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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  March 23, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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365, 24 hours a day. we are out there, protecting new york city. so you'll see an increase with dogs, with emergency service officers, et cetera. but we're out there every day. and we rely heavily on technology, our domain awareness system, cameras, license plate readers, chem censor, biocensors, to protect the city. >> james waters, nypd, thank you very much for stopping by our studios today. we can now hand off to steve kornacki and "meet the press daily." good evening. i'm steve kornacki in for chuck todd. there's a lot to get to tonight, including the latest oen the road to the white house, after last night's primaries, also some intense exchanges over security, and believe it or not, spouses making hnls headlines on
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the campaign trail, and what's going on in belgium. ayman mohyeldin joins us now with the very latest on what we know on that ongoing investigation. ayman? >> reporter: thanks, steve. at this hour, we know 31 are dead, 270 more are wounded after tuesday's attack. isis has claimed responsibility for the bombings. zaventem airport will remain closed today and tomorrow. at least four people were involved with the attacks at the airport and metro station, and there's conflicting information being reported. but the associated press is now reporting that according to one french official, and one european official, the suspected bomb maker for the paris attacks was one of two dead suicide bombers at the brussels' airport. those two officials, who say they have direct knowledge of the investigation, told the associated press that
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laachraoui's dna was found there. he was already wanted in connection with the november paris attacks. a french police official told the ap that laachraoui's dna was found on the suicide vests used in the paris attacks back in november. we do not know at this hour if that alleged bomb maker is one of the suspects captured on security footage at airport. we do, however, know that one of the people in that picture, the man seen there in the center, has been identified as ibrahim el bakraoui. and there's no criticism for belgian's police security forces today. nbc news has obtained a government document where belgian officials say they believe they were making serious progress in their counterterrorism programs here. and we now know that turkey detained and deported the airport bomber over the summer.
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ibrahim el bakraoui was reportedly caught at the turkish border and sent back to the netherlands. they warned both belgium and the netherlands at the time that bakraoui was a foreign terrorist fighter. we've got much more coming up here from belgian, including my trip to the brussels neighborhood where police raided a suspected terrorist safe ho e house. but for now, back to you in new york. >> thanks, ayman. we'll be checking back with you in just a moment over there in brussels. one more nugget to report. late today we learned that secretary of state john kerry is going to be traveling to brussels on friday after wrapping up meetings in moscow. the state department says that kerry plans to offer his condolences directly to the belgian people. he's also going to meet with belgian and european union officials. turn now to the security fears here at home. the aftershocks from brussels, igniting a firestorm in american politics, on the campaign trail, ted cruz is now doubling down on calls for law enforcement to patrol muslim neighborhoods here in the united states. and donald trump is calling for
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an aggressive expansion of u.s. interrogation techniques and torture. he's also calling for mosque surveillance, after wrapping up his historic visit to cuba, meanwhile, president obama is headed toargentina. in a press conference there, president obama offered a sweeping ruke of both trump and cruz's policy proposals, with his strongest criticism aimed straight at cruz. >> as far as the notion of having surveillance of neighborhoods, where muslims are present win just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance. which, by the way, the father of senator cruz escaped for america, the land of the free. the notion that we would start down that slippery slope makes absolutely no sense. it's contrary to who we are.
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and it's not going to help us defeat isil. >> and just a few hours after that, hillary clinton delivered a major counterterrorism speech in california, and she didn't pull any punches either. >> when republican candidates like ted cruz call for treating american muslims like criminals, and for racially profiling predominantly muslim neighborhoods, it's wrong, it's counterproductive, it's dangerous. it's hard to imagine a more incendiary, foolish statement, he said. another thing we know that does not work, based on lots of empirical evidence, is torture. many intelligence, military, and law enforcement experts have attested to this fact. it also puts our own troops and increasingly our own civilians at great -- >> and i'm joined now by nbc's kristen welker.
