tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC March 11, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PST
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believe me. >> why did the democrats fail? >> let me endorse the fact that they're not all horrible people. i've talked to a lot of trump supporters. the guy socking people in the face. >> that's insane. >> thomas frank, thank you for being here tonight. >> that is all for this evening. the "rachel maddow show" is now. we also are going to be joined tonight by elizabeth warren. senator warren looms large in our national politics. its a' basically the other populus hero.
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>> she's not done a single tv interview with anyone since the 2016 primary battle started, but senator elizabeth warren is here live tonight to talk with me. senator warren just took to the senate floor to start what looks like a patented -- a new patented elizabeth warren crusade in washington. we're going to be talking with her about the subject of that tonight and lots more. so that is still ahead. but we have the luxury tonight of starting with my interview with former secretary of state hillary clinton. secretary clinton today was busier than anyone in politics. she did campaign stops in vernon hill, illinois, durham, north carolina, and in tampa, florida. she hit three of the five states voting next in the critical delegate bonanza set for tuesday. on the republican side of the race that critical delegate bonanza set for tuesday, it has
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made for a bunch of drama today, including news that even though marco rubio says his whole campaign hinges on florida, the rubio campaign doesn't have enough money in the bank to be running any ads for him in florida at all. rubio campaign is relying entirely on a pro rubio super pac to run ads because the campaign is too broke to do so itself even in florida. the pro ted cruz super pac has announced they're pulling all of their ads for ted cruz out of the state of florida. the reason they're pulling their ads because they don't think they need them. they don't think they need to worry about marco rubio potentially winning. he told reporters, quote, we looked at the numbers and decided marco rubio can lose florida all by himself. he doesn't need our help. yet further even later breaking news tonight the washington post
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robert kosta was told that republican front-runner donald trump will get the endorsement tomorrow morning from former presidential candidate ben carson. did you think ted cruz was going to get the ben carson endorsement? ben carson boils at the site of donald trump. >> there's a lot of it. pow, pow, pow. breaking news. >> the florida picture is also what you might call kinetic right now. this was senator bernie sanders at the first of his three big florida rallies today. started the day in gainesville, florida. he started the day by breaking one of the cardinal rules is that people running for president must not put things on their heads. senator sanders, there it is, putting on a hat before more than 5,000 people in gainesville this morning. he spoke to another 4,000 people in kissimmee, florida, a few
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hours later and now he's just led another large rally in tampa, florida, tonight. former secretary of state hillary clinton held her own crowded but smaller sort of intense event today in tampa. secretary clinton's rallies honestly are never as big in raw numbers as those for senator sanders. but the clinton campaign seems to know that. they seem fairly at peace with that information because they have both observed and concluded that rallies aren't votes. rallies or no rallies, frankly the polling says secretary clinton is far ahead, not only in florida but also in every other state that's due to vote on tuesday. >> joining us now from tampa, florida, is former secretary of state hillary clinton. mad amount secretary, thanks for joining us. it's great to have you back. >> it's great to talk to you again, rachel. thanks. >> how are things in florida? what's your outlook on this big next round of states on tuesday? >> it's really sunny and
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beautiful here in >> the last big night of contests had a big surprise in it. michigan seemed like the kind of place where you ought to win, all the public polling said you would win. michigan has a big black population. you spent a lot of time on local issues, led crisis in flint. you didn't win. it was close but you lost to senator sanders there. when you were asked about that at the debate last night, i was struck by your response. you just basically said, listen, i'm looking forward to the next contest and you county address it. some of those states look a lot like michigan, ohio, illinois, do you have a sense of what went wrong in michigan? >> you know, i think there will
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be time to look at that, do a postmortem. tuesday night i came out ahead in the popular vote by 100,000, came out ahead in pledge delegates. of course i would have loved to have won michigan. i think we may have fallen short in a couple of areas. i was obviously honored to win flint and the surrounding county but we didn't do as well in turning out our vote in key places but now we're onto the next contest. and i actually feel really good about where i am. obviously it's better to win than not. where we are right now, i've won by far more votes than anybody on either side. i'm ahead of donald trump in votes. i'm way ahead of senator sanders in votes. obviously i lead in pledge delegates. so we're doing to be just working as hard as we we k we have a job message. we know you've got to be talking
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about the future. can you relitigate the past. i talked about good american jobs with rising incomes. i talked about that in tampa, going to north carolina to add to that message. i'll certainly underscore in ohio, illinois and missouri. i think we have a message that people want to hear and i'm fog to do my best to reach as many folks with it as i can. >> in those big industrial states like ohio and illinois and missouri, and to a certain extent north carolina, how do you respond to voters who feel betrayed by the way that nafta has worked out. working class people look around and say our country didn't get the jobs that were promised by president clinton. when that was signed american jobs got shipped overseas, that hollowed out jobs that were working class jobs. are people right to feel betrayed by how that worked out.
