tv Morning Joe MSNBC March 7, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST
it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. >> it took joel silverman yea to become a master dog trainer. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> i am his great estefan. i don't think there's anything in the world he can't do. but as far as wanting it for him or liking it for him, i don't really see how any woman way
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"bloomberg view," al hunt. we have a great deal to share about the life and legacy of nancy reagan. i want to go around the table, mark halperin whrksat are your greatest memories of nancy reagan? >> i don't know know her well but the last time i saw her was when she hosted an event at the library for me and john heilemann for "game change" and hosted us for a dinner and her interest in people and america and politics was extraordinarily high. >> nicolle, i heard you yesterday talking about -- just relish ago cool, classy, republican woman. >> we cherish our cool, classy, elegant style icons in the republican party and she certainly transcended all party lines and generations. she remains one of the most elegant women in the country. but for me it was the love affair and the image. we showed it yesterday over and over again of her draped over
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pra president reagan's casket at the funeral. it wrenches me still. the book of love letters, in 2002, she published a collection of letters he'd written to her. they're sprinkled through other documents, i'd seen them before, but to read them as a collection, their love affair knocks me over. there was a letter he wrote to her on christmas and he writes "i miss you when you leave the room." and it was a love affair that i don't know that we've seen before in public life. >> willie? >> al hunt, there's the personal relationship, obviously, between nancy reagan and her husband but also the professional one and role she played as an honest to goodness advisor on the most important issues of his time, whether it was iran-contra, rapprochement with gorbachev, firing important members of the staff. she had a real hand in what was
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happening in the west wing. >> she was one of the most influential first ladies in modern times. it began at the start of the reagan administration. it was nancy reagan who managed to persuade him to pick jim baker and mike deaver to run the white house rather than ed meese. that had a profound impact on the tone and the agenda of the reagan first term. second term donald regan took over as white house chief of staff, he crossed swords with nancy reagan, big mistake. she got rid of him within a year or so. but the most substantive was she wanted ronnie, as she called him, to be a peacemaker and establish better ties with mikhail gorbachev. she worked with george schultz, there were probably scores of telephone conversations. my wife did a marvelous documentary for hbo which captured that. she played a huge role again in getting rid of bill clark. just a final story i'll tell
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you, willie. she never lost her interest in politics and as i said, my wife judy woodruff did a big documentary on her. they used to talk from time to time. and on a train in 2008, judy tried to call mrs. reagan unsuccessfully. mrs. reagan called back after the republican convention, the first thing she said was "why did john pick that woman as his running mate?" >> jon meacham, i heard she was fascinated with what was going on today. she obviously was married to a man who was vastly underestimated on many levels. having said that, i wonder what she would think of the level of vitriol and where it's descended to this point. >> she shared with her husband's view that there was an 11th commandment about not speaking ill of another republican. you see how that's obeyed.
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and republican ronald reagan used to believe if he could get 70% of what he wanted he'd take it and go back for the other 30% later which is a spirit of compromise we don't see very much and i think something very much mrs. reagan would have agreed with. jimmy stewart is reported to have saided that if ronnie had married nancy the first time he would have won an academy award. so when they met in the late '40s, early '50s and married, that was a critical moment in ronald reagan's political journey because she became the great breaux texter, the great enforcer in many ways. president reagan said he was at the lowest point, his career was not doing well, he was reduced to doing a nightclub act in las vegas and he said "then came nancy davis and saved my soul." >> we'll have more on their relationship and on her impact on the presidency later.
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we have a lot to say about nancy reagan. but over the weekend on the republican side there were fireworks and there was mud flying. we'll get to that but first, willie, you have the democrats where it was also spicy. >> so much to talk about. let's start with the democrats, they had a debate last night. bernie sanders won another three states over the weekend. he won the democratic caucuses in maine with 64% of the vote up against 36 for secretary clinton. on saturday sanders also won nebraska and kansas. hillary clinton, however, continues to dominate the delegate count. after winning louisiana on saturday, secretary clinton has 1,100 delegates and sanders has 492. tomorrow there will be 188 delegates up for grabs in michigan and mississippi. according to a nbc news poll, clinton leads michigan primary voters. last night, hillary clinton and sanders crashed over and over during the latest democratic debate held in flint, michigan, the site of the water crisis both candidates have been
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highlighting on the campaign trail. the two found common ground on that issue, but once the discussion moved to the topic of the economy, particularly international trade, the knives came out. >> we're going to stop this kind of job exporting and we're going to start importing and growing jobs again in our country. >> i am very glad, anderson, that secretary clinton has discovered religion on this issue. [ applause ] but it's a little bit too late. secretary clinton supported virtually every one of these disastrous trade agreements. >> well, i'll tell you something else that senator sanders was against. he was against the auto bailout. we just had the best year that the auto industry has had in a long time. i voted to save the auto industry. he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry. i think that is a pretty big difference. >> well, i -- if you are talking
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about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me, i'm talking. [ applause ] >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator sanders. >> let me tell my story, you tell yours. your story is for voting for every disastrous trade agreement and voting for corporate america. did i vote against the wall street bailout when billionaires on wall street destroyed this economy they went to congress and they said "oh, please, we'll be good boys, bail us out." you know what i said? i said let the billionaires themselves bail out wall street. it shouldn't be the middle-class of this country. >> okay, so -- >> wait a minute. can i finish? you'll have your turn. >> so, mark halperin, we know what senator sanders is up against, we've seen the delegate count, we've seen the numbers in michigan where they were debating but he does not have the appearance or give up the
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impression that he's about to go away from this race. >> he'd like to beater in a big state and change the dynamic of the race and he's got plenty money left. last night he had many good tactical moments against her but he was not able to do what he needs to do to beat her which is change fundamentally the dynamics of the race and it will be difficult to do that. last night i gave hear b plus and him a b in overall performance. again, he did just fine, but she did better because she's very much in command of the dynamics of the race and nothing he did allowed him to change all that. >> al hunt, what is this race between hillary clinton and bernie sanders look like over this next few months? obviously he's got the resources to stay in, he's got the message to stay in. it's an uphill climb, we know that. what's the dynamic between the two of them look like if this goes on. >> first, it looks better than their counterparts who are debating about body parts rather than trade deals so i think you give them some credit for that. but i think -- look, bernie sanders is not a conventional
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politici politician. i had a clinton person tell me a month ago "when she has this big lead with a thousand vote lead in delegate, the chuck schumers of the world are going to pressure bernie to get out." bernie doesn't care what chuck schumer thinks. he's in this for the same reason he's been in politics for the last 30 years. he wants to deliver a message. i think he realizes it's highly unlikely he'll be the nominee but he thinks he's making the mark and has had a real impact on the agenda and he probably has. on the republican side on saturday donald trump added victories in kentucky and louisiana edging out ted cruz by narrow margins while cruz posted double-digit wins in kansas and maine. marco rubio handily won yesterday's contest in puerto rico. he took 74% of the vote there, claiming all of its 23 delegates. donald trump still leads the overall count with 392, cruz took the most delegates this weekend, 70, to trump's 61.
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he now has 305 delegates. rubio has 153 and john kasich with 35. as the delegate leaders, trump and cruz are calling on marco rubio to drop out. they're getting tougher with each other. >> i want to congratulate ted on maine and on kansas and he should do well in maine because it's very close to canada, let's face it. [ laughter and applause ] >> both marco rubio and john kasich, they love this country. they're not doing this for themselves. they're stepping forward sacrificially to serve this country and lead it. i believe this process will continue naturally, that we will continue to unify and come together and i welcome supporters for every other candidate. >> marco rubio had a very, very bad night. and personally i'd call for them to drop out of the race, i think it's time now he drop out of the race. you know, i don't think tonight he can get up and rant and rave and oh, he did great, he comes in third, he comes in fourth. every time he comes in third or fourth he says "you have to be
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able to win." i would love to take on ted one on one. that would be so much fun. because ted can't win new york. he can't win new jersey. he can't win pennsylvania. he can't win california. i want ted one on one. >> i can't tell how many media outlets i hear have this great exposé on donald on different aspects of his business dealings or his past but they say you know what? we'll hold it to june or july. we won't run it now -- >> you're saying reporters have told you that? >> absolutely. >> from which organizations? >> i'm not going to out media outlets but i can tell you, there is so much there. >> okay. mark halperin, first of all, practically speaking, is there a path for rubio? >> oh, it's hard. he'd have to win florida. >> is there -- should he drop out? it's not ours to say, obviously. it's not theirs to say. >> i think the problem for him is to go into florida and lose florida badly which right now it seems like he would do wouldn't be great for his political
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future and the question is, is it good for the party's movement to stop trump for him to get out or not? i think if he got out it might help the stop trump forces but i'm not sure. >> nicollnicolle? >> they're not going out. their assessment of where florida stands today is that trump has a strong hold on the florida panhandle. that they do very well in south florida where rubio's from and that the fight will be waged as every statewide race in florida is waged along the i-4 corridor. they have mel martinez campaigning for them, they have important newspaper endorsements, but this conversation about what they should do, i've been on winning campaigns and losing campaigns, it usually has very little bearing on what you actually do. >> if you say there is no path, but it sounds like there could be one. >> it's a weird cycle. if you apply to a normal frame to it, you might say that. >> the math is very, very tough for donald trump to get a majority. he has to perform quite well.
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for instance, rubio, you could argue there's no path to majority and no path to him beating trump at the convention but is there a foopath to a kasich/rubio ticket? sure. is that more likely if he stays in and wins delegates? yeah. >> could that be realistic? it seems to me from the really most knowledgeable experienced people, especially on republican politics from the get go is that jeb bush or marco rubio were the ones to watch. were the withins who would probably make it to the top. i just wonder what has happened at this point. >> well, i was at an event saturday night with a lot of establishment republicans and some rubio people and despair so understates the case. [ laughter ] i -- really, i've never seen anything like it. there was a lot of heavy drinking after that. i think that it's conceivable trump can be stopped.
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short of 12 the 3-- 21237. but they need rubio and kasich for if the next eight days. if marco rubio gets out, i think donald trump is guaranteed to win florida right now. may well win it anyway and certainly if john kasich were to get out i think trump would be the more likely beneficiary short term in ohio. so they need the anti-trump faction needs to keep some of those people in right now. then they have a huge decision to make. some time in mid to late march. because the most likely challenger to trump is ted cruz and someone said that you'd love to be the guy to walk into mitch mcconnell's office that says "guess what? i think we can stop donald trump. we're going to stop him with ted cruz." at which point mitch has a nervous breakdown. >> though you've seen some establishment senators come around to the idea. lindsey graham is talking about it. he talked to ted cruz a couple days ago.
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>> wasn't there like a strange choice? poison or death? >> yes, as we talk about senator marco rubio putting his eggs in the florida basket -- i think there's one public poll that shows him within single digits otherwise trump has double digit lie leads. but he's staying in because they don't believe trump can get to 1278. maybe he has a roll not as the nominee but on a ticket. >> as nicolle alluded to and married dowd wrote yesterday, when people tell you you should be president, you tend to believe them and so it's such a chaotic year. no rule that people like us tend to create has really applied. so why wouldn't you keep rolling forward? and hope that something happens. you know, to connect this to the reagan's quickly, 40 years ago ronald reagan went into kansas city, into the republican
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convention, challenging an incumbent president and was one delegation away from winning the nomination. so it's been a long time but stranger things have happened and have happened in the last, say, six days. i'm sitting in a state where 94 out of 95 counties were carried by donald trump in tennessee. and a very senior elected official in this state a week before super tuesday said he had seen polling that showed trump up 12 points but he had not met anyone who was for trump. and that in a snapshot is the story of this year. so all of our talk about what the -- what al's heavy drinkers -- which i totally understand -- are going to do or manipulate, you know, this is a free agent process right now. >> i have not seen a din goner by or heard of a din gore by where that isn't the topic of conversation. let's get to other news. in financial news, global stocks have been mixed.
