tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC March 10, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PST
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important for the united states or for canada or for any leading power in the world is to live up to its commitments and to provide continuing momentum on efforts even if they didn't start under your administration. so there are a whole host of initiatives that began under the bush administration, some that i was very enthusiastic about like pepfar, that has saved millions of lives and prevented hiv/aids or provided vital drugs to those already infected with hiv/aids in sub-saharan africa and other parts of the world, something that president bush deserves enormous credit for. we continued that. but there were also some areas where i was outside the
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government, i questioned how they were approaching it. i might have tweaked it, to the extent that it involved foreign policy. i might say to my foreign policy partners, look, we have a problem of doing it this way, but here's a suggestion for how we can do the same thing or meet your interests in a slightly different way. but you're always concerned about making sure that the credibility of the united states is sustained or the credibility of canada is sustained, which is why when there's turnover in governments, the work that's been done continues, and particularly when you have a close friendship and relationship with a partner like canada, it's not as if work we're doing on the arctic or on entry and exit visas vanishes when the next president comes in. of course i intend to make sure
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the next president who comes in agrees with me on everything. but just in case that doesn't happen, the u.s./canadian relationship will be fine. all right? thank you, everybody. thank you. >> in the rose garden, the new canadian prime minister, 40-year-old justin trudeau, visiting washington and president obama, taking a few questions from a mixed u.s./canadian press corps, was not without its light moments. andrea mitchell, who normally would preside over this hour, andrea, forgive the intrusion. >> not at all. >> we want to talk about what we just witnessed. those of us with a few stripes on our sleeves remember someone else named trudeau. >> we do. >> we remember richard nixon toasting a 4-year-old son of pierre trudeau making a toast to the future prime minister of canada, and lo and behold, richard nixon was right, he grew
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up to be prime minister, and here he is in washington. >> indeed. i have a few strips, es, as you know, so it's so interesting to see these persist who are ideologically matched, although generationally different. when i was covering ronald reagan, there was a famous blowup at a g-7 summit at williamsburg, virginia, hosted by reagan, over how to deal with the then-soviet union and how to deploy missiles over europe. and at one point reagan threw his glasses down on the table and said, god damn it, pierre, i'm doing everything i can. so there were a lot of disagreements, and also on climate change, on acid rain, which was a big issue in canada but not at all for ronald
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reagan. these leaders carefully sidestepped questions, certainly trudeau sidestepped questions about 2016 and the election campaign. interestingly, president obama jumped right in, when asked whether he bears any responsibility for the donald trump rhetoric on the republican side, and even the protectionist rhetoric coming from the democrats, including his former secretary of state, implicitly. he said, i can hardly be blamed for what's happening with donald trump, it wasn't i that raised questions about my birth and my loyalty and whether or not i'm an american, and that fueled what we are seeing now on the republican side. and he also took out not only trump but cruz and rubio on their immigration policies. so he was very explicit about that. and also, importantly, saying he's not going to waste any time before nominating someone for the supreme court, that he doesn't see any political constraints on him doing that. and i think we're going to get a nominee, i would say probably next week sometime. >> all right, andrea, we'll be
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coming back to you to take us the rest of the way in just a moment. we should go over to the white house and check in with ron allen. ron, today's visitor is somewhere between a popular politician in canada and a craze. i've been reading canadian media with a lot of interest, since he has taken over. as andrea said, a lot of ideological agreement. this is a friendly visitor today. >> reporter: indeed, brian. he's also been called canada's obama. the comparison are obvious. a young man, relatively young man, coming into office. he swept into victory, an election that most observers did not think he was going to win. he's father of three young children, a wife who is also very accomplished and very visible on the public stage in canada, here on this visit as well, and even in his opening remarks. president obama said something to the effect that he is amazed at how excited america is about seeing a canadian prime minister
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here. there's quite a bit of buzz, trudeau mania too, harkening back to his father. there's a lot of big issues, fighting isis. they recently decided to stop flying fighter jets but they've increased their troop participation on the ground, military advisors doing training in iraq and contributing to efforts to gather intelligence. trade of course is the big issue. the two countries, the united states and canada, historically have been the biggest trading partners of each other. and they are partners in this tpp or trans-pacific partnership trade effort that the united states has embarked on with 11 asia pacific nations in the pacific rim, canada included in that. this is one of obama's legacy issues that he wants to get through before he leaves office. so a lot of agreement, a lot of political bromance, perhaps, by two men who see the world eye to eye on a lot of issues.