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>> i have said repeatedly i would like to renegotiate it. i think there were parts that did not work as hoped for. ening you've got to take a prodder perspective. were some jobs lost? of course. was it painful and terrible that people lost their jobs and saw factories that they, maybe their grandparents had worked in pick up and move, that's why i've come forward with very strict proposals. you're trying to move jobs out of america, got a penny of government aid, lots have, you're going to have to pay it all back. if you're trying to move your headquarters overseas and this thing called an inversion i called a perversion, we're going to slap a big exit tax on you. i think we have to really bear down on companies that are picking up and moving and trying to do everything we can to stop them. but i think it's fair to say, rachel, that more manufacturing jobs were actually created in
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the '90s. we lost a lot of jobs, particularly manufacturing jobs, when george w. bush was president. as i said when senator sanders, he spent a lot of time in the '90s, president obama, let's focus on the problem, 23 million jobs and rising incomes when george w. bush one of the republicans is they would not enforce the trade agreements. that's why i voted against the big multinational trade agreement. i worry if we don't have both sides of the equation in place, you have to have enforcement of trade agreements and you've got to have a much more robust safety net for people who might lose their jobs. i have a very clear idea about how to make trade. mitigate the consequences of the ones already in effect. i will bear down and really endorse it. that should not be permitted.
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we have some tools that are available to this administration. i'd like to see them use it. i'd like to send a very clear message to china. you may have your own economic problems, but don't try to undermine and take away jobs in our steel industry anymore than you already have. >> you agree with president obama on so many issues. you've stayed close to him in this campaign. there haven't been a lot of issues on which you highlighted real differences between himself and the administration. why do you think he hasn't done that on china and the steel issue? >> i don't know. i wrote an op-ed that appeared in a number of newspapers a couple of weeks ago. i pointed out the problems with the steel industry. i also said i would not agree, in fact, i oppose designating china as a market economy. i think that's hard to justify.
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they're not what we think of as a free market economy. in some of these areas like opposing them on tpp, i did hope we would get an agreement i would support. turned out i couldn't. in some of these areas where i worry about the consequences of these agreements, of administration actions, i am speaking out and urging the administration not to go forward with market economy and to crack down on dumping of steel. >> in terms of differences between you and the obama administration and what appeared to be some new policy ground in the debate last night, last night you and senator sanders said you would put an end to the policy of forced deportations for people who entered illegally. you said the people will criminal records would be deported but that's it. is that what you meant?
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>> i think we have to focus on people who pose a threat to us not only violent criminals but terrorists who may be part of some group planning something against us. i don't think the raids and the round ups. i don't like the level of deportation that we have been seeing in this administration. i want to move as quickly as i can toward comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship. for the 11 or 12 million people who are already here, i've met with so many of them. i saw that mother with her five kids at the debate last night. after it was over she came up and talked with me. she escaped from a difficult
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situation in her eyes in guatemala. her husband was deported and she is raising the kids. it was like a mom to mom conversation. we're never going to deport 11 or 12 million people. that kind of rhetoric is irresponsible and frightening people. let's keep families together. let's weed out the ones who should be deported and let's move toward comprehensive immigration reform. that's my view. >> former secretary of state hillary clinton putting distance between herself and president obama saying i don't like the raids. i don't like the round ups. i don't like the level of deportation we have been seeing. staking out new territory on immigration.