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she is in the trenches with the clinton campaign today. kristen, tell us a little bit more about that speech. obviously, taking lots of shots at the republican candidates for their posturing on this issue. of course, hillary clinton closely linked to the obama administration in its counterterrorism policies, as well, since she's the former secretary of state. how is she managing that relationship in her speech? >> reporter: well, look, she is using this speech, and used this speech, steve, i think, for two reasons. one, to try to paint herself as the adult in the room, by highlighting her experience on foreign policy, having served in the obama administration, and really calling on building on the efforts by the obama administration. of course, she's been pressed on this issue before, about whether she bears any responsibility for the rise of isis. and her answer to that is always that she was one of the early voices, calling for aiding the opposition forces, who were fighting the groups there. but in terms of today, calling for enhanced efforts to support kurdish forces, and calling for an intelligence-sharing surge,
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not only here in the united states, but with the united states' european allies and within european countries abroad. so that's how she's trying to paint herself, really, steve, as the adult in the room. but to the politics, equally an important part of this speech, as you pointed out, taking on the two gop front-runners head-on, donald trump and ted cruz. really excoriating a number of their policies, calling them dangerous. and her strategy here is to make the point she's not going to underestimate donald trump. she thinks that that is what the republican candidates did. that's why he's now surging. she's clearly taking a very different approach. steve? >> kristen welker in stanford, california. thank you for that. we continue to see the fallout grow over ted cruz and donald trump's comments, following the brussels' terror attacks. cruz is campaigning in new york. it's where mayor bill de blasio and police commissioner bill bratton tore into his proposal to patrol u.s. muslim neighborhoods. >> his comments are not about safety and security.
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it's demagoguery. we have 900 muslim american officers in the nypd. >> i would remind the senator, he lives in the united states of america. and the statements he made today is why he's not going to become president of this country. as the mayor mentioned, i have over 900 very dedicated officers in this department, many of whom do double duty. they serve as active duty members of the u.s. military, in combat. something the senator has never seen. so before he starts denigrating any population group, take a close look at who he's denigrating. >> and that led to this exchange on cbs this morning. >> it's not surprising that the democratic political henchman of mayor de blasio are coming after me. >> he's raised a lot of civil liberty concerns. let me ask you, how many muslims are in america? >> i don't know the number off the top of my head. >> so you're saying law enforcement should surveil a number of americans and you don't even know how many muslims are in america?
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there are 3 million muslims in america. law enforcement is overwhelmed? >> i will apologize for nobody for how vigorous i will be as a president, fighting islamic terrorism and keeping america safe. >> and literally across the street from where we are right now here in new york, cruz continued the fight. >> i will say something to the mayor that may sound very surprising and foreign to him. given a choice, between terrorists and criminals on one side and the brave men and women of law enforcement, i will stand with law enforcement every single time. >> and meanwhile, trump is advocating for new laws allowing torture. he says using enhanced interrogation techniques on the paris terror suspect after he was captured on friday could have prevented the brussels attack. >> if they would have put him through the grill, ten minutes after they captured him, he probably would have ratted him
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out and maybe stopped this horrible terror attack. >> and i'm joined now by msnbc's hallie jackson. she's been covering the cruz campaign for us, and nbc's katy tur, who is covering the trump campaign. hallie, i'll start with you. look, politically, we remember ted cruz going after new york values, a few months ago, getting into a fight with bill de blasio, one of the faces of lefty america. he obviously wants that politically, but the police commissioner in new york city, coming after him and cruz saying, he's just a henchman of the mayor. that's a more complicated fight. >> and what you've seen cruz doing in these last maybe 24 hours is trying to separate bill bratton, commissioner bratton, from the rest of the nypd, pointing to that moment when they all, you remember, turned their backs on him at that funeral. he is trying to say, hey, i'm with the men and women who are on the ground, serving our nation, but i'm not with these leftly liberal -- he called bratton a henchman, he's calling de blasio the face of liberal america. this is ted cruz, when he talks about this idea of patrolling
