tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC March 16, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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"the rachel maddow show" begins right now. good evening, rachel. trump is the boss. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. you know who the boss is when you can't start without. any way, donald trump made that clear. no more debates, and there will be no more debates. he cleaned up with four of the five contests, narrowly edging out ted cruz in missouri and north carolina. john kasich with the first win in his home state of ohio. trump's overwhelming victory in florida knockout below to marco rubio. he announced last night he was suspending his campaign. today, one of his top backers, nikki haley is supporting cruz for the nomination.
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despite the loss, the front-runner has opened up a wider lead over ted cruz. he i'm talking about trump. this morning, donald trump said he would not participate in the republican debate that had been scheduled for this coming monday in salt lake city. kasich's campaign said he wouldn't participate without trump, which forced fox news to cancel the debate altogether today. any way, trump also warned there would be riots, that's the headline tomorrow morning, at the convention if it did not give the nomination to the delegate leader himself, automatically. let's watch trump in action here. >> i think we'll win before getting to the convention, but i can tell if we didn't, we're 20 votes short or 100 short and we're at 1,100, and somebody else is 400 or 500, we're way
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ahead, i don't think you can say that we don't get it automatically. i think would you have riots. >> riots. well, that's going to be the had he had line tomorrow. michael, i'm joined by msnbc political analyst, robert costa. michael, that's a hell of a threat. it's a threat. you don't give it to me, i'm the front-runner, forget the majority, you give it to me or i'm going to, well, he would encourage riots. >> i don't know if there will be riots on the streets, but certainly pandemonium on the floor. they're been inching on this possibility for some time now. unrest among a lot of delegates about how they perceive the national party and those within it sort of trying to structure the deal away from trump. so they're going to come to this convention loaded for bear, which i've been trying to raise the yellow flag, careful how you approach it.
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if donald trump is 100 delegates away, it would be very hard to take it away who is sitting at 600 or 700. that's his central argument. it's one the delegates are going to hold the convention to. >> let me ask you, robert, was he being hyper bolic? was he saying pandemonium, people aren't going to like it or it will get physical? >> he is reflecking what he sees at his rallies. the crowds are for trump. they think that the establishment wants to steal the nomination. you got trump's campaign right now working with veteran republican consultants, guys like ed brookover came over from the campaign. you got lewandowski, maybe trying to get on the rules committee, once cleveland comes in july. they are watching the others. kasich is hiring his own people.
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guys like stu spencer who worked on the ford campaign in '76. >> this looks like a collision, then, if they won't accept him, and he won't accept denial. >> it's a collision. this is going to be a fight for the future of the republican party. a lot of campaigns. the rivals are saying, look, if trump is nowhere near 1,237, that's not enough. it's about getting the coalition together. you see people like nikki haley going to cruz today. if it's cruz/kasich, someone else, there is some kind of coalition that could be brokered. a lot of chat about a second ballot. you have the former speaker of the house talking about paul ryan. paul ryan threw some cold water on the idea of being that candidate, there is chatter out there each and every minute. >> any way, politico reports they're gathering tomorrow to plot a third party against trump. exit polls show that if trump
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and clinton are the choices in november, 29% of republican voters in florida for example, would consider voting for a third party candidate. michael, what's worst for the republican party? trump gets the nomination, everybody stews about it, or he doesn't get the nomination, walks out, starts a bull moose party, and the residual is worth what? i just wonder. >> or, or the third scenario, chris, is that these people having the meeting tomorrow, actually find someone, a mitt romney, paul ryan or someone else to run as a third party candidate in the fall. none of those situations are good for the party. i think, though, in the end, cooler heads have to prevail. donald trump can be worked with. he can be negotiated with. deals can be struck with him by the leadership of this party. should he become the nominee to work out a strategy coming forward. he is making the overtures now