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wait till you see what she says next when i asked her about you know who. let's say it's november 18th, 2016 and for whatever reason, it's president-elect donald trump. in that circumstance, is hillary clinton moving to canada? her answer to that is next. stay with us. for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to
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when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. great, that's what i said. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. big night. we have more of my interview with hillary clinton after this. we have my interview with senator warren still to come. i have to do some important election information, first. this is part of my job. i have to tell you. tonight is the republican presidential caucus. in the only place in the united states where you're legally expected to drive on the left hand side of the road. the u.s. virgin islands right there. total population, 103,000 happy left hand driving souls.
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today the republican party of the u.s. virgin islands held its caucus for the presidential race. virgin islands republicans vote for their delegates directly. not for the candidates themselves. there's six delegates at stake in the virgin islands. as for who won them, no idea. the voting ended four hours ago. there's literally zero information coming out of u.s. virgin islands. we have tried calling them many, many times to get the results. when they finally answer the phone, we'll let you know. right back with former secretary of state hillary clinton and u.s. is that right elizabeth warren. stay with us.
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one of the particularly unsettling things about this season. violence is no longer an unexpected side show at political rallies for the front-runner. it's now an expected part of the show. in louisville, kentucky a woman being pushed and shoved and taunted as donald trump yelled get out. the protester in alabama who was assaulted by multiple donald trump supporters about which trump said quote, maybe he deserved to be roughed up. this was last night in north carolina. a protester getting sucker punched as he was being taken out by sheriff deputies. the man who threw the sucker punch elbow, turned out he was psyched by what he did.
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>> did you like the event? >> you bet. >> what did you like? >> knocking the hell out of that big mouth. we know he's not acting like an american. >> he deserved it? >> every bit of it. >> what was that? >> yes, he deserved it. the next time we see him, we might have to kill him. >> that video was published by inside edition. the interview who happened because the man who threw the elbow was not arrested for doing that last night. he was arrested today and charged with assault and disorderly conduct. i think it's fair to point out that after this happened, after this man did this at this rally last night in north carolina, donald trump, himself, from the podium continued egging on his supporters to do this kind of thing. >> tomorrow you'll read in the paper, trump has protests. look. an individual. just an individual.
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in the good old days this doesn't happen. in the good old days this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very, very rough. when they protested once, they would not do it again so easily. today they walk in and they put their hand up and put the wrong finger in the air at everybody and they get away with murder because we have become weak. we have become weak. >> the good old days where people used to be treated very, very rough before we became weak so says the man at the front of the room to his supporters. the man with the microphone. today i asked former secretary of state hillary clinton about her take on this. i asked her whether donald trump getting elected president of this country would make her move to canada. >> talking about those experiences while campaigning. the contrast of what's going on with the front-runner on the
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republican side is very, very stark. not only in terms of what he's proposing but the atmosphere around mr. trump's campaign. throwing protesters out has become a ritual of his campaign. a man was just charged with assault and battery for attacking a young, black protester getting thrown out of a trump rally last night. i wondered if you have any advice for people who thinking about going to donald trump events in order to protest them. do you think that's a worthwhile political response? he's bothered and upset a lot of people in this country. >> well, and me too. count me among those who are truly distraught and appalled by what i see going on and what i hear being said. you don't make america great by dumping on everything that made america great like freedom of speech and assembly and the right of people to protest. clearly, i know that everybody
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in public life gets protested against and sometimes people do have to be removed. it should be done in an appropriate manner. other people in the audience should not be joining in. mr. trump should not be urging people on. this is deeply distressing. as the campaign goes further, more and more americans will be really disturbed by the kind of campaign he's running. if he ends up being the nominee and i'm so fortunate enough to be the democratic nominee, we'll have time to take all that on. in the meantime, it's really upsetting a lot of americans and it's upsetting a lot of people around the world. when you run for president of the united states, there's a certain level of behavior that is expected of you. you can't just be flailing around inside the white house, saying whatever comes out of your mouth. conflicts can begin or get worse.
