tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC March 21, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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the details may not be there, but i think hillary's been around long enough that they more or less trust hillary. she's got that whole -- she's been sort of marinated in that for decades. they know who she is. they know her moves. they know her friends. they know who she talks to. i think they know they can deal with hillary and trust hillary. with donald trump, there's a sort of kind of almost fated al attraction thing. he's up there saying all of these things they sort of love to hear in this crowd, in the aipac crowd. but i think they're aware as they think about it, that number one, he's not exactly a perfect messenger given his own record of controversial speech in the united states. and number two, when he says something like, we're going to get the palestinians to stop behaving that way one way or another, what does that mean? and i'm sure they are very aware of the fact that they were being pandered to. i think they were impressed that donald trump took the time to
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learn his brief for what you said was the graduate. i think you said the graduate exam. they were impressed by that. but i don't think it necessarily means when push comes to shove, they're going to support donald trump. i think given the history and the knowledge that such people have, they're still going to be cautious about trump. >> i think everybody who watched that speech should have seen a movie called groundhog's day. and understand when you memorize what exactly a person's reaction was last time so you can perfect it this time, that comment, it was so telling, when he talked about how his father was very pro-israeli and all, that was a very inside job kind of a thing. because the jewish thing has been concerned about generations that likes to know you've had a family history of support. not just a one-day wonder. i think that's a fascinating thing. this has a ground hog day aspect to it. >> chris matthews, thanks. we're keeping an eye on this arena. we are -- it could be that ted
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cruz is on his way out. robert costa has been watching along with us, national political reporter from the "washington post." and i do believe just before hearing robert out, we're going to have to wait to hear robert out concerning his reaction to ted cruz. robert, we have a second before senator cruz comes out. your impressions of donald trump? >> brian, this was the culmination of a day in washington for trump where he's tried to engage the republican establishment, outlined a non-interventionist policy. but he has ground to make up. a prepared text, he made some ground, made some inroads i would argue based on my reporting to do that. i was texting with people throughout the speech, and people were very interested what trump had to say.
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came away impressed that he said what they thought was the right line he should be taking, but still want to know more as the campaign unfolds. >> robert costa, don't move, we'll talk to you on the other side of this. here's senator ted cruz. >> god bless aipac. [ cheers and applause ] i'm thrilled to be here with you today. and let me say at the outset, perhaps to the surprise of a previous speaker, palestine has not existed since 1948. [ cheers and applause ] on wednesday night of this week, in synagogues across the world, jewish people will read the magila, which tells the story of
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puream, the miraculous rescue. [ cheers and applause ] the miraculous rescue of the jewish people from the hands of a wicked persian king. when the evil doer haman plots to kill the jews, he describes them as a nation that is scattered and spread out. the town that teaches that the jewish people at the time were divided amongst themselves, and that the lesson that when the forces of good are divided, evil can prevail. but when we come together in unity together, we can defeat tie rants. today we are reliving history. facing a similar time of challenge for america, and for israel. but today i give you a word of hope. in the next few months, we will
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bring this country together, first by unifying the republican party, and then by reaching out and building a coalition of young people and hispanics and african-americans and women and blue collar workers and jewish voters and reagan democrats. [ cheers and applause ] which will lead to a commanding victory in november that unifies this country and brings us together. [ applause ] and standing together, america will stand with israel and defeat radical islamic terrorism. [ cheers and applause ] i want to thank the delegates, the over 18,000 people here, the 4,000 young people, the leaders of the pro-israel movement who are gathered here today. [ applause ] you will play a critical
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leadership role in making this happen, and bringing us together. just today, my colleague lindsay graham kindly hosted an event for me here, which should allay any doubts anyone might have that the god of abraham, isaac and jacob can still do miracles. [ laughter ] i want to begin by asking all of us to remember taylor force, a texan who hailed from lubbock, an eagle scout, a west point graduate, an army veteran. on march 8th he was stabbed by a palestinian terrorist in israel. the terrorist didn't ask for his passport. influenced by the relentless campaign of incitement that has fostered genocidal hatred toward
