked when there were 15
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people running for president. it's not going to work anymore. i'm going to spend zero time on his interpretation of the constitution with regards to eligibility. 65% of the people who voted yesterday, and about 70% of republicans around the country have said we want someone other than donald trump to be our nominee. the problem is the vote was still divided among five other people last night. or four other people. >> compare that relatively mild tone about how donald trump talked about ted cruz's campaign, after rick tyler posted a video that falsely depicted rubio disparaging the bible. >> for them to take a video and transcribe words on it that are the complete opposite of what i said is incredibly disturbing. it's every single day something comes out of the cruz campaign that's deceptive and untrue and goes after my faith. i understand the spokesperson apologized. i'll accept his apology. but this is a pattern now. i think we're at a point we start asking about account yact.
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>> a little while ago, ted cruz asked for -- announced he had asked for his aide, rick tyler's, resignation over this incident. rubio did not mention either donald trump or ted cruz or allude to them in three different states. so what is the logic of how marco rubio is handling the two main obstacles he faces to get the nomination right now, donald trump and ted cruz? >> you know, mark, i fail to see much logic to it in the sense i think there's a false degree -- or degree of complacency, and some false sense of how long marco rubio has to get this done if he's going to consolidate the mainstream lane, and eventually beat donald trump. i think he's trying to be a unifier. that's the brand he's trying to build. a branded unifier in the party, it's hard to be the guy with a hatchet in your right hand. i'm not sure you could become
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the nominee without brandishing that aforementioned hatchet. >> there may be logic, if he's right and john kasich isn't part of this, and it's a three-party race, plenty of people in the establishment want someone to take on trump. the other thing is, i think hoe's a little concerned. i'm just guessing here, that if he takes on trump now, trump comes back at him hard with paid media. rubio doesn't have enough time or money to defend himself. >> all right. over the past couple of days, there has been a lot of talk about the republican nomination boiled down to a three-man race, donald trump, marco rubio and ted cruz. that leaves out the only governor left standing in this race, ohio's john kasich. who caused a little commotion today with a curious comment in fairfax, virginia, which he seemed to have read from a page
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ripped straight from a binder full of women. >> how did i get elected? i didn't have anybody for me. we just got an army of people who -- and many women who left their kitchens to go out door to door, and to put yard signs up for me all the way back when, you know, things were different. now you call homes and everybody's out working. but at that time, early days, it was an army of the women that really helped me to get elected to the state senate. >> twitter predictably went into mad spasms over that remark. it's certainly not the way kasich is hoping to get attention, as he tries to stay relevant in this race. mark, my bigger question for you is, whether kasich actually has a path to the republican nomination, and if so, what is it? >> the rubio campaign has done an effective job of shape the dynamics of the race saying there is a three-person race. to my mind, a surprising large number have already decided between rubio and kasich.
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but just going straight to rubio. i think john kasich's path at this point is not much different than rubio and cruz. in fact, in some ways i think you could argue kasich has a better chance, not just because he's a governor, but i can point to states, michigan and ohio, that he could have a decent chance of winning. maybe cruz can win texas. maybe rubio can win florida. i think kasich's got just as good a chance. until somebody proves they can beat donald trump post-iowa, they don't have any chance at all of being the nominee. >> look, there's a possibility that john kasich could win some of those states. you mentioned ohio, michigan. i wouldn't necessarily bet against donald trump in either one of those states. even with his popularity in the buckeye state. biggest problem is it seems like a long time between getting to now and when you get to those states. as you know, the way in which the media works, and the time gets filled between now and then, would just talking about the three other guys.
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it makes kasich seem like an yaf thought. it makes it hard to become a winner in those states. >> rubio's picked up more endorsements from establishment republicans. in the post-jeb world, marco rubio has received endorsements in the last 24 hours. that are enough to fill a luxury speed boat. among those onboard now are former presidential candidate bob dole, and tom tillis, warren hatch and jeff blake. in addition, arkansas governor asa hutchinson has come onboard. but there are still two big establishment prizes, one is jeb bush himself, who just got out of the race, and the other is mitt romney. team rubio thinks they can pick off a lot of jeb bush's backers. many i'm told are going to wait to see what bush does. john, what do you think in the end bush and romney are going to
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do and how big an impact will it have on the race? >> i think they'll eventually endorse. they're going to choose between the obvious, between marco rubio and john kasich. i think maybe both those guys, maybe both of them would be more inclined on the merits to choose john kasich than marco rubio. but they also really want to stop donald trump. and that might cause them both to end up with marco rubio, even though i bet both of them have doubts about his readiness for the oval office. >> i agree with that exactly. they're in a position with a lot of people. you know, you had kevin mccarthy, the majority leader in the house, on "morning joe" this morning, saying he thought it was a two-person race. as much as he liked john kasich. he thought it was a two-person race, or at least he said he thought it was between rubio and trump. some of the older members, they don't think rubio necessarily would be the right person to take on trump, but they do believe he's got the best positioning at this point to be the one to emerge even if they prefer kasich as both the nominee and as a president.