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and surveilling muslim communities, trying to out-trump donald trump. >> absolutely. >> taking this very hardline stance, depressive stanaggressi. and the campaign thinks that's okay. they're good with being seen as more hardline and more aggressive when it comes to this policy. the other thing they're doing is pivoting. and you're seeing cruz do this, too, to something that happened on monday, actually. trying to continue to make news on this today, which are donald trump's comments on nato. and cruz again talked about that, just across the street here from 30 rock, when he was speaking with republican women's club, talking about how it was shocking and shows a weakness in donald trump's foreign policy, that he was making these suggestions, that the u.s. should cut dnato ties or cut nao funding a day before the terrorist attack in brussels. that has become part of ted c z cruz's stump speech. >> and listen to ted cruz talk about policing muslim neighborhoods in this country. i thought, that is something i wouldn't be surprised if you told me donald trump had said. this is politically something that is playing out on donald
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trump's turf. >> the entire campaign season, we've seen this war between donald trump and ted cruz. who can hardline -- out-hardline the other. who can come up with the more extreme position to fight terror? who's the stronger person to fight terror? donald trump is generally been winning that fight, by coming out with the wall, first, and various other proposals. the muslim ban. in this news cycle, what you saw is ted cruz coming out and position himself the farthest to the right, talking about these patrols. donald trump was forced to come out later to respond to that, which is not usually what donald trump does. he said he agreed with that. whether these are policies that will be popular in the country, of course, that remains to be seen. but the idea of calling commissioner bratton a lefty liberal or trying to paint him that way, is certainly something that's pretty surprising for a number of new yorkers. >> and this was originally rudy giuliani's police commissioner, years ago. >> i remember, this is -- the nypd was patrolling some muslim mosques, in new jersey,
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actually. there was a scandal over it a couple of years ago. that was ray kelly's nypd. so there is some controversy still there that the nypd would be coming out so forcefully against ted cruz in this respect. but it's certainly a controversy that has legs, and a battle that has legs when it comes to the nypd versus ted cruz right now. >> and hallie, it seems like the difference politically, you mentioned ted cruz making a play out of the nato word, the nato comments that donald trump made. donald trump has made so much out of this idea of strength, that he is the strong candidate. when you're worried about terrorism, you want to turn to the strong one. cruz it looks like is trying to basically undermine that by saying that he's the incompetent candidate, because he doesn't have basic policy details down. any sense what wins out here? >> i think when you look at the republican electorate, we know the republican primary voters believe that terror and terror issues are the number one thing that they're voting on. they outnumber democrats in this at least two to one, according to our latest polling. it's obviously an issue that speaks to the primary base. i think you nailed it in that
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cruz is trying to say, not only am i strong, but i get it and have some experience in this and i understand how the world works. but sometimes donald trump can be effective when he's speaking to these electorate voters and speaks in plain issue and says it like it is. you played that sound from hillary clinton and barack obama, that is fine by ted cruz. the fact that democrats are coming out and speaking out against his policies -- >> he's baiting them. >> of course. this is something he'll use coming forward, saying the obama/clinton administration, as he often calls it, doesn't agree with me on this, but that's why conservatives should rally around me. >> the oldest trick in the book. you rile up your opponents and then say, look, they don't want me. today we also saw president obama call out ted cruz. and also donald trump. calling their rhetoric un-american. >> one of the great strengths of the united states, and part of the reason why we have not seen more attacks in the united
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states, is we have an extraordinary successful, patriotic, integrated muslim american community. they do not feel ghettoized. they do not feel isolated. any approach that would single them out or target them for discrimination is not only wrong and un-american, but it also would be counterproductive. >> we've heard from the front-runners on both sides. also from the president. and here to help us break it all down is graham wood, contributing editor at "the atlantic" the edward r. murrow fellow. let me ask you about the policy of administration overall in terms of confronting isis, in terms of going after isis and stopping any of these attacks like we saw this week from ever happening again. is this what we saw this week? is this a warning sign that the policy this administering has been following isn't enough?
