tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC March 22, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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polls just closed in idaho. they are just closing within the next 15 seconds. nbc news will be able to gives its first characterization of the idaho race as the polls close in the next, three, two, one seconds. this is the democratic caucuses. there's 27 delegates at stake. this is the first characterization of nbc news. the race in idaho on the democratic side. too early to call. obviously, we'll keep an eye on that as we get further information. the polls have just closed in idaho. bernie sanders is favored tonight on the democratic side in both states that are holding caucuses. he's favored in the idaho caucuses and in the utah caucuses tonight. this idaho race has a bit of an interesting history because idaho in 2008 became kind of the big exemplar that barack obama used in his campaign against
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hillary clinton used in 2008. it racked up big wins in these low population states that held caucuses. it happened underneath the radar but that's a big part of how he won in 2008. this 2008 in little old idaho where something like one in ten registered voters in a democrat. it's a real sign that something was going on with the obama caucus strategy when then candidate barack obama showed up at boise state on the saturday before the idaho caucuses in 2008. he turned out 14,000 people at a rally. any time a democrat turns out 14,000 people in idaho, you know something is going on opinion sure enough in the caucuses in idaho in 2008, barack obama went onto beat hillary clinton by a margin of 80-17. not 18 to 17 but 80 to 17. when you win by a margin that big, even in small state, you
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get a big delegate haul. that's what now president obama did in the 2008 idaho caucuses. even though bernie sanders is favored to win tonight in idaho, there are some interesting questions as to whether or not he can pull off something equally dramatic as that. he's been campaigning hard. he's been spending money in idaho while hillary clinton has not. he's been visiting when senator clinton has not. he turned out more than 3,000 people at a high school in idaho falls, idaho this past friday night. yesterday senator sanders was back in idaho. he had his own very big rally in boise. he didn't match candidate obama's 14,000 people in boise in 2008 but he did turn out 7,000 people in boise. that's a lot. this is the nbc news characterization of results at this time.
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polls have just closed there in the last three minutes. we'll keep an eye. if he wins, how much he wins by. therefore how many delegates he can get out of that state. we can't predict when we'll have a call in that state, but you will be first to know. overall, this will be a big hurly burly night of news around here. it's separate from the electoral respons responses. we're always look at the brutal attack that killed people in brussels and on the brussels b
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subway. you have been seeing blanket coverage of this story is because the investigation is fully under way. the political response is fully under way. we do actually expect continuing breaking news. we will bring it over the course after late evening and a long night around here. as that happens, though, as that sort of news channel is completely open here, we are also expecting what are going to turn out to be pretty important election results tonight. the first poll closing we've already got, this is idaho. this is the democrats only, the caucuses just closed. that is now something we're awaiting results. at the end of this hour at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, we're also going to get poll closings in the post consequential race tonight, which is the arizona primary. it's the host consequential result in the republican party
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and the democratic party. arizona's important tonight in the sense there's a big delegate haul at stake for both parties in the state of arizona. it's also the first major primary contest in the west. it's important not only in its own terms but also for what arizona might forecast tonight about other big important delegate rich states in the west like, for example, california. on the democratic side, there are 75 delegates and ten super delegates at stake. the polling in the arizona democratic race has been spare infrequent. it does show hillary clinton with a lead in that state. after what happened in michigan this year, sparse polling in big states is newly suspect on the democratic side and nobody is leaning too hard on the polls that have come out of arizona. other than the polling there are reasons why hillary clinton is expected to do well in arizona tonight. one reason is she won the state of arizona in the state of
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arizona in 2008. she beat him by eight points. she did well in the state with latino voters who are expected to make up about a fifth of the electorate on the democratic side in arizona. the state's primary is also closed to independents or to anybody who isn't a registered democrat. bernie sanders, across the country, he's done well with non-democrats who have voted in democratic primaries. those people will not be able to vote in the democratic primary in arizona tonight. it's democrats only. that's another advantage to secretary clinton in the state. one final advantage secretary clinton has is evident in the early vote. arizonans love voting early. more than almost any other state. we're going to have an exclus i i ive look of what we know the state later on this hour. we have some exclusive data that may tell us how things will go there tonight based on who has