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so many things do pay attention to what happens in the office of the presidency. i hope americans stop and think about what's happening now and what that could mean for the future. >> secretary clinton, i know your time limited. i'll ask you one last quick question. it's a thought experiment. say it all does go pear shaped. say it's november 18, 2016 and for whatever reason it's president-elect donald trump. in that circumstance, is hillary clinton moving to canada? >> well, first of all, i do not think that will happen. i have every confidence if i'm the nominee, it certainly won't happen. i would never leave our country. i would be spending lot of time yelling at the tv set, rachel. >> fair enough. thank you so much for your time. i know it's a busy time. i appreciate your time. >> good to talk to you. thanks a lot.
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>> president candidates are just like us. they yell at the tv too. when you guys yell, i can hear you. hillary clinton today said she would not move to canada in the event of a trump presidency. we'll be right back. a john's, get one of our best deals ever.... ....for just $9.99 you can get any large pizza with up to five toppings pile on your favorites with up to five toppings for just $9.99 better ingredients. better pizza.
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on most days that's where the big booking excitement would stop. not today. today, that was the morning. the afternoon our booking producers booked perhaps the most sought after democratic guest who is neither the president nor one of the people running for president. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren is my guest. she's not done an interview since the primary process started. she'll be with us talking live in a moment. stay with us. we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast?
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go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to
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endorsements are almost always awkward. some are more awkward than others. >> when he says he went after his mother and wanted to hit her in the head with hammer, that bothers me. he said in the book, i haven't seen it. i know it's in the book that he's got a pathological temperament. that's a big problem. you don't cure that. that's like, you know, i could say they say you don't cure, as an example, child molester. >> when donald trump and dr. ben carson were both running for the republican presidential nomination, he likened dr. carson to a child molester.
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this is when he called iowa voters stupid if they believed he hit someone with a belt buckle. that was before him calling ben carson a child molester. tomorrow morning dr. ben carson will endorse donald trump for president. thank you. may i have another. it's always a little awkward. this year they are finding out that have an awkward political relationship with this guy donald trump. >> donald trump is dangerous for america. >> i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. i would bring a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding. >> no matter what he says john mccain will support him.
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>> like to punch him in the face. >> donald trump. >> that's an ad being run by democrat kirkpatrick. there's a similar ad that started running against kelly of new hampshire as she fights against the odds to hold onto her u.s. senate seat in that state. >> delay, delay, delay. >> donald trump wants the senate to delay filling the supreme court vacancy so he can choose the nominee next year. senator kelly ayotte is there to help. she joined trump and party bosses in refusing to consider any nominee ignoring the constitution. newspapers call the action appalling, wrong and disappointing. >> delay, delay, delay. >> ignoring the constitution, not doing her job. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> hit not just for her association with donald trump which every republican will have
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to figure out what to do with now. now she's having to answer for will be described as the donald trump plan for the supreme court. the republican plan to keep a seat on the supreme court vacant for more than a year than consider president obama's nominee to fill that position. it is plan that's totally unprecedented this u.s. history. president obama said, today, he hopes cooler heads will prevail and the senate will act on his nominee when he submitted one to the senate. senate republicans aren't planning on doing that. that's such a radical decision it will be hard to defend. that's the case being made by the loudest and most influential voice who is not either in the white house or running get there this year. >> their response to one of the most solemn and consequential tasks that our government performs, the confirmation of a
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supreme court justice to pretend that the nominee and president obama do not exist. cannot see them, cannot hear them. at the same time, that they are blocking all possible supreme court nominees, senate republicans are in panic because their party seems to be on the verge of nominating one of two extremists for president. two candidates who think nothing about attacking the legitimacy of their political opponents and demeaning millions of americans. two candidates whose extremism, republicans worries will lead their party to defeat in november. these are not separate issues. they are the same issue. if republican senators want to sustained up to extremists running for president, they can start by standing up to extremists in the senate. they can start by doing what they were elected to do right here in the senate.