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>> no, i don't read it that way. what we saw this week and the threats we face in the united states, i think, it's very important to see the distinction between the environment in western europe and the environment in the united states. as the president was saying in the clip that you just played, we have a muslim community in the united states that is not alienated, that is not in any financial distress, relative to the rest of the population. whereas in western europe, it's completely the opposite. and so when we look at the policies of the united states, really what keeps us safe is not a counterterrorism policy, but a kind of social policy that makes sure that that population is not what it is in western europe. >> how -- when you look domestically, following up on what you're saying there, how cohesive is that, in terms of the integration of muslims, maybe who are from other countries, coming into this country. how cohesive, overall? are there pockets of potential trouble that are there? >> of course, there are about 200 americans who have tried to
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go to isis or who have gone to isis. so the number is not zero, but when we're looking at belgium, france, we're talking about thousands of individuals who have tried to make that trip. in the united states, the muslim population tends to be wealthier than average. it tends to be spread out, not ghettoized. there are particular areas, like the somali population of minneapolis, where there has been efforts to go overseas and to fight in a jihad. but generally, that's not what american muslims are in for. they're not interested in that and they've got a pretty good life as it is. >> and what about the role of the president overall? there was criticism, certainly, from some republicans yesterday, that he had remained in cuba, gone to that baseball game, while all of this was playing out. some said that the statement he made in his big speech in cuba, yesterday, he started with a statement on the attacks in brussels. some were saying that was insufficient. wasn't showing, maybe the kind of strength -- some of these intangible things that people look for in speeches. what is the role for the president here, as you see it? >> i think it's important for
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the president to explain the nature of the threat that we face. there is a great deal of fear that people have about isis right now. for obvious reasons. isis is incredibly good at grabbing headlines, dominating news cycles. and for the president not to acknowledge that, i think, is read by some as his being a bit too cold and rational and spock-like. so i think it might have been a wise thing for him to take perhaps a few more beats on that subject. but when it comes down to it, the policies of the united states against isis have been quite effective in their core territory. those are military policies, helping kurds, helping syrians, helping iraqis fight against isis, in syria and iraq. that's where this is being played out, from the american perspective. and lucky for us, we don't have to think quite as much about the danger of attacks here in the homeland. >> we certainly hope not. graham wood from "the atlantic,"
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thank you for at, appreciate it. we'll have more on how the latest terror attack is playing out on the presidential campaign trail, later in the hour. just ahead, we'll go back to brussels on more about how security is ramping up in the wake of that terror attack on tuesday. and what's being done to fight radicalization all across europe. stay with us. toenail fungus!? whaaat?!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine... ...used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. jublia is workin' it! most common side effects include... ...ingrown toenail, application site redness,... ...itching, swelling, burning... ...or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh!! fight it! with jlia! now that's a red carpet moment! ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size. we believe in the power of active management. anagement, we actively manage with expertise and conviction. so you can invest with more certainty. mfs. that's the power of active management.
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president obama and his family flew from cuba to arrangarrang argentina this morning, but the island nation was still very much in the spotlight on capitol hill today. the house foreign affairs committee debated the president's plan to close the u.s. detention facility at guantanamo bay. but republican members of congress held their line that the prison is essential for national security, especially, they said, in light of the brussels attacks. >> how many americans have to die? how many people in brussels or paris have to die, civilians -- what's the threshold, at that point? well, maybe we will keep them
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under control if gitmo? if one child is saved, because she would have been blown up by someone who's being released, it's better to keep all 90 of those people in gitmo. >> and coming straight up, we are going to go right back to brussels for all to have the latest details on that ongoing investigation. wrely on the us postal service?
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because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority:you welcome back to "mtp daily." more 2016 politics coming up in just a few minutes. but first, let's go live again to ayman mohyeldin. he's outside the maalbeek metro station in belgium. he has new details on that investigation into the terror attack on tuesday. ayman? >> reporter: thanks. we've got some breaking news to report. nbc news can confirm that suspected isis bomb maker najim
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lat latachraoui is dead. a taxi driver told police he picked up three passengers at a property before the attack. officers carried out a raid at that address and found explosive chemicals that could be used for bombs. they've also arrested one person, but have not released a name. i spoke to a woman in that neighborhood today about those raids before taking a walk through the neighborhood. >> did you know anybody who lives in the building? >> no, because the old people don't stay here. >> the building was sold? >> it was sell last year, and is empty now. >> but you didn't see any of the new tenants, any of these men? >> no, never. never. >> have you seen the picture, the photo of the three attackers -- >> yes i see -- yesterday in the news. >> you've seen the pictures of the attackers.