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jews, all he cared about was injuring or killing as many civilians as possible. at least ten people were wounded by the time the terrorist was neutralized. the brutal murder of taylor force is yet another reminder that america and israel are in the fight together against radical islamic terrorism. [ cheers and applause ] we need a president who will be a champion for america. and we need a president who will be a champion for israel. [ cheers and applause ] in my time in the senate, i have endeavored to do both. and the four years i've been serving in the senate, i've been privileged to travel three times to the state of israel. i had the great privilege of seeing the hospital in northern israel where they have treated over 1,000 refugees from syria,
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wounded in that horrible syrian civil war, have done so free of charge, showing the heart and character of the people of israel. [ cheers and applause ] when the nation of iran named as their ambassador to the united nations, hamid, a known terrorist who participated in holding americans hostage in the late 1970s, people in washington said there was nothing we could do. well, i was proud to introduce legislation barring him from coming to america. that legislation passed the senate 100-0. it passed the house 435-0. and it was signed into law by president obama. [ cheers and applause ] when israel was facing relentless rocket attacks from
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hamas, and the prayers of all of us, and people across the world were with israel, prime minister netanyahu powerfully observed, we are using missile defense to protect our civilians. and they are using their civilians to protect their missiles. i entirely agree with prime minister netanyahu, as hamas would place rockets in elementary schools. they placed their headquarters in the basement of a hospital. and i would note, that hillary clinton, in 2014, explained this as follows. quote, hamas puts its missiles, its rockets in civilian areas. part of it is because gaza's pretty small. and it's densely populated. well, madam secretary, with all
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respect, the reason the missiles are in schools is not because gaza is small. the reason the missiles are in schools is because hamas are terrorist monsters using children as human shields. [ cheers and applause ] and in response to this atrocity, i was proud to join with new york democrat kir sten jill ebrand in authoring a resolution condemning hamas' use as human shields as a war crime, and that resolution passed both houses of congress unanimously. [ cheers and applause ] in the midst of these rocket attacks, we saw the obama administration cancel civilian airline flights into the nation of israel. when that happened, i publicly asked the question, did this
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administration just launch an economic boycott on the nation of israel. [ cheers and applause ] the administration does not ban flights into pakistan, does not ban flights into yemen shall, does not ban flights into afghanistan. indeed, did not ban flights into ukraine. and ukraine had just seen a passenger airliner shot down by a russian buk missile. so why exactly was a sanction put on israel, because one rocket fell harmlessly a mile away from one of the safest airports in the world. [ cheers and applause ] and why was that time to coincide with john kerry arriving in the middle east with $47 million for gaza that would inevitably end up with hamas terrorists. [ applause ] when i asked that question, within hours the state department was being asked, is this an economic boycott of
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israel. the state department said, that question is ridiculous. we refuse to answer. so i responded, fine, i will place a hold on every nominee to the state department. [ cheers and applause ] shortly thereafter, former new york mayor michael bloomberg rode a civilian airliner from london to tel aviv demonstrating it was safe to fly to israel. [ cheers and applause ] and as a result of mayor bloomberg's efforts and my efforts and that of millions of others, the heat and light and attention became too much on this administration, and within 36 hours, the administration lifted its ban on civilian air flights to israel. [ cheers and applause ] looking forward, as president, i
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will lead very, very differently from the current administration. [ cheers and applause ] imagine just a few years ago, if i had come to an aipac conference and suggested that the prime minister of israel was going to come to america, address a joint session of congress, and he would be boycotted by the president of the united states, the vice president of the united states, and every member of the cabinet. that would have been dismissed as crazy, fanciful. that could never happen. and sadly, that is exactly what did happen when prime minister netanyahu came to address congress. [ cheers and applause ] in a similar vein, my leading republican opponent has promised that he as president would be neutral between israel and the palestinians. let me be very, very clear, as