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with the hill. he is making the overtures with state party officials, the rank and file, because he recognizes his success will be dependant on them as their success is going to be dependant on him. they have to get past this crazy talk about a third party and all of this nonsense of trying to defeat him and just let the process unfold, if he is the nominee, work with him to defeat hillary. that's the bottom line. >> well, robert, the problem with that, it sounds logical, trump doesn't work if he is not trump. if trump becomes a mouthpiece for the establishment republican party for the ben ginsberg and charlie blacks, et cetera, if he starts talking with debra proof, he'll sound like any other hack out there. he doesn't want to do that. >> he is not really doing it. he is expanding his circle. trump is a phone call guy. loves getting on the phone, doesn't use e-mail. i hear he was calling around the senate today. he is starting to build relationships, even if he is not hiring people on board. i got some fresh report in the last few minutes about this meeting tomorrow. 8:30 a.m., washington, d.c., a group of a few dozen conservatives. they're going to start looking
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about a third party bid. one name i keep hearing, chris, senator ben saas, nebraska. even if it lets hillary get the white race by a split race, he could be a standard bearer for are the hard right. >> who are these people, they got cigars, what kind of a meet something this? so far into mod den politics. online, what are they in social media people? are they actual government people who have been elected as governors or senators? >> no elected officials. freedom caucus members of the house. their aides are coming, conservative movement, part of the meeting as well. >> government by blogger. that's an improvement over what you had? it seems like trump beat the republican party.
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he didn't join it. he beat it. like sander cos have done it, didn't do it. he beat the party. he owns it potentially, and once he owns it they've got to accept they've been taken over and/or don't accept. if not, they have to walk out. >> this is basically what this is leading to. my question is, you know, ben saas is a great guy. i'm sure brings a lot to the payable. but what does that say to ted cruz? you know, where does all this conservative support for ted cruz go? >> exactly. >> you're going to create friction within the conservative movement itself by pitting saas against cruz. this is so silly. let the thing play out. let trump run his race, let them run their race against him, getting to the convention, let the nominee emerge. this is not the way to do it. >> i wouldn't know ben saas from a quart of wood. any way, trump today attacked hillary clinton, whatever a cord of wood looks like. he hit hillary clinton with an instagram, a former secretary barking like a dog. this may be new low grade trump.
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but let's watch. >> well,s that clip of secretary clinton was pulled from a story she told in nevada last month about a radio ad in arkansas. here is what clinton said in the actual context. one of my favorite political ads of all time was a radio ad, rural arkansas, where the announcer said wouldn't it be great if somebody running for office said something, we could have an immediate reaction as to whether it was true or not. well, we've trained this dog, and the dog, if it's not true, he is going to bark. then the dog was barking on the
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radio. we need to get that dog and follow him around and every time they say these things, like or oh, the great recession was caused by -- >> okay, robert, that was pretty low, treating her like a dog, let's face it, what they're up to there, in the world of sexism, that would be pretty high up, i would say. just because they took the ad and cruelly made her look like that. >> you see how it blew up on twitter. you see how it blew up on social media on the right. i mean, trump, he has -- he is viewed by a lot of conservatives by suspicion, this edge he has and these kind of instagram ads and videos, they like it. when you talk to party officials, there is a sense because of this edge, he may be able to bring the party together because of the way he hammers clinton on these issues. >> well, to quote carly, everybody knows what he meant.
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there is a reason you're laughing. hillary clinton goes five for five at the big state primary last night. tightening her lock on the nomination. thanks in large part for women voters. for that, she may want to thank donald trump. that's ahead. plus, president obama dares the republican to stay no. he has chosen today a safe court nominee he could pick. but senate republicans are digging in, saying they won't consider any nominee until the next president is sworn in. well, can president obama win this squeeze play of his? as the republican establishment braces for a convention fight, where does the anti-trump vote go now that is he pulling away. finally, the round table tells me something i don't know. this is "hardball" itself, the place for politics. jay knows how to keep his wheels spinning. nice shorts, dad...