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european markets traded lower despite last friday's solid u.s. jobs reports. u.s. dow futures are down 55 points. in idaho, a pastor is recovering after being shot the day after he delivered a prayer for ted cruz. 55-year-old tim remington delivered the invocation at a campaign rally for cruz in north idaho on saturday. on sunday, police say, he was shot and critically wounded in the parking lot of his church. the gunman, identified as 30-year-old kyle andrew odom. remington was listed in stable condition last night. we'll follow that. after announcing last august he had been diagnosed with melanoma, former president jimmy carter says he no longer needs cancer treatment. president carter made the announce. yesterday at the south georgia church where he often teaches sunday school. the 91-year-old said doctors will continue to monitor his health and he will resume treatments if the cancer returns. in sports, new denver broncos quarterback peyton
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manning is retiring. after 18 years in nfl on the final hoist of the lombardi trophy the 39-year-old is expected to announce the news this afternoon. manning's storied career includes a record five mvp awards, two championship titles and a slew of accolades. he'll retire as the only quarterback in league history to lead two franchises to super bowl victories. finally, the man credited with inventing the e-mail, ray tomlinson, has died. in 1971 tomlinson developed the electronic message as a way to communicate via computer. a graduate of m.i.t., tomlinson also created the use of the " @"sign to indicate the location of the receiver. he was inducted into if internet hall of fame in 2012. he was 74 years old. still ahead on "morning joe," much more on the passing of former first lady nancy reagan. we'll talk to reagan biographer craig shirley, historian michael
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beschloss and her chief of staff, james rosebush. and the "washington post" says hillary clinton personally wrote 104 classified e-mails found on her server. we'll talk to the reporter that broke the story. but first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? this is going to be an active week. it's very much like spring across the country. that means severe weather and the potential for flooding. we start with california with the potential for flooding this morning. we have snow in the higher elevations. that's storm one. storm two is the middle of the country. that's the severe weather threat. for everyone on the east coast, spring fever begins. 60s up to new york city today and by tomorrow we'll bring those near record highs all the way through new england. let's talk about the severe weather threat. 15 million people are at risk. this is mostly centered on texas and oklahoma. the coverage won't be great during the evening hours but we will see storms with the possibility of tornados. an isolated tornado threat. tomorrow looks to be the worst of the severe weather during this week. this enhanced risk of severe
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storms, houston, austin, san antonio in the mix with that. as far as the rain fall goes with that. gulf moisture expected here and we could see the potential for five to ten inches of rain in areas of little rock to shreveport, lake charles, houston and new orleans. severe weather, tornado threat and the possibility of significant flooding along the gulf coast. we'll leave you with a shot of new york city. our spring fever arrives today with 60s and possibly 70s during the mid-le of this week. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ for your retirement, you want to celebrate the little things, because they're big to you. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade®.
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we broabout this new car. to get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets me. wow. it also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five. what? oh wow. i mean with all this technology. that's a game changer.
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. nancy reagan is most like her husband, she has the same extroverted personality, the same ease of manor, the same confidence, the same adroitness with a quick quip, the same political philosophy, perhaps even the same ambition as ronald reagan. >> nancy davis reagan is social and savvy. she made her debut in chicago and is a graduate of smith. she made the ten best dressed list, too. she greets the world as if it
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were her oyster and performs as the governor's wife with obvious relish. at 26 past the hour, we are remembering nancy reagan this morning. in the white house she was a glamorous figure in front of the cameras and steadfast advisor behind the scenes, at the center of several major decisions on staffing and public relations as well as restoring her husband's image after the iran-contra scandal rocked his presidency. nancy reagan set herself apart in her post-white house career, leading the battle against alzheimer's, the disease that slowly claimed her husband. the library says there will be abopportunity for members of the public to pay their respects prior to the funeral service. she is survived by her children pat patty, ron, and stepson michael. she will be buried at the reagan library on the spot where she kissed him good-bye for the last time in 2004. mrs. reagan's death brought the closing chapter of a
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powerful love story that began in hollywood, continued in the white house and endured all the way to the end. here's nbc's harry smith. >> reporter: nancy reagan was a contract actress when she met the dashing head of the screen actors' guild, ronald reagan. as they sat down to dinner, each claimed to have an early call the next day, an old actors' excuse in case things didn't go well. no such insurance was needed. march 4 marked 64 years since their wedding day. when you look at pictures of nancy and ronald reagan from their days in california to their time in the white house they so often looked like love-struck kids, soul mates, the love of each other's life. this is a letter from the president to mrs. reagan pulled from an nbc special. mrs. reagan reads: >> "dear first lady, as president of the united states, it's my honor and privilege to cite you for service above and beyond the call of duty and that
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you have made one man, me, the most happy man in the world for 29 years." >> they were inseparable, steadfast, especially in times of trial. through the assassination attempt, her breast cancer. >> i'll say welcome home. >> reporter: alzheimer's disease. through sickness and health, till death do us part, that was ronnie and nancy. some years after the president's death, mrs. reagan told "vanity fair," i miss ronnie a lot, an awful lot. people say it gets better. no, it does not. their love explained best by the president himself who wrote to mrs. reagan "i'm not whole without you, you are life itself to me." that is a love story. jon meacham, tell us more about how she changed his life but also his career. >> well, you know, in the middle of his life, in middle age, he was born in 1911. the late 1940s he was adrift and she entered his life and he
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found his footing in many ways. he had always been dependent on women. he had a very strong mother. his first wife was a powerful force. but nancy was a tsunami force in his life and he probably -- mike deaver, their great aide and friend so that there would have been no governor reagan without nancy reagan and certainly no president reagan without her and i think in many ways she's the most significant first lady between eleanor roosevelt and her own time because of the influence she had on the political life of her husband on the way to the white house and then inside the white house. coming up, harold ford, jr., joins us for the must-read opinion pages. "morning joe" is back in a moment.
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we've had with hispanics and young women and made them worse. >> wow, we got great must-reads at 33 past the hour. joining us, msnbc political analyst and professor at the university of mission school of public policy, former democratic congressman harold ford, jr. we have one from maureen dowd and one from joe in the "post" which the readers really liked because it was at the top for a while here. first, "new york times" maureen dowd "chickens home to roost." "it's pretty rich to have mitt romney, the man who called on 11 million people to self-deport talking about trump's bigotry. trump was right about romney, when you lose a race you should have won by being an inept phony, you can't call this year's front-runner an inept phony. it's delightful to see the encrusted king making class utter a primal scream as trump smashes their golden apple cart. he's a real threat to the cozy, greedy -- willie?
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>> oleaginous -- >> cartel. for all the republican establishment self-righteous bleeding, trump is nothing more than anunvarnished cruder version. how lame was it after saying he was a crazy choice, rubio, ted cruz, paul ryan, john mccain all turned around and said they would support trump if he's the nominee, which is exactly, nicolle wallace, what people are sick of. mitt romney proved the other day that endorsements mean nothing. >> and i think we talked here about how it was the kind of cycle where an endorsement might hurt you and hen the outsider candidate. i think at the time there was more than just trump and that was the effect. i mean, i talked to some trump support ye supporters outside of the northeast corridor and they were enraged by the romney speech. so i don't know what the parallel is on the democratic side but i think for us when
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someone tells people what they should do, they do the opposite. >> i think it was as compelling and scathing adds you could imagine. it will be more helpful to fufu democrat at all. i don't think how trump supporters will be dissuaded by anything mitt romney might have said perhaps how truthful it might have been. in fact, it will help mrs. clinton in the fall more so than anyone else. >> the other part, it's one thing on policy saying mitt romney was too extreme on immigration. just on a personal level, remember he was too rich because he had a car elevator and couldn't relate to anybody? donald trump has said "yeah, i'm rich, i have a plane that has gold seat buckles" and people love him for that and they get the opposite reaction romney not. >> and mitt romney wrapped himself around the ax untle in own tax returns. donald trump has already said "yes, i benefit from a rigged system. that's why you can trust me to fix it." he has leaned into so many of
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romney's politicaler haver inability -- vulnerabilities. >> one thing romney has done is legitimize it had notion that under the rules of somebody who doesn't get a majority it's fair to fight it out at the convention. that's the only way to stop trump from being the nominee and i think romney's voice on that was pretty firm and i think it helps the media and some republicans who aren't for trump say, yeah, that's right, if you don't get a majority, you don't have a majority. >> if you feel so strongly about this and you have some sway or voice in the republican party, jump in. >> too many deadlines have past. >> let me read joe's piece. "marco rubio gets massacred." this is the guy everyone was convinced he would be the one. "after iowa, senator rubio promised his supporters he would rocket to the nomination on the strength of his 3-2-1-strategy. but one month later he finish saturday's contests 3-3-3-4. as paul begala said of rubio,
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everyone likes him but the voters. if anyone understands this campaign is over, they should tell them to go home, announce his run for reelection as senator, get the voting card out of the glove compartment and rebuild his political reputation right away. the senator still has time to salvage a political career damaged by his last luster presidential campaign. but that still won't be the case if rubio hangs around this race long enough to be embarrassed by donald trump in his home state of florida. if that were to be the case, the once-promising senator would be forced to live out his professional life as a beltway lobbyist or, worse yet, endure the grim existence of being a cable news host." that could happen. that could happen. but al hunt, what happened? >> well, rubio was certainly hurt by that new hampshire debate but i think he had a bigger problem which was there always was a sense that was he
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really someone who looked presidential or big enough. cruz is a big figure, people don't like him but he's tough and i think again one of those cruel nicknames that trump is fond of giving, little marco, stuck and i think when he made that silly comment about 3-2-1, i think it was worse than you just said, i think it was 3-5-3-and it just wasn't there. >> mark halperin, what are voters in florida thinking about marco rubio right now? especially given the last two weeks where he decided to jump into the gutter and fight dirty. >> he's missed up his brand. this is a closed primary in florida. if it were open he'd probably do better. the big variable in the race to florida and overall is these negative ads in florida and mail and other voter communication trying to take trump down. if there are are public polls showing rubio closer in second place and maybe able to win that will embolden him and his
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supporters in the anti-trump movement to stop trump in florida. but i'm not sure rubio is the strongest person to stop trump in florida: i have trouble criticizing rubio for what he did the last two weeks. nerve the party, on tv, including this show said "how are you not standing up to donald trump?" he took a shot at it. >> didn't have to be personal. >> the policy wasn't working. >> the other explanation they gave now is that it was such a crowded lane for so long, this establishment lane was so crowded. once everyone got out, they told them to do what you said, now we're out, 130 t ligspotlight's >> there's something between policy and paying your pants. that's fair. >> not much in this cycle. >> no, we're talking about the line -- >> yeah, we got it, thank you, willie, harold, stay with us, if you can. up next, it's not just hillary clinton's e-mails under the microscope, a whole host of diplomats are now having their messages exposed as well. a and there is plenty of
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resentment about that. the "washington post" rosalind helder man has been covering all of us. she joins us next with her new reporting. welcome to opportunity's knocking, where self-proclaimed financial superstars pitch you investment opportunities. i've got a fantastic deal for you- gold! with the right pool of investors, there's a lot of money to be made. but first, investors must ask the right questions and use the smartcheck challenge to make the right decisions. you're not even registered; i'm done with you! i can...i can... savvy investors check their financial pro's background by visiting