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president, i will not be neutral. [ cheers and applause ] america will stand unapologetically with the nation of israel. [ cheers and applause ] so what does that mean specifically? let's start with today's persian king, the nation of iran. both hillary clinton and donald trump have said they would maintain this iranian deal, although donald as promised, he's going to negotiate and get a better deal. well, my view is very different. on the first day in office, i will rip this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal to shreds. [ cheers and applause ]
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this agreement gives over $100 billion to the ayatollah khomeini, the world's state sponsor of terrorism. that dwarfs the $3 billion in military aid that we give each year to the nation of israel. that difference is not just unconscionable, it is fundamentally immoral. and if i am president, on the first day, we will reimpose sanctions on iran. [ cheers and applause ] in a mockery of this iranian nuclear deal, iran has continued with missile tests, including launching a missile with the words printed on it in both hebrew and farsi, israel should be wiped from the earth. hear my words, ayatollah khomeini, if i am president, and iran launches a missile test, we
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will shoot that missile down. [ cheers and applause ] and in january 2017, we will have a commander in chief who says, under no circumstances will iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, either you will shut down your nuclear program or we will shut it down for you. [ cheers and applause ] a year ago, when prime minister netanyahu addressed congress, i was honored to join the great ali wizel in the senate about this disastrous iranian deal. not a single democrat was willing to join ali wezel. to sit alongside someone who witnessed firsthand the horrors
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of the holocaust. who brings a moral weight and gravity second to none. it was both powerful and humbling. and i am convinced after this election, the american people will stand and say together, never again means never again. [ cheers and applause ] on my very first day in office, i will begin the process of moving the american embassy in israel to jerusalem, the eternal capital of israel. [ cheers and applause ] now, i recognize for years a whole lot of presidential candidates, both republicans and democrats, have said that indeed i recognize some candidates have
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said that standing here today. here's the difference. i will do it. [ cheers and applause ] and as president, i will do everything in my power to ensure that anyone who provides financial support to the bds movement, including schools and universities, will lose any access to federal funding. [ cheers and applause ] and to the extent that they have engaged in illegal behavior, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [ cheers and applause ] all of us here understand that israel is not the barrier to peace. it is the palestinian authority,
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and a so-called unity government with hamas that celebrates the murder of women and children, and incites and even compensates the terrorist attacks. if the palestinians try to push through a united nations resolution to union latd rally declare palestinian statehood, america will veto that resolution. [ cheers and applause ] indeed, i tell you today, i will fly to new york to personally veto it myself. [ cheers and applause ] now, some have asked, why on earth did a cuban-american texan become one of the leading
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defenders of israel in the united states congress. well, i would say there are several reasons. first of all, i understand that standing with israel benefits america. [ applause ] israel is a liberal democracy that shares our values. israel is a steadfast and loyal ally. and our military aid to israel is not charity. it is rather furthering the vital national security interests of the united states of america, whether it is missile defense, from iron dome to david sling, or whether it is intelligence and military cooperation, israel provides an enormous benefit to keeping america safe and protecting us from radical islamic terrorists. [ cheers and applause ] but on a very personal level, for me, much of my view of israel is framed in my family
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story. my father was born and raised in cuba. as a kid, he fought in the cuban revolution. he was imprisoned, he was tortured. my father fled cuba in 1957. when he came to america, he had nothing. he had $100 sewn into his underwear. and he washed dishes, making 50 cents an hour. he paid his way through school, he went on to start a small business. when i was a kid, my dad used to say to me over and over again, when i faced oppression in cuba, i had a place to flee to. if we lose our freedom here, where do we go. and i will tell you, it is an incredible blessing to be the child of an imgranted who fled oppression and came to america seeking freedom. and there is one other nation on earth like the united states of
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america that was created as an oasis, as a beacon of hope to people who had faced oppression, had faced horrible murder and persecution, the nation of israel, like america, is a beacon of light unto the world. [ cheers and applause ] and all of us here understand, as ronald reagan did, that peace is achievable only through strength. this is what israel understands, when you surrounded by neighbors who would drive you into the sea, somehow you don't have time for political correctness. [ applause ] weakness is provocative. appeasement increases the chance of military conflict.