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well, just hours after his state primary last night, rick scott has endorsed donald trump for president. governor scott writes, quote, if we spend another four months tearing each other apart, it will damage our ability in november. an end for the republican on republican violence. it's time for us to begin coming together. we've had vigorous primary. donald trump won with 46% of the republican vote, beating home state senator, marco rubio, who was away down at 27%. a thumping in other words in trump's, well, visiting role there. we'll be right back. the gillette mach 3 turbo
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we are moving closer to securing the democratic party nomination, and winning this election in november. >> welcome back to "hardball," that was hillary clinton, of course, last night claiming victory in florida, north carolina and ohio. it got even better. she also swept the entire evening, one expected victories in illinois and missouri, where she is also the apparent winner. her string of wins padded her and becoming the democratic nominee for 2016. in her victory speech, she turned her sights to the front-runner republican, donald trump. >> our commander in chief has to be able to defend our country. not embarrass it. engage our allies. not alienate them. defeat our adversaries, not em
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bolden them. when we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all muslims from entering the united states, when he embraces torture, that doesn't make him strong. it makes him wrong. >> well, political correspondent for the "washington post," david, washington bureau chief for mother jones. let me ask you about last night. it seems like last night to me. i'm sitting out there in cleveland for seven, eight, nine hours. i was thinking rarely do politicians surpass what they're going to do. i was hearing from one of her people, you all know very well, we're going to have a hard time, missouri. they pulled that out, even. >> yeah, i mean, the lowering of expectations game is -- >> a scam on us? >> in part, i mean, they all do
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it to a degree. i think they thought they were going to lose missouri. sanders really thought he was going to win it. and illinois seemed to be on the bubble. she did much better than expected in ohio. they thought they were going to win ohio, but she did better than they thought. >> she was walking around with a ball and chain on. she had rahm emanuel, bernie was on fire, and she still won five for five. amazing. >> after winning michigan the week earlier, we thought there was a template being set. >> and the polls didn't count. >> on trade issues, and working class economic issues. she and bernie sanders had been tussling over for weeks, seemed to be paying off for bernie sanders. and it didn't work for him last night. >> i think this is the audience, women and even girls, some of them, young people, and i just think there is something happening. this is my hunch. late last night, it came to me. what was the big visual story last week. it wasn't her, it wasn't bernie. the horror around trump.
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the racial fistfighting, the tearing the scab off america's racial history, right in front of us. people hate to think about it. women especially said none of that, and went to her. >> you may well be right. certainly, hillary clinton has been waiting for sort of donald trump's true colors to reveal themselves or for people to decide they've had enough or something. we've all been waiting for something to happen with the trump phenomenon, and it hadn't happened yet. >> look at these numbers, according to the exit polls, women made up 60%, three out of five who voted in florida. of course, women tend to live longer, unfortunate fact for men. clinton won 68%. you do the math of 68 times 60. in ohio, 56%, hillary won 63%. huge percentages. >> trump was never going to approach the kind of numbers on the republican side with women
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that she was going to be able to do in florida, and certainly, not with hispanics. >> tell me, i want it out of your mouth and brain why are women, or would they be turned off potentially what we have been watching in this country. >> i can't speak for all women, but certainly what we see in polling, and some of the exit polling last night suggests that women particularly and older people generally certainly older women, hear some echoes here. they hear things that they've heard in other parts of american history that they don't care to relive. that is certainly the case with older african-american voters, and many people, echoes of another time and another continent. >> that's what i think. they looked like third world. >> they're saying that now. people are saying they're hearing -- >> arresting hillary clinton if
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he wins. that's so third world. i'm going to arrest president bhoto. it sounds like that. >> democrats have been holding focus groups, and about donald trump, and they find that women have a visceral reaction to him. they recoil at him. use phrases like he reminds me of my abusive ex-boyfriend. they really dislike him. in the last week, what you talked about, i was talking about this earlier, it is causing some democratic voters to say i may like bernie, i may like hillary clinton, she may be a better choice in the general election. >> this is what we fear, racial, horror. attacking donald trump. here he is. >> the reason that donald trump will never be elected president is the american people will not accept insults to mexicans, muslims or women.
