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tv   Kasich Town Hall  MSNBC  March 19, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> at this moment it can only really get better if you will for donald trump. >> exactly. and we saw of course in the florida primary where marco rubio --
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>> is there anything different that would tell you that it would swing either on the left or the right for the donald trump -- for the republicans or the democrats that they're going to come out in the newspapers that have been often talked about that the swing vote, right? we bring that up when we talk about latino americans. >> not as many minorities as you would see voting in the democratic primary. so we have seen on the democratic side minority voters tend to go help hillary clinton's candidacy. because if you look at the
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voters backing her in 2008, it was often actually a criticism of her candidacy that she was winning mostly white voters, barack obama uniting not only african american voters, but -- >> back to rebecca for a second. yeah, it would be at least by history something that would be on the left. yet the numbers for instance coming out of nevada didn't necessarily indicate that you had an invigorated specifically here latino dr american electorate. overall i know the numbers have shown that on the left for the
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temperatures, the turnout has not been nearly as great. in fact down in many states compared to the republican plim are primaries and caucuses. donald trump is coming to the stage. so stand by, we will listen to what donald trump has to say for a bit and get back to you. >> thank you all very much. what a great honor. sheriff joe, i want to thank you. you have some their arrisheriff. you have no games with your sheriff. and we have such great support. tuesday is so important. we have a movement going on and we have to make the movement going forward. you have the establishment, they have no clue. they don't know how to win. they haven't won in a long time. they pick the people that they absolutely will never win with the people they talk about. g go out on tuesday and vote, i will never let you down. remember.
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and i want to tell you, you know, it's so much about illegal immigration. so much has been mentioned about it and talked about it. and these politicians are all talk, no action, they're never going to do anything. they only picked it up because when i went and when i announced that i'm running for president, i said you know will country has a big, big problem with illegal immigration and all of a sudden we started talking about it and then you had lots of bad things happening. crime all over the place and for the first time people saw what was going on. you had the killing of kate, you had the killing of gentlem ling
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much crime. people are now seeing it and we will build the wall and we will stop it. it's going to end. i only wish these cameras, what you there is nothing as dishonest as the media, that i can tell you. i only wish these cameras would spin around and show the kind of people that we have, the numbers of people that we have here. i just wish they would for once do it because you know what, we have a silent majority that is no longer so silent. it's now the loud noisy majority. and we're going to be heard. we're going to be heard.
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so today on drudge, one of the very big stories were the border agents, they say they support trump, that trump is the only one running that has their backs, okay? and they can do the job, but they don't get support from the poll tesiticians p why? i'm self funding my campaign, i'm putting up my own money. these guys are all -- i look at them all up and down, we started off with 17. we're down now to three. don't we love that? don't we love it? we lost the future of the republican party last tuesday in party. you know that. he was the future. he was the future of the republican party except i won florida in a landslide because people are tired of what the politicians are doing to our country. remember that. they're tired of it. they're sick and tired of it. so we're going to make change.
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but eait's not going to be obam change. remember obama? change. this is going to be real change. and we're going to have a border and unless you have a border, you don't have a country, folks. you don't have a country. remember that. now, in addition, and we'll go through a list of things very quickly because frankly, doesn't take a long time. we're going to end common core. we're going to bring education local. everybody wants it. we don't want our children educated by bureaucrats from washington, d.c. so we end common core. education local. we're going to terminate obama care, we'll repeal it and replace it with great health care for far less money. that is going to happen. we are going to protect our
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second amendment. our second amendment. remember, it's underseeiege ande will protect it. pairs are has the toughest gun laws in withe world. the world. no tougher gun laws. guess what? 130 people dead, no bullets were going in the opposite direction. it was just boom, boom, boom. same i think happened in california, 14 people. radicalized people. she probably radicalized him. they went in and killed 14 people that they worked with supposedly that they liked. it's not going to happen anymore, folks. it's not going to happen. we're going to be smart, we're going to be vigilant, we'll be the smart people, we'll know what we're doing. we'll be proud of our country again.