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indeed, i believe this iranian nuclear deal is munich in 1938, and we risk once again catastrophic consequences to allowing a hom oh sidal maniac to acquire tools to murder millions. [ cheers and applause ] the way to avoid conflict is to stand up to bullies. and it is worth remembering that this same nation, iran, in 1981, released our hostages the day ronald reagan was sworn into office. [ cheers and applause ] that is the difference a strong commander in chief can make, and together standing as one, we can and will. do it again. thank you. god bless america. a
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>> ending with hebrew, he threw down early in the speech on both palestine and perum, to establish some cred. robert costa walking -- watching with us, national political reporter for the "washington post." robert, there's a phrase, and that is red meat. that was a red meat speech to this group. >> and the line that cruz used when he entered the u.s. senate. he cast himself tonight as an ideological conservative, someone who has been in the trenches battling for israel. and its position in the world ever since he entered the national stage. that's what the cruz campaign is about right now. had esees trump just before him pivoting, trying to make an overture to the israeli supporters. but cruz saying to them, i've been with you month after month, year after year. >> and of the three, i guess the
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tone was set very early on as chris matthews pointed out, robert, by john kasich, who did not use a teleprompter. he gave a straight up reading from paper in front of him. a very sober, very earnest speech, which took full advantage of kind of timing, drama, and silence, all three of them very different methods of speaking. >> kasich was introducing himself to this audience, who may not have been paying attention to his campaign in any great detail. he was making sure that he checked all the boxes, but also saying, showcasing his personality, his populism, his passion. as trump was striking for him to read from a prepared text, a candidacy that has been all about incendiary comments. tonight he was different. shifting in tone. trying to become more serious,
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as that nomination nears. when you look at all three of these speeches, you see as much as there's unrest in the republican party, over foreign policy, trump's a noninterventionist, when it comes to israel, they're singing from the same hymnal. >> interesting to see trump use the tool of the political tonight, the teleprompter. chris, what do you make of this one? >> i've been watching ted cruz since his genesis politically. he has a nas tictac tick of demonizing disagreement. for example, the faa, i don't know, is notoriously anti-israeli, a travel ban after the rocket attack there. portraying that as some sort of attack on israel's being. that is going beyond the line. that other moment he talked about the united states president, barack obama, had sort of rebuffed bibi netanyahu
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to come over to talk to the congress. it waste like that. it was a normal trip over here. it was, of course, john boehner who invited netanyahu to come over and address the congress in a way that was very adversarial to president obama. but to say he wouldn't met -- the president wouldn't meet with him, most people would say, netanyahu overreached. the republicans overreached by bringing him over here in sup a partisan role for a foreign leader. even a friendly foreign leader like netanyahu. i think these are pretty nasty techniques. he did it with chuck hagel years ago, when he said he might have taken $200,000 from the north koreans. well, i won't say mccarthyite this time, but there's a certain pattern to the way he demonizes his opponents. he goes all the way and says they're evil, they're bad. i think most people when they
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look at this, they see just that, disagreement. >> stand by there in arizona. we'll be coming right back to you. we want to bring in mark ginsberg, ambassador to morocco, and former white house ambassador. you've been patient to watch and listen to all of this with us. how do you place all three presentations, all three styles, all three speeches before this group tonight? >> well, brian, i agree with both -- with all of you, including howard as well as chris, that john kasich's speech was the real most substantive, most reasonable presentation that avoided what i would call the serial pandering that goes on in these forums that i've attended almost every year. and actually, have spoken at. and most important takeaway that i have on this is that, when you look at the substance of what trump tried to accomplish, he
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walked in here with an extraordinary amount of baggage, because the large jewish community that is represented at this forum, that ranges from democrat, progressive, to conservative republican, is not necessarily convinced that this messenger of pro-israel is really the real mccoy. he has pand erd in a way that has offended jewish-americans. he has not been consistent with his positions. the speech was a cut-and-paste job that was largely not devoid of the slant of the pandering that he suggested he was going to try to avoid. and when i watched ted cruz, he hit all the right buttons that would make the likud and right-wing coalition in israel jump for joy. the problem, if i may, brian, add, is that for all intents and purposes, trump does not really
