tv Morning Joe MSNBC March 2, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST
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great. we have to make america whole. we have to fill in. >> make america great again is going to be much better than making america whole again. >> when we bring our people together, when we do not allow the donald trumps of the world to divide us up -- [ cheers and applause ] >> we will not allow the next president of the united states to be a socialist like bernie sanders. [ cheers and applause ] and we will not allow the next president of the united states to be someone under fbi investigation like hillary clinton. >> head to head. our campaign beats donald trump resoundingly. but far to happen, we must come together. super tuesday was a sweeping victory for donald trump. trump claimed big wins in the south, a 22-point margin in alabama, 14-point victories in tennessee and georgia with tight erwins in arkansas and virginia. up north, his margin of victory
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in massachusetts was 31 points. >> that's unbelievable. >> and in vermont he won by three points over john kasich. >> 31-point lead in massachusetts. 20 plus in alabama. this was a national sweep. ted cruz carried oklahoma and his home state of texas by a comfortable margin, 44% to trump's 27%. senator cruz also picked up alaska early this morning with nbc news projecting cruz winning that state's caucuses by less than a thousand votes. marco rubio got his only victory late in the night in the minnesota caucuses. we're still trying to figure out exactly what the rules to those caucuses were and john heilemann will help us with that. 37% to cruz at 29% with donald trump finishing at 21%. overall trump came away with the most delegates last night. 210 so far. he is leading the field in the total delegate count with over 100 more delegates than ted cruz
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and nearly triple the amount claimed by marco rubio. on the democratic side, hillary clinton sol e clinton sol phied her status. she won massachusetts, swept across the south claiming victories in arkansas, tennessee, virginia, texas, georgia and alabama, she also won the caucuses in american samoa. >> senator sanders notched wins in vermont, oklahoma, colorado, and minnesota. here's a look at the super tuesday map on the democratic side at this hour. nbc news is allocating 461 delegates to clinton and 295 to sanders. add those totals to the delegates the candidates had accumulated in the four previous contests as well as the super delegates and the race now stands clinton 979, sanders, 382. with us this morning we have nicolle wallwallace.
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>> she doesn't sleep. so anything is possible. >> and mark halperin is with us. >> she's already trashed soccer, said it's a stupid sport. >> oh, stop it. you were amazing last night. >> willie geist, you look at the headline. we're going to be showing a clip in a bit about how we predicted this way ahead of everybody else but you look at this headline, trump and clinton feast as 12 states vote. as we said two years ago, this race was going to come down to manhattan versus westchester county and that's what happened. do you go with chappaqua or manhattan? >> you've got two basically new york moderates we'll call them who will be the nominees for their parties. trump very impressive last night. cruz more impressive than we thought winning three states. i thought it was interesting to watch all the speeches. donald trump looked like a president who had just -- was holding a news conference in the east room. he had all the staging. >> but can i say, though, it was
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a beautiful east room. >> more beautiful. >> a lot of gold. >> fancy one. >> it was a fancy east room. >> so you had trump there, you had hillary clinton talking purely about the general election saying we need love and kindness saying the rhetoric on the republican side is no good. she's pivoted. then you had ted cruz who felt like he had a good night winning three states saying to everyone else besides donald trump in the republican field, politely "guys, time to get out. it's me versus donald trump." obviously marco will stay in and try for florida and kasich for ohio. >> exact lift ted cruz had a much better night than expected. people are still saying he needs to get out of the race. marco rubio last night attacked ted cruz, said he underperformed just like he said donald trump underperformed after winning nevada by 22 points. >> hard to do that when you perform the worst of the three. donald trump took in the result from his state in palm beach and called a prime time press conference with new jersey governor chris christie at his side. trump congratulated ted cruz on
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winning texas, pushed back against marco rubio's recent attacks and otherwise looked past the primary to the general. >> i want to congratulate ted on the oning of texas. he worked hard on it. i know how hard he worked, actually. i congratulate ted cruz on that win. it was an excellent win. it was a tough night for marco rubio. he had a tough night. [ laughter ] he worked hard. he spent a lot of money. he is a lightweight as i've said many times before. he was very, very nasty. i've never heard a person get up and speak on an evening like this and be so nasty but he has a right to be nasty. he hasn't won anything and he's not going to win very much. >> nicolle wallace, sort out last night. what do you see? >> a lot of the conversation was about the fractured republican party, as if that's a new development. the fact we're down to three illuminate what is's been going on for many, many months with the establishment pinning its opens on anyone other than cruz and trump for very different reasons. cruz mostly because they don't
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like him and he's been a divisive figure in the senate. >> if that's the case, the establishment got destroyed last night, pummelled, finished. >> it's already dead, that would suggest it's still viable. the difference is we talk about the establishment as though it's the operatives. there is a class of people that govern under the banner of republican thabs was very alarmed that it took trump three day days to clarify he disavows donald trump and the kkk every time they express support for him. so those who govern under the banner had legitimate cause for alarm. there's concern that the senate will be in jeopardy with trump at the top of the ticket but, yes, the establishment class in terms of the political operative class, conservative media class rooting for rubio even though he hasn't won much of anything, had a bad night. >> it's stunning much the gone
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establishment class put their hopes on marco rubio who is getting destroyed in state after state. he had a horrific night last night. their two enemies -- trump and ted cruz -- owned the most important date in the the republican calendar in 2016. is jon meacham said to me last night that donald trump's victory and continued ascent in the republican party could mean the end of the republican party as we know it. that george w. bush could be the last elected republican president. whether trump runs as an independent, whether there's warfare at the convention, that is party coming apart. but right now donald trump has commandeered a successful hostile takeover and he owns it. he owns this republican party. >> yeah. the hostile takeover is still under way in some sense because the people -- the ceo and board of directors of the party are
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resisting, right? >> but that makes it sound like you think they could actually fight back from this hostile takeover. >> i'm not going to make predictions about the success or lack of success about what's about to happen but to nicolle's point, the last three or four days has been an "oe my god" moment for donald trump. it came late for republicans to realize he was the likely republican nominee. today he's the more likely republican nominee than he was yesterday and the level of the freakout in the republican establishment today is going to be greater than it was even the last three days. so what now happens going forwa forward? on the basis of these result, marco rubio isn't getting out of the race, ted cruz isn't getting out of the race, john kasich isn't getting out of the race and everybody who wants to stop donald trump is going to redouble their efforts. i don't predict success or failure. it will be a messy ugly few weeks going forward because everyone looking at these totals says donald trump did really, really, really well tonight but he's not the de facto nominee. he's the front-runner still and
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more likely today than he was yesterday but the party is going to focus on how do we get to a contested convention? how dewho stop him from getting a majority of delegates. >> and mark halperin, when you have a candidate winning in massachusetts by how many points -- what did he win massachusetts by? 30 points maybe? he won by 31 points in massachusetts the same night he won by over 20 points in alabama and across the deep south. there's very it will it will republican establishment can do. there is no republican establishment anymore and despite them working against donald trump for the past nine months for better, for worse, for good reasons or for ill, promoting rubio for the past nine months, trashing ted cruz for the past nine months, none of it is working on any count. >> complete misfire. >> republican voters are not listening to any of them. and the media are in washington,
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d.c. >> well, the establishment can't stop trump and the outside groups, no matter how much they raise and spend can't stop him but i think there are still three people, i'll disagree with nicolle a little bit, not two, but three people who have a chance to keep him from getting the majority of the delegates. he's the overwhelming favorite, the win he is had were impressive but he lost some states. that shows that this saturday with a handful of contests then the following tuesday with p particularly michigan then the big states where winner take all starts, there's the possibility that these three guys can divide up the map to make trump fight multi fronts and maybe lose states. >> let me push back for a second. trump lost texas, ted cruz's state. he lost oklahoma right next to texas, he lost the minnesota caucuses and he lost alaska -- do they have caucuses in alaska? he lost the alaska caucuses. do you really see that as an equal splitting of the map?
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>> it's an overwhelming night for trump. >> exactly. >> but he didn't win virginia by very much. he's the overwhelming favorite. all i'm saying is these three guys now have a chance. rather than a winnowing, because i agree with john heilemann, you're not going to see a winnowing now. they have a chance to maybe fight trump on multiple fronts and maybe, maybe, slow him down from the majority. i'm not predicting it. all i'm saying is there's some indications on the results last night that he's not as strong as i thought he would be last night and it's possible that if something occurs, if one of these guys gets a hot enough hand in individual states it's possible they could stop him from getting a majority. >> with all due respect i find it hard to imagine a more dominant night than donald trump had last night. i don't know what results you're looking at. this guy won by massive margins in different regions of the
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country. won in virginia. is he won across the board. again, i'm not -- >> joe, he had a super dominating night and he's got a very stronghold on the nomination. i'm saying there's a scenario now based on particularly virginia where i could imagine -- >> what's the scenario? >> well, he loses ho to john kasich. >> he loses florida to rubio. >> let's look though really quickly at florida, for instance. nicolle wallace, in a region i know very well, the northern part of florida, you look at culturally how donald trump did in georgia. >> and south carolina and alabama. >> and in south california, georgia, on the border, he beat everybody by 30 or 40 points. marco rubio has no presence in north florida. that matters in republican primary. again, i'm not trying to say this thing is over. i don't see a pathway forward.