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did you recognize any of them? see any of them on the streets? >> never, never. i was surprised yesterday, really. >> you were surprised? >> it's near. >> all right, so we've just come to the neighborhood here in brussels. it's a neighborhood known as schaerbeek. now, we have come here because police raided this building yesterday in a particular unit. they found explosives, they found nails and screws. they also found some hydrogen peroxide ingredients one would believe could be used in an explosive device. we've had a chance to speak to some of the local residents here, who have described the neighborhood for us. they say it is a mixed community, but not necessarily as heavy with migrants and descendants of migrants that we've seen in other neighborhoods of molenbeek, where some of the suspects of the paris attackers were from. in this particular neighborhood, police descended on this based on a tip they got from a taxi driver. the taxi driver saw the images
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of the attackers at the brussels airport. he immediately called police and told him that he picked up three individuals from just outside this apartment building yesterday morning, and drove them to brussels airport. and that's what led them here. when they raided this apartment, they found all kinds of ingredients, believed to have been used in explosives. and that's certainly been a focus of their investigation. >> now our team of nbc reporters are covering all angles of this story right here in brussels. my colleague, kelly o'donnell, has the latest from zaventem airport. and cal perry is at the memorial at the place de la bourse. first, let's start with kelly o'donnell live for us at the airport. kelly? >> reporter: ayman, i'm right near the airport and the entrance. and we have been seeing so many airport employees who have come here and want to create a vigil, a memorial, a way to show their support for the victims and concern about what happened here. there are lots of candles and
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pockets behind me. there are some employees who are there right now. not just right here, but all around the perimeter. i had a chance to talk to a group of the employees who came out tonight, and they're still trying to process what happened, even though they know working at an airport puts them at risk. and certainly in belgium with all the terrorism concerns, they knew there was a danger, but still, it's so shocking. >> if we see the pictures, we're like, this is not our airport. this is not happening. if we see it up close, maybe, but i -- i'm just still shocked and i think i can speak for a lot of us, if i say that. >> we just want to be there, you know? we want to help, we want to rebuild everything and we just, we are from security, so we have to do our job. >> and we saw so many groups of employees who were huddled together. many of them wore their uniforms, even though they weren't working today, because the airport remains closed, no flights going out, a real sense of trying to show that they are a team, a family, and just
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reacting to all of this. ayman? >> reporter: it's an incredible scene of resilience repeated all across the country. kelly o'donnell live outside the airport in brussels. let's turn now to cal perry who's at the growing memorial here at the plaza de la bourse. cal? >> reporter: hi, ayman. as you mentioned, continues to grow. we're seeing a few hundred people here now. it's been consistently sort of buzzing in the past 12 to 24 hours. interestingly enough, and i think for our viewers back home in the u.s., there's a lot of kinsmanship here with syria and with the splins. behind me, you'll see flags from syria and the palestinian flag. it's an important issue here in belgium, and i think people want to make sure -- there you go. this is what's going on here. people are showing their unity. thank you very much. people are showing their unity, showing their love, lighting candles. i think that hug probably said it all. i'll toss it back to you.
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>> all right, cal perry, an very emotional scene there, as you were talking about that, we could definitely see people behind you, laying flowers, lighting up candles. we've seen people laying notes, as well. and flags from a lot of different countries. a true sense of unity among the belgian people. thank you very much for that update, cal perry. we want to now send it back to steve in new york. steve? >> ayman mohyeldin in brussels. thank you for that. we're going to have much more from belgium about how that country is combatting the growing threat of terrorism throughout the hour. stay with us.