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understand the concerns that the jewish community in that audience has about his feelings on israel. he cut-and-paste a lot about iran into his speech. yet he failed to talk about the concerns that this audience has about his feelings towards israel. it's not enough to talk about his daughter having a baby who will be jewish. it's not enough to talk about the fact that he was awarded awards from israel. it's certainly not enough to talk about the fact that he was the marshal in the israeli day parade. those of us who really feel israel in our bones, he just cannot make the sale. he doesn't have the art of the deal here. >> mr. ambassador, did you agree with our reporters who were watching and listening, that each mention of hillary clinton was politely greeted, but not boys terous applause. another way of saying, her presentation this morning was warmly received from all we saw. >> i indeed watched it, too,
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brian, and i thought she gave a terrific speech. because i thought the speech was consistent with her elegance of understanding the issues on a nuanced basis, on a regional basis. she understands the connections between israel and the vital challenges that it faces in the region. but most importantly, there's obviously a great deal of chagrin in that audience about the bipartisan breakdown of ties between the united states and israel. and the evidence of that within the democratic party is of great concern to democrats who support israel. the fact that mr. netanyahu has played partisan politics at a time when israel should not be a partisan issue. that resonates with this audience, because no matter how strongly they feel about trump or kasich or cruz, they understand that israel cannot afford to become a partisan issue in an american presidential election. >> mr. ambassador, if you can give us a few more minutes, i
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have at least one more question for you on the other side of a break. we do have to get a break. we're going to go to chris matthews, and his friends in arizona. those tuning in for what is normally the "hardball" time slot. chris is with us. we've just been covering these three speeches before aipac in washington. also coming up at 8:00 p.m., our interview with bernie sanders. a lot to get to. please stay with us. our live coverage continues right after this president. asic, but that is changing. at temenos, we use the microsoft cloud to provide banking to the millions and millions of people who need it that don't have access to it. with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. more and more people are getting access to credit. everywhere where there's a phone, you have a bank. so now a person is able to start a business, and generate an income, and employ somebody for the first time. and you can actually see the success.
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imposed by the united nations would be a total and complete disaster. >> a rare donald trump speech tonight, read off a teleprompter with the exception of a few ad libs here and there. in a moment we'll go to chris matthews, who has howard fineman among his guests. chris is out in arizona. about you one more thing for former ambassador mark ginsburg who's been generous enough to stick around with us. mr. ambassador, today we heard kind of the echo of what i call the politics of stereotyping. an example, how can clarence thomas be a conservative, how can ted kennedy be pro-choice, how can bernie sanders not address aipac. my question is not that. my question is about when did the politics of israel in this country move into the heart of the gop order, and when did it become true that the furthest
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left candidate running for president is at odds with that body of politics? >> interesting, because it really began, brian, during the 2012 campaign when prime minister netanyahu essentially more or less endorsed mitt romney for president. and evidence that the two of them had been friends going back to the respective days in boston. at that moment, netanyahu immersed himself as sort of a man in search of a leader in israel, in search of a republican candidate. the trouble and difficulties that existed between president obama and prime minister netanyahu have played out on so many different stages at a time when the alliance between israel and the united states is sacrosan sacrosanct. what has happened is the politics that have been brought to bear by netanyahu's unhappiness with the president of the united states has been a way in which to drive this wedge on a partisan stage between the
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republican and democratic party. at the same time, as you asked, mr. sanders, who has never really extolled his jewishness, much less any support for israel, comes from a very strongly left-wing side of viewing the palestinian-israeli conflict, not as an existential threat to israel, but more or less a problem that israel has created that he probably is not prepared to immerse himself in, because he knows that that's not necessarily where the heart and soul of the democratic party is. >> former ambassador, mark ginsburg, always a pleasure. thank you very much for being part of our coverage tonight. >> sure. thank you. >> with that, let's hear from chris matthews out in arizona. chris? >> brian, thanks. i've got rick here, and also -- former communications director to ted cruz presidential campaign. now as msnbc contributor. and national correspondent joy reed. joy, let me ask you about this. give me a moment to think.