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our military is depleted. our military is exhausted. we don't replenish. we take, we don't replenish. we send the best equipment in the world over to wherever we're sending it, we don't even know. i don't even think we know where we're sending it. and a bullet gets fired in the air and the people we send the equipment to, they flee. and the enemy takes over this great equipment and they have better equipment than we do and they're using our equipment. those days are done. those days are done. we are going to rebuild our military. it's going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever. and hopefully nobody, nobody, and hopefully we're not going to have to use it, but i guarantee you this, nobody and i mean nobody is going to mess with us anymore. all right? nobody.
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[ crowd chanting "usa" ] >> i love you too. i love you. you know, i love this country. i feel so -- itch su have such in my heart for this country that people are so amazing. we have crowds like this, i mean is th this is a pretty big would be. in alabama, 35,000 people. no matter where we go, we have massive crowds. . and are we winning or what? look at the numbers. man.and are we winning or what? look at the numbers. man. it's really amazing. to he me it's really amazing. we've won now i think 21 states. 21. and we've won in massive land slades.
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started with new hampshire. ted cruz, can you believe it, he wasn't born in our country, folks. he was born in canada. he's weak on immigration. he's in favor of amnesty. he shouldn't even be in the same category with the people that we're talking about. but ted cruz was supposed to win but definitely was going to win in south carolina. so i go to new hampshire, we win in a massive landslide. we go to south carolina where you have the evangelicals. now, 68%. but you know lying ted, we call him lying ted, so like ted comes up with the bible high and he's going with the bible and he puts it down and he starts lying. and you know what, the evangelicals don't like liars. so we go into south carolina. that was his stronghold, halves going to be an easy victory an trump wins it in a land slide,
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right? in a landslide.victory an trump land slide, right? in a trump wins it slide, right? in a landslide. and we had a great day on tuesday. we won five. and crux says the other day i'm the only one that can stop trump cruz says i beat him five times. and i said wait a minute, i beat him 20 times. he's lying ted. i'll tell you, kasich is a nice guy, but very weak on illegal immigration. that's the end of him. certainly as far as phoenix is concerned. kasich is very weak. and there is another thing that i don't like. he approved nafta when you approve nafta, a lot of your
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businesses lift and he's in favor of tpp about and so by the way is ted cruz. tpp is a disaster. transpacific partnership. it's a disaster. it will take your businesses away. it will decimate the automobile industry. you don't want it, you don't need it. we will make great deals. once i get into office, we will make great deals. but into the with massive amounts of countries. you do them one at a time, folks. one at a time. one at a time. and if they misbehavior and if they don't treat us properly, we terminate and we put them in the shed. and then maybe they come back. so crazy. you know, i built a great company, a massive company, fantastic company. and i filed, i did my filings. oh, they were so unhappy when they saw it. they thought maybe it's not so good. it's a phenomenal company. some of the great assets of the
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world. some of the great assets of the world. very little debt. very, very tremendous cash flow. all of these things. and i say it not in a bragging -- look, i say it, you know what, folks, bottom line, this is the kind of mentality we need in this country at the least for a while. at tleast for a while. we have $19 trillion in debt. $19 trillion. who knows even what a trillion is? five, six bei, seven years ago, never even heard the debt. we have $19 trillion in debt, going to 2 is. they just approved the omnibus budget. it is a total they just approved the omnibus budget. it is a total disaster.1is. they just approved the omnibus budget. it is a total disaster.s. they just approved the omnibus budget. it is a total disaster.. they just approved the omnibus budget. it is a total disaster. it funds obamacare, it funds syrians coming into the united states. we have no idea who they are. it funds illegal immigrants coming in and through your border right through phoenix and right through -- it comes right
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through arizona. all of these things are funded with a budget that they approved. and i think it took them like 12 minutes to approve the budget. not going to happen anymore, folks. not going to happen anymore. so here is the story bottom line. the bottom line. first of all, it's great to be with you. this is incredible. we expected -- and this is just set up recently. we expected -- and we had by the way last night, i don't know if you saw, we had an unbelievable evening in salt lake city, utah. and i hope they go with us. i hope they foe wigo with us. we stopped and had an amazing evening there. but the way i finish is very simple. our country is not winning anymore. our trade is a disaster. china is one of the great robberies in the history of the world. what china has done to our country. china has been rebuilt because