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still ahead on "mtp daily," ted cruz and bernie sanders scored some big wins last night, but will it help them slow down donald trump and hillary clinton, as they race toward their party's nomination. we'll recap last night's big primary and caucus contest and look ahead at some critical states still to come. first, susan li has the cnbc
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we have a straightforward path to winning the nomination, winning 1,237 delegates, and beating donald trump. and i would note, we are the only candidate in the race who has a path to beating donald
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trump and winning the nomination. >> so we won last night. of the three states, we ended up with 20 delegates more than her. throw in democrats aboard, we had a pretty good week where we won three out of four contests and ended up with some 25 more delegates than she did. >> ted cruz and bernie sanders this afternoon both talking about their paths forward in that all-important delegate race. much more from brussels coming up in this hour. but right now we're going to run through what happened last night in the presidential race. another round of primaries and caucuses in both parties. we're going to look at what it means for both races going forward. now, both cruz and sanders notched some big wins last night, but they still haven't been able to slow down the front-runners, donald trump and hillary clinton. so let's take a look at where we stand right now and what is to come next. on the democratic side, this is what happened last night. bernie sanders, a big win in utah. a 59-point win over hillary clinton in the caucuses there. in idaho, another big bernie sanders win. we've seen this pattern.
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small states, rural states, caucus states, bernie sanders doing very well. he beats hillary by 57 in idaho. clinton, though, does turn the tables in arizona. she notches a nearly 20-point win in that state's primary. that's a closed primary, by the way, democrats only, beating bernie sanders there. so what does that mean for the delegate race? the all-important delegate race on the democratic side? this is what the scoreboard looked like heading into last night. you've got these two different columns here. it's very confusing on the democratic side. the super delegates, the delegates, these are the allocated given out in primaries. this is a rough estimate here, but we think bernie sanders is going to gain after last night, he's going to get about 75 there last night. hillary clinton, about 56 from last night. so sanders actually will gain a little bit of ground. that's going to move sanders to about, about here, 943. it's going to move clinton to about 1639. remember, the target for clinton, 2383. and as long as she's ahead here
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in this allocated column, this lead in the superdelegate column, probably going to hold to. if she's winning the pledged delegates, hard to see them abandoning her. hillary clinton still solidly ahead there on the democratic side. we move to the republican race, take you through what happened last night. we can start in the state of arizona. arizona, a winner-take-all state. arizona also critically a state where there was a ton of early voting. it looks like about three quarters of the vote was taken before yesterday. donald trump winning big there, a big reason he won big, i think you can see, marco rubio, not even a candidate for the last week, he was on the ballot for the last month when that voting taking place. marco rubio getting a big chunk of the vote. donald trump winning easily all the delegates there. and utah, the other republican contest last night, ted cruz winning that, 69-17. trump back in third place. the critical thing there, ted cruz broke 50%. that means all 40 of those delegates in utah are now ted cruz delegates. so what does this mean for the republican race right now going
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forward? well, the question there is simply this. donald trump, can he get to the magic number? what's the magic number, 1,237. if he can get that number delegates in the primary, he wins and they can't stop him. where is he after last night? he'll probably finish up with about 755. so he's clearly in first place, but he's got to get to 1,237 and this is what's coming up next. and you can see, there's going to be a real battle here in wisconsin, in two weeks. ted cruz going to make a big play for there. john kasich could be a factor, a midwesterner. donald trump, of course, a win there could really put him in position to roll his home state of new york comes. look at that delegate haul, potentially. he could get the lion's share of those with a good night in new york. and at the end of april, this looks like a night made for donald trump. the northeast states that have been going so well for him, demographically, culturally. there is a chance hear for donald trump to really start to move up toward that 1,237 number. and if you're a republican and you want to stop donald trump, really, it starts here in
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wisconsin, in two weeks. you've got to stop him in wisconsin. you've got to make a statement that he can be beaten in a state like that. that's where the republican race stands. that's where the democratic race stands. and after the break, we are going to go barrack ck to brussd look at how european authorities are trying to fight radicalization on that continent. we'll be right back. [engines revving] you can't have a hero, if you don't have a villain. the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. ♪
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we are going to head backs to brussels in just a minute. first, we want to bring you this
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new information that's just coming into our newsroom. nbc news has now confirmed that brussels and paris attacks were linked and that the two bakraoui brothers who died in brussels participated in both events, in brussels and in paris. in paris, the brothers facilitated the attacks. they provided a safe house to the terrorists. and in belgium, they became operators and they died in the attack. and coming up, ayman mohyeldin is going to have more on the situation and those latest developments live from brussels. we stop arthritis pain,