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voted in the state. stay tuned for that. that's said, with all those advantages for hillary clinton and how well at least doing in the polling there's been in arizona, it should be noted that bernie sanders has been pulling out the stops in the way he's campaigned in arizona. he's been campaigning really hard. he's done rallies in cities all over the stay including phoenix and tucson and late last night he was in flagstaff. he's also spent more money in arizona than other campaign on the democratic or republican side. he's doubled hillary clinton in ad spending in arizona. we'll see. if bernie sanders is not able to pull off an upset victory in arizo arizona, it will not be for lack of trying because his campaign as really tried. on the republican side, the polling we have looks good for donald trump in arizona. like on the democratic side, there's not a ton of polling in
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arizona for the republicans but all the polling does show mr. trump leading by fairly healthy margin. he has a list of endorsements from the who's who from anti-immigrant hard liners including jan brewer and joe arapio. his build the wall anti-immigrant campaign resonated early on in arizona. even before we knew that message would catch fire for republicans across the country. after donald trump announced he was running in june, one of the first really giant rallies he had, one of the first events where the turn out shocked people around the country was rally he did in phoenix, arizona in july touting his radical anti-immigrant stance in a state where the republican electorate was prime to hear that. for that reason and others arizona looks like donald trump country tonight. if he does win, it will be a big
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deal for his march toward the republican presidential nomination. arizona is not just a winner take all state in terms of delegates, it's the third largest winner take all state that there is in terms of the republican delegate count. i would interject one thing to think about as we're heldiading toward this poll closing in about 51 minutes. one interjection concerns ted cruz. in a winner take all state, nothing matters other than winning. if you're not going to win the state, there's no reason to bother competing there. getting a strong second place is no better than getting a distance third or fourth. that's why we have not seen john kasich. there's reason to turn up or spend a dollar there unless you
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have a shot at first place. with that understanding, here is ted cruz campaigning in arizona over the last few days. the ted cruz campaign has spent more than $600,000 on ads in arizona. they've almost doubled donald trump's ad spending in the state. why bother spending that? why bother sending your candidate there? why bother doing campaign events there? why bother spending more than half a million dollars there in ads in you know you aren't likely to win? it doesn't matter if you come in second or third. it's first or bust. the effort expended by the ted cruz campaign in arizona, honestly, is dumb. unless there's something in their internal polling that tells them that ted cruz might have a chance to win that state tonight. and, so, yeah, the polling and all the common wisdom says that arizona is donald trump's state to lose tonight, but if ted cruz pulls off an upset in arizona, that would be huge in terms of the race for the republican nomination. it would be very important in
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terms of overall momentum and the perceived strength of the candidates, but it would be a story foretold by the cruz campaign's decision leading up to tonight's vote. something internal to their campaign tells them it's worth tell cruz campaigning there. that doesn't make sense unless they might win. make it's a big head fake. stick a pin in that. that pin says upset possible in arizona. we will start to get the results in from arizona when the polls close there at the top of this hour. then a half hour after that, we'll start the get the first data out of the great state of utah. both democrats and republicans are competing in utah tonight. on the democratic side it's caucus like idaho and just like idaho, bernie sanders is widely expected he's going to win in utah. there's been no recent polling at utah at all. anything is possible. bernie sanders is favored to win in idaho and utah. we'll get the first democratic results from utah starting in
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about in 1:20. those will come in about 10:30 eastern. these are live pictures here. on the republican side in utah tonight, we're going to get some results from utah. they will come in significantly later than the democratic results. that is in part because utah republicans are doing a real live experiment tonight with trying to do some of their caucusing online. people are participating in the caucus on the republican side in utah from the comfort of their pjs with their ipads stacked on the beer belly. pardon because me it's utah, it's not a beer belly. for whatever reason they are doing this experiment in utah about voting online, and for whatever reason they're not expecting to report results until well after midnight eastern time. so, as we keep an eye on all these election results rolling in tonight, as we continue to cover the situation in brussels as well, i will leave you with