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of the money and the jobs we've lost and the money that we've given them. we have rebuilt china. and they know it. i have many friends from china. i don't have any objection to china. i think it's wonderful. i'm angry at our people, not their people. if you can get away with it. so look, we've rebuilt china. and it's not free trade. it's not anything. this is horrible stupid trade. when you have an imbalance of $500 billion a year, folks, we got to get smart. i have carl icahn, the greatest negotiators in the world, the greatest business people in the world. they have all endorsed me. they say trump is the only one that knows what corporate inversion is. you look at the corporate inverses, companies -- pfizer, great company. pfizer just announced they're leaving, the great drug company. thousands of jobs. they're going to ireland. many companies as you know are going to mexico. carrier air conditioner,
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nabisco, ford, they're going to mexico. mexico, mark my words, mexico is a small version of china. and we better get smart and we better get smart quickly. so you know i tell this story and i tell this story and it's sort of obvious, but it relates to a lot of things. now, my wife and my daughter ivanka said to me act presidential. act presidential. like in the last debate i acted presidential. okay? i acted -- i didn't hit little marco and i didn't hit lying, lying, lying ted. i didn't want to hit them. i wanted to really impress my daughter and my wife and i said, all right, and i won the debate. i have won every single debate according to the online polls. i don't know. because i know that cruz is a good debater, but he can't talk. he talks, hey, wah, hey -- not the right guy. he won't be the right guy and
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he's not going anywhere. so it won't happen. the only one that can go, and i say we make it before the convention, by the way. a lot of nonsense. you have these stiffs like a mitt romney, the guy is a total stiff. did he let us down? this guy is a loser. did he let us down? i mean, here is a guy, goes up, he's on devastated, he forgot to campaign in the final month. he gave it to obama. believe me, that election -- i'm going to beat hillary so badly. but let me just tell you, beating obama four years ago was easier than beating hillary clinton now, believe me. and mitt romney choked. pure and simple. he choked, he choked like a dog. and that's not going to happen. that doesn't happen with me. so here is the sorry. here's the story. we're going to tell our companies, come on back, folks.
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come on back. you 4re69, left, we had incompe leadership. and they will say year not coming back, why should we. we're in mexico, we're all over the place. jeb bush would say he is not a conservative. i'm conservative, folks, but i'm also like smart. you know, smart. look, jeb spent $48 million in new hampshire. i spent 2. i won in a landslide, he was number six. give me a break. he is not a conservative. i am a conservative, but they get me on trade. they say he's not a free trader. i'm a free trader, but it has to be smart trade. it has to be good for us, not bad for us. and if our incompetent politicians use political hacks to negotiate trade deals, people that have no clue about money or deals that have not read the art of the deal in all fairness, and don't intend to, it's not of interest to them. look at john kerry. look at the deal he made with
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iran. one of the worst deals ever negotiated. one of the worst deals ever negotiated. it's a disgrace, an embarrassment. by the way on that deal, we should have never ever even started until they give our prisoners back. you know that p we should have had them back years ago and once they get back, we should have gone in and told them by the way the $150 billion, sorry, folks, we're a debtor nation. we owe $19 trillion. we don't have it, sorry. you're not gettings money. and you know what, after about would da two days of turmoil, we would have saved $150 billion. that deal is such an embarrass chlt. our trade deals are just like that. sergeant bergdahl, five for one, right? we get bergdahl, they get five who is a traitor, we getburg
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bergdahl, we get five of the biggest killers in the world. and those guys are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us all and we got a traitor. and by the way a traitor that supposedly five or six young beautiful soldiers were killed trying to find him and get him back. okay? that's our deals. that's the way we negotiate. not going to happen anymore. okay? not going to happen anymore. so what we're going to do is we're going to tell our wonderful businesses that deserted us, not even blaming t had no reason not to. do you think anybody went to carrier and said, listen, you're getting all of these people go, you're moving to mexico, please don't do it, here's the deal. they don't do that. so they move into mexico and i would say whether it's -- i want to do it myself. i know it's not presidential,