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they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. welcome back to "morning joe." over the weekend, the "washington post" released analysis of classified information on hillary clinton's personal e-mail server. by the "post's" count, clinton wrote 104 e-mails later marked classified by the state department. clinton said she neither sent nor received material marked classified at the time. over the weekend she said they are close to putting this chapter behind them. >> i think we're getting closer and closer to wrapping this up. i also know that there were reports today about the hundreds of officials and the thousand e-mails that they were sending back and forth that have been looked at and classified retro actively. this really raises serious questions about this whole
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process. i think colin powell summed it up well when he was told some of his e-mails from more than ten years ago were going to be retroactively classified, he called it an absurdity. joining us, the author of the "washington post" post piece, enterprise recorder rosalind helderman. great to have you with us. for people watching at home, what's the headline out of your piece, we see there were 104 later marked classified. hillary clinton said she never sent or received e-mails marked classified at the time. what do you want people to know? >> we want people to know hillary clinton did write e-mails, she, herself. she didn't just receive e-mails, didn't just get e-mail chains sent around by other people. in 104 instances it's her e-mail from her to someone else that has now been marked classified by the state department. however, what we found was that there are about 2,000 incidents overall that the state department has said include classified information and when
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you examine all of those e-mail chains carefully, there's about 300 other people who have also had their e-mails labelled classified through this process. >> and rosalind as you've talk to people, sources of yours, state department, justice, is it significant that it was not "marked classified" at the time? that's been her defense throughout this, that this issue of whether or not it was marked classified exonerates her in some way. >> sure. well, it's absolutely possible to have information placed into the unclassified e-mail system that is classified but is not marked classified. just imagine the example where you go too a briefing that's a classified briefing and you learn information there and then summarize in the an e-mail. basically what you're saying is that you've mishandled classified information. you have not properly marked it classified. now, that doesn't necessarily mean that's what's happened in each of these incidents. one of the things we believe the fbi is now doing is examining all of the e-mails to see if there are some examples where
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that clearly occurred. >> so is the point of having it all on the government server so that when something is later deemed classified it's all in one place and they can handle it accordingly and as safely as possible? i guess that's my first question. >> sure. so there's a separate e-mail system that is reserved for classified materials so if you believe that you are about to send information that is classified, you're not supposed to be using your normal government e-mail. so all of the e-mail we've got from her server, not just her own but all the information that was being sent around by other government officials, is all on this -- what they call the low side, not the high side which is reserved for classified material so anyone sending a message they knew to be classified or believed to be classified shouldn't have been sending it through this low side e-mail system, even if she had not been using her own private server. >> are any of these e-mails e-mails she should have sent on
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the high side. >> we don't know. we don't know what's underneath the redaction boxes and are not able to analyze the 22 e-mails the state department has agreed at the request of the intelligence community called top secret, which is the highest sensitivity level. >> bottom line it, though. what are they looking? because people's eyes are glazing over, low side, high side, e-mails, classified before, now classified. i don't think they care unless some law was broken or something egregious was done and i don't know if that happened. it doesn't sound like it. >> i think what they're looking for is an incident where clearly classified material was sent knowingly through this system to hillary clinton using her private server because she preferred to use regular e-mail, her own e-mail. and we don't know.
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certainly there's nothing in the unredacted portions of the e-mails that have come out from the state department that suggest that clearly. we don't know what's in those 22 top secret e-mails that are probably getting the most scrutiny. >> all right. the "washington post's" rosalind helderman, thank you so much for your reporting. >> thanks for having me. still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> this was also an emotional day for president and mrs. reagan. the end of their eight years in the white house. they returned to california secure in the knowledge that they've made an enormous impact on the nation's capital and the country. nbc's andrea mitchell reported on most of the reagan years and she's here for the final day now. >> ronald reagan played his final scene as president. making sure he didn't overshadow his successor, leaving center stage with style and grace. >> they covered president and mrs. reagan as closely as anyone. tom brokaw and andrea mitch rl here with their stories about the real nancy reagan.
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people whose eyes are like this. everyone loves me. i even got this fat piece of crap behind me right now. isn't that right, chris? >> yes, sir, thank you, sir, please, sir, may i have another? [ laughter ] the return of mitt romney saw the return of jason sudeikis to "snl." check it out. >> if you vote for donald trump -- and i hate to use a curse word on television -- if you vote for him you are a sucker. forgive me, joseph smith. >> you are riled up. >> gosh darn right i am. that's why last thursday i rolled up my thousand dollared monogrammed sleeves, took a couple shots of non-alcoholic kahlua, i did ten women's pushups and i went out there and gave the most aggressive passionate well-measured anti-trump speech i could. >> and do you think your speech changed the minds of anyone trump supporters? >> i do not. [ laughter ] >> do you think any trump supporters even watched? >> not on purpose, no.
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[ laughter ] >> do you think your speech hurt trump at all? >> honestly, i would assume it probably helped him. [ laughter ] >> all right, is there anything you would like to say directly to donald trump? >> yes, yes, there is. donald, you're duplicitous, reckless, and if you become the republican nominee, know this -- i would make a great vice president. >> all right. al hunt, before you go, if 99% of all joking is true, is that in the 99% right there? >> yeah, it is. it's very funny. let me quickly say, mika, i made one mistake earlier. my wife's documentary on nancy reagan was on pbs. it's the best documentary ever done and now i'm safe at home. >> go home and bring flowers, okay, to judy. thank you very much, al hunt. coming up at the top of the hour, ted cruz warns republicans in washington about parachuting a candidate into the convention. >> any time you hear people talking about the brokered convention, that's the fevered
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talk of the washington establishment. the washington establishment is in a panic and their favorite candidates, the ones they want to win, are not getting the votes but if a bunch of washington deal makers try to step in in a brokered convention and steal the nomination, i think we will have a manifest uprising. if republicans want to stop donald trump, do they have to do it before they reach cleveland? plus, he was at nancy reagan's side longer than anyone at the white house, her former chief of staff james rosebush is our guest as we remember the life and legacy of the former first lady. "morning joe" is coming right back. ♪ i love to take pictures that engage people. and to connect us with the wonderment of nature. the detail on this surface book is amazing. with the tiger image, the saliva coming off and you got this turning. that's why i need this kind of resolution and computing power. being able to use a pen like this. on the screen directly with the image. it just gives me a different relationship to it. and i can't do that on my mac.
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[ applause ] >> hello, mrs. reagan, i'm soleil moon fry, the star of "punky brewster." and i'd like to give you the "just say no drug scratch book." from the kids from oakland, california school, okay? >> okay. >> i just want to thank you for making kids say no to drugs. >> thank you, honey. [ applause ] >> all i can say to you is there may be times when you get a little discouraged and think it isn't worth it or you're not doing -- the results aren't what you would hope but just keep in mind that if you even save one
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life, it's worth it. welcome badck to "morning joe," it's monday, march 7. joe is under the weather. along with willie and me, we have former communications advisor to president george w. bush, nicolle wallace, former democratic congressman harold ford, jr., managing editor of bloomberg politics mark halperin, jon meacham, and joining the conversation, executive producer of "the circus" on showtime, mark mckinnon. the nation is in mourning for former first lady nancy reagan, partner in love and politics to one of the most influential figures ever to hold the american presidency. she died yesterday of congestive heart failure at the age of 94. nancy reagan's grace and insight shaped the life and career of her husband ever since they met in hollywood. she was a young actress getting small parts, he was climbing
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back from personal and professional disappointments. >> we met each other out here on the west coast through mervin le roy who i remember every night in my prayers and i was having a little difficulty because there were other nancy davises and i was getting the mail of one of them and mervin said that he neuronny who was then president of the guild and he could solve my problem, he hoped. and ronnie had never met me but i certainly knew who he was and i thought that was a dandy idea. and so ronnie called me and we went out for dinner. he says he solved my problem by changing my name. >> together they scaled the heights of american power waging a successful challenge to the three-term governor of california growing the republican party by rallying the
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emerging conservative movement and leading the political revolution that shaped the modern era. as president reagan challenged the evil empire from the west wing, nancy reagan harnessed the power of the east wing to a tackle the scourge of drugs and encourage kids to just say no. you saw "punky brewster" in that video? did that bring you back? >> soleil-moon frye. >> let's bring in contributor michael bangladeeschloss. michael, it's hard to put her secretary generally into a few one. >> it is. i think one reason is that, you know, first lady is not an elected office and often times what a first lady does is not that well documented but in her case i think it's fair to say that without her ronald reagan would not have been president, without her he would not have been significant and major a president as he was. >> mark mckinnon, to that point, her impact on his presidency itself? >> very powerful.
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there's not a large decision that affected the country that she wasn't in some way behind played a role. i think to beschloss's point, we underestimate the influence of first ladies and i think in the anales of first ladies, nancy reagan was perhaps the most influenti influential. >> meacham was talking about mike deaver saying there is no governor reagan without nancy reagan, there's no president reagan without nancy reagan. there's a story being told that after 1976 when he failed to get the nomination of the republican party he was done, he didn't want to run for anything, didn't want to run for president and it was nancy reagan who intervened and said "you have to run again in 1980." without her, without those conversations, this is a very different country, let's say it. >> that's right. and it goes back to early childhood. she had a tough early childhood, a mother who was often absent
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and it made her extremely strong. she meets ronald reagan after world war ii, his movie career is finished, he's looking almost for work. in the early '50s he was working in a nightclub in las vegas and not happy to be doing that and she dusted him off and got him organized and by the end of the 1950s here he is a tv star, ge theater, later on "death valley" days she had the same role in helping him start his political career. as you know, if you would talk to nancy reagan in later years she'd say no, it was all ronnie, i didn't have very much to do with it. but i think as time goes on and as we get more access to her diaries, she kept very detailed diaries, letters, other sources, we'll find this was a very significant player. >> i wonder what she would think of what's going on. michael, stick around. let's turn the race for president. on saturday donald trump added victories in kentucky and louisiana, edging out ted cruz by narrow margins while cruz
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posted double digit wins in kansas and maine. rubio handily won yesterday's contest in puerto rico. he took 74% of the vote there, claiming all 23 of its delegates. donald trump still leads the overall count with 392 but cruz took the most delegate this is weekend, 70 to trump's 61. he now has 305 delegates. rubio has 153 and john kasich with 35. trump and cruz are both now calling on marco rubio to drop out while still attacking each other. >> i want to congratulate ted on maine and kansas. he should do well in maine because it's very close to canada, let's face it. [ laughter and applause ] >> both marco rubio and john kasich, they love this country. they're not doing this for themselves and they're stepping forward sacrificially to lead it. thinkable process will continue naturally, that we will continue to unify and come together and i welcome supporters for every other candidate.