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the american people will not accept a president who insults our veterans or who several years ago, led the so-called birther effort, which was an ugly, ugly attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the presidency of barack obama. >> well, go bernie. because that's the kind of campaign that would help hillary. >> she is certainly hoping that assuming she is -- >> he is a barn burner. >> he can do many things, frankly, that she cannot, in terms of drawing an enormous crowd, keeping them fired up. he knows how to build the rhetorical crest and all of that.
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>> the birther thing, you know, that's great stuff. >> the conductor, he looks like he, i think we should score music. >> i'm just saying, the question raised in the papers this morning, your paper too i guess, can he continue without hurting her. if he goes that way, he can. >> this is his decision to make. you talk to his advisors today, as people around here have done, and they keep saying here is the path, we can win the next few states and bring it to california and win california and squeak by her. >> can you do that with a relatively anti-trump? >> i don't think you can do that by sticking to the high road without really mixing it up with hillary and bringing her down. this is the big decision that he and his team have to make relatively soon. >> that do you think his motivation is? he has had a hard time. he was hoping to have a political revolution. beat her in these industrial
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states. >> he had a bad night last night. he was hoping to have a moment last night that would build on michigan, that would show a path that would show a clear way that he can keep going with a real rationale, and at least a plausible or almost plowsable argument that he has the momentum to be keep going. >> so now? >> so now he got stuck. he got stuck last night. he is not going to leave the race for any time soon. why would he? the longer he stays in, the more leverage, the more ability he has to effect the out come. will he go negative on her as the kind of as that path. >> permanent. >> which is why robby mook, the campaign manager said today that sanders had spent all this money and didn't get any where, in ohio, and that had run a negative ad that backfired.
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>> bernie still gets a lot of credit for changing the tone of the campaign, pulling hillary clinton towards -- >> enough about the e-mails. >> and so, you know, he has gotten a lot of what he has wanted. he has affected, an independent socialist senator from vermont who has shaped the whole national political discourse. that's tremendous. he probably wants to do more of that. i don't think he cares about a cabinet position. >> her camp has to figure out how to deal with the truths that has emerged, and grab the neo cons that need a new home. they're not going to be for trump. or let the republicans split. that could work for her too t wouldn't be good for the country. david corn, thank you, ann, thank you. supreme court showdown, president obama offers a judge with pass bipartisan backing and republicans vowing not to country him for the high court. i'll speak to two members of the
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senate judiciary committee in about a minute. this is "hardball," the place for politics. for politics. we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free.
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i'm milissa rehberger, here welcome back to "hardball," where the battle has begun with president obama over the nomination of judge mer -- merrick garland, they set up a blockade, saying they won't even offer courtesy meetings, who was introduced by president obama in the rose garden. >> at a time when our politics is so polarized, at a time when norms and customs of political rhetoric and courtesy and comedy are so often treated like they're disposable, this is precisely the time when we should play it straight, and the seriousness and care it deserves.