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>> the path forward isn't to victory. it's to blocking donald trump. >> correct. >> from getting the 1200 delegates he needs. so the path forward isn't a path toward victory, it's toward blocking him. then what? you think there's rank dmor tco republican party now? we are here because everyone stayed in. >> which i recall if donald trump could have laid out a scenario better, he said, "let cruz win just enough to keep him in the race. let marco win one state." >> they're still helping him. and the notion that someone will find religion as ted cruz literally suggested last night and get out now is another republican fantasy. >> just look at them. you can't say this enough. viz victory was huge and the
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goal if you have to focus on this, how do you keep -- the game now is not marco rubio getting the magic number. he's not going to get there. we can say that now. ted cruz unlikely to get a majority of delegates. the question is now can the party in one way or the other keep trump from getting to 1237, whatever that number is. look at the delegate totals. trump had a big night. put those up please so we can see them again. >> look at heilemann! >> easy now. >> look at me and we'll talk about it. >> it was only 20 dell delegates short of trump's number. >> i understand. and you're right. it comes down to ohio and florida. >> and all that matters is the delegate count. >> i don't know if you guys have to keep the drama up for your
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show -- but this thing, i'm not saying it's over but it's pretty damn close on both sides. . donald trump has won all these delegates, you get to the convention and then you tell the republican party "he's won all these states but he's not the nominee. you can't do that. >> i'm not rooting for an outcome, i'm telling you what the republican part key is going to try to do. that's the game going forward. they may fail. >> that's the problem, not the game. >> trump could win in florida and ohio and shut the whole thing down. >> i'm not rooting for an outcome, either. i was a jeb bush supporter, i'm a --i will probably vote for john kasich if he's still around
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in connecticut. we haven't rooted for outcomes and we'll show clips. we've just told everybody what was going to happen, willie, mika, and myself. and we're going to say the same thing we've been saying for nine months and stupid people out there have been saying "oh, you must be rooting for --" no. if you're john madden and you see somebody throw five interceptions you say "he sucks, take him off the field." if you see somebody throwing across his body 45 yards you say "he'll probably be the quarterback that wins the super bowl." so i can say this again mika and willie for the 8,000th time let me say it -- >> simmer. >> if any other candidate had the night donald trump had last night they would be throwing rose petals at his feet and saying all hail the new nominee. >> isn't that the point, you guys? >> yes, and people have been blinded for nine months. what we have seep clearly, people have been blinded by and
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now they're going "this is epic." >> i've told people and mark halperin told people for nine month, marco rubio doesn't have it. he can't even throw a five and out. don't invest in it. people are like "oh, you hate marco." i don't even know him. but we knew this was going to happen. same thing with trump. they've been blinded by what they want to see happening. >> and now you want to see the party do something. >> it's not desire. >> oh, yes it is. >> no, it's not! >> oh, come on. >> when you have a guy that takes three days to disavow the kkk, it's not the desire for him to lose, it's the terror of what he'll do to the party. it's not denial -- >> what's the difference? >> the difference is you're willing a different outcome for the good of the party. >> the difference is you're coffering the story in a way that you wouldn't if a different candidate was in the lead. >> but we're not talking about what should happen and willie we've never talked about what we want to happen, we've talked about what will happen and it's happening and the party has been blind to it and now they're
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going, oh, my god, what are we going to do? could have seen this coming? >> there was an interview last night, chris matthews was in texas. he had tom delay on him and tom delay was making the case john and mark are making which is i don't accept this result, we'll take this to con t convention -- >> in their defense, they haven't said that. >> you're putting to that out as a plausible alternative to donald trump. and how do you tell the voters that we've heard what you've said but that's a suggestion, we want this guy to be our nominee. >> ben ginsburg was on the network last night and made the correct point which is there's a reason why these rules exist. the rules exist so if someone doesn't get a majority of delegates that you can have a second ballot at the convention. that's what the rules are designed to take advantage of. my only point is -- i couldn't care less what the outcome of this is, it's just interesting. what's different this time, joe, i think is that in almost any
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nomination fight i've seen when you get a dominant front-runner, the party wants there to be -- they look at that front-runner and the party wants to coalesce behind them. let's get this over with. let's get behind mitt romney, john mccain, whoever. >> i understand. but what i'm saying is the party has no power, the conservative media has no power, the voters have taken this into their own hands and whether you like it or not, again, we pass no judgment. we're just looking at a guy that can throw a 30 and out on a line. >> and, joe, has the party done anything yet? has the party done something to try and stump trump? i'm just asking. has there been any act? >> they're about to. >> has anything happened? >> well -- >> has anything happened? because unless something happens the more we prognosticate, it's the more you're showing your wishes. >> what i think you're about to see is major money put behind efforts to stop trump from
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winning ohio and to stop trump from winning florida and that money cannot stop him alone. it's going to take performance by kasich, performance by rubio. not cheering for an outcome, not predicting for an outcome. but the trump goes to the convention with 40% of the g delegates. >> does anybody anything that spending money against donald trump is going to work? >> no, but mark is right, there was a conference call last night to talk about this very question. we've got a-to-stop this now. >> tv ads a i loan won't work. it will take candidate performance as well. i will just say in terms of this notion of a talking point of how could you take the nomination away from a guy with the majority -- the plurality of the delegates. if 60% of the delegates go to the convention supporting someone else and there's a kasich/rubio ticket or a rubio/cruz ticket, they could say, look, 60% of the delegates are for these two guys. >> mark, this sounds like
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fantasy to me. right now donald trump -- again, we've talked about through the past nine months have been data and all we've said when people were shocked, you think donald trump can win? show us the data that suggests he can't. not that he will. so let's look at the data before us now. in the state of florida, donald trump: i think he's ahead by 20e6r points right now in the state of florida. rick scott is most likely going to come out from everything i've heard and endorse donald trump over the next week or two. but what data do you have to suggest that somebody is going to erase a 20-point lead from donald trump over the next week or two. >> i think the most likely outcome is trump puts the nomination in the next two weeks. 20 points in two weeks in a volatile situation with something that hasn't been tried yet which is tens of millions of dollars spent against him and strong performances from the candidates.
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>> what's the message? that he's a liberal? you know from your bloomberg poll, everybody knows he's a liberal. >> i think that's one of the challenges and that was one of the things that continues to be discussed not just on the call willie referenced but amongst these donors and politicians who want to stop him which is what is the right message? >> john heilemann, last night he talks about planned parenthood again. "planned parenthood is great." i'm sitting there going, okay, any other republican who did that would be, like, carried out on a rail. >> just to go back to this -- just -- it's just fascinating moment and, again, just to go to these last few days, you know how national republicans coming out, important people in the party saying "if donald trump is the nominee, i'll vote for hillary clinton." that's an extraordinary circumstance. and to go back to your question, willie, in 1976, the last time there was a contested convention in the republican party, this situation happened. gerald ford had the popular vote, had the plurality of
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delegates but didn't have the magic number and ronald reagan's forces tried to go in and take the nomination away from gerald ford. it's happened. that's a long time ago, 40 years ago; but it's not unprecedented. and they failed, by the way, which could happen with trump. >> it comes down to florida and ohio. peggy noonan said she believed we were seeing the shattering of the republican party. jon meacham, again, no slouch, pulitzer prize winning historian said he believes that george w. bush may be the last republican elected president of the united states. these are fascinating times, no doubt we're seeing disruption in american politics like we haven't seen it in 5-- maybe '6. still ahead on "morning joe," mayor bill de blasio is here on set. how he would advise hillary clinton in a potential showdown with donald trump. plus, nbc's tom brokaw, reagan biography craig shirley
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and chuck twod his super tuesday takeaway. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. (patrick 2) pretty to be the boss of you? (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done?
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>> tonight was supposed to be tecr's night, the night he swept the mostonservative part of the countr he leaves with a win in texas and doesn't take the delegates and the neighboring state of oklahoma and doesn't take all theampan come to the sessment there's only two outcomes here, you don't catch donald trump and he becomes the nominee or you have take thisco? erdo not seem to be a
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mathematical path for you clinch the convention before cleave land? on we get to the winner take all phase the map gets friendlier fus. if a couple people weren't on the ballot we would have won virginia tonight and a couple other states as well so we feel good as we get into march 15. how does donald trump get to 1,237 delegates? >> he went after ted cruz for doing badly when he didn't even lift the hammer. seriously, he won one caucus. >> ted cruz won three states, exceeded expectations. this is just like last week marco rubio after donald trump beat him by 22 points said that
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donald trump underperformed. i mean, this is why people hate politics. >> why are you looking so -- like -- you just tired? >> saying something everybody knows is not true. >> well, i think rubio's done a masterful job of -- >> of not telling the truth? >> managing expectations within his own orbit. it's not transcending to the broader field but his strategy was 3-2-1, whose strategy is loseo two people then lose to one person? [ laughter ] and i think he acknowledged for the first time. i thought it was the first time the strategy is more to deprave trump of the nomination -- the campaign acknowledged it was a deprivation strategy not a victory strategy. >> the new strategy, somebody said on twitter that the new strategy is 3-5-2-3-3-3-2-3-1. [ laughter ] >> and ted cruz did badly. whatever.
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donald trump announced his bid for the white house on june 16, remember that escalator ride? well, nine months later he's likely closing in on the nomination. here now is a look back atur analysis from day one compared to everybody else. >> people just don't remember how much of a joke, a total joke ronald reagan was with the national media. say whatever you want to say u think? >> well, a lot of people in the this close, anything media may scoff at it, see it as a pr stunt. he's got a lot of money. he obvusoeive a dam what anybody thinksut him and he doesn't py by the rules. he'll have everybody ridicule ay oh he's -- this is just ajoke, this is -- then he'll go to south carolina and ve bigger crowd than any other established candidate. when he's on a debate stage and turns to scott walker or marco
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rubio or jeb bush and hits them not with something mean spirited but searing and truthful that nobody else in pe politic guts >> and peo who s he's going to wimp out, they don't get. >> it ben stein, what's so -- sam stein, what's so funny? >> no one is doubting his entertait value and the fact that he can deliver a good line and might have an impac ridicul >> we've got on the the point where a comical figure, a comical blow hard like donald trump is con soefbceivably a pl >> everyone needs to stop with the line that he co hav a serious impact o soundbite. >> i'm not sitting here saying he debated well or would be a good president or that he doesn't say offensive things all the time. i'm not saying that. i'm just saying this denial of y byreit the mainstream media is donald trump's streng
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strength. >> we are saying we won't part nate the ledge thatsy of a fringe and can state. >> a guy that has a quartere the vote is ahead in not a fringe if jeb bush had donald trump's numbers the race would be over. >> the question is when will you decide to get out of the race? 1. >> maybe 100% of his supporters but the vast majority of them are not going away. >> he's not going to win this, joe. >> we don't know whether he is or not. >> donald trump's strength is the deep south, if donalump gets past iowa and new hampshire he wins south carolina by 20, he wins alabama, georgia, mississippi. >> if you want someone to beat hillary clinton it will be donald trump because he will do ngs none of those candidates will. do i'm not saying it's good or
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pretty or right, but the democratic party has ablem if trump wins the nominaon. >> wow. i didn't know that. so what do you do after you dunk the ball and shatter the back board. do you walk off the court? >> that's what shaq used to do. >> i'm surprised what we were saying june 16, 17, and 18. >> we called it and said not because it's good, not because it's right, not because it's bad but we saw it coming, the establishn't didn't and now they're shocked. >> i think it's because through tons of different work-related events and apprentice appearances and pageant, we have known him.
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>> kate steinle, when she was killed in san francisco, the girl who was killed in the country illegally and san francisco is a sanctuary city, i remember feeling the whole thing change, he was so right about something so visceral and then an event, and campaigns always turn on events. >> they always turn on events and as we've said here and we said it after paris, that wa defining moment. donald trump's defining moment was barack obama's perceived tepid response to paris. >> and san bernardino. >> willie, the one thing we did since august is we kept pointing at the day saying it's august, september, october. and you kept saying why do they keep telling him to drop out of the race? >> there was a string of two months where they put up a poll of trump up by 12 points, show the poll, trump would be smiling and they'd say "sir, when will you get out of this race?"