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>> ron allen who had a front row seat in the rose garden at the white house. we're also joined by eugene robinson of the "washington post," a man who has seen his share of visitors to washington. i'm always interested when president obama says something akin to, it sure looks different from the cheap seats. today he said, when you're in charge you have to be practical. he often reflects about how easy it is to be a critic, how tough it is to be on the job every day. and he kind of laced that through his comments on a number of issues. >> right. that sounded as if it came from hard-won experience, brian. and maybe there was an element of wishful thinking there, given the extent to which today's -- this year's republican candidates disagree with the president on almost everything. i think he was perhaps reassuring the nation and perhaps telling the candidates
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themselves, look, when you actually get in here and you sit behind the resolute desk in the oval office, you realize that there has to be continuity, that you can't change the relationship with canada overnight, that there are a million things going on that the president has to know about and has to take care of and that have to continue. and i thought he delivered that message quite effectively. >> thank you, gene, always happy to have you part of our team, watching along with us, as is ian bremmer, a friend of ours, long time journalist, but also an assessor of political risk and a watcher of things foreign. ian, you wrote an article in "time" magazine called "a new prime minister could fix the troubled u.s./canada relationship." for our lay audience, people who aren't well-verse incod in the r
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years or the change this represents in canada, what are the challenges, and what did you read today, both in language and body language? >> brian, it's been 20 years since we had a state visit here from a canadian prime minister. and obama's not had so many easy visits with allies. and in part that's not his fault. in part it's because the ideologies and grounds and party affiliations of most american allies have been on the right. that's true for germany, it's true for great britain, it's true for japan, it's true for israel, and it's been true until very recently in canada. and the former harper administration, as you suggest, there were harder line than even a lot of republicans would have been in terms of their support for netanyahu and israel. they were extraordinarily interventionist on russia/ukraine. and they were much more hawkish on things like syria. and justin trudeau comes back and it's a much more traditional canon in that regard, very skeptical of the military instrument in iraq as is obama,
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wants a better relationship with russia, and very interested in climate change, not pushing as hard on the keystone pipeline. if you're obama and you see not only trudeau but at the beginning obama talked about the team, and trudeau's team very young, 50% women, incredibly multicultural, looks like the youth of canada, and the same way when obama was elected, obama looked like the new america for many, it makes obama comfortable. these are two men who clearly feel very easy in establishing the kind of relationship with the u.s. and canada together that really we haven't seen for the first six years of the obama administration. i think you combine that with the fact that obama is seven years in now, he's approval ratings are back just over 50%. he's feeling kind of a little more comfortable with the economic rebound, coming towards the end of his two-term presidency. you could also feel that in the ease with which he took some of
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those questions and that he was engaging with the fellow head of state in the rose garden. >> also, ian, one more question, if i might. we had the cursory mention, you hear it any time of leaders of these two countries get together, they tend to mention normandy, because both nations are justifiably proud of the fighting we did alongside each other in that great invitation in world war ii. do you think trudeau has been unfairly labeled a pure dove? you mentioned his military policy change. he wants canadian fighter pilots out of the skies, but he has shown willingness to put more advisors and trainers on the ground, to kind of change the canadian stance overseas. >> look, i think he's very similar to obama on the middle east right now, which is -- you know, doesn't want boots on the ground, absolutely wants to be
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seen as a strong nato ally of the united states, isn't backing away from a spend on defense. in fact you'll see much larger deficits because the oil price is giving that economy a hit. of course he's doing much more on the refugee issue than the americans are, saying he's going to take 25,000 syrian refugees, not going to take single young men that aren't attached to families, the kind of thing you might imagine in a less politicized environment that president obama himself might like to take. i think on issues of both defense and the economy, these are two men that actually see eye to eye on the vast majority of things. >> ian bremmer, it's always such a pleasure having you on and being able to talk to you, thank you, as it is a pleasure to talk to gene robinson and ron allen and of course andrea mitchell who will now, appropriately, take us the rest way on this hour, andrea. >> thank you very much, brian. as we go to break.