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it's not presidential for the president of the united states to call up the head of carrier, hello, this is the president, but i don't care. it's so much done ffun for me. please don't take that away in me. i love deals. so whether it's me or one of my killers because do i know -- i know the great ones. i know the bad ones. i know the overrated ones. i know the ones you've never heard of that are better than all of them. but whether it's one of these killers or whether it's me, but let me do it, okay? at least with carrier, please. so i call up, they say the president of the united states calling for the head of carrier. get him on the phone. i say listen, here's the story. good luck in mexico. enjoy your stay. but here is the story. you let go of 1400 great people that helped build your company and i really love -- by the way,
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i love the pictures of your new facility. here's the story. every single air conditioning unit that you make, every single one, as it crosses the border and we're going to have a real border because we're going to have a wall, we'll have a real bor border, okay? a big beautiful wall that nobody is crossing and nobody is going underneath either by the way. just in case you had any questions. don't worry about the tunnel stuff. nobody is going over it or under it and we'll have by the way a big beautiful door and people will come into our country blu they will come into our country legally. legally. legally! so i tell the head of carrier every single unit that you make in mexico and you sell in the united states, we're going to put a 35% tax on that unit and i hope it works out well for you folks. and here's what's going to happen. they're going to have lobbyists call me, but i didn't take any of their money. they're going to have special
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interests call me, but i didn't take any of their money. they will have donors, donors, donors, but i didn't take any of their money. i don't give a damn for them, folks. i care for you. and here is what is going to happen. within 24 hours of that phone call, the head of carrier and ford and so many other companies, i mean, you just take a look, i could read them out all day, nabisco, leaving chicago with their big plant, moving to mexico. no more oreos for us. i'm not eating oreos anymore, i guarantee you. so i will get a call within 24 hours and he will say to me head of carrier, mr. president, we've decided to stay in the united states. i say thank you very much. build your plant miles per hour. i don't even care if you don't build it in gphoenix or arizona
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we want it in the united states. and it will happen a lot. and here's the story. we are going to start winning again. we're not winning anymore. we don't win at anything. we don't win with our military. we can't beat isis. how about our great general george patton? i love george patton. he's too tough. he could never be a general now. he's too tough. he's not politically correct. we got to stop with this political correct. and by the way, by the way, chipping away just like i said, they're chipping away at the second amendment, they're chipping away at christianity, they're chipping away at our religions. we're not going to have it anymore. it comes christmastime, we're going to see signs up that say merry christmas. remember it. remember it. so we have become so politically correct that we're totally
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impoi impoi impotent as a country. so we'll rebuild the military, we'll knock the hell out of isis and we'll come back and rebuild our country. we will rebuild our country. our military is going to be so strong and so respected and we're going to buy the right equipment. we're in the going to buy equipment that was gotten because somebody at that company that sold the equipment had political connections to our characters that i run against. we're going to there a great military. and we are going to finally, finally take care of our greatt military. and we are going to finally, finally take care of our great veter veterans. we'll take care of them. so we're going to win with the military. we're going to win with the -- thank you very much. look at you. thank you. usa is right.
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usa, usa! thank you. so folks, we'll start winning again. we'll win with our omilitary. we'll win for our vets, right? we'll win for our vets. we're going to win with education. we're going to win by knocking the hell out of obama care, terminating it, coming up with something much less expensive, much better. we are going to win in every aspect of our lives. we're going to win so much, we're going to win with our second amendment. we're going to win big league with our second amendment. we will keep winning at every level. we will win so much that you're going to say, mr. president, we're winning too much. i can't stand it anymore. and i'm going to say i don't care. and you know where we're really going to win? the for the people of phoenix, for the people of arizona, we're really going to win at our