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remember it was going to be the summer of trump, then it was the fall of trump and this flirtatious couldn't last and people woke up in the last couple weeks but i don't blame most people because who could have seen this coming on paper? it didn't add up that this guy could win the nomination. fun to talk about, fun to they have the race but he didn' add up as a nominee. >> it's very intesting mark halperin. we got skewered four years ago for trying to explain to nate silver's worshippers that sometimes politics can't just be distilled to numbers. that sometimes things that don't make sense happen in american politics and a lot of the things that we put up there where nate silver's prediction which is had been wrong about donald trump from the beginning. sometimes there's a ghost in the machine, sometimes things just happen. >> flesh and blood matters. this was not the strongest need
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a generation, it was the most overrated need a generation, that helped trump. but trump has shown himself to be one of the most extraordinary candidates, particularly as a first-time candidate, any of us have ever seen for the presidency and his message, as nicolle suggested is, resonated well more than anyone else's. i'll say again, he's the overwhelming favorite for the nomination based on both what he's done and what's coming up ahead but as john heilemann said, normally what would happen in the republican party after a night like trump had last night is everybody falls into line. i don't think everybody will fall into line. they're not done trying to stop him but they'll have a heck of time trying to stop him. >> at the end of this segment i to underline this fact. there will be people watching this, he just said he was an extraordinary candidate, right? there will be people watching this going "why are you cheering for donald trump?" we're not cheering for donald trump. if johnny manziel won the super bowl we'd say, look, johnny manziel is a pretty damn great quarterback, not passing judgment on whether he should or
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not. why is this important? this is the mistake the republican establishment and the mainstream media have been making now for nine months. they have projected what they want to happen over what voters want to happen. and that's why everybody's been caught asleep at the wheel. >> and everything that comes out of his mouth comes from him. his gut. nobody's telling him preparing and polling and -- it's turned everything upside down and there are some positives in terms of how campaigns go -- where they go from here out of this, whether you like it or not. the money issue as well as sort of speaking from the gut and the heart, a lot of candidates simply can't do that and a lot of them are being wiped off the field because of the old way of doing things. coming up, one of the stars of the piece we just showed you, the "weekly standard's" bill kristol is with us. >> we'll ask what t republicans can do to stop
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shop right there. >> settle. >> in a big way. coming up, from texas to vermont we'll go live to the home states of the two second-place contenders, ted cruz and bernie sanders who are both facing big question this is morning. live reports from both battlegrounds coming up on "morning joe." when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours.
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join us on the set, editor of the "weekly standard" bill kristol and the "washington post's" john tan capehart: "as super tuesday's results prove too well to the republican ruling class, donald trump seized control of their grand old party and changed the way conservative candidates run for president.
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jon meacham says trump's takeover of the party of reagan has no precedent in american history. donald trump has managed to hijack an entire political party and the pilots are asking why no one is on their side. the passengers are cheering for the guy who took over the plane. trump's takeover bid is different, not only because he is succeeding but because the former hillary clinton supporter has swooped in from the outside and taken over america's conservative party much like corporate raider carl icahn seized control of twa in the mid-'80s, stripped it of its assets and remade the airline in his own image. unless donald trump manages his hostile takeover of a bitterly divided republican party better than his friend handled twa's disillusion, meacham's belief that george w. bush may be the last republican to be elected to the white house could turn out to be the most lasting legacy of this surreal 2016 campaign." >> ands by kristol this morning peggy noonan said she believed
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she was seeing the shattering of the republican party. i want to focus in, though, on what john heilemann and mark halperin said in the first segment. you are, i believe, the leader of the loyal opposition. not so loyal, but the leader of the opposition to this march towards the trumpism of the republican party. what's the smartest move for republicans that don't want trump? what needs to happen? >> one has to pung dhur bubble of the trump power worshipping that's been going on here and the bowing down to trump and "the voters have spoken." >> who's been doing that? >> joe scarborough, for example. >> can we read your tweets -- >> i've been wrong. i have been wrong and i've totally underestimated trump and i apologize for that. >> so why don't you understand my question. >> what percentage of the vote has donald trump gotten for a second. you say the voters have spoken. you said three -- >> bill -- >> can i fin arab sentence. >> you know it doesn't work that
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way. >> you said three times "the voters have spoken." donald trump may well be the nominee. you have been analytically right about trump and i have been wrong but we are entitled to oppose trump analytically, the first thing is to stop the cascade of "oh, many i god the voters have spoken" and say wait a second, 56% of the voters have voted not for donald trump. 53% of delegates are not for donald trump. if trump were to lose the nomination it's not because the party spurned the voters, it would be the because the majority of the delegates as mark and john pointed out would have been committed to candidates other than trump. >> >> i asked you a question and you didn't respond. there's no historical precedent to somebody doing as well as candidate trump did yesterday to winning new hampshire, south carolina and nevada being stopped. that's never happened before and
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there is a me momentum, a forwa progress. >> so we have to stop the momentum. i agree. >> there's no cheering here. >> but all the rules have broken as you yourself have pointed out. >> i'm looking at facts. >> to your credit you have seen this was not going to be the historically normal year and it's not so maybe we don't have to bow to history. >> how do you break history here? >> you need to beat him in florida and ohio, the first two winner take all state which is means there has to be a de facto agreement between the opposition candidates, between the resistance to trump, which i'm proud to be a part of because i think he'd be a terrible nominee and president, there has to be a de facto agreement between rubio, cruz and kasich. >> who has the authority to broker that deal right now? >> they need to. they need to defer to rubio in florida and defer to kasich in ohio and say basically -- say -- i don't know if they can say this but imply at least that if you are a cruz voter in ohio and you look up the day before the primary and it's trump 42%,
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kasich 35%, vote for kasich. and the truth is if trump doesn't win florida and ohio it remains very much of an open race. now, trump is in the driver's seat, no question. i don't want to be foolish about this. but i don't think people need to roll over and necessarily bow to the inevitability of the hostile takeover yet. >> nobody's suggesting -- >> like people did for hillary clinton? >> the democrats do this, by the way. >> she has a -- this is a good example. it's very different and i think john tried to make this point. hillary clinton has a clear majority of the popular vote, a clear majority of the delegates. it's hard to see how bernie sanders can catch her. donald trump has 35% of the popular vote and 47% of the delegates. that's better than having 24% and 25% of the delegates, granted. >> if we were talking about marco rubio or ted cruz in the position donald trump is in today, would you be making the same argument or is it your frustration that donald trump is in this position? >> no, i wouldn't -- well, i don't know.
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>> the candidate you liked bert. >> you guys have made this point correctly. if a different person were front-runner there would be a coalescing of the party behind the front-runner. there isn't. that's not because people are blind, people don't want to coalesce donald trump because they don't think he's an appropriate nominee. that's a fact, that's not just a cycle -- it's also an opinion or value judgment but if a lot of republicans have that judgment, it will influence things and that's why he's not going to wrap it up the way a mitt romney or john mccain did when they were in similar positions. >> again, just going even further on this topic i think about the notion of what bill is advocating, i think as you talk more and more to republicans who want to stop donald trump, who will say to you either privately or sometimes publicly they would rather vote for hillary clinton than donald trump and the people who will try to stop him, their attitude is we know what would happen at a contested convention if we took the nomination away from donald trump with a plurality of the delegates. we would alienate his supporters and lose the presidential election. but their position is it would
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be better for us to lose the election than to have donald trump tear the party in half as the nominee. now you can say that's suicidal, but that is the posture of people and the view is that trump would have huge negative effects down ballot. >> here's the problem -- >> and would also lose the election. and shouldn't win the election, i agree with that. >> so here's the problem in 2016. outside of harry reid, i can't name a lot of politicians that have the pow er to sway a state. that's what's remarkable about harry reid. every close race in nevada is going to go his way. i'm from florida. there's nobody in florida that has that authority. nobody in ohio -- i understand what you're saying, that would have made great sense 20 years ago, i'm just curious -- >> i'm not -- >> i'm not saying you are. i want this drama to continue. it's better for us. but is there somebody that can step up and broker that deal? >> no. the candidates have to make their own case, the candidates have to the a better job, as people have said. there will be a lot of money
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spent exposing donald trump's record. he has been relatively under attack -- he's not been much attacked in paid tv. people like me have written editorial bus voters haven't seen a lot of ads exposing aspects of trump's record. the odds are it won't work. if you were a betting man, you have to bet trump will be the republican nominee but it's not inevitable and there will be a vigorous fight over the next few weeks. >> bill kristol, thank you very much. john that i know capehart, stay with us, we'll get to you next segment and chuck todd joins us as well. we'll be right back. understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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coming up at the top of the hour, hillary clinton and donald trump raking wins all over the map but that doesn't mean their stubborn senate opponents are ready to hang it up yet. chris cillizza and robert costa of the "washington post" join us. plus, trump goes on the attack on twitter. "the people of south carolina are embarrassed by nikki haley." her response, the most southern commback imaginable. "donald trump, bless your heart." you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. hi i'm kristie. and i'm jess. and we are the bug chicks. we're a nano-business. i
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. >> i have millions and millions and millions of people. this isn't like it's a close match. it's only too bad that winner didn't take all because if winner took all, this thing is over. >> thank you, texas! [ cheers and applause ] god bless the lone star state. >> five days ago, we explained to the american people that donald trump is a con artist. we are seeing in state after state his numbers coming down, our snum bers going up. >> they argue declaring marco rubio the big loser of the night, which is true. >> we are going to send a message that the party of lincoln and reagan and the presidency of the united states will never be held by a con artist. >> we are the only campaign that has beaten donald trump once,
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twice, three times. [ cheers and applause ] >> i think we're going to be more inclusive. i think we're going to be more unified and i think we're going to be a much bigger party and i think we're going to win if november. >> super tuesday is in the books and it's all over but the pick up trucks. look what's on set here. mike barnicle. >> leave him alone. >> mika got one step closer to you having to get her a pickup truck from your bet. what do you want? >> a used f-j. a used one? >> i don't think they have new ones. they can roll over and kill people. >> i can get that. >> donald trump claims big wins in the south. tighter wins in arkansas and virginia. up north, his margin of victory
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in massachusetts was 31 points and in vermont he won by three points over john kasich. ted cruz carried oklahoma in his home state of texas by a comfortable margin 44% to trump's 27%. senator cruz also picked up alaska. nbc news projecting cruz winning that state's caucuses by less than a thousand votes. marco rubio got his only victory of the night in the minnesota caucuses. overall, trump came away with the most delegates last night, 210 so far. he's leading the field in the total delegate count with over 100 more delegates than ted cruz and triple the amount claims by marco rubio. on the democratic side it was all hillary clinton. she solidified her front-runner status with wins in seven states. she won massachusetts and swept through the south claiming victories in arkansas, tennessee, virginia, texas, georgia, and alabama. she won the caucuses in mesh samoa. as for senator sanders, he
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notched wins in his home state of vermont, colorado, oklahoma, and minnesota. 461 delegates for clinton. their total stands at 979 delegates for clinton and 382 for bernie. with us on set this hour, the managing editors of bloomberg politics, john heilemann and mark halperin, mike barnicle and in washington msnbc political contributor and editor at the fix at the "washington post" chris cillizza and political reporter for the "washington post" and msnbc political analyst robert costa and jonathan capehart is still with us as well. good to have you all. >> the entire "washington post." mike barnicle, what was your take away last night? >> you talked about it earlier, we've been talking about it for two or three weeks, the republican party is basically broken and the republican party has to figure out how to align itself with the country, not with any one specific candidate to beat donald trump.