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one more thing to keep an eye on. one more thing that will be important in tonight's rolling election coverage. it's something important about a race that on the surface doesn't seem that all important but it is. it's about utah. it's about the republican side of the race in utah. in utah tonight, there's 40 delegates at stake. ted cruz is favored to win in the utah caucuses tonight. the reason that on a night like this there's so much more attention to arizona than to utah is in part because arizona, as you can see does have a few more delegates at stake tonight. the reason that arizona is getting the lion share of attention, everybody thinks the most important by far is because on the republican side tonight, arizona is winner take all. it's a really big prize for whoever wins that state. utah is not winner take all. the delegates will will be apportioned between the different candidates depending on how well they do. that is true unless somebody is
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able to pull off 50% of the vote in utah. if the winner is able to get more than 50% of the vote, that will likely be ted cruz, getting 50% or more of the vote, if he can do that then utah is almost as important as arizona. in fact, utah may be one of the most important states in this part of the race. if ted cruz can beat 50% in utah tonight, then utah will become a winner take all state, and ted cruz will get all 40 delegates out of utah. that will be nice for him in his own effort to amass delegates and make a case for himself that he ought to be the nominee of the republican party. the 40 delegates would be a nice prize for ted cruz. more importantly than that, if he's able to beat 50% of the vote, if he's able to take all of utah's delegates, the more important consequence is that result would deny donald trump any of the delegates from utah. denying donald trump delegates
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is more important than any other republican candidate can do. the race in the republican party is not to beat donald trump. neither ted cruz nor john kasich is in a position to beat donald trump. the race in the republican party is to try to survive until the convention. it's to try to prevent donald trump from winning before the convention. to try to suppress the number of delegates that donald trump is able to get out of states so he doesn't hit the 1237 delegate threshold to lock up the nomination before the convention and deny anybody else a shot at it. so, yeah, on the surface level this utah caucus, this secondary race tonight that's going to be decided on the republican side after arizona it's going to be decided late. doesn't look like it's all that important. looks like ted cruz is favored. why do i care? the reason you care is because ted cruz cannot only win in utah but win by a big enough margin to take every delegate and deny
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donald trump any delegate out of that state, that could be a big deal. that would be an upset of a different magnitude. he's trying for an upset in arizona. he's trying for this winner take all upset in utah. if ted cruz is able to pull off one or both of those tonight, it's a huge night on the republican side of the race, and a really big night for ted cruz. so, that's all ahead tonight. we wait idaho democrat results after polls closed at the top of this past hour, 16 minutes ago. we await arizona results from both parties at the end of this hour about 44 minutes from now. we await utah results later from the republicans this evening. it's going to be a long night getting in the results. also today we saw the candidates, all three republicans and both democratic candidates. we saw them today tested in a different way today. we saw them all tested today as they were asked to respond to
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the terrorist attack in belgium. then they were all asked to respond to how the other candidates responded to the terrorists attack in belgium. we'll talk about that tonight, including with some of the best and most experienced counter terrorism experts in the country. thank you for being with us tonight. it's a big night. we'll be here late. we'll be right back.
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against these terrorists networks. where some of my opponents want to build walls and shut the world off, well, you tell me how high does the wall have to be to keep the internet out. right? that's not the world we live in any longer. we got to take them on on the internet. we need our great tech companies to be helps us do this. we have to shut their sites down. we have to intervene where we can to prevent radicalization of home grown terrorism. we need everybody on the front lines, everybody. particularly, i will add, american muslims because they are the ones who should be calling the fbi and law enforcement to say somebody suspicious is going on. i want them to feel like they are part of our defense not that they're being insulted and isolated and left out which will be dangerous to us. that doesn't make sense my friends. >> presidential candidate
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hillary clinton, today, speaking in washington state about her own plans, her own approach to fighting isis. also responding to what republican presidential candidates proposed on that subject today as well in the wake of brussels attack. donald trump proposing closing off our borders today in response to the attack. also reiterating his pledge to ban all muslims from entering the united states. not to be out done, texas senator ted cruz said the united states should quote, patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods. he did not mean in belgium. he meant in the united states. that brought about a doo wop response from his fellow republicans today. i'll have more on that ahead.