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border. and we're going to build a wall really going to win at our border. and we're going to build a wall. ladies and gentlemen, you have to go out, you have to vote on tuesday. you will never be disappointed with me. i'm not going to disappoint you. we are going to bring our country back, we are going to take our country back. we are going to have victories again. you will be so proud of your family, yourself, your president and your country. we are going to win again all the time. thank you very much. i love you. i love you. thank you very much. thank you. thank you. ♪ >> donald trump in fountain hills, arizona speaking for about 25 minutes amongst a crowd that was larger than he had estimated, but as he said in his speech, he's used to that. and he was introduced by sheriff
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joe arpaio, a name that is well-known throughout the country. and i want to bring in rebecca berg. i bring that up because this is as has been said here a state that is the home of sheriff joseph arrest paioarpaio, reele times, has come out with messages similar to what donald trump has been giving throughout the entire campaign trail. and has also been on media thousands of types. it seems like this is picture perfect for a donald trump kachb candidacy. >> it really is perfect turf for him and very much to his advantage on this turf that the sheriff would endorse him. it is totally in line with donald trump's brand. helps him to emphasize of course the immigration issue which has been very, very good for him in terms of his supporters and
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appealing to his base. and of course you heard him talk a lot about that in his speech today. no coincidence that he mentioned that ted cruz was born in canada as a way to say that he himself is an immigrant. obviously this has been a source of some controversy. ted cruz has said ethat he does qualify as a natural born citizen to run for president and of course donald trump brought up in immigration in terms of john kasich's policy instances. he said that ted cruz has supported amnesty which of course ted cruz would say he opposed the gang of eight bill that marco rubio was a part of crafting. but clearly playing up to immigration issue here and of course having sheriff arpaio with him on stage is a very obvious way for donald trump to accomplish that. >> and having a three candidate race helps donald trump and so as he hits at all of the other two plus mitt romney, although mitt romney is clearly not
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running at the moment, this certainly consistent with what donald trump has done in the past. and for those who are watching this not only on the ground but from seats such as your own there, tuesday that big day in arizona, march 22nd, 58 delegates, winner take all. so we should see more energy being focused on that. but ted cruz as well as john kasich outside of arizona in utah today. that does not mean of course that in the coming days we will not the see more energy focused towards places like what you see there in live pictures. i want to get to the ground. ali vitali was right there and it was very loud earlier. and at the moment, crowds as they move away here, there were a couple of points that really did resonate all throughout the speech. when he used the words illegal immigration, when he talked about the wall, when he brought up the killings, he was alluding
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to the deaths related to undocumented immigrants that were in the state and in other close by localitlocalities, tho all big cheering lines there on the ground. >> reporter: definitely. something that you saw -- and let's be clear. this was one of his shortest speeches that we've seen him give. he came here almost an hour late and spoke for just over 20 minutes. definitely a much shorter version. his typical timing on the stump is usually 45 minutes to an hour. but the crowd resonated when he talked about immigration. that's something you and i had previewed before the rally began. people behind me saying build the wall and chanting usa. so what was interesting is that he talked about immigration less throughs lens of what he was planning on doing. he did mention the wall. he did not do his usual call and return where he says who will pay for the wall and the crowd responds mexico. that is something that we see
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often. but what he did is he put it through the lens of john kasich and ted cruz. and about ted cruz who he has termed lying ted, a lot of people are going with that branding. a man just behind me, every time donald trump would say lying ted, he would angrily chant if back at him. and i think the branding is something that the crowd is responding to. he also hit john kasich for being weak on immigration. he said both would being weak on immigration, that ted cruz wants amnesty. and another thing he put on john kasich was his prior support for nafta and that they both want tpp. he's all about free trade, but he wants it to be smart trade. and so that's how we heard about his policy choices. i was surprised that we didn't hear more about how much the wall would cost. he estimates that about $10 billion. we didn't hear as much about that, but we did hear a much