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with the aftermath from tuesday's deadly terror attacks. ayman? >> reporter: thanks, steve. we're outside the la bourse, the plaza de la bourse here in brussels tonight. we're taking in the sights and sounds from the memorial here and they are quite moving. ♪ >> reporter: scenes like that repeating themselves all across the plaza. we heard a short while ago, others breaking out into a bob marley song. a very festive atmosphere, but it's now become a gathering point in downtown brussels, just outside of their historic stock exchange, as you heard there, the choir singing. thousands met here earlier throughout the course of the evening, lighting candles, showing solidarity, laying flowers. all expressing support for their country, denouncing hate. i'm now joined by nbc's olivia stearns. obviously, olivia, a lot of questions. we're seeing signs of unity here, but this country is
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dealing with a serious issue. a lot of questions about radicalization, how of the these terrorists, homegrown right here in belgium. >> and a lot of belgians rightly frustrated that the authorities haven't really done enough. this is obviously a huge problem. belgium has the highest proportion per capita of native-born citizens who are going to syria to fight. it's a big problem. earlier today i was in molenbeek and spoke to one woman, a belgian-born woman who married a moroccan and converted, whose son went to syria to join isis and fight with isis and was killed. she formed a support group for other mothers in her situation. she said her son was always a bright, smart, friendly young guy, but when it came to finding a job in belgium, he couldn't find one. he felt he couldn't get one because he was moroccan and he never really felt at place here. >> did you try to stop him? >> we tried to stop him. i said, what can we do? i cannot close the door, he'll go through the windows, so what can we do. so we decided me and my husband
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to go to the police and to make a complaint. so we'll be blocking the computer and we knew that he would like to take a plane, so we will be blocking -- >> yeah, so you went to the police to tell them that your son is trying to go to syria? >> yes, but they don't block him and so he went to syria. >> so her son actually was killed by coalition forces trying to retake an airport that isis controlled in syria. as for the recruiter, she says he's alive and well here in brussels, and has told police, but they say they have no proof. >> thank you very much, olivia stearns for that. we want to now cross over to paris where my colleague, gabe gutierrez, has been looking at the connections between what happened here in brussels and in paris. gabe? >> reporter: hi, there, ayman. good evening. and as you mentioned earlier, and as steve mentioned, nbc news has learned that the paris attacks and these belgian attacks are linked. and that's according to u.s. and
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foreign counterterrorism officials. now, here, looking at the plaza de la republique, there are many signs of solidarity popping up, with people here, mourning the losses in belgiagiubelgium. and here in paris, authorities here, as olivia was mentioning, are very concerned about people on the verge of radicalization. and we spoke with one french politician today, that they've gotten more than 9,000 reports, the french interior ministry, of people who are on the verge of radicalization. but the question is, where can they find the resources to look into these reports? again, ayman, as we've been talking about, nbc news has learned that according to u.s. and foreign counterterrorism officials, there has been links now found between the paris attacks and the attacks in belgium. here in paris, the question is, it's not -- many people here are talking about, it's not a question of when, or if these attacks will happen again, but when. ayman, back to you?
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>> gabe gutierrez live for us in paris, france. and from that country, that is reeling from their own attack tonight to brussels, we are now joined by tara palmeiro of join. i know you've lived here for a year. you've seen the country transformed over the past 12 months after their own attacks. talk to us about that mood of this country and what has changed in the 12 months you've been here. >> well, i experienced my first lockdown after the paris attack, and i came if new york city but i was completely frightened. we saw tanks wheeling down the road, military personnel everywhere. we thought the city was on lockdown because they were trying to find the last fugitives. they never found him, and then they lifted the security level. it was no longer under lockdown. then, a few months later, on new year's eve, it was locked down again. we felt like down was the new normal. nothing happening after the lockdown. we thought we were safe. then it sort of became the
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feeling, oh, well, the terrorists live here, so they're not going to actually do anything. they're not going to go after their own home. but then we were totally blind-sided. probably feeling a little better, a little relieved, and hopeful after the capture of salah abdeslam, but obviously it led to another attack, which we didn't see coming. >> in terms of the investigation, i know you're covering that for politico, europe. what have you learned about the investigation from your sources here in europe? >> well, our sources really show how interconnected the cells during the paris attacks were with the bombing was with the bombing this past few days. and you know, we're seeing that the brothers that were involved, they were using the same bomb maker as the paris attacks, and you know, what we're really looking into right now is the -- after the arrest of salah
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abdeslam, how they didn't see it coming a few days later. what kind of leads were they able to get out of him. his lawyer said they regretted he wasn't able to get more information out of him. >> they didn't order a lockdown shortly after his arrest. thank you very much from politico. let's go back to steve kornacki. >> thanks for the reporting this hour. we're going to be checking back with you throughout the night. keep it here on msnbc this evening. we'll have the latest on the ongoing investigation in brussels, where ayman, and the latest twifight between ted cru and donald trump. stay tuned. no matter how you hang out, share every minute of it. buy one water resistant samsung galaxy s7 and get one free.