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they can start by doing their jobs. since the first day of the obama presidency, republicans senators have bowed to extremists who reject his legitimacy and abuse the rules in the senate in an all out effort to cripple his administration and to paralyze the federal courts. no matter how much it damages the nation. no matter how much it undermines the courts. no matter whether it cripples the government or lays waste to our constitution. senate republicans do pretty much everything they can to avoid acknowledging the legitimacy of our democratically elected president. for too long, the republicans in the senate have wanted to have it both ways. they want to feed the ugly lies and nullify the obama presidency while claiming that they can govern responsibly. that game is over. candidates motivated by bigotry
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and resentment, candidates unable to govern, candidates reflecting the same extremism that's been nursed along for seven years right here in the united states senate are on the verge of winning the republican party's nomination for president. now, republicans senators must make a decision because here's the deal. extremists may not like it but barack obama won the presidency in 2008 by nine million votes. he won re-election in 2012 by five million votes. there were no recounts and no hanging chads. no stuffing the ballot box or tampering with voting machines. no intervention by the united states supreme court. no. president obama was elected the legitimate president seven years ago, and he's the legitimate president right now. if it is true that some republican senators are finally
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do your job. vote for a supreme court nominee. do your job. vote on district court judges and circuit court judges. do your job. vote on ambassadors. do your job. vote on agency leaders and counter terrorism officials. if you want to stop extremism in your party, you can start by showing the american people that you respect the president of the united states and the constitution enough to do your
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job right here in the united states senate. >> massachusetts senator elizabeth warren doing her job picking a fight in washington that connects the republican parties freak out over extremism in its on presidential race with the need to say no to extremism in governance like refusing to consider a supreme court nominee for vacancy for a solid year. senator, i appreciate you being here. nice to have you here. >> good to be here. >> you are known for big impassioned speeches, but even for you that was a barn burner. i have to ask you to spell it out. what's the relationship you see between the supreme court seat being held vacant and the republican party cracking up over who is winning their primary? >> what's the problem with the two guys they've got at the top right now with donald trump and ted cruz? these are both people who basically deny the legitimacy of their opponents.
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they go on the attack. they demean millions of americans. that's what identifies them as extremists and why republicans, republicans in the senate are breaking apart over this. yet, what if republicans in the senate been doing since the very day that barack obama was sworn in. they have given in to their extremists. they have nursed their extremists along so there's been fights and delays over the basic things that happen in government. the president tries to get his team out. starting this 2012, after he had been reelected by five million votes. we all come back and first thing that happens is the republicans in the senate want to shut it down. they don't want anybody to go forward to be the head of the nlrb. why? they are trying to shut it down. they don't want anybody
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appointed to the head of consumer protection financial bureau to function. they don't want a secretary of labor. they don't want anybody confirmed over the environmental protection agency. they don't want the president of the united states to be able to fill any, any of the three vacancies then on the d.c. circuit court of appeals. the second most important court in the united states. they want to leave dozens of ambassadors stranded. what's this all about? it's not about problem with a particular nominee. what they were trying to do was effectively deny the legitimacy of this president. they did that. seven years they did it. they fought and they fought and they fought and now they have the biggest one of all.
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that is a vacancy in the united states supreme court and not with standing what it says in the constitution, article 2, section 2, the president shall nominate with the advice and content of the senate. not with standing that and not with standing the oath they took. they say i don't care who you bring us, we're not going to hold hearings and we're not going to hold a vote on anymore. in other words, no legitimacy for you, the president of the united states. no buying in to the basic functioning of government. all i can say is that's what constituted extremism in the united states senate. that's what has nursed what's going on now in the presidential primaries. >> is that crisis that they've tried to create, as you argue around the legitimacy, is it specific to him or if one of democratic candidates ends up
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winning the presidential election this year, are you concerned that republican senators would keep that blockade even of the supreme court vacancy even after president obama if there's a new democrat elected? >> we've been talking about this over and over. this is the party of no. this is the party of blockade. this is the party that says shut down the legal functioning of the government. really, think about what that means. they don't want him to put anybody at the nlrb because the nlrb don't have a quorum. they can't function. what does that mean? we lose our government agency that supposed to decide disputes between employers and employees. you just effectively shut that down. they didn't want anybody at the cfpb because then they couldn't issue rules. issue rules against payday lenders or mortgage servicers
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who were breaking the law. it's a shut down approach. now, they've gone after president obama for this from the beginning. whether they would continue that or not, obviously, i don't have any way of knowing. i do know this, they are paying the price for their own extremism. it has now taken them by the throat. when they stand up in the senate and say, oh, my gosh, what's going to happen to us? we now may have a presidential nominee who is so extreme that he will pull us over the edge electorally and cause us a disaster in november. the answer is, guys, this is what you did to yourselves. if you really want to stop it, stop it right now. stand up and do your job. >> when you see that, those two things happening at once. we're in this very unusual moment. it's mesmerizing to see the republican party, as you say,
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freaking out about the prospect of who they are about to nominate as their presidential candidate. >> i'd be freaking out too if i were a republican. >> given they are and freaking out publicly, it's an easy to see thing. is that leading to any republicans in the senate, any republicans in congress, starting to get a little shaky on some of this other stuff starting to change their mind? >> that's the question. what's it going to take for these guys? ron johnson, today, said, well, if it were republican president, yeah, we'd feel differently about doing that vote. can you be anymore naked about what's going on? there is no point of principle here for those guys. this is naked politics. they're saying, hey, if our team's in, we want to grab everything and make it work for our side. we want to stand in there and fight for the people we represent.