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the first time isis struck in europe, the first time an isis linked attack two lives in europe was two years ago. a 29-year-old man believed to have spent time in syria being trained by isis. he walked into that jewish museum and started shooting. he killed two people and critically wounded a fourth person who would later die. after his less than two minutes of shooting, the gunman ran. he got away. he got away on foot. he got away for almost a week before he was finally found not in belgium but in france. they found him at a train
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station. belgium and france we are intertwined in the first fatal isis attack. he was a frenchman. he committed the attack in belgium and crossed back into france and ended up fighting extradition from france to belgium to face trial for his crimes. the crossover between france and belgium isn't hard to understand. it's easy to see how it works and why it works just looking at a map. this specific crossover has come up specifically in the context of terrorism. in 1980, a motorcycle bomb went off in a synagogue in paris, killed four people. exactly one year later a car bomb went off in a synagogue. these two were seen as bookends attacks. first in france and then in belgium. in the 1980s, radical communist groups took responsibility for more than 20 bombings of sites
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connected to nato and defense contractors. they bombed an office in france and a fuel pipeline 40 miles west of brussels and ten hours later that say day, they set off fatal bomb blast at a 16th century court building in france. france then belgium. france then belgium. now in aur era of terrorism, it's france and belgium. after the "charlie hebdo" attacks, you'll remember there was a second phase of those attacks that involved a police officer being shot and killed in the street and a hostage stand off in a kosher market in paris where four people were killed before police killed the gunman. one of the postscripts to that attack is when a gun dealer in belgium confessed he supplied the weaponary trucked across the boarder to be used in that attack. it was november of last year, and it was the coordinated and
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complex shooting attack in paris. the deadliest attack since world war ii. one of the largest and most complex suicide bomber attacks anywhere in the world. when paris was over and traced the attackers origin, they traced them to belgium. this past week when they finally, four months down the road, when they tracked down the attacker who got away, they found him in belgium. they found him in brussels. today, four days after they got him, brussels, itself, is the subject of the deadliest attack in that country since world war ii. another complex, coordinated attack. what appears to have been three bombs at the international airport in belgium. two detonated. one did not. that was followed later on the
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brussels subway. the death toll stands at 31 with over 200 people injured. the choice of brussels as a target is not hard to understand. the heart of europe, the headquarters of the european commission. if you're looking for a civilian target with european resonance, there you are. this also, in some ways, feels like a bookends to paris or like a second one after paris. isis claiming credit, multiple attackers, suicide attackers. functioning suicide bombs. a coordinating multisite con tech sieve attack. belgium authorities warned after they arrested the last outstanding paris attacker a few days ago, they warned there could be follow on attacks either in response to his arrest or attack could be actuated he
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had been involved this planning since he had been free from paris. france then belgium, france then belgium. what happened today in belgium, in brussels is singularly terrible. if there is an identifiable through line from other attacks to this one, if this is connected to other previous attacks, and to isis as an organization, does that help, does that help the authorities find everyone connected to this? does that help them stop the next up with. does that give them more to work with than if this were a stand alone, unique, unconnected atrocity? joining us now is malcolm nance. he's the author of defeating isis. who they are, how they fight, what they believe. malcolm, nice to see you again. than thanks for being here.
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>> sorry to be here on a sad day. >> when ever you're in the studio it's for a bad reason. what about finding about everybody connected to this. stopping the plot. does it help to have a connection to previous attacks, other organizations, a through line with previous incidents? >> it does and it doesn't. i know that's not a satisfying answer. let's look at how organizations used to be. some of the examples you showed from the 1970s and 1980s, what we call the good old days back when you had groups, the combative communist cells, red arm faction. they used to be directed organizations who are directly funded by the former soviet union. they were given weapons and equipments through pathways we could clearly identify and we knew when and where they were just about operating. they operated in
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compartmentalization. they didn't communicate with each other. they got their weapons. the orders would magically appear and sometimes they didn't know the commanders. that's not the way it worked with the al qaeda organization. they used the mafia organization. we used to say catch one, you've got them all. everybody within the cell does logistics. everybody does laundry. everybody builds weapons. isis is that model on steroids. now what we're seeing after the paris attacks is paris wasn't singular. you had the attack on the jewish museum. the attack on the train station. the attacks on the jewish school children in france. all this is a deeper constellation of terrorist cells. they are acting by direction. what i think is europe is turning into a battle front for isis. just like one of the provinces
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in syria. with that what we're going to see is we're going to see groups that are completely independent of each over that will be more compartme compartmentalized and you could catch a group and have no idea that another group is carrying out a plot. >> there's one part of it that stands out to me as maybe, maybe different than that terrifying scenario you just laid out. the thing that's worryi ining i it's all over the counter. you don't need a pipeline of weapons from some identifiable nefarious source. if there's a gun market available then that becomes a source of weapons for this group. that part that seems not over the counter is the explosives, and specifically the explosive vests and suicide belts and luggage that has been used. that's something you can't necessarily pick up on the street. you can't be a run of the mill criminal who can do that sort of
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thing. >> no. the operatives coming back from syria are already well trained. this book i just wrote is a deep study of the battle tactics and how they fight. one of the components of how they fight is everyone on the offense carries suicide weapons. everyone on the defense is required to use suicide weapons. they have to build these explosives in the field. creating tatp isn't hard if you have the skill, you have practice. you have bomb masters over there teaching you this at a graduate level study. that's what these gentlemen are. they are getting the lessons to where they can go back to france, a super market, a pharmacy and build a very competent weapon system, twisting the nails like it's described how to build a bomb in your mom's kitchen and laying them out in a proper format so they have the best effect. these people who are coming back are trained operatives. they are not amateurs.