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both the kind that we see on tv and the kind that we experience among each other, it did not use to be this bad. and it does not have to be this way. >> joining me now for the lid, daily beast contributor jonathan alter and editorial board mary kissle. this was the other piece of news on the campaign trail. i know a lot going on in the world, maybe this got overshadowed a bit. he didn't invoke donald trump by name, but paul ryan seemed to be sort of sounding the alarm to republicans about the rise of trump, the rise of trumpism in their party. do you think there is enough
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republicans out there to take that message and to move on trump or talking about republican party that isn't there any more? >> look, paul ryan has been prudent in not weighing in on the gop nomination fight. these are themes that he has been sounding for months now. he has been trying to put policy on the front of the agenda. but look, he is not just talking about the jogop. you've got a democratic that plays the race card. >> you've got paul ryan, speaker of the house from wisconsin, you've got the republican race coming into wisconsin and this is it. if you want to stop donald trump, off he got to stop him in paul ryan's state. >> the weakest in a generation. he hasn't won more than 50% of the vote than any state. ted cruz has a tough road ahead of him. cruz has not proven he can win somewhat conservative or moderates, yet wisconsin will be an important proving ground for
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him. and it's also important for john kasich who has to place strongly in wisconsin. but the results from last night showed people are looking towards california to maybe determine this race, and in all likelihood, we could be going to a contested convention. paul ryan is just starting to set the tone. it's important to emphasize, it's not the majority of the republican party that espouses or supports the kind of rhetoric you've been seeing -- >> i've been hearing that although he has been getting closer to 50. jonathan, what do you think of the contested conversion versus trump just wins? >> i think it's likely that trump wins it, but i think somebody like john kasich or paul ryan, you know, brokered convention, that's not going to happen. they're not going to vote for somebody at the convention who didn't get any votes from americans. so i think the idea they're going to take it away from trump at the convention is unrealistic. >> it has to be cruz.
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>> i think cruz on a second or third ballot could maybe put together a nomination. but it's going to be trump or cruz, but this means that this is now the banana republican party. both of these men are fan festally unfit for high office. you have lot of republicans who call donald trump a conman, and then out of the other side of the mouth, say they'll support him if he is the nominee. kind of like saying you want a con man as president. >> are republicans who don't want trump moving to cruz now. >> i just have to correct the record. you have democratic front-runner under fbi investigation. >> no, not criminal investigation. >> socialist, you have an independent socialist. >> he is not going to win the nomination. >> he is still a serious contender. >> i just want -- we have 30 seconds. we're not seeing democrats up there saying bernie is going -- >> i find the racial comments of hillary clinton very offensive. >> we're talking about the republican party saying you have
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leaders saying if he is the candidate, i'm not voting for him. >> that's like predicting the weather a year from now. nobody knows the process. the republican has clear rules. they're following the rules. it is not a banana republican. >> more with the attacks in brussels will continue now with erica hill. good evening, i'm erica hill. it is 11:00 p.m. here in brussels, 6:00 p.m. on the east coast of the united states, we join you live from brussels with our continuing coverage here on msnbc. i want to set the scene, because throughout the broadcast, you may be hearing so loud cheering. there has been a growing memorial throughout the day here. moments of solidarity, but also these loud chants going o


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