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>> rubio had a very, very bad night. personally i'd call for him to drop out of the race, i think it's time he drop out of the race. i don't think tonight he can get up and rant and rave and, oh, he did great, he comes in third, comes in fourth. every time he comes in third or fourth he says "you've got to win." i would love to take on ted one on one, that would be so much fun. because ted can't win new york, he can't win new jersey, he can't win pennsylvania, he can't win california. i want ted one on one. >> i can't tell you how many media outlets i hear have this great exposé on donald on different aspects of his business dealings or past but they say "we're going to hold it to june or july. we won't run it now." >> you're saying reporters have told you that? >> absolutely. >> which organizations? >> i won't out media outlets but i can tell you there is so much there. >> mark mckinnon, pull back for us on this race now that we're through this saturday. we no the results, ted cruz had
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a good night, marco rubio struggled, trump underperformed a bit but has the most delegates. where is this thing headed? most of us at this table agree it will be tough for trump to get a majority of the delegates heading into cleveland. how do you see this playing out. >> the physics have changed. remember a couple weeks ago after nevada ted cruz had a tough night, marco rubio was on the ascendancy. trump was teflon and nothing was hurting him but in the last week or so, cruz is back on track, trump has shown a dent in the armor. in fact, if those elections had not had early voting cruz might have won all four so we are in a situation where the narrative has changed in a significant way so the notion of an open convention -- look at the delegate count, ted cruz is within -- less than 100 delegates away from donald trump so there's still a lot of factors to work out. >> do you think rubio has aen
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arable case to make to still be in this case? >> he'll be tested with what i will call the al gore state rule, which should be in the constitution. if you can't win your home state, it's tough to make anningment you should anning me -- an argument you should be president. >> the other person who gets talked about is john kasich. if john kasich wins ohio, rubio loses florida then off three-way race in a state like california or pennsylvania, break down the con stitch when sis. what happens in a in a trump okay sic kasich three way? >> no one looks at saturday night and says "kasich should get out." >> as long as he wins ohio. >> well, we got the issues on these candidates or hear about the issues on some of 24ethem. donald trump has come under scrutiny for his approached on enhanced interrogation techniques if elected. he responded over the week end to claims troops would not
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follow his campaign promises as president because they would be illegal purunder international . >> we have an enemy in the middle east that's chopping off heads and drowning people in massive steel cages. we have an enemy that doesn't play by the laws. they're laughing at us right now. i would like to strengthen the laws so that we can better compete. it's very tough to beat enemies that don't have any restrictions. we have these massive restrictions. i will always abide by the law but i would like to have the law expanded. >> why do you think we don't have waterboarding? >> because i think we've become weak and ineffective. that's why we're not beating isis. it's that mentality. when the isis people chop off the heads and go back to their homes and talk and hear we're talking about waterboarding like it's the worst thing in a world and they've just drowned 100 people and chopped off 50 heads, delay must think we are on the
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weak side. >> the worry was if america does that, american hostages will be treated even worse, that's the argument. >> they're killing our soldiers when they capture them. i mean, they're doing that anyway. we are playing by rules but they have no rules. it's very hard to win -- >> isn't that what separates us from the savages? >> no, we have to beat the salvages. >> and throw all rules out? >> we have to beat the savages. >> by being savages? >> you have to play the game the way they're playing the game. >> that was revealing on a number of levels. harold, what did you learn? >> a couple things, the outsiders in this race continue to dominate. cruz and trump, it's been hard to stop them. what he said, donald trump, there are are people that will find that appealing. but we need allies from certain communities and they will be troubled and lawyers and others in government will be troubled. but overall those comments won't hurt him. >> will play. >> the comments made by mitt
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romney earlier in the week, had rubio or cruz made the comments, i agree. romney didn't help himself, he helped trump. >> i think jeb bush tried. i do. >> i don't think anyone. >> i think this is the idea of a legitimate anti-trump movements, they are the candidacies of his opponent. i think the degree to party bosses are on the scan, they are illegitima illegitimate. this were 17 at one point. they were his republican opponents. and there are still four. but i totally agree with you. i think the message.
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i think there are legitimate anti-trump movements in that they opposing him. >> you think he's unstoppable right now in the sense that he just -- >> i think the will of the voters at the end will show that the majority of voters want him. i am very nervous to overturn the will of the voters. >> it's flummoxing for the republican party because i understand the concept of both sides? michael beschloss, any precedent? >> for most of the american history we've had open conventions where things are not settled on the first ballot. 1976 people got to kansas city, did not know whether reagan or gerald ford would win. so i don't have any problem with donald trump not having majority before cleveland, if he doesn't
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get that on the first ballot he is probably finished and we will see an open convention on the kind that people thought was almost impossible. >> let's get to the democrats, shall we? >> harold, you requested, here it is. >> sanders won nebraska and kansas. after winning louisiana on saturday, clinton has 1100 delegates, sanders has 492. tomorrow there will be 188 delegates up for grabs in michigan and mississippi. according to the nbc news/"wall street journal"/marist poll, clinton leads sanders among likely michigan primary voters by 17 points. 57% to 40%. last night, the two candidates debated in michigan battling over the auto bailout and international trade and they had this exchange on gun control.
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>> that is an issue that senator sanders and i differ on. i voted against giving them immunity, but i think we should very seriously move to repeal that and go back to making sure gun makers and sellers are like any other business -- they can be held accountable. >> if you go to a gun store and you legally purchase a gun and then three days later you go out and you start killing people, is the point of this lawsuit to hold the gun shop owner or the manufacturer of that gun liable? if that is the point, i have to tell you, i disagree. if that is the case, then essentially your position is there should not be any guns in america. period. >> that is like the nra position. >> can i finish, please? >> we talk about corporate greed, the gun manufacturers sell guns to make as much money as they can make! >> harold ford, that was a big
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applause line. we talk about the state of this race right now where it appears she's got -- it would be hard for him to come back in terms of delegates right now. how strong is she right now? >> it's a must-win for him in michigan and probably mississippi as well from a delegate standpoint. he continues to wrack up wins but the delegates don't favor him. i thought the back and forth last night for her, especially on the bailout piece where she got senator fwoerz acknowledge she did not vote to help save auto jobs and the wrong side of that would be michigan. the gun exchange was fascinating because she was able to link his adamant strident opposition to the banking industry and suggest they care about profits and suggest it was the same with gun manufacture manufacturers. i think his point about puttingings gun manufacturers out of business until it would not grant immunity to gun makers was interesting but in that crowd last night and this particular state she served herself well and if she does well here in the next day or two
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i think it's just harder and harder to see how senator sanders, even with the money he's raising, how he continues. >> mark halperin, how did they do? >> they both did just fine but he needs to do better than just fine. he should win michigan based on his economic message, he needs to win fit he overcomes her delegate lead and the public polls suggest he won't do well. i don't think he did anything last night to put her on the defensive in michigan. she came very well prepared. >> i think he's certainly -- i mean, it does not look like he's going to make it to the nominati nomination. i could be wrong, i guess. but it looks like he's making her better up there. she's finding a strong voice that's hers. does that make sense? >> she was remarkably focused on him. in the prooefs you debate she is turned more to the republicans, and she focused on him suggesting that perhaps they think the state is closer than the public polls suggest. she is going to get better because of him but she needs to
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get better. >> it's also important -- >> well, that could be a whole new ball game. >> michigan is important because as you look to the general if it's donald trump the widespread belief is that trump could do well in michigan for a variety of reasons including union arguments. i thought she was on her game. >> nicolle has been pointing out this article from a page of the "wall street journal." >> interesting. >> the blue-collar vote goes to trump. >> michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, wisconsin. >> that's funny, kind of interesting. >> very interesting. >> michael beschloss, thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe," he literally wrote the book on ronald and nancy reagan, biographer greg shirley joins with us his intimate knowledge of the former first family. andrea mitchell and tom brokaw joins us as well. and we'll go live to simi valley, california, the site of the presidential library. you're watching "morning joe." (dog) mmm, beneful healthy weight is so good...
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correspondent joe fryer, joe, how is the former first lady being remembered today? >> good morning, mika. as soon as people learned about nancy reagan's passing, people came to pay their respects. we saw families walking here, some with small children. unfortunately, the library has been closed to the public for the remainder of the week. it won't reopen until after the funeral which is going to take place here. we're just waiting to find out the final details of when that will happen. we're told there will be some sort of public event, a chance for everyone to pay their respect to nancy reagan. she was incredibly active here at the library, preserving her husband's legacy until the very end. we spoke with the executive are dae director of the library. here what he had to sanchts mrs. reagan has been a little bit ill for some time and the staff always thinks about a day like this coming but until it comes
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it's tough to describe how it hits you. she was our boss, our mentor, the head of the foundation, she was everything to the people that worked here and we're just really sad that this day has had to come. i always admired how she would treat people, whether you were a king or whether you were the elevator operator, she treated you with the same graciousness and warmth. it was lovely to be around here. >> toward the end of her life, it was always harder for nancy reagan to actually get here to the library even though she still remained very active. but we're told one thing she made sure to do every year in june on the date that commemorates her husband's death, she always came out here to visit her grave site and spend some private time there. this is, of course, where she will now be buried. mika? >> nbc's joe fryer, thank you for that. willie? with us now from washington, nbc news chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell. another one of these days where we're lucky to have andrea mitchell working at nbc news.