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because our supreme court really is unique. it's supposed to be above politics. it has to be. it should stay that way. >> judge garland currently serves in the united states court of appeals for the district of columbia, senate majority leader took to the floor to denounce obama's decision. here he is. >> it is the president's constitutional right to nominate a supreme court justice. and it is the senate's constitutional right to act as a check on a president and withhold its consent. it seems clear president obama made this nomination, not, not with the intent of seeing the nominee confirmed, but in order to politicize it for purposes of the election. >> well, it's a squeeze play between the white house and republican leaders who vowed at
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the start of the term to thwart at every turn. kirk, pat toomey in pennsylvania, all in tough fights to keep their seats right now. joining me now is richard bloomenthall. it puts these five senators i mentioned up for reelection in purple states on the hot seat. how do you force them to force their leadership to allow true consideration of this nomination? >> well, i think first of all, chris, you have seen a number of senators, including senator collins, who actually said today she has to do her job. she has agreed to meet with this great nominee, judge garland. you have senator flake has agreed to meet with the nominee. i think as the people of the country get to know judge garland, here is someone who gave up a fancy job in a law firm, in a room without a window
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in the justice department, rose up to oversee the two biggest criminal cases of the last century, the uni bomber, and the oklahoma city bomber. he has an incredible reputation. i know several of these, i was there for the last two confirmation hearings, several republicans have said to me, even when they voted against justice sotomayor, kagan, when you start seeing the republicans that have voted for him before, senator mccain, senator hatch, colins, cochran, i mean you go through the list, a number of them still in the senate, it will be hard for our colleagues not to even meet with him, but have a hearing. you don't have to vote for him. but at least give this great public servant the hearing he desearches. >> you already have the issue. you have the issue. you've got a very qualified
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candidate, who should be given consideration, and probably confirmation at normal times. how do you get a confirmation, 60 votes, when they've set up a barricade against any nomination, even up to the point not even meeting the new nominee. >> he is, as you have said, em -- qualified. the position that the majority leader has taken is simply unsustainable. as a former law clerk on the united states supreme court and a prosecutor, who has argued four cases before the court, i have immense respect and reference for the court. that sense is shared basically by the american people who will heed the president's sentiment that the court should not be dragged down into the ordinary muck of partisan politics. here is the essential point. the american people are fed up with washington, because it
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can't get things done, because it shoulds down the government. because it is gridlocked, and here, again, the republicans in fact are shutting down the government effectively, and i think that will really resonate in some of those races that you mentioned, chris. and i think that they will in turn, those in danger or at risk republicans will see the folley of this stance, which will only guarantee a more progressive justice appointed by the next president, if judge garland is not confirmed. >> that's interesting. so the republicans will get someone they like much less. for months, republicans raised the rhetoric on the nominee fight, senator lindsey graham said in february of this year he wouldn't even vote for himself. let's listen. >> i think we should let the next president decide. the person i admire the most is me and if you nominated me, i
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wouldn't vote for me this year. >> roy blunt say the nomination should be stalled until after the presidential election this november, insisting even if the president nominated my daughter, who a lawyer to the supreme court, the american people ought to get to vote and decide they would like to see my daughter on the supreme court. senator back to you, it seems to me that when republicans want to do is that one big roll of the dice, the voters should pick -- the president picks, what the senator just said no, we're seeing a shut down of the judicial branch, just like the legislative branch shut down by people like ted cruz, now going to another level, escalating the shut down to the courts. it's -- i just don't know you get to 50 republicans who aren't up for reelection to move. it looks like he wants to be where is he at. >> two thirds of the american people want to go forward and
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have a hearing. the president noted that today when we were in the rose garden. two thirds of the american people. you look at history, go back to 1916, always been a hearing for a presidential nominee, since we've had hearings. and so i think you have history on our side, you have the public on our side. now you have an excellent nominee. and the people are going to say come on, you're not going give the guy that supervised the oklahoma city bombing cases, this esteemed judge, you're not going to give him a hearing. i detected that today when the president put forward judge garland and he stood before that beautiful day with that sun shining down and he choked up a bit. he has not only been nominated for this incredible job, but he actually has the burden of representing this simple notion that we have an independent judiciary, and our job as the senate is to fund them, to make sure that we advise and consent under the constitution. but we are not supposed to stop that branch from functioning.
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>> you're right. he also came across as a mensch. a nice guy. choking up was not faked. thank you. still ahead, trump wins big last night, kasich hangs on and cruz, well, that's not hard for him. he says he'll keep up the fight. the republican establishment unhappy about their front-runner now, where do the anti-trump voters go. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics.