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we'll be back in a moment with the rest of "andrea mitchell reports." stay with us. ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh... a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] woman: [laughs] no way! that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro, you just don't know. cfp -- work with the highest standard. [martha and mildred are good to. go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer,
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the tone of that politics, which i certainly have not contributed to. you know, i don't think that i was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate, for example. what you're seeing within the republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time creating an environment where somebody like a donald trump can thrive. >> president obama at his news conference with justin trudeau, pushing back on any suggestion that he contributed to the polarization politically in america that created the
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republican campaign. tonight, the presidential republican candidates will be debating in florida. let's bring in our team in miami. nbc's peter alexander, gabe gutierrez and hallie jackson. peter, the president not hesitating to call out not only donald trump but also marco rubio and ted cruz on immigration policies. >> reporter: that's exactly right. what it underscores is just the deep polarization that exists within this country right now. what's striking is we have new numbers out from nbc news and our partners that do the polling that show this is sort of the most negatively rated political field, donald trump is underwater with a minus 39 negative rating. ted cruz and marco rubio also underwater as we would cast it, only john kasich who has sort of a positive rating going forward, which is one of the challenges as we get to a general election, which is to suggest that the republicans who may be able to
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fight to win the right, who is going to be able to come together and unify the country in a general election? donald trump still the prohibitive favorite in this party right now with eyes focused on ohio and florida, doubling up his closest competitor, marco rubio, in this state. trump is strong throughout all the other states going forward. perhaps the most notable thing as we talk about the president weighing in on the 2016 race, not for the first time, andrea, even if donald trump wins in ohio and florida, we're in for a long haul. he would need to win 80% of the delegates remaining to wrap up this race, to reach the 1237 delegate threshold that we talk about to clinch the nomination. he would have to do that or it will go to june 7th, when california, new mexico, new jersey, and montana vote. that is the last election day this primary season. we are still in this thing for
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the long haul. >> and peter, one of the most notable things was what donald trump said to anderson cooper last night, when pressed about his controversial comments in the past about muslims. let's watch. >> do you think islam is at war with the west? >> i think islam hates us. there's something -- there's something there, there's a tremendous hatred there. we have to get to the bottom of it. there is an unbelievable hatred of us. >> in islam itself? >> you're going to have to figure that out, okay? >> but certainly the suggestion there that an entire world religion hates the united states is something that he's got to be questioned about. >> reporter: well, he will certainly be questioned about that topic tonight. all the republicans get angry that president obama doesn't use the phrase "radical islamic jihadist," "radical islamic
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terrorism," that the president will not use that language. however, donald trump said that islam hates us. he didn't refer to it as radical islam. that's what's so offensive to so many people. of course this is not a new controversy to donald trump, he wants a ban of non-american muslims entering this country, have polarized many people throughout the country, they've upset a lot of muslims and muslim nations around the world. but it's also a message that resonates with some of his staunchest supporters. about a third of the republican electorate right now is heavily in favor of donald trump, about a third is heavily against him, then there's a third in the middle. the question is whether those people can sway to donald trump. if he's able to convince a larger and larger audience of republicans to come to his side as this race moves forward. >> and gabe gutierrez, there in florida, marco rubio hanging by his fingernails, really, to this campaign with all at stake in florida. and what we saw was a precipitous drop after he went