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this is a big one. let's talk about how these speeches matter to these candidates and what they're trying to get done. let's start with cruz. because he's still got a chance to beat trump. how does this help him? >> i think -- >> i'll go right away to you on that, too. >> to nail down the far right evangelical vote. cruz went as far as you can go to the right to do that. i think trump tried to make a play to that vote. trump still has not been able to take away cruz's advantage among weekly church attending far right white evangelicals. he pand erd, tried to hit every point. i made a note when donald trump, maybe the old donald trump who was not so far right, sort of emerged when he referred to palestine. which remember was very controversial when president george w. bush first used the term. it used to be not considered pc
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to even say the word palestine. that the people are a people. ted cruz came out and immediately hammered him on it, and dismissed the existence of palestine. that it hasn't existed since 1948. a very cruel shot. there was no humanity, no recognizing there were human beings on the other side of that conflict. it was an extraordinary speech, something i've not really heard an american politician, including republicans say, remember how george w. bush used to talk about the muslim and arab world. how his father spoke about it with a kind of equanimity that george h.w. bush practiced politics even as their party was trying to win over more jewish voters. i found it stunning. >> he is an evangelical person. his father is. he speaks like one. almost a televangelist. what is he trying to get done here? >> living in modern day israel,
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when you have hamas and hezbollah who is death to israelis. when they have missiles coming in, and people bei ining stabbe the street, what senator cruz is saying, we'll stick with israel. it is a shame, because what you're saying, joy, is correct. that is aipac's policy position is a two-state solution. nobody's talking about a two-state solution now, because there doesn't seem to be a will partner inside to work out -- >> why do you say there's no palestine? it sits right there. you're there. >> because it's not a recognized state. >> i know. but -- >> a state that hasn't been recognized and doesn't have status as a state. >> the vice president of the united states who is very popular with the same aipac group, he gave a speech in which he was able to say that one of the barriers to peace between the palestinians and israelis are the settlements. he was brave enough to go into that audience and say something
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that was potentially unpopular. he's the only one that did it. and he is the sitting vice president who is able to say that. you heard from cruz -- by the way, from ted cruz, a shot at the first amendment. who is essentially saying he would use the mighty power of the federal government to defund colleges, that had young people on it, a lot of young people listening to bernie sanders, had he been here today, who are doing this bds movement, trying to push israel toward a peace agreement. he said he would defund those colleges. and then arrest and prosecute people. this is a man who wants to be the president of the republic rather than a dictatorship? stunning. >> that's trump. >> cruz. that was cruz. >> trump -- i think trump ending that speech today, and i think brian agrees, very carefully. because he knows if there's any chance he's going to be dumped by the party somehow between now and cleveland, the people very pro-israel, a lot of people who aren't jewish included, of
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course, all the people i know are big-city republicans tend to be pro-israeli and hawkish in the middle east. all kinds of people. giuliani, everybody i know practically. is he afraid if he doesn't square things with the pro-israeli people, and do it today, that that would be one chance he would be black busted out of there? somehow be rejected by the establishment at the last minute? isn't this part of his fear? >> trump? >> yeah. >> trump had a disconnect -- you could see with his reading, he's not comfortable with the teleprompter, but also not comfortable with his topic, and not comfortable with the audience. i thought kasich came across like he really cared about the subject. cruz had a lot of street cred there. he hangs out with this group. he knows them very well. he's mastered the topic. >> i think what you saw were three obviously different styles. i thought kasich was sincere, honorable and honest. i thought you heard his heart