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>> the one thing we've learned in 2015-2016 is the republican establishment has been weakened badly. and neither of those guys wants to waste an endorsement on someone and not have it have an effect on donald trump and see the establishment crumble further. is hillary clinton getting better or all just an illusion? we'll be right back. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. 80% but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's 50+ complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health.
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hillary 2.0, or 3.0, it might be because of a couple of things. first, there is her stirring victory speech in las vegas on saturday night which everyone applauded. >> imagine a tomorrow where no child grows up in the shadow of discrimination, or under the specter of deportation. and every child in every zip code gets the education he or she needs and deserves. imagine a tomorrow where every parent can find a good job, and every grandparent can enjoy a secure retirement. with your help, that is the tomorrow we will build for our country. >> there are also a slew of new ads coming out of hillary clinton's campaign. and unlike many of that campaign's prior commercials, these ones are pretty, pretty, pretty good. so mark, my question for you at this moment is whether hillary
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and her campaign are actually stepping up their game, as it would appear, or are we just all just laboring under an illusion, and they're benefiting from the perception of being winners? >> there's a little bit of the latter, but i think they have stepped up their game. her speech on saturday night reminded me of mitt romney's speech four years ago. something about both occasions where the candidates rose to the occasion and found their voice with passion and emotion. and i think one of the biggest deficits hillary clinton had against bernie sanders was the question of sort of authenticity. and one of the biggest deficits was emotion or passion. i think these ads and her performance on saturday brought those things to the fore. she sounded authentic because she was. i thought it was strong. if she keeps that up, she's going to make it even harder for bernie sanders to catch up and she's going to look like a much more formidable candidate than many republicans believe her to be. >> i think she has been quietly, slowly becoming a better candidate for several months
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now. and i thought -- i agree with you a hundred percent, i thought that speech on saturday night reminded me of some of the speeches she gave in the spring of 2008 when she was very good on election nights. she seems to like that moment, especially when she's on the winning side of it. the winning fuels her confidence, and the confidence fuels her winning. she gets better on the stump. i think the ads are way better than the ads in the past. some of the best ads i've seen in a while. i wish we could be in the disagreement zone. but i've got to say she's got the aura of the winner about her. >> trump and sanders showing clearly passion, emotion matters in politics. all right. yesterday, sunday, was a big day in south carolina churches. there was one telling moment with bernie sanders we want to talk about now when he visited an african-american church in west columbia, south carolina. there were some people there who didn't seem to notice him. others seemed interested. others seem less interested. video got a lot of attention
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online and on the cable. so john, begs the question, does bernie sanders in south carolina and beyond now have a good chance to make meaningful inroads with the african-american community? >> i've got to say, everybody was focused on nevada, mark. they were focused on the hispanic vote. what we think about hillary clinton's performance in nevada was fueled in a large part with her strength with the african-american community. i don't see at this moment except for among relatively small cohort of younger african-americans, i have not seen any evidence to date that bernie sanders has made a dent in her hold on the african-american vote. can he? maybe. but hasn't yet. >> let's, again, say, bernie sanders has done a remarkable job of getting his message out, and budding a following. we'll let the voters decide. it is clear that without momentum, the kind of momentum he had after new hampshire, it
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will be much more difficult to get his word out, his name out and break the bond that hillary clinton has with a lot of constituencies in the party, labor unions and african-americans in particular, that he would need in order to have a march that doesn't cause him to fall behind. >> right. bernie sanders, one of his big african endorsers, head of the naacp, compared hillary to coca-cola in the south. >> we'll be right back with a couple of folks representing the clinton and sanders campaigns in south carolina. more "with all due respect" right after this.