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after donald trump not on his policies initially but in a highly personal way, with chuck todd in last night's town hall on msnbc, he expressed regret and said even his kids were embarrass embarrassed. let's watch. >> at the end of the day it's not something i'm entirely proud of. my kids were embarrassed by it. if i had to do it again, i wouldn't. >> so gabe, he's finally acknowledging that that was a bad move. but certainly politically we've seen he's lost i think 18 straight contests since he went after trump in that very personal and jocular and sort of, i don't know, below the belt fashion. >> reporter: that's right, andrea, it was a very revealing answer. until that point marco rubio had kind of dodged the question of whether he regretted any of that. he actually said that he hadn't, on the trail he was asked about it, he said oh, he needed to go
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against donald trump because he was a bully. but that answer, for the first time he admitted that he regretted it because of his kids were embarrassed by it. a lot of people were talking about whether that was the moment that the rubio campaign really unraveled. but if you notice, in the days before that, the rubio campaign will come back and say, listen, everybody at that time was wanting marco rubio to go after donald trump. and he did get some positive reviews for taking on donald trump on issues of policy as well as other issues such as trump university. but it was when he started to go for the schoolyard humor in the days after that, that became a problem. now, right now marco rubio's campaign says they are still in this and florida. however, as peter mentioned, he faces a very steep hill to climb. the latest fox news poll has him down 23 points in his home state, andrea, really incredible considering that marco rubio, you know, he's sitting senator here in florida, and he's been having a tough time drawing some crowds, although his campaign will argue that crowds aren't indicative of any enthusiasm
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here. but expect marco rubio at the debate tonight to really go after donald trump on policy and not sink to those schoolyard insults that were problematic for him before. and he's also just announced a few events, an event tomorrow in west palm beach with jewish leaders and national security leaders, trying to really stress his foreign policy credentials. and he's also campaigning in northern florida, in the pensacola area later this week. so his campaign is denying that they're thinking at all of getting out of this race. but still, a lot of time critics say that it's his campaign, as you mentioned, that's hanging on to this race by its fingernails. >> hallie jackson, ted cruz is the beneficiary potentially of all the problems in the marco rubio campaign. at the same time, john kasich, in a fox poll, for the first time coming out ahead of donald trump in ohio, which is of course his must-win state. >> reporter: interesting when you talk about ohio, andrea,
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you've got that poll, you've got that endorsement from the "cleveland plain dealer," and interestingly, urban meyer now coming out and endorsing john kasich this morning. you know buckeye fans will like that. kasich looks like he could potentially play the part of a bit of a spoiler here when it comes to donald trump continuing to win states. so trump looking to win florida and pick up those 99 delegates. here in the sunshine state marco rubio trails by double digits in poll after poll. ted cruz also sitting back there in third place. it looks as though he wouldn't be able to pull out a win. but the strategy from the cruz campaign, the thinking goes, is try to keep rubio down, essentially knock him out of the race so that in six days it is a two-man race between trump and cruz. the question is will the establishment come now behind cruz. you look at where else cruz is
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playing on super tuesday. north carolina, where a lot of money has been spent, $625,000 in ad buys. missouri is another place we're going to want to watch. illinois too, not so much ohio, again, because of kasich's dominance there, or at least his hope to be dominant against donald trump. and then of course florida. so it's going to be a fascinating five days, andrea. we're looking ahead to see how it all plays out on tonight's debate stage. >> thanks so much to all of you, hallie jackson, gabe gutierrez, and of course peter alexander. coming up, hillary clinton tested on the trust issue in last night's scrappy democratic debate. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. oh no this mom didn't have time to worry about a cracked windshield. so she scheduled at and with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" she knew exactly when i'd be there. so she didn't miss a single shot. (cheering crowd) i replaced her windshield... giving her more time for what matters most...