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we want to make government work for the rich and powerful even better. that's what ron johnson is saying. he is in hotly contested election. he's got somebody after him who's going to say to the people of wisconsin, hey, bud, you are going to be held accountable here. i think that's frankly, what we've got to hear everywhere. when the republicans in the senate are thinking about november and their own hides, this is about the american people coming up on this one really saying, there has to be some accountability. there has to be some accountability in the united states senate for people who say i put politics ahead of the constitution. i put politics ahead of respect for the duly elected president of the united states. i put politics ahead of everything except my own job. >> you have not made an endorsement in the democratic
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presidential race. i know you're not going to do that tonight. i will not pressure you to do so. race, but i have been watching the pressure on you to do it. a lot of people feel like your endorsement could have a determinative effect on the election and you ought to use that power. i have to ask if that pressure is uncomfortable. i feel like some of what i've seen directed towards you, i feel like some of that pressure has been sort of ugly towards you and i want to know how you have felt about it. >> you know, we're democrats. we're passionate and we believe and i get that, but look, i care about what's going to happen in this race. god, i care about it and it is important that we have democrats and a conversation going on about what we think are the principal issues in this debate and that's what we're doing.
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so we've got one more big story for tonight's show. in addition to that, in addition to everything else in the news right now, which is frankly a little overwhelming, i want to tell you that my colleague has on his show tonight the donald trump protesters who took that elbow sucker punch in the face last night. that happens right after our
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the whole world is watching the american presidential race right now and what they are wondering is if the anti-donald trump efforts within the republican party are going to work. and the state of florida is going to be the first real big test of that. there have been here and there scattered efforts by anti-donald trump super pacs or occasionally some of the candidates he's running against. we've seen some surprise tactics in recent days like mitt romney doing anti-trump calls and for john kasich in some other states
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on that same day, so there have been a few things here and there, some of them innovative and some of them effective, but in florida the effort isn't a sprinkler head. it's a fire hose. outside groups are spending more than $10 million on anti-donald trump efforts in florida right now. two out of every three ads are anti-donald trump ads. so florida's going to be a big test of whether the anti-donald trump efforts in the republican party are working. the early results are not promising. this was senator marco rubio's rally yesterday. in is it what a 5,000 seat stadium looks like when you stick a couple of hundred people in the end zone. the crowd didn't make it past the 20-yard line. don't book a football stadium. book a conference room. book a medium sized van.
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that's terrible. it's one thing to have a visual like this in your home state, but this is marco rubio's home district. in terms of polling, most polls show senator rubio losing in florida to donald trump by double digits. in terms of early voting in the state the numbers are not that promising for marco rubio. of the nearly 230,000 floridans who have cast early ballots, 80% are white, less than 10% are hispanic. that said, maybe jeb will help. in advance of tonight's republican debate in florida, jeb bush reportedly planned to meet with all the remaining republican presidential candidates not named donald trump. governor bush has not yet endorsed anybody in the race. it's not clear whether the former florida governor will endorse in his home state before
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