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both. dick, i asked you how disappointed you were to see the south carolina primary somewhat lose maybe a little bit of the energy around it, given what happened in saturday in nevada. you tell me no, no! why was nevada not a big deal? >> hillary wins by four. closed the gap. given another week he would have beat her there. it will be a lot closer here. >> how much closer? >> single digits. >> you're a man with a good track record in predicting south carolina on the democratic side. >> what i'm seeing on the ground here from the sanders camp reminds me of what obama did here in '08. it's a hell of a ground game. they're knocking on doors. i've got three phone calls last night, i live in a neighborhood that's a swing neighborhood for democrats. i've not had a door knock, not a phone call, not a mailer, not a door hanger, nothing, from hillary. >> i'm going to ask you whether the reason they're not doing any
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of those things has to do with what you have to say. >> well, i'm happy dick is hitting vegas. he would be a losing man betting like that. every poll i've seen shows her with a sizeable margin. but here's the real story. i was in churches, three churches, largely african-american congregations. those churches, along with new orleans mayor mitch landrieu and also congressman jim clyburn, the people are excited, yes, excited about going to vote for hillary clinton. the fact is that hillary has been in this state through the most horrific tragedies that the state has ever witnessed, one being the shooting death of walter scott. she elevated the conversation of race and police profiling by a
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speech to the urban league shortly thereafter. and also, she attended the funeral of my slain colleague senator pinckney, and she talked about gun reform. >> i'll get to dick in a second. but i'm going to give you a challenging question right now. i'm asking every african-american surrogate supporter of hillary clinton's support in this state, what substance of matter of policy is hillary clinton better for african-americans than bernie sanders? >> well, if you remember, during when her husband was president, she fought vigorously around the state using the first lady position for early childhood education. that is a critical issue in the state, because we have a problem educating those. and most importantly, hillary care, which now over 8 million african-americans in this country enjoy, 20 million enjoy the affordable care act, but
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hillary care eventually became the basis and the starting point for the affordable care act. those are two significant issues. >> let me ask you, i'll let you rebutt that -- >> i would love to. >> i'll ask you a tough question. >> and i don't have to go back to the clinton presidency to remember hillary clinton. she and her husband here in 2 8 2008, i remember them stripping the bark off our candidate, barack obama, and it was downright racial politics. and bill clinton pushed back on that. many of us remember that. and remember that when the going got tough, she got mean. and she got down. and she got racial. and i don't want anything to do with that. the second point, it's called obamacare, not hillary care, because barack obama passed it, not hillary. and she can point to no substantial policy or bill that she passed while she was in the senate. >> let me ask you this. i think every clinton supporter
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would point out, bernie sanders, i think it's obviously unfair to say bernie sanders wants to strip health care from people, because he wants to go to single payer medicare for all. isn't it the case that hillary makes the point that getting more is going to be impossible, and he's offering a santa claus version of reality when he says, you know, obamacare's not enough. that we need to abandon obamacare, that it's somehow deeply flawed and we try to achieve this thing that was not achievable when the democrats had a majority of the senate and go for broke and get something that's not possible. >> it's not possible if you're taking $10 million from the pharma industry in your super pac. if your perspective is bought by the banks and pharma companies, no. if you're not taking a dime from them, you can go into the white house and you can take a position, you may not get everything you want, but he's going to be hammering on that every day and not have to listen to the lobbyists from the pharma companies on health care. and i've got to tell you, that's what's persuaded me to go with
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bernie, is he's not bought and paid for, like hillary. by the way, trump using his own money, he's not bought and paid for either. >> hillary clinton made a lot of money from wall street, giving those speeches. she said the other night she would look into releasing the transcript of the speeches. should she do that? >> that's obviously going to be her decision. but let me -- >> it's going to be her decision, but do you think she should do that. >> i'm in favor of greater transparency, okay? but look, this business about bought and paid for is really unfair. she represented the state of new york, and we're fooling ourselves to believe that busting up wall street is a substantive policy. we need our capital markets. and the issue is, how we reform wall street. i am a civil litigation attorney who sues wall street companies every day in securities fraud cases. so i know about taking on the big companies for securities
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fraud. her proposal, i think, is to open up the capital markets so african-american investment managers can manage some of that money are. they've been traditionally left out of the process. she's been meeting with small and minority owned businesses in columbia, south carolina, she has a plan to generate and make the economy work for people who have been left out of the process. so when we talk about busting up wall street, we have to recognize that it can't stop there. we need a substantive agenda to reform wall street. >> bernie sanders won the nevada caucuses, he would have been here all week. fighting for every single vote. >> he was in summit ter today. >> and now in massachusetts and virginia. hee's basically not spending a lot of time in the state. do you not think the democrats in south carolina are saying bernie sanders is giving up on us? >> he was here last night.