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pull out? >> goodness, that's not going to happen. i'm not even answering that question. [ cheering ] >> well, that was uncomfortable. hillary clinton last night being questioned by jorge ramos at the democratic candidate. joining me, democratic party chairman ed rendell, thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> does hillary clinton have to refocus after michigan? and i'm not talking about the e-mail issue, which is a continuing shadow and which voters haven't seemed to care about but now there is a trustworthy question that's been coming up in the exit polls. does she have to be more specific about trade and policies to counteract bernie sanders? it looks like this is indeed going to go all the way to june, even with the big delegate lead, the way it plays out. >> yeah, i always thought this would be something that would carry on, because bernie sanders has done a great job on the
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campaign trail, has raised a ton of money, more than i think any candidate has, just from small donors. so he has the wherewithal to carry this through to california. look, i think we should start giving bernie sanders some credit, as opposed to attacking hillary's performance as a candidate. i think she's done fairly well. i think she did very well in a tough debate last night. i think they asked her very tough and difficult questions, a lot of gotcha questions, and she handled it very, very well. i think she's performed well as a candidate. but bernie sanders has an attractive message, there's no question about it. i think people should start giving him some credit. secondly, hillary's trustworthiness, i think she answered that. she's been around 23 years. she's taken so much incoming from republicans throughout those 23 years, starting with whitewater and going all the way through. it's very difficult for anyone to absorb that type of beating. but it's interesting, andrea. when hillary clinton is
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governing, that's when she's liked the best. in new york, she was such a successful senator that she got reelected by 20 points more than she got elected, because people liked what she did. as secretary of state, you recall how popular she was, how favorable her ratings were. even among republicans, because she was a very good secretary of state. so those are the things i think she should emphasize in her record, what she did when she was in office. and then secondly, yeah, she could be a little more specific. but i think she's held to a different standard than almost any other candidate. >> i think that is fair, because bernie sanders has not had to be specific about the details of his plans. and it is a lot easier to say, i want a revolution, than to say, you know, how would you accomplish such and such. but peter hart, whom you know well -- >> right, there was a song, andrea, i don't know if you remember the song, "money for nothing and chicks for free." it's easy to promise the world. especially when no one is saying, well, how are you going to do this, how come single pair
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failed in your own state of vermont? the governor said we have to end it because it's too expensive. no one's asking him those tough questions. >> i think you found a song that i don't know. it may even be before my time. >> dire straits, you never heard that dire straits song? >> no, i guessed i missed that. but peter hart, in looking at the negativities, and we've talking about the negativity of the republicans, he says he's never seen this, a low point in the polarization level. hillary clinton's negative ratings are 51%. so going into a general election, if she does become the nominee, she's got a lot of baggage to carry. >> she does. but i think in an election with two people, whether it be donald trump and ted cruz, the distinctions between her and cruz or trump is going to be manifest. people will see them.
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she wants to unite this country. they want to divide this country. they want to set us at each other's throats. she wants to lead the world in a rational way. i don't think their policies are. i think that's when specifics will inure to her benefit dramatically. also the tone. i think hillary clinton will try to keep it on a high tone. if she's attacked, she's going to fight back, she is always has. i think she'll try to keep the campaign elevated in terms of talking about issues and i think that will inure to her benefit. i think people will get sick and tired of the negativity. >> do you expect if this does drag out until june that the president would weigh in at any time before either one of them has a wrap on the delegates and the nomination not wrapped up? >> i think the president sees two people who have the right values going at each other in a spirited campaign. but as long as the campaign is
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conducted on the issues, i don't think the president will weigh in at all. if he thinks someone's being unfairly criticized or there are cheap shots, he might. but i don't think that's going to happen. i think this is a spirited campaign. it was tougher last night than it's been. but it's all about the issues. and that's the way it should be. it's a stark contrast with the republicans. >> ed rendell, thank you so much, governor, good to see you. >> dire straits. >> dire straits, thank you for the reminder. coming up, knockout. the republican frontrunner says he is ready to deal a final blow to his rivals in ohio and florida. is that going to happen? you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc.