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you covered every day of the reagan white house. you knew nancy reagan well. what are your thought this is morning? >> so many thoughts. she was such a large figure, one of the most consequential first ladies in modern american history. certainly most important in her day since eleanor roosevelt preceding her. she was her husband's chief protector, his political advisor and life partner. it was a great love affair, of course, and it sounds like a hollywood movie and, in fact, that's where it started. she always dreamed of being an actress and in a way she became one on a world stage. born in 1921 in new york city, nancy davis making her way to hollywood, landing small roles in films for mgm. it was there she met ronald reagan. the chemistry was instantaneous. they married in 1952. appearing in 11 films, the young actress starred alongside her husband in 1957's "heldcats of
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the navy." >> i began thinking you were playing the south seas circuit. >> you knew better. >> how could i know? did you give me a post-dated check. >> my wife nancy. >> reporter: soon she shifted her focus, devoting her life to him and his budding political career. her influence extending i don't know the home and into politics. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: becoming first lady of california in 1966 and then of the nation there 1981. at first she was criticized for wearing designer gowns during a recession. then lauded for her anti-drug "just say no" campaign. >> when it comes to drugs and alcohol, just say no. >> reporter: it was the 1981 assassination attempt that nearly took his life thatover shadowed his entire presidency. nancy reagan became fiercely protective, even consulting an astrologer at times before scheduling his trips. an embarrassment exposed in a tell-all by his embittered chief
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of staff donald regan, who had been fired largely at her behest after the iran-contra scandal. >> she was ronald reagan's closest advisor. she also was among other things his constant protector. >> reporter: during her eight years as first lady, nancy reagan changed world history, encouraging her husband to negotiate with what he had called the evil empire, the soviet union, and its new leader, mikhail gorbachev. >> he knew he could do a deal with gorbachev, he just needed to be allowed to do it. and she ran that interference for him. >> reporter: after leaving the white house, nancy reagan became an advocate for stem cell research for alzheimer's after the ex-president wrote a heartbreaking letter to the nation disclosing he was suffering from the disease. >> he made the decision to write his letter to the american people and the people responded. >> reporter: his caregiver until his death in 2004, she remained devoted to him for all her days,
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carrying the torch for both her husband's legacy and her own. and for all of the glamour and their success on the world stage, throughout all of those years, those who knew them best say they most preferred being alone together upstairs in the white house with tv on or movie and eating dinner on tray tables. that was the time when they spent it alone that they savored at the white house for all of those years. willie and mika? >> andrea, for all the strength you laid out and all the significant roles she played in his presidency, i love what you touched on at the end which was the final ten years of ronald reagan's life, that long good-bye from 1994 to 2004 and the grace she showed during that period. >> well, it was grace and courage. she was terribly lonely and -- loneliest after he died, of course. but, you know, she could have had so much help. she could have done a lot of other things. she chose to be with him at
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every moment. they were together till the end of his days and her courage against what was republican orthodoxy on stem cell research, standing up and advocating for alzheimer's disease, our friend maria shriver can tell you best having experienced it with her own sad with sargent shriver, she fought for that, going to the republican national convention and beyond. you hear from people -- from diverse areas in hollywood and in other parts of american life who have suffered the disease, parkinson's and other diseases who really celebrated her for what she stood up for. also on gun laws after the assassination attempt, she and ronald reagan endorsing the brady bill and embracing jimmy brady, he remained the white house press secretary and disabled and handicapped as he was in title and salary for all of his days, for two terms even though he was shot and so
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bereaves youly wounded from that assassination attempt only only two or three months into their presidency. >> andrea mitch mitchell, thank you so much. tom brokaw will join us just ahead with his thoughts. still ahead, are voters just wanting to be surprised? we'll talk to the "new york times" columnist in who says a lot of trump's appeal is his unpredictability and it's time for other candidates to throw out cue cards and pre-released speeches. stay with us. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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is donald trump becoming president worse in your mind than hillary clinton becoming president? >> both of them are pretty darn bad. as lindsey graham said, a poison and a bullet and i'm going to be voting but i'll vote for someone who's on the ballot that i think is a real conservative and who would make us proud and i may write in a name if i can't find such a person. >> mitt romney and much of the gop establishment still looking for ways to stop donald trump. i feel like everyone's having a massive delayed reaction to trump. like mitt romney should have jumped in the race before new hampshire, right? >> yeah. i mean, because nobody thought -- >> you can't, like, all of a sudden wake up this morning and go "this is bad. let's say something." it only helps him. here's a scene from "the circus" where the so-called establishment in d.c. reacts to trump.
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>> i'm sorry, this is not the soviet union that we can't call a meeting and decide trump is out. >> and we wait that. [ laughter ] >> benign dictatorship, who's for it. >> trump is doing well for one reason, he understands the climate and the culture of american better than anybody in this neighborhood. >> how do you feel about the fact the republican nominee may be someone none of you know. >> shell-shocked. bewildered. republicans a s ars are hierarc respectful of authorities, we fall in line. trump has interrupted that cycle. >> nobody thought of donald trump as a political leader until six months ago. >> he's not articulate, he's not poised, he's not informed, all he has going for shim a lot of votes. why hasn't that hit home. >> i've never voted for anybody other than a republican for president of the united states. this would not be an easy thing for me. >> more martinis? >> i love it. so you run "the circus" mark
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mckinnon. all he has going for him is a lot of votes. >> those measly votes. >> isn't that what one is going for when running for president? >> that's what donald trump has and the establishment does not. >> but there's a mathematical problem here. the problem the establishment has with trump and i don't know how we get around it. >> the most telling comment out of all of that came from ron kaufman who acknowledged donald trump has a much better sense of the country than the establishment. >> who were those people? i saw ron. >> if you had to pick six perfect representatives of the establishment, that's who they were. i mean, these are guys who have been around washington a long, long time, worked for reagan, worked for bush, worked for john mccain. if you had to pick the six top people to represent the establishment, that's who they'd pick. >> if you were casting a dramatic version of the establishment, it would look like that, guys sitting in a dark room. >> jon meacham, we've been talking about precedent. if he gets the delegate count all he has going for him is a
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lot of votes. [ laughter ] what -- i don't know what the other options are and why anybody would have the gal to put some out there. >> well, this is this old democratic -- lower case "d" principle -- called "the majority is to govern." [ laughter ] and i know that's complicated and i hate to throw a physical problem at you at this hour. >> here we go again. >> sorry. but it's kind of a basic principle of political physics and that's -- i think you're right. i think it's hard to see. i will say there was a kind of shift in at least the atmospherics this weekend, at least from where i was standing. the cruz performance was the first time where at least folks from where i was around felt as though the break was being tapped not by the establishment but by the voters and perhaps the past couple of weeks -- i think you're exactly right. this is like celebrating
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christmas in february to some extent but there is this push, whether or not governor romney -- governor romney certainly embodies it, but there's a question of whether there's a certain amount of second thoughts not on the part of the establishment, not on the part of the martini crowd, but the actual voters themselves and you saw some of that this weekend. >> you did. there are another 150 delegates at stake tomorrow in michigan, mississippi, idaho and hawaii's gop contests. the nbc news/"wall street journal"/marist poll gives trump a nearly 2-1 lead headed into the biggest prize of all, michigan. trump is up 41% to ted cruz at 42%. rubio at 17% and kasich at 13%. in a brand new siena college poll of next month's new york primary, trump has a a commanding 27% lead. rubio and kasich tied at 18 with ted cruz the only candidate
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losing support since last month, down to 11%. harold, again, it seems like the establishment might have to come to terms with donald trump. >> one of the things that struck me from "the circus" is that if trump wanted to use that as an advertisement for himself, it very well could. it illustrates a point that jon and joe have made on this point that the outsiders come in early in the race and get pushed to the side. the outsiders have taken over and it looks like the inside guys, the establishment, have to move on. if those numbers move up that you showed on the screen, particularly michigan and mississippi, i don't see where rubio goes, who enjoys the support of his establishment and increased that support over the next several days. if secretary clinton does well in michigan and mississippi that path narrows and we look like we're heading to a trump/clinton race and we'll get a chance to see if lindsey graham and mitt romney, where they stand on what they say the poison or the bullet, or whatever the dichotomy of what that choice
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means for them or the count rinchts -- country. >> jeb bush, kasich, marco rubio, it just seems like it's not their time. >> everyone is denial. why are they just talking about it now why is everybody making their speeches now? because through the summer and into the fall people said this can't be happening. the voters knew it was happening. but they didn't believe that however well trump was doing it wouldn't somehow implode at some point and it didn't. >> if they truly believed, maybe they could have done something at the beginning but you had to truly believe it could happen and truly be frightened about it. >> that's when surging campaigns are successful is when the establishment figures it out too late. >> totally clueless. up next, we continue our look at the live and legacy of nancy reagan. we'll bring in the longest serving chief of staff to the late first lady, james rosebush. also reagan biographer craig shirley and nbc's tom brokaw. we'll be right back with more "morning joe." you both have a perfect driving record.
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when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. do you and the president
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talk about it ever? >> uh-uh. >> just isn't mentioned? uh-uh. >> do you think about it? >> oh, yes. oh, yes. every time he -- he leaves the house, particularly to go on a trip i think -- i think my heart stops until he gets back. >> that was nancy reagan in march of 1983, two years after president reagan was shot in an assassination attempt. joining us now, nbc news special correspondent tom brokaw, best-selling author, historian and prolific reagan biographer craig shirley. also former special assistant to president reagan, james rosebush, the top official for philanthropy and public private partnerships and the longest-serving chief of staff to first lady nancy reagan. he's also the author of the four forthcoming book "true reagan, what made ronald reagan great and why it matters." >> i think i no the answer to that question. >> tom, you brought such a
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wonderful photograph. the white house you covered so closely and the woman you know so well. >> well, this has the beginning. in 1966 when i just arrived at nbc, i was 26 years old and drew a lucky straw, started covering ronald reagan's campaign for governor and nancy was low visibility in those days and they were all concerned about could a hollywood man become the governor then, of course, i covered the first term and the second term and then the campaign for president. and i got to know them well but i was always a reporter, always the journalist and they understood that. when he first took office, i said something that was a little bit intempt rat. i said this whole business about him being a poor boy, right after he got out of college, he got out a good job and he was a high paid actor in hollywood. nancy didn't like me saying that so i got a call from jim baker and the others saying "stay away from the white house for a while." and i said "well, i'm not going
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to back off." they said "we understand, stay away, the president doesn't care but nancy is on a tear about you." about two months later i got this call and they said "you'll be invited to a state dinner, you have to figure out what to say to nancy in the receiving line." i said, "okay." so i go down to the state dinner, meredith is with me, we're in the receiving line and meredith says "have you figured out what you're going to say yet?" and i said "nancy" back to square one, just like that. this is the photograph of that moment. >> oh, wow:. >> it arrived the next day, this photograph, with tinscription "dear tom, back to square one, love nancy." that was so typical of her. she put it away in a hurry, she didn't want to have an on going feud with me and it was the beginning of a different level of a relationship. the president and i shared a birthday february 6 and we would mark it from time to time and when they first got in office on
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the first february 6 that they were there, i was on the "today" show and i said "i know there are big plans at the white house, they are going to have a surprise party for the president." and they were watching the "today" show in the living quarters and she said to him "brokaw never gets anything right. i don't know where he got that." [ laughter ] we had a lot of little episodes in our lives and i talked to her on february 6 this year as i do almost every year and she sounded quite strong at this point and -- but it's a great loss. >> but that back to square one story, those lines at those state dinners are enormous. they're endless and for the president and the first lady to remember anything that was said is something for sure. >> jim, a lot's been said about the relationship nancy reagan had with her husband as a president in terms of advising him and getting him through some of the worst times of his presidency. can you speak to what role she played inside the west wing? >> i think a lot is said about nancy reagan being the keeper of the legacy. ronald reagan himself never thought about his own legacy.
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in fact, he never mentioned in the his diaries. but i have to say, tom, i was standing right next to you when that picture was i can tataken. they never skipped a beat. after a lot of receiving lines the president would recount stories that people came through the line and told him. it was remarkable because he loved people that much. >> since you were so close to them, can you -- how do you describe, how do you characterize the dynamic between them? >> i think it was a compact between the two of them. his weaknesses she shored up and vice versa. so each way -- they had a perfect -- it was a perfect balance between them. >> jon meacham? >> i wanted to ask craig shirley who's written brilliantly about the beginning of the reagans' national political journey and then just recently about the president's long good-bye. craig, what was mrs. reagan's role in the actual mechanics, the tactics of '76 and '80 that made so much possible and then
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talk about her life as a caregiver. >> yeah, sure, john. in '76 she didn't have much of a role. she was still tentative in national politics and she was a little bit less sure so herself. she'd gained some confidence in california and started stepping out more after 1966. but when it came time for national politics she really just basically was by his side. she didn't get too much involved. by 1980, she was far more self-confident and, in fact, had a hand in the ouster of john sears, reagan's campaign manager and two other aides because she felt they weren't doing a good job helping ronnie get the nomination. so with each step as she gained confidence she took more direct action and even in the post-presidency, as james knows, is that she was there virtually everyday, he was cared for at home. she was the first person he saw in the morning, the last person he saw at night.