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there's a big super tuesday primary coming up. he can't put all his eggs in one basket. but his ground game is not making a million phone calls in the last four weeks. that's going to pay off. >> we have to leave it there. thanks. up next, we go to church. unfamiliar place for me for sure. don't forget, if you're watching us in washington, d.c., you can listen to us on bloomberg. when you've got a house full of guests on the way
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in the battle grounds of democratic politics, especially here in the south, there might be not anything more passionate than around black churches in south carolina on a sunday before the democratic primary. that was yesterday. we sent our film maker to document what happens, and when this collision occurs at the intersection of religious convictions and the ballot box. ♪ >> my thing is churches. i reach out to the people in the church to let them know souls to the poll.
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>> bernie sanders is a nice guy, seems to be. but i don't know. >> i think it's pretty clear right now that donald trump's going to be the republican nominee. that's what it looks like. i think it will be two stark choices for america. it's all designed so that i, we can be in hand. when you tell somebody in the south i want to be great again, what i get is, we need to go back. that's what i'm hearing.
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[ applause ] >> to specifically endorse a candidate, that's against the rules. but it doesn't necessarily say you can't come and endorse. >> if someone has their hands up, no threat, why did my son die. >> the whole world has seen the video. she was arrested, and asking, i believe it was about 14 times, what she was being arrested for. >> i have yet to hear from my leader in my state capital in madison, wisconsin, no condolence call, no "we're sorry for your loss." hillary clinton took the time to
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personally have her staff contact me. >> she spoke to us one on one. she was listening. she was actually listening, and taking notes. >> she truly has a heart to serve the african-american community. >> she will fight for us. so i stand today to say that i'm endorsing hillary clinton. i believe in what she's doing. and i support her. [ applause ] >> you can't ever take anything for granted. you have to earn the vote. that's what we're trying to do. >> you have to get on your feet, not just in south carolina, all over this country. >> your vote is just as importa important. >> this is an incredible time for us. stop talking and get up and move. >> our thanks to our resident autour for making that beautiful piece of inspiring video. joining us to chat about it, and other matters, is one of our
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bloomberg reporters. you were out yesterday on this time-honored day in south carolina presidential politics, hitting churns yourself. you saw jesse jackson speak. what was that like? >> i did. i had bumped into jesse jackson late friday night. i asked, what are you going to say? he said, you have to show up if you want to hear it. so i did. i was hoping he would endorse either hillary clinton or bernie sanders and we'd have that element. he didn't. he told the parishioners he didn't care. that his goal was to get them to turn out in november. he wants them to vote saturday also. in november. and he didn't talk about the candidates by name, he was obviously talking about donald trump. in his mind donald trump is already the nominee saying making america great again is basically coded language. >> here in south carolina, obviously politics and religion mix. before the primary, jesse jackson is not weighing into the primary politics, it is
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fascinating to me just the extent to which the pastors will not go so far as to say, you must all go vote for hillary clinton or bernie sanders, but they do everything short of that. it's incredibly rich part of how this primary happens. it's unique in a lot of ways to anywhere in america. >> that's absolutely true. trying to figure out which way jackson is leading is interesting. sanders endorsed him many years ago when it really marrieally m. when you're the push kind of guy, maybe bernie sanders is in the wheel house. jesse jackson is very interested in the democrats prevailing in november. and when you're asking voters to turn out, right now in south carolina you're helping hillary clinton. >> margaret, you're going to stick around. we're going to talk to you when we come back after this next commercial. and also the amazing john huey
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joining us now, me, and margaret, is john huey, former editor in chief of time inc. not a na sieve south carolinian, but transplanted south carolinian here in charleston. iraq on tour. and consumer of all fine brown liquor at a very high level. is that fair? >> reasonably fair, yeah. >> that piece about black churches, that is the story of the democratic primary. why do you say that? >> i think that explains more than anything that anybody else has said here. it's a beautiful piece, and beautiful story. you have to understand south carolina democratic party and the history of the primary a little bit. and i won't go on, but last weekend was the white primary.