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it's too angry, it's too dysfunctional, it's too shattered. >> robert costa, what -- any reporting to suggest that what bill kristol and other republicans in the establishment want is going to happen? that somehow a deal can be brokered by ted cruz, marco rubio, and john kasich to unify in efforts to stop donald trump? >> my reporting shows that it's going to be very difficult for that kind of deal to be cut. more likely is big dollar donors getting behind anti-trump super pacs at some kind of convention plan that's hatched by members of the republican establishment. but getting people out of the race is a tough call when they have the will to stay in. >> what's the feeling in marco rubio's camp who had a disappointing night last night? were they concerned that his new tack that may have been get manager press for the florida senator may have backfired in the polls? >> speaking to rubio associates, there's disappointment he was
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only able to win one state but they saw some hints of optimism in the exit polls. they think he's winning over suburban voters, winning late-deciding voters based on the data and they think if they can convince more mainstream republicans in the suburbs across the country in upcoming states like north carolina, ohio, and michigan they have a shot to be competitive. >> everything back fires it seems as it pertains to trump. according to exit polling, one of marco rubio's most appealing qualities to voters is the fact that he could win in november. that wasn't the case in states like virginia and tennessee where marco rubio came up short. the problem is, that electability simply wasn't a priority in most of those states. even in virginia just 17% said an ability to win the general election was their top priority. it was lower in places like tennessee, texas and arkansas: chris sl >> chris cillizza, how do you explain that the candidate voters think are most likely to
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win is performing the poorest. >> people like us think about electability. your average voter just votes for the people they like. it's much more simple. the idea voters go in scheming, "i'm going to vote for this person, not the person i want but in order to jam up this other person." sure, some people do that. it's a very small percentage: most people don't waste their vote that way, do they? i can't imagine going "i'm not going to vote for the person that in my gut i feel is right for america. i'm going to vote for somebody else hoping i can stop candidate "c." >> that's why i'm skeptical of what bill kristol was outlining earlier, which is the idea that if it looks like kasich is five points behind trump in ohio hour in days out a cruz supporter will be for kasich. sure there are people who that is true for.
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but these people are -- these are republican primary voters just like democratic primaries. people are ideological, they want to vote for the person they believe best represents their values. they are not fundamentally sort of strategic. they don't view this as a game -- you know game theory, they view this as vote my blief system and john kasich and ted cruz, there's not a huge amount of overlap between those two voters. there are two options -- donald trump is the nominee by getting 1237 delegates or through the winner take all states he's held underneath that but goes into the convention with a clear delegate lead. the idea you can take it from him at the convention seems to be dismissive of the republican party that will have voted for all these guys for the next several months. >> so last night exposed a big difference in trump voters and cruz voters. in nine super tuesday states, cruz consistently outperformed trump when it came to the question of who shares your values. in no state was that more clear
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than in texas which cruz won but not enough to take the delegates. when it comes to voters who said the most important thing was to bring change, that group went overwhelmingly to trump. nowhere was that more clear than the state of tennessee. texas lined up behind cruz on that question. let's look at data here, jonathan capehart. people twisting themselves in knots to figure out how donald trump could not be the nominee. it's possible if we look to the convention but if you look at the short term at the states ahead, real clear averages of the next couple weeks. there's not a single state where donald trump doesn't have a double-digit lead as you look ahead. kentucky, michigan, florida, illinois, north carolina, and ohio. right now as of this morning he has 15 to 20-point leads in those states so as you see it, what is the scenario by which donald trump does not become the nominee? >> i don't! i can't see it given those -- given what you just told me and given the performance. we've seen polls before contests
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showing donald trump with double-digit leads more to the lead then we've seen people vote and prove the polls right so if past is prologue, i do not see how donald trump does not become the republican nominee. i don't see it. and as i was saying to someone earlier, i basically have given up predict ing predicting what the republican side because normal political thinking, conventional wisdom, even history, has been thrown out the window as a result of donald trump's candidacy. so right now it looks like he's going to be the nominee. i would not be surprised if we're all in cleveland and he is there accepting his party's nomination for president. >> all right. on the democratic side, a closer look at numbers shows hillary clinton's success yesterday was fuelled in large part by minority voters according to our nbc news exit polls. about a quarter of the democratic electorate yesterday was african-american and across
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the super tuesday states, clinton claimed over 80% of the black vote. our exit polls show that clinton won by a wide margin among hispanic voters beating sanders by a 2-1 margin in that demographic and even among white voters, a group that fuelled senator sanders' success in states like iowa and new hampshire clinton won yesterday. clinton celebrated her super tuesday victories with a rally in miami. she made brief mention of bernie sanders and then turned her attention to the republicans. >> instead of building walls, we're going to break down barriers and build -- [ cheers and applause ] build ladders of opportunity and empowerment. so every american can live up to his or her potential because then and only then can america live up to its full potential. [ cheers and applause ] >> how big of a night was that
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for hillary clinton last night? >> it was. >> john heilemann? >> huge night in the sense that, you know, bernie sanders decided to compete only in five states. he won four of the states he decided to compete in, which is good for him on some level. the one that he tried to compete in that he lost was massachusetts. the clinton campaign put effort to win that state. but in this game, the democratic game, just like the republican game, it's a delegate accumulation game and she got a -- built a huge lead now over bernie sanders which, given the fact that the democrat contest as we can't repeat enough is a proportional contest, there are no winner take all states for the rest of this thing. it becomes really hard once you get that big a delegate lead for bernie sanders to catch up. he would have to do things that are almost unthinkable now. winning states with giant majorities, 60%, 61%, 62%, to ever be able to close that gap she's opened up. >> i would also argue that the massachusetts victory really proves a lot about hillary
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clinton's strength. she came from behind in that state to catch him. bernie had been in that state for quite some time, had a great organization and was -- and a pretty good lead. she came from behind and caught him. >> and also a neighboring state. >> a neighboring state and really a big battleground. sanders did better than i thought he would. but as john said, the delegate situation is unforgiving. he has a lot of money. he raised a record amount in february so one big question is how does he spend it? does he spend it trying to accumulate delegates? does he spend it trying to take hillary clinton down? she has a big task of trying to continue to win delegates and unify the party. >> what does the calendar look like for bernie sanders? we knew super tuesday would be tough. does it get better for sanders? >> it's mixed. based on the data, the pattern from the first four contests seems like it will continue which is she's going to do very well in diverse states, he's going to do bitner states where the lech start more white voters
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and he's had his best states already. i think it's hard to see if you look at how the calendar lays out, he does have debates against her. she has a bunch of debates, including sunday in flint. but hard to see how he gets the momentum back he'll need. he has a lot of money, he has debate opportunities and he can accumulate a lot of delegates but it's very difficult for him to get back in the game because there are no winner take all states on the democratic side. >> the interesting race for them will be michigan just like for republicans. there's obviously -- sanders wants to fight the trade battle with her in michigan. they are very focused on trying to win that state. hillary clinton has obviously put a big stake in the ground around flint so the fact that there's emotion around the flint, michigan, story and that trade is such a huge issue with tpp, you'll see a pitched battle going into michigan next tuesday. >> does he go mean or mellow? >> i think he goes mellow. i think the sanders' people are realists and they know it's unlikely he will be the nominee
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and that he ultimately will -- this has been a relatively polite fight. >> very elevated. >> i think he goudoesn't go ham and tongs. just arguing his position like last summer. >> jonathan capehart? >> what i wanted to point out here is that hillary clinton's victories last night and leading up to last night shouldn't really come as a surprise. steve phillips, a senior fellow at the center for american progress, has a book that came out early last month called "brown is the new white." and he talks about in this book how there is -- using voter data and census data a "new american majority." it's 28% progressive whites, 23%ing frommive people of color. and when you know that and you look at what both senator sanders but in particular hillary clinton has been saying on the campaign trail, what they're both doing is appealing to the new american majority.
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hillary clinton is doing it most clearly. so when you know that, the fact that she was able to sweep african-americans plus take massachusetts, there you're seeing in the action. 28% progressive whites. 23% people of color. >> she was talking a lot in her speech about making america whole again and donald trump responded as well to that. take a look. >> i watched hillary's speech and she's talking about wages have been poor and everything's poor and everything's doing badly. she's been there for so long. i mean, if she hasn't straightened it out by now she's not going to straighten it out in the next four years, it will just become worse and worse. she wants to make america whole again and i'm trying to figure out what does s that about? make america great again is going to be much better than making america whole again. >> that will be quite -- >> trump explicitly said last night "my thoughts are on hillary clinton now." he treated that -- the staging and everything, the content of what he said was to turn toward
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a general election: there are arguments that clinton camp wants to see donald trump in a general. some people say they don't want to see him. we know it will be asymmetrical warfare. he'll bring up people on the stage that will make the clintons uncomfortable, he'll go places other people don't want to go if he's the nominee. is it enough to beat her? we don't know. but it will be ugly and a hard fight for the clintons either way. they may not lose but it will be a tough slog. >> chris cillizza, i'm just stunned by donald trump's asymmetrical attacks, how effective they have been, especially in the case of the clintons where hillary clinton before christmas said that donald trump had been sexist towards women. donald trump put out a tweet and an instagram and as the "new york times" reported, about three or four weeks later bill clinton's approval rating dropped during that time period from 51% to 39%.
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that was one tweet. that was one instagram. this looks like this is going to be a political -- trying to figure out -- nuclear war? i was trying to figure out a better way to say it. this is going go nuclear. >> willie is right. i've talked to lots of democrats privately over the last couple days as it's become clear, i think, to more and more people that this is effectively donald trump's nomination to lose and they say we would much rather have ted cruz than donald trump. you say, why? because to willie's point, ted cruz is going to run as a traditional conservative outsider republican. we have no idea really -- i mean, donald trump will run as donald trump, whatever that means, right? it's like the definition of asymmetric warfare. he will do and say things that no other candidate will do or say. he will bring people from the
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past, maybe as you point out, joe, on to stage, put them in ads, do the sorts of things that the clintons are not used to, that no politician is used to. now, i'm not sure that means he wins, but i can tell you, you would much rather fight a -- i hate to say the known knowns versus the known unknowns but donald trump is the biggest radical variable in any political equation about anyone will tell you up until bill clinton you don't want to run against that. >> you don't. i've always quoted william f. buckley who said "never debate an amateur, the amateur always wins." it's amazing what you just said because i said it last night to mark halperin while we were watching the returns. i said you watch, they don't want this. because he will bring women from the past up on stage with him. he will make it a horrific war of attrition for the clintons. >> and there are some of those
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women who've shown a willingness to participate and become more active on twitter and spoken out against bill clinton so it could be an ugly general fight. >> bob costa, there was a tweet last night "make no mistake, democrats would much rather run against ted cruz than donald trump because ted cruz is a known commodity. you know what state he is wins, you know what states he doesn't win. you can go back and look at history and predict it out. donald trump? nobody knows are what will happen from michigan to ohio to pennsylvania to a lot of those industrial swing states that sometimes swing elections. >> and last night was an important moment for trump. i rewatched that press conference this morning. instead of a rally, taking questions from reporters, bringing out a governor to introduce him, a sign to the republican establishment he can work with them, a measured tone in many respects, turning his eye towards the general election, not really towards his
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rivals. this is a trump who sees the nomination, wants the nomination, thinks he can be president. >> wow. our thanks to the entire editorial staff of the "washington post." >> they're all here look at this. >> jonathan capehart, chris cillizza. >> we can naught on a promotional poster. still ahead on "morning joe," new york mayor bill de blasio joins us live after his candidate hillary clinton won big in key states. plus, we'll ask kasie hunt where bernie sanders turns next. and hallie jackson with our conversation with ted cruz and chuck todd joins us as well. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. joining us from houston, texas, nbc news correspondent hallie jackson. hallie, you spoke to ted cruz after his much-needed win in texas last night. tell us about that conversation. >> it happened after he was cheering the results of the oklahoma primary backstage at his victory party.