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she rarely, rarely ventured out in those years of the alzheimer's. and, of course, she took it all on herself and james said something very interesting and i think it needs elaborating is that they were almost ying and yang. they proved the old adage opposites attract. he was country, she was city. he was denim, she was silk. he was simple hamburger and she was fancy meals. in many ways they were opposites but they were just glued to each other for over 50 years and in a romance that equals and may even exceed the adams or the washington. >> they lit each other up. tom brokaw, is it safe to say one of her last or more long-standing wishes would be to make the reagan library what it is today? a place for future presidents to make their first, second, or maybe even third stop? >> i do believe that and i think that her vision has been fulfilled. >> absolutely. >> it's such a user-friendly library. and we use it for debates,
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obviously, serious scholars go there. but you go there and you see some of his personal belongings from his horse back riding days, parts of his cinematic career. >> cinematic career. >> the oval office, too. >> yes, and you see the oval office as well. >> the plane. >> the plane as if it's taking off. it's dramatic. >> it's amazing. >> i once went into that oval office, we were back doing a seminar and i went in with michael due cass can i say and mrs. reagan started to explain and he said, no, i know all about this, this is the first time i get to get in there. i didn't get to get in there on my own terms. i also thought in the right proportion that their cinematic and thespian training helped them a lot. they were very aware when they were in public about how they should appear, he should always be presidential, she should always be the first lady. she knew what their audience was and they connected with it in part because of that training.
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>> that was helping to build the power of the american presidency and that figured largely in reagan's strategy, for example, to defeat soviet era communism. so show the strength of the american presidency was important and all those components, his love of the marine bands and all that sort of thing, that helped to show the picture of a strong american president. >> craig, jump in. >> in fact, i think it was tom brokaw may have done the interview. towards the end of his presidency reagan was asked, it was a network interview, if anything in hollywood had helped him be president of the united states and he said, i don't know how can you can do the job and not be an actor. >> that was my interview into yeah, that was your interview. it was great wisdom because he understood that stage craft is important for state craft and that great presidents whether it was washington or lincoln understood that the power of the stage was everything. fdr. was everything in communicating great issues and great no, sir
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strums. >> even in her later years she loved to hear everything about everybody and everything that was going on. joe and i had the honor of doing an event at the reagan library and we had a lunch with her and we were talking about white house transitions and let's just say she remembers everything and she did not hold back at all and had some good opinions to share. it was really -- it was incredible and it was so much fun. tom brokaw, craig shirley, thank you so much. james rosebush thank you as well for sharing. your book "true reagan" is due out april 12th. we'll be right back.
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and let me tell you something, when he then went to washington, he kicked some serious butt. he was an action hero when he went to washington. this is the land of opportunity, it is the greatest nation in the world, no matter what anyone says out there. we need john kasich to now take charge and be at the white house and this is why i endorse john kasich, our great governor. to be our republican nominee. >> that's the next host of the apprentice. it all like -- it's just like a small world. up next, don't count out john kasich just yet, he's got some muscle behind him ahead of
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tomorrow's michigan primary. meanwhile, donald trump and ted cruz each when two states over the weekend and now both candidates are telling marco rubio that it's time for him to go. also ahead we'll go live to the new york stock exchange for what's driving the day after friday's solid jobs report boosted the markets across the board. stay with us with much more "morning joe" straight ahead. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a stag pool party. (party music) (splashing/destruction) (splashing/destruction) (burke) and we covered it, october twenty-seventh, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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far as wanting it for him or liking it for him, i don't really see how any woman way down deep could say that she wanted for the man that she loved, because the job is -- is so tremendous and so awesome and so burdensome that you feel terribly sorry for any man, republican or democrat, holding the office. so when you say would i want it for him, that's -- that's something else again. >> nancy reagan there speaking in 1968 about the toll of running for president. we have a lot this morning on the life and legacy of the former first lady who passed away yesterday at the age of 94. good morning. it is monday, march 7th. joe is way under the weather this morning, but willie and i are joined by former communications director for president george w. bush, nicolle wallace, managing editor of plume berg politics, mark
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halperin and jon meachum and in boston columnist for bloomberg view al hunt. so we have a great deal to share about the life and legacy of nancy reagan. big politics to get to first. i want to go around the table, mark halperin, what are your greatest memories or recollection of nancy reagan. >> i did not know her well but the last time i saw her was when she hosted an event at the library for me and for john heilemann for game change and she hosted us for a dinner upstairs in the library. and her interest in people and america and politics was extraordinarily nicolle, i hea yesterday relishing a cool, classy, republican woman. >> we cherish our cool, classy, elegant style icons in the republican party and she certainly transcended all party lines and generations. she remained one of the most elegant women in the country. but for me it was the love
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affair and, you know, the image, i think we've showed it yesterday over and over again of her draped over president reagan's casket at the funeral, it was one that stayed with me and wrenches me still. the book of love letters, in 2002 she published a collection of letters that were written to her, they're sprinkled through other documents, they were in his diaries and i had seen them before, but to read them as a collection their love affair knocks me over. there was a letter that he wrote to her on christmas and he writes, you know, i miss you when you leave the room. and it was just a love affair that i don't know that we've seen before in public life. >> willie. >> al hunt, there's the personal relationship obviously between nancy reagan and her husband and the role of the advisory whether it was iran-contra, gorbachev,
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firing important members of the staff. she had a real hand in what was happening in that west wing. >> she was one of the most influential first ladies in modern times. it began at the very start of the reagan administration, it was nancy reagan who really managed to persuade him to pick jik baker and mike deever who run that white house rather than ed meese. that had a profound impact on the reagan first time. second term donald regan took over as chief of state, he crossed with nancy reagan, big mistake, they got rid of him after a hour. she always wanted ronnie as she called him to be a peace maker and try to establish better ties with mikael gorbachev. she worked with george schultz, there was scores of frgs conversations they had on the telephone. my wife did a tremendous
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documentary with hbo which captured all of that. she played a huge role in getting rid of bill clark. just a final story i will tell you, willie, she never lost her interest in politics. as i said my wife did a big documentary on her and they used to talk from time to time and we're coming up on september 2008 on a train and jude had he had tried to call mrs. reagan unsuccessful unsuccessfully, she called back, this was right after the republican convention and the first thing she said is why did john pick that woman as her running mate. >> john meesh um, that turns to you. i heard she was fascinated with what was going on today. she obviously was a married to a man who was vastly und underestimated on many levels. having that i wonder what she would think of the level of vitriol and exactly where this race on the republican side has gone. >> she understood that politics was a contact sport but she also shared with her husband a view that there is an 11th commandment which was reagan's
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coin analogy about not speaking ill of another republican. so you can see how often that's obeyed these days. and also remember ronald reagan used to believe if he could get 70% of what he wanted he'd take it and then go back for the other 30% later which is a spirit of compromise that we don't see very much and i think very much something that mrs. reagan would have agreed with. jimmy stewart is reputed to have said if ronnie had married nancy the first time he would have won an academy award. when they met in the late '40s, early '50s and married, you know, that was a critical moment in ronald reagan's political journey because she became the great protector, the great enforcer in many ways. president reagan once said he was at the lowest point, he had been divorced, his career was not going well, he was reduced to going to las vegas and doing a nightclub act and he said and then came nancy davis and saved
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my soul. >> we'll have more on their relationship and on her impact on the presidency itself a little bit later. we have a lot to say about nancy reagan. but over the weekend on the republican side there were fireworks and there was mud flying. we're going to get to that. first, willie, you have the democrats where it was also spicy. >> so much to talk about. let's start with the democrats because they had a debate. bernie sanders won another three states over the weekend. he won the democratic caucuses in maine with 64% of the vote up against 36 for secretary clinton. on saturday sanders won nebraska and kansas. hillary clinton continues to did dominate the delegates count. secretary clinton has 1,100 delegates and sanders has 492. tomorrow there will be 188 delegates up for grabs in michigan and mississippi. according to an nbc news "wall street journal" marist poll clinton leads sanders among mikely michigan voters by 17 points, 57 to 40. last night hillary clinton and
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sanders clashed over and over during the latest democratic debate. it was held in flit, michigan, the site of the water crisis that both candidates have been highlighting on the campaign trail. the two found common ground on that issue but once the discussion moved to the economy, particularly international trade, the knives came out. >> we're going to stop this kind of job exporting and we're going to start importing and growing jobs again in our country. >> i am very glad, anderson, that secretary clinton has discovered religion on this issue. but it's a little bit too late. secretary clinton supported virtually every one of these disastrous trade agreements. >> well, i will tell you something else that senator sanders was against, he was against the auto bailout. we just had the best year that the auto industry has had in a long time. i voted to save the auto industry, he voted against the money that ended up saving the
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auto industry. i think that is a pretty big difference. >> well, if you are talking about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this economy -- >> you know -- >> excuse me. i'm talking. >> let him respond. >> if you're going to talk, tell the whole story, senator sanders. >> let me tell my story, you tell yours. >> i will. >> your story is for voting for every disastrous trade agreement and voting for corporate america. did i vote against the wall street bailout? when billionaires on wall street destroyed this committee, they went to congress and they said, oh, please, we will be good boys, bail us out. do you know what i said? i said, let the billionaires themselves bail out wall street. shouldn't be the middle class of this country. >> okay. wait a minute. could i finish? you will have your turn. >> so, mark halperin, we know
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what senator sanders is up against, we've seen the delegate count and the numbers in michigan but he does not have the appearance or give off the impression of someone who is about to go away from this race at all. >> no, he'd like to try to beat her in a big state and change the dynamic of the race. last night he had maybe good tactical moments against her but he was not able to do what needs to to beat her which is change fundamentally the dynamics of the race, it's going to be difficult to do that. last night i gave her a b plus and him a b in overall performance. again, he did just fine, but she did better because she's very much in command of the dynamics of the race now and nothing he did allowed him to change all that. >> al hunt, what does this race between hillary clinton and bernie sanders look like over the next few months? it's an uphill climb, we know all that. what is the dynamic between the two of them look like as this goes on? >> first is looks better than their counterparts who are debating about body parts rather
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than about trade deals. i think you give them some credit for that. look, bernie sanders, is not a conventional politician. i had a clinton person tell me a month ago, you know, when she builds up this big lead and she's got a thousand vote lead in delegates the chuck schumer's are going to pressure bernie to get out. he doesn't care what they think. he's been in this and he wants to go to the convention, he wants to deliver a message a. i think at this stage he realizes it's highly unlikely he will be the nominee but he thinks he's making a mark and has had a real impact on the agenda and he probably has. >> on the republican side on saturday donald trump added victories in kentucky and louisiana, edging out ted cruz by narrow margins while cruz posted double digit wins in kansas and maine. marco rubio handily won yesterday's contest in puerto rico. he took 74% of the vote there, claiming all of its 23
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delegates. donald trump still leads the overall count with 392, cruz took the most delegates this weekend, 70 to trump's 61, he now has 305 delegates, rubio has 153 and john kasich with 35. as the delegate leaders trump and cruz are calling on marco rubio to drop out they're getting tougher with each other. >> i want to congratulate ted on maine and on kansas and he should do well in maine because it's very close to canada. let's face it. i mean -- >> both marco rubio and john kasich they love this country, they are not doing this for themselves and they're stepping forward sacrificially to serve this country and try to lead it. i believe this process will continue naturally, that we will continue to unify and come together and i welcome the supporters for every other candidate. >> marco rubio had a very, very bad night and personally i'd call for him to drop out of the race. i think it's time now that he drop out of the race. you know, i don't think tonight