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that was the gop, and yeah, they have a sprinkling of this and that. but it's the white primary. south carolina is a very small state. not even 4 million people. it's roughly 70% white, 30% black. the democratic party is mostly african-american, or more than half african-american with a sprinkling of plaintiffs' lawyers, jewish interests, some firehouse catholic democrats. reilly was 48 years mayor here. by the way, charleston had a democratic mayor for 40 years. and charleston county voted for barack obama twice. but statewide the democratic party has no statewide officers and one representative in washington, jim clyburn, who wields an enormous amount of power. so the democrats are organized in a traditional way that they would have been for a long time. and the churches are a big part of it. mr. clyburn is a big part of it. there's been really two moments of drama in the whole history of
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it. in '92 clinton won the first one. it came off the rails a little bit in 2008 when the clintons expected everything -- >> more than a little i'd say. >> and clinton showed up with charlie rangle, barack obama showed up with himself. and oprah. and with all due respect to dick, who's been adjusting wind mills for long time, i wouldn't expect a lot of drama saturday. i think being a democrat in south carolina, particularly a white democrat in south carolina, is a little bit like being a cubs fan. you've got to take your pleasures where they are. this is like talking about off-season trades with the cubs. >> what dick predicted is true, and bernie sanders came in single digits of beating hillary clinton, it will be a huge story that would completely change the dynamic. >> it would. >> you were here in 2008 covering barack obama, on that plane, in those buses. it was one of the most extraordinary primaries i've ever covered or taken part in.
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it surprises me a little bit, even though it's eight years later, there's not more lingering hard feelings among african-american voters in the state for clintons in the way that they played politics in 2008 against barack obama. >> actually, i think there are still some lingering hard feelings. but i think for the most part, those are not going to translate to bern i sanders votes. i think it will translate as some people staying is hope. it may push some people leaning towards bernie sanders. the clintons don't have the same history, they don't mean as much with the younger voters. but to avoid any of that emotion of 2008. the drama, the barbershops and hair salons and gathering places and diners, it doesn't feel the same right now as it did eight years ago at all. >> i think that was more of a wholesale event than a retail event. i don't think the retail black democratic voter got mad at the clintons. i think they just decided to go with history and barack obama.
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i don't think they remember that. one thing i don't agree with him at all is this feels like 2008. this feels nothing like 2008. i called up a big democratic donor today and i asked him, you know, what was going on, any drama, he said, no, i'm going to quote bill maher and say i'm going to go out and vote for hillary and a lot like getting my flu shot. it's going to hurt, but it's the thing to do. there's a lot of that going on, i think. >> do you think there's any -- what would sanders have to do here, beyond the numerical thing, again, if he did actually come six or seven points back, people would be startled by that, what could he do between now and saturday to lessen the blows to the extent that he can from what is likely to be a shellacking. >> he can get his message right with african-american voters, and try to figure out some kind of strategy to get to the super
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tuesday states. period. >> in fairness, it would be a way to sip his energy when he would have a better chance in other states. >> he could do it in massachusetts. >> he could have a better chance in north carolina and georgia, anyplace other than here. >> we have not seen much of him as a result. >> the caravan is going to move on. >> but she is playing it really hard. morgan freeman is -- >> she's trying to run up the score here. >> yes. >> is she here tomorrow? she's coming in out of here a lot more than sanders is. you're saying he's going to try to crush him here? >> you lose, let's go back. >> one of two things and very possibly both. number one, if she gets overconfident, she's in a whole heap of trouble. and number two, look, those polls range somewhere between 18 pints and 30 points. the more you get to 30 the more you knock him out of the way in
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the future. >> this is a great place to tune up for super tuesday, too. >> all right. john huey, i'm always so happy to see you. and morgan. we'll be right back. mark will come back and we'll talk about who won the day. when you've got a house full of guests on the way and a cold with sinus pressure, you need fast relief. alka-seltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. to put you back in control. [doorbell] woman: coming! alka-seltzer plus sinus. or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them.
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mark, another day has ended. who won it? >> i think marco rubio got big endorsements. cruz a little off message. he put himself in a position if he keeps this going to beat the trump alternative if there is one. i cannot quarrel with the notion of a man that racks up that number of endorsements. the shear weight of them helps rubio make the argument he is indeed the person who mainstream establishment republicans should
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rally. time to check out margaret's inkresible piece on jesse jackson going to church in south carolina. and more on hillary clinton and donald trump. >> until then, thanks for watching. sayonara. >> coming up, "hardball" with chris matthews. place your bets. trump or the resistance. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews out in las vegas. i've been here a while. republicans woke up sunday with a reality, donald trump the front-runner for the party's nomination. celebrating his big win in south carolina. here he is. >> we won with everything. we won with women. i love the women. we won with evangelicals. like unbelievable. we won with the military. we
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