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he did what he had to do in texas. he won his home state. overall he bought himself more time to make his case to republicans, including his rivals that he should be the one they unite around to stop donald tru trump. where do you go from here a after super tuesday? >> at this point there have been 15 states that have voted and only one candidate has beaten donald trump. that's been us. our campaign has beaten him not once, not twice, but three different times. >> should somebody drop out? >> i think the people who are running, all of them love this country, they're putting this country first and if it becomes clear to a candidate that that candidate does not have a path to the nomination, hasn't been able to win a state in 15 contests, has not been able to rack up considerable delegates, there comes a point where you have to ask do you want donald trump to be the nominee? if donald trump is the nominee, republicans get clobbered. so i'm confident in the days that go ahead people will look at the numbers, look at the
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results and consider what to do. it's my hope as a party we come together and say "stop this madness, do not nominate a candidate who will drive the party off a cliff." >> how do you beat donald trump when he has performed as well as he has performed tonight? >> we've got to get one on one. one on one head to head. i don't just beat donald trump, i beat him resoundingly. when he benefits is everyone else become fractured and divided and it's my hope that the party will say it is reckless. at a time when the stakes have never been higher, it's reckless to roll the dice and nominate donald trump. donald trump may be the one candidate on the face of the planet that hillary clinton be k beat. i don't think republicans want the general election to consist of two wrich new york liberals, one republican, one democrats, running against each other. we should nominate a real conservative and i believe that's what we're going to do.
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>> it's no secret ted cruz is not well liked by his colleagues in the senate but he seems to be getting reluctant backup from lindsey graham who says the establishment may be in a position where they have to rally around ted cruz to try and stop donald trump. in january graham was the one who said choosing between trump and cruz was like choosing between being shot or poisoned. i talked with senator cruz about this last night and he says, hey, we would welcome the support. >> looks like he's choosing poison. >> nbc's hallie jackson, thank you very much. >> lindsey was funny saying that. he said it on cbs. he said "i can't believe i'm saying this, but we might have to rally around ted cruz. we've gotten to that point." >> let's turn to kasie hunt live in burlington, vermont. kasie, the sanders campaign, what are they saying this morning? >> hey, joe, hey, mika. they are saying that this race is going to continue exactly the way it has so far.
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that line about 15 states voting that you heard from ted cruz is the same line bernie sanders is giving at this point. i was talking to his staff late into the night. they feel like the night went fairly well for them considering that the southern firewall was going to go for hillary clinton and they feel like the map takes a favorable turn for them through the end of the month and into april. they're up on the air in places like kansas. there's caucuses in kansas, nebraska, maine, they think they can do well in and you should look for them to go up on tv in ohio for example. that's a place they also think they can win. they'll also fight with hillary clinton for michigan and that actually could be an interesting test to watch. we've talked about these demographics and they are a big part of the puzzle for sanders and if he can't overcome that or change it a bit it's likely not going to go terribly well. we'll have to see if the african-american vote in michigan comes out differently
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in these other places. but at this point, we're already starting to hear about the delegate counts and how they're going for hillary clinton overwhelmingly. the pressure on him will get bigger to let her run against donald trump if that -- this is how that continues. kme mika? >> kasie hunt, thank you very much. jib joining us on set, moderator of me"meet the press," he's got his glasses on. a cronkite moment. i saw you channeling walter. >> i'm reading "new jersey play book" right now and they're all -- this is all the different editorial boards that are having their back and forth about christie and all this. it's got on the crazy town in new jersey. >> what is going on there. >> you know he's losing sleep over that, i'm sure. so what was your takeaway of last night. what were the big headlines? >> to me it's -- in an odd way trump winning only seven states you could argue was a better outcome for him because
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everybody keeps -- it keeps everybody in. and then i'm trying to figure out everybody's got this strategy of stopping donald trump before the convention, okay, it's possible. but look at the turnout numbers. if this were anybody else and -- i mean, he's pulling a barack obama from '08, bringing in new voters, remaking the electorate. democratic party leaders fell all over themselves to go, wourks look at this guy, this is great, we're going to start rallying around him. >> that's all we heard every week. record turnout in new hampshire. >> and it's true. >> i'm saying in '08. that's all you heard and now here we are. >> only vermont hasn't had record turnout and part of that is because they went to support sanders. . if you are driving in your car right now, it's almost an identical reverse of what happened in 2008. donald trump and the republicans bringing in three million more voters almost than democrats in these primary fights and it was
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just the opposite, chuck, in 2008. >> so, if his last name were rubio or bush or -- paul ryan and mitch mcconnell would be holding a press conference talking about isn't it great how excited the republican electorate is. the enthusiasm this is gin rating. >> this is about the press conference paul ryan had. >> and yesterday it was the opposite. >> so now where are we? okay republican party, if you want to stop trump you have 13 days. 13 days. i don't know how they'll do it. they'll have to come up with this weird non-aggression pact, rubio has to endorse kasich in ohio. so that's like -- >> but let's talk about our home state, chuck. >> back three triple bank shots in order to pull this. >> let's talk about our home state of florida. it is the wild west politically. there are five or six massive
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media markets. no figure can come together and if you look at north florida, rubio and s nonexistent up there. >> this is where his retirement plays against him. nobody in the florida establish system going to feel like they owe him anything because if he loses florida he may be done politically if he can't win this primary. if he were still a sitting senator there would be -- rick scott wouldn't be pondering whether to endorse trump or not, he'd already be behind -- in an odd way, i know having to retired and not running for reelection, the florida republican establishment isn't going to feel compelled they have to rally around rubio. >> but marco could drop out next week and still run for senate, right? >> they're offer this florida senate seat to ben carson. there's so many people they're offering the senate seat to, they need to stop. >> let's say he loses florida by
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20 points, he can't run for governor in 2018. >> no. >> my question is why isn't he considering getting out when he's fared so poorly? >> you could make the argument now they have to stay in. there's only two outcomes left. outcome one is donald trump secures enough delegates to become the presumptive nominee sometime in may, officially. mid-may, maybe it takes to june but he hits his magic number before the convention. or you deny him a majority and he gets 200 or 300 short. under that scenario then you v have to keep rubio in and everybody has to back out and ted cruz almost has to endorse rubio in florida. please win there. they have to endorse kasich in ohio, please win there. maybe they get mitt romney to file in california. these are all just -- you're asking for strategic voting the. you're asking for three campaigns who loathe reach other to work together. this are things that don't happen in reality. >> what would be the response
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among all these geniuses who will put this cabal together to make sure trump does not -- >> they ought to find a time machine and have done it nine months ago. >> what would their response be to the question of how can you take away a nomination from a guy who attract sod many new voters and votes? >> they don't have an answer to this. how do you take this nomination from trump without alienating his supporters? >> isn't this like obamacare. republicans never had a better solution, they just wanted to stop it. all i hear about is stopping trump but you never hear of a better solution and it's not ted cruz or marco rubio, we've learned that now the hard way. >> it could be paul ryan or mitt romney. none of these have a very good chance but the only chance the establishment -- and not just the establishment but the anti-trump part of the republican party, which is large, has, they need to keep him from getting a majority of the delegates. there are a lot of republicans, yes, the convention will be horrible, we'll probably lose the general election. they think trump will lose the general election. but for a lot of them they
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don't -- think think trump winning the general election is in some ways worse than trump losing the general election. they would rather have a convention fight who they're proud of and feel they can help down ballot because they believe a trump nomination or presidency would split the party even more. >> ideologically, paul ryan and trump have two different visions of conservatism. paul ryan is a free trader, okay with intervention, pro-immigration, open borders and donald trump is sort of an old-fashioned taft conservative if you want to go back in history a little bit. a little more -- less interventionist, skeptical of trade, wanting to fighten immigration. those are two different versions so they're two ideological differences of what conservatism is, two visions and ryan -- and trump, they don't mesh. >> to give you an idea of how the republican party is twisted
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up on this. last night the rnc put out a statement in which it didn't mention any of its candidates. it's true. they said our turnout was through the roof. they should brag about that. they said hillary clinton is terrible but they didn't say congratulations donald trump on winning seven states, nice job ted cruz on winning three states. they don't know who to back. >> heck of a job. >> heck of a job, brownie. speaking of marco rubio he has until june 24 to qualify? f he wanted to run for the senate seat. he has to look at march 15, he can't lose in 20 points. >> chuck todd, thank you very much. still ahead, mayor bill de blasio will be our guest. as we go to break, here's ee's microcosm of the 2016 race for president. >> he's taller than me, he's like 6'2", which is why i don't
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up next, new york city mayor and hillary clinton supporter bill de blasio joins us. >> will he support the manhattan candidates? >> i think this will be a major manhattan showdown. >> new york values, baby. >> new york values. is he going to support new york values or go for the westchester candidate? we shall see when we return. >> we'll be right back with bill de blasio. seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call.
4:43 am
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ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. it's realizing beauty, doesn't stop at my chin. roc's formula adapts to delicate skin areas. my fine lines here, visibly reduced in 4 weeks. chest, neck and face cream from roc. methods, not miracles. it's clear tonight the stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower. [ boos ] trying to divide america between us and them is wrong and we're not going to let it work. [ cheers and applause ] hillary clinton easily won seven states last night. she swept the south, claiming victories in arkansas, tennessee, virginia, texas, georgia, and alabama.