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maybe some of the bombers are amateurs, but the people building the weapons, running bomb factories as we saw in paris, absolute professionals and they are going to have repopulated europe. you're going to have to start dealing with special forces level attacks. >> malcolm nance, good timing for a terrible reason. appreciate you being here. nice to see you. still ahead, why even some republicans were upset and outraged today by what one presidential candidate had to say in response to the attacks in brussels. we we've got that after we come back.
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in britain today at the british prime minister's house, that is the belgium flag flying above the street. the belgium flag flying in britain tonight at half staff. in paris the eiffel will recollect tower is lit up in black, yellow and red. as is the world's tallest s skyscraper in dubain and the brand brandonberg gate in germany. in the small way we do this with light and color.
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i've heard, is this true, i don't know if this is true but cruz said we should start patrolling muslim neighborhoods. is that true? >> and water boarding. >> well, look, my sense of it is is we're not at war with islam. we're at war with radical islam. secondly, in our country, we don't want to create divisions where we say you're religion, your a muslim so we're going to keep an eye on you. >> presidential candidate and ohio governor john kasich responding to what he heard was a statement from ted cruz. senator cruz put out a written statement today in response to the attacks in belgiums which said in part, quote, we need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.
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senator cruz was given multiple opportunities today in press conferences and interviews to explain exactly what he meant by patrol and secure and how that would prevent radicalization. he declined to be specific nor would he name a particular neighborhood that he thinks might require such patrolling and securing. nor is it clear how many muslims have to be in particular place before it qualify as a muslim neighborhood that ought to be patrolled and secured. senator cruz did clarify he wasn't talking about doing this in some country over seas. he was talking about patrolling and securing muslim neighborhoods in the united states. joining us now is a former fbi agent and expert in counter terrorism. he's now ceo and founder of the saffaon group. let me ask your big picture take on this attack in brussels. people were looking at belgium, looking at brussels because of the connection to the paris attacks and a high number of belgiums who traveled to iraq and syria and connected with
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isis and come back. the geographapologgeographic lo next attack is a surprise. does the character surprise you at all or does it say anything important about what's happened? >> it seems it's an isis attack. they've been using mostly suicide vests. we've seen that in syria, iraq and lebanon. we've seen that in my of the previous attacks even in paris on november 13. the situation, as you mentioned, there's a totally different threat not only in belgium and brussels but over the whole continent of europe. we had more than 5,000 of their citizens who went to the conflict zone in iraq and syria. a lot of them joined isis. between 20 and 40% are coming back. the law enforcement, the intelligence agencies in europe are overwhelmed with this high number of returnees.
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if you want to do surveillance on one specific individual, you need a whole team of officers to participate in such an operation. also, what we have today is something different that most of these recruits, they know each other. they are friends with each other as we've seen from the french attack. sometimes they grew up in the same neighborhood. it makes it kind of difficult for law enforcement to penetrate. >> to get between them because they're so close. >> exactly. you know what's going on. also on the same time they haven't been like the traditional terror cells before. they haven't been communicating in the open. we have secure apps and even without the secure apps they have some sort of an independent authority to carry out attacks and where they are. there's less and less detectable communication with mosul or
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where ever the headquarter of the cell is. we've been seeing that. now also add to it a lot of laws and rules and regulations in the eu, in europe. it's a lot easier for people to travel from country to country than information to be shared between countries. now you have a person who rented a car, get a couple of terrorists with him from brussels. they drove all the way to france, conducted the attack and he came back and he was arrested about four months later about a block from where he grew up in the same neighborhood. that gives you an idea about the difficulties the europeans are having in sharing information with each other. in order to deal with threat, the one you have 5,000 foreign fighters from europe went and joined isis and other terrorist groups and sometimes some of them did not join the terrorist group but this is a huge number.