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he can get up and rant and rave and, oh, he did great. he comes in third, he comes in fourth, every time he comes in third or fourth he says you have to be able to win. i would love to take on ted one-on-one. that would be so much fun because ted can't win new york, he can't win new jersey, he can't win pennsylvania, he can't win california. i want ted one-on-one. >> i can't tell you how many media outlets i hear have this great exposé on donald on different aspects of his business dealings or past but they say we're going to hold it to june or july. >> you're saying reporters have told you that? >> absolutely. we've got -- >> what accusations have they told you. >> i'm not going to out media outlets but i can tell you there is so much there. >> okay. mark halperin, first of all, practically speaking is there a path for rubio? >> oh, it's hard. he would have to win florida. >> should he drop out or -- i mean, it's not ours to say obviously. >> it's not ours to say. >> it's not theirs to say, but -- >> i think the problem for him
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is to go into florida and to lose florida badly, which right now it seems like he would do. >> right. >> wouldn't be great for his political future and the question is is it good for the party's movement to stop trump for him to get out or not. i actually think if he got out it might help the stop trump forces but i'm not sure. >> nicolle. >> they are not going to get out, you know as well as i do, their assessment of where florida stands today is that trump has a strong hold on the florida panhandle, that they do very well in south florida where rubio is from and that the state will be waged along the i-4 corridor. they have very popular former senator martinez campaigning for them, some important newspaper endorsements. this conversation about what they should be, i've been on winning campaigns, losing campaigns, it very little bearing on what you do. >> if you were to say there is no path but it sounds like there could be one. >> it's such a weird cycle. if you apply a normal frame to
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it you might say that, but -- >> the math is very, very tough for donald trump to get a majority. he has to perform quite well. for instance, marco rubio you could argue there is no path for him to majority and no path for him beating trump at the convention but is there a path to a kasich/rubio ticket at the convention? sure. >> al hunt, what's the likelihood of that, is that something that could be realistic and also it seems to me from the really most knowledgeable experienced people especially on republican politics from the get-go is that jeb bush or marco rubio were the ones to watch. were the ones who would probably make it to the top. i just wonder what has happened at this point. >> well, i was in an event saturday night with a lot of establishment republicans and some rubio people and despair so understates the case. really i've never quite seen anything like it. there was a lot of heavy
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drinking after about 9:00. i think that it's conceivable trump could be stopped short of 1,237, but i think some of the establishment people made a huge mistake saying get out rubio, get out kasich. they need those people in it for at least the next eight days. if marco rubio gets out i think donald trump is guaranteed to win florida right now, may well win it anyway, and certainly if john kasich were to get out i think trump would be the more likely beneficiary short term in ohio. so they need the anti-trump faction i think needs to keep some of those people in right now and then they have a huge decision to make. sometime in mid to late march because the most likely challenger to trump is ted cruz and someone said that you would love to be the guy that walks into mitch mcconnell's office and says, guess what, i think we can stop donald trump and mitch says great and they say we're going to stop him with ted cruz in which he has a nervous break
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down. >> lindsey graham apparently talked to ted cruz a couple days ago -- >> wasn't there a strange choice, poison or death. >> yes. as we talk about senator rubio putting all his eggs in the florida basket we should point out i think there's one public poll that shows him within single digits, otherwise trump has double digits leads there, but he's staying in for the reason other people will stay it because they don't believe trump can get 1,237, once they get to the convention it's all up for grabs. >> as nicolle alluded to and as maureen dowd wrote yesterday when people tell you you should be president you tend to believe them and so, you know, it's such a chaotic year, no rule that people like you tend to create have really applied, so why wouldn't you keep rolling forward and hope that something happens, you know, to connect
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this to the reagans quickly, 40 years ago ronald reagan went into kansas city, into the republican convention challenging an incumbent president and was one delegation away from winning the nomination. so it's been a long time, but stranger things have happened and have happened in the last, say, six days. i'm sitting in a state where 94 out of 95 counties were carried by donald trump in tennessee and a very senior elected official in this state a week before super tuesday said he had seen polling that showed trump up 12 points, but he had not met anyone who was for trump. and that in a snapshot is the story of this year. so all of our talk about what the -- what al's heavy drinkers which i totally understand are going to do or try to manipulate, you know, this is a free agent process right now. still ahead on "morning joe." >> you can't be pessimistic about anything. you always have to be optimistic
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that you can solve something. anything in life. >> remembering nancy reagan for her optimism amid the depths of recession and even an attempt on her husband's life. we'll talk about one of the most transformational first ladies of the 20th century. but first bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill, how does it look. >> snowy in some areas of california. they're calling this the miracle march. they didn't have a snowy february in the sierra, they needed the snow. this is a lot of snow. it looks like -- you can see where someone tried tracking through it. 2 to 3 feet on the ground. this is located if you drive from sacramento up interstate 80 towards the reno area. it's going to continue to come down, another 6 to 12 inches during the day today. some of that rain is trying to push down towards los angeles. that will move in during the morning rush hour. the other story today, the heat on the east coast. i say heat because, yes, we will get to 74 degrees tomorrow in
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areas of d.c. today will be in the 60s. you get the picture. we're actually going to see some significant warmth, string fever all the way up to new england. the problem with springtime you get severe weather. we have a storm going to be developing sitting over texas for a number of days. isolated tornadoes today so the typical areas from oklahoma city to san angelo, dallas included and san antonio and then tomorrow we have this enhanced risk to severe weather, i think we will see more tornadoes tomorrow than today. today we will maybe get oon isolated tornado, some large wind damage, large hail, major metroplexs in the areas of texas and dallas area you have to watch out for severe weather and flooding because you are going to get heavy rain in the days ahead. that's going to be the other story. severe weather the next two days. then wednesday and thursday we will watch all this water building up as this storm stalls. possibility of 5 to 10 inches of rain. that's rain. almost a foot of rain pobltd in some of these areas, arkansas into louisiana.
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a lot going on on the weather this week as we shift from winter to spring we get active but on the east coast you finally get your reward, warm weather heading up the east coast, 70 in new york city tomorrow. you're watching moeng. we will be right back. we got another one. i have an orc-o-gram for an "owen." that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh...
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political scene this year nancy reagan is most like her husband. she has the same extroverted personality, the same ease of manner, the same confidence, the same adroitness with a quick equip, the same political philosophy, perhaps even the same ambition as ronald reagan. nancy davis reagan is social and savvy. she made her debut in chicago and is a graduate of smith. she made the ten best dressed
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list, too. she greets the world as if it were her oyster and she performs as a governor's wife with obvious relic. >> we are remembering nancy reagan this morning. in the white house she was a glam mouse figure in front of the cameras and steadfast adviser behind the scenes. at the center of several major decisions on staffing and public relations, as well as restoring her husband's image after the iron contra scandal rocked his presidency. nancy reagan set herself apart in her post white house career leading the battle against alzheimer's, the disease that slowly claimed her husband. the library says there will be an opportunity for members of the public to pay their respects prior to the funeral service. she is survived by her children patty, ron and stepson michael. she will be buried at the reagan library on the spot where she kissed him good-bye for the last time in 2004. mrs. reagan's death brought the closing chapter of a powerful
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love story. it began in hollywood, continued in the white house and endured all the way to the end. here is nbc's harry smith. >> nancy reagan was a contract actress when she met the dark head of the screen actor's guild, ronald reagan. as they sat down to dinner each claimed to have an early call the next day, an old actor's excuse in case things didn't go well. no such insurance was needed. march 4th marked 64 years since their wedding day. when you look at pictures of nancy and ronald reagan from their days in california to their time in the white house they so often looked like love struck kids, soul mates, the love of each other's life. this is a letter from the president to mrs. reagan pulled from an nbc special. mrs. reagan reads: dear first lady, as president of the united states it's my honor and privilege to cite you for service above and beyond the
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call of duty and that you have made one man, me, the most happy man in the world for 29 years. >> they were inseparable. staed fast, especially in times of trial. through the assassination attempt, her breast cancer. >> i will say welcome home. >> alzheimer's disease. through sickness and health until death do us part that was ronnie and nancy. some years after the president's death mrs. reagan told vanity fair, i miss ronnie a lot. an awful lot. people say it gets better. no, it does not. their love explained best by the president himself. who wrote to mrs. reagan, i'm not whole without you. you are life itself to me. that is a love story. >> and jon meacham tell us more about how she changed his life but also his career. >> well, you know, in the middle of his life, in middle age, he was born in 1911, the late 1940s he was really adrift and she entered his life.
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and he found his footing in many ways. he had always been dependent on women. he had a very strong mother, his first wife was a powerful force, but nancy was a tsunami force in his life and he probably -- mike deaver their great aid and friend said that there would have been no governor reagan without nancy reagan and certainly no president reagan without her. i think in many ways she's the most significant first lady between eleanor roosevelt and her own time because of the influence she had on the political life both of her husband on the way to the white house and then inside the white house. >> coming up next on "morning joe," our next guest asks, can you name a single time in american history that candidates in the middle of a race have made an alliance? we'll talk about the options for ted cruz, john kasich and marco rubio with florida coming up fast. your path to retirement...
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the media has been saying some pretty negative things about donald trump, but what are real americans saying? >> the guy is a winner. >> he's authentic. >> he's the only one who has actually created jobs. >> he literally wrote the book on negotiating. >> donald trump is an outsider. washington needs that.
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>> i think he can make this country great again. >> so when people ask why you support donald trump, you just tell them -- >> he's going to take our economy from here to here and i like that. >> he's not some cautious politician. he says what i'm thinking. >> i don't know what it is, i just like the guy. >> some of his ideas seem a little out there, but i like that he's looking towards solutions. >> he's definitely not pc. >> so why do i support trump? three words. good at business. >> a message from racistist for donald trump. >> it's funny. "saturday night live" giving donald trump's ad makers a concept of their -- for his next campaign spot. joining us now, this is going to be hard, editor of commentary
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magazine and contributing editor at the weekly standard john pedoritz, author and "new york times" anand jeer dard dis and back with us we have former advisory to george w. bush and co-host of the weekly documentary series "the circus" on show time. mark mik kin then. a. >> leaving all the surprises to trump. there is a lot of moaning about trump's antics and the ee electric ritz calling for us but is no one learn from him and create virtuous antics and we are not being honest here. content aside trump has corrected a market failure, a deficit of interestingness in the modern poll. i also think that he goes with
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his gut and there is no one around him telling him what needs to be said and how it should be said or what would work and what wouldn't work. there is no one. it's trump. and his own thoughts. and i think there's a huge deficit in the other candidates of having a gut about their own feelings and not waiting to speak. does that make sense? >> here is a radical idea, being human. >> exactly. >> being interesting. saying stuff, trying it out. being authentic. >> meaning it? >> meaning it. >> standing by it. living it. >> figuring out life as you go along. now, this is politics, we can't take that to an extreme, but if any good has come out of this whole trump ri thing and say this as someone who probably was one of the early people in the trump camps with the gold lettering on the barbed wire fences, but if any good has come out of this it's the idea that
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our boring body politic is susceptible to viruses of interestingness because everybody else is boring and we live in a social media age in which surprise and the ability to command attention and give people something authentic and human is on the a send ansi in every sphere of life from music to politics to literature in every sphere of life and he is the only person who has understood that. and the sad thing is that he's not necessarily a very good guy. no american raises their children to be like donald trump, even if they vote for him. so why can't any of the more decent people command attention, do interesting stuff? when you have a never trump movement that they're supposedly supporting and then all three republicans at the end when asked if they will support him if he is the nominee say, yeah, well, i guess -- i guess we would support him if he was the nominee. that is such a lack of courage, of stepping up, of taking a risk. >> yeah. >> and he wins.