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and in some states, she did it with an electorate more liberal than eight years ago. joining us now, democratic mayor of new york city bill de blasio who is supporting hillary clinton for president. john heilemann back with us as well. good to have you on the show. >> great to have you here. willie and i have figured this out, though, right? >> what's that? >> he's going to have to support, he's going to have to represent the manhattan candidate, not the candidate from the' bu 'burbs. new york values, my man. >> let me tell you, there's a lot of people in new york city who are more angry at donald trump than ever for the way he's tried to divide this country and it does not fit the value of people in new york city. and it gets worse, joe, i commented to youen t en ththe o when you said it was disqualifying for donald trump to have to think about whether to disavow david duke and the kkk, it's 2016. how do you have to think about that? >> can i ask you how it's good for you or me if iyou're quotin
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me? >> i've had to think about that. i consider myself a scarborough progressive democrat. >> whoa, my god. >> if you can figure out that sentence and phrase. >> admission of guilt in some way. >> kind of circular. >> so you're a great political analyst. i'm going to go to john heilemann who talked to the mastermind of barack obama's campaign who said anybody who thinks that running against donald trump is going to be a walk in the park is absolutely crazy, it scrambles everything. what would your advice be? first of all, the republicans who are trying to stop him over the next couple weeks and then what does hillary clinton do when he comes with the type of attacks he's used in the general election? >> hillary needs a forceful progressive economic message, and that's what she's put together more and more over these last weeks. when you've heard her talk on these victory nights, it's a
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clear, sharp message of economic pairness, economic change and that goes right to what people all over this country want. they want someone who will tax the wealthy, they want someone who will raise wages and benefits, that's what she's talking about and her message has gotten sharper and sharper. 's that's the best way to counter trump. i think the republican party establishment has lost touch with the anger and frustration people feel over economic unfairness, income inequality. and what can the republican party say? we've been the party of the 1%. we've been the party of tax breaks for the wealthy and hedge funds? that's not going to be a great message. trump and his base has disconnected. so i would argue this. the republican party is in a structural crisis. democrats are seeing what could be the beginning of a sustained progressive era and we see a lot of signs of that around the country. democrats have to own that space, have to be bold, clear, progressives on economic issues. if hillary does that, i think she can do a great job across the country but don't take donald trump lightly. as we say in new york city
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politics, don't go to sleep on trump. >> john heilmaemann, tell us wh you were talking to a couple weeks ago. >> i was talking to david plouffe, the mastermind behind both of barack obama's election victories and plouffe was saying, you know, i would never be complacent about facing donald trump in an election. his attitude is as a presidential campaign manager, what you want in an opponent is a predictable opponent. in two ways -- one, in the way the that the map is predictable, you want to know where your opponent is strong, where he's weak, define the battlegrounds and win the battlegrounds. trump scrambles the map. it might be you can beat him'sly in a lot of places with a lot of hispanic voters but in the industrial northeast, the industrial midwest which were hugely important for democrats and barack obama the last two elections, maybe trump is more
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competitive. so he scrambles the map then there's the predictability thing. you want an opponent who you know what they're going to do everyday and how they'll react. trump not like that. so in a volatile year, what you don't want is a volatile opponent and trump is the ultimate in unpredictable and volatile opponents. >> i was a campaign manager myself, i have great respect for david plouffe but i would look at this a little differently. you want a candidate that has actually done something for people, hillary clinton can talk about the children's defense fund, she can talk about taking on the health insurance companies during the debate of 1993/'94. she can talk about focus on children, family, et cetera. what has donald trump done for people
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thech there's. you want an opponent who you basically know what they're going to do every day and how they're going to react in every situation, trump not like that. in a really volatile year what you don't want is a really volatile opponent and trump is the ultimate in unpredictable and volatile. >> i was a campaign manager myself. i would look at this a little bit differently. you want a candidate that has actually done something for people. you can talk about the children's defense fund, she can talk about taking on the health insurance companies during the debate of 1993, '94, she can talk about a lot of focus on children, families, et cetera, ere wall donald trump done fo- . ? . >> since the wall street. there we go. mayor de blasio, thank you. still ahead, tom brokaw joins us along with steve kornacki who takes us into a deep dive of the morning numbers. "morning joe" is back in a moment. is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves?
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i am a unifier. once we get all of this finished, i'm going to go after one person, that's hillary clinton. >> america never stopped being great. we have to make america whole. we have to fill in. >> make america great again is going to be much better than making america whole again. >> when we bring our people together, when we do not allow the donald trumps of the world to divide us up. >> we will not allow the next president of the united states to be a socialist like bernie sanders and we will not allow the next president of the united states to be someone under fbi investigation like hillary clinton.
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>> head to head our campaign beats donald trump resoundingly, but for that to happen, we must come together. >> super tuesday was a sweeping victory for donald trump. trump claimed big wins in the south. a 22 point margin in alabama, 14 point victories in tennessee and georgia. with tighter wins in arkansas and virginia. up north, his margin of victory in massachusetts was 31 points. >> that's just unbelievable. >> and vermont he won by 3 points over john kasich. >> 31 point lead in massachusetts. 20 plus in alabama. this was a national sweep. ted cruz carried oklahoma and his home state of texas by a comfortable margin, 44% to trump's 27%. senator cruz also picked up alaska early this morning with nbc news projecting cruz winning that state's caucuses by less than 1,000 votes.
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marco rubio got his only victory late in the night in the minnesota caucuses. we're still trying to figure out exactly what the rules to those caucuses were, and john highly man will help us with that. 37% to cruz at 29% with donald trump finishing at 21%. >> overall, trump came away with the most delegates last night, 210 so far. he is leading the field in the total delegate count with over 100 more delegates than ted cruz and nearly triple the amount claimed by marco rubio. >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton solidified her front-runner status to wins in seven states to bernie sanders four. she won massachusetts. she swept across the south claiming vibt tris in arkansas, tennessee, virginia, texas, georgia and alabama. she also won the caucuses in america samoa. >> as for senator sanders he notched wins in his home state of vermont, oklahoma, colorado and minnesota. here's a look at the super
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tuesday map. nbc news is allocating 461 delegates to clinton and 295 to sanders. add those totals to the delegates the candidates had accumulated in the four previous contests as well as the super delegates they've amassed and the race now stands clinton 979, sanders 382. and with us this morning we have former communications director for president george w. bush, nicole wallace up all night. >> she doesn't go to sleep. >> managing editor of bloomberg -- >> anything is possible. >> anything is possible. mall halpern is here. >> she's already trashed soccer. >> willie geist, look at the headline here. we're going to be showing a clip in a little bit about how we predicted this way ahead of everybody else, but you look at this headline. trump and clinton feast as 12 states vote. as we said two years ago, this race is going to come down to manhattan versus westchester
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county, and that's exactly what's happened. do you go with chappaqua or manhattan? >> two new york moderates we'll call them. >> yeah. >> who are going to be the nominees for their parties. trump very impressive last night. cruz a little more impressive maybe than even we thought winning three states. >> oh, yeah. >> i thought it was interesting to watch all of the speeches. donald trump looked like a president who was holding a news conference in the east room. he had all the staging. he turned -- >> can i say though, it was a beautiful east room. >> fancy one. >> fancy east room. you had trump there. you had hillary clinton talking purely about the general elections, loving kindness, rhetoric on the republican side is good. and then you had ted cruz who felt like he had a good night winning three states saying to everyone else besides donald trump and the republican field, guys, politely, it's time to get out. >> it will never happen. >> it's me versus donald trump. obviously marco is going to stay in and try tore florida and kasich for iowa. >> exactly.
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ted cruz had a much better night. three wins. people are saying he still needs to get out of the race. marco rubio last night attacked ted cruz saying he underperformed like he said donald trump under performed after winning nevada. >> kind of hard to do that when you performed the worst of the three. donald trump took in the results from his estate in palm beach and called a primetime press conference with chris christie by his side. he pushed back against marco rubio's recent attacks and otherwise looked past the primary to the general. >> i want to congratulate ted on the winning of texas. he worked hard on it. i know how hard he worked, actually, so i congratulate ted cruz on that win. that was an excellent win. i know it was a very tough night for marco rubio. he had a tough night but he worked hard. he spent a lot of money. he is a light weight as i've said many times before. he was very, very nasty. i've never heard a person get up and speak on an evening like
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this. he's got a right to be nasty. he hasn't won anything and he's not going to win very much. >> nicole wallace, sort out last night. what did you see? >> well, i mean, a lot of the conversation was about the fractured republican party as though that's a new development. i mean, the fact that we're down to three illuminates what's been going on for many months with the establishment pinning their hopes on anyone other than cruz and trump for many reasons. cruz, they don't like him and he's been a divisive figure. >> if that's the case, the establishment got absolutely destroyed last night, pummeled. >> it's already dead. that would suggest that it was still viable. i would say the difference is we talk about the establishment as though it's just the operatives. there is a class of people that govern under the banner of republicans that was very long this week that it took trump, as you wrote about in the washington post, three days to clarify that he disavows david duke and the kkk every single time they express their support for him. those who govern under the
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banner of republicans had legitimate cause for alarm. i think there's a lot of concern that the senate would be in jeopardy with trump at the top of the ticket. in terms of a political operative class, conservative media class that's rooting for rubio even though he hasn't won much of anything had a bad night. >> john heilman, it is stunning how much the gop establishment class put all their hopes on marco rubio who is getting absolutely destroyed in state after state. he had a horrific night last night and there are two enemies. ted cruz and donald trump owned the most important date in the republican calendar in 2016. john meachem said to me last night that donald trump's victory and continued a scent in the republican party could mean the end of the republican party as we know it. that george w. bush could be the last elected republican
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president. whether trump runs in the end as an independent, whether there's warfare at the convention, this is a party that's coming apart, but right now donald trump has come man deered a successful hostile takeover and he owns it. he owns this republican party. >> yeah. the hostile takeover is still underway in some sense because the people, the ceo and the board of directors are still resisting. >> that makes it sound like you think they could fight back from the hostile takeover. >> i don't -- i'm not going to make predictions about the success or lack of success of what is about to happen, but to nicole's point, i think the last three or four days has been kind of an oh, my god moment. it came late for a lot of republicans to realize he was the likely republican nominee. today he's the more likely republican nominee than he was yesterday. the level of the freak out in the republican establishment is going to be greater than it was the last three days.