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come out and i thought it was a great speech. what you thought from trump was a play for the evangelical voters. perhaps a worry he could lose them. and i'm not sure what to make of what i heard from ted cruz. >> it doesn't surprise me. mike lee is going to help. >> trump sat down with -- >> let's bring in somebody who knows what he's talking aboutment brad sherman was in the arena tonight when trump gave his speech to aipac. you're a pro at this discussion. the nuances of the left versus right in the community. what did trump score or not score tonight? >> this is my 20th day aipac conference. trump came in saying he wanted to be neutral between the arabs and israelis. he acted like he never said it. he didn't even try to laugh it off. so i think that part of his -- that lack in his speech is very loud. on the other hand, trump is a
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tremendous stadium performer. and it's hard to speak to 20,000 people. just in terms of energy and loud voice, trump was able to make up for perhaps in style what he lacked in substance. >> what did you think of his authenticity? >> well, he got caught just as he was saying what a tremendous evangelical he was, and quoted 2 corinthians. saying how strong he was for israel vis-a-vis palestine. well, palestine isn't a country. we all look forward to a two-state solution. but making it a country is a concession israel will make when other concessions are made on the other side. just as the kurdish people don't have a state. you can't talk about the republic of kurdistan. i think that for a lot of people in this room, talking about palestine as if it was an
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independent country, is his 2 corinthians moment. >> i remember somebody somewhere in my life, it was gene kirkpatrick, one of the neocons, this argument is so out of date. thank you, u.s. congressman brad sherman there california. the one presidential candidate did not speak on aipac. will be "all in with chris hayes" at the top of the hour. his name is bernie sanders. we'll be right back with our special coverage. medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated?
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three republican candidates tonight, addressing aipac in washington, talking about israel. but for much of the day, the news was made a real history book moment as barack obama has become the first president since silent cal to visit cuba, a nation that really helped to form our american upbringing for more than one generation of americans because of the cuban missile crisis. we want to take a moment here tonight to talk to two of our very best who were there for it all today. andrea mitchell and chris jensen. ms. mitchell, we got to hear president obama, tell me something i don't know. tell us that you are among the most esteemed television
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journalists in the world. use your name repeatedly because of a question you asked about political prisoners. i'm afraid you didn't get your answer. we didn't get our answer and low and behold the cubans are denying the knowledge of any of these political prisoners you mentioned. >> they are. in fact, they have released a lot of political prisoners. what's happening is short term detentions. there are arrests, weekly protests and another one sunday before the president aroorivarr. there are no political prisoners of conscience. it depends on your definition. castro being so strong in this
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difficult press conference. in his public statements arguing we have a human rights problem. we don't have equal pay for women. we don't have medicine for all, free education. their social safety net is the real human right. he was very aggressive on that. president obama said we take criticism. we're willing to hear criticism. it was testy at times. it just shows you that cuban leaders don't hold press conferences. we weren't sure there was going to be one until they walked out, it had not been agreed to. the president had tried to talk him into it and said i'm going to take questions whether you do or not. he did take questions. >> chris, a day of indelible images. we just saw president obama clearly didn't want the photo of upheld clenched hands. his kind of wand lifeless arm
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was hoisted over his arm by president castro. the look on his face during andrea's question, he might have well said this is why we don't do q and a here. you've been watching cuban life go by. what has it been like, the imagery and just knowing the american president is there in that country? >> well, first of all, let me say, i think when you look up the word awkward in the dictionary, you'll see that picture on the screen. there were many moments this was awkward. this was the last minute push. behind the scenes there's been weeks of negotiations to get him to answer questions. this is not someone raul castro is used to do something other people's way. it wasn't until they went into that meeting he agreed to this. the president's deputy national security advisor said we warned him these americans journalists,