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about the politics they've engaged in that allows the circus we've been seeing to transpire. and to do some introspection, because ultimately i want an effective republican party. i think this country has to have responsible parties that can govern. >> joining me from our daily fix, msnbc contributors. johnathan capehart, the president, from my reporting, so angry for years over the birther issue, and you saw that reflected in his response to margaret brennan's question today, whether he has helped polarize the nation and contributed to the rise of donald trump. >> right. the question was a provocative
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one and clearly got to the president. given what we've seen over the last seven years, not only the personal offense against the president, but everything that a lot of people within the republican party and who are members of the republican party have done to not only delegitimize barack obama the man, but barack obama the president, and therefore delegitimizing the presidency. and so when you have, after the 2010 midterm elections, people coming into the capital since 2010 who don't believe that the president is the president, should be the president, is illegally occupying the oval office, it makes it a little more difficult to even govern this country. >> and when we look at what's been happening lately in foreign policy, there's a big blowup, largely ignored because of our
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own campaign here, between, guess who, bibi netanyahu and the president again. netanyahu was expected for a visit with president obama next week and cancelled it precipitously. the white house learned about the cancellation by reading it in the press. so there they go again. this just as joe biden was arriving in israel. the whole foreign policy issue for president obama really comes together in jeff goldberg's almost book-length treatise in the "atlantic," which just came out, "the obama doctrine." he does more reporting and interviews with the president and the cabinet. it turns on all the issues but most notably the decision not to go after assad after drawing the red line on chemical weapons. >> and that, by the way, became a giant political football in the 2014 midterm elections and continues to be something that republicans used to question president obama's judgment and his toughness. i don't think you can draw a
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straight line between barack obama getting elected and the policies he pursued and donald trump's rise. i do think barack obama paints the world in a very nuanced, complex way, that the vast majority of people who support him say is a very accurate reflection of the world. donald trump paints the world in a very different, simple way. now, many foreign policy experts have said, it's a far too simplistic presentation of the world. but donald trump and the "we win/they lose" and what he says about isis and those sorts of things is a direct reaction to an unrest within a portion of the republican party regarding the red line in syria, regarding how we've worked to root out isis and those sorts of things. that piece, there's clearly a connection. >> and jonathan capehart, when we look at what's happening on the republican side in this campaign, it seems to me that what we saw in michigan indicates there is a lot of
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crossover potential for that kind of appeal in a general election from trump or a candidate with that appeal, protectionist, angry, feeling imposed upon, especially among white men. >> yes. you know what's interesting, andrea, before the voting even started or maybe after iowa, i started seeing in my twitter feed and by e-mail, people who were saying they were trying to decide between trump and sanders. and at first it struck me as a little odd. then the more i thought about it, the more i realized there is a line you can draw, to borrow from chris, you can draw between the anger and unsettled feeling that trump supporters feel, generalizing, and the anger and unsettled feeling and insecurity that sanders supporters are feeling, that there is an anger within the american electorate, not only maybe when it comes to
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social issues such as integration and things like that, but an economic insecurity, where they feel like the system is rigged against them, and the "them" is the average middle class american worker who has seen his or her job go overseas, their wages not go up, and wondering what's going to happen to their future, which they hoped would be better, certainly that their parents hoped would be better for them. >> thanks to you, obviously another debate coming up tonight. and we'll see how the republicans handle this. is this going to be the more presidential donald trump or will they get back into the mud with each other? thanks, jonathan capehart and chris salizza, who never get into the mud with each other. next, florida, florida, florida. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc.
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hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what te i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call.
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in florida today, the democratic candidates campaigning. and last night at their debate they were questioned not only on immigration and had some disagreements, but bernie sanders was confronted on his 1985 positions on fidel castro and cuba. let's watch. >> in 1985 you praised the sandinista government and said ortega was an impressive guy. this is what you said about fidel castro. >> you may recall way back in 1961 they invaded cuba and everybody was totally convinced that castro was the worst guy in the world, all the cuban people were going to rise up and re bell against him. they forgot that he gave them health care, totally transformed society. >> have you regretted the characterizations you made in 1985? >> the question issue here is
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whether the united states should go around overthrowing small countries. that was a mistake both in nicaragua and cuba. let's look at the facts here. cuba is of course an authoritarian, un-democratic country. and i hope very much as soon as possible it becomes a democratic country. >> kasie hunt traveling with the sanders campaign on the press bus in florida. any discomfort there about that past record because of the obvious implications in florida? >> reporter: well, andrea, i think this is another example of the sanders campaign maybe being a little bit taken by surprise. the same thing happened when the auto bailout. i think on the whole, they are feeling pretty good about where they are in the campaign overall. they know that florida is likely going to go for hillary clinton. and i think their strategy to try and narrow the margin, you're seeing over the course of
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his day today, we were just in gainesville with a bunch of students, those gator chants, he put on a gator hat, thousands of people showed up in the middle of the day. another rally outside of orlando, he'll be in tampa tonight, all with the goal of making sure that delegate lead doesn't expand dramatically here if she's able to run up the margins. a little bit of color from the trail, bernie sanders certainly continuing, i know you covered him for many, many years, we just pulled the motorcade over to the side of the road, i guess it was a rest stop, so the senator could take a private phone call. he got out of his suv, wandered around in the field, the secret service agents watched. a little more like my family vacations when we used to live down here, andrea. >> that's kind of funny. we would be interested in what kind of call that was. and kasie, please hold on,
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you're making me nervous standing on a moving bus on the highway. by the way, if you think you are hearing things here, you are. we're going through a fire drill, we understand there's no cause for alocker roarmlarm, bue hearing alarms. coming up, closed for business. rust belt voters desperate for an economic come back. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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ohio voters heading to the polls next week, with one key issue: the jobs crisis, which was transformed communities across the state. according to the bureau of labor statistics, ohio has lost nearly 200,000 manufacturing jobs since the great recession. msnbc's jacob soboroff visited akron to learn more. >> this empty lot used to be a business called lake shore chevrolet.