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what now happens going forward on the basis of these results, marco rubio not going to get out of this race. ted cruz not going to get out of this race, john kasich is not going to get out of this race. everybody who wants to stop donald trump will redouble their efforts. i don't predict success or failure. it will be a messy few weeks. everyone looking at these totals said donald trump did really, really, really well. he's not the day factor nominee. he's the front-runner. he's more likely today than yesterday but the party now is going to focus on how do we get to a contested convention? how do we stop him short of delegates? can we do that? >> mark halpern, when you've got a candidate that's winning in massachusetts by how many points? >> a lot. >> 30 points maybe? >> a lot. >> 30, 40 points, 31 points in massachusetts the same night he won by over 20 points in alabama and across the deep south,
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there's very little the republican establishment can do. there is no republican establishment anymore and despite them working against donald trump nonstop for the past nine months for better, for worse, for good reasons or for ill, promoting marco rubio for the past nine months, trashing ted cruz for the past nine months, none of it is working on any count. >> complete misfire. >> republican voters are not listening to any of them in the media or in washington, d.c. >> well, the establishment can't stop trump and the outside groups, no matter how much they raise and spend can't stop him but i think there are three people, three, not two who have a chance to keep him from getting the majority of the delegates. he's the overwhelming favorite and the wins were impressive but he did lose some states. this saturday with a handful of contests, then the following tuesday with particularly michigan and then in a couple of weeks the big states where winner takes all starts there's the possibility now that these three guys can start to divide
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up the math to try to make trump fight multifronts and lose some states. >> martin, let me push back. trump lost texas, ted cruz's state. he lost oklahoma right next to texas. he lost the minnesota caucuses and he lost the alaska. do they have caucusness alaska? he lost the alaska caucuses. do you really see that as an equal splitting of the map? >> he's the overwhelming favorite. if you're john heilman you're not going to see a winnowing. you have a chance to fight trump on multiple front and maybe slow him down. i'm not predicting it. i think he's the overwhelming favorite. all i'm saying there are some
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predictions and it's possible that if something occurs, if one of these guys gets a hot enough hand in individual states it's possible that they could stop him getting a majority. >> with all due respect i say, with all due respect i find it hard to imagine a more dominant night than donald trump had last night. i don't know what results you're looking at. this guy, again, won by massive margins in different regions of the country. he won across the board. >> joe, he had a super dominating night and he's got a very strong hold on the nomination. all i'm saying is there's a scenario now based on particularly virginia where i could imagine -- >> what's the scenario. >> he loses ohio to jochb kasich. >> right. >> he loses florida to rubio. >> but let's look really quickly at florida, for instance. nicole wallace in a region i
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know very well, the northern part of florida, you look at culturally how donald trump did in georgia and south georgia right on the border. >> right. >> he beat everybody by 30 or 40 points. >> right. >> marco rubio has no presence in north florida. that matters in the republican primary. again, i'm not trying to say this thing be's over. i don't see a pathway forward. >> well, the path forward isn't to victory, it's from blocking donald trump from getting the 1200 delegates that he needs. so the path forward is not even a path towards victory for any of them, it is a path towards blocking him. and then what? you think there's ranker in the republican party now? we are here because everyone stayed in. i mean, and three weeks ago it was -- >> which, by the way, nicole, if -- if donald trump could have laid out a scenario better, he
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said, let cruz win just enough to keep him in the race. >> right. >> let marco win one state. >> they're still helping him. >> yeah. >> and the notion that -- that someone's going to find religion as ted cruz literally suggested last night and get out now is another republican fantasy. still ahead on "morning joe," who knew the summer of trump would stretch into the winter of 2016? well, we did. we're going to take a look back at that. plus, steve kornacki joins us with the hard numbers and hard truth for some candidates going forward. we'll crunch the numbers in just a moment. and can you explain why you recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food?" is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers, what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? ...or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. sure... ok. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed?
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texas and doesn't take all the delegates and a win in the neighboring state of oklahoma and doesn't take all the delegates. >> has your campaign come to the assessment that there's only two outcomes, either you don't catch donald trump and he becomes the nominee or you have to take this all the way to the convention? there does not seem to be a mathematical path for you to clinch the nomination before cleveland. have you come to that conclusion? >> no, i don't believe that. i think especially once they get to the winner take all phase the map gets friendlier for us. if a couple of people weren't on the ballot we would have won virginiand a a couple of other states. we feel good as we get into march 15th. i think the question is how does donald trump get to 1237 delegates. >> he went after ted cruz for doing badly when he didn't lift the hammer. >> who had a great night. >> seriously, one caucus. >> ted cruz won three states, exceeded expectations. this is just like last week, marco rubio after donald trump beat him by 22 points.
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>> that was like gobbledygook. >> this is why people hate politics. >> why are you looking so like -- >> people standing in front of a camera saying something that everybody knows is not true. >> that was not true. >> tell the truth. >> i think rubio has done a masterful job of -- >> not telling the truth? >> managing expectations within his own orbit. it's obviously not transcending to the broader field. his strategy is 3, 2, 1. whose strategy is to lose to 3 people, then 2 and then 1. >> i would disagree with you but -- but -- well, no. i think he sort of acknowledged for the first time, i thought it was the first time, that the strategy is more to deprive trump of the nomination. i mean, the campaign started to acknowledge that it was a deprivation strategy, not a victory strategy. >> the new strategy, alex said the new strategy is 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1.
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>> ted cruz did badly. whatever. donald trump announced his bid for the white house on june 16th. remember that escalator ride? well, nine months later he's likely closing in on the nomination. here now is a look back at our analysis from day one compared to everybody else. >> people just don't remember how much of a joke, a total joke ronald regan was. >> what anybody thinks about it. this is just a joke. he'll have a bigger crowd.
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steering them truthful that nobody else in polite political society would say, it can shape a race. >> nobody has anything to say. >> everybody saying he will have no impact, they don't get it. >> what's so funny? >> i mean, listen, no one's doubting his entertainment value, he can deliver a great line and the fact that he might have an impact on a debate stage. that's not in doubt. but to say that that makes him serious is ridiculous. >> we've gotten to the point where a comical figure, comical blow hard like donald trump -- >> okay. >> -- is conceivably -- >> let me say why everyone needs to stop overreacting that he could have a serious impact on this race because as you pointed out last week, he has the ability to liquify people in one 20 second sound bite. >> i'm not saying he debated well, i'm not saying that he'll
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be a good press, i'm not saying that he doesn't seau fence sieve things all the time, i'm not saying that at all, i'm just saying this denial of reality by the mainstream media is actually feeding into donald trump's strength. >> our big statement is that donald trump is not a serious candidate. we're saying that we will not participate in this sort of legitimacy of a fringe candidate. >> a guy that has a quarter of the vote is way ahead in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina is not a fringe candidate by his very definition. >> if jeb bush had donald trump's numbers, the race would be over. >> tko. >> i don't understand the question when a guy is at the top of the poll and he's been there for what, four months now, the question is when will you decide to get out of the race. >> what? >> maybe 100% of the supporters, certainly the vast majority of them go to the rallies, they are not going away. >> so not going to get a truck. >> everybody is waking up to the fact that he could win this thing. >> he's not going to win the thing, joe.
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>> well, we don't know whether he is or not. >> donald trump's strength, ma, it down, is the deep south. if donald trump gets past iowa and new hampshire, he wins south carolina by 20, he wins alabama, georgia, mississippi. >> they want someone to beat hillary clinton, it will be donald trump because he will do things that none of those candidates will do. i'm not saying it's good, i'm not saying it's pretty, i'm not saying it's right but the democratic party has a problem in donald trump wins the nomination. >> wow, i didn't know that. what do you do after the dunk the ball and you shatter the backboard. do you just walk off the court, willie? >> that's what shaq used to do. >> i've got to say, mika, i'm even surprised what we were saying june 16th, 17th, 18th, the day that trump announced. i'm sorry. we called it and all along we said, not because it's good, not because it's right, not because it's bad but we saw it coming. the establishment didn't and now they're shocked.
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>> i think it's because through tons of different work-related events and the "apprentice" appearances and pageants, we have known him for a decade. >> i remember being here at one point calling myself -- kate steinly was killed in san francisco, the innocent girl murdered by someone in the country illegally, that's a sanctuary city. i remember it changing, he was so right, something so visceral. cam pages, they always turn on events. >> they turn on events and as we've said here and we said it right after paris, that was actually a defining moment. donald trump's defining moment was barack obama's perceived tepid response to paris. and -- >> and san bernardino. >> and that solidified the need for perceived strength. willie, the one thing we did
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since august is pointing at the day saying it's august, it's september, it's october. you kept saying, when are they going to tell him to drop out of the race? >> there was a string of two months where they showed trump up by 12 points, show the poll, trump would say, sir, when would you get out of the race? remember, it was going to be the summer of trump for a long time. then it was the fall of trump and the flirtation couldn't last. people woke up in the last couple of weeks. i actually don't even blame most people because who really could have seen this coming on paper? it just doesn't make sense. it didn't add up that this guy could win the nomination. it would be fun to talk about and fun to have in the race, but he didn't add up as a nominee. >> so, you know, it's very interesting, mark halpern, we got skewered four years ago for trying to explain to nate silver's worshippers that sometimes politics can't just be distilled down to numbers, that
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sometimes things that don't make sense happen in american politics, and a lot of the things that we put up there were nate silver's predictions, which have been wrong about donald trump from the very beginning. sometimes there's a ghost in the machine. sometimes things just happen. >> flesh and blood matters. you and i have talked about this a lot. this was not the strongest field in a generation. it was the most overrated field in a generation. that helped trump. trump has shown himself to be one of the most extraordinary candidates, particularly as a first time candidate anyone has ever seen for the presidency. his message, as nicole said, has resonated more than anyone else's. he's the overwhelming favorite based on what he's done and what's coming up ahead. as john heilman said, normally what would happen in the republican party after a night like trump had, everybody would fall into line. i don't think everybody's going to fall into line. they're not done trying to stop him but they'll have a heck of a time trying to stop him. coming up on "morning joe,"
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democratic voters are more liberal than eight years ago when barack obama was running for president. we'll break down trends and who won key groups when steve kornacki joins us. tom brokaw joins us as well after a night that gave some clarity to the race, even if the candidates themselves just can't see it. that's okay. >> they're going to change the world. >> we'll be right back. you do all this research on a perfect car,
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republican party, there can be no evasion and no games. they must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry. this party does not prey on people's prejudices. we appeal to their highest ideals. >> there's been a lot of talk the last 24 hours or so about one of our presidential candidates and his seeming ambivalence about david duke and the kkk, so let me make it perfectly clear, senate republicans condemn david duke, the kkk and his racism. >> you're quoted in "the new york times", not directly, saying you are prepared to drop donald trump like a hot rock. are you prepared to distance yourself -- >> i don't remember saying anything like that to all of you. >> is that something that you private thily --
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>> i don't remember saying anything like that to all of you. >> look, i don't want to waste a lot of time. i've disavowed -- okay. i'm going to get along great with congress, okay? paul ryan, i don't know him well. i'm sure i'm going to have to get along with him. if i don't, he's going to have to paille big price. >> wow. joining us now nbc news special correspondent, tom brokaw and former speech writer to secretary of state con da lisa rice and now an nbc news political news contributor elyse jordan. in washington, best selling author, prolific reagan biographer craig sureley. steve kornacki. >> he's still awake. >> the really cool eighth grade teacher you never had. steve, we'll start with you. >> steve, we kept hearing that cruz and rubio were going to micro target across super tuesday states and get big delegate counts that way stealing victories. how did that work out for them?
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>> let's take a look at the delegate count. for rubio there's a particular problem besides the fact that he's in third place right now. this is the nbc news count at this hour, the official count, total delegates, that includes everything before last night and everything from last night. there's more, actually, from last night to come in. we think when it's all counted that donald trump will end up with about 340 total. the magic number in this whole thing, remember, 1,237. you hit that number, you're the republican party nominee. we think trump will end be up with 340 when it's all counted. we think cruz will end up with 230. we think rubio will be back here at about 110. now a couple things to point out. that rubio number, the problem for him last night besides the fact that he didn't win, he left delegates on the table. specifically in texas. texas is a state where if you hit 20%, you get some of the statewide delegates. a big state, marco rubio fell short of 20%, gets zero statewide delegates.