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you need to figure out a new system that goes with open border. it's great to have open borders. you need a system where you can share information about the individuals going. you mentioned area of the jewish museum, the attack in brussels. that's a perfect example where you have a french guy, came back, drove to brussels, conducted a terrorist attack this brussels. ran back to france. interestingly enough, the german, the suspected guy in syria and probably a terrorist, but they can only tell the french and the french cannot tell the belgiums because of privacy laws inside the eu. that kind of forggives you an i the difficulty the europeans have and why it's extremely important for them to look into changing some of the laws they have to deal with this new threat. >> there's going to be some --
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there's got to be some parallel development in europe and among countries the way there was between intelligence agencies to break down the barriers. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> it's invaluable to see you. i always see you in bad circumstances. thank you. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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as we continue to keep an eye on events in the wake of the brussels terrorists attack. we are also just 11 minutes now away from the polls closing in arizona. coming up next, right here, we've got an exclusive look at the early data out of arizona. this is not exit poll data. this is voting data. this is an exclusive look. this is a big news night. stay with us.
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so we're less than ten minutes away from the latest poll closings in arizona. hillary clinton and donald trump are both favored to win in arizona tonight according to the most recent polling, but those campaigns will be happy with what we can now report exclusively about the early and absentee vote in arizona. according to exclusive data provided by nbc's data partner, over 370,000 arizona republicans and nearly 300,000 arizona democrats already cast ballots prior to the primary today. that amounts to 29% of registered democrats and 31% of
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registered republicans who have already voted. on the democratic side in terms of the data that we've got about who has voted early so far in the states, those young voters, those voters under 30 who bernie sanders does well with across the country, they make up a small portion of the electorate who have banked its votes in this primary. voters under the age of 30 are under 7% of the early vote in arizona. that is probably not a great sign for bernie sanders at least with the early vote. the fact that such a high proportion of the state votes early makes it hard for anybody to surge at the last minute andover take an early front-runner. there's this fact in arizona that by the time you're making your last minute case to the voters of that state, a lot of them who are going to vote will already have voted and that's also a very big deal on the republican side of this arizona race because not only have huge numbers of democrats already voted in arizona, huge numbers of arizona republicans have
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already voted and we also know from the voter file data that a huge number of republicans not only voted early or absentee, they voted earlier absentee before march 15th, before a week ago when marco rubio got out of the race, so we may see a significant portion of the vote tonight come in for marco rubio in arizona. based on polling of those who voted early, that number could be as high as 50,000 votes for marco rubio. we don't know exactly what that means in terms of how those votes might have conceivably disbursed among the other candidates, but a marco rubio vote would be an anti-donald trump, so an early vote for marco rubio would not count. we will know more soon in less than eight minutes.
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our family has grown by one, which must mean we are on route to a poll closing somewhere in either that or there's a weird surprise pregnancy. >> okay. we're off to a good one. we have arizona closing in three minutes. tony is outside an arizona polling place. tony, can you hear us? tony? >> reporter: how are you doing? i'm in the largest boarder community in arizona. i'm looking into mexico. polling station's over my shoulder. this is not a state like ohio where you can run inside the station. we have to stay 75 feet away,
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but those square lights in there are the actual ballots, and we've had a trickle here. you might expect because this town woke up to see what everyone else saw on the news, the terrible images out of brussels and ted cruz bringing it up as a security issue and then saying we don't want terrorist infiltrating the boarder not far from here, donald trump reiterator his desire to build a wall. in arizona the closer you get to the boarder, the less concerned people seem to be about boarder security. part of that reason may be because they have a wall here already. the obama administration, a lot of people don't realize this, built 700 miles of boarder fencing because of a 2006 direction from congress. people don't like that wall. they think it's ineffective and silly. you bring up the trump wall, the
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reactions are more negative. you get a smile and shake of the head. people want to see less restriction here, not more. so this terrorist attack in brussels, you might expect a change in the vote in a state like this, there's no change at all. they want to see less restriction, not more. >> tony in arizona. an official good evening to all. we are 49 seconds away from the closing in arizona in what is admittedly a split screen night in america because of the news we have witnessed and covered all day long and we understand that a lot of americans don't have politics top of mind perhaps, but cover both we must and will. we will talk about both along the way tonight. they are caucusing in utah. we have a picture from salt lake city. that result is the closing there
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is at 10:30 eastern time. and in exactly 10 seconds we will have a poll closing in the state of arizona. let's roll that animation that says arizona. such as it is, our gop primary, too early to call. donald trump and ted cruz, 58 gop delegates at stake. and on the democratic side, too early to call. clinton/sanders in arizona. an official good evening to you. >> hello. >> now that we've crossed 10:00 eastern time. >> there is a big important difference between the races which is on
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