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you asked multiple questions. he was having none of it. for 84, he's very defiant. there were crowds of cubans who were gathering around our place here. they really wanted to see this. i got into a cab later on this afternoon and had chance to see what was going on. they were replaying this news conference again on the radio. our driver was listening to it intently. you got a sense of the momentum building around this as the cubans saw more and more what was going on. i would just say that you don't want to go toe toe to with this one over here. we saw it today with raul castro. >> should we show them. >> there you go. >> that's going to end up on social media. >> it's become a thing. andrea mitchell, chris jansen
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after a long day in havana. >> i'm so sorry you had to see that. >> i appreciate it. chris. >> we have a special k correspondent with the daily beast. howard msnbc, political analyst and global editorial director of the huffington post. let me run it through all three of you. donald trump's day going to aipac and republican types on the hill. what did he get done today in terms of wrapping up this nomination, if he did achieve that goal? >> i don't think he got much done at aipac. i think meeting with a couple dozen republicans, only a few of whom were his supporters but others were trump curious. i think he got something done in that meeting. i think that it's another sign that they're starting to come
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around to the idea that they're going to have to deal with this and live with this. >> sabrina. >> we saw donald trump is willing to take whatever steps necessary to try and coalesce republicans around his cand candidacy. he said he wasn't going to pander to the crowd but he unveiled a load of laundry lists to the party. instead of being neutral, it would be required that israel be required to say it's a jewish state. he didn't have establishment republicans present but he did invite a wide range of lawmakers and top lobbyists in washington to meet with him. we're seeing a different side of
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donald trump as opposed to the fire brand crusader. it's only a siphon what's to come as he tries to compete with ted cruz. >> let me give you a chance. my sense is she wants to keep himself out there. he's a reasonable option. not a hard right person. not the usual list but maybe a robert kaegan. she wants to be within reaching distance of those guys. i think she's working to do that. what do you think? >> i think you're absolutely right. i think that's what she's going to do. what she's done most of her career. not just with her but her husband. that's where hillary is. i thought this was fascinating to watch. it was like three nesting dolls in reverse. you had these speeches.
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then you had the pandering donald trump who went deeper into it. then you had ted cruz who views it from a religious perspective. talk about ted cruz as the college debate champ. he's also the son of a preacher high pressure here he got to put the two together. that's the way his mind works. he's always looking to discredit others, a lot of evangelicals love conspiracy theories because they believe in the devil. he's the ultimate. that's the way cruz frames things. that's perfectly in tune with evangelical conditions. trump is lowering his voice hen he came inside the beltway. he had a tame press conference which was carefully filtered only to have people that they trusted in the press conference for the most part. certainly nobody from the
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huffington post was allowed in. we applied and denied credentials for that event. he went and calmly recited his brief he had been taught by his son and law and others about what to say on iran and he did that. he had a subdued tie on high pressu pressure. his voice was lowered. he didn't make so many threats as he did say please come know. this was the nice, please come to me donald trump attempting to behave inside the beltway as he begins a long, courtship, perhaps over many months, perhaps all the way till voting begins until cleveland. that's what trump initiated today. it's going to be fascinating to watch if he can control himself and convince people as he moves ahead. >> well, we saw a lot wrapping up the present to himself. thank you. thank you rick tyler with me here as well as joy ried and
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thanks to brian williams for being with our coverage tonight. let's stick around for "all in" with chris hayes and special guest, bernie sanders. tonight on "all in." >> this political movement has gotten to the point where you may get to death inside rally. >> more weekend violence as donald trump tries to charm washington republicans. >> if people want to be smart, they should embrace this movement. >> the republican front-runner goes to d.c. president obama makes history in cuba and senator bernie sanders goes all in. >> donald trump is an embarrassment even to the republican party. >> hear sanders surprising answer about trump protesters. his response to democrats calling for him to get out of race, and what he thinks of how the media is covering him. >> campaigns and elections are not a game. they're
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