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>> reporter: a long time ago? >> they recently closed down, in the last three to four years. >> reporter: is seeing something like this happen unusual for this area? >> no. >> reporter: and this is your neighborhood? >> this is my neighborhood. >> reporter: at one point the houses in this neighborhood went for how much? >> about 145. >> reporter: $145,000? >> $145,000. >> reporter: what would you say they are worth now? >> my house recently appraised, and several others in this neighborhood, for 50 to $52,000. >> reporter: here is your house. >> yes. >> reporter: do you mind if we take a look at where you look? >> let's take a ride. as you can tell, a lot of the storefronts are empty. and it's because of the local economy in this area. ice cream shops that are closed. >> reporter: closed. >> closed, closed. >> reporter: wow. and so what's going on over at cleveland range? >> we're closing. >> reporter: now they're closing it and moving it to canada? >> moving to canada.
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american workforce going to canada. >> reporter: how many people work here? >> we had over 200 at one time. >> reporter: how many are losing their jobs? >> about 170 people are losing their jobs. >> reporter: whoa. so out of the 200, almost everybody. >> almost everyone will be gone. almost everyone will be gone. >> reporter: how do you stop this from happening? >> that's the million dollar question. we as americans need to get out and cast a vote to bring the jobs back to america. but that's going to start at our local voting booths. >> reporter: can i tell you something? >> yes. >> reporter: that kind of sounds like donald trump. >> donald trump is a billionaire businessman. >> reporter: a year from now, what's this place going to look like? >> closed. desolate. boarded up. >> reporter: andrea, you walk down streets like this in euclid and what you see are boarded up
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stores, boarded up shops. the gentleman is losing his job in april. he's not alone. 50,000 manufacturing jobs have been added back in ohio since the great recession and people like andrew, members of the u a"w, will tell you they support hillary clinton, but then if you dig a little deeper they say, maybe it's not politically correct but they'll go with trump as well. andrea, we'll see what happens on tuesday. back to you. >> jacob soboroff, thank you, in euclid, ohio today. disturbing indeed. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." tomorrow, we're live from simi valley for funeral services for the former first lady nancy reagan. follow the show online, on facebook and twitter. kate snow picks up our coverage next from st. petersburg, florida, right here on msnbc, the place for politics. to truly feel healthy on the outside
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st. petersburg, florida, on the campus of the university of south florida, st. petersburg. voters here in the sunshine state have already cast more than a million ballots by mail or early voting. the big night will be tuesday, when florida and four other states vote. it's been a campaign of firsts. we've had record setting participation, unheard of rhetoric, and an unprecedented level of contempt between candidates. and through all the muck, donald trump has emerged as the people's candidate, both an advocate for and representation of angry voters. but according to a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll, the populist isn't so popular. just 25% of all voters have a positive opinion of donald trump versus 64% who have a negative opinion. as usual in this race, that's also a first, the most polarized opinions for a major presidential candidate we've ever seen in polling. at the other end of the spectrum, john kasich, far more people have positive opinions of him than negative. and yet in
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