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welcome back to "hardball," donald trump keeping up the drum beat, making the case that this is his nomination to win and if the party tries to take it away, there will be a revolt, a ri -- riot p. >> i think we've had enough debates, 11 or 12. i did really well in the last one, i think i've done well. according to drudge. how many times can the same people ask you the same question. so i was very surprised when i heard that fox called for a debate. nobody told me about it. and i won't there, no. >> short time later, the kasich
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campaign says essentially if trump doesn't show, neither will kasich. by this afternoon, the republican national committee and fox announced the debate has been canceled. meanwhile, the front-runner, trump, says if he falls short of delegates and they deny him, there could be riots. that's the words he used. joining me now, april ryan, washington bureau chief, ruth marcus, "washington post," franchesca. >> if i were donald trump, he wouldn't want to debate again either. it consists of them beating up on him. trump university and all these other things. >> what about saying there will be riots, like at the nomination. i don't need to have the majority, he is saying. >> i think it's true, there are a lot of people in america who supported donald trump, who would be very upset if he got that close to the nomination,
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and then john kasich tried to swoop in and take it from him on the floor, which kasich is being open about, like that's his plan. he is not being -- he is not hiding it, chris. >> the picture attached to it. we know what a riot looks like, at his rallies. >> we know what they look like at conventions. we do not want -- i mean, we, america should not want that, and american candidates for presidents should not be encouraging that. >> have you ever seen the approximatic tures like south korea, democracy. >> in the parliament, yeah. >> it's like a hockey game. >> i guess we had canining. >> we saw very early on when he started speaking, a homes man was peed and spat on. >> for what? >> because they used the name donald trump. this is was for donald trump. early on, a couple of months back. look at what is happening. the words are getting stronger.
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>> not when trump was around. >> no, not where trump was, a couple of months back. >> turning on the ugly. there is a portion of america that is giving into the ugly side of themselves. and unfortunately, you know, when i hear from the secret service covering donald trump or watching him and watching these rallies, they're saying there is anger there. they were saying this before the south carolina primaries. >> okay, takes two to tango, or whatever. takes two to tango as well . >> what do you make of this, he hasn't been winning, that's just his numbers out there, we're going to bring in paul ryan. are you kidding me? that's an insult for every voter who has shown up. we have to find somebody that hasn't ran. >> trump should not be encouraging or imagining riots. the republican party like all parties, 1,237 delegates, if he short, it's legitimate to have a -- >> when has that ever happened? >> well, we've been looking for
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it for years, right, but the republican -- >> in '52, come on, last guy that ran the primaries, and beat stevenson. >> the point that you're making is that, kind of want somebody who has won some delegates who emerges as a potential -- >> kasich, exactly the kasich argument, which is that i have won a lot of the delegates, so i should be considered. or the argument that maybe they'll come together and possibly make some sort of a deal here. i thought it was really interesting, today, though, that john kasich was asked about that right. will they be talking and working together to start the situation. he said i'm not a political operative. i'm just a candidate. >> kasich has a point. he can talk right now, because he has gotten 66 delegates. ohio was a big win for kasich.
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trump wanted that. trump wanted that. kasich had a target. he wanted it. >> what will it get him, hud? >> it might. >> much more at the round table ahead. this is "hardball," the place for politics. right now at papa john's select sides are just $5 each... choose from our delicious cheese sticks... ...crispy chicken poppers... spicy buffalo wings... ...our chocolate chip cookie and more. choose a side for just five dollars next time you order pizza... when a moment turns romantic
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election matchups in pennsylvania. let's check out the score board. mercy hurts university, head to head, donald trump and hillary clinton matchup, clinton leads now, clinton 43, trump 35. if she faces ted cruz, only one candidate beats pennsylvania, guess who? if it is clinton versus kasich, he takes 49% to clinton's 36%. we'll be right back.
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we're back now with more on today's supreme court announcement from president obama. for weeks republican leaders had vowed to block any nomination president obama put forward, and they are standing by that commitment. today, now that the president has chosen merrick garland for the post. senator patrick leahy, the ranking member, democratic member on the judiciary committee said today that kind of blind rejection fits a pattern. >> what they're saying is the president didn't win the election last time by 5 million votes. this is the same kind of thing we've heard from them for all these years. the president really wasn't born in hawaii. come on. stop the nonsense. stop the games. let's start following the constitution. >> that was like clint eastwood saying, feeling lucky? anyway, april, ruth, francesca are still with with me. do you think people look at this as a boot in the face to the president on the racial front?