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the same thing happened to him in alabama and in vermont. that's 25 to 30 delegates if this were a proportional system he would be taking in. instead he gets zero. the same thing happened to him at the congressional district level. a lot of delegates adding congressional districts by not coming in the top three. he was also denied delegates. also, we can take a look at the ted cruz number here again. so much of that coming from texas. when you're donald trump, the best news for you is that where this race shifts right now, you're looking at michigan. that's coming up. then you're looking at the 15th, everybody talks about florida and ohio. the rubio/kasich states. you have a chance to deliver knockout blows. the best news for trump if all of these candidates stay in and they keep trying to chase donald trump and the same patterns hold, we've got a bunch of big states coming up in the next few weeks, next few months. you've got illinois, wisconsin, illinois, pennsylvania, you have big delegate rich states. the rules are shifting now where if you win the state with 36,
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38, 40% of the vote like donald trump has shown he can do, you are going to get the lion's share of the delegates. that 340 could explode real fast right now. >> steve kornacki, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> tom brokaw, obviously donald trump's victories were the big headlines last night, but you say an equally important story line was marco rubio's failure. >> it was, and i don't see where he goes from here. i don't know if we have the video when he first appeared last night when it was pretty clear he had a dismal night. he looked like the guy who was running for student council president who found out he didn't have a date for the prom. he was frozen in place. very hard to see how he puts something together how he stayness place throughout. i think ted cruz obviously has a shot at staying in the hunt. >> so is it effectively a two-person race do you think? >> i think it's getting to that. we'll see what happens in florida. obviously he'll get a bunch of candidates -- delegates there if
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he fulfills his promises, but after that i don't know where he goes. i think people have made a judgment about him in the republican party. there was already discussions. he has a future, he can run for governor of florida. from now on we'll have a closer examination of what trump has been promising. one of the most interesting editorial page writers i think in america is a guy named holeman jenkins. we never see him publicly. he gets down in the turf and writes. apparently the chinese and the mexicans can bestow concessions that will make us great again or something. until mr. trump and his fans show otherwise, he seems but the latest vessel of denial for voters who don't want responsibility, they want mommy and daddy. and when you cut it all away, that's pretty much what he's saying. for donald trump to say today effectively if the speaker, speaker ryan doesn't play by my rules, i'm going to head butt
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him. he's not a subcontractor in the construction trades, he's the speaker in the house. he's number three in the line. >> not only that, you see this with every president that gets elected, and i have now had this conversation with very high ranking staff members in several administrations said do you really think you are the first person to ever walk through these gates? did you not think your predecessor thought they were the ones who ended history with their victory? donald trump is like skipping -- you know, he's going straight to go. >> yeah. >> you know what, i think that's very instructive, that he doesn't understand. if a speaker in your own party doesn't want to help you, that's game over. >> yeah, well, it is. the fact of the matter is that the voters also have to understand that. the promises that he's making that they believe he can fulfill the moment he raises his hand and takes the oath of office and moves into the white house, he becomes in effect a kind of
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dictator in america, not the president of the united states, member of the executive branch, which is one of the co-equal branches. >> that's what "financial times" said. they have an article talking about american caesar. i think the most dramatic example, mika, in the 20th century was one of the most popular presidents in the 20th century, one of the great presidents of the 20th century, fdr. after a while he started believing his press clippings, thought he could pack the supreme court and a backlash against him. this is something that -- that's the question. i don't know if donald trump understands just how dispersed power is in washington. >> right now he's all about winning. you can't argue with what he's doing. let me ask you this, elyse jordan. reading your tweets, donald trump's press conference yesterday you said, there is nothing about chris christie's facial expression right now watching trump speak that exudes confidence in our future. a thousand yard stare. what's going on there? >> that was a little bit scary
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just knowing the chris christie that we're used to in public life, such a strong, commanding figure. he really of all the candidates this year i think is the best politician of the group, the best natural politician, can really stand up and inspire and watching him in the back drop watching trump, you could see him thinking almost at least, and i guess i'm putting into what i would hope would be in his head, wow, why did i do this? can i get out? is it too late? >> wow. assuming you're correct on that. >> craig surely, you have written about parallels that some have made from ronald regan and donald trump. the only parallels we've made have been the constant under estimation by the political class, by the consulting class and by the media of both men. reagan before his sweeping victory in 1980 and donald trump up until this moment. >> well, thanks, joe. i compared dynamics and institutions but not individuals. you know, you're absolutely
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right, and i tell people that before ronald regan was ronald regan, ronald regan wasn't ronald regan. by that it was in the '60s and '70s he was often derided by the eastern elites, by academia, by the establishment of the republican party, he was considered the george wallace of the republican party, a grade b actor with premature orange hair. >> right. >> in 1980 as he started to break loose and head towards the nomination, the party elders in a panic, you know, ring the fire alarm, break the glass and go see gerald ford. dick cheney went to see him. henry kissinger tried to go see him to get henry ford to get back in the race to stop ronald regan. >> i don't know if that was true or was it that they wanted ford in the administration? i think by then -- >> no, tom, that was later. that was the whole famous detroit compact, which you covered, of course, in detroit in 1980. the famous or infamous,
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depending on your point of view, the reagan/ford co-presidency. there was sincere effort, stu spencer and others, to try to get ford back in -- to get ford to run against ronald regan to stop reagan from getting the nomination. >> if people want to know how much of a joke ronald regan was seen by just about everybody, one of the -- one of my favorite lines in "all in the family" was when meathead was mocking archie bunker whose final come back line is, that's great, meathead, but in 1980 you're going to get regan. the audience exploded because the prospects of a president reagan was such a joke. >> absolutely. >> it was literally a norman leer punch line and the audience loved it. >> in the 1960s remember "laughing." news from the future.
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news from the future, 1980, president ronald regan, there he stopped right there because the audience laughed. >> started laughing. >> yeah. >> so -- so -- >> i'm not so sure that was true by the time they got to the convention or the late stages of it. i think people began to understand that he -- the fact he was a serious contender and you must remember -- >> oh, sure by 1980 you must remember. he helped change that world and of course the world, you know, with the soviets on the advance and the bad economy and carter obviously or seemingly in over his head as president of the united states all helped to create the conditions, but reagan was smart enough to exploit them and take advantage of the conditions, too. >> well, he also had a stunningly brilliant debate against jimmy carter. >> there you go again. >> that changed everything that night. they saw him as a president. >> but don't -- so can the establishment stop donald trump at this late state? >> i don't know. i'm actually curious about the 1976 nomination process with
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ford and reagan because reagan really didn't win contests, i think he won his first contest in north carolina and he really kept this pressure up for so long and really was the -- it was this example of a long, protracted nominating process and ford used the power of the presidency to win over those delegates. how is that an analogy to what's happening. >> greg, you're the historian. is there any chance we could see a repeat of 1976? >> yes and no. the problem is you had two giants going into kansas city. it's the last time republicans gathered not knowing who the nominee to the party was going to be. when they gathered to kansas city they didn't know if it was going to be ronald regan or gerald ford. there was a lot of back room maneuvering to get ford over the top to get to the delegates he needed that wednesday night. right now you have trump. you don't have an anti-trump.
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you have a series of little anti-trumps, whereas you had reagan and anti-reagan. you don't have countervailing forces. >> it's obamacare. >> you don't have the power of the presidency. >> you don't have a better option. tom brokaw, elyse jordan, thanks so much. still ahead, how wall street is doing after last night's big super tuesday wins for donald trump and hillary clinton. >> i'm running because i have grown increasingly concerned about the course of events in the united states and the world. government at all levels now absorbs more than 44% of all of our personal income. it's become more intrusive, more coercive, more medal some and more effective. today it's difficult to find leaders who are independent of the forces that brought us our problems. the congress, the bureaucracy, big business, big labor.
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we must offer truth instead of promises and hope instead of despair and then i'm sure the people will make those decisions which restore confidence in our way of life and release that energy that is the american spirit. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. ...another anti-wrinkle cream
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and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. well -- >> look who's here. >> it's super wednesday. brian sullivan joins the table. how are you doing there? it is super wednesday. >> been busy. anything going on? >> no, nothing. our economy is not at stake. >> how are the markets reacting? >> yesterday we had one of the best first days in three years. stock markets rallied. today we're indicating down. two years ago this is going to be a race of it.
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>> they went for reagan i think in '80. it happened, but, you know, that is, again, you've been talking about it, we've been talking about the northeast. the midwest. the industrial states. >> that ends up being on the side of free trade and donald trump ends up being donald trump, you could have an interesting battle for union votes. >> much more "morning joe." at mfs investment management, we believe in the power of active management. by debating our research to find the best investments. by looking at global and local insights to benefit from different points of view. and by consistently breaking apart risk to focus on long-term value. we actively manage with expertise and conviction.
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millions of americans headed to the polls to support candidates and on their way out they received a sticker that said, i voted. this year there were actually a variety of stickers that were given out. let me show you what i mean. this one said i voted so i could be late for work. this one said, i voted for the upcoming apocalypse. i voted for hillary because she was in the voting booth when i stepped inside smoking a cigar saying, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. >> you know, i just get -- in connecticut i'm voting. what we learned today. mika, what did you learn? >> i learned that we're in for a rough ride. we're going to have to watch how we disseminate information and analyze it, and i say we collectively because i think it's a learning experience. >> it is. >> does anyone know what i'm
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talking about? >> i do. talk about the coming apocaly e apocalypse. you're already seeing it if it's clinton and trump, that's going to be a rough battle. >> yeah. you know, 2012 was a singularly unuplifting election. this will be much worse. >> he says with a smile. mike? >> if you look up the definition of impotence in the dictionary. >> yes. >> it says colon the republican establishment. >> yeah. yeah. >> i guess the greatest election movie of all time is going to prove to be "network" because everybody is mad as held and they don't want to take it anymore. >> joe? >> a movie that mike barnacle was in "the candidate." >> what do we do now? >> so what do we do now? and i wonder if we could be on our way to nominating somebody who, like barack obama, i know i'm going to get killed for saying this, was more excited about being elected president than governing. >> we're not nominating, the people are. >> exactly. >> what else did we learn?
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who's going to change the world? >> marco. it's okay. you're going to change the world. the hammer is heavy. >> you can't lift it, can you? >> it's all right, though. >> you can't lift the hammer. >> he doesn't need to lift the hammer. >> your favorite eighth grade teacher -- >> yes. >> -- he is a cool eighth grade teacher. >> he's the cool eighth grade teacher that kids love. he picks up our coverage after a quick break. omers. at&t can help you stay connected. am i seeing double? no ma'am. our at&t 'buy one get one free' makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers... ...and share promotions on social media? you know it! now i'm seeing dollar signs. you should probably get your eyes checked. good one babe. optometry humor. right now get up to $650 in credits to help you switch to at&t. until one of you clipst da food truck.. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates
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good morning. welcome to the morning after. it is the morning after super tuesday which certainly lived up to its name last night. a huge night on the republican side for donald trump. a huge night on the democratic side for hillary clinton. both of them picking up 7 of the 11 states. they were on the board in their parties andn
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