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shorter, much truncated stump speech. and it is really hot out here, so i don't know thatky bla ki ce him, but i was expecting more on immigration especially since joe arpaio and jan brewer are here. >> when john kasich gets that brand from donald trump, you know that touchdown donald trum perhaps concerned about kasich. but maybe not at the moment. over to tony. there were some protesters sprinkled throughout the supporters and the reason why you and i were talking about it was because an hour and a half ago, two hours ago, the roads were blocked by protestors who did not like donald trump. did anything happen, did you see anything happen during this very short speech, 25 minutes from donald trump from the protesters there? >> reporter: yeah, people got here as early as 2:45 a.m., so a 12 hour wait for a 45 minute
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speech. but people seemed pretty happy and we have yet to see an incident. scuffles tend to half in the aftermath of the speech because you have the fiery rhetoric during the speech itself. people get pumped up and when walking out, they're provoked by people here to bring a different kind of message. i would say there were definitely a strong number of protesters within the crowd particularly on the overflow area. because when trump was hitting high school his applause lines like building the wall and stopping exporting of jobs, there wasn't the same level of cheer that you were getting there inside the pen. and that tells me that a lot of the people here were here either on the fence a little skeptical of trump's message, not necessarily fully in his camp, or they were outright protesters hoping to counterprogram. >> 83 degrees there. warm and i'm sure that's why donald trump was not wearing a tie today. although hot for you, tony, ali as well as donald trump and his supporters. a lot of folks throughout the country would would like to be
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there, too, given how chilly it might be in other places of the country. tony, thanks. rebecca, as we tie this up here, he did bring up trade. and that is one of the big points that has been consistent will ep entsly made on both the right and left. and i know it's tough to talk about trade negotiations and trade agreements in in a minute, but what are the legs of that? we haven't necessarily heard the complexities. both the tpp, and a half taknaf getting a lot of support from donald trump supporters without detail. >> absolutely. and what is so interesting to me about donald trump latching on to this issue is that this is an issue where he really genuinely
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diverges from republican or hoe d orthodox city. and he said in florida where this is really the defining issue for him. because he is not for free trade in the traditional sense. now, it was interesting today in arizona that he said he used the term free trade and said i am for free trade, but smart free trade. which really when we're talking about it is known as more fair trade which is a little bit different. and usually something that republicans are not as much supportive of. john kasich has -- actually not just john kasich. republicans in general just sort of rethink their tone on trade because in the past republicans have supported free trade deals. and now republicans have seen donald trump's success on this issue in places like i would point to some of the more white working class areas of appalachia for example. his success here, republicans have seen it and sort of
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reevaluated their language on this issue, started talking less about free trade and more about smart trade deals. >> rebecca berg, real clear politics, joining us this hour as we follow what is going on in arizona. thank you so much rebecca, tony dokoupil and ali vitali. we're watchi stay with us. we'll continue to follow what is a very busy day of politics on the leadup to tuesday and the big votes there in arizona.
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your home state hitting you on a couple things. he says you're an absentee governor. he hit you on your time at lehman brothers, seven years you spent as an executive there. how do you respond to the ad? >> well, first of all, wallowing in the mud donald is not what i think is a successful strategy, but i will say one thing about lehman brothers. i ran a two-man office in columbus, ohio. and if i bankrupted lehman brothers from a two-man office, i should have been selected pope. like blaming a car dealer in lima for the collapse of gm. but the people of this state know me, so i'm not concerned about it. >> he has floated the idea that you would be a great vice president for him. >> he better not say that in front of my wife. >> he says you represent -- >> i'm serious. >> you've said in the past you would support the nominee even
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if it were donald trump. so could you get on the ticket? >> first of all, i believe i'll be the nominee. i have the second best i don't think in america. number one is president and number two is governor of ohio. and i love being governor of ohio. >> so if donald asked -- >> i just answered your question. >> so you would not accept the vice presidential nomination with donald trump? >> well, i'll be the republican nominee after we pin ohio awin finish the rest of the country, okay? willie, if you didn't live in new york because -- well, you know, we may be competitive in new york. are you available for vice president with me? >> i'm afraid i have a good day job, but thank you very much. >> there is a plane, there is a house. >> it's tempting. let's go to another question. hannah is a republican with a question about the american dream. >> hello, governor. i'm 23, full-time grad sfunttud.