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first he's a birther, not legitimate, now we're not going to give him a chance to name a supreme court nominee. >> i call it blacklash. he's the first black president. there's a segment in society, some on the hill who don't like the fact he's there and he almost finished his term. they don't want him to have a legacy piece. what this president is doing, he's put forth a conservative, someone who is fitting more so for the job, more so than fitting. he dealt with issues in oklahoma city. that was one of our first terrorist attacks on the ground. he is capable. what the president is doing, he's trying to humiliate the gop because if they don't put forward his nominee or talk to him, they look back. >> he's a prosecutor, not an aclu lawyer, this guy. >> it may go too far to call him conservative. >> prosecutorial background. >> he's very judicious. >> he's not liberal. not as liberal as thurgood marshall. >> i have to disagree with april on the racial component here with all due are respect.
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>> okay. >> i have zero doubt if barack obama were barack obama with an apostrophe -- >> barack hussein obama. >> you're getting into the fact that tomorrow is st. patrick's day. >> indeed, it is. >> my last name is ryan, so i'm irish, too. >> there you go. >> accept you completely. >> the republican obstructionism that i'm not endorsing, i think it's outrageous, would be just as forceful. i think it has very -- this one has very little to do with skin color and everything to do with politics. >> you do believe what april just said, they really feel -- the bar's been changed, like it often is accused of being changed for black people, just to change the rules. these are not the usual rules. this disdain they have for their appointment. >> we can all agree there's a change in rules. >> there's an ugly aspect to this, dismissal, just dismiss the guy, you're not going to get to pick a supreme court nominee. >> they were going to oppose whoever he put up, whatever color that person was, they were
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going to oppose whoever that was, could have been black, could have been hindu -- >> why didn't he go with a black woman? >> i think it's an excellent question. i think part of it is because that person was never going to make it on the court. >> neither is this guy. >> why would he -- >> make it on the court because of race -- >> no, because republicans would have pushed back. this at least preserves those options potentially if hillary clinton or bernie sanders -- >> a lot of policy. >> -- were to win, anyone else could still potentially be on the court. >> anything the president does, whatever side he's on, there's always guile. he's going to make the republicans look bad. anyway, the roundtable is staying with us. up next, these people tell me something i don't know. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. we needed 30 new hires for our call center.
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for a black woman or an african-american. >> ruth? >> republican senators who are up for re-election are already thinking about their version of triangulation which is that they are going to need, if donald trump is the nominee, in particular, to separate themselves from the prospect of a president trump and instead of embracing the top of the ticket, they're going to argue that it shows the importance of retaining a republican senate in order to be a bull work, against yes, you got it, president clinton. >> in races when we have a presidential election 9 0% of the time -- >> bernie sanders' campaign says it's only halftime in this race, that only half of the pledged delegates have been given out. they're going to move westward now in areas they think senator sanders will do better in. idaho and washington they say are looking very good for them as well as utah so it's not over yet, chris, is what they're telling reporters on the call today. >> delegate pac states. thank you, april ryan, ruth
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marcus, francesca chambers. that does it for me and "hardball" tonight. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- ♪ it goes on and on and on and on ♪ >> hillary clinton celebrates her biggest night yet. >> we are moving closer to securing the democratic party nomination and winning this election in november. >> while chaos reigns on the republican side with threats from the front-runner. >> i don't think you can say that we don't get it automatically. i think it would be -- i think you'd have riots. i think you'd have riots. >> senator elizabeth warren joins me to discuss both races and the major story out of the white house today. >> i am nominating chief judge merrick brian garland to join the supreme court. then we'll look at trump's war on the media.
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