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>> so, john, how are you doing? >> i don't -- i'm not -- i mean, i think it's a very interesting theory, but i don't think that you can be nicely shocking or pleasantly outraging. i mean, i think those are contradictions in terms. and the question that we have to ask ourselves is trump is black swan, is he a once in a generation phenomenon who brought a bunch of qualities to a specific point in time that he had developed over many years that are inn imtable because they are all interwoven or does he represent a new dawn of a kind of horrible nightmarish politics for the united states that may be interesting but in which 200 years of a developing understanding that politicians are supposed to say what they say in measured terms in order to build a large coalition of people who will find them at the
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least acceptable and that because you are an american politician contesting for the highest office in the land you at least need to be minimally responsible because you might win it and then you have 200 countries that are waiting to hear what you're going to say on every subject. >> you are condemning trump. you're saying trump is all those things. >> no, i'm saying the problem is the american body politic. it wouldn't matter if you were at 3% in the polls. if he's winning 35% of the republican vote, the problem is in the american soul and by the way not just the republican soul, the american soul. >> but you really think there is no way for good people who respect the law to be surprising and interesting? >> mark. >> you can absolutely be pleasantly surprising. a lot of what works on the circus when all these other candidates not doing a speech and not doing a gate in these human moments that are interesting. the other thing that trump does is he understands television and part of the thing that's interesting about television is when you surprise people you don't want a story line that people expect every week you want to do something different.
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the latest example of that is trump instead of doing the typical victory speech on a victory night does a press conference. that's different and surprising and much more interesting because people tune out what they've seen before and listen to something different. >> but i want to just push back on your push back because -- >> double push back. >> circumstances are like this, he got into a race with 16 other people so the idea that you instantly pop and you pop however you can pop by being shocking and deliberately offensive and all of that, that was very smart. if there were a race with three or four people as i think we've seen in the last couple of weeks in the gates it's a lightly different story. he is not that comfortable going one-on-one against people, the insults get more unpleasant, the confrontational aspect gets more shocking. >> that's the process. >> no, imagine it was the democratic field and he were running against hillary. bernie sanders night night said excuse me for a minute and
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everybody went crazy that it was unbelievably rude. >> i think hillary clinton is -- >> she provoked it on purpose. >> she's fine. >> i'm just saying i think she was fine, too, but i'm saying the dynamics of these things are entirely different because it's a smaller number of people. he needed to rush out and he did it and here we are and the questions is whether it's wearing thin. i think there is a lot of evidence over the last 12 days that its worn thin. >> but again i think you can surprise in all kinds of ways, president obama is doing a great example of that next week, he's going to south by southwest, doing something different, people a attention. >> we're all going. >> let's take this out of republican politics. the pope. >> thank you. >> how surprising has the pope been? he hasn't changed doctrine. >> sure, he has changed dpokt rihn. >> he has changed -- into i'm not saying -- >> very old catholic doctrine. >> sure he has. >> he has said things on a small number of occasions in an attention getting way that is perfectly attune to the age we
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are living in. >> why is it attention getting. >> because the catholic church has not looked within and said who am i do judge. >> that's not why. it's attention getting because it's the pope saying things that popes have never said that are -- that are der sieve -- >> like we are extremely sorry for the -- >> like living in the -- >> this is not my fight. >> i know. >> i'm not attacking him. but did he -- i'm not saying that he said something deliberate ri offensive but he certainly has said things that are provocative that have changed -- that changed -- i'm saying it's very difficult to be sweetly provocative and sort of like commonly you can be pleasantly surprising and that's maefrt tactics. that's not trump. trump's entire manner is a new phenomenon in politics. this is, you know, the howard stern bubba the love
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sponge-ization of politics. will it work? we'll november in november, we'll know in august. >> before we call trump voters howard stern bubba the love sponge -- you've got to trump events, i've gone to trump events. i see blue collar people, middle class folks, upper class folks, i see guys middle-aged men who have never put on a jacket before who put on a sunday jacket to show up for trump. i saw a lot of really good people. >> you can't appreciate it until you go to a rally and it's counter to the narrative. there are all kinds of people who are there that you wouldn't expect, that the press never focuses on and young people. lots and lots of young millennial types. >> by the way, that goes to another thing that trump did that i think structurally changed everything and for the better. all the other republican campaigns developed this whole theory that they were running in lanes, this one is going for this moderate conservative vote and this for the very conservative and then you win your lane and then you expand that to the other lanes and
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trump had none of that. >> he's got cross over everything. >> that's because he wasn't focusing and targeting his message to anybody. >> but there's a deeper principle behind it which is everyone else is playing "game of thrones" politics, it's alliances, lining up all those white guys drinking ma teen niece. >> john, pair it down for me. what's the crime here? >> he is the crime. he's the crime. >> you've got to get over it. >> he is a disgusting repulsive nauseating human being who is lowering our politics moment by moment and destroying the foundations of civility in this country and that's not his voters' fault but they will be responsible if they install him as the nominee of the republican party. he is the crime. whether or not -- >> can i push back? >> sure. >> you're going to get it all ways now. can i say if there's a crime here it's the democrat/republican party over the past decade or two breaking promises and not getting things done and not doing what they set
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out to do, not being able to broken deals and by the way that includes our president right now. >> it's okay to say all muslims should be banned from the united states. >> john -- >> to refuse to disavow the kkk. >> john. >> i'm talk being what he's saying and you're talking about who is responding to him. >> john, we can't argue with voters to support him. >> sure you can argue with voters. why can't you argue with voters? voters are some sort of wound rouse phenomenon. >> you can't tell voters that their vote doesn't matter. >> i'm not telling them it doesn't matter. >> i agree with you. what i'm saying is all the old people who are trying to defeat trump are playing by an old set of rules that's "game of thrones" politics and we now live in the age of kardashian politics, but good people can win in this age. i remain convinced of that. >> they soaked the joint with gasoline and trump lit the match. >> he lit the match, yeah. people. people that you know. >> your people, too. >> exactly. >> i know.
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that's not -- >> i don't think he's the crime. i think we need to all look within and washington should, too. >> everything should look within themselves. >> i agree with that. >> that would be something that would be nice if the republican front runner were able to do so that he would control his repulsive behavior and do something -- you know, he has a possibility of being president of the united states. he goes into the white house on january 20th, 2017, and the entire world goes up in flames because he is so noxious. >> at the very least there is going to be a lot of lessons that donald trump has taught a lot of people that is that the establishment class of politicians on both sides, bernie sanders, too, they, we, everybody ignored a lot of reality of what's going on in this country. >> i am not defending trump, i'm not. >> you're sort of defending trump, mika. you are. >> i'm actually -- i'm trying to help you get over trump derangement syndrome. it's not healthy. >> it's the rational response to trump. >> i will tell you -- >> obama derangement syndrome may not be the rational response
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to obama. trump derangement syndrome is a rational response to somebody who is taking our politics and throwing it in the gutter and stomping on it and making it -- >> i read this weekend that all of his positions are like opening bids in real estate and i thought, oh, god, please, god, let that be the case because i don't agree with many of the things that he has said along the way, but i look at this as something that all of washington has a part in. >> i think your part about looking within is so immensely important. it is very easy to take an odious figure and say it's all about the odious figure and it may be all about the odious figure. >> i'm not sure it's a fair to call him odious. it's not our job. >> i'm talking in general terms in this happens in any country's politics but this doesn't happen in any country's politics unless there is a systemic rot in various institutions across the
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government. >> i'm going to count john as leaning against. >> it's not going to be okay. >> america is going to be okay, too. we're built on very, very strong foundations >> those foundations are rotting we just heard. >> it's going to be okay. >> but they're rotting. you just agreed that the foundations are running. thank you so much. still ahead, it's been a rocky year for the markets to say the least, we're going to look at whether wall street can stretch the momentum of a small turn around. we'll be right back.
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this bale of hay almost derailed the ranch. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding the owners were forced to place an emergency order of hay. thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. and with a complete view of her finances, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. chase for business. so you can own it. let's bring in sara eisen live from the new york stock exchange. >> good morning. it looks looks like that futures are indicating a down open for wall street but zoom out and let's take a look at where we are right now. stocks have been rallying for the last three weeks, we haven't seen that all year. in fact, march has been so bullish for the market that we've nearly erased all of the
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loss that is we saw early in the year. the overall stock market only down 2% for the year. there's been this realization out there in the market that perhaps investors were a little too pessimistic in january and early february about the chances of a recession because we've just got a chunk of u.s. data over the last week or so that have signaled the u.s. economy has remained resilient from some of the shocks and forces going on in the global economy and that we are, in fact, not heading into a recession. that jobs data 242,000 jobs added in february just the latest piece of evidence. so will the rally continue? we'll look toward the data. there is a big european central bank meeting on thursday and some earnings as well. quickly i did want to mention the news on apple. the senior vice president of software engineering at apple went to the washington post in an unusual step to defend apple. his name is craig federigi, he wrote that he is disappointed with the department of justice and fbi request, said that it would turn back time, make apple
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less safe and likened it to 2013 using that kind of software which has already been hacked and broken into. so it would set the company and customers back. that was a new piece as the debate continues to play out in public opinion. >> thank you for all of that. up next, some big news from president jimmy carter. keep it right here on "morning joe."
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carter now says he no longer needs cancer treatment. president carter made the announcement yesterday at the south georgia church where he often teaches sunday school. the 91-year-old said doctors will continue to monitor his health and he will resume treatments if the cancer returns. and on that piece of good news, that does it for us this morning. steve kornacki picks um coverage on a quick break. have a great monday. coverage on a quick break. have a great monday. p coverage on a quick break. have a great monday. property being stolen. that is cyber-crime and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cyber-crime. we use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer.
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at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call. so we know how to cover almost alanything. thing, even "turkey jerks." [turkey] gobble.
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[butcher] i'm sorry! (burke) covered march fourth,2014. talk to farmers. we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ in my business i cbailing me out my i.all the time... i'm not the i.t. guy. i'm the desktop support tech supervisor. and my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. introducing real-time delivery notifications. learn more at
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and good morning. i'm steve kornacki. we begin with the death of nancy reagan, one of the most influential first ladies in history, passing away over the weekend at the age of 94. this morning the flag at half-staff over the u.s. capitol building in washington, the nation mourning the loss of mrs. reagan. and at last night's democratic presidential debate bernie sanders and hillary clinton, hillary clinton of course herself a former first lady, observing a moment of silence for nancy reagan. tributes also pouring in from the republican candidates on the campaign trail on sunday. the white house tweeting out pictures with a note from president obama and from first lady michelle obama. we remain grateful for nancy reagan's life, it said. let's go to the reagan presidential library in
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