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>> from where? >> lima, ohio. but i'm graduating from liberty. >> yeah. >> i'm worried about finding full-time job and being able to pay off my student loans. and one thing that is keeping me going is the american dream, being able to make something of myself. my question for you, how will the american dream be a reality under a kasich presidency? >> well, you know, that question touches me because you're 23 years old. and you're going to find not only the american dream, but your own dreams if you dig down. because you're made special. don't ever forget that. there is something that you can do that nobody else can do. no one's ever done and no one will ever do again. so those are big dreams in and of themselves. in terms of our country, we absolutely have to get the economy going. this is the worst recovery post world car 2 out of a recession. we're growing anemically and
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there is all kinds of things that are happening that are keeping us from doing well. we are now up in our state over 400,000 jobs. from down 350,000. but the entire time i've been working as governor, the wind has been in my face, never at my back. so if i can get this all straightened out down there, using the formula that i did in washington -- you know i was brunlg either cha budget chairman and i got the federal budget the balanced working with a group of people. we paid down half a trillion of the national debt and the economy was roaring and frankly the republicans spent all the money and then we went back into the hole and then we had the crisis on wall street. and we've been down. we can get back up again and grow. now, for you, i mean i'm worried about the student debt, as well. what is really interesting and i don't know what the costs are at liberty, but i was in michigan a week ago, you know that you can go to college for $6,000 in two
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years and transfer all those credits to a four year school? you could cut your college costs in half. and that's one thing. secondly, you ought to be able to restructure your loan so the interest rates reflect where the market is today. and maybe we can come up with some community service projects where you can help improve the community and work some of that debt off. but here's another thing that you need to think about. a lot of it is connected. first of all, you go on ohio means jobs the website, because you will see a list of all the job openings this ohio. and i think we're up to like 200,000 jobs, something like that openings that are not filled. so you need to scan that. ohio means jobs. every state ought to have ohio means jobs. and frankly, early on in our education, we should be educating you based on what you want to do where your life connected to the jobs that are available. so you can actually see what it is you might want to do and how you get one of those jobs.
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and that's what i think is important. connecting education to jobs. and we're forcing all of our universities to work with students on that. and we also are starting that in the k through 12 system so that people can begin to grow up and see what it is they might want to do and what it takes to get one, what they pay. it's all of it there on ohio means jobs. that is the kind of a site that i would argue should be available all across america so people can get education, keblgtsed e connected to jobs training. but don't lose faith. we'll get the economy going, but also remember that, you know, keep the faith and know that you will find your way in this world. just search for what it is you're supposed to do, okay? >> thank you very much. >> hanna, thank you you for you question. more with governor john kasich right after this. [alarm beeps]
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weeks ago. every vote you, governor kasich, take from cruz or rubio is a vote away from sensible judicial nominations or a rational foreign policy. it's a vote towards the potential destruction of a rip party that is america's last political hope of protecting life, religious liberty and national security. >> sounds pretty dire, doesn't it? >> what do you make of that argument that some people think that the three of you are splitting up the vote and clearing the path for donald trump to become the nominee? >> willie, this isn't a parlor game and we're not picking the class president. we're picking the president of the united states. i'm running in this because i believe that i can bring the country together and solve these problems. and frankly, transfer power to people here where they can be strengthened and also to restore some hope. i mean i go places -- i was in this little town in palitine,
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illinois. they were working folks. they were so intense about you can do this. sometimes those people give me more energy than i can get myself. you don't make these kinds of deals or whatever. i'm not out to stop anybody, i'm out to become president of the united states and we have a long way to go. and starting with a good win in ohio, we're off to the races. and i'm going to get to that convention. maybe -- you never know what happens in this business, by the way. what's true today is not true tomorrow. so, look, i don't pay much attention to all these, you know, pundits. get in the areaparena, my friend let me know when you're in the arena what it's like. it's easy to have an opinion when you're sitting like 50 rows up, you know, in the end zone somewhere. well, i'll tell you what that quarterback should do. go play football an then give me a call, okay? >> let's turn back to the crowd. chandler is a republican here in ohio and has a question for you. >> hello, governor. i am currently a junior in high
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school and last night on the debate there was talk about raising the retirement age. as a baby boomers come closer to their retirement age do you believe that slowly raising that age could hopefully like save america? >> well, first of all, i said last night that there are more 18-year-olds who believe in ufos than seeing a social security check and somebody today fact checked me on it. how do you fact check? we already are raising the retirement age. see, the answer is -- i'll give you a technical answer since you're at st. john's high school, right, you're a smart guy here. so here's what we do. we currently create the initial benefit based on wages and prices. we're only going to base it on prices, which means your initial starting point will be somewhat lower. for those who have been wealthy through their lives, they'll get social security, but it just will be less. those who definitely need it and depend on it, they'll get their full benefit and the system is fixed forever, period, end of
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story. we don't need to do anything else, got it? in order to get that done, you're going to have to have some democrats to go along and there will be some compromise involved in this but that fundamentally will get it done. i tried to do this before i left the congress and everybody ran away because they didn't want to get themselves out there on social security, so i better just ignore it. now the problem has gotten much worse. but we can fix it, okay? >> another quick question for you. if you're in the position to apoint a supreme court justice, will being anti-abortion be a requirement? >> we don't have litmus tests. i have appointed over 100 judges, including, fortunately, a woman who serves on the ohio supreme court. all i want to know is that they're not going to make law, they're going to interpret the law and that they -- they're upstanding people. if they have a couple of picka dill owes in the back ground, i don't care about that. we vote for judges in ohio.
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most of them have won. i haven't checked it all but they have done well, they have carried on their duties responsibly one thing i am beginning to ask some of the judges, though, is we have a very serious problem all across the country with drugs. and the one thing we don't want to do or with people who are nonviolent offenders, let's not put them in the prison next to a murderer. you know, a judge sometimes gets down to a decision, well, am i going to be labeled soft on crime if i put them in a setting that's better for them but yet i can be attacked in a campaign. we need to make sure that we're on top of that, so we might ask a question like that, but no litmus test because where do they start and where do they end. brooklyn has a question for you. >> hi, governor kasich. i'm blarooklyn. i'm from delta st. john's. how do you think being governor gives you an advantage in the race and as possibly president? >> well, look, when you're a governor -- first of all, i was a legislator for a long time and
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i learned to not like executives, okay. as an executive, i'll let you finish the sentence. no, just kidding. president of the senate is here. in all seriousness, these experiences allow you to understand both sides. what is it that a legislator needs and what is it that an executive is supposed to do. you know, as an executive, you're held accountable. young lady, you know, at the end of the day if we were not growing jobs, if things were really bad, then people would say he failed. fortunately, we didn't fail. i had a good team of people and a good legislature to work with. but there's no substitute for the experience of things happening that just come right out of the blue. let me tell you, i am a much better leader today than i was five years ago. there's no question. i'm better today than i was four years ago. each year you develop -- you know what part of the key is? you have to be calm, you have to be confident, you have to be strong, and you have to make
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sure you have a good team. that's what you have to do. and you don't learn to be calm -- how old are you? >> i'm 16 right now. >> you're 16. are you driving yet? >> yes, i am. >> be careful, okay. now, here's what i want to tell you. you're going to be a much better driver two years from now than you are today. and you're going to see things today that are going to get you a little shaky, okay. right in the right-hand lane, please, would you. here's the thing. but after you see a lot of things, you're going to become more comfortable behind the wheel and that's what it's like to be an executive. you can't blame -- you can't make excuses as an executive. in other words, the final exam comes, and you can't say the dog ate my homework, you actually have to take the test and you get a grade. >> thank you, brooklyn, appreciate it. unfortunately, we're out of time. i have a million more questions. i will ask one more. there seems to be a lot of interest about in this room. the cleveland browns cut johnny manziel today.
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was that a good idea? >> well, you know, the people cheered when they told me about it. look, here's what i would say. i don't know the guy. but i think we're all disappointed he struggled like he has. we wish it hadn't have happened but he hasn't seemed to accept personal responsibility. i don't know enough about him other than to say that clearly he's got a problem and he needs to get on top of it and i hope he does and i wish him all the best. but it just hasn't worked out for the browns. now, you didn't bring up lebron and let me just say this. they're going to win the title this year. >> really? >> i'm going to predict it, okay? i know -- listen, i know all about stephen curry. i know all about klay thompson. i know all about draymond green. i know that. watch for the cavs in seven games. watch for it, willie. >> steph curry born in akron too. so you can go either way.
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>> i didn't know that. was he? >> he was indeed, he was indeed. good luck on tuesday, sir. appreciate it. our thanks to governor john kasich and the lima pallet company and owner tracy sanchez for hosting us tonight. this is the place for politics on msnbc. have a great night. trump is right, and americans know he's right. >> ladies and gentlemen -- >> i don't think he can become president of the united states. i don't think it's mathematically possible. >> i am officially running -- >> what you see is what you get. he's genuine. he's the real deal. >> this guy is just saying what people are thinking. >> for president of the united states. and we are going to make our country great again. >>e


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